
First Italo-Ethiopian War

The First Italo-Ethiopian War[a] was fought between Italy and Ethiopia from 1895 to 1896. It originated from the disputed Treaty of Wuchale, which the Italians claimed turned Ethiopia into an Italian protectorate. Full-scale war broke out in 1895, with Italian troops from Italian Eritrea achieving initial successes against Tigrayan warlords at Coatit, Senafe and Debra Ailà, until they were reinforced by a large Ethiopian army led by Emperor Menelik II.[13] Italian defeat came about after the Battle of Adwa, where the Ethiopian army (supported by Russian and French equipment, as well as by a unit of Russian advisers)[14] dealt the heavily outnumbered Italian soldiers and Eritrean askaris a decisive blow and forced their retreat back into Eritrea. The war concluded with the Treaty of Addis Ababa. Because this was one of the first decisive victories by African forces over a European colonial power,[15] this war became a preeminent symbol of pan-Africanism and secured Ethiopia's sovereignty until the Second Italo-Ethiopian War of 1935-36.[16]

First Italo-Ethiopian War
Part of the Scramble for Africa

Clockwise from top left: Italian soldiers en route to Massawa; castle of Yohannes IV at Mek'ele;[6] Ethiopian cavalry at the Battle of Adwa; Italian prisoners are freed following the end of hostilities; Menelik II at Adwa; Ras Makonnen leading Ethiopian troops in the Battle of Amba Alagi
Date13 January 1895 – 23 October 1896
(1 year, 10 months, 1 week and 1 day)

Ethiopian victory

Independence of Ethiopia confirmed; border with Italian Eritrea delineated


Supported by:
Commanders and leaders
King Umberto I
Francesco Crispi
Oreste Baratieri
Vittorio Dabormida 
Giuseppe Arimondi 
Matteo Albertone (POW)
Giuseppe Ellena (WIA)
Giuseppe Galliano 
Pietro Toselli 
Menelik II
Taytu Betul
Ras Makonnen
Tekle Haymanot
Mikael of Wollo
Mengesha Yohannes
Welle Betul
Alula Engida


  • 100,000 with firearms, rest with bows, spears and swords[nb 1]
Casualties and losses
14,660 killed[nb 2]
1,428 wounded[11]
2,865 captured[nb 3]
~7,000–10,000 killed[7][12]
~10,000 wounded[12]


The Khedive of Egypt Isma'il Pasha, better known as "Isma'il the Magnificent" had conquered Eritrea as part of his efforts to give Egypt an African empire.[17][18] Isma'il had tried to follow up that conquest with Ethiopia, but the Egyptian attempts to conquer that realm ended in humiliating defeat in the Ethiopian-Egyptian War. After Egypt's bankruptcy in 1876[19] followed by the Ansar revolt under the leadership of the Mahdi in 1881, the Egyptian position in Eritrea was hopeless with the Egyptian forces cut off and unpaid for years. By 1884 the Egyptians began to pull out of both Sudan and Eritrea.[18]

Egypt had been very much in the French sphere of influence until 1882 when the British occupied it. A major goal of French foreign policy until 1904 was to diminish British influence in Egypt and restore it to its place in the French sphere of influence, and in 1883 the French created the colony of French Somaliland which allowed for the establishment of a French naval base at Djibouti on the Red Sea.[18] The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 had turned the Horn of Africa into a very strategic region as a navy based in the Horn could interdict any shipping going up and down the Red Sea. By building naval bases on the Red Sea that could intercept British shipping, the French hoped to reduce the value of the Suez Canal for the British, and thus "lever" them out of Egypt. A French historian in 1900 wrote: "The importance of Djibouti lies almost solely in the uniqueness of its geographic position, which makes it a port of transit and natural entrepôt for areas more infinitely more populated than its own territory...the rich provinces of central Ethiopia."[20] The British historian Harold Marcus noted that for the French, "Ethiopia represented the entrance to the Nile valley; if she could obtain hegemony over Ethiopia, her dream of a west to east French African empire would be closer to reality".[20] In response, Britain consistently supported Italian ambitions in the Horn of Africa as the best way of keeping the French out.[20]

On 3 June 1884, the Hewett Treaty was signed between Britain, Egypt and Ethiopia that allowed the Ethiopians to occupy parts of Abyssinia and allowed Ethiopian goods to pass in and out of Massawa duty-free.[18] From the viewpoint of Britain, it was highly undesirable that the French replace the Egyptians in Massawa as that would allow the French to have more naval bases on the Red Sea that could interfere with British shipping using the Suez Canal, and as the British did not want the financial burden of ruling Massawa, they looked for another power who would be interested in replacing the Egyptians.[18] The Hewett treaty seemed to suggest that Massawa would fall into the Ethiopian sphere of influence as the Egyptians pulled out.[18] After initially encouraging the Emperor Yohannes IV to move into Massawa to replace the Egyptians, London decided to have the Italians move into Massawa .[18] In his history of Ethiopia, British historian Augustus Wylde wrote: "England made use of King John [Emperor Yohannes] as long as he was of any service and then threw him over to the tender mercies of Italy...It is one of our worst bits of business out of the many we have been guilty of in Africa...one of the vilest bites of treachery".[18] After the French had unexpectedly made Tunis into their protectorate in 1881, outraging opinion in Italy over the so-called "Schiaffo di Tunisi" (the "slap of Tunis"), Italian foreign policy had been extremely anti-French, and from the British viewpoint the best way of ensuring the Eritrean ports on the Red Sea stayed out of French hands was by allowing the staunchly anti-French Italians move in. In 1882, Italy had joined the Triple Alliance, allying herself with Austria and Germany against France.

On 5 February 1885 Italian troops landed at Massawa to replace the Egyptians.[18] The Italian government for its part was more than happy to embark upon an imperialist policy to distract its people from the failings in post Risorgimento Italy.[18] In 1861, the unification of Italy was supposed to mark the beginning of a glorious new era in Italian life, and many Italians were gravely disappointed to find that not much had changed in the new Kingdom of Italy with the vast majority of Italians still living in abject poverty. To compensate, a chauvinist mood was rampant among the upper classes in Italy with the newspaper Il Diritto writing in an editorial: "Italy must be ready. The year 1885 will decide her fate as a great power. It is necessary to feel the responsibility of the new era; to become again strong men afraid of nothing, with the sacred love of the fatherland, of all Italy, in our hearts".[18] On the Ethiopian side, the wars that Emperor Yohannes had waged first against the invading Egyptians in the 1870s and then more so against the Sudanese Mahdiyya state in the 1880s had been presented by him to his subjects as holy wars in defense of Orthodox Christianity against Islam, reinforcing the Ethiopian belief that their country was an especially virtuous and holy land.[21] The struggle against the Ansar from Sudan complicated Yohannes's relations with the Italians, whom he sometimes asked to provide him with guns to fight the Ansar and other times he resisted the Italians and proposed a truce with the Ansar.[21]

On 18 January 1887, at a village named Saati, an advancing Italian Army detachment defeated the Ethiopians in a skirmish, but it ended with the numerically superior Ethiopians surrounding the Italians in Saati after they retreated in face of the enemy's numbers.[22] Some 500 Italian soldiers under Colonel de Christoforis together with 50 Eritrean auxiliaries were sent to support the besieged garrison at Saati.[22] At Dogali on his way to Saati, de Christoforis was ambushed by an Ethiopian force under Ras Alula, whose men armed with spears skillfully encircled the Italians who retreated to one hill and then to another higher hill.[22] After the Italians ran out of ammunition, Ras Alula ordered his men to charge and the Ethiopians swiftly overwhelmed the Italians in an action that featured bayonets against spears.[22] The Battle of Dogali ended with the Italians losing 23 officers and 407 other ranks killed.[22] As a result of the defeat at Dogali, the Italians abandoned Saati and retreated back to the Red Sea coast.[23] Italians newspapers called the battle a "massacre" and excoriated the Regio Esercito for not assigning de Chistoforis enough ammunition.[23] Having, at first, encouraged Emperor Yohannes to move into Eritrea, and then having encouraged the Italians to also do so, London realised a war was brewing and decided to try to mediate, largely out of the fear that the Italians might actually lose.[18]

The British consul in Zanzibar, Gerald Portal, was sent in 1887 to mediate between the Ethiopians and Italians before war broke out.[18] Upon meeting the Emperor Yohannes on 4 December 1887, he presented him with gifts and a letter from Queen Victoria urging him to settle with the Italians.[24] Portal reported: "What might have been possible in August or September was impossible in December, when the whole of the immense available forces in the country were already under arms; and that there now remains no hope of a satisfactory adjustment of the difficulties between Italy and Abyssinia [Ethiopia] until the question of the relative supremacy of these two nations has been decided by an appeal to the fortunes of war... No one who has once seen the nature of the gorges, ravines and mountain passes near the Abyssinian frontier can doubt for a moment that any advance by a civilised army in the face of the hostile Abyssinian hordes would be accomplished at the price of a fearful loss of life on both sides. ... The Abyssinians are savage and untrustworthy, but they are also redeemed by the possession of an unbounded courage, by a disregard of death, and by a national pride which leads them to look down on every human being who has not had the good fortune to be born an Abyssinian".[24] Portal ended by writing that the Italians were making a mistake in preparing to go war against Ethiopia: "It is the old, old story, contempt of a gallant enemy because his skin happens to be chocolate or brown or black, and because his men have not gone through orthodox courses of field-firing, battalion drill, or 'autumn maneuvers'".[24]

The defeat at Dogali made the Italians cautious for a moment, but on 10 March 1889, Emperor Yohannes died after being wounded in battle against the Ansar and on his deathbed admitted that Ras Mengesha, the supposed son of his brother, was actually his own son and asked that he succeed him.[23] The revelation that the emperor had slept with his brother's wife scandalised intensely Orthodox Ethiopia, and instead the Negus Menelik was proclaimed emperor on 26 March 1889.[23] Ras Mengesha, one of the most powerful Ethiopian noblemen, was unhappy about being by-passed in the succession and for a time allied himself with the Italians against the Emperor Menelik.[23] Under the feudal Ethiopian system, there was no standing army, and instead, the nobility raised up armies on behalf of the Emperor. In December 1889, the Italians advanced inland again and took the cities of Asmara and Keren and in January 1890 took Adowa.[23]

Treaty of Wuchale

On 25 March 1889, the Shewa ruler Menelik II, having conquered Tigray and Amhara, declared himself Emperor of Ethiopia (or "Abyssinia", as it was commonly called in Europe at the time). Barely a month later, on 2 May he signed the Treaty of Wuchale with the Italians, which apparently gave them control over Eritrea, the Red Sea coast to the northeast of Ethiopia, in return for recognition of Menelik's rule. Menelik II continued the policy of Tewodros II of integrating Ethiopia.

However, the bilingual treaty did not say the same thing in Italian and Amharic; the Italian version did not give the Ethiopians the "significant autonomy" written into the Amharic translation.[25] The Italian text stated that Ethiopia must conduct its foreign affairs through Italy (making it an Italian protectorate), but the Amharic version merely stated that Ethiopia could contact foreign powers and conduct foreign affairs using the embassy of Italy. Italian diplomats, however, claimed that the original Amharic text included the clause and Menelik knowingly signed a modified copy of the Treaty.[26] In October 1889, the Italians informed all of the other European governments because of the Treaty of Wuchale that Ethiopia was now an Italian protectorate and therefore the other European nations could not conduct diplomatic relations with Ethiopia.[27] With the exceptions of the Ottoman Empire, which still maintained its claim to Eritrea, and Russia, which disliked the idea of an Orthodox nation being subjugated to a Roman Catholic nation, all of the European powers accepted the Italian claim to a protectorate.[27]

The Italian claim that Menelik was aware of Article XVII turning his nation into an Italian protectorate seems unlikely given that the Emperor Menelik sent letters to Queen Victoria and Emperor Wilhelm II in late 1889 and was informed in the replies in early 1890 that neither Britain nor Germany could have diplomatic relations with Ethiopia on the account of Article XVII of the Treaty of Wuchale, a revelation that came as a great shock to the Emperor.[27] Victoria's letter was polite whereas Wilhelm's letter was somewhat more rude, saying that King Umberto I was a great friend of Germany and Menelik's violation of the supposed Italian protectorate was a grave insult to Umberto, adding that he never wanted to hear from Menelik again.[27] Moreover, Menelik did not know Italian and only signed the Amharic text of the treaty, being assured that there were no differences between the Italian and Amharic texts before he signed.[27] The differences between the Italian and Amharic texts were due to the Italian minister in Addis Ababa, Count Pietro Antonelli, who had been instructed by his government to gain as much territory as possible in negotiating with the Emperor Menelik. However, knowing Menelik was now enthroned as the King of Kings and had a strong position, Antonelli was in the unenviable situation of negotiating a treaty that his own government might disallow. Therefore, he inserted the statement making Ethiopia give up its right to conduct its foreign affairs to Italy as a way of pleasing his superiors who might otherwise have fired him for only making small territorial gains.[27] Antonelli was fluent in Amharic and given that Menelik only signed the Amharic text he could not have been unaware that the Amharic version of Article XVII only stated that the King of Italy places the services of his diplomats at the disposal of the Emperor of Ethiopia to represent him abroad if he so wished.[27] When his subterfuge was exposed in 1890 with Menelik indignantly saying he would never sign away his country's independence to anybody, Antonelli who left Addis Ababa in mid 1890 resorted to racism, telling his superiors in Rome that as Menelik was a black man, he was thus intrinsically dishonest and it was only natural the Emperor would lie about the protectorate he supposedly willingly turned his nation into.[27]

Francesco Crispi, the Italian Prime Minister was an ultra-imperialist who believed the newly unified Italian state required "the grandeur of a second Roman empire".[23] Crispi believed that the Horn of Africa was the best place for the Italians to start building the new Roman empire.[23] The American journalist James Perry wrote that "Crispi was a fool, a bigot and a very dangerous man".[23] Because of the Ethiopian refusal to abide by the Italian version of the treaty and despite economic handicaps at home, the Italian government decided on a military solution to force Ethiopia to abide by the Italian version of the treaty. In doing so, they believed that they could exploit divisions within Ethiopia and rely on tactical and technological superiority to offset any inferiority in numbers. The efforts of Emperor Menelik, viewed as pro-French by London, to unify Ethiopia and thus bring the source of the Blue Nile under his control was perceived in Whitehall as a threat to their influence in Egypt.[20] As Menelik became increasingly successful in unifying Ethiopia, the British government courted the Italians to counter Ethiopian expansion.[20]

There was a broader, European background as well: the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy was under some stress, with Italy being courted by the British government. Two secret Anglo-Italian protocols were signed in 1891, leaving most of Ethiopia in Italy's sphere of influence.[28] France, one of the members of the opposing Franco-Russian Alliance, had its own claims on Eritrea and was bargaining with Italy over giving up those claims in exchange for a more secure position in Tunisia. Meanwhile, Russia was supplying weapons and other aid to Ethiopia.[25] It had been trying to gain a foothold in Ethiopia,[29] and in 1894, after denouncing the Treaty of Wuchale in July, it received an Ethiopian mission in St. Petersburg and sent arms and ammunition to Ethiopia.[30] This support continued after the war ended.[31] The Russian travel writer Alexander Bulatovich who went to Ethiopia to serve as a Red Cross volunteer with the Emperor Menelik made a point of emphasizing in his books that the Ethiopians converted to Christianity before any of the Europeans ever did, described the Ethiopians as a deeply religious people like the Russians, and argued the Ethiopians did not have the "low cultural level" of the other African peoples, making them equal to the Europeans.[32]

Prelude and beginning of the conflict

In 1893, judging that his power over Ethiopia was secure, Menelik repudiated the treaty; in response the Italians ramped up the pressure on his domain in a variety of ways, including the annexation of small territories bordering their original claim under the Treaty of Wuchale, and finally culminating with a military campaign and across the Mareb River into Tigray (on the border with Eritrea) in December 1894. The Italians expected disaffected potentates like Negus Tekle Haymanot of Gojjam, Ras Mengesha Yohannes, and the Sultan of Aussa to join them; instead, all of the ethnic Tigrayan or Amharic peoples flocked to the Emperor Menelik's side in a display of both nationalism and anti-Italian feeling, while other peoples of dubious loyalty (e.g. the Sultan of Aussa) were watched by Imperial garrisons.[33] In June 1894, Ras Mengesha and his generals had appeared in Addis Ababa carrying large stones which they dropped before the Emperor Menelik (a gesture that is a symbol of submission in Ethiopian culture).[23] In Ethiopia, the popular saying at the time was: "Of a black snake's bite, you may be cured, but from the bite of a white snake, you will never recover."[23] There was an overwhelming national unity in Ethiopia as various feuding noblemen rallied behind the emperor who insisted that Ethiopia, unlike the other African nations, would retain its freedom and not be subjugated by Italy.[23] The ethnic rivalries between the Tigrians and the Amhara that the Italians were counting upon did not prove to be a factor as Menelik pointed out that the Italians held all ethnic Africans, regardless of their individual ethnic backgrounds, in contempt, noting the segregation policies in Eritrea applied to all ethnic Africans.[23] Further, Menelik had spent much of the previous four years building up a supply of modern weapons and ammunition, acquired from the French, British, and the Italians themselves, as the European colonial powers sought to keep each other's North African aspirations in check. They also used the Ethiopians as a proxy army against the Sudanese Mahdists.

In December 1894, Bahta Hagos led a rebellion against the Italians in Akkele Guzay, claiming support of Mengesha. Units of General Oreste Baratieri's army under Major Pietro Toselli crushed the rebellion and killed Bahta at the Battle of Halai. The Italian army then occupied the Tigrian capital, Adwa. Baratieri suspected that Mengesha would invade Eritrea, and met him at the Battle of Coatit in January 1895. The victorious Italians chased the retreating Mengesha, capturing weapons and important documents proving his complicity with Menelik. The victory in this campaign, along with previous victories against the Sudanese Mahdists, led the Italians to underestimate the difficulties to overcome in a campaign against Menelik.[34] At this point, Emperor Menelik turned to France, offering a treaty of alliance; the French response was to abandon the Emperor in order to secure Italian approval of the Treaty of Bardo which would secure French control of Tunisia. Virtually alone, on 17 September 1895, Emperor Menelik issued a proclamation calling up the men of Shewa to join his army at Were Ilu.[35]

As the Italians were poised to enter Ethiopian territory, the Ethiopians mobilised en masse all over the country.[36] Helping it was the newly updated imperial fiscal and taxation system. As a result, a hastily mobilised army of 196,000 men gathered from all parts of Abyssinia, more than half of whom were armed with modern rifles, rallied at Addis Ababa in support of the Emperor and defence of their country.[8]

The only European ally of Ethiopia was Russia.[3][30][31] The Ethiopian emperor sent his first diplomatic mission to St. Petersburg in 1895. In June 1895, the newspapers in St. Petersburg wrote, "Along with the expedition, Menelik II sent his diplomatic mission to Russia, including his princes and his bishop". Many citizens of the capital came to meet the train that brought Prince Damto, General Genemier, Prince Belyakio, Bishop of Harer Gabraux Xavier and other members of the delegation to St. Petersburg. On the eve of war, an agreement providing military help for Ethiopia was concluded.[37][38]

The next clash came at Amba Alagi on 7 December 1895, when Ethiopian soldiers overran the Italian positions dug in on the natural fortress, and forced the Italians to retreat back to Eritrea.[citation needed] The remaining Italian troops under General Giuseppe Arimondi reached the unfinished Italian fort at Mekele. Arimondi left there a small garrison of approximately 1,150 Askaris and 200 Italians, commanded by Major Giuseppe Galliano, and took the bulk of his troops to Adigrat, where Oreste Baratieri, the Italian Commander, was concentrating the Italian Army.

The first Ethiopian troops reached Mekele in the following days. Ras Makonnen surrounded the fort at Mekele on 18 December, but the Italian Commander adroitly used promises of a negotiated surrender to prevent the Ras from attacking the fort. By the first days of January, Emperor Menelik, accompanied by his Queen Taytu Betul, had led large forces into Tigray, and besieged the Italians for sixteen days (6–21 January 1896), making several unsuccessful attempts to carry the fort by storm, until the Italians surrendered with permission from the Italian Headquarters.[citation needed] Menelik allowed them to leave Mekele with their weapons, and even provided the defeated Italians mules and pack animals to rejoin Baratieri.[39] While some historians read this generous act as a sign that Emperor Menelik still hoped for a peaceful resolution to the war, Harold Marcus points out that this escort allowed him a tactical advantage: "Menelik craftily managed to establish himself in Hawzien, at Gendepata, near Adwa, where the mountain passes were not guarded by Italian fortifications."[40]

Heavily outnumbered, Baratieri refused to engage, knowing that due to their lack of infrastructure the Ethiopians could not keep large numbers of troops in the field much longer. However, Baratieri also never knew the true numerical strength of the Ethiopian army he faced, so he further fortified his positions in the Tigray instead of advancing. But the Italian government of Francesco Crispi was unable to accept being stymied by non-Europeans. The prime minister specifically ordered Baratieri to advance deep into enemy territory and bring about a battle.

Battle of Adwa

Painting depicting of the Battle of Adwa.

The decisive battle of the war was the Battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896, which took place in the mountainous country north of the actual town of Adwa (or Adowa). The Italian army comprised four brigades totaling approximately 17,700 men, with fifty-six artillery pieces; the Ethiopian army comprised several brigades numbering between 73,000 and 120,000 men (80–100,000 with firearms: according to Richard Pankhurst, the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100,000 rifles of which about half were quick-firing),[10] with almost fifty artillery pieces.

Ethiopian soldiers at the Battle of Adwa.

General Baratieri planned to surprise the larger Ethiopian force with an early morning attack, expecting his enemy to be asleep. However, the Ethiopians had risen early for Church services and, upon learning of the Italian advance, promptly attacked. The Italian forces were hit by wave after wave of attacks, until Menelik released his reserve of 25,000 men, destroying an Italian brigade. Another brigade was cut off, and destroyed by a cavalry charge. The last two brigades were destroyed piecemeal. By noon, the Italian survivors were in full retreat.

While Menelik's victory was in a large part due to the sheer force of numbers, his troops were well-armed because of his careful preparations. The Ethiopian army only had a feudal system of organisation but proved capable of properly executing the strategic plan drawn up in Menelik's headquarters. However, the Ethiopian army also had its problems. The first was the quality of its arms, as the Italian colonial authorities in Eritrea prevented the transportation of 30,000–60,000 modern Mosin–Nagant rifles and Berdan rifles from Russia into landlocked Ethiopia.[citation needed] The rest of the Ethiopian army was equipped with swords and spears. Secondly, the Ethiopian army's feudal organisation meant that nearly the entire force was composed of peasant militia. Russian military experts advising Menelik II suggested a full-contact battle with Italians, to neutralise the Italian fire superiority, instead of engaging in a campaign of harassment designed to nullify problems with arms, training, and organisation.[38][41]

Some Russian councillors of Menelik II and a team of fifty Russian volunteers participated in the battle, among them Nikolay Leontiev, an officer of the Kuban Cossack army.[1] Russian support for Ethiopia also led to a Russian Red Cross mission, which arrived in Addis Ababa some three months after Menelik's Adwa victory.[2]

Italian prisoners of war waiting for repatriation

The Italians suffered over 5,000 killed and 1,400 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea, with almost 2,000 taken prisoner; Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 3,000 killed and 6,000 wounded.[42][43] In addition, 2,000 Eritrean Askaris were killed or captured. Italian prisoners were treated as well as possible under difficult circumstances, but 800 captured Askaris, regarded as traitors by the Ethiopians, had their right hands and left feet amputated.[44][45] Menelik, knowing that the war was very unpopular in Italy with the Italian Socialists in particular condemning the policy of the Crispi government, chose to be a magnanimous victor, making it clear that he saw a difference between the Italian people and Crispi.[20]

Outcome and consequences

Menelik retired in good order to his capital, Addis Ababa, and waited for the fallout of the victory to hit Italy. Riots broke out in several Italian cities, and within two weeks, the Crispi government collapsed amidst Italian disenchantment with "foreign adventures".[46]

Menelik secured the Treaty of Addis Ababa in October, which delineated the borders of Eritrea and forced Italy to recognise the independence of Ethiopia. Delegations from the United Kingdom and France—whose colonial possessions lay next to Ethiopia—soon arrived in the Ethiopian capital to negotiate their own treaties with this newly proven power. Owing to Russia's diplomatic support of her fellow Orthodox nation, Russia's prestige greatly increased in Ethiopia. The adventuresome Seljan brothers, Mirko and Stjepan, who were actually Catholic Croats, were warmly welcomed when they arrived in Ethiopia in 1899 when they misinformed their hosts by saying they were Russians.[47] As France supported Ethiopia with weapons, French influence increased markedly.[20] Prince Henri of Orléans, the French traveller, wrote: "France gave rifles to this country and taking the hand of its Emperor like an elder sister has explained to him the old motto which has guided her across the centuries of greatness and glory: Honor and Country!".[20] In December 1896, a French diplomatic mission in Addis Ababa arrived and on 20 March 1897 signed a treaty that was described as "véritable traité d'alliance.[20] In turn, the increase in French influence in Ethiopia led to fears in London that the French would gain control of the Blue Nile and would be able to "lever" the British out of Egypt.[20] To keep control of the Nile in Egypt, the British government decided in March 1896 to advance down the Nile from Egypt into the Sudan to conquer the Mahdiyya state.[20] On 12 March 1896, upon hearing of the Italian defeat at the Battle of Adwa, the British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, gave instructions for the British forces in Egypt to occupy the Sudan before the French could conquer the Mahdiyya state, stating that no hostile power could be allowed to control the Nile.[20]

In 1935, Italy launched a second invasion, which ended in 1937 with an Italian victory and the annexation of Ethiopia to Italian East Africa. Ethiopia became an Italian colony until the Italians were driven out in 1941 by the British Empire, with assistance from Ethiopian arbegnoch guerillas.[48]


See also


  1. ^ According to Richard Pankhurst, the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100,000 rifles of which about half were "fast firing".[10]
  2. ^ Paulos Milkias estimated 7,560 Italians of all rank, plus 7,100 Eritrean askari, for a total of 14,660 killed in battle and in retreat[11]
  3. ^ 1,865 were Italians and 1,000 were Eritrean askari. The Eritreans were regarded as traitors by the Ethiopians. Based on the Fetha Negest (The Law of Kings), the traditional Ethiopian code, 806 of them had their right hands and left foot cut off[11]
  1. ^ also referred to as the First Italo-Abyssinian War; Italian: Guerra d'Abissinia, lit. Abyssinian War


  1. ^ a b . Archived from the original on 2014-10-28. Retrieved 2011-06-29.
  2. ^ a b Richard, Pankhurst. . The Pankhurst History Library. Archived from the original on 2011-10-03.
  3. ^ a b Patman 2009, pp. 27–30
  4. ^ "Soviet Appeasement, Collective Security, and the Italo-Ethiopian war of 1935 and 1936". libcom.org.
  5. ^ Thomas Wilson, Edward (1974). Russia and Black Africa Before World War II. New York. pp. 57–58.
  6. ^ "Ethiopian Treasures". ethiopiantreasures.co.uk. Retrieved 3 October 2015.
  7. ^ a b Vandervort 1998, p. 160
  8. ^ a b c "First Italo-Abyssinian War: Battle of Adowa". HistoryNet. June 12, 2006.
  9. ^ Milkias, Paulos (2005). "The Battle of Adwa: The Historic Victory of Ethiopia over European Colonialism". In Paulos Milkias; Getachew Metaferia (eds.). The Battle of Adwa: Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory Against European Colonialism. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-87586-414-3.
  10. ^ a b Pankhurst 2001, p. 190
  11. ^ a b c Milkias, Paulos; Metaferia, Getachew (2005). The Battle of Adwa: Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory Against. p. 286. ISBN 9780875864150.
  12. ^ a b Milkias, Paulos (2005). "The Battle of Adwa: The Historic Victory of Ethiopia over European Colonialism". In Paulos Milkias; Getachew Metaferia (eds.). The Battle of Adwa: Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory Against European Colonialism. p. 71. ISBN 978-0-87586-414-3.
  13. ^ Henze, Paul (2000). Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia. Palgrave. ISBN 0-312-22719-1.
  14. ^ Micheal Clodfelter (2017). Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures, 1492-2015 (4th ed.). Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. p. 203. ISBN 978-0786474707.
  15. ^ "5 Fascinating Battles of the African Colonial Era". Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved 14 June 2020.
  16. ^ Professor Kinfe Abraham, "The Impact of the Adowa Victory on The Pan-African and Pan-Black Anti-Colonial Struggle," Address delivered to The Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, 8 February 2006
  17. ^ Marsot, Afaf (1975). "The Porte and Ismail Pasha's Quest for Autonomy". Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 12 (1975): 89–96. doi:10.2307/40000011. JSTOR 40000011. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Perry 2005, p. 196
  19. ^ Atkins, Richard (1974). "The Origins of the Anglo-French Condominium in Egypt, 1875-1876". The Historian. 36 (2): 264–282. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6563.1974.tb00005.x. JSTOR 24443685. Retrieved 23 December 2020.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Marcus, Harold G. (1963). "A Background to Direct British Diplomatic Involvement in Ethiopia, 1894–1896". Journal of Ethiopian Studies. 1 (2): 121–132. JSTOR 41965700.
  21. ^ a b Erlich, Haggai (2007). "Ethiopia and the Mahdiyya – You Call Me a Chicken?". Journal of Ethiopian Studies. 40 (1/2): 219–249. JSTOR 41988228.
  22. ^ a b c d e Perry 2005, p. 200
  23. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Perry 2005, p. 201
  24. ^ a b c Perry 2005, p. 199
  25. ^ a b Gardner 2015, p. 107
  26. ^ Pastoretto, Piero. (in Italian). Archived from the original on May 31, 2006. Retrieved 2006-06-04.
  27. ^ a b c d e f g h Rubenson, Sven (1964). "The Protectorate Paragraph of the Wichale Treaty". The Journal of African History. 5 (2): 243–283. doi:10.1017/S0021853700004837. JSTOR 179872.
  28. ^ Streit, Clarence K. (22 July 1935). "Britain Gave Italy Rights Under Secret Pact in 1891 To Rule Most of Ethiopia" (PDF). The New York Times. (PDF) from the original on 2021-08-31.
  29. ^ Burke, Edmund (1892). "East Africa". The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year. Annual Register, New Series. Vol. 133. Longmans, Green. pp. 397–399.
  30. ^ a b Vestal, Theodore M. (2005). "Reflections on the Battle of Adwa and its Significance for Today". In Paulos Milkias; Getachew Metaferia (eds.). The Battle of Adwa: Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory Against European Colonialism. Algora. pp. 21–35. ISBN 978-0-87586-414-3.
  31. ^ a b Eribo 2001, p. 55
  32. ^ Mirzeler, Mustafa Kemal (2005). "Reading "Ethiopia through Russian Eyes": Political and Racial Sentiments in the Travel Writings of Alexander Bulatovich, 1896–1898". History in Africa. 32: 281–294. doi:10.1353/hia.2005.0017. JSTOR 20065745. S2CID 52044875.
  33. ^ Prouty 1986, p. 143
  34. ^ Berkeley 1969
  35. ^ Marcus 1995, p. 160
  36. ^ "The Crown Council of Ethiopia".
  37. ^ "Russian mission to Abyssinia". 28 February 1895.
  38. ^ a b . St.Petersburg: through centuries. Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2010-10-05.
  39. ^ Prouty 1986, pp. 144–151
  40. ^ Marcus 1995, p. 167
  41. ^ . tvoros.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-07-16. Retrieved 3 October 2015.
  42. ^ von Uhlig, Encyclopaedia, p. 109.
  43. ^ Pankhurst 2001, pp. 191–192
  44. ^ Augustus B. Wylde, Modern Abyssinia (London: Methuen, 1901), p. 213
  45. ^ "Photo of some of the Eritrean Askaris mutilated".
  46. ^ Vandervort 1998, p. 164
  47. ^ Molvaer, Reidulf K. (2010). "The Seljan Brothers and the Expansionist Policies of Emperor Minïlik II of Ethiopia". International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. 5 (2): 79–90. JSTOR 41757592.
  48. ^ Stanton, Ramsamy & Seybolt 2012, p. 308
  • Berkeley, George (1969). Reprint (ed.). The campaign of Adowa and the rise of Menelik. Negro University Press. ISBN 978-1-56902-009-8.
  • Clodfelter, Micheal (2017). Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures, 1492–2015 (4th ed.). McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-7470-7.
  • Eribo, Festus (2001). In Search of Greatness: Russia's Communications with Africa and the World. Ablex Publishing. ISBN 978-1-56750-532-0.
  • Gardner, Hall (2015). The Failure to Prevent World War I: The Unexpected Armageddon. Ashgate. ISBN 978-1-4724-3058-8.
  • Jonas, Raymond (2011). The Battle of Adwa: African Victory in the Age of Empire. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-06279-5.
  • Marcus, Harold G. (1995). The Life and Times of Menelik II: Ethiopia 1844–1913. Red Sea Press. ISBN 978-1-56902-010-4.
  • Pankhurst, Richard (2001). The Ethiopians: A History. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-22493-8.
  • Patman, Robert G. (2009). The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa: The Diplomacy of Intervention and Disengagement. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-10251-3.
  • Perry, James M. (2005). Arrogant Armies: Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them. Castle Books. ISBN 978-0-7858-2023-9.
  • Prouty, Chris (1986). Empress Taytu and Menilek II: Ethiopia 1883–1910. Red Sea Press.
  • Stanton, Andrea L.; Ramsamy, Edward; Seybolt, Peter J. (2012). Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications. p. 308. ISBN 978-1-4129-8176-7.
  • Vandervort, Bruce (1998). Wars of Imperial Conquest in Africa, 1830–1914. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-33383-4.

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first, italo, ethiopian, this, article, about, first, italian, invasion, ethiopia, 1895, 1896, precedent, undeclared, between, italy, ethiopia, during, italian, conquest, eritrea, italo, ethiopian, 1887, 1889, second, italian, invasion, ethiopia, 1935, second,. This article is about the first Italian invasion of Ethiopia 1895 1896 For the precedent undeclared war between Italy and Ethiopia during the Italian conquest of Eritrea see Italo Ethiopian War of 1887 1889 For the second Italian invasion of Ethiopia 1935 37 see Second Italo Ethiopian War The First Italo Ethiopian War a was fought between Italy and Ethiopia from 1895 to 1896 It originated from the disputed Treaty of Wuchale which the Italians claimed turned Ethiopia into an Italian protectorate Full scale war broke out in 1895 with Italian troops from Italian Eritrea achieving initial successes against Tigrayan warlords at Coatit Senafe and Debra Aila until they were reinforced by a large Ethiopian army led by Emperor Menelik II 13 Italian defeat came about after the Battle of Adwa where the Ethiopian army supported by Russian and French equipment as well as by a unit of Russian advisers 14 dealt the heavily outnumbered Italian soldiers and Eritrean askaris a decisive blow and forced their retreat back into Eritrea The war concluded with the Treaty of Addis Ababa Because this was one of the first decisive victories by African forces over a European colonial power 15 this war became a preeminent symbol of pan Africanism and secured Ethiopia s sovereignty until the Second Italo Ethiopian War of 1935 36 16 First Italo Ethiopian WarPart of the Scramble for AfricaClockwise from top left Italian soldiers en route to Massawa castle of Yohannes IV at Mek ele 6 Ethiopian cavalry at the Battle of Adwa Italian prisoners are freed following the end of hostilities Menelik II at Adwa Ras Makonnen leading Ethiopian troops in the Battle of Amba AlagiDate13 January 1895 23 October 1896 1 year 10 months 1 week and 1 day LocationEritrea and EthiopiaResultEthiopian victory Treaty of Addis AbabaTerritorialchangesIndependence of Ethiopia confirmed border with Italian Eritrea delineatedBelligerents Italy Eritrea Ethiopia Supported by Russia 1 2 3 France 4 5 Commanders and leadersKing Umberto I Francesco Crispi Oreste Baratieri Vittorio Dabormida Giuseppe Arimondi Matteo Albertone POW Giuseppe Ellena WIA Giuseppe Galliano Pietro Toselli Menelik II Taytu BetulRas Makonnen Tekle Haymanot Mikael of Wollo Mengesha Yohannes Welle Betul Alula EngidaStrength20 000 7 25 000 8 9 196 000 8 100 000 with firearms rest with bows spears and swords nb 1 Casualties and losses14 660 killed nb 2 1 428 wounded 11 2 865 captured nb 3 7 000 10 000 killed 7 12 10 000 wounded 12 Contents 1 Background 1 1 Treaty of Wuchale 2 Prelude and beginning of the conflict 3 Battle of Adwa 4 Outcome and consequences 5 Gallery 6 See also 7 Notes 8 ReferencesBackground EditSee also Ethiopian Egyptian War Italo Ethiopian War of 1887 1889 and Italian Eritrea The Khedive of Egypt Isma il Pasha better known as Isma il the Magnificent had conquered Eritrea as part of his efforts to give Egypt an African empire 17 18 Isma il had tried to follow up that conquest with Ethiopia but the Egyptian attempts to conquer that realm ended in humiliating defeat in the Ethiopian Egyptian War After Egypt s bankruptcy in 1876 19 followed by the Ansar revolt under the leadership of the Mahdi in 1881 the Egyptian position in Eritrea was hopeless with the Egyptian forces cut off and unpaid for years By 1884 the Egyptians began to pull out of both Sudan and Eritrea 18 Egypt had been very much in the French sphere of influence until 1882 when the British occupied it A major goal of French foreign policy until 1904 was to diminish British influence in Egypt and restore it to its place in the French sphere of influence and in 1883 the French created the colony of French Somaliland which allowed for the establishment of a French naval base at Djibouti on the Red Sea 18 The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 had turned the Horn of Africa into a very strategic region as a navy based in the Horn could interdict any shipping going up and down the Red Sea By building naval bases on the Red Sea that could intercept British shipping the French hoped to reduce the value of the Suez Canal for the British and thus lever them out of Egypt A French historian in 1900 wrote The importance of Djibouti lies almost solely in the uniqueness of its geographic position which makes it a port of transit and natural entrepot for areas more infinitely more populated than its own territory the rich provinces of central Ethiopia 20 The British historian Harold Marcus noted that for the French Ethiopia represented the entrance to the Nile valley if she could obtain hegemony over Ethiopia her dream of a west to east French African empire would be closer to reality 20 In response Britain consistently supported Italian ambitions in the Horn of Africa as the best way of keeping the French out 20 On 3 June 1884 the Hewett Treaty was signed between Britain Egypt and Ethiopia that allowed the Ethiopians to occupy parts of Abyssinia and allowed Ethiopian goods to pass in and out of Massawa duty free 18 From the viewpoint of Britain it was highly undesirable that the French replace the Egyptians in Massawa as that would allow the French to have more naval bases on the Red Sea that could interfere with British shipping using the Suez Canal and as the British did not want the financial burden of ruling Massawa they looked for another power who would be interested in replacing the Egyptians 18 The Hewett treaty seemed to suggest that Massawa would fall into the Ethiopian sphere of influence as the Egyptians pulled out 18 After initially encouraging the Emperor Yohannes IV to move into Massawa to replace the Egyptians London decided to have the Italians move into Massawa 18 In his history of Ethiopia British historian Augustus Wylde wrote England made use of King John Emperor Yohannes as long as he was of any service and then threw him over to the tender mercies of Italy It is one of our worst bits of business out of the many we have been guilty of in Africa one of the vilest bites of treachery 18 After the French had unexpectedly made Tunis into their protectorate in 1881 outraging opinion in Italy over the so called Schiaffo di Tunisi the slap of Tunis Italian foreign policy had been extremely anti French and from the British viewpoint the best way of ensuring the Eritrean ports on the Red Sea stayed out of French hands was by allowing the staunchly anti French Italians move in In 1882 Italy had joined the Triple Alliance allying herself with Austria and Germany against France On 5 February 1885 Italian troops landed at Massawa to replace the Egyptians 18 The Italian government for its part was more than happy to embark upon an imperialist policy to distract its people from the failings in post Risorgimento Italy 18 In 1861 the unification of Italy was supposed to mark the beginning of a glorious new era in Italian life and many Italians were gravely disappointed to find that not much had changed in the new Kingdom of Italy with the vast majority of Italians still living in abject poverty To compensate a chauvinist mood was rampant among the upper classes in Italy with the newspaper Il Diritto writing in an editorial Italy must be ready The year 1885 will decide her fate as a great power It is necessary to feel the responsibility of the new era to become again strong men afraid of nothing with the sacred love of the fatherland of all Italy in our hearts 18 On the Ethiopian side the wars that Emperor Yohannes had waged first against the invading Egyptians in the 1870s and then more so against the Sudanese Mahdiyya state in the 1880s had been presented by him to his subjects as holy wars in defense of Orthodox Christianity against Islam reinforcing the Ethiopian belief that their country was an especially virtuous and holy land 21 The struggle against the Ansar from Sudan complicated Yohannes s relations with the Italians whom he sometimes asked to provide him with guns to fight the Ansar and other times he resisted the Italians and proposed a truce with the Ansar 21 On 18 January 1887 at a village named Saati an advancing Italian Army detachment defeated the Ethiopians in a skirmish but it ended with the numerically superior Ethiopians surrounding the Italians in Saati after they retreated in face of the enemy s numbers 22 Some 500 Italian soldiers under Colonel de Christoforis together with 50 Eritrean auxiliaries were sent to support the besieged garrison at Saati 22 At Dogali on his way to Saati de Christoforis was ambushed by an Ethiopian force under Ras Alula whose men armed with spears skillfully encircled the Italians who retreated to one hill and then to another higher hill 22 After the Italians ran out of ammunition Ras Alula ordered his men to charge and the Ethiopians swiftly overwhelmed the Italians in an action that featured bayonets against spears 22 The Battle of Dogali ended with the Italians losing 23 officers and 407 other ranks killed 22 As a result of the defeat at Dogali the Italians abandoned Saati and retreated back to the Red Sea coast 23 Italians newspapers called the battle a massacre and excoriated the Regio Esercito for not assigning de Chistoforis enough ammunition 23 Having at first encouraged Emperor Yohannes to move into Eritrea and then having encouraged the Italians to also do so London realised a war was brewing and decided to try to mediate largely out of the fear that the Italians might actually lose 18 The British consul in Zanzibar Gerald Portal was sent in 1887 to mediate between the Ethiopians and Italians before war broke out 18 Upon meeting the Emperor Yohannes on 4 December 1887 he presented him with gifts and a letter from Queen Victoria urging him to settle with the Italians 24 Portal reported What might have been possible in August or September was impossible in December when the whole of the immense available forces in the country were already under arms and that there now remains no hope of a satisfactory adjustment of the difficulties between Italy and Abyssinia Ethiopia until the question of the relative supremacy of these two nations has been decided by an appeal to the fortunes of war No one who has once seen the nature of the gorges ravines and mountain passes near the Abyssinian frontier can doubt for a moment that any advance by a civilised army in the face of the hostile Abyssinian hordes would be accomplished at the price of a fearful loss of life on both sides The Abyssinians are savage and untrustworthy but they are also redeemed by the possession of an unbounded courage by a disregard of death and by a national pride which leads them to look down on every human being who has not had the good fortune to be born an Abyssinian 24 Portal ended by writing that the Italians were making a mistake in preparing to go war against Ethiopia It is the old old story contempt of a gallant enemy because his skin happens to be chocolate or brown or black and because his men have not gone through orthodox courses of field firing battalion drill or autumn maneuvers 24 The defeat at Dogali made the Italians cautious for a moment but on 10 March 1889 Emperor Yohannes died after being wounded in battle against the Ansar and on his deathbed admitted that Ras Mengesha the supposed son of his brother was actually his own son and asked that he succeed him 23 The revelation that the emperor had slept with his brother s wife scandalised intensely Orthodox Ethiopia and instead the Negus Menelik was proclaimed emperor on 26 March 1889 23 Ras Mengesha one of the most powerful Ethiopian noblemen was unhappy about being by passed in the succession and for a time allied himself with the Italians against the Emperor Menelik 23 Under the feudal Ethiopian system there was no standing army and instead the nobility raised up armies on behalf of the Emperor In December 1889 the Italians advanced inland again and took the cities of Asmara and Keren and in January 1890 took Adowa 23 Treaty of Wuchale Edit Main article Treaty of Wuchale On 25 March 1889 the Shewa ruler Menelik II having conquered Tigray and Amhara declared himself Emperor of Ethiopia or Abyssinia as it was commonly called in Europe at the time Barely a month later on 2 May he signed the Treaty of Wuchale with the Italians which apparently gave them control over Eritrea the Red Sea coast to the northeast of Ethiopia in return for recognition of Menelik s rule Menelik II continued the policy of Tewodros II of integrating Ethiopia However the bilingual treaty did not say the same thing in Italian and Amharic the Italian version did not give the Ethiopians the significant autonomy written into the Amharic translation 25 The Italian text stated that Ethiopia must conduct its foreign affairs through Italy making it an Italian protectorate but the Amharic version merely stated that Ethiopia could contact foreign powers and conduct foreign affairs using the embassy of Italy Italian diplomats however claimed that the original Amharic text included the clause and Menelik knowingly signed a modified copy of the Treaty 26 In October 1889 the Italians informed all of the other European governments because of the Treaty of Wuchale that Ethiopia was now an Italian protectorate and therefore the other European nations could not conduct diplomatic relations with Ethiopia 27 With the exceptions of the Ottoman Empire which still maintained its claim to Eritrea and Russia which disliked the idea of an Orthodox nation being subjugated to a Roman Catholic nation all of the European powers accepted the Italian claim to a protectorate 27 The Italian claim that Menelik was aware of Article XVII turning his nation into an Italian protectorate seems unlikely given that the Emperor Menelik sent letters to Queen Victoria and Emperor Wilhelm II in late 1889 and was informed in the replies in early 1890 that neither Britain nor Germany could have diplomatic relations with Ethiopia on the account of Article XVII of the Treaty of Wuchale a revelation that came as a great shock to the Emperor 27 Victoria s letter was polite whereas Wilhelm s letter was somewhat more rude saying that King Umberto I was a great friend of Germany and Menelik s violation of the supposed Italian protectorate was a grave insult to Umberto adding that he never wanted to hear from Menelik again 27 Moreover Menelik did not know Italian and only signed the Amharic text of the treaty being assured that there were no differences between the Italian and Amharic texts before he signed 27 The differences between the Italian and Amharic texts were due to the Italian minister in Addis Ababa Count Pietro Antonelli who had been instructed by his government to gain as much territory as possible in negotiating with the Emperor Menelik However knowing Menelik was now enthroned as the King of Kings and had a strong position Antonelli was in the unenviable situation of negotiating a treaty that his own government might disallow Therefore he inserted the statement making Ethiopia give up its right to conduct its foreign affairs to Italy as a way of pleasing his superiors who might otherwise have fired him for only making small territorial gains 27 Antonelli was fluent in Amharic and given that Menelik only signed the Amharic text he could not have been unaware that the Amharic version of Article XVII only stated that the King of Italy places the services of his diplomats at the disposal of the Emperor of Ethiopia to represent him abroad if he so wished 27 When his subterfuge was exposed in 1890 with Menelik indignantly saying he would never sign away his country s independence to anybody Antonelli who left Addis Ababa in mid 1890 resorted to racism telling his superiors in Rome that as Menelik was a black man he was thus intrinsically dishonest and it was only natural the Emperor would lie about the protectorate he supposedly willingly turned his nation into 27 Francesco Crispi the Italian Prime Minister was an ultra imperialist who believed the newly unified Italian state required the grandeur of a second Roman empire 23 Crispi believed that the Horn of Africa was the best place for the Italians to start building the new Roman empire 23 The American journalist James Perry wrote that Crispi was a fool a bigot and a very dangerous man 23 Because of the Ethiopian refusal to abide by the Italian version of the treaty and despite economic handicaps at home the Italian government decided on a military solution to force Ethiopia to abide by the Italian version of the treaty In doing so they believed that they could exploit divisions within Ethiopia and rely on tactical and technological superiority to offset any inferiority in numbers The efforts of Emperor Menelik viewed as pro French by London to unify Ethiopia and thus bring the source of the Blue Nile under his control was perceived in Whitehall as a threat to their influence in Egypt 20 As Menelik became increasingly successful in unifying Ethiopia the British government courted the Italians to counter Ethiopian expansion 20 There was a broader European background as well the Triple Alliance of Germany Austria Hungary and Italy was under some stress with Italy being courted by the British government Two secret Anglo Italian protocols were signed in 1891 leaving most of Ethiopia in Italy s sphere of influence 28 France one of the members of the opposing Franco Russian Alliance had its own claims on Eritrea and was bargaining with Italy over giving up those claims in exchange for a more secure position in Tunisia Meanwhile Russia was supplying weapons and other aid to Ethiopia 25 It had been trying to gain a foothold in Ethiopia 29 and in 1894 after denouncing the Treaty of Wuchale in July it received an Ethiopian mission in St Petersburg and sent arms and ammunition to Ethiopia 30 This support continued after the war ended 31 The Russian travel writer Alexander Bulatovich who went to Ethiopia to serve as a Red Cross volunteer with the Emperor Menelik made a point of emphasizing in his books that the Ethiopians converted to Christianity before any of the Europeans ever did described the Ethiopians as a deeply religious people like the Russians and argued the Ethiopians did not have the low cultural level of the other African peoples making them equal to the Europeans 32 Prelude and beginning of the conflict Edit Emperor Menelik II Oreste Baratieri In 1893 judging that his power over Ethiopia was secure Menelik repudiated the treaty in response the Italians ramped up the pressure on his domain in a variety of ways including the annexation of small territories bordering their original claim under the Treaty of Wuchale and finally culminating with a military campaign and across the Mareb River into Tigray on the border with Eritrea in December 1894 The Italians expected disaffected potentates like Negus Tekle Haymanot of Gojjam Ras Mengesha Yohannes and the Sultan of Aussa to join them instead all of the ethnic Tigrayan or Amharic peoples flocked to the Emperor Menelik s side in a display of both nationalism and anti Italian feeling while other peoples of dubious loyalty e g the Sultan of Aussa were watched by Imperial garrisons 33 In June 1894 Ras Mengesha and his generals had appeared in Addis Ababa carrying large stones which they dropped before the Emperor Menelik a gesture that is a symbol of submission in Ethiopian culture 23 In Ethiopia the popular saying at the time was Of a black snake s bite you may be cured but from the bite of a white snake you will never recover 23 There was an overwhelming national unity in Ethiopia as various feuding noblemen rallied behind the emperor who insisted that Ethiopia unlike the other African nations would retain its freedom and not be subjugated by Italy 23 The ethnic rivalries between the Tigrians and the Amhara that the Italians were counting upon did not prove to be a factor as Menelik pointed out that the Italians held all ethnic Africans regardless of their individual ethnic backgrounds in contempt noting the segregation policies in Eritrea applied to all ethnic Africans 23 Further Menelik had spent much of the previous four years building up a supply of modern weapons and ammunition acquired from the French British and the Italians themselves as the European colonial powers sought to keep each other s North African aspirations in check They also used the Ethiopians as a proxy army against the Sudanese Mahdists In December 1894 Bahta Hagos led a rebellion against the Italians in Akkele Guzay claiming support of Mengesha Units of General Oreste Baratieri s army under Major Pietro Toselli crushed the rebellion and killed Bahta at the Battle of Halai The Italian army then occupied the Tigrian capital Adwa Baratieri suspected that Mengesha would invade Eritrea and met him at the Battle of Coatit in January 1895 The victorious Italians chased the retreating Mengesha capturing weapons and important documents proving his complicity with Menelik The victory in this campaign along with previous victories against the Sudanese Mahdists led the Italians to underestimate the difficulties to overcome in a campaign against Menelik 34 At this point Emperor Menelik turned to France offering a treaty of alliance the French response was to abandon the Emperor in order to secure Italian approval of the Treaty of Bardo which would secure French control of Tunisia Virtually alone on 17 September 1895 Emperor Menelik issued a proclamation calling up the men of Shewa to join his army at Were Ilu 35 As the Italians were poised to enter Ethiopian territory the Ethiopians mobilised en masse all over the country 36 Helping it was the newly updated imperial fiscal and taxation system As a result a hastily mobilised army of 196 000 men gathered from all parts of Abyssinia more than half of whom were armed with modern rifles rallied at Addis Ababa in support of the Emperor and defence of their country 8 The only European ally of Ethiopia was Russia 3 30 31 The Ethiopian emperor sent his first diplomatic mission to St Petersburg in 1895 In June 1895 the newspapers in St Petersburg wrote Along with the expedition Menelik II sent his diplomatic mission to Russia including his princes and his bishop Many citizens of the capital came to meet the train that brought Prince Damto General Genemier Prince Belyakio Bishop of Harer Gabraux Xavier and other members of the delegation to St Petersburg On the eve of war an agreement providing military help for Ethiopia was concluded 37 38 The next clash came at Amba Alagi on 7 December 1895 when Ethiopian soldiers overran the Italian positions dug in on the natural fortress and forced the Italians to retreat back to Eritrea citation needed The remaining Italian troops under General Giuseppe Arimondi reached the unfinished Italian fort at Mekele Arimondi left there a small garrison of approximately 1 150 Askaris and 200 Italians commanded by Major Giuseppe Galliano and took the bulk of his troops to Adigrat where Oreste Baratieri the Italian Commander was concentrating the Italian Army The first Ethiopian troops reached Mekele in the following days Ras Makonnen surrounded the fort at Mekele on 18 December but the Italian Commander adroitly used promises of a negotiated surrender to prevent the Ras from attacking the fort By the first days of January Emperor Menelik accompanied by his Queen Taytu Betul had led large forces into Tigray and besieged the Italians for sixteen days 6 21 January 1896 making several unsuccessful attempts to carry the fort by storm until the Italians surrendered with permission from the Italian Headquarters citation needed Menelik allowed them to leave Mekele with their weapons and even provided the defeated Italians mules and pack animals to rejoin Baratieri 39 While some historians read this generous act as a sign that Emperor Menelik still hoped for a peaceful resolution to the war Harold Marcus points out that this escort allowed him a tactical advantage Menelik craftily managed to establish himself in Hawzien at Gendepata near Adwa where the mountain passes were not guarded by Italian fortifications 40 Heavily outnumbered Baratieri refused to engage knowing that due to their lack of infrastructure the Ethiopians could not keep large numbers of troops in the field much longer However Baratieri also never knew the true numerical strength of the Ethiopian army he faced so he further fortified his positions in the Tigray instead of advancing But the Italian government of Francesco Crispi was unable to accept being stymied by non Europeans The prime minister specifically ordered Baratieri to advance deep into enemy territory and bring about a battle Battle of Adwa EditMain article Battle of Adwa Painting depicting of the Battle of Adwa The decisive battle of the war was the Battle of Adwa on March 1 1896 which took place in the mountainous country north of the actual town of Adwa or Adowa The Italian army comprised four brigades totaling approximately 17 700 men with fifty six artillery pieces the Ethiopian army comprised several brigades numbering between 73 000 and 120 000 men 80 100 000 with firearms according to Richard Pankhurst the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100 000 rifles of which about half were quick firing 10 with almost fifty artillery pieces Ethiopian soldiers at the Battle of Adwa General Baratieri planned to surprise the larger Ethiopian force with an early morning attack expecting his enemy to be asleep However the Ethiopians had risen early for Church services and upon learning of the Italian advance promptly attacked The Italian forces were hit by wave after wave of attacks until Menelik released his reserve of 25 000 men destroying an Italian brigade Another brigade was cut off and destroyed by a cavalry charge The last two brigades were destroyed piecemeal By noon the Italian survivors were in full retreat While Menelik s victory was in a large part due to the sheer force of numbers his troops were well armed because of his careful preparations The Ethiopian army only had a feudal system of organisation but proved capable of properly executing the strategic plan drawn up in Menelik s headquarters However the Ethiopian army also had its problems The first was the quality of its arms as the Italian colonial authorities in Eritrea prevented the transportation of 30 000 60 000 modern Mosin Nagant rifles and Berdan rifles from Russia into landlocked Ethiopia citation needed The rest of the Ethiopian army was equipped with swords and spears Secondly the Ethiopian army s feudal organisation meant that nearly the entire force was composed of peasant militia Russian military experts advising Menelik II suggested a full contact battle with Italians to neutralise the Italian fire superiority instead of engaging in a campaign of harassment designed to nullify problems with arms training and organisation 38 41 Some Russian councillors of Menelik II and a team of fifty Russian volunteers participated in the battle among them Nikolay Leontiev an officer of the Kuban Cossack army 1 Russian support for Ethiopia also led to a Russian Red Cross mission which arrived in Addis Ababa some three months after Menelik s Adwa victory 2 Italian prisoners of war waiting for repatriation The Italians suffered over 5 000 killed and 1 400 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea with almost 2 000 taken prisoner Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 3 000 killed and 6 000 wounded 42 43 In addition 2 000 Eritrean Askaris were killed or captured Italian prisoners were treated as well as possible under difficult circumstances but 800 captured Askaris regarded as traitors by the Ethiopians had their right hands and left feet amputated 44 45 Menelik knowing that the war was very unpopular in Italy with the Italian Socialists in particular condemning the policy of the Crispi government chose to be a magnanimous victor making it clear that he saw a difference between the Italian people and Crispi 20 Outcome and consequences EditMain article Treaty of Addis Ababa Menelik retired in good order to his capital Addis Ababa and waited for the fallout of the victory to hit Italy Riots broke out in several Italian cities and within two weeks the Crispi government collapsed amidst Italian disenchantment with foreign adventures 46 Menelik secured the Treaty of Addis Ababa in October which delineated the borders of Eritrea and forced Italy to recognise the independence of Ethiopia Delegations from the United Kingdom and France whose colonial possessions lay next to Ethiopia soon arrived in the Ethiopian capital to negotiate their own treaties with this newly proven power Owing to Russia s diplomatic support of her fellow Orthodox nation Russia s prestige greatly increased in Ethiopia The adventuresome Seljan brothers Mirko and Stjepan who were actually Catholic Croats were warmly welcomed when they arrived in Ethiopia in 1899 when they misinformed their hosts by saying they were Russians 47 As France supported Ethiopia with weapons French influence increased markedly 20 Prince Henri of Orleans the French traveller wrote France gave rifles to this country and taking the hand of its Emperor like an elder sister has explained to him the old motto which has guided her across the centuries of greatness and glory Honor and Country 20 In December 1896 a French diplomatic mission in Addis Ababa arrived and on 20 March 1897 signed a treaty that was described as veritable traite d alliance 20 In turn the increase in French influence in Ethiopia led to fears in London that the French would gain control of the Blue Nile and would be able to lever the British out of Egypt 20 To keep control of the Nile in Egypt the British government decided in March 1896 to advance down the Nile from Egypt into the Sudan to conquer the Mahdiyya state 20 On 12 March 1896 upon hearing of the Italian defeat at the Battle of Adwa the British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury gave instructions for the British forces in Egypt to occupy the Sudan before the French could conquer the Mahdiyya state stating that no hostile power could be allowed to control the Nile 20 In 1935 Italy launched a second invasion which ended in 1937 with an Italian victory and the annexation of Ethiopia to Italian East Africa Ethiopia became an Italian colony until the Italians were driven out in 1941 by the British Empire with assistance from Ethiopian arbegnoch guerillas 48 Gallery Edit Russian military officer Nikolay Leontiev with a member of the Ethiopian military Battle of Adwa An Ethiopian painting commemorating the Battle of Adwa Two Italian soldiers captured and held captive after the Battle of Adwa See also EditEthiopia Italy relations Italo Ethiopian War of 1887 1889 Second Italo Ethiopian War Italian Empire Military history of Ethiopia Military history of ItalyNotes Edit According to Richard Pankhurst the Ethiopians were armed with approximately 100 000 rifles of which about half were fast firing 10 Paulos Milkias estimated 7 560 Italians of all rank plus 7 100 Eritrean askari for a total of 14 660 killed in battle and in retreat 11 1 865 were Italians and 1 000 were Eritrean askari The Eritreans were regarded as traitors by the Ethiopians Based on the Fetha Negest The Law of Kings the traditional Ethiopian code 806 of them had their right hands and left foot cut off 11 also referred to as the First Italo Abyssinian War Italian Guerra d Abissinia lit Abyssinian WarReferences Edit a b The activities of the officer the Kuban Cossack army N S Leontjev in the Italian Ethiopic war in 1895 1896 Archived from the original on 2014 10 28 Retrieved 2011 06 29 a b Richard Pankhurst Ethiopia s Historic Quest for Medicine 6 The Pankhurst History Library Archived from the original on 2011 10 03 a b Patman 2009 pp 27 30 Soviet Appeasement Collective Security and the Italo Ethiopian war of 1935 and 1936 libcom org Thomas Wilson Edward 1974 Russia and Black Africa Before 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and Armed Conflicts A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures 1492 2015 4th ed Jefferson North Carolina McFarland p 203 ISBN 978 0786474707 5 Fascinating Battles of the African Colonial Era Encyclopaedia Britannica Retrieved 14 June 2020 Professor Kinfe Abraham The Impact of the Adowa Victory on The Pan African and Pan Black Anti Colonial Struggle Address delivered to The Institute of Ethiopian Studies Addis Ababa University 8 February 2006 Marsot Afaf 1975 The Porte and Ismail Pasha s Quest for Autonomy Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 12 1975 89 96 doi 10 2307 40000011 JSTOR 40000011 Retrieved 23 December 2020 a b c d e f g h i j k l m Perry 2005 p 196 Atkins Richard 1974 The Origins of the Anglo French Condominium in Egypt 1875 1876 The Historian 36 2 264 282 doi 10 1111 j 1540 6563 1974 tb00005 x JSTOR 24443685 Retrieved 23 December 2020 a b c d e f g h i j k l Marcus Harold G 1963 A Background to Direct British Diplomatic Involvement in Ethiopia 1894 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Today In Paulos Milkias Getachew Metaferia eds The Battle of Adwa Reflections on Ethiopia s Historic Victory Against European Colonialism Algora pp 21 35 ISBN 978 0 87586 414 3 a b Eribo 2001 p 55 Mirzeler Mustafa Kemal 2005 Reading Ethiopia through Russian Eyes Political and Racial Sentiments in the Travel Writings of Alexander Bulatovich 1896 1898 History in Africa 32 281 294 doi 10 1353 hia 2005 0017 JSTOR 20065745 S2CID 52044875 Prouty 1986 p 143 Berkeley 1969 Marcus 1995 p 160 The Crown Council of Ethiopia Russian mission to Abyssinia 28 February 1895 a b Who Was Count Abai St Petersburg through centuries Archived from the original on 2011 07 16 Retrieved 2010 10 05 Prouty 1986 pp 144 151 Marcus 1995 p 167 Cossacks of the emperor Menelik II tvoros ru Archived from the original on 2015 07 16 Retrieved 3 October 2015 von Uhlig Encyclopaedia p 109 Pankhurst 2001 pp 191 192 Augustus B Wylde Modern Abyssinia London Methuen 1901 p 213 Photo of some of the Eritrean Askaris mutilated 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978 1 56902 010 4 Pankhurst Richard 2001 The Ethiopians A History Wiley Blackwell ISBN 978 0 631 22493 8 Patman Robert G 2009 The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa The Diplomacy of Intervention and Disengagement Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 10251 3 Perry James M 2005 Arrogant Armies Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them Castle Books ISBN 978 0 7858 2023 9 Prouty Chris 1986 Empress Taytu and Menilek II Ethiopia 1883 1910 Red Sea Press Stanton Andrea L Ramsamy Edward Seybolt Peter J 2012 Cultural Sociology of the Middle East Asia and Africa An Encyclopedia SAGE Publications p 308 ISBN 978 1 4129 8176 7 Vandervort Bruce 1998 Wars of Imperial Conquest in Africa 1830 1914 Indiana University Press ISBN 978 0 253 33383 4 Media related to First Italo Ethiopian War at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title First Italo Ethiopian War amp oldid 1153160117, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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