
Counterproductive work behavior

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is employee behavior that goes against the legitimate interests of an organization. [1] These behaviors can harm organizations or people in organizations including employees and clients, customers, or patients. It has been proposed that a person-by-environment interaction (the relationship between a person's psychological and physical capacities and the demands placed on those capacities by the person's social and physical environment.)[clarification needed] can be utilized to explain a variety of counterproductive behaviors. [2] For instance, an employee who is high on trait anger (tendency to experience anger) is more likely to respond to a stressful incident at work (e.g., being treated rudely by a supervisor) with CWB.

Some researchers use the CWB term to subsume related constructs that are distinct:

  • Workplace deviance is behavior at work that violates norms for appropriate behavior. [3]
  • Retaliation consists of harmful behaviors done by employees to get back at someone who has treated them unfairly. [4]
  • Workplace revenge are behaviors by employees intended to hurt another person who has done something harmful to them. [5]
  • Workplace aggression consists of harmful acts that harm others in organizations. [6]

Dimensional models

Several typologies of CWB exist.

Using the term deviance (behavior that violates accepted norms),[7] Robinson and Bennett created a four-class typology of CWBs, dividing them into the following dimensions:[3]

  • production deviance, involving behaviors like leaving early, intentionally working slowly, or taking long breaks;
  • property deviance, involving sabotage of equipment, theft of property, and taking kickbacks;
  • political deviance, involving showing favoritism, revenge, gossiping, or blaming others;
  • personal aggression, involving harassment, verbal abuse, and endangerment

A five dimension typology of CWB,.[8]

  • abuse against others
  • production deviance
  • sabotage
  • theft
  • withdrawal

An 11-dimension typology of CWB[9]

  • theft of property
  • destruction of property
  • misuse of information
  • misuse of time and resources
  • unsafe behavior
  • poor attendance
  • poor quality of work
  • alcohol use
  • drug use
  • inappropriate verbal action
  • inappropriate physical action

A two-dimensional model of CWBs distinguished by organizational versus person target has gained considerable acceptance.[10][11] Additional dimensions have been proposed for research purposes, including a legal v. illegal dimension, a hostile v. instrumental aggression dimension, and a task-related v. a non-task-related dimension.[12] CWBs that violate criminal law may have different antecedents than milder forms of CWBs. Similarly, instrumental aggression (i.e., aggression with a deliberate goal in mind) may have different antecedents than those CWBs caused by anger.


CWB is generally assessed with questionnaires completed by the target employee or by another source, such as coworker or supervisor. Several scales have been developed to assess overall CWB as well as subdimensions.[13] The two most often used are the Bennett and Robinson deviance scale that assesses organization-directed and person-directed deviance[11] and the Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist, CWB-C that can assess the five dimensions noted above.[8]



Absenteeism is typically measured by time lost (number of days absent) measures and frequency (number of absence episodes) measures. It is weakly linked to affective predictors such as job satisfaction and commitment. Absences fit into two types of categories. Excused absences are those due to personal or family illness; unexcused absences include an employee who does not come to work in order to do another preferred activity or neglects to call in to a supervisor. Absence can be linked to job dissatisfaction. Major determinants of employee absence include employee affect, demographic characteristics, organizational absence culture, and organization absence policies. Absence due to non-work obligations is related to external features of a job with respect to dissatisfaction with role conflict, role ambiguity, and feelings of tension. Absences due to stress and illness are related to internal and external features of the job, fatigue and gender. Research has found that women are more likely to be absent than men, and that the absence-control policies and culture of an organization will predict absenteeism.

Abuse against others

Physical acts of aggression by members of an organization, committed in organizational settings are considered as workplace violence. While most researchers examine overall workplace aggression, there is a line of research that separates workplace aggression according to its targets, whether interpersonal or organizational.[14] In this model of workplace aggression, trait anger and interpersonal conflict have been found to be significant predictors of interpersonal aggression, while interpersonal conflict, situational constraints, and organizational constraints have been found to be predictors of organizational aggression. Other factors significantly linked to aggression are sex and trait anger, with men and individuals with higher levels of trait anger showing more aggressive behaviors.


Workplace bullying consists of progressive and systematic mistreatment of one employee by another.[15] It may include verbal abuse, gossiping, social exclusion, or the spreading of rumors.[15] The terms "bullying" and "mobbing" are sometimes used interchangeably, but "bullying" is more often used to refer to lower levels of antisocial behavior that do not include workgroup participation.[16] The costs of bullying include losses in productivity, higher absenteeism, higher turnover rates, and legal fees when the victims of bullying sue the organization.[17] Reported incidence of bullying is ambiguous with rates being reported from under 3% to over 37% depending on the method used to gather incidence statistics.[15][16] The strongest factor predicting bullying behavior seems to be exposure to incidents of bullying.[15] This suggests that bullying is a cascading problem that needs to be curtailed in its earliest stages. In addition to exposure to incidents of bullying, being male also seems to increase the likelihood that one will engage in bullying behavior.[15] It is proposed that the human resources function can provide guidance in the mitigation of bullying behavior by taking an active role in identifying and stopping the behaviors.[18]

Cyber loafing

Cyber loafing can be defined as surfing the web in any form of non-job- related tasks performed by the employee.[19] Cyber loafing has emerged as more and more people use computers at work. One survey showed that 64% of US workers use the internet for personal tasks at work.[20] It has been suggested that cyber-loafing is responsible for a 30–40% decrease in employee productivity[21] and was estimated to have cost US businesses $5.3 billion in 1999.[22]


Workplace incivility is disrespectful and rude behavior in violation of workplace norms for respect."[23] The effects of incivility include increased competitiveness, increases in sadistic behavior, and inattentiveness.[23] A study of cyber incivility showed that higher levels of incivility are associated with lower job satisfaction, lower organizational commitment, and higher turnover rates.[24] Two factors that seem to be associated with becoming a victim of incivility are low levels of agreeableness and high levels of neuroticism.[25] The affective events theory suggests that individuals who experience more incidents of incivility may be more sensitive to these behaviors and therefore more likely to report them.[25]

Knowledge hiding, knowledge hoarding, and knowledge sabotage

Counterproductive knowledge behavior refers to employees' actions impeding organizational knowledge flows. [26] Examples include:

  • knowledge hiding defined as the intentional attempts of employees to conceal their knowledge when their colleagues request it, [27]
  • knowledge hoarding which is the accumulation of knowledge by employees while concealing the fact that they possess this knowledge, [28] and
  • knowledge sabotage which is an incident when an employee (i.e., the saboteur) intentionally provides wrong knowledge (information, advice, a document, or a recommendation) to another employee (the target). [29]


Lateness is described as arriving at work later or leaving earlier than required. Problems associated with lateness include compromised organizational efficiency.[30] Tardy and late employees responsible for critical tasks can negatively affect organizational production.[31] Other workers may experience psychological effects of the tardy employee including morale and motivational problems as they attempt to "pick up the slack."[32]

Production deviance

Production deviance is ineffective job performance that is done on purpose, such as doing tasks incorrectly or withholding of effort. Such behaviors can be seen in disciplinary actions and safety violations.


Employee sabotage are behaviors that can "damage or disrupt the organization's production, damaging property, the destruction of relationships, or the harming of employees or customers."[33] Research has shown that often acts of sabotage or acts of retaliation are motivated by perceptions of organizational injustice[34] and performed with the intention of causing harm to the target.[35]

Michael Crino was investigating the causes of sabotage as early as 1994. He found that the ways in which sabotage is carried out are extensive but they have the same elements. Sabotage has been intentionally caused and is intended to interfere with the normal operation of the company.[36]


Service sabotage originated from counter-productive behavior literature. Lloyd C. Harris and Emmanuel Ogbonna from Cardiff University drew from employee deviance and dysfunctional behaviors studies to conceptualize service sabotage as a disturbing phenomenon in the work place. Service sabotage refer to organizational member behaviors that are intentionally designed negatively to affect service. Empirical evidence suggested that more than 90% employees accept that service sabotage is an everyday occurrence in their organization.[37]

Intention to Sabotage

The first stage of service sabotage is an intention to sabotage, in other words, intentions precedes the actual service sabotage. A study by Abubakar and Arasli provided argued that "prevention is always better than cure", measuring what (service sabotage) has already occurred is meaningless to organizations.[38] They proposed that measuring intention to sabotage would alert the management to take necessary precautions. Intention to sabotage is defined as a negative dispositional attitude, a negative destructive state of mind, which is characterized by alienation, withdrawal, and termination".[38] Simply, a mere intention to disrupt or harm the service flow in an organization.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact when (a) submission to the conduct by the employee is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual and/or (c) such conduct [that] has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment." (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1980)

Substance abuse

Substance abuse by employees at work is a problem that can have an effect on work attendance, performance, and safety and can lead to other injuries outside of work and health problems.


Employee theft is defined as employees taking things not belonging to them from an organization. Employee theft is estimated to account for billions of dollars of loss globally each year,[39] with employees accounting for more theft than customers.[40] This may include large embezzlements or the pilfering of pencils and paperclips, but the losses in the aggregate are substantial. At least one study suggests that 45% of companies experience financial fraud, with average losses of $1.7 million.[41] Factors such as conscientiousness have been shown to be negatively related to theft behaviors.[42] Many organizations use integrity tests during the initial screening process for new employees in an effort to eliminate those considered most likely to commit theft.[43] Causes of employee theft include characteristics of the individual and environmental conditions such as frustrating and unfair working conditions.


Turnover is when employees leave the organization, either voluntarily (quitting) or involuntarily (being fired or laid off). Research on voluntary employee job turnover has attempted to understand the causes of individual decisions to leave an organization. It has been found that lower performance, lack of reward contingencies for performance, and better external job opportunities are the main causes. Other variables related to turnover are conditions in the external job market and the availability of other job opportunities,[44] and length of employee tenure. Turnover can be optimal as when a poorly performing employee decides to leave an organization, or dysfunctional when the high turnover rates increase the costs associated with recruitment and training of new employees, or if good employees consistently decide to leave. Avoidable turnover is when the organization could have prevented it and unavoidable turnover is when the employee's decision to leave could not be prevented. The satisfaction–turnover relationship is affected by alternative job prospects. If an employee accepts an unsolicited job offer, job dissatisfaction was less predictive of turnover because the employee more likely left in response to "pull" (the lure of the other job) than "push" (the unattractiveness of the current job). Similarly, job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover when other employment opportunities are plentiful.[45]


Employee withdrawal consists of behaviors such as absence, lateness, and ultimately job turnover. Absence and lateness has attracted research as they disrupt organizational production, deliveries and services. Unsatisfied employees withdraw in order to avoid work tasks or pain, and remove themselves from their jobs.[46] Withdrawal behavior may be explained as employee retaliation against inequity in the work setting.[47] Withdrawal may also be part of a progressive model and relate to job dissatisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment.[48]

Notable behavior exclusions

CWBs are "active and volitional acts engaged in by individuals, as opposed to accidental or unintentional actions."[49] CWBs, therefore do not include acts that lack volition, such as the inability to successfully complete a task. Nor do CWBs include involvement in an accident, although purposeful avoidance of the safety rules that may have led to the accident would represent a CWB.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2002) estimates the cost of accidents to organizations to be $145 million annually. Most research on this topic has attempted to evaluate characteristics of the workplace environment that lead to accidents and determination of ways to avoid accidents. There has also been some research on the characteristics of accident-prone employees that has found they are typically younger, more distractible, and less socially adjusted than other employees. Recent research has shown that an organization's safety climate has been associated with lower accident involvement, compliance with safety procedures, and increased proactive safety behaviors.

Another set of behaviors that do not fit easily into the accepted definition of CWBs, are those described as unethical pro-organizational behaviors (UPBs). UPBs represent illegitimate means intended to further the legitimate interests of an organization.[50] UPBs are not necessarily intended to harm the organization, although the UPBs may result in adverse consequences to the organization, such as a loss of trust and goodwill, or in criminal charges against the organization.[50] In law enforcement, UPBs are exhibited in a form of misconduct called noble cause corruption.[51] Noble cause corruption occurs when a police officer violates the law or ethical rules in order to reduce crime or the fear of crime. An example of this is testilying,[52] in which a police officer commits perjury to obtain the conviction of a defendant. UPBs have not received the same attention from researchers that CWBs have received.[50]

Organizational citizenship behavior

Counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), which consists of behaviors that help organizations but go beyond required tasks, have been studied together and are generally found to be related in that individuals who do one are unlikely to do the other.[53]

Current research topics and trends

By definition, counterproductive work behaviors are voluntary acts that are detrimental to an organization.[9] They have important implications for the well-being of an organization.[54] Theft alone is estimated to cause worldwide losses in the billions of dollars each year.[39] These estimated losses do not include losses from other sources, nor do they consider the fact that many losses attributable to CWBs go undetected.[55]

The consequences of CWBs and their persistence in the workplace[56] have led to increased attention being given to the study of such behaviors.[57] Current trends in industrial organizational psychology suggest a continuing increase in the study of CWBs.[54][10] Research into CWBs appears to fall into three broad categories: (1) classification of CWBs;[1][9] (2) predicting counterproductive behaviors;[58][59][60] and (3) furthering the theoretical framework of CWBs.[54][61][62][63]

A review of peer reviewed journals following this article shows the broad interest in CWBs. A brief list of noted journals includes The International Journal of Selection and Assessment, The Journal of Applied Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior, Personality and Individual Differences, Occupational Health Psychology, Human Resource Management Review, Military Justice, Criminal Justice Ethics, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, and International Journal of Nursing Studies. The variety of journals reporting in the area of CWBs reflects the breadth of the topic and the global interest in studying these behaviors.

Researchers use many sources in attempting to measure CWBs. These include potentially subjective measures such as self-reports, peer reports, and supervisor reports.[64] More objective methods for assessing CWBs include disciplinary records, absentee records, and job performance statistics.[64] Each of these methods present potential problems in the measurement of CWBs. For example, self-reports always have the potential for bias with individuals trying to cast themselves in a good light.[64] Self-reports may also cause problems for researchers when they measure what an incumbent 'can-do' and what an incumbent 'will-do.'[53] Peer and supervisor reports can suffer from personal bias, but they also suffer from lack of knowledge of the private behaviors of the job incumbent whose behavior is being studied.[1] Archival records suffer from lack of information about the private behaviors of incumbents, providing instead information about instances where incumbents are caught engaging in CWBs. Some researchers have proposed a differential detection hypothesis which predicts that there will be discrepancies between reports of detected CWBs and other reports of CWBs.[65]

The lack of accurate measures for CWBs jeopardizes the ability of researchers to find the relationships between CWB and other factors they are evaluating.[65] The primary criticism of research in CWBs has been that too much of the research relies on a single-source method of measurement relying primarily on self-reports of counterproductive work behavior.[64][65][66] Several studies have therefore attempted to compare self-reports with other forms of evidence about CWBs. These studies seek to determine whether different forms of evidence converge, or effectively measure the same behaviors.[66] Convergence has been established between self-reports and peer and supervisor reports for interpersonal CWBs but not organizational CWBs.[64][65] This finding is significant because it promotes the ability of researchers to use multiple sources of evidence in evaluating CWBs.[64]

Correlates, predictors, moderators and mediators


Affect or emotion at work, especially the experience of negative emotions like anger or anxiety, predict the likelihood of counterproductive work behaviors occurring.[8] Affective personality traits, the tendency for individuals to experience emotions, can also predict CWB. For example, employees with high negative affectivity, the tendency to experience negative emotions, typically display more counterproductive work behaviors than those with positive affectivity, the tendency to experience positive emotions.[67]


Age appears to be an important factor in predicting CWBs. While age does not appear to be strongly related to core task performance, creativity, or performance in training, it does appear to be positively related to organizational citizenship behaviors and negatively related to CWBs.[68] Older employees seem to exhibit less aggression, tardiness, substance abuse, and voluntary absenteeism (although sickness related absenteeism is somewhat higher than younger employees). Some researchers argue that the lower rate of CWBs may be due to better self-regulation and self-control.

Cognitive ability

Research into the relationship between cognitive ability and CWBs is contradictory. When CWBs are operationalized as disciplinary records of detected CWBs, a strong negative relationship between cognitive ability has been found.[69] This relationship did not hold, however, when cognitive ability was operationalized as educational attainment.[69] A longitudinal study of adolescents through young adulthood found that, among those individuals who exhibited conduct disorders as youths, high levels of cognitive ability were associated with higher levels of CWBs, a positive relationship.[59] Other research has found that general mental ability is largely unrelated to self-reports of CWBs including theft (although a weak link to incidents of lateness was detected).[65] In the same study, grade point average showed a stronger relationship to CWBs.[65] Contradictions in the findings may be explained in the differential effects between measures of cognitive ability and self-reported versus detected incidents of CWBs.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) has been defined as the ability to identify and manage emotional information in oneself and others and focus energy on required behaviors.[70] The factors making up EI include:[58]

  • appraisal and expression of emotion in self
  • appraisal and recognition of emotions in others
  • regulation of emotions, and
  • use of emotions.

To the extent that EI includes the ability to manage emotions, it can be expected that it will have an influence on CWBs similar to that found for self-control. Research in this area is limited, however, one study looking for the moderating effects of EI on the relationships between distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice failed to find a significant moderating effect in any of these relationships.[58]

Interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict in the workplace can also lead to counterproductive work behaviors.[71] Interpersonal conflict with the supervisor can lead to counterproductive work behaviors such as defiance, undermining, and colluding with coworkers to engage in deviant behavior.[72] Interpersonal conflict with peers can lead to counterproductive work behaviors such as harassment, bullying, and physical altercations.[9][73]

Organizational constraints

Organizational constraints, the extent to which conditions at work interfere with job tasks, has been shown to relate to CWB so that jobs with high constraints have employees who engage in CWB.[14] Not only do constraints lead to CWB, but CWB can lead to constraints. Employees who engage in CWB can find that constraints increase over time.[74]

Organizational justice

Organizational justice or fairness perceptions have been shown to influence the display of counterproductive work behaviors.[4] Distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice have all been shown to include both counterproductive work behaviors aimed at individuals, such as political deviance and personal aggression; and counterproductive work behaviors aimed at the organization, such as production slowdown and property deviance.[75]

Overall perceptions of unfairness may particularly elicit interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors such as political deviance and personal aggressions. Interpersonal justice and informational justice may also predict counterproductive work behaviors aimed at the supervisor, such as neglecting to follow supervisory instructions, acting rudely toward one's supervisor, spreading unconfirmed rumors about a supervisor, intentionally doing something to get one's supervisor in trouble, and encouraging coworkers to get back at one's supervisor.[72]


Personality is a predictor of an employee's proclivity toward counterproductive work behaviors. With regard to the Big Five personality traits: conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion and openness to experience all predict counterproductive behaviors. When an employee is low in conscientiousness, counterproductive work behaviors related to the organization are more likely to occur.[73][76] Employees who are low in agreeableness will exhibit counterproductive work behaviors related to interpersonal deviant behaviors.[73][76] Furthermore, in terms of greater specificity, for employees low in conscientiousness, sabotage and withdrawal are more likely to occur. For employees low in extraversion, theft is likely to occur. Finally, for employees high in openness to experience, production deviance is likely to occur.[77]


Employees with narcissistic personalities tend to exhibit more counterproductive work behaviors, especially when the workplace is stressful.[78]


According to Boddy, because of abusive supervision by corporate psychopaths, large amounts of anti-corporate feeling will be generated among the employees of the organisations that corporate psychopaths work in. This should result in high levels of counterproductive behaviour as employees give vent to their anger with the corporation, which they perceive to be acting through its corporate psychopathic managers in a way that is eminently unfair to them.[79]


Self-control has been evaluated as a significant explanation of CWBs. Like, conscientiousness, self-control, or internal control, is seen as a stable individual difference that tends to inhibit deviant behaviors.[80] The identification of self-control as a factor in deviant behaviors flows from work in criminology, where self-control is seen as the strength of one's ability to avoid short-term gain for long-term costs.[80] Using multiple regression analysis, one study compared the effects of 25 characteristics (including self-control, justicial factors, equity factors, positive affect, levels of autonomy, and a variety of other individual characteristics) on CWBs. The study showed that self-control was the best predictor of CWBs and that most of the other factors had negligible predictive value.[63] Cognitive ability and age were among the remaining factors that showed some effect. These additional findings are consistent with research that tends to show older employees exercise a greater level of self-control.[68]

Target personality

One line of research in CWBs looks not at the instigators of CWBs, but the victims' provocative target behavior, or the behaviors of the victims of CWBs, which are seen as potential mediating factors in the frequency and intensity of CWBs originated against them.[25] This line of research suggests that low levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness, and high levels of neuroticism, in the victims of CWBs may lead to more incidents of CWBs, like incivility. The affective events theory has been used to explain that some individuals report being the victim of incivility more often because they are more sensitive to it than other workers.

Peer reporting

Normative behavior within organizations tends to discourage workers from reporting the observed CWBs of their peers, although this tendency can be reduced when a group is punished for the CWBs of individual members.[81] There are three factors that seem to be most influential on peer reporting of CWBs: the emotional closeness between the person exhibiting the CWBs and the person observing the CWBs; the severity of the misconduct observed, and the presence of witness.[81] Peers are more likely to report the CWBs of colleagues when the conduct is severe, or when there are other witnesses present, and less likely to report CWBs when they are emotionally close to the person committing the CWBs. A key problem in the use of peer reports of CWBs instead of self-reports of CWBs is that peer reports only capture observed behaviors and are not able to identify CWBs committed secretly.[1]

Managing strategies

A substantial body of research has demonstrated that stable characteristics of individuals are associated with the likelihood of CWBs. Some examples of stable characteristics that have been demonstrated to have relationships with CWBs include conscientiousness and agreeableness,[41] motivation avoidance,[62] cognitive ability,[69] and self-control.[63] To the extent that these stable conditions predict CWBs, reduction of CWBs in an organization can begin at the recruitment and selection phase of new employees.

Integrity screening is one common form of screening used by organizations[82] as is cognitive ability screening.[69] Personality testing is also common in screening out individuals who may have a higher incidence of CWBs.[42] Work samples have been found to be a more effective screening tool than integrity testing alone, but integrity testing and cognitive testing together are even better screening tools.[80] While the use of screening instruments may be an imperfect decision-making tool, the question often facing the recruitment officer is not whether the instrument is perfect, but whether, relative to other available screening tools, the screening tool is functional.[55]

However, organizations must do more than screen employees in order to successfully manage CWBs. Substantial research has demonstrated that CWBs arise out of situational factors that occur in the day-to-day operations of an organization, including organizational constraints,[83] lack of rewards,[49] illegitimate tasks,[84] interpersonal conflicts,[83] and lack of organizational justice.[64] Research has shown that individuals who are treated unfairly are more likely to engage in CWBs.[58] One major step that organizations can take to reduce the impetus for CWBs is therefore to enhance organizational justice.[85] Maintaining communications and feedback, allowing participation of employees, and supervisory training are other suggestions for mitigating CWBs.[86] Organizations must also pay close attention to employees for signs and sources of interpersonal conflicts so that they can be identified and tended to as necessary.[25][87]

Combating CWBs comes with some costs, including the costs of selection, monitoring, and implementing preventive measures to reduce triggers for CWBs. Before undertaking costly measures to reduce CWBs, it may be worthwhile for an organization to identify the costs of CWBs.[57] If the cost-benefit analysis does not show a savings, then the organization must decide whether the battle against CWBs is worth fighting. There is at least one set of researchers that suggest that production deviance (withholding effort) and withdrawal can be a benefit to employees by allowing them to relieve tension in certain circumstances.[88]

See also


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  88. ^ Krischer, M. M.; Penney, L. M.; Hunter, E. M. (2010). "Can counterproductive work behaviors be productive? CWB as emotion-focused coping". Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 15 (2): 154–166. doi:10.1037/a0018349. PMID 20364913.

Further reading


  • Durando, Michael W. (2007). It's Good to be Bad: Potential Benefits of Counterproductive Work Behavior. Minnesota State University, Mankato. OCLC 213099039.
  • Enns, Janelle R. (2006). The Roles of Realistic Conflict and Relative Deprivation in Explaining Counterproductive Work Behavior. University of Toronto. OCLC 234093138.
  • Fox, Suzy (2005). Counterproductive Work Behavior: Investigations of Actors and Targets. Paul E. Spector (1 ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN 1-59147-165-6. OCLC 55131429.
  • Hunter, Emily M. (2006). Confessions of a Disgruntled Waiter: Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Service Industry. Department of Psychology. University of Houston. OCLC 182973622.
  • Tucker, Jennifer Sommers (2005). The Multilevel Effects of Occupational Stress on Counterproductive Work Behavior: A Longitudinal Study in a Military Context. Portland State University. OCLC 70707764.
  • Vincent, Renée Christine (2007). Workplace Integrity: An Examination of the Relationship Among Personality, Moral Reasoning, Academic Integrity and Counterproductive Work Behavior. Missouri State University. OCLC 223415957.

Academic papers

  • O'Brien, Kimberly E.; Allen, Tammy D. (January 2008). "The Relative Importance of Correlates of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior Using Multiple Sources of Data". Human Performance. 21 (1): 62–88. doi:10.1080/08959280701522189. S2CID 143379792.
  • Bayram, Nuran; Gursakal, Necmi; Bilgel, Nazan (2009). "Counterproductive Work Behavior Among White-Collar Employees: A study from Turkey". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 17 (2): 180–8. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2389.2009.00461.x. S2CID 145591023.
  • Bolton, Lamarcus R.; Becker, Liesl K.; Barber, Larissa K. (2010). "Big Five trait predictors of differential counterproductive work behavior dimensions". Personality and Individual Differences. 49 (5): 537–41. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.03.047.
  • Bowling, N. A.; Eschleman, K. J. (2010). "Employee personality as a moderator of the relationships between work stressors and counterproductive work behavior". Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 15 (1): 91–103. doi:10.1037/a0017326. PMID 20063961.
  • Bowling, Nathan A.; Gruys, Melissa L. (2010). "Overlooked issues in the conceptualization and measurement of counterproductive work behavior". Human Resource Management Review. 20: 54–61. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.03.008.
  • Bowling, Nathan; Burns, Gary; Beehr, Terry (2010). "Productive and Counterproductive Attendance Behavior: an Examination of Early and Late Arrival to and Departure from Work". Human Performance. 23 (4): 305–22. doi:10.1080/08959285.2010.501048. S2CID 143724422.
  • Bruursema, Kari (October 2007). How individual values and trait boredom interface with job characteristics and job boredom in their effects on counterproductive work behavior (Doctoral Thesis). University of South Florida.
  • ullah Bukhari, Zirgham; Ali, Umair (January 2009). "Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Geographical Context of Pakistan". International Journal of Business and Management. 4 (1): 85–92. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v4n1p85.
  • Cem-Ersoy, N (2010). Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Cross-cultural comparisons between Turkey and the Netherlands (Doctoral Thesis). hdl:1765/19631. ISBN 978-90-5335-290-8.
  • Clark, Malissa (2010). "Why Do Employees Behave Badly? An Examination of the Effects of Mood, Personality, And Job Demands on Counterproductive Work Behavior". Wayne State University Dissertations (Doctoral Dissertation).
  • Dalal, RS (2005). "A meta-analysis of the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior". The Journal of Applied Psychology. 90 (6): 1241–55. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.90.6.1241. PMID 16316277.
  • Flaherty, Shane; Moss, Simon A. (2007). "The Impact of Personality and Team Context on the Relationship Between Workplace Injustice and Counterproductive Work Behavior". Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 37 (11): 2549–75. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2007.00270.x.
  • Fox, S; Spector, Paul E.; Miles, Don (2001). "Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) in Response to Job Stressors and Organizational Justice: Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for Autonomy and Emotions". Journal of Vocational Behavior. 59 (3): 291–309. CiteSeerX doi:10.1006/jvbe.2001.1803.
  • Fox, Suzy; Spector, Paul E.; Goh, Angeline; Bruursema, Kari (2007). "Does your coworker know what you're doing? Convergence of self- and peer-reports of counterproductive work behavior". International Journal of Stress Management. 14: 41–60. doi:10.1037/1072-5245.14.1.41.
  • Popovich, Paula M.; Warren, Michael A. (2010). "The role of power in sexual harassment as a counterproductive behavior in organizations". Human Resource Management Review. 20: 45–53. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.05.003.
  • Goh, Angeline (2007). An attributional analysis of counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in response to occupational stress (Doctoral Thesis). University of South Florida.
  • Gruys, Melissa L.; Sackett, Paul R. (March 2003). "Investigating the Dimensionality of Counterproductive Work Behavior". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 11: 30–42. doi:10.1111/1468-2389.00224.
  • Hung, Tsang-Kai. The relations between perceived loafing, revenge motive and counterproductive work behavior (Graduate Thesis). National Changhua University of Education.
  • Zhang, Jian-Wei; Liu, Yu-Xin (2009). . Advances in Psychological Science. 17 (5): 1059–66. ISSN 1671-3710. Archived from the original on 7 July 2011. Retrieved 30 October 2010.
  • De Jonge, J; Peeters, M. C. (2009). "Convergence of self-reports and coworker reports of counterproductive work behavior: a cross-sectional multi-source survey among health care workers". International Journal of Nursing Studies. 46 (5): 699–707. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2008.12.010. PMID 19185863.
  • Kelloway, E. Kevin; Francis, Lori; Prosser, Matthew; Cameron, James E. (2010). "Counterproductive work behavior as protest". Human Resource Management Review. 20: 18–25. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.03.014.
  • Kessler, S. R.: The effects of organizational structure on faculty job performance, job satisfaction, and counterproductive work behavior – University of South Florida 2007
  • MacLane, Charles N.; Walmsley, Philip T. (2010). "Reducing counterproductive work behavior through employee selection". Human Resource Management Review. 20: 62–72. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.05.001.
  • Marcus, B.; Wagner, U. (2007). "Combining dispositions and evaluations of vocation and job to account for counterproductive work behavior in adolescent job apprentices". Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 12 (2): 161–76. doi:10.1037/1076-8998.12.2.161. PMID 17469998.
  • Marcus, Bernd; Wagner, Uwe; Poole, Amanda; Powell, Deborah M.; Carswell, Julie (2009). "The relationship of GMA to counterproductive work behavior revisited". European Journal of Personality. 23 (6): 489–507. doi:10.1002/per.728. S2CID 145258727.
  • Miles, Donald E.; Borman, Walter E.; Spector, Paul E.; Fox, Suzy (2002). "Building an Integrative Model of Extra Role Work Behaviors: A Comparison of Counterproductive Work Behavior with Organizational Citizenship Behavior". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 10: 51–7. doi:10.1111/1468-2389.00193.
  • Neff, N. L.: Peer reactions to counterproductive work behavior – Pennsylvania State University 2009
  • O'Brien, K. E.: A stressor-strain model of organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior – University of South Florida 2008
  • Penney, Lisa M.; Spector, Paul E. (2005). "Job stress, incivility, and counterproductive work behavior (CWB): the moderating role of negative affectivity". Journal of Organizational Behavior. 26 (7): 777–96. doi:10.1002/job.336.
  • Penney, Lisa M.; Spector, Paul E. (2002). "Narcissism and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Do Bigger Egos Mean Bigger Problems?". International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 10: 126–34. doi:10.1111/1468-2389.00199.
  • Semmer, Norbert K.; Tschan, Franziska; Meier, Laurenz L.; Facchin, Stephanie; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2010). "Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior". Applied Psychology. 59: 70–96. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00416.x.
  • Smithikrai C Collectivism as a Moderator of the Relationships among Work-Family Conflict, Perceived Job Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior – The 6th International Postgraduate Research Colloquium IPRC Proceedings
  • Spector, P. E., Fox, S., Domagalski, T. A.: Emotions, violence, and counterproductive work behavior – Handbook of workplace violence, 2006
  • Spector, Paul E.; Fox, Suzy (2010). "Theorizing about the deviant citizen: An attributional explanation of the interplay of organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behavior☆". Human Resource Management Review. 20 (2): 132–43. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2009.06.002.
  • Spector, P. E.; Bauer, JA; Fox, S (2010). "Measurement artifacts in the assessment of counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: do we know what we think we know?". The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95 (4): 781–90. doi:10.1037/a0019477. PMID 20604597.
  • Spector, P.; Fox, Suzy (2002). "An emotion-centered model of voluntary work behavior Some parallels between counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior". Human Resource Management Review. 12 (2): 269–92. doi:10.1016/S1053-4822(02)00049-9. S2CID 143404528.
  • Spector, Paul E.; Fox, Suzy (2010). "Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organisational Citizenship Behavior: Are They Opposite Forms of Active Behavior?". Applied Psychology. 59: 21–39. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00414.x.
  • Tucker, J. S.; Sinclair, R. R.; Mohr, C. D.; Thomas, J. L.; Salvi, A. D.; Adler, A. B. (2009). "Stress and counterproductive work behavior: multiple relationships between demands, control, and soldier indiscipline over time". Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 14 (3): 257–71. doi:10.1037/a0014951. PMID 19586221.
  • Tucker J. S, The multilevel effects of occupational stress on counterproductive work behavior: A longitudinal study in a military context – Portland State University 2005

External links

  • A resume of psychological research about CPB and personality

counterproductive, work, behavior, employee, behavior, that, goes, against, legitimate, interests, organization, these, behaviors, harm, organizations, people, organizations, including, employees, clients, customers, patients, been, proposed, that, person, env. Counterproductive work behavior CWB is employee behavior that goes against the legitimate interests of an organization 1 These behaviors can harm organizations or people in organizations including employees and clients customers or patients It has been proposed that a person by environment interaction the relationship between a person s psychological and physical capacities and the demands placed on those capacities by the person s social and physical environment clarification needed can be utilized to explain a variety of counterproductive behaviors 2 For instance an employee who is high on trait anger tendency to experience anger is more likely to respond to a stressful incident at work e g being treated rudely by a supervisor with CWB Some researchers use the CWB term to subsume related constructs that are distinct Workplace deviance is behavior at work that violates norms for appropriate behavior 3 Retaliation consists of harmful behaviors done by employees to get back at someone who has treated them unfairly 4 Workplace revenge are behaviors by employees intended to hurt another person who has done something harmful to them 5 Workplace aggression consists of harmful acts that harm others in organizations 6 Contents 1 Dimensional models 2 Assessment 3 Dimensions 3 1 Absenteeism 3 2 Abuse against others 3 3 Bullying 3 4 Cyber loafing 3 5 Incivility 3 6 Knowledge hiding knowledge hoarding and knowledge sabotage 3 7 Lateness 3 8 Production deviance 3 9 Sabotage 3 9 1 Service 3 9 2 Intention to Sabotage 3 10 Sexual harassment 3 11 Substance abuse 3 12 Theft 3 13 Turnover 3 14 Withdrawal 4 Notable behavior exclusions 5 Organizational citizenship behavior 6 Current research topics and trends 7 Correlates predictors moderators and mediators 7 1 Affect 7 2 Age 7 3 Cognitive ability 7 4 Emotional intelligence 7 5 Interpersonal conflict 7 6 Organizational constraints 7 7 Organizational justice 7 8 Personality 7 8 1 Narcissism 7 8 2 Psychopathy 7 8 3 Self control 7 8 4 Target personality 8 Peer reporting 9 Managing strategies 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 12 1 Books 12 2 Academic papers 13 External linksDimensional models EditSeveral typologies of CWB exist Using the term deviance behavior that violates accepted norms 7 Robinson and Bennett created a four class typology of CWBs dividing them into the following dimensions 3 production deviance involving behaviors like leaving early intentionally working slowly or taking long breaks property deviance involving sabotage of equipment theft of property and taking kickbacks political deviance involving showing favoritism revenge gossiping or blaming others personal aggression involving harassment verbal abuse and endangermentA five dimension typology of CWB 8 abuse against others production deviance sabotage theft withdrawalAn 11 dimension typology of CWB 9 theft of property destruction of property misuse of information misuse of time and resources unsafe behavior poor attendance poor quality of work alcohol use drug use inappropriate verbal action inappropriate physical actionA two dimensional model of CWBs distinguished by organizational versus person target has gained considerable acceptance 10 11 Additional dimensions have been proposed for research purposes including a legal v illegal dimension a hostile v instrumental aggression dimension and a task related v a non task related dimension 12 CWBs that violate criminal law may have different antecedents than milder forms of CWBs Similarly instrumental aggression i e aggression with a deliberate goal in mind may have different antecedents than those CWBs caused by anger Assessment EditCWB is generally assessed with questionnaires completed by the target employee or by another source such as coworker or supervisor Several scales have been developed to assess overall CWB as well as subdimensions 13 The two most often used are the Bennett and Robinson deviance scale that assesses organization directed and person directed deviance 11 and the Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist CWB C that can assess the five dimensions noted above 8 Dimensions EditAbsenteeism Edit Main article Absenteeism Absenteeism is typically measured by time lost number of days absent measures and frequency number of absence episodes measures It is weakly linked to affective predictors such as job satisfaction and commitment Absences fit into two types of categories Excused absences are those due to personal or family illness unexcused absences include an employee who does not come to work in order to do another preferred activity or neglects to call in to a supervisor Absence can be linked to job dissatisfaction Major determinants of employee absence include employee affect demographic characteristics organizational absence culture and organization absence policies Absence due to non work obligations is related to external features of a job with respect to dissatisfaction with role conflict role ambiguity and feelings of tension Absences due to stress and illness are related to internal and external features of the job fatigue and gender Research has found that women are more likely to be absent than men and that the absence control policies and culture of an organization will predict absenteeism Abuse against others Edit Physical acts of aggression by members of an organization committed in organizational settings are considered as workplace violence While most researchers examine overall workplace aggression there is a line of research that separates workplace aggression according to its targets whether interpersonal or organizational 14 In this model of workplace aggression trait anger and interpersonal conflict have been found to be significant predictors of interpersonal aggression while interpersonal conflict situational constraints and organizational constraints have been found to be predictors of organizational aggression Other factors significantly linked to aggression are sex and trait anger with men and individuals with higher levels of trait anger showing more aggressive behaviors Bullying Edit Main article Workplace bullying Workplace bullying consists of progressive and systematic mistreatment of one employee by another 15 It may include verbal abuse gossiping social exclusion or the spreading of rumors 15 The terms bullying and mobbing are sometimes used interchangeably but bullying is more often used to refer to lower levels of antisocial behavior that do not include workgroup participation 16 The costs of bullying include losses in productivity higher absenteeism higher turnover rates and legal fees when the victims of bullying sue the organization 17 Reported incidence of bullying is ambiguous with rates being reported from under 3 to over 37 depending on the method used to gather incidence statistics 15 16 The strongest factor predicting bullying behavior seems to be exposure to incidents of bullying 15 This suggests that bullying is a cascading problem that needs to be curtailed in its earliest stages In addition to exposure to incidents of bullying being male also seems to increase the likelihood that one will engage in bullying behavior 15 It is proposed that the human resources function can provide guidance in the mitigation of bullying behavior by taking an active role in identifying and stopping the behaviors 18 Cyber loafing Edit Main article Cyber loafing Cyber loafing can be defined as surfing the web in any form of non job related tasks performed by the employee 19 Cyber loafing has emerged as more and more people use computers at work One survey showed that 64 of US workers use the internet for personal tasks at work 20 It has been suggested that cyber loafing is responsible for a 30 40 decrease in employee productivity 21 and was estimated to have cost US businesses 5 3 billion in 1999 22 Incivility Edit Main article Workplace incivility Workplace incivility is disrespectful and rude behavior in violation of workplace norms for respect 23 The effects of incivility include increased competitiveness increases in sadistic behavior and inattentiveness 23 A study of cyber incivility showed that higher levels of incivility are associated with lower job satisfaction lower organizational commitment and higher turnover rates 24 Two factors that seem to be associated with becoming a victim of incivility are low levels of agreeableness and high levels of neuroticism 25 The affective events theory suggests that individuals who experience more incidents of incivility may be more sensitive to these behaviors and therefore more likely to report them 25 Knowledge hiding knowledge hoarding and knowledge sabotage Edit Counterproductive knowledge behavior refers to employees actions impeding organizational knowledge flows 26 Examples include knowledge hiding defined as the intentional attempts of employees to conceal their knowledge when their colleagues request it 27 knowledge hoarding which is the accumulation of knowledge by employees while concealing the fact that they possess this knowledge 28 and knowledge sabotage which is an incident when an employee i e the saboteur intentionally provides wrong knowledge information advice a document or a recommendation to another employee the target 29 Lateness Edit Lateness is described as arriving at work later or leaving earlier than required Problems associated with lateness include compromised organizational efficiency 30 Tardy and late employees responsible for critical tasks can negatively affect organizational production 31 Other workers may experience psychological effects of the tardy employee including morale and motivational problems as they attempt to pick up the slack 32 Production deviance Edit Production deviance is ineffective job performance that is done on purpose such as doing tasks incorrectly or withholding of effort Such behaviors can be seen in disciplinary actions and safety violations Sabotage Edit Employee sabotage are behaviors that can damage or disrupt the organization s production damaging property the destruction of relationships or the harming of employees or customers 33 Research has shown that often acts of sabotage or acts of retaliation are motivated by perceptions of organizational injustice 34 and performed with the intention of causing harm to the target 35 Michael Crino was investigating the causes of sabotage as early as 1994 He found that the ways in which sabotage is carried out are extensive but they have the same elements Sabotage has been intentionally caused and is intended to interfere with the normal operation of the company 36 Service Edit Service sabotage originated from counter productive behavior literature Lloyd C Harris and Emmanuel Ogbonna from Cardiff University drew from employee deviance and dysfunctional behaviors studies to conceptualize service sabotage as a disturbing phenomenon in the work place Service sabotage refer to organizational member behaviors that are intentionally designed negatively to affect service Empirical evidence suggested that more than 90 employees accept that service sabotage is an everyday occurrence in their organization 37 Intention to Sabotage Edit The first stage of service sabotage is an intention to sabotage in other words intentions precedes the actual service sabotage A study by Abubakar and Arasli provided argued that prevention is always better than cure measuring what service sabotage has already occurred is meaningless to organizations 38 They proposed that measuring intention to sabotage would alert the management to take necessary precautions Intention to sabotage is defined as a negative dispositional attitude a negative destructive state of mind which is characterized by alienation withdrawal and termination 38 Simply a mere intention to disrupt or harm the service flow in an organization Sexual harassment Edit Main article Sexual harassment Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical contact when a submission to the conduct by the employee is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual s employment b submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual and or c such conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with work performance or creating an intimidating hostile or offensive working environment Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1980 Substance abuse Edit Substance abuse by employees at work is a problem that can have an effect on work attendance performance and safety and can lead to other injuries outside of work and health problems Theft Edit Employee theft is defined as employees taking things not belonging to them from an organization Employee theft is estimated to account for billions of dollars of loss globally each year 39 with employees accounting for more theft than customers 40 This may include large embezzlements or the pilfering of pencils and paperclips but the losses in the aggregate are substantial At least one study suggests that 45 of companies experience financial fraud with average losses of 1 7 million 41 Factors such as conscientiousness have been shown to be negatively related to theft behaviors 42 Many organizations use integrity tests during the initial screening process for new employees in an effort to eliminate those considered most likely to commit theft 43 Causes of employee theft include characteristics of the individual and environmental conditions such as frustrating and unfair working conditions Turnover Edit Main article Turnover employment Turnover is when employees leave the organization either voluntarily quitting or involuntarily being fired or laid off Research on voluntary employee job turnover has attempted to understand the causes of individual decisions to leave an organization It has been found that lower performance lack of reward contingencies for performance and better external job opportunities are the main causes Other variables related to turnover are conditions in the external job market and the availability of other job opportunities 44 and length of employee tenure Turnover can be optimal as when a poorly performing employee decides to leave an organization or dysfunctional when the high turnover rates increase the costs associated with recruitment and training of new employees or if good employees consistently decide to leave Avoidable turnover is when the organization could have prevented it and unavoidable turnover is when the employee s decision to leave could not be prevented The satisfaction turnover relationship is affected by alternative job prospects If an employee accepts an unsolicited job offer job dissatisfaction was less predictive of turnover because the employee more likely left in response to pull the lure of the other job than push the unattractiveness of the current job Similarly job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover when other employment opportunities are plentiful 45 Withdrawal Edit Employee withdrawal consists of behaviors such as absence lateness and ultimately job turnover Absence and lateness has attracted research as they disrupt organizational production deliveries and services Unsatisfied employees withdraw in order to avoid work tasks or pain and remove themselves from their jobs 46 Withdrawal behavior may be explained as employee retaliation against inequity in the work setting 47 Withdrawal may also be part of a progressive model and relate to job dissatisfaction job involvement and organizational commitment 48 See also Employee engagement DisengagementNotable behavior exclusions EditCWBs are active and volitional acts engaged in by individuals as opposed to accidental or unintentional actions 49 CWBs therefore do not include acts that lack volition such as the inability to successfully complete a task Nor do CWBs include involvement in an accident although purposeful avoidance of the safety rules that may have led to the accident would represent a CWB The U S Department of Health and Human Services 2002 estimates the cost of accidents to organizations to be 145 million annually Most research on this topic has attempted to evaluate characteristics of the workplace environment that lead to accidents and determination of ways to avoid accidents There has also been some research on the characteristics of accident prone employees that has found they are typically younger more distractible and less socially adjusted than other employees Recent research has shown that an organization s safety climate has been associated with lower accident involvement compliance with safety procedures and increased proactive safety behaviors Another set of behaviors that do not fit easily into the accepted definition of CWBs are those described as unethical pro organizational behaviors UPBs UPBs represent illegitimate means intended to further the legitimate interests of an organization 50 UPBs are not necessarily intended to harm the organization although the UPBs may result in adverse consequences to the organization such as a loss of trust and goodwill or in criminal charges against the organization 50 In law enforcement UPBs are exhibited in a form of misconduct called noble cause corruption 51 Noble cause corruption occurs when a police officer violates the law or ethical rules in order to reduce crime or the fear of crime An example of this is testilying 52 in which a police officer commits perjury to obtain the conviction of a defendant UPBs have not received the same attention from researchers that CWBs have received 50 Organizational citizenship behavior EditMain article Organizational citizenship behavior Counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior OCB which consists of behaviors that help organizations but go beyond required tasks have been studied together and are generally found to be related in that individuals who do one are unlikely to do the other 53 Current research topics and trends EditBy definition counterproductive work behaviors are voluntary acts that are detrimental to an organization 9 They have important implications for the well being of an organization 54 Theft alone is estimated to cause worldwide losses in the billions of dollars each year 39 These estimated losses do not include losses from other sources nor do they consider the fact that many losses attributable to CWBs go undetected 55 The consequences of CWBs and their persistence in the workplace 56 have led to increased attention being given to the study of such behaviors 57 Current trends in industrial organizational psychology suggest a continuing increase in the study of CWBs 54 10 Research into CWBs appears to fall into three broad categories 1 classification of CWBs 1 9 2 predicting counterproductive behaviors 58 59 60 and 3 furthering the theoretical framework of CWBs 54 61 62 63 A review of peer reviewed journals following this article shows the broad interest in CWBs A brief list of noted journals includes The International Journal of Selection and Assessment The Journal of Applied Psychology Computers in Human Behavior Personality and Individual Differences Occupational Health Psychology Human Resource Management Review Military Justice Criminal Justice Ethics European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and International Journal of Nursing Studies The variety of journals reporting in the area of CWBs reflects the breadth of the topic and the global interest in studying these behaviors Researchers use many sources in attempting to measure CWBs These include potentially subjective measures such as self reports peer reports and supervisor reports 64 More objective methods for assessing CWBs include disciplinary records absentee records and job performance statistics 64 Each of these methods present potential problems in the measurement of CWBs For example self reports always have the potential for bias with individuals trying to cast themselves in a good light 64 Self reports may also cause problems for researchers when they measure what an incumbent can do and what an incumbent will do 53 Peer and supervisor reports can suffer from personal bias but they also suffer from lack of knowledge of the private behaviors of the job incumbent whose behavior is being studied 1 Archival records suffer from lack of information about the private behaviors of incumbents providing instead information about instances where incumbents are caught engaging in CWBs Some researchers have proposed a differential detection hypothesis which predicts that there will be discrepancies between reports of detected CWBs and other reports of CWBs 65 The lack of accurate measures for CWBs jeopardizes the ability of researchers to find the relationships between CWB and other factors they are evaluating 65 The primary criticism of research in CWBs has been that too much of the research relies on a single source method of measurement relying primarily on self reports of counterproductive work behavior 64 65 66 Several studies have therefore attempted to compare self reports with other forms of evidence about CWBs These studies seek to determine whether different forms of evidence converge or effectively measure the same behaviors 66 Convergence has been established between self reports and peer and supervisor reports for interpersonal CWBs but not organizational CWBs 64 65 This finding is significant because it promotes the ability of researchers to use multiple sources of evidence in evaluating CWBs 64 Correlates predictors moderators and mediators EditAffect Edit Main article Affect psychology Affect or emotion at work especially the experience of negative emotions like anger or anxiety predict the likelihood of counterproductive work behaviors occurring 8 Affective personality traits the tendency for individuals to experience emotions can also predict CWB For example employees with high negative affectivity the tendency to experience negative emotions typically display more counterproductive work behaviors than those with positive affectivity the tendency to experience positive emotions 67 Age Edit Age appears to be an important factor in predicting CWBs While age does not appear to be strongly related to core task performance creativity or performance in training it does appear to be positively related to organizational citizenship behaviors and negatively related to CWBs 68 Older employees seem to exhibit less aggression tardiness substance abuse and voluntary absenteeism although sickness related absenteeism is somewhat higher than younger employees Some researchers argue that the lower rate of CWBs may be due to better self regulation and self control Cognitive ability Edit Research into the relationship between cognitive ability and CWBs is contradictory When CWBs are operationalized as disciplinary records of detected CWBs a strong negative relationship between cognitive ability has been found 69 This relationship did not hold however when cognitive ability was operationalized as educational attainment 69 A longitudinal study of adolescents through young adulthood found that among those individuals who exhibited conduct disorders as youths high levels of cognitive ability were associated with higher levels of CWBs a positive relationship 59 Other research has found that general mental ability is largely unrelated to self reports of CWBs including theft although a weak link to incidents of lateness was detected 65 In the same study grade point average showed a stronger relationship to CWBs 65 Contradictions in the findings may be explained in the differential effects between measures of cognitive ability and self reported versus detected incidents of CWBs Emotional intelligence Edit Main article Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence EI has been defined as the ability to identify and manage emotional information in oneself and others and focus energy on required behaviors 70 The factors making up EI include 58 appraisal and expression of emotion in self appraisal and recognition of emotions in others regulation of emotions and use of emotions To the extent that EI includes the ability to manage emotions it can be expected that it will have an influence on CWBs similar to that found for self control Research in this area is limited however one study looking for the moderating effects of EI on the relationships between distributive justice procedural justice and interactional justice failed to find a significant moderating effect in any of these relationships 58 Interpersonal conflict Edit Main article Interpersonal conflict Interpersonal conflict in the workplace can also lead to counterproductive work behaviors 71 Interpersonal conflict with the supervisor can lead to counterproductive work behaviors such as defiance undermining and colluding with coworkers to engage in deviant behavior 72 Interpersonal conflict with peers can lead to counterproductive work behaviors such as harassment bullying and physical altercations 9 73 Organizational constraints Edit Organizational constraints the extent to which conditions at work interfere with job tasks has been shown to relate to CWB so that jobs with high constraints have employees who engage in CWB 14 Not only do constraints lead to CWB but CWB can lead to constraints Employees who engage in CWB can find that constraints increase over time 74 Organizational justice Edit Main article Organizational justice Organizational justice or fairness perceptions have been shown to influence the display of counterproductive work behaviors 4 Distributive justice procedural justice and interactional justice have all been shown to include both counterproductive work behaviors aimed at individuals such as political deviance and personal aggression and counterproductive work behaviors aimed at the organization such as production slowdown and property deviance 75 Overall perceptions of unfairness may particularly elicit interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors such as political deviance and personal aggressions Interpersonal justice and informational justice may also predict counterproductive work behaviors aimed at the supervisor such as neglecting to follow supervisory instructions acting rudely toward one s supervisor spreading unconfirmed rumors about a supervisor intentionally doing something to get one s supervisor in trouble and encouraging coworkers to get back at one s supervisor 72 Personality Edit Personality is a predictor of an employee s proclivity toward counterproductive work behaviors With regard to the Big Five personality traits conscientiousness agreeableness extroversion and openness to experience all predict counterproductive behaviors When an employee is low in conscientiousness counterproductive work behaviors related to the organization are more likely to occur 73 76 Employees who are low in agreeableness will exhibit counterproductive work behaviors related to interpersonal deviant behaviors 73 76 Furthermore in terms of greater specificity for employees low in conscientiousness sabotage and withdrawal are more likely to occur For employees low in extraversion theft is likely to occur Finally for employees high in openness to experience production deviance is likely to occur 77 Narcissism Edit Main article Narcissism in the workplace Employees with narcissistic personalities tend to exhibit more counterproductive work behaviors especially when the workplace is stressful 78 Psychopathy Edit Main article Psychopathy in the workplace According to Boddy because of abusive supervision by corporate psychopaths large amounts of anti corporate feeling will be generated among the employees of the organisations that corporate psychopaths work in This should result in high levels of counterproductive behaviour as employees give vent to their anger with the corporation which they perceive to be acting through its corporate psychopathic managers in a way that is eminently unfair to them 79 Self control Edit Main article Self control Self control has been evaluated as a significant explanation of CWBs Like conscientiousness self control or internal control is seen as a stable individual difference that tends to inhibit deviant behaviors 80 The identification of self control as a factor in deviant behaviors flows from work in criminology where self control is seen as the strength of one s ability to avoid short term gain for long term costs 80 Using multiple regression analysis one study compared the effects of 25 characteristics including self control justicial factors equity factors positive affect levels of autonomy and a variety of other individual characteristics on CWBs The study showed that self control was the best predictor of CWBs and that most of the other factors had negligible predictive value 63 Cognitive ability and age were among the remaining factors that showed some effect These additional findings are consistent with research that tends to show older employees exercise a greater level of self control 68 Target personality Edit One line of research in CWBs looks not at the instigators of CWBs but the victims provocative target behavior or the behaviors of the victims of CWBs which are seen as potential mediating factors in the frequency and intensity of CWBs originated against them 25 This line of research suggests that low levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness and high levels of neuroticism in the victims of CWBs may lead to more incidents of CWBs like incivility The affective events theory has been used to explain that some individuals report being the victim of incivility more often because they are more sensitive to it than other workers Peer reporting EditNormative behavior within organizations tends to discourage workers from reporting the observed CWBs of their peers although this tendency can be reduced when a group is punished for the CWBs of individual members 81 There are three factors that seem to be most influential on peer reporting of CWBs the emotional closeness between the person exhibiting the CWBs and the person observing the CWBs the severity of the misconduct observed and the presence of witness 81 Peers are more likely to report the CWBs of colleagues when the conduct is severe or when there are other witnesses present and less likely to report CWBs when they are emotionally close to the person committing the CWBs A key problem in the use of peer reports of CWBs instead of self reports of CWBs is that peer reports only capture observed behaviors and are not able to identify CWBs committed secretly 1 Managing strategies EditA substantial body of research has demonstrated that stable characteristics of individuals are associated with the likelihood of CWBs Some examples of stable characteristics that have been demonstrated to have relationships with CWBs include conscientiousness and agreeableness 41 motivation avoidance 62 cognitive ability 69 and self control 63 To the extent that these stable conditions predict CWBs reduction of CWBs in an organization can begin at the recruitment and selection phase of new employees Integrity screening is one common form of screening used by organizations 82 as is cognitive ability screening 69 Personality testing is also common in screening out individuals who may have a higher incidence of CWBs 42 Work samples have been found to be a more effective screening tool than integrity testing alone but integrity testing and cognitive testing together are even better screening tools 80 While the use of screening instruments may be an imperfect decision making tool the question often facing the recruitment officer is not whether the instrument is perfect but whether relative to other available screening tools the screening tool is functional 55 However organizations must do more than screen employees in order to successfully manage CWBs Substantial research has demonstrated that CWBs arise out of situational factors that occur in the day to day operations of an organization including organizational constraints 83 lack of rewards 49 illegitimate tasks 84 interpersonal conflicts 83 and lack of organizational justice 64 Research has shown that individuals who are treated unfairly are more likely to engage in CWBs 58 One major step that organizations can take to reduce the impetus for CWBs is therefore to enhance organizational justice 85 Maintaining communications and feedback allowing participation of employees and supervisory training are other suggestions for mitigating CWBs 86 Organizations must also pay close attention to employees for signs and sources of interpersonal conflicts so that they can be identified and tended to as necessary 25 87 Combating CWBs comes with some costs including the costs of selection monitoring and implementing preventive measures to reduce triggers for CWBs Before undertaking costly measures to reduce CWBs it may be worthwhile for an organization to identify the costs of CWBs 57 If the cost benefit analysis does not show a savings then the organization must decide whether the battle against CWBs is worth fighting There is at least one set of researchers that suggest that production deviance withholding effort and withdrawal can be a benefit to employees by allowing them to relieve tension in certain circumstances 88 See also EditCognitive resource theory Cyberslacking Employee silence Industrial and organizational psychology Machiavellianism in the workplace Malicious compliance Occupational burnout Passive aggressive behavior Procrastination Workplace harassment Anti pattern Organized labour portalReferences Edit a b c d Sackett Paul Berry Christopher Wiemann Shelly Laczo Roxanne 2006 Citizenship and Counterproductive Behavior Clarifying Relations Between the two Domains Human 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Edit Durando Michael W 2007 It s Good to be Bad Potential Benefits of Counterproductive Work Behavior Minnesota State University Mankato OCLC 213099039 Enns Janelle R 2006 The Roles of Realistic Conflict and Relative Deprivation in Explaining Counterproductive Work Behavior University of Toronto OCLC 234093138 Fox Suzy 2005 Counterproductive Work Behavior Investigations of Actors and Targets Paul E Spector 1 ed Washington DC American Psychological Association ISBN 1 59147 165 6 OCLC 55131429 Hunter Emily M 2006 Confessions of a Disgruntled Waiter Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Service Industry Department of Psychology University of Houston OCLC 182973622 Tucker Jennifer Sommers 2005 The Multilevel Effects of Occupational Stress on Counterproductive Work Behavior A Longitudinal Study in a Military Context Portland State University OCLC 70707764 Vincent Renee Christine 2007 Workplace Integrity An Examination of the Relationship Among Personality Moral Reasoning Academic Integrity and Counterproductive Work Behavior Missouri State University OCLC 223415957 Academic papers Edit O Brien Kimberly E Allen Tammy D January 2008 The Relative Importance of Correlates of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior Using Multiple Sources of Data Human Performance 21 1 62 88 doi 10 1080 08959280701522189 S2CID 143379792 Bayram Nuran Gursakal Necmi Bilgel Nazan 2009 Counterproductive Work Behavior Among White Collar Employees A study from Turkey International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17 2 180 8 doi 10 1111 j 1468 2389 2009 00461 x S2CID 145591023 Bolton Lamarcus R Becker Liesl K Barber Larissa K 2010 Big Five trait predictors of differential counterproductive work behavior dimensions Personality and Individual Differences 49 5 537 41 doi 10 1016 j paid 2010 03 047 Bowling N A Eschleman K J 2010 Employee personality as a moderator of the relationships between work stressors and counterproductive work behavior Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 15 1 91 103 doi 10 1037 a0017326 PMID 20063961 Bowling Nathan A Gruys Melissa L 2010 Overlooked issues in the conceptualization and measurement of counterproductive work behavior Human Resource Management Review 20 54 61 doi 10 1016 j hrmr 2009 03 008 Bowling Nathan Burns Gary Beehr Terry 2010 Productive and Counterproductive Attendance Behavior an Examination of Early and Late Arrival to and Departure from Work Human Performance 23 4 305 22 doi 10 1080 08959285 2010 501048 S2CID 143724422 Bruursema Kari October 2007 How individual values and trait boredom interface with job characteristics and job boredom in their effects on counterproductive work behavior Doctoral Thesis University of South Florida ullah Bukhari Zirgham Ali Umair January 2009 Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior amp Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Geographical Context of Pakistan International Journal of Business and Management 4 1 85 92 doi 10 5539 ijbm v4n1p85 Cem Ersoy N 2010 Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior Cross cultural comparisons between Turkey and the Netherlands Doctoral Thesis hdl 1765 19631 ISBN 978 90 5335 290 8 Clark Malissa 2010 Why Do Employees Behave Badly An Examination of the Effects of Mood Personality And Job Demands on Counterproductive Work Behavior Wayne State University Dissertations Doctoral Dissertation Dalal RS 2005 A meta analysis of the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior The Journal of Applied Psychology 90 6 1241 55 doi 10 1037 0021 9010 90 6 1241 PMID 16316277 Flaherty Shane Moss Simon A 2007 The Impact of Personality and Team Context on the Relationship Between Workplace Injustice and Counterproductive Work Behavior Journal of Applied Social Psychology 37 11 2549 75 doi 10 1111 j 1559 1816 2007 00270 x Fox S Spector Paul E Miles Don 2001 Counterproductive Work Behavior CWB in Response to Job Stressors and Organizational Justice Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for Autonomy and Emotions Journal of Vocational Behavior 59 3 291 309 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 424 1987 doi 10 1006 jvbe 2001 1803 Fox Suzy Spector Paul E Goh Angeline Bruursema Kari 2007 Does your coworker know what you re doing Convergence of self and peer reports of counterproductive work behavior International Journal of Stress Management 14 41 60 doi 10 1037 1072 5245 14 1 41 Popovich Paula M Warren Michael A 2010 The role of power in sexual harassment as a counterproductive behavior in organizations Human Resource Management Review 20 45 53 doi 10 1016 j hrmr 2009 05 003 Goh Angeline 2007 An attributional analysis of counterproductive work behavior CWB in response to occupational stress Doctoral Thesis University of South Florida Gruys Melissa L Sackett Paul R March 2003 Investigating the Dimensionality of Counterproductive Work Behavior International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11 30 42 doi 10 1111 1468 2389 00224 Hung Tsang Kai The relations between perceived loafing revenge motive and counterproductive work behavior Graduate Thesis National Changhua University of Education Zhang Jian Wei Liu Yu Xin 2009 Parsing the Definition and Typology of Enterprise Counterproductive Work Behavior Advances in Psychological Science 17 5 1059 66 ISSN 1671 3710 Archived from the original on 7 July 2011 Retrieved 30 October 2010 De Jonge J Peeters M C 2009 Convergence of self reports and coworker reports of counterproductive work behavior a cross sectional multi source survey among health care workers International Journal of Nursing Studies 46 5 699 707 doi 10 1016 j ijnurstu 2008 12 010 PMID 19185863 Kelloway E Kevin Francis Lori Prosser Matthew Cameron James E 2010 Counterproductive work behavior as protest Human Resource Management Review 20 18 25 doi 10 1016 j hrmr 2009 03 014 Kessler S R The effects of organizational structure on faculty job performance job satisfaction and counterproductive work behavior University of South Florida 2007 Ling L Han Ying T Hong Yu MA The Psychological Mechanism of Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Workplace Advances in Psychological Science 2010 18 01 Pages 151 161 MacLane Charles N Walmsley Philip T 2010 Reducing counterproductive work behavior through employee selection Human Resource Management Review 20 62 72 doi 10 1016 j hrmr 2009 05 001 Marcus B Wagner U 2007 Combining dispositions and evaluations of vocation and job to account for counterproductive work behavior in adolescent job apprentices Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 12 2 161 76 doi 10 1037 1076 8998 12 2 161 PMID 17469998 Marcus Bernd Wagner Uwe Poole Amanda Powell Deborah M Carswell Julie 2009 The relationship of GMA to counterproductive work behavior revisited European Journal of Personality 23 6 489 507 doi 10 1002 per 728 S2CID 145258727 Miles Donald E Borman Walter E Spector Paul E Fox Suzy 2002 Building an Integrative Model of Extra Role Work Behaviors A Comparison of Counterproductive Work Behavior with Organizational Citizenship Behavior International Journal of Selection and Assessment 10 51 7 doi 10 1111 1468 2389 00193 Neff N L Peer reactions to counterproductive work behavior Pennsylvania State University 2009 O Brien K E A stressor strain model of organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior University of South Florida 2008 Oppler ES Lyons BD Ricks DA Oppler SH The relationship between financial history and counterproductive work behavior International Journal of Selection and Assessment Volume 16 Number 4 December 2008 Penney Lisa M Spector Paul E 2005 Job stress incivility and counterproductive work behavior CWB the moderating role of negative affectivity Journal of Organizational Behavior 26 7 777 96 doi 10 1002 job 336 Penney Lisa M Spector Paul E 2002 Narcissism and Counterproductive Work Behavior Do Bigger Egos Mean Bigger Problems International Journal of Selection and Assessment 10 126 34 doi 10 1111 1468 2389 00199 Semmer Norbert K Tschan Franziska Meier Laurenz L Facchin Stephanie Jacobshagen Nicola 2010 Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior Applied Psychology 59 70 96 doi 10 1111 j 1464 0597 2009 00416 x Smithikrai C Collectivism as a Moderator of the Relationships among Work Family Conflict Perceived Job Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior The 6th International Postgraduate Research Colloquium IPRC Proceedings Spector P E Fox S Domagalski T A Emotions violence and counterproductive work behavior Handbook of workplace violence 2006 Spector Paul E Fox Suzy 2010 Theorizing about the deviant citizen An attributional explanation of the interplay of organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behavior Human Resource Management Review 20 2 132 43 doi 10 1016 j hrmr 2009 06 002 Spector P E Bauer JA Fox S 2010 Measurement artifacts in the assessment of counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior do we know what we think we know The Journal of Applied Psychology 95 4 781 90 doi 10 1037 a0019477 PMID 20604597 Spector P Fox Suzy 2002 An emotion centered model of voluntary work behavior Some parallels between counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior Human Resource Management Review 12 2 269 92 doi 10 1016 S1053 4822 02 00049 9 S2CID 143404528 Spector Paul E Fox Suzy 2010 Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organisational Citizenship Behavior Are They Opposite Forms of Active Behavior Applied Psychology 59 21 39 doi 10 1111 j 1464 0597 2009 00414 x Tucker J S Sinclair R R Mohr C D Thomas J L Salvi A D Adler A B 2009 Stress and counterproductive work behavior multiple relationships between demands control and soldier indiscipline over time Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 14 3 257 71 doi 10 1037 a0014951 PMID 19586221 Tucker J S The multilevel effects of occupational stress on counterproductive work behavior A longitudinal study in a military context Portland State University 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