
Preparedness Movement

The Preparedness Movement was a campaign led by former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, Leonard Wood, and former President Theodore Roosevelt to strengthen the U.S. military after the outbreak of World War I.[1][2][3] Wood advocated a summer training school for reserve officers to be held in Plattsburgh, New York.

The movement was at first opposed by President Woodrow Wilson, who believed the United States should be in a position of neutrality in order to broker a compromise peace in Europe. Several organizations were formed around the Preparedness Movement and held parades and organized opposition to Wilson's policies. After the Lusitania was sunk by German U-boats on May 7, 1915, and Pancho Villa launched his raid against Columbus, New Mexico, Wilson's attitude changed. The United States Congress passed the National Defense Act of 1916 in June 1916 to authorize an increase in the size of the U.S. Army from 100,000 men in 1916 to 200,000 on active duty and 400,000 in the U.S. National Guard, by 1921. It also padded a large long-term increase in the U.S. Navy.

The movement

The advertisement of The Battle Cry of Peace film

In 1915, a strong "preparedness" movement emerged. It argued that the United States needed to immediately build up strong naval and land forces for defensive purposes; an unspoken assumption was that the United States would fight sooner or later. General Leonard Wood (still on active duty after serving a term as Chief of Staff of the Army), ex-president Theodore Roosevelt, and former secretaries of war Elihu Root and Henry Stimson were the driving forces behind the preparedness movement, along with many of the nation's most prominent bankers, industrialists, lawyers and scions of prominent families. There emerged an "Atlanticist" foreign policy establishment, a group of influential Americans drawn primarily from upper-class lawyers, bankers, academics, and politicians of the Northeastern US, committed to a strand of Anglophile internationalism.[4]

A representative leader was Paul D. Cravath, one of New York's foremost corporation lawyers. For Cravath, in his mid-fifties when the war began, the conflict served as an epiphany, sparking an interest in international affairs that dominated his remaining career. Fiercely Anglophile, he strongly supported US intervention in the war and hoped that close Anglo-American cooperation would be the guiding principle of post-war international organization.[5]

The preparedness movement had a "realistic" philosophy of world affairs—it believed that economic strength and military muscle were more decisive than idealistic crusades focused on causes like democracy and national self-determination. Emphasizing the weak state of national defenses, the movement showed that America's 100,000-man army, even augmented by the 112,000 National Guardsmen, was outnumbered 20 to one by the German Army, which was drawn from a smaller population. Reform to them meant UMT or "universal military training", i.e. conscription. Preparedness backers proposed a national service program under which the 600,000 men who turned 18 every year would be required to spend six months in military training, and afterwards be assigned to reserve units. The small regular army would primarily serve as a training agency.

This proposal ultimately failed, but it fostered the Plattsburg Movement, a series of summer training camps that in 1915 and 1916 hosted some 40,000 men largely of elite social classes, and the later Citizens' Military Training Camps that trained some 400,000 men from 1921 to 1940.[6][7]


The Socialist Party was a bulwark of opposition to the preparedness movement. (May Day parade, New York City, 1916).

The Socialist Party was a bulwark of opposition to the preparedness movement.[8] Antimilitarists and pacifists—strong in Protestant churches and women's groups—protested the plan would make the United States resemble Germany, which required two years' compulsory military service from every male citizen.[9]

Another source of criticism of the Preparedness Movement and particularly it's demands for "100% Americanism" came, quite understandably, from those increasingly dubbed Hyphenated Americans; America's enormous number of White ethnic immigrants and their descendants. Criticism from White ethnic circles occasionally argued that "100% Americanism" really meant Anglophilia, as particularly demonstrated by escalating demands for both the "Special Relationship" and for tolerating only the English language in the United States. In a letter published on 16 July 1916 in the Minneapolis Journal, Edward Goldbeck, a member of Minnesota's traditionally very large German-American community, announced that his people would, "abandon the hyphen", as soon as English-Americans did so. Meanwhile, Goldbeck argued, "Let the exodus of Anglo-Americans start at once! Let all those people go who think that America is a new England!"[10]

Furthermore, in June 1917, anti-war essayist Randolph Bourne also raised the possibility that the Preparedness Movement may have been one of the multiple covert operations used by both French and British Intelligence propagandists in order to bring America into the war against the Central Powers, "The nerve of the war feeling centered ... In the richer and older classes of the Atlantic seaboard, and was keenest where there were French or English business and particularly social connections. The sentiment then spread out across the country as a class-phenonemon, touching everywhere those upper-class elements in each section who identified themselves with this Eastern ruling group... In every community, it was the least liberal and least democratic elements among whom the Preparedness and later the war sentiment was found."[11]

While defenders of the Movement retorted that military "service" was an essential duty of citizenship, and that without the commonality provided by such service the nation would splinter into antagonistic ethnic groups. One spokesman promised that UMT would become "a real melting pot, under which the fire is hot enough to fuse the elements into one common mass of Americanism."[12] Furthermore, they promised, the discipline and training would make for a better paid work force. The hostility to military service was so strong at the time it is difficult to imagine such a program winning approval; indeed, even in World War II, when Stimson as Secretary of War proposed a similar program of universal peacetime service, he was defeated.[13] Underscoring its commitment, the preparedness movement set up and funded its own summer training camps (at Plattsburgh, New York, and other sites) where 40,000 college alumni became physically fit, learned to march and shoot, and ultimately provided the cadre of a wartime officer corps.[14][notes 1]

Suggestions by labor unions that talented working class youth be invited to Plattsburgh were ignored. The preparedness movement was distant not only from the working classes but also from the middle class leadership of most of small town America. It had had little use for the National Guard, which it saw as politicized, localistic, poorly armed, ill trained, too inclined to idealistic crusading (as against Spain in 1898), and too lacking in understanding of world affairs. The National Guard on the other hand was securely rooted in state and local politics, with representation from a very broad cross section of American society. The National Guard was one of the nation's few institutions that (at least in some northern states) accepted African-Americans on an equal footing with whites.[15]


The Democratic Party saw the preparedness movement as a threat. Roosevelt, Root and Wood were prospective Republican presidential candidates. More subtly, the Democrats were rooted in localism that appreciated the National Guard, and the voters were hostile to the rich and powerful in the first place. Working with the Democrats who controlled Congress, Wilson was able to sidetrack the preparedness forces. Army and Navy leaders were forced to testify before Congress to the effect that the nation's military was in excellent shape. Wilson had to resist the demands for preparedness because there was a powerful anti-preparedness element of the party, led by William Jennings Bryan, women,[16] Protestant churches,[17] the American Federation of Labor,[18] and Southern Democrats such as Claude Kitchin, chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. John Morton Blum, a biographer of Wilson, wrote: "Wilson's long silence about preparedness had permitted such a spread and such a hardening of antipreparedness attitudes within his party and across the nation that when he came in at late last to his task, neither Congress nor the country was amenable to much persuasion."[19]

In July 1915, Wilson instructed the Army and Navy to formulate plans for expansion. In November, he asked for far less than the experts said was needed, seeking an army of 400,000 volunteers at a time when European armies were 10 times as large. Congress ignored the proposal and the Army remained at 100,000 soldiers. Wilson was severely handicapped by the weaknesses of his cabinet. According to Blum, his Secretaries of the Navy and War displayed a "confusion, inattention to industrial preparation, and excessive deference to peacetime mores [that] dangerously retarded the development of the armed services."[20] Even more, Wilson was constrained by the traditional American non-interventionism. Wilson believed that a massive military mobilization could only take place after a declaration of war, even though that meant a long delay in sending troops to Europe. Many Democrats felt that no American soldiers would be needed, only American money and munitions.[21] Wilson had more success in his request for a dramatic expansion of the Navy. Congress passed the Naval Act of 1916, which encapsulated the planning by the Navy's professional officers to build a fleet of top-rank status, but it would take several years to become operational.[22]

Wilson's program

Wilson, less fearful of the navy, embraced a long-term building program designed to make the fleet the equal of the Royal Navy by the mid-1920s. "Realism" was at work here; the admirals were Mahanians and they therefore wanted a surface fleet of heavy battleships second to none—that is, equal to Britain. The facts of submarine warfare (which necessitated destroyers, not battleships) and the possibilities of imminent war with Germany (or with Britain, for that matter), were simply ignored. The Administration's proposals touched off a firestorm of antiwar protest.[23] Secretary of War Lindley Garrison adopted many of the proposals of the preparedness leaders, especially their emphasis on a large federal reserves and abandonment of the National Guard. Garrison's proposals not only outraged the localistic politicians of both parties, they also offended a strongly held belief shared by the liberal wing of the progressive movement. They felt that warfare always had a hidden economic motivation. Specifically, they warned the chief warmongers were New York bankers (like J. P. Morgan) with millions at risk, profiteering munition makers (like Bethlehem Steel, which made armor, and DuPont, which made powder) and unspecified industrialists searching for global markets to control. Antiwar critics such as Wisconsin's Republican Senator La Follette blasted them, saying there was an unnamed "world-wide organization" that was "stimulating and fomenting discord in order that it may make profit out of the furnishing of munitions of war." The only road to peace was disarmament, reiterated Bryan, speaking for the antiwar Democrats.[24]

Garrison's plan unleashed the fiercest battle in peacetime history over the relationship of military planning to national goals. In peacetime, War Department arsenals and navy yards manufactured nearly all munitions that lacked civilian uses, including warships, artillery, naval guns, and shells. Items available on the civilian market, such as food, horses, saddles, wagons, and uniforms were always purchased from civilian contractors.

Peace leaders

Peace leaders like Jane Addams of Hull House and David Starr Jordan, president of Stanford University, redoubled their efforts, and now turned their voices against Wilson because he was "sowing the seeds of militarism, raising up a military and naval caste." Many ministers, professors, farm spokesmen and labor union leaders joined in, with powerful support from a band of four dozen southern Democrats in Congress who took control of the House Military Affairs Committee.[25]

Wilson appeals to the people

Wilson, in deep trouble, took his cause to the people in a major speaking tour in early 1916, a warm-up for his reelection campaign that fall. Wilson seems to have won over the middle classes, but had little impact on the largely ethnic working classes and the deeply isolationist farmers. Congress still refused to budge, so Wilson replaced Garrison as Secretary of War with Newton Baker, the Democratic mayor of Cleveland and an outspoken opponent of preparedness. (Garrison kept quiet, but felt Wilson was "a man of high ideals but no principles.")[26]

Preparedness Parade, New York City, May 1916

Compromise reached

Congress reached a compromise in May 1916. The army was to double in size to 11,300 officers and 208,000 men, with no reserves, and a National Guard that would be enlarged in five years to 440,000 men. Summer camps on the Plattsburgh model were authorized for new officers, and the government was given $20 million to build a nitrate plant of its own. Preparedness supporters were downcast, the antiwar people were jubilant. The United States would now be too weak to go to war.[27] Colonel Robert L. Bullard privately complained: "Both sides [Britain and Germany] treat us with scorn and contempt; our fool, smug conceit of superiority has been exploded in our faces and deservedly."[28] The House gutted the naval plans as well, defeating a "big navy" plan by 189 to 183, and scuttling the battleships. The Battle of Jutland (May 31/June 1, 1916) saw the German fleet nearly sunk by the stronger British fleet. Only brilliant seamanship and luck allowed it to escape. Arguing this battle proved the validity of Mahanian doctrine, the navalists took control in the Senate, broke the House coalition, and authorized a rapid three-year buildup of all classes of warships. A new weapons system, naval aviation, received $3.5 million, and the government was authorized to build its own armor-plate factory. The notion that armaments led to war was turned on its head: refusal to arm in 1916 led Berlin to make war on the U.S. in 1917. The very weakness of U.S. military power encouraged Berlin to start its unrestricted submarine attacks in 1917. It knew this meant war with the United States, but it could discount the immediate risk because the U.S. Army was negligible and the new warships would not be at sea until 1919 by which time the war would be over, with Germany victorious.[29][30]

See also


  1. ^ Very few young men from wealthy or prominent families considered a career in the army or navy then or at any time in American history. The highest social background of cadets, exemplified by George Patton, West Point 1909, and Lucius Clay, West Point 1918, was oldest son of a locally prominent family.
  • Portions of this article were ported from Citizendium[31]


  1. ^ Roosevelt, Theodore (2 December 2016). America and the World War. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  2. ^ "Fear God and Take Your Own Part". The New York Times. 13 February 1916. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  3. ^ Roosevelt, Theodore. "Fear God and take your own part". New York G.H. Doran. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  4. ^ John P. Finnegan, Against the Specter of a Dragon: The Campaign for American Military Preparedness, 1914–1917 (1975)
  5. ^ Priscilla Roberts, "Paul D. Cravath, the First World War, and the Anglophile Internationalist Tradition." Australian Journal of Politics and History 2005 51(2): 194–215. ISSN 0004-9522 Fulltext in Ebsco
  6. ^ Perry, Ralph Barton (2018). "The Plattsburg Movement: A Chapter of America's Participation in the World War". E.P. Dutton. Retrieved 4 September 2018 – via Google Books.
  7. ^ Clifford, J. Garry (1972). Citizen Soldiers: The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement, 1913–1920. University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0813112621. OCLC 493383.
  8. ^ Elizabeth McKillen, "Pacifist Brawn and Silk‐Stocking Militarism: Labor, Gender, and Antiwar Politics, 1914–1918." Peace & Change 33.3 (2008): 388–425.
  9. ^ Susan Zeiger, "The schoolhouse vs. the armory: US teachers and the campaign against militarism in the schools, 1914–1918." Journal of Women's History 15.2 (2003): 150–179.
  10. ^ Carl. H. Chrislock (1991), The Watchdog of Loyalty: The Minnesota Commission of Public Safety during World War I, Minnesota Historical Society Press. pp. 21, 337.
  11. ^ Carl. H. Chrislock (1991), The Watchdog of Loyalty: The Minnesota Commission of Public Safety during World War I, Minnesota Historical Society Press. p. 22.
  12. ^ Chambers, To Raise an Army pp. 92–93.
  13. ^ John Whiteclay Chambers, To raise an army: The draft comes to modern America (1987). pp. 96–98
  14. ^ John Garry Clifford, The Citizen Soldiers: The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement, 1913–1920 (2015).
  15. ^ Robert H. Zieger (2001). America's Great War: World War I and the American Experience. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 36. ISBN 978-0847696451.
  16. ^ Frances H. Early, A World without War: How U.S. Feminists and Pacifists Resisted World War I. (1997).
  17. ^ Andrew Preston, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy (2012), pp. 240–245.
  18. ^ Simeon Larson, "The American Federation of Labor and the Preparedness Controversy." Historian 37.1 (1974): 67–81.
  19. ^ John Morton Blum, Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality (1956) p. 121.
  20. ^ John Morton Blum, The Republican Roosevelt (2nd ed. 1977), p. 153.
  21. ^ David Esposito, David. "Political and Institutional Constraints on Wilson's Defense Policy." Presidential Studies Quarterly 26.4 (1996): 1114–1125.
  22. ^ Arthur Link, Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era (1954) p. 179.
  23. ^ Link, Woodrow Wilson pp. 179ff
  24. ^ Michael Kazin (2017). War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914–1918. Simon & Schuster. pp. 95–97. ISBN 978-1476705927.
  25. ^ David M. Kennedy (2004). Over Here: The First World War and American Society. Oup USA. p. 33. ISBN 978-0195173994.
  26. ^ Richard Striner (2014). Woodrow Wilson and World War I: A Burden Too Great to Bear. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 69. ISBN 978-1442229389.
  27. ^ Link, 1954 pp. 187–188.
  28. ^ Allan Reed Millett (1975). The General: Robert L. Bullard and Officership in the United States Army, 1881–1925. Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-8371-7957-5.
  29. ^ Dirk Steffen, "The Holtzendorff Memorandum of 22 December 1916 and Germany's Declaration of Unrestricted U-boat Warfare." Journal of Military History 68.1 (2004): 215–224. excerpt
  30. ^ See The Holtzendorff Memo (English translation) with notes
  31. ^ World War I, American entry - encyclopedia article - Citizendium

Further reading

  • Chambers, John Whiteclay. To raise an army: The draft comes to modern America (1987).
  • Clifford, J. Garry (1972). Citizen Soldiers: The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement, 1913–1920. University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0813112621. OCLC 493383.
  • Finnegan, John P. (1975). Against the Specter of a Dragon: The Campaign for American Military Preparedness, 1914–1917.
  • Franz, Manuel. "Preparedness Revisited: Civilian Societies and the Campaign for American Defense, 1914–1920," in Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 17:4 (2018): 663–676.
  • Grubbs, Frank L. (1968). The Struggle for Labor Loyalty: Gompers, the A. F. of L., and the Pacifists, 1917–1920. Duke University Press. OCLC 233727.
  • Herring, George (1964). "James Hay and the Preparedness Controversy, 1915–1916". The Journal of Southern History. 30 (4): 383–404. doi:10.2307/2204278. JSTOR 2204278.
  • Kennedy, Ross A., "Preparedness," in Ross A. Kennedy, ed., A Companion to Woodrow Wilson (2013) pp 270–86.
  • Link, Arthur S. (1954). Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910–1917. Harper. OCLC 475754.
  • O'Toole, Patricia (2005). When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt after the White House. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0684864770. OCLC 56921011.
  • Pearlman, Michael (1984). To make democracy safe for America: patricians and preparedness in the Progressive Era. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0252010191. OCLC 9196463.
  • Zeiger, Susan. "The schoolhouse vs. the armory: US teachers and the campaign against militarism in the schools, 1914–1918." Journal of Women's History 15.2 (2003): 150–179.

preparedness, movement, this, article, about, state, military, prior, entry, world, disaster, preparedness, survivalism, campaign, former, chief, staff, army, leonard, wood, former, president, theodore, roosevelt, strengthen, military, after, outbreak, world, . This article is about the state of the U S military prior to entry in World War I For disaster preparedness see Survivalism The Preparedness Movement was a campaign led by former Chief of Staff of the U S Army Leonard Wood and former President Theodore Roosevelt to strengthen the U S military after the outbreak of World War I 1 2 3 Wood advocated a summer training school for reserve officers to be held in Plattsburgh New York The movement was at first opposed by President Woodrow Wilson who believed the United States should be in a position of neutrality in order to broker a compromise peace in Europe Several organizations were formed around the Preparedness Movement and held parades and organized opposition to Wilson s policies After the Lusitania was sunk by German U boats on May 7 1915 and Pancho Villa launched his raid against Columbus New Mexico Wilson s attitude changed The United States Congress passed the National Defense Act of 1916 in June 1916 to authorize an increase in the size of the U S Army from 100 000 men in 1916 to 200 000 on active duty and 400 000 in the U S National Guard by 1921 It also padded a large long term increase in the U S Navy Contents 1 The movement 2 Opposition 3 Democrats 4 Wilson s program 4 1 Peace leaders 4 2 Wilson appeals to the people 4 3 Compromise reached 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 8 Further readingThe movement Edit The advertisement of The Battle Cry of Peace filmMain article American entry into World War I In 1915 a strong preparedness movement emerged It argued that the United States needed to immediately build up strong naval and land forces for defensive purposes an unspoken assumption was that the United States would fight sooner or later General Leonard Wood still on active duty after serving a term as Chief of Staff of the Army ex president Theodore Roosevelt and former secretaries of war Elihu Root and Henry Stimson were the driving forces behind the preparedness movement along with many of the nation s most prominent bankers industrialists lawyers and scions of prominent families There emerged an Atlanticist foreign policy establishment a group of influential Americans drawn primarily from upper class lawyers bankers academics and politicians of the Northeastern US committed to a strand of Anglophile internationalism 4 A representative leader was Paul D Cravath one of New York s foremost corporation lawyers For Cravath in his mid fifties when the war began the conflict served as an epiphany sparking an interest in international affairs that dominated his remaining career Fiercely Anglophile he strongly supported US intervention in the war and hoped that close Anglo American cooperation would be the guiding principle of post war international organization 5 The preparedness movement had a realistic philosophy of world affairs it believed that economic strength and military muscle were more decisive than idealistic crusades focused on causes like democracy and national self determination Emphasizing the weak state of national defenses the movement showed that America s 100 000 man army even augmented by the 112 000 National Guardsmen was outnumbered 20 to one by the German Army which was drawn from a smaller population Reform to them meant UMT or universal military training i e conscription Preparedness backers proposed a national service program under which the 600 000 men who turned 18 every year would be required to spend six months in military training and afterwards be assigned to reserve units The small regular army would primarily serve as a training agency This proposal ultimately failed but it fostered the Plattsburg Movement a series of summer training camps that in 1915 and 1916 hosted some 40 000 men largely of elite social classes and the later Citizens Military Training Camps that trained some 400 000 men from 1921 to 1940 6 7 Opposition Edit The Socialist Party was a bulwark of opposition to the preparedness movement May Day parade New York City 1916 The Socialist Party was a bulwark of opposition to the preparedness movement 8 Antimilitarists and pacifists strong in Protestant churches and women s groups protested the plan would make the United States resemble Germany which required two years compulsory military service from every male citizen 9 Another source of criticism of the Preparedness Movement and particularly it s demands for 100 Americanism came quite understandably from those increasingly dubbed Hyphenated Americans America s enormous number of White ethnic immigrants and their descendants Criticism from White ethnic circles occasionally argued that 100 Americanism really meant Anglophilia as particularly demonstrated by escalating demands for both the Special Relationship and for tolerating only the English language in the United States In a letter published on 16 July 1916 in the Minneapolis Journal Edward Goldbeck a member of Minnesota s traditionally very large German American community announced that his people would abandon the hyphen as soon as English Americans did so Meanwhile Goldbeck argued Let the exodus of Anglo Americans start at once Let all those people go who think that America is a new England 10 Furthermore in June 1917 anti war essayist Randolph Bourne also raised the possibility that the Preparedness Movement may have been one of the multiple covert operations used by both French and British Intelligence propagandists in order to bring America into the war against the Central Powers The nerve of the war feeling centered In the richer and older classes of the Atlantic seaboard and was keenest where there were French or English business and particularly social connections The sentiment then spread out across the country as a class phenonemon touching everywhere those upper class elements in each section who identified themselves with this Eastern ruling group In every community it was the least liberal and least democratic elements among whom the Preparedness and later the war sentiment was found 11 While defenders of the Movement retorted that military service was an essential duty of citizenship and that without the commonality provided by such service the nation would splinter into antagonistic ethnic groups One spokesman promised that UMT would become a real melting pot under which the fire is hot enough to fuse the elements into one common mass of Americanism 12 Furthermore they promised the discipline and training would make for a better paid work force The hostility to military service was so strong at the time it is difficult to imagine such a program winning approval indeed even in World War II when Stimson as Secretary of War proposed a similar program of universal peacetime service he was defeated 13 Underscoring its commitment the preparedness movement set up and funded its own summer training camps at Plattsburgh New York and other sites where 40 000 college alumni became physically fit learned to march and shoot and ultimately provided the cadre of a wartime officer corps 14 notes 1 Suggestions by labor unions that talented working class youth be invited to Plattsburgh were ignored The preparedness movement was distant not only from the working classes but also from the middle class leadership of most of small town America It had had little use for the National Guard which it saw as politicized localistic poorly armed ill trained too inclined to idealistic crusading as against Spain in 1898 and too lacking in understanding of world affairs The National Guard on the other hand was securely rooted in state and local politics with representation from a very broad cross section of American society The National Guard was one of the nation s few institutions that at least in some northern states accepted African Americans on an equal footing with whites 15 Democrats EditFurther information Presidency of Woodrow Wilson Preparedness The Democratic Party saw the preparedness movement as a threat Roosevelt Root and Wood were prospective Republican presidential candidates More subtly the Democrats were rooted in localism that appreciated the National Guard and the voters were hostile to the rich and powerful in the first place Working with the Democrats who controlled Congress Wilson was able to sidetrack the preparedness forces Army and Navy leaders were forced to testify before Congress to the effect that the nation s military was in excellent shape Wilson had to resist the demands for preparedness because there was a powerful anti preparedness element of the party led by William Jennings Bryan women 16 Protestant churches 17 the American Federation of Labor 18 and Southern Democrats such as Claude Kitchin chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee John Morton Blum a biographer of Wilson wrote Wilson s long silence about preparedness had permitted such a spread and such a hardening of antipreparedness attitudes within his party and across the nation that when he came in at late last to his task neither Congress nor the country was amenable to much persuasion 19 In July 1915 Wilson instructed the Army and Navy to formulate plans for expansion In November he asked for far less than the experts said was needed seeking an army of 400 000 volunteers at a time when European armies were 10 times as large Congress ignored the proposal and the Army remained at 100 000 soldiers Wilson was severely handicapped by the weaknesses of his cabinet According to Blum his Secretaries of the Navy and War displayed a confusion inattention to industrial preparation and excessive deference to peacetime mores that dangerously retarded the development of the armed services 20 Even more Wilson was constrained by the traditional American non interventionism Wilson believed that a massive military mobilization could only take place after a declaration of war even though that meant a long delay in sending troops to Europe Many Democrats felt that no American soldiers would be needed only American money and munitions 21 Wilson had more success in his request for a dramatic expansion of the Navy Congress passed the Naval Act of 1916 which encapsulated the planning by the Navy s professional officers to build a fleet of top rank status but it would take several years to become operational 22 Wilson s program EditWilson less fearful of the navy embraced a long term building program designed to make the fleet the equal of the Royal Navy by the mid 1920s Realism was at work here the admirals were Mahanians and they therefore wanted a surface fleet of heavy battleships second to none that is equal to Britain The facts of submarine warfare which necessitated destroyers not battleships and the possibilities of imminent war with Germany or with Britain for that matter were simply ignored The Administration s proposals touched off a firestorm of antiwar protest 23 Secretary of War Lindley Garrison adopted many of the proposals of the preparedness leaders especially their emphasis on a large federal reserves and abandonment of the National Guard Garrison s proposals not only outraged the localistic politicians of both parties they also offended a strongly held belief shared by the liberal wing of the progressive movement They felt that warfare always had a hidden economic motivation Specifically they warned the chief warmongers were New York bankers like J P Morgan with millions at risk profiteering munition makers like Bethlehem Steel which made armor and DuPont which made powder and unspecified industrialists searching for global markets to control Antiwar critics such as Wisconsin s Republican Senator La Follette blasted them saying there was an unnamed world wide organization that was stimulating and fomenting discord in order that it may make profit out of the furnishing of munitions of war The only road to peace was disarmament reiterated Bryan speaking for the antiwar Democrats 24 Garrison s plan unleashed the fiercest battle in peacetime history over the relationship of military planning to national goals In peacetime War Department arsenals and navy yards manufactured nearly all munitions that lacked civilian uses including warships artillery naval guns and shells Items available on the civilian market such as food horses saddles wagons and uniforms were always purchased from civilian contractors Peace leaders Edit Peace leaders like Jane Addams of Hull House and David Starr Jordan president of Stanford University redoubled their efforts and now turned their voices against Wilson because he was sowing the seeds of militarism raising up a military and naval caste Many ministers professors farm spokesmen and labor union leaders joined in with powerful support from a band of four dozen southern Democrats in Congress who took control of the House Military Affairs Committee 25 Wilson appeals to the people Edit Wilson in deep trouble took his cause to the people in a major speaking tour in early 1916 a warm up for his reelection campaign that fall Wilson seems to have won over the middle classes but had little impact on the largely ethnic working classes and the deeply isolationist farmers Congress still refused to budge so Wilson replaced Garrison as Secretary of War with Newton Baker the Democratic mayor of Cleveland and an outspoken opponent of preparedness Garrison kept quiet but felt Wilson was a man of high ideals but no principles 26 Preparedness Parade New York City May 1916Compromise reached Edit Congress reached a compromise in May 1916 The army was to double in size to 11 300 officers and 208 000 men with no reserves and a National Guard that would be enlarged in five years to 440 000 men Summer camps on the Plattsburgh model were authorized for new officers and the government was given 20 million to build a nitrate plant of its own Preparedness supporters were downcast the antiwar people were jubilant The United States would now be too weak to go to war 27 Colonel Robert L Bullard privately complained Both sides Britain and Germany treat us with scorn and contempt our fool smug conceit of superiority has been exploded in our faces and deservedly 28 The House gutted the naval plans as well defeating a big navy plan by 189 to 183 and scuttling the battleships The Battle of Jutland May 31 June 1 1916 saw the German fleet nearly sunk by the stronger British fleet Only brilliant seamanship and luck allowed it to escape Arguing this battle proved the validity of Mahanian doctrine the navalists took control in the Senate broke the House coalition and authorized a rapid three year buildup of all classes of warships A new weapons system naval aviation received 3 5 million and the government was authorized to build its own armor plate factory The notion that armaments led to war was turned on its head refusal to arm in 1916 led Berlin to make war on the U S in 1917 The very weakness of U S military power encouraged Berlin to start its unrestricted submarine attacks in 1917 It knew this meant war with the United States but it could discount the immediate risk because the U S Army was negligible and the new warships would not be at sea until 1919 by which time the war would be over with Germany victorious 29 30 See also EditAmerican entry into World War I Citizens Military Training Camp Presidency of Woodrow WilsonNotes Edit Very few young men from wealthy or prominent families considered a career in the army or navy then or at any time in American history The highest social background of cadets exemplified by George Patton West Point 1909 and Lucius Clay West Point 1918 was oldest son of a locally prominent family Portions of this article were ported from Citizendium 31 References Edit Roosevelt Theodore 2 December 2016 America and the World War Project Gutenberg Retrieved 4 September 2018 Fear God and Take Your Own Part The New York Times 13 February 1916 Retrieved 4 September 2018 Roosevelt Theodore Fear God and take your own part New York G H Doran Retrieved 4 September 2018 John P Finnegan Against the Specter of a Dragon The Campaign for American Military Preparedness 1914 1917 1975 Priscilla Roberts Paul D Cravath the First World War and the Anglophile Internationalist Tradition Australian Journal of Politics and History 2005 51 2 194 215 ISSN 0004 9522 Fulltext in Ebsco Perry Ralph Barton 2018 The Plattsburg Movement A Chapter of America s Participation in the World War E P Dutton Retrieved 4 September 2018 via Google Books Clifford J Garry 1972 Citizen Soldiers The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement 1913 1920 University Press of Kentucky ISBN 0813112621 OCLC 493383 Elizabeth McKillen Pacifist Brawn and Silk Stocking Militarism Labor Gender and Antiwar Politics 1914 1918 Peace amp Change 33 3 2008 388 425 Susan Zeiger The schoolhouse vs the armory US teachers and the campaign against militarism in the schools 1914 1918 Journal of Women s History 15 2 2003 150 179 Carl H Chrislock 1991 The Watchdog of Loyalty The Minnesota Commission of Public Safety during World War I Minnesota Historical Society Press pp 21 337 Carl H Chrislock 1991 The Watchdog of Loyalty The Minnesota Commission of Public Safety during World War I Minnesota Historical Society Press p 22 Chambers To Raise an Army pp 92 93 John Whiteclay Chambers To raise an army The draft comes to modern America 1987 pp 96 98 John Garry Clifford The Citizen Soldiers The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement 1913 1920 2015 Robert H Zieger 2001 America s Great War World War I and the American Experience Rowman amp Littlefield p 36 ISBN 978 0847696451 Frances H Early A World without War How U S Feminists and Pacifists Resisted World War I 1997 Andrew Preston Sword of the Spirit Shield of Faith Religion in American War and Diplomacy 2012 pp 240 245 Simeon Larson The American Federation of Labor and the Preparedness Controversy Historian 37 1 1974 67 81 John Morton Blum Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality 1956 p 121 John Morton Blum The Republican Roosevelt 2nd ed 1977 p 153 David Esposito David Political and Institutional Constraints on Wilson s Defense Policy Presidential Studies Quarterly 26 4 1996 1114 1125 Arthur Link Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era 1954 p 179 Link Woodrow Wilson pp 179ff Michael Kazin 2017 War Against War The American Fight for Peace 1914 1918 Simon amp Schuster pp 95 97 ISBN 978 1476705927 David M Kennedy 2004 Over Here The First World War and American Society Oup USA p 33 ISBN 978 0195173994 Richard Striner 2014 Woodrow Wilson and World War I A Burden Too Great to Bear Rowman amp Littlefield Publishers p 69 ISBN 978 1442229389 Link 1954 pp 187 188 Allan Reed Millett 1975 The General Robert L Bullard and Officership in the United States Army 1881 1925 Greenwood Press ISBN 978 0 8371 7957 5 Dirk Steffen The Holtzendorff Memorandum of 22 December 1916 and Germany s Declaration of Unrestricted U boat Warfare Journal of Military History 68 1 2004 215 224 excerpt See The Holtzendorff Memo English translation with notes World War I American entry encyclopedia article CitizendiumFurther reading EditChambers John Whiteclay To raise an army The draft comes to modern America 1987 Clifford J Garry 1972 Citizen Soldiers The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement 1913 1920 University Press of Kentucky ISBN 0813112621 OCLC 493383 Finnegan John P 1975 Against the Specter of a Dragon The Campaign for American Military Preparedness 1914 1917 Franz Manuel Preparedness Revisited Civilian Societies and the Campaign for American Defense 1914 1920 in Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 17 4 2018 663 676 Grubbs Frank L 1968 The Struggle for Labor Loyalty Gompers the A F of L and the Pacifists 1917 1920 Duke University Press OCLC 233727 Herring George 1964 James Hay and the Preparedness Controversy 1915 1916 The Journal of Southern History 30 4 383 404 doi 10 2307 2204278 JSTOR 2204278 Kennedy Ross A Preparedness in Ross A Kennedy ed A Companion to Woodrow Wilson 2013 pp 270 86 Link Arthur S 1954 Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era 1910 1917 Harper OCLC 475754 O Toole Patricia 2005 When Trumpets Call Theodore Roosevelt after the White House Simon amp Schuster ISBN 0684864770 OCLC 56921011 Pearlman Michael 1984 To make democracy safe for America patricians and preparedness in the Progressive Era University of Illinois Press ISBN 0252010191 OCLC 9196463 Zeiger Susan The schoolhouse vs the armory US teachers and the campaign against militarism in the schools 1914 1918 Journal of Women s History 15 2 2003 150 179 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Preparedness Movement amp oldid 1170023718, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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