
List of police ranks

Police ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships in police organizations.[1] The rank system defines authority and responsibility in a police organization,[2] and affects the culture within the police force.[3] Police ranks, dependent on country, are similar to military ranks[4][5] in function and design due to policing in many countries developing from military organizations and operations,[6] such as in western Europe,[7][8] former Soviet countries,[9] and English-speaking countries.[10][11] Usually, uniforms denote the bearer's rank by particular insignia affixed to the uniforms.[12][5]

Rank is not only used to designate leadership, but to establish pay-grade as well.[13] As rank increases, pay-grade follows, but so does the amount of responsibility.[14]

Albania Edit

Director Commissioner
Albanian Police[15][16]
Drejtues madhor
Chief director
Drejtues i lartë
Senior director
Drejtues i parë
First director
Chief commissioner

Algeria Edit

Director Commissioner Inspectors Constables
Algerian police
Contrôleur général de police Contrôleur de police Commissaire divisionnaire de police Commissaire principal de police Commissaire de police Lieutenant de police Inspecteur principal de police Inspecteur de police Brigadier-chef Brigadier de police Agent de l'ordre public

Andorra Edit

Superior level Executive level Intermediate level Basic level
Police Corps of Andorra[17]
Commissari major Commisari Oficial de 1a classe Oficial de 2a classe Sotsoficial major Sotsoficial de 1a classe Sotsoficial de 2a classe Agent major Agent

Antigua and Barbuda Edit

Argentina Edit

Argentine Federal Police Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Argentine Federal Police[18]
Comisario general
Jefe de la policía federal
Comisario general Comisario mayor Comisario inspector Comisario Subcomisario Oficial principal Oficial inspector Oficial subinspector Oficial subayudante Oficial ayudante
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Argentine Federal Police[18]
Suboficial mayor Subofical auxiliar Suboficial escrebiente Sargento primero Sargento Cabo primero Cabo Agente

Buenos Aires Provincial Police Edit

Insignia Name English

Comisario general Commissioner general
Comisario mayor Commissioner major
Comisario inspector Commissioner inspector
Comisario Commissioner
Subcomisario Deputy commissioner
Oficial principal Chief officer
Oficial inspector Inspector officer
Oficial subinspector Deputy inspector officer
Oficial ayudante Assistant officer
Oficial subayudante Assistant officer

Mayor Major
Capitán Captain
Teniente 1º First lieutenant
Teniente Lieutenant
Subteniente Second lieutenant
Sargento Sergeant
Oficial Official

Armenia Edit

Officers Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Police of Armenia[19]
colonel general
lieutenant general
major general
lieutenant colonel
Senior police

Enlisted Edit

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Police of Armenia[19]
No insignia
Senior police
warrant officer
Police warrant officer Police Starshina Police
senior sergeant
Police sergeant Police
junior sergeant
Police private Cadet

Australia Edit

Commissioners Senior officers Sergeants Constables Recruits
Australian Federal Police
(ACT Policing)
Commissioner Deputy
Commander Superintendent Inspector Station sergeant Sergeant Leading
first class
Constable Police

Austria Edit

Austrian Federal Police[22]
Generaldirektor für die öffentliche Sicherheit Landespolizei-
Abteilungsleiter Landespolizei-
Commissioner general of public security State commissioner Deputy state commissioner Assistant state commissioner City police commissioner
Leading officers
General officers Senior officers Junior officers
Austrian Federal Police[23]
Inspector general
Deputy inspector general
Assistant inspector general
Chief superintendent
Deputy superintendent
Assistant superintendent
Divisional superintendent
Divisional assistant superintendent
Supervising officers and police officers
Supervising officers Police officers
Austrian Federal Police[23]
(Fgrp 7)

Senior chief inspector
(Fgrp 6)

Chief inspector
Divisional inspector

Sub-divisional inspector
Station sergeant
Not in line of promotion
Senior constable
Inspektor GFP
Border guard constable
Probationary constable

Azerbaijan Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Police of Azerbaijan[24]
Police colonel general
Polis general-polkovniki
Police lieutenant general
Polis general-leytenantı
Police major general
Polis general-mayoru
Police colonel
Polis polkovniki
Police lieutenant colonel
Polis polkovnik-leytenantı
Police major
Polis mayoru
Police captain
Polis kapitanı
Police senior lieutenant
Polis baş leytenantı
Police lieutenant
Polis leytenantı
Police sub-lieutenant
Polis kiçik leytenantı
Police cadet
Polis kursantı
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Police of Azerbaijan[24]
Police senior sergeant
Polis baş serjantı
Police sergeant
Polis serjantı
Police junior sergeant
Polis kiçik serjantı
Police private
Polis sıravi

Bangladesh Edit

Superior officers
Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Bangladesh Police
Inspector general of police Additional inspector
general of police
[note 1]
Deputy inspector
general of police
Additional deputy
inspector general of police
Superintendent of police[note 2] Additional superintendent
of police
Senior assistant
superintendent of police
superintendent of police
Metropolitan branch Commissioner of police[note 3] Commissioner of police
Additional police commissioner[note 4]
Additional police commissioner
Joint commissioner of police[note 5]
Deputy commissioner of police Additional deputy commissioner of police Senior assistant commissioner of police Assistant commissioner of police
Industrial police Director general Additional director general Director Deputy director Senior assistant director Assistant director
Subordinate officers
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Bangladesh Police
Inspector of police Sub-inspector Sergeant Assistant sub-inspector Nayek Constable
Armed branch Armed inspector of police Armed sub-inspector Armed assistant sub-inspector Naik Constable
Industrial police Deputy assistant director Circle commander Assistant sub-inspector Naik Constable
Traffic division Traffic inspector Sergeant Town sub-inspector Assistant town sub-inspector Traffic constable

Belarus Edit

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Militsiya of the Republic of Belarus
Ста́рший пра́порщик
Senior warrant officer
Warrant officer
Ста́рший сержа́нт
Senior sergeant

Belgium Edit

Group Officer level Middle-level Base-level
Federal Police[25]
Local police[25]
Title First chief commissioner
Eerste Hoofdcommissaris
Premier commissaire divisionnaire
Erste chefkomissar
Chief commissioner
Commissaire divisionnaire
First commissioner
Eerste commissaris
Premier commissaire
Erste komissar
Candidate commissioner
Aufstrebender komissar
First chief inspector
Eerste hoofdinspecteur
Premier inspecteur principal
Erste chefinspektor
Chief inspector
Inspecteur principal
Candidate chief inspector
Aspirant-inspecteur principal
Aufstrebender chefinspektor
First inspector
Eerste inspecteur
Premier inspecteur
Erste inspektor
Candidate inspector
Aufstrebender inspektor
Group Security-level Auxiliary-level
Federal Police[25]
Local police[25] N/A
Title First security coordinator
Eerste beveiligingscoördinator
Premier coordinateur de sécurisation de police
Erster Sicherungskoordinator der Polizei
Security coordinator
Coordinateur de sécurisation de police
Sicherungskoordinator der Polizei
First security assistant
Eerste beveiligingsassistent
Premier assistant de sécurisation de police
Erster Sicherungsassistent der Polizei
Security assistant
Assistant de sécurisation de police
Sicherungsassistent der Polizei
Candidate security assistant
Aspirant assistant de sécurisation de police
Sicherungsassistent-Anwärter der Polizei
First security officer
Eerste beveiligingsagent
Premier agent de sécurisation de police
Erster Sicherungsbediensteter der Polizei
Security officer
Agent de sécurisation de police
Sicherungsbediensteter der Polizei
Candidate security officer
Aspirant agent de sécurisation de police
Sicherungsbediensteter-Anwärter der Polizei
First (auxiliary) officer
Eerste agent
Premier agent
Erste agent
(Auxiliary) officer
Candidate (auxiliary) officer
Aufstrebender agent

Bermuda Edit

Bolivia Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Generales Jefes Oficiales
General comandante
Commandant general
General supervisor
Supervisor general
General superior
Superior general
General director
Director general
Teniente coronel
Lieutenant colonel
Second lieutenant
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Suboficial supervisor
Supervisor warrant officer
Suboficial mayor
Warrant officer major
Suboficial primero
Warrant officer 1st class
Suboficial segundo
Warrant officer 2nd class
Sargento primero
Sergeant 1st class
Sargento segundo
Sergeant 2nd class
Policia egresado
Graduate policeman

Bosnia and Herzegovina Edit

Republika Srpska Edit

Chief inspector Inspector
Police of Republika Srpska[27]
Chief general inspector of police
Главни генерални инспектор полиције
General inspector of police
Генерални инспектор полиције
Chief inspector
Главни инспектор
Independent inspector
Самостални инспектор
Senior inspector
Виши инспектор
Junior inspector
Млађи инспектор
Police officer
Police of Republika Srpska[27]
Chief police officer
Главни полицајац
Independent police officer
Самостални полицајац
Senior police officer
Виши полицајац
Police officer
Junior police officer
Млађи полицајац

Bosnia and Herzegovina Edit

Chief of police (with the COA of the canton) Inspector
Bosnian police[28]
Glavni Generalni Inspektor DGS-a Generalni Inspektor DGS-a Glavni Inspektor Samostalni Inspektor Visi Inspektor Inspektor Mladi Inspektor
Police officer
Bosnian police[28]
Stariji Narednik Narednik Stariji Policajac Policajac

Botswana Edit

Ranks of the Botswana Police Service:

  • Commissioner of police
  • Deputy commissioner of police
  • Senior assistant commissioner
  • Assistant commissioner
  • Senior superintendent
  • Superintendent
  • Assistant superintendent
  • Inspector
  • Sub-inspector
  • Sergeant
  • Constable
  • Special constable

Brazil Edit

Brazil has several different police forces, each with its own ranks. At a federal level, there are the Federal Police (Portuguese: Polícia Federal, the equivalent to the FBI), the Federal Highway Police (Polícia Rodoviária Federal) and the Federal Railroad Police (Portuguese: Polícia Ferroviária Federal). At a state level, there are the military police (polícia militar, a gendarmerie type force unlike the military police of many other countries, the Brazilian equivalent of which is the army police) and the civil police (polícia civil). At city level, there is the Municipal Guards (Guarda Municipal).

Civil police Edit

The Brazilian Civil Police rank follows, from higher to lower, as:

  • Comissário/Delegado (Commissioner/Delegate)
  • Escrivão (Clerk)
  • Agente/Investigador/Inspetor/Especialista (Agent/Investigator/Inspector/Specialist)
  • Perito criminal (Forensics expert)

Military police Edit

The following details the ranks of the military police, which are also used by the National Public Security Force.

The ranks are valid for the state military police agencies (such as the Military Police of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro) and are listed, respectively, from higher to lower ranks:[29]

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Brazilian Military Police[30]
Comandante geral Comandante adjunto Coronel Tenente-coronel Major Capitão Primeiro tenente Segundo tenente Aspirante a oficial Aluno 3° ano Aluno 2° ano Aluno 1° ano Aluno CSTAPM
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Brazilian Military Police[30]
Subtenente Primeiro-sargento Segundo-sargento Terceiro-sargento Aluno sargento Cabo Soldado primeira classe Soldado segunda classe

Brunei Edit

Gazetted officers
Non gazetted officers

Bulgaria Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
National Police Service
Secretary general Chief commissioner Senior commissioner Commissioner of police Chief inspector Senior inspector Inspector
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
Главен секретар Главен комисар Старши комисар Комисар Главен инспектор Старши инспектор Инспектор I-ва степен Инспектор II-ра степен Инспектор III-та степен
National Police Service
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
Главен полицай Полицай I-ва степен Полицай II степен Полицай III степен

Canada Edit

While some smaller or area specific police forces (ports, docks, tunnels etc.) may use variations on, or fewer of, these ranks, most territorial police forces and special police forces have a standard set of operational ranks based on either of the two systems shown here:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Edit

Commissioner Superintendent Inspector
Royal Canadian Mounted Police[32]
Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Chief superintendent Superintendent Inspector
Commissaire Sous-commissaire Commissaire adjoint Surintendant principal Surintendant Inspecteur
Non-commissioned officers Constables Depot
Royal Canadian Mounted Police[32]
No insignia
Corps sergeant major Sergeant major Staff sergeant major Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Constable Cadet
Sergent-major du corps Sergent-major Sergent-major d'état major Sergent d'état-major Sergent Caporal Gendarme Cadet

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Edit

Commanding officers Senior officers Police officers Officers in training
Chief constable Deputy chief Superintendent Inspector Staff sergeant Sergeant Constable Cadet

Sûreté du Québec Edit

Ranks of Sûreté du Québec<[33]
General staff officers Officers Sub-officers Agents
Directeur general Directeur adjoint Inspecteur chef Inspecteur Capitaine Lieutenant Sergent Chef d'equip Agent
Director general of the SQ Associate director Chief inspector Inspector Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Team leader Constable
No insignia

Chad Edit

Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Chadian National Gendarmerie
Sergent-major Sergent-chef Sergeant Corporal Private first class Private (rank)

Chile Edit

These are the ranks used by Chilean police services.

Investigations Police of Chile (PDI) Officers

  • Director general
  • Prefecto general
  • Prefecto inspector
  • Prefecto
  • Subprefecto
  • Comisario
  • Subcomisario
  • Inspector
  • Subinspector
  • Detective
  • Aspirante

Since 2017 this agency has rank insignia.[34]

Carabineros de Chile Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Carabineros de Chile
General director General inspector General Coronel Teniente coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente Subteniente Aspirante a oficial
Non-commissioned officers and enlisted
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Warrant officers NCOs Enlisted Students
Carabineros de Chile
No insignia
Suboficial mayor Suboficial Sargento primero Sargento segundo Cabo primero Cabo segundo Carabinero Carabinero alumno
Abbr. SOM SuboF SG1 SG2 CBO1 CBO2 Carab

China Edit

People's Police Edit

Chinese police officers under the Ministry of Public Security use rank insignia on both side of shoulders on the duty uniform. Senior officers ranking at commissioner and superintendent levels wear these on the white collar uniforms, and for inspector level and below, officers wear them on the sky blue collar uniforms.[citation needed]

Commissioners Superintendents Inspectors
People's Police
Police commissioner
Chinese: 总警监
pinyin: zǒng jǐngjiān
Deputy police commissioner
Chinese: 副总警监
pinyin: fù zǒng jǐngjiān
Superintendent 1st class
Chinese: 一级警监
pinyin: yījí jǐngjiān
Superintendent 2nd class
Chinese: 二级警监
pinyin: èrjí jǐngjiān
Superintendent 3rd class
Chinese: 三级警监
pinyin: sānjí jǐngjiān
Inspector 1st class
Chinese: 一级警督
pinyin: yījí jǐngdū
Inspector 2nd class
Chinese: 二级警督
pinyin: èrjí jǐngdū
Inspector 3rd class
Chinese: 三级警督
pinyin: sānjí jǐngdū
Sergeants Constables
People's Police
Sergeant 1st class
Chinese: 一级警司
pinyin: yījí jǐngsī
Sergeant 2nd class
Chinese: 二级警司
pinyin: èrjí jǐngsī
Sergeant 3rd class
Chinese: 三级警司
pinyin: sānjí jǐngsī
Constable 1st class
Chinese: 一级警员
pinyin: yījí jǐngyuán
Constable 2nd class
Chinese: 二级警员
pinyin: èrjí jǐngyuán
Probationary constable
Chinese: 见习警员
pinyin: jiànxí jǐngyuán
Chinese: 学警
pinyin: xuéjǐng

People's Armed Police Edit

The People's Armed Police, as part of the People's Liberation Army, uses the same ranks and uniform as the PLA itself, while the China Maritime Safety Administration uses a different system.

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
People's Armed Police
Lieutenant general
Major general
Colonel commandant
Lieutenant colonel
First lieutenant
Second lieutenant
Officer cadet
Lieutenant general
Major general
Colonel commandant
Lieutenant colonel
First lieutenant
Second lieutenant
Officer cadet
Non-commissioned officers and men
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
People's Armed Police
Chief sergeant 1st class
Chief sergeant 2nd class
Chief sergeant 3rd class
Chief sergeant 4th class
Staff Sergeant
Private 1st class

Units of the China Coast Guard wear identical insignia as a part of the PAP.

Colombia Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
National Police of Colombia[35]
General Mayor General Brigadier General Coronel Teniente Coronel Mayor Capitán Teniente Subteniente
Abbreviation in Spanish GN MG BG CR TC MY CT TE ST
Non-commissioned officers and enlisted
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
National Police of Colombia[35] No insignia
Sargento Mayor Sargento Primero Sargento Vice Primero Sargento Segundo Cabo Primero Cabo Segundo Dragoneante Agente
No insignia
Comisario Subcomisario Intendente Jefe Intendente Subintendente Patrullero Dragoneante Agente

Croatia Edit

Regular police ranks
Rank title Police director general
(Ravnatelj policije)
Deputy police director general
(Zamjenik ravnatelja policije)
Police chaplain
(Policijski kapelan)
Police superintendent general
(Načelnik policijske uprave)
Assistant director general of police
(Pomoćnik glavnog ravnatelja policije)
Police commander
(Glavni ravnatelj policije)
Police senior commissioner
(Glavni policijski savjetnik)
Police commissioner
(Policijski savjetnik)
Chief police inspector
(Glavni policijski inspektor)
Leading police inspector
(Samostalni policijski inspektor)
Senior police inspector
(Viši policijski inspektor)
Police inspector
(Policijski inspektor)
Police sergeant major
(Samostalni policijski narednik)
Police staff sergeant
(Viši policijski narednik)
Police sergeant
(Policijski narednik)
Leading police officer
(Samostalni policajac)
Senior police officer
(Viši policajac)
Police officer
Police college cadet
(Vježbenik više i visoke stručne spreme)
Police basic recruit
(Polaznik srednje stručne)
Police recruit with secondary school credentials
(Vježbenik srednje stručne spreme)

Cyprus Edit

Insignia Name English
Αρχηγός Chief of police
Υπαρχηγός Deputy chief of police
Βοηθός Αρχηγός Assistant chief of police
Ανώτερος Αστυνόμος Chief superintendent
Αστυνόμος Α' Superintendent A'
Αστυνόμος Β' Superintendent B'
Ανώτερος Υπαστυνόμος Chief inspector
Υπαστυνόμος Inspector
Αρχιλοχίας Senior sergeant
Λοχίας Sergeant
Αναπληρωτής Λοχίας Αρχιαστυφύλακας Acting sergeant senior constable
Αναπληρωτής Λοχίας Acting sergeant
Αρχιαστυφύλακας Senior constable
Αστυφύλακας Constable
Ειδικός Αστυφύλακας Special constable

Czech Republic Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Czech Republic[37]
Generálporučík Generálmajor Brigádní generál Plukovník Podplukovník Major Kapitán Nadporučík Poručík Podporučík
Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted
Czech Republic[37]
Nadpraporčík Praporčík Podpraporčík Nadstrážmistr Strážmistr Rotný

Denmark Edit

Danish National Police rank insignia
Rank Rigspolitichefen Politidirektør
Vicepolitiinspektør Politikommissær Politiassistent af 1. grad Politiassistent af 2. grad Politibetjent Politikadet
EN Rank National police commissioner Chief of police Chief inspector /
chief prosecutor
Deputy chief of police /
chief inspector /
Deputy inspector Commissioner Police constable first class Police constable Police officer Police cadet

Estonia Edit

General officers Senior officers Junior officers
Police and Border Guard Board[38][39]
Police general
Inspector general of police
Police colonel
Police lieutenant colonel
Police major
Police captain
Police lieutenant
Senior superintendent
Police and Border Guard Board[38][39]
Chief constable,

chief inspector
(Ülemkonstaabel, üleminspektor)

Senior constable,

senior inspector
(Vanemkonstaabel, vaneminspektor)


(Konstaabel, inspektor)

Junior constable,

junior inspector
(Nooremkonstaabel, nooreminspektor)

Internal Security Service ranks Chief assistant
Senior assistant
Junior assistant

Egypt Edit

Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet
Egyptian National Police
Molazim awwal
(ملازم أول)
Major general Brigadier Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Lieutenant
Egyptian National Police
Master sergeant Sergeant Corporal Private

Ethiopia Edit

The rank structure of the Ethiopian Federal Police is as follows:[40]

  • Commissioner general
  • Deputy commissioner general
  • Commissioner
  • Deputy commissioner
  • Assistant commissioner
  • Commander
  • Deputy commander
  • Chief inspector
  • Inspector
  • Deputy inspector
  • Assistant inspector
  • Chief sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Deputy sergeant
  • Assistant sergeant
  • Constable

Fiji Edit

Finland Edit

Police ranks of Finland [41]
Group Officers
Rank Poliisiylijohtaja
Biträdande polischef
English National police commissioner Deputy national police commissioners,
Police chief of Helsinki,
Director of the NBI,
Director of the Supo
Police chief (Regional police departments) Assistant police commissioners (chief),
Deputy assistant police commissioners (expert)
Deputy police chiefs Chief superintendents,
police legal officers
Superintendents Chief inspectors
Group Non-commissioned officers Policemen
Rank Ylikonstaapeli
Vanhempi konstaapeli
Äldre konstapel
Nuorempi konstaapeli
Yngre konstapel
English Police sergeants Senior constables Junior constables

France Edit

Police Nationale Edit

National Police of France Director general Prefectoral corps Directors of active service
Rank insignia
Grade Directeur général
(Director general of the National Police)
Préfet de police de Paris/
Préfet de police des Bouches-du-Rhône

(Police Prefect of Paris/
Police Prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône
Directeur des services actifs
(Director of active services of the National Police)
Equivalent NATO Code OF-9 N/A OF-8
Source: [42]
National Police of France Planning and management corps
Rank insignia
Grade Inspecteur général des services actifs de la police nationale
(Inspector general of the National Police)
Contrôleur général des services actifs de la police nationale
(Comptroller general of the National Police)
Commissaire général de police
(Commissioner general of police)
Commissaire divisionnaire de police
(Divisional commissioner of police)
Commissaire de police
(Commissioner of police)
Commissaire de police - Élève et stagiaire
(Probationary commissioner of police/
Commissioner of police candidate
Equivalent NATO Code OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-3/4 N/A
Source: [42]
National Police of France Command corps
Rank insignia
Grade Commandant divisionnaire fonctionnel de la police nationale
(Divisional major of police, in functional position)
Commandant divisionnaire
(Divisional major of police)
Commandant de police
(Major of police)
Capitaine de police
(Captain of police)
Lieutenant de police
(Lieutenant of police)
Lieutenant de police (stagiaire)
(Probationary lieutenant of police)
Lieutenant de police - Élève
(Police commander candidate)
Equivalent NATO Code OF-3 OF-3 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF(D)
Source: [42]
National Police of France Supervisory and field corps
Rank insignia
Grade Major de police, responsable d’unité locale de police
(Brigadier-major of police, head of a local police unit)
Major de police à l’échelon exceptionnel
(Brigadier-major of police, in exceptional pay grade)
Major de police
(Brigadier-major of police)
Brigadier-chef de police
(Chief brigadier of police)
Brigadier de police
(Brigadier of police)
Sous-brigadier de police
(Sub-Brigadier of police)
Gardien de la paix
Gardien de la paix - Stagiaire
(Probationary constable)
Gardien de la paix - Élève
(Constable candidate)
Equivalent NATO Code N/A OR-9 OR-8 OR-6 OR-5 N/A
Source: [42]
National Police of France Other corps and positions
Rank insignia
Corps/position Adjoint de Sécurité
(Security agents)
Réserve Civile de la Police Nationale
(National Police reservists)
Equivalent NATO Code N/A
Source: [42]

Gendarmerie Edit

Non-commissioned offices and Volunteer assistant gendarmes
NATO code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
French Gendarmerie
list, police, ranks, element, hierarchy, enforcement, this, article, multiple, issues, please, help, improve, discuss, these, issues, talk, page, learn, when, remove, these, template, messages, this, article, needs, additional, citations, verification, please,. Element of hierarchy in law enforcement This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources 160 List of police ranks 160 160 news 160 newspapers 160 books 160 scholar 160 JSTOR April 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia s quality standards The specific problem is Standardization of rank presentation Please help improve this article if you can January 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message Learn how and when to remove this template message Police ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships in police organizations 91 1 93 The rank system defines authority and responsibility in a police organization 91 2 93 and affects the culture within the police force 91 3 93 Police ranks dependent on country are similar to military ranks 91 4 93 91 5 93 in function and design due to policing in many countries developing from military organizations and operations 91 6 93 such as in western Europe 91 7 93 91 8 93 former Soviet countries 91 9 93 and English speaking countries 91 10 93 91 11 93 Usually uniforms denote the bearer s rank by particular insignia affixed to the uniforms 91 12 93 91 5 93 Rank is not only used to designate leadership but to establish pay grade as well 91 13 93 As rank increases pay grade follows but so does the amount of responsibility 91 14 93 Contents 1 Albania 2 Algeria 3 Andorra 4 Antigua and Barbuda 5 Argentina 5 1 Argentine Federal Police 5 2 Buenos Aires Provincial Police 6 Armenia 6 1 Officers 6 2 Enlisted 7 Australia 8 Austria 9 Azerbaijan 10 Bangladesh 11 Belarus 12 Belgium 13 Bermuda 14 Bolivia 15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 1 Republika Srpska 15 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 Botswana 17 Brazil 17 1 Civil police 17 2 Military police 18 Brunei 19 Bulgaria 20 Canada 20 1 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 20 2 Royal Newfoundland Constabulary 20 3 Surete du Quebec 21 Chad 22 Chile 22 1 Carabineros de Chile 23 China 23 1 People s Police 23 2 People s Armed Police 24 Colombia 25 Croatia 26 Cyprus 27 Czech Republic 28 Denmark 29 Estonia 30 Egypt 31 Ethiopia 32 Fiji 33 Finland 34 France 34 1 Police Nationale 34 2 Gendarmerie 35 Germany 36 Greece 37 Guatemala 38 Hong Kong 38 1 Gazetted 38 2 Inspectorate 38 3 Junior police officers JPOs 39 Hungary 40 Iceland 41 India 42 Indonesia 43 Iran 44 Iraq 44 1 Officers 44 2 Enlisted 45 Republic of Ireland 46 Israel 47 Italy 47 1 Polizia di Stato 47 2 Carabinieri 48 Japan 49 Kenya 50 South Korea 51 Laos 52 Latvia 53 Lesotho 54 Lithuania 55 Luxembourg 56 Macau 57 North Macedonia 58 Malaysia 59 Maldives 60 Malta 61 Mexico 61 1 National guard 61 2 Yucatan State Police 62 Montenegro 63 Myanmar 64 Namibia 65 Netherlands 65 1 Royal Marechaussee 66 New Zealand 67 Nicaragua 68 Nigeria 69 Norway 70 Pakistan 71 Panama 72 Paraguay 73 Peru 74 Philippines 75 Poland 75 1 Polish State Police 76 Portugal 76 1 National Republican Guard 77 Romania 77 1 Romanian Police 77 2 Romanian Gendarmerie 78 Russia 78 1 Police of Russia 78 2 Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of the Interior 78 3 Investigative Committee of Russia 78 4 Federal Security Service 79 Rwanda 80 San Marino 81 Saudi Arabia 82 Senegal 83 Serbia 84 Singapore 85 Slovenia 86 Somaliland 87 South Africa 88 Spain 89 Sri Lanka 90 Sweden 91 Switzerland 91 1 Municipal police corps in the Canton of Zurich 92 Taiwan 93 Tanzania 94 Thailand 95 Turkey 96 Ukraine 97 United Arab Emirates 97 1 Abu Dhabi 98 United Kingdom 99 United States 99 1 Federal 99 2 State 99 3 County 99 4 Municipal city 100 Uruguay 100 1 National Police of Uruguay 101 Vanuatu 102 Vatican City State 103 Venezuela 104 Vietnam 105 Zimbabwe 106 See also 107 Notes 108 References Albania Edit Director Commissioner Albanian Police 91 15 93 91 16 93 Drejtues madhor Chief director Drejtues i larte Senior director Drejtues i pare First director Drejtues Director Kryekomisar Chief commissioner Komisar Commissioner Nenkomisar Sub commissioner Inspektor Inspector Kursante Cadet Algeria Edit Director Commissioner Inspectors Constables Algerian police Controleur general de police Controleur de police Commissaire divisionnaire de police Commissaire principal de police Commissaire de police Lieutenant de police Inspecteur principal de police Inspecteur de police Brigadier chef Brigadier de police Agent de l ordre public Andorra Edit 160 Superior level Executive level Intermediate level Basic level Police Corps of Andorra 91 17 93 Commissari major Commisari Oficial de 1a classe Oficial de 2a classe Sotsoficial major Sotsoficial de 1a classe Sotsoficial de 2a classe Agent major Agent Antigua and Barbuda Edit Antigua and Barbuda Police ranks and insignia Rank Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Superintendent Assistant superintendent Inspector Senior sergeant Sergeant Corporal Constable Epaulette insignia Argentina Edit Argentine Federal Police Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Argentine Federal Police 91 18 93 Comisario general Jefe de la policia federal Comisario general Comisario mayor Comisario inspector Comisario Subcomisario Oficial principal Oficial inspector Oficial subinspector Oficial subayudante Oficial ayudante Others Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Argentine Federal Police 91 18 93 Suboficial mayor Subofical auxiliar Suboficial escrebiente Sargento primero Sargento Cabo primero Cabo Agente Buenos Aires Provincial Police Edit Main article Buenos Aires Provincial Police Insignia Name English Command Comisario general Commissioner general Comisario mayor Commissioner major Comisario inspector Commissioner inspector Comisario Commissioner Subcomisario Deputy commissioner Oficial principal Chief officer Oficial inspector Inspector officer Oficial subinspector Deputy inspector officer Oficial ayudante Assistant officer Oficial subayudante Assistant officer General Mayor Major Capitan Captain Teniente 1º First lieutenant Teniente Lieutenant Subteniente Second lieutenant Sargento Sergeant Oficial Official Armenia Edit Officers Edit Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Police of Armenia 91 19 93 Policecolonel general Policelieutenant general Policemajor general Policecolonel Policelieutenant colonel Policemajor Policecaptain Senior policelieutenant Policelieutenant Policecadet Enlisted Edit Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Police of Armenia 91 19 93 No insignia Senior policewarrant officer Police warrant officer Police Starshina Policesenior sergeant Police sergeant Policejunior sergeant Police private Cadet Australia Edit Main article Australian police ranks Example Commissioners Senior officers Sergeants Constables Recruits Australian Federal Police ACT Policing 91 20 93 91 21 93 Commissioner Deputycommissioner Assistantcommissioner Commander Superintendent Inspector Station sergeant Sergeant Leadingseniorconstable Seniorconstable Constablefirst class Constable Policerecruit Austria Edit Commissioners 160 Austrian Federal Police 91 22 93 Generaldirektor fur die offentliche Sicherheit Landespolizei Direktor Landespolizei Direktor Stellvertreter Abteilungsleiter Landespolizei direktion Stadthauptmann Commissioner general of public security State commissioner Deputy state commissioner Assistant state commissioner City police commissioner Leading officers 160 General officers Senior officers Junior officers Austrian Federal Police 91 23 93 General Inspector general Generalmajor Deputy inspector general Brigadier Assistant inspector general Oberst Chief superintendent Oberstleutnant Superintendent Major Deputy superintendent Hauptmann Assistant superintendent Oberleutnant Divisional superintendent Leutnant Divisional assistant superintendent Supervising officers and police officers 160 Supervising officers Police officers Austrian Federal Police 91 23 93 Chefinspektor Fgrp 7 Senior chief inspector Chefinspektor Fgrp 6 Chief inspector Kontrollinspektor Divisional inspector Abteilungs inspektor Sub divisional inspector Bezirksinspektor Station sergeant Gruppeninspektor Sergeant Gruppeninspektor SergeantNot in line of promotion Revierinspektor Senior constable Inspektor Constable Inspektor GFP Border guard constable Aspirant Probationary constable Azerbaijan Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Police of Azerbaijan 91 24 93 Police colonel generalPolis general polkovniki Police lieutenant generalPolis general leytenanti Police major generalPolis general mayoru Police colonelPolis polkovniki Police lieutenant colonelPolis polkovnik leytenanti Police majorPolis mayoru Police captainPolis kapitani Police senior lieutenantPolis bas leytenanti Police lieutenantPolis leytenanti Police sub lieutenantPolis kicik leytenanti Police cadetPolis kursanti Enlisted Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Police of Azerbaijan 91 24 93 Police senior sergeantPolis bas serjanti Police sergeantPolis serjanti Police junior sergeantPolis kicik serjanti Police privatePolis siravi Bangladesh Edit Superior officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Bangladesh Policevte Inspector general of police Additional inspectorgeneral of police 91 note 1 93 Deputy inspectorgeneral of police Additional deputyinspector general of police Superintendent of police 91 note 2 93 Additional superintendentof police Senior assistantsuperintendent of police Assistantsuperintendent of police Metropolitan branch Commissioner of police 91 note 3 93 Commissioner of policeAdditional police commissioner 91 note 4 93 Additional police commissionerJoint commissioner of police 91 note 5 93 Deputy commissioner of police Additional deputy commissioner of police Senior assistant commissioner of police Assistant commissioner of police Industrial police Director general Additional director general Director Deputy director Senior assistant director Assistant director Subordinate officers Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Bangladesh Policevte Inspector of police Sub inspector Sergeant Assistant sub inspector Nayek Constable Armed branch Armed inspector of police Armed sub inspector Armed assistant sub inspector Naik Constable Industrial police Deputy assistant director Circle commander Assistant sub inspector Naik Constable Traffic division Traffic inspector Sergeant Town sub inspector Assistant town sub inspector Traffic constable Belarus Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Militsiya of the Republic of Belarus Colonel general Lieutenant general Major general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain Senior lieutenant Lieutenant Junior lieutenant Other Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Militsiya of the Republic of Belarus Sta rshij pra porshikSenior warrant officer Pra porshikWarrant officer Starshina Starshina Sta rshij serzha ntSenior sergeant Serzha ntSergeant Efre jtorYefreytor Ryadovo jPrivate Belgium Edit Group Officer level Middle level Base level Federal Police 91 25 93 Local police 91 25 93 Title First chief commissionerEerste Hoofdcommissaris Premier commissaire divisionnaire Erste chefkomissar Chief commissionerHoofdcommissaris Commissaire divisionnaire Chefkomissar First commissionerEerste commissaris Premier commissaire Erste komissar CommissionerCommissaris Commissaire Komissar Candidate commissionerAspirant commissaris Aspirant commissaire Aufstrebender komissar First chief inspectorEerste hoofdinspecteur Premier inspecteur principal Erste chefinspektor Chief inspectorHoofdinspecteur Inspecteur principal Chefinspektor Candidate chief inspectorAspirant hoofdinspecteur Aspirant inspecteur principal Aufstrebender chefinspektor First inspectorEerste inspecteur Premier inspecteur Erste inspektor InspectorInspecteur Inspecteur Inspektor Candidate inspectorAspirant inspecteur Aspirant inspecteur Aufstrebender inspektor Group Security level Auxiliary level Federal Police 91 25 93 Local police 91 25 93 N A Title First security coordinatorEerste beveiligingscoordinator Premier coordinateur de securisation de police Erster Sicherungskoordinator der Polizei Security coordinatorBeveiligingscoordinator Coordinateur de securisation de police Sicherungskoordinator der Polizei First security assistantEerste beveiligingsassistent Premier assistant de securisation de police Erster Sicherungsassistent der Polizei Security assistantBeveiligingsassistent Assistant de securisation de police Sicherungsassistent der Polizei Candidate security assistantAspirant beveiligingsassistent Aspirant assistant de securisation de police Sicherungsassistent Anwarter der Polizei First security officerEerste beveiligingsagent Premier agent de securisation de police Erster Sicherungsbediensteter der Polizei Security officerBeveiligingsagent Agent de securisation de police Sicherungsbediensteter der Polizei Candidate security officerAspirant beveiligingsagent Aspirant agent de securisation de police Sicherungsbediensteter Anwarter der Polizei First auxiliary officerEerste agent Premier agent Erste agent Auxiliary officerAgent Agent Agent Candidate auxiliary officerAspirant agent Aspirant agent Aufstrebender agent Bermuda Edit Bermuda Police Service ranks and insignia Rank Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Superintendent Chief inspector Inspector Sergeant Constable Epaulette insignia Bolivia Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Generales Jefes Oficiales Bolivia 91 26 93 General comandante Commandant general General supervisor Supervisor general General superior Superior general General director Director general Coronel Colonel Teniente coronel Lieutenant colonel Mayor Major Capitan Captain Teniente Lieutenant Subteniente Second lieutenant Cadete Others Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Bolivia 91 26 93 Suboficial supervisor Supervisor warrant officer Suboficial mayor Warrant officer major Suboficial primero Warrant officer 1st class Suboficial segundo Warrant officer 2nd class Sargento primero Sergeant 1st class Sargento segundo Sergeant 2nd class Cabo Corporal Policia egresado Graduate policeman Bosnia and Herzegovina Edit Republika Srpska Edit Chief inspector Inspector Police of Republika Srpska 91 27 93 Chief general inspector of policeGlavni generalni inspektor policiјe General inspector of policeGeneralni inspektor policiјe Chief inspectorGlavni inspektor Independent inspectorSamostalni inspektor Senior inspectorVishi inspektor InspectorInspektor Junior inspectorMlaђi inspektor Police officer Police of Republika Srpska 91 27 93 Chief police officerGlavni policaјac Independent police officerSamostalni policaјac Senior police officerVishi policaјac Police officerPolicaјac Junior police officerMlaђi policaјac Bosnia and Herzegovina Edit Chief of police with the COA of the canton Inspector Bosnian police 91 28 93 Glavni Generalni Inspektor DGS a Generalni Inspektor DGS a Glavni Inspektor Samostalni Inspektor Visi Inspektor Inspektor Mladi Inspektor Police officer Bosnian police 91 28 93 Stariji Narednik Narednik Stariji Policajac Policajac Botswana Edit Ranks of the Botswana Police Service Commissioner of police Deputy commissioner of police Senior assistant commissioner Assistant commissioner Senior superintendent Superintendent Assistant superintendent Inspector Sub inspector Sergeant Constable Special constable Brazil Edit Brazil has several different police forces each with its own ranks At a federal level there are the Federal Police Portuguese Policia Federal the equivalent to the FBI the Federal Highway Police Policia Rodoviaria Federal and the Federal Railroad Police Portuguese Policia Ferroviaria Federal At a state level there are the military police policia militar a gendarmerie type force unlike the military police of many other countries the Brazilian equivalent of which is the army police and the civil police policia civil At city level there is the Municipal Guards Guarda Municipal Civil police Edit The Brazilian Civil Police rank follows from higher to lower as Comissario Delegado Commissioner Delegate Escrivao Clerk Agente Investigador Inspetor Especialista Agent Investigator Inspector Specialist Perito criminal Forensics expert Military police Edit The following details the ranks of the military police which are also used by the National Public Security Force The ranks are valid for the state military police agencies such as the Military Police of Minas Gerais Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and are listed respectively from higher to lower ranks 91 29 93 Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Brazilian Military Police 91 30 93 vte Comandante geral Comandante adjunto Coronel Tenente coronel Major Capitao Primeiro tenente Segundo tenente Aspirante a oficial Aluno 3 ano Aluno 2 ano Aluno 1 ano Aluno CSTAPM Others Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Brazilian Military Police 91 30 93 vte Subtenente Primeiro sargento Segundo sargento Terceiro sargento Aluno sargento Cabo Soldado primeira classe Soldado segunda classe Brunei Edit Gazetted officers Inspector general Commissioner Superintendent Inspector Royal Brunei Police Force 91 31 93 Inspector general of police Deputy Inspector general of police Commissioner Deputy commissioner Senior assistant commissioner Assistant commissioner Senior superintendent Superintendent Deputy superintendent Assistant superintendent Senior inspector Inspector Probationary inspector Cadet inspector Non gazetted officers Sergeant Other Royal Brunei Police Force 91 31 93 No insignia Sergeant major Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal Police Bulgaria Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet National Police Service Secretary general Chief commissioner Senior commissioner Commissioner of police Chief inspector Senior inspector Inspector1st grade Inspector2nd grade Inspector3rd grade Glaven sekretar Glaven komisar Starshi komisar Komisar Glaven inspektor Starshi inspektor Inspektor I va stepen Inspektor II ra stepen Inspektor III ta stepen Others Policemen National Police Service Chiefpoliceman Policeman1st grade Policeman2nd grade Policeman3rd grade Glaven policaj Policaj I va stepen Policaj II stepen Policaj III stepen Canada Edit Main article Police ranks in Canada While some smaller or area specific police forces ports docks tunnels etc may use variations on or fewer of these ranks most territorial police forces and special police forces have a standard set of operational ranks based on either of the two systems shown here Royal Canadian Mounted Police Edit Main article Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers Commissioner Superintendent Inspector Royal Canadian Mounted Police 91 32 93 vte Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Chief superintendent Superintendent Inspector Commissaire Sous commissaire Commissaire adjoint Surintendant principal Surintendant Inspecteur Others Non commissioned officers Constables Depot Royal Canadian Mounted Police 91 32 93 vte No insignia Corps sergeant major Sergeant major Staff sergeant major Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Constable Cadet Sergent major du corps Sergent major Sergent major d etat major Sergent d etat major Sergent Caporal Gendarme Cadet Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Edit Main article Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Commanding officers Senior officers Police officers Officers in training Chief constable Deputy chief Superintendent Inspector Staff sergeant Sergeant Constable Cadet Surete du Quebec Edit Main article Surete du Quebec Ranks of Surete du Quebec lt 91 33 93 General staff officers Officers Sub officers Agents Directeur general Directeur adjoint Inspecteur chef Inspecteur Capitaine Lieutenant Sergent Chef d equip Agent Director general of the SQ Associate director Chief inspector Inspector Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Team leader Constable No insignia Chad Edit Main article Chadian National Gendarmerie Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Chadian National Gendarmerievte General de division General de brigade Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous Lieutenant Enlisted Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Chadian National Gendarmerievte Sergent major Sergent chef Sergeant Corporal Private first class Private rank Chile Edit These are the ranks used by Chilean police services Investigations Police of Chile PDI Officers Director general Prefecto general Prefecto inspector Prefecto Subprefecto Comisario Subcomisario Inspector Subinspector Detective Aspirante Since 2017 this agency has rank insignia 91 34 93 Carabineros de Chile Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Carabineros de Chilevte General director General inspector General Coronel Teniente coronel Mayor Capitan Teniente Subteniente Aspirante a oficial Abbr GNRL DIR GNRL INS GNRL CRNL TTE CRNL MAY CAP TTE SUB TTE Non commissioned officers and enlisted Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Warrant officers NCOs Enlisted Students Carabineros de Chilevte No insignia Suboficial mayor Suboficial Sargento primero Sargento segundo Cabo primero Cabo segundo Carabinero Carabinero alumno Abbr SOM SuboF SG1 SG2 CBO1 CBO2 Carab China Edit People s Police Edit Chinese police officers under the Ministry of Public Security use rank insignia on both side of shoulders on the duty uniform Senior officers ranking at commissioner and superintendent levels wear these on the white collar uniforms and for inspector level and below officers wear them on the sky blue collar uniforms 91 citation needed 93 Officers Commissioners Superintendents Inspectors People s Police Police commissionerChinese 58 总警监 pinyin 58 zǒng jǐngjian Deputy police commissionerChinese 58 副总警监 pinyin 58 fu zǒng jǐngjian Superintendent 1st classChinese 58 一级警监 pinyin 58 yiji jǐngjian Superintendent 2nd classChinese 58 二级警监 pinyin 58 erji jǐngjian Superintendent 3rd classChinese 58 三级警监 pinyin 58 sanji jǐngjian Inspector 1st classChinese 58 一级警督 pinyin 58 yiji jǐngdu Inspector 2nd classChinese 58 二级警督 pinyin 58 erji jǐngdu Inspector 3rd classChinese 58 三级警督 pinyin 58 sanji jǐngdu Others Sergeants Constables People s Police Sergeant 1st classChinese 58 一级警司 pinyin 58 yiji jǐngsi Sergeant 2nd classChinese 58 二级警司 pinyin 58 erji jǐngsi Sergeant 3rd classChinese 58 三级警司 pinyin 58 sanji jǐngsi Constable 1st classChinese 58 一级警员 pinyin 58 yiji jǐngyuan Constable 2nd classChinese 58 二级警员 pinyin 58 erji jǐngyuan Probationary constableChinese 58 见习警员 pinyin 58 jianxi jǐngyuan RecruitChinese 58 学警 pinyin 58 xuejǐng People s Armed Police Edit The People s Armed Police as part of the People s Liberation Army uses the same ranks and uniform as the PLA itself while the China Maritime Safety Administration uses a different system Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet People s Armed Police General Lieutenant general Major general Colonel commandant Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant Officer cadet General上将 Lieutenant general中将 Major general少将 Colonel commandant大校 Colonel上校 Lieutenant colonel中校 Major少校 Captain上尉 First lieutenant中尉 Second lieutenant少尉 Officer cadet学员 Non commissioned officers and men Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted People s Armed Police Chief sergeant 1st class 一级军士长 Chief sergeant 2nd class 二级军士长 Chief sergeant 3rd class 三级军士长 Chief sergeant 4th class 四级军士长 Staff Sergeant 上士 Sergeant 中士 Corporal 下士 Private 1st class 上等兵 Private 列兵 Units of the China Coast Guard wear identical insignia as a part of the PAP Colombia Edit Main article Ranks of the Colombian National Police Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet National Police of Colombia 91 35 93 General Mayor General Brigadier General Coronel Teniente Coronel Mayor Capitan Teniente Subteniente Abbreviation GEN MG BG COL LTC MAJ CPT LT SLT Abbreviation in Spanish GN MG BG CR TC MY CT TE ST Non commissioned officers and enlisted Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted National Police of Colombia 91 35 93 No insignia Sargento Mayor Sargento Primero Sargento Vice Primero Sargento Segundo Cabo Primero Cabo Segundo Dragoneante Agente No insignia Comisario Subcomisario Intendente Jefe Intendente Subintendente Patrullero Dragoneante Agente Croatia Edit Main article Law enforcement in Croatia Regular police ranks Insignia Rank title Police director general Ravnatelj policije Deputy police director general Zamjenik ravnatelja policije Police chaplain Policijski kapelan Police superintendent general Nacelnik policijske uprave Assistant director general of police Pomocnik glavnog ravnatelja policije Police commander Glavni ravnatelj policije Police senior commissioner Glavni policijski savjetnik Police commissioner Policijski savjetnik Chief police inspector Glavni policijski inspektor Leading police inspector Samostalni policijski inspektor Senior police inspector Visi policijski inspektor Police inspector Policijski inspektor Police sergeant major Samostalni policijski narednik Police staff sergeant Visi policijski narednik Police sergeant Policijski narednik Leading police officer Samostalni policajac Senior police officer Visi policajac Police officer Policajac Police college cadet Vjezbenik vise i visoke strucne spreme Police basic recruit Polaznik srednje strucne Police recruit with secondary school credentials Vjezbenik srednje strucne spreme Cyprus Edit Main article Cyprus Police Insignia Name English Arxhgos Chief of police Yparxhgos Deputy chief of police Boh8os Arxhgos Assistant chief of police Anwteros Astynomos Chief superintendent Astynomos A Superintendent A Astynomos B Superintendent B Anwteros Ypastynomos Chief inspector Ypastynomos Inspector Arxiloxias Senior sergeant Loxias Sergeant Anaplhrwths Loxias Arxiastyfylakas Acting sergeant senior constable Anaplhrwths Loxias Acting sergeant Arxiastyfylakas Senior constable Astyfylakas Constable Eidikos Astyfylakas Special constable Source 91 36 93 Czech Republic Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Czech Republic 91 37 93 Generalporucik Generalmajor Brigadni general Plukovnik Podplukovnik Major Kapitan Nadporucik Porucik Podporucik Others Rank group Senior NCOs Junior NCOs Enlisted Czech Republic 91 37 93 Nadpraporcik Praporcik Podpraporcik Nadstrazmistr Strazmistr Rotny Denmark Edit Main article Police of Denmark 160 Ranks and insignia Danish National Police rank insignia 160 Denmark Edit Rank Rigspolitichefen PolitidirektorVicepolitidirektorVicerigspolitichefPolitimester ChefpolitiinspektorChefanklager VicepolitimesterChefanklagerPolitiinspektorChefpolitiinspektor Vicepolitiinspektor Politikommissaer Politiassistent af 1 grad Politiassistent af 2 grad Politibetjent Politikadet EN Rank National police commissioner Chief of police Chief inspector chief prosecutor Deputy chief of police chief inspector inspector Deputy inspector Commissioner Police constable first class Police constable Police officer Police cadet Estonia Edit Officers General officers Senior officers Junior officers Police and Border Guard Board 91 38 93 91 39 93 Police general Politseikindral Inspector general of police Politseikindralinspektor Police colonel Politseikolonel Police lieutenant colonel Politseikolonelleitnant Police major Politseimajor Police captain Politseikapten Police lieutenant Politseileitnant Senior superintendent Vanemkomissar Superintendent Komissar Others Constables Police and Border Guard Board 91 38 93 91 39 93 Chief constable chief inspector Ulemkonstaabel uleminspektor Senior constable senior inspector Vanemkonstaabel vaneminspektor Constable inspector Konstaabel inspektor Junior constable junior inspector Nooremkonstaabel nooreminspektor Internal Security Service ranks Chief assistant Ulemassistent Senior assistant Vanemassistent Assistant Assistent Junior assistant Nooremassistent Egypt Edit Officers Rank group General flag officers Senior officers Junior officers Officer cadet Egyptian National Police Liwaa لواء amid عميد aqid عقيد Moqaddim مقدم Ra id رائد Naqib نقيب Molazim awwal ملازم أول Molazim ملازم Major general Brigadier Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Lieutenant Others Policemen Egyptian National Police Master sergeant Sergeant Corporal Private Ethiopia Edit The rank structure of the Ethiopian Federal Police is as follows 91 40 93 Commissioner general Deputy commissioner general Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Commander Deputy commander Chief inspector Inspector Deputy inspector Assistant inspector Chief sergeant Sergeant Deputy sergeant Assistant sergeant Constable Fiji Edit Fiji Police ranks and insignia Rank Commissioner Deputy commissioner Assistant commissioner Senior superintendent Superintendent Assistant superintendent Inspector Sergeant major Sergeant Corporal Constable Epaulette insignia Finland Edit Main article Police of Finland Police ranks of Finland 91 41 93 Group Officers Insignia Rank Poliisiylijohtaja Polisoverdirektor Poliisijohtaja Polisdirektor Poliisipaallikko Polischef Poliisiylitarkastaja Polisoverinspektor Apulais poliisipaallikko Bitradande polischef Poliisitarkastaja Polisinspektor Ylikomisario Overkommissarie Komisario Kommissarie English National police commissioner Deputy national police commissioners Police chief of Helsinki Director of the NBI Director of the Supo Police chief Regional police departments Assistant police commissioners chief Deputy assistant police commissioners expert Deputy police chiefs Chief superintendents police legal officers Superintendents Chief inspectors Group Non commissioned officers Policemen Insignia Rank Ylikonstaapeli Overkonstapel Vanhempi konstaapeli Aldre konstapel Nuorempi konstaapeli Yngre konstapel English Police sergeants Senior constables Junior constables France Edit Main article Police ranks of France Police Nationale Edit National Police of France Director general Prefectoral corps Directors of active service Rank insignia Grade Directeur general Director general of the National Police Prefet de police de Paris Prefet de police des Bouches du Rhone Police Prefect of Paris Police Prefect of Bouches du Rhone Directeur des services actifs Director of active services of the National Police Equivalent NATO Code OF 9 N A OF 8 Source 91 42 93 National Police of France Planning and management corps Rank insignia Grade Inspecteur general des services actifs de la police nationale Inspector general of the National Police Controleur general des services actifs de la police nationale Comptroller general of the National Police Commissaire general de police Commissioner general of police Commissaire divisionnaire de police Divisional commissioner of police Commissaire de police Commissioner of police Commissaire de police Eleve et stagiaire Probationary commissioner of police Commissioner of police candidate Equivalent NATO Code OF 7 OF 6 OF 5 OF 3 4 N A Source 91 42 93 National Police of France Command corps Rank insignia Grade Commandant divisionnaire fonctionnel de la police nationale Divisional major of police in functional position Commandant divisionnaire Divisional major of police Commandant de police Major of police Capitaine de police Captain of police Lieutenant de police Lieutenant of police Lieutenant de police stagiaire Probationary lieutenant of police Lieutenant de police Eleve Police commander candidate Equivalent NATO Code OF 3 OF 3 OF 3 OF 2 OF 1 OF D Source 91 42 93 National Police of France Supervisory and field corps Rank insignia Grade Major de police responsable d unite locale de police Brigadier major of police head of a local police unit Major de police a l echelon exceptionnel Brigadier major of police in exceptional pay grade Major de police Brigadier major of police Brigadier chef de police Chief brigadier of police Brigadier de police Brigadier of police Sous brigadier de police Sub Brigadier of police Gardien de la paix Constable Gardien de la paix Stagiaire Probationary constable Gardien de la paix Eleve Constable candidate Equivalent NATO Code N A OR 9 OR 8 OR 6 OR 5 N A Source 91 42 93 National Police of France Other corps and positions Rank insignia Corps position Adjoint de Securite Security agents Reserve Civile de la Police Nationale National Police reservists Equivalent NATO Code N A Source 91 42 93 Gendarmerie Edit Officers NATO 160 code OF 10 OF 9 OF 8 OF 7 OF 6 OF 5 OF 4 OF 3 OF 2 OF 1 OF D Student officer French Gendarmerievte General d armee General de corps d armee General de division General de brigade Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Chef d Escadron Capitaine Lieutenant Sous Lieutenant Aspirant Eleve officier Non commissioned offices and Volunteer assistant gendarmes NATO 160 code OR 9 OR 8 OR 7 OR 6 OR 5 OR 4 OR 3 OR 2 OR 1 French Gendarmerievte td colspan, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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