
List of academic ranks

Academic rank (also scientific rank) is the rank of a scientist or teacher in a college, high school, university or research establishment. The academic ranks indicate relative importance and power of individuals in academia.

The academic ranks are specific for each country, there is no worldwide-unified ranking system. Among the common ranks are professor, associate professor (docent), assistant professor and instructor.[1]

In most cases, the academic rank is automatically attached to a person at the time of employment in a position with the same name, and deprived when a working relation is expired. Therefore the term "academic rank" usually means the same as "position in academia".

However in some countries the terms "position" and "academic rank" are not synonyms. So in modern Russia there exist the docent and professor ranks, whereas the set of positions in academia is broader. The academic rank is conferred only after the person has been successfully working in the docent or professor position for a certain period (and later underwent a centralized control procedure), i.e. not at enrollment, and is kept for life.[2]

The list of academic ranks below identifies the hierarchical ranking structure found amongst scholars and personnel in academia. The lists below refer specifically to colleges and universities throughout the world, although other institutions of higher learning may follow a similar schema.

Afghanistan edit

Ranks in universities of Afghanistan are listed below according to the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) of Afghanistan. These ranks are issued stepwise by the MoHE after some procedures, a period of service and conditions.[3]

  • Teaching Assistant (in Pashto پوهنیار)
  • Senior Teaching Assistant (in Pashto پوهنمل)
  • Assistant Professor (in Pashto پوهندوی)
  • Associate professor (in Pashto پوهنوال)
  • Professor (in Pashto پوهاند)[1]

Honorary degree:

  • Distinguished Professor (in Pashto لوی پوهاند)

Term of address in general: ostād or استاد

Albania edit

Ranks in universities of Albania are listed below according to the Ministry of Education (Albania). These ranks are issued stepwise by the MoHE after some procedures, a period of service and conditions.

  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Lecturer with Dr. or PhD degree
  • Associate Professor
  • Professor

Algeria edit

Academic ranks

  • Professeur / Professeur hospitalo-universitaire (أستاذ / أستاذ إستشفائي-جامعي ), equivalent to Professor
  • Maître de Conférences, classe A / Maître de Conférences hospitalo-universitaire, classe A (أستاذ محاضر قسم أ/أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي-جامعي قسم أ), equivalent to Associate Professor(Level A)
  • Maître de Conférences, classe B / Maître de Conférences hospitalo-universitaire, classe B (أستاذ محاضر قسم أ/أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي-جامعي قسم ب), equivalent to Associate Professor (Level B)
  • Maître Assistant, classe A / Maître Assistant hospitalo-universitaire, classe A (أستاذ مساعد قسم أ/أستاذ مساعد إستشفائي-جامعي قسم أ), equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor (Level A)
  • Maître Assistant, classe B (أستاذ مساعد قسم ب), equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor (Level B)


  • Directeur de recherche
  • Maître de Recherche, classe A
  • Maître de Recherche, classe B
  • Chargé de Recherche
  • Attaché de Recherche

Administrative ranks

  • Rector
  • Vice-Rector
  • Dean
  • Vice-Dean
  • Head of department

Argentina edit

Tenured positions:[4]

  • Profesor Titular Ordinario, or Profesor Titular Regular. A tenured, full professor position.
  • Profesor Asociado Ordinario, or Profesor Asociado Regular. A tenured, associate professor position.
  • Profesor Adjunto Ordinario, or Profesor Adjunto Regular. A tenured, adjunct professor position.

Australia edit

  • Distinguished Professor, Emeritus Professor, and other professorships with highest honour and contributions to knowledge and society.
  • Level E – Professor, or Professorial or Senior Principal Research Fellow; equivalent to Distinguished/Endowed Professor (US) or Professor (UK).
  • Level D – Associate Professor, or Principal Research Fellow if research intensive; equivalent to Reader/Associate Professor at a UK university.
  • Level C – Senior Lecturer, or Senior Research Fellow if research intensive; equivalent to Senior/Principal Lecturer at a UK university.
  • Level B – Lecturer, or Research Fellow if research intensive; Level B is the first tenured academic rank, normally requires at minimum, completion of a PhD.
  • Level A - Associate Lecturer, or Associate Fellow if research intensive.

There are often multiple bands or steps for each Level (e.g. Level B - 6 steps, Level C - 6 steps, Level D - 4 steps). For example, an academic who earns the title of Level D has progressed through 12 bands/steps of previous academic service or the equivalent in accumulated academic achievements. There is only one step for Level E. An academic cannot automatically progress from Level B, Step 6, to Level C, Step 1, without a formal application for promotion, which is typically a peer reviewed process.

Bangladesh edit

Teachers are categorized in four main classes in Bangladesh at the university level. The ascending ranks of teachers are Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. University lecturers are normally required to hold a Master's degree. After obtaining a PhD, the appointment starts with assistant professor, then gradually associate professor and professor depending on research/teaching experience. Beside these, the title of emeritus is given to extraordinary professors after their retirement.

Belarus edit

Academic ranks

  • Prafiesar / Прафесар (Full professor)
  • Dacent / Дацэнт (Associate professor)
  • Starejšy vykladčyk / Старэйшы выкладчык (Senior lecturer)
  • Asistent / Vykladčyk / Асістэнт / Выкладчык (Assistant professor / Lecturer)

Researchers by seniority levels

  • Haloŭny navukovy supracoŭnik / Галоўны навуковы супрацоўнік (Chief Researcher)
  • Viadučy navukovy supracoŭnik / Вядучы навуковы супрацоўнік (Leading Researcher)
  • Starejšy navukovy supracoŭnik / Старэйшы навуковы супрацоўнік (Senior Researcher)
  • Navukovy supracoŭnik / Навуковы супрацоўнік (Researcher)
  • Malodšy navukovy supracoŭnik / Малодшы навуковы супрацоўнік (Junior Researcher)

Administrative ranks

  • Rektar / Рэктар, rector
  • Prarektar / Прарэктар, vice-rector
  • Dekan fakultetа / Дэкан факультэта, dean of the faculty
  • Namiesnik dekana / Намеснік дэкана, vice-dean
  • Zahadčyk kafiedry / Загадчык кафедры, head of department

Belgium edit

Dutch speaking community
  • Gewoon hoogleraar (full professor, full-time) (professor ordinarius)
  • Deeltijds gewoon hoogleraar - buitengewoon hoogleraar (full professor, part-time) (previously: professor extraordinarius)
  • Hoogleraar (professor, reader)
  • Hoofddocent II (associate professor, principal lecturer)
  • Hoofddocent I (associate professor, senior lecturer)
  • Docent (assistant professor, lecturer)
  • Doctor-assistent (researcher, must have a PhD)
  • Assistent (research assistant, can be enrolled in a PhD or be in the postdoc phase)
  • Aspirant (research fellow, enrolled in a PhD degree, appointed by the Fund for Scientific Research FWO)

Administrative ranks:

  • Rector
  • Vice-Rector
  • Decaan (dean, i.e. head of a faculty)
French speaking community
  • Professeur ordinaire (full professor)
  • Professeur extraordinaire (visiting professor in Switzerland, part-time professor in Belgium)
  • Professeur (professor)
  • Chargé de cours définitif (associate professor, tenured)
  • Chargé de cours temporaire (associate professor, tenure-track)
  • Chargé de cours invité (visiting assistant professor, non-tenured)
  • Directeur de recherche (research director / senior research associate, appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS)
  • Chef de travaux agrégé (senior researcher, with Ph.D. and previously with teaching aggregation)
  • Maître de recherche (senior researcher / senior research associate, with Ph.D., appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS, tenured)
  • Chef de travaux (senior researcher, with Ph.D.)
  • Chercheur qualifié (senior researcher / research associate, with Ph.D., appointed by federal research council FNRS, tenured)
  • Premier assistant (senior research assistant / junior lecturer, with Ph.D.)
  • Maître d'enseignement (volunteer lecturer, unpaid, non-tenured)
  • Maître de conférences (lecturer, without Ph.D., paid by the hour, non-tenured)
  • Chargé de recherche (appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS)
  • Assistant [de recherche] (research assistant)
  • Aspirant (research fellow, enrolled in a Ph.D. degree, appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F.R.S.-FNRS)

Administrative ranks:

  • Recteur (president of university)
  • Vice-Recteur
  • Doyen (dean, i.e. head of a faculty, elected)
  • Président d'institut (director of research institute, elected)
  • Vice-Doyen (vice-dean, i.e. head of studies in a faculty)
  • Président de département (department head, elected)

Bosnia and Herzegovina edit

  • Profesor – full professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of seven years as a Vanredni profesor)
  • Vanredni profesor – associate professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of five years as a Docent)
  • Docent – assistant professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate Degree. Relevant working experience could be required as well)
  • Viši Asistent – senior teaching assistant (Must hold at least Masters Degree with excellent grades. Relevant working experience could be required as well)
  • Asistent – teaching assistant (Must hold Undergraduate Degree with excellent grades. Relevant working experience could be required as well)

Administrative ranks

  • Rektor – rector / chancellor / president / head of university
  • Prorektor – prorector / vice-chancellor / vice president / assistant head of university
  • Dekan – dean / head of faculty or school at the university
  • Prodekan – vice-dean / assistant head of faculty or school at the university
  • Šef katedre – head of department

Honorary ranks

  • Profesor emeritus – professor emeritus

Brazil edit

There is no official academic ranking in Brazilian private universities. However, most of the public Federal Universities apply the following (from the highest position to the lowest one):

  • Professor Emérito (professor emeritus)
  • Professor Titular (full professor) – PhD required
  • Professor Associado (associate professor) – PhD required
  • Professor Adjunto (assistant professor) – PhD required
  • Professor Assistente (lecturer) – only a master's degree is required
  • Professor Auxiliar (assistant lecturer) – no post-graduation degree is required
  • Professor Substituto ou Temporário (temporary lecturer)

Bulgaria edit

  • Professor/Full Professor – Професор
  • Docent/Associate Professor – Доцент
  • Chief/Senior Assistant Professor – Главен Асистент
  • Assistant Professor – Асистент
  • Assistant Professor – Асистент
  • Chief/Senior Assistant Professor – Главен Асистент
  • Docent/Associate Professor – Доцент
  • Professor/Full Professor – Професор
Academy of Sciences
  • Scientist III: after Master thesis or Diploma, equal to Assistant
  • Scientist II: after Doctoral thesis/PhD/Dissertation, after Dr. Grade (3–5 or 7 years work after Master), equal Chef Assistant, *Associate or Post Doc
  • Scientist I: After second Post Doc (1 or 2 years work after PhD/Dr), equal Senior Assistant or Senior Associate.
  • Senior Scientist I: after PhD (US, UK....) or Doctoral dissertation/thesis (France, Germany, Russia...) and some years of *Post-Doc, equal of Assoc. Prof.
  • Senior Scientist II: after Habilitation, equal to Professor
  • Full Professor
Higher administration of the academy of sciences
  • Member of correspondence for the Academy of Science (after professor/habilitation), very rare
  • Academic: after member of correspondence (for the entire of Bulgaria).
Administrative ranks
  • Rector
  • Vice-rectors
  • Assistant rector
  • Secretary general
  • Academic ombudsman

Canada edit

Faculty (teaching staff)

  • Professor emeritus or university professor emeritus, a retired professor still active in research; Fr professeur émérite
  • Endowed chair professor (e.g. Canada Research Chair professor - Tier 1), a distinguished full professor with endowment
  • Professor or full professor (research professor, professor of practice, visiting professor, adjunct professor, professor emeritus; Fr professeur titulaire)
  • Associate professor (research associate professor, visiting associate professor, adjunct associate professor; Fr professeur agrégé)
  • Senior Lecturer (teaching professor)
  • Assistant professor (research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor; Fr professeur adjoint)
  • Lecturer or instructor (sessional lecturer or sessional instructor; Fr chargé de cours)

Assistant professor is the entry-level rank for non-tenured members of faculty.

Non-faculty teaching and research personnel

Administrative ranks

  • Dean (often also full professors)
  • Associate dean (often also full professors)
  • Directors of administrative departments
  • Associate/assistant directors of administrative departments
  • Chairmen of academic departments (usually full professors)
  • Graduate Coordinators
  • Undergraduate Coordinators

China edit

  • Senior ranks
    • Academic track: Professor (教授)
    • Research track: Researcher (研究员)
  • Vice-Senior ranks
    • Academic track: Associate Professor (副教授)
    • Research track: Associate Researcher (副研究员)
  • Medium ranks
    • Academic track: Assistant Professor (助理教授)or Lecturer (讲师)
    • Research track: Assistant Researcher (助理研究员)
  • Junior ranks
    • Academic track: Assistant Lecturer (助教)
    • Research track: Intern-Researcher (实习研究员)

Colombia edit

Costa Rica edit

  • Emeritus or Distinguished professor (Profesor Emérito)
  • Professor (Profesor Catedrático)
  • Associate professor (Profesor Asociado)
  • Adjunct professor (Profesor Adjunto)
  • Instructor professor (Profesor Instructor)
  • Visiting professor (Profesor Visitante)

The list above presents the ranks used by University of Costa Rica for their academic regime. However, there are no formal or legal academic ranks in Costa Rica. Each university decides their own names. For example in University of Costa Rica the highest rank is 'Profesor Catedrático' and it requires no more than a 5 year "licencitatura" degree and 15 years of teaching/researching and 16 publications (https://www.ucr.ac.cr/docencia/personal-docente.html). Most other universities have no similar framework and the title Professor is used unregulated by anyone.

Croatia edit

  • Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju equivalent to distinguished professor (prof. dr. sc. Name Surname)
  • Redoviti profesor equivalent to full professor (prof. dr. sc. Name Surname)
  • Izvanredni profesor equivalent to associate professor (izv. prof. dr. sc. Name Surname)
  • Docent equivalent to assistant professor (doc. dr. sc. Name Surname)
  • Viši asistent equivalent to postdoctoral fellow/researcher (dr. sc. Name Surname)
  • Asistent equivalent to teaching/research assistant, usually a doctoral student
  • Viši predavač equivalent to senior lecturer
  • Predavač equivalent to lecturer

Honorary academic rank

  • Professor emeritus – awarded to some professors in retirement

Administrative ranks

  • Rektor equivalent to rector, head of university (in US equivalent to president of university)
  • Prorektor equivalent to prorector, assistant to head of university (in US equivalent to vice-president of university)
  • Dekan equivalent to dean, head of faculty or school in university
  • Prodekan equivalent to vice-dean, assistant to dean
  • Pročelnik odsjeka equivalent to department chairman
  • Predstojnik zavoda/katedre equivalent to head of department

Cuba edit


  • Professor (Profesor Titular)(full/part-time, PhD required)
  • Associate Professor (Profesor Auxiliar)(full/part-time, PhD mostly required)
  • Assistant Professor (Profesor Asistente)(full/part-time)
  • Lecturer (Instructor)(full/part-time)

Cyprus edit

Tenure-track faculty positions

  • Professor
  • Associate professor
  • Assistant professor
  • Lecturer

Non-tenure track positions

  • Special teaching personnel
  • Special scientists

Czech Republic edit

Denmark edit

Egypt edit

Teachers are categorized in five main classes in Egypt at university level. The ascending rank of teacher is Demonstrator, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor. The initial position Demonstrator is generally enrolled as the top student of the class. Master's degree is required for university level Assistant Lecturer. After PhD, the appointment starts with Lecturer, then gradually Associate Professor and Professor depending on research/teaching experience. Beside these, professor of Emeritus is given to extraordinary professor after their retirement.

  • OSTADH MOTAFAREGH (أستاذ متفرغ), equivalent to Professor Emeritus
  • OSTADH (أستاذ) (the "DH" pronounced like the "TH" in the word "THE"), equivalent to Professor (usually after minimum of five years serving as OSTATH MOSAED as well as publishing certain number of research papers)
  • OSTADH (the "DH" pronounced like the "TH" in the word "THE") MOSAED (أستاذ مساعد), equivalent to Associate Professor
  • MODARRES (مدرس), equivalent to Assistant Professor (must have a PhD degree)
  • MODARRES MOSA'ED (مدرس مساعد), Lecturer (must have a master's degree)
  • MOA'ED (معيد), or Teaching Assistant- also called demonstrator- (must have a bachelor's degree; usually graduated top of the class)

Estonia edit

  • Emeriitprofessor (Professor emeritus)
  • Professor
  • Kaasprofessor (Associate professor)
  • Lektor (Lecturer)
  • Õpetaja (Teacher)

Finland edit

In Finland, there is less distinction between graduates and undergraduates: university students may be employed as research assistants (tutkimusapulainen) before they graduate with a master's degree. A person pursuing a doctoral degree must already hold a Master's degree, and is typically employed by the university, or enjoys a similar grant, and will be called väitöskirjatutkija (doctoral researcher), nuorempi tutkija (early career researcher), or tohtorikoulutettava (doctoral student).[5] Besides post-doctoral researchers (tutkijatohtori) and senior teaching assistants (yliassistentti), there are several mid-level non-professorial positions, such as teaching researcher (opettava tutkija). Senior teachers and researchers may be employed as, e.g., erikoistutkija (special researcher) or yliopistotutkija (senior research fellow). Docent (dosentti) is a non-professorial rank and title (for life) awarded to academics qualified as a principal investigator and for supervision of doctoral students; however, they do not belong to the professor corps and may be employed elsewhere. Professors (professori) are understood as research group leaders and managers, and traditionally there is no direct equivalent of an assistant/associate/full professor career path, although Aalto University is introducing these. Qualifications for a professor's position are earned as a docent or in other mid-career positions. In management, professors serve as department heads (laitosjohtaja or osastonjohtaja) and deans (head of the faculty, dekaani). The leader of a university is called a rector (rehtori), assisted by multiple vice-rectors (vararehtori). Vice-rectors may retain their professor positions or work full-time as a vice-rector. Some universities have an even more senior officer called Chancellor (kansleri), who is more concerned with outreach and public relations than daily management.

France edit

Faculty Research only Teaching only Part-time
Permanent positions Professeur des universités Directeur de recherche Professeur des universités associé
Maître de conférences Chargé de recherche Professeur agrégé or
Professeur certifié
Maître de conférences associé
Temporary positions Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherches (ATER) Post-doctorant Chargé d'enseignement
Doctorant contractuel chargé d'enseignement Doctorant contractuel

In French business schools, ranks are the same as in the United States: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and finally (Full) Professor.

Germany edit

A simplified overview of academic ranks in Germany:

Faculty Teaching only Part-time
Permanent positions Universitätsprofessor (Pay grade: W3 or W2), Professor (W3) Lehrprofessor Honorarprofessor (honorary title)
Professor (W2)
Professor (W1), Akademischer Oberrat, Akademischer Rat, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (tenured) Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (LfbA) (tenured)
Temporary positions Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Akademischer Oberrat auf Zeit (AR/OAR a.Z.), Juniorprofessor (W1 non-tenured), Professor auf Zeit (W2) Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (LfbA) (non-tenured) Lehrbeauftragter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Appointment grades

  • Universitätsprofessor (Pay grade: W3 or W2)
  • Professor (W3)
  • Professor (W2)
  • Hochschuldozent (W2, only in Baden-Württemberg) – although paid like a professor appointed at level W2, lecturers in this position do not have a professor title; the term was formerly used in all states for senior lecturer positions with research and teaching responsibilities (C2, being phased out since 2002)
  • Juniorprofessor (not tenured, only rarely with tenure track) (W1)
  • Juniordozent (not tenured) (W1, only in Baden-Württemberg)
  • Studienrat or Akademischer Rat/Oberrat/Direktor auf Lebenszeit (A13, A14, A15)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (TVöD 13/14/15, TvL 13/14/15)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter auf Zeit, Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (TVöD, TvL A13 a. Z.)
  • Akademischer Mitarbeiter auf Zeit (TVöD, only in Baden-Württemberg)
  • Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (TdL)
  • Studentische Hilfskraft (TdL)

Non-appointment grades

  • Privatdozent
  • Außerplanmäßiger Professor – conferred, in some German states, to a Privatdozent who has been in service for several years, without formally being appointed as professor.

Greece edit

  • Professor Emeritus [Ομότιμος Καθηγητής (male) / Ομότιμος Καθηγήτρια or Ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια (female)]. Αn honorary title for people at the rank of Professor who have reached the legal age for retirement; If they wish, they have the right, for a limited time after retirement, to continue their research projects.
  • Professor [Καθηγητής (male) / Καθηγήτρια (female)].[6]
  • Associate Professor [Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής (male) / Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια (female)].
  • Assistant Professor [Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (male) / Επίκουρος Καθηγήτρια (female)].
  • Laboratory Teaching Staff member [μέλος Εργαστηριακού Διδακτικού Προσωπικού (Ε.ΔΙ.Π.)]. Holders of a doctoral degree (Ph.D). that are members of this rank can independently teach courses, same as the Teaching Research Staff [Διδακτικό Ερευνητικό Προσωπικο (Δ.Ε.Π.)] (i.e., professors ranks) members do. All members can be instructors in laboratories.

Administrative ranks (Universities and Technical Universities)

  • Rector (Πρύτανης).
  • Vice-rector (Αντιπρύτανης).
  • Secretary General [Γενικός Γραμματέας (male) / Γενική Γραμματέας (female)].
  • Dean (Κοσμήτορας)
  • Deputy Dean [Αναπληρωτής Κοσμήτορας (male) / Αναπληρώτρια Κοσμήτορας (female)].
  • Chairman of the Department (Πρόεδρος Τμήματος).
  • Deputy Chairman of the Department (Αντιπρόεδρος Τμήματος).
  • Director of the Section [Διευθυντής Τομέα (male) / Διευθύντρια Τομέα (female)].

The holders of administrative ranks must be Professors or Associate Professors. The only exception is Secretary General, who is not a faculty member.

Administrative ranks (former Technological Educational Institutes; defunct)

The Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) (1983–2019) were reformed between 2013 and 2019 and their departments incorporated into existing universities.

  • President (Πρόεδρος).
  • Vice-president (Αντιπρόεδρος).
  • Secretary General [Γενικός Γραμματέας (male) / Γενική Γραμματέας (female)].
  • Director of the School (Διευθυντής Σχολής (male) / Διεθύντρια Σχολής (female)).
  • Supervisor of the Department [Προϊστάμενος Τμήματος (male) / Προϊσταμένη Τμήματος (female)].
  • Director of the Section [Διευθυντής Τομέα (male) / Διευθύντρια Τομέα (female)].

The holders of administrative ranks must be Professors or Associate Professors.

Defunct Academic Staff Ranks

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor [Εντεταλμένος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (male) / Εντεταλμένη Επίκουρος Καθηγήτρια]. A temporary employee with a short-term contract, usually for one term (semester), usually holder of a doctoral degree (Ph.D). as described in the Greek Presidential Decree 407/1980 published in the Government Gazette 112/A/9-5-1980. Adjunct Assistant Professors are sometimes called simply as "407" or "P.D. 407", after the number of the Decree.
  • Lecturer (1982‒2011) [defunct; in universities and technical universities: Λέκτορας (both male and female) / in technological educational institutes: Καθηγητής Εφαρμογών (male) / Καθηγήτρια Εφαρμογών (female)] it had founded by the law 1268/1982 Government Gazette 87/A/16-7-1982 and it was abolished, defunct, by the law 4009/2011 Government Gazette 195/A/6-9-2011.[6][7][8][9]
  • Teaching Assistant was abolished in 1982, but people holding it remain teaching assistants until retirement.
  • Adjunct Lecturer [Εντεταλμένος Λέκτορας (male) / Εντεταλμένη Λέκτορας (female)] was abolished.

Guyana edit

  • Professor Emeritus (on retirement)
  • Professor
  • Reader
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer II
  • Lecturer I
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Tutor
  • Laboratory Demonstrator

Administrative ranks

Hong Kong edit

In the past, Hong Kong followed the British system (4 levels). In recent years it is moving towards the North American counterpart, with the titles renamed to their corresponding equivalence (professor (professor), associate professor (professor/reader), and assistant professor (senior-)lecturer)). Hong Kong's universities usually differ between professorial grades (end- or mid-career research and teaching positions) and lecturers (entry or mid-career positions - in the UK called either teaching fellows or lecturers, and "Mittelbau" in German-speaking countries).[10] Depending on institutions, the title of "professor" is assumed by chair professors and professors, or assistant professors and above.

Academic ranks

  • Chair professor
  • Emeritus professor
  • Professor
  • Associate professor
  • Assistant professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Research assistant professor
  • Post-doctoral fellow
  • Adjunct (associate/assistant) professor
  • Honorary (associate/assistant) professor
  • Professional consultant or teaching consultant/fellow
  • Research associate
  • Research assistant and teaching assistant (or tutor, instructor, demonstrator)
  • Postgraduate or graduate
  • Undergraduate

Administrative ranks

Hungary edit

  • Professzor/egyetemi tanár (university professor/full professor)
  • főiskolai tanár (college professor)
  • Docens (associate professor)
  • Adjunktus (assistant professor)
  • Tanársegéd (assistant lecturer)

Iceland edit

In Icelandic universities, particularly at the University of Iceland, prófessor is the most senior ranking teaching position. Below prófessor is dósent, then lektor. This three step hierarchy is akin to the US-scale, of full-, associate- and assistant-professors. Until the early 1990s no upward mobility was available in the Icelandic system. Most university teachers were hired as "prófessor." A "dósent" or a "lektor" wishing to ascend to a higher rank had to apply for a new position when it became available. Currently (since the 1990s) much more university teachers are hired as junior rank "lektor" and are promoted to "dósent" and "prófessor" if their work proves worthy of it.

Research and teaching career pathway

  • Prófessor (Professor), from Latin professor
  • Dósent (Associate Professor), from Latin doceō
  • Lektor (Assistant Professor), from Latin lēctor

Research career pathway

  • Vísindamaður (Scientist)
  • Fræðimaður (Scholar)
  • Sérfræðingur (Specialist)

India edit

Regular Academic ranks (Hierarchy from top): Academic institutions in India have the mandate of teaching, training and research. This also includes research universities.

  1. Professor
  2. Associate Professor
  3. Assistant Professor
  4. In addition to these, there are government sponsored fellowships awarded to able candidates for a 5-year contract period during which they are hosted by an academic or research organisation. Their primary function is to carry out high quality original research. They may become a regular faculty as an assistant professor or associate professor during this period subject to their performance.
  5. Assistant Professor (on contract) / Ad hoc faculty – They are primarily involved in teaching for a limited contract period typically 6 months – 1 year.

Research ranks (Hierarchy from top): Research institutions such as national labs have a different kind of hierarchy and are primarily concerned with basic and applied research. They guide Ph.D. students in their research thesis but do not grant degrees. In most cases the Ph.D. candidates are registered with another university which grants the degree. Awarding of degree is subjected to meeting the same criteria as Ph.D. guided by university professors.

  1. Scientist H
  2. Scientist G
  3. Scientist F
  4. Scientist E (in some cases EII)
  5. Scientist D (in some cases EI)
  6. Scientist C
  7. Scientist B

Non-faculty ranks

  1. Research associate (postdoctoral fellows/inspire faculty)
  2. Senior research fellow (Ph.D. students after completing two years of course work and research)
  3. Junior research fellow (Newly joined Ph.D. candidates)

Administrative ranks in universities

  1. Chancellor
  2. Vice chancellor
  3. Pro vice chancellor
  4. Deans / directors
  5. Chairmen / HODs / wardens

Administrative ranks in research institutions

  1. Director general
  2. Director
  3. Chairman of departments / divisions

Indonesia edit

Academic ranks

According to the Joint Regulations of the Ministry of Education And Culture And Head of National Civil Service Agency No 4/VIII/PB/2014; No 24 Year 2014 and the Regulation of Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform No. 46 Year 2013 and No. 17 Year 2013 Article 6; and the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education decree No. 164/ M/ KPT/ 2019,[11] the academic ranks (Jabatan Fungsional) for lecturer (university-based) and researcher (non-university) are

Academic ranks for lecturers[11]

  1. Dosen (Lecturer)
  2. Asisten Ahli (Assistant Professor - Lower)
  3. Lektor (Assistant Professor - Upper)
  4. Lektor Kepala (Associate Professor)
  5. Guru Besar, Profesor (Professor)

Academic ranks for researchers

  1. Peneliti Pertama (Junior Researcher)
  2. Peneliti Ahli Muda (Associate Researcher)
  3. Peneliti Ahli Madya (Senior Researcher)
  4. Peneliti Ahli Utama (Research Professor)

Administrative ranks (university)

  • Rektor (Rector)
  • Wakil Rektor (Vice Rector)
  • Dekan (Dean)
  • Wakil Dekan (Vice Dean)
  • Kepala Program Studi (Head of Department)

Iran edit

Holders of bachelor's degree when granted to teach in a college:

  • Assistant instructor (Persian: مربی آموزشیار; transliteration: "morabbi-e āmuzešyār")

Holders of master's degrees when granted to teach in a college:

Holders of Ph.D. degrees:

  • Assistant professor (in Persian: استادیار, transliteration: ostādyār)
  • Associate professor (in Persian: دانشیار, transliteration: dānešyār)
  • (Full) Professor (in Persian: استادتمام ,استاد, transliteration: ostād (tamām))
  • Distinguished Professor (in Persian: استادِ ممتاز, transliteration: ostād-e momtāz'')

Terms of address in general: ostād

Emeritus ranks

Administrative ranks

  • President
  • Chancellor
  • Dean
  • Head of department.

Iraq edit

Holders of master's degrees can be (in ascending order):

  • Assistant lecturer (in Arabic: مدرس مساعد)
  • Lecturer (مدرس)
  • Assistant professor (أستاذ مساعد)
  • Professor (أستاذ)

Holders of PhD degrees can be (in ascending order):

  • Lecturer (مدرس)
  • Assistant professor (أستاذ مساعد)
  • Professor (أستاذ)
  • ُExperienced professor (أستاذ متمرس)

Note: Holders of PhD degrees are automatically promoted to lecturer if they were assistant lecturers before they received their PhD.

  • استاذ equivalent to professor.
  • استاذ مساعد equivalent to associate professor.
  • مدرس equivalent to assistant professor in American Universities (with PhD) or with researches.
  • مدرس مساعد Assistant lecturer (without PhD).

Israel edit


  • Professor Emeritus
  • Professor Min Haminyan (Full Professor)
  • Professor Chaver (Associate Professor)
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer

Administrative Ranks:

  • President
  • Rector
  • Dean
  • Department Chairman

Italy edit

Tenured positions (confermato):

  • Professore Ordinario, or Professore di I fascia. A tenured, full professor position.
  • Professore Associato, or Professore di II fascia. A tenured, associate professor position.
  • Professore Aggregato. A 'ricercatore confermato' who is in charge of teaching university classes.
  • Ricercatore confermato. A tenured position as researcher or assistant professor.

Non-tenured positions (non confermato):

  • Professore Straordinario, also Professore di I fascia. A three-year full professor appointment leading to tenure.
  • Professore Associato non confermato, also Professore di II fascia. A three-year associate professor appointment leading to tenure at associate level.
  • Ricercatore non confermato. A three-year position at assistant professor/researcher/lecturer level.
  • Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B. A three-year position at assistant professor/researcher/lecturer level, leading to the Professore Associato position.
  • Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A. A three-year position (one possible two-year renewal) at assistant professor/researcher/lecturer level.
  • Assegnista di Ricerca. A research fellow with a fixed-term appointment.

Honorary titles as Professore Emerito and Professore Onorario also exist and are typically appointed to illustrious academics after retirement.

In Italian universities the role of "Professore a contratto" (literally "Contract Professor") is paid at the end of the academic year nearly €3000 for the entire academic year, without salary during the academic year.[12] In 2020 there are 23 thousand Associate Professors and 28 thousand "Professori a contratto" in Italy.[13] Associate Professors have a salary of around 35,000 euros per year, Full Professors have a salary of 50,000 euros per year, and Contract Professors of around 3,000 euros per year.[14]

Jamaica edit

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Professor
  • Senior Lecturer (Tenured)
  • Lecturer (Tenured/Tenure track)
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Instructor
  • Tutor
  • Graduate/Research Assistant

Japan edit

In the past few decades, Japan has taken steps to make its academic rankings similar to that of the United States. The ranking system is as follows:

Unlike the other ranks, the kōshi title has no official criteria and thus no standardized English translation. Historically many Japanese associate professors had only master's degrees, but this is no longer the case for younger generations of academics, who in such cases are now limited to the rank of kōshi. There were previously other ranks similar to associate professor and postdoctoral researcher called jokyōju (助教授) and joshu (助手) respectively, but these positions have been eliminated.

The Japanese system includes non-tenured, term-limited positions at all ranks, including professor. These are referred to as ninki tsuki (任期付き) positions and include tokunin (特任) in the official title when contracts are awarded on a rolling, one-year basis. Limited tenure track positions have recently been introduced.[15]

Granting of tenure and promotion to associate professor are not linked; one may be tenured yet remain an assistant professor or promoted to associate professor before being awarded tenure. Because the number of professor and associate professor position is nearly fixed, direct promotion usually requires a higher-level post to be vacated.

Jordan edit

  • Assistant Prof
  • Associate Prof
  • Prof

Latvia edit

Administrative positions:

  • Rektors (male), Rektore (female) (rector)
  • Dekāns (male), Dekāne (female) (dean), head of a faculty (human sciences, natural sciences etc.)
  • Nodaļas vadītājs (male) Nodaļas vadītāja (female) (department manager), head of a department (computer science, mathematics etc.)

Academic positions:

  • Profesors (male) Profesore (female) Professor
  • Asociētais profesors (male) Asociētā profesore (female) associate professor
  • Docents (male), Docente (female) (assistant professor), usually almost the same teaching/research/administration division as professor, Doctoral Degree required
  • Lektors (male), Lektore (female) Lecturer. Requires MA degree
  • Asistents (male), Asistente (female) research or teaching assistant

Lebanon edit

Academic positions at the Lebanese American University:

  • Instructor
  • Senior Instructor
  • Lecturer
  • Assistant Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Professor
  • Distinguished Professor

Libya edit

  • Professor (أستاذ)
  • Associate professor (أستاذ مشارك)
  • Assistant professor (أستاذ مساعد)
  • Lecturer (محاضر)
  • Assistant Lecturer (محاضر مساعد)


Lithuania edit

  • Professor, Profesorius (male) / Profesorė (female)
  • Associate professor, Docentas (male) / Docentė (female)
  • Assistant professor, Asistentas profesorius (male) / Asistentė profesorė (female)
  • Lecturer, Lektorius (male) / Lektorė (female)
  • Assistant lecturer, Asistentas (male) / Asistentė (female)

Macau edit

At the University of Macau there are nine levels of faculty rank, namely

  • Chairman professor,
  • Distinguished professor,
  • Professor,
  • Associate professor,
  • Assistant professor
  • Senior lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Senior instructor
  • Instructor

At the Macao Polytechnic University there are four levels

  • Professor (Professor coordenador)
  • Associate professor (Professor adjuncto)
  • Lecturer (Assistente)
  • Teaching Assistant (Assistent estagiario)

Myanmar edit


Pro-Rector I

Pro-Rector II

Pro-Rector III

Professor (Head of Department)

Professor I


Associate Professor


Assistant Lecturer

Tutor/ Demonstrator

North Macedonia edit

  • Demonstrator, Демонстратор-(Graduate employee in a university)
  • Younger assistant, Помлад Асистент-(B.Sc.)
  • Assistant, Асистент-(M.Sc.)
  • Docent, Доцент-(Assistant professor)
  • Vonreden Professor, Вонреден Професор-(associate professor)
  • Professor, Професор-(full-time professor)
  • Professor emeritus, Пензиониран Професор-(retired professor)
  • Academic, Академик-(academician)

Administrative positions:

  • Pomlad referent, Помлад референт- (Younger Civil Servant) -High School Diploma
  • Referent, Референт- (Civil Servant) -High School Diploma
  • Postar Referent, Постар Референт- (Senior Civil Servant) -High School Diploma
  • Pomlad Sorabotnik, Помлад Соработник- (Younger Associate) -Associate Degree
  • Sorabotnik, Соработник- (Аssociate) -Associate Degree
  • Postar Sorabotnik, Постар Соработник- (Senior Associate) -Associate Degree
  • Rakovoditel na studentski prasanja, Раководител на студентски прашања- (Head of Students Affairs) -Bachelor's degree
  • Rakovoditel na katedra/institut, Раководител на катедра/институт- (Head of Department/Institute) -Ph.D.
  • Prodekan, Продекан- (Vice Dean) -Ph.D.
  • Dekan, Декан- (Dean) -Ph.D.
  • Prorektor, Проректор- (Vice Rector) -Ph.D.
  • Rektor, Ректор- (Rector) -Ph.D.

Malaysia edit

In general for most public universities in Malaysia:

  • Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer

Malta edit

  • Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Assistant Lecturer

Mexico edit

The ranking system in most Mexican public universities is as follows

  • Profesor Asociado A (early assistant professor)
  • Profesor Asociado B (assistant professor)
  • Profesor Asociado C (early associate professor)
  • Profesor Titular A (associate professor)
  • Profesor Titular B (full professor)
  • Profesor Titular C (senior full professor)
  • Profesor Emerito (equivalent to distinguished professor, not to be confused with emeritus professor)

Usually Mexican academics are also fellows of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) that has four levels (candidate, I, II and III) that more or less correlate (but are not equivalent) to the Asociado and Titular A, B, and C professorships. The rank as professor is determined by the individual's institution while the SNI level is determined by an independent committee that evaluates the researchers nationwide.

Many universities and research institutions make a distinction between "Profesores" -Professors- and "Investigadores" -Researchers- (Asociado A, B, C, Titular A, B, C), the main difference is that "Profesores" have a higher load of teaching, while "Investigadores" have a higher load of research, but normally all of them take part in both activities and are considered equivalent.

Research rankings are awarded by the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores which depends on the national research council (Conacyt):

  • SNI emeritus researcher (not necessarily higher rank but lifetime, requires 15 continuous years as SNI III)
  • SNI III researcher (about 7% of the researchers in SNI)
  • SNI II researcher (about 16% of the researchers in SNI)
  • SNI I researcher (about 59% of researchers in SNI)
  • SNI candidate researcher (C) (about 18% of researchers in SNI)

All titles, both professors and researchers, can be given in a:

  • Full-time, or
  • Part-time basis

Administrative academic positions:

  • Rector or Presidente (Chancellor, Chief Executive Officer)
  • Secretario Académico (Provost, Chief Academic Officer)
  • Director of Faculty or College (Dean)
  • Coordinator (Chair)

Morocco edit

Academic Positions

1. Professeur d'Enseignement Supérieur

2. Professeur Habilité à Diriger les Recherches (supervise les recherches)

3. Professeur Assistant (co-encadre les recherches)

Before Academic Position

1. Docteur

2. Doctorant

Nepal edit

Academic Positions

1. Professor Emeritus

2. Professor

3. Associate professor/Reader

4. Assistant Professor

5. Lecturer

6. Teaching Assistant

7. Instructor

8. Technical support staff

Administrative Positions

  • Chancellor
  • Pro-chancellor
  • Vice-chancellor
  • Rector
  • Registrar
  • Deans of School
  • Heads of department
  • Program Coordinator

Netherlands edit

New Zealand edit

Nigeria edit

Academic Positions

  • Emeritus Professor (retired)
  • Professor
  • Associate Professor / Reader
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer I
  • Lecturer II
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Graduate Assistant

Administrative Positions

  • Chancellor
  • Pro-chancellor
  • Vice-chancellor
  • Deputy vice-chancellor
  • Pro-vice-chancellor
  • Deans of faculties (some are referred to as provost)
  • Sub-deans of faculties
  • Heads of departments/schools
  • Department/school directors of studies

Norway edit

Pakistan edit

The hiring of academic positions in public universities throughout Pakistan is managed by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, the requirement for all positions vary with respect to the field of studies e.g. Engineering, IT, Medical, Law, and Arts and Design.

There are four faculty ranks lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor.

In engineering public universities, a lecturer requires an M.Sc. or B.Sc. degree and high academic standing in the field (e.g. gold medalist, among top 15 students of graduating class). An assistant professor position requires a Ph.D. in relevant field with no experience. An associate professorship can be conducted in the fourth year of employment, although, it is becoming more common for promotion and tenure to be awarded in the sixth year of employment. The review requires a certain number 5/8/10 research publications (with at least 1/2/4[jargon] publications in the last 5 years) by the calendar years 2007/2008/2012 respectively, in HEC/PEC recognized journals.

A professor requires ten years post-PhD teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or a post-graduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization. It requires a minimum of 8/12/15 research publications (with at least 2/3/5 publications in the last 5 years) by the calendar years 2007/2008/2012 respectively, in HEC/PEC recognized journals

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Meritorious Professor/ Distinguished National Professor
  • Professor
  • Associate professor
  • Assistant professor
  • Lecturer
  • Lab Engineer
  • Research Associate

Peru edit

After some recent reforms in the University Law (Minedu, 2014),[17] the Peruvian universities (publics and privates) consider these ranks:

Extraordinary Professors: Principally, this is a category of recognition for his contribution as professor or researcher when he retires or as a professional when he has built a great contribution to society throughout his career. To have 10% as maximum of these professors in any university (public or private) is mandatory.

  • Emeritus professor (Profesor Emérito) - For this recognition, the candidate should be faculty member (former ordinary professor in retiring process).
  • Honorary professor (Profesor Honorario) - For this recognition, the candidate is not related to a faculty member. For instance, in this category is the Doctor Honoris Causa.

Research Professors: Principally, full-time research position with few teaching responsibilities. Research professorships are almost always funded by grants or fellowships apart from the regular university budget. He is designated because of its academic excellence. He has a special bonus of fifty percent (50%) of its total payments. The competent authority of each university evaluates every two years, the production of the ordinary professors, for their permanence as a researcher.

Ordinary Professors: Often full-time (with exclusivity) professors with research competences. Principal faculty. To have 25% as minimum of these professors in any university (public or private) is mandatory.

  • Full professor (Profesor Principal) - PhD and MSc required, and former Associate professor or 15 years of experience (minimum) as researcher in the field to apply.
  • Associate professor (Profesor Asociado) - PhD (postgraduate level) and MSc required, and former Assistant professor or 10 years of experience (minimum) as researcher in the field to apply.
  • Assistant professor (Profesor Auxiliar) - PhD (postgraduate level) and MSc required, and 5 years of experience (minimum) as researcher in the field to apply.

Lecturer (Hired Professors): Often part-time (with non-exclusivity) professors. Complementary faculty. Generally, their primary employer is not the university with which they have the status. Principally, this kind of professor come from practitioner market and not develop research activities. MSc required.

In addition, the universities developed prior ranks, as junior temporary rank, to get experience and training (with strong motivation to be ordinary professor):

  • Instructor (Instructor, Jefe de Práctica) - MSc required in Postgraduate level and BSc required in Undergraduate level.
  • Teaching/Research Assistant (Asistente Académico/Investigador) - MSc required in Postgraduate level and BSc required in Undergraduate level.

Philippines edit

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Professor
  • Associate Professor (doctorate is typically required)
  • Assistant Professor (master's degree required; typically this is also the entry-level rank for PhD holders)
  • Instructor (master's degree required)
  • Assistant Instructor
  • Lecturer (other Universities/Colleges)
  • Guest Lecturer (other Universities/Colleges)

Administrative ranks (UP System;National)

  • Chancellor/University President
  • Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Planning and Development
  • Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Research and Extension
  • Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice Chancellor/Vice President for Finance and Management
  • University Registrar
  • Dean
  • Assistant Dean/Associate Dean
  • Department Chairman/Program Chairman
  • Faculty Members and Staff

Other professors

  • Professor-researcher
  • Researcher
  • Professor Emeritus
  • Ad honorem professor


Due to Philippine labor laws regarding permanency, a faculty member who has not received tenure within three years of initial hire cannot continue as a full-time hire at the same university.

Poland edit

Research-and-teaching staff:

  • (pl 'asystent') – research-and-teaching assistant / research-and-teaching fellow (hold master's degree)
  • (pl 'adiunkt') – assistant professor (requires PhD)
  • (pl 'docent') – senior lecturer (requires PhD or habilitation), (a new position, since 2007 optional and only in some universities, does not involve any research duties and is meant mainly for teaching). Until 1987 a position between associate professor and university professor.
  • (pl 'adiunkt z habilitacją) – associate professor (requires habilitation)
  • (pl 'profesor uczelni') – university professor (requires at least PhD and significant research or artistic achievements; awarded by university president)
  • (pl 'profesor') – full professor (requires the professor title conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland, which is an academic title, not an academic position), sometimes called "professor ordinarius"

and also for a special purpose:

  • (pl 'profesor wizytujący') – visiting professor
  • (pl 'profesor emerytowany') – professor emeritus

Teaching staff:

  • (pl 'instruktor') – instructor (sport)
  • (pl 'lektor') – instructor, foreign language teacher
  • (pl 'wykładowca') – lecturer
  • (pl 'starszy wykładowca') – senior lecturer (please note the same term is used for both "docent" and "starszy wykładowca"
  • (pl 'profesor uczelni') - university professor (requires at least PhD and significant teaching achievements; awarded by university president)

Elected or nominated posts

  • Rector (Rektor) – the principal head of the university (one per university); usually assisted by several deputy rectors (pl prorektor)
  • Dean (Dziekan); the principal head of the faculty (one per faculty), usually assisted by several deputy deans (pl prodziekan);
  • Head (Kierownik) – the head of the institute/department (one per organizational unit)

Portugal edit

  • Professor Catedrático (full professor) – PhD and Agregação required
  • Professor Associado com Agregação (associate professor with Agregação) – PhD required
  • Professor Associado (associate professor) – PhD required
  • Professor Auxiliar com Agregação (assistant professor) – PhD required
  • Professor Auxiliar (assistant professor) – PhD required.

Extinct ranks:

  • Assistente (teaching assistant) - without a PhD
  • Assistente estagiário (junior teaching assistant) - without a PhD or a master's degree

Romania edit

Administrative ranks

  • Rector (Rector): one per university
  • Prorector (Vice-rector): one or more per university
  • Decan (Dean): one per college
  • Prodecan (Vice-dean): one or more per college
  • Director de departament (Head of department): one per department
  • Șef de disciplină (Head of a subject): one for each subject

Research-and-teaching staff (higher rank)

  • Profesor universitar (Professor): holding a doctorate degree international-impact research activity
  • Conferențiar universitar (Associate professor/Reader): holding a doctorate degree and national-impact research activity
  • Lector universitar or Șef de lucrări (Associate professor/Senior Lecturer): holding a doctorate degree and local-impact research activity
  • Asistent universitar (Assistant professor/Lecturer): holding a doctorate degree (or in case of a limited time contract they can be in the process of getting a doctorate degree)


  • Profesor vizitator (Visiting professor)
  • Profesor emerit or Profesor consultant (Emeritus professor)

Russia edit

In Russia, otherwise than in the most other countries, synonimization of the terms “academic/scientific rank” and “position in academia” is not admissible, except in informal conversations. Officially, the “scientific rank” in Russia is a title which is conferred by the Higher attestation commission to the scientist after several years of a successful work in the professor (or deemed equivalent) or docent (or deemed equivalent) position. Similar traditions existed in the USSR.

Rwanda edit

Academic ranks

  • Full Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer (PhD)
  • Assistant Lecturer (Msc)
  • Tutorial assistant (Cum Laude undergraduate assisting in teaching and research)

Saudi Arabia edit

  • Professor أستاذ/أستاذ دكتور
  • Associate Professor أستاذ مشارك
  • Assistant Professor أستاذ مساعد
  • Lecturer محاضر
  • Demonstrator معيد

Serbia edit

Singapore edit

Singapore universities adopt a hybrid of US and British academic ranks. Faculty members on the tenure track are appointed for sustained excellence in both teaching and research. Assistant Professors are appointed on term contracts, while Associate Professors and Professors may be appointed either with tenure or on term contract. Faculty members on the Educator Track engage in high quality educational activities. They are oriented towards teaching excellence, student learning, and pedagogical research and innovation. Appointments in this Track include Teaching Assistants, Instructors, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors (Educator Track). They are on term contracts which are usually of 1 – 3 years in the first instance. Research track faculty members focus on conducting fundamental research of high international quality. Appointments on this Track include Research Assistants, Research Fellows, Senior Research Fellows, Associate Professor (Research) and Professor (Research). They are on term contracts of 1 – 3 years in the first instance. Practice Track faculty members are scholar-practitioners with professional skills and expertise in industry to complement the teaching and research enterprise of the university. They also contribute significantly to the outreach activities of the School. Appointments are to Associate Professor (Practice) and Professor (Practice). They are on term contracts of 1 – 3 years in the first instance.[18]

  • Tenure Track: Assistant Professor; Associate Professor; Professor
  • Educator Track: Teaching Assistant; Instructor; Lecturer; Senior Lecturer; Associate Professor (Educator Track)
  • Research Track: Research Assistant; Research Fellow; Senior Research Fellow; Associate Professor (Research); Professor (Research)
  • Practice Track: Associate Professor (Practice); Professor (Practice)

Slovakia edit

  • Profesor (professor), both degree (written prof. before name) and position. Professors are appointed by the president after a successful accomplishment of the process of awarding a professorship. One of the requirements is an already accomplished docent degree.
  • Docent (associate professor), both degree (written doc. before name) and position. The degree is awarded by the rector after a certain number of years of teaching and after a successful accomplishment of habilitácia (a process concluded by a defense of a reviewed research manuscript and a public lecture).
  • Odborný asistent (lecturer / researcher), this title covers positions from lecturers to researchers. Requirements for lecturers / researchers vary, usually a Ph.D. / Th.D. is required
  • Asistent (assistant lecturer), at least Master degree is required


  • Hosťujúci profesor (hosting professor), significant expert with whom a dean with the approval of the scientific council of a faculty concluded employment at the position of professor
  • Hosťujúci docent (hosting associate professor), significant expert with whom a dean with the approval of the scientific council of a faculty concluded employment at the position of associate professor
  • Mimoriadny profesor (adjunct professor; sometimes also translated as associate professor, but it is not same position as docent), associate professor temporarily appointed to the position of professor at a faculty while being an expectant to professor degree (written mimoriadny profesor after name)


  • Rektor (rector), head of the university
  • Prorektor (vice-rector), typically three to five people are vice-rectors; the position is further specified by indicating domain a vice-rector is responsible for (e. g. study-related issues, research, public relationships, international relationships, development, information technology)
  • Kvestor (registrar, bursar), senior professional financial administrator of the university
  • Dekan (dean), head of a faculty
  • Prodekan (vice-dean); the position is further specified by indicating domain a vice-den is responsible for (e. g. admissions, study-related issues, research, public relationships, international relationships, information technology)
  • Riaditeľ (director), head of a sub-unit at the university or a faculty (institute, research center), e. g. Institute of Life-Long Learning of the Slovak University of Technology, Institute of Physical Education and Sport at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
  • Vedúci katedry (departmental chairman), head of a katedra (department) – sub-unit at a faculty
  • Zástupca vedúceho katedry (deputy departmental chairman), deputizes department chairman if necessary

Honorary ranks

  • Emeritný profesor (professor emeritus), may be awarded by the rector on the proposal of the scientific council of the university for significant contributions in the field of science, art or education to professor older than 65 years who is no longer employment at the university, but is still active in research and teaching
  • Doctor honoris causa (honorary doctor for the sake of the honor), honorary doctorate of the university or a faculty awarded for special merit (written Dr.h.c. before name)

Slovenia edit

  • Asistent – assistant (Must hold at least Master (after Bologna process) or Honours degree (university diploma awarded before the Bologna process) with excellent grades, pursuing a postgraduate studies (either Doctorate / PhD studies or pre-Bologna process Magister studies). Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well)
  • Asistent-raziskovalec – research assistant (Must hold at least Master (after Bologna process) or Honours degree (university diploma awarded before the Bologna process) with excellent grades, pursuing a postgraduate studies (either Doctorate / PhD studies or pre-Bologna process Magister studies). Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well)
  • Lektor (usually a native speaker of a taught language)
  • Docent – assistant professor (Must hold Doctorate / PhD. Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well.)
  • Izredni profesor – associate professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of four years as a Docent)
  • Redni profesor – full professor (Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of four years as a docent/associate professor?)

Administrative ranks

  • Rektor – rector / chancellor / head of university
  • Prorektor – prorector / vice-chancellor / head of university assistant
  • Dekan – dean / head of faculty, academy or school at the university
  • Prodekan – vice-dean / head of faculty, academy or school at the university
  • Predstojnik oddelka – head of department; several per faculty, academy or school at the university
  • Predstojnik katedre – head of cathedra/chair; several per faculty or per department

Honorary ranks

  • Zaslužni profesor – distinguished professor, a title bestowed to professors for their extraordinary achievements

South Africa edit

  • Full professor
  • Associate professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Junior Lecturer

South Korea edit

Protected job titles (a.k.a. tenure positions):

  • (Full) professor (정교수/교수)
  • Associate professor (부교수)
  • Assistant professor (조교수)

Other positions:

  • Lecturer (강사)
  • Research professor (연구 교수)
  • Clinical professor (임상 교수)
  • Adjunct professor (겸임 교수)
  • Teaching assistant professor ( 강의전문 조교수)
  • Collegiate professor
  • Visiting professor (객원 교수/초빙 교수)
  • Chaired professor (석좌 교수)
  • Emeritus professor (명예 교수)

Spain edit

  • Full Professor / Catedrático de Universidad
  • Associate Professor / Profesor Titular
  • Assistant Professor / Profesor Ayudante Doctor
  • Instructor (Often Part Time) / Profesor Asociado

Sri Lanka edit

The appointment of professors follows the British system and is governed by the University Grants Commission regulations. A points-based system considers contributions to the research field, national development and institutional development. Several types of professorships exist:

  • Professor emeritus (on retirement at the age of 65)
  • Senior professor
  • Professor
  • Associate professor

Professor positions are clearly separated from other junior faculty positions such as, in seniority order: senior lecturer (grade I) (usually PhD and 6+ years service), senior lecturer (grade II) (usually a PhD and 2+ years service), lecturer (usually with PhD), lecturer (probationary), Temporary lecturer.

  • Professor emeritus (on retirement)
  • Senior professor
  • Professor
  • Associate professor
  • Senior lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Temporary lecturer
  • Instructor/ demonstrator
  • Student instructor (undergrad)

Administrative ranks

  • Chancellor (titular)
  • Vice-chancellor/president
  • Registrar
  • Deans of faculties
  • Heads of departments/schools
  • Directors of Postgraduate Institutes

Sudan edit

  • Professor أستاذ
  • Associate Professor أستاذ مشارك
  • Assistant Professor أستاذ مساعد
  • Lecturer محاضر
  • Teaching Assistant مساعد تدريس

Sweden edit

Academic ranks

  • Docent (Associate professor, normally unpaid title, equivalent to habilitation)
  • Adjungerad professor (Visiting/adjunct professor, part-time, non-tenured)
  • Adjunkt (Instructor-lecturer, without Ph.D., permanent teaching position)
  • Forskarassistent (post-doctoral research assistant, non-tenured)
  • Biträdande Lektor (assistant professor, tenure-track)
  • Lektor (assistant professor, with Ph.D, tenured)
  • Professor (full professor, tenured)
  • Professor Emeritus (professor emeritus)
  • Director musices (Director Musices)

Administrative ranks

  • President (Rektor)
  • Deputy President (Prorektor)
  • Dean (Dekan)
  • Vice Dean (Prodekanus)
  • Head of Department (Prefekt)
  • Deputy Head of Department (Proprefekt)

Honorary titles

  • Honorary doctor (Hedersdoktor)
  • Honorary Fellow (Honorary Fellow)

Switzerland edit

German-language universities

[note 1]

  • Ordentlicher Professor/Ordentliche Professorin, Ordinarius/Ordinaria: full professor
  • Ausserordentlicher Professor/Ausserordentliche Professorin, Extraordinarius/Extraordinaria: associate professor
  • Assistenzprofessor/Assistenzprofessorin: assistant professor (requires PhD)
  • Assoziierter Professor/Assoziierte Professorin: adjunct professor
  • Titularprofessor/Titularprofessorin: affiliated professor
  • Honorarprofessor/Honorarprofessorin: honorary professor
  • Privatdozent/Privatdozentin (PD): senior lecturer (has the habilitation but not professorship)
  • Gastdozent/Gastdozentin: visiting lecturer
  • Lehrbeauftragter/Lehrbeauftragte: lecturer
  • Oberassistent/Oberassistentin: senior researcher/lecturer (typically after 3-4 years as a postdoc)
  • Postdoc: Postdoc (i.e., after PhD)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Scientific Staff (Note: typically synonymous with "Assistent/Assistentin")
  • Assistent/Assistentin: research assistant (typically a PhD student)
  • Hilfassistent/Hilfassistentin: Undergraduate research assistant / Undergraduate teaching assistant

French-language universities
  • Professeur ordinaire (full professor, chairman)
  • Professeur extraordinaire
  • Professeur invité
  • Professeur associé (associate professor literally, yet functions as full professor or reader, non-chairman, tenured)
  • Professeur assistant (assistant professor literally, yet functions as associate professor, tenure-track)
  • Chargé de cours (senior lecturer, yet functions as associate professor, tenure-track)
  • Privat docent (has the habilitation but not professorship, required for tenure-track)
  • Chargé d'enseignement (lecturer, not tenure-track)
  • Maître-Assistant (assistant professor or lecturer, non-tenured)
  • Assistant (lecturer, usually a graduate student)
  • Moniteur (undergraduate student)

Syria edit

The academic rankings in the Syrian Arab Republic are very similar to the Egyptian ones; see Academic ranks in Egypt for details.

Taiwan edit

  • Professor emeritus (名譽教授)
  • Professor (教授)
  • Associate professor (副教授)
  • Assistant professor (助理教授) (assistant professor and above are mainly for people who hold a PhD degree. Some are promoted to this rank by distinctive industrial performance.)
  • Lecturer
  • Adjunct professor
  • Adjunct associate professor
  • Adjunct assistant professor (According to the contract work, and less welfare. Usually 1 to 2 years.)
  • Adjunct researcher

Thailand edit

  • Professor (ศาสตราจารย์)
  • Associate professor (รองศาสตราจารย์)
  • Assistant professor (ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์)
  • Lecturer (อาจารย์)

Trinidad and Tobago edit

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Instructor
  • Graduate/Research Assistant

Tunisia edit

  • Professeur ordinaire (full professor)
  • Professeur extraordinaire (full professor)
  • Professeur (professor)
  • Chargé de cours définitif (associate professor, tenured)
  • Chargé de cours temporaire (assistant professor, tenure-track)
  • Chargé de cours invité (visiting assistant professor, non-tenured)
  • Maître de conférences (associate professor, tenured)
  • Directeur de recherche (research director, appointed by federal research council FNRS)
  • Chef de travaux agrégé (senior researcher with teaching aggregation, with Ph.D.)
  • Maître de Conférences (senior researcher, with Ph.D., appointed by federal research council FNRS)
  • Chef de travaux (senior researcher, with Ph.D.)
  • Chercheur qualifié (senior researcher., appointed by federal research council FNRS)
  • Premier assistant (senior research assistant, with Ph.D.)
  • Chargé de recherche (researcher, appointed by federal research council FNRS)
  • Assistant de recherche (research assistant)

Administrative ranks

  • Recteur (president of university)
  • Vice-Recteur
  • Doyen (dean, i.e. head of a faculty, elected)
  • Président d'institut (director of research institute, elected)
  • Vice-Doyen (vice-dean, i.e. head of studies in a faculty)
  • Président de département (department head, elected)

Turkey edit

Academic ranks

  • Emeritus Profesör, (Honorary Retired professor)
  • Ordinaryus Profesör, (At least 5 years professor with a chair, representing a given area. Since 1960, this title is not given.)
  • Profesör, (Full professor)
  • Doçent, (Associate professor)
  • Yardımcı Doçent, (Assistant professor. This title not given since 2018)
  • Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, (Assistant Professor Literally: Doctor Teaching Member)
  • Öğretim Görevlisi Doktor, (Lecturer, Literally: Teaching Officer, Doctor)
  • Öğretim Görevlisi, (Lecturer, Literally: Teaching Officer )
  • Okutman, (Instructor, This title not given since 2018)
  • Doktor Araştırma Görevlisi, (Doctor Research/Teaching Assistant, Literally: Doctor Research Officer)
  • Araştırma Görevlisi, (Research/Teaching Assistant Literally: Research Officer)
  • Başasistan Hekim (Head of Assistant Medical Doctors)
  • Asistan Hekim (Assistant Medical Doctor)

Administrative ranks

  • Rektör, rector or president (professors)
  • Rektör Yardımcısı, vice-rector or vice-president (doctorate or above, generally associate professors or professors)
  • Fakülte Dekanı, dean of the faculty (professors)
  • Enstitü müdürü, Director of the institute (doctorate or above for research institutes, professors for graduate education institutes)
  • Dekan Yardımcısı, vice-dean or associate dean (doctorate or above, generally associate professors or professors)
  • Enstitü müdürü, Director of the institute (associate professor or above)
  • Enstitü müdür yardımcısı, Deputy director of the institute (doctorate or above)
  • Bölüm Başkanı, head of department (doctorate or above, generally professors)
  • Yüksekokul Müdürü, head of school (doctorate or above)
  • Ana Bilim/Sanat Dalı Başkanı, head of chair/ chairman of academic programs (doctorate or above, generally professors)

Ukraine edit

Academic ranks

  • Profesor / Професор (Full professor)
  • Dotsent / Доцент (Associate professor)
  • Starshyj doslidnyk (starshyj naukovyj spivrobitnyk) / Старший дослідник (старший науковий співробітник) (Senior researcher, Senior research fellow)
  • Starshyj vykladach / Старший викладач (Senior lecturer)
  • Vykladach / Викладач (Lecturer)
  • Asystent / Асистент (Assistant professor)

Administrative ranks

  • Rektor / Ректор, rector or president (professors)
  • Prorektor / Проректор, vice-rector or vice-president (professors)
  • Dyrektor instytutu / centru / Директор інституту / центру, Director of the institute / centre (assistant professor or above)
  • Dekan Fakultetu / Декан факультету, dean of the faculty (associate professor or above)
  • Zastupnyk dekana/dyrektora / Заступник декана/директора, vice-dean or associate dean (associate professor or above) / deputy director of the institute (assistant professor or above)
  • Zaviduvach kafedry / Завідувач кафедри, head of department (assistant professor or above)
  • Zaviduvach laboratoriji / Завідувач лабораторії, head of laboratory (assistant professor or above)
  • Zaviduvach sekciji kafedry / Завідувач секції кафедри, chairman of academic programs (assistant professor or above)

United Kingdom edit

Research and teaching career pathway

  • Professor/Chair
  • Reader (or Principal Lecturer in some post-1992 institutions)
  • Senior lecturer
  • Lecturer, clinical lecturer
  • Assistant lecturer, demonstrator, seminar leader, associate lecturer, graduate teaching assistant, departmental lecturer

Research career pathway

  • Professor/professorial research fellow/research professor/director of research
  • Reader
  • Senior research fellow/Senior researcher
  • Research fellow, Research associate
  • Research assistant

Technical career pathway

  • Principal technologist, Departmental manager/coordinator
  • Senior chief technologist, Lab manager/coordinator
  • Chief technician
  • Senior technician
  • Advanced technician
  • Technician
  • Junior technician, apprentice technician
  • Trainee technician

Teaching career pathway

  • Senior Tutor
  • Professorial teaching fellow
  • Senior teaching fellow
  • Teaching fellow
  • Teaching associate

United States edit

Uruguay edit

At the University level, Services/Chairs follow the following structure:

  • Ayudante de Cátedra (Grado 1)
  • Asistente de Cátedra (Grado 2) – PhD required from here on
  • Profesor Adjunto (Grado 3)
  • Profesor Agregado (Grado 4)
  • Professor Titular (Grado 5)

Venezuela edit

  • Named Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Aggregate Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Instructor

Zimbabwe edit

  • Board Of Trustees
  • President
  • Vice President, Student and Community Services
  • Vice President, Instruction
  • Vice President, Strategy, Relations and Communications
  • Dean, Student and Community Services
  • Dean, Instruction
  • Dean, Strategy, Relations and Communications
  • Executive Director, Student and Community Services
  • Executive Director, Instruction
  • Executive Director, Strategy, Relations and Communications
  • Director, Student and Community Services
  • Director, Instruction
  • Director, Strategy, Relations and Communications
  • Support
  • Applications
  • Records Managements
  • Academic Testing
  • Placement and online testing
  • Safety
  • Student

Notes edit

  1. ^ The title of "Oberassistent" is comparable to the German Akademischer Rat [de], a postdoctoral position that today has mostly been replaced by the position of Juniorprofessur [de]. It is typically non-tenured and does not imply faculty rank (i.e., one would not participate in faculty meetings of professors).

References edit

  1. ^ "Definition of 'academic rank'". Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  2. ^ "Russian State law on awarding the scientific ranks". The Government of Russia. Retrieved 2021-03-04.
  3. ^ "Ministry of Higher Education". mohe.gov.af. Retrieved 17 September 2021.
  4. ^ "Estatuto de la UNLP". 28 June 2008.
  5. ^ "Shared rules vitally important in the doctoral researcher-supervisor relationship". Tieteentekijät. October 1, 2020. from the original on November 8, 2021.
  6. ^ a b "Νόμος 4009/2011 ΦΕΚ 195, Τεύχος A, 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011" [Law 4009/2011 Government Gazette 195/A/6-9-2011] (PDF) (in Greek). (PDF) from the original on 2021-11-24 – via University of the Aegean. Law 4009/2011 Government Gazette 195/A/6-9-2011, Page 4266(12), Academic Staff of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Greece, Part I, Article 16, HEIs Professors are three ranks: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
  7. ^ [Official Academic Staff Ranks at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Greece]. Technical University of Crete Department of Mineral Resources Engineering (in Greek). Archived from the original on 2006-09-16.
  8. ^ Zois, Dimitris. "Οι Λέκτορες μετά τον νόμο 4009/2011" [The university lecturer academic rank after the law 4009/2011 Government Gazette 195/A/6-9-2011]. posdep.gr (in Greek). Panhellenic Federation of Associations of the Teaching and Research Staff (Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία Συλλόγων Διδακτικού και Ερευνητικού Προσωπικού, Π.Ο.Σ.Δ.Ε.Π.). from the original on 2021-05-09.
  9. ^ "Law 4009/2011 Government Gazette 195/A/6-9-2011". Hellenic Parliament (in Greek).
  10. ^ hkbu.edu.hk 2006-08-21 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ Monella, Lillo Montalto (2018-01-26). "Essere professore a contratto all'università...per 3,75 euro l'ora". euronews (in Italian). Retrieved 2022-01-09.
  13. ^ USTAT Miur Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’ Università e della Ricerca - MIUR) official website. "Esplora i dati". USTAT. Retrieved 2022-01-09.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. ^ "Salary Sapienza University of Rome Italy (in Italian) Tabella stipendi personale Docente | Sapienza Università di Roma". www.uniroma1.it. Retrieved 2022-01-09.
  15. ^ "tenure". 国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構. Retrieved 15 June 2015.
  16. ^ "قرار 501 لسنة 2010 بشأن إصدار لائحة التعليم العالي - جامعة مصراتة-Misurata University".
  17. ^ Ministry of Education (July 3, 2014). University Law N° 30220
  18. ^ "Academic Appointments". NUS - National University of Singapore.

External links edit

  • Academic careers by country

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Not to be confused with Academic degree This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources List of academic ranks news newspapers books scholar JSTOR August 2011 Learn how and when to remove this template message Academic rank also scientific rank is the rank of a scientist or teacher in a college high school university or research establishment The academic ranks indicate relative importance and power of individuals in academia The academic ranks are specific for each country there is no worldwide unified ranking system Among the common ranks are professor associate professor docent assistant professor and instructor 1 In most cases the academic rank is automatically attached to a person at the time of employment in a position with the same name and deprived when a working relation is expired Therefore the term academic rank usually means the same as position in academia However in some countries the terms position and academic rank are not synonyms So in modern Russia there exist the docent and professor ranks whereas the set of positions in academia is broader The academic rank is conferred only after the person has been successfully working in the docent or professor position for a certain period and later underwent a centralized control procedure i e not at enrollment and is kept for life 2 The list of academic ranks below identifies the hierarchical ranking structure found amongst scholars and personnel in academia The lists below refer specifically to colleges and universities throughout the world although other institutions of higher learning may follow a similar schema Contents 1 Afghanistan 2 Albania 3 Algeria 4 Argentina 5 Australia 6 Bangladesh 7 Belarus 8 Belgium 9 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 Brazil 11 Bulgaria 12 Canada 13 China 14 Colombia 15 Costa Rica 16 Croatia 17 Cuba 18 Cyprus 19 Czech Republic 20 Denmark 21 Egypt 22 Estonia 23 Finland 24 France 25 Germany 26 Greece 27 Guyana 28 Hong Kong 29 Hungary 30 Iceland 31 India 32 Indonesia 33 Iran 34 Iraq 35 Israel 36 Italy 37 Jamaica 38 Japan 39 Jordan 40 Latvia 41 Lebanon 42 Libya 43 Lithuania 44 Macau 45 Myanmar 46 North Macedonia 47 Malaysia 48 Malta 49 Mexico 50 Morocco 51 Nepal 52 Netherlands 53 New Zealand 54 Nigeria 55 Norway 56 Pakistan 57 Peru 58 Philippines 59 Poland 60 Portugal 61 Romania 62 Russia 63 Rwanda 64 Saudi Arabia 65 Serbia 66 Singapore 67 Slovakia 68 Slovenia 69 South Africa 70 South Korea 71 Spain 72 Sri Lanka 73 Sudan 74 Sweden 75 Switzerland 76 Syria 77 Taiwan 78 Thailand 79 Trinidad and Tobago 80 Tunisia 81 Turkey 82 Ukraine 83 United Kingdom 84 United States 85 Uruguay 86 Venezuela 87 Zimbabwe 88 Notes 89 References 90 External linksAfghanistan editRanks in universities of Afghanistan are listed below according to the Ministry of Higher Education MoHE of Afghanistan These ranks are issued stepwise by the MoHE after some procedures a period of service and conditions 3 Teaching Assistant in Pashto پوهنیار Senior Teaching Assistant in Pashto پوهنمل Assistant Professor in Pashto پوهندوی Associate professor in Pashto پوهنوال Professor in Pashto پوهاند 1 Honorary degree Distinguished Professor in Pashto لوی پوهاند Term of address in general ostad or استادAlbania editRanks in universities of Albania are listed below according to the Ministry of Education Albania These ranks are issued stepwise by the MoHE after some procedures a period of service and conditions Assistant Lecturer Lecturer with Dr or PhD degree Associate Professor ProfessorAlgeria editAcademic ranks Professeur Professeur hospitalo universitaire أستاذ أستاذ إستشفائي جامعي equivalent to Professor Maitre de Conferences classe A Maitre de Conferences hospitalo universitaire classe A أستاذ محاضر قسم أ أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي جامعي قسم أ equivalent to Associate Professor Level A Maitre de Conferences classe B Maitre de Conferences hospitalo universitaire classe B أستاذ محاضر قسم أ أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي جامعي قسم ب equivalent to Associate Professor Level B Maitre Assistant classe A Maitre Assistant hospitalo universitaire classe A أستاذ مساعد قسم أ أستاذ مساعد إستشفائي جامعي قسم أ equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor Level A Maitre Assistant classe B أستاذ مساعد قسم ب equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor Level B noo Directeur de recherche Maitre de Recherche classe A Maitre de Recherche classe B Charge de Recherche Attache de RechercheAdministrative ranks Rector Vice Rector Dean Vice Dean Head of departmentArgentina editMain article Academic ranks in Argentina Tenured positions 4 Profesor Titular Ordinario or Profesor Titular Regular A tenured full professor position Profesor Asociado Ordinario or Profesor Asociado Regular A tenured associate professor position Profesor Adjunto Ordinario or Profesor Adjunto Regular A tenured adjunct professor position Australia editMain article Academic ranks in Australia Distinguished Professor Emeritus Professor and other professorships with highest honour and contributions to knowledge and society Level E Professor or Professorial or Senior Principal Research Fellow equivalent to Distinguished Endowed Professor US or Professor UK Level D Associate Professor or Principal Research Fellow if research intensive equivalent to Reader Associate Professor at a UK university Level C Senior Lecturer or Senior Research Fellow if research intensive equivalent to Senior Principal Lecturer at a UK university Level B Lecturer or Research Fellow if research intensive Level B is the first tenured academic rank normally requires at minimum completion of a PhD Level A Associate Lecturer or Associate Fellow if research intensive There are often multiple bands or steps for each Level e g Level B 6 steps Level C 6 steps Level D 4 steps For example an academic who earns the title of Level D has progressed through 12 bands steps of previous academic service or the equivalent in accumulated academic achievements There is only one step for Level E An academic cannot automatically progress from Level B Step 6 to Level C Step 1 without a formal application for promotion which is typically a peer reviewed process Bangladesh editTeachers are categorized in four main classes in Bangladesh at the university level The ascending ranks of teachers are Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor and Professor University lecturers are normally required to hold a Master s degree After obtaining a PhD the appointment starts with assistant professor then gradually associate professor and professor depending on research teaching experience Beside these the title of emeritus is given to extraordinary professors after their retirement Professor emeritus Professor Associate professor Assistant professor Lecturer DemonstratorBelarus editAcademic ranks Prafiesar Prafesar Full professor Dacent Dacent Associate professor Starejsy vykladcyk Starejshy vykladchyk Senior lecturer Asistent Vykladcyk Asistent Vykladchyk Assistant professor Lecturer Researchers by seniority levels Haloŭny navukovy supracoŭnik Galoyny navukovy supracoynik Chief Researcher Viaducy navukovy supracoŭnik Vyaduchy navukovy supracoynik Leading Researcher Starejsy navukovy supracoŭnik Starejshy navukovy supracoynik Senior Researcher Navukovy supracoŭnik Navukovy supracoynik Researcher Malodsy navukovy supracoŭnik Malodshy navukovy supracoynik Junior Researcher Administrative ranks Rektar Rektar rector Prarektar Prarektar vice rector Dekan fakulteta Dekan fakulteta dean of the faculty Namiesnik dekana Namesnik dekana vice dean Zahadcyk kafiedry Zagadchyk kafedry head of departmentBelgium editDutch speaking communityGewoon hoogleraar full professor full time professor ordinarius Deeltijds gewoon hoogleraar buitengewoon hoogleraar full professor part time previously professor extraordinarius Hoogleraar professor reader Hoofddocent II associate professor principal lecturer Hoofddocent I associate professor senior lecturer Docent assistant professor lecturer Doctor assistent researcher must have a PhD Assistent research assistant can be enrolled in a PhD or be in the postdoc phase Aspirant research fellow enrolled in a PhD degree appointed by the Fund for Scientific Research FWO Administrative ranks Rector Vice Rector Decaan dean i e head of a faculty French speaking communityProfesseur ordinaire full professor Professeur extraordinaire visiting professor in Switzerland part time professor in Belgium Professeur professor Charge de cours definitif associate professor tenured Charge de cours temporaire associate professor tenure track Charge de cours invite visiting assistant professor non tenured Directeur de recherche research director senior research associate appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F R S FNRS Chef de travaux agrege senior researcher with Ph D and previously with teaching aggregation Maitre de recherche senior researcher senior research associate with Ph D appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F R S FNRS tenured Chef de travaux senior researcher with Ph D Chercheur qualifie senior researcher research associate with Ph D appointed by federal research council FNRS tenured Premier assistant senior research assistant junior lecturer with Ph D Maitre d enseignement volunteer lecturer unpaid non tenured Maitre de conferences lecturer without Ph D paid by the hour non tenured Charge de recherche appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F R S FNRS Assistant de recherche research assistant Aspirant research fellow enrolled in a Ph D degree appointed by National Fund for Scientific Research F R S FNRS Administrative ranks Recteur president of university Vice Recteur Doyen dean i e head of a faculty elected President d institut director of research institute elected Vice Doyen vice dean i e head of studies in a faculty President de departement department head elected Bosnia and Herzegovina editProfesor full professor Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of seven years as a Vanredni profesor Vanredni profesor associate professor Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of five years as a Docent Docent assistant professor Must hold PhD or Doctorate Degree Relevant working experience could be required as well Visi Asistent senior teaching assistant Must hold at least Masters Degree with excellent grades Relevant working experience could be required as well Asistent teaching assistant Must hold Undergraduate Degree with excellent grades Relevant working experience could be required as well Administrative ranks Rektor rector chancellor president head of university Prorektor prorector vice chancellor vice president assistant head of university Dekan dean head of faculty or school at the university Prodekan vice dean assistant head of faculty or school at the university Sef katedre head of departmentHonorary ranks Profesor emeritus professor emeritusBrazil editMain article Academic ranks in Brazil There is no official academic ranking in Brazilian private universities However most of the public Federal Universities apply the following from the highest position to the lowest one Professor Emerito professor emeritus Professor Titular full professor PhD required Professor Associado associate professor PhD required Professor Adjunto assistant professor PhD required Professor Assistente lecturer only a master s degree is required Professor Auxiliar assistant lecturer no post graduation degree is required Professor Substituto ou Temporario temporary lecturer Bulgaria editProfessor Full Professor Profesor Docent Associate Professor Docent Chief Senior Assistant Professor Glaven Asistent Assistant Professor AsistentUniversityAssistant Professor Asistent Chief Senior Assistant Professor Glaven Asistent Docent Associate Professor Docent Professor Full Professor ProfesorAcademy of SciencesScientist III after Master thesis or Diploma equal to Assistant Scientist II after Doctoral thesis PhD Dissertation after Dr Grade 3 5 or 7 years work after Master equal Chef Assistant Associate or Post Doc Scientist I After second Post Doc 1 or 2 years work after PhD Dr equal Senior Assistant or Senior Associate Senior Scientist I after PhD US UK or Doctoral dissertation thesis France Germany Russia and some years of Post Doc equal of Assoc Prof Senior Scientist II after Habilitation equal to Professor Full ProfessorHigher administration of the academy of sciencesMember of correspondence for the Academy of Science after professor habilitation very rare Academic after member of correspondence for the entire of Bulgaria Administrative ranksRector Vice rectors Assistant rector Secretary general Academic ombudsmanCanada editMain article Academic ranks in Canada Faculty teaching staff Professor emeritus or university professor emeritus a retired professor still active in research Fr professeur emerite Endowed chair professor e g Canada Research Chair professor Tier 1 a distinguished full professor with endowment Professor or full professor research professor professor of practice visiting professor adjunct professor professor emeritus Fr professeur titulaire Associate professor research associate professor visiting associate professor adjunct associate professor Fr professeur agrege Senior Lecturer teaching professor Assistant professor research assistant professor adjunct assistant professor Fr professeur adjoint Lecturer or instructor sessional lecturer or sessional instructor Fr charge de cours Assistant professor is the entry level rank for non tenured members of faculty Non faculty teaching and research personnel Senior fellow senior research fellow or senior scientist Fr chercheur senior Fellow research fellow or scientist Fr chercheur Research supervisor or principal investigator Fr directeur de recherche Research associate or postdoctoral associate Fr associe de recherche Research assistant or teaching assistant Fr auxiliaire de rechercheAdministrative ranks Dean often also full professors Associate dean often also full professors Directors of administrative departments Associate assistant directors of administrative departments Chairmen of academic departments usually full professors Graduate Coordinators Undergraduate CoordinatorsChina editMain article Academic ranks in China Senior ranks Academic track Professor 教授 Research track Researcher 研究员 Vice Senior ranks Academic track Associate Professor 副教授 Research track Associate Researcher 副研究员 Medium ranks Academic track Assistant Professor 助理教授 or Lecturer 讲师 Research track Assistant Researcher 助理研究员 Junior ranks Academic track Assistant Lecturer 助教 Research track Intern Researcher 实习研究员 Colombia editMain article Academic ranks in ColombiaCosta Rica editEmeritus or Distinguished professor Profesor Emerito Professor Profesor Catedratico Associate professor Profesor Asociado Adjunct professor Profesor Adjunto Instructor professor Profesor Instructor Visiting professor Profesor Visitante The list above presents the ranks used by University of Costa Rica for their academic regime However there are no formal or legal academic ranks in Costa Rica Each university decides their own names For example in University of Costa Rica the highest rank is Profesor Catedratico and it requires no more than a 5 year licencitatura degree and 15 years of teaching researching and 16 publications https www ucr ac cr docencia personal docente html Most other universities have no similar framework and the title Professor is used unregulated by anyone Croatia editRedoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju equivalent to distinguished professor prof dr sc Name Surname Redoviti profesor equivalent to full professor prof dr sc Name Surname Izvanredni profesor equivalent to associate professor izv prof dr sc Name Surname Docent equivalent to assistant professor doc dr sc Name Surname Visi asistent equivalent to postdoctoral fellow researcher dr sc Name Surname Asistent equivalent to teaching research assistant usually a doctoral student Visi predavac equivalent to senior lecturer Predavac equivalent to lecturerHonorary academic rank Professor emeritus awarded to some professors in retirementAdministrative ranks Rektor equivalent to rector head of university in US equivalent to president of university Prorektor equivalent to prorector assistant to head of university in US equivalent to vice president of university Dekan equivalent to dean head of faculty or school in university Prodekan equivalent to vice dean assistant to dean Procelnik odsjeka equivalent to department chairman Predstojnik zavoda katedre equivalent to head of departmentCuba editTenured Professor Profesor Titular full part time PhD required Associate Professor Profesor Auxiliar full part time PhD mostly required Assistant Professor Profesor Asistente full part time Lecturer Instructor full part time Cyprus editTenure track faculty positions Professor Associate professor Assistant professor LecturerNon tenure track positions Special teaching personnel Special scientistsCzech Republic editMain article Academic ranks in the Czech RepublicDenmark editMain article Academic ranks in DenmarkEgypt editMain article Academic ranks in Egypt Teachers are categorized in five main classes in Egypt at university level The ascending rank of teacher is Demonstrator Assistant Lecturer Lecturer Associate Professor and Professor The initial position Demonstrator is generally enrolled as the top student of the class Master s degree is required for university level Assistant Lecturer After PhD the appointment starts with Lecturer then gradually Associate Professor and Professor depending on research teaching experience Beside these professor of Emeritus is given to extraordinary professor after their retirement OSTADH MOTAFAREGH أستاذ متفرغ equivalent to Professor Emeritus OSTADH أستاذ the DH pronounced like the TH in the word THE equivalent to Professor usually after minimum of five years serving as OSTATH MOSAED as well as publishing certain number of research papers OSTADH the DH pronounced like the TH in the word THE MOSAED أستاذ مساعد equivalent to Associate Professor MODARRES مدرس equivalent to Assistant Professor must have a PhD degree MODARRES MOSA ED مدرس مساعد Lecturer must have a master s degree MOA ED معيد or Teaching Assistant also called demonstrator must have a bachelor s degree usually graduated top of the class Estonia editEmeriitprofessor Professor emeritus Professor Kaasprofessor Associate professor Lektor Lecturer Opetaja Teacher Finland editMain article Academic ranks in Finland In Finland there is less distinction between graduates and undergraduates university students may be employed as research assistants tutkimusapulainen before they graduate with a master s degree A person pursuing a doctoral degree must already hold a Master s degree and is typically employed by the university or enjoys a similar grant and will be called vaitoskirjatutkija doctoral researcher nuorempi tutkija early career researcher or tohtorikoulutettava doctoral student 5 Besides post doctoral researchers tutkijatohtori and senior teaching assistants yliassistentti there are several mid level non professorial positions such as teaching researcher opettava tutkija Senior teachers and researchers may be employed as e g erikoistutkija special researcher or yliopistotutkija senior research fellow Docent dosentti is a non professorial rank and title for life awarded to academics qualified as a principal investigator and for supervision of doctoral students however they do not belong to the professor corps and may be employed elsewhere Professors professori are understood as research group leaders and managers and traditionally there is no direct equivalent of an assistant associate full professor career path although Aalto University is introducing these Qualifications for a professor s position are earned as a docent or in other mid career positions In management professors serve as department heads laitosjohtaja or osastonjohtaja and deans head of the faculty dekaani The leader of a university is called a rector rehtori assisted by multiple vice rectors vararehtori Vice rectors may retain their professor positions or work full time as a vice rector Some universities have an even more senior officer called Chancellor kansleri who is more concerned with outreach and public relations than daily management France editMain article Academic ranks in France Faculty Research only Teaching only Part timePermanent positions Professeur des universites Directeur de recherche Professeur des universites associeMaitre de conferences Charge de recherche Professeur agrege orProfesseur certifie Maitre de conferences associeTemporary positions Attache temporaire d enseignement et de recherches ATER Post doctorant Charge d enseignementDoctorant contractuel charge d enseignement Doctorant contractuelIn French business schools ranks are the same as in the United States Assistant Professor Associate Professor and finally Full Professor Germany editMain article Academic ranks in Germany A simplified overview of academic ranks in Germany Faculty Teaching only Part timePermanent positions Universitatsprofessor Pay grade W3 or W2 Professor W3 Lehrprofessor Honorarprofessor honorary title Professor W2 Professor W1 Akademischer Oberrat Akademischer Rat Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tenured Lehrkraft fur besondere Aufgaben LfbA tenured Temporary positions Akademischer Rat auf Zeit Akademischer Oberrat auf Zeit AR OAR a Z Juniorprofessor W1 non tenured Professor auf Zeit W2 Lehrkraft fur besondere Aufgaben LfbA non tenured LehrbeauftragterWissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterWissenschaftliche HilfskraftAppointment grades Universitatsprofessor Pay grade W3 or W2 Professor W3 Professor W2 Hochschuldozent W2 only in Baden Wurttemberg although paid like a professor appointed at level W2 lecturers in this position do not have a professor title the term was formerly used in all states for senior lecturer positions with research and teaching responsibilities C2 being phased out since 2002 Juniorprofessor not tenured only rarely with tenure track W1 Juniordozent not tenured W1 only in Baden Wurttemberg Studienrat or Akademischer Rat Oberrat Direktor auf Lebenszeit A13 A14 A15 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter TVoD 13 14 15 TvL 13 14 15 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter auf Zeit Akademischer Rat auf Zeit TVoD TvL A13 a Z Akademischer Mitarbeiter auf Zeit TVoD only in Baden Wurttemberg Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft TdL Studentische Hilfskraft TdL Non appointment grades Privatdozent Ausserplanmassiger Professor conferred in some German states to a Privatdozent who has been in service for several years without formally being appointed as professor Greece editProfessor Emeritus Omotimos Ka8hghths male Omotimos Ka8hghtria or Omotimh Ka8hghtria female An honorary title for people at the rank of Professor who have reached the legal age for retirement If they wish they have the right for a limited time after retirement to continue their research projects Professor Ka8hghths male Ka8hghtria female 6 Associate Professor Anaplhrwths Ka8hghths male Anaplhrwtria Ka8hghtria female Assistant Professor Epikoyros Ka8hghths male Epikoyros Ka8hghtria female Laboratory Teaching Staff member melos Ergasthriakoy Didaktikoy Proswpikoy E DI P Holders of a doctoral degree Ph D that are members of this rank can independently teach courses same as the Teaching Research Staff Didaktiko Ereynhtiko Proswpiko D E P i e professors ranks members do All members can be instructors in laboratories Administrative ranks Universities and Technical Universities Rector Prytanhs Vice rector Antiprytanhs Secretary General Genikos Grammateas male Genikh Grammateas female Dean Kosmhtoras Deputy Dean Anaplhrwths Kosmhtoras male Anaplhrwtria Kosmhtoras female Chairman of the Department Proedros Tmhmatos Deputy Chairman of the Department Antiproedros Tmhmatos Director of the Section Diey8ynths Tomea male Diey8yntria Tomea female The holders of administrative ranks must be Professors or Associate Professors The only exception is Secretary General who is not a faculty member Administrative ranks former Technological Educational Institutes defunct The Technological Educational Institutes TEI 1983 2019 were reformed between 2013 and 2019 and their departments incorporated into existing universities President Proedros Vice president Antiproedros Secretary General Genikos Grammateas male Genikh Grammateas female Director of the School Diey8ynths Sxolhs male Die8yntria Sxolhs female Supervisor of the Department Proistamenos Tmhmatos male Proistamenh Tmhmatos female Director of the Section Diey8ynths Tomea male Diey8yntria Tomea female The holders of administrative ranks must be Professors or Associate Professors Defunct Academic Staff Ranks Adjunct Assistant Professor Entetalmenos Epikoyros Ka8hghths male Entetalmenh Epikoyros Ka8hghtria A temporary employee with a short term contract usually for one term semester usually holder of a doctoral degree Ph D as described in the Greek Presidential Decree 407 1980 published in the Government Gazette 112 A 9 5 1980 Adjunct Assistant Professors are sometimes called simply as 407 or P D 407 after the number of the Decree Lecturer 1982 2011 defunct in universities and technical universities Lektoras both male and female in technological educational institutes Ka8hghths Efarmogwn male Ka8hghtria Efarmogwn female it had founded by the law 1268 1982 Government Gazette 87 A 16 7 1982 and it was abolished defunct by the law 4009 2011 Government Gazette 195 A 6 9 2011 6 7 8 9 Teaching Assistant was abolished in 1982 but people holding it remain teaching assistants until retirement Adjunct Lecturer Entetalmenos Lektoras male Entetalmenh Lektoras female was abolished Guyana editProfessor Emeritus on retirement Professor Reader Senior Lecturer Lecturer II Lecturer I Assistant Lecturer Tutor Laboratory DemonstratorAdministrative ranks Chancellor Vice chancellor president Deputy vice chancellor Registrar Bursar Deputy Registrar Deans of Faculties Heads of Departments SchoolsHong Kong editIn the past Hong Kong followed the British system 4 levels In recent years it is moving towards the North American counterpart with the titles renamed to their corresponding equivalence professor professor associate professor professor reader and assistant professor senior lecturer Hong Kong s universities usually differ between professorial grades end or mid career research and teaching positions and lecturers entry or mid career positions in the UK called either teaching fellows or lecturers and Mittelbau in German speaking countries 10 Depending on institutions the title of professor is assumed by chair professors and professors or assistant professors and above Academic ranks Chair professor Emeritus professor Professor Associate professor Assistant professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Research assistant professor Post doctoral fellow Adjunct associate assistant professor Honorary associate assistant professor Professional consultant or teaching consultant fellow Research associate Research assistant and teaching assistant or tutor instructor demonstrator Postgraduate or graduate UndergraduateAdministrative ranks Chancellor titular normally the Chief Executive formerly the Governor of Hong Kong or president in the Hong Kong Shue Yan University Pro chancellor titular only for the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Vice chancellor or president or vice president principal in the Hong Kong Shue Yan University being the chief executive of the institution Deputy vice chancellor as the first among pro vice chancellors in the University of Hong Kong Pro vice chancellors or vice presidents or deputy presidents Associate pro vice chancellors as in the Chinese University of Hong Kong or Associate vice president as in the Hong Kong Baptist University the Lingnan University the Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the Hong Kong Institute of Education Registrar Provost for some universities Deans of faculties schools Heads or directors of departments schoolsHungary editMain article Academic ranks in Hungary Professzor egyetemi tanar university professor full professor foiskolai tanar college professor Docens associate professor Adjunktus assistant professor Tanarseged assistant lecturer Iceland editIn Icelandic universities particularly at the University of Iceland professor is the most senior ranking teaching position Below professor is dosent then lektor This three step hierarchy is akin to the US scale of full associate and assistant professors Until the early 1990s no upward mobility was available in the Icelandic system Most university teachers were hired as professor A dosent or a lektor wishing to ascend to a higher rank had to apply for a new position when it became available Currently since the 1990s much more university teachers are hired as junior rank lektor and are promoted to dosent and professor if their work proves worthy of it Research and teaching career pathway Professor Professor from Latin professor Dosent Associate Professor from Latin doceō Lektor Assistant Professor from Latin lectorResearch career pathway Visindamadur Scientist Fraedimadur Scholar Serfraedingur Specialist India editMain article Academic ranks in India Regular Academic ranks Hierarchy from top Academic institutions in India have the mandate of teaching training and research This also includes research universities Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor In addition to these there are government sponsored fellowships awarded to able candidates for a 5 year contract period during which they are hosted by an academic or research organisation Their primary function is to carry out high quality original research They may become a regular faculty as an assistant professor or associate professor during this period subject to their performance Assistant Professor on contract Ad hoc faculty They are primarily involved in teaching for a limited contract period typically 6 months 1 year Research ranks Hierarchy from top Research institutions such as national labs have a different kind of hierarchy and are primarily concerned with basic and applied research They guide Ph D students in their research thesis but do not grant degrees In most cases the Ph D candidates are registered with another university which grants the degree Awarding of degree is subjected to meeting the same criteria as Ph D guided by university professors Scientist H Scientist G Scientist F Scientist E in some cases EII Scientist D in some cases EI Scientist C Scientist BNon faculty ranks Research associate postdoctoral fellows inspire faculty Senior research fellow Ph D students after completing two years of course work and research Junior research fellow Newly joined Ph D candidates Administrative ranks in universities Chancellor Vice chancellor Pro vice chancellor Deans directors Chairmen HODs wardensAdministrative ranks in research institutions Director general Director Chairman of departments divisionsIndonesia editMain article Academic ranks in Indonesia Academic ranksAccording to the Joint Regulations of the Ministry of Education And Culture And Head of National Civil Service Agency No 4 VIII PB 2014 No 24 Year 2014 and the Regulation of Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform No 46 Year 2013 and No 17 Year 2013 Article 6 and the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education decree No 164 M KPT 2019 11 the academic ranks Jabatan Fungsional for lecturer university based and researcher non university areAcademic ranks for lecturers 11 Dosen Lecturer Asisten Ahli Assistant Professor Lower Lektor Assistant Professor Upper Lektor Kepala Associate Professor Guru Besar Profesor Professor Academic ranks for researchers Peneliti Pertama Junior Researcher Peneliti Ahli Muda Associate Researcher Peneliti Ahli Madya Senior Researcher Peneliti Ahli Utama Research Professor Administrative ranks university Rektor Rector Wakil Rektor Vice Rector Dekan Dean Wakil Dekan Vice Dean Kepala Program Studi Head of Department Iran editHolders of bachelor s degree when granted to teach in a college Assistant instructor Persian مربی آموزشیار transliteration morabbi e amuzesyar Holders of master s degrees when granted to teach in a college Instructor in Persian مربی transliteration morabbi Lecturer in Persian مدرس transliteration modarres Holders of Ph D degrees Assistant professor in Persian استادیار transliteration ostadyar Associate professor in Persian دانشیار transliteration danesyar Full Professor in Persian استادتمام استاد transliteration ostad tamam Distinguished Professor in Persian استاد ممتاز transliteration ostad e momtaz Terms of address in general ostadEmeritus ranks Emeritus professor FellowAdministrative ranks President Chancellor Dean Head of department Iraq editHolders of master s degrees can be in ascending order Assistant lecturer in Arabic مدرس مساعد Lecturer مدرس Assistant professor أستاذ مساعد Professor أستاذ Holders of PhD degrees can be in ascending order Lecturer مدرس Assistant professor أستاذ مساعد Professor أستاذ Experienced professor أستاذ متمرس Note Holders of PhD degrees are automatically promoted to lecturer if they were assistant lecturers before they received their PhD استاذ equivalent to professor استاذ مساعد equivalent to associate professor مدرس equivalent to assistant professor in American Universities with PhD or with researches مدرس مساعد Assistant lecturer without PhD Israel editMain article Academic ranks in Israel Academic Professor Emeritus Professor Min Haminyan Full Professor Professor Chaver Associate Professor Senior Lecturer LecturerAdministrative Ranks President Rector Dean Department ChairmanItaly editMain article Academic ranks in Italy Tenured positions confermato Professore Ordinario or Professore di I fascia A tenured full professor position Professore Associato or Professore di II fascia A tenured associate professor position Professore Aggregato A ricercatore confermato who is in charge of teaching university classes Ricercatore confermato A tenured position as researcher or assistant professor Non tenured positions non confermato Professore Straordinario also Professore di I fascia A three year full professor appointment leading to tenure Professore Associato non confermato also Professore di II fascia A three year associate professor appointment leading to tenure at associate level Ricercatore non confermato A three year position at assistant professor researcher lecturer level Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B A three year position at assistant professor researcher lecturer level leading to the Professore Associato position Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A A three year position one possible two year renewal at assistant professor researcher lecturer level Assegnista di Ricerca A research fellow with a fixed term appointment Honorary titles as Professore Emerito and Professore Onorario also exist and are typically appointed to illustrious academics after retirement In Italian universities the role of Professore a contratto literally Contract Professor is paid at the end of the academic year nearly 3000 for the entire academic year without salary during the academic year 12 In 2020 there are 23 thousand Associate Professors and 28 thousand Professori a contratto in Italy 13 Associate Professors have a salary of around 35 000 euros per year Full Professors have a salary of 50 000 euros per year and Contract Professors of around 3 000 euros per year 14 Jamaica editProfessor Emeritus Professor Senior Lecturer Tenured Lecturer Tenured Tenure track Assistant Lecturer Instructor Tutor Graduate Research AssistantJapan editIn the past few decades Japan has taken steps to make its academic rankings similar to that of the United States The ranking system is as follows meiyo kyōju 名誉教授 Professor emeritus kyōju 教授 Full Professor junkyōju 准教授 Associate professor kōshi 講師 Lecturer Junior associate professor Assistant professor jokyō 助教 Assistant professorUnlike the other ranks the kōshi title has no official criteria and thus no standardized English translation Historically many Japanese associate professors had only master s degrees but this is no longer the case for younger generations of academics who in such cases are now limited to the rank of kōshi There were previously other ranks similar to associate professor and postdoctoral researcher called jokyōju 助教授 and joshu 助手 respectively but these positions have been eliminated The Japanese system includes non tenured term limited positions at all ranks including professor These are referred to as ninki tsuki 任期付き positions and include tokunin 特任 in the official title when contracts are awarded on a rolling one year basis Limited tenure track positions have recently been introduced 15 Granting of tenure and promotion to associate professor are not linked one may be tenured yet remain an assistant professor or promoted to associate professor before being awarded tenure Because the number of professor and associate professor position is nearly fixed direct promotion usually requires a higher level post to be vacated Jordan editMain article Academic ranks in Jordan Assistant Prof Associate Prof ProfLatvia editAdministrative positions Rektors male Rektore female rector Dekans male Dekane female dean head of a faculty human sciences natural sciences etc Nodalas vaditajs male Nodalas vaditaja female department manager head of a department computer science mathematics etc Academic positions Profesors male Profesore female Professor Asocietais profesors male Asocieta profesore female associate professor Docents male Docente female assistant professor usually almost the same teaching research administration division as professor Doctoral Degree required Lektors male Lektore female Lecturer Requires MA degree Asistents male Asistente female research or teaching assistantLebanon editAcademic positions at the Lebanese American University Instructor Senior Instructor Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Distinguished ProfessorLibya editProfessor أستاذ Associate professor أستاذ مشارك Assistant professor أستاذ مساعد Lecturer محاضر Assistant Lecturer محاضر مساعد 16 Lithuania editProfessor Profesorius male Profesore female Associate professor Docentas male Docente female Assistant professor Asistentas profesorius male Asistente profesore female Lecturer Lektorius male Lektore female Assistant lecturer Asistentas male Asistente female Macau editAt the University of Macau there are nine levels of faculty rank namely Chairman professor Distinguished professor Professor Associate professor Assistant professor Senior lecturer Lecturer Senior instructor InstructorAt the Macao Polytechnic University there are four levels Professor Professor coordenador Associate professor Professor adjuncto Lecturer Assistente Teaching Assistant Assistent estagiario Myanmar editMain article Academic ranks in Myanmar RectorPro Rector IPro Rector IIPro Rector IIIProfessor Head of Department Professor IProfessorAssociate ProfessorLecturerAssistant LecturerTutor DemonstratorNorth Macedonia editDemonstrator Demonstrator Graduate employee in a university Younger assistant Pomlad Asistent B Sc Assistant Asistent M Sc Docent Docent Assistant professor Vonreden Professor Vonreden Profesor associate professor Professor Profesor full time professor Professor emeritus Penzioniran Profesor retired professor Academic Akademik academician Administrative positions Pomlad referent Pomlad referent Younger Civil Servant High School Diploma Referent Referent Civil Servant High School Diploma Postar Referent Postar Referent Senior Civil Servant High School Diploma Pomlad Sorabotnik Pomlad Sorabotnik Younger Associate Associate Degree Sorabotnik Sorabotnik Associate Associate Degree Postar Sorabotnik Postar Sorabotnik Senior Associate Associate Degree Rakovoditel na studentski prasanja Rakovoditel na studentski prashaњa Head of Students Affairs Bachelor s degree Rakovoditel na katedra institut Rakovoditel na katedra institut Head of Department Institute Ph D Prodekan Prodekan Vice Dean Ph D Dekan Dekan Dean Ph D Prorektor Prorektor Vice Rector Ph D Rektor Rektor Rector Ph D Malaysia editMain article Academic ranks in Malaysia In general for most public universities in Malaysia Professor Associate Professor Senior Lecturer LecturerMalta editProfessor Associate Professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer Assistant LecturerMexico editThe ranking system in most Mexican public universities is as follows Profesor Asociado A early assistant professor Profesor Asociado B assistant professor Profesor Asociado C early associate professor Profesor Titular A associate professor Profesor Titular B full professor Profesor Titular C senior full professor Profesor Emerito equivalent to distinguished professor not to be confused with emeritus professor Usually Mexican academics are also fellows of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores SNI that has four levels candidate I II and III that more or less correlate but are not equivalent to the Asociado and Titular A B and C professorships The rank as professor is determined by the individual s institution while the SNI level is determined by an independent committee that evaluates the researchers nationwide Many universities and research institutions make a distinction between Profesores Professors and Investigadores Researchers Asociado A B C Titular A B C the main difference is that Profesores have a higher load of teaching while Investigadores have a higher load of research but normally all of them take part in both activities and are considered equivalent Research rankings are awarded by the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores which depends on the national research council Conacyt SNI emeritus researcher not necessarily higher rank but lifetime requires 15 continuous years as SNI III SNI III researcher about 7 of the researchers in SNI SNI II researcher about 16 of the researchers in SNI SNI I researcher about 59 of researchers in SNI SNI candidate researcher C about 18 of researchers in SNI All titles both professors and researchers can be given in a Full time or Part time basisAdministrative academic positions Rector or Presidente Chancellor Chief Executive Officer Secretario Academico Provost Chief Academic Officer Director of Faculty or College Dean Coordinator Chair Morocco editAcademic Positions1 Professeur d Enseignement Superieur2 Professeur Habilite a Diriger les Recherches supervise les recherches 3 Professeur Assistant co encadre les recherches Before Academic Position1 Docteur2 DoctorantNepal editAcademic Positions1 Professor Emeritus2 Professor3 Associate professor Reader4 Assistant Professor5 Lecturer6 Teaching Assistant7 Instructor8 Technical support staffAdministrative Positions Chancellor Pro chancellor Vice chancellor Rector Registrar Deans of School Heads of department Program CoordinatorNetherlands editMain article Academic ranks in the NetherlandsNew Zealand editMain article Academic ranks Australia and New Zealand Nigeria editAcademic Positions Emeritus Professor retired Professor Associate Professor Reader Senior Lecturer Lecturer I Lecturer II Assistant Lecturer Graduate AssistantAdministrative Positions Chancellor Pro chancellor Vice chancellor Deputy vice chancellor Pro vice chancellor Deans of faculties some are referred to as provost Sub deans of faculties Heads of departments schools Department school directors of studiesNorway editMain article Academic ranks in NorwayPakistan editThe hiring of academic positions in public universities throughout Pakistan is managed by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan the requirement for all positions vary with respect to the field of studies e g Engineering IT Medical Law and Arts and Design There are four faculty ranks lecturer assistant professor associate professor and professor In engineering public universities a lecturer requires an M Sc or B Sc degree and high academic standing in the field e g gold medalist among top 15 students of graduating class An assistant professor position requires a Ph D in relevant field with no experience An associate professorship can be conducted in the fourth year of employment although it is becoming more common for promotion and tenure to be awarded in the sixth year of employment The review requires a certain number 5 8 10 research publications with at least 1 2 4 jargon publications in the last 5 years by the calendar years 2007 2008 2012 respectively in HEC PEC recognized journals A professor requires ten years post PhD teaching research experience in an HEC recognized university or a post graduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization It requires a minimum of 8 12 15 research publications with at least 2 3 5 publications in the last 5 years by the calendar years 2007 2008 2012 respectively in HEC PEC recognized journals Professor Emeritus Meritorious Professor Distinguished National Professor Professor Associate professor Assistant professor Lecturer Lab Engineer Research AssociatePeru editAfter some recent reforms in the University Law Minedu 2014 17 the Peruvian universities publics and privates consider these ranks Extraordinary Professors Principally this is a category of recognition for his contribution as professor or researcher when he retires or as a professional when he has built a great contribution to society throughout his career To have 10 as maximum of these professors in any university public or private is mandatory Emeritus professor Profesor Emerito For this recognition the candidate should be faculty member former ordinary professor in retiring process Honorary professor Profesor Honorario For this recognition the candidate is not related to a faculty member For instance in this category is the Doctor Honoris Causa Research Professors Principally full time research position with few teaching responsibilities Research professorships are almost always funded by grants or fellowships apart from the regular university budget He is designated because of its academic excellence He has a special bonus of fifty percent 50 of its total payments The competent authority of each university evaluates every two years the production of the ordinary professors for their permanence as a researcher Ordinary Professors Often full time with exclusivity professors with research competences Principal faculty To have 25 as minimum of these professors in any university public or private is mandatory Full professor Profesor Principal PhD and MSc required and former Associate professor or 15 years of experience minimum as researcher in the field to apply Associate professor Profesor Asociado PhD postgraduate level and MSc required and former Assistant professor or 10 years of experience minimum as researcher in the field to apply Assistant professor Profesor Auxiliar PhD postgraduate level and MSc required and 5 years of experience minimum as researcher in the field to apply Lecturer Hired Professors Often part time with non exclusivity professors Complementary faculty Generally their primary employer is not the university with which they have the status Principally this kind of professor come from practitioner market and not develop research activities MSc required In addition the universities developed prior ranks as junior temporary rank to get experience and training with strong motivation to be ordinary professor Instructor Instructor Jefe de Practica MSc required in Postgraduate level and BSc required in Undergraduate level Teaching Research Assistant Asistente Academico Investigador MSc required in Postgraduate level and BSc required in Undergraduate level Philippines editProfessor Emeritus Professor Associate Professor doctorate is typically required Assistant Professor master s degree required typically this is also the entry level rank for PhD holders Instructor master s degree required Assistant Instructor Lecturer other Universities Colleges Guest Lecturer other Universities Colleges Administrative ranks UP System National Chancellor University President Vice Chancellor Vice President for Planning and Development Vice Chancellor Vice President for Research and Extension Vice Chancellor Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor Vice President for Finance and Management University Registrar Dean Assistant Dean Associate Dean Department Chairman Program Chairman Faculty Members and StaffOther professors Professor researcher Researcher Professor Emeritus Ad honorem professorTenureDue to Philippine labor laws regarding permanency a faculty member who has not received tenure within three years of initial hire cannot continue as a full time hire at the same university Poland editResearch and teaching staff pl asystent research and teaching assistant research and teaching fellow hold master s degree pl adiunkt assistant professor requires PhD pl docent senior lecturer requires PhD or habilitation a new position since 2007 optional and only in some universities does not involve any research duties and is meant mainly for teaching Until 1987 a position between associate professor and university professor pl adiunkt z habilitacja associate professor requires habilitation pl profesor uczelni university professor requires at least PhD and significant research or artistic achievements awarded by university president pl profesor full professor requires the professor title conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland which is an academic title not an academic position sometimes called professor ordinarius and also for a special purpose pl profesor wizytujacy visiting professor pl profesor emerytowany professor emeritusTeaching staff pl instruktor instructor sport pl lektor instructor foreign language teacher pl wykladowca lecturer pl starszy wykladowca senior lecturer please note the same term is used for both docent and starszy wykladowca pl profesor uczelni university professor requires at least PhD and significant teaching achievements awarded by university president Elected or nominated posts Rector Rektor the principal head of the university one per university usually assisted by several deputy rectors pl prorektor Dean Dziekan the principal head of the faculty one per faculty usually assisted by several deputy deans pl prodziekan Head Kierownik the head of the institute department one per organizational unit Portugal editMain article Academic ranks in Portugal Professor Catedratico full professor PhD and Agregacao required Professor Associado com Agregacao associate professor with Agregacao PhD required Professor Associado associate professor PhD required Professor Auxiliar com Agregacao assistant professor PhD required Professor Auxiliar assistant professor PhD required Extinct ranks Assistente teaching assistant without a PhD Assistente estagiario junior teaching assistant without a PhD or a master s degreeRomania editAdministrative ranks Rector Rector one per university Prorector Vice rector one or more per university Decan Dean one per college Prodecan Vice dean one or more per college Director de departament Head of department one per department Șef de disciplină Head of a subject one for each subjectResearch and teaching staff higher rank Profesor universitar Professor holding a doctorate degree international impact research activity Conferențiar universitar Associate professor Reader holding a doctorate degree and national impact research activity Lector universitar or Șef de lucrări Associate professor Senior Lecturer holding a doctorate degree and local impact research activity Asistent universitar Assistant professor Lecturer holding a doctorate degree or in case of a limited time contract they can be in the process of getting a doctorate degree Special Profesor vizitator Visiting professor Profesor emerit or Profesor consultant Emeritus professor Russia editMain article Academic ranks in Russia In Russia otherwise than in the most other countries synonimization of the terms academic scientific rank and position in academia is not admissible except in informal conversations Officially the scientific rank in Russia is a title which is conferred by the Higher attestation commission to the scientist after several years of a successful work in the professor or deemed equivalent or docent or deemed equivalent position Similar traditions existed in the USSR Rwanda editAcademic ranks Full Professor Associate Professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer PhD Assistant Lecturer Msc Tutorial assistant Cum Laude undergraduate assisting in teaching and research Saudi Arabia editMain article Academic ranks in Saudi Arabia Professor أستاذ أستاذ دكتور Associate Professor أستاذ مشارك Assistant Professor أستاذ مساعد Lecturer محاضر Demonstrator معيدSerbia editMain article Academic ranks in SerbiaSingapore editSingapore universities adopt a hybrid of US and British academic ranks Faculty members on the tenure track are appointed for sustained excellence in both teaching and research Assistant Professors are appointed on term contracts while Associate Professors and Professors may be appointed either with tenure or on term contract Faculty members on the Educator Track engage in high quality educational activities They are oriented towards teaching excellence student learning and pedagogical research and innovation Appointments in this Track include Teaching Assistants Instructors Lecturers Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors Educator Track They are on term contracts which are usually of 1 3 years in the first instance Research track faculty members focus on conducting fundamental research of high international quality Appointments on this Track include Research Assistants Research Fellows Senior Research Fellows Associate Professor Research and Professor Research They are on term contracts of 1 3 years in the first instance Practice Track faculty members are scholar practitioners with professional skills and expertise in industry to complement the teaching and research enterprise of the university They also contribute significantly to the outreach activities of the School Appointments are to Associate Professor Practice and Professor Practice They are on term contracts of 1 3 years in the first instance 18 Tenure Track Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Educator Track Teaching Assistant Instructor Lecturer Senior Lecturer Associate Professor Educator Track Research Track Research Assistant Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow Associate Professor Research Professor Research Practice Track Associate Professor Practice Professor Practice Slovakia editMain article Academic ranks in Slovakia Profesor professor both degree written prof before name and position Professors are appointed by the president after a successful accomplishment of the process of awarding a professorship One of the requirements is an already accomplished docent degree Docent associate professor both degree written doc before name and position The degree is awarded by the rector after a certain number of years of teaching and after a successful accomplishment of habilitacia a process concluded by a defense of a reviewed research manuscript and a public lecture Odborny asistent lecturer researcher this title covers positions from lecturers to researchers Requirements for lecturers researchers vary usually a Ph D Th D is required Asistent assistant lecturer at least Master degree is requiredSpecial Hostujuci profesor hosting professor significant expert with whom a dean with the approval of the scientific council of a faculty concluded employment at the position of professor Hostujuci docent hosting associate professor significant expert with whom a dean with the approval of the scientific council of a faculty concluded employment at the position of associate professor Mimoriadny profesor adjunct professor sometimes also translated as associate professor but it is not same position as docent associate professor temporarily appointed to the position of professor at a faculty while being an expectant to professor degree written mimoriadny profesor after name Administrative Rektor rector head of the university Prorektor vice rector typically three to five people are vice rectors the position is further specified by indicating domain a vice rector is responsible for e g study related issues research public relationships international relationships development information technology Kvestor registrar bursar senior professional financial administrator of the university Dekan dean head of a faculty Prodekan vice dean the position is further specified by indicating domain a vice den is responsible for e g admissions study related issues research public relationships international relationships information technology Riaditeľ director head of a sub unit at the university or a faculty institute research center e g Institute of Life Long Learning of the Slovak University of Technology Institute of Physical Education and Sport at the Pavol Jozef Safarik University Veduci katedry departmental chairman head of a katedra department sub unit at a faculty Zastupca veduceho katedry deputy departmental chairman deputizes department chairman if necessaryHonorary ranks Emeritny profesor professor emeritus may be awarded by the rector on the proposal of the scientific council of the university for significant contributions in the field of science art or education to professor older than 65 years who is no longer employment at the university but is still active in research and teaching Doctor honoris causa honorary doctor for the sake of the honor honorary doctorate of the university or a faculty awarded for special merit written Dr h c before name Slovenia editAsistent assistant Must hold at least Master after Bologna process or Honours degree university diploma awarded before the Bologna process with excellent grades pursuing a postgraduate studies either Doctorate PhD studies or pre Bologna process Magister studies Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well Asistent raziskovalec research assistant Must hold at least Master after Bologna process or Honours degree university diploma awarded before the Bologna process with excellent grades pursuing a postgraduate studies either Doctorate PhD studies or pre Bologna process Magister studies Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well Lektor usually a native speaker of a taught language Docent assistant professor Must hold Doctorate PhD Relevant working experience or publications could be required as well Izredni profesor associate professor Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of four years as a Docent Redni profesor full professor Must hold PhD or Doctorate and have experience of minimum of four years as a docent associate professor Administrative ranks Rektor rector chancellor head of university Prorektor prorector vice chancellor head of university assistant Dekan dean head of faculty academy or school at the university Prodekan vice dean head of faculty academy or school at the university Predstojnik oddelka head of department several per faculty academy or school at the university Predstojnik katedre head of cathedra chair several per faculty or per departmentHonorary ranks Zasluzni profesor distinguished professor a title bestowed to professors for their extraordinary achievementsSouth Africa editMain article Academic ranks in South Africa Full professor Associate professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer Junior LecturerSouth Korea editProtected job titles a k a tenure positions Full professor 정교수 교수 Associate professor 부교수 Assistant professor 조교수 Other positions Lecturer 강사 Research professor 연구 교수 Clinical professor 임상 교수 Adjunct professor 겸임 교수 Teaching assistant professor 강의전문 조교수 Collegiate professor Visiting professor 객원 교수 초빙 교수 Chaired professor 석좌 교수 Emeritus professor 명예 교수 Spain editMain article Academic ranks in Spain Full Professor Catedratico de Universidad Associate Professor Profesor Titular Assistant Professor Profesor Ayudante Doctor Instructor Often Part Time Profesor AsociadoSri Lanka editThe appointment of professors follows the British system and is governed by the University Grants Commission regulations A points based system considers contributions to the research field national development and institutional development Several types of professorships exist Professor emeritus on retirement at the age of 65 Senior professor Professor Associate professorProfessor positions are clearly separated from other junior faculty positions such as in seniority order senior lecturer grade I usually PhD and 6 years service senior lecturer grade II usually a PhD and 2 years service lecturer usually with PhD lecturer probationary Temporary lecturer Professor emeritus on retirement Senior professor Professor Associate professor Senior lecturer Lecturer Temporary lecturer Instructor demonstrator Student instructor undergrad Administrative ranks Chancellor titular Vice chancellor president Registrar Deans of faculties Heads of departments schools Directors of Postgraduate InstitutesSudan editProfessor أستاذ Associate Professor أستاذ مشارك Assistant Professor أستاذ مساعد Lecturer محاضر Teaching Assistant مساعد تدريسSweden editMain article Academic rank in Sweden Academic ranks Docent Associate professor normally unpaid title equivalent to habilitation Adjungerad professor Visiting adjunct professor part time non tenured Adjunkt Instructor lecturer without Ph D permanent teaching position Forskarassistent post doctoral research assistant non tenured Bitradande Lektor assistant professor tenure track Lektor assistant professor with Ph D tenured Professor full professor tenured Professor Emeritus professor emeritus Director musices Director Musices Administrative ranks President Rektor Deputy President Prorektor Dean Dekan Vice Dean Prodekanus Head of Department Prefekt Deputy Head of Department Proprefekt Honorary titles Honorary doctor Hedersdoktor Honorary Fellow Honorary Fellow Switzerland editGerman language universities note 1 Ordentlicher Professor Ordentliche Professorin Ordinarius Ordinaria full professor Ausserordentlicher Professor Ausserordentliche Professorin Extraordinarius Extraordinaria associate professor Assistenzprofessor Assistenzprofessorin assistant professor requires PhD Assoziierter Professor Assoziierte Professorin adjunct professor Titularprofessor Titularprofessorin affiliated professor Honorarprofessor Honorarprofessorin honorary professor Privatdozent Privatdozentin PD senior lecturer has the habilitation but not professorship Gastdozent Gastdozentin visiting lecturer Lehrbeauftragter Lehrbeauftragte lecturer Oberassistent Oberassistentin senior researcher lecturer typically after 3 4 years as a postdoc Postdoc Postdoc i e after PhD Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Scientific Staff Note typically synonymous with Assistent Assistentin Assistent Assistentin research assistant typically a PhD student Hilfassistent Hilfassistentin Undergraduate research assistant Undergraduate teaching assistant French language universitiesProfesseur ordinaire full professor chairman Professeur extraordinaire Professeur invite Professeur associe associate professor literally yet functions as full professor or reader non chairman tenured Professeur assistant assistant professor literally yet functions as associate professor tenure track Charge de cours senior lecturer yet functions as associate professor tenure track Privat docent has the habilitation but not professorship required for tenure track Charge d enseignement lecturer not tenure track Maitre Assistant assistant professor or lecturer non tenured Assistant lecturer usually a graduate student Moniteur undergraduate student Syria editThe academic rankings in the Syrian Arab Republic are very similar to the Egyptian ones see Academic ranks in Egypt for details Taiwan editProfessor emeritus 名譽教授 Professor 教授 Associate professor 副教授 Assistant professor 助理教授 assistant professor and above are mainly for people who hold a PhD degree Some are promoted to this rank by distinctive industrial performance Lecturer Adjunct professor Adjunct associate professor Adjunct assistant professor According to the contract work and less welfare Usually 1 to 2 years Adjunct researcherThailand editMain article Academic ranks in Thailand Professor sastracary Associate professor rxngsastracary Assistant professor phuchwysastracary Lecturer xacary Trinidad and Tobago editProfessor Emeritus Professor Senior Lecturer Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Instructor Graduate Research AssistantTunisia editProfesseur ordinaire full professor Professeur extraordinaire full professor Professeur professor Charge de cours definitif associate professor tenured Charge de cours temporaire assistant professor tenure track Charge de cours invite visiting assistant professor non tenured Maitre de conferences associate professor tenured Directeur de recherche research director appointed by federal research council FNRS Chef de travaux agrege senior researcher with teaching aggregation with Ph D Maitre de Conferences senior researcher with Ph D appointed by federal research council FNRS Chef de travaux senior researcher with Ph D Chercheur qualifie senior researcher appointed by federal research council FNRS Premier assistant senior research assistant with Ph D Charge de recherche researcher appointed by federal research council FNRS Assistant de recherche research assistant Administrative ranks Recteur president of university Vice Recteur Doyen dean i e head of a faculty elected President d institut director of research institute elected Vice Doyen vice dean i e head of studies in a faculty President de departement department head elected Turkey editAcademic ranks Emeritus Profesor Honorary Retired professor Ordinaryus Profesor At least 5 years professor with a chair representing a given area Since 1960 this title is not given Profesor Full professor Docent Associate professor Yardimci Docent Assistant professor This title not given since 2018 Doktor Ogretim Uyesi Assistant Professor Literally Doctor Teaching Member Ogretim Gorevlisi Doktor Lecturer Literally Teaching Officer Doctor Ogretim Gorevlisi Lecturer Literally Teaching Officer Okutman Instructor This title not given since 2018 Doktor Arastirma Gorevlisi Doctor Research Teaching Assistant Literally Doctor Research Officer Arastirma Gorevlisi Research Teaching Assistant Literally Research Officer Basasistan Hekim Head of Assistant Medical Doctors Asistan Hekim Assistant Medical Doctor Administrative ranks Rektor rector or president professors Rektor Yardimcisi vice rector or vice president doctorate or above generally associate professors or professors Fakulte Dekani dean of the faculty professors Enstitu muduru Director of the institute doctorate or above for research institutes professors for graduate education institutes Dekan Yardimcisi vice dean or associate dean doctorate or above generally associate professors or professors Enstitu muduru Director of the institute associate professor or above Enstitu mudur yardimcisi Deputy director of the institute doctorate or above Bolum Baskani head of department doctorate or above generally professors Yuksekokul Muduru head of school doctorate or above Ana Bilim Sanat Dali Baskani head of chair chairman of academic programs doctorate or above generally professors Ukraine editAcademic ranks Profesor Profesor Full professor Dotsent Docent Associate professor Starshyj doslidnyk starshyj naukovyj spivrobitnyk Starshij doslidnik starshij naukovij spivrobitnik Senior researcher Senior research fellow Starshyj vykladach Starshij vikladach Senior lecturer Vykladach Vikladach Lecturer Asystent Asistent Assistant professor Administrative ranks Rektor Rektor rector or president professors Prorektor Prorektor vice rector or vice president professors Dyrektor instytutu centru Direktor institutu centru Director of the institute centre assistant professor or above Dekan Fakultetu Dekan fakultetu dean of the faculty associate professor or above Zastupnyk dekana dyrektora Zastupnik dekana direktora vice dean or associate dean associate professor or above deputy director of the institute assistant professor or above Zaviduvach kafedry Zaviduvach kafedri head of department assistant professor or above Zaviduvach laboratoriji Zaviduvach laboratoriyi head of laboratory assistant professor or above Zaviduvach sekciji kafedry Zaviduvach sekciyi kafedri chairman of academic programs assistant professor or above United Kingdom editMain article Academic ranks in the United Kingdom Research and teaching career pathway Professor Chair Reader or Principal Lecturer in some post 1992 institutions Senior lecturer Lecturer clinical lecturer Assistant lecturer demonstrator seminar leader associate lecturer graduate teaching assistant departmental lecturerResearch career pathway Professor professorial research fellow research professor director of research Reader Senior research fellow Senior researcher Research fellow Research associate Research assistantTechnical career pathway Principal technologist Departmental manager coordinator Senior chief technologist Lab manager coordinator Chief technician Senior technician Advanced technician Technician Junior technician apprentice technician Trainee technicianTeaching career pathway Senior Tutor Professorial teaching fellow Senior teaching fellow Teaching fellow Teaching associateUnited States editMain article Academic ranks in the United StatesUruguay editMain article Academic ranks in Uruguay At the University level Services Chairs follow the following structure Ayudante de Catedra Grado 1 Asistente de Catedra Grado 2 PhD required from here on Profesor Adjunto Grado 3 Profesor Agregado Grado 4 Professor Titular Grado 5 Venezuela editNamed Professor Associate Professor Aggregate Professor Assistant Professor InstructorZimbabwe editBoard Of Trustees President Vice President Student and Community Services Vice President Instruction Vice President Strategy Relations and Communications Dean Student and Community Services Dean Instruction Dean Strategy Relations and Communications Executive Director Student and Community Services Executive Director Instruction Executive Director Strategy Relations and Communications Director Student and Community Services Director Instruction Director Strategy Relations and Communications Support Applications Records Managements Academic Testing Placement and online testing Safety StudentNotes edit The title of Oberassistent is comparable to the German Akademischer Rat de a postdoctoral position that today has mostly been replaced by the position of Juniorprofessur de It is typically non tenured and does not imply faculty rank i e one would not participate in faculty meetings of professors References edit Definition of academic rank Collins English Dictionary Retrieved 2021 03 04 Russian State law on awarding the scientific ranks The Government of Russia Retrieved 2021 03 04 Ministry of Higher Education mohe gov af Retrieved 17 September 2021 Estatuto de la UNLP 28 June 2008 Shared rules vitally important in the doctoral researcher supervisor relationship Tieteentekijat October 1 2020 Archived from the original on November 8 2021 a b Nomos 4009 2011 FEK 195 Teyxos A 6 Septembrioy 2011 Law 4009 2011 Government Gazette 195 A 6 9 2011 PDF in Greek Archived PDF from the original on 2021 11 24 via University of the Aegean Law 4009 2011 Government Gazette 195 A 6 9 2011 Page 4266 12 Academic Staff of Higher Education Institutions HEIs in Greece Part I Article 16 HEIs Professors are three ranks Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Didaktiko Ereynhtiko Proswpiko DEP Official Academic Staff Ranks at Higher Education Institutions HEIs in Greece Technical University of Crete Department of Mineral Resources Engineering in Greek Archived from the original on 2006 09 16 Zois Dimitris Oi Lektores meta ton nomo 4009 2011 The university lecturer academic rank after the law 4009 2011 Government Gazette 195 A 6 9 2011 posdep gr in Greek Panhellenic Federation of Associations of the Teaching and Research Staff Panellhnia Omospondia Syllogwn Didaktikoy kai Ereynhtikoy Proswpikoy P O S D E P Archived from the original on 2021 05 09 Law 4009 2011 Government Gazette 195 A 6 9 2011 Hellenic Parliament in Greek hkbu edu hk Archived 2006 08 21 at the Wayback Machine a b KEPMENRISTEKDIKTI NO 164 M KPT 2019 TENTANG PENYEBUTAN JABATAN AKADEMIK DOSEN DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS PDF Monella Lillo Montalto 2018 01 26 Essere professore a contratto all universita per 3 75 euro l ora euronews in Italian Retrieved 2022 01 09 USTAT Miur Italian Ministry for Education University and Research Ministero dell Istruzione dell Universita e della Ricerca MIUR official website Esplora i dati USTAT Retrieved 2022 01 09 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Salary Sapienza University of Rome Italy in Italian Tabella stipendi personale Docente Sapienza Universita di Roma www uniroma1 it Retrieved 2022 01 09 tenure 国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構 Retrieved 15 June 2015 قرار 501 لسنة 2010 بشأن إصدار لائحة التعليم العالي جامعة مصراتة Misurata University Ministry of Education July 3 2014 University Law N 30220 Academic Appointments NUS National University of Singapore External links editAcademic careers by country Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of academic ranks amp oldid 1189470242, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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