
Relational aggression

Relational aggression, alternative aggression, or relational bullying is a type of aggression in which harm is caused by damaging someone's relationships or social status.[1][2]

Although it can be used in many contexts and among different age groups, relational aggression among adolescents in particular, has received a lot of attention.

The attention relational aggression has received has been augmented by the help of popular media, including movies like Mean Girls and books like Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons (2002), Nesthäkchen and the World War by Else Ury (1916), and Queen Bees and Wannabes by R. Wiseman (2003).

Relational aggression can have various lifelong consequences. Relational aggression has been primarily observed and studied among girls, following pioneering research by psychologist Nicki R. Crick.[2]


A person's peers become increasingly significant in adolescence and are especially important for adolescents' healthy psychological development. Peers provide many new behavioral models and feedback that are essential for successful identity formation and for the development of one's sense of self.[3][4] Interactions with peers encourage positive practice of autonomy and independent decision-making skills.[5] They are also essential for healthy sexual development including the development of the capacity for intimate friendships and learning appropriate sexual behavior.[6] Peer relationships are also very important for determining how much adolescents value school, how much effort they put into it, and how well they perform in class.[7][8] However, quite frequently adolescents take part in peer relationships that are harmful for their psychological development. Adolescents tend to form various cliques and belong to different crowds based on their activity interests, music and clothing preferences, as well as their cultural or ethnic background.[9] Such groups differ in their sociometric or popularity status, which often create unhealthy, aggression-victimization based dynamics between groups. Different forms of aggression can also be used to control dynamics and sociometric status within a group. Sometimes aggression is directed to an individual rather than to any apparent social group. Primary reasons for victimization include looks and speech; adolescents are also frequently bullied because of a disability, particular ethnicity, or religion.[10][11]


Relational aggression is defined as a type of aggression that is "intended to harm others through deliberate manipulation of their social standing and relationships".[12] Relational aggression, according to Daniel Olweus[13] is a type of bullying. Bullying in general, is defined as physically or psychologically violent re-occurring and not provoked acts, where the bully and victim have unequal physical strength or psychological power.[14] These key conditions apply to all types of bullying: verbal, physical and relational.[13]


Relational aggression may be either covert or direct, and is distinct from other forms of indirect aggression.[15] It can be proactive (planned and goal-oriented) or reactive (in response to perceived threats, hostility, or anger), and it can be, for instance, peer-directed or romantic.[15] Several studies have indicated substantive differences between proactive and reactive relational aggression. Reactive aggression is associated with a tendency to assume that others' intentions are hostile (hostile attribution bias).[15]

Most studies of relational aggression have involved children or adolescents; the study of relational aggression in adults presents problems.[15] Relational aggression is a common aspect of workplace bullying, and is a characteristic behaviour of psychopaths in the workplace, so it is commonplace amongst adults as well as children.[citation needed]


Manifestations of relational aggression include:[16]

  • Excluding others from social activities.
  • Damaging victim's reputations with others by spreading rumors and gossiping about the victim, or humiliating them in front of others.
  • Withdrawing attention and friendship.

Psychological manipulation and coercion can also be considered as a type of relational aggression.

Most recent research has been focusing on cyberbullying, which is a relatively new yet increasingly popular way of engaging in both verbal and relational aggression due to growing importance of various communication and technology devices in modern societies.[17] Some studies show that internet meanness is more common among girls than boys.[11]


Many studies in the U.S. and Europe show that at least 30% of students report having been bullied in one or another way.[citation needed] Some studies indicate even higher percentages of victimization.[10] Bullying in schools happens in all forms and at various ages, although peer bullying has the highest prevalence in 6th–8th grades.[18] The most common forms of bullying are verbal with relational, or various forms of ostracism, coming in second.[19]

Gender differences

Although it can be used by both genders, relational aggression is more commonly associated with girls.[10] Findings of a study by Rivers and Smith[20] have shown that while verbal aggression occurs with similar frequency in both sexes, direct physical aggression is more common among boys and indirect aggression is more common among girls. In another study by Baldry[21] it was found that boys are more likely to engage in bullying behaviors such as threats, physical harm, rejection, and name-calling, while girls are most likely to use name-calling, teasing, rumors, rejection, and taking personal belongings. Based on these findings, girls do seem to use relational aggression more than boys.

In addition, recent international research shows that both genders tend to use relational aggression, but girls are more aware and distressed by it.[22][23][24] For example, a study by Horn[25] found that girls are more likely to say that it is morally wrong to exclude someone based on their crowd membership.

Some research shows that there are certain implications when boys and girls engage in gender-atypical aggression, as girls who are more physically aggressive or boys who are highly relationally aggressive are more maladjusted than their peers.[26]

Sociometric status

Sociometric status, commonly referred as popularity, is one of the most significant predictors of victimization or bullying as differences in popularity can be associated with differences in social power. It is commonly believed that aggressive adolescents belong to rejected social groups. However, some research shows that they can be popular among their peers.[27][28] Rodkin et al. (2000),[29] for example, describes two types of popular boys: "model" boys, who are "physically and academically competent, friendly and neither shy nor aggressive."[16] Second type is described as "tough" and such adolescents are "aggressive, physically competent, and average or below average in friendliness, academic competence, and shyness."[16] Usually the more popular aggressive adolescents use instrumental aggression and not reactive aggression.[30][31] Instrumental aggression is defined as behavior that is deliberate and planned while reactive aggression is unplanned and impulsive.[16] Relational aggression can be greatly instrumental for maintaining the popularity status of a group among other groups, as well as specific relationship and status dynamics inside a group. Ojala and Nesdale (2004)[32] found that both victims and bullies normally come from rejected groups. Bullies choose to bully students who are members of their social out-groups that are similar to their own in-group as a result of threatened distinctiveness. Hence, the need to maintain a unique social identity and status can be one of the causes to engage in bullying. Using relational aggression to maintain a particular social order inside the group has been mostly observed in girl groups: if some member of the group becomes too popular and this causes imbalance in the group, other members might start rumors about the overly popular girl to diminish her status.[33] Amanda Rose (2004)[34] claims that the main purpose of using relational aggression in first place is to enhance or maintain one's social status. Many skills that are needed to be popular are also essential for being "successful" at employing relational aggression, e.g. ability to "read" people and adjust one's behavior accordingly, etc.[16] The researcher suggests that some aggressive boys are popular because they are also good at using relational aggression, and, therefore, their primary reason for popularity is not their physical but relational aggression.

Different participation roles

Research shows that there are three types of rejected or unpopular adolescents who are very likely to be involved in bullying behavior.[35][36][37][38][39][40] First type includes adolescents who are overly aggressive: they tend to get into fights, get involved in antisocial activities, and are often involved in bullying; second type includes adolescents who are withdrawn or timid and exceedingly shy and inhibited and who are more likely to be victims; third aggressive-withdrawn-type adolescents tend to have trouble controlling their hostility, but they are also very shy and nervous about initiating friendships. The latter are likely to be bully-victims. Other students- bystanders can also choose between several roles: victim-defender, bully-reinforcer or assistant, and outsiders.


Victims or the unpopular withdrawn children are excessively anxious, lack social skills needed to initiate new contacts or break into a group activity.[41] Their lack of confidence combined with submissiveness make them perfect targets for bullying.[42][43] Some of the most common underlying reasons for bullying include low socioeconomic status, disability, and obesity.[44][45][46] Research shows that in comparison with other adolescents victims often use worse problem solving strategies.[47] They often score less than their bullies and defenders in the tests of moral competence and theory of mind.[48] Moral competence refers to the ability to carefully consider both the consequences and prior beliefs in determining how morally right or wrong one's actions are. Victims seemed to focus primarily on the outcomes and not being as good in integrating the moral beliefs. They have difficulties in social skills, and social problem solving, as well as emotional regulation.[49] And because of their lack of social competence, victims score low on peer acceptance and popularity.[50][51] Victims are often overly sensitive to being rejected, which might originate in their relationships with parents.[52]


Bullies, despite being quite morally competent, tend to engage in morally wrong behaviors because of several reasons, including a lack of moral compassion.[48] In general, bullies seem to engage in a kind of cold cognition and have a good theory of mind. They also have an average to good social intelligence.[48] These skills seem to be especially important in order to use relational aggression in an instrumental manner—for achieving specific social goals. As mentioned previously, male and female bullies usually score differently on sociometric measures. Male bullies often fall in the socially rejected category[50][51] while female bullies tend to fall in the controversial category. They can be popular yet not liked.[50]

Hostile attributional bias

Many unpopular aggressive kids seem to engage in hostile attributional bias when analyzing the actions of others: they are more likely to interpret other children's behavior as hostile while it is not,[53][54] which can cause the perpetuation of their aggressive behaviors.


Bully-victims are people who have both experienced aggression directed towards them and have themselves engaged in bullying. They often choose to be bully assistants or reinforcers.[55] Seeing others victimized can serve as a buffer against some psychological problems, for which these people are at risk (see consequences of victimization below). In comparison to all other groups, bully-victims are the worst off regarding their psychological adjustment and problems. They are least liked among the peers.[10]


Although early research has mostly focused on victims and bullies, currently more and more attention has been given to the roles of other students, or bystanders: bully-reinforcer's and assistants, victim-defenders, and outsiders.[50]

Bully-reinforcers and assistants

Bully-reinforcers and assistants do not normally initiate aggressive actions themselves, but they support, reinforce, and assist the bully. They often have rather large friendship networks when compared to outsiders, victims, and their defenders.[56] These individuals are similar to bullies in regards of their personal characteristics. Female bully-reinforcers and assistants usually score low on social acceptance and high on rejection by their peers while male bully assistants have average scores on both and bully-reinforcers are often quite popular among their peers.[50] The characteristic that is common among all these individuals across both genders is low level of empathy.[55]


Victim-defenders are individuals who stand up for the victim. They are usually popular among their peers,[48][50] although occasionally rejected and victimized adolescents take on the defender's role.[50] Defenders like to befriend other defenders and usually belong to the smallest social network of all other previously mentioned groups.[50] Defenders have both advanced moral competence and high level of compassion. They also score high on the theory of mind tests. They are usually very morally engaged, have a high sense of responsibility, and self-efficacy.[48] They are also good at emotion regulation.[57]


Outsiders are adolescents who like to stay away from the conflict situations, participate in spreading rumors, or actively support either side. They usually befriend other outsiders. Both male and female outsiders usually score below average on both social acceptance and rejection by their peers.[50] In general, the best predictor for whether an adolescent will choose to be a defender or an outsider in a particular situation is their relationship to the victim or bully.[55] Occasionally, adolescents will feel more comfortable to intervene if they are friends of the offender.[58] However, in general they will take the side of the bully or victim based on who they know better.[59] Bullies are more likely to be friends of other bullies, as well as their reinforcers, and assistants, while victims befriend other victims.

Consequences of victimization

There are serious negative consequences associated with being involved in any aggressive behaviors. And while problems with peers might be a result of one's poor social skills and maladjustment, difficulty making friends, and regular experience of aggression can also be a cause of many short and long term negative consequences on one's mental health and academic and professional achievements.[60][61][62] Experience of relational aggression, peer rejection, and unpopularity are shown to be linked to various problems in adolescence, which are listed below:[63][64][65][66]

  • depression;
  • behavioral problems;
  • poor social skills;
  • lack of close peer relationships;
  • difficulties in academic performance;
  • low school engagement;
  • undermined feelings of competence;
  • low self-esteem;
  • occasionally distress due to victimization can also result in physical symptoms such as bed wetting, abdominal pain, and headaches.[67]

Some negative effects persist into adulthood. In a longitudinal study, Dan Olweus (2003)[42] found that young adults, who were victims of bullying in adolescence, had more symptoms of depression and lower self-esteem than did their non-victimized peers. Victims are also much more likely to engage in heavy smoking later in life.[68] Decreased academic engagement due to victimization can have some long term consequences as victim's lower educational attainment in adulthood leads to lower earnings.[69]

Differences in consequences of victimization for victims and bully-victims

There are differences in consequences among the children who are rejected and aggressive, also known as bully-victims, and children who are rejected and withdrawn, also referred to as simply victims. Aggressive individuals often have conduct problems and are involved in antisocial activity.[37][70][71][72][73] Withdrawn children feel exceedingly lonely, at risk of low self-esteem, depression, and diminished social competence.[72][74] Adolescents who are both aggressive and withdrawn are at greatest risk for various mental and behavioral problems.[40][75][76]

Suicide ideation and attempts

Although victims respond to bullying in various ways, some of the most common ways include avoidance or escape behaviors, such as not going to school and running away from home. However, in some extreme cases, suicide attempts might occur.[77] Compared to non-victims, victims exhibit increased levels of suicidal ideation.[11][78][79] and are more likely to have attempted suicide.[11][80][81][82] Researcher Y.S. Kim (2005)[81] found that there are some gender differences as victimized female but not male students were at significantly greater risk for suicidal ideation. Further research has shown that increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempts depend on a specific interaction between gender, frequency, and type of aggression. Relational or indirect aggression was found to be associated with depression and suicidal ideation among both genders.[83] According to Brustein and Klomek (2007),[11] victimization at any frequency increased the risk of depression, ideation, and attempts among girls, while only frequent victimization increased the risk of depression and ideation among males; yet, Katliala-Heino et al. (1999)[84] found that severe ideation was associated with frequent victimization only among girls.

Environmental buffers and prevention programs

Some adolescents are more resilient to victimization due to their personal characteristics, but there are some environmental factors such as having a best friend or great family support can decrease the risk for many negative consequences associated with victimization.[85] In addition, research shows that support from teachers can be a significant environmental factor for higher academic achievement and school engagement. It can also increase general well-being in the classroom.[86] Teacher attitudes towards bullying were found to moderate the extent to which victims internalize and feel distressed and express it by avoiding school and similar behavior.[87] Close teacher-student relationship moderates perceived safety in the classroom, and higher perceived safety is directly linked to better classroom concentration and improved coping strategies.[88] Therefore, supportive friends, family, and teachers can be great buffers for victimized students against all negative effects of victimization. Witnessing the harassment of others can also reduce some harmful effects of being victimized:[89] victims-only feel more humiliated and angry than victims-witnesses on the same day. Being singled out and picked on feels worse than being one of many victimized students. This explains why in ethnically diverse schools victimized students experience worse psychological outcomes when their ethnic group is in majority, because then they are more likely to attribute it to their personal shortcomings and not to their group membership.[90]

Prevention programs

There are many prevention programs, which have been designed to improve social skills of the unpopular and victimized adolescents. Prevention programs usually focus on one of the three strategies:

  1. teaching social skills like self-expression, leadership, and questioning of others about themselves;[91][92]
  2. have unpopular adolescents participate in group activities together with the popular adolescents under supervision of psychologists;
  3. some programs focus on training on how to combine and use one's cognitive and behavioral abilities, including social problem solving.[93][94]

Different types of programs have shown to have somewhat different effects: the first type seems to best improve adolescent's ability to get along with others while the second type has shown to improve adolescents' self-conceptions and their acceptance by others.[95] One of the examples of the programs using the third approach is PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) teaches skills needed for successfully analyzing social situations, controlling one's negative emotions, and making more rational social decisions. It has been shown to successfully reduce behavioral problems among elementary school children.[96] However, it is difficult to prevent relational aggression from happening as often adolescents who use it are seen to be more popular among their peers.[34]

See also


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Further reading


  • Kupkovits, Jamie, Relational Aggression in Girls (2008)
  • Randall, Kaye & Bowen, Allyson A., Mean Girls: 10112 Creative Strategies for Working With Relational Aggression (2007)

Academic articles

  • Carpenter, E.M.; Nangle, D.W. (2006). "Caught between stages: Relational aggression emerging as a developmental advance in at-risk preschoolers". Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 21 (2): 177–188. doi:10.1080/02568540609594587. S2CID 144317085.
  • Casas, J.F.; Weigel, S.M.; Crick, N.R.; Ostrov, J.M.; Woods, K.E.; Jansen Yeh, E.A.; Huddleston-Casas, C.A. (2006). "Early parenting and children's relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts". Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 27 (3): 209–2227. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2006.02.003.
  • Coyne, S.; Archer, J.; Eslea, M. (2006). "'We're not friends anymore! Unless...': The frequency and harmfulness of indirect, relational, and social aggression". Aggressive Behavior. 32: 294–307. doi:10.1002/ab.20126.
  • Crain, M.M.; Finch, C.L.; Foster, S.L. (2005). "The Relevance of the Social Information Processing Model for Understanding Relational Aggression in Girls". Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 51 (2): 213–242. doi:10.1353/mpq.2005.0010. S2CID 143726437.
  • Crick, N.R.; Grotpeter, J.K. (1995). "Relational aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment". Child Development. 66 (3): 710–722. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.1995.tb00900.x. PMID 7789197.
  • Crick, N.R. (1996). "The role of overt aggression, relational aggression, and prosocial behavior in the prediction of children's future social adjustment". Child Development. 67 (5): 2317–2327. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.1996.tb01859.x. PMID 9022243.
  • Crick, N.R.; Casas, J.F.; Mosher, M. (1997). "Relational and overt aggression in preschool". Developmental Psychology. 33 (4): 579–588. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.33.4.579. PMID 9232373.
  • Crick, N.R.; Ostrov, J.M.; Werner, N.E. (2006). "A longitudinal study of relational aggression, physical aggression and children's social-psychological adjustment". Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 34 (2): 131–142. doi:10.1007/s10802-005-9009-4. PMID 16741683. S2CID 7792122.
  • Crick, N.R.; Werner, N.E. (1998). "Response decision processes in relational and overt aggression". Child Development. 69 (6): 1630–1639. doi:10.2307/1132136. JSTOR 1132136. PMID 9914643.
  • Grotpeter, J.K.; Crick, N.R. (1996). "Relational aggression, overt aggression, and friendship". Child Development. 67 (5): 2328–2338. doi:10.2307/1131626. JSTOR 1131626. PMID 9022244.
  • Ostrov, N.R. Stauffacher; Crick, J.M. (2006). "Relational aggression in sibling and peer relationships during early childhood". Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
  • Stauffacher, K. & DeHart, G.B. "Crossing social contexts: Relational aggression between siblings and friends during early and middle childhood." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
  • Tomada, G.; Schneider, B.H. (1997). "Relational aggression, gender, and peer acceptance: Invariance across culture, stability over time, and concordance among informants". Developmental Psychology. 33 (4): 601–609. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.33.4.601. PMID 9232375.

External links

relational, aggression, alternative, aggression, relational, bullying, type, aggression, which, harm, caused, damaging, someone, relationships, social, status, although, used, many, contexts, among, different, groups, relational, aggression, among, adolescents. Relational aggression alternative aggression or relational bullying is a type of aggression in which harm is caused by damaging someone s relationships or social status 1 2 Although it can be used in many contexts and among different age groups relational aggression among adolescents in particular has received a lot of attention The attention relational aggression has received has been augmented by the help of popular media including movies like Mean Girls and books like Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons 2002 Nesthakchen and the World War by Else Ury 1916 and Queen Bees and Wannabes by R Wiseman 2003 Relational aggression can have various lifelong consequences Relational aggression has been primarily observed and studied among girls following pioneering research by psychologist Nicki R Crick 2 Contents 1 Overview 1 1 Definition 2 Types 3 Manifestations 4 Prevalence 4 1 Gender differences 5 Sociometric status 6 Different participation roles 6 1 Victims 6 2 Bullies 6 2 1 Hostile attributional bias 6 3 Bully victims 6 4 Bystanders 6 4 1 Bully reinforcers and assistants 6 4 2 Victim defenders 6 4 3 Outsiders 7 Consequences of victimization 7 1 Differences in consequences of victimization for victims and bully victims 7 2 Suicide ideation and attempts 8 Environmental buffers and prevention programs 8 1 Prevention programs 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 11 1 Books 11 2 Academic articles 12 External linksOverview EditA person s peers become increasingly significant in adolescence and are especially important for adolescents healthy psychological development Peers provide many new behavioral models and feedback that are essential for successful identity formation and for the development of one s sense of self 3 4 Interactions with peers encourage positive practice of autonomy and independent decision making skills 5 They are also essential for healthy sexual development including the development of the capacity for intimate friendships and learning appropriate sexual behavior 6 Peer relationships are also very important for determining how much adolescents value school how much effort they put into it and how well they perform in class 7 8 However quite frequently adolescents take part in peer relationships that are harmful for their psychological development Adolescents tend to form various cliques and belong to different crowds based on their activity interests music and clothing preferences as well as their cultural or ethnic background 9 Such groups differ in their sociometric or popularity status which often create unhealthy aggression victimization based dynamics between groups Different forms of aggression can also be used to control dynamics and sociometric status within a group Sometimes aggression is directed to an individual rather than to any apparent social group Primary reasons for victimization include looks and speech adolescents are also frequently bullied because of a disability particular ethnicity or religion 10 11 Definition Edit Relational aggression is defined as a type of aggression that is intended to harm others through deliberate manipulation of their social standing and relationships 12 Relational aggression according to Daniel Olweus 13 is a type of bullying Bullying in general is defined as physically or psychologically violent re occurring and not provoked acts where the bully and victim have unequal physical strength or psychological power 14 These key conditions apply to all types of bullying verbal physical and relational 13 Types EditRelational aggression may be either covert or direct and is distinct from other forms of indirect aggression 15 It can be proactive planned and goal oriented or reactive in response to perceived threats hostility or anger and it can be for instance peer directed or romantic 15 Several studies have indicated substantive differences between proactive and reactive relational aggression Reactive aggression is associated with a tendency to assume that others intentions are hostile hostile attribution bias 15 Most studies of relational aggression have involved children or adolescents the study of relational aggression in adults presents problems 15 Relational aggression is a common aspect of workplace bullying and is a characteristic behaviour of psychopaths in the workplace so it is commonplace amongst adults as well as children citation needed Manifestations EditManifestations of relational aggression include 16 Excluding others from social activities Damaging victim s reputations with others by spreading rumors and gossiping about the victim or humiliating them in front of others Withdrawing attention and friendship Psychological manipulation and coercion can also be considered as a type of relational aggression Most recent research has been focusing on cyberbullying which is a relatively new yet increasingly popular way of engaging in both verbal and relational aggression due to growing importance of various communication and technology devices in modern societies 17 Some studies show that internet meanness is more common among girls than boys 11 Prevalence EditMany studies in the U S and Europe show that at least 30 of students report having been bullied in one or another way citation needed Some studies indicate even higher percentages of victimization 10 Bullying in schools happens in all forms and at various ages although peer bullying has the highest prevalence in 6th 8th grades 18 The most common forms of bullying are verbal with relational or various forms of ostracism coming in second 19 Gender differences Edit See also Female intrasexual competition Competitor derogation Although it can be used by both genders relational aggression is more commonly associated with girls 10 Findings of a study by Rivers and Smith 20 have shown that while verbal aggression occurs with similar frequency in both sexes direct physical aggression is more common among boys and indirect aggression is more common among girls In another study by Baldry 21 it was found that boys are more likely to engage in bullying behaviors such as threats physical harm rejection and name calling while girls are most likely to use name calling teasing rumors rejection and taking personal belongings Based on these findings girls do seem to use relational aggression more than boys In addition recent international research shows that both genders tend to use relational aggression but girls are more aware and distressed by it 22 23 24 For example a study by Horn 25 found that girls are more likely to say that it is morally wrong to exclude someone based on their crowd membership Some research shows that there are certain implications when boys and girls engage in gender atypical aggression as girls who are more physically aggressive or boys who are highly relationally aggressive are more maladjusted than their peers 26 Sociometric status EditSociometric status commonly referred as popularity is one of the most significant predictors of victimization or bullying as differences in popularity can be associated with differences in social power It is commonly believed that aggressive adolescents belong to rejected social groups However some research shows that they can be popular among their peers 27 28 Rodkin et al 2000 29 for example describes two types of popular boys model boys who are physically and academically competent friendly and neither shy nor aggressive 16 Second type is described as tough and such adolescents are aggressive physically competent and average or below average in friendliness academic competence and shyness 16 Usually the more popular aggressive adolescents use instrumental aggression and not reactive aggression 30 31 Instrumental aggression is defined as behavior that is deliberate and planned while reactive aggression is unplanned and impulsive 16 Relational aggression can be greatly instrumental for maintaining the popularity status of a group among other groups as well as specific relationship and status dynamics inside a group Ojala and Nesdale 2004 32 found that both victims and bullies normally come from rejected groups Bullies choose to bully students who are members of their social out groups that are similar to their own in group as a result of threatened distinctiveness Hence the need to maintain a unique social identity and status can be one of the causes to engage in bullying Using relational aggression to maintain a particular social order inside the group has been mostly observed in girl groups if some member of the group becomes too popular and this causes imbalance in the group other members might start rumors about the overly popular girl to diminish her status 33 Amanda Rose 2004 34 claims that the main purpose of using relational aggression in first place is to enhance or maintain one s social status Many skills that are needed to be popular are also essential for being successful at employing relational aggression e g ability to read people and adjust one s behavior accordingly etc 16 The researcher suggests that some aggressive boys are popular because they are also good at using relational aggression and therefore their primary reason for popularity is not their physical but relational aggression Different participation roles EditResearch shows that there are three types of rejected or unpopular adolescents who are very likely to be involved in bullying behavior 35 36 37 38 39 40 First type includes adolescents who are overly aggressive they tend to get into fights get involved in antisocial activities and are often involved in bullying second type includes adolescents who are withdrawn or timid and exceedingly shy and inhibited and who are more likely to be victims third aggressive withdrawn type adolescents tend to have trouble controlling their hostility but they are also very shy and nervous about initiating friendships The latter are likely to be bully victims Other students bystanders can also choose between several roles victim defender bully reinforcer or assistant and outsiders Victims Edit Victims or the unpopular withdrawn children are excessively anxious lack social skills needed to initiate new contacts or break into a group activity 41 Their lack of confidence combined with submissiveness make them perfect targets for bullying 42 43 Some of the most common underlying reasons for bullying include low socioeconomic status disability and obesity 44 45 46 Research shows that in comparison with other adolescents victims often use worse problem solving strategies 47 They often score less than their bullies and defenders in the tests of moral competence and theory of mind 48 Moral competence refers to the ability to carefully consider both the consequences and prior beliefs in determining how morally right or wrong one s actions are Victims seemed to focus primarily on the outcomes and not being as good in integrating the moral beliefs They have difficulties in social skills and social problem solving as well as emotional regulation 49 And because of their lack of social competence victims score low on peer acceptance and popularity 50 51 Victims are often overly sensitive to being rejected which might originate in their relationships with parents 52 Bullies Edit Bullies despite being quite morally competent tend to engage in morally wrong behaviors because of several reasons including a lack of moral compassion 48 In general bullies seem to engage in a kind of cold cognition and have a good theory of mind They also have an average to good social intelligence 48 These skills seem to be especially important in order to use relational aggression in an instrumental manner for achieving specific social goals As mentioned previously male and female bullies usually score differently on sociometric measures Male bullies often fall in the socially rejected category 50 51 while female bullies tend to fall in the controversial category They can be popular yet not liked 50 Hostile attributional bias Edit Many unpopular aggressive kids seem to engage in hostile attributional bias when analyzing the actions of others they are more likely to interpret other children s behavior as hostile while it is not 53 54 which can cause the perpetuation of their aggressive behaviors Bully victims Edit Bully victims are people who have both experienced aggression directed towards them and have themselves engaged in bullying They often choose to be bully assistants or reinforcers 55 Seeing others victimized can serve as a buffer against some psychological problems for which these people are at risk see consequences of victimization below In comparison to all other groups bully victims are the worst off regarding their psychological adjustment and problems They are least liked among the peers 10 Bystanders Edit Although early research has mostly focused on victims and bullies currently more and more attention has been given to the roles of other students or bystanders bully reinforcer s and assistants victim defenders and outsiders 50 Bully reinforcers and assistants Edit Bully reinforcers and assistants do not normally initiate aggressive actions themselves but they support reinforce and assist the bully They often have rather large friendship networks when compared to outsiders victims and their defenders 56 These individuals are similar to bullies in regards of their personal characteristics Female bully reinforcers and assistants usually score low on social acceptance and high on rejection by their peers while male bully assistants have average scores on both and bully reinforcers are often quite popular among their peers 50 The characteristic that is common among all these individuals across both genders is low level of empathy 55 Victim defenders Edit Victim defenders are individuals who stand up for the victim They are usually popular among their peers 48 50 although occasionally rejected and victimized adolescents take on the defender s role 50 Defenders like to befriend other defenders and usually belong to the smallest social network of all other previously mentioned groups 50 Defenders have both advanced moral competence and high level of compassion They also score high on the theory of mind tests They are usually very morally engaged have a high sense of responsibility and self efficacy 48 They are also good at emotion regulation 57 Outsiders Edit Outsiders are adolescents who like to stay away from the conflict situations participate in spreading rumors or actively support either side They usually befriend other outsiders Both male and female outsiders usually score below average on both social acceptance and rejection by their peers 50 In general the best predictor for whether an adolescent will choose to be a defender or an outsider in a particular situation is their relationship to the victim or bully 55 Occasionally adolescents will feel more comfortable to intervene if they are friends of the offender 58 However in general they will take the side of the bully or victim based on who they know better 59 Bullies are more likely to be friends of other bullies as well as their reinforcers and assistants while victims befriend other victims Consequences of victimization EditMain article Victimization There are serious negative consequences associated with being involved in any aggressive behaviors And while problems with peers might be a result of one s poor social skills and maladjustment difficulty making friends and regular experience of aggression can also be a cause of many short and long term negative consequences on one s mental health and academic and professional achievements 60 61 62 Experience of relational aggression peer rejection and unpopularity are shown to be linked to various problems in adolescence which are listed below 63 64 65 66 depression behavioral problems poor social skills lack of close peer relationships difficulties in academic performance low school engagement undermined feelings of competence low self esteem occasionally distress due to victimization can also result in physical symptoms such as bed wetting abdominal pain and headaches 67 Some negative effects persist into adulthood In a longitudinal study Dan Olweus 2003 42 found that young adults who were victims of bullying in adolescence had more symptoms of depression and lower self esteem than did their non victimized peers Victims are also much more likely to engage in heavy smoking later in life 68 Decreased academic engagement due to victimization can have some long term consequences as victim s lower educational attainment in adulthood leads to lower earnings 69 Differences in consequences of victimization for victims and bully victims Edit There are differences in consequences among the children who are rejected and aggressive also known as bully victims and children who are rejected and withdrawn also referred to as simply victims Aggressive individuals often have conduct problems and are involved in antisocial activity 37 70 71 72 73 Withdrawn children feel exceedingly lonely at risk of low self esteem depression and diminished social competence 72 74 Adolescents who are both aggressive and withdrawn are at greatest risk for various mental and behavioral problems 40 75 76 Suicide ideation and attempts Edit Although victims respond to bullying in various ways some of the most common ways include avoidance or escape behaviors such as not going to school and running away from home However in some extreme cases suicide attempts might occur 77 Compared to non victims victims exhibit increased levels of suicidal ideation 11 78 79 and are more likely to have attempted suicide 11 80 81 82 Researcher Y S Kim 2005 81 found that there are some gender differences as victimized female but not male students were at significantly greater risk for suicidal ideation Further research has shown that increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempts depend on a specific interaction between gender frequency and type of aggression Relational or indirect aggression was found to be associated with depression and suicidal ideation among both genders 83 According to Brustein and Klomek 2007 11 victimization at any frequency increased the risk of depression ideation and attempts among girls while only frequent victimization increased the risk of depression and ideation among males yet Katliala Heino et al 1999 84 found that severe ideation was associated with frequent victimization only among girls Environmental buffers and prevention programs EditSome adolescents are more resilient to victimization due to their personal characteristics but there are some environmental factors such as having a best friend or great family support can decrease the risk for many negative consequences associated with victimization 85 In addition research shows that support from teachers can be a significant environmental factor for higher academic achievement and school engagement It can also increase general well being in the classroom 86 Teacher attitudes towards bullying were found to moderate the extent to which victims internalize and feel distressed and express it by avoiding school and similar behavior 87 Close teacher student relationship moderates perceived safety in the classroom and higher perceived safety is directly linked to better classroom concentration and improved coping strategies 88 Therefore supportive friends family and teachers can be great buffers for victimized students against all negative effects of victimization Witnessing the harassment of others can also reduce some harmful effects of being victimized 89 victims only feel more humiliated and angry than victims witnesses on the same day Being singled out and picked on feels worse than being one of many victimized students This explains why in ethnically diverse schools victimized students experience worse psychological outcomes when their ethnic group is in majority because then they are more likely to attribute it to their personal shortcomings and not to their group membership 90 Prevention programs Edit There are many prevention programs which have been designed to improve social skills of the unpopular and victimized adolescents Prevention programs usually focus on one of the three strategies teaching social skills like self expression leadership and questioning of others about themselves 91 92 have unpopular adolescents participate in group activities together with the popular adolescents under supervision of psychologists some programs focus on training on how to combine and use one s cognitive and behavioral abilities including social problem solving 93 94 Different types of programs have shown to have somewhat different effects the first type seems to best improve adolescent s ability to get along with others while the second type has shown to improve adolescents self conceptions and their acceptance by others 95 One of the examples of the programs using the third approach is PATHS Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies teaches skills needed for successfully analyzing social situations controlling one s negative emotions and making more rational social decisions It has been shown to successfully reduce behavioral problems among elementary school children 96 However it is difficult to prevent relational aggression from happening as often adolescents who use it are seen to be more popular among their peers 34 See also EditAbusive power and control Adolescence Bullying Character assassination Clique Crowds adolescence Cyber bullying Mobbing Peer victimization Physical abuse Psychological abuse Psychological trauma Relational disorder Shunning Social exclusionReferences Edit McGrath Mary Zabolio 2006 School Bullying Tools for Avoiding Harm and Liability Thousand Oaks Calif Corwin Press p 21 ISBN 1 4129 1571 6 Retrieved 2008 09 04 a b Marion K Underwood 2003 Social Aggression among Girls Guilford Series On Social And Emotional Development New York The Guilford Press ISBN 1 57230 865 6 Retrieved 2008 09 04 Brown B B Clasen D R Eicher S A 1986 An adolescent s peers also have a large impact on peer pressure peer conformity dispositions and self reported behavior Developmental Psychology 22 4 521 530 doi 10 1037 0012 1649 22 4 521 Brown B 2004 Adolescents relationships with peers In R Lerner and L Steinberg Eds Handbook of adolescent psychology New York Wiley Hill J amp Holmbeck G 1986 Attachment and autonomy during adolescence In G Whitehurst Ed Annals of child development Greenwich CT JAI Press Sullivan H S 1953a The interpersonal theory of psychiatry New York Norton Epstein J 1983b The influence of friends on achievement and affective outcomes In J Epstein amp N Karweit Eds Friends in school New York Academic Press Ryan A M 2001 The peer group as a context for the development of young adolescent motivation and achievement Child Development 72 4 1135 1150 doi 10 1111 1467 8624 00338 PMID 11480938 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and effects of a school based intervention program In D J Pepler amp K H Rubin Eds The development and treatment of childhood aggression pp 441 448 Hillsdale NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Olweus D 1999 Sweden In P K Smith Y Morita J Junger Tas D Olweus R Catalano amp P Slee Eds The nature of school bullying A cross national perspective pp 7 27 New York Routledge a b c d Murray Close Diana Ostrov Jamie M Nelson David A Crick Nicki R Coccaro Emil F 2009 Proactive reactive and romantic relational aggression in adulthood Measurement predictive validity gender differences and association with Intermittent Explosive Disorder Journal of Psychiatric Research 44 6 393 404 doi 10 1016 j jpsychires 2009 09 005 PMC 2849926 PMID 19822329 a b c d e Steinberg L 2008 Adolescence 8th ed 101 New York NY McGraw Hill Cyberbullying Research Center How to Identify Prevent and Respond Jankauskiene R Kardelis K Sukys S Kardeliene L 2008 Associations between school bullying and psychosocial factors Social Behavior and 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Clinical Psychology 59 6 830 841 doi 10 1037 0022 006X 59 6 830 PMID 1774368 Bierman K L Furman W 1984 The effects of social skills training and peer involvement on the social adjustment of pre adolescents Child Development 55 1 151 162 doi 10 2307 1129841 JSTOR 1129841 PMID 6705617 Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group 1999 Initial impact of the Fast Track Prevention Trial for Conduct Problems II Classroom effects Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 67 5 648 657 doi 10 1037 0022 006X 67 5 648 PMC 2761630 PMID 10535231 Further reading EditBooks Edit Kupkovits Jamie Relational Aggression in Girls 2008 Randall Kaye amp Bowen Allyson A Mean Girls 1011 2 Creative Strategies for Working With Relational Aggression 2007 Academic articles Edit Carpenter E M Nangle D W 2006 Caught between stages Relational aggression emerging as a developmental advance in at risk preschoolers Journal of Research in Childhood Education 21 2 177 188 doi 10 1080 02568540609594587 S2CID 144317085 Casas J F Weigel S M Crick N R Ostrov J M Woods K E Jansen Yeh E A Huddleston Casas C A 2006 Early parenting and children s relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 27 3 209 2227 doi 10 1016 j appdev 2006 02 003 Coyne S Archer J Eslea M 2006 We re not friends anymore Unless The frequency and harmfulness of indirect relational and social aggression Aggressive Behavior 32 294 307 doi 10 1002 ab 20126 Crain M M Finch C L Foster S L 2005 The Relevance of the Social Information Processing Model for Understanding Relational Aggression in Girls Merrill Palmer Quarterly 51 2 213 242 doi 10 1353 mpq 2005 0010 S2CID 143726437 Crick N R Grotpeter J K 1995 Relational aggression gender and social psychological adjustment Child Development 66 3 710 722 doi 10 1111 j 1467 8624 1995 tb00900 x PMID 7789197 Crick N R 1996 The role of overt aggression relational aggression and prosocial behavior in the prediction of children s future social adjustment Child Development 67 5 2317 2327 doi 10 1111 j 1467 8624 1996 tb01859 x PMID 9022243 Crick N R Casas J F Mosher M 1997 Relational and overt aggression in preschool Developmental Psychology 33 4 579 588 doi 10 1037 0012 1649 33 4 579 PMID 9232373 Crick N R Ostrov J M Werner N E 2006 A longitudinal study of relational aggression physical aggression and children s social psychological adjustment Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 34 2 131 142 doi 10 1007 s10802 005 9009 4 PMID 16741683 S2CID 7792122 Crick N R Werner N E 1998 Response decision processes in relational and overt aggression Child Development 69 6 1630 1639 doi 10 2307 1132136 JSTOR 1132136 PMID 9914643 Grotpeter J K Crick N R 1996 Relational aggression overt aggression and friendship Child Development 67 5 2328 2338 doi 10 2307 1131626 JSTOR 1131626 PMID 9022244 Ostrov N R Stauffacher Crick J M 2006 Relational aggression in sibling and peer relationships during early childhood Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Stauffacher K amp DeHart G B Crossing social contexts Relational aggression between siblings and friends during early and middle childhood Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Tomada G Schneider B H 1997 Relational aggression gender and peer acceptance Invariance across culture stability over time and concordance among informants Developmental Psychology 33 4 601 609 doi 10 1037 0012 1649 33 4 601 PMID 9232375 External links EditThe Ophelia Project Youth amp Family Resource Center Inc Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Relational aggression amp oldid 1143890415, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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