
Domain Name System Security Extensions

The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are a suite of extension specifications by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for securing data exchanged in the Domain Name System (DNS) in Internet Protocol (IP) networks. The protocol provides cryptographic authentication of data, authenticated denial of existence, and data integrity, but not availability or confidentiality.


The original design of the Domain Name System did not include any security features. It was conceived only as a scalable distributed system. The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) attempt to add security, while maintaining backward compatibility. RFC 3833 documents some of the known threats to the DNS, and their solutions in DNSSEC.

DNSSEC was designed to protect applications using DNS from accepting forged or manipulated DNS data, such as that created by DNS cache poisoning. All answers from DNSSEC protected zones are digitally signed.[1] By checking the digital signature, a DNS resolver is able to check if the information is identical (i.e. unmodified and complete) to the information published by the zone owner and served on an authoritative DNS server. While protecting IP addresses is the immediate concern for many users, DNSSEC can protect any data published in the DNS, including text records (TXT) and mail exchange records (MX), and can be used to bootstrap other security systems that publish references to cryptographic certificates stored in the DNS such as Certificate Records (CERT records, RFC 4398), SSH fingerprints (SSHFP, RFC 4255), IPSec public keys (IPSECKEY, RFC 4025), TLS Trust Anchors (TLSA, RFC 6698), or Encrypted Client Hello (SVCB/HTTPS records for ECH [2] [3]).

DNSSEC does not provide confidentiality of data; in particular, all DNSSEC responses are authenticated but not encrypted. DNSSEC does not protect against DoS attacks directly, though it indirectly provides some benefit (because signature checking allows the use of potentially untrustworthy parties).[citation needed]

Other standards (not DNSSEC) are used to secure bulk data (such as a DNS zone transfer) sent between DNS servers. As documented in IETF RFC 4367, some users and developers make false assumptions about DNS names, such as assuming that a company's common name plus ".com" is always its domain name. DNSSEC cannot protect against false assumptions; it can only authenticate that the data is truly from or not available from the domain owner.[citation needed]

The DNSSEC specifications (called DNSSEC-bis) describe the current DNSSEC protocol in great detail. See RFC 4033, RFC 4034, and RFC 4035. With the publication of these new RFCs (March 2005), an earlier RFC, RFC 2535 has become obsolete. The full set of RFCs that specify DNSSEC are collected in RFC 9364, which is also BCP 237.

It is widely believed[4] that securing the DNS is critically important for securing the Internet as a whole, but deployment of DNSSEC specifically has been hampered (As of 22 January 2010) by several difficulties:

  • The need to design a backward-compatible standard that can scale to the size of the Internet
  • Prevention of "zone enumeration" where desired
  • Deployment of DNSSEC implementations across a wide variety of DNS servers and resolvers (clients)
  • Disagreement among implementers over who should own the top-level domain root keys
  • Overcoming the perceived complexity of DNSSEC and DNSSEC deployment


DNSSEC works by digitally signing records for DNS lookup using public-key cryptography. The correct DNSKEY record is authenticated via a chain of trust, starting with a set of verified public keys for the DNS root zone which is the trusted third party. Domain owners generate their own keys, and upload them using their DNS control panel at their domain-name registrar, which in turn pushes the keys via secDNS to the zone operator (e.g., Verisign for .com) who signs and publishes them in DNS.

Resource records

DNS is implemented by the use of several resource records. To implement DNSSEC, several new DNS record types were created or adapted to use with DNSSEC:

RRSIG (resource record signature)
Contains the DNSSEC signature for a record set. DNS resolvers verify the signature with a public key, stored in a DNSKEY record.
Contains the public key that a DNS resolver uses to verify DNSSEC signatures in RRSIG records.
DS (delegation signer)
Holds the name of a delegated zone. References a DNSKEY record in the sub-delegated zone. The DS record is placed in the parent zone along with the delegating NS records.
NSEC (next secure record)
Contains a link to the next record name in the zone and lists the record types that exist for the record's name. DNS resolvers use NSEC records to verify the non-existence of a record name and type as part of DNSSEC validation.
NSEC3 (next secure record version 3)
Contains links to the next record name in the zone (in hashed name sorting order) and lists the record types that exist for the name covered by the hash value in the first label of the NSEC3 record's own name. These records can be used by resolvers to verify the non-existence of a record name and type as part of DNSSEC validation. NSEC3 records are similar to NSEC records, but NSEC3 uses cryptographically hashed record names to avoid the enumeration of the record names in a zone.
NSEC3PARAM (next secure record version 3 parameters)
Authoritative DNS servers use this record to calculate and determine which NSEC3 records to include in responses to DNSSEC requests for non-existing names/types.

When DNSSEC is used, each answer to a DNS lookup contains an RRSIG DNS record, in addition to the record type that was requested. The RRSIG record is a digital signature of the answer DNS resource record set. The digital signature is verified by locating the correct public key found in a DNSKEY record. The NSEC and NSEC3 records are used to provide cryptographic evidence of the non-existence of any Resource Record (RR). The DS record is used in the authentication of DNSKEYs in the lookup procedure using the chain of trust. NSEC and NSEC3 records are used for robust resistance against spoofing.


DNSSEC was designed to be extensible so that as attacks are discovered against existing algorithms, new ones can be introduced in a backward-compatible fashion as described in RFC 8624. The following table defines, as of June 2019, the security algorithms that are or were most often used:[5]

Algorithm field Algorithm Source DNSSEC Signing DNSSEC Validation
1 RSA/MD5 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement
3 DSA/SHA-1 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement
5 RSA/SHA-1 RFC 3110 Not Recommended Required
6 DSA-NSEC3-SHA1 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement
7 RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 RFC 5155 Not Recommended Required
8 RSA/SHA-256 RFC 5702 Required Required
10 RSA/SHA-512 Not Recommended Required
12 GOST R 34.10-2001 RFC 5933 Must Not Implement Optional
13 ECDSA/SHA-256 RFC 6605 Required Required
14 ECDSA/SHA-384 Optional Recommended
15 Ed25519 RFC 8080 Recommended Recommended
16 Ed448 Optional Recommended
Digest field Digest Source DNSSEC Delegation DNSSEC Validation
1 SHA-1 RFC 3658 Must Not Implement Required
2 SHA-256 RFC 4509 Required Required
3 GOST R 34.10-2001 RFC 5933 Must Not Implement Optional
4 SHA-384 RFC 6605 Optional Recommended

The lookup procedure

From the results of a DNS lookup, a security-aware DNS resolver can determine whether the authoritative name server for the domain being queried supports DNSSEC, whether the answer it receives is secure, and whether there is some sort of error. The lookup procedure is different for recursive name servers such as those of many ISPs, and for stub resolvers such as those included by default in mainstream operating systems. Microsoft Windows uses a stub resolver, and Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in particular use a non-validating but DNSSEC-aware stub resolver.[6][7]

Recursive name servers

Using the chain of trust model, a Delegation Signer (DS) record in a parent domain (DNS zone) can be used to verify a DNSKEY record in a subdomain, which can then contain other DS records to verify further subdomains. Say that a recursive resolver such as an ISP name server wants to get the IP addresses (A record and/or AAAA records) of the domain "www.example.com".

  1. The process starts when a security-aware resolver sets the "DO" ("DNSSEC OK") flag bit in a DNS query. Since the DO bit is in the extended flag bits defined by Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS), RFC 6891, all DNSSEC transactions must support EDNS. EDNS support is also needed to allow for the much larger packet sizes that DNSSEC transactions require.
  2. When the resolver receives an answer via the normal DNS lookup process, it then checks to make sure that the answer is correct. Ideally, the security-aware resolver would start with verifying the DS and DNSKEY records at the DNS root. Then it would use the DS records for the "com" top-level domain found at the root to verify the DNSKEY records in the "com" zone. From there, it would see if there is a DS record for the "example.com" subdomain in the "com" zone, and if there were, it would then use the DS record to verify a DNSKEY record found in the "example.com" zone. Finally, it would verify the RRSIG record found in the answer for the A records for "www.example.com".

There are several exceptions to the above example.

First, if "example.com" does not support DNSSEC, there will be no RRSIG record in the answer and there will not be a DS record for "example.com" in the "com" zone. If there is a DS record for "example.com", but no RRSIG record in the reply, something is wrong and maybe a man in the middle attack is going on, stripping the DNSSEC information and modifying the A records. Or, it could be a broken security-oblivious name server along the way that stripped the DO flag bit from the query or the RRSIG record from the answer. Or, it could be a configuration error.

Next, it may be that there is not a domain name named "www.example.com", in which case instead of returning a RRSIG record in the answer, there will be either an NSEC record or an NSEC3 record. These are "next secure" records that allow the resolver to prove that a domain name does not exist. The NSEC/NSEC3 records have RRSIG records, which can be verified as above.

Finally, it may be that the "example.com" zone implements DNSSEC, but either the "com" zone or the root zone do not, creating an "island of security" which needs to be validated in some other way. As of 15 July 2010, deployment of DNSSEC to root is completed.[8] The .com domain was signed with valid security keys and the secure delegation was added to the root zone on 1 April 2011.[9]

Stub resolvers

Stub resolvers are "minimal DNS resolvers that use recursive query mode to offload most of the work of DNS resolution to a recursive name server."[10] A stub resolver will simply forward a request to a recursive name server, and use the Authenticated Data (AD) bit in the response as a "hint to find out whether the recursive name server was able to validate signatures for all of the data in the Answer and Authority sections of the response."[11] Microsoft Windows uses a stub resolver, and Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in particular use a non-validating but AD-bit-aware stub resolver.[6][7]

A validating stub resolver can also potentially perform its own signature validation by setting the Checking Disabled (CD) bit in its query messages.[11] A validating stub resolver uses the CD bit to perform its own recursive authentication. Using such a validating stub resolver gives the client end-to-end DNS security for domains implementing DNSSEC, even if the Internet service provider or the connection to them is not trusted.

Non-validating stub resolvers must rely on external DNSSEC validation services, such as those controlled by the user's Internet service provider or a public recursive name server, and the communication channels between itself and those name servers, using methods such as DNS over TLS.[11][12]

Trust anchors and authentication chains

To be able to prove that a DNS answer is correct, one needs to know at least one key or DS record that is correct from sources other than the DNS. These starting points are known as trust anchors and are typically obtained with the operating system or via some other trusted source. When DNSSEC was originally designed, it was thought that the only trust anchor that would be needed was for the DNS root. The root anchors were first published on 15 July 2010.[13]

An authentication chain is a series of linked DS and DNSKEY records, starting with a trust anchor to the authoritative name server for the domain in question. Without a complete authentication chain, an answer to a DNS lookup cannot be securely authenticated.

Signatures and zone signing

To limit replay attacks, there are not only the normal DNS TTL values for caching purposes, but additional timestamps in RRSIG records to limit the validity of a signature. Unlike TTL values which are relative to when the records were sent, the timestamps are absolute. This means that all security-aware DNS resolvers must have clocks that are fairly closely in sync, say to within a few minutes.

These timestamps imply that a zone must regularly be re-signed and re-distributed to secondary servers, or the signatures will be rejected by validating resolvers.

Key management

DNSSEC involves many different keys, stored both in DNSKEY records, and from other sources to form trust anchors.

In order to allow for replacement keys, a key rollover scheme is required. Typically, this involves first rolling out new keys in new DNSKEY records, in addition to the existing old keys. Then, when it is safe to assume that the time to live values have caused the caching of old keys to have passed, these new keys can be used. Finally, when it is safe to assume that the caching of records using the old keys have expired, the old DNSKEY records can be deleted. This process is more complicated for things such as the keys to trust anchors, such as at the root, which may require an update of the operating system.

Keys in DNSKEY records can be used for two different things and typically different DNSKEY records are used for each. First, there are key signing keys (KSK) which are used to sign other DNSKEY records containing zone signing keys (ZSK), which are used to sign other records. Since the ZSKs are under complete control and use by one particular DNS zone, they can be switched more easily and more often. As a result, ZSKs can be much shorter than KSKs and still offer the same level of protection while reducing the size of the RRSIG/DNSKEY records.

When a new KSK is created, the DS record must be transferred to the parent zone and published there. The DS records use a message digest of the KSK instead of the complete key in order to keep the size of the records small. This is helpful for zones such as the .com domain, which are very large. The procedure to update DS keys in the parent zone is also simpler than earlier DNSSEC versions that required DNSKEY records to be in the parent zone.

DANE Working Group

DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is an IETF working group[14] with the goal of developing protocols and techniques that allow Internet applications to establish cryptographically secured communications with TLS, DTLS, SMTP, and S/MIME based on DNSSEC.

The new protocols will enable additional assurances and constraints for the traditional model based on public key infrastructure. They will also enable domain holders to assert certificates for themselves, without reference to third-party certificate authorities.

Support for DNSSEC stapled certificates was enabled in Google Chrome 14,[15] but was later removed.[16] For Mozilla Firefox, support was provided by an add-on[17] while native support is currently awaiting someone to start working on it.[18]


DNS is a critical and fundamental Internet service, yet in 1990 Steve Bellovin discovered serious security flaws in it. Research into securing it began, and progressed dramatically when his paper was made public in 1995.[19] The initial RFC 2065 was published by the IETF in 1997, and initial attempts to implement that specification led to a revised (and believed fully workable) specification in 1999 as IETF RFC 2535. Plans were made to deploy DNSSEC based on RFC 2535.

Unfortunately, the IETF RFC 2535 specification had very significant problems scaling up to the full Internet; by 2001 it became clear that this specification was unusable for large networks. In normal operation DNS servers often get out of sync with their parents. This isn't usually a problem, but when DNSSEC is enabled, this out-of-sync data could have the effect of a serious self-created denial of service. The original DNSSEC required a complex six-message protocol and a lot of data transfers to perform key changes for a child (DNS child zones had to send all of their data up to the parent, have the parent sign each record, and then send those signatures back to the child for the child to store in a SIG record). Also, public key changes could have absurd effects; for example, if the ".com" zone changed its public key, it would have to send 22 million records (because it would need to update all of the signatures in all of its children). Thus, DNSSEC as defined in RFC 2535 could not scale up to the Internet.

The IETF fundamentally modified DNSSEC, which is called DNSSEC-bis when necessary to distinguish it from the original DNSSEC approach of RFC 2535. This new version uses "delegation signer (DS) resource records" to provide an additional level of indirection at delegation points between a parent and child zone. In the new approach, when a child's master public key changes, instead of having six messages for every record in the child, there is one simple message: the child sends the new public key to its parent (signed, of course). Parents simply store one master public key for each child; this is much more practical. This means that a little data is pushed to the parent, instead of massive amounts of data being exchanged between the parent and children. This does mean that clients have to do a little more work when verifying keys. More specifically, verifying a DNS zone's KEY RRset requires two signature verification operations instead of the one required by RFC 2535 (there is no impact on the number of signatures verified for other types of RRsets). Most view this as a small price to pay, since it makes DNSSEC deployment more practical.

Authenticating NXDOMAIN responses and NSEC

Cryptographically proving the absence of a domain requires signing the response to every query for a non-existent domain. This is not a problem for online signing servers, which keep their keys available online. However, DNSSEC was designed around using offline computers to sign records so that zone-signing-keys could be kept in cold storage. This represents a problem when trying to authenticate responses to queries for non-existent domains since it is impossible to pre-generate a response to every possible hostname query.

The initial solution was to create NSEC records for every pair of domains in a zone. Thus if a client queried for a record at the non-existent k.example.com, the server would respond with an NSEC record stating that nothing exists between a.example.com and z.example.com. However, this leaks more information about the zone than traditional unauthenticated NXDOMAIN errors because it exposes the existence of real domains.

Preventing domain walking

The NSEC3 records (RFC 5155) were created as an alternative which hashes the name instead of listing them directly. Over time, advancements in hashing using GPUs and dedicated hardware meant that NSEC3 responses could be cheaply brute forced using offline dictionary attacks. NSEC5 has been proposed to allow authoritative servers to sign NSEC responses without having to keep a private key that can be used to modify the zone. Thus stealing an NSEC5KEY would only result in the ability to more easily enumerate a zone.[20]

Due to the messy evolution of the protocol and a desire to preserve backwards compatibility, online DNSSEC signing servers return a "white lie" instead of authenticating a denial of existence directly. The technique outlined in RFC 4470 returns a NSEC record in which the pairs of domains lexically surrounding the requested domain. For example, request for k.example.com would thus result in an NSEC record proving that nothing exists between the (fictitious) domains j.example.com and l.example.com. This is also possible with NSEC3 records.[21]

CloudFlare pioneered a pair of alternative approaches, which manage to achieve the same result in one third of the response size.[22] The first is a variation on the "white lies" approach, called "black lies", which exploits common DNS client behavior to state the nonexistence more compactly.[23] The second approach instead chooses to prove that "the record exists but the requested record type does not", which they call "DNS shotgun".[24][22]


The Internet is critical infrastructure, yet its operation depends on the fundamentally insecure DNS. Thus, there is strong incentive to secure DNS, and deploying DNSSEC is generally considered to be a critical part of that effort. For example, the U.S. National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace specifically identified the need to secure DNS.[25] Wide-scale deployment of DNSSEC could resolve many other security problems as well, such as secure key distribution for e-mail addresses.

DNSSEC deployment in large-scale networks is also challenging. Ozment and Schechter observe that DNSSEC (and other technologies) has a "bootstrap problem": users typically only deploy a technology if they receive an immediate benefit, but if a minimal level of deployment is required before any users receive a benefit greater than their costs (as is true for DNSSEC), it is difficult to deploy. DNSSEC can be deployed at any level of a DNS hierarchy, but it must be widely available in a zone before many others will want to adopt it. DNS servers must be updated with software that supports DNSSEC, and DNSSEC data must be created and added to the DNS zone data. A TCP/IP-using client must have their DNS resolver (client) updated before it can use DNSSEC's capabilities. What is more, any resolver must have, or have a way to acquire, at least one public key that it can trust before it can start using DNSSEC.

DNSSEC implementation can add significant load to some DNS servers. Common DNSSEC-signed responses are far larger than the default UDP size of 512 bytes. In theory, this can be handled through multiple IP fragments, but many "middleboxes" in the field do not handle these correctly. This leads to the use of TCP instead. Yet many current TCP implementations store a great deal of data for each TCP connection; heavily loaded servers can run out of resources simply trying to respond to a larger number of (possibly bogus) DNSSEC requests. Some protocol extensions, such as TCP Cookie Transactions, have been developed to reduce this loading.[26] To address these challenges, significant effort is ongoing to deploy DNSSEC, because the Internet is so vital to so many organizations.

Early deployments

Early adopters include Brazil (.br), Bulgaria (.bg), Czech Republic (.cz), Namibia (.na)[27] Puerto Rico (.pr) and Sweden (.se), who use DNSSEC for their country code top-level domains;[28] RIPE NCC, who have signed all the reverse lookup records (in-addr.arpa) that are delegated to it from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).[29] ARIN is also signing their reverse zones.[30] In February 2007, TDC became the first Swedish ISP to start offering this feature to its customers.[31]

IANA publicly tested a sample signed root since June 2007. During this period prior to the production signing of the root, there were also several alternative trust anchors. The IKS Jena introduced one on January 19, 2006,[32] the Internet Systems Consortium introduced another on March 27 of the same year,[33] while ICANN themselves announced a third on February 17, 2009.[34]

On June 2, 2009, Afilias, the registry service provider for Public Interest Registry's .org zone signed the .org TLD.[35] Afilias and PIR also detailed on September 26, 2008, that the first phase, involving large registrars it has a strong working relationship with ("friends and family") would be the first to be able to sign their domains, beginning "early 2009".[36] On June 23, 2010, 13 registrars were listed as offering DNSSEC records for .ORG domains.[37]

VeriSign ran a pilot project to allow .com and .net domains to register themselves for the purpose of NSEC3 experimentation. On February 24, 2009, they announced that they would deploy DNSSEC across all their top-level domains (.com, .net, etc.) within 24 months,[38] and on November 16 of the same year, they said the .com and .net domains would be signed by the first quarter of 2011, after delays caused by technical aspects of the implementation.[39] This goal was achieved on-schedule[40] and Verisign's DNSSEC VP, Matt Larson, won InfoWorld's Technology Leadership Award for 2011 for his role in advancing DNSSEC.[41][42]

Deployment at the DNS root

DNSSEC was first deployed at the root level on July 15, 2010.[43] This is expected to greatly simplify the deployment of DNSSEC resolvers, since the root trust anchor can be used to validate any DNSSEC zone that has a complete chain of trust from the root. Since the chain of trust must be traced back to a trusted root without interruption in order to validate, trust anchors must still be configured for secure zones if any of the zones above them are not secure. For example, if the zone "signed.example.org" was secured but the "example.org" zone was not, then, even though the ".org" zone and the root are signed, a trust anchor has to be deployed in order to validate the zone.

Political issues surrounding signing the root have been a continuous concern, primarily about some central issues:

  • Other countries are concerned about U.S. control over the Internet, and may reject any centralized keying for this reason.
  • Some governments might try to ban DNSSEC-backed encryption key distribution.


In September 2008, ICANN and VeriSign each published implementation proposals[44] and in October, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) asked the public for comments.[45] It is unclear if the comments received affected the design of the final deployment plan.

On June 3, 2009, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced plans to sign the root by the end of 2009, in conjunction with ICANN, VeriSign and the NTIA.[46]

On October 6, 2009, at the 59th RIPE Conference meeting, ICANN and VeriSign announced the planned deployment timeline for deploying DNSSEC within the root zone.[47] At the meeting it was announced that it would be incrementally deployed to one root name server a month, starting on December 1, 2009, with the final root name server serving a DNSSEC signed zone on July 1, 2010, and the root zone will be signed with a RSA/SHA256 DNSKEY.[47] During the incremental roll-out period the root zone will serve a Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone (DURZ) that uses dummy keys, with the final DNSKEY record not being distributed until July 1, 2010.[48] This means the keys that were used to sign the zone use are deliberately unverifiable; the reason for this deployment was to monitor changes in traffic patterns caused by the larger responses to queries requesting DNSSEC resource records.

The .org top-level domain has been signed with DNSSEC in June 2010, followed by .com, .net, and .edu later in 2010 and 2011.[49][50] Country code top-level domains were able to deposit keys starting in May 2010.[51] As of November 2011 more than 25% of top-level domains are signed with DNSSEC.[52]


On January 25, 2010, the L (ell) root server began serving a Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone (DURZ). The zone uses signatures of a SHA-2 (SHA-256) hash created using the RSA algorithm, as defined in RFC 5702. As of May 2010, all thirteen root servers began serving the DURZ.[48] On July 15, 2010, the first root full production DNSSEC root zone was signed, with the SOA serial 2010071501. Root trust anchors are available from IANA.[43]

Deployment at the TLD level

Underneath the root there is a large set of top-level domains that must be signed in order to achieve full DNSSEC deployment. The List of Internet top-level domains provides details about which of the existing top-level domains have been signed and linked to the root.

DNSSEC Lookaside Validation - historical

In March 2006, the Internet Systems Consortium introduced the DNSSEC Lookaside Validation registry.[53] DLV was intended to make DNSSEC easier to deploy in the absence of a root trust anchor. At the time it was imagined that a validator might have to maintain large numbers of trust anchors corresponding to signed subtrees of the DNS.[54] The purpose of DLV was to allow validators to offload the effort of managing a trust anchor repository to a trusted third party. The DLV registry maintained a central list of trust anchors, instead of each validator repeating the work of maintaining its own list.

To use DLV, a validator that supports it was needed, such as BIND or Unbound, configured with a trust anchor for a DLV zone. This zone contained DLV records;[55] these had exactly the same format as DS records, but instead of referring to a delegated sub-zone, they referred to a zone elsewhere in the DNS tree. When the validator could not find a chain of trust from the root to the RRset it is trying to check, it searched for a DLV record that could provide an alternative chain of trust.[56]

Gaps in the chain of trust, such as unsigned top-level domains or registrars that did not support DNSSEC delegations, meant administrators of lower-level domains could use DLV to allow their DNS data to be validated by resolvers which had been configured to use DLV. This may have hindered DNSSEC deployment by taking pressure off registrars and TLD registries to properly support DNSSEC. DLV also added complexity by adding more actors and code paths for DNSSEC validation.

ISC decommissioned its DLV registry in 2017.[57] DLV support was deprecated in BIND 9.12 and completely removed from BIND 9.16.[58] Unbound version 1.5.4 (July 2015) marked DLV as decommissioned in the example configuration and manual page.[59] Knot Resolver and PowerDNS Recursor never implemented DLV.

In March 2020, the IETF published RFC 8749, retiring DLV as a standard and moving RFC 4432 and RFC 5074 to "Historic" status.[60]

DNSSEC deployment initiative by the U.S. federal government

The Science and Technology Directorate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsors the "DNSSEC Deployment Initiative". This initiative encourages "all sectors to voluntarily adopt security measures that will improve security of the Internet's naming infrastructure, as part of a global, cooperative effort that involves many nations and organizations in the public and private sectors." DHS also funds efforts to mature DNSSEC and get it deployed inside the U.S. federal government.

It was reported[61] that on March 30, 2007, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security proposed "to have the key to sign the DNS root zone solidly in the hands of the US government." However no U.S. Government officials were present in the meeting room and the comment that sparked the article was made by another party. DHS later commented[62][63] on why they believe others jumped to the false conclusion that the U.S. Government had made such a proposal: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is funding the development of a technical plan for implementing DNSSec, and last October distributed an initial draft of it to a long list of international experts for comments. The draft lays out a series of options for who could be the holder, or "operator," of the Root Zone Key, essentially boiling down to a governmental agency or a contractor. "Nowhere in the document do we make any proposal about the identity of the Root Key Operator," said Maughan, the cyber-security research and development manager for Homeland Security."

DNSSEC deployment in the U.S. federal government

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published NIST Special Publication 800-81 Secure Domain Name System (DNS) Deployment Guide on May 16, 2006, with guidance on how to deploy DNSSEC. NIST intended to release new DNSSEC Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requirements in NIST SP800-53-R1, referencing this deployment guide. U.S. agencies would then have had one year after final publication of NIST SP800-53-R1 to meet these new FISMA requirements.[64] However, at the time NSEC3 had not been completed. NIST had suggested using split domains, a technique that is known to be possible but is difficult to deploy correctly, and has the security weaknesses noted above.

On 22 August 2008, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a memorandum requiring U.S. Federal Agencies to deploy DNSSEC across .gov sites; the .gov root must be signed by January 2009, and all subdomains under .gov must be signed by December 2009.[65] While the memo focuses on .gov sites, the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency says it intends to meet OMB DNSSEC requirements in the .mil (U.S. military) domain as well. NetworkWorld's Carolyn Duffy Marsan stated that DNSSEC "hasn't been widely deployed because it suffers from a classic chicken-and-egg dilemma... with the OMB mandate, it appears the egg is cracking."[66]

Deployment in resolvers

Several ISPs have started to deploy DNSSEC-validating DNS recursive resolvers. Comcast became the first major ISP to do so in the United States, announcing their intentions on October 18, 2010[67][68] and completing deployment on January 11, 2012.[69]

According to a study at APNIC, the proportion of clients who exclusively use DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation rose to 8.3% in May 2013.[70] About half of these clients were using Google's public DNS resolver.

In September 2015, Verisign announced their free public DNS resolver service,[71] and although unmentioned in their press releases, it also performs DNSSEC validation.

By the beginning of 2016, APNIC's monitoring showed the proportion of clients who exclusively use DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation had increased to about 15%.[72]

DNSSEC support

Google's public recursive DNS server enabled DNSSEC validation on May 6, 2013.[73]

BIND, the most popular DNS management software, enables DNSSEC support by default since version 9.5.

The Quad9 public recursive DNS has performed DNSSEC validation on its main address since it was established on May 11, 2016. Quad9 also provides an alternate service which does not perform DNSSEC validation, principally for debugging.[74]

IETF publications

  • RFC 2535 Domain Name System Security Extensions
  • RFC 3225 Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC
  • RFC 3226 DNSSEC and IPv6 A6 Aware Server/Resolver Message Size Requirements
  • RFC 3833 A Threat Analysis of the Domain Name System
  • RFC 4033 DNS Security Introduction and Requirements (DNSSEC-bis)
  • RFC 4034 Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC-bis)
  • RFC 4035 Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC-bis)
  • RFC 4398 Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)
  • RFC 4431 The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) DNS Resource Record
  • RFC 4470 Minimally Covering NSEC Records and DNSSEC On-line Signing
  • RFC 4509 Use of SHA-256 in DNSSEC Delegation Signer (DS) Resource Records (RRs)
  • RFC 4641 DNSSEC Operational Practices
  • RFC 4955 DNS Security (DNSSEC) Experiments
  • RFC 5011 Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors
  • RFC 5155 DNSSEC Hashed Authenticated Denial of Existence
  • RFC 5702 Use of SHA-2 Algorithms with RSA in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC
  • RFC 6605 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for DNSSEC
  • RFC 6725 DNS Security (DNSSEC) DNSKEY Algorithm IANA Registry Updates
  • RFC 6781 DNSSEC Operational Practices, Version 2
  • RFC 6840 Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNS Security (DNSSEC)
  • RFC 7129 Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS
  • RFC 7344 Automating DNSSEC Delegation Trust Maintenance
  • RFC 7583 DNSSEC Key Rollover Timing Considerations
  • RFC 8080 Edwards-Curve Digital Security Algorithm (EdDSA) for DNSSEC
  • RFC 8624 Algorithm Implementation Requirements and Usage Guidance for DNSSEC
  • RFC 8749 Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) to Historic Status
  • RFC 9276 Guidance for NSEC3 Parameter Settings
  • RFC 9364 (BCP 237) DNS Security Extensions


DNSSEC deployment requires software on the server and client side. Some of the tools that support DNSSEC include:

  • Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 include a "security-aware" stub resolver that is able to differentiate between secure and non-secure responses by a recursive name server. Windows Server 2012 DNSSEC is compatible with secure dynamic updates with Active Directory-integrated zones, plus Active Directory replication of anchor keys to other such servers.[75][76]
  • BIND, the most popular DNS name server (which includes dig), incorporates the newer DNSSEC-bis (DS records) protocol as well as support for NSEC3 records.
  • Unbound is a DNS name server that was written from the ground up to be designed around DNSSEC concepts.
  • mysqlBind, the GPL DNS management software for DNS ASPs, now supports DNSSEC.
  • OpenDNSSEC is a designated DNSSEC signer tool using PKCS#11 to interface with hardware security modules.
  • Knot DNS has added support for automatic DNSSEC signing in version 1.4.0.
  • PowerDNS fully supports DNSSEC as of version 3.0 in pre-signed and live-signed modes.
  • DNSSEC: What is it and why is it important to implement it for a long time? — Check it Initiative of the Internet community and the Dutch government

See also


  1. ^ Herzberg, Amir; Shulman, Haya (2014). "Retrofitting Security into Network Protocols: The Case of DNSSEC". IEEE Internet Computing. 18 (1). pp. 66–71. doi:10.1109/MIC.2014.14. ISSN 1089-7801. S2CID 12230888.
  2. ^ Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS (DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRS).
  3. ^ TLS Encrypted Client Hello.
  4. ^ Interview with Dan Kaminsky on DNSSEC (25 Jun 2009)
  5. ^ "Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Algorithm Numbers". IANA. 2010-07-12. Retrieved 2010-07-17.
  6. ^ a b "Understanding DNSSEC in Windows". Microsoft. October 7, 2009. The Windows DNS client is a stub resolver...
  7. ^ a b "DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC)". Microsoft. October 21, 2009. The DNS client in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows® 7 is a non-validating security-aware stub resolver.
  8. ^ "Root DNSSEC".
  9. ^ "Computing - the UK's leading source for the analysis of business technology".
  10. ^ Rose, Scott; Larson, Matt; Massey, Dan; Austein, Rob; Arends, Roy (March 2005). RFC 4033: DNS Security Introduction and Requirements. The Internet Society. p. 11. doi:10.17487/RFC4033. Stub resolvers, by definition, are minimal DNS resolvers that use recursive query mode to offload most of the work of DNS resolution to a recursive name server. An earlier definition was given in an earlier RFC: Robert Braden (October 1989). Braden, R. (ed.). RFC 1123 - Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). p. 74. doi:10.17487/RFC1123. A "stub resolver" relies on the services of a recursive name server [...]
  11. ^ a b c Rose, Scott; Larson, Matt; Massey, Dan; Austein, Rob; Arends, Roy (March 2005). RFC 4033: DNS Security Introduction and Requirements. The Internet Society. p. 12. doi:10.17487/RFC4033.
  12. ^ Muñoz Merino, Pedro J.; García-Martínez, Alberto; Organero, Mario Muñoz; Kloos, Carlos Delgado (2006). Meersman, Robert; Tari, Zahir; Herrero, Herrero Martín (eds.). (PDF). On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops. Vol. 1. Springer. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-26.
  13. ^ root-anchors
  14. ^ IETF: DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (dane)
  15. ^ "ImperialViolet". Retrieved 2011-11-26.
  16. ^ "chromium git". Retrieved 2013-03-09.
  17. ^ "DNSSEC/TLSA Validator".
  18. ^ Bugzilla@Mozilla: Bug 672600 - Use DNSSEC/DANE chain stapled into TLS handshake in certificate chain validation
  19. ^ "Using the Domain Name System for System Break-Ins" by Steve Bellovin, 1995
  20. ^ "NSEC5: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration".
  21. ^ Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS. doi:10.17487/RFC7129. RFC 7129.
  22. ^ a b "Economical With The Truth: Making DNSSEC Answers Cheap". 2016-06-24.
  23. ^ "Black Lies". Compact DNSSEC Denial of Existence or Black Lies. sec. 2. I-D draft-valsorda-dnsop-black-lies.
  24. ^ "DNSSEC Done Right". 2015-01-29.
  25. ^ U.S. National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, p. 30 February 2003
  26. ^ Metzger, Perry; William Allen Simpson & Paul Vixie. "Improving TCP security with robust cookies" (PDF). Usenix. Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  27. ^ https://ccnso.icann.org/de/node/7603[bare URL PDF]
  28. ^ Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) (May 27, 2008). DNSSEC
  29. ^ RIPE NCC DNSSEC Policy October 22, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  30. ^ ARIN DNSSEC Deployment Plan
  31. ^ Eklund-Löwinder, Anne-Marie (12 February 2012). "[dns-wg] Swedish ISP TCD Song Adopts DNSSEC". dns-wg mailing list. RIPE NCC. Retrieved 2 December 2012.
  32. ^ dns-wg archive: Signed zones list March 5, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  33. ^ ISC Launches DLV registry to kick off worldwide DNSSEC deployment November 18, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  34. ^ Interim Trust Anchor Repository
  35. ^ .ORG is the first open TLD signed with DNSSEC
  36. ^ Sean Michael Kerner. ".ORG the Most Secure Domain?". internetnews.com. Retrieved 2008-09-27.
  37. ^ ".ORG Registrar List — with DNSSEC enabled at the top". Retrieved 2010-06-23.
  38. ^ VeriSign: We will support DNS security in 2011 March 3, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  39. ^ . Archived from the original on 2009-11-19. Retrieved 2009-11-18.
  40. ^ .com Domain Finally Safe
  41. ^ Verisign's Matt Larson Wins 2011 InfoWorld Technology Leadership Award
  42. ^ The InfoWorld 2011 Technology Leadership Awards
  43. ^ a b "DNSSEC Project Archive".
  44. ^ Singel, Ryan (October 8, 2006). "Feds Start Moving on Net Security Hole". Wired News. CondéNet. Retrieved 2008-10-09.
  45. ^ "Press Release: NTIA Seeks Public Comments for the Deployment of Security Technology Within the Internet Domain Name System" (Press release). National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. October 9, 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-09.
  46. ^ "Commerce Department to Work with ICANN and VeriSign to Enhance the Security and Stability of the Internet's Domain Name and Addressing System" (Press release). National Institute of Standards and Technology. 3 June 2009.
  47. ^ a b "DNSSEC for the Root Zone" (PDF).
  48. ^ a b Hutchinson, James (6 May 2010). . NetworkWorld. Archived from the original on 20 December 2013. Retrieved 17 May 2010.
  49. ^ . Archived from the original on 2010-03-15. Retrieved 2010-03-24.
  50. ^
  51. ^ More security for root DNS servers Heise Online, 24 March 2010
  52. ^ CircleID: DNSSEC Update from ICANN 42 in Dakar
  53. ^ ISC Launches DLV registry to kick off worldwide DNSSEC deployment June 14, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  54. ^ RFC 5011, "Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors"
  55. ^ RFC 4431, "The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) DNS Resource Record"
  56. ^ RFC 5074, "DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV)"
  57. ^ "DLV Replaced With Signed Empty Zone - Internet Systems Consortium". isc.org. 30 September 2017. Retrieved 2020-06-05.
  58. ^ "BIND 9.16.0, Stable Branch for 2020 and Beyond - Internet Systems Consortium". isc.org. 20 February 2020. Retrieved 2020-06-05.
  59. ^ "Unbound 1.5.4 Changes". NLnet Labs. Retrieved 2020-06-05.
  60. ^ Mekking, W.; Mahoney, D. (March 2020). Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) to Historic Status. IETF. doi:10.17487/RFC8749. RFC 879. Retrieved 3 June 2020.
  61. ^ Department of Homeland and Security wants master key for DNS April 6, 2007, at the Wayback Machine Heise News, 30 March 2007
  62. ^ Analysis: of Owning the keys to the Internet UPI, April 21, 2007
  63. ^ UPI Analysis: Owning the keys to the Internet March 24, 2011 - First link is dead, this is believed to be the same content
  64. ^ DNSSEC Deployment Initiative Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 2 November 22, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, June 2006
  65. ^ Memorandum For Chief Information Officers 2008-09-16 at the Wayback Machine Executive Office Of The President — Office Of Management And Budget, 22 August 2008
  66. ^ Feds tighten security on .gov September 25, 2008, at the Wayback Machine Network World, 22 September 2008
  67. ^ Comcast Blog - DNS Security Rollout Begins, October 18, 2010
  68. ^ Comcast DNSSEC Public Service Announcement Video 2010-10-21 at the Wayback Machine, October 18, 2010
  69. ^ Comcast Completes DNSSEC Deployment, January 11, 2012
  70. ^ Geoff Huston: DNS, DNSSEC and Google's Public DNS Service (CircleID)
  71. ^ Introducing Verisign Public DNS
  72. ^ Use of DNSSEC Validation for World (XA)
  73. ^ Google Public DNS Now Supports DNSSEC Validation Google Code Blog, 1 June 2013
  74. ^ "Quad9 FAQ". Quad9. Retrieved July 7, 2018.
  75. ^ Seshadri, Shyam (11 November 2008). "DNSSEC on Windows 7 DNS client". Port 53. Microsoft.
  76. ^ DNSSEC in Windows Server

Further reading

  • H. Yang; E. Osterweil; D. Massey; S. Lu; L. Zhang (8 April 2010). "Deploying Cryptography in Internet-Scale Systems: A Case Study on DNSSEC". IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 8 (5). pp. 656–669. CiteSeerX doi:10.1109/TDSC.2010.10. S2CID 14887477.

External links

domain, name, system, security, extensions, dnssec, suite, extension, specifications, internet, engineering, task, force, ietf, securing, data, exchanged, domain, name, system, internet, protocol, networks, protocol, provides, cryptographic, authentication, da. The Domain Name System Security Extensions DNSSEC are a suite of extension specifications by the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF for securing data exchanged in the Domain Name System DNS in Internet Protocol IP networks The protocol provides cryptographic authentication of data authenticated denial of existence and data integrity but not availability or confidentiality Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation 2 1 Resource records 2 1 1 Algorithms 2 2 The lookup procedure 2 2 1 Recursive name servers 2 2 2 Stub resolvers 2 3 Trust anchors and authentication chains 2 4 Signatures and zone signing 2 5 Key management 2 6 DANE Working Group 3 History 4 Authenticating NXDOMAIN responses and NSEC 4 1 Preventing domain walking 5 Deployment 5 1 Early deployments 5 2 Deployment at the DNS root 5 2 1 Planning 5 2 2 Implementation 5 3 Deployment at the TLD level 5 4 DNSSEC Lookaside Validation historical 5 5 DNSSEC deployment initiative by the U S federal government 5 6 DNSSEC deployment in the U S federal government 5 7 Deployment in resolvers 5 7 1 DNSSEC support 6 IETF publications 7 Tools 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External linksOverview EditThe original design of the Domain Name System did not include any security features It was conceived only as a scalable distributed system The Domain Name System Security Extensions DNSSEC attempt to add security while maintaining backward compatibility RFC 3833 documents some of the known threats to the DNS and their solutions in DNSSEC DNSSEC was designed to protect applications using DNS from accepting forged or manipulated DNS data such as that created by DNS cache poisoning All answers from DNSSEC protected zones are digitally signed 1 By checking the digital signature a DNS resolver is able to check if the information is identical i e unmodified and complete to the information published by the zone owner and served on an authoritative DNS server While protecting IP addresses is the immediate concern for many users DNSSEC can protect any data published in the DNS including text records TXT and mail exchange records MX and can be used to bootstrap other security systems that publish references to cryptographic certificates stored in the DNS such as Certificate Records CERT records RFC 4398 SSH fingerprints SSHFP RFC 4255 IPSec public keys IPSECKEY RFC 4025 TLS Trust Anchors TLSA RFC 6698 or Encrypted Client Hello SVCB HTTPS records for ECH 2 3 DNSSEC does not provide confidentiality of data in particular all DNSSEC responses are authenticated but not encrypted DNSSEC does not protect against DoS attacks directly though it indirectly provides some benefit because signature checking allows the use of potentially untrustworthy parties citation needed Other standards not DNSSEC are used to secure bulk data such as a DNS zone transfer sent between DNS servers As documented in IETF RFC 4367 some users and developers make false assumptions about DNS names such as assuming that a company s common name plus com is always its domain name DNSSEC cannot protect against false assumptions it can only authenticate that the data is truly from or not available from the domain owner citation needed The DNSSEC specifications called DNSSEC bis describe the current DNSSEC protocol in great detail See RFC 4033 RFC 4034 and RFC 4035 With the publication of these new RFCs March 2005 an earlier RFC RFC 2535 has become obsolete The full set of RFCs that specify DNSSEC are collected in RFC 9364 which is also BCP 237 It is widely believed 4 that securing the DNS is critically important for securing the Internet as a whole but deployment of DNSSEC specifically has been hampered As of 22 January 2010 update by several difficulties The need to design a backward compatible standard that can scale to the size of the Internet Prevention of zone enumeration where desired Deployment of DNSSEC implementations across a wide variety of DNS servers and resolvers clients Disagreement among implementers over who should own the top level domain root keys Overcoming the perceived complexity of DNSSEC and DNSSEC deploymentOperation EditDNSSEC works by digitally signing records for DNS lookup using public key cryptography The correct DNSKEY record is authenticated via a chain of trust starting with a set of verified public keys for the DNS root zone which is the trusted third party Domain owners generate their own keys and upload them using their DNS control panel at their domain name registrar which in turn pushes the keys via secDNS to the zone operator e g Verisign for com who signs and publishes them in DNS Resource records Edit DNS is implemented by the use of several resource records To implement DNSSEC several new DNS record types were created or adapted to use with DNSSEC RRSIG resource record signature Contains the DNSSEC signature for a record set DNS resolvers verify the signature with a public key stored in a DNSKEY record DNSKEY Contains the public key that a DNS resolver uses to verify DNSSEC signatures in RRSIG records DS delegation signer Holds the name of a delegated zone References a DNSKEY record in the sub delegated zone The DS record is placed in the parent zone along with the delegating NS records NSEC next secure record Contains a link to the next record name in the zone and lists the record types that exist for the record s name DNS resolvers use NSEC records to verify the non existence of a record name and type as part of DNSSEC validation NSEC3 next secure record version 3 Contains links to the next record name in the zone in hashed name sorting order and lists the record types that exist for the name covered by the hash value in the first label of the NSEC3 record s own name These records can be used by resolvers to verify the non existence of a record name and type as part of DNSSEC validation NSEC3 records are similar to NSEC records but NSEC3 uses cryptographically hashed record names to avoid the enumeration of the record names in a zone NSEC3PARAM next secure record version 3 parameters Authoritative DNS servers use this record to calculate and determine which NSEC3 records to include in responses to DNSSEC requests for non existing names types When DNSSEC is used each answer to a DNS lookup contains an RRSIG DNS record in addition to the record type that was requested The RRSIG record is a digital signature of the answer DNS resource record set The digital signature is verified by locating the correct public key found in a DNSKEY record The NSEC and NSEC3 records are used to provide cryptographic evidence of the non existence of any Resource Record RR The DS record is used in the authentication of DNSKEYs in the lookup procedure using the chain of trust NSEC and NSEC3 records are used for robust resistance against spoofing Algorithms Edit DNSSEC was designed to be extensible so that as attacks are discovered against existing algorithms new ones can be introduced in a backward compatible fashion as described in RFC 8624 The following table defines as of June 2019 the security algorithms that are or were most often used 5 Algorithm field Algorithm Source DNSSEC Signing DNSSEC Validation1 RSA MD5 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement3 DSA SHA 1 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement5 RSA SHA 1 RFC 3110 Not Recommended Required6 DSA NSEC3 SHA1 Must Not Implement Must Not Implement7 RSASHA1 NSEC3 SHA1 RFC 5155 Not Recommended Required8 RSA SHA 256 RFC 5702 Required Required10 RSA SHA 512 Not Recommended Required12 GOST R 34 10 2001 RFC 5933 Must Not Implement Optional13 ECDSA SHA 256 RFC 6605 Required Required14 ECDSA SHA 384 Optional Recommended15 Ed25519 RFC 8080 Recommended Recommended16 Ed448 Optional RecommendedDigest field Digest Source DNSSEC Delegation DNSSEC Validation1 SHA 1 RFC 3658 Must Not Implement Required2 SHA 256 RFC 4509 Required Required3 GOST R 34 10 2001 RFC 5933 Must Not Implement Optional4 SHA 384 RFC 6605 Optional RecommendedThe lookup procedure Edit From the results of a DNS lookup a security aware DNS resolver can determine whether the authoritative name server for the domain being queried supports DNSSEC whether the answer it receives is secure and whether there is some sort of error The lookup procedure is different for recursive name servers such as those of many ISPs and for stub resolvers such as those included by default in mainstream operating systems Microsoft Windows uses a stub resolver and Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in particular use a non validating but DNSSEC aware stub resolver 6 7 Recursive name servers Edit Using the chain of trust model a Delegation Signer DS record in a parent domain DNS zone can be used to verify a DNSKEY record in a subdomain which can then contain other DS records to verify further subdomains Say that a recursive resolver such as an ISP name server wants to get the IP addresses A record and or AAAA records of the domain www example com The process starts when a security aware resolver sets the DO DNSSEC OK flag bit in a DNS query Since the DO bit is in the extended flag bits defined by Extension Mechanisms for DNS EDNS RFC 6891 all DNSSEC transactions must support EDNS EDNS support is also needed to allow for the much larger packet sizes that DNSSEC transactions require When the resolver receives an answer via the normal DNS lookup process it then checks to make sure that the answer is correct Ideally the security aware resolver would start with verifying the DS and DNSKEY records at the DNS root Then it would use the DS records for the com top level domain found at the root to verify the DNSKEY records in the com zone From there it would see if there is a DS record for the example com subdomain in the com zone and if there were it would then use the DS record to verify a DNSKEY record found in the example com zone Finally it would verify the RRSIG record found in the answer for the A records for www example com There are several exceptions to the above example First if example com does not support DNSSEC there will be no RRSIG record in the answer and there will not be a DS record for example com in the com zone If there is a DS record for example com but no RRSIG record in the reply something is wrong and maybe a man in the middle attack is going on stripping the DNSSEC information and modifying the A records Or it could be a broken security oblivious name server along the way that stripped the DO flag bit from the query or the RRSIG record from the answer Or it could be a configuration error Next it may be that there is not a domain name named www example com in which case instead of returning a RRSIG record in the answer there will be either an NSEC record or an NSEC3 record These are next secure records that allow the resolver to prove that a domain name does not exist The NSEC NSEC3 records have RRSIG records which can be verified as above Finally it may be that the example com zone implements DNSSEC but either the com zone or the root zone do not creating an island of security which needs to be validated in some other way As of 15 July 2010 update deployment of DNSSEC to root is completed 8 The com domain was signed with valid security keys and the secure delegation was added to the root zone on 1 April 2011 9 Stub resolvers Edit Stub resolvers are minimal DNS resolvers that use recursive query mode to offload most of the work of DNS resolution to a recursive name server 10 A stub resolver will simply forward a request to a recursive name server and use the Authenticated Data AD bit in the response as a hint to find out whether the recursive name server was able to validate signatures for all of the data in the Answer and Authority sections of the response 11 Microsoft Windows uses a stub resolver and Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in particular use a non validating but AD bit aware stub resolver 6 7 A validating stub resolver can also potentially perform its own signature validation by setting the Checking Disabled CD bit in its query messages 11 A validating stub resolver uses the CD bit to perform its own recursive authentication Using such a validating stub resolver gives the client end to end DNS security for domains implementing DNSSEC even if the Internet service provider or the connection to them is not trusted Non validating stub resolvers must rely on external DNSSEC validation services such as those controlled by the user s Internet service provider or a public recursive name server and the communication channels between itself and those name servers using methods such as DNS over TLS 11 12 Trust anchors and authentication chains Edit To be able to prove that a DNS answer is correct one needs to know at least one key or DS record that is correct from sources other than the DNS These starting points are known as trust anchors and are typically obtained with the operating system or via some other trusted source When DNSSEC was originally designed it was thought that the only trust anchor that would be needed was for the DNS root The root anchors were first published on 15 July 2010 13 An authentication chain is a series of linked DS and DNSKEY records starting with a trust anchor to the authoritative name server for the domain in question Without a complete authentication chain an answer to a DNS lookup cannot be securely authenticated Signatures and zone signing Edit To limit replay attacks there are not only the normal DNS TTL values for caching purposes but additional timestamps in RRSIG records to limit the validity of a signature Unlike TTL values which are relative to when the records were sent the timestamps are absolute This means that all security aware DNS resolvers must have clocks that are fairly closely in sync say to within a few minutes These timestamps imply that a zone must regularly be re signed and re distributed to secondary servers or the signatures will be rejected by validating resolvers Key management Edit DNSSEC involves many different keys stored both in DNSKEY records and from other sources to form trust anchors In order to allow for replacement keys a key rollover scheme is required Typically this involves first rolling out new keys in new DNSKEY records in addition to the existing old keys Then when it is safe to assume that the time to live values have caused the caching of old keys to have passed these new keys can be used Finally when it is safe to assume that the caching of records using the old keys have expired the old DNSKEY records can be deleted This process is more complicated for things such as the keys to trust anchors such as at the root which may require an update of the operating system Keys in DNSKEY records can be used for two different things and typically different DNSKEY records are used for each First there are key signing keys KSK which are used to sign other DNSKEY records containing zone signing keys ZSK which are used to sign other records Since the ZSKs are under complete control and use by one particular DNS zone they can be switched more easily and more often As a result ZSKs can be much shorter than KSKs and still offer the same level of protection while reducing the size of the RRSIG DNSKEY records When a new KSK is created the DS record must be transferred to the parent zone and published there The DS records use a message digest of the KSK instead of the complete key in order to keep the size of the records small This is helpful for zones such as the com domain which are very large The procedure to update DS keys in the parent zone is also simpler than earlier DNSSEC versions that required DNSKEY records to be in the parent zone DANE Working Group Edit DNS based Authentication of Named Entities DANE is an IETF working group 14 with the goal of developing protocols and techniques that allow Internet applications to establish cryptographically secured communications with TLS DTLS SMTP and S MIME based on DNSSEC The new protocols will enable additional assurances and constraints for the traditional model based on public key infrastructure They will also enable domain holders to assert certificates for themselves without reference to third party certificate authorities Support for DNSSEC stapled certificates was enabled in Google Chrome 14 15 but was later removed 16 For Mozilla Firefox support was provided by an add on 17 while native support is currently awaiting someone to start working on it 18 History EditDNS is a critical and fundamental Internet service yet in 1990 Steve Bellovin discovered serious security flaws in it Research into securing it began and progressed dramatically when his paper was made public in 1995 19 The initial RFC 2065 was published by the IETF in 1997 and initial attempts to implement that specification led to a revised and believed fully workable specification in 1999 as IETF RFC 2535 Plans were made to deploy DNSSEC based on RFC 2535 Unfortunately the IETF RFC 2535 specification had very significant problems scaling up to the full Internet by 2001 it became clear that this specification was unusable for large networks In normal operation DNS servers often get out of sync with their parents This isn t usually a problem but when DNSSEC is enabled this out of sync data could have the effect of a serious self created denial of service The original DNSSEC required a complex six message protocol and a lot of data transfers to perform key changes for a child DNS child zones had to send all of their data up to the parent have the parent sign each record and then send those signatures back to the child for the child to store in a SIG record Also public key changes could have absurd effects for example if the com zone changed its public key it would have to send 22 million records because it would need to update all of the signatures in all of its children Thus DNSSEC as defined in RFC 2535 could not scale up to the Internet The IETF fundamentally modified DNSSEC which is called DNSSEC bis when necessary to distinguish it from the original DNSSEC approach of RFC 2535 This new version uses delegation signer DS resource records to provide an additional level of indirection at delegation points between a parent and child zone In the new approach when a child s master public key changes instead of having six messages for every record in the child there is one simple message the child sends the new public key to its parent signed of course Parents simply store one master public key for each child this is much more practical This means that a little data is pushed to the parent instead of massive amounts of data being exchanged between the parent and children This does mean that clients have to do a little more work when verifying keys More specifically verifying a DNS zone s KEY RRset requires two signature verification operations instead of the one required by RFC 2535 there is no impact on the number of signatures verified for other types of RRsets Most view this as a small price to pay since it makes DNSSEC deployment more practical Authenticating NXDOMAIN responses and NSEC EditCryptographically proving the absence of a domain requires signing the response to every query for a non existent domain This is not a problem for online signing servers which keep their keys available online However DNSSEC was designed around using offline computers to sign records so that zone signing keys could be kept in cold storage This represents a problem when trying to authenticate responses to queries for non existent domains since it is impossible to pre generate a response to every possible hostname query The initial solution was to create NSEC records for every pair of domains in a zone Thus if a client queried for a record at the non existent k example com the server would respond with an NSEC record stating that nothing exists between a example com and z example com However this leaks more information about the zone than traditional unauthenticated NXDOMAIN errors because it exposes the existence of real domains Preventing domain walking Edit The NSEC3 records RFC 5155 were created as an alternative which hashes the name instead of listing them directly Over time advancements in hashing using GPUs and dedicated hardware meant that NSEC3 responses could be cheaply brute forced using offline dictionary attacks NSEC5 has been proposed to allow authoritative servers to sign NSEC responses without having to keep a private key that can be used to modify the zone Thus stealing an NSEC5KEY would only result in the ability to more easily enumerate a zone 20 Due to the messy evolution of the protocol and a desire to preserve backwards compatibility online DNSSEC signing servers return a white lie instead of authenticating a denial of existence directly The technique outlined in RFC 4470 returns a NSEC record in which the pairs of domains lexically surrounding the requested domain For example request for k example com would thus result in an NSEC record proving that nothing exists between the fictitious domains j example com and l example com This is also possible with NSEC3 records 21 CloudFlare pioneered a pair of alternative approaches which manage to achieve the same result in one third of the response size 22 The first is a variation on the white lies approach called black lies which exploits common DNS client behavior to state the nonexistence more compactly 23 The second approach instead chooses to prove that the record exists but the requested record type does not which they call DNS shotgun 24 22 Deployment EditThe Internet is critical infrastructure yet its operation depends on the fundamentally insecure DNS Thus there is strong incentive to secure DNS and deploying DNSSEC is generally considered to be a critical part of that effort For example the U S National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace specifically identified the need to secure DNS 25 Wide scale deployment of DNSSEC could resolve many other security problems as well such as secure key distribution for e mail addresses DNSSEC deployment in large scale networks is also challenging Ozment and Schechter observe that DNSSEC and other technologies has a bootstrap problem users typically only deploy a technology if they receive an immediate benefit but if a minimal level of deployment is required before any users receive a benefit greater than their costs as is true for DNSSEC it is difficult to deploy DNSSEC can be deployed at any level of a DNS hierarchy but it must be widely available in a zone before many others will want to adopt it DNS servers must be updated with software that supports DNSSEC and DNSSEC data must be created and added to the DNS zone data A TCP IP using client must have their DNS resolver client updated before it can use DNSSEC s capabilities What is more any resolver must have or have a way to acquire at least one public key that it can trust before it can start using DNSSEC DNSSEC implementation can add significant load to some DNS servers Common DNSSEC signed responses are far larger than the default UDP size of 512 bytes In theory this can be handled through multiple IP fragments but many middleboxes in the field do not handle these correctly This leads to the use of TCP instead Yet many current TCP implementations store a great deal of data for each TCP connection heavily loaded servers can run out of resources simply trying to respond to a larger number of possibly bogus DNSSEC requests Some protocol extensions such as TCP Cookie Transactions have been developed to reduce this loading 26 To address these challenges significant effort is ongoing to deploy DNSSEC because the Internet is so vital to so many organizations Early deployments Edit Early adopters include Brazil br Bulgaria bg Czech Republic cz Namibia na 27 Puerto Rico pr and Sweden se who use DNSSEC for their country code top level domains 28 RIPE NCC who have signed all the reverse lookup records in addr arpa that are delegated to it from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA 29 ARIN is also signing their reverse zones 30 In February 2007 TDC became the first Swedish ISP to start offering this feature to its customers 31 IANA publicly tested a sample signed root since June 2007 During this period prior to the production signing of the root there were also several alternative trust anchors The IKS Jena introduced one on January 19 2006 32 the Internet Systems Consortium introduced another on March 27 of the same year 33 while ICANN themselves announced a third on February 17 2009 34 On June 2 2009 Afilias the registry service provider for Public Interest Registry s org zone signed the org TLD 35 Afilias and PIR also detailed on September 26 2008 that the first phase involving large registrars it has a strong working relationship with friends and family would be the first to be able to sign their domains beginning early 2009 36 On June 23 2010 13 registrars were listed as offering DNSSEC records for ORG domains 37 VeriSign ran a pilot project to allow com and net domains to register themselves for the purpose of NSEC3 experimentation On February 24 2009 they announced that they would deploy DNSSEC across all their top level domains com net etc within 24 months 38 and on November 16 of the same year they said the com and net domains would be signed by the first quarter of 2011 after delays caused by technical aspects of the implementation 39 This goal was achieved on schedule 40 and Verisign s DNSSEC VP Matt Larson won InfoWorld s Technology Leadership Award for 2011 for his role in advancing DNSSEC 41 42 Deployment at the DNS root Edit DNSSEC was first deployed at the root level on July 15 2010 43 This is expected to greatly simplify the deployment of DNSSEC resolvers since the root trust anchor can be used to validate any DNSSEC zone that has a complete chain of trust from the root Since the chain of trust must be traced back to a trusted root without interruption in order to validate trust anchors must still be configured for secure zones if any of the zones above them are not secure For example if the zone signed example org was secured but the example org zone was not then even though the org zone and the root are signed a trust anchor has to be deployed in order to validate the zone Political issues surrounding signing the root have been a continuous concern primarily about some central issues Other countries are concerned about U S control over the Internet and may reject any centralized keying for this reason Some governments might try to ban DNSSEC backed encryption key distribution Planning Edit In September 2008 ICANN and VeriSign each published implementation proposals 44 and in October the National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIA asked the public for comments 45 It is unclear if the comments received affected the design of the final deployment plan On June 3 2009 the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST announced plans to sign the root by the end of 2009 in conjunction with ICANN VeriSign and the NTIA 46 On October 6 2009 at the 59th RIPE Conference meeting ICANN and VeriSign announced the planned deployment timeline for deploying DNSSEC within the root zone 47 At the meeting it was announced that it would be incrementally deployed to one root name server a month starting on December 1 2009 with the final root name server serving a DNSSEC signed zone on July 1 2010 and the root zone will be signed with a RSA SHA256 DNSKEY 47 During the incremental roll out period the root zone will serve a Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone DURZ that uses dummy keys with the final DNSKEY record not being distributed until July 1 2010 48 This means the keys that were used to sign the zone use are deliberately unverifiable the reason for this deployment was to monitor changes in traffic patterns caused by the larger responses to queries requesting DNSSEC resource records The org top level domain has been signed with DNSSEC in June 2010 followed by com net and edu later in 2010 and 2011 49 50 Country code top level domains were able to deposit keys starting in May 2010 51 As of November 2011 update more than 25 of top level domains are signed with DNSSEC 52 Implementation Edit On January 25 2010 the L ell root server began serving a Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone DURZ The zone uses signatures of a SHA 2 SHA 256 hash created using the RSA algorithm as defined in RFC 5702 As of May 2010 all thirteen root servers began serving the DURZ 48 On July 15 2010 the first root full production DNSSEC root zone was signed with the SOA serial 2010071501 Root trust anchors are available from IANA 43 Deployment at the TLD level Edit Underneath the root there is a large set of top level domains that must be signed in order to achieve full DNSSEC deployment The List of Internet top level domains provides details about which of the existing top level domains have been signed and linked to the root DNSSEC Lookaside Validation historical Edit In March 2006 the Internet Systems Consortium introduced the DNSSEC Lookaside Validation registry 53 DLV was intended to make DNSSEC easier to deploy in the absence of a root trust anchor At the time it was imagined that a validator might have to maintain large numbers of trust anchors corresponding to signed subtrees of the DNS 54 The purpose of DLV was to allow validators to offload the effort of managing a trust anchor repository to a trusted third party The DLV registry maintained a central list of trust anchors instead of each validator repeating the work of maintaining its own list To use DLV a validator that supports it was needed such as BIND or Unbound configured with a trust anchor for a DLV zone This zone contained DLV records 55 these had exactly the same format as DS records but instead of referring to a delegated sub zone they referred to a zone elsewhere in the DNS tree When the validator could not find a chain of trust from the root to the RRset it is trying to check it searched for a DLV record that could provide an alternative chain of trust 56 Gaps in the chain of trust such as unsigned top level domains or registrars that did not support DNSSEC delegations meant administrators of lower level domains could use DLV to allow their DNS data to be validated by resolvers which had been configured to use DLV This may have hindered DNSSEC deployment by taking pressure off registrars and TLD registries to properly support DNSSEC DLV also added complexity by adding more actors and code paths for DNSSEC validation ISC decommissioned its DLV registry in 2017 57 DLV support was deprecated in BIND 9 12 and completely removed from BIND 9 16 58 Unbound version 1 5 4 July 2015 marked DLV as decommissioned in the example configuration and manual page 59 Knot Resolver and PowerDNS Recursor never implemented DLV In March 2020 the IETF published RFC 8749 retiring DLV as a standard and moving RFC 4432 and RFC 5074 to Historic status 60 DNSSEC deployment initiative by the U S federal government Edit The Science and Technology Directorate of the U S Department of Homeland Security DHS sponsors the DNSSEC Deployment Initiative This initiative encourages all sectors to voluntarily adopt security measures that will improve security of the Internet s naming infrastructure as part of a global cooperative effort that involves many nations and organizations in the public and private sectors DHS also funds efforts to mature DNSSEC and get it deployed inside the U S federal government It was reported 61 that on March 30 2007 the U S Department of Homeland Security proposed to have the key to sign the DNS root zone solidly in the hands of the US government However no U S Government officials were present in the meeting room and the comment that sparked the article was made by another party DHS later commented 62 63 on why they believe others jumped to the false conclusion that the U S Government had made such a proposal The U S Department of Homeland Security is funding the development of a technical plan for implementing DNSSec and last October distributed an initial draft of it to a long list of international experts for comments The draft lays out a series of options for who could be the holder or operator of the Root Zone Key essentially boiling down to a governmental agency or a contractor Nowhere in the document do we make any proposal about the identity of the Root Key Operator said Maughan the cyber security research and development manager for Homeland Security DNSSEC deployment in the U S federal government Edit This section needs to be updated Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information November 2015 The National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST published NIST Special Publication 800 81 Secure Domain Name System DNS Deployment Guide on May 16 2006 with guidance on how to deploy DNSSEC NIST intended to release new DNSSEC Federal Information Security Management Act FISMA requirements in NIST SP800 53 R1 referencing this deployment guide U S agencies would then have had one year after final publication of NIST SP800 53 R1 to meet these new FISMA requirements 64 However at the time NSEC3 had not been completed NIST had suggested using split domains a technique that is known to be possible but is difficult to deploy correctly and has the security weaknesses noted above On 22 August 2008 the Office of Management and Budget OMB released a memorandum requiring U S Federal Agencies to deploy DNSSEC across gov sites the gov root must be signed by January 2009 and all subdomains under gov must be signed by December 2009 65 While the memo focuses on gov sites the U S Defense Information Systems Agency says it intends to meet OMB DNSSEC requirements in the mil U S military domain as well NetworkWorld s Carolyn Duffy Marsan stated that DNSSEC hasn t been widely deployed because it suffers from a classic chicken and egg dilemma with the OMB mandate it appears the egg is cracking 66 Deployment in resolvers Edit Several ISPs have started to deploy DNSSEC validating DNS recursive resolvers Comcast became the first major ISP to do so in the United States announcing their intentions on October 18 2010 67 68 and completing deployment on January 11 2012 69 According to a study at APNIC the proportion of clients who exclusively use DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation rose to 8 3 in May 2013 70 About half of these clients were using Google s public DNS resolver In September 2015 Verisign announced their free public DNS resolver service 71 and although unmentioned in their press releases it also performs DNSSEC validation By the beginning of 2016 APNIC s monitoring showed the proportion of clients who exclusively use DNS resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation had increased to about 15 72 DNSSEC support Edit Google s public recursive DNS server enabled DNSSEC validation on May 6 2013 73 BIND the most popular DNS management software enables DNSSEC support by default since version 9 5 The Quad9 public recursive DNS has performed DNSSEC validation on its main 9 9 9 9 address since it was established on May 11 2016 Quad9 also provides an alternate service which does not perform DNSSEC validation principally for debugging 74 IETF publications EditRFC 2535 Domain Name System Security Extensions RFC 3225 Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC RFC 3226 DNSSEC and IPv6 A6 Aware Server Resolver Message Size Requirements RFC 3833 A Threat Analysis of the Domain Name System RFC 4033 DNS Security Introduction and Requirements DNSSEC bis RFC 4034 Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions DNSSEC bis RFC 4035 Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions DNSSEC bis RFC 4398 Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System DNS RFC 4431 The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation DLV DNS Resource Record RFC 4470 Minimally Covering NSEC Records and DNSSEC On line Signing RFC 4509 Use of SHA 256 in DNSSEC Delegation Signer DS Resource Records RRs RFC 4641 DNSSEC Operational Practices RFC 4955 DNS Security DNSSEC Experiments RFC 5011 Automated Updates of DNS Security DNSSEC Trust Anchors RFC 5155 DNSSEC Hashed Authenticated Denial of Existence RFC 5702 Use of SHA 2 Algorithms with RSA in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC RFC 6605 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm DSA for DNSSEC RFC 6725 DNS Security DNSSEC DNSKEY Algorithm IANA Registry Updates RFC 6781 DNSSEC Operational Practices Version 2 RFC 6840 Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNS Security DNSSEC RFC 7129 Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS RFC 7344 Automating DNSSEC Delegation Trust Maintenance RFC 7583 DNSSEC Key Rollover Timing Considerations RFC 8080 Edwards Curve Digital Security Algorithm EdDSA for DNSSEC RFC 8624 Algorithm Implementation Requirements and Usage Guidance for DNSSEC RFC 8749 Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation DLV to Historic Status RFC 9276 Guidance for NSEC3 Parameter Settings RFC 9364 BCP 237 DNS Security ExtensionsTools EditDNSSEC deployment requires software on the server and client side Some of the tools that support DNSSEC include Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 include a security aware stub resolver that is able to differentiate between secure and non secure responses by a recursive name server Windows Server 2012 DNSSEC is compatible with secure dynamic updates with Active Directory integrated zones plus Active Directory replication of anchor keys to other such servers 75 76 BIND the most popular DNS name server which includes dig incorporates the newer DNSSEC bis DS records protocol as well as support for NSEC3 records Unbound is a DNS name server that was written from the ground up to be designed around DNSSEC concepts mysqlBind the GPL DNS management software for DNS ASPs now supports DNSSEC OpenDNSSEC is a designated DNSSEC signer tool using PKCS 11 to interface with hardware security modules Knot DNS has added support for automatic DNSSEC signing in version 1 4 0 PowerDNS fully supports DNSSEC as of version 3 0 in pre signed and live signed modes DNSSEC What is it and why is it important to implement it for a long time Check it Initiative of the Internet community and the Dutch governmentSee also EditDNSCrypt DNSCurve Extension Mechanisms for DNS EDNS TSIG Resource Public Key Infrastructure RPKI References Edit Herzberg Amir Shulman Haya 2014 Retrofitting Security into Network Protocols The Case of DNSSEC IEEE Internet Computing 18 1 pp 66 71 doi 10 1109 MIC 2014 14 ISSN 1089 7801 S2CID 12230888 Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRS TLS Encrypted Client Hello Interview with Dan Kaminsky on DNSSEC 25 Jun 2009 Kaminsky interview DNSSEC addresses cross organizational trust and security Domain Name System Security DNSSEC Algorithm Numbers IANA 2010 07 12 Retrieved 2010 07 17 a b Understanding DNSSEC in Windows Microsoft October 7 2009 The Windows DNS client is a stub resolver a b DNS Security Extensions DNSSEC Microsoft October 21 2009 The DNS client in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 is a non validating security aware stub resolver Root DNSSEC Computing the UK s leading source for the analysis of business technology Rose Scott Larson Matt Massey Dan Austein Rob Arends Roy March 2005 RFC 4033 DNS Security Introduction and Requirements The Internet Society p 11 doi 10 17487 RFC4033 Stub resolvers by definition are minimal DNS resolvers that use recursive query mode to offload most of the work of DNS resolution to a recursive name server An earlier definition was given in an earlier RFC Robert Braden October 1989 Braden R ed RFC 1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts Application and Support IETF Internet Engineering Task Force p 74 doi 10 17487 RFC1123 A stub resolver relies on the services of a recursive name server a b c Rose Scott Larson Matt Massey Dan Austein Rob Arends Roy March 2005 RFC 4033 DNS Security Introduction and Requirements The Internet Society p 12 doi 10 17487 RFC4033 Munoz Merino Pedro J Garcia Martinez Alberto Organero Mario Munoz Kloos Carlos Delgado 2006 Meersman Robert Tari Zahir Herrero Herrero Martin eds Enabling Practical IPsec Authentication for the Internet PDF On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006 OTM 2006 Workshops Vol 1 Springer Archived from the original PDF on 2012 04 26 root anchors IETF DNS based Authentication of Named Entities dane ImperialViolet Retrieved 2011 11 26 chromium git Retrieved 2013 03 09 DNSSEC TLSA Validator Bugzilla Mozilla Bug 672600 Use DNSSEC DANE chain stapled into TLS handshake in certificate chain validation Using the Domain Name System for System Break Ins by Steve Bellovin 1995 NSEC5 Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS doi 10 17487 RFC7129 RFC 7129 a b Economical With The Truth Making DNSSEC Answers Cheap 2016 06 24 Black Lies Compact DNSSEC Denial of Existence or Black Lies sec 2 I D draft valsorda dnsop black lies DNSSEC Done Right 2015 01 29 U S National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace p 30 February 2003 Metzger Perry William Allen Simpson amp Paul Vixie Improving TCP security with robust cookies PDF Usenix Retrieved 2009 12 17 https ccnso icann org de node 7603 bare URL PDF Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC May 27 2008 DNSSEC RIPE NCC DNSSEC Policy Archived October 22 2007 at the Wayback Machine ARIN DNSSEC Deployment Plan Eklund Lowinder Anne Marie 12 February 2012 dns wg Swedish ISP TCD Song Adopts DNSSEC dns wg mailing list RIPE NCC Retrieved 2 December 2012 dns wg archive Signed zones list Archived March 5 2007 at the Wayback Machine ISC Launches DLV registry to kick off worldwide DNSSEC deployment Archived November 18 2008 at the Wayback Machine Interim Trust Anchor Repository ORG is the first open TLD signed with DNSSEC Sean Michael Kerner ORG the Most Secure Domain internetnews com Retrieved 2008 09 27 ORG Registrar List with DNSSEC enabled at the top Retrieved 2010 06 23 VeriSign We will support DNS security in 2011 Archived March 3 2009 at the Wayback Machine VeriSign Major internet security update by 2011 Archived from the original on 2009 11 19 Retrieved 2009 11 18 com Domain Finally Safe Verisign s Matt Larson Wins 2011 InfoWorld Technology Leadership Award The InfoWorld 2011 Technology Leadership Awards a b DNSSEC Project Archive Singel Ryan October 8 2006 Feds Start Moving on Net Security Hole Wired News CondeNet Retrieved 2008 10 09 Press Release NTIA Seeks Public Comments for the Deployment of Security Technology Within the Internet Domain Name System Press release National Telecommunications and Information Administration U S Department of Commerce October 9 2008 Retrieved 2008 10 09 Commerce Department to Work with ICANN and VeriSign to Enhance the Security and Stability of the Internet s Domain Name and Addressing System Press release National Institute of Standards and Technology 3 June 2009 a b DNSSEC for the Root Zone PDF a b Hutchinson James 6 May 2010 ICANN Verisign place last puzzle pieces in DNSSEC saga NetworkWorld Archived from the original on 20 December 2013 Retrieved 17 May 2010 DNSSEC to become standard on ORG domains by end of June Archived from the original on 2010 03 15 Retrieved 2010 03 24 The Inquirer Verisign deploys DNSSEC on com TLD More security for root DNS servers Heise Online 24 March 2010 CircleID DNSSEC Update from ICANN 42 in Dakar ISC Launches DLV registry to kick off worldwide DNSSEC deployment Archived June 14 2011 at the Wayback Machine RFC 5011 Automated Updates of DNS Security DNSSEC Trust Anchors RFC 4431 The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation DLV DNS Resource Record RFC 5074 DNSSEC Lookaside Validation DLV DLV Replaced With Signed Empty Zone Internet Systems Consortium isc org 30 September 2017 Retrieved 2020 06 05 BIND 9 16 0 Stable Branch for 2020 and Beyond Internet Systems Consortium isc org 20 February 2020 Retrieved 2020 06 05 Unbound 1 5 4 Changes NLnet Labs Retrieved 2020 06 05 Mekking W Mahoney D March 2020 Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation DLV to Historic Status IETF doi 10 17487 RFC8749 RFC 879 Retrieved 3 June 2020 Department of Homeland and Security wants master key for DNS Archived April 6 2007 at the Wayback Machine Heise News 30 March 2007 Analysis of Owning the keys to the Internet UPI April 21 2007 UPI Analysis Owning the keys to the Internet March 24 2011 First link is dead this is believed to be the same content DNSSEC Deployment Initiative Newsletter Volume 1 Number 2 Archived November 22 2007 at the Wayback Machine June 2006 Memorandum For Chief Information Officers Archived 2008 09 16 at the Wayback Machine Executive Office Of The President Office Of Management And Budget 22 August 2008 Feds tighten security on gov Archived September 25 2008 at the Wayback Machine Network World 22 September 2008 Comcast Blog DNS Security Rollout Begins October 18 2010 Comcast DNSSEC Public Service Announcement Video Archived 2010 10 21 at the Wayback Machine October 18 2010 Comcast Completes DNSSEC Deployment January 11 2012 Geoff Huston DNS DNSSEC and Google s Public DNS Service CircleID Introducing Verisign Public DNS Use of DNSSEC Validation for World XA Google Public DNS Now Supports DNSSEC Validation Google Code Blog 1 June 2013 Quad9 FAQ Quad9 Retrieved July 7 2018 Seshadri Shyam 11 November 2008 DNSSEC on Windows 7 DNS client Port 53 Microsoft DNSSEC in Windows ServerFurther reading EditH Yang E Osterweil D Massey S Lu L Zhang 8 April 2010 Deploying Cryptography in Internet Scale Systems A Case Study on DNSSEC IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 8 5 pp 656 669 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 158 1984 doi 10 1109 TDSC 2010 10 S2CID 14887477 External links EditDNSSEC DNSSEC information site DNSSEC net DNSEXT DNS Extensions IETF Working Group DNSSEC Tools Project Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Domain Name System Security Extensions amp oldid 1154857124, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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