

Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity.[1][2] Pansexual people might refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others.[3][4]

Couple kissing in front of a pansexual flag
EtymologyAncient Greek: πᾶν, romanizedpan, meaning "all"
DefinitionSexual or romantic attraction to people regardless of gender
ClassificationSexual identity
Parent categoryPlurisexuality
Other terms
Associated termsBisexuality, polysexuality, queer, heteroflexibility
Pansexual pride flag
Flag namePansexual pride flag
MeaningPink, yellow and blue respectively representing attraction to women, non-binary people and men

Pansexuality is sometimes considered a sexual orientation in its own right or, at other times, as a branch of bisexuality (since attraction to all genders falls under the category of attraction to people of the same gender and different genders[5]) to indicate a lack of gender preference.[2][6][7] While pansexual people are open to relationships with people who do not identify as strictly men or women, and pansexuality therefore explicitly rejects the gender binary in terms of the chosen etymology,[2][8] this is by no means a feature which is exclusive to pansexuality and can also be found in broad definitions of homosexuality, bisexuality and the asexual spectrum.

History of the term

Pansexuality is also sometimes called omnisexuality.[9][10][11] Omnisexuality may be used to describe those "attracted to people of all genders across the gender spectrum", and pansexuality may be used to describe the same people, or those attracted to people "regardless of gender".[12] The prefix pan- comes from the Ancient Greek πᾶν (pan), meaning "all, every".

Early individuals who displayed pansexual tendencies include John Wilmot[13] and Friedrich Schiller.[14] Although later attributed to Shulamith Firestone,[15] the hybrid words pansexual and pansexualism were first attested in 1914 (spelled pan-sexualism), coined by opponents of Sigmund Freud[16] to denote the idea "that the sex instinct plays the primary part in all human activity, mental and physical".[17][a] The term was translated to German as Pansexualismus in Freud's work Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego.[19]

The word pansexual is attested as a term for a variety of attraction, alongside omnisexual (coming from the Latin omnis, "all") and the earlier bisexual, by the 1970s.[20] Bi Any Other Name states that "pansexual people have been actively involved in the bisexual community since the 1970s."[21] The term pansexuality emerged as a term for a sexual identity or sexual orientation in the 1990s, "to describe desires that already existed for many people".[22][12] Social psychologist Nikki Hayfield states that the term saw early use in BDSM communities.[12]

In 2010, the pansexual flag was posted on a Tumblr blog to represent the pansexual community.[23] It was designed by Jasper Varney.[24] The colors are intended to represent attraction and gender spectrum, with cyan for attraction to men, pink for attraction to women, and yellow for attraction to non-binary people.[25]

Variations on pansexual are beginning to appear in surveys, e.g., panqueer, which combines pansexual with queer, has been used by participants in a study on non-medical impacts of COVID-19.[26]

Comparison to bisexuality and other sexual identities


A literal dictionary definition of bisexuality, due to the prefix bi-, is sexual or romantic attraction to two sexes (males and females), to two genders (men and women),[10][27] or attraction to both people of the same gender and different genders.[5]

Pansexuality, however, composed with the prefix pan-, is the sexual attraction to a person of any sex or gender. Using these definitions, pansexuality is defined differently by explicitly including people who are intersex or outside the gender binary.[2][10]

Volume 2 of Cavendish's Sex and Society states that "although the term's literal meaning can be interpreted as 'attracted to everything,' people who identify as pansexual do not usually include paraphilias, such as bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia, in their definition" and that they "stress that the term pansexuality describes only consensual adult sexual behaviors."[2]

The definition of pansexuality can encourage the belief that it is the only sexual identity that covers individuals who do not cleanly fit into the categories of male or man, or female or woman.[1][8][10] However, bisexual-identified people and scholars may object to the notion that bisexuality means sexual attraction to only two genders, arguing that since bisexual is not simply about attraction to two sexes and encompasses attraction to different genders as well, it includes attraction to more than two genders.[10][28] Gender is considered more complex than the state of one's sex, as gender includes genetic, hormonal, environmental and social factors.[2] Furthermore, the term bisexual is sometimes defined as the romantic or sexual attraction to multiple genders.[10] The Bisexual Resource Center, for example, defines bisexuality as "an umbrella term for people who recognize and honor their potential for sexual and emotional attraction to more than one gender",[29] while the American Institute of Bisexuality states that the term bisexual "is an open and inclusive term for many kinds of people with same-sex and different-sex attractions"[30] and that "the scientific classification bisexual only addresses the physical, biological sex of the people involved, not the gender-presentation."[28]

Scholar Shiri Eisner states that terms such as pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, queer, etc. are being used in place of the term bisexual because "bisexuality, it's been claimed, is a gender binary, and therefore oppressive, word" and that "the great debate is being perpetuated and developed by bisexual-identified transgender and genderqueer people on the one hand, and non-bi-identified transgender and genderqueer people on the other." Eisner argues that "the allegations of binarism have little to do with bisexuality's actual attributes or bisexual people's behavior in real life" and that the allegations are a political method to keep the bisexual and transgender movements separated, because of those who believe that bisexuality ignores or erases the visibility of transgender and genderqueer people.[10]

The American Institute of Bisexuality argues that "terms like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and ambisexual also describe a person with homosexual and heterosexual attractions, and therefore people with those labels are also bisexual" and that "by replacing the prefix bi – (two, both) with pan- (all), poly- (many), omni- (all), ambi- (both, and implying ambiguity in this case), people who adopt these labels seek to clearly express the fact that gender does not factor into their own sexuality", but "this does not mean, however, that people who identify as bisexual are fixated on gender."[30] The institute believes that the idea that identifying as bisexual reinforces a false gender binary "has its roots in the anti-science, anti-Enlightenment philosophy that has ironically found a home within many Queer Studies departments at universities across the Anglophone world", and that, "while it is true that our society's language and terminology do not necessarily reflect the full spectrum of human gender diversity, that is hardly the fault of people who choose to identify as bi. ... The Latin prefix bi- does indeed indicate two or both, however the 'both' indicated in the word bisexual are merely homosexual (lit. same sex) and heterosexual (lit. different sex)." The institute argues that heterosexuality and homosexuality, by contrast, "are defined by the boundary of two sexes/genders. Given those fundamental facts, any criticism of bisexuality as reinforcing a gender binary is misplaced. Over time, our society's concept of human sex and gender may well change."[28]

Tensions with bisexuals

Bisexuals frequently struggle with myths and misconceptions about the definition of bisexuality, such as the idea that bisexuality conforms to the gender binary (thereby excluding attraction to nonbinary individuals), or excludes attraction to trans people in general. This sometimes creates tension between bisexuals and pansexuals, as pansexuals often see themselves as being more inclusive to a wider array of genders.[31] A 2022 study by the Journal of Bisexuality suggests that the majority of women who identify as pansexual or queer defined bisexuality as limited to attraction to cisgender men and women and critiqued bisexuality as reinforcing the traditional gender binary. However, bisexual women defined bisexuality as attraction to two or more, or "similar or dissimilar", genders, described bisexuality as inclusive of attractions to all genders, and reported negative psychological outcomes as a result of the debate around bisexual gender inclusivity.[32]

In another study, Ashley Green noted that pansexual participants sought to authenticate their identity as pansexual by juxtaposing it with bisexuality, often speaking of bisexuality as being inferior to pansexuality, most notably because they felt it excluded individuals who did not identify within the gender binary, some expressing very negative feelings toward bisexual individuals and positioning "pansexuality as being the superior identity as a result of its inclusivity, demonizing bisexual individuals as being transphobic if they do not identify as pansexual once they are informed that there is a 'better' identity". Green notes that this does not account for the large percentage of transgender and nonbinary individuals who also identify as bisexual, and characterizes these participants as contributing to a long history of biphobia. While some participants spoke favorably of bisexuality, describing the recognition of the validity of pansexuality as being contingent on the recognition of the validity of bisexuality, Green concludes by saying "In borrowing narratives that they are familiar with, the pansexual individuals interviewed in this study reinforced an essentialist understanding of identity despite their attempts to deconstruct gender binaries".[33]

A 2017 study published in the Journal of Bisexuality found that when bisexuals and pansexuals described gender and defined bisexuality, "there were no differences in how pansexual and bisexual people ... discussed sex or gender", and that the findings "do not support the stereotype that bisexual people endorse a binary view of gender while pansexual people do not."[34]

Umbrella term

Social psychologist Corey Flanders said the "bisexual umbrella" is a term used to describe a range of sexual identities and communities that express attraction to multiple genders, often grouping together those who identify as bisexual, pansexual, queer, and fluid, as well as other identities. The term faces issues of balancing inclusivity with cohesiveness where, on one hand, the term can bring together many disparate identities and gather their experiences, and on the other, it can lead to too many sub-groupings and exclude those who identify with more than one sexual identity.[35]

The term pansexuality is sometimes used interchangeably with bisexuality, and, similarly, people who identify as bisexual may "feel that gender, biological sex, and sexual orientation should not be a focal point in potential [romantic/sexual] relationships."[2] Additionally, pansexuality is often used in conjunction with bisexuality, which can pose difficulties in studying differences and similarities in experiences between those who identify as pansexual and those who identify as bisexual and not pansexual.[12] In one study analyzing sexual identities described as alternative terms for bisexual or bi-self labels, "half of all bisexual and bisexual-identified respondents also chose alternative self-labels such as queer, pansexual, pansensual, polyfidelitous, ambisexual, polysexual, or personalized identities such as byke or biphilic."[6] In a 2017 study, identifying as pansexual was found to be "most appealing to nonheterosexual women and noncisgender individuals."[36] Polysexuality is similar to pansexuality in definition, meaning "encompassing more than one sexuality", but not necessarily encompassing all sexualities. This is distinct from polyamory, which means more than one intimate relationship at the same time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved.

Sexual fluidity is different from gender fluidity. Sexual fluidity is a concept that describes how a person's sexual identity may shift, and can shift at any time.[37] The American Institute of Bisexuality stated that the term fluid "expresses the fact that the balance of a person's homosexual and heterosexual attractions exists in a state of flux and changes over time."[30]

Eisner states that "the idea of bisexuality as an umbrella term can emphasize a multiplicity of identities, forms of desire, lived experiences, and politics," and "resist a single standard" of defining bisexual-umbrella identities and communities, including pansexuality and pansexuals. Eisner also says that only those who want to be included under the bisexual umbrella should be included.[38] The term plurisexualities is used by social psychologist Nikki Hayfield over bisexuality as an umbrella term "to capture additional identities relating to attraction to multiple genders", while also referring to specific identities like bisexual, asexual, and pansexual.[12]

In contrast to the idea of a bisexual umbrella, scholars Christopher Belous and Melissa Bauman propose that pansexuality might be considered more of an umbrella term than bisexuality, arguing that because pansexuality is often defined more broadly than bisexuality, bisexuality may exist under the umbrella of "pansexual orientations". They noted that more research is necessary to clarify which of the two terms might be more appropriate as an umbrella term.[39] Scholar Emily Prior questions the use of bisexuality as an umbrella term, noting that "the empirical evidence just isn't there" to determine whether bisexuality can effectively act as an umbrella term.[40] Social psychologist Joye Swan argues that including other orientations under the bisexual umbrella contributes to bisexual invisibility, invisibility for other sexualities, and presumes that "all or most bisexual people agree with being categorized" under the bisexual umbrella.[40]


A 2016 Harris Poll survey of 2,000 US adults commissioned by GLAAD[41] found that among 18-34 year-olds, about two percent self-identify as pansexual[42] and approximately one percent in all other age groups.[43] In 2017, 14% of a sample of 12,000 LGBTQ youth between 13 and 17 years of age declared themselves pansexual in a Human Rights Campaign/University of Connecticut survey.[44][45]

According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, 25% of American transgender people identify as bisexual.[46] One New Zealand 2019 study of a nationally representative group of bisexual and pansexual participants found that younger, gender-diverse, and Maori people were more likely to self-identify as pansexual compared to bisexual.[47] The 2021 IPSOS survey found that the United States was the country with the highest percentage of pansexual individuals.[48]

Pansexual & Panromantic Days

There are two main LGBT awareness periods for pansexual and panromantic people. One of them is the annual Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day (24 May),[49] first celebrated in 2015, to promote awareness of and celebrate pansexual and panromantic identities. Another one is the Pansexual Pride Day, celebrated every December 8th.[50][51]

See also

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ Another early definition was "the pervasion of all conduct and experience with sexual emotions".[18]


  1. ^ a b Hill, Marjorie J.; Jones, Billy E. (2002). Mental health issues in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-58562-069-2. from the original on 23 January 2021. Retrieved 28 February 2011.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Sex and Society. Vol. 2. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish. 2010. p. 593. ISBN 978-0-7614-7907-9. from the original on 4 November 2020. Retrieved 28 July 2013.
  3. ^ Diamond, Lisa M.; Butterworth, Molly (September 2008). "Questioning gender and sexual identity: dynamic links over time". Sex Roles. 59 (5–6). New York City: Springer: 365–376. doi:10.1007/s11199-008-9425-3. S2CID 143706723. Pdf. 10 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ The Oxford Dictionary of English defines pansexual as: "Not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity".. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 10 February 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  5. ^ a b "Pansexuality | Definition, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 28 February 2023.
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  12. ^ a b c d e Hayfield, Nikki (2020). Bisexual and Pansexual Identities: Exploring and Challenging Invisibility and Invalidation. Routledge. pp. 1–17. ISBN 9780429875410.
  13. ^ Hardy, M. (2012). Catastrophic Bliss. Griot Project book series. Bucknell University Press. p. 256. ISBN 978-1-61148-494-6. Retrieved 19 October 2022.
  14. ^ Freud, Sigmund (2011). Beyond the Pleasure Principle. New York: Broadview Press. p. 258. ISBN 978-1-55111-994-6.
  15. ^ Nehring, Daniel; Plummer, Ken (2014). Sociology: An Introductory Textbook and Reader. Taylor & Francis. p. 516. ISBN 9781317861737. Alternative types of sexual orientation include those documented by Queen (1997): 'omnisexual', (attracted to multiple genders), and 'pansexual', a term coined by Firestone (1970) to mean diverse, unbounded desire.
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  17. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Online Etymology Dictionary. from the original on 21 September 2013. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
  18. ^ The Free Dictionary 28 February 2021 at the Wayback Machine
  19. ^ Dot, Wordsworth (18 January 2020). "Pansexuality has been around longer than you think". The Spectator. from the original on 3 May 2021. Retrieved 3 May 2021.
  20. ^ Klemesrud, Judy (1 April 1974). "The Bisexuals". New York. Vol. 7, no. 13. p. 37.
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  22. ^ Goldberg, Abbie, ed. (13 April 2016). The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies. SAGE Publications. p. 833. ISBN 9781483371290.
  23. ^ Queerstory: An Infographic History of the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights. Simon and Schuster. 6 October 2020. ISBN 978-1-9821-4237-7.
  24. ^ Olphin, Olivia (2021). "Is there a new pan flag 2021? New Pride flag confuses Twitter users". The Focus. Retrieved 15 November 2022.
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  33. ^ Simula, Brandy L.; Sumerau, J. E.; Miller, Andrea (9 March 2020). Expanding the Rainbow: Exploring the Relationships of Bi+, Polyamorous, Kinky, Ace, Intersex, and Trans People. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-41410-5.
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  36. ^ Morandini, James S.; Blaszczynski, Alexander; Dar-Nimrod, Ilan (2017). "Who Adopts Queer and Pansexual Sexual Identities?". The Journal of Sex Research. 54 (7): 911–922. doi:10.1080/00224499.2016.1249332. ISSN 0022-4499. PMID 27911091. S2CID 5113284.
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  39. ^ Belous, Christopher K.; Bauman, Melissa L. (January 2017). "What's in a Name? Exploring Pansexuality Online". Journal of Bisexuality. 17 (56): 58–72. doi:10.1080/15299716.2016.1224212. S2CID 152208083 – via LGBTQ+ Source, EBSCOhost.
  40. ^ a b Swan, Joye D. (2018). Bisexuality: Theories, Research, and Recommendations for the Invisible Sexuality. New York, NY: Springer. pp. ix–xiii, 49–56. ISBN 9783319715353.
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  45. ^ Sherouse, Beth (12 June 2018). "More youth are identifying as 'pansexual.' Here's what the term means". Think Progress. from the original on 20 September 2021. Retrieved 7 April 2021.
  46. ^ Harrison, Jack (5 June 2013). . Archived from the original on 10 March 2017. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  47. ^ Greaves, Lara M. (2019). "Comparing Pansexual- and Bisexual-Identified Participants on Demographics, Psychological Well-Being, and Political Ideology in a New Zealand National Sample". Journal of Sex Research. 56 (9): 1083–1090. doi:10.1080/00224499.2019.1568376. PMID 30724611. S2CID 73436199. from the original on 9 March 2022. Retrieved 5 May 2021.
  48. ^ Boyon, Nicolas (9 June 2021). "GBT+ Pride 2021 Global Survey points to a generation gap around gender identity and sexual attraction". ispos.com. Ipsos Group. from the original on 12 October 2022. Retrieved 13 October 2022.
  49. ^ "Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness & Visibility Day 2020". Gendered Intelligence. from the original on 2 December 2020. Retrieved 31 December 2020.
  50. ^ Wakefield, Lily (8 December 2021). "5 very important facts pansexual people want you to know about pansexuality". PinkNews. Retrieved 26 December 2022.
  51. ^ "How You Can Celebrate Pansexual Pride Day". Gayety. 8 December 2021. Retrieved 26 December 2022.

Further reading

  • Barkved, Kayti (3 November 2014). . The Phoenix. University of British Columbia Okanagan. Archived from the original on 28 December 2019. Retrieved 20 June 2017.
  • Bowerman, Mary (14 October 2016). "Pansexual: Where does it fall on the LGBTQ spectrum?". USA Today.
  • Brown, Gabriel (8 December 2018). . GLAAD. Archived from the original on 15 July 2022. Retrieved 27 February 2021.
  • Gender and Sexuality Center (March 2016). (PDF). The University of Texas at Austin. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 November 2020. Retrieved 20 June 2017.
  • Grinberg, Emanuella (12 April 2017). "What it means to be pansexual". CNN.
  • O'Riordan, Aoife (14 November 2014). "The Case Of Pansexuality 101 and the Sea of Biphobia and Gender Erasure". The Orbit.
  • Savin-Williams Ph.D., Ritch C (6 November 2017). "What Everyone Should Understand About Pansexuality". Psychology Today.
  • Wong, Brittany (27 June 2018). "9 Things Pansexual People Want You To Know". HuffPost.
  • Zane, Zachary (29 June 2018). "What's the Real Difference between Bi- and Pansexual?". Rolling Stone.

External links

  •   Media related to Pansexuality at Wikimedia Commons

pansexuality, confused, with, pansexualism, sexual, romantic, emotional, attraction, towards, people, genders, regardless, their, gender, identity, pansexual, people, might, refer, themselves, gender, blind, asserting, that, gender, determining, factors, their. Not to be confused with Pansexualism Pansexuality is sexual romantic or emotional attraction towards people of all genders or regardless of their sex or gender identity 1 2 Pansexual people might refer to themselves as gender blind asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others 3 4 PansexualityCouple kissing in front of a pansexual flagEtymologyAncient Greek pᾶn romanized pan meaning all DefinitionSexual or romantic attraction to people regardless of genderClassificationSexual identityParent categoryPlurisexualityOther termsAssociated termsBisexuality polysexuality queer heteroflexibilityFlagPansexual pride flagFlag namePansexual pride flagMeaningPink yellow and blue respectively representing attraction to women non binary people and menPansexuality is sometimes considered a sexual orientation in its own right or at other times as a branch of bisexuality since attraction to all genders falls under the category of attraction to people of the same gender and different genders 5 to indicate a lack of gender preference 2 6 7 While pansexual people are open to relationships with people who do not identify as strictly men or women and pansexuality therefore explicitly rejects the gender binary in terms of the chosen etymology 2 8 this is by no means a feature which is exclusive to pansexuality and can also be found in broad definitions of homosexuality bisexuality and the asexual spectrum Contents 1 History of the term 2 Comparison to bisexuality and other sexual identities 2 1 Definitions 2 1 1 Tensions with bisexuals 2 2 Umbrella term 3 Demographics 4 Pansexual amp Panromantic Days 5 See also 6 Explanatory notes 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksHistory of the termPansexuality is also sometimes called omnisexuality 9 10 11 Omnisexuality may be used to describe those attracted to people of all genders across the gender spectrum and pansexuality may be used to describe the same people or those attracted to people regardless of gender 12 The prefix pan comes from the Ancient Greek pᾶn pan meaning all every Early individuals who displayed pansexual tendencies include John Wilmot 13 and Friedrich Schiller 14 Although later attributed to Shulamith Firestone 15 the hybrid words pansexual and pansexualism were first attested in 1914 spelled pan sexualism coined by opponents of Sigmund Freud 16 to denote the idea that the sex instinct plays the primary part in all human activity mental and physical 17 a The term was translated to German as Pansexualismus in Freud s work Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego 19 The word pansexual is attested as a term for a variety of attraction alongside omnisexual coming from the Latin omnis all and the earlier bisexual by the 1970s 20 Bi Any Other Name states that pansexual people have been actively involved in the bisexual community since the 1970s 21 The term pansexuality emerged as a term for a sexual identity or sexual orientation in the 1990s to describe desires that already existed for many people 22 12 Social psychologist Nikki Hayfield states that the term saw early use in BDSM communities 12 In 2010 the pansexual flag was posted on a Tumblr blog to represent the pansexual community 23 It was designed by Jasper Varney 24 The colors are intended to represent attraction and gender spectrum with cyan for attraction to men pink for attraction to women and yellow for attraction to non binary people 25 Variations on pansexual are beginning to appear in surveys e g panqueer which combines pansexual with queer has been used by participants in a study on non medical impacts of COVID 19 26 Comparison to bisexuality and other sexual identitiesDefinitions A literal dictionary definition of bisexuality due to the prefix bi is sexual or romantic attraction to two sexes males and females to two genders men and women 10 27 or attraction to both people of the same gender and different genders 5 Pansexuality however composed with the prefix pan is the sexual attraction to a person of any sex or gender Using these definitions pansexuality is defined differently by explicitly including people who are intersex or outside the gender binary 2 10 Volume 2 of Cavendish s Sex and Society states that although the term s literal meaning can be interpreted as attracted to everything people who identify as pansexual do not usually include paraphilias such as bestiality pedophilia and necrophilia in their definition and that they stress that the term pansexuality describes only consensual adult sexual behaviors 2 The definition of pansexuality can encourage the belief that it is the only sexual identity that covers individuals who do not cleanly fit into the categories of male or man or female or woman 1 8 10 However bisexual identified people and scholars may object to the notion that bisexuality means sexual attraction to only two genders arguing that since bisexual is not simply about attraction to two sexes and encompasses attraction to different genders as well it includes attraction to more than two genders 10 28 Gender is considered more complex than the state of one s sex as gender includes genetic hormonal environmental and social factors 2 Furthermore the term bisexual is sometimes defined as the romantic or sexual attraction to multiple genders 10 The Bisexual Resource Center for example defines bisexuality as an umbrella term for people who recognize and honor their potential for sexual and emotional attraction to more than one gender 29 while the American Institute of Bisexuality states that the term bisexual is an open and inclusive term for many kinds of people with same sex and different sex attractions 30 and that the scientific classification bisexual only addresses the physical biological sex of the people involved not the gender presentation 28 Scholar Shiri Eisner states that terms such as pansexual omnisexual polysexual queer etc are being used in place of the term bisexual because bisexuality it s been claimed is a gender binary and therefore oppressive word and that the great debate is being perpetuated and developed by bisexual identified transgender and genderqueer people on the one hand and non bi identified transgender and genderqueer people on the other Eisner argues that the allegations of binarism have little to do with bisexuality s actual attributes or bisexual people s behavior in real life and that the allegations are a political method to keep the bisexual and transgender movements separated because of those who believe that bisexuality ignores or erases the visibility of transgender and genderqueer people 10 The American Institute of Bisexuality argues that terms like pansexual polysexual omnisexual and ambisexual also describe a person with homosexual and heterosexual attractions and therefore people with those labels are also bisexual and that by replacing the prefix bi two both with pan all poly many omni all ambi both and implying ambiguity in this case people who adopt these labels seek to clearly express the fact that gender does not factor into their own sexuality but this does not mean however that people who identify as bisexual are fixated on gender 30 The institute believes that the idea that identifying as bisexual reinforces a false gender binary has its roots in the anti science anti Enlightenment philosophy that has ironically found a home within many Queer Studies departments at universities across the Anglophone world and that while it is true that our society s language and terminology do not necessarily reflect the full spectrum of human gender diversity that is hardly the fault of people who choose to identify as bi The Latin prefix bi does indeed indicate two or both however the both indicated in the word bisexual are merely homosexual lit same sex and heterosexual lit different sex The institute argues that heterosexuality and homosexuality by contrast are defined by the boundary of two sexes genders Given those fundamental facts any criticism of bisexuality as reinforcing a gender binary is misplaced Over time our society s concept of human sex and gender may well change 28 Tensions with bisexuals Bisexuals frequently struggle with myths and misconceptions about the definition of bisexuality such as the idea that bisexuality conforms to the gender binary thereby excluding attraction to nonbinary individuals or excludes attraction to trans people in general This sometimes creates tension between bisexuals and pansexuals as pansexuals often see themselves as being more inclusive to a wider array of genders 31 A 2022 study by the Journal of Bisexuality suggests that the majority of women who identify as pansexual or queer defined bisexuality as limited to attraction to cisgender men and women and critiqued bisexuality as reinforcing the traditional gender binary However bisexual women defined bisexuality as attraction to two or more or similar or dissimilar genders described bisexuality as inclusive of attractions to all genders and reported negative psychological outcomes as a result of the debate around bisexual gender inclusivity 32 In another study Ashley Green noted that pansexual participants sought to authenticate their identity as pansexual by juxtaposing it with bisexuality often speaking of bisexuality as being inferior to pansexuality most notably because they felt it excluded individuals who did not identify within the gender binary some expressing very negative feelings toward bisexual individuals and positioning pansexuality as being the superior identity as a result of its inclusivity demonizing bisexual individuals as being transphobic if they do not identify as pansexual once they are informed that there is a better identity Green notes that this does not account for the large percentage of transgender and nonbinary individuals who also identify as bisexual and characterizes these participants as contributing to a long history of biphobia While some participants spoke favorably of bisexuality describing the recognition of the validity of pansexuality as being contingent on the recognition of the validity of bisexuality Green concludes by saying In borrowing narratives that they are familiar with the pansexual individuals interviewed in this study reinforced an essentialist understanding of identity despite their attempts to deconstruct gender binaries 33 A 2017 study published in the Journal of Bisexuality found that when bisexuals and pansexuals described gender and defined bisexuality there were no differences in how pansexual and bisexual people discussed sex or gender and that the findings do not support the stereotype that bisexual people endorse a binary view of gender while pansexual people do not 34 Umbrella term Social psychologist Corey Flanders said the bisexual umbrella is a term used to describe a range of sexual identities and communities that express attraction to multiple genders often grouping together those who identify as bisexual pansexual queer and fluid as well as other identities The term faces issues of balancing inclusivity with cohesiveness where on one hand the term can bring together many disparate identities and gather their experiences and on the other it can lead to too many sub groupings and exclude those who identify with more than one sexual identity 35 The term pansexuality is sometimes used interchangeably with bisexuality and similarly people who identify as bisexual may feel that gender biological sex and sexual orientation should not be a focal point in potential romantic sexual relationships 2 Additionally pansexuality is often used in conjunction with bisexuality which can pose difficulties in studying differences and similarities in experiences between those who identify as pansexual and those who identify as bisexual and not pansexual 12 In one study analyzing sexual identities described as alternative terms for bisexual or bi self labels half of all bisexual and bisexual identified respondents also chose alternative self labels such as queer pansexual pansensual polyfidelitous ambisexual polysexual or personalized identities such as byke or biphilic 6 In a 2017 study identifying as pansexual was found to be most appealing to nonheterosexual women and noncisgender individuals 36 Polysexuality is similar to pansexuality in definition meaning encompassing more than one sexuality but not necessarily encompassing all sexualities This is distinct from polyamory which means more than one intimate relationship at the same time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved Sexual fluidity is different from gender fluidity Sexual fluidity is a concept that describes how a person s sexual identity may shift and can shift at any time 37 The American Institute of Bisexuality stated that the term fluid expresses the fact that the balance of a person s homosexual and heterosexual attractions exists in a state of flux and changes over time 30 Eisner states that the idea of bisexuality as an umbrella term can emphasize a multiplicity of identities forms of desire lived experiences and politics and resist a single standard of defining bisexual umbrella identities and communities including pansexuality and pansexuals Eisner also says that only those who want to be included under the bisexual umbrella should be included 38 The term plurisexualities is used by social psychologist Nikki Hayfield over bisexuality as an umbrella term to capture additional identities relating to attraction to multiple genders while also referring to specific identities like bisexual asexual and pansexual 12 In contrast to the idea of a bisexual umbrella scholars Christopher Belous and Melissa Bauman propose that pansexuality might be considered more of an umbrella term than bisexuality arguing that because pansexuality is often defined more broadly than bisexuality bisexuality may exist under the umbrella of pansexual orientations They noted that more research is necessary to clarify which of the two terms might be more appropriate as an umbrella term 39 Scholar Emily Prior questions the use of bisexuality as an umbrella term noting that the empirical evidence just isn t there to determine whether bisexuality can effectively act as an umbrella term 40 Social psychologist Joye Swan argues that including other orientations under the bisexual umbrella contributes to bisexual invisibility invisibility for other sexualities and presumes that all or most bisexual people agree with being categorized under the bisexual umbrella 40 DemographicsA 2016 Harris Poll survey of 2 000 US adults commissioned by GLAAD 41 found that among 18 34 year olds about two percent self identify as pansexual 42 and approximately one percent in all other age groups 43 In 2017 14 of a sample of 12 000 LGBTQ youth between 13 and 17 years of age declared themselves pansexual in a Human Rights Campaign University of Connecticut survey 44 45 According to the National Center for Transgender Equality 25 of American transgender people identify as bisexual 46 One New Zealand 2019 study of a nationally representative group of bisexual and pansexual participants found that younger gender diverse and Maori people were more likely to self identify as pansexual compared to bisexual 47 The 2021 IPSOS survey found that the United States was the country with the highest percentage of pansexual individuals 48 Pansexual amp Panromantic DaysThis section needs expansion You can help by adding to it December 2022 There are two main LGBT awareness periods for pansexual and panromantic people One of them is the annual Pansexual amp Panromantic Awareness Day 24 May 49 first celebrated in 2015 to promote awareness of and celebrate pansexual and panromantic identities Another one is the Pansexual Pride Day celebrated every December 8th 50 51 See also nbsp Sexuality portalHuman sexuality Form in which people experience and express themselves sexually Demisexuality Only experiencing secondary sexual attraction Gender neutrality Avoiding distinguishing based on gender Third gender Gender identity as neither man nor woman Transcending Boundaries Conference List of pansexual people List of fictional pansexual characters Media portrayal of pansexualityExplanatory notes Another early definition was the pervasion of all conduct and experience with sexual emotions 18 References a b Hill Marjorie J Jones Billy E 2002 Mental health issues in lesbian gay bisexual and transgender communities Washington D C American Psychiatric Association p 95 ISBN 978 1 58562 069 2 Archived from the original on 23 January 2021 Retrieved 28 February 2011 a b c d e f g Sex and Society Vol 2 Singapore Marshall Cavendish 2010 p 593 ISBN 978 0 7614 7907 9 Archived from the original on 4 November 2020 Retrieved 28 July 2013 Diamond Lisa M Butterworth Molly September 2008 Questioning gender and sexual identity dynamic links over time Sex Roles 59 5 6 New York City 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Archived from the original on 28 December 2019 Retrieved 20 June 2017 Bowerman Mary 14 October 2016 Pansexual Where does it fall on the LGBTQ spectrum USA Today Brown Gabriel 8 December 2018 6 college students explain what being pansexual means to them GLAAD Archived from the original on 15 July 2022 Retrieved 27 February 2021 Gender and Sexuality Center March 2016 Bisexuality Pansexuality Fluid Sexuality Non Monosexual Terms amp Concepts PDF The University of Texas at Austin Archived from the original PDF on 16 November 2020 Retrieved 20 June 2017 Grinberg Emanuella 12 April 2017 What it means to be pansexual CNN O Riordan Aoife 14 November 2014 The Case Of Pansexuality 101 and the Sea of Biphobia and Gender Erasure The Orbit Savin Williams Ph D Ritch C 6 November 2017 What Everyone Should Understand About Pansexuality Psychology Today Wong Brittany 27 June 2018 9 Things Pansexual People Want You To Know HuffPost Zane Zachary 29 June 2018 What s the Real Difference between Bi and Pansexual Rolling Stone External links nbsp Media related to Pansexuality at Wikimedia Commons Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Pansexuality amp oldid 1216572279, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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