
Natural monopoly

A natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which high infrastructural costs and other barriers to entry relative to the size of the market give the largest supplier in an industry, often the first supplier in a market, an overwhelming advantage over potential competitors. Specifically, an industry is a natural monopoly if the total cost of one firm, producing the total output, is lower than the total cost of two or more firms producing the entire production. In that case, it is very probable that a company (monopoly) or minimal number of companies (oligopoly) will form, providing all or most relevant products and/or services. This frequently occurs in industries where capital costs predominate, creating large economies of scale about the size of the market; examples include public utilities such as water services, electricity, telecommunications, mail, etc.[1] Natural monopolies were recognized as potential sources of market failure as early as the 19th century; John Stuart Mill advocated government regulation to make them serve the public good.

In small countries like New Zealand, electricity transmission is a natural monopoly. Due to enormous fixed costs and small market size, one seller can serve the entire market at the downward-sloping section of its average cost curve, meaning that it will have lower average costs than any potential entrant.

Definition edit

Two different types of cost are important in microeconomics: marginal cost and fixed cost. The marginal cost is the cost to the company of serving one more customer. In an industry where a natural monopoly does not exist, the vast majority of industries, the marginal cost decreases with economies of scale, then increases as the company has growing pains (overworking its employees, bureaucracy, inefficiencies, etc.). Along with this, the average cost of its products decreases and increases. A natural monopoly has a very different cost structure. A natural monopoly has a high fixed cost for a product that does not depend on output, but its marginal cost of producing one more good is roughly constant, and small.

It is generally believed that there are two reasons for natural monopolies: one is economies of scale, and the other is economies of scope.

A graphical explanation of the inefficiencies of having several competitors in a naturally monopolistic market. AC = average cost (per customer), D = demand.

All industries have costs associated with entering them. Often, a large portion of these costs is required for investment. Larger industries, like utilities, require an enormous initial investment. This barrier to entry reduces the number of possible entrants into the industry regardless of the earning of the corporations within. The production cost of an enterprise is not fixed, except for the effect of technology and other factors; even under the same conditions, the unit production cost of an enterprise can also tend to decrease with the increase in the total production output. The reason is that the actual product of the enterprise As it continues to expand, the original fixed costs are gradually diluted. This is particularly evident in companies with significant fixed-cost investments. Natural monopolies arise where the largest supplier in an industry, often the first supplier in a market, has an overwhelming cost advantage over other actual or potential competitors; this tends to be the case in industries where fixed costs predominate, creating economies of scale that are large in relation to the size of the market, as is the case in water and electricity services. The fixed cost of constructing a competing transmission network is so high, and the marginal cost of transmission for the incumbent so low, that it effectively bars potential competitors from the monopolist's market, acting as a nearly insurmountable barrier to entry into the market place.

A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment. This is where economies of scale become important. Since each firm has large initial costs, as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost (what they initially invested) is divided among a larger number of customers. Therefore, in industries with large initial investment requirements, average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels.

In real life, companies produce or provide single goods and services but often diversify their operations. Suppose the cost of having multiple products by one enterprise is lower than making them separately by several enterprises. In that case, it indicates that there is an economy of scope. Since the unit product price of a company that produces a specific product alone is higher than the corresponding unit product price of a joint production company, the companies that make it separately will lose money. These companies will either withdraw from the production field or be merged, forming a monopoly. Therefore, well-known American economists Samuelson and Nordhaus pointed out that economies of scope can also produce natural monopolies.

Companies that take advantage of economies of scale often run into problems of bureaucracy; these factors interact to produce an "ideal" size for a company, at which the company's average cost of production is minimized. If that ideal size is large enough to supply the whole market, then that market is a natural monopoly.

Once a natural monopoly has been established because of the large initial cost and that, according to the rule of economies of scale, the larger corporation (to a point) has a lower average cost and therefore an advantage over its competitors. With this knowledge, no firms will attempt to enter the industry and an oligopoly or monopoly develops.

Formal definition edit

William Baumol (1977)[2] provides the current formal definition of a natural monopoly. He defines a natural monopoly as "[a]n industry in which multi-firm production is more costly than production by a monopoly" (p. 810). Baumol linked the definition to the mathematical concept of subadditivity; specifically, subadditivity of the cost function. Baumol also noted that for a firm producing a single product, scale economies were a sufficient condition but not a necessary condition to prove subadditivity, the argument can be illustrated as follows:

Proposition: Strict economies of scale are sufficient but not necessary for ray average cost to be strictly declining.[3]

Proposition: Strictly declining ray average cost implies strict ray subadditivity.

Proposition: Neither ray concavity nor ray average costs that decline everywhere are necessary for strict subadditivity.

Combining all propositions gives:

Proposition: Global scale economies are sufficient but not necessary for (strict) ray subadditivity, the condition for natural monopoly in the production of a single product or in any bundle of outputs produced in fixed proportions.

Multiproduct case edit

On the other hand if firms produce many products scale economies are neither sufficient nor necessary for subadditivity:

Proposition: Strict concavity of a cost function is not sufficient to guarantee subadditivity.


Proposition: Scale economies are neither necessary nor sufficient for subadditivity.

Mathematical Notation of Subadditivity edit

A cost function c is subadditive at an output x if   such that  , with all x being non-negative. In other words, if all companies have the same production cost function, the one with the better technology should monopolize the entire market such that the total cost is minimized, thus causing natural monopoly due to its technological advantage or condition.

Examples edit

  1. Railways:
    The costs of laying tracks and building networks coupled with that of buying or leasing the trains prohibits or deters the entry of any competitor. Rail transport also fits other characteristics of a natural monopoly because it is assumed to be an industry with significant long run economies of scale.
  2. Telecommunications and Utilities:
    The costs of building telecommunication poles and growing a cell network would just be too exhausting for other competitors to exist. Electricity requires grids and cables whilst water services and gas both require pipelines whose costs are just too high to be able to have existing competitors in the public market. However, natural monopolies are usually regulated and they face increasing competition from private networks and specialty carriers.

History edit

The development of the concept of natural monopoly is often attributed to John Stuart Mill, who (writing before the marginalist revolution) believed that prices would reflect the costs of production in absence of an artificial or natural monopoly.[4] In Principles of Political Economy Mill criticised Smith's neglect[5] of an area that could explain wage disparity (the term itself was already in use in Smith's times, but with a slightly different meaning). Taking up the examples of professionals such as jewellers, physicians and lawyers, he said,[6]

The superiority of reward is not here the consequence of competition, but of its absence: not a compensation for disadvantages inherent in the employment, but an extra advantage; a kind of monopoly price, the effect not of a legal, but of what has been termed a natural monopoly... independently of... artificial monopolies [i.e. grants by government], there is a natural monopoly in favour of skilled labourers against the unskilled, which makes the difference of reward exceed, sometimes in a manifold proportion, what is sufficient merely to equalize their advantages.

Mill's initial use of the term concerned natural abilities. In contrast, common contemporary usage refers solely to market failure in a particular type of industry such as rail, post or electricity. Mill's development of the idea that 'what is true of labour, is true of capital'.[7] He continues;

All the natural monopolies (meaning thereby those which are created by circumstances, and not by law) which produce or aggravate the disparities in the remuneration of different kinds of labour, operate similarly between different employments of capital. If a business can only be advantageously carried on by a large capital, this in most countries limits so narrowly the class of persons who can enter into the employment, that they are enabled to keep their rate of profit above the general level. A trade may also, from the nature of the case, be confined to so few hands, that profits may admit of being kept up by a combination among the dealers. It is well known that even among so numerous a body as the London booksellers, this sort of combination long continued to exist. I have already mentioned the case of the gas and water companies.

Mill also applied the term to land, which can manifest a natural monopoly by virtue of it being the only land with a particular mineral, etc.[8] Furthermore, Mill referred to network industries, such as electricity and water supply, roads, rail and canals, as "practical monopolies", where "it is the part of the government, either to subject the business to reasonable conditions for the general advantage or to retain such power over it, that the profits of the monopoly may at least be obtained for the public."[9][10] So, a legal prohibition against non-government competitors is often advocated. Whereby the rates are not left to the market but are regulated by the government; maximising profits, and subsequently societal reinvestment.

For a discussion of the historical origins of the term 'natural monopoly' see Mosca.[11]

Regulation edit

As with all monopolies, a monopolist that has gained its position through natural monopoly effects may engage in behaviour that abuses its market position. In cases where exploitation occurs, it often leads to calls from consumers for government regulation. Government regulation may also come about at the request of a business hoping to enter a market otherwise dominated by a natural monopoly.

Common arguments in favour of regulation include the desire to limit a company's potentially abusive[12] or unfair market power, facilitate competition, promote investment or system expansion, or stabilise markets. This is especially true in the case of essential utilities like electricity where a monopoly creates a captive market for a product few can refuse. In general, though, regulation occurs when the government believes that the operator, left to his own devices, would behave in a way that is contrary to the public interest.[13] In some countries an early solution to this perceived problem was government provision of, for example, a utility service. Enabling a monopolistic company with the ability to change prices without regulation can have devastating effects in society. For example, in Bolivia’s 2000 Cochabamba protests,[14] a firm with a monopoly on the supply of water excessively increased water rates to fund a dam, leaving many unable to afford the essential good.

History edit

A wave of nationalisation across Europe after World War II created state-owned companies in each of these areas, many of which operate internationally bidding on utility contracts in other countries. However, this approach can raise its own problems. In the past, some governments have used the state-provided utility services as a source of cash flow for funding other government activities, or as a means of obtaining hard currency. As a result, governments seeking funding began to seek other solutions, namely regulation and providing services on a commercial basis, often through private participation.[15]

In recent years, bodies of information have observed the correlation between utility subsidies and welfare improvements.[16] Today, across the world, public utilities are widely used to provide state-run water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, mass-transportation and postal services.

Alternative regulation edit

Alternatives to a state-owned response to natural monopolies include both open source licensed technology and co-operatives management where a monopoly's users or workers own the monopoly. For instance, the web's open-source architecture has both stimulated massive growth and avoided a single company controlling the entire market. The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation is an American co-op that provides the majority of clearing and financial settlement across the securities industry ensuring they cannot abuse their market position to raise costs. In recent years a combined cooperative and open-source alternative to emergent web monopolies has been proposed, a platform cooperative,[17] where, for instance, Uber could be a driver-owned cooperative developing and sharing open-source software.[18]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Perloff, J, 2012. Microeconomics, Pearson Education, England, p. 394.
  2. ^ Baumol, William J., 1977. "On the Proper Cost Tests for Natural Monopoly in a Multiproduct Industry", American Economic Review 67, 809–22.
  3. ^ W. J. Baumol, 1976. "Scale Economies, Average Cost and the Profitability of Marginal-Cost Pricing"
  4. ^ Principles of Political Economy, Book IV 'Influence of the progress of society on production and distribution', Chapter 2 'Influence of the Progress of Industry and Population on Values and Prices', para. 2
  5. ^ Wealth of Nations (1776) Book I, Chapter 10
  6. ^ Principles of Political Economy Book II, Chapter XIV 'Of the Differences of Wages in different Employments', para. 13-4
  7. ^ Principles of Political Economy Book II, Chapter XV, 'Of Profits', para. 9
  8. ^ Principles of Political Economy, Book II, Chapter XVI, "Of Rent", para. 2 and 16
  9. ^ Principles of Political Economy, Book V, 'Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laisser-faire or Non-Interference Principle'
  10. ^ On subways, see also, McEachern, Willam A. (2005). Economics: A Contemporary Introduction. Thomson South-Western. p. 319.
  11. ^ Mosca, Manuela (2008). "On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly: Economies of scale and competition". The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 15 (2): 317–353. doi:10.1080/09672560802037623. S2CID 154480729.
  12. ^ Saidu, Balkisu (8 May 2009). "Regulating the Abuse of the Natural Monopoly of Pipelines in the Gas Industry vis-à-vis the Provision of Third Party Access". The Journal of Structured Finance. 13 (4): 105–112. doi:10.3905/jsf.13.4.105. S2CID 153866300.
  13. ^ Natural Monopoly[dead link]
  14. ^ Olivera, Oscar (2004). Cochabamba! : water war in Bolivia. Cambridge, Mass.: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-896-08702-6.
  15. ^ Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation "General Concepts: Introduction."
  16. ^ Water, Electricity, and the Poor: Who Benefits from Utility Subsidies?. Washington, DC: World Bank. 2005. ISBN 978-0-8213-6342-3.
  17. ^ . Archived from the original on 2016-02-05. Retrieved 2016-01-30.
  18. ^ "What might a Coop Uber look like? (or should we be thinking bigger)? - Hello Ideas".

Further reading edit

  • Berg, Sanford; John Tschirhart (1988). Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practices. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-33893-6.
  • Baumol, William J.; Panzar, J. C.; Willig, R. D. (1982). Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 978-0-15-513910-7.
  • Filippini, Massimo (June 1998). "Are Municipal Electricity Distribution Utilities Natural Monopolies?". Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. 69 (2): 157. doi:10.1111/1467-8292.00077.
  • Sharkey, W. (1982). The Theory of Natural Monopoly. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-27194-3.
  • Train, Kenneth E. (1991). Optimal regulation: the economic theory of natural monopoly. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-20084-4.
  • Waterson, Michael (1988). Regulation of the Firm and Natural Monopoly. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-14007-7.

natural, monopoly, natural, monopoly, monopoly, industry, which, high, infrastructural, costs, other, barriers, entry, relative, size, market, give, largest, supplier, industry, often, first, supplier, market, overwhelming, advantage, over, potential, competit. A natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which high infrastructural costs and other barriers to entry relative to the size of the market give the largest supplier in an industry often the first supplier in a market an overwhelming advantage over potential competitors Specifically an industry is a natural monopoly if the total cost of one firm producing the total output is lower than the total cost of two or more firms producing the entire production In that case it is very probable that a company monopoly or minimal number of companies oligopoly will form providing all or most relevant products and or services This frequently occurs in industries where capital costs predominate creating large economies of scale about the size of the market examples include public utilities such as water services electricity telecommunications mail etc 1 Natural monopolies were recognized as potential sources of market failure as early as the 19th century John Stuart Mill advocated government regulation to make them serve the public good In small countries like New Zealand electricity transmission is a natural monopoly Due to enormous fixed costs and small market size one seller can serve the entire market at the downward sloping section of its average cost curve meaning that it will have lower average costs than any potential entrant Contents 1 Definition 1 1 Formal definition 1 1 1 Multiproduct case 1 2 Mathematical Notation of Subadditivity 1 3 Examples 2 History 3 Regulation 3 1 History 3 2 Alternative regulation 4 See also 5 References 6 Further readingDefinition editTwo different types of cost are important in microeconomics marginal cost and fixed cost The marginal cost is the cost to the company of serving one more customer In an industry where a natural monopoly does not exist the vast majority of industries the marginal cost decreases with economies of scale then increases as the company has growing pains overworking its employees bureaucracy inefficiencies etc Along with this the average cost of its products decreases and increases A natural monopoly has a very different cost structure A natural monopoly has a high fixed cost for a product that does not depend on output but its marginal cost of producing one more good is roughly constant and small It is generally believed that there are two reasons for natural monopolies one is economies of scale and the other is economies of scope nbsp A graphical explanation of the inefficiencies of having several competitors in a naturally monopolistic market AC average cost per customer D demand All industries have costs associated with entering them Often a large portion of these costs is required for investment Larger industries like utilities require an enormous initial investment This barrier to entry reduces the number of possible entrants into the industry regardless of the earning of the corporations within The production cost of an enterprise is not fixed except for the effect of technology and other factors even under the same conditions the unit production cost of an enterprise can also tend to decrease with the increase in the total production output The reason is that the actual product of the enterprise As it continues to expand the original fixed costs are gradually diluted This is particularly evident in companies with significant fixed cost investments Natural monopolies arise where the largest supplier in an industry often the first supplier in a market has an overwhelming cost advantage over other actual or potential competitors this tends to be the case in industries where fixed costs predominate creating economies of scale that are large in relation to the size of the market as is the case in water and electricity services The fixed cost of constructing a competing transmission network is so high and the marginal cost of transmission for the incumbent so low that it effectively bars potential competitors from the monopolist s market acting as a nearly insurmountable barrier to entry into the market place A firm with high fixed costs requires a large number of customers in order to have a meaningful return on investment This is where economies of scale become important Since each firm has large initial costs as the firm gains market share and increases its output the fixed cost what they initially invested is divided among a larger number of customers Therefore in industries with large initial investment requirements average total cost declines as output increases over a much larger range of output levels In real life companies produce or provide single goods and services but often diversify their operations Suppose the cost of having multiple products by one enterprise is lower than making them separately by several enterprises In that case it indicates that there is an economy of scope Since the unit product price of a company that produces a specific product alone is higher than the corresponding unit product price of a joint production company the companies that make it separately will lose money These companies will either withdraw from the production field or be merged forming a monopoly Therefore well known American economists Samuelson and Nordhaus pointed out that economies of scope can also produce natural monopolies Companies that take advantage of economies of scale often run into problems of bureaucracy these factors interact to produce an ideal size for a company at which the company s average cost of production is minimized If that ideal size is large enough to supply the whole market then that market is a natural monopoly Once a natural monopoly has been established because of the large initial cost and that according to the rule of economies of scale the larger corporation to a point has a lower average cost and therefore an advantage over its competitors With this knowledge no firms will attempt to enter the industry and an oligopoly or monopoly develops Formal definition edit William Baumol 1977 2 provides the current formal definition of a natural monopoly He defines a natural monopoly as a n industry in which multi firm production is more costly than production by a monopoly p 810 Baumol linked the definition to the mathematical concept of subadditivity specifically subadditivity of the cost function Baumol also noted that for a firm producing a single product scale economies were a sufficient condition but not a necessary condition to prove subadditivity the argument can be illustrated as follows Proposition Strict economies of scale are sufficient but not necessary for ray average cost to be strictly declining 3 Proposition Strictly declining ray average cost implies strict ray subadditivity Proof Consider n output vectors v 1 y v n y displaystyle v 1 y v n y nbsp when ray average costs are strictly declining C v j y v j lt C v i y v i displaystyle C sum v j y sum v j lt C sum v i y sum v i nbsp Therefore C v j y v j lt v i v j C v i y v i C v i y v j displaystyle frac C sum v j y sum v j lt sum frac v i sum v j frac C v i y v i frac sum C v i y sum v j nbsp Which gives C v j y lt C v i y displaystyle C sum v j y lt sum C v i y nbsp Therefore the cost function is strictly subadditivite Proposition Neither ray concavity nor ray average costs that decline everywhere are necessary for strict subadditivity Proof Let c 1 lt c 2 displaystyle c 1 lt c 2 nbsp in the piecewise linear cost function C y c 1 y lt y B c 2 y gt y B displaystyle C y begin cases c 1 amp y lt y B c 2 amp y gt y B end cases nbsp Let y r lt y b lt y s displaystyle y r lt y b lt y s nbsp The cost function is not concave average cost increases after y b displaystyle y b nbsp and ray average cost is greater at y s displaystyle y s nbsp than y r displaystyle y r nbsp Also total cost of any output y by a single firm c 2 lt 2 c 1 displaystyle leq c 2 lt 2c 1 leq nbsp total cost of production by more than one firmTherefore the cost function is strictly subadditivite Combining all propositions gives Proposition Global scale economies are sufficient but not necessary for strict ray subadditivity the condition for natural monopoly in the production of a single product or in any bundle of outputs produced in fixed proportions Multiproduct case edit On the other hand if firms produce many products scale economies are neither sufficient nor necessary for subadditivity Proposition Strict concavity of a cost function is not sufficient to guarantee subadditivity Proof Let 0 lt a lt 1 displaystyle 0 lt a lt 1 nbsp and 0 lt k lt 1 2 displaystyle 0 lt k lt 1 2 nbsp in the cost function for two outputs C y 1 a y 1 k y 2 k y 2 a displaystyle C y 1 a y 1 k y 2 k y 2 a nbsp C is strictly concave and not subbaditive C 1 1 3 gt C 1 0 C 0 1 2 displaystyle C 1 1 3 gt C 1 0 C 0 1 2 nbsp Therefore Proposition Scale economies are neither necessary nor sufficient for subadditivity Mathematical Notation of Subadditivity edit A cost function c is subadditive at an output x if c x c x 1 c x 2 c x k displaystyle displaystyle begin aligned c x amp c x 1 c x 2 c x k end aligned nbsp such that i 1 k x i x displaystyle sum i 1 k x i x nbsp with all x being non negative In other words if all companies have the same production cost function the one with the better technology should monopolize the entire market such that the total cost is minimized thus causing natural monopoly due to its technological advantage or condition Examples edit Railways The costs of laying tracks and building networks coupled with that of buying or leasing the trains prohibits or deters the entry of any competitor Rail transport also fits other characteristics of a natural monopoly because it is assumed to be an industry with significant long run economies of scale Telecommunications and Utilities The costs of building telecommunication poles and growing a cell network would just be too exhausting for other competitors to exist Electricity requires grids and cables whilst water services and gas both require pipelines whose costs are just too high to be able to have existing competitors in the public market However natural monopolies are usually regulated and they face increasing competition from private networks and specialty carriers History editThe development of the concept of natural monopoly is often attributed to John Stuart Mill who writing before the marginalist revolution believed that prices would reflect the costs of production in absence of an artificial or natural monopoly 4 In Principles of Political Economy Mill criticised Smith s neglect 5 of an area that could explain wage disparity the term itself was already in use in Smith s times but with a slightly different meaning Taking up the examples of professionals such as jewellers physicians and lawyers he said 6 The superiority of reward is not here the consequence of competition but of its absence not a compensation for disadvantages inherent in the employment but an extra advantage a kind of monopoly price the effect not of a legal but of what has been termed a natural monopoly independently of artificial monopolies i e grants by government there is a natural monopoly in favour of skilled labourers against the unskilled which makes the difference of reward exceed sometimes in a manifold proportion what is sufficient merely to equalize their advantages Mill s initial use of the term concerned natural abilities In contrast common contemporary usage refers solely to market failure in a particular type of industry such as rail post or electricity Mill s development of the idea that what is true of labour is true of capital 7 He continues All the natural monopolies meaning thereby those which are created by circumstances and not by law which produce or aggravate the disparities in the remuneration of different kinds of labour operate similarly between different employments of capital If a business can only be advantageously carried on by a large capital this in most countries limits so narrowly the class of persons who can enter into the employment that they are enabled to keep their rate of profit above the general level A trade may also from the nature of the case be confined to so few hands that profits may admit of being kept up by a combination among the dealers It is well known that even among so numerous a body as the London booksellers this sort of combination long continued to exist I have already mentioned the case of the gas and water companies Mill also applied the term to land which can manifest a natural monopoly by virtue of it being the only land with a particular mineral etc 8 Furthermore Mill referred to network industries such as electricity and water supply roads rail and canals as practical monopolies where it is the part of the government either to subject the business to reasonable conditions for the general advantage or to retain such power over it that the profits of the monopoly may at least be obtained for the public 9 10 So a legal prohibition against non government competitors is often advocated Whereby the rates are not left to the market but are regulated by the government maximising profits and subsequently societal reinvestment For a discussion of the historical origins of the term natural monopoly see Mosca 11 Regulation editAs with all monopolies a monopolist that has gained its position through natural monopoly effects may engage in behaviour that abuses its market position In cases where exploitation occurs it often leads to calls from consumers for government regulation Government regulation may also come about at the request of a business hoping to enter a market otherwise dominated by a natural monopoly Common arguments in favour of regulation include the desire to limit a company s potentially abusive 12 or unfair market power facilitate competition promote investment or system expansion or stabilise markets This is especially true in the case of essential utilities like electricity where a monopoly creates a captive market for a product few can refuse In general though regulation occurs when the government believes that the operator left to his own devices would behave in a way that is contrary to the public interest 13 In some countries an early solution to this perceived problem was government provision of for example a utility service Enabling a monopolistic company with the ability to change prices without regulation can have devastating effects in society For example in Bolivia s 2000 Cochabamba protests 14 a firm with a monopoly on the supply of water excessively increased water rates to fund a dam leaving many unable to afford the essential good History edit A wave of nationalisation across Europe after World War II created state owned companies in each of these areas many of which operate internationally bidding on utility contracts in other countries However this approach can raise its own problems In the past some governments have used the state provided utility services as a source of cash flow for funding other government activities or as a means of obtaining hard currency As a result governments seeking funding began to seek other solutions namely regulation and providing services on a commercial basis often through private participation 15 In recent years bodies of information have observed the correlation between utility subsidies and welfare improvements 16 Today across the world public utilities are widely used to provide state run water electricity gas telecommunications mass transportation and postal services Alternative regulation edit Alternatives to a state owned response to natural monopolies include both open source licensed technology and co operatives management where a monopoly s users or workers own the monopoly For instance the web s open source architecture has both stimulated massive growth and avoided a single company controlling the entire market The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation is an American co op that provides the majority of clearing and financial settlement across the securities industry ensuring they cannot abuse their market position to raise costs In recent years a combined cooperative and open source alternative to emergent web monopolies has been proposed a platform cooperative 17 where for instance Uber could be a driver owned cooperative developing and sharing open source software 18 See also editNetwork effect LoopCo Market forms Price cap regulation Public good Quasi rent StandardizationReferences edit Perloff J 2012 Microeconomics Pearson Education England p 394 Baumol William J 1977 On the Proper Cost Tests for Natural Monopoly in a Multiproduct Industry American Economic Review 67 809 22 W J Baumol 1976 Scale Economies Average Cost and the Profitability of Marginal Cost Pricing Principles of Political Economy Book IV Influence of the progress of society on production and distribution Chapter 2 Influence of the Progress of Industry and Population on Values and Prices para 2 Wealth of Nations 1776 Book I Chapter 10 Principles of Political Economy Book II Chapter XIV Of the Differences of Wages in different Employments para 13 4 Principles of Political Economy Book II Chapter XV Of Profits para 9 Principles of Political Economy Book II Chapter XVI Of Rent para 2 and 16 Principles of Political Economy Book V Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laisser faire or Non Interference Principle On subways see also McEachern Willam A 2005 Economics A Contemporary Introduction Thomson South Western p 319 Mosca Manuela 2008 On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly Economies of scale and competition The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 15 2 317 353 doi 10 1080 09672560802037623 S2CID 154480729 Saidu Balkisu 8 May 2009 Regulating the Abuse of the Natural Monopoly of Pipelines in the Gas Industry vis a vis the Provision of Third Party Access The Journal of Structured Finance 13 4 105 112 doi 10 3905 jsf 13 4 105 S2CID 153866300 Natural Monopoly dead link Olivera Oscar 2004 Cochabamba water war in Bolivia Cambridge Mass South End Press ISBN 978 0 896 08702 6 Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation General Concepts Introduction Water Electricity and the Poor Who Benefits from Utility Subsidies Washington DC World Bank 2005 ISBN 978 0 8213 6342 3 Publication Platform Cooperativism Conference Archived from the original on 2016 02 05 Retrieved 2016 01 30 What might a Coop Uber look like or should we be thinking bigger Hello Ideas Further reading editBerg Sanford John Tschirhart 1988 Natural Monopoly Regulation Principles and Practices Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 33893 6 Baumol William J Panzar J C Willig R D 1982 Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ISBN 978 0 15 513910 7 Filippini Massimo June 1998 Are Municipal Electricity Distribution Utilities Natural Monopolies Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 69 2 157 doi 10 1111 1467 8292 00077 Sharkey W 1982 The Theory of Natural Monopoly Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 27194 3 Train Kenneth E 1991 Optimal regulation the economic theory of natural monopoly Cambridge MA USA MIT Press ISBN 978 0 262 20084 4 Waterson Michael 1988 Regulation of the Firm and Natural Monopoly New York NY USA Blackwell ISBN 0 631 14007 7 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Natural monopoly amp oldid 1215984312, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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