
Tories (British political party)

The Tories were a loosely organised political faction and later a political party, in the Parliaments of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. They first emerged during the 1679 Exclusion Crisis, when they opposed Whig efforts to exclude James, Duke of York from the succession on the grounds of his Catholicism. Despite their fervent opposition to state-sponsored Catholicism, Tories opposed exclusion in the belief inheritance based on birth was the foundation of a stable society.[7]

Founded1678; 345 years ago (1678)
Dissolved1834; 189 years ago (1834)
Preceded byCavaliers
Succeeded byConservative Party
Political positionCentre-right[4] to right-wing[5]
Colours  Blue

After the succession of George I in 1714, the Tories were excluded from government for nearly 50 years and ceased to exist as an organised political entity in the early 1760s, although it was used as a term of self-description by some political writers. A few decades later, a new Tory party would rise to establish a hold on government between 1783 and 1830, with William Pitt the Younger followed by Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool.[8] The Whigs won control of Parliament in the 1831 election, which was fought largely on the issue of electoral reform. The Representation of the People Act 1832 removed the rotten boroughs, many of which were controlled by Tories and they were reduced to 175 MPs in the 1832 elections.

Under the leadership of Robert Peel, who issued a policy document known as the Tamworth Manifesto, the Tories began to transform into the Conservative Party. However, his repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 caused the party to break apart; the faction led by Derby and Benjamin Disraeli became the modern Conservative Party, whose members are still commonly referred to as Tories.

Name Edit

James, Duke of York painted in a Romanesque costume

The Tories were originally known as the Court Party.

As a political term, Tory was an insult (derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe, modern Irish tóraí, meaning "outlaw", "robber", from the Irish word tóir, meaning "pursuit" since outlaws were "pursued men")[9][10] that entered English politics during the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678–1681. Whig (from whiggamore, a "cattle driver") was initially a Scottish insult for the Covenanter faction in Scotland who opposed the Engagers (a faction who supported Charles I during the Second English Civil War) and supported the Whiggamore Raid that took place in September 1648.[11] While the Whigs were those who supported the exclusion of James, the Duke of York from the succession to thrones of Scotland, England and Ireland (the Petitioners), the Tories were those who opposed the Exclusion Bill (the Abhorrers).

In 1757, David Hume wrote:

The court party reproached their antagonists with their affinity to the fanatical conventiclers in Scotland, who were known by the name of Whigs: The country party found a resemblance between the courtiers and the popish banditti in Ireland, to whom the appellation of Tory was affixed. And after this manner, these foolish terms of reproach came into public and general use; and even at present seem not nearer their end than when they were first invented.[12]

History Edit

English Civil War Edit

The first Tory party traces its principles and politics to the English Civil War which divided England between the Cavalier (supporters of King Charles I) or Roundhead (the supporters of the Long Parliament upon which the King had declared war). This action resulted from the Parliament not allowing him to levy taxes without yielding to its terms. At the beginning of the Long Parliament (1641), the King's supporters pursued a course of reform of previous abuses. The increasing radicalism of the Parliamentary majority, however, estranged many reformers even in the Parliament itself and drove them to make common cause with the King. The King's party was thus a mixture of supporters of royal autocracy and of those Parliamentarians who felt that the Long Parliament had gone too far in attempting to gain executive power for itself and, more specifically, in undermining the episcopalian government of the Church of England, which was felt to be a primary support of royal government. By the end of the 1640s, the radical Parliamentary programme had become clear: reduction of the King to a powerless figurehead and replacement of Anglican episcopacy with a form of Presbyterianism.

This prospective form of settlement was prevented by a coup d'état which shifted power from Parliament itself to the Parliamentary New Model Army, controlled by Oliver Cromwell. The Army had King Charles I executed and for the next 11 years the British kingdoms operated under military dictatorship. The Restoration of King Charles II produced a reaction in which the King regained a large part of the power held by his father. However, Charles' ministers and supporters in England accepted a substantial role for Parliament in the government of the kingdoms. No subsequent British monarch would attempt to rule without Parliament, and after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, political disputes would be resolved through elections and parliamentary manoeuvring, rather than by an appeal to force. Charles II also restored episcopacy in the Church of England. His first Cavalier Parliament began as a strongly royalist body, and passed a series of acts re-establishing the Church by law and strongly punishing dissent by both Roman Catholics and non-Anglican Protestants. These acts did not reflect the King's personal views and demonstrated the existence of a Royalist ideology beyond mere subservience to the Court.

A series of disasters in the late 1660s and 1670s discredited Charles II's governments, and powerful political interests (including some who had been identified with the Parliamentary side in the Civil War) began to agitate for a greater role of Parliament in government, coupled with more tolerance for Protestant dissenters. These interests would soon coalesce as the Whigs. As direct attacks on the King were politically impossible and could lead to execution for treason, opponents of the power of the Court framed their challenges as exposés of subversive and sinister Catholic plots. Although the matter of these plots was fictitious, they reflected two uncomfortable political realities: first, that Charles II had (somewhat insincerely) undertaken measures to convert the kingdom to Catholicism (in a 1670 treaty with Louis XIV of France); second, that his younger brother and heir presumptive, James, Duke of York, had in fact converted to Catholicism, an act that many Protestant Englishmen in the 1670s saw as only one step below high treason.

The Whigs tried to link the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Duke of Ormonde, with the foremost Irish Tory, Redmond O'Hanlon, in a supposed plot to murder Titus Oates. The Whig Bishop of Meath, Henry Jones, offered O'Hanlon a pardon and a bribe if he would testify to Parliament that Ormonde was plotting a French invasion. In December 1680, the government seized these letters and the plan collapsed. In January 1681, the Whigs first began calling the supposed Irish plotters Tories, and on 15 February 1681 is recorded the first complaint from an English Royalist about the epithet Tory by the anti-Exclusion newspaper Heraclitus Ridens: "[T]hey call me scurvy names, Jesuit, Papish, Tory; and flap me over the mouth with their being the only True Protestants".[13] Within a few months, anti-Exclusionists were calling themselves Tories and a northern Dissenter called Oliver Heywood recorded in October: "Ms. H. of Chesterfield told me a gentleman was at their house and had a red Ribband in his hat, she askt him what it meant, he said it signifyed that he was a Tory, whats that sd she, he ans. an Irish Rebel, — oh dreadful that any in England dare espouse that interest. I hear further since that this is the distinction they make instead of Cavalier and Roundhead, now they are called Torys and Wiggs".[14]

The Exclusion Crisis and the Glorious Revolution Edit

In a more general sense, the Tories (also known as the Court Party) represented the more conservative royalist supporters of Charles II, who endorsed a strong monarchy as a counterbalance to the power of Parliament, and who saw in the Whig opponents of the Court a quasi-Republican tendency (similar to that seen in the Long Parliament) to strip the monarchy of its essential prerogative powers and leave the Crown as a puppet entirely dependent upon Parliament. That the Exclusion Bill was the central question upon which parties diverged, did not hinge upon an assessment of the personal character of the Duke of York (though his conversion to Catholicism was the key factor that made the Bill possible), but rather upon the power of Parliament to elect a monarch of its own choosing, contrary to the established laws of succession. That the Parliament, with the consent of the King, had such power was not at issue; rather, it was the wisdom of a policy of creating a King whose sole title to the Crown was the will of Parliament and who was essentially a Parliamentary appointee.

On this original question, the Tories were in the short run entirely successful as the Parliaments that brought in the Exclusion Bill were dissolved, Charles II was enabled to manage the administration autocratically and upon his death the Duke of York succeeded without difficulty. The rebellion of Monmouth, the candidate of the radical Whigs to succeed Charles II, was easily crushed and Monmouth himself executed. However, in the long run Tory principles were to be severely compromised. Besides the support of a strong monarchy, the Tories also stood for the Church of England, as established in Acts of Parliament following the restoration of Charles II, both as a body governed by bishops, using the Book of Common Prayer whilst subscribing to a specific doctrine and also as an exclusive body established by law, from which both Roman Catholics and Nonconformists were excluded.

During his reign, James II fought for a broadly tolerant religious settlement under which his co-religionists could prosper—a position anathema to conservative Anglicans. James' attempts to use the government-controlled church to promote policies that undermined the church's own unique status in the state led some Tories to support the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The result was a King established solely by parliamentary title and subject to legal controls established by Parliament, the principles that the Tories had originally abhorred. The Tories' sole consolation was that the monarchs chosen were close to the main line of succession as William III was James II's nephew and William's wife Mary was James's elder daughter. The Act of Toleration 1689 also gave rights to Protestant dissenters that were hitherto unknown, while the elimination of a large number of bishops who refused to swear allegiance to the new monarchs allowed the government to pack the episcopate with bishops with decidedly Whiggish leanings. In both these respects the Tory platform had failed, but the institutions of monarchy and of a state Church survived.

Balanced ministries and opposition Edit

Despite the failure of their founding principles, the Tories remained a powerful political party during the reigns of the next two monarchs, particularly that of Queen Anne. During this time, the Tories fiercely competed with the Whigs for power, and there were frequent Parliamentary elections in which the two parties measured their strength. William III saw that the Tories were generally more friendly to royal authority than the Whigs, and he employed both groups in his government. His early ministry was largely Tory, but the government gradually came to be dominated by the so-called Junto Whigs. This tight-knit political grouping was opposed by the Country Whigs led by Robert Harley, who gradually merged with the Tory opposition in the later 1690s. Although William's successor Anne had considerable Tory sympathies and excluded the Junto Whigs from power, after a brief and unsuccessful experiment with an exclusively Tory government she generally continued William's policy of balancing the parties, supported by her moderate Tory ministers, the Duke of Marlborough and Lord Godolphin.

The stresses of the War of the Spanish Succession which begun in 1701 led most of the Tories to withdraw into opposition by 1708, so that Marlborough and Godolphin were heading an administration dominated by the Junto Whigs. Anne herself grew increasingly uncomfortable with this dependence on the Whigs, especially as her personal relationship with the Duchess of Marlborough deteriorated. This situation also became increasingly uncomfortable to many of the non-Junto Whigs, led by the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of Shrewsbury, who began to intrigue with Robert Harley's Tories. In early 1710, the prosecution by the Whig government of the ultra-Tory preacher Henry Sacheverell for sermons delivered the previous year, led to the Sacheverell riots and brought the ministry into popular discredit. In the spring of 1710, Anne dismissed Godolphin and the Junto ministers, replacing them with Tories.

The new Tory ministry was dominated by Harley, Chancellor of the Exchequer (later Lord Treasurer) and Viscount Bolingbroke, Secretary of State. They were backed by a strong majority in the Parliament elected in 1710, rallying under the banner of "Church in Danger". This Tory government negotiated the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, which pulled Great Britain out of the War of the Spanish Succession (to the dismay of Britain's allies, including Anne's eventual successor, George, Elector of Hanover); the peace was enacted despite a Whig majority in the House of Lords, which Anne defeated by creating new Tory peers. Following a long disagreement between the ministers, Anne dismissed Harley in 1714. The arch-Tory Bolingbroke became in effect Anne's chief minister and Tory power seemed to be at its zenith. However, Anne was extremely ill and died within a few days. Bolingbroke had not been able to formulate any coherent plans for dealing with the succession, for if he thought of proclaiming the son of James II (the Pretender) king, he made no moves to do so. The Elector George succeeded to the throne entirely peacefully, supported by the Hanoverian Tory grouping.

Proscription and the Whig supremacy Edit

In accordance with Succession to the Crown Act 1707, the Queen's government was replaced by a Council of Regency until the new King should arrive from Hanover. Bolingbroke offered his services to the King but was coldly rejected; George I brought in a government composed entirely of Whigs, and the new Parliament, elected from January to May 1715, had a large Whig majority. In December 1714 Lord Carnarvon wrote that "hardly one Tory is left in any place, though never so mean a one".[15] The historian Eveline Cruickshanks stated that "[w]hat took place in 1715 was not a change to an all-Whig ministry, it was a whole social revolution".[16] For the first time, Tory gentlemen could no longer employ their sons, as they traditionally had done, in public offices such as the Army, Navy, civil service and the Church. Tory officers in the Army had their commissions taken away, Tory lawyers could not now become judges or K.C.s. The predominantly Tory lower Anglican clergy could no longer become bishops and Tory merchants were refused government contracts or directorships in any major company.[16] This proscription lasted for forty-five years.[17] George Lyttelton wrote in his Letter to the Tories (1747):

We are kept out of all public employments of power and profit, and live like aliens and pilgrims in the land of our nativity; [...] no quality, no fortune, no eloquence, no learning, no wisdom, no probity is of any use to any man of our unfortunate denomination, ecclesiastic or layman, lawyer or soldier, peer or commoner, for obtaining the most deserved advancement in his profession, or any favour of the Crown; whilst, to our additional and insupportable vexation, the bare merit of hating us, and everything we love and hold sacred, daily advances dunces in the law and church, cowards in our fleets and armies, republicans in the King's house, and idiots everywhere![18]

The Whig government, backed by royal favour and controlling the levers of power, was able to maintain a series of majorities through the infrequent elections of the next several decades (only 7 in the 46 years of the first two Georges, as opposed to 11 in the 26 years from the Revolution to the death of Queen Anne). For much of the period, the Tories commanded a broad base of support in rural England, but the relatively undemocratic nature of the franchise and the maldistribution of the borough seats ensured that this popular appeal was never translated into a Tory majority in Parliament. The Tories would have won every general election between 1715 and 1747 had the number of seats obtained corresponded to the number of votes cast.[18] The Tories were, therefore, an effectively null factor in practical politics, a permanent minority in Parliament and entirely excluded from government. The latter exclusion, and the rigid party politics played by the Whigs, played a significant role in the cohesion of the Tories; the Whigs offered few opportunities for Tories who switched sides, and as a party the Tories found no possibilities for compromise with the Whigs.

James Stuart, the Pretender during the Jacobite rising of 1715, by gaining some Tory support it was thus used to discredit them by the Whigs

The proscription of the Tories alienated them from the Hanoverian regime and converted many of them to Jacobitism.[19] Bolingbroke later wrote: "If milder measures had been pursued, certain it is that the Tories had never universally embraced Jacobitism. The violence of the Whigs forced them into the arms of the Pretender".[15] In October 1714, the French ambassador Charles-François d'Iberville noted that the number of Jacobites in the Tory party was increasing and in early 1715 he wrote that the Tories seemed to be "heading for civil war which they regard as their only resort".[19] The former Tory chief minister, Lord Oxford, was impeached and sent to the Tower, with Bolingbroke and the Tory peer the Duke of Ormonde fleeing to France to join the Pretender. A series of riots against the coronation of George I and the new Hanoverian-Whig regime (in which the mob voiced their support for Jacobitism and local Tory parliamentary candidates) led to the Whig government strengthening their power by passing the Riot Act, suspending habeas corpus and increasing the army (including by importing 6,000 Dutch troops).[19]

Louis XIV had promised them arms but no troops, as France was exhausted by war, despite Bolingbroke's claim that just one-tenth of the number of troops William of Orange brought with him in 1688 would have sufficed.[15] However, this promise of arms disappeared when Louis died in September 1715. The conspirators intended to abandon the rising they had planned for the West Country, but the Scots forced their hand by unilaterally raising the Pretender's standard. One of Ormonde's agents betrayed the plans for an English rising and subsequently the government arrested many Tory MPs, ex MPs and peers.[20] The subsequent Jacobite rebellion of 1715–16 resulted in failure. However, Charles XII of Sweden was willing to aid the English Tories by sending troops to put the Pretender on the throne, in conjunction with an English rising. Lord Oxford, who had already in 1716 offered the Pretender his services, directed the Swedish Plot from the Tower. In January 1717, the government discovered this plot and won a vote of credit for defence measures against the projected invasion in the Commons against Tory opposition. Charles' death in 1718 ended hopes from that quarter and Ormonde's planned Spanish invasion was destroyed by a storm at sea.[21]

During the Whig Split of 1717, the Tories refused to back either side and adopted the same stance to Lord Sunderland's overtures in 1720. Nonetheless their combined efforts helped the opposition win some victories, such as the defeat of the Peerage Bill in 1719. In 1722, Sunderland advised the King to admit leading Tories into government, thereby dividing them and ending their hopes for revenge by looking for support from abroad. He also advised the King in Cabinet that elections to Parliament should be free from government bribery, an idea Sir Robert Walpole opposed due to the possibility of the election of a Tory Parliament. The King was also opposed: "King George stared the Earl of Sunderland in the face at the name of a Tory Parliament, for it seems nothing is so hideous and frightful to him as a Tory".[22] The public outcry over the South Sea Bubble led the Tories to believe that it would not be worthwhile raising funds for the general election, as they considered a Jacobite rising would be successful considering the state of public opinion.[22]

Sunderland joined the Tories in the Atterbury Plot, in which the Pretender was to be put on the throne. A rising was planned for each county, assisted by Irish and Spanish troops. However, Sunderland's death in April 1722 led to the government discovering the plot and it subsequently collapsed.[23] When the Commons voted on the bill of pains and penalties against Atterbury, nearly ninety per cent of Tory MPs voted against it.[24] Although the Whig Prime Minister Robert Walpole decided not to prosecute those Tories that he knew were involved in the plot, the Tories were demoralised and largely absented themselves from Parliament for a time.[25] Upon the accession of George II in 1727 and the ensuing general election, the Tories were reduced to 128 MPs, their lowest total up to this point.[26]

The Tories were divided over whether to cooperate with the opposition Whigs against Walpole, with those in favour consisting of the Hanoverian faction led by Sir William Wyndham and with those opposed making up the Jacobite faction headed by William Shippen.[26] Most Tories opposed voting with the opposition Whigs, only reversing this stance when the Pretender sent a letter to the Tories in 1730, ordering them to "unite in the measures against the Government and even with those who oppose it for different views than theirs".[27][28] For the next decade, the Tories cooperated with the opposition Whigs against Walpole.[29] Public admission of Jacobitism was treason, so the Tories challenged the Hanoverian-Whig regime without specifically addressing it by developing a rhetoric borrowed from the Whigs of the Exclusion Crisis; they denounced government corruption and the high taxation needed to spend on foreign entanglements, opposed the growth of the Army and denounced "tyranny" and "arbitrary power".[30][31] In a speech on the Army estimates, Walpole claimed that "No man of common prudence will profess himself openly a Jacobite; by so doing he not only may injure his private fortune, but he must render himself less able to do any effectual service to the cause he has embraced...Your right Jacobite, Sir, disguises his true sentiments, he roars out for revolution principles; he pretends to be a great friend to liberty".[32] He further claimed that a large Army was needed to defeat any possible Jacobite invasion.

In 1737, Frederick, Prince of Wales applied to Parliament for an increased allowance. This split the Tories, with 45 abstaining, leading to the motion being defeated by 30 votes. Bolingbroke, who wanted to dissociate the Tories from Jacobitism, denounced this as "the absurd behaviour of the Tories, which no experience can cure".[29] In 1738 Frederick's attempts to reconcile with the Tories broke down on Wyndham's insistence that he join the Tories in favouring a reduced Army.[29] With the outbreak of war against Spain in 1739, there was renewed plotting amongst Tories for a Jacobite rising.[33] Wyndham's death in 1740 led to the breakdown of the coalition between the Tories and opposition Whigs. An opposition Whig motion for Walpole's dismissal was defeated by 290 to 106, with many Tories abstaining.[34] At the general election of 1741, there were 136 Tories elected.[35]

The Tories resumed their cooperation with the opposition Whigs after receiving another letter from the Pretender in September 1741, ordering them to "pursue vigorous and unanimous measures in the next session of Parliament. [...] They will probably have many occasions of greatly distressing the present Government and ministry and perhaps find some who will concur with them in that, though not out of goodwill to my cause. [...] In such cases I hope my friends will make no scruples in joining heartily with them for whatever their particular motives may be anything that tends to the disadvantage of the present Government and to the bringing it into confusion cannot be but of advantage to my cause".[36][37] As a result, 127 Tories joined the opposition Whigs in successfully voting against Walpole's nominated chairman of the elections committee in December 1741.[36] The Tories continued to vote against Walpole with the opposition Whigs in subsequent divisions until Walpole was forced to resign in February 1742.[38] The Pretender wrote to the Tories afterwards, declaring: "I cannot delay any longer expressing to you my satisfaction at the late behaviour of my friends in Parliament, and I take it as a great mark of their singular regard for what I wrote to you some months ago".[39]

In 1743, war broke out between Britain and France, as part of the larger War of the Austrian Succession. Later that year Francis Sempill, the Pretender's representative at the French court, carried a message from English Tories to the French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Jean-Jacques Amelot de Chaillou) requesting French help for a Stuart restoration (including 10,000 French soldiers). It was signed by the Duke of Beaufort (one of the four richest people in Britain), Lord Barrymore, Lord Orrery, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Sir John Hynde Cotton and Sir Robert Abdy.[40] Amelot replied that the French government would need considerable proof of English support for Jacobitism before it could act.[41]

James Butler, Louis XV's Master of Horse, toured England ostensibly for purchasing bloodstock but in reality to gauge the health of Jacobitism in England, visiting leading Tories.[42] Before he left for England. the French king briefed him personally to assure Tory leaders that all of their demands would be met.[43] In November 1743 Amelot told Sempill officially that Louis XV was resolved to restore the House of Stuart and that he was planning a French invasion headed by the Pretender's son, Charles Edward Stuart.[44] The "Declaration of King James" (written by Tory leaders) was signed by the Pretender on 23 December. This was to be published in the event of a successful French landing.[45] However, the Whig government was informed by a spy of the intended French invasion and King George told Parliament on 15 February 1744 that a French invasion was planned, assisted by "disaffected persons from this country". The House of Commons passed a loyal address by 287 to 123.[46] The Tories' insistence for the House to divide on this occasion seemed to the government a design by the Tories "to show the French what numbers in the House they might depend on".[47] The Tories also opposed increasing the armed forces, it being noted "that none of the leaders amongst the Tories, either on this occasion or that of the King's first message, showed the least sign of zeal or affection to the Government".[47]

On 24 February, a storm scattered the French invasion fleet and suspected Jacobites were arrested, leading to the French government cancelling their planned invasion.[48] Charles Stuart, who was still in France and determined to start a Jacobite rising, looked to Scotland. However, the English Tories would only support a rising in Scotland if accompanied by a French invasion near London to aid the English Tories in their own rising.[49] The English Tories repeatedly told the Jacobite court that only regular soldiers invading at the same time as their rising could achieve a Stuart restoration.[50]

In December 1744, the Broadbottom Administration was formed, which included a handful of Tories in minor offices. Some other Tories were offered places, but that serving for Jacobite counties "could not hazard a new election and therefore decline[d] the acceptance of them".[51] One of the Tories who accepted office, Sir John Cotton, did not swear the oath of loyalty to King George and informed the French King that he still favoured a Jacobite French invasion; he added that the Tories in office would try to ensure that more British soldiers were sent to Flanders from England in order to help a French invasion.[51] After Lord Gower took office in this government, the Tories no longer looked to him as their leader as Lyttleton wrote that "when it was discovered that Gower was really a friend to the Hanover succession, the Tories discarded him for being their leader, and adopted a determined Jacobite the Duke of Beaufort in his stead".[52] In June 1745, the Tory leaders in the Commons, Wynn and Cotton (together with Beaufort), informed the Jacobite court that "if the Prince [Charles] lands in present circumstances with ten battalions or even smaller body of troops there will be no opposition".[53] Tory leaders sent Robert MacCarty to France with a request for 10,000 troops and 30,000 arms to be landed in England, where they would join them upon arrival.[53]

Charles travelled to Scotland in July without consulting the Tories or the French and without a sizeable body of troops.[54] After his landing, Sempill wrote: "The City of London, Sir John Hynde Cotton, Lord Barrymore, the Duke of Beaufort, and all the English cry loudly and vehemently for a body of troops to be landed near London, as the most effectual means to support the Prince". They could not rise for the Prince without "a body of troops to support them", but they "would join the Prince if His Highness could force his way to them".[55] Throughout the Jacobite rising of 1745, Charles could not establish contact with the English Tories.[56] Captain Nagle, who had visited a peer in London, reported in December that they were all being monitored by the government, but that they would declare for Charles if he made his way to London or if the French invaded.[57] However, Charles retreated from England and the French never landed, so the English Tories did not feel safe in coming out for the Pretender. After the collapse of the rising, Charles' captured secretary, John Murray of Broughton, informed the government of the Tories' conspiracy with the Pretender. The government decided not to prosecute them.[58] The trial of the Scottish rebel lords in London was boycotted by most Tory peers.[59] After the Duke of Cumberland's brutal suppression of the Scots, English Tories adopted the plaid as their symbol.[60]

Eveline Cruickshanks in her study of the 1715-1754 Tory party for The History of Parliament, claimed that "the available evidence leaves no doubt that up to 1745 the Tories were a predominantly Jacobite party, engaged in attempts to restore the Stuarts by a rising with foreign assistance".[61] Sir Lewis Namier noticed that for the reigns of George I and George II, Tory family papers are non-existent.[62] As papers from before 1715 and after 1760 survive, Cruickshanks contends that these families were hiding their Jacobite leanings by destroying incriminating papers. A nineteenth-century historian who had examined many collections such as these, claimed that it was "the custom in Jacobite days to destroy all letters with any hint of political or religious feeling in them".[63] However, some historians (such as Linda Colley) have questioned the Tories' commitment to Jacobitism.[64] In 2016, Frank O'Gorman noted that given the nature of the evidence, it is unlikely that the question will ever be answered, but added that "judged by the acid test of how they behaved in the '15 and '45 most Tories showed themselves to be Hanoverian and not Jacobite".[65]

In 1747, Prince Frederick invited the Tories "to unite and coalesce with him" and declared his intention that when he became King, he would "abolish...all distinction of the party" and put an end to the proscription of the Tories. A meeting of leading Tories (including Beaufort, Wynn and Cotton) accepted the Prince's offer and replied assuring him of their support for his "wise and salutary purposes". However, they refused to pledge themselves to a coalition with Whigs.[58] The 1747 general election resulted in only 115 Tory MPs being elected, their lowest figure up until this point.[58] After Jacobite riots in Oxford in 1748, the government wanted to give the King the power to nominate the Chancellor of the University of Oxford, which was considered a hotbed of Jacobitism and Toryism. Thomas Carte wrote to the Pretender that "the attempt against the university of Oxford brought them all up at once to town, which nothing else would, and in their zeal on that account, they entered into a sort of coalition with Prince Frederick's party to stand by the university of Oxford, to join in opposing all unconstitutional points, but to be under no obligation to visit Prince Frederick's court, nor unite in other points".[66]

After Wynn's death in 1749, a Jacobite agent reported to the Pretender that the Tory party was "without a head", dispirited and frightened.[66] In 1751 Frederick died, followed in 1752 by Cotton. This effectively ended opposition in Parliament for the rest of the session.[66] Horace Walpole, in his memoirs for 1764, wrote of the decline of the Tory party:

Hitherto it might be said that the two parties of Whig and Tory still subsisted; though Jacobitism, the concealed mother of the latter, was extinct...The subsequent contests were rather a struggle for power than the settled animosity of two parties, though the body of Opposition still called itself Whig, an appellation rather dropped than disclaimed by the Court; and though the real Tories still adhered to their own distinctions while they secretly favoured, sometimes opposed, the Court, and fluctuated accordingly as they esteemed particular chiefs not of their connection or had the more agreeable opportunity of distressing those who supported the cause of freedom. As their whole conduct was comprised in silent votes, and never was considerable enough to turn a single scale in the political changes, I shall seldom mention them anymore.[67]

Friends of Mr Pitt Edit

Dickinson reports the following:

All historians are agreed that the Tory party declined sharply in the late 1740s and 1750s and that it ceased to be an organized party by 1760. The research of Sir Lewis Namier and his disciples [...] has convinced all historians that there were no organized political parties in Parliament between the late 1750s and the early 1780s. Even the Whigs ceased to be an identifiable party, and Parliament was dominated by competing political connections, which all proclaimed Whiggish political views, or by independent backbenchers unattached to any particular group.[68]

Upon the accession of George III, the old political distinctions dissolved. The Whig factions became in effect distinct parties (such as the Grenvillites and the Bedfordites), all of whom claimed the Whig mantle, while the material distinction in politics was between the "King's Friends" who supported the newly activist role of George III in government, and those who opposed the king. The proscription on the employment of Tories in government offices ended, which resulted in the Tories dividing into several factions and ceasing to function as a coherent political party. Sentimental Toryism remained, as in the writings of Samuel Johnson, but in politics "Tory" was little more than an unfriendly epithet for politicians closely identified with George III. The label "Tory" was in this sense applied to the Prime Ministers Lord Bute (1762–1763) and Lord North (1770–1782), but these politicians considered themselves Whigs. In his study of the debates in Parliament for 1768–1774, PDG Thomas discovered that not a single politician labelled themselves a Tory.[69] JCD Clark similarly argues: "The history of the Tory party in parliament between the early 1760s and the late 1820s may be simply written: it did not exist".[70]

William Pitt the Younger

Applied by their opponents to parliamentary supporters of the younger William Pitt (1783–1801, 1804–1806), the term Tories came to represent the political current opposed to the Old Whigs and the radicalism unleashed by the American and French Revolutions. This was reinforced by the breakup of the Whig party in 1794 when the conservative group led by the Duke of Portland joined Pitt's ministry, leaving an opposition rump led by Charles James Fox. The historian JCD Clark has written of the 1790s: "It cannot be too clearly stressed that no public figure at that date accepted the title 'Tory', and that they had the best reasons for denying its appropriateness".[71] Pitt rejected the Tory label, preferring to refer to himself as an independent Whig, for he believed in the current constitutional arrangement as being well balanced, without particular favour towards the royal prerogative, unlike the Tories of the first half of the 18th century.

The group surrounding Pitt the Younger came to be the dominant force in British politics from 1783 until 1830 and, after Pitt's death (1806), the ministers in the Portland ministry (1807–1809) called themselves the "Friends of Mr Pitt" rather than Tories. Portland's successor, Spencer Perceval (Prime Minister, 1809–1812), never adopted the label of Tory and, after his assassination in 1812, the members of the government of Lord Liverpool (1812–1827) firmly rejected it in a ministerial memorandum to the Prince Regent:

It is almost unnecessary to observe that the British Government had for more than a century been and could only be a Whig Government; and that the present administration is, as every administration in this country must necessarily be, a Whig administration. For a Whig Government means now, as it has all along meant, nothing else than a Government established by laws equally binding upon the King and the subject.[72]

Generally, the Tories were associated with lesser gentry, the Church of England and the Episcopal Church in Scotland while Whigs were more associated with trade, money, larger land holders or land magnates and the Nonconformist Protestant churches. Both were still committed to the political system in place at that time. The new Tory party was distinct both in composition and ideological orientation from the old. It consisted largely of former Whigs, alienated from the party that now bore that name. While it maintained a sentimental and conservative respect for the symbolic institutions of the British monarchy, in practice Tory ministries allowed the King no more freedom than Whig ones. The incompetence of George III's personal interventions in policy had been sufficiently shown in the American War (1775–1783), henceforward his active role was limited to negations of government policies such as the Catholic emancipation. In foreign policy, the differences were even more marked as the old Tory party had been pacific and isolationist whereas the new one was bellicose and imperialistic.

Conservative Party Edit

The Tories became associated with repression of popular discontent after 1815, but the Tories later underwent a fundamental transformation under the influence of Robert Peel, who was an industrialist rather than a landowner. Peel in his 1834 Tamworth Manifesto outlined a new conservative philosophy of reforming ills while conserving the good. The subsequent Peel administrations have been labelled Conservative rather than Tory, but the older term remains in use.

When the Conservative Party split in 1846 on the issue of free trade, the protectionist wing of the party rejected the Conservative label. They preferred to be known as Protectionists or even to revive the older Tory as an official name. By 1859 the Peelites (Peel's Conservative supporters) joined the Whigs and Radicals to form the Liberal Party. The remaining Tories, under the leadership of the Earl of Derby (a former Whig) and Disraeli (once a Radical candidate for Parliament), adopted the Conservative label as the official name of their party.

Electoral performance Edit

Election Leader Seats +/– Position Government
1661 Sir Edward Hyde
379 / 513
  379   1st Majority
March 1679 John Ernle
137 / 513
  241   2nd Minority
October 1679
210 / 513
  73   2nd Minority
1681 Charles II of England
193 / 513
  27   2nd Minority
1685 James II of England
468 / 513
  275   1st Majority
1689 The Marquess of Carmarthen
232 / 513
  236   2nd Minority
243 / 513
  7   1st Minority
203 / 513
  40   2nd Minority
208 / 513
  5   2nd Minority
January 1701
249 / 513
  41   1st Minority
November 1701
240 / 513
  9   2nd Minority
1702 The Earl of Godolphin and
The Duke of Marlborough
298 / 513
  58   1st Majority
1705 The Duke of Marlborough
260 / 513
  38   1st Majority
1708 The Earl of Godolphin
222 / 558
  38   2nd Minority
1710 Robert Harley
346 / 558
  124   1st Majority
369 / 558
  23   1st Majority
1715 The Viscount Bolingbroke
217 / 558
  152   2nd Minority
1722 Sir William Wyndham
169 / 558
  48   2nd Minority
1727 The Viscount Bolingbroke
128 / 558
  41   2nd Minority
145 / 558
  17   2nd Minority
1741 Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn
136 / 558
  9   2nd Minority
117 / 558
  19   2nd Minority
1754 Edmund Isham
106 / 558
  11   2nd Minority
112 / 558
  6   2nd Minority
Election Leader Seats +/– Position Government
1774 Lord North
343 / 558
260 / 558
  83   1st Majority
1784 William Pitt the Younger
280 / 558
  20   1st Majority
340 / 558
  60   1st Majority
424 / 558
  84   1st Majority
1802 Henry Addington
383 / 658
  41   1st Majority
1806 The Duke of Portland
228 / 658
  155   2nd Minority
216 / 658
  12   1st Majority
1812 The Earl of Liverpool
400 / 658
  12   1st Majority
280 / 658
  120   1st Majority
341 / 658
  61   1st Majority
428 / 658
  87   1st Majority
1830 The Duke of Wellington
250 / 658
  178   1st Minority
235 / 658
  15   2nd Minority
175 / 658
  60   2nd Minority
  • Note that the results for 1661–1708 are England only.

References Edit

Citations Edit

  1. ^ . Conservatives. 24 October 2007. Archived from the original on 13 March 2008.
  2. ^ Holmes, Geoffrey (1983). "Eighteenth-Century Toryism". The Historical Journal. 26 (3): 755–760. doi:10.1017/S0018246X00021178. JSTOR 2639092. S2CID 162328892.
  3. ^ "Making Sense of the Divine Right of Kings". 18 December 2020.
  4. ^ Andrew Whittaker, ed. (2009). Britain: Be Fluent in British Life and Culture. Thorogood Publishing.
  5. ^ James Frey, ed. (2020). The Indian Rebellion, 1857–1859: A Short History with Documents. Hackett Publishing. p. XXX. ISBN 9781624669057. British politics of the first half of the nineteenth century was an ideological spectrum, with the Tories, or Conservative Party, on the right, the Whigs as liberal-centrists, and the radicals on the left.
  6. ^ Filby, Eliza (23 November 2013). "The death of Tory Anglicanism". spectator.co.uk. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  7. ^ Harris 1993, p. 124.
  8. ^ Cooke, Alistair (August 2008). "A Brief History of the Conservatives" (PDF). Conservative Research Department. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
  9. ^ Webster (1998), "Tory", New World Dictionary & Thesaurus (2.0 for PC ed.)
  10. ^ "Tory", Answers
  11. ^ Samuel R. Gardiner. History of the great civil war 1642–1649 p. 228).
  12. ^ Hume, David (1797). "LXVIII". The History of England. VI. London. p. 126.
  13. ^ Robert Willman, ‘The Origins of 'Whig' and 'Tory' in English Political Language’, The Historical Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 (June, 1974), p. 259.
  14. ^ Willman, p. 263.
  15. ^ a b c Sedgwick, p. 62.
  16. ^ a b Cruickshanks, p. 4.
  17. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 3.
  18. ^ a b Cruickshanks, p. 5.
  19. ^ a b c Cruickshanks, p. 6.
  20. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 7.
  21. ^ Sedgwick, p. 63.
  22. ^ a b Sedgwick, p. 64.
  23. ^ Sedgwick, pp. 64-65.
  24. ^ Sedgwick, p. 66.
  25. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 10.
  26. ^ a b Sedgwick, p. 67.
  27. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 12.
  28. ^ J. C. D. Clark, From Restoration to Reform: The British Isles 1660-1832 (London: Vintage, 2014), p. 212.
  29. ^ a b c Sedgwick, p. 68.
  30. ^ Clark, p. 224.
  31. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 30.
  32. ^ Sedgwick, p. 69.
  33. ^ Sedgwick, pp. 69-74.
  34. ^ Sedgwick, p. 70.
  35. ^ Sedgwick, pp. 70-71.
  36. ^ a b Sedgwick, p. 71.
  37. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 27.
  38. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 28.
  39. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 33.
  40. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 38.
  41. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 39.
  42. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 39-40.
  43. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 40.
  44. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 50, p. 52.
  45. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 47.
  46. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 58.
  47. ^ a b Sedgwick, p. 73.
  48. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 63-64.
  49. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 69.
  50. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 71.
  51. ^ a b Cruickshanks, p. 72.
  52. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 75.
  53. ^ a b Cruickshanks, p. 77.
  54. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 77-78.
  55. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 81-82.
  56. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 86.
  57. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 90-91.
  58. ^ a b c Sedgwick, p. 75.
  59. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 105.
  60. ^ Cruickshanks, pp. 106-108.
  61. ^ Sedgwick, p. ix.
  62. ^ Lewis Namier, Crossroads of Power: Essays on Eighteenth-Century England (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1962), p. 35.
  63. ^ Cruickshanks, p. 45.
  64. ^ Julian Hoppit, A Land of Liberty?: England, 1689-1727 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000), p. 392, n. 18.
  65. ^ Frank O'Gorman, The Long Eighteenth Century: British Political and Social History 1688-1832 (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016), p. 157.
  66. ^ a b c Sedgwick, p. 76.
  67. ^ Sedgwick, pp. 77-78
  68. ^ H T Dickinson," Tories: 1714-1830," in David Loades, ed. Readers Guide to British History (2003) 2:1279
  69. ^ I. R. Christie, Myth and Reality in Late-Eighteenth-Century British Politics (London: Macmillan, 1970), p. 198.
  70. ^ J. C. D. Clark, "A General Theory of Party, Opposition and Government, 1688-1832", Historical Journal (Vol. 23, No. 2, 1980), p. 305.
  71. ^ J. C. D. Clark, English Society 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice During the Ancien Regime (Cambridge University Press, 1985), p. 276, n. 222.
  72. ^ I. R. Christie, Wars and Revolutions. Britain 1760-1815 (London: Edward Arnold, 1982), p. 283.

Works cited Edit

  • Cruickshanks, Eveline (1979). Political Untouchables; The Tories and the '45. Duckworth Books.
  • Harris, Tim (1993). Politics under the later Stuarts. Longman. ISBN 0-582-04082-5.
  • Sedgwick, Romney, ed. (1970). Introductory Survey, Appendices, Constituencies, Members A-D. The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1715-1754. Vol. 1. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Further reading Edit

  • Black, Jeremy (1984). Britain in the Age of Walpole.
  • Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor (1967). The Growth of the British Party System: 1640-1923. Vol. 1. John Baker.
  • Colley, Linda (1985). In Defiance of Oligarchy: The Tory Party 1714-60. (Cambridge University Press.
  • Feiling, Keith (1938). The Second Tory Party, 1714-1832. London: Macmillan.
  • Feiling, Keith (1950). A History of the Tory Party, 1640-1714. Clarendon Press.
  • O'Gorman, Frank (1989). Voters, Patrons, and Parties: The Unreformed Electoral System of Hanoverian England 1734-1832. (Oxford: Clarendon Press.

External links Edit

tories, british, political, party, tory, party, redirects, here, modern, british, party, popularly, known, tories, conservative, party, other, uses, tory, party, disambiguation, tories, were, loosely, organised, political, faction, later, political, party, par. Tory Party redirects here For the modern British party popularly known as the Tories see Conservative Party UK For other uses see Tory Party disambiguation The Tories were a loosely organised political faction and later a political party in the Parliaments of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom They first emerged during the 1679 Exclusion Crisis when they opposed Whig efforts to exclude James Duke of York from the succession on the grounds of his Catholicism Despite their fervent opposition to state sponsored Catholicism Tories opposed exclusion in the belief inheritance based on birth was the foundation of a stable society 7 ToriesLeader s Viscount Bolingbroke William Pitt the Younger 2nd Earl of Liverpool Arthur Wellesley Robert PeelFounded1678 345 years ago 1678 Dissolved1834 189 years ago 1834 Preceded byCavaliersSucceeded byConservative PartyIdeologyConservatism British 1 High Toryism 2 Divine right of kings 3 Political positionCentre right 4 to right wing 5 ReligionAnglicanism 6 Colours BluePolitics of the United KingdomPolitical partiesElectionsAfter the succession of George I in 1714 the Tories were excluded from government for nearly 50 years and ceased to exist as an organised political entity in the early 1760s although it was used as a term of self description by some political writers A few decades later a new Tory party would rise to establish a hold on government between 1783 and 1830 with William Pitt the Younger followed by Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl of Liverpool 8 The Whigs won control of Parliament in the 1831 election which was fought largely on the issue of electoral reform The Representation of the People Act 1832 removed the rotten boroughs many of which were controlled by Tories and they were reduced to 175 MPs in the 1832 elections Under the leadership of Robert Peel who issued a policy document known as the Tamworth Manifesto the Tories began to transform into the Conservative Party However his repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 caused the party to break apart the faction led by Derby and Benjamin Disraeli became the modern Conservative Party whose members are still commonly referred to as Tories Contents 1 Name 2 History 2 1 English Civil War 2 2 The Exclusion Crisis and the Glorious Revolution 2 3 Balanced ministries and opposition 2 4 Proscription and the Whig supremacy 2 5 Friends of Mr Pitt 2 6 Conservative Party 3 Electoral performance 4 References 4 1 Citations 4 2 Works cited 5 Further reading 6 External linksName Edit nbsp James Duke of York painted in a Romanesque costumeThe Tories were originally known as the Court Party As a political term Tory was an insult derived from the Middle Irish word toraidhe modern Irish torai meaning outlaw robber from the Irish word toir meaning pursuit since outlaws were pursued men 9 10 that entered English politics during the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678 1681 Whig from whiggamore a cattle driver was initially a Scottish insult for the Covenanter faction in Scotland who opposed the Engagers a faction who supported Charles I during the Second English Civil War and supported the Whiggamore Raid that took place in September 1648 11 While the Whigs were those who supported the exclusion of James the Duke of York from the succession to thrones of Scotland England and Ireland the Petitioners the Tories were those who opposed the Exclusion Bill the Abhorrers In 1757 David Hume wrote The court party reproached their antagonists with their affinity to the fanatical conventiclers in Scotland who were known by the name of Whigs The country party found a resemblance between the courtiers and the popish banditti in Ireland to whom the appellation of Tory was affixed And after this manner these foolish terms of reproach came into public and general use and even at present seem not nearer their end than when they were first invented 12 History EditEnglish Civil War Edit The first Tory party traces its principles and politics to the English Civil War which divided England between the Cavalier supporters of King Charles I or Roundhead the supporters of the Long Parliament upon which the King had declared war This action resulted from the Parliament not allowing him to levy taxes without yielding to its terms At the beginning of the Long Parliament 1641 the King s supporters pursued a course of reform of previous abuses The increasing radicalism of the Parliamentary majority however estranged many reformers even in the Parliament itself and drove them to make common cause with the King The King s party was thus a mixture of supporters of royal autocracy and of those Parliamentarians who felt that the Long Parliament had gone too far in attempting to gain executive power for itself and more specifically in undermining the episcopalian government of the Church of England which was felt to be a primary support of royal government By the end of the 1640s the radical Parliamentary programme had become clear reduction of the King to a powerless figurehead and replacement of Anglican episcopacy with a form of Presbyterianism This prospective form of settlement was prevented by a coup d etat which shifted power from Parliament itself to the Parliamentary New Model Army controlled by Oliver Cromwell The Army had King Charles I executed and for the next 11 years the British kingdoms operated under military dictatorship The Restoration of King Charles II produced a reaction in which the King regained a large part of the power held by his father However Charles ministers and supporters in England accepted a substantial role for Parliament in the government of the kingdoms No subsequent British monarch would attempt to rule without Parliament and after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 political disputes would be resolved through elections and parliamentary manoeuvring rather than by an appeal to force Charles II also restored episcopacy in the Church of England His first Cavalier Parliament began as a strongly royalist body and passed a series of acts re establishing the Church by law and strongly punishing dissent by both Roman Catholics and non Anglican Protestants These acts did not reflect the King s personal views and demonstrated the existence of a Royalist ideology beyond mere subservience to the Court A series of disasters in the late 1660s and 1670s discredited Charles II s governments and powerful political interests including some who had been identified with the Parliamentary side in the Civil War began to agitate for a greater role of Parliament in government coupled with more tolerance for Protestant dissenters These interests would soon coalesce as the Whigs As direct attacks on the King were politically impossible and could lead to execution for treason opponents of the power of the Court framed their challenges as exposes of subversive and sinister Catholic plots Although the matter of these plots was fictitious they reflected two uncomfortable political realities first that Charles II had somewhat insincerely undertaken measures to convert the kingdom to Catholicism in a 1670 treaty with Louis XIV of France second that his younger brother and heir presumptive James Duke of York had in fact converted to Catholicism an act that many Protestant Englishmen in the 1670s saw as only one step below high treason The Whigs tried to link the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland the Duke of Ormonde with the foremost Irish Tory Redmond O Hanlon in a supposed plot to murder Titus Oates The Whig Bishop of Meath Henry Jones offered O Hanlon a pardon and a bribe if he would testify to Parliament that Ormonde was plotting a French invasion In December 1680 the government seized these letters and the plan collapsed In January 1681 the Whigs first began calling the supposed Irish plotters Tories and on 15 February 1681 is recorded the first complaint from an English Royalist about the epithet Tory by the anti Exclusion newspaper Heraclitus Ridens T hey call me scurvy names Jesuit Papish Tory and flap me over the mouth with their being the only True Protestants 13 Within a few months anti Exclusionists were calling themselves Tories and a northern Dissenter called Oliver Heywood recorded in October Ms H of Chesterfield told me a gentleman was at their house and had a red Ribband in his hat she askt him what it meant he said it signifyed that he was a Tory whats that sd she he ans an Irish Rebel oh dreadful that any in England dare espouse that interest I hear further since that this is the distinction they make instead of Cavalier and Roundhead now they are called Torys and Wiggs 14 The Exclusion Crisis and the Glorious Revolution Edit In a more general sense the Tories also known as the Court Party represented the more conservative royalist supporters of Charles II who endorsed a strong monarchy as a counterbalance to the power of Parliament and who saw in the Whig opponents of the Court a quasi Republican tendency similar to that seen in the Long Parliament to strip the monarchy of its essential prerogative powers and leave the Crown as a puppet entirely dependent upon Parliament That the Exclusion Bill was the central question upon which parties diverged did not hinge upon an assessment of the personal character of the Duke of York though his conversion to Catholicism was the key factor that made the Bill possible but rather upon the power of Parliament to elect a monarch of its own choosing contrary to the established laws of succession That the Parliament with the consent of the King had such power was not at issue rather it was the wisdom of a policy of creating a King whose sole title to the Crown was the will of Parliament and who was essentially a Parliamentary appointee On this original question the Tories were in the short run entirely successful as the Parliaments that brought in the Exclusion Bill were dissolved Charles II was enabled to manage the administration autocratically and upon his death the Duke of York succeeded without difficulty The rebellion of Monmouth the candidate of the radical Whigs to succeed Charles II was easily crushed and Monmouth himself executed However in the long run Tory principles were to be severely compromised Besides the support of a strong monarchy the Tories also stood for the Church of England as established in Acts of Parliament following the restoration of Charles II both as a body governed by bishops using the Book of Common Prayer whilst subscribing to a specific doctrine and also as an exclusive body established by law from which both Roman Catholics and Nonconformists were excluded During his reign James II fought for a broadly tolerant religious settlement under which his co religionists could prosper a position anathema to conservative Anglicans James attempts to use the government controlled church to promote policies that undermined the church s own unique status in the state led some Tories to support the Glorious Revolution of 1688 The result was a King established solely by parliamentary title and subject to legal controls established by Parliament the principles that the Tories had originally abhorred The Tories sole consolation was that the monarchs chosen were close to the main line of succession as William III was James II s nephew and William s wife Mary was James s elder daughter The Act of Toleration 1689 also gave rights to Protestant dissenters that were hitherto unknown while the elimination of a large number of bishops who refused to swear allegiance to the new monarchs allowed the government to pack the episcopate with bishops with decidedly Whiggish leanings In both these respects the Tory platform had failed but the institutions of monarchy and of a state Church survived Balanced ministries and opposition Edit Despite the failure of their founding principles the Tories remained a powerful political party during the reigns of the next two monarchs particularly that of Queen Anne During this time the Tories fiercely competed with the Whigs for power and there were frequent Parliamentary elections in which the two parties measured their strength William III saw that the Tories were generally more friendly to royal authority than the Whigs and he employed both groups in his government His early ministry was largely Tory but the government gradually came to be dominated by the so called Junto Whigs This tight knit political grouping was opposed by the Country Whigs led by Robert Harley who gradually merged with the Tory opposition in the later 1690s Although William s successor Anne had considerable Tory sympathies and excluded the Junto Whigs from power after a brief and unsuccessful experiment with an exclusively Tory government she generally continued William s policy of balancing the parties supported by her moderate Tory ministers the Duke of Marlborough and Lord Godolphin The stresses of the War of the Spanish Succession which begun in 1701 led most of the Tories to withdraw into opposition by 1708 so that Marlborough and Godolphin were heading an administration dominated by the Junto Whigs Anne herself grew increasingly uncomfortable with this dependence on the Whigs especially as her personal relationship with the Duchess of Marlborough deteriorated This situation also became increasingly uncomfortable to many of the non Junto Whigs led by the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of Shrewsbury who began to intrigue with Robert Harley s Tories In early 1710 the prosecution by the Whig government of the ultra Tory preacher Henry Sacheverell for sermons delivered the previous year led to the Sacheverell riots and brought the ministry into popular discredit In the spring of 1710 Anne dismissed Godolphin and the Junto ministers replacing them with Tories The new Tory ministry was dominated by Harley Chancellor of the Exchequer later Lord Treasurer and Viscount Bolingbroke Secretary of State They were backed by a strong majority in the Parliament elected in 1710 rallying under the banner of Church in Danger This Tory government negotiated the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 which pulled Great Britain out of the War of the Spanish Succession to the dismay of Britain s allies including Anne s eventual successor George Elector of Hanover the peace was enacted despite a Whig majority in the House of Lords which Anne defeated by creating new Tory peers Following a long disagreement between the ministers Anne dismissed Harley in 1714 The arch Tory Bolingbroke became in effect Anne s chief minister and Tory power seemed to be at its zenith However Anne was extremely ill and died within a few days Bolingbroke had not been able to formulate any coherent plans for dealing with the succession for if he thought of proclaiming the son of James II the Pretender king he made no moves to do so The Elector George succeeded to the throne entirely peacefully supported by the Hanoverian Tory grouping Proscription and the Whig supremacy Edit In accordance with Succession to the Crown Act 1707 the Queen s government was replaced by a Council of Regency until the new King should arrive from Hanover Bolingbroke offered his services to the King but was coldly rejected George I brought in a government composed entirely of Whigs and the new Parliament elected from January to May 1715 had a large Whig majority In December 1714 Lord Carnarvon wrote that hardly one Tory is left in any place though never so mean a one 15 The historian Eveline Cruickshanks stated that w hat took place in 1715 was not a change to an all Whig ministry it was a whole social revolution 16 For the first time Tory gentlemen could no longer employ their sons as they traditionally had done in public offices such as the Army Navy civil service and the Church Tory officers in the Army had their commissions taken away Tory lawyers could not now become judges or K C s The predominantly Tory lower Anglican clergy could no longer become bishops and Tory merchants were refused government contracts or directorships in any major company 16 This proscription lasted for forty five years 17 George Lyttelton wrote in his Letter to the Tories 1747 We are kept out of all public employments of power and profit and live like aliens and pilgrims in the land of our nativity no quality no fortune no eloquence no learning no wisdom no probity is of any use to any man of our unfortunate denomination ecclesiastic or layman lawyer or soldier peer or commoner for obtaining the most deserved advancement in his profession or any favour of the Crown whilst to our additional and insupportable vexation the bare merit of hating us and everything we love and hold sacred daily advances dunces in the law and church cowards in our fleets and armies republicans in the King s house and idiots everywhere 18 The Whig government backed by royal favour and controlling the levers of power was able to maintain a series of majorities through the infrequent elections of the next several decades only 7 in the 46 years of the first two Georges as opposed to 11 in the 26 years from the Revolution to the death of Queen Anne For much of the period the Tories commanded a broad base of support in rural England but the relatively undemocratic nature of the franchise and the maldistribution of the borough seats ensured that this popular appeal was never translated into a Tory majority in Parliament The Tories would have won every general election between 1715 and 1747 had the number of seats obtained corresponded to the number of votes cast 18 The Tories were therefore an effectively null factor in practical politics a permanent minority in Parliament and entirely excluded from government The latter exclusion and the rigid party politics played by the Whigs played a significant role in the cohesion of the Tories the Whigs offered few opportunities for Tories who switched sides and as a party the Tories found no possibilities for compromise with the Whigs nbsp James Stuart the Pretender during the Jacobite rising of 1715 by gaining some Tory support it was thus used to discredit them by the WhigsThe proscription of the Tories alienated them from the Hanoverian regime and converted many of them to Jacobitism 19 Bolingbroke later wrote If milder measures had been pursued certain it is that the Tories had never universally embraced Jacobitism The violence of the Whigs forced them into the arms of the Pretender 15 In October 1714 the French ambassador Charles Francois d Iberville noted that the number of Jacobites in the Tory party was increasing and in early 1715 he wrote that the Tories seemed to be heading for civil war which they regard as their only resort 19 The former Tory chief minister Lord Oxford was impeached and sent to the Tower with Bolingbroke and the Tory peer the Duke of Ormonde fleeing to France to join the Pretender A series of riots against the coronation of George I and the new Hanoverian Whig regime in which the mob voiced their support for Jacobitism and local Tory parliamentary candidates led to the Whig government strengthening their power by passing the Riot Act suspending habeas corpus and increasing the army including by importing 6 000 Dutch troops 19 Louis XIV had promised them arms but no troops as France was exhausted by war despite Bolingbroke s claim that just one tenth of the number of troops William of Orange brought with him in 1688 would have sufficed 15 However this promise of arms disappeared when Louis died in September 1715 The conspirators intended to abandon the rising they had planned for the West Country but the Scots forced their hand by unilaterally raising the Pretender s standard One of Ormonde s agents betrayed the plans for an English rising and subsequently the government arrested many Tory MPs ex MPs and peers 20 The subsequent Jacobite rebellion of 1715 16 resulted in failure However Charles XII of Sweden was willing to aid the English Tories by sending troops to put the Pretender on the throne in conjunction with an English rising Lord Oxford who had already in 1716 offered the Pretender his services directed the Swedish Plot from the Tower In January 1717 the government discovered this plot and won a vote of credit for defence measures against the projected invasion in the Commons against Tory opposition Charles death in 1718 ended hopes from that quarter and Ormonde s planned Spanish invasion was destroyed by a storm at sea 21 During the Whig Split of 1717 the Tories refused to back either side and adopted the same stance to Lord Sunderland s overtures in 1720 Nonetheless their combined efforts helped the opposition win some victories such as the defeat of the Peerage Bill in 1719 In 1722 Sunderland advised the King to admit leading Tories into government thereby dividing them and ending their hopes for revenge by looking for support from abroad He also advised the King in Cabinet that elections to Parliament should be free from government bribery an idea Sir Robert Walpole opposed due to the possibility of the election of a Tory Parliament The King was also opposed King George stared the Earl of Sunderland in the face at the name of a Tory Parliament for it seems nothing is so hideous and frightful to him as a Tory 22 The public outcry over the South Sea Bubble led the Tories to believe that it would not be worthwhile raising funds for the general election as they considered a Jacobite rising would be successful considering the state of public opinion 22 Sunderland joined the Tories in the Atterbury Plot in which the Pretender was to be put on the throne A rising was planned for each county assisted by Irish and Spanish troops However Sunderland s death in April 1722 led to the government discovering the plot and it subsequently collapsed 23 When the Commons voted on the bill of pains and penalties against Atterbury nearly ninety per cent of Tory MPs voted against it 24 Although the Whig Prime Minister Robert Walpole decided not to prosecute those Tories that he knew were involved in the plot the Tories were demoralised and largely absented themselves from Parliament for a time 25 Upon the accession of George II in 1727 and the ensuing general election the Tories were reduced to 128 MPs their lowest total up to this point 26 The Tories were divided over whether to cooperate with the opposition Whigs against Walpole with those in favour consisting of the Hanoverian faction led by Sir William Wyndham and with those opposed making up the Jacobite faction headed by William Shippen 26 Most Tories opposed voting with the opposition Whigs only reversing this stance when the Pretender sent a letter to the Tories in 1730 ordering them to unite in the measures against the Government and even with those who oppose it for different views than theirs 27 28 For the next decade the Tories cooperated with the opposition Whigs against Walpole 29 Public admission of Jacobitism was treason so the Tories challenged the Hanoverian Whig regime without specifically addressing it by developing a rhetoric borrowed from the Whigs of the Exclusion Crisis they denounced government corruption and the high taxation needed to spend on foreign entanglements opposed the growth of the Army and denounced tyranny and arbitrary power 30 31 In a speech on the Army estimates Walpole claimed that No man of common prudence will profess himself openly a Jacobite by so doing he not only may injure his private fortune but he must render himself less able to do any effectual service to the cause he has embraced Your right Jacobite Sir disguises his true sentiments he roars out for revolution principles he pretends to be a great friend to liberty 32 He further claimed that a large Army was needed to defeat any possible Jacobite invasion In 1737 Frederick Prince of Wales applied to Parliament for an increased allowance This split the Tories with 45 abstaining leading to the motion being defeated by 30 votes Bolingbroke who wanted to dissociate the Tories from Jacobitism denounced this as the absurd behaviour of the Tories which no experience can cure 29 In 1738 Frederick s attempts to reconcile with the Tories broke down on Wyndham s insistence that he join the Tories in favouring a reduced Army 29 With the outbreak of war against Spain in 1739 there was renewed plotting amongst Tories for a Jacobite rising 33 Wyndham s death in 1740 led to the breakdown of the coalition between the Tories and opposition Whigs An opposition Whig motion for Walpole s dismissal was defeated by 290 to 106 with many Tories abstaining 34 At the general election of 1741 there were 136 Tories elected 35 The Tories resumed their cooperation with the opposition Whigs after receiving another letter from the Pretender in September 1741 ordering them to pursue vigorous and unanimous measures in the next session of Parliament They will probably have many occasions of greatly distressing the present Government and ministry and perhaps find some who will concur with them in that though not out of goodwill to my cause In such cases I hope my friends will make no scruples in joining heartily with them for whatever their particular motives may be anything that tends to the disadvantage of the present Government and to the bringing it into confusion cannot be but of advantage to my cause 36 37 As a result 127 Tories joined the opposition Whigs in successfully voting against Walpole s nominated chairman of the elections committee in December 1741 36 The Tories continued to vote against Walpole with the opposition Whigs in subsequent divisions until Walpole was forced to resign in February 1742 38 The Pretender wrote to the Tories afterwards declaring I cannot delay any longer expressing to you my satisfaction at the late behaviour of my friends in Parliament and I take it as a great mark of their singular regard for what I wrote to you some months ago 39 In 1743 war broke out between Britain and France as part of the larger War of the Austrian Succession Later that year Francis Sempill the Pretender s representative at the French court carried a message from English Tories to the French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Jean Jacques Amelot de Chaillou requesting French help for a Stuart restoration including 10 000 French soldiers It was signed by the Duke of Beaufort one of the four richest people in Britain Lord Barrymore Lord Orrery Sir Watkin Williams Wynn Sir John Hynde Cotton and Sir Robert Abdy 40 Amelot replied that the French government would need considerable proof of English support for Jacobitism before it could act 41 James Butler Louis XV s Master of Horse toured England ostensibly for purchasing bloodstock but in reality to gauge the health of Jacobitism in England visiting leading Tories 42 Before he left for England the French king briefed him personally to assure Tory leaders that all of their demands would be met 43 In November 1743 Amelot told Sempill officially that Louis XV was resolved to restore the House of Stuart and that he was planning a French invasion headed by the Pretender s son Charles Edward Stuart 44 The Declaration of King James written by Tory leaders was signed by the Pretender on 23 December This was to be published in the event of a successful French landing 45 However the Whig government was informed by a spy of the intended French invasion and King George told Parliament on 15 February 1744 that a French invasion was planned assisted by disaffected persons from this country The House of Commons passed a loyal address by 287 to 123 46 The Tories insistence for the House to divide on this occasion seemed to the government a design by the Tories to show the French what numbers in the House they might depend on 47 The Tories also opposed increasing the armed forces it being noted that none of the leaders amongst the Tories either on this occasion or that of the King s first message showed the least sign of zeal or affection to the Government 47 On 24 February a storm scattered the French invasion fleet and suspected Jacobites were arrested leading to the French government cancelling their planned invasion 48 Charles Stuart who was still in France and determined to start a Jacobite rising looked to Scotland However the English Tories would only support a rising in Scotland if accompanied by a French invasion near London to aid the English Tories in their own rising 49 The English Tories repeatedly told the Jacobite court that only regular soldiers invading at the same time as their rising could achieve a Stuart restoration 50 In December 1744 the Broadbottom Administration was formed which included a handful of Tories in minor offices Some other Tories were offered places but that serving for Jacobite counties could not hazard a new election and therefore decline d the acceptance of them 51 One of the Tories who accepted office Sir John Cotton did not swear the oath of loyalty to King George and informed the French King that he still favoured a Jacobite French invasion he added that the Tories in office would try to ensure that more British soldiers were sent to Flanders from England in order to help a French invasion 51 After Lord Gower took office in this government the Tories no longer looked to him as their leader as Lyttleton wrote that when it was discovered that Gower was really a friend to the Hanover succession the Tories discarded him for being their leader and adopted a determined Jacobite the Duke of Beaufort in his stead 52 In June 1745 the Tory leaders in the Commons Wynn and Cotton together with Beaufort informed the Jacobite court that if the Prince Charles lands in present circumstances with ten battalions or even smaller body of troops there will be no opposition 53 Tory leaders sent Robert MacCarty to France with a request for 10 000 troops and 30 000 arms to be landed in England where they would join them upon arrival 53 Charles travelled to Scotland in July without consulting the Tories or the French and without a sizeable body of troops 54 After his landing Sempill wrote The City of London Sir John Hynde Cotton Lord Barrymore the Duke of Beaufort and all the English cry loudly and vehemently for a body of troops to be landed near London as the most effectual means to support the Prince They could not rise for the Prince without a body of troops to support them but they would join the Prince if His Highness could force his way to them 55 Throughout the Jacobite rising of 1745 Charles could not establish contact with the English Tories 56 Captain Nagle who had visited a peer in London reported in December that they were all being monitored by the government but that they would declare for Charles if he made his way to London or if the French invaded 57 However Charles retreated from England and the French never landed so the English Tories did not feel safe in coming out for the Pretender After the collapse of the rising Charles captured secretary John Murray of Broughton informed the government of the Tories conspiracy with the Pretender The government decided not to prosecute them 58 The trial of the Scottish rebel lords in London was boycotted by most Tory peers 59 After the Duke of Cumberland s brutal suppression of the Scots English Tories adopted the plaid as their symbol 60 Eveline Cruickshanks in her study of the 1715 1754 Tory party for The History of Parliament claimed that the available evidence leaves no doubt that up to 1745 the Tories were a predominantly Jacobite party engaged in attempts to restore the Stuarts by a rising with foreign assistance 61 Sir Lewis Namier noticed that for the reigns of George I and George II Tory family papers are non existent 62 As papers from before 1715 and after 1760 survive Cruickshanks contends that these families were hiding their Jacobite leanings by destroying incriminating papers A nineteenth century historian who had examined many collections such as these claimed that it was the custom in Jacobite days to destroy all letters with any hint of political or religious feeling in them 63 However some historians such as Linda Colley have questioned the Tories commitment to Jacobitism 64 In 2016 Frank O Gorman noted that given the nature of the evidence it is unlikely that the question will ever be answered but added that judged by the acid test of how they behaved in the 15 and 45 most Tories showed themselves to be Hanoverian and not Jacobite 65 In 1747 Prince Frederick invited the Tories to unite and coalesce with him and declared his intention that when he became King he would abolish all distinction of the party and put an end to the proscription of the Tories A meeting of leading Tories including Beaufort Wynn and Cotton accepted the Prince s offer and replied assuring him of their support for his wise and salutary purposes However they refused to pledge themselves to a coalition with Whigs 58 The 1747 general election resulted in only 115 Tory MPs being elected their lowest figure up until this point 58 After Jacobite riots in Oxford in 1748 the government wanted to give the King the power to nominate the Chancellor of the University of Oxford which was considered a hotbed of Jacobitism and Toryism Thomas Carte wrote to the Pretender that the attempt against the university of Oxford brought them all up at once to town which nothing else would and in their zeal on that account they entered into a sort of coalition with Prince Frederick s party to stand by the university of Oxford to join in opposing all unconstitutional points but to be under no obligation to visit Prince Frederick s court nor unite in other points 66 After Wynn s death in 1749 a Jacobite agent reported to the Pretender that the Tory party was without a head dispirited and frightened 66 In 1751 Frederick died followed in 1752 by Cotton This effectively ended opposition in Parliament for the rest of the session 66 Horace Walpole in his memoirs for 1764 wrote of the decline of the Tory party Hitherto it might be said that the two parties of Whig and Tory still subsisted though Jacobitism the concealed mother of the latter was extinct The subsequent contests were rather a struggle for power than the settled animosity of two parties though the body of Opposition still called itself Whig an appellation rather dropped than disclaimed by the Court and though the real Tories still adhered to their own distinctions while they secretly favoured sometimes opposed the Court and fluctuated accordingly as they esteemed particular chiefs not of their connection or had the more agreeable opportunity of distressing those who supported the cause of freedom As their whole conduct was comprised in silent votes and never was considerable enough to turn a single scale in the political changes I shall seldom mention them anymore 67 Friends of Mr Pitt Edit Dickinson reports the following All historians are agreed that the Tory party declined sharply in the late 1740s and 1750s and that it ceased to be an organized party by 1760 The research of Sir Lewis Namier and his disciples has convinced all historians that there were no organized political parties in Parliament between the late 1750s and the early 1780s Even the Whigs ceased to be an identifiable party and Parliament was dominated by competing political connections which all proclaimed Whiggish political views or by independent backbenchers unattached to any particular group 68 Upon the accession of George III the old political distinctions dissolved The Whig factions became in effect distinct parties such as the Grenvillites and the Bedfordites all of whom claimed the Whig mantle while the material distinction in politics was between the King s Friends who supported the newly activist role of George III in government and those who opposed the king The proscription on the employment of Tories in government offices ended which resulted in the Tories dividing into several factions and ceasing to function as a coherent political party Sentimental Toryism remained as in the writings of Samuel Johnson but in politics Tory was little more than an unfriendly epithet for politicians closely identified with George III The label Tory was in this sense applied to the Prime Ministers Lord Bute 1762 1763 and Lord North 1770 1782 but these politicians considered themselves Whigs In his study of the debates in Parliament for 1768 1774 PDG Thomas discovered that not a single politician labelled themselves a Tory 69 JCD Clark similarly argues The history of the Tory party in parliament between the early 1760s and the late 1820s may be simply written it did not exist 70 nbsp William Pitt the YoungerApplied by their opponents to parliamentary supporters of the younger William Pitt 1783 1801 1804 1806 the term Tories came to represent the political current opposed to the Old Whigs and the radicalism unleashed by the American and French Revolutions This was reinforced by the breakup of the Whig party in 1794 when the conservative group led by the Duke of Portland joined Pitt s ministry leaving an opposition rump led by Charles James Fox The historian JCD Clark has written of the 1790s It cannot be too clearly stressed that no public figure at that date accepted the title Tory and that they had the best reasons for denying its appropriateness 71 Pitt rejected the Tory label preferring to refer to himself as an independent Whig for he believed in the current constitutional arrangement as being well balanced without particular favour towards the royal prerogative unlike the Tories of the first half of the 18th century The group surrounding Pitt the Younger came to be the dominant force in British politics from 1783 until 1830 and after Pitt s death 1806 the ministers in the Portland ministry 1807 1809 called themselves the Friends of Mr Pitt rather than Tories Portland s successor Spencer Perceval Prime Minister 1809 1812 never adopted the label of Tory and after his assassination in 1812 the members of the government of Lord Liverpool 1812 1827 firmly rejected it in a ministerial memorandum to the Prince Regent It is almost unnecessary to observe that the British Government had for more than a century been and could only be a Whig Government and that the present administration is as every administration in this country must necessarily be a Whig administration For a Whig Government means now as it has all along meant nothing else than a Government established by laws equally binding upon the King and the subject 72 Generally the Tories were associated with lesser gentry the Church of England and the Episcopal Church in Scotland while Whigs were more associated with trade money larger land holders or land magnates and the Nonconformist Protestant churches Both were still committed to the political system in place at that time The new Tory party was distinct both in composition and ideological orientation from the old It consisted largely of former Whigs alienated from the party that now bore that name While it maintained a sentimental and conservative respect for the symbolic institutions of the British monarchy in practice Tory ministries allowed the King no more freedom than Whig ones The incompetence of George III s personal interventions in policy had been sufficiently shown in the American War 1775 1783 henceforward his active role was limited to negations of government policies such as the Catholic emancipation In foreign policy the differences were even more marked as the old Tory party had been pacific and isolationist whereas the new one was bellicose and imperialistic Conservative Party Edit The Tories became associated with repression of popular discontent after 1815 but the Tories later underwent a fundamental transformation under the influence of Robert Peel who was an industrialist rather than a landowner Peel in his 1834 Tamworth Manifesto outlined a new conservative philosophy of reforming ills while conserving the good The subsequent Peel administrations have been labelled Conservative rather than Tory but the older term remains in use When the Conservative Party split in 1846 on the issue of free trade the protectionist wing of the party rejected the Conservative label They preferred to be known as Protectionists or even to revive the older Tory as an official name By 1859 the Peelites Peel s Conservative supporters joined the Whigs and Radicals to form the Liberal Party The remaining Tories under the leadership of the Earl of Derby a former Whig and Disraeli once a Radical candidate for Parliament adopted the Conservative label as the official name of their party Electoral performance EditElection Leader Seats Position Government1661 Sir Edward Hyde 379 513 nbsp 379 nbsp 1st MajorityMarch 1679 John Ernle 137 513 nbsp 241 nbsp 2nd MinorityOctober 1679 210 513 nbsp 73 nbsp 2nd Minority1681 Charles II of England 193 513 nbsp 27 nbsp 2nd Minority1685 James II of England 468 513 nbsp 275 nbsp 1st Majority1689 The Marquess of Carmarthen 232 513 nbsp 236 nbsp 2nd Minority1690 243 513 nbsp 7 nbsp 1st Minority1695 203 513 nbsp 40 nbsp 2nd Minority1698 208 513 nbsp 5 nbsp 2nd MinorityJanuary 1701 249 513 nbsp 41 nbsp 1st MinorityNovember 1701 240 513 nbsp 9 nbsp 2nd Minority1702 The Earl of Godolphin andThe Duke of Marlborough 298 513 nbsp 58 nbsp 1st Majority1705 The Duke of Marlborough 260 513 nbsp 38 nbsp 1st Majority1708 The Earl of Godolphin 222 558 nbsp 38 nbsp 2nd Minority1710 Robert Harley 346 558 nbsp 124 nbsp 1st Majority1713 369 558 nbsp 23 nbsp 1st Majority1715 The Viscount Bolingbroke 217 558 nbsp 152 nbsp 2nd Minority1722 Sir William Wyndham 169 558 nbsp 48 nbsp 2nd Minority1727 The Viscount Bolingbroke 128 558 nbsp 41 nbsp 2nd Minority1734 145 558 nbsp 17 nbsp 2nd Minority1741 Sir Watkin Williams Wynn 136 558 nbsp 9 nbsp 2nd Minority1747 117 558 nbsp 19 nbsp 2nd Minority1754 Edmund Isham 106 558 nbsp 11 nbsp 2nd Minority1761 112 558 nbsp 6 nbsp 2nd MinorityElection Leader Seats Position Government1774 Lord North 343 558 Majority1780 260 558 nbsp 83 nbsp 1st Majority1784 William Pitt the Younger 280 558 nbsp 20 nbsp 1st Majority1790 340 558 nbsp 60 nbsp 1st Majority1796 424 558 nbsp 84 nbsp 1st Majority1802 Henry Addington 383 658 nbsp 41 nbsp 1st Majority1806 The Duke of Portland 228 658 nbsp 155 nbsp 2nd Minority1807 216 658 nbsp 12 nbsp 1st Majority1812 The Earl of Liverpool 400 658 nbsp 12 nbsp 1st Majority1818 280 658 nbsp 120 nbsp 1st Majority1820 341 658 nbsp 61 nbsp 1st Majority1826 428 658 nbsp 87 nbsp 1st Majority1830 The Duke of Wellington 250 658 nbsp 178 nbsp 1st Minority1831 235 658 nbsp 15 nbsp 2nd Minority1832 175 658 nbsp 60 nbsp 2nd MinorityNote that the results for 1661 1708 are England only References EditCitations Edit A Brief History of the Conservative Party Conservatives 24 October 2007 Archived from the original on 13 March 2008 Holmes Geoffrey 1983 Eighteenth Century Toryism The Historical Journal 26 3 755 760 doi 10 1017 S0018246X00021178 JSTOR 2639092 S2CID 162328892 Making Sense of the Divine Right of Kings 18 December 2020 Andrew Whittaker ed 2009 Britain Be Fluent in British Life and Culture Thorogood Publishing James Frey ed 2020 The Indian Rebellion 1857 1859 A Short History with Documents Hackett Publishing p XXX ISBN 9781624669057 British politics of the first half of the nineteenth century was an ideological spectrum with the Tories or Conservative Party on the right the Whigs as liberal centrists and the radicals on the left Filby Eliza 23 November 2013 The death of Tory Anglicanism spectator co uk Retrieved 17 January 2022 Harris 1993 p 124 Cooke Alistair August 2008 A Brief History of the Conservatives PDF Conservative Research Department Retrieved 27 April 2010 Webster 1998 Tory New World Dictionary amp Thesaurus 2 0 for PC ed Tory Answers Samuel R Gardiner History of the great civil war 1642 1649 p 228 Hume David 1797 LXVIII The History of England VI London p 126 Robert Willman The Origins of Whig and Tory in English Political Language The Historical Journal Vol 17 No 2 June 1974 p 259 Willman p 263 a b c Sedgwick p 62 a b Cruickshanks p 4 Cruickshanks p 3 a b Cruickshanks p 5 a b c Cruickshanks p 6 Cruickshanks p 7 Sedgwick p 63 a b Sedgwick p 64 Sedgwick pp 64 65 Sedgwick p 66 Cruickshanks p 10 a b Sedgwick p 67 Cruickshanks p 12 J C D Clark From Restoration to Reform The British Isles 1660 1832 London Vintage 2014 p 212 a b c Sedgwick p 68 Clark p 224 Cruickshanks p 30 Sedgwick p 69 Sedgwick pp 69 74 Sedgwick p 70 Sedgwick pp 70 71 a b Sedgwick p 71 Cruickshanks p 27 Cruickshanks p 28 Cruickshanks p 33 Cruickshanks p 38 Cruickshanks p 39 Cruickshanks pp 39 40 Cruickshanks p 40 Cruickshanks p 50 p 52 Cruickshanks p 47 Cruickshanks p 58 a b Sedgwick p 73 Cruickshanks pp 63 64 Cruickshanks p 69 Cruickshanks p 71 a b Cruickshanks p 72 Cruickshanks p 75 a b Cruickshanks p 77 Cruickshanks pp 77 78 Cruickshanks pp 81 82 Cruickshanks p 86 Cruickshanks pp 90 91 a b c Sedgwick p 75 Cruickshanks p 105 Cruickshanks pp 106 108 Sedgwick p ix Lewis Namier Crossroads of Power Essays on Eighteenth Century England London Hamish Hamilton 1962 p 35 Cruickshanks p 45 Julian Hoppit A Land of Liberty England 1689 1727 Oxford Clarendon Press 2000 p 392 n 18 Frank O Gorman The Long Eighteenth Century British Political and Social History 1688 1832 London Bloomsbury Publishing 2016 p 157 a b c Sedgwick p 76 Sedgwick pp 77 78 H T Dickinson Tories 1714 1830 in David Loades ed Readers Guide to British History 2003 2 1279 I R Christie Myth and Reality in Late Eighteenth Century British Politics London Macmillan 1970 p 198 J C D Clark A General Theory of Party Opposition and Government 1688 1832 Historical Journal Vol 23 No 2 1980 p 305 J C D Clark English Society 1688 1832 Ideology Social Structure and Political Practice During the Ancien Regime Cambridge University Press 1985 p 276 n 222 I R Christie Wars and Revolutions Britain 1760 1815 London Edward Arnold 1982 p 283 Works cited Edit Cruickshanks Eveline 1979 Political Untouchables The Tories and the 45 Duckworth Books Harris Tim 1993 Politics under the later Stuarts Longman ISBN 0 582 04082 5 Sedgwick Romney ed 1970 Introductory Survey Appendices Constituencies Members A D The History of Parliament The House of Commons 1715 1754 Vol 1 London Her Majesty s Stationery Office Further reading EditBlack Jeremy 1984 Britain in the Age of Walpole Bulmer Thomas Ivor 1967 The Growth of the British Party System 1640 1923 Vol 1 John Baker Colley Linda 1985 In Defiance of Oligarchy The Tory Party 1714 60 Cambridge University Press Feiling Keith 1938 The Second Tory Party 1714 1832 London Macmillan Feiling Keith 1950 A History of the Tory Party 1640 1714 Clarendon Press O Gorman Frank 1989 Voters Patrons and Parties The Unreformed Electoral System of Hanoverian England 1734 1832 Oxford Clarendon Press External links Edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tory British political party Whig and Tory Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th ed 1911 Gilman D C Peck H T Colby F M eds 1905 Whig and Tory New International Encyclopedia 1st ed New York Dodd Mead Portals nbsp England nbsp United Kingdom nbsp Conservatism nbsp Politics nbsp History Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Tories British political party amp oldid 1180012493, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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