
Cariban languages

The Cariban languages are a family of languages indigenous to northeastern South America. They are widespread across northernmost South America, from the mouth of the Amazon River to the Colombian Andes, and they are also spoken in small pockets of central Brazil. The languages of the Cariban family are relatively closely related. There are about three dozen, but most are spoken only by a few hundred people. Macushi is the only language among them with numerous speakers, estimated at 30,000. The Cariban family is well known among linguists partly because one language in the family—Hixkaryana—has a default word order of object–verb–subject. Previous to their discovery of this, linguists believed that this order did not exist in any spoken natural language.

Mostly within north-central South America, with extensions in the southern Caribbean and in Central America.
Linguistic classificationJe–Tupi–Carib?
  • Cariban
Present location of Cariban languages, c. 2000, and probable extent in the 16th century.

In the 16th century, Cariban peoples expanded into the Lesser Antilles. There they killed or displaced, and also mixed with the Arawak peoples who already inhabited the islands. The resulting language—Kalhíphona or Island Carib—was Carib in name but largely Arawak in substance. The Carib male conquerors took Arawak women as wives, and the latter passed on their own language on to the children. For a time, Arawak was spoken by women and children and Carib by adult men, but as each generation of Carib-Arawak boys reached adulthood, they acquired less Carib until only basic vocabulary and a few grammatical elements were left. That form of Island Carib became extinct in the Lesser Antilles in the 1920s, but it survives as Garífuna, or "Black Carib," in Central America. The gender distinction has dwindled to only a handful of words. Dominica is the only island in the eastern Caribbean to retain some of its pre-Columbian population, descendants of the Carib Indians, about 3,000 of whom live on the island's east coast.

Genetic relations

The Cariban languages share irregular morphology with the Ge and Tupi families. Ribeiro connects them all in a Je–Tupi–Carib family.[citation needed] Meira, Gildea, & Hoff (2010) note that likely morphemes in proto-Tupian and proto-Cariban are good candidates for being cognates, but that work so far is insufficient to make definitive statements.

Language contact

Jolkesky (2016) notes that there are lexical similarities with the Guato, Kawapana, Nambikwara, Taruma, Warao, Arawak, Bororo, Jeoromitxi, Karaja, Rikbaktsa, and Tupi language families due to contact.[1]

Extensive lexical similarities between Cariban and various Macro-Jê languages suggest that Cariban languages had originated in the Lower Amazon region (rather than in the Guiana Highlands). There they were in contact with early forms of Macro-Jê languages, which were likely spoken in an area between the Parecis Plateau and upper Araguaia River.[1]: 425 

Family division

The Cariban languages are closely related. In many cases where one of the languages is more distinct, this is due to influence from neighboring languages rather than an indication that it is not closely related. According to Kaufman (2007), "Except for Opon, Yukpa, Pimenteira and Palmela (and possibly Panare), the Cariban languages are not very diverse phonologically and lexically (though more so than Romance, for example)."[2]

Previous classifications

Good data has been collected around ca. 2000 on most Cariban languages; classifications prior to that time (including Kaufman 2007, which relies on the earlier work) are unreliable.

Several such classifications have been published; the one shown here, by Derbyshire (1999) divides Cariban into seven branches. A traditional geographic classification into northern and southern branches is cross referenced with (N) or (S) after each language.[3]

Unclassified: Pimenteira (†), Palmela (†).

The extinct Patagón de Perico language of northern Peru also appears to have been a Cariban language, perhaps close to Carijona. Yao is so poorly attested that Gildea believes it may never be classified.

Meira (2006)

Preliminary internal classification of the Cariban languages according to Sérgio Meira (2006):[4]: 169 


Gildea (2012)

As of Gildea (2012), there had not yet been time to fully reclassify the Cariban languages based on the new data. The list here is therefore tentative, though an improvement over the one above; the most secure branches are listed first, and only two of the extinct languages are addressed.[6]


Waimirí Atroarí
Yukpa: Yukpa, Japréria

Meira et al. (2015)

Meira, Birchall & Chousou-Polydouri (2015) give the following phylogenetic tree of Cariban, based on a computational phylogenetic analysis of 100-item Swadesh lists.[7]


Meira, Birchall & Chousou-Polydouri (2015) conclude that the Proto-Cariban homeland was located north of the Amazon River, and that there is no evidence for a northward migration from the south, as previously proposed by Rodrigues (1985).[8] Rather there were two southern migrations (Pekodian and Nahukwa into the Upper Xingu).

Jolkesky (2016)

Internal classification by Jolkesky (2016):[1]

(† = extinct)



Below is a full list of Cariban language varieties listed by Loukotka (1968), including names of unattested varieties.[9]

Cariban language varieties listed by Loukotka (1968)

Western languages: Caraib / Calinago / Karib - language spoken by the insular and continental Caraibes, with many dialects:

  • Dialect of the insular Caraibes, once spoken on the Lesser Antilles Islands, now by only a few old individuals in a reserve on the island of Dominica.
  • Dialect of Pomeroon / Caribisi / Acarabisi - spoken on the Macarani River and Pomeroon River, Guyana.
  • Tabare / Cariña - dialect spoken by the inhabitants of the villages of El Guasey, Cachipo, Cachama, and San Joaquín de Parire (Mapicure) in the state of Anzoátegui and in the village of Tapaquire in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Caribe - extinct dialect once spoken by the descendants of Caraibes and by the mixed population on the plains of Barcelona, states of Monagas and Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
  • Carif / Moreno - dialect combined with Arawakan, spoken by the Negro Indian mixed population of British Honduras, in Guatemala on the Gulf of Honduras, and on Roatan Island in Honduras, Central America.
  • Cariniaco - extinct dialect once spoken at the mouth of the Caura River, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Mayé - extinct dialect once spoken on the Casipore River, Amapá territory, Brazil. (Unattested.)
  • Paracoto - extinct dialect once spoken at the mouth of the Araguari River, Amapá and at the mouth of the Mana River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Carane - once spoken at the old mission of São Paulo d'Oiapoque, Amapá territory. (Unattested.)
  • Norac / Norag - once spoken on the Approuague River, French Guiana, later on the Anotarí River; now extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Itutan - once spoken on the lower course of the Casipore River and in the Serra Lombard, Amapá. (Unattested.)
  • Curucuane - once spoken on the lower course of the Casipore River, south of the Itutan tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Aricarí - once spoken near the Curucuane tribe on the lower course of the Calçoene River. (Unattested.)
  • Sapai - once spoken on the Mana River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Piriou - once spoken in French Guiana on the middle course of the Oyapoque River. (Unattested.)
  • Mersiou - once spoken on the Aratye River, Inini River, and Aua River, French Guiana, now probably extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Acoqua - once spoken at the sources of the Approuague River, and on the Camopi River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Wai - spoken on the Tamouri River, French Guiana; now perhaps extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Taira - spoken in the same colony as the Wai tribe on the Iracoubo River. (Unattested.)
  • Acuria - originally spoken on the Nickerie River and Coppename River, Suriname; now on the Berbice River, Guyana. (Unattested.)
  • Chacoi - spoken by a few mixed individuals between the Berbice River and Essequibo River, Guyana. (Unattested.)
  • Parabaiana - once spoken on the middle course of the Marouini River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Caicuchiana - once spoken in French Guiana, south of the Parabaiana tribe. (Unattested.)
Eastern languages
  • Waiana / Oayana - spoken on the Palumeu River and Lawa River, Suriname, and on the Jarí River and Paru River, state of Pará, Brazil; once also between the Maroni River and Marouini River, French Guiana.
  • Amicuan - extinct language once spoken at the sources of the Marouini River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Upurui - once spoken on the upper course of the Jarí River, now by a few individuals at the sources of the Parú de Leste River, state of Pará, Brazil.
  • Apalai / Aparai - spoken on the middle course of the Parú de Leste River and between this river and the upper course of the Maicuru River, Pará.
  • Carapeuara - extinct language once spoken in the state of Pará south of the Apama tribe on the Maicuru River. (Unattested.)
  • Palanc - extinct language once spoken in French Guiana on the middle course of the Apima River and Yaroupi River and on the Unani River. (Unattested.)
  • Rucuyene - extinct language once spoken in the same colony on the Lawa River.
  • Noyene - once spoken on the Cuc River, state of Pará. (Unattested.)
  • Yapacoye - once spoken on the left bank of the Itany River, French Guiana. (Unattested.)
  • Aracajú / Uaraguazú - extinct language mixed with many Tupi elements, once spoken on the Gurupamba River and Parú de Leste River, Pará.
Trio group
Chiquena group
  • Chiquena / Shikiana - spoken on the Apiniwau River, Guyana, and at the sources of the Panemá River, Pará. (Farabee 1924, pp. 195-196.)
  • Zurumata - once spoken in a village of the same name on the upper course of the Trombetas River, Pará, now probably extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Ingarüne - spoken at the sources of the Panemá River and its tributaries. (Unattested.)
  • Salumá / Charúma - spoken between the upper courses of the Trombetas River, Uanabé River, and Tunúru River, Pará.
  • Prehnoma - spoken by a small tribe west of the Pianocoto tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Caicusiana - spoken on the Tunúru River south of the Salumá tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Tunayana - spoken between the middle courses of the Panemá River and Tunúru River. (Unattested.)
  • Sereu - spoken east of the sources of the Cachorro River. (Unattested.)
  • Cahuyana - spoken on the middle course of the Trombetas River. (Unattested.)
  • Marachó - spoken by an unknown tribe on the middle course of the Cuminá River. (Unattested.)
  • Pauxi / Pawiyana - spoken on the right bank of the middle course of the Erepecurú River (Cuminá River); now perhaps extinct.
  • Waríkyana - extinct language once spoken on the lower course of the Trombetas River. (Unattested.)
  • Uayeué - spoken on the Mapuera River and its tributary Urubú de Silves River.
  • Cachuena / Kaxiuâna / Casiana / Cachoarí - spoken by a few families at the mouth of the Cachorro River.
  • Mutuan - once spoken on the lower course of the Nhamundá River.
  • Cariguano - once spoken on the Panemá River. (Unattested.)
  • Conduri - extinct language once spoken at the mouth of the Nhamundá River. (Unattested.)
  • Paraugoaru - extinct language once spoken on the Capó River, a tributary of the Trombetas River. (Unattested.)
Waiwai group
  • Waiwai / Woaywai - spoken at the sources of the Essequibo River, Guyana and at the sources of the Mapuera River, state of Pará, Brazil.
  • Faranakaru - spoken at the sources of the Mapuera River south of the Waiwai tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Faranauaru - spoken on the left bank of the Mapuera River. (Unattested.)
  • Parucoto / Katawian - spoken on the middle course of the Mapuera River and between the sources of the Acarí River and Cachorrinho River. (Farabee 1924, pp. 192-193.)
  • Chiriwiyana - spoken at the sources of the Acarí River. (Unattested.)
  • Ororicó - spoken on the upper course of the Cachorrinho River. (Unattested.)
  • Cotonúru - spoken between the Cachorro River and Cachorrinho River. (Unattested.)
  • Totocumu / Catuena - spoken between the sources of the Acarí River and Ipitinga River. (Unattested.)
  • Chawiyana - spoken on the right bank of the upper course of the Nhamundá River, Amazonas. (Unattested.)
  • Uaiboí / Babui / Wabou - spoken on the middle course of the Nhamundá River.
  • Hishcariana / Ishkariyána / Tucano - spoken on the middle course of the Nhamundá River.
  • Xauwiyana - spoken by the neighbors of the Hishcariana tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Uasaí - spoken by an unknown tribe on the Urubu River and Jatapu River, Amazonas. (Unattested.)
  • Apoto / Apanto - extinct language once spoken south of the Uaiboi tribe on the Nhamundá River. (Unattested.)
  • Orocoto - once spoken between the Urubu River and Jatapu River. (Unattested.)
  • Taguari - extinct language once spoken between the Mapuera River and Ipitinga River. (Unattested.)
  • Pariquí - once spoken between the mouths of the Uatumã River and Negro River. (Unattested.)
  • Tapicari - spoken on the Mucajaí River. (Unattested.)
  • Bonari / Boanari - once spoken on the Uatumã River, Amazonas; now perhaps extinct.
Yauapery group
  • Yauapery / Atroahi - spoken on the middle course of the Yauapery River, state of Amazonas.
  • Uaimiri / Wahmirí - spoken at the sources of the Curiuaú River, state of Amazonas.
  • Crixaná / Quirixana - spoken between the middle course of the Yauapery River and the Curiuaú River, now probably extinct.
Pauishana group
Macusi group
  • Macusi / Makushí - spoken on the Rupununi River, Guyana, and at the sources of the Tacutu River and on the middle course of the Branco River, territory of Rio Branco, Brazil.
  • Monoicó - spoken on the Cotingo River, Brazil. (Unattested.)
  • Keseruma - spoken on the Tacutu River. (A. Meyer 1951.)
  • Asepáng - spoken to the south of the Keseruma tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Eliáng - spoken to the south of the Asepáng tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Pezacó - spoken to the south of the Eliáng tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Quenoloco - spoken at the sources of the Cotingo River. (Unattested.)
  • Teweia - spoken on the Cotingo River. (Unattested.)
  • Purucotó / Progoto - spoken on the Uraricapará River, territory of Rio Branco.
  • Wayumara / Azumara / Guimara - spoken between the Mucajaí River and Uraricoera River and in a part of Maracá Island.
  • Paraviyana / Paravilhana - extinct language once spoken between the Tacutu River and Caratirimani River, Rio Branco.
  • Zapara / Sapará - spoken in the middle and eastern parts of Maracá Island.
Pemón group
  • Taurepän / Taulipáng / Ipuricoto / Pemón - spoken between the Uraricuena River and Mount Roraima to the Caroní River, in the border zone of Brazil and Venezuela.
  • Arecuná - spoken at the sources of the Caroní River and Paragua River, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Ingaricó - spoken to the north of Mount Roraima, border region of Brazil and Venezuela.
  • Patamona - spoken on the Potaro River and Ireng River, Guyana. (F. Lutz 1912 passim, only a few words.)
  • Camaracoto - spoken in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela, on the Paragua River and Caroní River.
  • Arinagoto - once spoken on the Paragua River, state of Bolívar, now perhaps extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Paraparucota - once spoken between the Caura River and Cuchivero River, state of Bolívar; now extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Quiriquiripa - extinct language once spoken on the left bank of the Caura River. (Unattested.)
  • Aguaricoto - extinct language once spoken on the lower course of the Caura River, the same region. (Unattested.)
  • Serecong / Sarrakong - once spoken in the same region at the sources of the Mahú River. (Unattested.)
  • Chiricum - once spoken by the western neighbors of the Taurepán tribe in the Rio Branco territory. (Unattested.)
  • Achirigoto - once spoken on the left bank of the Caura River, middle course, in the state of Bolívar. (Unattested.)
  • Paudacoto - once spoken in the state of Bolívar at the sources of the Aro River. (Unattested.)
  • Cachirigoto - once spoken in the state of Bolívar south of the Camaracotó tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Barinagoto - once spoken at the mouth of the Caroní River, Bolívar state, Venezuela. (Unattested.)
  • Arebato - once spoken in the village of Cuchara on the Caura River in the state of Bolívar, now perhaps extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Armacoto - once spoken in the same region between the Paragua River and Merevari River. (Unattested.)
  • Mauitsi - once spoken at the sources of the Paragua River in the same region. (Unattested.)
  • Uaica / Waica - spoken by a few families on the Yuruari River and Cuyuni River, state of Bolívar.
  • Acawai / Capong - spoken in Guyana on the Moruca River, Cuyuni River, Acarabisi River, and Pomeroon River.
Maquiritaré group
  • Decuána / Deukwana / Maquiritaré - spoken on the Caura River, Ventuari River, Merevari River, and Auari River, state of Bolívar and Amazonas territory, Venezuela, and between the Cotingo River and Majari River, territory of Rio Branco, Brazil.
  • Yecuaná / Mayongcong - spoken on the Caura River southwest of the Arecuna tribe, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Ihuruána - spoken at the sources of the Ventuari River, territory of Amazonas, Venezuela.
  • Cunuaná / Kunuhana - spoken in the same territory at the sources of the Cunucunuma River. (only four words.)
  • Morononi - extinct language once spoken in the same territory on the Ventuari River. (Unattested.)
  • Puipuitene - extinct language once spoken on the same river in the same territory by the neighbors of the Decuaná tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Acariana - once spoken by the neighbors of the Morononi tribe on the Orinoco River. (Unattested.)
  • Ocomesiane - once spoken in the same region on the Padamo River. (Unattested.)
  • Areviriana - once spoken by the eastern neighbors of the Ihuruána tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Jure - once spoken on the left bank of the middle course of the Ventuari River. (Unattested.)
  • Pishauco / Pshavaco - once spoken on the Serra Tepequem, Rio Branco territory. (Unattested.)
  • Mejepure - once spoken on the left ban1e of the lower course of the Ventuari River. (Unattested.)
  • Aberiana - once spoken by the neighbors of the Acariana tribe on the upper course of the Orinoco River. (Unattested.)
Mapoyo group
  • Mapoyo / Nepoyo - spoken by a small tribe between the Parguaza River and Suapure River, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Carinuaca - extinct language once spoken in the area between the Ihuruána and Yauarána tribes, territory of Amazonas, Venezuela. (Unattested.)
  • Curasicana / Kurushikiána / Orechicano - once spoken at the sources of the Biehita River, now by only a few individuals. (Unattested.)
  • Wökiare / Uaiquire - unknown language spoken in the same region on the Paru River. (Unattested.)
  • Yauarána / Yabarána - language spoken in the same territory on the Manapiare River.
  • Quaqua - once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Mapoyo tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Guaquiri - once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Curasicana tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Pareca - spoken in the region west of the Cuchivero River, now probably extinct. (Unattested.)
  • Taparito - extinct language once spoken on the middle course of the Caura River. (Unattested.)
  • Cadupinapo - once spoken by the southern neighbors of the Achirigoto tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Tabajari - now probably extinct, once spoken on the left bank of the Erebato River, state of Bolívar. (Unattested.)
Panare group
  • Panáre - language of a small tribe, spoken at the sources of the Cuchivero River, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Abira - once spoken at the sources of the Manapiare River. (Unattested.)
  • Eye - once spoken by the southwestern neighbors of the Panáre tribe at the sources of the Cuchivero River. (Unattested.)
Tamanaco group
  • Tamanaco - extinct language once spoken along the Orinoco River from the mouth of the Caroni River to the mouth of the Cuchivero River, state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Chayma / Guarapiche / Sayma - extinct language once spoken on the Guarapiche River, state of Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
  • Cumanagota - extinct language once spoken on the Cabo Codera and near Cumaná, state of Sucre, Venezuela.
  • Tivericoto - once spoken on the coast of the state of Monagas, Venezuela
  • Palenque - once spoken between the Unare River and Tamanaco River, Guárico state.
  • Caraca - once spoken around the modern capital of Caracas, Venezuela. (A. Espinosa (Vazquez de Espinosa) 1948, pp. 36-37, only a few words.)
  • Ciparigoto - extinct language once spoken on the Yaracuy River and Aroa River, state of Yaracuy. (Unattested.)
  • Teque - once spoken in the Guaire valley, state of Miranda. (Unattested.)
  • Tacarigua - once spoken around Lake Valencia, Miranda. (Unattested.)
  • Toromaina - once spoken on the San Pedro River, federal district of Venezuela. (Unattested.)
  • Arbaco - once spoken around the modern city of Victoria, state of Aragua. (Unattested.)
  • Meregoto - once spoken on the western shore of Lake Valencia in the state of Aragua. (Unattested.)
  • Quiriquire - extinct language once spoken on the Tuy River and Misoa River, state of Miranda. (Oramas 1918a, only a few patronyms.)
  • Chapacuare - once spoken in the Pascua valley, state of Guárico. (Unattested.)
  • Tarma - once spoken near the modern city of Maracay, state of Aragua. (Unattested.)
  • Mariche - once spoken in the Baruta valley, state of Miranda. (Unattested.)
  • Guayqueri - extinct language once spoken on the Paoviejo River, state of Cojedes. (Gumilla 1745, pt. 2, pp. 67-68, only one phrase.)[10]
  • Tomuza - once spoken between the Chico River and Piritú River, states of Miranda and Anzoátegui. (Unattested.)
  • Haerena / Guarena - once spoken between the Guarenas River and Guatire River, state of Anzoátegui. (Unattested.)
  • Piritú - once spoken around the modern city of Puerto Píritu, state of Anzoátegui. (Unattested.)
  • Tagare - once spoken on the coast of the Gulf of Cariaco, state of Sucre. (Unattested.)
  • Pariagoto / Guayuno - extinct language once spoken on the Paria Peninsula in the state of Sucre.
  • Chamaygua - once spoken in the state of Sucre by the neighbors of the Cumanagota tribe. (Unattested.)
Yao group
  • Yao / Anacaioury - language once spoken by two tribes: one on the western part of the island of Trinidad; the other in French Guiana on the Ivaricopo River and Cau River.
Shebayi group
  • Shebayi / Supaye - extinct language once spoken in the Guianas; exact location is unknown.
Motilon group
  • Yupe / Motilon - spoken by many tribes in the Sierra de Perijá, state of Zulia, Venezuela, and in the department of Magdalena, Colombia. Dialects:
    • Chague / Apon - spoken on the Apon River, Zulia.
    • Iroca - spoken on the Casacará River, Magdalena.
  • Macoa - spoken on the Yasa River and Negro River, Zulia.
  • Manastara - spoken on the Becerril River, Zulia.
  • Maraca - spoken by a tribe at the source of the Machigue River and on the Maraca River, Magdalena.
  • Parirí - spoken to the south of the Apon River.
  • Shapáru / Chaparro - spoken by the western neighbors of the Parirí tribe, Zulia.
  • Uasamo - spoken in the same area by the northern neighbors of the Shapáru tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Susa - spoken in the central part of the Sierra de Perijá, Magdalena. (Unattested.)
  • Manaure - spoken on the left bank of the lower course of the La Paz River, Magdalena. (Unattested.)
  • Tucushmo - spoken by the northern neighbors of the Iroca tribe, Magdalena. (Unattested.)
  • Socorpa - spoken in the same area by the northern neighbors of the Maracá tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Curumaní - spoken south of the Tucui River, Magdalena. (Unattested.)
  • Socomba - spoken between the sources of the Maracá River and Tucui River, formerly also on the Buenavista River, Magdalena. (Unattested.)
  • Tucuco - spoken at the sources of the Tucuco River, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Shiquimu - spoken by the southwestern neighbors of the Shaparu tribe, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Irapa - spoken by the eastern neighbors of the Shiguimu tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Pshicacuo - spoken by the western neighbors of the Tucuco tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Mishorca - spoken at the sources of the Tucuco River by the neighbors of the Pariri tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Yapreria / Sabril - spoken at the sources of the Palmar River, Zulia. (Anonymous Madrid h.)
  • Coyaima / Tupe - extinct language once spoken on the César River, Magdalena. (Castro Trespalacios 1946, only a few patronyms.)
  • Burede - once spoken at the sources of the Socuy River, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Pemeno - once spoken at the mouth of the Escalante River, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Bubure / Bobure - once spoken in the state of Zulia around the modern cities of Bobures and Gibraltar. (Unattested.)
  • Quenagua - extinct language once spoken in Espiritu Santo Valley in the state of Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Umaquena - once spoken on the Umaquena River, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Sunesua - once spoken by the southern neighbors of the Quenaga tribe in the Espiritu Santo Valley, Zulia. (Unattested.)
  • Lobatera - once spoken around the modern city of Lobatera, state of Táchira. (Unattested.)
  • Táchira - once spoken on the Táchira River, state of Táchira. (Unattested.)
  • Tapano - once spoken in the state of Mérida between Lake Onia and Lake Motilon. (Unattested.)
  • Miyuse - once spoken in the state of Mérida on the Mucujepe River and Tucani River. (Unattested.)
Pijao group
  • Pijao / Pinao - once spoken on the Luisa River, Otaima River, Tuamo River, Tetuán River, Aipe River, and Magdalena River, now in the villages of Ortega, Coyaima, and Natagaima, department of Tolima, Colombia.
  • Pantagora / Palenque - once spoken between the Guarinó River and San Bartolomé River, department of Calcias, Colombia. (Unattested.)
  • Colima - extinct language once spoken on the right bank of the Magdalena River and on the Negro River and Pacho River, Cundinamarca department.
  • Muzo - once spoken at the sources of the Carare River and in the Paima Valley, department of Cundinamarca. (only a few words.)
  • Nauta - once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Muzo tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Panche - extinct language once spoken on the Gualí River, Mariquita River, Guarinó River, Coello River, Villeta River, Seco River, Magdalena River, and Fusagasuga River, Cundinamarca.
  • Agatá - once spoken in the department of Cundinamarca on the Magdalena River, east of the Chibcha tribe. (Unattested.)
  • Amani - spoken by the western neighbors of the Pantagora tribe in the department of Caldas. (Unattested.)
  • Neiva - once spoken around the modern city of Neiva in the department of Huila. (Unattested.)
  • Manipo - once spoken at the mouth of the La Plata River in the same area. (Unattested.)
  • Ajie - unknown language of an extinct tribe that once lived in the territory of Meta at the sources of the Tagua River and Losada River. (Unattested.)
Opone group
  • Opone - extinct language once spoken on the Opone River, department of Santander, Colombia.
  • Carare - spoken by a few individuals on the Carare River in the department of Santander.
  • Yariguí - once spoken on the Sogamoso River and in Barranca Bermeja in the same department. (Unattested.)
  • Hacaritama - once spoken around present-day Hacaritama city in the department of Santander.
  • Xiriguana - extinct language of a tribe once living in the department of Santander in the Cordillera de Lebaja. (Unattested.)
  • Carate - once spoken around the modern city of Ocaña, department of Norte de Santander. (Unattested.)
  • Corbago - once spoken in the department of Magdalena in the Sierra de Mene. (Unattested.)
  • Guane - once spoken in the department of Santander at the sources of the Tarare River. (Gumilla 1745, pt. 2, p. 40, only two words.)
  • Chinato - extinct language once spoken on the upper course of the Zulia River, department of Norte de Santander, around the modern city of Cúcuta. (Unattested.)
  • Zorca - once spoken in the same department in the San Cristóbal Valley (Unattested.)
  • Cariquena - once spoken on the Cariquena River in the state of Táchira, Venezuela. (Unattested.)
  • Capacho - once spoken around the village of Capacho in the state of Táchira, Venezuela. (Unattested.)
Carijona group
  • Guaque / Huaque / Murcielaga - extinct language once spoken on the Inganos River, Caquetá territory, Colombia.
  • Carijona / Kalihóna - language now spoken by a few individuals on the middle course of the Caquetá River, territory of Caquetá.
  • Umáua / Hiánocoto / Máua - language spoken at the sources of the Apoporis River in the territory of Caquetá.
  • Saha / Tsahatsaha - spoken in the territory of Caquetá between the Cuemani River and Yarí River. (Unattested.)
  • Riama - spoken between the Yari River, Apoporis River, and Vaupés River, territories of Caquetá and Vaupés. (Unattested.)
  • Mahotoyana - spoken in the territory of Vaupés on the Macaya River. (Unattested.)
  • Ajajú - unknown language spoken on the Ajaju River, Amazonas territory. (Unattested.)
Patagon group
  • Patagon - extinct language once spoken in the villages of Paca, Olipanche, and Bagua and around the modern city of Jaén, department of Cajamarca, Peru. (only a few words.)
Arara group
  • Arára / Ajujure / Cabanaé / Opinadkóm - extinct language once spoken on the right bank of the Pacajá Grande River and on the upper course of the Anapu River, Pará, Brazil.
  • Apingi / Apeiaca / Apiacá de Tocantins - language spoken between the Tocantins River and Jacunda River, state of Pará. Now spoken by only a few individuals.
  • Parirí - once spoken at the sources of the Pacajá River, Jacundá River, and Arataú River, Pará, now perhaps extinct.
  • Timirem / Antimilene - language of an unknown tribe that live in the virgin forests on the Agua de Saúde River, Pará. (Unattested.)
  • Yuma - extinct language once spoken on the Jacaré River and Ituxi River, territory of Rondônia. (Unattested.)
Palmela group
Pimenteira group
  • Pimenteira - Portuguese name of an extinct language the original name of which is unknown, spoken once at the sources of the Sant' Anna River and on Lake Pimenteira and between the Piauí River and Gurgueia River, state of Piauí, Brazil.
Xingú group
  • Yaruma / Aruma - spoken at the sources of the Paranaíba River, state of Mato Grosso, now perhaps extinct.
  • Bacairí / Bacaery - originally spoken between the Batoví River and Curisevú River, later on the Paranatinga River, now by only a few families on the Posto Simões Lopes, Mato Grosso.
  • Nahukwá / Naucuá / Anáukwá - language spoken between the Curisevú River and Culuene River, with many dialects:
    • Yanumakapü / Nahukwá proper - northern dialect.
    • Etagl - spoken in the village of Etagl.
    • Kuikutl / Guicurú / Cuicuro - spoken on the Culuene River in the village of Cuicuro.
    • Kalapalo / Apalaquiri - spoken in the village of the same name on the Culuene River.
    • Matipú / Matipuhy - spoken in the village of the same name on the right bank of the Curisevú River.
    • Yamarikuná - spoken on the Curisevú River.
    • Suva / Tsúva - spoken by a few people on the right bank of the Curisevú River. (Unattested.)
    • Naravute / Naravóto - spoken on the Curisevú River.
    • Aipats - spoken on the Curisevú River; now probably extinct. (Unattested.)
    • Auwáwiti - spoken by a few people on the Curisevú River. (Unattested.)


Loukotka (1968) lists the following basic vocabulary items for the Cariban (Karaib) languages.[9]

Language Branch head eye tooth man one two three
Yaruma Xingú u-vite ye-nguru u-én
Bakairí Xingú x-ináraxu x-ánu x-yéri aguróto tokolele asage ahágetokólo
Nahukwá Xingú u-víterö u-vínuru u-vire utoto álechi atake etila
Kuikutl Xingú u-ritöl u-ínuru u-íl utóto
Kalapalo Xingú u-íköre u-ínoru
Yamarikuná Xingú u-ínoru u-igl utóto
Arára Arára muchína oñuruma yéri ukone náne atag ataganané
Parirí Arára mũchí unguru heéngo l'ügóro nané atág atáganane
Apingi Arára i-montxi angrungo yeri ukone toiné asakoro aséruao
Palmela Palmela na-ápo óno yeré óka aropé aha ohehua
Pimenteira Pimenteira baburi önthuburü yari chä
Pijao Pijao luːn tínki oréma
Opone Opone yu-úh yéu xór okír seneároko sáura
Carare Opone sü-oko yeo
Guaque Carijona xutuye yeri gire
Carijona Carijona utuhé yénuru yéri kire téui sekeneré seaueré
Umáua Carijona bútuhe yenuːru yeːli gelé téui sakénele dyelauele
Patagon Patagon
Yupe Motilon o-hárza áno kiíko kürpa tukumarkó kosárko koserárko
Chaque Motilon o-harza anó kiíko kürpa kumarko kasarko kosera
Macoa Motilon yu-wasá anu kiyiːko mashá kumárko kósak koséra
Maraca Motilon yu-wasa yo-nu
Parirí Motilon yu-wása yá-nu kiʔiko kipantu kumárku kósaʔ
Shapáru Motilon yu-wása yá-nu yi kumárko kósa
Iroca Motilon tʔkúmaː
Itoto Maimy Tamanaco Pùpoo Enury Jery Itoto Tewin Aisake Aisoroaw
Tivericoto Tamanaco o-putpa o-neana ovin oko orwa
Palenque Tamanaco
Yao Yao boppe vokre hioseli tewin tage terewaw
Shebayi Shebayi wa-kewüri wa-daköli nu-yeri
Decuána Maquiritaré u-huhé énu yéde tokomo toːni hake aduáne
Yecuaná Maquiritaré hóuf u-yenuru yeːri areifhe tauíni ake hedáue
Cunuaná Maquiritaré hú-ha
Ihuruána Maquiritaré hú-he yeːde
Mapoyo Mapoyo uastari xene-yonuru xe-ñeiri tokomo tóskena sakane tominiakeré
Yauarána Mapoyo exne-oaixtéli exne-nuru exne-yéli tokúnu enix-péte asáke petomeyákele
Panáre Panáre oʔó yoʔón
Taurepán Taurepán upai yénu u-yé kurai teukinán sákeʔené seulúana
Arecuna Taurepán pu-pai yenú u-yé uarati täukináng sakeine isélehaúvane
Camaracoto Taurepán pupai-to enu-to warato taʔakin tsagane etserau
Ingarico Taurepán u-paí u-yenú u-yé orauó teukíng atsalongkong etseuluaong-kóng
Uaica Taurepán ienuru
Acawai Taurepán yu-popo yenuru yu wínow tidzyine asakró asorwo
Macusi Macusi po-pai tenu u-yeká uaratáe tiwing sagaré siruane
Keseruma Macusi yenu pemóngó tivín
Purucoto Macusi hau-pupe hau-yenú hau-yée walaitó aleini iniperkuru inialé
Wayumara Macusi i-hubé yenurú i-yelé totó tueviné asále eseuluó
Paraviyana Macusi i-pupá e-rénialö e-lelö meimun teuén aköunien olaulé
Zapará Macusi une-kapú u-yonú topúpesó itxemené tulekalenó oláno
Yauapery Yauapery ki-yó kembá ki-äri marabá asiki usono
Uaimiri Yauapery ki-fó kopanamareː ki-eri kumutareː unionoː tukunumá uruanoː
Orixaná Yauapery u-pai u-ini u-yeté itiamon tuimo sananeburé sarsiua
Pauishana Pauishana puːpo yoːno ye yungwei níkenaːna ataːre ãná-mokaːre
Waiwai Waiwai a-tipiri e-oru ko-yóri tata chewñé asakí chorohoko
Parucoto Waiwai o-yúla ko-yali tukinkaré asakené serkuané
Uaiboi Waiwai ku-nurú kamuhí
Hishcariana Waiwai kui-kuturu ku-yo tamushi tonishá sakó sorowão
Bonari Waiwai iri-opó nuru-bá yoré ukeré abané pademaká uruá
Chiquena Chiquena ya-nũru yoli soto winali asaga sorawau
Saluma Chiquena yiwu-tupuli ye-nu
Pauxi Chiquena toto
Uayeué Chiquena vu-turú u-yari totó
Cachuena Chiquena yo-soru yo-núru yoré totó tuinarí asáki osoruaul
Mutuan Chiquena ko-nofati yurú
Trio Trio í-pútupo ye-nuru i-yeri kirí tinki ökönö voyerau
Urucuyena Trio putpí i-eú yi-eːda okirí wanána shakené heruáu
Wama Trio wi-pupo ye-nuru ye-ri
Tliometesen Trio oba-tuwiri en-nuru oliː enkili tonikini sokororo ebemüni
Ocomayana Trio u-nu ye
Pianocoto Trio ye-nei yu-tali okirí
Rangú Trio
Waiana Eastern e-putiü ye-nuru yére okiri uaptö hakené eheruaé
Upurui Eastern e-putpiʔi ye-nuru yére okiri
Rucuyene Eastern ité-puru e-nuru yeré okiri tavené sakené héléuʔau
Apalai Eastern u-pupu anu deri eritua seni asakoro eseuʔau
Aracajú Eastern seresa apükaua
Caraib Western búpu é-hulu yeri uakuri ábama bíama eleva
Galibi Western u-pupu e-nuru yeré okiri awín okuo tereva
Caribisi Western ye-pupo ye-nuru wokiri ówé oko orwá
Caribe Western ada-puxo dhere buköre óbin óko órwa
Cariniaco Western é-nuru yeri okiri owi uariri orowa
Carif Western nábulu tágu bári ugíri ábana biáma íruwa

Language Branch water fire sun moon maize jaguar arrow
Yaruma Xingú páru kampón tsizi nunó
Bakairí Xingú páru páto chíshi núna anádzyi aká püráu
Nahukwá Xingú tuna itó riti nune aná ikere hüré
Kuikutl Xingú tuna ñorotéke liti núne tonuríñe
Kalapalo Xingú itoː turúgitiñe
Yamarikuná Xingú liti núne
Arára Arára parú kampot titi núna konat okoró puiram
Parirí Arára parú kampó titi tunó honát hogró puyrém
Apingi Arára paru kampot chichi nuno anat okori pirem
Palmela Palmela tuná vava yéyu ñúña éña okóro puera
Pimenteira Pimenteira tuna vafundi titi nulu thauato prümachö pürarü
Pijao Pijao tána nuhúgi huíl núna xaguáde
Opone Opone tuná fotó bueno kanó mues ixáke yahá
Carare Opone kʔara bwenuñe menye pak'anye
Guaque Carijona tuna maxoto vehi nuna kaikuchi
Carijona Carijona tuna apoto bei nunua kaikusi xarakue
Umáua Carijona tuːna mahóto wéi nuːne anaːdzyi kaikudzyi huːya
Patagon Patagon tuná anás
Yupe Motilon kuna guesta güichó kuna isóʔo samás
Chaque Motilon kuna hueto gichio kuno me isó
Macoa Motilon kúna huéto huichol kuník me ísho puréyi
Maraca Motilon kuːna whishta huicho kunu eːsho puraye
Parirí Motilon kána wueta wíchu kúnu
Shapáru Motilon kúna wuéta
Iroca Motilon kuːna esho
Tamanaco Tamanaco duná uapto veyu nuna xexe akére preu
Chayma Tamanaco tuna apoto vieyu nonin amapo kocheiku pure
Cumanagota Tamanaco tuna veyu nonum añaze kozeiko preu
Tivericoto Tamanaco tuna apoto niano
Palenque Tamanaco tuna ekere
Yao Yao tuná uapoto veyo nona arua mapuru
Shebayi Shebayi wekulüe kirtrire heweri
Decuána Maquiritaré tona wáto céi nona nakchi máedo haxkúdi
Yecuaná Maquiritaré tuná wato zyi nuːna maro shimaːra
Cunuaná Maquiritaré uáʔto shi núna shimáda
Ihuruána Maquiritaré tuná wáto zyiː nuːne
Mapoyo Mapoyo tuna kátun nuna oxonai ékire úbuʔare
Yauarána Mapoyo túna wáto yãtonu núne náchi hékele pákuli
Panáre Panáre echár-kun güegua kenak xadpoʔót
Taurepán Taurepán tuná apóg wéi kapéi anain kaikusé peléu
Arecuna Taurepán tuna apo väi kapeá aʔanaig kaikusi pureu
Camaracoto Taurepán apoiʔ be kapui anaiʔ kakutse purau
Ingarico Taurepán tuná ápo wéi kapéi anaí kaikushí pelé
Uaica Taurepán tuna apok uey nuna
Acawai Taurepán tuno wato vieyu nuno kaikushi pulewa
Macusi Macusi tuna uató wei kapoi anain kaikushí eriu
Keseruma Macusi
Purucoto Macusi tuna apotó wéi nánõ kaikudzé poyá
Wayumara Macusi túna wató weyú nuná mazyiná kaikushi heló
Paraviyana Macusi dóna vuatú tamana noné ainiain ekölé arámöu
Zapará Macusi tuná wató kapéi anáe ekelé urapóno
Yauapery Yauapery tuná uató eyú déʔeli kokoshí ibikuari
Uaimiri Yauapery tunã uatoː eioː nunueba uhi kúkúboi maprú
Orixaná Yauapery tuná uató ueihu teparé euá ekeré upreu
Pauishana Pauishana tuná uató uai núna uátaka uraːpa
Waiwai Waiwai tuná wehtó kamo nuné yaypí waywí
Parucoto Waiwai tuna witu uchi kapube akeré
Uaiboi Waiwai tuna zyitó núna
Hishcariana Waiwai toná wuhritó kamaːna noːná waiwí
Bonari Waiwai tuná uatú weyu keri pureːná
Chiquena Chiquena tuna wihala sesi imho klaho
Saluma Chiquena tuna
Pauxi Chiquena tuna isire nune uau préu
Uayeué Chiquena tuná piéto kamo nuná maipuri kurumuri
Cachuena Chiquena tuná mirótó isóso imnó honese kaikesú praué
Mutuan Chiquena tuna ritó soːro zyairú purí
Trio Trio túna mata veyu nunö anai maipuri pléu
Urucuyena Trio tuná mato uwi nuna maipurí puréu
Wama Trio tuna mato wei paora
Tliometesen Trio tono mato wei nunu potireru mashibuli pureri
Ocomayana Trio tuna mato uwi nuna
Pianocoto Trio tuna matto weh nuna eñaye maipuri purau
Rangú Trio tuma mato nuna
Waiana Eastern tuna uapot shishi nunuö enai yauéri pleu
Upurui Eastern tuna uapot shishi nunu enai yaueri piréu
Rucuyene Eastern tuna uapot chichi nunu enai maipuri piréu
Apalai Eastern tuna apotó chichi nunó ashinase machipuri piróu
Aracajú Eastern tuna uapto chichi yasüe uárapára
Caraib Western tóne uátu hueyu núnú aoashi kahikushi buleúa
Galibi Western tuna uato veyu nuno auoasi kaikusi plia
Caribisi Western tuna watú wiyeyu nuno purewa
Caribe Western túna bedu núno peröwa
Cariniaco Western túna wato wedo nuno puriui
Carif Western dúna wátu uéyu hát auás gáigusi láru


Reconstruction ofCariban languages

Proto-Cariban phonology according to Gildea (2012):[6]: 448 

Proto-Cariban consonants
p t k
m n
w r j
Proto-Cariban vowels
i ɨ u
e ô o

Proto-Cariban reconstructions by Gildea (2007, 2012):[11][12]

Proto-Cariban reconstructions by Gildea (2007, 2012)
gloss Proto-Carib
'sun' *titi
'moon' *nunô
'water (n)' *tuna
'sunlight' *awatinɨ
'star' *tirikô
'sand' *saka(w)
'sand' *samutu
'body' *jamun
'flesh, meat, body' *punu
'meat food' *ôtɨ
'water' *paru
'rain' *konopo
'person' *karipona
'man' *wôkɨrɨ
'husband' *nɨjo, *mɨjo
'eye' *ônu-ru
'ear' *para-rɨ
'nose' *ôwna-rɨ
'mouth' *mɨta-rɨ
'lip' *ôtipi-rɨ
'saliva' *ôtaku
'tooth' *(j)ô-rɨ
'tongue' *nuru
'one' *tôwinô
'two' *atjôkô(nô/ne)
'head' *pu-tupô
'forehead' *pe-rɨ
'leg' *pôre(-pɨ/pa)
'foot' *pupu-ru
'heel' *pu(pu)-tôpu
'sole of foot' *pɨta
'knee' *ôtjôkumu-ru
'neck' *pɨmɨ-rɨ
'breast' *manatɨ-rɨ
'chest' *puropi-rɨ
'buttocks' *pupɨtɨkɨ
'cheek' *peta
'forest' *jutu
'inside' *tawô
'to bite' *ôteka
'to give; to put' *utu
'hand' *ômija-rɨ, *amo-rɨ
'to do; to make; to put' *(tɨ)rɨ, *(t)ɨrɨ
'to gift O (with something)' *ekarama
'to put away' *arama
'belly' *wetVpu
'belly' *(e)wenɨ
'heart (guts); chest' *ôwanô
'liver' *ôre
'to close (tr. v)' *apuru
'to descend' *wɨpɨtô
'to see' *ône
'to hear' *ôta
'to know (tr. v)' *putu
'to know (postp)' *warô
'to sleep' *wônɨkɨ
'to sleep' *wetu(mɨ)
'to shoot; to kill' *(tɨ)wô, *(t)wô(nô)
'to drink' *woku-ru
'to drink' *ônɨrɨ
'to eat (intr. v)' *ôt-ôku
'to eat fruit' *ônapɨ
'to eat meat' *(t)ônô
'to eat flour/bread' *(t)ôku
'to eat nuts' *aku
'to grate (manioc)' *(tɨ)kɨ
'to bathe (O)' *(tɨ)pɨ
'to weave' *(tɨ)kapɨ
'to cook; to boil' *(tɨ)jô
'to take; to pull out/away' *(t)ôwɨ
'to throw out' *(tɨ)papo
'to gather fruit' *(tɨ)pôtɨ
'fire' *wepeto
'fire' *mapoto
'ash' *wôreiCV
'to light fire' *(t)urô
'to burn (intr. v)' *jatu
'to burn (tr. v)' *uk(w)a
'to fell tree/farm' *(tɨ)ma
'to go' *(wɨ-)tô(mô)
'to come' *(w)ôtepɨ
'to come' *(w)ômôkɨ
'to say' *(wɨ)ka(ti)
'to be; to say' *a(p)
'to dwell; to be' *(w)eti
'to enter' *(w)ômô(mi)
'REFLEXIVE' *(w)e-
'RECIPROCAL' *(w)ôte-
'beak' *potɨ-rɨ
'earth' *nono
'cloud' *kapurutu
'rope' *ôwa(-rɨ)
'hot' *atu(NV)
'cold' *atono
'cold' *t-ɨnotɨ-me
'good' *kure
'hard' *akɨpɨ
'snake' *ôkôju
'path' *ôtema(-rɨ)
'mountain' *(w)ɨpɨ
'older brother' *pipi
'grandchild' *pa-rɨ
'faeces' *wetɨ, *watô
'to defecate' *weka
'child' *mure
'shoulder' *mota-rɨ
'thigh' *petɨ
'hair' *(e)tipotɨ(-rɨ)
'to cut' *akôtô
'to take; to carry' *arô
'to seize' *apôti
'1SG' *ôwɨ-rô
'2SG' *ômô-rô
'2COLL' *ôm-jamo
'1INCL' *kɨnmô-rô
'1INCL' *kɨwɨ-rô
'1INCL.COLL' *kɨC-jamo
'1EXCL' *apina
'this (INAN)' *(t)ônɨ
'this (INAN)' *(t)ôrô
'this (ANIM)' *môtjô
'this (ANIM COLL)' *môtj-jamo
'that (INAN)' *mônɨ
'that (INAN)' *môrô
'that (ANIM)' *môkɨ-rô
'that (ANIM COLL)' *môk-jamo
'who?' *onôkɨ
'all' *ômerô
'grease; fat' *katɨ
'to grow' *atɨta, *anɨta
'thick' *tɨpɨtɨ-ma
'small' *pitikô
'woman' *wôriti
'woman' *pɨtɨ
'fish' *kana
'dog' *akôrô
'dog' *kaikuti
'louse' *(w)ajamô
'tree' *wewe, *jeje
'branch' *ekata
'arm' *apô-rɨ
'seed' *ôpɨ(-tɨpô)
'seed' *a-tɨpô
'seed; contents' *a-rɨ(-rɨ)
'seed' *ôna-tɨpô
'leaf' *jare
'root' *mitɨ
'bark, skin' *pitupô
'blood' *munu-ru
'red' *t-a(k)pi-re
'white' *t-a-(re)mutu-ne
'black' *t-puru-me/ke
'night' *koko
'nightfall (intr. v)' *koko-mamɨ
'bone' *j-ôtîpî-rî
'egg' *pumo
'horn' *retɨ-rɨ
'tail; penis' *arokɨ
'scrotum; testicle' *ômu(-ru)
'feather' *apôri-rɨ
'name' *ôtetɨ
'ant' *iraka
'ant' *kɨjawôko
'ant' *juku
'ant' *mɨkakô
'ant' *(n)mapu(nu)
'bow' *wɨrapa-rɨ
'deer' *(wɨ)kapawu
'deer' *karijakô
'grandfather' *tamo(ko)
'heavy' *amôti-ma/-ne
'to sit' *erew-ta/-ma
'lightning' *manan manan
'howler monkey' *arimi
'monkey' *itjo
'rib' *awo-tɨ
'to roast' *puru, *purô
'to run' *ekatu(mɨ)
'shadow' *amore-rɨ
'shadow' *ôkatu
'short' *tɨntɨ-tʲô
'to talk; to converse' *ôt-uru
'spider' *mojoti
'spider' *tjawaraka(ru)
'to tie' *(m)ômô
'today; now' *amenarô
'tomorrow' *koropo
'vagina' *ôrɨ
'to wait' *mômôku
'high' *kawô
'sun' *weju
'1SG' *u-
'3SG' *i-
'stone' *tôpu
'flesh, meat, body' *punu
'person' *wɨtoto
'jaguar' *kajkuti
'to bite' *eseka
'to find' *eporɨ
'to give; to put' *utu
'to close (tr. v)' *apuru
'to descend' *ôpinô
'to pierce' *atpo
'to shoot; to kill' *(tɨ)wô, *(t)wô(nô)
'to eat meat' *(t)ônô
'to grate (manioc)' *(tɨ)kɨ
'to go' *(wɨ-)tô(mô)
'to come' *(w)ôtepɨ
'to enter' *(w)ômô(mi)

See also

Further reading

  • Anselmo, L.; Gutiérrez Salazar, M. (1981). Diccionario Pemón. Caracas: Ediciones CORPOVEN.
  • Camargo, E. (2002). Léxico bilingüe aparai - português / português - aparai. (Languages of the World: Dictionaries, 28.). München: Lincom Europa.
  • Courtz, H. (2008). A Carib Grammar and Dictionary. Toronto: Magoria Books.
  • Gildea, S. Payne, D. (2007). Is Greenberg's “Macro-Carib” viable? Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Ciências Humanas, 2:19-72.
  • Girard, V. (1971a). Proto-Carib phonology. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Mattei-Müller, M. (1994). Diccionario ilustrado Panare-Español con índice español-panare. Caracas: Comisión Nacional Quinto Centenario.
  • Pet. W. J. A. (1987). Lokono Dian: the Arawak Language of Suriname: A Sketch of its Grammatical Structure and Lexicon. Ithaca: Cornell University. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Puig, M. M. P. (1944). Diccionario de la Lengua Caribe Cuna. Panamá: La Estrella de Panamá.
  • Vitorino, M. M. (1991). Dicionário bilíngüe Wai-Wai/Português, Português/Wai-Wai. Boa Vista: Missão Evangélica da Amazônia.


  1. ^ a b c Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho De Valhery. 2016. Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais sul-americanas. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Brasília.
  2. ^ Kaufman, Terrence. 2007. "South America". In: R. E. Asher and Christopher Moseley (eds.), Atlas of the World’s Languages (2nd edition), 59–94. London: Routledge.
  3. ^ Desmond Derbyshire, 1999. "Carib". In Dixon & Aikhenvald, eds., The Amazonian Languages. CUP.
  4. ^ Meira, Sérgio. 2006. A família lingüística Caribe (Karíb). Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas v.3, n.1/2, p.157-174. Brasília: FUNAI. (PDF)
  5. ^ Carvalho, Fernando O. de (2020). Tocantins Apiaká, Parirí and Yarumá as Members of the Pekodian Branch (Cariban). Revista Brasileira de Línguas Indígenas - RBLI. Macapá, v. 3, n. 1, p. 85-93, 2020.
  6. ^ a b Gildea, Spike. 2012. "Linguistic studies in the Cariban family", in Campbell & Grondona, eds, The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  7. ^ Meira S, Birchall J, Chousou-Polydouri S. 2015. A character-based internal classification of the Cariban family. Talk presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguisticae Europaea, Leiden, Netherlands, Sept. 4.
  8. ^ Rodrigues, Aryon. 1985. Evidence for Tupi-Carib relationships. In South American Indian Languages: Retrospect and Prospect, ed. HE Manelis Klein, LR Stark, pp. 371–404. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  9. ^ a b Loukotka, Čestmír (1968). Classification of South American Indian languages. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center.
  10. ^ Gumilla, Joseph. 1745. El Orinoco ilustrado, y defendido: Historia natural, civil, y geographica de este gran Rio, y de sus caudalosas vertientes. 2nd ed., in 2 pts. Madrid. (New ed., Barcelona, 1791.)
  11. ^ Gildea, S. & Payne, D. (2007). Is Greenberg's "Macro-Carib" viable? In Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, Belém, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 19-72. Accessed from DiACL, 9 February 2020.
  12. ^ Gildea, S. (2012). Linguistic studies in the Cariban family. In Campbell, L. & Grondona, V. (eds.), The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide. 441-494, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Accessed from DiACL, 9 February 2020.

External links

  • Etnolinguistica.Org: online resources on native South American languages
  • Ka'lina (Carib) Vocabulary List (from the World Loanword Database)

cariban, languages, confused, with, languages, caribbean, family, languages, indigenous, northeastern, south, america, they, widespread, across, northernmost, south, america, from, mouth, amazon, river, colombian, andes, they, also, spoken, small, pockets, cen. Not to be confused with Languages of the Caribbean The Cariban languages are a family of languages indigenous to northeastern South America They are widespread across northernmost South America from the mouth of the Amazon River to the Colombian Andes and they are also spoken in small pockets of central Brazil The languages of the Cariban family are relatively closely related There are about three dozen but most are spoken only by a few hundred people Macushi is the only language among them with numerous speakers estimated at 30 000 The Cariban family is well known among linguists partly because one language in the family Hixkaryana has a default word order of object verb subject Previous to their discovery of this linguists believed that this order did not exist in any spoken natural language CaribanGeographicdistributionMostly within north central South America with extensions in the southern Caribbean and in Central America Linguistic classificationJe Tupi Carib CaribanGlottologcari1283Present location of Cariban languages c 2000 and probable extent in the 16th century In the 16th century Cariban peoples expanded into the Lesser Antilles There they killed or displaced and also mixed with the Arawak peoples who already inhabited the islands The resulting language Kalhiphona or Island Carib was Carib in name but largely Arawak in substance The Carib male conquerors took Arawak women as wives and the latter passed on their own language on to the children For a time Arawak was spoken by women and children and Carib by adult men but as each generation of Carib Arawak boys reached adulthood they acquired less Carib until only basic vocabulary and a few grammatical elements were left That form of Island Carib became extinct in the Lesser Antilles in the 1920s but it survives as Garifuna or Black Carib in Central America The gender distinction has dwindled to only a handful of words Dominica is the only island in the eastern Caribbean to retain some of its pre Columbian population descendants of the Carib Indians about 3 000 of whom live on the island s east coast Contents 1 Genetic relations 2 Language contact 3 Family division 3 1 Previous classifications 3 2 Meira 2006 3 3 Gildea 2012 3 4 Meira et al 2015 3 5 Jolkesky 2016 4 Varieties 5 Vocabulary 6 Proto language 7 See also 8 Further reading 9 References 10 External linksGenetic relations EditThe Cariban languages share irregular morphology with the Ge and Tupi families Ribeiro connects them all in a Je Tupi Carib family citation needed Meira Gildea amp Hoff 2010 note that likely morphemes in proto Tupian and proto Cariban are good candidates for being cognates but that work so far is insufficient to make definitive statements Language contact EditJolkesky 2016 notes that there are lexical similarities with the Guato Kawapana Nambikwara Taruma Warao Arawak Bororo Jeoromitxi Karaja Rikbaktsa and Tupi language families due to contact 1 Extensive lexical similarities between Cariban and various Macro Je languages suggest that Cariban languages had originated in the Lower Amazon region rather than in the Guiana Highlands There they were in contact with early forms of Macro Je languages which were likely spoken in an area between the Parecis Plateau and upper Araguaia River 1 425 Family division EditThe Cariban languages are closely related In many cases where one of the languages is more distinct this is due to influence from neighboring languages rather than an indication that it is not closely related According to Kaufman 2007 Except for Opon Yukpa Pimenteira and Palmela and possibly Panare the Cariban languages are not very diverse phonologically and lexically though more so than Romance for example 2 Previous classifications Edit Good data has been collected around ca 2000 on most Cariban languages classifications prior to that time including Kaufman 2007 which relies on the earlier work are unreliable Several such classifications have been published the one shown here by Derbyshire 1999 divides Cariban into seven branches A traditional geographic classification into northern and southern branches is cross referenced with N or S after each language 3 Galibi Kalina N Guiana Carib Taranoan Trio Tiriyo Akuriyo Saluma N Carijona Hianakoto S Kashuyana Sikiana N Kaxuiana Warikyana S Waiwai Hixkaryana S Waiwai N Kaufman breaks this up into its constituent branches North Amazonian Carib Yawaperi Atruahi Atrowari Waimiri N Pemong Macushi Pemon Arekuna Akawaio Patamona Kapong Ingariko N Paravilyana Pawishiana Kaufman breaks this up into its constituent branches adding Purukoto to Pemong Boanari to Atruahi Paravilyana and Sapara to Pawishiana Central Carib Wayana Apalai N Maquiritari Dekwana S Mapoyo Yabarana Pemono N Kaufman adds Chaima Kumana Arakaju to Wayana Yao and Tiverikoto Wajumara to Makiritare Tamanaku is close to Mapoyo South Amazonian Carib Bakairi Bakairi Kuikuro Kalapalo Amonap Matipuhy Nahukwa S Arara Txikao Ikpeng Chikaon Arara Para N To Arara Kaufman adds extinct Juma Apiaka Apingi Yaruma Yukpa Japreria N Yukpa N Coyaima N Panare N Opon Opon Karare Unclassified Pimenteira Palmela The extinct Patagon de Perico language of northern Peru also appears to have been a Cariban language perhaps close to Carijona Yao is so poorly attested that Gildea believes it may never be classified Meira 2006 Edit Preliminary internal classification of the Cariban languages according to Sergio Meira 2006 4 169 CaribanGuianan branch Karinya Galibi Wayana Apalai Palmella Taranoan group Karihona Tiriyo Akuriyo Parukotoan group Katxuyana Waiwai Hixkaryana Venezolano branch Coastal group Tamanaku Chayma Cumanagoto Pemongan group Pemong Arekuna etc Kapong Akawaio etc Makuxi Panare Ye kwana Mapoyo Yawarana Waimirian branch Waimiri Atroari Yukpano branch Yukpa Motilon Hapreria Japreria Southern or Pekodian branch Bakairi Xinguan group or Kampot dialect cluster 5 Arara Ikpeng Apiaka do Tocantins Pariri Yaruma Kuikuroan branch Kuikuro Kalapalo etc Pimenteira Gildea 2012 Edit As of Gildea 2012 there had not yet been time to fully reclassify the Cariban languages based on the new data The list here is therefore tentative though an improvement over the one above the most secure branches are listed first and only two of the extinct languages are addressed 6 Parukotoan Katxuyana Shikuyana Warikyana Waiwai Waiwai Wabui Tunayana Hixkaryana Pekodian Bakairi Arara Arara Pariri Ikpeng Txikao Venezuelan Carib Pemong Panare Pemong Kapong Akawaio Patamuna Ingariko Makushi Pemon Taurepang Kamarakoto Arekuna Panare Mapoyo Tamanaku Kumana Chaima Cumanagota Tamanaku Mapoyo Yawarana Mapoyo Wanai Yawarana Pemono Nahukwa Kuikuro Kalapalo Guianan Carib Kari nja Carib Kalinya Carina Galibi Makiritare De kwana Maiongong Ye kwana Taranoan Tiriyo Akuriyo Tiriyo Trio Karihona WayanaUnclassified Apalai Waimiri Atroari Yukpa Yukpa JapreriaMeira et al 2015 Edit Meira Birchall amp Chousou Polydouri 2015 give the following phylogenetic tree of Cariban based on a computational phylogenetic analysis of 100 item Swadesh lists 7 CaribanOpon Carare Yukpa Nuclear Cariban Sapara Pekodian Bakairi Arara Ikpeng Kuhikugu Pemongan Pemon Taurepang Makushi Patamuna Akawaio Arekuna Wayumaran Wayumara Purukoto Parukotoan Katxuyana Hixkaryana Waiwai Kumanan Chayma Cumanagoto Tamanaku Mapoyan Yawarana Pemono Mapoyo Panare Dekwana Guianan Wayana Apalai Taranoan Karihona Tiriyo Akuriyo Karina WaimiriMeira Birchall amp Chousou Polydouri 2015 conclude that the Proto Cariban homeland was located north of the Amazon River and that there is no evidence for a northward migration from the south as previously proposed by Rodrigues 1985 8 Rather there were two southern migrations Pekodian and Nahukwa into the Upper Xingu Jolkesky 2016 Edit Internal classification by Jolkesky 2016 1 extinct KaribKarib Western Karare Opon Karib Central Apalai Hianakoto Guake Hianakoto Umawa Karihona Karina Palmella Tarano Akurio Tiriyo Wayana Karib Southern Kuikuro Kalapalo Kuikuro Matipu Nahukwa Pekodi Arara Ikpeng Arara Ikpeng Bakairi Pimenteira Karib Northern Parukoto Kashuyana Parukoto Nuclear Hishkaryana Sikiana Waiwai Purukoto Kapong Akawayo Patamona Makushi Pemon Arekuna Ingariko Kamarakoto Taurepang Purukoto Venezuela De kwana Wayumara De kwana Wayumara Enepa Kumana Chayma Kumanagoto Mapoyo Yabarana Mapoyo Pemono Yabarana Tamanaku Yao Tiverikoto Yao Yawaperi Paravilhana Sapara Paravilhana Paravilhana Sapara Yawaperi Bonari Waimiri Atroari Yukpa Japreria Japreria YukpaVarieties EditBelow is a full list of Cariban language varieties listed by Loukotka 1968 including names of unattested varieties 9 Cariban language varieties listed by Loukotka 1968 Western languages Caraib Calinago Karib language spoken by the insular and continental Caraibes with many dialects Dialect of the insular Caraibes once spoken on the Lesser Antilles Islands now by only a few old individuals in a reserve on the island of Dominica Dialect of Pomeroon Caribisi Acarabisi spoken on the Macarani River and Pomeroon River Guyana Tabare Carina dialect spoken by the inhabitants of the villages of El Guasey Cachipo Cachama and San Joaquin de Parire Mapicure in the state of Anzoategui and in the village of Tapaquire in the state of Bolivar Venezuela Caribe extinct dialect once spoken by the descendants of Caraibes and by the mixed population on the plains of Barcelona states of Monagas and Anzoategui Venezuela Carif Moreno dialect combined with Arawakan spoken by the Negro Indian mixed population of British Honduras in Guatemala on the Gulf of Honduras and on Roatan Island in Honduras Central America Cariniaco extinct dialect once spoken at the mouth of the Caura River state of Bolivar Venezuela Maye extinct dialect once spoken on the Casipore River Amapa territory Brazil Unattested Paracoto extinct dialect once spoken at the mouth of the Araguari River Amapa and at the mouth of the Mana River French Guiana Unattested Carane once spoken at the old mission of Sao Paulo d Oiapoque Amapa territory Unattested Norac Norag once spoken on the Approuague River French Guiana later on the Anotari River now extinct Unattested Itutan once spoken on the lower course of the Casipore River and in the Serra Lombard Amapa Unattested Curucuane once spoken on the lower course of the Casipore River south of the Itutan tribe Unattested Aricari once spoken near the Curucuane tribe on the lower course of the Calcoene River Unattested Sapai once spoken on the Mana River French Guiana Unattested Piriou once spoken in French Guiana on the middle course of the Oyapoque River Unattested Mersiou once spoken on the Aratye River Inini River and Aua River French Guiana now probably extinct Unattested Acoqua once spoken at the sources of the Approuague River and on the Camopi River French Guiana Unattested Wai spoken on the Tamouri River French Guiana now perhaps extinct Unattested Taira spoken in the same colony as the Wai tribe on the Iracoubo River Unattested Acuria originally spoken on the Nickerie River and Coppename River Suriname now on the Berbice River Guyana Unattested Chacoi spoken by a few mixed individuals between the Berbice River and Essequibo River Guyana Unattested Parabaiana once spoken on the middle course of the Marouini River French Guiana Unattested Caicuchiana once spoken in French Guiana south of the Parabaiana tribe Unattested Eastern languagesWaiana Oayana spoken on the Palumeu River and Lawa River Suriname and on the Jari River and Paru River state of Para Brazil once also between the Maroni River and Marouini River French Guiana Amicuan extinct language once spoken at the sources of the Marouini River French Guiana Unattested Upurui once spoken on the upper course of the Jari River now by a few individuals at the sources of the Paru de Leste River state of Para Brazil Apalai Aparai spoken on the middle course of the Paru de Leste River and between this river and the upper course of the Maicuru River Para Carapeuara extinct language once spoken in the state of Para south of the Apama tribe on the Maicuru River Unattested Palanc extinct language once spoken in French Guiana on the middle course of the Apima River and Yaroupi River and on the Unani River Unattested Rucuyene extinct language once spoken in the same colony on the Lawa River Noyene once spoken on the Cuc River state of Para Unattested Yapacoye once spoken on the left bank of the Itany River French Guiana Unattested Aracaju Uaraguazu extinct language mixed with many Tupi elements once spoken on the Gurupamba River and Paru de Leste River Para Trio groupTrio Diau Tirio spoken on the Tapanahoni River Corentijn River and Palumeu River Suriname and between the sources of the Paru de Leste River and Paru de Oeste River state of Para Urucuyana Waiano spoken on the left bank of the Paru de Leste River Para Wama spoken by a tribe at the sources of the Oelemari River Suriname Tliometesen Oyaricule spoken by a few individuals between the Litani River and Tapanahoni River Suriname Ocomayana Kumayena Comayana spoken at the sources of the Coeroeni River Suriname and at the sources of the Oronoque River in Guyana Pianocoto once spoken at the sources of the Trombetas River and the Jamunda River now at the mouth of the Marapi River in the Paru de Oeste River Para Aramihoto spoken by a small tribe in Suriname on the upper course of the Coeroeni River Unattested Prohyana spoken in the same colony in the Eilerts de Haan Gebergte Unattested Maipuridjana spoken in Suriname on the Sipaliwini River Unattested Rangu spoken at the sources of the Paru de Oeste River Para Acuriyo spoken at the sources of the Tapanahoni River Suriname Unattested Aramisho spoken on the upper course of the Paru de Leste River Para Unattested Aramayana spoken by the southern neighbors of the Aramisho tribe Unattested Aramagoto spoken between the upper courses of the Paru de Leste River and the Paru de Oeste River Para Unattested Pianoi spoken at the sources and on the upper course of the Citare River Para Unattested Chiquena groupChiquena Shikiana spoken on the Apiniwau River Guyana and at the sources of the Panema River Para Farabee 1924 pp 195 196 Zurumata once spoken in a village of the same name on the upper course of the Trombetas River Para now probably extinct Unattested Ingarune spoken at the sources of the Panema River and its tributaries Unattested Saluma Charuma spoken between the upper courses of the Trombetas River Uanabe River and Tunuru River Para Prehnoma spoken by a small tribe west of the Pianocoto tribe Unattested Caicusiana spoken on the Tunuru River south of the Saluma tribe Unattested Tunayana spoken between the middle courses of the Panema River and Tunuru River Unattested Sereu spoken east of the sources of the Cachorro River Unattested Cahuyana spoken on the middle course of the Trombetas River Unattested Maracho spoken by an unknown tribe on the middle course of the Cumina River Unattested Pauxi Pawiyana spoken on the right bank of the middle course of the Erepecuru River Cumina River now perhaps extinct Warikyana extinct language once spoken on the lower course of the Trombetas River Unattested Uayeue spoken on the Mapuera River and its tributary Urubu de Silves River Cachuena Kaxiuana Casiana Cachoari spoken by a few families at the mouth of the Cachorro River Mutuan once spoken on the lower course of the Nhamunda River Cariguano once spoken on the Panema River Unattested Conduri extinct language once spoken at the mouth of the Nhamunda River Unattested Paraugoaru extinct language once spoken on the Capo River a tributary of the Trombetas River Unattested Waiwai groupWaiwai Woaywai spoken at the sources of the Essequibo River Guyana and at the sources of the Mapuera River state of Para Brazil Faranakaru spoken at the sources of the Mapuera River south of the Waiwai tribe Unattested Faranauaru spoken on the left bank of the Mapuera River Unattested Parucoto Katawian spoken on the middle course of the Mapuera River and between the sources of the Acari River and Cachorrinho River Farabee 1924 pp 192 193 Chiriwiyana spoken at the sources of the Acari River Unattested Ororico spoken on the upper course of the Cachorrinho River Unattested Cotonuru spoken between the Cachorro River and Cachorrinho River Unattested Totocumu Catuena spoken between the sources of the Acari River and Ipitinga River Unattested Chawiyana spoken on the right bank of the upper course of the Nhamunda River Amazonas Unattested Uaiboi Babui Wabou spoken on the middle course of the Nhamunda River Hishcariana Ishkariyana Tucano spoken on the middle course of the Nhamunda River Xauwiyana spoken by the neighbors of the Hishcariana tribe Unattested Uasai spoken by an unknown tribe on the Urubu River and Jatapu River Amazonas Unattested Apoto Apanto extinct language once spoken south of the Uaiboi tribe on the Nhamunda River Unattested Orocoto once spoken between the Urubu River and Jatapu River Unattested Taguari extinct language once spoken between the Mapuera River and Ipitinga River Unattested Pariqui once spoken between the mouths of the Uatuma River and Negro River Unattested Tapicari spoken on the Mucajai River Unattested Bonari Boanari once spoken on the Uatuma River Amazonas now perhaps extinct Yauapery groupYauapery Atroahi spoken on the middle course of the Yauapery River state of Amazonas Uaimiri Wahmiri spoken at the sources of the Curiuau River state of Amazonas Crixana Quirixana spoken between the middle course of the Yauapery River and the Curiuau River now probably extinct Pauishana groupPauishana spoken between the Catrimani River and Branco River territory of Rio Branco Brazil Macusi groupMacusi Makushi spoken on the Rupununi River Guyana and at the sources of the Tacutu River and on the middle course of the Branco River territory of Rio Branco Brazil Monoico spoken on the Cotingo River Brazil Unattested Keseruma spoken on the Tacutu River A Meyer 1951 Asepang spoken to the south of the Keseruma tribe Unattested Eliang spoken to the south of the Asepang tribe Unattested Pezaco spoken to the south of the Eliang tribe Unattested Quenoloco spoken at the sources of the Cotingo River Unattested Teweia spoken on the Cotingo River Unattested Purucoto Progoto spoken on the Uraricapara River territory of Rio Branco Wayumara Azumara Guimara spoken between the Mucajai River and Uraricoera River and in a part of Maraca Island Paraviyana Paravilhana extinct language once spoken between the Tacutu River and Caratirimani River Rio Branco Zapara Sapara spoken in the middle and eastern parts of Maraca Island Pemon groupTaurepan Taulipang Ipuricoto Pemon spoken between the Uraricuena River and Mount Roraima to the Caroni River in the border zone of Brazil and Venezuela Arecuna spoken at the sources of the Caroni River and Paragua River state of Bolivar Venezuela Ingarico spoken to the north of Mount Roraima border region of Brazil and Venezuela Patamona spoken on the Potaro River and Ireng River Guyana F Lutz 1912 passim only a few words Camaracoto spoken in the state of Bolivar Venezuela on the Paragua River and Caroni River Arinagoto once spoken on the Paragua River state of Bolivar now perhaps extinct Unattested Paraparucota once spoken between the Caura River and Cuchivero River state of Bolivar now extinct Unattested Quiriquiripa extinct language once spoken on the left bank of the Caura River Unattested Aguaricoto extinct language once spoken on the lower course of the Caura River the same region Unattested Serecong Sarrakong once spoken in the same region at the sources of the Mahu River Unattested Chiricum once spoken by the western neighbors of the Taurepan tribe in the Rio Branco territory Unattested Achirigoto once spoken on the left bank of the Caura River middle course in the state of Bolivar Unattested Paudacoto once spoken in the state of Bolivar at the sources of the Aro River Unattested Cachirigoto once spoken in the state of Bolivar south of the Camaracoto tribe Unattested Barinagoto once spoken at the mouth of the Caroni River Bolivar state Venezuela Unattested Arebato once spoken in the village of Cuchara on the Caura River in the state of Bolivar now perhaps extinct Unattested Armacoto once spoken in the same region between the Paragua River and Merevari River Unattested Mauitsi once spoken at the sources of the Paragua River in the same region Unattested Uaica Waica spoken by a few families on the Yuruari River and Cuyuni River state of Bolivar Acawai Capong spoken in Guyana on the Moruca River Cuyuni River Acarabisi River and Pomeroon River Maquiritare groupDecuana Deukwana Maquiritare spoken on the Caura River Ventuari River Merevari River and Auari River state of Bolivar and Amazonas territory Venezuela and between the Cotingo River and Majari River territory of Rio Branco Brazil Yecuana Mayongcong spoken on the Caura River southwest of the Arecuna tribe state of Bolivar Venezuela Ihuruana spoken at the sources of the Ventuari River territory of Amazonas Venezuela Cunuana Kunuhana spoken in the same territory at the sources of the Cunucunuma River only four words Morononi extinct language once spoken in the same territory on the Ventuari River Unattested Puipuitene extinct language once spoken on the same river in the same territory by the neighbors of the Decuana tribe Unattested Acariana once spoken by the neighbors of the Morononi tribe on the Orinoco River Unattested Ocomesiane once spoken in the same region on the Padamo River Unattested Areviriana once spoken by the eastern neighbors of the Ihuruana tribe Unattested Jure once spoken on the left bank of the middle course of the Ventuari River Unattested Pishauco Pshavaco once spoken on the Serra Tepequem Rio Branco territory Unattested Mejepure once spoken on the left ban1e of the lower course of the Ventuari River Unattested Aberiana once spoken by the neighbors of the Acariana tribe on the upper course of the Orinoco River Unattested Mapoyo groupMapoyo Nepoyo spoken by a small tribe between the Parguaza River and Suapure River state of Bolivar Venezuela Carinuaca extinct language once spoken in the area between the Ihuruana and Yauarana tribes territory of Amazonas Venezuela Unattested Curasicana Kurushikiana Orechicano once spoken at the sources of the Biehita River now by only a few individuals Unattested Wokiare Uaiquire unknown language spoken in the same region on the Paru River Unattested Yauarana Yabarana language spoken in the same territory on the Manapiare River Quaqua once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Mapoyo tribe Unattested Guaquiri once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Curasicana tribe Unattested Pareca spoken in the region west of the Cuchivero River now probably extinct Unattested Taparito extinct language once spoken on the middle course of the Caura River Unattested Cadupinapo once spoken by the southern neighbors of the Achirigoto tribe Unattested Tabajari now probably extinct once spoken on the left bank of the Erebato River state of Bolivar Unattested Panare groupPanare language of a small tribe spoken at the sources of the Cuchivero River state of Bolivar Venezuela Abira once spoken at the sources of the Manapiare River Unattested Eye once spoken by the southwestern neighbors of the Panare tribe at the sources of the Cuchivero River Unattested Tamanaco groupTamanaco extinct language once spoken along the Orinoco River from the mouth of the Caroni River to the mouth of the Cuchivero River state of Bolivar Venezuela Chayma Guarapiche Sayma extinct language once spoken on the Guarapiche River state of Anzoategui Venezuela Cumanagota extinct language once spoken on the Cabo Codera and near Cumana state of Sucre Venezuela Tivericoto once spoken on the coast of the state of Monagas Venezuela Palenque once spoken between the Unare River and Tamanaco River Guarico state Caraca once spoken around the modern capital of Caracas Venezuela A Espinosa Vazquez de Espinosa 1948 pp 36 37 only a few words Ciparigoto extinct language once spoken on the Yaracuy River and Aroa River state of Yaracuy Unattested Teque once spoken in the Guaire valley state of Miranda Unattested Tacarigua once spoken around Lake Valencia Miranda Unattested Toromaina once spoken on the San Pedro River federal district of Venezuela Unattested Arbaco once spoken around the modern city of Victoria state of Aragua Unattested Meregoto once spoken on the western shore of Lake Valencia in the state of Aragua Unattested Quiriquire extinct language once spoken on the Tuy River and Misoa River state of Miranda Oramas 1918a only a few patronyms Chapacuare once spoken in the Pascua valley state of Guarico Unattested Tarma once spoken near the modern city of Maracay state of Aragua Unattested Mariche once spoken in the Baruta valley state of Miranda Unattested Guayqueri extinct language once spoken on the Paoviejo River state of Cojedes Gumilla 1745 pt 2 pp 67 68 only one phrase 10 Tomuza once spoken between the Chico River and Piritu River states of Miranda and Anzoategui Unattested Haerena Guarena once spoken between the Guarenas River and Guatire River state of Anzoategui Unattested Piritu once spoken around the modern city of Puerto Piritu state of Anzoategui Unattested Tagare once spoken on the coast of the Gulf of Cariaco state of Sucre Unattested Pariagoto Guayuno extinct language once spoken on the Paria Peninsula in the state of Sucre Chamaygua once spoken in the state of Sucre by the neighbors of the Cumanagota tribe Unattested Yao groupYao Anacaioury language once spoken by two tribes one on the western part of the island of Trinidad the other in French Guiana on the Ivaricopo River and Cau River Shebayi groupShebayi Supaye extinct language once spoken in the Guianas exact location is unknown Motilon groupYupe Motilon spoken by many tribes in the Sierra de Perija state of Zulia Venezuela and in the department of Magdalena Colombia Dialects Chague Apon spoken on the Apon River Zulia Iroca spoken on the Casacara River Magdalena Macoa spoken on the Yasa River and Negro River Zulia Manastara spoken on the Becerril River Zulia Maraca spoken by a tribe at the source of the Machigue River and on the Maraca River Magdalena Pariri spoken to the south of the Apon River Shaparu Chaparro spoken by the western neighbors of the Pariri tribe Zulia Uasamo spoken in the same area by the northern neighbors of the Shaparu tribe Unattested Susa spoken in the central part of the Sierra de Perija Magdalena Unattested Manaure spoken on the left bank of the lower course of the La Paz River Magdalena Unattested Tucushmo spoken by the northern neighbors of the Iroca tribe Magdalena Unattested Socorpa spoken in the same area by the northern neighbors of the Maraca tribe Unattested Curumani spoken south of the Tucui River Magdalena Unattested Socomba spoken between the sources of the Maraca River and Tucui River formerly also on the Buenavista River Magdalena Unattested Tucuco spoken at the sources of the Tucuco River Zulia Unattested Shiquimu spoken by the southwestern neighbors of the Shaparu tribe Zulia Unattested Irapa spoken by the eastern neighbors of the Shiguimu tribe Unattested Pshicacuo spoken by the western neighbors of the Tucuco tribe Unattested Mishorca spoken at the sources of the Tucuco River by the neighbors of the Pariri tribe Unattested Yapreria Sabril spoken at the sources of the Palmar River Zulia Anonymous Madrid h Coyaima Tupe extinct language once spoken on the Cesar River Magdalena Castro Trespalacios 1946 only a few patronyms Burede once spoken at the sources of the Socuy River Zulia Unattested Pemeno once spoken at the mouth of the Escalante River Zulia Unattested Bubure Bobure once spoken in the state of Zulia around the modern cities of Bobures and Gibraltar Unattested Quenagua extinct language once spoken in Espiritu Santo Valley in the state of Zulia Unattested Umaquena once spoken on the Umaquena River Zulia Unattested Sunesua once spoken by the southern neighbors of the Quenaga tribe in the Espiritu Santo Valley Zulia Unattested Lobatera once spoken around the modern city of Lobatera state of Tachira Unattested Tachira once spoken on the Tachira River state of Tachira Unattested Tapano once spoken in the state of Merida between Lake Onia and Lake Motilon Unattested Miyuse once spoken in the state of Merida on the Mucujepe River and Tucani River Unattested Pijao groupPijao Pinao once spoken on the Luisa River Otaima River Tuamo River Tetuan River Aipe River and Magdalena River now in the villages of Ortega Coyaima and Natagaima department of Tolima Colombia Pantagora Palenque once spoken between the Guarino River and San Bartolome River department of Calcias Colombia Unattested Colima extinct language once spoken on the right bank of the Magdalena River and on the Negro River and Pacho River Cundinamarca department Muzo once spoken at the sources of the Carare River and in the Paima Valley department of Cundinamarca only a few words Nauta once spoken by the northern neighbors of the Muzo tribe Unattested Panche extinct language once spoken on the Guali River Mariquita River Guarino River Coello River Villeta River Seco River Magdalena River and Fusagasuga River Cundinamarca Agata once spoken in the department of Cundinamarca on the Magdalena River east of the Chibcha tribe Unattested Amani spoken by the western neighbors of the Pantagora tribe in the department of Caldas Unattested Neiva once spoken around the modern city of Neiva in the department of Huila Unattested Manipo once spoken at the mouth of the La Plata River in the same area Unattested Ajie unknown language of an extinct tribe that once lived in the territory of Meta at the sources of the Tagua River and Losada River Unattested Opone groupOpone extinct language once spoken on the Opone River department of Santander Colombia Carare spoken by a few individuals on the Carare River in the department of Santander Yarigui once spoken on the Sogamoso River and in Barranca Bermeja in the same department Unattested Hacaritama once spoken around present day Hacaritama city in the department of Santander Xiriguana extinct language of a tribe once living in the department of Santander in the Cordillera de Lebaja Unattested Carate once spoken around the modern city of Ocana department of Norte de Santander Unattested Corbago once spoken in the department of Magdalena in the Sierra de Mene Unattested Guane once spoken in the department of Santander at the sources of the Tarare River Gumilla 1745 pt 2 p 40 only two words Chinato extinct language once spoken on the upper course of the Zulia River department of Norte de Santander around the modern city of Cucuta Unattested Zorca once spoken in the same department in the San Cristobal Valley Unattested Cariquena once spoken on the Cariquena River in the state of Tachira Venezuela Unattested Capacho once spoken around the village of Capacho in the state of Tachira Venezuela Unattested Carijona groupGuaque Huaque Murcielaga extinct language once spoken on the Inganos River Caqueta territory Colombia Carijona Kalihona language now spoken by a few individuals on the middle course of the Caqueta River territory of Caqueta Umaua Hianocoto Maua language spoken at the sources of the Apoporis River in the territory of Caqueta Saha Tsahatsaha spoken in the territory of Caqueta between the Cuemani River and Yari River Unattested Riama spoken between the Yari River Apoporis River and Vaupes River territories of Caqueta and Vaupes Unattested Mahotoyana spoken in the territory of Vaupes on the Macaya River Unattested Ajaju unknown language spoken on the Ajaju River Amazonas territory Unattested Patagon groupPatagon extinct language once spoken in the villages of Paca Olipanche and Bagua and around the modern city of Jaen department of Cajamarca Peru only a few words Arara groupArara Ajujure Cabanae Opinadkom extinct language once spoken on the right bank of the Pacaja Grande River and on the upper course of the Anapu River Para Brazil Apingi Apeiaca Apiaca de Tocantins language spoken between the Tocantins River and Jacunda River state of Para Now spoken by only a few individuals Pariri once spoken at the sources of the Pacaja River Jacunda River and Aratau River Para now perhaps extinct Timirem Antimilene language of an unknown tribe that live in the virgin forests on the Agua de Saude River Para Unattested Yuma extinct language once spoken on the Jacare River and Ituxi River territory of Rondonia Unattested Palmela groupPalmela extinct language once spoken at the mouth of the Sao Simao River in the Guapore River Rondonia Pimenteira groupPimenteira Portuguese name of an extinct language the original name of which is unknown spoken once at the sources of the Sant Anna River and on Lake Pimenteira and between the Piaui River and Gurgueia River state of Piaui Brazil Xingu groupYaruma Aruma spoken at the sources of the Paranaiba River state of Mato Grosso now perhaps extinct Bacairi Bacaery originally spoken between the Batovi River and Curisevu River later on the Paranatinga River now by only a few families on the Posto Simoes Lopes Mato Grosso Nahukwa Naucua Anaukwa language spoken between the Curisevu River and Culuene River with many dialects Yanumakapu Nahukwa proper northern dialect Etagl spoken in the village of Etagl Kuikutl Guicuru Cuicuro spoken on the Culuene River in the village of Cuicuro Kalapalo Apalaquiri spoken in the village of the same name on the Culuene River Matipu Matipuhy spoken in the village of the same name on the right bank of the Curisevu River Yamarikuna spoken on the Curisevu River Suva Tsuva spoken by a few people on the right bank of the Curisevu River Unattested Naravute Naravoto spoken on the Curisevu River Aipats spoken on the Curisevu River now probably extinct Unattested Auwawiti spoken by a few people on the Curisevu River Unattested Vocabulary EditLoukotka 1968 lists the following basic vocabulary items for the Cariban Karaib languages 9 Language Branch head eye tooth man one two threeYaruma Xingu u vite ye nguru u en yoBakairi Xingu x inaraxu x anu x yeri aguroto tokolele asage ahagetokoloNahukwa Xingu u vitero u vinuru u vire utoto alechi atake etilaKuikutl Xingu u ritol u inuru u il utotoKalapalo Xingu u ikore u inoruYamarikuna Xingu u inoru u igl utotoArara Arara muchina onuruma yeri ukone nane atag atagananePariri Arara mũchi unguru heengo l ugoro nane atag atagananeApingi Arara i montxi angrungo yeri ukone toine asakoro aseruaoPalmela Palmela na apo ono yere oka arope aha ohehuaPimenteira Pimenteira baburi onthuburu yari chaPijao Pijao luːn tinki oremaOpone Opone yu uh yeu xor okir senearoko sa sauraCarare Opone su oko yeoGuaque Carijona xutuye yeri gireCarijona Carijona utuhe yenuru yeri kire teui sekenere seauereUmaua Carijona butuhe yenuːru yeːli gele teui sakenele dyelauelePatagon PatagonYupe Motilon o harza ano kiiko kurpa tukumarko kosarko koserarkoChaque Motilon o harza ano kiiko kurpa kumarko kasarko koseraMacoa Motilon yu wasa anu kiyiːko masha kumarko kosak koseraMaraca Motilon yu wasa yo nuPariri Motilon yu wasa ya nu kiʔiko kipantu kumarku kosaʔShaparu Motilon yu wasa ya nu yi kumarko kosaIroca Motilon tʔkumaːItoto Maimy Tamanaco Pupoo Enury Jery Itoto Tewin Aisake AisoroawTivericoto Tamanaco o putpa o neana ovin oko orwaPalenque TamanacoYao Yao boppe vokre hioseli tewin tage terewawShebayi Shebayi wa kewuri wa dakoli nu yeriDecuana Maquiritare u huhe enu yede tokomo toːni hake aduaneYecuana Maquiritare houf u yenuru yeːri areifhe tauini ake hedaueCunuana Maquiritare hu haIhuruana Maquiritare hu he yeːdeMapoyo Mapoyo uastari xene yonuru xe neiri tokomo toskena sakane tominiakereYauarana Mapoyo exne oaixteli exne nuru exne yeli tokunu enix pete asake petomeyakelePanare Panare oʔo yoʔonTaurepan Taurepan upai yenu u ye kurai teukinan sakeʔene seuluanaArecuna Taurepan pu pai yenu u ye uarati taukinang sakeine iselehauvaneCamaracoto Taurepan pupai to enu to warato taʔakin tsagane etserauIngarico Taurepan u pai u yenu u ye orauo teuking atsalongkong etseuluaong kongUaica Taurepan ienuruAcawai Taurepan yu popo yenuru yu winow tidzyine asakro asorwoMacusi Macusi po pai tenu u yeka uaratae tiwing sagare siruaneKeseruma Macusi yenu pemongo tivinPurucoto Macusi hau pupe hau yenu hau yee walaito aleini iniperkuru inialeWayumara Macusi i hube yenuru i yele toto tuevine asale eseuluoParaviyana Macusi i pupa e renialo e lelo meimun teuen akounien olauleZapara Macusi une kapu u yonu topupeso itxemene tulekaleno olanoYauapery Yauapery ki yo kemba ki ari maraba asiki usonoUaimiri Yauapery ki fo kopanamareː ki eri kumutareː unionoː tukunuma uruanoːOrixana Yauapery u pai u ini u yete itiamon tuimo sananebure sarsiuaPauishana Pauishana puːpo yoːno ye yungwei nikenaːna ataːre ana mokaːreWaiwai Waiwai a tipiri e oru ko yori tata chewne asaki chorohokoParucoto Waiwai o yula ko yali tukinkare asakene serkuaneUaiboi Waiwai ku nuru kamuhiHishcariana Waiwai kui kuturu ku yo tamushi tonisha sako sorowaoBonari Waiwai iri opo nuru ba yore ukere abane pademaka uruaChiquena Chiquena ya nũru yoli soto winali asaga sorawauSaluma Chiquena yiwu tupuli ye nuPauxi Chiquena totoUayeue Chiquena vu turu u yari totoCachuena Chiquena yo soru yo nuru yore toto tuinari asaki osoruaulMutuan Chiquena ko nofati yuruTrio Trio i putupo ye nuru i yeri kiri tinki okono voyerauUrucuyena Trio putpi i eu yi eːda okiri wanana shakene heruauWama Trio wi pupo ye nuru ye riTliometesen Trio oba tuwiri en nuru oliː enkili tonikini sokororo ebemuniOcomayana Trio u nu yePianocoto Trio ye nei yu tali okiriRangu TrioWaiana Eastern e putiu ye nuru yere okiri uapto hakene eheruaeUpurui Eastern e putpiʔi ye nuru yere okiriRucuyene Eastern ite puru e nuru yere okiri tavene sakene heleuʔauApalai Eastern u pupu anu deri eritua seni asakoro eseuʔauAracaju Eastern seresa apukauaCaraib Western bupu e hulu yeri uakuri abama biama elevaGalibi Western u pupu e nuru yere okiri awin okuo terevaCaribisi Western ye pupo ye nuru wokiri owe oko orwaCaribe Western ada puxo dhere bukore obin oko orwaCariniaco Western e nuru yeri okiri owi uariri orowaCarif Western nabulu tagu bari ugiri abana biama iruwa Language Branch water fire sun moon maize jaguar arrowYaruma Xingu paru kampon tsizi nunoBakairi Xingu paru pato chishi nuna anadzyi aka purauNahukwa Xingu tuna ito riti nune ana ikere hureKuikutl Xingu tuna noroteke liti nune tonurineKalapalo Xingu itoː turugitineYamarikuna Xingu liti nuneArara Arara paru kampot titi nuna konat okoro puiramPariri Arara paru kampo titi tuno honat hogro puyremApingi Arara paru kampot chichi nuno anat okori piremPalmela Palmela tuna vava yeyu nuna ena okoro pueraPimenteira Pimenteira tuna vafundi titi nulu thauato prumacho puraruPijao Pijao tana nuhugi huil nuna xaguadeOpone Opone tuna foto bueno kano mues ixake yahaCarare Opone kʔara bwenune menye pak anyeGuaque Carijona tuna maxoto vehi nuna kaikuchiCarijona Carijona tuna apoto bei nunua kaikusi xarakueUmaua Carijona tuːna mahoto wei nuːne anaːdzyi kaikudzyi huːyaPatagon Patagon tuna anasYupe Motilon kuna guesta guicho kuna me isoʔo samasChaque Motilon kuna hueto gichio kuno me isoMacoa Motilon kuna hueto huichol kunik me isho pureyiMaraca Motilon kuːna whishta huicho kunu eːsho purayePariri Motilon kana wueta wichu kunuShaparu Motilon kuna wuetaIroca Motilon kuːna eshoTamanaco Tamanaco duna uapto veyu nuna xexe akere preuChayma Tamanaco tuna apoto vieyu nonin amapo kocheiku pureCumanagota Tamanaco tuna veyu nonum anaze kozeiko preuTivericoto Tamanaco tuna apoto ve nianoPalenque Tamanaco tuna ekereYao Yao tuna uapoto veyo nona arua mapuruShebayi Shebayi wekulue kirtrire heweriDecuana Maquiritare tona wato cei nona nakchi maedo haxkudiYecuana Maquiritare tuna wato zyi nuːna maro shimaːraCunuana Maquiritare uaʔto shi nuna shimadaIhuruana Maquiritare tuna wato zyiː nuːneMapoyo Mapoyo tuna katun nuna oxonai ekire ubuʔareYauarana Mapoyo tuna wato yatonu nune nachi hekele pakuliPanare Panare echar kun guegua kenak xadpoʔotTaurepan Taurepan tuna apog wei kapei anain kaikuse peleuArecuna Taurepan tuna apo vai kapea aʔanaig kaikusi pureuCamaracoto Taurepan apoiʔ be kapui anaiʔ kakutse purauIngarico Taurepan tuna apo wei kapei anai kaikushi peleUaica Taurepan tuna apok uey nunaAcawai Taurepan tuno wato vieyu nuno kaikushi pulewaMacusi Macusi tuna uato wei kapoi anain kaikushi eriuKeseruma MacusiPurucoto Macusi tuna apoto wei nano kaikudze poyaWayumara Macusi tuna wato weyu nuna mazyina kaikushi heloParaviyana Macusi dona vuatu tamana none ainiain ekole aramouZapara Macusi tuna wato we kapei anae ekele uraponoYauapery Yauapery tuna uato eyu deʔeli kokoshi ibikuariUaimiri Yauapery tuna uatoː eioː nunueba uhi kukuboi mapruOrixana Yauapery tuna uato ueihu tepare eua ekere upreuPauishana Pauishana tuna uato uai nuna uataka uraːpaWaiwai Waiwai tuna wehto kamo nune yaypi waywiParucoto Waiwai tuna witu uchi kapube akereUaiboi Waiwai tuna zyito nunaHishcariana Waiwai tona wuhrito kamaːna noːna waiwiBonari Waiwai tuna uatu weyu keri pureːnaChiquena Chiquena tuna wihala sesi imho klahoSaluma Chiquena tunaPauxi Chiquena tuna isire nune uau preuUayeue Chiquena tuna pieto kamo nuna maipuri kurumuriCachuena Chiquena tuna miroto isoso imno honese kaikesu praueMutuan Chiquena tuna rito soːro zyairu puriTrio Trio tuna mata veyu nuno anai maipuri pleuUrucuyena Trio tuna mato uwi nuna maipuri pureuWama Trio tuna mato wei paoraTliometesen Trio tono mato wei nunu potireru mashibuli pureriOcomayana Trio tuna mato uwi nunaPianocoto Trio tuna matto weh nuna enaye maipuri purauRangu Trio tuma mato nunaWaiana Eastern tuna uapot shishi nunuo enai yaueri pleuUpurui Eastern tuna uapot shishi nunu enai yaueri pireuRucuyene Eastern tuna uapot chichi nunu enai maipuri pireuApalai Eastern tuna apoto chichi nuno ashinase machipuri pirouAracaju Eastern tuna uapto chichi yasue uaraparaCaraib Western tone uatu hueyu nunu aoashi kahikushi buleuaGalibi Western tuna uato veyu nuno auoasi kaikusi pliaCaribisi Western tuna watu wiyeyu nuno purewaCaribe Western tuna bedu nuno perowaCariniaco Western tuna wato wedo nuno puriuiCarif Western duna watu ueyu hat auas gaigusi laruProto language EditProto CaribanReconstruction ofCariban languagesProto Cariban phonology according to Gildea 2012 6 448 Proto Cariban consonants p t km nw r jProto Cariban vowels i ɨ ue o oaProto Cariban reconstructions by Gildea 2007 2012 11 12 Proto Cariban reconstructions by Gildea 2007 2012 gloss Proto Carib sun titi moon nuno water n tuna sunlight awatinɨ star tiriko DESIDERATIVE CV te sand saka w sand samutu body jamun flesh meat body punu meat food otɨ water paru rain konopo person karipona man wokɨrɨ husband nɨjo mɨjo eye onu ru ear para rɨ nose owna rɨ mouth mɨta rɨ lip otipi rɨ saliva otaku tooth j o rɨ tongue nuru one towino two atjoko no ne head pu tupo forehead pe rɨ leg pore pɨ pa foot pupu ru heel pu pu topu sole of foot pɨta knee otjokumu ru neck pɨmɨ rɨ breast manatɨ rɨ chest puropi rɨ buttocks pupɨtɨkɨ cheek peta forest jutu inside tawo to bite oteka to give to put utu hand omija rɨ amo rɨ to do to make to put tɨ rɨ t ɨrɨ to gift O with something ekarama to put away arama belly wetVpu belly e wenɨ heart guts chest owano liver ore to close tr v apuru to descend wɨpɨto to see one to hear ota to know tr v putu to know postp waro to sleep wonɨkɨ to sleep wetu mɨ to shoot to kill tɨ wo t wo no to drink woku ru to drink onɨrɨ to eat intr v ot oku to eat fruit onapɨ to eat meat t ono to eat flour bread t oku to eat nuts aku to grate manioc tɨ kɨ to bathe O tɨ pɨ to weave tɨ kapɨ to cook to boil tɨ jo to take to pull out away t owɨ to throw out tɨ papo to gather fruit tɨ potɨ fire wepeto fire mapoto ash woreiCV to light fire t uro to burn intr v jatu to burn tr v uk w a to fell tree farm tɨ ma to go wɨ to mo to come w otepɨ to come w omokɨ to say wɨ ka ti to be to say a p to dwell to be w eti to enter w omo mi REFLEXIVE w e RECIPROCAL w ote beak potɨ rɨ earth nono cloud kapurutu rope owa rɨ hot atu NV cold atono cold t ɨnotɨ me good kure hard akɨpɨ snake okoju path otema rɨ mountain w ɨpɨ older brother pipi grandchild pa rɨ faeces wetɨ wato to defecate weka child mure shoulder mota rɨ thigh petɨ hair e tipotɨ rɨ to cut akoto to take to carry aro to seize apoti 1SG owɨ ro 2SG omo ro 2COLL om jamo 1INCL kɨnmo ro 1INCL kɨwɨ ro 1INCL COLL kɨC jamo 1EXCL apina this INAN t onɨ this INAN t oro this ANIM motjo this ANIM COLL motj jamo that INAN monɨ that INAN moro that ANIM mokɨ ro that ANIM COLL mok jamo who onokɨ all omero grease fat katɨ to grow atɨta anɨta thick tɨpɨtɨ ma AUGMENTATIVE imo small pitiko woman woriti woman pɨtɨ fish kana dog akoro dog kaikuti louse w ajamo tree wewe jeje branch ekata arm apo rɨ seed opɨ tɨpo seed a tɨpo seed contents a rɨ rɨ seed ona tɨpo leaf jare root mitɨ bark skin pitupo blood munu ru red t a k pi re white t a re mutu ne black t puru me ke night koko nightfall intr v koko mamɨ bone j otipi ri egg pumo horn retɨ rɨ tail penis arokɨ scrotum testicle omu ru feather apori rɨ name otetɨ ant iraka ant kɨjawoko ant juku ant mɨkako ant n mapu nu bow wɨrapa rɨ deer wɨ kapawu deer karijako grandfather tamo ko heavy amoti ma ne to sit erew ta ma lightning manan manan howler monkey arimi monkey itjo rib awo tɨ to roast puru puro to run ekatu mɨ shadow amore rɨ shadow okatu short tɨntɨ tʲo to talk to converse ot uru spider mojoti spider tjawaraka ru to tie m omo today now amenaro tomorrow koropo vagina orɨ to wait momoku high kawo sun weju 1SG u 3SG i stone topu flesh meat body punu person wɨtoto jaguar kajkuti to bite eseka to find eporɨ to give to put utu to close tr v apuru to descend opino to pierce atpo to shoot to kill tɨ wo t wo no to eat meat t ono to grate manioc tɨ kɨ to go wɨ to mo to come w otepɨ to enter w omo mi See also EditList of Spanish words of Indigenous American Indian origin Arawak peoples Arawakan languages Carib language Taino language Garifuna languageFurther reading EditAnselmo L Gutierrez Salazar M 1981 Diccionario Pemon Caracas Ediciones CORPOVEN Camargo E 2002 Lexico bilingue aparai portugues portugues aparai Languages of the World Dictionaries 28 Munchen Lincom Europa Courtz H 2008 A Carib Grammar and Dictionary Toronto Magoria Books Gildea S Payne D 2007 Is Greenberg s Macro Carib viable Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Ciencias Humanas 2 19 72 Girard V 1971a Proto Carib phonology Berkeley University of California at Berkeley Doctoral dissertation Mattei Muller M 1994 Diccionario ilustrado Panare Espanol con indice espanol panare Caracas Comision Nacional Quinto Centenario Pet W J A 1987 Lokono Dian the Arawak Language of Suriname A Sketch of its Grammatical Structure and Lexicon Ithaca Cornell University Doctoral dissertation Puig M M P 1944 Diccionario de la Lengua Caribe Cuna Panama La Estrella de Panama Vitorino M M 1991 Dicionario bilingue Wai Wai Portugues Portugues Wai Wai Boa Vista Missao Evangelica da Amazonia References Edit a b c Jolkesky Marcelo Pinho De Valhery 2016 Estudo arqueo ecolinguistico das terras tropicais sul americanas Ph D dissertation University of Brasilia Kaufman Terrence 2007 South America In R E Asher and Christopher Moseley eds Atlas of the World s Languages 2nd edition 59 94 London Routledge Desmond Derbyshire 1999 Carib In Dixon amp Aikhenvald eds The Amazonian Languages CUP Meira Sergio 2006 A familia linguistica Caribe Karib Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas v 3 n 1 2 p 157 174 Brasilia FUNAI PDF Carvalho Fernando O de 2020 Tocantins Apiaka Pariri and Yaruma as Members of the Pekodian Branch Cariban Revista Brasileira de Linguas Indigenas RBLI Macapa v 3 n 1 p 85 93 2020 a b Gildea Spike 2012 Linguistic studies in the Cariban family in Campbell amp Grondona eds The Indigenous Languages of South America A Comprehensive Guide Berlin Boston De Gruyter Mouton Meira S Birchall J Chousou Polydouri S 2015 A character based internal classification of the Cariban family Talk presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguisticae Europaea Leiden Netherlands Sept 4 Rodrigues Aryon 1985 Evidence for Tupi Carib relationships In South American Indian Languages Retrospect and Prospect ed HE Manelis Klein LR Stark pp 371 404 Austin University of Texas Press a b Loukotka Cestmir 1968 Classification of South American Indian languages Los Angeles UCLA Latin American Center Gumilla Joseph 1745 El Orinoco ilustrado y defendido Historia natural civil y geographica de este gran Rio y de sus caudalosas vertientes 2nd ed in 2 pts Madrid New ed Barcelona 1791 Gildea S amp Payne D 2007 Is Greenberg s Macro Carib viable In Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Ciencias Humanas Belem Vol 2 No 2 pp 19 72 Accessed from DiACL 9 February 2020 Gildea S 2012 Linguistic studies in the Cariban family In Campbell L amp Grondona V eds The Indigenous Languages of South America A Comprehensive Guide 441 494 Berlin De Gruyter Mouton Accessed from DiACL 9 February 2020 External links Edit Wiktionary has a list of reconstructed forms at Appendix Proto Cariban reconstructions Etnolinguistica Org online resources on native South American languages Ka lina Carib Vocabulary List from the World Loanword Database Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Cariban languages amp oldid 1141967685, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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