

In economics, a monopsony is a market structure in which a single buyer substantially controls the market as the major purchaser of goods and services offered by many would-be sellers. The microeconomic theory of monopsony assumes a single entity to have market power over all sellers as the only purchaser of a good or service. This is a similar power to that of a monopolist, which can influence the price for its buyers in a monopoly, where multiple buyers have only one seller of a good or service available to purchase from.

one few
sellers monopoly oligopoly
buyers monopsony oligopsony


Monopsony theory was developed by economist Joan Robinson in her book The Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933).[1] Economists use the term "monopsony power" in a manner similar to "monopoly power", as a shorthand reference for a scenario in which there is one dominant power in the buying relationship, so that power is able to set prices to maximize profits not subject to competitive constraints. Monopsony power exists when one buyer faces little competition from other buyers for that labour or good, so they are able to set wages or prices for the labour or goods they are buying at a level lower than would be the case in a competitive market. In economic literature the term "monopsony" is predominantly used when referring to labour markets,[2] however could be applied to any industry, good or service where a buyer has market power over all sellers.

A classic theoretical example is a mining town, where the company that owns the mine is able to set wages low since they face no competition from other employers in hiring workers, because they are the only employer in the town, and geographic isolation or obstacles prevent workers from seeking employment in other locations. Other more current examples may include school districts where teachers have little mobility across districts. In such cases the district faces little competition from other schools in hiring teachers, giving the district increased power when negotiating employment terms.[3] Alternative terms are oligopsony or monopsonistic competition.


The term "monopsony" (from Greek μόνος (mónos) "single" and ὀψωνία (opsōnía) "purchase")[4] was first introduced by Joan Robinson in her influential[1] book, The Economics of Imperfect Competition, published in 1933. Robinson credited classics scholar Bertrand Hallward at the University of Cambridge with coining the term.[4]

Static monopsony in a labour market

A monopsonist employer maximizes profits by choosing the employment level L, that equates the marginal revenue product (MRP) to the marginal cost MC, at point A. The wage is then determined on the labour supply curve, at point M, and is equal to w. By contrast, a competitive labour market would reach equilibrium at point C, where labour supply S  equals demand. This would lead to employment L'  and wage w'.

The standard textbook monopsony model of a labour market is a static partial equilibrium model with just one employer who pays the same wage to all the workers.[5] The employer faces an upward-sloping labour supply curve[2] (as generally contrasted with an infinitely elastic labour supply curve), represented by the S blue curve in the diagram on the right. This curve relates the wage paid,  , to the level of employment,  , and is denoted as an increasing function  . Total labour costs are given by  . The firm has total revenue  , which increases with  . The firm wants to choose   to maximize profit,  , which is given by:


At the maximum profit  , so the first-order condition for maximization is


where   is the derivative of the function   implying


The left-hand side of this expression,  , is the marginal revenue product of labour (roughly, the extra revenue generated by an extra worker) and is represented by the red MRP curve in the diagram. The right-hand side is the marginal cost of labour (roughly, the extra cost due to an extra worker) and is represented by the green MC curve in the diagram. Notably, the marginal cost is higher than the wage   paid to the new worker by the amount


This is because, by assumption, the firm has to increase the wage paid to all the workers it already employs whenever it hires an extra worker. In the diagram, this leads to an MC curve that is above the labour supply curve S.

The first-order condition for maximum profit is then satisfied at point A of the diagram, where the MC and MRP  curves intersect. This determines the profit-maximizing employment as L on the horizontal axis. The corresponding wage w is then obtained from the supply curve, through point M.

The monopsonistic equilibrium at M can be contrasted with the equilibrium that would obtain under competitive conditions. Suppose a competitive employer entered the market and offered a wage higher than that at M. Then every employee of the first employer would choose instead to work for the competitor. Moreover, the competitor would gain all the former profits of the first employer, minus a less-than-offsetting amount from the wage increase of the first employer's employees, plus profit arising from additional employees who decided to work in the market because of the wage increase. But the first employer would respond by offering an even higher wage, poaching the new rival's employees, and so forth. As a result, a group of perfectly competitive firms would be forced, through competition, to intersection C rather than M. Just as a monopoly is thwarted by the competition to win sales, minimizing prices and maximizing output, competition for employees between the employers in this case would maximize both wages and employment.

Welfare implications

The grey rectangle is a measure of the amount of economic welfare transferred from the workers to their employer(s) by monopsony power. The yellow triangle shows the overall deadweight loss inflicted on both groups by the monopsonistic restriction of employment. It is thus a measure of the market failure caused by monopsony.

The lower employment and wages caused by monopsony power have two distinct effects on the economic welfare of the people involved. Firstly, it redistributes welfare away from workers and to their employer(s).[2] Secondly, it reduces the aggregate (or social) welfare enjoyed by both groups taken together, as the employers' net gain is smaller than the loss inflicted on workers.

The diagram on the right illustrates both effects, using the standard approach based on the notion of economic surplus. According to this notion, the workers' economic surplus (or net gain from the exchange) is given by the area between the S curve and the horizontal line corresponding to the wage, up to the employment level. Similarly, the employers' surplus is the area between the horizontal line corresponding to the wage and the MRP curve, up to the employment level. The social surplus is then the sum of these two areas.[6]

Following such definitions, the grey rectangle, in the diagram, is the part of the competitive social surplus that has been redistributed from the workers to their employer(s) under monopsony. By contrast, the yellow triangle is the part of the competitive social surplus that has been lost by both parties, as a result of the monopsonistic restriction of employment.[6] This is a net social loss and is called deadweight loss. It is a measure of the market failure caused by monopsony power, through a wasteful misallocation of resources.

As the diagram suggests, the size of both effects increases with the difference between the marginal revenue product MRP and the market wage determined on the supply curve S. This difference corresponds to the vertical side of the yellow triangle, and can be expressed as a proportion of the market wage, according to the formula:


The ratio   has been called the rate of exploitation, and it can be easily shown that it equals the reciprocal of the elasticity of the labour supply curve faced by the firm. Thus the rate of exploitation[7] is zero under competitive conditions, when this elasticity tends to infinity. Empirical estimates of   by various means are a common feature of the applied literature devoted to the measurement of observed monopsony power.

Finally, it is important to notice that, while the gray-area redistribution effect could be reversed by fiscal policy (i.e., taxing employers and transferring the tax revenue to the workers), this is not so for the yellow-area deadweight loss. The market failure can only be addressed in one of two ways: either by breaking up the monopsony through anti-trust intervention, or by regulating the wage policy of firms. The most common kind of regulation is a binding minimum wage higher than the monopsonistic wage.

Minimum wage

With a binding minimum wage of w' the marginal cost to the firm becomes the horizontal black MC'  line, and the firm maximises profits (which it can do due to a lack of competition) at A with a higher employment L''. However, in this example, the minimum wage is higher than the competitive one, leading to involuntary unemployment equal to the segment AB.

A binding minimum wage can be introduced either directly by law or through collective bargaining laws requiring union membership. While it is generally agreed that minimum wage price floors reduce employment,[8] economic literature has yet to form a consensus regarding the effects in the presence of monopsony power.[5] Some studies have shown that if monopsony power is present within a labour market the effect is reversed and a minimum wage could increase employment.[9]

This effect is demonstrated in the diagram on the right.

Here the minimum wage is w', higher than the monopsonistic w. Because of the binding effects of minimum wage and the excess supply of labour (as defined by the monopsony status), the marginal cost of labour for the firm becomes constant (the price of hiring an additional worker rather than the increasing cost as labour becomes more scarce).[10] This means that the firm maximizes profit at the intersection of the new marginal cost line (MC' in the diagram) and Marginal Revenue Product line (the additional revenue for selling one more unit).[11] This is the point where it becomes more expensive to produce an additional item than is earned in revenue from selling that item.

This condition is still inefficient compared to a competitive market. The line segment represented by A-B shows that there are still workers who would like to find a job, but cannot due to the monopsonistic nature of this industry. This would represent the unemployment rate for this industry. This illustrates that there will be deadweight loss in a monopsonistic labour environment regardless of minimum wage levels, however a minimum wage law can increase total employment within the industry.

More generally, a binding minimum wage modifies the form of the supply curve faced by the firm, which becomes:


where   is the original supply curve and   is the minimum wage. The new curve has thus a horizontal first branch and a kink at the point


as is shown in the diagram by the kinked black curve MC' S (the black curve to the right of point B). The resulting equilibria (the profit-maximizing choices that rational companies will make) can then fall into one of three classes according to the value taken by the minimum wage, as shown by the following table:

Profit-maximizing choice in a monopsonistic labour market depends upon the minimum wage level
Minimum wage Resulting equilibrium
First Case < monopsony wage where the monopsony wage intersects the supply curve (S)
Second Case > monopsony wage
≤ competitive wage (the intersection of S and MRP)
at the intersection of the minimum wage and the supply curve (S)
Third Case > competitive wage at intersection where minimum wage equals MRP

Yet, even when it is sub-optimal, a minimum wage higher than the monopsonistic rate can raises the level of employment anyway. This is a highly remarkable result because it only follows under monopsony. Indeed, under competitive conditions any minimum wage higher than the market rate would actually reduce employment, according to classical economic models and the consensus of peer-reviewed work.[8] Thus, spotting the effects on employment of newly introduced minimum wage regulations is among the indirect ways economists use to pin down monopsony power in selected labour markets. This technique was used, for example in a series of studies looking at the American labour market that found monopsonies existed only in several specialized fields such as professional sports and college professors.[12][13]

Wage discrimination

Just like a monopolist, a monopsonistic employer may find that its profits are maximized if it discriminates prices. In this case the company pays different wages to different groups of workers (even if their MRP is the same), with lower wages paid to the workers who have a lower elasticity of supply of their labour to the firm.

Researchers have used this fact to explain at least part of the observed wage differentials whereby women often earn less than men, even after controlling for observed productivity differentials. Robinson's original application of monopsony (1938) was developed to explain wage differentials between equally productive women and men.[14] Ransom and Oaxaca (2004) found that women's wage elasticity is lower than that of men for employees at a grocery store chain in Missouri, controlling for other factors typically associated with wage determination.[15] Ransom and Lambson (2011) found that female teachers are paid less than male teachers due to differences in labour market mobility constraints facing women and men.[16]

Some authors have argued informally that, while this is so for market supply, the reverse may somehow be true of the supply to individual firms. In particular, Manning and others have shown that, in the case of the UK Equal Pay Act, implementation has led to higher employment of women. Since the Act was effectively minimum wage legislation for women, this might perhaps be interpreted as a symptom of monopsonistic discrimination.

Dynamic models of monopsony

More recent labor market models of monopsony[5][2] have indicated that some monopsonistic power is likely present in otherwise competitive markets. Its cause can be linked to imperfect information as a result of search frictions.[2] This may indicate companies operating under competitive market conditions have some limited discretion to manipulate wage rates without losing employees to competitors that is associated with the search friction in that market (ie how hard it is to find and secure another job). This modern perspective of dynamic monopsony[5] first proposed by Allan Manning (2003), also results in an upward sloping labor supply curve, and is more practical as it incorporates multiple employers in a competitive market whilst also allowing for search frictions, and a costly search.[14]

Empirical problems

The simpler explanation of monopsony power in labour markets is barriers to entry on the demand side. Such barriers to entry would result in a limited number of companies competing for labour (oligopsony). If the hypothesis was generally true, one would expect to find that wages decreased as firm size increased or, more accurately, as industry concentration increased. However, numerous statistical studies document significant positive correlations between firm or establishment size and wages.[17] These results are often explained as being the result of cross-industry competition. For example, if there were only one fast food producer, that industry would be very consolidated. The company, however, would be unable to drive down wages via monopsonistic power if it were also competing against retail stores, construction, and other jobs utilizing the same labour skill set. This finding is both intuitive (low-skilled labour can move more fluidly through different industries) and supported by a study of American labor markets which found monopsony effects were limited to professional sports, teaching, and nursing, fields where skill sets limit moving to comparably paid other industries.[12]

However, monopsony power might also be due to circumstances affecting entry of workers on the supply side (like in the referenced case above), directly reducing the elasticity of labour supply to firms. Paramount among these are industry accreditation or licensing fees, regulatory constraints, training or education requirements, and the institutional factors that limit labour mobility between firms, including job protection legislation.

An alternative that has been suggested as a source of monopsony power is worker preferences over job characteristics.[18][19] Such job characteristics can include distance from work, type of work, location, the social environment at work, etc. If different workers have different preferences, employers could have local monopsony power over workers that strongly prefer working for them.

Empirical evidence of monopsony power has been relatively limited. In line with the considerations discussed above, but perhaps counter to common intuition, there is no observable monopsony power in low-skilled labour markets in the US.[12] Though there has been at least one study finding monopsony power in Indonesia due to barriers to entry in developing countries.[20] Several studies expanding their view for monopsony power have found economic and labor mobility in the US precludes any detectable monopsony effects[21] with the notable exceptions of professional sports[12] and (with some disagreement[22]) nursing.[23][24] Both of these industries have highly specialized labor conditions and are generally not substitutable. According to a 2020 review of the existing literature on monopsony in labor markets, there is some evidence of monopsony power in higher income industries due to contractual limitations (non-competes for example) though the author notes that the large majority of economists do not ascribe notable monopsony effects to labor markets.[25]

See also


  1. ^ a b Robinson, Joan (1969). The Economics of Imperfect Competition. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-15320-6. ISBN 978-0-333-10289-3.
  2. ^ a b c d e Ashenfelter, Orley; Farber, Henry; Ransom, Michael (2010). "Labor Market Monopsony". Journal of Labor Economics. 28 (2): 203–210. doi:10.1086/653654. ISSN 0734-306X. JSTOR 10.1086/653654. S2CID 154920182.
  3. ^ Ransom, Michael; Sims, David (2010). "Estimating the Firm's Labor Supply Curve in a "New Monopsony" Framework: Schoolteachers in Missouri". Journal of Labor Economics. 28 (2): 331–355. doi:10.1086/649904. ISSN 0734-306X. JSTOR 10.1086/649904. S2CID 19545337 – via JSTOR.
  4. ^ a b Thornton, Rupert J. (2004). "Retrospectives: How Joan Robinson and B. L. Hallward Named Monopsony". Journal of Economic Perspectives. 18 (2): 257–261. doi:10.1257/0895330041371240.
  5. ^ a b c d Manning, Alan (2003). Monopsony in Motion: Imperfect Competition in Labor Markets. Princeston University Press: Princeton University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctt5hhpvk. ISBN 978-0-691-12328-8. JSTOR j.ctt5hhpvk.
  6. ^ a b Blair, Roger D.; Harrison, Jeffrey L. (2010-09-06). Monopsony in Law and Economics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-139-49097-9.
  7. ^ Flatau, Paul (2001-01-01). "Some Reflections on the 'Pigou-Robinson' Theory of Exploitation". History of Economics Review. 33 (1): 1–16. doi:10.1080/10370196.2001.11733346. ISSN 1037-0196. S2CID 55190294.
  8. ^ a b "Minimum Wage Effects in the Post-welfare Reform Era" (PDF). 2007. (PDF) from the original on 2018-05-06.
  9. ^ Stigler, George J. (1946). "The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation". The American Economic Review. 36 (3): 358–365. ISSN 0002-8282. JSTOR 1801842.
  10. ^ "The Minimum Wage and Monopsony". The Library of Economics and Liberty. 2015. from the original on 2018-02-13.
  11. ^ "The Minimum Wage and Monopsony". The Library of Economics and Liberty. 2013. from the original on 2018-02-13.
  12. ^ a b c d "Monopsony in American Labor Markets". 2017. from the original on 2018-03-19.
  13. ^ "Is There Monopsony in the Labor Market? Evidence from a Natural Experiment" (PDF). 2010. (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-09.
  14. ^ a b "Archived copy" (PDF). (PDF) from the original on 2014-02-03. Retrieved 2014-02-01.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  15. ^ http://dataspace.princeton.edu/jspui/bitstream/88435/dsp01nk322d34x/1/540.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  16. ^ Ransom, Michael R.; Lambson, Val Eugene (2011). "Monopsony, mobility, and sex differences in pay : Missouri school teachers". Econbiz.de. The American economic review. - Nashville, Tenn : American Economic Assoc, ISSN 0002-8282, ZDB-ID 203590-x. - Vol. 101.2011, 3, p. 454-459. 101 (3). from the original on 2014-02-03.
  17. ^ Green, Francis; Machin, Stephen; Manning, Alan (1996). "The Employer Size-Wage Effect: Can Dynamic Monopsony Provide an Explanation?". Oxford Economic Papers. 48 (3): 433–455. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.oep.a028577. ISSN 0030-7653. JSTOR 2663717.
  18. ^ Bhaskar, V.; To, Ted (2001). "Minimum Wages for Ronald McDonald Monopsonies: a Theory of Monopsonistic Competition". The Economic Journal. 109 (455): 190–203. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/1468-0297.00427.
  19. ^ Bhaskar, V.; Manning, Alan; To, Ted (2002). "Oligopsony and Monopsonistic Competition in Labor Markets" (PDF). Journal of Economic Perspectives. 16 (2): 155–274. doi:10.1257/0895330027300.
  20. ^ Brummond, Peter (2010). "Evidence of Monopsony in the Labor Market of a Developing Country" (PDF). Cornell University. (PDF) from the original on 2018-04-05.
  21. ^ Muehlemann, Samuel; Ryan, Paul; Wolter, Stefan C. (2013). "Monopsony Power, Pay Structure and Training". Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 66 (5): 1097–1114. doi:10.1177/001979391306600504. hdl:10419/51865. S2CID 56051639. from the original on 2018-04-05.
  22. ^ Staiger, Douglas O.; Spetz, Joanne; Phibbs, Ciaran S. (2010). "Is There Monopsony in the Labor Market? Evidence from a Natural Experiment" (PDF). Journal of Labor Economics. 28 (2): 211–236. CiteSeerX doi:10.1086/652734. S2CID 1920482. (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-09.
  23. ^ Hirsch, Barry; Schumacher, Edward J. (1995). "Monopsony Power and Relative Wages in the Labor Market for Nurses" (PDF). Journal of Health Economics. 14 (4): 443–476. doi:10.1016/0167-6296(95)00013-8. PMID 10153250. (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-10.
  24. ^ Hirsch, Barry T.; Schumacher, Edward J. (2005). "Classic or New Monopsony? Searching for Evidence in Nursing Labor Markets". Health Care Administration Faculty Research. 24 (5): 969–989. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2005.03.006. PMID 16005089. from the original on 2015-09-10.
  25. ^ Manning, Alan (2020-06-01). "Monopsony in Labor Markets: A Review" (PDF). ILR Review. 74: 3–26. doi:10.1177/0019793920922499. ISSN 0019-7939. S2CID 213995471.

Further reading

  • Atkinson, S.E.; Kerkvliet, J. (1989). "Dual Measures of Monopoly and Monopsony Power: An Application to Regulated Electric Utilities". The Review of Economics and Statistics. 71 (2): 250–257. doi:10.2307/1926970. JSTOR 1926970.
  • Bhaskar, V.; To, T. (1999). "Minimum Wages for Ronald McDonald Monopsonies: A Theory of Monopsonistic Competition". The Economic Journal. 109 (455): 190–203. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/1468-0297.00427.
  • Bhaskar, V.; Manning, A.; To, T. (2002). "Oligopsony and Monopsonistic Competition in Labor Markets". Journal of Economic Perspectives. 16 (2): 155–174. doi:10.1257/0895330027300.
  • Boal, W.M. (1995). "Testing for Employer Monopsony in Turn-of-the-Century Coal Mining". The RAND Journal of Economics. 26 (3): 519–36. doi:10.2307/2556001. JSTOR 2556001. S2CID 153960375.
  • Boal, W.M.; Ransom, M.R. (1997). "Monopsony in the Labor Market". Journal of Economic Literature. 35 (1): 86–112.
  • Just, R.E.; Chern, W.S. (1980). "Tomatoes, Technology, and Oligopsony". The Bell Journal of Economics. 11 (2): 584–602. doi:10.2307/3003381. JSTOR 3003381. OSTI 5651801.
  • Lynn, Barry C (July 2006). "Breaking the Chain: The antitrust case against Wal-Mart". Harper's Magazine.
  • Murray, B.C. (1995). "Measuring Oligopsony Power with Shadow Prices: U.S. Markets for Pulpwood and Sawlogs". The Review of Economics and Statistics. 77 (3): 486–98. doi:10.2307/2109909. JSTOR 2109909.
  • Robinson, J. (1933). The Economics of Imperfect Competition London: Macmillan.
  • Rodriguez, C.A. (1975). "Trade in Technological Knowledge and the National Advantage". The Journal of Political Economy. 83 (1): 121–36. doi:10.1086/260309. S2CID 155075199.
  • Schroeter, J.R. (1988). "Estimating the Degree of Market Power in the Beef Packing Industry". The Review of Economics and Statistics. 70 (1): 158–62. doi:10.2307/1928165. JSTOR 1928165.
  • Suresh Naidu and Eric A. Posner. 2021. "Labor Monopsony and the Limits of the Law." Journal of Human Resources

External links

  • . Archived from the original on 2006-01-13. Retrieved 2005-12-12.

monopsony, economics, monopsony, market, structure, which, single, buyer, substantially, controls, market, major, purchaser, goods, services, offered, many, would, sellers, microeconomic, theory, monopsony, assumes, single, entity, have, market, power, over, s. In economics a monopsony is a market structure in which a single buyer substantially controls the market as the major purchaser of goods and services offered by many would be sellers The microeconomic theory of monopsony assumes a single entity to have market power over all sellers as the only purchaser of a good or service This is a similar power to that of a monopolist which can influence the price for its buyers in a monopoly where multiple buyers have only one seller of a good or service available to purchase from one fewsellers monopoly oligopolybuyers monopsony oligopsonyContents 1 History 1 1 Etymology 2 Static monopsony in a labour market 2 1 Welfare implications 2 2 Minimum wage 2 3 Wage discrimination 3 Dynamic models of monopsony 4 Empirical problems 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External linksHistory EditMonopsony theory was developed by economist Joan Robinson in her book The Economics of Imperfect Competition 1933 1 Economists use the term monopsony power in a manner similar to monopoly power as a shorthand reference for a scenario in which there is one dominant power in the buying relationship so that power is able to set prices to maximize profits not subject to competitive constraints Monopsony power exists when one buyer faces little competition from other buyers for that labour or good so they are able to set wages or prices for the labour or goods they are buying at a level lower than would be the case in a competitive market In economic literature the term monopsony is predominantly used when referring to labour markets 2 however could be applied to any industry good or service where a buyer has market power over all sellers A classic theoretical example is a mining town where the company that owns the mine is able to set wages low since they face no competition from other employers in hiring workers because they are the only employer in the town and geographic isolation or obstacles prevent workers from seeking employment in other locations Other more current examples may include school districts where teachers have little mobility across districts In such cases the district faces little competition from other schools in hiring teachers giving the district increased power when negotiating employment terms 3 Alternative terms are oligopsony or monopsonistic competition Etymology Edit The term monopsony from Greek monos monos single and ὀpswnia opsōnia purchase 4 was first introduced by Joan Robinson in her influential 1 book The Economics of Imperfect Competition published in 1933 Robinson credited classics scholar Bertrand Hallward at the University of Cambridge with coining the term 4 Static monopsony in a labour market Edit A monopsonist employer maximizes profits by choosing the employment level L that equates the marginal revenue product MRP to the marginal cost MC at point A The wage is then determined on the labour supply curve at point M and is equal to w By contrast a competitive labour market would reach equilibrium at point C where labour supply S equals demand This would lead to employment L and wage w The standard textbook monopsony model of a labour market is a static partial equilibrium model with just one employer who pays the same wage to all the workers 5 The employer faces an upward sloping labour supply curve 2 as generally contrasted with an infinitely elastic labour supply curve represented by the S blue curve in the diagram on the right This curve relates the wage paid w displaystyle w to the level of employment L displaystyle L and is denoted as an increasing function w L displaystyle w L Total labour costs are given by w L L displaystyle w L cdot L The firm has total revenue R displaystyle R which increases with L displaystyle L The firm wants to choose L displaystyle L to maximize profit P displaystyle P which is given by P L R L w L L displaystyle P L R L w L cdot L At the maximum profit P L 0 displaystyle P L 0 so the first order condition for maximization is 0 R L w L L w L displaystyle 0 R L w L cdot L w L where w L displaystyle w L is the derivative of the function w L displaystyle w L implying R L w L L w L displaystyle R L w L cdot L w L The left hand side of this expression R L displaystyle R L is the marginal revenue product of labour roughly the extra revenue generated by an extra worker and is represented by the red MRP curve in the diagram The right hand side is the marginal cost of labour roughly the extra cost due to an extra worker and is represented by the green MC curve in the diagram Notably the marginal cost is higher than the wage w L displaystyle w L paid to the new worker by the amount w L L displaystyle w L L This is because by assumption the firm has to increase the wage paid to all the workers it already employs whenever it hires an extra worker In the diagram this leads to an MC curve that is above the labour supply curve S The first order condition for maximum profit is then satisfied at point A of the diagram where the MC and MRP curves intersect This determines the profit maximizing employment as L on the horizontal axis The corresponding wage w is then obtained from the supply curve through point M The monopsonistic equilibrium at M can be contrasted with the equilibrium that would obtain under competitive conditions Suppose a competitive employer entered the market and offered a wage higher than that at M Then every employee of the first employer would choose instead to work for the competitor Moreover the competitor would gain all the former profits of the first employer minus a less than offsetting amount from the wage increase of the first employer s employees plus profit arising from additional employees who decided to work in the market because of the wage increase But the first employer would respond by offering an even higher wage poaching the new rival s employees and so forth As a result a group of perfectly competitive firms would be forced through competition to intersection C rather than M Just as a monopoly is thwarted by the competition to win sales minimizing prices and maximizing output competition for employees between the employers in this case would maximize both wages and employment Welfare implications Edit The grey rectangle is a measure of the amount of economic welfare transferred from the workers to their employer s by monopsony power The yellow triangle shows the overall deadweight loss inflicted on both groups by the monopsonistic restriction of employment It is thus a measure of the market failure caused by monopsony The lower employment and wages caused by monopsony power have two distinct effects on the economic welfare of the people involved Firstly it redistributes welfare away from workers and to their employer s 2 Secondly it reduces the aggregate or social welfare enjoyed by both groups taken together as the employers net gain is smaller than the loss inflicted on workers The diagram on the right illustrates both effects using the standard approach based on the notion of economic surplus According to this notion the workers economic surplus or net gain from the exchange is given by the area between the S curve and the horizontal line corresponding to the wage up to the employment level Similarly the employers surplus is the area between the horizontal line corresponding to the wage and the MRP curve up to the employment level The social surplus is then the sum of these two areas 6 Following such definitions the grey rectangle in the diagram is the part of the competitive social surplus that has been redistributed from the workers to their employer s under monopsony By contrast the yellow triangle is the part of the competitive social surplus that has been lost by both parties as a result of the monopsonistic restriction of employment 6 This is a net social loss and is called deadweight loss It is a measure of the market failure caused by monopsony power through a wasteful misallocation of resources As the diagram suggests the size of both effects increases with the difference between the marginal revenue product MRP and the market wage determined on the supply curve S This difference corresponds to the vertical side of the yellow triangle and can be expressed as a proportion of the market wage according to the formula e R w w w displaystyle e frac R w w w The ratio e displaystyle e has been called the rate of exploitation and it can be easily shown that it equals the reciprocal of the elasticity of the labour supply curve faced by the firm Thus the rate of exploitation 7 is zero under competitive conditions when this elasticity tends to infinity Empirical estimates of e displaystyle e by various means are a common feature of the applied literature devoted to the measurement of observed monopsony power Finally it is important to notice that while the gray area redistribution effect could be reversed by fiscal policy i e taxing employers and transferring the tax revenue to the workers this is not so for the yellow area deadweight loss The market failure can only be addressed in one of two ways either by breaking up the monopsony through anti trust intervention or by regulating the wage policy of firms The most common kind of regulation is a binding minimum wage higher than the monopsonistic wage Minimum wage Edit With a binding minimum wage of w the marginal cost to the firm becomes the horizontal black MC line and the firm maximises profits which it can do due to a lack of competition at A with a higher employment L However in this example the minimum wage is higher than the competitive one leading to involuntary unemployment equal to the segment AB A binding minimum wage can be introduced either directly by law or through collective bargaining laws requiring union membership While it is generally agreed that minimum wage price floors reduce employment 8 economic literature has yet to form a consensus regarding the effects in the presence of monopsony power 5 Some studies have shown that if monopsony power is present within a labour market the effect is reversed and a minimum wage could increase employment 9 This effect is demonstrated in the diagram on the right Here the minimum wage is w higher than the monopsonistic w Because of the binding effects of minimum wage and the excess supply of labour as defined by the monopsony status the marginal cost of labour for the firm becomes constant the price of hiring an additional worker rather than the increasing cost as labour becomes more scarce 10 This means that the firm maximizes profit at the intersection of the new marginal cost line MC in the diagram and Marginal Revenue Product line the additional revenue for selling one more unit 11 This is the point where it becomes more expensive to produce an additional item than is earned in revenue from selling that item This condition is still inefficient compared to a competitive market The line segment represented by A B shows that there are still workers who would like to find a job but cannot due to the monopsonistic nature of this industry This would represent the unemployment rate for this industry This illustrates that there will be deadweight loss in a monopsonistic labour environment regardless of minimum wage levels however a minimum wage law can increase total employment within the industry More generally a binding minimum wage modifies the form of the supply curve faced by the firm which becomes w w m i n if w m i n w L w L if w m i n w L displaystyle w begin cases w min amp mbox if w min geq w L w L amp mbox if w min leq w L end cases where w L displaystyle w L is the original supply curve and w m i n displaystyle w min is the minimum wage The new curve has thus a horizontal first branch and a kink at the point w L w m i n displaystyle w L w min as is shown in the diagram by the kinked black curve MC S the black curve to the right of point B The resulting equilibria the profit maximizing choices that rational companies will make can then fall into one of three classes according to the value taken by the minimum wage as shown by the following table Profit maximizing choice in a monopsonistic labour market depends upon the minimum wage level Minimum wage Resulting equilibriumFirst Case lt monopsony wage where the monopsony wage intersects the supply curve S Second Case gt monopsony wage but competitive wage the intersection of S and MRP at the intersection of the minimum wage and the supply curve S Third Case gt competitive wage at intersection where minimum wage equals MRPYet even when it is sub optimal a minimum wage higher than the monopsonistic rate can raises the level of employment anyway This is a highly remarkable result because it only follows under monopsony Indeed under competitive conditions any minimum wage higher than the market rate would actually reduce employment according to classical economic models and the consensus of peer reviewed work 8 Thus spotting the effects on employment of newly introduced minimum wage regulations is among the indirect ways economists use to pin down monopsony power in selected labour markets This technique was used for example in a series of studies looking at the American labour market that found monopsonies existed only in several specialized fields such as professional sports and college professors 12 13 Wage discrimination Edit Just like a monopolist a monopsonistic employer may find that its profits are maximized if it discriminates prices In this case the company pays different wages to different groups of workers even if their MRP is the same with lower wages paid to the workers who have a lower elasticity of supply of their labour to the firm Researchers have used this fact to explain at least part of the observed wage differentials whereby women often earn less than men even after controlling for observed productivity differentials Robinson s original application of monopsony 1938 was developed to explain wage differentials between equally productive women and men 14 Ransom and Oaxaca 2004 found that women s wage elasticity is lower than that of men for employees at a grocery store chain in Missouri controlling for other factors typically associated with wage determination 15 Ransom and Lambson 2011 found that female teachers are paid less than male teachers due to differences in labour market mobility constraints facing women and men 16 Some authors have argued informally that while this is so for market supply the reverse may somehow be true of the supply to individual firms In particular Manning and others have shown that in the case of the UK Equal Pay Act implementation has led to higher employment of women Since the Act was effectively minimum wage legislation for women this might perhaps be interpreted as a symptom of monopsonistic discrimination Dynamic models of monopsony EditMore recent labor market models of monopsony 5 2 have indicated that some monopsonistic power is likely present in otherwise competitive markets Its cause can be linked to imperfect information as a result of search frictions 2 This may indicate companies operating under competitive market conditions have some limited discretion to manipulate wage rates without losing employees to competitors that is associated with the search friction in that market ie how hard it is to find and secure another job This modern perspective of dynamic monopsony 5 first proposed by Allan Manning 2003 also results in an upward sloping labor supply curve and is more practical as it incorporates multiple employers in a competitive market whilst also allowing for search frictions and a costly search 14 Empirical problems EditThe simpler explanation of monopsony power in labour markets is barriers to entry on the demand side Such barriers to entry would result in a limited number of companies competing for labour oligopsony If the hypothesis was generally true one would expect to find that wages decreased as firm size increased or more accurately as industry concentration increased However numerous statistical studies document significant positive correlations between firm or establishment size and wages 17 These results are often explained as being the result of cross industry competition For example if there were only one fast food producer that industry would be very consolidated The company however would be unable to drive down wages via monopsonistic power if it were also competing against retail stores construction and other jobs utilizing the same labour skill set This finding is both intuitive low skilled labour can move more fluidly through different industries and supported by a study of American labor markets which found monopsony effects were limited to professional sports teaching and nursing fields where skill sets limit moving to comparably paid other industries 12 However monopsony power might also be due to circumstances affecting entry of workers on the supply side like in the referenced case above directly reducing the elasticity of labour supply to firms Paramount among these are industry accreditation or licensing fees regulatory constraints training or education requirements and the institutional factors that limit labour mobility between firms including job protection legislation An alternative that has been suggested as a source of monopsony power is worker preferences over job characteristics 18 19 Such job characteristics can include distance from work type of work location the social environment at work etc If different workers have different preferences employers could have local monopsony power over workers that strongly prefer working for them Empirical evidence of monopsony power has been relatively limited In line with the considerations discussed above but perhaps counter to common intuition there is no observable monopsony power in low skilled labour markets in the US 12 Though there has been at least one study finding monopsony power in Indonesia due to barriers to entry in developing countries 20 Several studies expanding their view for monopsony power have found economic and labor mobility in the US precludes any detectable monopsony effects 21 with the notable exceptions of professional sports 12 and with some disagreement 22 nursing 23 24 Both of these industries have highly specialized labor conditions and are generally not substitutable According to a 2020 review of the existing literature on monopsony in labor markets there is some evidence of monopsony power in higher income industries due to contractual limitations non competes for example though the author notes that the large majority of economists do not ascribe notable monopsony effects to labor markets 25 See also EditBilateral monopoly Canadian Wheat Board a formerly general now limited monopsony in agriculture Captive supply Market forms Single payer health care Single deskReferences Edit a b Robinson Joan 1969 The Economics of Imperfect Competition doi 10 1007 978 1 349 15320 6 ISBN 978 0 333 10289 3 a b c d e Ashenfelter Orley Farber Henry Ransom Michael 2010 Labor Market Monopsony Journal of Labor Economics 28 2 203 210 doi 10 1086 653654 ISSN 0734 306X JSTOR 10 1086 653654 S2CID 154920182 Ransom Michael Sims David 2010 Estimating the Firm s Labor Supply Curve in a New Monopsony Framework Schoolteachers in Missouri Journal of Labor Economics 28 2 331 355 doi 10 1086 649904 ISSN 0734 306X JSTOR 10 1086 649904 S2CID 19545337 via JSTOR a b Thornton Rupert J 2004 Retrospectives How Joan Robinson and B L Hallward Named Monopsony Journal of Economic Perspectives 18 2 257 261 doi 10 1257 0895330041371240 a b c d Manning Alan 2003 Monopsony in Motion Imperfect Competition in Labor Markets Princeston University Press Princeton University Press doi 10 2307 j ctt5hhpvk ISBN 978 0 691 12328 8 JSTOR j ctt5hhpvk a b Blair Roger D Harrison Jeffrey L 2010 09 06 Monopsony in Law and Economics Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 139 49097 9 Flatau Paul 2001 01 01 Some Reflections on the Pigou Robinson Theory of Exploitation History of Economics Review 33 1 1 16 doi 10 1080 10370196 2001 11733346 ISSN 1037 0196 S2CID 55190294 a b Minimum Wage Effects in the Post welfare Reform Era PDF 2007 Archived PDF from the original on 2018 05 06 Stigler George J 1946 The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation The American Economic Review 36 3 358 365 ISSN 0002 8282 JSTOR 1801842 The Minimum Wage and Monopsony The Library of Economics and Liberty 2015 Archived from the original on 2018 02 13 The Minimum Wage and Monopsony The Library of Economics and Liberty 2013 Archived from the original on 2018 02 13 a b c d Monopsony in American Labor Markets 2017 Archived from the original on 2018 03 19 Is There Monopsony in the Labor Market Evidence from a Natural Experiment PDF 2010 Archived PDF from the original on 2017 08 09 a b Archived copy PDF Archived PDF from the original on 2014 02 03 Retrieved 2014 02 01 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link http dataspace princeton edu jspui bitstream 88435 dsp01nk322d34x 1 540 pdf bare URL PDF Ransom Michael R Lambson Val Eugene 2011 Monopsony mobility and sex differences in pay Missouri school teachers Econbiz de The American economic review Nashville Tenn American Economic Assoc ISSN 0002 8282 ZDB ID 203590 x Vol 101 2011 3 p 454 459 101 3 Archived from the original on 2014 02 03 Green Francis Machin Stephen Manning Alan 1996 The Employer Size Wage Effect Can Dynamic Monopsony Provide an Explanation Oxford Economic Papers 48 3 433 455 doi 10 1093 oxfordjournals oep a028577 ISSN 0030 7653 JSTOR 2663717 Bhaskar V To Ted 2001 Minimum Wages for Ronald McDonald Monopsonies a Theory of Monopsonistic Competition The Economic Journal 109 455 190 203 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 195 6646 doi 10 1111 1468 0297 00427 Bhaskar V Manning Alan To Ted 2002 Oligopsony and Monopsonistic Competition in Labor Markets PDF Journal of Economic 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Edward J 2005 Classic or New Monopsony Searching for Evidence in Nursing Labor Markets Health Care Administration Faculty Research 24 5 969 989 doi 10 1016 j jhealeco 2005 03 006 PMID 16005089 Archived from the original on 2015 09 10 Manning Alan 2020 06 01 Monopsony in Labor Markets A Review PDF ILR Review 74 3 26 doi 10 1177 0019793920922499 ISSN 0019 7939 S2CID 213995471 Further reading EditAtkinson S E Kerkvliet J 1989 Dual Measures of Monopoly and Monopsony Power An Application to Regulated Electric Utilities The Review of Economics and Statistics 71 2 250 257 doi 10 2307 1926970 JSTOR 1926970 Bhaskar V To T 1999 Minimum Wages for Ronald McDonald Monopsonies A Theory of Monopsonistic Competition The Economic Journal 109 455 190 203 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 195 6646 doi 10 1111 1468 0297 00427 Bhaskar V Manning A To T 2002 Oligopsony and Monopsonistic Competition in Labor Markets Journal of Economic Perspectives 16 2 155 174 doi 10 1257 0895330027300 Boal W M 1995 Testing for Employer Monopsony in Turn of the Century Coal Mining The RAND Journal of Economics 26 3 519 36 doi 10 2307 2556001 JSTOR 2556001 S2CID 153960375 Boal W M Ransom M R 1997 Monopsony in the Labor Market Journal of Economic Literature 35 1 86 112 Just R E Chern W S 1980 Tomatoes Technology and Oligopsony The Bell Journal of Economics 11 2 584 602 doi 10 2307 3003381 JSTOR 3003381 OSTI 5651801 Lynn Barry C July 2006 Breaking the Chain The antitrust case against Wal Mart Harper s Magazine Murray B C 1995 Measuring Oligopsony Power with Shadow Prices U S Markets for Pulpwood and Sawlogs The Review of Economics and Statistics 77 3 486 98 doi 10 2307 2109909 JSTOR 2109909 Robinson J 1933 The Economics of Imperfect Competition London Macmillan Rodriguez C A 1975 Trade in Technological Knowledge and the National Advantage The Journal of Political Economy 83 1 121 36 doi 10 1086 260309 S2CID 155075199 Schroeter J R 1988 Estimating the Degree of Market Power in the Beef Packing Industry The Review of Economics and Statistics 70 1 158 62 doi 10 2307 1928165 JSTOR 1928165 Suresh Naidu and Eric A Posner 2021 Labor Monopsony and the Limits of the Law Journal of Human ResourcesExternal links Edit Look up monopsony in Wiktionary the free dictionary Monopsony in American Labor Markets Archived from the original on 2006 01 13 Retrieved 2005 12 12 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Monopsony amp oldid 1124158925, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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