
Sancho, Count of Provence

Sancho (died 1223), also spelled Sanç or Sanche,[a] was a Catalano-Aragonese nobleman and statesman, the youngest son of Queen Petronilla of Aragon and Count Raymond Berengar IV of Barcelona. He was at different times the count of Cerdanya (c.1175–1188), Provence (1181–1185), Gévaudan, Rodez and Carlat (1183–1185), and Roussillon (1208–1212).[b] He served as the regent of Provence from 1209 until 1218 during the minority of Count Raymond Berengar IV, and as regent of Aragon from 1214 until 1218, during the minority of King James I.

Partially preserved seal of Sancho of Provence
Count of Provence
PredecessorRamon Berenguer III
SuccessorAlfonso II
Count of Cerdanya
SuccessorNuño Sánchez
Count of Roussillon
SuccessorNuño Sánchez
Sancha Nuñez de Lara
IssueNuño, Count of Cerdanya
FatherRamon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona
MotherPetronilla of Aragon

Life edit

Count of Cerdanya edit

Sancho was a minor at the time of his father's death (1162) and he did not inherit lands or titles, but only the right of reversion should his elder brothers die without heirs.[1] Thus, according to his father's will, he should have inherited Provence and Cerdanya only after his elder brother Raymond Berengar III, count of Provence, was assassinated in 1181. In fact, while he inherited Provence at that time, he appears to have received Cerdanya shortly before that.[2]

Sancho came of age between 1175, when he first began witnessing the royal charters of his eldest brother, King Alfonso II of Aragon, and 1180. In these years, he witnessed charters only in Catalonia and Provence. Before 1180, he occasionally signed documents with the title "Count of Cerdanya" (comes Ceritanie), but usually he was described as just "the king's brother". Alfonso does not seem to have entirely trusted his administration of Cerdanya, for he intervened in the county in 1177 and again in 1188. Sancho is not recorded as count of Cerdanya after that.[1][2]

Count of Provence edit

When Sancho inherited the county of Provence in 1181, he probably also inherited the governing arrangement that had been set up by Alfonso. His power would have been heavily circumscribed by a council.[3] His first responsibility as count was to defend the county from the claims of Count Raymond V of Toulouse. For the following four years, Sancho and his brother Alfonso prosecuted a war against Toulouse.[4] On 9 December 1182, Alfonso visited his brother in Aix and exempted the Knights Hospitaller from commercial duties and tolls in Provence.[5] In March 1183, Alfonso enfeoffed Sancho with the counties of Gévaudan, Rodez and Carlat.[6][7][8] Sancho's expense account for his stay at Perpignan in November 1184, where he met his brother, has survived and provides a detailed look at how his court functioned.[9]

Early in his administration of Provence, conflict arose every spring between him and the neighbouring prince, Count William IV of Forcalquier.[10] Finally, in 1184, Sancho signed a treaty of alliance with the count of Forcalquier, the count of Toulouse and the Republic of Genoa agreeing to oppose the king of Aragon's efforts to dominate Genoa and to take the city of Marseille from him. Sancho then intervened on the side of Genoa in that commune's war against Pisa.[1][11][12][8] These actions of disloyalty caused a rift between the brothers, and Alfonso dispossessed Sancho of Provence, Gévaudan, Rodez and Carlat. In his place he appointed Roger-Bernard I, count of Foix, as his bailiff or procurator in Provence.[13]

According to some historians, the king was merely looking for an excuse to seize control of Provence.[14] Alfonso was in Aix by March 1185, when the dating clause of a charter reads "when we recovered Provence from the hands of Sancho, our brother". Evidence of Alfonso's ill-will towards can be found in the Gesta comitum Barcinonensium, which records that Alfonso "never loved [his brother Sancho] and did not wish to give him anything in his kingdom."[c][15] The hostility between Sancho and Alfonso caught the notice of the troubadour Peire Vidal, who addresses the king in a tornada:[16]

The troubadour Peire Vidal was a contemporary critic of Sancho's government of Provence.
Francs reis, Proensa·us apella,
qu'En Sancho la·us desclavella,
e gasta·us la cer'e·l mel
e sai tramet vos lo fel.
(Noble king, Provence is calling out to you, it is being despoiled by Lord Sancho, he is taking the wax and honey and sending you nothing but gall.)

By contrast, the troubadour Bertran de Born presents Sancho as popular in Provence:[17]

Proenza pert, don es eissitz,
que so frair Sanso prezan mais...
(He [Alfonso] is losing Provence, which he left, where his brother Sancho is better loved...)

After his removal from office, Sancho continued to style himself Count of Provence.[4]

Count of Roussillon and procurator of Provence edit

In 1204, Sancho and his son, Nuño Sánchez, witnessed the donation of the county of Roussillon to Maria of Montpellier, the new wife of King Peter II, Sancho's nephew. Since Roussillon was a region in which Sancho had ambitions, his recognition of the donation to Maria was critical.[18] In 1208, Peter finally granted Sancho the county of Roussillon. In 1209–10, Sancho left the day-to-day government in the hands of a "vicar and bailiff" (vicarius et baiulus), Ferran de Norvais. In January 1211, Peter granted the county's revenues to Guillem de Creixell, since Guillem was the king's creditor, but Sancho continued to govern the county into 1212.[2]

In 1209, Sancho's nephew and King Alfonso's successor in Provence, Count Alfonso II, died. He left behind a minor, Raymond Berengar IV, as his heir. King Peter appointed Sancho governor of Provence on behalf of Raymond Berengar. One of his first tasks was to subdue the rebellious city of Arles.[19] Sancho also promptly brought his own son, Nuño, into the government of Provence. Together they pursued a policy that favoured communal liberties and commercial activity while opposing encroaching French and Papal influence.[4] As a base of support in Provence, Peter granted Sancho and Nuño the ports of Agazi, Boch and Monaco.[20]

In 1212, Sancho fought at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa on the side of Peter II.[4] That same year Roussillon was transferred from Sancho to his son Nuño, to be held by the latter along with Cerdanya and Conflent for life.[2]

Peter II died fighting the anti-Catharist crusaders at the Battle of Muret in 1213. His heir and successor, James I, a minor, was taken captive by Simon IV de Montfort, earl of Leicester. An army was soon assembled at Narbonne with the support of Viscount Aimery III to recover the captive king and avenge the dead king. Sancho and his son Nuño were among the leading men present. The situation was diffused, however, by the papal legate Peter of Benevento, who secured James's release.[21]

Procurator general of the realm edit

Opposition and setbacks (1214–1216) edit

Since Peter had placed his kingdom under the authority of the Papacy, the papal legate arranged for James to be placed under the guardianship of Guillem de Montrodon, master of the Templars in Aragon, and for Sancho to be appointed procurator general, effectively regent.[4] The exact date of Sancho's appointment is uncertain: it occurred either late in 1214 or early in 1215.[4][22] James in his autobiographical Llibre dels fets, later accused Sancho of wanting to be king and of plotting to seize the throne.[11] Although this claim has been widely accepted by historians, the historian Salvador Sanpere wrote a short monograph in an effort to "vindicate" Sancho's actions.[23]

The Llibre dels fets of James I accuses his great uncle of plotting to seize the throne

In the summer of 1214, Peter of Benevento convened a council of the realm in Lleida. The assembled clergy and nobility agreed on a political programme for James's minority that included a prohibition on new taxes. Sancho was charged with implementing the programme.[11] His power base, however, was in Provence and he had limited support in Aragon and Catalonia, especially for his preferred policy of continuing the war against Simon de Montfort.[21]

In 1214, Gaston VI, viscount of Béarn and count of Bigorre, died. In order to prevent the county of Bigorre from falling out of Aragon's orbit, Sancho arranged for his son Nuño to marry Gaston's widow, the hereditary countess Petronilla, in 1215. The plan failed when the clergy annulled the marriage in 1216. Petronilla ended up marrying Guy de Montfort, brother of Simon.[21]

In November 1215, Sancho sent two envoys, Pedro Ahones and Guillem IV de Cervera, to attend the Fourth Council of the Lateran in Rome as representatives of Aragon. At the council, they undermined Sancho's anti-crusade policy, alongside Bishop Hispan of Segorbe. In the end, the council upheld the legality of the crusade. In a letter addressed to Pope Innocent III, Sancho had also requested enhanced authority as procurator, but the envoys returned instead with a series of orders dated 23 January 1216 in which Innocent appointed seven noblemen from both Aragon and Catalonia as deputy counsellors to assist Sancho and ordered all the men of the realm to observe the truce with the crusaders. Innocent did order the cities of the Aragon and Catalonia to subsidise the regent's redemption of pledged lands (royal demesne that had been pawned by Peter II to fund his wars), but royal finances were transferred to Guillem de Montrodon. As a result, Sancho found his power curtailed rather than strengthened.[11][21]

War in Occitania (1216–1218) edit

Sancho did not completely abandon his policy towards the crusade because of the setbacks at the Lateran. There was a concerted effort by the houses of Toulouse and Aragon to restore their shaken authority in Provence at the same time as Raymond Berengar IV came of age and Sancho's second administration of Provence ended.[24] Count Raymond VI of Toulouse, who had been deprived of his lands by the Lateran council, was granted refuge by Sancho. In April 1216, King Philip II of France formally granted Raymond's fiefs to Simon de Montfort. Raymond tried during the spring of 1216 to recruit knights in Aragon and Catalonia in order to fight for him in Provence. Encouraged by a letter from King Frederick II of Germany, emperor-elect,[d] Raymond besieged Beaucaire in June.[21]

On 12 June 1216 Sancho signed a treaty at Balaguer in Aragon with representatives of the rectors of the Confraternity of the Holy Spirit of Marseille, a pious lay association that was the de facto government of the city. The signatories agreed to aid one another in the case of any aggression by a third party.[21] In September 1216, with Sancho's support and probably with a following of Catalan and Aragonese knights, Raymond of Toulouse invaded France to reclaim the county of Toulouse. Simon de Montfort was killed in 1218 at the ensuing siege of Toulouse.[22]

On 26 October 1216 at Barcelona, Sancho and Nuño signed a peace treaty with Guillem Ramon de Montcada, the viscount of Béarn, his son Guillem and Guillem de Cervera. This treaty was a response to Petronilla of Bigorre's marriage to Guy de Montfort, which the viscount of Béarn considered a threatening move. The newfound allies invaded Bigorre and as a result Simon de Montfort lifted his siege of Lourdes, temporarily removing the threat the crusade posed to western flank of the Aragonese sphere.[21]

Sancho depicted in the late medieval Genealogia dos Reis de Portugal (1530–34), now manuscript BL Add MS 12531

Sancho's policy of intervention in Occitania was opposed by a faction of Aragonese nobles led by his nephew, Ferdinand, abbot of Montearagón, and by those who wished to make peace with the Papacy.[23] Ferdinand even encouraged local rebellions in Huesca, Jaca and Zaragoza.[21] In two bulls dated 28 and 29 December 1217,[22] Pope Honorius III threatened to excommunicate James and Sancho, respectively, and to authorise a crusade against their realm if they did not abandon Raymond VI's cause. Under pressure from several sides and apparently unwilling to abandon the Toulousain alliance, Sancho stepped down as regent.[4][11]

On 8 September 1218, Sancho signed an agreement with James which formally terminated the regency. He agreed to keep peace with the king and in exchange the king granted him lands and revenues: 15,000 solidi from five castles in Aragon and 10,000 solidi from Barcelona and Vilafranca. James also promised not to attack his lands or to permit anyone else from doing so for a period of seven years. This last clause secured James's neutrality in the event that Sancho continued to fight the Crusaders. The historian Ferran Soldevila considers Sancho's promise to keep the peace an indication that his resignation was not wholly voluntary.[22][25]

Shortly after his resignation, in the same month of September 1218, Sancho was present at the assembly in Lleida, where he was named as one of the king's advisers when James confirmed the privileges of Montpellier, which he had inherited from his mother. This same assembly appointed Guillem IV de Cervera as procurator in Sancho's place.[26]

Marriages and children edit

Sometime before 1184, Sancho married Ermessenda, daughter of Geoffrey I of Rocabertí and Ermessenda de Vilademuls. In 1185, he married Sancha Núñez de Lara, daughter of Count Nuño Pérez de Lara and Teresa Fernández de Traba, and thus a step-daughter of King Ferdinand II of León. By her he had his only known son, Nuño Sánchez.[4]

Notes edit

  1. ^ "Sancho" is Spanish, "Sanç" is Catalan and Occitan and "Sanche" is French.
  2. ^ Provence was part of the Kingdom of Arles in the Holy Roman Empire, while Roussillon and Cerdanya were nominally part of the Kingdom of France at the time; Gévaudan, Rodez and Carlat were indisputably part of France. The County of Provence only encompassed part of Provence, which also included the Marquisate of Provence (ruled by the counts of Toulouse) and the County of Forcalquier. Roussillon and Cerdanya effectively belonged to the Counts of Barcelona, who were de facto independent princes ruling an emerging Principality of Catalonia. France only formally ceded its rights in these counties in the Treaty of Corbeil (1258).
  3. ^ Fratrem quoque suum iam dicti Ildefonsi regis Aragonensis, Sancium nomine, nunquam dilexit et nullam portionem sui regni illi dare voluit.
  4. ^ As elected king of Germany, Frederick was also ruler of the kingdom of Arles; he would not be crowned emperor until 1220.

References edit

Footnotes edit

  1. ^ a b c Cheyette 2001, p. 333.
  2. ^ a b c d Bisson 1984, vol. 1, p. 194.
  3. ^ Cheyette 2001, p. 435 n. 8.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Salrach 2016.
  5. ^ Miret i Sans 1904, p. 417.
  6. ^ Aurell 1986, p. 183.
  7. ^ Miret i Sans 1904, p. 419.
  8. ^ a b Smith 2010, p. 29 n. 78.
  9. ^ Bisson 1984, vol. 2, pp. 120–123.
  10. ^ Fraser 2006, p. 3.
  11. ^ a b c d e Bisson 2000, pp. 58–60.
  12. ^ Orvietani Busch 2001, p. 241.
  13. ^ Orvietani Busch 2001, p. 9.
  14. ^ Orvietani Busch 2001, p. 71 n. 33, citing Joan Cabestany.
  15. ^ Riquer 1950, pp. 211–213.
  16. ^ Fraser 2006, p. 197.
  17. ^ Riquer 1950, pp. 211–13.
  18. ^ Orvietani Busch 2001, pp. 68–69.
  19. ^ Smith 2010, p. 41.
  20. ^ Orvietani Busch 2001, p. 74.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h Smith 2010, pp. 42–47.
  22. ^ a b c d Orvietani Busch 2001, pp. 16–17.
  23. ^ a b Orvietani Busch 2001, p. 71 n. 33.
  24. ^ Léglu, Rist & Taylor 2014, p. 13.
  25. ^ Bisson 1989, p. 355.
  26. ^ Bisson 1989, pp. 360–362.

Sources edit

  • Léglu, Catherine; Rist, Rebecca; Taylor, Claire, eds. (2014). The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade: A Sourcebook. New York: Routledge.
  • Aurell, Martin (1986). "L'expansion catalane en Provence au XIIe siècle". In J. Portella (ed.). La formació i expansió del feudalisme català. Girona. pp. 175–95.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Bisson, Thomas N., ed. (1984). Fiscal Accounts of Catalonia under the Early Count-Kings (1151–1213). Vol. 2 vols. University of California Press.
  • Bisson, Thomas N. (1989). "The Finances of the Young James I (1213–1228)". Medieval France and Her Pyrenean Neighbours: Studies in Early Institutional History. The Hambledon Press. pp. 351–92.
  • Bisson, Thomas N. (2000). The Medieval Crown of Aragon: A Short History. Clarendon Press.
  • Cheyette, Fredric L. (2001). Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours. Cornell University Press. ISBN 9780801439520.
  • Fraser, Veronica Mary (2006). The Songs of Peire Vidal: Translation and Commentary. Peter Lang.
  • Miret i Sans, Joaquim (1904). "Itinerario del Rey Alfonso I de Cataluña, II en Aragón: II (de 1174 a 1185)". Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. 2 (15): 389–423.
  • Orvietani Busch, Silvia (2001). Medieval Mediterranean Ports: The Catalan and Tuscan Coasts, 1100–1235. Brill.
  • Riquer, Martí de (1950). "El trovador Giraut del Luc y sus poesías contra Alfonso II de Aragón". Butlletí de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. 23: 209–48.
  • Sanpere y Miquel, Salvador (1913). "Minoría de Jaime I: Vindicación del procurador Conde Sancho, años 1214–1219". I Congrés d'història de la Corona d'Aragó (Barcelona, 1908). Barcelona. pp. 580–694.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Salrach, Josep Maria (2016). "Sanç I de Rosselló-Cerdanya". Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Retrieved 10 June 2016.
  • Shideler, John C. (1999). A Medieval Catalan Noble Family: The Montcadas, 1000–1230. University of California Press.
  • Smith, Damian J.; Buffery, Helena, eds. (2003). The Book of Deeds of James I of Aragon: A Translation of the Medieval Catalan "Llibre dels Fets". Ashgate.
  • Smith, Damian J. (2010). Crusade, Heresy and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown of Aragon (c. 1167–1276). Brill.

Further reading edit

  • Batlle i Gallart, Carme (2018). "Aragón, Sancho de". Diccionario biográfico español. Real Academia de la Historia.
  • Martin-Chabot, Fernand-Eugène (1902). La politique hors d'Espagne d'Alphonse II, roi d'Aragon (1162–1196) et marquis de Provence (PhD). Mâcon: École des Chartes.
Preceded by Count of Provence
Succeeded by
Count of Cerdanya
Succeeded by
Title last held by
Girard II
Count of Roussillon

sancho, count, provence, sancho, died, 1223, also, spelled, sanç, sanche, catalano, aragonese, nobleman, statesman, youngest, queen, petronilla, aragon, count, raymond, berengar, barcelona, different, times, count, cerdanya, 1175, 1188, provence, 1181, 1185, g. Sancho died 1223 also spelled Sanc or Sanche a was a Catalano Aragonese nobleman and statesman the youngest son of Queen Petronilla of Aragon and Count Raymond Berengar IV of Barcelona He was at different times the count of Cerdanya c 1175 1188 Provence 1181 1185 Gevaudan Rodez and Carlat 1183 1185 and Roussillon 1208 1212 b He served as the regent of Provence from 1209 until 1218 during the minority of Count Raymond Berengar IV and as regent of Aragon from 1214 until 1218 during the minority of King James I SanchoPartially preserved seal of Sancho of ProvenceCount of ProvenceReign1181 1185PredecessorRamon Berenguer IIISuccessorAlfonso IICount of CerdanyaReign1175 1188PredecessorPeterSuccessorNuno SanchezCount of RoussillonReign1208 1212SuccessorNuno SanchezDied1223SpouseErmessendaSancha Nunez de LaraIssueNuno Count of CerdanyaHouseBarcelonaFatherRamon Berenguer IV Count of BarcelonaMotherPetronilla of Aragon Contents 1 Life 1 1 Count of Cerdanya 1 2 Count of Provence 1 3 Count of Roussillon and procurator of Provence 1 4 Procurator general of the realm 1 4 1 Opposition and setbacks 1214 1216 1 4 2 War in Occitania 1216 1218 2 Marriages and children 3 Notes 4 References 4 1 Footnotes 4 2 Sources 4 3 Further readingLife editCount of Cerdanya edit Sancho was a minor at the time of his father s death 1162 and he did not inherit lands or titles but only the right of reversion should his elder brothers die without heirs 1 Thus according to his father s will he should have inherited Provence and Cerdanya only after his elder brother Raymond Berengar III count of Provence was assassinated in 1181 In fact while he inherited Provence at that time he appears to have received Cerdanya shortly before that 2 Sancho came of age between 1175 when he first began witnessing the royal charters of his eldest brother King Alfonso II of Aragon and 1180 In these years he witnessed charters only in Catalonia and Provence Before 1180 he occasionally signed documents with the title Count of Cerdanya comes Ceritanie but usually he was described as just the king s brother Alfonso does not seem to have entirely trusted his administration of Cerdanya for he intervened in the county in 1177 and again in 1188 Sancho is not recorded as count of Cerdanya after that 1 2 Count of Provence edit When Sancho inherited the county of Provence in 1181 he probably also inherited the governing arrangement that had been set up by Alfonso His power would have been heavily circumscribed by a council 3 His first responsibility as count was to defend the county from the claims of Count Raymond V of Toulouse For the following four years Sancho and his brother Alfonso prosecuted a war against Toulouse 4 On 9 December 1182 Alfonso visited his brother in Aix and exempted the Knights Hospitaller from commercial duties and tolls in Provence 5 In March 1183 Alfonso enfeoffed Sancho with the counties of Gevaudan Rodez and Carlat 6 7 8 Sancho s expense account for his stay at Perpignan in November 1184 where he met his brother has survived and provides a detailed look at how his court functioned 9 Early in his administration of Provence conflict arose every spring between him and the neighbouring prince Count William IV of Forcalquier 10 Finally in 1184 Sancho signed a treaty of alliance with the count of Forcalquier the count of Toulouse and the Republic of Genoa agreeing to oppose the king of Aragon s efforts to dominate Genoa and to take the city of Marseille from him Sancho then intervened on the side of Genoa in that commune s war against Pisa 1 11 12 8 These actions of disloyalty caused a rift between the brothers and Alfonso dispossessed Sancho of Provence Gevaudan Rodez and Carlat In his place he appointed Roger Bernard I count of Foix as his bailiff or procurator in Provence 13 According to some historians the king was merely looking for an excuse to seize control of Provence 14 Alfonso was in Aix by March 1185 when the dating clause of a charter reads when we recovered Provence from the hands of Sancho our brother Evidence of Alfonso s ill will towards can be found in the Gesta comitum Barcinonensium which records that Alfonso never loved his brother Sancho and did not wish to give him anything in his kingdom c 15 The hostility between Sancho and Alfonso caught the notice of the troubadour Peire Vidal who addresses the king in a tornada 16 nbsp The troubadour Peire Vidal was a contemporary critic of Sancho s government of Provence Francs reis Proensa us apella qu En Sancho la us desclavella e gasta us la cer e l mel e sai tramet vos lo fel Noble king Provence is calling out to you it is being despoiled by Lord Sancho he is taking the wax and honey and sending you nothing but gall By contrast the troubadour Bertran de Born presents Sancho as popular in Provence 17 Proenza pert don es eissitz que so frair Sanso prezan mais He Alfonso is losing Provence which he left where his brother Sancho is better loved After his removal from office Sancho continued to style himself Count of Provence 4 Count of Roussillon and procurator of Provence edit In 1204 Sancho and his son Nuno Sanchez witnessed the donation of the county of Roussillon to Maria of Montpellier the new wife of King Peter II Sancho s nephew Since Roussillon was a region in which Sancho had ambitions his recognition of the donation to Maria was critical 18 In 1208 Peter finally granted Sancho the county of Roussillon In 1209 10 Sancho left the day to day government in the hands of a vicar and bailiff vicarius et baiulus Ferran de Norvais In January 1211 Peter granted the county s revenues to Guillem de Creixell since Guillem was the king s creditor but Sancho continued to govern the county into 1212 2 In 1209 Sancho s nephew and King Alfonso s successor in Provence Count Alfonso II died He left behind a minor Raymond Berengar IV as his heir King Peter appointed Sancho governor of Provence on behalf of Raymond Berengar One of his first tasks was to subdue the rebellious city of Arles 19 Sancho also promptly brought his own son Nuno into the government of Provence Together they pursued a policy that favoured communal liberties and commercial activity while opposing encroaching French and Papal influence 4 As a base of support in Provence Peter granted Sancho and Nuno the ports of Agazi Boch and Monaco 20 In 1212 Sancho fought at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa on the side of Peter II 4 That same year Roussillon was transferred from Sancho to his son Nuno to be held by the latter along with Cerdanya and Conflent for life 2 Peter II died fighting the anti Catharist crusaders at the Battle of Muret in 1213 His heir and successor James I a minor was taken captive by Simon IV de Montfort earl of Leicester An army was soon assembled at Narbonne with the support of Viscount Aimery III to recover the captive king and avenge the dead king Sancho and his son Nuno were among the leading men present The situation was diffused however by the papal legate Peter of Benevento who secured James s release 21 Procurator general of the realm edit Opposition and setbacks 1214 1216 edit Since Peter had placed his kingdom under the authority of the Papacy the papal legate arranged for James to be placed under the guardianship of Guillem de Montrodon master of the Templars in Aragon and for Sancho to be appointed procurator general effectively regent 4 The exact date of Sancho s appointment is uncertain it occurred either late in 1214 or early in 1215 4 22 James in his autobiographical Llibre dels fets later accused Sancho of wanting to be king and of plotting to seize the throne 11 Although this claim has been widely accepted by historians the historian Salvador Sanpere wrote a short monograph in an effort to vindicate Sancho s actions 23 nbsp The Llibre dels fets of James I accuses his great uncle of plotting to seize the throne In the summer of 1214 Peter of Benevento convened a council of the realm in Lleida The assembled clergy and nobility agreed on a political programme for James s minority that included a prohibition on new taxes Sancho was charged with implementing the programme 11 His power base however was in Provence and he had limited support in Aragon and Catalonia especially for his preferred policy of continuing the war against Simon de Montfort 21 In 1214 Gaston VI viscount of Bearn and count of Bigorre died In order to prevent the county of Bigorre from falling out of Aragon s orbit Sancho arranged for his son Nuno to marry Gaston s widow the hereditary countess Petronilla in 1215 The plan failed when the clergy annulled the marriage in 1216 Petronilla ended up marrying Guy de Montfort brother of Simon 21 In November 1215 Sancho sent two envoys Pedro Ahones and Guillem IV de Cervera to attend the Fourth Council of the Lateran in Rome as representatives of Aragon At the council they undermined Sancho s anti crusade policy alongside Bishop Hispan of Segorbe In the end the council upheld the legality of the crusade In a letter addressed to Pope Innocent III Sancho had also requested enhanced authority as procurator but the envoys returned instead with a series of orders dated 23 January 1216 in which Innocent appointed seven noblemen from both Aragon and Catalonia as deputy counsellors to assist Sancho and ordered all the men of the realm to observe the truce with the crusaders Innocent did order the cities of the Aragon and Catalonia to subsidise the regent s redemption of pledged lands royal demesne that had been pawned by Peter II to fund his wars but royal finances were transferred to Guillem de Montrodon As a result Sancho found his power curtailed rather than strengthened 11 21 War in Occitania 1216 1218 edit Sancho did not completely abandon his policy towards the crusade because of the setbacks at the Lateran There was a concerted effort by the houses of Toulouse and Aragon to restore their shaken authority in Provence at the same time as Raymond Berengar IV came of age and Sancho s second administration of Provence ended 24 Count Raymond VI of Toulouse who had been deprived of his lands by the Lateran council was granted refuge by Sancho In April 1216 King Philip II of France formally granted Raymond s fiefs to Simon de Montfort Raymond tried during the spring of 1216 to recruit knights in Aragon and Catalonia in order to fight for him in Provence Encouraged by a letter from King Frederick II of Germany emperor elect d Raymond besieged Beaucaire in June 21 On 12 June 1216 Sancho signed a treaty at Balaguer in Aragon with representatives of the rectors of the Confraternity of the Holy Spirit of Marseille a pious lay association that was the de facto government of the city The signatories agreed to aid one another in the case of any aggression by a third party 21 In September 1216 with Sancho s support and probably with a following of Catalan and Aragonese knights Raymond of Toulouse invaded France to reclaim the county of Toulouse Simon de Montfort was killed in 1218 at the ensuing siege of Toulouse 22 On 26 October 1216 at Barcelona Sancho and Nuno signed a peace treaty with Guillem Ramon de Montcada the viscount of Bearn his son Guillem and Guillem de Cervera This treaty was a response to Petronilla of Bigorre s marriage to Guy de Montfort which the viscount of Bearn considered a threatening move The newfound allies invaded Bigorre and as a result Simon de Montfort lifted his siege of Lourdes temporarily removing the threat the crusade posed to western flank of the Aragonese sphere 21 nbsp Sancho depicted in the late medieval Genealogia dos Reis de Portugal 1530 34 now manuscript BL Add MS 12531 Sancho s policy of intervention in Occitania was opposed by a faction of Aragonese nobles led by his nephew Ferdinand abbot of Montearagon and by those who wished to make peace with the Papacy 23 Ferdinand even encouraged local rebellions in Huesca Jaca and Zaragoza 21 In two bulls dated 28 and 29 December 1217 22 Pope Honorius III threatened to excommunicate James and Sancho respectively and to authorise a crusade against their realm if they did not abandon Raymond VI s cause Under pressure from several sides and apparently unwilling to abandon the Toulousain alliance Sancho stepped down as regent 4 11 On 8 September 1218 Sancho signed an agreement with James which formally terminated the regency He agreed to keep peace with the king and in exchange the king granted him lands and revenues 15 000 solidi from five castles in Aragon and 10 000 solidi from Barcelona and Vilafranca James also promised not to attack his lands or to permit anyone else from doing so for a period of seven years This last clause secured James s neutrality in the event that Sancho continued to fight the Crusaders The historian Ferran Soldevila considers Sancho s promise to keep the peace an indication that his resignation was not wholly voluntary 22 25 Shortly after his resignation in the same month of September 1218 Sancho was present at the assembly in Lleida where he was named as one of the king s advisers when James confirmed the privileges of Montpellier which he had inherited from his mother This same assembly appointed Guillem IV de Cervera as procurator in Sancho s place 26 Marriages and children editSometime before 1184 Sancho married Ermessenda daughter of Geoffrey I of Rocaberti and Ermessenda de Vilademuls In 1185 he married Sancha Nunez de Lara daughter of Count Nuno Perez de Lara and Teresa Fernandez de Traba and thus a step daughter of King Ferdinand II of Leon By her he had his only known son Nuno Sanchez 4 Notes edit Sancho is Spanish Sanc is Catalan and Occitan and Sanche is French Provence was part of the Kingdom of Arles in the Holy Roman Empire while Roussillon and Cerdanya were nominally part of the Kingdom of France at the time Gevaudan Rodez and Carlat were indisputably part of France The County of Provence only encompassed part of Provence which also included the Marquisate of Provence ruled by the counts of Toulouse and the County of Forcalquier Roussillon and Cerdanya effectively belonged to the Counts of Barcelona who were de facto independent princes ruling an emerging Principality of Catalonia France only formally ceded its rights in these counties in the Treaty of Corbeil 1258 Fratrem quoque suum iam dicti Ildefonsi regis Aragonensis Sancium nomine nunquam dilexit et nullam portionem sui regni illi dare voluit As elected king of Germany Frederick was also ruler of the kingdom of Arles he would not be crowned emperor until 1220 References editFootnotes edit a b c Cheyette 2001 p 333 a b c d Bisson 1984 vol 1 p 194 Cheyette 2001 p 435 n 8 a b c d e f g h Salrach 2016 Miret i Sans 1904 p 417 Aurell 1986 p 183 Miret i Sans 1904 p 419 a b Smith 2010 p 29 n 78 Bisson 1984 vol 2 pp 120 123 Fraser 2006 p 3 a b c d e Bisson 2000 pp 58 60 Orvietani Busch 2001 p 241 Orvietani Busch 2001 p 9 Orvietani Busch 2001 p 71 n 33 citing Joan Cabestany Riquer 1950 pp 211 213 Fraser 2006 p 197 Riquer 1950 pp 211 13 Orvietani Busch 2001 pp 68 69 Smith 2010 p 41 Orvietani Busch 2001 p 74 a b c d e f g h Smith 2010 pp 42 47 a b c d Orvietani Busch 2001 pp 16 17 a b Orvietani Busch 2001 p 71 n 33 Leglu Rist amp Taylor 2014 p 13 Bisson 1989 p 355 Bisson 1989 pp 360 362 Sources edit Leglu Catherine Rist Rebecca Taylor Claire eds 2014 The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade A Sourcebook New York Routledge Aurell Martin 1986 L expansion catalane en Provence au XIIe siecle In J Portella ed La formacio i expansio del feudalisme catala Girona pp 175 95 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Bisson Thomas N ed 1984 Fiscal Accounts of Catalonia under the Early Count Kings 1151 1213 Vol 2 vols University of California Press Bisson Thomas N 1989 The Finances of the Young James I 1213 1228 Medieval France and Her Pyrenean Neighbours Studies in Early Institutional History The Hambledon Press pp 351 92 Bisson Thomas N 2000 The Medieval Crown of Aragon A Short History Clarendon Press Cheyette Fredric L 2001 Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours Cornell University Press ISBN 9780801439520 Fraser Veronica Mary 2006 The Songs of Peire Vidal Translation and Commentary Peter Lang Miret i Sans Joaquim 1904 Itinerario del Rey Alfonso I de Cataluna II en Aragon II de 1174 a 1185 Butlleti de la Reial Academia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona 2 15 389 423 Orvietani Busch Silvia 2001 Medieval Mediterranean Ports The Catalan and Tuscan Coasts 1100 1235 Brill Riquer Marti de 1950 El trovador Giraut del Luc y sus poesias contra Alfonso II de Aragon Butlleti de la Reial Academia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona 23 209 48 Sanpere y Miquel Salvador 1913 Minoria de Jaime I Vindicacion del procurador Conde Sancho anos 1214 1219 I Congres d historia de la Corona d Arago Barcelona 1908 Barcelona pp 580 694 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Salrach Josep Maria 2016 Sanc I de Rossello Cerdanya Gran Enciclopedia Catalana Retrieved 10 June 2016 Shideler John C 1999 A Medieval Catalan Noble Family The Montcadas 1000 1230 University of California Press Smith Damian J Buffery Helena eds 2003 The Book of Deeds of James I of Aragon A Translation of the Medieval Catalan Llibre dels Fets Ashgate Smith Damian J 2010 Crusade Heresy and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown of Aragon c 1167 1276 Brill Further reading edit Batlle i Gallart Carme 2018 Aragon Sancho de Diccionario biografico espanol Real Academia de la Historia Martin Chabot Fernand Eugene 1902 La politique hors d Espagne d Alphonse II roi d Aragon 1162 1196 et marquis de Provence PhD Macon Ecole des Chartes Preceded byRaymond Berengar III Count of Provence1181 1185 Succeeded byAlfonso II Count of Cerdanyac 1175 1189 Succeeded byNuno VacantTitle last held byGirard II Count of Roussillon1208 1212 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Sancho Count of Provence amp oldid 1214575108, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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