

A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters for specifying the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text, mathematical expressions or other data streams.[1][2] An example of a delimiter is the comma character, which acts as a field delimiter in a sequence of comma-separated values. Another example of a delimiter is the time gap used to separate letters and words in the transmission of Morse code.

A stylistic depiction of a fragment from a CSV-formatted text file. The commas (shown in red) are used as field delimiters.

In mathematics, delimiters are often used to specify the scope of an operation, and can occur both as isolated symbols (e.g., colon in "") and as a pair of opposing-looking symbols (e.g., angled brackets in ).

Delimiters represent one of various means of specifying boundaries in a data stream. Declarative notation, for example, is an alternate method that uses a length field at the start of a data stream to specify the number of characters that the data stream contains.[3]


Delimiters may be characterized as field and record delimiters, or as bracket delimiters.

Field and record delimiters

Field delimiters separate data fields. Record delimiters separate groups of fields.[4]

For example, the CSV file format uses a comma as the delimiter between fields, and an end-of-line indicator as the delimiter between records:

fname,lname,age,salary nancy,davolio,33,$30000 erin,borakova,28,$25250 tony,raphael,35,$28700 

This specifies a simple flat file database table using the CSV file format.

Bracket delimiters

Bracket delimiters, also called block delimiters, region delimiters, or balanced delimiters, mark both the start and end of a region of text.[5][6]

Common examples of bracket delimiters include:[7]

Delimiters Description
( ) Parentheses. The Lisp programming language syntax is cited as recognizable primarily by its use of parentheses.[8]
{ } Braces (also called curly brackets.[9])
[ ] Brackets (commonly used to denote a subscript)
< > Angle brackets.[10]
" " commonly used to denote string literals.[11]
' ' commonly used to denote character literals.[11]
<? ?> used to indicate XML processing instructions.[12]
/* */ used to denote comments in some programming languages.[13]
<% %> used in some web templates to specify language boundaries. These are also called template delimiters.[14]


Historically, computing platforms have used certain delimiters by convention.[15][16] The following tables depict a few examples for comparison.

Programming languages (See also, Comparison of programming languages (syntax)).

String Literal End of Statement
Pascal singlequote semicolon
Python doublequote, singlequote end of line (EOL)

Field and Record delimiters (See also, ASCII, Control character).

End of Field End of Record End of File
Unix-like systems including macOS, AmigaOS Tab LF none
Windows, MS-DOS, OS/2, CP/M Tab CRLF none (except in CP/M), Control-Z[17]
Classic Mac OS, Apple DOS, ProDOS, GS/OS Tab CR none
Position 31 (U+001F)
Position 30 (U+001E)
Position 28 (U+001C)

Delimiter collision

Delimiter collision is a problem that occurs when an author or programmer introduces delimiters into text without actually intending them to be interpreted as boundaries between separate regions.[4][18] In the case of XML, for example, this can occur whenever an author attempts to specify an angle bracket character.

In most file types there is both a field delimiter and a record delimiter, both of which are subject to collision. In the case of comma-separated values files, for example, field collision can occur whenever an author attempts to include a comma as part of a field value (e.g., salary = "$30,000"), and record delimiter collision would occur whenever a field contained multiple lines. Both record and field delimiter collision occur frequently in text files.

In some contexts, a malicious user or attacker may seek to exploit this problem intentionally. Consequently, delimiter collision can be the source of security vulnerabilities and exploits. Malicious users can take advantage of delimiter collision in languages such as SQL and HTML to deploy such well-known attacks as SQL injection and cross-site scripting, respectively.


Because delimiter collision is a very common problem, various methods for avoiding it have been invented. Some authors may attempt to avoid the problem by choosing a delimiter character (or sequence of characters) that is not likely to appear in the data stream itself. This ad hoc approach may be suitable, but it necessarily depends on a correct guess of what will appear in the data stream, and offers no security against malicious collisions. Other, more formal conventions are therefore applied as well.

ASCII delimited text

The ASCII and Unicode character sets were designed to solve this problem by the provision of non-printing characters that can be used as delimiters. These are the range from ASCII 28 to 31.

ASCII Dec Symbol Unicode Name Common Name Usage
28 INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR file separator End of file. Or between a concatenation of what might otherwise be separate files.
29 INFORMATION SEPARATOR THREE group separator Between sections of data. Not needed in simple data files.
30 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO record separator End of a record or row.
31 INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE unit separator Between fields of a record, or members of a row.

The use of ASCII 31 Unit separator as a field separator and ASCII 30 Record separator solves the problem of both field and record delimiters that appear in a text data stream.[19]

Escape character

One method for avoiding delimiter collision is to use escape characters. From a language design standpoint, these are adequate, but they have drawbacks:

  • text can be rendered unreadable when littered with numerous escape characters, a problem referred to as leaning toothpick syndrome (due to use of \ to escape / in Perl regular expressions, leading to sequences such as "\/\/");
  • text becomes difficult to parse through regular expression
  • they require a mechanism to "escape the escapes" when not intended as escape characters; and
  • although easy to type, they can be cryptic to someone unfamiliar with the language.[20]
  • they do not protect against injection attacks[citation needed]

Escape sequence

Escape sequences are similar to escape characters, except they usually consist of some kind of mnemonic instead of just a single character. One use is in string literals that include a doublequote (") character. For example in Perl, the code:

print "Nancy said \x22Hello World!\x22 to the crowd."; ### use \x22 

produces the same output as:

print "Nancy said \"Hello World!\" to the crowd."; ### use escape char 

One drawback of escape sequences, when used by people, is the need to memorize the codes that represent individual characters (see also: character entity reference, numeric character reference).

Dual quoting delimiters

In contrast to escape sequences and escape characters, dual delimiters provide yet another way to avoid delimiter collision. Some languages, for example, allow the use of either a single quote (') or a double quote (") to specify a string literal. For example, in Perl:

print 'Nancy said "Hello World!" to the crowd.'; 

produces the desired output without requiring escapes. This approach, however, only works when the string does not contain both types of quotation marks.

Padding quoting delimiters

In contrast to escape sequences and escape characters, padding delimiters provide yet another way to avoid delimiter collision. Visual Basic, for example, uses double quotes as delimiters. This is similar to escaping the delimiter.

print "Nancy said ""Hello World!"" to the crowd." 

produces the desired output without requiring escapes. Like regular escaping it can, however, become confusing when many quotes are used. The code to print the above source code would look more confusing:

print "print ""Nancy said """"Hello World!"""" to the crowd.""" 

Configurable alternative quoting delimiters

In contrast to dual delimiters, multiple delimiters are even more flexible for avoiding delimiter collision.[7]: 63 

For example, in Perl:

print qq^Nancy doesn't want to say "Hello World!" anymore.^; print qq@Nancy doesn't want to say "Hello World!" anymore.@; print qq(Nancy doesn't want to say "Hello World!" anymore.); 

all produce the desired output through use of quote operators, which allow any convenient character to act as a delimiter. Although this method is more flexible, few languages support it. Perl and Ruby are two that do.[7]: 62 [21]

Content boundary

A content boundary is a special type of delimiter that is specifically designed to resist delimiter collision. It works by allowing the author to specify a sequence of characters that is guaranteed to always indicate a boundary between parts in a multi-part message, with no other possible interpretation.[22]

The delimiter is frequently generated from a random sequence of characters that is statistically improbable to occur in the content. This may be followed by an identifying mark such as a UUID, a timestamp, or some other distinguishing mark. Alternatively, the content may be scanned to guarantee that a delimiter does not appear in the text. This may allow the delimiter to be shorter or simpler, and increase the human readability of the document. (See e.g., MIME, Here documents).

Whitespace or indentation

Some programming and computer languages allow the use of whitespace delimiters or indentation as a means of specifying boundaries between independent regions in text.[23]

Regular expression syntax

In specifying a regular expression, alternate delimiters may also be used to simplify the syntax for match and substitution operations in Perl.[24]

For example, a simple match operation may be specified in Perl with the following syntax:

$string1 = 'Nancy said "Hello World!" to the crowd.'; # specify a target string print $string1 =~ m/[aeiou]+/; # match one or more vowels 

The syntax is flexible enough to specify match operations with alternate delimiters, making it easy to avoid delimiter collision:

$string1 = 'Nancy said "http://Hello/World.htm" is not a valid address.'; # target string print $string1 =~ m@http://@; # match using alternate regular expression delimiter print $string1 =~ m{http://}; # same as previous, but different delimiter print $string1 =~ m!http://!; # same as previous, but different delimiter. 

Here document

A Here document allows the inclusion of arbitrary content by describing a special end sequence. Many languages support this including PHP, bash scripts, ruby and perl. A here document starts by describing what the end sequence will be and continues until that sequence is seen at the start of a new line.[25]

Here is an example in perl:

print <<ENDOFHEREDOC; It's very hard to encode a string with "certain characters". Newlines, commas, and other characters can cause delimiter collisions. ENDOFHEREDOC 

This code would print:

It's very hard to encode a string with "certain characters". Newlines, commas, and other characters can cause delimiter collisions. 

By using a special end sequence all manner of characters are allowed in the string.

ASCII armor

Although principally used as a mechanism for text encoding of binary data, ASCII armoring is a programming and systems administration technique that also helps to avoid delimiter collision in some circumstances.[26][27] This technique is contrasted from the other approaches described above because it is more complicated, and therefore not suitable for small applications and simple data storage formats. The technique employs a special encoding scheme, such as base64, to ensure that delimiter or other significant characters do not appear in transmitted data. The purpose is to prevent multilayered escaping, i.e. for doublequotes.

This technique is used, for example, in Microsoft's ASP.NET web development technology, and is closely associated with the "VIEWSTATE" component of that system.[28]


The following simplified example demonstrates how this technique works in practice.

The first code fragment shows a simple HTML tag in which the VIEWSTATE value contains characters that are incompatible with the delimiters of the HTML tag itself:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="BookTitle:Nancy doesn't say "Hello World!" anymore." /> 

This first code fragment is not well-formed, and would therefore not work properly in a "real world" deployed system.

To store arbitrary text in an HTML attribute, HTML entities can be used. In this case "&quot;" stands in for the double-quote:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="BookTitle:Nancy doesn't say &quot;Hello World!&quot; anymore." /> 

Alternatively, any encoding could be used that doesn't include characters that have special meaning in the context, such as base64:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="Qm9va1RpdGxlOk5hbmN5IGRvZXNuJ3Qgc2F5ICJIZWxsbyBXb3JsZCEiIGFueW1vcmUu" /> 

Or percent-encoding:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="BookTitle:Nancy%20doesn%27t%20say%20%22Hello%20World!%22%20anymore." /> 

This prevents delimiter collision and ensures that incompatible characters will not appear inside the HTML code, regardless of what characters appear in the original (decoded) text.[28]

See also


  1. ^ "Definition: delimiter". Federal Standard 1037C - Telecommunications: Glossary of Telecommunication Terms. from the original on 2013-03-05. Retrieved 2019-11-25.
  2. ^ "What is a Delimiter?". www.computerhope.com. Retrieved 2020-08-09.
  3. ^ Rohl, Jeffrey S. (1973). Programming in Fortran. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-0555-8. describing the method in Hollerith notation under the Fortran programming language.
  4. ^ a b de Moor, Georges J. (1993). Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics. IOS Press. ISBN 90-5199-114-2. p. 141
  5. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. (2002). Mastering Regular Expressions: Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00289-0. p. 319
  6. ^ Scott, Michael Lee (1999). Programming Language Pragmatics. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 1-55860-442-1.
  7. ^ a b c Wall, Larry; Orwant, Jon (July 2000). Programming Perl (Third ed.). O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00027-8.
  8. ^ Kaufmann, Matt (2000). Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach. Springer. ISBN 0-7923-7744-3.p. 3
  9. ^ Meyer, Mark (2005). Explorations in Computer Science. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-7637-3832-7. references C-style programming languages prominently featuring curly brackets and semicolons.
  10. ^ Dilligan, Robert (1998). Computing in the Web Age. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-306-45972-6.Describes syntax and delimiters used in HTML.
  11. ^ a b Schwartz, Randal (2005). Learning Perl. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-10105-3.Describes string literals.
  12. ^ Watt, Andrew (2003). Sams Teach Yourself Xml in 10 Minutes. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-672-32471-0. Describes XML processing instruction. p. 21.
  13. ^ Cabrera, Harold (2002). C# for Java Programmers. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-1-931836-54-8. Describes single-line and multi-line comments. p. 72.
  14. ^ "Smarty Template Documentation". Retrieved 2010-03-12. See e.g., Smarty template system documentation, "escaping template delimiters".
  15. ^ ISO/TC 97/SC 2 (December 1, 1975). (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-1. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-03-10.
  16. ^ American National Standards Institute (December 1, 1975). (PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-03-10.
  17. ^ Lewine, Donald (1991). Posix Programmer's Guide. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-937175-73-6. Describes use of control-z. p. 156,
  18. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey (2006). Mastering Regular Expressions. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-52812-6. describing solutions for embedded-delimiter problems p. 472.
  19. ^ Discussion on ASCII Delimited Text vs CSV and Tab Delimited
  20. ^ Kahrel, Peter (2006). Automating InDesign with Regular Expressions. O'Reilly. p. 11. ISBN 0-596-52937-6.
  21. ^ Yukihiro, Matsumoto (2001). Ruby in a Nutshell. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00214-9. In Ruby, these are indicated as general delimited strings. p. 11
  22. ^ Network Protocols Handbook. Javvin Technologies Inc. 2005. ISBN 0-9740945-2-8. p. 26
  23. ^ Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. 2001. ISBN 978-3-540-41687-6. Describes whitespace delimiters. p. 258.
  24. ^ Friedl, Jeffrey (2006). Mastering Regular Expressions. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-596-52812-6. page 472.
  25. ^ Perl operators and precedence
  26. ^ Rhee, Man (2003). Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-470-85285-2.(an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications)
  27. ^ Gross, Christian (2005). Open Source for Windows Administrators. Charles River Media. ISBN 1-58450-347-5.(an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications)
  28. ^ a b Kalani, Amit (2004). Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# . NET and Visual Studio . NET. Que. ISBN 0-7897-2901-6.(describes the use of Base64 encoding and VIEWSTATE inside HTML source code)

External links

delimiter, this, article, about, delimiters, computing, delimiters, human, word, divider, digit, grouping, delimiter, sequence, more, characters, specifying, boundary, between, separate, independent, regions, plain, text, mathematical, expressions, other, data. This article is about delimiters in computing For delimiters in human use see Word divider and digit grouping A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters for specifying the boundary between separate independent regions in plain text mathematical expressions or other data streams 1 2 An example of a delimiter is the comma character which acts as a field delimiter in a sequence of comma separated values Another example of a delimiter is the time gap used to separate letters and words in the transmission of Morse code A stylistic depiction of a fragment from a CSV formatted text file The commas shown in red are used as field delimiters In mathematics delimiters are often used to specify the scope of an operation and can occur both as isolated symbols e g colon in 1 4 displaystyle 1 4 and as a pair of opposing looking symbols e g angled brackets in a b displaystyle langle a b rangle Delimiters represent one of various means of specifying boundaries in a data stream Declarative notation for example is an alternate method that uses a length field at the start of a data stream to specify the number of characters that the data stream contains 3 Contents 1 Overview 1 1 Field and record delimiters 1 2 Bracket delimiters 1 3 Conventions 2 Delimiter collision 2 1 Solutions 2 1 1 ASCII delimited text 2 1 2 Escape character 2 1 3 Escape sequence 2 1 4 Dual quoting delimiters 2 1 5 Padding quoting delimiters 2 1 6 Configurable alternative quoting delimiters 2 1 7 Content boundary 2 1 8 Whitespace or indentation 2 1 9 Regular expression syntax 2 1 10 Here document 2 1 11 ASCII armor 2 1 11 1 Example 3 See also 4 References 5 External linksOverview EditDelimiters may be characterized as field and record delimiters or as bracket delimiters Field and record delimiters Edit Field delimiters separate data fields Record delimiters separate groups of fields 4 For example the CSV file format uses a comma as the delimiter between fields and an end of line indicator as the delimiter between records fname lname age salary nancy davolio 33 30000 erin borakova 28 25250 tony raphael 35 28700 This specifies a simple flat file database table using the CSV file format Bracket delimiters Edit Bracket delimiters also called block delimiters region delimiters or balanced delimiters mark both the start and end of a region of text 5 6 Common examples of bracket delimiters include 7 Delimiters Description Parentheses The Lisp programming language syntax is cited as recognizable primarily by its use of parentheses 8 Braces also called curly brackets 9 Brackets commonly used to denote a subscript lt gt Angle brackets 10 commonly used to denote string literals 11 commonly used to denote character literals 11 lt gt used to indicate XML processing instructions 12 used to denote comments in some programming languages 13 lt gt used in some web templates to specify language boundaries These are also called template delimiters 14 Conventions Edit Historically computing platforms have used certain delimiters by convention 15 16 The following tables depict a few examples for comparison Programming languages See also Comparison of programming languages syntax String Literal End of StatementPascal singlequote semicolonPython doublequote singlequote end of line EOL Field and Record delimiters See also ASCII Control character End of Field End of Record End of FileUnix like systems including macOS AmigaOS Tab LF noneWindows MS DOS OS 2 CP M Tab CRLF none except in CP M Control Z 17 Classic Mac OS Apple DOS ProDOS GS OS Tab CR noneASCII Unicode UNIT SEPARATORPosition 31 U 001F RECORD SEPARATORPosition 30 U 001E FILE SEPARATORPosition 28 U 001C Delimiter collision EditDelimiter collision is a problem that occurs when an author or programmer introduces delimiters into text without actually intending them to be interpreted as boundaries between separate regions 4 18 In the case of XML for example this can occur whenever an author attempts to specify an angle bracket character In most file types there is both a field delimiter and a record delimiter both of which are subject to collision In the case of comma separated values files for example field collision can occur whenever an author attempts to include a comma as part of a field value e g salary 30 000 and record delimiter collision would occur whenever a field contained multiple lines Both record and field delimiter collision occur frequently in text files In some contexts a malicious user or attacker may seek to exploit this problem intentionally Consequently delimiter collision can be the source of security vulnerabilities and exploits Malicious users can take advantage of delimiter collision in languages such as SQL and HTML to deploy such well known attacks as SQL injection and cross site scripting respectively Solutions Edit Because delimiter collision is a very common problem various methods for avoiding it have been invented Some authors may attempt to avoid the problem by choosing a delimiter character or sequence of characters that is not likely to appear in the data stream itself This ad hoc approach may be suitable but it necessarily depends on a correct guess of what will appear in the data stream and offers no security against malicious collisions Other more formal conventions are therefore applied as well ASCII delimited text Edit The ASCII and Unicode character sets were designed to solve this problem by the provision of non printing characters that can be used as delimiters These are the range from ASCII 28 to 31 ASCII Dec Symbol Unicode Name Common Name Usage28 INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR file separator End of file Or between a concatenation of what might otherwise be separate files 29 INFORMATION SEPARATOR THREE group separator Between sections of data Not needed in simple data files 30 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO record separator End of a record or row 31 INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE unit separator Between fields of a record or members of a row The use of ASCII 31 Unit separator as a field separator and ASCII 30 Record separator solves the problem of both field and record delimiters that appear in a text data stream 19 Escape character Edit One method for avoiding delimiter collision is to use escape characters From a language design standpoint these are adequate but they have drawbacks text can be rendered unreadable when littered with numerous escape characters a problem referred to as leaning toothpick syndrome due to use of to escape in Perl regular expressions leading to sequences such as text becomes difficult to parse through regular expression they require a mechanism to escape the escapes when not intended as escape characters and although easy to type they can be cryptic to someone unfamiliar with the language 20 they do not protect against injection attacks citation needed Escape sequence Edit Escape sequences are similar to escape characters except they usually consist of some kind of mnemonic instead of just a single character One use is in string literals that include a doublequote character For example in Perl the code print Nancy said x22Hello World x22 to the crowd use x22 produces the same output as print Nancy said Hello World to the crowd use escape char One drawback of escape sequences when used by people is the need to memorize the codes that represent individual characters see also character entity reference numeric character reference Dual quoting delimiters Edit In contrast to escape sequences and escape characters dual delimiters provide yet another way to avoid delimiter collision Some languages for example allow the use of either a single quote or a double quote to specify a string literal For example in Perl print Nancy said Hello World to the crowd produces the desired output without requiring escapes This approach however only works when the string does not contain both types of quotation marks Padding quoting delimiters Edit In contrast to escape sequences and escape characters padding delimiters provide yet another way to avoid delimiter collision Visual Basic for example uses double quotes as delimiters This is similar to escaping the delimiter print Nancy said Hello World to the crowd produces the desired output without requiring escapes Like regular escaping it can however become confusing when many quotes are used The code to print the above source code would look more confusing print print Nancy said Hello World to the crowd Configurable alternative quoting delimiters Edit In contrast to dual delimiters multiple delimiters are even more flexible for avoiding delimiter collision 7 63 For example in Perl print qq Nancy doesn t want to say Hello World anymore print qq Nancy doesn t want to say Hello World anymore print qq Nancy doesn t want to say Hello World anymore all produce the desired output through use of quote operators which allow any convenient character to act as a delimiter Although this method is more flexible few languages support it Perl and Ruby are two that do 7 62 21 Content boundary Edit A content boundary is a special type of delimiter that is specifically designed to resist delimiter collision It works by allowing the author to specify a sequence of characters that is guaranteed to always indicate a boundary between parts in a multi part message with no other possible interpretation 22 The delimiter is frequently generated from a random sequence of characters that is statistically improbable to occur in the content This may be followed by an identifying mark such as a UUID a timestamp or some other distinguishing mark Alternatively the content may be scanned to guarantee that a delimiter does not appear in the text This may allow the delimiter to be shorter or simpler and increase the human readability of the document See e g MIME Here documents Whitespace or indentation Edit Some programming and computer languages allow the use of whitespace delimiters or indentation as a means of specifying boundaries between independent regions in text 23 Regular expression syntax Edit See also Regular expression examples In specifying a regular expression alternate delimiters may also be used to simplify the syntax for match and substitution operations in Perl 24 For example a simple match operation may be specified in Perl with the following syntax string1 Nancy said Hello World to the crowd specify a target string print string1 m aeiou match one or more vowels The syntax is flexible enough to specify match operations with alternate delimiters making it easy to avoid delimiter collision string1 Nancy said http Hello World htm is not a valid address target string print string1 m http match using alternate regular expression delimiter print string1 m http same as previous but different delimiter print string1 m http same as previous but different delimiter Here document Edit A Here document allows the inclusion of arbitrary content by describing a special end sequence Many languages support this including PHP bash scripts ruby and perl A here document starts by describing what the end sequence will be and continues until that sequence is seen at the start of a new line 25 Here is an example in perl print lt lt ENDOFHEREDOC It s very hard to encode a string with certain characters Newlines commas and other characters can cause delimiter collisions ENDOFHEREDOC This code would print It s very hard to encode a string with certain characters Newlines commas and other characters can cause delimiter collisions By using a special end sequence all manner of characters are allowed in the string ASCII armor Edit Although principally used as a mechanism for text encoding of binary data ASCII armoring is a programming and systems administration technique that also helps to avoid delimiter collision in some circumstances 26 27 This technique is contrasted from the other approaches described above because it is more complicated and therefore not suitable for small applications and simple data storage formats The technique employs a special encoding scheme such as base64 to ensure that delimiter or other significant characters do not appear in transmitted data The purpose is to prevent multilayered escaping i e for doublequotes This technique is used for example in Microsoft s ASP NET web development technology and is closely associated with the VIEWSTATE component of that system 28 Example Edit The following simplified example demonstrates how this technique works in practice The first code fragment shows a simple HTML tag in which the VIEWSTATE value contains characters that are incompatible with the delimiters of the HTML tag itself lt input type hidden name VIEWSTATE value BookTitle Nancy doesn t say Hello World anymore gt This first code fragment is not well formed and would therefore not work properly in a real world deployed system To store arbitrary text in an HTML attribute HTML entities can be used In this case amp quot stands in for the double quote lt input type hidden name VIEWSTATE value BookTitle Nancy doesn t say amp quot Hello World amp quot anymore gt Alternatively any encoding could be used that doesn t include characters that have special meaning in the context such as base64 lt input type hidden name VIEWSTATE value Qm9va1RpdGxlOk5hbmN5IGRvZXNuJ3Qgc2F5ICJIZWxsbyBXb3JsZCEiIGFueW1vcmUu gt Or percent encoding lt input type hidden name VIEWSTATE value BookTitle Nancy 20doesn 27t 20say 20 22Hello 20World 22 20anymore gt This prevents delimiter collision and ensures that incompatible characters will not appear inside the HTML code regardless of what characters appear in the original decoded text 28 See also EditCDATA Decimal separator Delimiter separated values Escape sequence String literal Tab separated valuesReferences Edit Definition delimiter Federal Standard 1037C Telecommunications Glossary of Telecommunication Terms Archived from the original on 2013 03 05 Retrieved 2019 11 25 What is a Delimiter www computerhope com Retrieved 2020 08 09 Rohl Jeffrey S 1973 Programming in Fortran Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 7190 0555 8 describing the method in Hollerith notation under the Fortran programming language a b de Moor Georges J 1993 Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics IOS Press ISBN 90 5199 114 2 p 141 Friedl Jeffrey E F 2002 Mastering Regular Expressions Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools O Reilly ISBN 0 596 00289 0 p 319 Scott Michael Lee 1999 Programming Language Pragmatics Morgan Kaufmann ISBN 1 55860 442 1 a b c Wall Larry Orwant Jon July 2000 Programming Perl Third ed O Reilly ISBN 0 596 00027 8 Kaufmann Matt 2000 Computer Aided Reasoning An Approach Springer ISBN 0 7923 7744 3 p 3 Meyer Mark 2005 Explorations in Computer Science Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 7637 3832 7 references C style programming languages prominently featuring curly brackets and semicolons Dilligan Robert 1998 Computing in the Web Age Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 306 45972 6 Describes syntax and delimiters used in HTML a b Schwartz Randal 2005 Learning Perl Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 596 10105 3 Describes string literals Watt Andrew 2003 Sams Teach Yourself Xml in 10 Minutes Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 672 32471 0 Describes XML processing instruction p 21 Cabrera Harold 2002 C for Java Programmers Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 1 931836 54 8 Describes single line and multi line comments p 72 Smarty Template Documentation Retrieved 2010 03 12 See e g Smarty template system documentation escaping template delimiters ISO TC 97 SC 2 December 1 1975 The set of control characters for ISO 646 PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 1 Archived from the original PDF on 2022 03 10 American National Standards Institute December 1 1975 ASCII graphic character set PDF ITSCJ IPSJ ISO IR 6 Archived from the original PDF on 2022 03 10 Lewine Donald 1991 Posix Programmer s Guide Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 937175 73 6 Describes use of control z p 156 Friedl Jeffrey 2006 Mastering Regular Expressions Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 596 52812 6 describing solutions for embedded delimiter problems p 472 Discussion on ASCII Delimited Text vs CSV and Tab Delimited Kahrel Peter 2006 Automating InDesign with Regular Expressions O Reilly p 11 ISBN 0 596 52937 6 Yukihiro Matsumoto 2001 Ruby in a Nutshell O Reilly ISBN 0 596 00214 9 In Ruby these are indicated as general delimited strings p 11 Network Protocols Handbook Javvin Technologies Inc 2005 ISBN 0 9740945 2 8 p 26 Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press 2001 ISBN 978 3 540 41687 6 Describes whitespace delimiters p 258 Friedl Jeffrey 2006 Mastering Regular Expressions Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 596 52812 6 page 472 Perl operators and precedence Rhee Man 2003 Internet Security Cryptographic Principles Algorithms and Protocols John Wiley and Sons ISBN 0 470 85285 2 an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications Gross Christian 2005 Open Source for Windows Administrators Charles River Media ISBN 1 58450 347 5 an example usage of ASCII armoring in encryption applications a b Kalani Amit 2004 Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C NET and Visual Studio NET Que ISBN 0 7897 2901 6 describes the use of Base64 encoding and VIEWSTATE inside HTML source code External links EditData File Metaformats from The Art of Unix Programming by Eric Steven Raymond What is delimiter by Margaret Rouse Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Delimiter amp oldid 1118553113, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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