
German orthography reform of 1996

The German orthography reform of 1996 (Reform der deutschen Rechtschreibung von 1996) was a change to German spelling and punctuation that was intended to simplify German orthography and thus to make it easier to learn,[1] without substantially changing the rules familiar to users of the language.

The reform was based on an international agreement signed in Vienna in July 1996 by the governments of the German-speaking countriesGermany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Luxembourg did not participate despite having German as one of its three official languages: it regards itself "as a non-German-speaking country not to be a contributory determinant upon the German system of spelling",[2] though it did eventually adopt the reform.

The reformed orthography became obligatory in schools and in public administration. However, there was a campaign against the reform, and in the resulting public debate the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany was called upon to delineate the extent of reform. In 1998[3] the court stated that because there was no law governing orthography, outside the schools people could spell as they liked, including the use of traditional spelling. In March 2006, the Council for German Orthography agreed unanimously to remove the most controversial changes from the reform; this was largely, though not completely, accepted by media organizations such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that had previously opposed the reform.[4]

The rules of the new spelling concern the following areas: correspondence between sounds and written letters (this includes rules for spelling loan words), capitalisation, joined and separate words, hyphenated spellings, punctuation, and hyphenation at the end of a line. Place names and family names were excluded from the reform.

New rules Edit

Sounds and letters Edit

This street sign in Aachen shows a very rare example of a name being changed after the orthography reform of 1996. Spellings in names were, in almost all cases, not changed. Note the old version on the wall.
The word now spelt Flussschifffahrt typeset in Fraktur (thus containing the long s) as written before the reform, according to the typesetting rules published shortly after the reform,[5] and according to the currently (2011) recommended typesetting rules.[6]

The reform aimed to systematise the correspondence between sounds (phonemes) and letters (graphemes), and to strengthen the principle that derived forms should follow the spelling of the root form.

ß and ss: In reformed orthography the grapheme ß (a modernised typographical rendering of how ss[7]: 18, 21  appeared in traditional Gothic script; it is seldom used in Switzerland) is considered a separate letter that is to appear only after long vowels and diphthongs. In general in German, long stressed vowels are followed by single consonants, and short stressed vowels by double consonants. In the traditional orthography, ß was written instead of ss if the s phoneme belonged to only one syllable, thus in terminal position and before consonants ss was always written as ß, without regard to the length of the preceding vowel. In the reformed orthography, a short stressed vowel is never followed by ß. This brings it into line with the two-letter spelling of other final consonants (-ch, -ck, -dt, -ff, -ll, -mm, -nn, -rr, -tt, -tz). Thus Fass [fas]Fässer [ˈfɛsɐ], by analogy to Ball [bal]Bälle [ˈbɛlə]; compare the old spelling: FaßFässer, in contrast to Maß [maːs]Maße [ˈmaːsə] like Tal [taːl]Täler [ˈtɛːlɐ].

Nevertheless, the new German spelling is not fully phonemic, and it is still necessary to know the plural of a noun in order to spell its singular correctly: Los [loːs]Lose [ˈloːzə], Floß [floːs]Flöße [ˈfløːsə] (note that it is however phonemic;[citation needed][clarification needed] cf. the usage of voiced versus voiceless plosives at word end).[citation needed]

Exempted from change are certain very common short-vowelled words which end in a single 's' (such as das, es), echoing other undoubled final consonants in German (e.g. ab, im, an, hat, -ig). So the frequent error of confusing the conjunction dass (previously daß) and the relative pronoun das has remained a trap: Ich hoffe, dass sie kommt. (I hope that she comes.) Das Haus, das dort steht. (The house that stands there.) Both are pronounced [das].

The so-called s rule makes up over 90% of the words changed by the reform. Since a trailing -ss does not occur in the traditional orthography (which uses instead), the -ss at the end of reformed words like dass and muss (previously muß) is now the only quick and sure sign to indicate that the reformed spelling has been used, even if just partly, in texts (except those of Swiss origin). All other changes are encountered less frequently and not in every text.

Triple consonants preceding a vowel are no longer reduced (but hyphenation is often used in these instances anyway):

  • Schiffahrt became Schifffahrt from Schiff (ship) + Fahrt (journey)

In particular, triple "s" now appears more often than all the other triple consonants together, while in the traditional orthography they never appear.

  • FlußschiffahrtFlussschifffahrt
  • MißstandMissstand

Doubled consonants appear after short vowels at the end of certain words, to conform with derived forms:

  • AsAss because of plural Asse (ace, aces)
  • StopStopp because of the verb stoppen

Vowel changes, especially ä for e, are made to conform with derived forms or related words.

  • StengelStängel (stalk) because of Stange (pole)

Additional minor changes aim to remove a number of special cases or to allow alternative spellings

  • rauhrau (rough) for consistency with blau, grau, genau

Several loan words now allow spellings that are closer to the "German norm". In particular, the affixes -phon, phot-, and -graph can be spelled with f or ph.

Capitalisation Edit

Capitalisation after a colon is now obligatory only if a full sentence or direct speech follows; otherwise a lower-case letter must go after a colon.

The polite capitalisation of the formal second-person pronouns (Sie, Ihnen, and Ihr) was retained. The original 1996 reform also provided that the familiar second-person pronouns (du, dich, dir, dein, ihr, euch, and euer) should not be capitalised, even in letters, but this was amended in the 2006 revision to permit their optional capitalisation in letters.

The reform aimed to make the capitalisation of nouns uniform and clarify the criteria for this. In the original 1996 reform, this included the capitalisation of some nouns in compound verbs where the nouns had largely lost their capitalisation when becoming a part of the compound verb, for instance changing eislaufen to Eis laufen (to ice-skate) and kopfstehen to Kopf stehen (“head standing“ = standing upside down). However, this was reversed in the 2006 revision, restoring verbs like eislaufen and kopfstehen.

Compound words Edit

As before, compound nouns are generally joined into one word, but several other compounds are now separated.

Nouns and verbs are generally separated (but see above):

  • radfahrenRad fahren (to ride a bicycle)

Multiple infinitive verbs used with finite verbs are separated:

  • kennenlernenkennen lernen (to get to know)
  • spazierengehenspazieren gehen (to go for a walk)

Other constructions now admit alternative forms:

  • an Stelle von or anstelle von (instead of)

There are some subtle changes in the meaning when the new forms collide with some pre-existing forms:

  • vielversprechendviel versprechend (literally "much promising", but the meaning of the long compound adjective is "promising" in the sense of "up-and-coming", "auspicious"; whereas the second phrase with two words means "promising many things")

Exceptions Edit

  • Family names are completely excluded from the rules and are not affected by the reform; this also applies to given names.[8]
  • Place names are not strictly subject to the rules. The German Ständiger Ausschuss für geographische Namen (Permanent Committee for Geographic Names) strongly recommends applying the rules for new names, but stresses that this applies only when new names are assigned or the competent authorities decide to modify existing names.[9]

History Edit

Debate over the need for reform Edit

Spelling reform had been discussed for a long time and was still controversial in the late 1960s.[10]

Institutionalised reform talks since 1980 Edit

In 1980, the Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Orthographie (International Working Group for Orthography) was formed, with linguists from East Germany, West Germany, Austria, and Switzerland taking part.

The initial proposals of this working group were further discussed at two conferences in Vienna, Austria, in 1986 and 1990, to which the Austrian government had invited representatives from every region where German is spoken. In the closing remarks from the first of these meetings, capitalisation reform was put off to a future "second phase" of German language reform attempts, since no consensus had been reached.

In 1987, the ministers of education of the federal states (Bundesländer) in West Germany assigned the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, Germany, and the Society for the German Language in Wiesbaden, Germany, with the task of coming up with a new system of rules. In 1988, these two organisations presented an incomplete but very wide-ranging set of proposed new rules, for example, the phrase Der Kaiser ißt den Aal im Boot ("The Emperor eats the eel in the boat") would be written Der keiser isst den al im bot. However, these proposals were quickly rejected by the general public, and then they were withdrawn by the ministers of education as unacceptable. At the same time, similar groups were formed in Switzerland, Austria, and East Germany.

In 1992, the International Working Group published a proposed global reform to German spelling entitled Deutsche Rechtschreibung — Vorschläge zu ihrer Neuregelung (German Spelling: Proposals for its New Regulation). In 1993, the German ministers of education invited 43 groups to present their opinions on the document, with hearings held in the unified Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On the basis of these hearings, the working group backed off from the notion of eliminating the capitalisation of all nouns. It also preserved the orthographical distinction between the inconvenient homophones das ("the", or "that", relative pronoun) and daß ("that", conjunction, as in "She said that you came"), which introduce different types of subordinate clause.

At a third conference in Vienna in 1994, the results were recommended to the respective governments for acceptance. The German ministers of education decided to implement the new rules on 1 August 1998, with a transitional period lasting until the 2004–2005 school year.

Institution of the reform Edit

On 1 July 1996, all of the German states (Bundesländer), and the countries of Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, as well as some other countries with German-speaking minorities (but notably not Luxembourg) agreed to introduce the new spelling by 1 August 1998. A few German Bundesländer introduced the new rules starting from the 1996–97 school year.

Public debate after the signing of the declaration of intent Edit

The reforms did not attract much attention from the general public until after the international declaration of intent was signed. Animated arguments arose about the correctness of the decision, with schoolteachers being the first to be faced with the implementation of the new rules. At the Frankfurt Book Fair (the largest in Germany) in 1996, Friedrich Denk [de], a teacher from Bavaria, obtained signatures from hundreds of authors and scientists demanding the cancellation of the reform. Among the leading opponents were Günter Grass, Siegfried Lenz, Martin Walser, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and Walter Kempowski. The protest gained further nationwide significance through initiatives such as Wir Lehrer gegen die Rechtschreibreform (We Teachers Against the Spelling Reform),[11] which was headed by the teacher and activist Manfred Riebe.

In May 1997, the "Society for German Spelling and Language Cultivation – initiative against the spelling reform"[12] (Verein für deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e. V. (VRS) – Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform) was founded in opposition to the German spelling reform.

The issue was taken up in the courts, with different decisions in different German states, so that the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht) was called upon to make a ruling. In May 1998, a group of 550 language and literature professors, led by Theodor Ickler [de], Helmut Jochems, Horst Haider Munske [de] and Peter Eisenberg, two of the reformers, Harald Weinrich of the Collège de France, Jean-Marie Zemb of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, and others, in a resolution requested the reversal of the reform by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.[13]

On 14 July 1998, after one hearing on 12 May 1998, and involving only one teachers' organisation, the High Court declared that the introduction of the spelling reform by the ministers of education was legal.[non-primary source needed]

In the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, a majority of voters in a referendum on 27 September 1998 called for a return to traditional spellings. However, the minister-president of the state, Heide Simonis, found a way to reverse the results of the referendum via a parliamentary vote in 1999.

While the new German dictionaries were published in July and August 1996, the critics of the language reform perceived themselves to be justified. They began to demand the reversal of the change at the federal level. However, the ministers of education continued to refuse to accede to their demands. The editors of the Duden dictionaries also agreed that many of the problems in the traditional spelling system were due to the "arcane rules" that had been fabricated to explain the system, thus lending their support to the new spelling system, which they said was and is more logical.

One of the public critics of the spelling reform was Josef Kraus [de], president of the Deutscher Lehrerverband (the German Association of Teachers).

Later developments Edit

In 1997, an international committee was formed to handle any cases of doubt that might arise under the new rules. In 2004, the German federal minister of education and research, Edelgard Bulmahn, announced that this committee was to be given wide-ranging powers to make decisions about German spelling. Only in cases of extreme changes, such as the proposed capitalisation change, would the committee require the consent of the states' ministers of education. This move was strongly criticised.

Simultaneously, the committee released its fourth report on spelling reforms, reviewing the points of the reform in detail. However, this report was rejected by the Conference of Ministers of Education in March 2004. The ministers also demanded that the committee work together with the German Academy for Language and Poetry in its future deliberations. The academy had been strongly critical of the reform from the beginning. The ministers also made changes to the composition of the international committee.[citation needed]

In July 2004, the ministers decided to introduce some changes to the reform, making both the traditional and the new spellings acceptable. They also formed a Council for German Orthography, "38 experts from five countries", representing linguists, publishers, writers, journalists, teachers and parents. Taking the place of the existing international committee, the Council agreed unanimously to implement the uncontroversial parts of the reform, while allowing compromises on other changes: "writing compounds separately or as a single word, [on] the use of lower and upper case, punctuation and syllabification".[14] This modified reform came into effect by 1 August 2006.

Legal status Edit

The spelling change is based on the international agreement of 1 July 1996, signed on behalf of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The signatories for Germany were the president of the Conference of Ministers of Education, Karl-Heinz Reck, and the parliamentary secretary of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Eduard Lintner. There have been no Bundestag (parliamentary) decisions on the reforms. Instead, as mentioned above, the German Supreme Court ruled that the reform in the public schools could be decided by the ministers of education. Thus, as of 1 August 2005, the traditional spelling system was to be considered incorrect in the schools, except that two of the German states, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, had both officially rejected the reform. Since 2006, the new rules have become compulsory in Bavarian and North Rhine-Westphalian public schools as well. It is presumed that from the schools the writing reforms will spread to the German-speaking public.

State of implementation Edit

As of 2004, most German printed media used spelling rules that to a large extent comply with the reforms. These included most newspapers and periodicals, and the German press agencies Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) and Reuters. Still, some newspapers, including Die Zeit, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, created their own in-house orthography rules, while most other newspapers used approximately the rules set out by the DPA. These in-house orthographies thus occupy a continuum between "old spelling with new rules for ß" and an (almost) full acceptance of the new rules.

Schoolbooks and children's books generally follow the new spellings, while the text of novels is presented as the authors prefer. Classic works of literature are typically printed without any changes, unless they are editions specifically intended for use in schools.[citation needed]

Since dictionaries adopted the new spellings early on, there is no currently in-print, standard reference work available for traditional spellings. However, Theodor Ickler [de], a Professor of German at the University of Erlangen, has produced a new dictionary that aims to meet the demands of simplification without the need to impose any new spellings.[clarification needed] It has not been reprinted since 2004. The commerce in used copies of the older Duden dictionaries has dwindled. As of the 2004 edition, the Duden dictionary includes the most recent changes proposed by the ministers of education.[citation needed]

The IETF language tags registered de-1996 in 2005 for text following the reform.[15]

Acceptance of the reform Edit

In Switzerland and Liechtenstein Edit

In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the reform had a less noticeable effect, as the letter "ß", which was a prominent part of the reform, was not in use anyway.[16][17]

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ Upward, Chris (1997). (PDF). Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society. J21: 22–24, 36. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 September 2015.
  2. ^ Othon Neuen, spokesman for the Luxembourg Ministry of Education in a statement in August 2004: "Leider hätte Luxemburg als nicht deutschsprachiges Land kein Recht darauf, mit zu entscheiden, in welche Richtung es nun weitergehe ...", Luxemburger Wort, 9 August 2004.
  3. ^ Bundesverfassungsgericht, Urteil vom 14. Juli 1998, Az.: 1 BvR 1640/97 (in German), Federal Constitutional Court, 14 July 1998.
  4. ^ Giersberg, Dagmar (December 2007), Chronicle of a Long Debate: The Spelling Reform, Goethe-Institut, retrieved 29 September 2011
  5. ^ Duden, Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, 21st edition (1996), p. 71
  6. ^ Duden, Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, 25th edition (2009), p. 116
  7. ^ Bertheau, Philipp Th. (1998). "The German Language and the Two Faces of Its Script: A Genuine Expression of European Culture?". In Bain, Peter; Shaw, Paul (eds.). Blackletter: Type and National Identity (1 ed.). Princeton Architectural Press; Cooper Union. ISBN 1-56898-125-2.
  8. ^ "Rechtschreiberegeln: Namen" [Spelling rules: Names] (in German). Bibliographisches Institut GmbH; Dudenverlag. Retrieved 8 January 2015.
  9. ^ "Anwendung der Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung auf Geographische Namen" [Application of the German orthography reform to geographic names] (pdf) (in German). Ständiger Ausschuss für geographische Namen. 17 December 2015. Retrieved 8 January 2015. SCHLUSSBEMERKUNG Grundsätzlich bleibt den zuständigen Stellen das Recht vorbehalten, selbst über die Schreibung geographischer Namen zu entscheiden. Es wird aber dringend empfohlen, die neue Rechtschreibung anzuwenden. ... Ergänzender Hinweis Um möglichen Missverständnissen hinsichtlich der obengenannten Empfehlung vorzubeugen, gibt der StAGN nachstehenden ergänzenden Hinweis: Die Empfehlung des StAGN bedeutet nicht, dass alle bereits bestehenden geographischen Namen von den jeweils dafür zuständigen Institutionen (Staat, Länder, Gemeinden, Ämter) der neuen Rechtschreibung angepasst werden müssen, sondern dass das amtliche Regelwerk nur dann verbindlich ist, wenn neue geographische Namen geschaffen werden oder wenn die dafür zuständige Institutionen es für zweckmäßig erachten, die Schreibweise bestehender geographischer Namen zu ändern. [emphasis in original]
  10. ^ "The German spelling reform". Learn German Online. Retrieved 27 May 2012.
  11. ^ Initiative "Wir Lehrer gegen die Rechtschreibreform" ("Teachers Against the Spelling Reform")
  12. ^ Verein für deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e.V. (VRS) – Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform
  13. ^ Gemeinsame Erklärung von rund 600 Sprachprofessoren zur Rechtschreibreform, Mai 1998 7 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  14. ^ Dagmar Giersberg, Chronicle Of A Long Debate: The Spelling Reform (December 2007) Retrieved 29 September 2011
  15. ^ "IETF Language Subtag Registry". IANA. 6 August 2021. Retrieved 7 October 2021.
  16. ^ Peter Gallmann. [de] "Warum die Schweizer weiterhin kein Eszett schreiben." in Die Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Begründung und Kritik. Gerhard Augst, et al., eds. Niemayer: 1997. ()
  17. ^ "Rechtscreibung: Leitfaden zur deutschen Rechtschreibung." Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei, in Absprache mit der Präsidentin der Staatsschreiberkonferenz. 2017. p. 19, 21–22.

Bibliography Edit

  • German dictionary plus grammar. [German spelling reform incorporated; the complete two-in-one reference]. 2nd edition. Glasgow: Harper Collins, 1999, 1151 S., ISBN 0-00-472358-9
  • Jan Henrik Holst: German politicians' decision on 30 March 2006: Nazi orthography becomes obligatory in German schools! If children spell German the usual way, they will get "mistakes". Strong protest necessary! Hamburg, 6 October 2006. Download
  • Sally A. Johnson: Spelling trouble? Language, ideology and the reform of German orthography. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, LTD, 2005, 208 p., ISBN 1-85359-785-6
  • Diethelm Prowe: Review of Sally Johnson, Spelling Trouble? Language, Ideology and the Reform of German Orthography. In: H-German, H-Net Reviews, November 2005.
  • Elke Philburn: Rechtschreibreform still spells controversy. In: Debatte. Review of Contemporary German Affairs, Bd. 11. No. 1, 2003, S. 60–69.

German titles Edit

Due to the nature of the topic, most books and papers regarding the German spelling reform appeared in the German language. The following list includes authors who are responsible for the definition of the imposed changes.

  • Gerhard Augst; Karl Blüml; Dieter Nerius; Horst Sitta (Hrsg.): Zur Neuregelung der deutschen Orthographie. Begründung und Kritik. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1997, VI, 495 S., ISBN 3-484-31179-7
  • Hanno Birken-Bertsch; Reinhard Markner: Rechtschreibreform und Nationalsozialismus. (= Reform of German orthography and National Socialism). Ein Kapitel aus der politischen Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. [Eine Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung]. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2000, 134 S., ISBN 3-89244-450-1 – Note: This book includes a comparison with the German spelling reform of Nazi Germany or Drittes Reich ("Third Reich") of 1944. Anmerkung: Dies Buch enthält einen Vergleich mit der Reform der deutschen Rechtschreibung von 1944 –
  • Hanno Birken-Bertsch und Reinhard Markner: Sprachführer. Über den Sonderweg der deutschen Rechtschreibreformer. In: Junge Welt vom 3. April 2001 –
  • Friedrich Denk: Frankfurter Erklärung zur Rechtschreibreform. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 19. Oktober 1996 – online
  • Friedrich Denk: Kein Schlußstrich. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 293 vom 16. Dezember 2006, S. 18 – online
  • Wolfgang Denk: 10 Jahre Rechtschreibreform. Überlegungen zu einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse. Masterarbeit im Fachbereich 09 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Fachhochschule München. München, 5. September 2006, 172 Seiten –
  • Matthias Dräger: Rechtschreibreform: Matthias Dräger über den Volksentscheid in Schleswig-Holstein. "Ein Sprung in die Jauchegrube". Interview von Thorsten Thaler. In: Junge Freiheit, Nr. 40 vom 25. September 1998, S. 3 – online
  • Peter Eisenberg: Das Versagen orthographischer Regeln. Über den Umgang mit dem Kuckucksei. In: Hans-Werner Eroms; Horst Haider Munske (Hrsg): Die Rechtschreibreform. Pro und Kontra. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1997, 264 S., ISBN 3-503-03786-1, S. 47–50
  • Peter Eisenberg (Hrsg.): Niemand hat das letzte Wort. Sprache, Schrift, Orthographie. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2006, 121 S., ISBN 978-3-8353-0059-0 (Valerio 3/2006, Publikation der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung) – online
  • Hans-Werner Eroms; Horst Haider Munske (Hrsg): Die Rechtschreibreform. Pro und Kontra. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1997, 264 S., ISBN 3-503-03786-1
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung für Deutschland (Hrsg.): Die Reform als Diktat. Zur Auseinandersetzung über die deutsche Rechtschreibung. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Oktober 2000, 119 S.
  • Peter Gallmann, Horst Sitta: Die Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Regeln, Kommentar und Verzeichnis wichtiger Neuschreibungen. Mannheim / Leipzig / Wien / Zürich: Dudenverlag, 1996, 316 S. (= Dudentaschenbuch, Band 26)
  • Peter Gallmann, Horst Sitta: Handbuch Rechtschreiben. 4. Auflage. Zürich: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürich, 1998, 216 Seiten, ISBN 3-906718-50-6
  • Rolf Gröschner: Zur Verfassungswidrigkeit der Rechtschreibreform. In: Eroms, Hans Werner / Munske, Horst Haider (Hrsg.): Die Rechtschreibreform. Pro und Kontra. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1997, 264 S., ISBN 3-503-03786-1, S. 69–79
  • Uwe Grund: Orthographische Regelwerke im Praxistest - Schulische Rechtschreibleistungen vor und nach der Rechtschreibreform, Verlag Frank&Timme, Berlin, 248 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7329-0279-8
  • Jan Henrik Holst: Abschaffung der Rechtschreibreform – eine Chance für die deutsche Sprachgemeinschaft. Hamburg, 6. Oktober 2006 Download
  • Theodor Ickler: Die sogenannte Rechtschreibreform. Ein Schildbürgerstreich. 2. Auflage, St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 1997, 206 Seiten, ISBN 3-931155-09-9 ( PDF, 750 kB)
  • Theodor Ickler: Kritischer Kommentar zur "Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung". Mit einem Anhang zur "Mannheimer Anhörung", 2. durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage, Erlangen und Jena: Verlag Palm & Enke, 1999 (Erlanger Studien, Band 116), 289 Seiten, ISBN 3-7896-0992-7
  • Theodor Ickler: Regelungsgewalt. Hintergründe der Rechtschreibreform, St. Goar: Leibniz, 2001, 312 S., ISBN 3-931155-18-8 ( PDF, 1,9 MB)
  • Theodor Ickler: Normale deutsche Rechtschreibung. Sinnvoll schreiben, trennen, Zeichen setzen, 4. erweiterte Auflage, St. Goar: Leibniz Verlag, 2004, 579 S., ISBN 3-931155-14-5 (Früher u.d.T.: Ickler, Theodor: Deutsche Einheitsorthographie 1999 und: Das Rechtschreibwörterbuch, 2000)
  • Theodor Ickler: Rechtschreibreform in der Sackgasse: Neue Dokumente und Kommentare, St. Goar: Leibniz, 2004, 276 S., ISBN 3-931155-22-6 ( PDF, 1,7 MB)
  • Theodor Ickler: Falsch ist richtig. Ein Leitfaden durch die Abgründe der Schlechtschreibreform, München: Droemer, 2006, 271 S., ISBN 978-3-426-27391-3
  • Helmut Jochems; Theodor Ickler: Die Rechtschreibreform. Ein Schildbürgerstreich. In: Pädagogische Rundschau, Jg. 51 (1997), Heft 6, S. 764–766
  • Helmut Jochems: Die Rechtschreibreform ist seit dem 1.8.1998 amtlich. Was heißt das? Was ist jetzt zu tun? In: Schule in Frankfurt (SchiFF), Nr. 40, November 1998, S. 6–10 –
  • Helmut Jochems: Schlußstrich oder Schlussstrich? Die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung im zweiten Jahr ihrer Erprobungsphase. In: Schule in Frankfurt (SchiFF), Nr. 42, Dezember 1999, S. 9–11 –
  • Wolfgang Kopke: Rechtschreibreform und Verfassungsrecht. Schulrechtliche, persönlichkeitsrechtliche und kulturverfassungsrechtliche Aspekte einer Reform der deutschen Orthographie. Zugleich: Dissertation, Universität Jena, 1995. Tübingen: Mohr, 1995, XII, 452 S., ISBN 3-16-146524-5
  • Hans Krieger: Der Rechtschreib-Schwindel. Zwischenrufe zu einem absurden Reformtheater, 1. Auflage, 1998, 152 S., 2. erweiterte Auflage, mit neuen Texten zur aktuellen Entwicklung. St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 2000, 207 S., ISBN 3-931155-11-0 Aufsatzsammlung des Feuilletonchefs der Bayerischen Staatszeitung
  • Hans Krieger: "Klar, schlicht und stark" – Sollen wir schreiben wie die Nationalsozialisten? Das verdrängte Vorbild der Rechtschreibreform. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 2. Oktober 2000 ["Clear, simple and powerful" – Shall we write like the National Socialists? The suppressed model of the Reform of German orthography] –
  • Heide Kuhlmann: Orthographie und Politik. Zur Genese eines irrationalen Diskurses. Magisterarbeit. Hannover, 1999 –
  • Christian Meier: "Opfer der Spaßgesellschaft". Christian Meier über die aktuelle Lage im Rechtschreibkampf, den Reform-Widerstand der Deutschen Akademie und die hiesige Lesekultur. Interview von Moritz Schwarz. In: Junge Freiheit Nr. 34, 18. August 2000. S. 3 – online
  • Horst Haider Munske: Orthographie als Sprachkultur. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bern; New York; Paris; Wien: Peter-Lang-Verlag, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1997, 336 Seiten, ISBN 3-631-31142-7
  • Horst Haider Munske: Neue Rechtschreibwörterbücher im Irrgarten der Rechtschreibreform. Wie soll man selber schreiben und publizieren in diesem Rechtschreibchaos? [Darin: "Alles Rotgedruckte ist falsch! Man vermeide die roten Giftpilze im Duden!"] In: Schule in Frankfurt (SchiFF), Nr. 44, Juni 2001 –
  • Horst Haider Munske: Die angebliche Rechtschreibreform, St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 2005, 163 Seiten, ISBN 3-931155-13-7
  • Horst Haider Munske: Lob der Rechtschreibung. Warum wir schreiben, wie wir schreiben. München: Beck, 2005, 141 S., ISBN 3-406-52861-9
  • Thomas Paulwitz: Chaos-Regeln. Die Rechtschreibreform ist gescheitert. Gibt es jetzt eine Reform der Reform? In: Junge Freiheit Nr. 11 vom 8. März 2002, S. 2 – online
  • Thomas Paulwitz: Der Rechtschreibrat ist gescheitert. Eine Bewertung der neuesten Reform der Rechtschreibreform. In: Deutsche Sprachwelt – Ausgabe 23 vom 20. März 2006, S. 4 – Download PDF
  • Stephanus Peil: Die Wörterliste. St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 1997, 28 S., ISBN 3-931155-07-2; 10., überarb. Auflage: Die Wörterliste. Ein Vergleich bisheriger und geplanter Schreibweisen. Westerburg, In den Gärten 5: S. Peil, 1998, 42 S. – online
  • Elke Philburn: "New rules chaos" – Die deutsche Rechtschreibreform in Großbritannien. In: Schule in Frankfurt (SchiFF), Nr. 47, November 2003 –
  • Reichs- und Preußisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung [Hrsg.]: Regeln für die deutsche Rechtschreibung nebst Wörterverzeichnis. Unveränderte Neuauflage von 1940, Berlin: Weidmann, 1941
  • Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung [Hrsg.]: Regeln für die deutsche Rechtschreibung und Wörterverzeichnis. Berlin: Deutscher Schulverlag, 1944
  • Manfred Riebe: Die sogenannte deutsche Rechtschreibreform und die Reform der Reform. In: europa dokumentaro Nr. 13. März 2000, S. 10–13 – online
  • Manfred Riebe: Unlogisch und verwirrend. Vor einem Jahr wurde in den meisten Medien die neue Rechtschreibung eingeführt. In: Junge Freiheit Nr. 31/32 vom 28. Juli / 4. August 2000; S. 11 – online
  • Manfred Riebe: Es ist nie zu spät. Die Front gegen die Rechtschreibreform wird breiter. In: Junge Freiheit Nr. 30 vom 16. Juli 2004, S. 2 – online
  • Manfred Riebe; Norbert Schäbler; Tobias Loew (Hrsg.): Der "stille" Protest. Widerstand gegen die Rechtschreibreform im Schatten der Öffentlichkeit, St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, Oktober 1997, 298 S., ISBN 3-931155-10-2 – Dokumentation von 21 Initiativen gegen die Rechtschreibreform
  • Maria Theresia Rolland: Streitobjekt Sprache. In: Manfred Riebe; Norbert Schäbler; Tobias Loew (Hrsg.): Der "stille" Protest. St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 1997, S. 190 f.
  • Maria Theresia Rolland: Korrekte Informationsvermittlung durch Rechtschreibreform gefährdet. In: NFD, Information – Wissenschaft und Praxis, 48 (1997) 5; S. 289–293
  • Maria Theresia Rolland: Sprache in Theorie und Praxis. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1995–1997. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1999, 247 S., ISBN 3-8260-1585-1
  • Wolfgang Roth: Zur Verfassungswidrigkeit der Rechtschreibreform. Zugleich Anmerkungen zum Urteil des BVerfG vom 14.7.1998 – 1 BvR 1640/97. In: Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter, Heft 9, 1. Mai 1999, S. 257–266
  • Michael Schneider: Geschichte der deutschen Orthographie – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung seit 1994. Universität Marburg, 2001, 30 S. –
  • Alexander Siegner (Hrsg.): Rechtschreibreform auf dem Prüfstand. Die Rechtschreibreform – Jahrhundertwerk oder Flop? Mit Beiträgen von Reiner Kunze; Stephanus Peil; Theodor Ickler u.a. – St. Goar: Leibniz-Verlag, 1997, 55 S., ISBN 3-931155-08-0
  • Dieter Stein (Hrsg.): Rettet die deutsche Sprache. Beiträge, Interviews und Materialien zum Kampf gegen Rechtschreibreform und Anglizismen. Edition JF – Dokumentation, Band 9, Berlin 2004, 192 Seiten, ISBN 3-929886-21-9 (mit Beiträgen u.a. von Theodor Ickler, Walter Krämer, Christian Meier, Thomas Paulwitz, Karin Pfeiffer-Stolz, Manfred Riebe)
  • Verein für Deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e. V. (VRS) – Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform: Unser Kampf gegen die Rechtschreibreform. Volksentscheid in Schleswig-Holstein. Bearbeitung und Kommentar: Manfred Riebe. Nürnberg: VRS, Dezember 1998, 34 S.
  • Johannes Wasmuth: Verbot der Werkänderung und Rechtschreibreform. In: Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM) Nr. 11/2001, S. 858–865
  • Hagen A. Wegewitz: Verfassungsunmittelbare Bindungswirkung abstrahierbarer Auslegungen des Grundgesetzes. Theorie der Bindungswirkung und Methodik zur Ermittlung der tragenden Gründe von Bundesverfassungsgerichtsentscheidungen am Beispiel einer argumentationstheoretischen Analyse der Entscheidungen zur Rechtschreibreform. Zugleich: Dissertation Universität Jena, 2002. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Lang, 2003, 366 S., ISBN 3-631-50688-0
  • Hermann Zabel (Hrsg.): "Keine Wüteriche am Werk". Berichte und Dokumente zur Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. Hrsg. in Verbindung mit der Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache. Hagen: Reiner Padligur Verlag, 1996, 448 S., ISBN 3-922957-46-3
  • Hermann Zabel (Hrsg.): Widerworte. "Lieber Herr Grass, Ihre Aufregung ist unbegründet". Antworten an Gegner und Kritiker der Rechtschreibreform. Aachen: Shaker, 1997, 184 S., ISBN 3-8265-2859-X
  • Jean-Marie Zemb: Für eine sinnige Rechtschreibung. Eine Aufforderung zur Besinnung ohne Gesichtsverlust. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1997, 154 S., ISBN 3-484-73047-1

External links Edit

Authoritative official rules Edit

  • [Rules and word list according to the recommendations of the Council for German Orthography: Revised edition of the official rules of 2004 including the addenda from the 2010 report] (PDF) (in German). Munich, Mannheim: Council for German Orthography. 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 February 2016. Retrieved 9 January 2015.
  • (PDF) (in German). Munich, Mannheim: Council for German Orthography. 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 December 2016. Retrieved 9 January 2015.

Related articles in the German Wikipedia Edit

  • Rechtschreibreform – Spelling reform
  • Deutsche Rechtschreibung – German spelling
  • Deutsche Rechtschreibung im 20. Jahrhundert – 20th-century German spelling
  • Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung – New German spelling

Societies for the German language Edit

  • Bund für deutsche Schrift und Sprache (BfdS)
  • Forschungsgruppe Deutsche Sprache e.V. (FDS) (German Language Research Group)
  • (LDS)
  • Neue Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft zu Köthen/Anhalt
  • Society for German spelling and language cultivation – initiative against the spelling reform
  • Sprachkreis Deutsch, Bern

Language journals Edit

  • Deutsche Sprachwelt (DSW)
  • "Wiener Sprachblätter", Zeitschrift für gutes Deutsch

Activities concerning the spelling reform Edit

  • Hagen A.Wegewitz: 35 Urteile zur Rechtschreibreform (PDF)

german, orthography, reform, 1996, this, article, multiple, issues, please, help, improve, discuss, these, issues, talk, page, learn, when, remove, these, template, messages, this, article, includes, list, general, references, lacks, sufficient, corresponding,. This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations January 2016 Learn how and when to remove this template message Parts of this article those related to developments after 2006 need to be updated Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information January 2016 This article is missing information about punctuation Please expand the article to include this information Further details may exist on the talk page June 2019 This article may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia s quality standards You can help The talk page may contain suggestions November 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message The German orthography reform of 1996 Reform der deutschen Rechtschreibung von 1996 was a change to German spelling and punctuation that was intended to simplify German orthography and thus to make it easier to learn 1 without substantially changing the rules familiar to users of the language The reform was based on an international agreement signed in Vienna in July 1996 by the governments of the German speaking countries Germany Austria Liechtenstein and Switzerland Luxembourg did not participate despite having German as one of its three official languages it regards itself as a non German speaking country not to be a contributory determinant upon the German system of spelling 2 though it did eventually adopt the reform The reformed orthography became obligatory in schools and in public administration However there was a campaign against the reform and in the resulting public debate the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany was called upon to delineate the extent of reform In 1998 3 the court stated that because there was no law governing orthography outside the schools people could spell as they liked including the use of traditional spelling In March 2006 the Council for German Orthography agreed unanimously to remove the most controversial changes from the reform this was largely though not completely accepted by media organizations such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that had previously opposed the reform 4 The rules of the new spelling concern the following areas correspondence between sounds and written letters this includes rules for spelling loan words capitalisation joined and separate words hyphenated spellings punctuation and hyphenation at the end of a line Place names and family names were excluded from the reform Contents 1 New rules 1 1 Sounds and letters 1 2 Capitalisation 1 3 Compound words 2 Exceptions 3 History 3 1 Debate over the need for reform 3 2 Institutionalised reform talks since 1980 3 3 Institution of the reform 3 4 Public debate after the signing of the declaration of intent 3 5 Later developments 4 Legal status 5 State of implementation 6 Acceptance of the reform 6 1 In Switzerland and Liechtenstein 7 See also 8 References 9 Bibliography 9 1 German titles 10 External links 10 1 Authoritative official rules 10 2 Related articles in the German Wikipedia 10 3 Societies for the German language 10 4 Language journals 10 5 Activities concerning the spelling reformNew rules EditSounds and letters Edit nbsp This street sign in Aachen shows a very rare example of a name being changed after the orthography reform of 1996 Spellings in names were in almost all cases not changed Note the old version on the wall nbsp The word now spelt Flussschifffahrt typeset in Fraktur thus containing the long s as written before the reform according to the typesetting rules published shortly after the reform 5 and according to the currently 2011 recommended typesetting rules 6 The reform aimed to systematise the correspondence between sounds phonemes and letters graphemes and to strengthen the principle that derived forms should follow the spelling of the root form ss and ss In reformed orthography the grapheme ss a modernised typographical rendering of how ss 7 18 21 appeared in traditional Gothic script it is seldom used in Switzerland is considered a separate letter that is to appear only after long vowels and diphthongs In general in German long stressed vowels are followed by single consonants and short stressed vowels by double consonants In the traditional orthography ss was written instead of ss if the s phoneme belonged to only one syllable thus in terminal position and before consonants ss was always written as ss without regard to the length of the preceding vowel In the reformed orthography a short stressed vowel is never followed by ss This brings it into line with the two letter spelling of other final consonants ch ck dt ff ll mm nn rr tt tz Thus Fass fas Fasser ˈfɛsɐ by analogy to Ball bal Balle ˈbɛle compare the old spelling Fass Fasser in contrast to Mass maːs Masse ˈmaːse like Tal taːl Taler ˈtɛːlɐ Nevertheless the new German spelling is not fully phonemic and it is still necessary to know the plural of a noun in order to spell its singular correctly Los loːs Lose ˈloːze Floss floːs Flosse ˈfloːse note that it is however phonemic citation needed clarification needed cf the usage of voiced versus voiceless plosives at word end citation needed Exempted from change are certain very common short vowelled words which end in a single s such as das es echoing other undoubled final consonants in German e g ab im an hat ig So the frequent error of confusing the conjunction dass previously dass and the relative pronoun das has remained a trap Ich hoffe dass sie kommt I hope that she comes Das Haus das dort steht The house that stands there Both are pronounced das The so called s rule makes up over 90 of the words changed by the reform Since a trailing ss does not occur in the traditional orthography which uses ss instead the ss at the end of reformed words like dass and muss previously muss is now the only quick and sure sign to indicate that the reformed spelling has been used even if just partly in texts except those of Swiss origin All other changes are encountered less frequently and not in every text Triple consonants preceding a vowel are no longer reduced but hyphenation is often used in these instances anyway Schiffahrt became Schifffahrt from Schiff ship Fahrt journey In particular triple s now appears more often than all the other triple consonants together while in the traditional orthography they never appear Flussschiffahrt Flussschifffahrt Missstand MissstandDoubled consonants appear after short vowels at the end of certain words to conform with derived forms As Ass because of plural Asse ace aces Stop Stopp because of the verb stoppenVowel changes especially a for e are made to conform with derived forms or related words Stengel Stangel stalk because of Stange pole Additional minor changes aim to remove a number of special cases or to allow alternative spellings rauh rau rough for consistency with blau grau genauSeveral loan words now allow spellings that are closer to the German norm In particular the affixes phon phot and graph can be spelled with f or ph Capitalisation Edit Capitalisation after a colon is now obligatory only if a full sentence or direct speech follows otherwise a lower case letter must go after a colon The polite capitalisation of the formal second person pronouns Sie Ihnen and Ihr was retained The original 1996 reform also provided that the familiar second person pronouns du dich dir dein ihr euch and euer should not be capitalised even in letters but this was amended in the 2006 revision to permit their optional capitalisation in letters The reform aimed to make the capitalisation of nouns uniform and clarify the criteria for this In the original 1996 reform this included the capitalisation of some nouns in compound verbs where the nouns had largely lost their capitalisation when becoming a part of the compound verb for instance changing eislaufen to Eis laufen to ice skate and kopfstehen to Kopf stehen head standing standing upside down However this was reversed in the 2006 revision restoring verbs like eislaufen and kopfstehen Compound words Edit As before compound nouns are generally joined into one word but several other compounds are now separated Nouns and verbs are generally separated but see above radfahren Rad fahren to ride a bicycle Multiple infinitive verbs used with finite verbs are separated kennenlernen kennen lernen to get to know spazierengehen spazieren gehen to go for a walk Other constructions now admit alternative forms an Stelle von or anstelle von instead of There are some subtle changes in the meaning when the new forms collide with some pre existing forms vielversprechend viel versprechend literally much promising but the meaning of the long compound adjective is promising in the sense of up and coming auspicious whereas the second phrase with two words means promising many things Exceptions EditFamily names are completely excluded from the rules and are not affected by the reform this also applies to given names 8 Place names are not strictly subject to the rules The German Standiger Ausschuss fur geographische Namen Permanent Committee for Geographic Names strongly recommends applying the rules for new names but stresses that this applies only when new names are assigned or the competent authorities decide to modify existing names 9 History EditDebate over the need for reform Edit Spelling reform had been discussed for a long time and was still controversial in the late 1960s 10 Institutionalised reform talks since 1980 Edit In 1980 the Internationaler Arbeitskreis fur Orthographie International Working Group for Orthography was formed with linguists from East Germany West Germany Austria and Switzerland taking part The initial proposals of this working group were further discussed at two conferences in Vienna Austria in 1986 and 1990 to which the Austrian government had invited representatives from every region where German is spoken In the closing remarks from the first of these meetings capitalisation reform was put off to a future second phase of German language reform attempts since no consensus had been reached In 1987 the ministers of education of the federal states Bundeslander in West Germany assigned the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim Germany and the Society for the German Language in Wiesbaden Germany with the task of coming up with a new system of rules In 1988 these two organisations presented an incomplete but very wide ranging set of proposed new rules for example the phrase Der Kaiser isst den Aal im Boot The Emperor eats the eel in the boat would be written Der keiser isst den al im bot However these proposals were quickly rejected by the general public and then they were withdrawn by the ministers of education as unacceptable At the same time similar groups were formed in Switzerland Austria and East Germany In 1992 the International Working Group published a proposed global reform to German spelling entitled Deutsche Rechtschreibung Vorschlage zu ihrer Neuregelung German Spelling Proposals for its New Regulation In 1993 the German ministers of education invited 43 groups to present their opinions on the document with hearings held in the unified Germany Austria and Switzerland On the basis of these hearings the working group backed off from the notion of eliminating the capitalisation of all nouns It also preserved the orthographical distinction between the inconvenient homophones das the or that relative pronoun and dass that conjunction as in She said that you came which introduce different types of subordinate clause At a third conference in Vienna in 1994 the results were recommended to the respective governments for acceptance The German ministers of education decided to implement the new rules on 1 August 1998 with a transitional period lasting until the 2004 2005 school year Institution of the reform Edit On 1 July 1996 all of the German states Bundeslander and the countries of Austria Switzerland and Liechtenstein as well as some other countries with German speaking minorities but notably not Luxembourg agreed to introduce the new spelling by 1 August 1998 A few German Bundeslander introduced the new rules starting from the 1996 97 school year Public debate after the signing of the declaration of intent Edit The reforms did not attract much attention from the general public until after the international declaration of intent was signed Animated arguments arose about the correctness of the decision with schoolteachers being the first to be faced with the implementation of the new rules At the Frankfurt Book Fair the largest in Germany in 1996 Friedrich Denk de a teacher from Bavaria obtained signatures from hundreds of authors and scientists demanding the cancellation of the reform Among the leading opponents were Gunter Grass Siegfried Lenz Martin Walser Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Walter Kempowski The protest gained further nationwide significance through initiatives such as Wir Lehrer gegen die Rechtschreibreform We Teachers Against the Spelling Reform 11 which was headed by the teacher and activist Manfred Riebe In May 1997 the Society for German Spelling and Language Cultivation initiative against the spelling reform 12 Verein fur deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e V VRS Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform was founded in opposition to the German spelling reform The issue was taken up in the courts with different decisions in different German states so that the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Bundesverfassungsgericht was called upon to make a ruling In May 1998 a group of 550 language and literature professors led by Theodor Ickler de Helmut Jochems Horst Haider Munske de and Peter Eisenberg two of the reformers Harald Weinrich of the College de France Jean Marie Zemb of the Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques and others in a resolution requested the reversal of the reform by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany 13 On 14 July 1998 after one hearing on 12 May 1998 and involving only one teachers organisation the High Court declared that the introduction of the spelling reform by the ministers of education was legal non primary source needed In the German state of Schleswig Holstein a majority of voters in a referendum on 27 September 1998 called for a return to traditional spellings However the minister president of the state Heide Simonis found a way to reverse the results of the referendum via a parliamentary vote in 1999 While the new German dictionaries were published in July and August 1996 the critics of the language reform perceived themselves to be justified They began to demand the reversal of the change at the federal level However the ministers of education continued to refuse to accede to their demands The editors of the Duden dictionaries also agreed that many of the problems in the traditional spelling system were due to the arcane rules that had been fabricated to explain the system thus lending their support to the new spelling system which they said was and is more logical One of the public critics of the spelling reform was Josef Kraus de president of the Deutscher Lehrerverband the German Association of Teachers Later developments Edit In 1997 an international committee was formed to handle any cases of doubt that might arise under the new rules In 2004 the German federal minister of education and research Edelgard Bulmahn announced that this committee was to be given wide ranging powers to make decisions about German spelling Only in cases of extreme changes such as the proposed capitalisation change would the committee require the consent of the states ministers of education This move was strongly criticised Simultaneously the committee released its fourth report on spelling reforms reviewing the points of the reform in detail However this report was rejected by the Conference of Ministers of Education in March 2004 The ministers also demanded that the committee work together with the German Academy for Language and Poetry in its future deliberations The academy had been strongly critical of the reform from the beginning The ministers also made changes to the composition of the international committee citation needed In July 2004 the ministers decided to introduce some changes to the reform making both the traditional and the new spellings acceptable They also formed a Council for German Orthography 38 experts from five countries representing linguists publishers writers journalists teachers and parents Taking the place of the existing international committee the Council agreed unanimously to implement the uncontroversial parts of the reform while allowing compromises on other changes writing compounds separately or as a single word on the use of lower and upper case punctuation and syllabification 14 This modified reform came into effect by 1 August 2006 This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia s quality standards The specific problem is This is outdated and lacks more recent developments 2011 some reform spellings were dropped 2017 2018 further changes were made Please help improve this article if you can January 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Legal status EditThe spelling change is based on the international agreement of 1 July 1996 signed on behalf of Germany Austria and Switzerland The signatories for Germany were the president of the Conference of Ministers of Education Karl Heinz Reck and the parliamentary secretary of the Federal Ministry of the Interior Eduard Lintner There have been no Bundestag parliamentary decisions on the reforms Instead as mentioned above the German Supreme Court ruled that the reform in the public schools could be decided by the ministers of education Thus as of 1 August 2005 the traditional spelling system was to be considered incorrect in the schools except that two of the German states Bavaria and North Rhine Westphalia had both officially rejected the reform Since 2006 the new rules have become compulsory in Bavarian and North Rhine Westphalian public schools as well It is presumed that from the schools the writing reforms will spread to the German speaking public State of implementation EditAs of 2004 update most German printed media used spelling rules that to a large extent comply with the reforms These included most newspapers and periodicals and the German press agencies Deutsche Presse Agentur DPA and Reuters Still some newspapers including Die Zeit the Neue Zurcher Zeitung the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Suddeutsche Zeitung created their own in house orthography rules while most other newspapers used approximately the rules set out by the DPA These in house orthographies thus occupy a continuum between old spelling with new rules for ss and an almost full acceptance of the new rules Schoolbooks and children s books generally follow the new spellings while the text of novels is presented as the authors prefer Classic works of literature are typically printed without any changes unless they are editions specifically intended for use in schools citation needed Since dictionaries adopted the new spellings early on there is no currently in print standard reference work available for traditional spellings However Theodor Ickler de a Professor of German at the University of Erlangen has produced a new dictionary that aims to meet the demands of simplification without the need to impose any new spellings clarification needed It has not been reprinted since 2004 The commerce in used copies of the older Duden dictionaries has dwindled As of the 2004 edition the Duden dictionary includes the most recent changes proposed by the ministers of education citation needed The IETF language tags registered de 1996 in 2005 for text following the reform 15 Acceptance of the reform EditIn Switzerland and Liechtenstein Edit In Switzerland and Liechtenstein the reform had a less noticeable effect as the letter ss which was a prominent part of the reform was not in use anyway 16 17 See also EditBinnen I a convention for gender neutral language in German German language German orthography German Orthographic Conference of 1901 German orthography reform of 1944 Language planning Rat fur deutsche Rechtschreibung Council for German Orthography Spelling Spelling reform ssReferences Edit Upward Chris 1997 Spelling Reform in German PDF Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society J21 22 24 36 Archived from the original PDF on 5 September 2015 Othon Neuen spokesman for the Luxembourg Ministry of Education in a statement in August 2004 Leider hatte Luxemburg als nicht deutschsprachiges Land kein Recht darauf mit zu entscheiden in welche Richtung es nun weitergehe Luxemburger Wort 9 August 2004 Bundesverfassungsgericht Urteil vom 14 Juli 1998 Az 1 BvR 1640 97 in German Federal Constitutional Court 14 July 1998 Giersberg Dagmar December 2007 Chronicle of a Long Debate The Spelling Reform Goethe Institut retrieved 29 September 2011 Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung 21st edition 1996 p 71 Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung 25th edition 2009 p 116 Bertheau Philipp Th 1998 The German Language and the Two Faces of Its Script A Genuine Expression of European Culture In Bain Peter Shaw Paul eds Blackletter Type and National Identity 1 ed Princeton Architectural Press Cooper Union ISBN 1 56898 125 2 Rechtschreiberegeln Namen Spelling rules Names in German Bibliographisches Institut GmbH Dudenverlag Retrieved 8 January 2015 Anwendung der Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung auf Geographische Namen Application of the German orthography reform to geographic names pdf in German Standiger Ausschuss fur geographische Namen 17 December 2015 Retrieved 8 January 2015 SCHLUSSBEMERKUNG Grundsatzlich bleibt den zustandigen Stellen das Recht vorbehalten selbst uber die Schreibung geographischer Namen zu entscheiden Es wird aber dringend empfohlen die neue Rechtschreibung anzuwenden Erganzender Hinweis Um moglichen Missverstandnissen hinsichtlich der obengenannten Empfehlung vorzubeugen gibt der StAGN nachstehenden erganzenden Hinweis Die Empfehlung des StAGN bedeutet nicht dass alle bereits bestehenden geographischen Namen von den jeweils dafur zustandigen Institutionen Staat Lander Gemeinden Amter der neuen Rechtschreibung angepasst werden mussen sondern dass das amtliche Regelwerk nur dann verbindlich ist wenn neue geographische Namen geschaffen werden oder wenn die dafur zustandige Institutionen es fur zweckmassig erachten die Schreibweise bestehender geographischer Namen zu andern emphasis in original The German spelling reform Learn German Online Retrieved 27 May 2012 Initiative Wir Lehrer gegen die Rechtschreibreform Teachers Against the Spelling Reform Verein fur deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e V VRS Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform Gemeinsame Erklarung von rund 600 Sprachprofessoren zur Rechtschreibreform Mai 1998 Archived 7 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine Dagmar Giersberg Chronicle Of A Long Debate The Spelling Reform December 2007 Retrieved 29 September 2011 IETF Language Subtag Registry IANA 6 August 2021 Retrieved 7 October 2021 Peter Gallmann de Warum die Schweizer weiterhin kein Eszett schreiben in Die Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung Begrundung und Kritik Gerhard Augst et al eds Niemayer 1997 Archived Rechtscreibung Leitfaden zur deutschen Rechtschreibung Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei in Absprache mit der Prasidentin der Staatsschreiberkonferenz 2017 p 19 21 22 Bibliography EditGerman dictionary plus grammar German spelling reform incorporated the complete two in one reference 2nd edition Glasgow Harper Collins 1999 1151 S ISBN 0 00 472358 9 Jan Henrik Holst German politicians decision on 30 March 2006 Nazi orthography becomes obligatory in German schools If children spell German the usual way they will get mistakes Strong protest necessary Hamburg 6 October 2006 Download Sally A Johnson Spelling trouble Language ideology and the reform of German orthography Clevedon UK Multilingual Matters LTD 2005 208 p ISBN 1 85359 785 6 Diethelm Prowe Review of Sally Johnson Spelling Trouble Language Ideology and the Reform of German Orthography In H German H Net Reviews November 2005 online Elke Philburn Rechtschreibreform still spells controversy In Debatte Review of Contemporary German Affairs Bd 11 No 1 2003 S 60 69 German titles Edit Due to the nature of the topic most books and papers regarding the German spelling reform appeared in the German language The following list includes authors who are responsible for the definition of the imposed changes Gerhard Augst Karl Bluml Dieter Nerius Horst Sitta Hrsg Zur Neuregelung der deutschen Orthographie Begrundung und Kritik Tubingen Niemeyer 1997 VI 495 S ISBN 3 484 31179 7 Hanno Birken Bertsch Reinhard Markner Rechtschreibreform und Nationalsozialismus Reform of German orthography and National Socialism Ein Kapitel aus der politischen Geschichte der deutschen Sprache Eine Veroffentlichung der Deutschen Akademie fur Sprache und Dichtung Gottingen Wallstein Verlag 2000 134 S ISBN 3 89244 450 1 Note This book includes a comparison with the German spelling reform of Nazi Germany or Drittes Reich Third Reich of 1944 Anmerkung Dies Buch enthalt einen Vergleich mit der Reform der deutschen Rechtschreibung von 1944 online Hanno Birken Bertsch und Reinhard Markner Sprachfuhrer Uber den Sonderweg der deutschen Rechtschreibreformer In Junge Welt vom 3 April 2001 online Friedrich Denk Frankfurter Erklarung zur Rechtschreibreform In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 19 Oktober 1996 online Friedrich Denk Kein Schlussstrich In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 293 vom 16 Dezember 2006 S 18 online Wolfgang Denk 10 Jahre Rechtschreibreform Uberlegungen zu einer Kosten Nutzen Analyse Masterarbeit im Fachbereich 09 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Fachhochschule Munchen Munchen 5 September 2006 172 Seiten PDF Download Matthias Drager Rechtschreibreform Matthias Drager uber den Volksentscheid in Schleswig Holstein Ein Sprung in die Jauchegrube Interview von Thorsten Thaler In Junge Freiheit Nr 40 vom 25 September 1998 S 3 online Peter Eisenberg Das Versagen orthographischer Regeln Uber den Umgang mit dem Kuckucksei In Hans Werner Eroms Horst Haider Munske Hrsg Die Rechtschreibreform Pro und Kontra Berlin Erich Schmidt Verlag 1997 264 S ISBN 3 503 03786 1 S 47 50 Peter Eisenberg Hrsg Niemand hat das letzte Wort Sprache Schrift Orthographie Gottingen Wallstein 2006 121 S ISBN 978 3 8353 0059 0 Valerio 3 2006 Publikation der Deutschen Akademie fur Sprache und Dichtung online Hans Werner Eroms Horst Haider Munske Hrsg Die Rechtschreibreform Pro und Kontra Berlin Erich Schmidt Verlag 1997 264 S ISBN 3 503 03786 1 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung fur Deutschland Hrsg Die Reform als Diktat Zur Auseinandersetzung uber die deutsche Rechtschreibung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurt am Main Oktober 2000 119 S Peter Gallmann Horst Sitta Die Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung Regeln Kommentar und Verzeichnis wichtiger Neuschreibungen Mannheim Leipzig Wien Zurich Dudenverlag 1996 316 S Dudentaschenbuch Band 26 Peter Gallmann Horst Sitta Handbuch Rechtschreiben 4 Auflage Zurich Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zurich 1998 216 Seiten ISBN 3 906718 50 6 Rolf Groschner Zur Verfassungswidrigkeit der Rechtschreibreform In Eroms Hans Werner Munske Horst Haider Hrsg Die Rechtschreibreform Pro und Kontra Berlin Erich Schmidt Verlag 1997 264 S ISBN 3 503 03786 1 S 69 79 Uwe Grund Orthographische Regelwerke im Praxistest Schulische Rechtschreibleistungen vor und nach der Rechtschreibreform Verlag Frank amp Timme Berlin 248 Seiten ISBN 978 3 7329 0279 8 Jan Henrik Holst Abschaffung der Rechtschreibreform eine Chance fur die deutsche Sprachgemeinschaft Hamburg 6 Oktober 2006 Download Theodor Ickler Die sogenannte Rechtschreibreform Ein Schildburgerstreich 2 Auflage St Goar Leibniz Verlag 1997 206 Seiten ISBN 3 931155 09 9 Download PDF 750 kB Theodor Ickler Kritischer Kommentar zur Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung Mit einem Anhang zur Mannheimer Anhorung 2 durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage Erlangen und Jena Verlag Palm amp Enke 1999 Erlanger Studien Band 116 289 Seiten ISBN 3 7896 0992 7 Theodor Ickler Regelungsgewalt Hintergrunde der Rechtschreibreform St Goar Leibniz 2001 312 S ISBN 3 931155 18 8 Download PDF 1 9 MB Theodor Ickler Normale deutsche Rechtschreibung Sinnvoll schreiben trennen Zeichen setzen 4 erweiterte Auflage St Goar Leibniz Verlag 2004 579 S ISBN 3 931155 14 5 Fruher u d T Ickler Theodor Deutsche Einheitsorthographie 1999 und Das Rechtschreibworterbuch 2000 Theodor Ickler Rechtschreibreform in der Sackgasse Neue Dokumente und Kommentare St Goar Leibniz 2004 276 S ISBN 3 931155 22 6 Download PDF 1 7 MB Theodor Ickler Falsch ist richtig Ein Leitfaden durch die Abgrunde der Schlechtschreibreform Munchen Droemer 2006 271 S ISBN 978 3 426 27391 3 Helmut Jochems Theodor Ickler Die Rechtschreibreform Ein Schildburgerstreich In Padagogische Rundschau Jg 51 1997 Heft 6 S 764 766 Helmut Jochems Die Rechtschreibreform ist seit dem 1 8 1998 amtlich Was heisst das Was ist jetzt zu tun In Schule in Frankfurt SchiFF Nr 40 November 1998 S 6 10 online Helmut Jochems Schlussstrich oder Schlussstrich Die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung im zweiten Jahr ihrer Erprobungsphase In Schule in Frankfurt SchiFF Nr 42 Dezember 1999 S 9 11 online Wolfgang Kopke Rechtschreibreform und Verfassungsrecht Schulrechtliche personlichkeitsrechtliche und kulturverfassungsrechtliche Aspekte einer Reform der deutschen Orthographie Zugleich Dissertation Universitat Jena 1995 Tubingen Mohr 1995 XII 452 S ISBN 3 16 146524 5 Hans Krieger Der Rechtschreib Schwindel Zwischenrufe zu einem absurden Reformtheater 1 Auflage 1998 152 S 2 erweiterte Auflage mit neuen Texten zur aktuellen Entwicklung St Goar Leibniz Verlag 2000 207 S ISBN 3 931155 11 0 Aufsatzsammlung des Feuilletonchefs der Bayerischen Staatszeitung Hans Krieger Klar schlicht und stark Sollen wir schreiben wie die Nationalsozialisten Das verdrangte Vorbild der Rechtschreibreform In Suddeutsche Zeitung vom 2 Oktober 2000 Clear simple and powerful Shall we write like the National Socialists The suppressed model of the Reform of German orthography online Heide Kuhlmann Orthographie und Politik Zur Genese eines irrationalen Diskurses Magisterarbeit Hannover 1999 online Christian Meier Opfer der Spassgesellschaft Christian Meier uber die aktuelle Lage im Rechtschreibkampf den Reform Widerstand der Deutschen Akademie und die hiesige Lesekultur Interview von Moritz Schwarz In Junge Freiheit Nr 34 18 August 2000 S 3 online Horst Haider Munske Orthographie als Sprachkultur Frankfurt am Main Berlin Bern New York Paris Wien Peter Lang Verlag Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften 1997 336 Seiten ISBN 3 631 31142 7 Horst Haider Munske Neue Rechtschreibworterbucher im Irrgarten der Rechtschreibreform Wie soll man selber schreiben und publizieren in diesem Rechtschreibchaos Darin Alles Rotgedruckte ist falsch Man vermeide die roten Giftpilze im Duden In Schule in Frankfurt SchiFF Nr 44 Juni 2001 online Horst Haider Munske Die angebliche Rechtschreibreform St Goar Leibniz Verlag 2005 163 Seiten ISBN 3 931155 13 7 Horst Haider Munske Lob der Rechtschreibung Warum wir schreiben wie wir schreiben Munchen Beck 2005 141 S ISBN 3 406 52861 9 Thomas Paulwitz Chaos Regeln Die Rechtschreibreform ist gescheitert Gibt es jetzt eine Reform der Reform In Junge Freiheit Nr 11 vom 8 Marz 2002 S 2 online Thomas Paulwitz Der Rechtschreibrat ist gescheitert Eine Bewertung der neuesten Reform der Rechtschreibreform In Deutsche Sprachwelt Ausgabe 23 vom 20 Marz 2006 S 4 Download PDF Stephanus Peil Die Worterliste St Goar Leibniz Verlag 1997 28 S ISBN 3 931155 07 2 10 uberarb Auflage Die Worterliste Ein Vergleich bisheriger und geplanter Schreibweisen Westerburg In den Garten 5 S Peil 1998 42 S online Elke Philburn New rules chaos Die deutsche Rechtschreibreform in Grossbritannien In Schule in Frankfurt SchiFF Nr 47 November 2003 online Reichs und Preussisches Ministerium fur Wissenschaft Erziehung und Volksbildung Hrsg Regeln fur die deutsche Rechtschreibung nebst Worterverzeichnis Unveranderte Neuauflage von 1940 Berlin Weidmann 1941 Reichsministerium fur Wissenschaft Erziehung und Volksbildung Hrsg Regeln fur die deutsche Rechtschreibung und Worterverzeichnis Berlin Deutscher Schulverlag 1944 Manfred Riebe Die sogenannte deutsche Rechtschreibreform und die Reform der Reform In europa dokumentaro Nr 13 Marz 2000 S 10 13 online Manfred Riebe Unlogisch und verwirrend Vor einem Jahr wurde in den meisten Medien die neue Rechtschreibung eingefuhrt In Junge Freiheit Nr 31 32 vom 28 Juli 4 August 2000 S 11 online Manfred Riebe Es ist nie zu spat Die Front gegen die Rechtschreibreform wird breiter In Junge Freiheit Nr 30 vom 16 Juli 2004 S 2 online Manfred Riebe Norbert Schabler Tobias Loew Hrsg Der stille Protest Widerstand gegen die Rechtschreibreform im Schatten der Offentlichkeit St Goar Leibniz Verlag Oktober 1997 298 S ISBN 3 931155 10 2 Dokumentation von 21 Initiativen gegen die Rechtschreibreform Maria Theresia Rolland Streitobjekt Sprache In Manfred Riebe Norbert Schabler Tobias Loew Hrsg Der stille Protest St Goar Leibniz Verlag 1997 S 190 f Maria Theresia Rolland Korrekte Informationsvermittlung durch Rechtschreibreform gefahrdet In NFD Information Wissenschaft und Praxis 48 1997 5 S 289 293 Maria Theresia Rolland Sprache in Theorie und Praxis Gesammelte Aufsatze 1995 1997 Wurzburg Konigshausen und Neumann 1999 247 S ISBN 3 8260 1585 1 Wolfgang Roth Zur Verfassungswidrigkeit der Rechtschreibreform Zugleich Anmerkungen zum Urteil des BVerfG vom 14 7 1998 1 BvR 1640 97 In Bayerische Verwaltungsblatter Heft 9 1 Mai 1999 S 257 266 Michael Schneider Geschichte der deutschen Orthographie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Entwicklung seit 1994 Universitat Marburg 2001 30 S PDF Alexander Siegner Hrsg Rechtschreibreform auf dem Prufstand Die Rechtschreibreform Jahrhundertwerk oder Flop Mit Beitragen von Reiner Kunze Stephanus Peil Theodor Ickler u a St Goar Leibniz Verlag 1997 55 S ISBN 3 931155 08 0 Dieter Stein Hrsg Rettet die deutsche Sprache Beitrage Interviews und Materialien zum Kampf gegen Rechtschreibreform und Anglizismen Edition JF Dokumentation Band 9 Berlin 2004 192 Seiten ISBN 3 929886 21 9 mit Beitragen u a von Theodor Ickler Walter Kramer Christian Meier Thomas Paulwitz Karin Pfeiffer Stolz Manfred Riebe Verein fur Deutsche Rechtschreibung und Sprachpflege e V VRS Initiative gegen die Rechtschreibreform Unser Kampf gegen die Rechtschreibreform Volksentscheid in Schleswig Holstein Bearbeitung und Kommentar Manfred Riebe Nurnberg VRS Dezember 1998 34 S Johannes Wasmuth Verbot der Werkanderung und Rechtschreibreform In Zeitschrift fur Urheber und Medienrecht ZUM Nr 11 2001 S 858 865 Hagen A Wegewitz Verfassungsunmittelbare Bindungswirkung abstrahierbarer Auslegungen des Grundgesetzes Theorie der Bindungswirkung und Methodik zur Ermittlung der tragenden Grunde von Bundesverfassungsgerichtsentscheidungen am Beispiel einer argumentationstheoretischen Analyse der Entscheidungen zur Rechtschreibreform Zugleich Dissertation Universitat Jena 2002 Frankfurt am Main Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York Oxford Wien Lang 2003 366 S ISBN 3 631 50688 0 Hermann Zabel Hrsg Keine Wuteriche am Werk Berichte und Dokumente zur Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung Hrsg in Verbindung mit der Gesellschaft fur deutsche Sprache Hagen Reiner Padligur Verlag 1996 448 S ISBN 3 922957 46 3 Hermann Zabel Hrsg Widerworte Lieber Herr Grass Ihre Aufregung ist unbegrundet Antworten an Gegner und Kritiker der Rechtschreibreform Aachen Shaker 1997 184 S ISBN 3 8265 2859 X Jean Marie Zemb Fur eine sinnige Rechtschreibung Eine Aufforderung zur Besinnung ohne Gesichtsverlust Tubingen Max Niemeyer Verlag 1997 154 S ISBN 3 484 73047 1External links Edit nbsp Look up Category German words affected by 1996 spelling reform in Wiktionary the free dictionary Authoritative official rules Edit Regeln und Worterverzeichnis Entsprechend den Empfehlungen des Rats fur deutsche Rechtschreibung Uberarbeitete Fassung des amtlichen Regelwerks 2004 mit den Nachtragen aus dem Bericht 2010 Rules and word list according to the recommendations of the Council for German Orthography Revised edition of the official rules of 2004 including the addenda from the 2010 report PDF in German Munich Mannheim Council for German Orthography 2010 Archived from the original PDF on 17 February 2016 Retrieved 9 January 2015 Web page edition of the rules Word list PDF in German Munich Mannheim Council for German Orthography 2010 Archived from the original PDF on 5 December 2016 Retrieved 9 January 2015 Related articles in the German Wikipedia Edit Rechtschreibreform Spelling reform Deutsche Rechtschreibung German spelling Deutsche Rechtschreibung im 20 Jahrhundert 20th century German spelling Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung New German spellingSocieties for the German language Edit Bund fur deutsche Schrift und Sprache BfdS Forschungsgruppe Deutsche Sprache e V FDS German Language Research Group Lebendige deutsche Sprache e V LDS Neue Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft zu Kothen Anhalt Society for German spelling and language cultivation initiative against the spelling reform Sprachkreis Deutsch BernLanguage journals Edit Deutsche Sprachwelt DSW Wiener Sprachblatter Zeitschrift fur gutes DeutschActivities concerning the spelling reform Edit Hagen A Wegewitz 35 Urteile zur Rechtschreibreform PDF Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title German orthography reform of 1996 amp oldid 1172618504, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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