
Nominal rigidity

In economics, nominal rigidity, also known as price-stickiness or wage-stickiness, is a situation in which a nominal price is resistant to change. Complete nominal rigidity occurs when a price is fixed in nominal terms for a relevant period of time. For example, the price of a particular good might be fixed at $10 per unit for a year. Partial nominal rigidity occurs when a price may vary in nominal terms, but not as much as it would if perfectly flexible. For example, in a regulated market there might be limits to how much a price can change in a given year.

If one looks at the whole economy, some prices might be very flexible and others rigid. This will lead to the aggregate price level (which we can think of as an average of the individual prices) becoming "sluggish" or "sticky" in the sense that it does not respond to macroeconomic shocks as much as it would if all prices were flexible. The same idea can apply to nominal wages. The presence of nominal rigidity is an important part of macroeconomic theory since it can explain why markets might not reach equilibrium in the short run or even possibly the long run. In his The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, John Maynard Keynes argued that nominal wages display downward rigidity, in the sense that workers are reluctant to accept cuts in nominal wages. This can lead to involuntary unemployment as it takes time for wages to adjust to equilibrium, a situation he thought applied to the Great Depression.

Evidence edit

There is now a considerable amount of evidence about how long price-spells last, and it suggests that there is a considerable degree of nominal price rigidity in the "complete sense" of prices remaining unchanged. A price-spell is a duration during which the nominal price of a particular item remains unchanged. For some items, such as gasoline or tomatoes, prices are observed to vary frequently resulting in many short price spells. For other items, such as the cost of a bottle of champagne or the cost of a meal in a restaurant, the price might remain fixed for an extended period of time (many months or even years). One of the richest sources of information about this is the price-quote data used to construct the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The statistical agencies in many countries collect tens of thousands of price-quotes for specific items each month in order to construct the CPI. In the early years of the 21st century, there were several major studies of nominal price rigidity in the US and Europe using the CPI price quote microdata. The following table gives nominal rigidity as reflected in the frequency of prices changing on average per month in several countries. For example, in France and the UK, each month on average, 19% of prices change (81% are unchanged), which implies that an average price spell lasts about 5.3 months (the expected duration of a price spell is equal to the reciprocal of the frequency of price change if we interpret the empirical frequency as representing the Bernoulli probability of price change generating a negative binomial distribution of durations of price-spells).

Country (CPI data) Frequency (per month) Mean Price Spell duration (months) Data Period
Various, covering 1989–2004

The fact that price spells last on average for 3.7 months does not mean that prices are not sticky. That is because many price changes are temporary (for example sales) and prices revert to their usual or "reference price".[9] Removing sales and temporary price cuts raises the average length of price-spells considerably: in the US it more than doubled the mean spell duration to 11 months.[10] The reference price can remain unchanged for an average of 14.5 months in the US data.[9] Also, it is prices that we are interested in. If the price of tomatoes changes every month, the tomatoes price will generate 12 price spells in a year. Another price that is just as important (for example, canned tomatoes) might only change once per year (one price spell of 12 months). Looking at these two goods prices alone, we observe that there are 13 price spells with an average duration of (12+13)/13 equals about 2 months. However, if we average across the two items (tomatoes and canned tomatoes), we see that the average spell is 6.5 months (12+1)/2. The distribution of price spell durations and its mean are heavily influenced by prices generating short price spells. If we are looking at nominal rigidity in an economy, we are more interested in the distribution of durations across prices rather than the distribution of price spell durations in itself.[11] There is thus considerable evidence that prices are sticky in the "complete" sense, that the prices remain on average unchanged for a prolonged period of time (around 12 months). Partial nominal rigidity is less easy to measure, since it is difficult to distinguish whether a price that changes is changing less than it would if it were perfectly flexible.

Linking micro data of prices and cost, Carlsson and Nordström Skans (2012), showed that firms consider both current and future expected cost when setting prices.[12] The finding that the expectation of future conditions matter for the price set today provides strong evidence in favor of nominal rigidity and the forward looking behavior of the price setters implied by the models of sticky prices outlined below.

Modeling sticky prices edit

Economists have tried to model sticky prices in a number of ways. These models can be classified as either time-dependent, where firms change prices with the passage of time and decide to change prices independently of the economic environment, or state-dependent, where firms decide to change prices in response to changes in the economic environment. The differences can be thought of as differences in a two-stage process: In time-dependent models, firms decide to change prices and then evaluate market conditions; In state-dependent models, firms evaluate market conditions and then decide how to respond.

In time-dependent models price changes are staggered exogenously, so a fixed percentage of firms change prices at a given time. There is no selection as to which firms change prices. Two commonly used time-dependent models are based on papers by John B. Taylor[13] and Guillermo Calvo.[14] In Taylor (1980), firms change prices every nth period. In Calvo (1983), price changes follow a Poisson process. In both models the choice of changing prices is independent of the inflation rate.

The Taylor model is one where firms set the price knowing exactly how long the price will last (the duration of the price spell). Firms are divided into cohorts, so that each period the same proportion of firms reset their price. For example, with two-period price-spells, half of the firms reset their price each period. Thus the aggregate price level is an average of the new price set this period and the price set last period and still remaining for half of the firms. In general, if price-spells last for n periods, a proportion of 1/n firms reset their price each period and the general price is an average of the prices set now and in the preceding n − 1 periods. At any point in time, there will be a uniform distribution of ages of price-spells: (1/n) will be new prices in their first period, 1/n in their second period, and so on until 1/n will be n periods old. The average age of price-spells will be (n + 1)/2 (if the first period is counted as 1).

In the Calvo staggered contracts model, there is a constant probability h that the firm can set a new price. Thus a proportion h of firms can reset their price in any period, whilst the remaining proportion (1 − h) keep their price constant. In the Calvo model, when a firm sets its price, it does not know how long the price-spell will last. Instead, the firm faces a probability distribution over possible price-spell durations. The probability that the price will last for i periods is (1 − h)i−1, and the expected duration is h−1. For example, if h = 0.25, then a quarter of firms will rest their price each period, and the expected duration for the price-spell is 4. There is no upper limit to how long price-spells may last: although the probability becomes small over time, it is always strictly positive. Unlike the Taylor model where all completed price-spells have the same length, there will at any time be a distribution of completed price-spell lengths.

In state-dependent models the decision to change prices is based on changes in the market and is not related to the passage of time. Most models relate the decision to change prices to menu costs. Firms change prices when the benefit of changing a price becomes larger than the menu cost of changing a price. Price changes may be bunched or staggered over time. Prices change faster and monetary shocks are over faster under state dependent than time.[1] Examples of state-dependent models include the one proposed by Golosov and Lucas[15] and one suggested by Dotsey, King and Wolman.[16]

Significance in macroeconomics edit

In macroeconomics, nominal rigidity is necessary to explain how money (and hence monetary policy and inflation) can affect the real economy and why the classical dichotomy breaks down.

If nominal wages and prices were not sticky, or perfectly flexible, they would always adjust such that there would be equilibrium in the economy. In a perfectly flexible economy, monetary shocks would lead to immediate changes in the level of nominal prices, leaving real quantities (e.g. output, employment) unaffected. This is sometimes called monetary neutrality or "the neutrality of money".

For money to have real effects, some degree of nominal rigidity is required so that prices and wages do not respond immediately. Hence sticky prices play an important role in all mainstream macroeconomic theory: Monetarists, Keynesians and new Keynesians all agree that markets fail to clear because prices fail to drop to market clearing levels when there is a drop in demand. Such models are used to explain unemployment. Neoclassical models, common in microeconomics, predict that involuntary unemployment (where an individual is willing to work, but unable to find a job) should not exist, as this would lead employers to cut wages; this would continue until unemployment was no longer a problem. While such models can be useful in other markets where prices adjust more readily, sticky wages are a common way to explain why workers cannot find jobs: as wages cannot be cut instantaneously, they will sometimes be too high for the market to clear.

Since prices and wages cannot move instantly, price- and wage-setters become forward looking. The notion that expectations of future conditions affect current price- and wage-setting decisions is a keystone for much of the current monetary policy analysis based on Keynesian macroeconomic models and the implied policy advice.

Huw Dixon and Claus Hansen showed that even if only part of the economy has sticky prices, this can influence prices in other sectors and lead to prices in the rest of the economy becoming less responsive to changes in demand.[17] Thus price and wage stickiness in one sector can "spill over" and lead to the economy behaving in a more Keynesian way.[18][19]

Mathematical example: a little price stickiness can go a long way edit

To see how a small sector with a fixed price can affect the way rest of the flexible prices behave, suppose that there are two sectors in the economy: a proportion a with flexible prices Pf and a proportion 1 − a that are affected by menu costs with sticky prices Pm. Suppose that the flexible price sector price Pf has the market clearing condition of the following form:


where   is the aggregate price index (which would result if consumers had Cobb-Douglas preferences over the two goods). The equilibrium condition says that the real flexible price equals some constant (for example   could be real marginal cost). Now we have a remarkable result: no matter how small the menu cost sector, so long as a < 1, the flexible prices get "pegged" to the fixed price.[18] Using the aggregate price index the equilibrium condition becomes


which implies that


so that


What this result says is that no matter how small the sector affected by menu-costs, it will tie down the flexible price. In macroeconomic terms all nominal prices will be sticky, even those in the potentially flexible price sector, so that changes in nominal demand will feed through into changes in output in both the menu-cost sector and the flexible price sector.

Now, this is of course an extreme result resulting from the real rigidity taking the form of a constant real marginal cost. For example, if we allowed for the real marginal cost to vary with aggregate output Y, then we would have


so that the flexible prices would vary with output Y. However, the presence of the fixed prices in the menu-cost sector would still act to dampen the responsiveness of the flexible prices, although this would now depend upon the size of the menu-cost sector a, the sensitivity of   to Y and so on.

Sticky information edit

In macroeconomics, sticky information is old information used by agents as a basis for their behavior—information that does not take into account recent events. The first model of sticky information was developed by Stanley Fischer in his 1977 article.[20] He adopted a "staggered" or "overlapping" contract model. Suppose that there are two unions in the economy, who take turns to choose wages. When it is a union's turn, it chooses the wages it will set for the next two periods. In contrast to John B. Taylor's model where the nominal wage is constant over the contract life, in Fischer's model the union can choose a different wage for each period over the contract. The key point is that at any time t, the union setting its new contract will be using the up-to-date latest information to choose its wages for the next two periods. However, the other union is still setting its wage based on the contract it planned last period, which is based on the old information.

The importance of sticky information in Fischer's model is that whilst wages in some sectors of the economy are reacting to the latest information, those in other sectors are not. This has important implications for monetary policy. A sudden change in monetary policy can have real effects, because of the sector where wages have not had a chance to adjust to the new information.

The idea of sticky information was later developed by N. Gregory Mankiw and Ricardo Reis.[21] This added a new feature to Fischer's model: there is a fixed probability that you can replan your wages or prices each period. Using quarterly data, they assumed a value of 25%: that is, each quarter 25% of randomly chosen firms/unions can plan a trajectory of current and future prices based on current information. Thus if we consider the current period, 25% of prices will be based on the latest information available, and the rest on information that was available when they last were able to replan their price trajectory. Mankiw and Reis found that the model of sticky information provided a good way of explaining inflation persistence.

Evaluation of sticky information models edit

Sticky information models do not have nominal rigidity: firms or unions are free to choose different prices or wages for each period. It is the information that is sticky, not the prices. Thus when a firm gets lucky and can re-plan its current and future prices, it will choose a trajectory of what it believes will be the optimal prices now and in the future. In general, this will involve setting a different price every period covered by the plan.

This is at odds with the empirical evidence on prices.[22][23] There are now many studies of price rigidity in different countries: the US,[1] the Eurozone,[4] the UK[2] and others. These studies all show that whilst there are some sectors where prices change frequently, there are also other sectors where prices remain fixed over time. The lack of sticky prices in the sticky information model is inconsistent with the behavior of prices in most of the economy. This has led to attempts to formulate a "dual stickiness" model that combines sticky information with sticky prices.[23][24]

Sticky inflation assumption edit

The sticky inflation assumption states that "when firms set prices, for various reasons the prices respond slowly to changes in monetary policy. This leads the rate of inflation to adjust gradually over time."[25] Additionally, within the context of the short run model there is an implication that the classical dichotomy does not hold when sticky inflation is present. This is the case when monetary policy affects real variables. Sticky inflation can be caused by expected inflation (e.g. home prices prior to the recession), wage push inflation (a negotiated raise in wages), and temporary inflation caused by taxes. Sticky inflation becomes a problem when economic output decreases while inflation increases, which is also known as stagflation. As economic output decreases and unemployment rises the standard of living falls faster when sticky inflation is present. Not only will inflation not respond to monetary policy in the short run, but monetary expansion as well as contraction can both have negative effects on the standard of living.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b c Klenow, Peter J.; Kryvtsov, Oleksiy (2008). "State-Dependent or Time-Dependent Pricing: Does It Matter For Recent U.S. Inflation?". The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 123 (3): 863–904. CiteSeerX doi:10.1162/qjec.2008.123.3.863.
  2. ^ a b Bunn, Philip; Ellis, Colin (2012). "Examining The Behaviour Of Individual UK Consumer Prices". The Economic Journal. 122 (558): F35–F55. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2011.02490.x. S2CID 153322174.
  3. ^ Dixon, Huw David; Tian, Kun (2017). "What We can Learn About the Behaviour of Firms from the Average Monthly Frequency of Price-Changes: An Application to the UK CPI Data" (PDF). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 79 (6): 907–932. doi:10.1111/obes.12173. S2CID 13777820.
  4. ^ a b Álvarez, Luis J.; Dhyne, Emmanuel; Hoeberichts, Marco; Kwapil, Claudia; Le Bihan, Hervé; Lünnemann, Patrick; Martins, Fernando; Sabbatini, Roberto; Stahl, Harald; Vermeulen, Philip; Vilmunen, Jouko (2006). "Sticky Prices in the Euro Area: A Summary of New Micro-Evidence" (PDF). Journal of the European Economic Association. 4 (2–3): 575–584. doi:10.1162/jeea.2006.4.2-3.575. hdl:10419/152997. S2CID 56011601.
  5. ^ Hoffmann, J. and J.-R. Kurz-Kim (2006). 'Consumer Price Adjustment under the Microscope: Germany in a Period of Low Inflation', European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 652.
  6. ^ Veronese, G., S. Fabiani, A. Gattulli and R. Sabbatini (2005). 'Consumer Price Behaviour in Italy: Evidence from Micro CPI Data', European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 449.
  7. ^ Baudry, L; Le Bihan, H; Tarrieu, S (2007). "Integrating Sticky Prices and Sticky Information". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 69 (2): 139–183. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1468-0084.2007.00473.x. S2CID 153425669.
  8. ^ Rudolf, B. and P. Seiler (2022). 'Price Setting Before and During the Pandemic: Evidence from Swiss Consumer Prices', European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 2748.
  9. ^ a b Kehoe, Patrick; Midrigan, Virgiliu (2016). "Prices are sticky after all". Journal of Monetary Economics. 75 (September): 35–53. doi:10.1016/j.jmoneco.2014.12.004.
  10. ^ Nakamura, Eli; Steinsson, Jon (2008). "Five facts about prices: a reevaluation of menu cost models". Quarterly Journal of Economics. 124 (4): 1415–1464. CiteSeerX doi:10.1162/qjec.2008.123.4.1415.
  11. ^ Baharad, Eyal; Eden, Benjamin (2004). "Price rigidity and price dispersion: evidence from micro data" (PDF). Review of Economic Dynamics. 7 (3): 613–641. doi:10.1016/j.red.2004.01.004. hdl:1803/15745.
  12. ^ Carlsson, Mikael; Nordström Skans, Oskar (2012). "Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities: Evidence from Matched Firm-Level Data on Product Prices and Unit Labor Cost" (PDF). American Economic Review. 102 (4): 1571–1595. doi:10.1257/aer.102.4.1571. hdl:10419/45714. ISSN 0002-8282. S2CID 42182289.
  13. ^ Taylor, John B. (1980). "Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered Contracts". Journal of Political Economy. 88 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1086/260845. JSTOR 1830957. S2CID 154446910.
  14. ^ Calvo, Guillermo A. (1983). "Staggered Prices in a Utility-Maximizing Framework". Journal of Monetary Economics. 12 (3): 383–398. doi:10.1016/0304-3932(83)90060-0.
  15. ^ Golosov, Mikhail; Lucas, Robert E. Jr. (2007). "Menu Costs and Phillips Curves". Journal of Political Economy. 115 (2): 171–199. CiteSeerX doi:10.1086/512625. S2CID 8027651.
  16. ^ Dotsey, Michael; King, Robert G.; Wolman, Alexander L. (1999). "State-Dependent Pricing and the General Equilibrium Dynamics of Money and Output". The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 114 (2): 655–690. doi:10.1162/003355399556106. S2CID 33869494.
  17. ^ Dixon, Huw; Hansen, Claus (1999). "A mixed industrial structure magnifies the importance of menu costs". European Economic Review. 43 (8): 1475–1499. doi:10.1016/S0014-2921(98)00029-4.
  18. ^ a b Dixon, Huw (1992). "Nominal wage flexibility in a partly unionised economy". The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies. 60 (3): 295–306. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.1992.tb00465.x.
  19. ^ Dixon, Huw (1994). "Macroeconomic Price and Quantity responses with heterogeneous Product Markets". Oxford Economic Papers. 46 (3): 385–402. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.oep.a042137. JSTOR 2663572.
  20. ^ Fischer, S. (1977). "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule" (PDF). Journal of Political Economy. 85 (1): 191–205. doi:10.1086/260551. hdl:1721.1/63894. JSTOR 1828335. S2CID 36811334.
  21. ^ Mankiw, N. G.; Reis, R. (2002). "Sticky Information Versus Sticky Prices: A Proposal To Replace The New Keynesian Phillips Curve". Quarterly Journal of Economics. 117 (4): 1295–1328. doi:10.1162/003355302320935034. S2CID 1146949.
  22. ^ Chari, V. V.; Kehoe, Patrick J.; McGrattan, Ellen R. (2008). "New Keynesian Models: Not Yet Useful for Policy Analysis" (PDF). Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report 409.
  23. ^ a b Knotec, Edward S. II (2010). "A Tale of Two Rigidities: Sticky Prices in a Sticky-Information Environment". Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 42 (8): 1543–1564. doi:10.1111/j.1538-4616.2010.00353.x.
  24. ^ Dupor, Bill; Kitamura, Tomiyuki; Tsuruga, Takayuki (2010). "Integrating Sticky Prices and Sticky Information". Review of Economics and Statistics. 92 (3): 657–669. CiteSeerX doi:10.1162/REST_a_00017. S2CID 57569783.
  25. ^ Charles I. Jones, Macroeconomics, 3rd edition. Text (Norton, 2013) p.309.

Further reading edit

  • Arrow, Kenneth J.; Hahn, Frank H. (1973). General competitive analysis. Advanced textbooks in economics. Vol. 12 (1980 reprint of (1971) San Francisco, CA: Holden-Day, Inc. Mathematical economics texts. 6 ed.). Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISBN 978-0-444-85497-1. MR 0439057.
  • Fisher, F. M. (1983). Disequilibrium foundations of equilibrium economics. Econometric Society Monographs (1989 paperback ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 248. ISBN 978-0-521-37856-7.
  • Gale, Douglas (1982). Money: in equilibrium. Cambridge economic handbooks. Vol. 2. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 349. ISBN 978-0-521-28900-9.
  • Gale, Douglas (1983). Money: in disequilibrium. Cambridge economic handbooks. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. p. 382. ISBN 978-0-521-26917-9.
  • Grandmont, Jean-Michel (1985). Money and value: A reconsideration of classical and neoclassical monetary economics. Econometric Society Monographs. Vol. 5. Cambridge University Press. p. 212. ISBN 978-0-521-31364-3. MR 0934017.
  • Grandmont, Jean-Michel, ed. (1988). Temporary equilibrium: Selected readings. Economic Theory, Econometrics, and Mathematical Economics. Academic Press. p. 512. ISBN 978-0-12-295146-6. MR 0987252.
  • Herschel I. Grossman, 1987.“monetary disequilibrium and market clearing” in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp. 504–06.
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008, 2nd Edition. Abstracts:
"monetary overhang" by Holger C. Wolf.
"non-clearing markets in general equilibrium" by Jean-Pascal Bénassy.
"fixprice models" by Joaquim Silvestre. "inflation dynamics" by Timothy Cogley.
"temporary equilibrium" by J.-M. Grandmont.

External links edit

  • Davis, Michael C.; Hamilton, James D. (2004). "Why Are Prices Sticky? The Dynamics Of Wholesale Gasoline Prices" (PDF). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 36 (1): 17–37. doi:10.1353/mcb.2004.0003. JSTOR 3839046. S2CID 11650282.
  • Economics A-Z: Sticky Prices

nominal, rigidity, economics, nominal, rigidity, also, known, price, stickiness, wage, stickiness, situation, which, nominal, price, resistant, change, complete, nominal, rigidity, occurs, when, price, fixed, nominal, terms, relevant, period, time, example, pr. In economics nominal rigidity also known as price stickiness or wage stickiness is a situation in which a nominal price is resistant to change Complete nominal rigidity occurs when a price is fixed in nominal terms for a relevant period of time For example the price of a particular good might be fixed at 10 per unit for a year Partial nominal rigidity occurs when a price may vary in nominal terms but not as much as it would if perfectly flexible For example in a regulated market there might be limits to how much a price can change in a given year If one looks at the whole economy some prices might be very flexible and others rigid This will lead to the aggregate price level which we can think of as an average of the individual prices becoming sluggish or sticky in the sense that it does not respond to macroeconomic shocks as much as it would if all prices were flexible The same idea can apply to nominal wages The presence of nominal rigidity is an important part of macroeconomic theory since it can explain why markets might not reach equilibrium in the short run or even possibly the long run In his The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money John Maynard Keynes argued that nominal wages display downward rigidity in the sense that workers are reluctant to accept cuts in nominal wages This can lead to involuntary unemployment as it takes time for wages to adjust to equilibrium a situation he thought applied to the Great Depression Contents 1 Evidence 2 Modeling sticky prices 3 Significance in macroeconomics 3 1 Mathematical example a little price stickiness can go a long way 4 Sticky information 4 1 Evaluation of sticky information models 4 2 Sticky inflation assumption 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External linksEvidence editThere is now a considerable amount of evidence about how long price spells last and it suggests that there is a considerable degree of nominal price rigidity in the complete sense of prices remaining unchanged A price spell is a duration during which the nominal price of a particular item remains unchanged For some items such as gasoline or tomatoes prices are observed to vary frequently resulting in many short price spells For other items such as the cost of a bottle of champagne or the cost of a meal in a restaurant the price might remain fixed for an extended period of time many months or even years One of the richest sources of information about this is the price quote data used to construct the Consumer Price Index CPI The statistical agencies in many countries collect tens of thousands of price quotes for specific items each month in order to construct the CPI In the early years of the 21st century there were several major studies of nominal price rigidity in the US and Europe using the CPI price quote microdata The following table gives nominal rigidity as reflected in the frequency of prices changing on average per month in several countries For example in France and the UK each month on average 19 of prices change 81 are unchanged which implies that an average price spell lasts about 5 3 months the expected duration of a price spell is equal to the reciprocal of the frequency of price change if we interpret the empirical frequency as representing the Bernoulli probability of price change generating a negative binomial distribution of durations of price spells Country CPI data Frequency per month Mean Price Spell duration months Data Period US 1 27 3 7 1998 2005 UK 2 3 19 5 3 1996 2007 Eurozone 4 15 6 6 Various covering 1989 2004 Germany 5 10 10 1998 2004 Italy 6 9 11 1 1996 2003 France 7 19 5 3 1994 2003 Switzerland 8 27 3 7 2008 2020 The fact that price spells last on average for 3 7 months does not mean that prices are not sticky That is because many price changes are temporary for example sales and prices revert to their usual or reference price 9 Removing sales and temporary price cuts raises the average length of price spells considerably in the US it more than doubled the mean spell duration to 11 months 10 The reference price can remain unchanged for an average of 14 5 months in the US data 9 Also it is prices that we are interested in If the price of tomatoes changes every month the tomatoes price will generate 12 price spells in a year Another price that is just as important for example canned tomatoes might only change once per year one price spell of 12 months Looking at these two goods prices alone we observe that there are 13 price spells with an average duration of 12 13 13 equals about 2 months However if we average across the two items tomatoes and canned tomatoes we see that the average spell is 6 5 months 12 1 2 The distribution of price spell durations and its mean are heavily influenced by prices generating short price spells If we are looking at nominal rigidity in an economy we are more interested in the distribution of durations across prices rather than the distribution of price spell durations in itself 11 There is thus considerable evidence that prices are sticky in the complete sense that the prices remain on average unchanged for a prolonged period of time around 12 months Partial nominal rigidity is less easy to measure since it is difficult to distinguish whether a price that changes is changing less than it would if it were perfectly flexible Linking micro data of prices and cost Carlsson and Nordstrom Skans 2012 showed that firms consider both current and future expected cost when setting prices 12 The finding that the expectation of future conditions matter for the price set today provides strong evidence in favor of nominal rigidity and the forward looking behavior of the price setters implied by the models of sticky prices outlined below Modeling sticky prices editEconomists have tried to model sticky prices in a number of ways These models can be classified as either time dependent where firms change prices with the passage of time and decide to change prices independently of the economic environment or state dependent where firms decide to change prices in response to changes in the economic environment The differences can be thought of as differences in a two stage process In time dependent models firms decide to change prices and then evaluate market conditions In state dependent models firms evaluate market conditions and then decide how to respond In time dependent models price changes are staggered exogenously so a fixed percentage of firms change prices at a given time There is no selection as to which firms change prices Two commonly used time dependent models are based on papers by John B Taylor 13 and Guillermo Calvo 14 In Taylor 1980 firms change prices every nth period In Calvo 1983 price changes follow a Poisson process In both models the choice of changing prices is independent of the inflation rate The Taylor model is one where firms set the price knowing exactly how long the price will last the duration of the price spell Firms are divided into cohorts so that each period the same proportion of firms reset their price For example with two period price spells half of the firms reset their price each period Thus the aggregate price level is an average of the new price set this period and the price set last period and still remaining for half of the firms In general if price spells last for n periods a proportion of 1 n firms reset their price each period and the general price is an average of the prices set now and in the preceding n 1 periods At any point in time there will be a uniform distribution of ages of price spells 1 n will be new prices in their first period 1 n in their second period and so on until 1 n will be n periods old The average age of price spells will be n 1 2 if the first period is counted as 1 In the Calvo staggered contracts model there is a constant probability h that the firm can set a new price Thus a proportion h of firms can reset their price in any period whilst the remaining proportion 1 h keep their price constant In the Calvo model when a firm sets its price it does not know how long the price spell will last Instead the firm faces a probability distribution over possible price spell durations The probability that the price will last for i periods is 1 h i 1 and the expected duration is h 1 For example if h 0 25 then a quarter of firms will rest their price each period and the expected duration for the price spell is 4 There is no upper limit to how long price spells may last although the probability becomes small over time it is always strictly positive Unlike the Taylor model where all completed price spells have the same length there will at any time be a distribution of completed price spell lengths In state dependent models the decision to change prices is based on changes in the market and is not related to the passage of time Most models relate the decision to change prices to menu costs Firms change prices when the benefit of changing a price becomes larger than the menu cost of changing a price Price changes may be bunched or staggered over time Prices change faster and monetary shocks are over faster under state dependent than time 1 Examples of state dependent models include the one proposed by Golosov and Lucas 15 and one suggested by Dotsey King and Wolman 16 Significance in macroeconomics editIn macroeconomics nominal rigidity is necessary to explain how money and hence monetary policy and inflation can affect the real economy and why the classical dichotomy breaks down If nominal wages and prices were not sticky or perfectly flexible they would always adjust such that there would be equilibrium in the economy In a perfectly flexible economy monetary shocks would lead to immediate changes in the level of nominal prices leaving real quantities e g output employment unaffected This is sometimes called monetary neutrality or the neutrality of money For money to have real effects some degree of nominal rigidity is required so that prices and wages do not respond immediately Hence sticky prices play an important role in all mainstream macroeconomic theory Monetarists Keynesians and new Keynesians all agree that markets fail to clear because prices fail to drop to market clearing levels when there is a drop in demand Such models are used to explain unemployment Neoclassical models common in microeconomics predict that involuntary unemployment where an individual is willing to work but unable to find a job should not exist as this would lead employers to cut wages this would continue until unemployment was no longer a problem While such models can be useful in other markets where prices adjust more readily sticky wages are a common way to explain why workers cannot find jobs as wages cannot be cut instantaneously they will sometimes be too high for the market to clear Since prices and wages cannot move instantly price and wage setters become forward looking The notion that expectations of future conditions affect current price and wage setting decisions is a keystone for much of the current monetary policy analysis based on Keynesian macroeconomic models and the implied policy advice Huw Dixon and Claus Hansen showed that even if only part of the economy has sticky prices this can influence prices in other sectors and lead to prices in the rest of the economy becoming less responsive to changes in demand 17 Thus price and wage stickiness in one sector can spill over and lead to the economy behaving in a more Keynesian way 18 19 Mathematical example a little price stickiness can go a long way edit To see how a small sector with a fixed price can affect the way rest of the flexible prices behave suppose that there are two sectors in the economy a proportion a with flexible prices Pf and a proportion 1 a that are affected by menu costs with sticky prices Pm Suppose that the flexible price sector price Pf has the market clearing condition of the following form P f P 8 displaystyle frac P f P theta nbsp where P P f a P m 1 a displaystyle P P f a P m 1 a nbsp is the aggregate price index which would result if consumers had Cobb Douglas preferences over the two goods The equilibrium condition says that the real flexible price equals some constant for example 8 displaystyle theta nbsp could be real marginal cost Now we have a remarkable result no matter how small the menu cost sector so long as a lt 1 the flexible prices get pegged to the fixed price 18 Using the aggregate price index the equilibrium condition becomes P f P f a P m 1 a 8 displaystyle frac P f P f a P m 1 a theta nbsp which implies that P f 1 a P m 1 a 8 displaystyle P f 1 a P m 1 a theta nbsp so that P f P m 8 1 1 a displaystyle P f P m theta 1 1 a nbsp What this result says is that no matter how small the sector affected by menu costs it will tie down the flexible price In macroeconomic terms all nominal prices will be sticky even those in the potentially flexible price sector so that changes in nominal demand will feed through into changes in output in both the menu cost sector and the flexible price sector Now this is of course an extreme result resulting from the real rigidity taking the form of a constant real marginal cost For example if we allowed for the real marginal cost to vary with aggregate output Y then we would have P f P m 8 Y 1 1 a displaystyle P f P m theta Y 1 1 a nbsp so that the flexible prices would vary with output Y However the presence of the fixed prices in the menu cost sector would still act to dampen the responsiveness of the flexible prices although this would now depend upon the size of the menu cost sector a the sensitivity of 8 displaystyle theta nbsp to Y and so on Sticky information editIn macroeconomics sticky information is old information used by agents as a basis for their behavior information that does not take into account recent events The first model of sticky information was developed by Stanley Fischer in his 1977 article 20 He adopted a staggered or overlapping contract model Suppose that there are two unions in the economy who take turns to choose wages When it is a union s turn it chooses the wages it will set for the next two periods In contrast to John B Taylor s model where the nominal wage is constant over the contract life in Fischer s model the union can choose a different wage for each period over the contract The key point is that at any time t the union setting its new contract will be using the up to date latest information to choose its wages for the next two periods However the other union is still setting its wage based on the contract it planned last period which is based on the old information The importance of sticky information in Fischer s model is that whilst wages in some sectors of the economy are reacting to the latest information those in other sectors are not This has important implications for monetary policy A sudden change in monetary policy can have real effects because of the sector where wages have not had a chance to adjust to the new information The idea of sticky information was later developed by N Gregory Mankiw and Ricardo Reis 21 This added a new feature to Fischer s model there is a fixed probability that you can replan your wages or prices each period Using quarterly data they assumed a value of 25 that is each quarter 25 of randomly chosen firms unions can plan a trajectory of current and future prices based on current information Thus if we consider the current period 25 of prices will be based on the latest information available and the rest on information that was available when they last were able to replan their price trajectory Mankiw and Reis found that the model of sticky information provided a good way of explaining inflation persistence Evaluation of sticky information models edit Sticky information models do not have nominal rigidity firms or unions are free to choose different prices or wages for each period It is the information that is sticky not the prices Thus when a firm gets lucky and can re plan its current and future prices it will choose a trajectory of what it believes will be the optimal prices now and in the future In general this will involve setting a different price every period covered by the plan This is at odds with the empirical evidence on prices 22 23 There are now many studies of price rigidity in different countries the US 1 the Eurozone 4 the UK 2 and others These studies all show that whilst there are some sectors where prices change frequently there are also other sectors where prices remain fixed over time The lack of sticky prices in the sticky information model is inconsistent with the behavior of prices in most of the economy This has led to attempts to formulate a dual stickiness model that combines sticky information with sticky prices 23 24 Sticky inflation assumption edit The sticky inflation assumption states that when firms set prices for various reasons the prices respond slowly to changes in monetary policy This leads the rate of inflation to adjust gradually over time 25 Additionally within the context of the short run model there is an implication that the classical dichotomy does not hold when sticky inflation is present This is the case when monetary policy affects real variables Sticky inflation can be caused by expected inflation e g home prices prior to the recession wage push inflation a negotiated raise in wages and temporary inflation caused by taxes Sticky inflation becomes a problem when economic output decreases while inflation increases which is also known as stagflation As economic output decreases and unemployment rises the standard of living falls faster when sticky inflation is present Not only will inflation not respond to monetary policy in the short run but monetary expansion as well as contraction can both have negative effects on the standard of living See also editShapiro Stiglitz theoryReferences edit a b c Klenow Peter J Kryvtsov Oleksiy 2008 State Dependent or Time Dependent Pricing Does It Matter For Recent U S Inflation The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123 3 863 904 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 589 5275 doi 10 1162 qjec 2008 123 3 863 a b Bunn Philip Ellis Colin 2012 Examining The Behaviour Of Individual UK Consumer Prices The Economic Journal 122 558 F35 F55 doi 10 1111 j 1468 0297 2011 02490 x S2CID 153322174 Dixon Huw David Tian Kun 2017 What We can Learn About the Behaviour of Firms from the Average Monthly Frequency of Price Changes An Application to the UK CPI Data PDF Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 79 6 907 932 doi 10 1111 obes 12173 S2CID 13777820 a b Alvarez Luis J Dhyne Emmanuel Hoeberichts Marco Kwapil Claudia Le Bihan Herve Lunnemann Patrick Martins Fernando Sabbatini Roberto Stahl Harald Vermeulen Philip Vilmunen Jouko 2006 Sticky Prices in the Euro Area A Summary of New Micro Evidence PDF Journal of the European Economic Association 4 2 3 575 584 doi 10 1162 jeea 2006 4 2 3 575 hdl 10419 152997 S2CID 56011601 Hoffmann J and J R Kurz Kim 2006 Consumer Price Adjustment under the Microscope Germany in a Period of Low Inflation European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 652 Veronese G S Fabiani A Gattulli and R Sabbatini 2005 Consumer Price Behaviour in Italy Evidence from Micro CPI Data European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 449 Baudry L Le Bihan H Tarrieu S 2007 Integrating Sticky Prices and Sticky Information Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 69 2 139 183 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 490 6806 doi 10 1111 j 1468 0084 2007 00473 x S2CID 153425669 Rudolf B and P Seiler 2022 Price Setting Before and During the Pandemic Evidence from Swiss Consumer Prices European Central Bank Working Paper Series Number 2748 a b Kehoe Patrick Midrigan Virgiliu 2016 Prices are sticky after all Journal of Monetary Economics 75 September 35 53 doi 10 1016 j jmoneco 2014 12 004 Nakamura Eli Steinsson Jon 2008 Five facts about prices a reevaluation of menu cost models Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 4 1415 1464 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 177 6906 doi 10 1162 qjec 2008 123 4 1415 Baharad Eyal Eden Benjamin 2004 Price rigidity and price dispersion evidence from micro data PDF Review of Economic Dynamics 7 3 613 641 doi 10 1016 j red 2004 01 004 hdl 1803 15745 Carlsson Mikael Nordstrom Skans Oskar 2012 Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities Evidence from Matched Firm Level Data on Product Prices and Unit Labor Cost PDF American Economic Review 102 4 1571 1595 doi 10 1257 aer 102 4 1571 hdl 10419 45714 ISSN 0002 8282 S2CID 42182289 Taylor John B 1980 Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered Contracts Journal of Political Economy 88 1 1 23 doi 10 1086 260845 JSTOR 1830957 S2CID 154446910 Calvo Guillermo A 1983 Staggered Prices in a Utility Maximizing Framework Journal of Monetary Economics 12 3 383 398 doi 10 1016 0304 3932 83 90060 0 Golosov Mikhail Lucas Robert E Jr 2007 Menu Costs and Phillips Curves Journal of Political Economy 115 2 171 199 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 498 5570 doi 10 1086 512625 S2CID 8027651 Dotsey Michael King Robert G Wolman Alexander L 1999 State Dependent Pricing and the General Equilibrium Dynamics of Money and Output The Quarterly Journal of Economics 114 2 655 690 doi 10 1162 003355399556106 S2CID 33869494 Dixon Huw Hansen Claus 1999 A mixed industrial structure magnifies the importance of menu costs European Economic Review 43 8 1475 1499 doi 10 1016 S0014 2921 98 00029 4 a b Dixon Huw 1992 Nominal wage flexibility in a partly unionised economy The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 60 3 295 306 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9957 1992 tb00465 x Dixon Huw 1994 Macroeconomic Price and Quantity responses with heterogeneous Product Markets Oxford Economic Papers 46 3 385 402 doi 10 1093 oxfordjournals oep a042137 JSTOR 2663572 Fischer S 1977 Long Term Contracts Rational Expectations and the Optimal Money Supply Rule PDF Journal of Political Economy 85 1 191 205 doi 10 1086 260551 hdl 1721 1 63894 JSTOR 1828335 S2CID 36811334 Mankiw N G Reis R 2002 Sticky Information Versus Sticky Prices A Proposal To Replace The New Keynesian Phillips Curve Quarterly Journal of Economics 117 4 1295 1328 doi 10 1162 003355302320935034 S2CID 1146949 Chari V V Kehoe Patrick J McGrattan Ellen R 2008 New Keynesian Models Not Yet Useful for Policy Analysis PDF Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report 409 a b Knotec Edward S II 2010 A Tale of Two Rigidities Sticky Prices in a Sticky Information Environment Journal of Money Credit and Banking 42 8 1543 1564 doi 10 1111 j 1538 4616 2010 00353 x Dupor Bill Kitamura Tomiyuki Tsuruga Takayuki 2010 Integrating Sticky Prices and Sticky Information Review of Economics and Statistics 92 3 657 669 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 595 2382 doi 10 1162 REST a 00017 S2CID 57569783 Charles I Jones Macroeconomics 3rd edition Text Norton 2013 p 309 Further reading editArrow Kenneth J Hahn Frank H 1973 General competitive analysis Advanced textbooks in economics Vol 12 1980 reprint of 1971 San Francisco CA Holden Day Inc Mathematical economics texts 6 ed Amsterdam North Holland ISBN 978 0 444 85497 1 MR 0439057 Fisher F M 1983 Disequilibrium foundations of equilibrium economics Econometric Society Monographs 1989 paperback ed New York Cambridge University Press p 248 ISBN 978 0 521 37856 7 Gale Douglas 1982 Money in equilibrium Cambridge economic handbooks Vol 2 Cambridge U K Cambridge University Press pp 349 ISBN 978 0 521 28900 9 Gale Douglas 1983 Money in disequilibrium Cambridge economic handbooks Cambridge U K Cambridge University Press p 382 ISBN 978 0 521 26917 9 Grandmont Jean Michel 1985 Money and value A reconsideration of classical and neoclassical monetary economics Econometric Society Monographs Vol 5 Cambridge University Press p 212 ISBN 978 0 521 31364 3 MR 0934017 Grandmont Jean Michel ed 1988 Temporary equilibrium Selected readings Economic Theory Econometrics and Mathematical Economics Academic Press p 512 ISBN 978 0 12 295146 6 MR 0987252 Herschel I Grossman 1987 monetary disequilibrium and market clearing in The New Palgrave A Dictionary of Economics v 3 pp 504 06 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2008 2nd Edition Abstracts monetary overhang by Holger C Wolf non clearing markets in general equilibrium by Jean Pascal Benassy fixprice models by Joaquim Silvestre inflation dynamics by Timothy Cogley temporary equilibrium by J M Grandmont Romer David 2011 Nominal Rigidity Advanced Macroeconomics Fourth ed New York McGraw Hill pp 238 311 ISBN 978 0 07 351137 5 Starr Ross M ed 1989 General equilibrium models of monetary economies Studies in the static foundations of monetary theory Economic theory econometrics and mathematical economics Academic Press p 351 ISBN 978 0 12 663970 4 Bewley Truman 1999 Why Wages Don t Fall during a Recession Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0674009431 External links editDavis Michael C Hamilton James D 2004 Why Are Prices Sticky The Dynamics Of Wholesale Gasoline Prices PDF Journal of Money Credit and Banking 36 1 17 37 doi 10 1353 mcb 2004 0003 JSTOR 3839046 S2CID 11650282 Economics A Z Sticky Prices Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Nominal rigidity amp oldid 1191121754, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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