

A household consists of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling. It may be of a single family or another type of person group.[1] The household is the basic unit of analysis in many social, microeconomic and government models, and is important to economics and inheritance.[2]

Familienidylle by Aimé Pez, 1839

Household models include families, blended families, shared housing, group homes, boarding houses, houses of multiple occupancy (UK), and single room occupancy (US). In feudal societies, the royal household and medieval households of the wealthy included servants and other retainers.

Government definitions

For statistical purposes in the United Kingdom, a household is defined as "one person or a group of people who have the accommodation as their only or main residence and for a group, either share at least one meal a day or share the living accommodation, that is, a living room or sitting room".[3] The introduction of legislation to control houses of multiple occupations in the UK Housing Act (2004)[4] required a tighter definition of a single household. People can be considered a household if they are related: full- or half-blood, foster, step-parent/child, in-laws (and equivalent for unmarried couples), a married couple or unmarried but "living as ..." (same- or different-sex couples).[5]

The United States Census definition also hinges on "separate living quarters": "those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building."[6] According to the U.S. census, a householder is the "person (or one of the people) in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented (maintained)"; if no person qualifies, any adult resident of a housing unit is considered a householder. The U.S. government formerly used "head of the household" and "head of the family", but those terms were replaced with "householder" in 1980.[7] In the census definition of a household, it

... includes all the persons who occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied (or if vacant, is intended for occupancy) as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building and which have direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall. The occupants may be a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements. (People not living in households are classified as living in group quarters.)[8]

On July 15, 1998, Statistics Canada said: "A household is generally defined as being composed of a person or group of persons who co-reside in, or occupy, a dwelling."[9]

Economic definition

Although a one-income-stream economic theory simplifies modeling, it does not necessarily reflect reality. Many, if not most, households have several income-earning members. Most economic models do not equate households and traditional families, and there is not always a one-to-one relationship between households and families.

Social definitions

In social work, a household is defined similarly: a residential group in which housework is divided and performed by householders. Care may be delivered by one householder to another, depending upon their respective needs, abilities, and (perhaps) disabilities. Household composition may affect life and health expectations and outcomes for its members.[10][11] Eligibility for community services and welfare benefits may depend upon household composition.[12]

In sociology, household work strategy (a term coined by Ray Pahl in his 1984 book, Divisions of Labour)[13][14] is the division of labour among members of a household. Household work strategies vary over the life cycle as household members age, or with the economic environment; they may be imposed by one person, or be decided collectively.[15]

Feminism examines how gender roles affect the division of labour in households. In The Second Shift and The Time Bind, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild presents evidence that in two-career couples men and women spend about equal amounts of time working; however, women spend more time on housework.[16][17] Cathy Young (another feminist writer) says that in some cases, women may prevent the equal participation of men in housework and parenting.[18]


Household models in the English-speaking world include traditional and blended families, shared housing, and group homes for people with support needs. Other models which may meet definitions of a household include boarding houses, houses in multiple occupation (UK), and single room occupancy (US).


In feudal or aristocratic societies, a household may include servants or retainers who derive their income from the household's principal income.

Housing statistics

Dwellings with bathrooms[19]
Country 1960 1970 1980
Belgium 23.6% 49.1% 73.9%
Denmark 39.4% 73.1% 85.4%
France 28.0% 48.9% 85.2%
Germany 51.9% 71.5% 92.3%
Greece 10.4% - 69.3%
Ireland 33.0% 55.3% 82.0%
Italy 10.7% 64.5% 86.4%
Luxembourg 45.7% 69.4% 86.2%
Netherlands 30.3% 75.5% 95.9%
Portugal 18.6% - 58%
Spain 24.0% 77.8% 85.3%
United Kingdom 78.3% 90.9% 98.0%
Indoor WC, bath/shower and hot running water (1988)[20]
Country Indoor WC Bath/shower Hot running water
Belgium 94% 92% 87%
Denmark 97% 94% N/A
France 94% 93% 95%
Germany 99% 97% 98%
Greece 85% 85% 84%
Ireland 94% 92% 91%
Italy 99% 95% 93%
Luxembourg 99% 97% 97%
Netherlands N/A 99% 100%
Portugal 80% N/A N/A
Spain 97% 96% N/A
UK 99% 100% N/A
1981–82 censuses[19]
Country Bath/shower Indoor WC Central heating
Belgium 73.9% 79.0% -
Denmark 85.1% 95.8% 54.6%
France 85.2% 85.4% 67.6%
Germany 92.3% 96.0% 70.0%
Greece 69.3% 70.9% -
Ireland 82.0% 84.5% 39.2%
Italy 86.4% 87.7% 56.5%
Luxembourg 86.2% 97.3% 73.9%
Netherlands 95.9% - 66.1%
Portugal 58.0% 58.7% -
Spain 85.3% - 22.5%
United Kingdom 98.0% 97.3% -
Average usable floor space, 1976[21]
Country Area
Austria 86 m2 (930 sq ft)
Belgium 97 m2 (1,040 sq ft)
Bulgaria 63 m2 (680 sq ft)
Canada 89 m2 (960 sq ft)
Czechoslovakia 69 m2 (740 sq ft)
Denmark 122 m2 (1,310 sq ft)
Finland 71 m2 (760 sq ft)
France 82 m2 (880 sq ft)
East Germany 60 m2 (650 sq ft)
West Germany 95 m2 (1,020 sq ft)
Greece 80 m2 (860 sq ft)
Hungary 65 m2 (700 sq ft)
Ireland 88 m2 (950 sq ft)
Luxembourg 107 m2 (1,150 sq ft)
Netherlands 71 m2 (760 sq ft)
Norway 89 m2 (960 sq ft)
Poland 58 m2 (620 sq ft)
Portugal 104 m2 (1,120 sq ft)
Romania 54 m2 (580 sq ft)
Soviet Union 49 m2 (530 sq ft)
Spain 82 m2 (880 sq ft)
Sweden 109 m2 (1,170 sq ft)
Switzerland 98 m2 (1,050 sq ft)
United Kingdom 70 m2 (750 sq ft)
United States 120 m2 (1,300 sq ft)
Yugoslavia 65 m2 (700 sq ft)
Average usable floor space, 1994[22]
Country Area
Austria 85.3 m2 (918 sq ft)
Belgium 86.3 m2 (929 sq ft)
Denmark 107 m2 (1,150 sq ft)
Finland 74.8 m2 (805 sq ft)
France 85.4 m2 (919 sq ft)
East Germany 64.4 m2 (693 sq ft)
West Germany 86.7 m2 (933 sq ft)
Greece 79.6 m2 (857 sq ft)
Ireland 88 m2 (950 sq ft)
Italy 92.3 m2 (994 sq ft)
Luxembourg 107 m2 (1,150 sq ft)
Netherlands 98.6 m2 (1,061 sq ft)
Spain 86.6 m2 (932 sq ft)
Sweden 92 m2 (990 sq ft)
United Kingdom 79.7 m2 (858 sq ft)
Floor space, 1992–1993[23]
Country Year Area
Australia 1993 191 m2 (2,060 sq ft)
United States 1992 153.2 m2 (1,649 sq ft)
South Korea 1993 119.3 m2 (1,284 sq ft)
United Kingdom 1992 95 m2 (1,020 sq ft)
Germany 1993 90.8 m2 (977 sq ft)
Japan 1993 88.6 m2 (954 sq ft)
Households without an indoor WC, 1980[24]
Country %
Belgium 19%
France 17%
West Germany 7%
Greece 29%
Ireland 22%
Italy 11%
Japan 54%
Norway 17%
Portugal 43%
Spain 12%
United Kingdom 6%
Households without a bath or shower
Country %
Belgium 24%
France 17%
West Germany 11%
Italy 11%
Japan 17%
Norway 18%
Spain 39%
United Kingdom 4%
Households with an indoor WC[25]
Country 1960–61 1970–71 1978–79
Britain 87% 88% 95%
Germany 64% 85% 92.5%
Households with a bath or shower[25]
Country 1960–61 1970–71 1978–79
Britain 72% 91% 94.3%
Germany 51% 82% 89.1%
Principal residences in France lacking amenities:[21]
Year Running water WC Bath or shower Central heating
1962 21.6% 59.5% 71.1% 80.7%
1968 9.2% 45.2% 52.5% 65.1%
1975 2.8% 26.2% 29.8% 46.9%
1978 1.3% 20.9% 22.9% 39.7%
Households with central heating[citation needed]
Country 1970 1978
Great Britain 34% 53%
Germany 44% 64%
US dwellings with bathroom amenities, 1970[26]
Amenity %
Bath/shower 95%
Flush toilet 96%
East German amenities[21]
Amenity 1961 1971 1979
Running water 66% 82.2% 89%
WC 33% 41.8% 50%
Bath/shower 22.4% 38.7% 50%
Central heating 2.5% 10.6% 22%
Amenities in European dwellings, 1970–71[27]
Country Running water WC Bath/shower
Austria 84.2% 69.8% 52.9%
Belgium 88.0% 50.4% 47.8%
Czechoslovakia 75.3% 49.0% 58.6%
Denmark 98.7% 90.3% 76.5%
Finland 72.0% 61.4% -
Greece 64.9% 41.2% 35.6%
Hungary 36.1% 27.2% 31.7%
Ireland 78.2% 69.2% 55.4%
Italy 86.1% 79.0% 64.5%
Netherlands - 80.8% 81.4%
Norway 97.5% 69.0% 66.1%
Portugal 47.8% 33.7% 32.6%
Spain 70.9% 70.9% 46.4%
Sweden 97.4% 90.1% 78.3%
Switzerland - 93.3% 80.9%
United Kingdom - 86.3% 90.7%
Yugoslavia 33.6% 26.2% 24.6%
British households lacking amenities[28]
Year Bath Indoor/outdoor WC Hot running water Indoor WC
1951 37.6% 7.7% - -[contradictory]
1961 22.4% 6.5% 21.8% -[contradictory]
1966 15.4% 1.7% 12.5% 18.3%
1971 9.1% 1.1% 6.5% 11.5%
British households sharing amenities[28]
Year Bath Indoor/outdoor WC Hot running water Indoor WC
1951 7.5% 14.9% - -[contradictory]
1961 4.4% 6.7% 1.8% -
1966 4.1% 6.4% 2.0% 4.4%
1971 3.2% 4.1% 1.9% 3.1%
Households with durable goods, 1964–1971[29]
Country Year Washing machine Refrigerator Television Telephone
Northern Ireland 1971 45.4% 40.1% 87.5% 27.0%
Scotland 1971 65.0% 53.2% 92.1% 36.1%
United Kingdom 1964 53.0% 34.0% 80.0% 2.2%
United Kingdom 1971 64.3% 68.8% 91.4% 37.8%
United States 1965 87.4% 99.5% 97.1% 85.0%
United States 1970 92.1% 99.85 98.7% 92.0%
EEC manual workers with durable goods, 1963–1964[29]
Country Washing machine Refrigerator Television Telephone
Belgium 74.7% 24.9% 47.6% 8.2%
France 39.6% 47.0% 34.4% 1.4%
West Germany 66.2% 62.1% 51.3% 1.8%
Italy 13.6% 50.2% 47.9% 20.0%
Luxembourg 82.3% 64.7% 27.9% 23.0%
Netherlands 80.4% 25.5% 58.0% 9.4%
EEC white-collar workers with durable goods, 1963–1964[29]
Country Washing machine Refrigerator Television Telephone
Belgium 68.5% 57.3% 48.3% 40.0%
France 48.2% 71.3% 43.3% 15.2%
West Germany 62.2% 79.1% 51.8% 19.6%
Italy 38.3% 81.9% 79.3% 57.9%
Luxembourg 82.3% 79.2% 25.2% 67.3%
Netherlands 73.9% 51.6% 56.2% 57.4%
Dwellings with amenities, 1960–71[29]
Country Year Running water Indoor running water Toilet Flush toilet Bath/shower
Austria 1961 100.0% 63.6% - - 29.6%
1970 - 85.3% 69.7% - 54.5%
Belgium 1961 76.9% - 99.9% 47.6% 24.3%
Bulgaria 1965 28.5% 28.2% 100.0% 11.8% 8.7%
Canada 1961 89.1% - - 85.2% 80.3%
1967 - 95.2% 93.5% 92.5% 89.8%
1971 - - - 95.4% 93.4%
Czechoslovakia 1961 60.5% 49.1% - 39.5% 33.3%
Denmark 1960 - 92.9% 100.0% 83.6% 48.3%
1965 96.7% 96.7% 100.0% 90.9% 63.4%
England and Wales 1961 - 98.7% 93.4% - 78.7%
1966 - - - 98.2% 85.1%
Finland 1960 47.1% 47.1% - 35.4% 14.6%
France 1962 - 77.5% 43.1% 39.3% 28.0%
1968 92.8% 91.5% 56.2% 53.2% 48.9%
East Germany 1961 - 65.7% 33.7% - 22.1%
West Germany 1965 - 98.2% - 83.3% 64.3%
1968 99.0% - - 86.5% 66.8%
Hungary 1960 - - 100.0% 22.5% -
1963 32.5% 25.9% - - 18.5%
1970 58.6% 36.4% 100.0% 32.7% 32.2%
Ireland 1961 57.2% 51.0% 64.9% 53.5% 33.2%
Italy 1961 71.6% 62.3% 89.5% - 28.9%
Luxembourg 1960 98.8% - 100.0% 81.6% 45.7%
Netherlands 1956 89.6% - 99.9% 67.5% 26.8%
New Zealand 1960 - 90.0% - - -
1961 99.6% 87.8% - 88.5% -
1966 99.7% 90.3% - 94.0% 98.1%
Norway 1960 94.0% 92.8% 100.0% 57.9% 45.2%
Poland 1960 39.1% 29.9% 26.9% 18.9% 13.9%
1966 - 46.8% - 33.3% -
Romania 1966 48.4% 12.3% 100.0% 12.2% 9.6%
Scotland 1961 - 94.0% - 92.8% 69.9%
1966 - - - 95.7% 77.4%
Sweden 1960 - 90.0% - 76.2% 61.0%
1965 95.2% 94.3% 99.7% 85.3% 72.9%
Switzerland 1960 - 96.1% 99.7% - 68.8%
United States 1960 94.0% 92.9% - 89.7% 88.1%
Yugoslavia (urban) 1961 - 42.4% 34.5% - 22.5%
European households with at least one car, 1978[30]
Country %
Belgium 69.9%
Denmark 57.0%
France 66.9%
West Germany 62.6%
Ireland 65.1%
Italy 69.1%
Netherlands 67.2%
United Kingdom 54.4%
Housing tenure, 1980–1990[31]
Country Year Public rental Private rental Owner-occupied
Australia 1988 5% 25% 70%
Belgium 1986 6% 30% 62%
Denmark 1990 21% 21% 58%
France 1990 17% 30% 53%
Germany 1990 25% 38% 37%
Ireland 1990 14% 9% 78%
Italy 1990 5% 24% 64%
Netherlands 1988 43% 13% 44%
Spain 1989 1% 11% 88%
United Kingdom 1990 27% 7% 66%
United States 1980 2% 32% 66%
EEC households with a garden, 1963–64[32]
Country %
Belgium 58%
France 47%
Italy 17%
Netherlands 21%
Germany 45%
Luxembourg 81%
Households with durable goods, 1962[33]
Country Television Vacuum cleaner Washing machine Refrigerator Car
France 25% 32% 31% 37% 33%
Great Britain 78% 71% 43% 22% 30%
United States 87% 75% 95% 98% 75%

Housing conditions


A 1961–62 National Housing Institute survey estimated that 13.8 percent of Belgian dwellings were unfit and incapable of improvement. A further 19.5 percent were unfit but had the potential to be improved, and 54 percent were considered suitable (without alteration or improvement) for modern living standards. Seventy-four percent of dwellings lacked a shower or bath, 19 percent had inadequate sewage disposal, and 3.6 percent lacked a drinking-water supply; 36.8 percent had an indoor water closet.[34] According to a 1964 study, 13 percent of Belgium's housing consisted of slums.[35] In 1974 an estimated 17% of the Belgian population lived in a detached house, while 23% lived in an attached house, 56% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 1% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 37% without a fixed bath or shower and 7% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 28% of the Austrian population lived in a detached house, while 5% lived in an attached house, 64% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 10% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 34% without a fixed bath or shower and 8% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 27% of the Irish population lived in a detached house, while 55% lived in an attached house, 11% in an apartment or flat, and 8% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 21% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 2% without electric lighting, 20% without a fixed bath or shower and 14% without piped water.[37]


In 1973 an estimated 65% of the Japanese population lived in a detached house, while 12% lived in an attached house, and 23% in an apartment or flat.[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 65% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 3% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 18% of the Dutch population lived in a detached house, while 40% lived in an attached house, 36% in an apartment or flat, and 6% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 1% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 2% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 18% of the Italian population lived in a detached house, while 9% lived in an attached house, 65% in an apartment or flat, and 8% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 4% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 2% without electric lighting, 27% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 45% of the Norwegian population lived in a detached house, while 7% lived in an attached house, 46% in an apartment or flat, and 2% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 13% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 25% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 36% of the Swedish population lived in a detached house, while 8% lived in an attached house, and 56% in an apartment or flat.[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 2% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 2% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 50% of the Danish population lived in a detached house, while 11% lived in an attached house, 31% in an apartment or flat, and 8% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 1% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 10% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 33% of the Swiss population lived in a detached house, while 5% lived in an attached house, and 62% in an apartment or flat.[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 3% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 15% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


In 1974 an estimated 12% of the Spanish population lived in a detached house, while 23% lived in an attached house, 61% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1970/75 an estimated 29% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 4% without electric lighting, 54% without a fixed bath or shower and 32% without piped water.[37]

West Germany

In 1974 an estimated 22% of the West German population lived in a detached house, while 5% lived in an attached house, 69% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 4% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 6% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]


Between 1954 and 1973, the percentage of French homes with a shower or bath increased from 10 to 65 percent. During that period, the percentage of homes without flush toilets fell from 73 to 30 percent; homes without running water fell from 42 to 3.4 percent. A 1948 law permitted gradual, long-term rent increases for existing flats on the condition that part of the money was spent on repairs. According to John Ardagh, the law, "vigorously applied, was partly successful in its twofold aim: to encourage both repairs and new building."[38] In 1974 an estimated 17% of the French population lived in a detached house, while 2% lived in an attached house, 78% in an apartment or flat, and 3% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 20% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 34% without a fixed bath or shower and 3% without piped water.[37]

United Kingdom

After World War II, a large percentage of British housing was single-family housing. Seventy-eight percent of housing in 1961 consisted of single-family homes, compared to 56 percent in the Netherlands, 49 percent in West Germany and 32 percent in France.[39] In England and Wales in 1964, 6.6 percent of housing units had two or fewer rooms; 5.8 percent had seven or more rooms, 15.2 percent had six rooms, 35.1 percent had five rooms, 26.3 percent had four rooms, and 11.1 percent had three rooms. These figures included kitchens when they were used for eating meals. Fifty percent of 1964 housing had three bedrooms; 1.9 percent had five or more bedrooms, 6.2 percent had four bedrooms, 10.5 percent had one bedroom or none, and 31.3 percent had two bedrooms. A 1960 social survey estimated that 0.6 percent of households in England and Wales exceeded the statutory overcrowding standard; the 1964 percentage was 0.5 percent. In 1964, 6.9 of all households exceeded one person per room. The 1960 figure was 11 percent, with 1.75 percent having two or more bedrooms below the standard and 9.25 percent having one bedroom below the standard. This declined slightly by 1964 to 9.4 percent of households below the standard, with 8.1 percent having one bedroom below the standard and 1.3 percent having two bedrooms or more below the standard. According to local authorities in 1965, five percent of the housing stock in England and Wales was unfit for habitation.[40] In 1974 an estimated 23% of the population of the UK lived in a detached house, while 50% lived in an attached house, 23% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[41] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 1% of all houses were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 3% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]

U.S. and Canada

Housing conditions improved in Canada and the U.S. after World War II. In the U.S., 35.4 percent of all 1950 dwellings did not have complete plumbing facilities; the figure fell to 16.8 percent in 1960 and 8.4 percent in 1968. In Canada from 1951 to 1971, the percentage of dwellings with a bath or shower increased from 60.8 to 93.4 percent; the percentage of dwellings with hot and cold running water increased from 56.9 to 93.5 percent.[29] In the United States from 1950 to 1974, the percentage of housing without full plumbing fell from 34 to three percent; during that period, the percentage of housing stock considered dilapidated fell from nine percent to less than four.[42] In 1976, an estimated 64% of the population of the U.S.A. lived in a detached house, while 4% lived in an attached house, 28% in an apartment or flat, and 4% in other types of homes (trailers, mobile homes, etc.).[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975 an estimated 2% of all houses in the U.S.A. were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 3% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37] In 1977 an estimated 59% of the population of Canada lived in a detached house, while 8% lived in an attached house, and 33% in an apartment or flat.[36] In terms of amenities, in 1975/77 an estimated 3% of all houses in Canada were without a flush toilet, 1% without electric lighting, 2% without a fixed bath or shower and 1% without piped water.[37]

See also


  1. ^ Haviland, William A. (2003). Anthropology. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. ISBN 978-0-534-61020-3.
  2. ^ O'Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Prentice-Hall. p. 29. ISBN 978-0-13-063085-8. from the original on 2016-12-20.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  3. ^ (PDF). Statistics.gov.uk\access-date=2015-05-17. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-06-26.
  4. ^ "UK Housing Act 2004" (PDF). See section 258 on p. 201.
  5. ^ "Single Household: brief summary of HA 2004 definition". Flat Justice: Helping Tenants to Get Rent Back.
  6. ^ . Quickfacts.census.gov. 2015-03-24. Archived from the original on 2015-04-27. Retrieved 2015-05-17.
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  14. ^ Pahl, Ray (1984). Divisions of labour. Oxford New York: Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-13274-5.
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  16. ^ Russell Hochschild, Arlie; Machung, Anne (2003). The second shift: working families and the revolution at home Painting hyderabad 9640395262 7396356333. New York: Penguin Books. ISBN 9780142002926
  17. ^ Russell Hochschild, Arlie (2001). The time bind: when work becomes home and home becomes work. New York: Henry Holt & Co. ISBN 9780805066432
  18. ^ Young, Cathy (12 June 2000). "The Mama Lion at the Gate". Salon. from the original on 11 February 2012. Retrieved 2008-07-08.
  19. ^ a b "A social portrait of Europe – Population and social conditions – EU Bookshop". bookshop.europa.eu. 1992-02-18. Retrieved 2014-09-25.
  20. ^ . Coe.int. Archived from the original on 2012-05-08. Retrieved 2012-03-24.
  21. ^ a b c Wynn, Martin, ed. (1984). Housing in Europe. Croom Helm. ISBN 978-0-312-39351-9.[page needed]
  22. ^ European Commission; Oxley, Michael; Smith, Jacqueline (1996). Housing Policy and Rented Housing in Europe. E & F Spon. p. 77. ISBN 978-0-419-20720-7.
  23. ^ Ōmae, Ken'ichi (1995). The End of the Nation State: The Rise of Regional Economies. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-02-923341-2.[page needed]
  24. ^ Simon, Julian (1996). The State of Humanity. Wiley. p. 244. ISBN 978-1-55786-585-4.
  25. ^ a b Couch, Chris (1985). Housing Conditions in Britain and Germany. Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. ISBN 978-0-905492-42-1.[page needed]
  26. ^ Lansley, Stewart (1979). Housing and Public Policy. Croom Helm. ISBN 978-0-7099-0052-8.
  27. ^ Howenstine, Emanuel Jay (1985). Housing Vouchers: A Comparative International Analysis. Transaction Publishers. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-4128-5049-0.
  28. ^ a b Stafford, D. C. (1978). The Economics of Housing Policy. Croom Helm. ISBN 978-0-85664-159-6.[page needed]
  29. ^ a b c d e Karn, Valerie Ann (1973). Housing standards and costs: a comparison of British standards and costs with those in the U.S.A., Canada, and Europe. University of Birmingham. ISBN 978-0-7044-0053-5.[page needed]
  30. ^ Dawson, John (2014). Commercial Distribution in Europe. Routledge. p. 62. ISBN 978-1-317-59886-2.
  31. ^ Hill, Michael James (1996). Social Policy: A Comparative Analysis. Prentice-Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf. ISBN 978-0-13-353905-9.[page needed]
  32. ^ Sampson, Anthony (1971). The new Europeans: a guide to the workings, institutions and character of contemporary Western Europe. Panther. ISBN 9780586034347.[page needed]
  33. ^ Logemann, J. (2012-07-16). The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective: Business, Regulation, and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan US. p. 194. ISBN 978-1-137-06207-9.
  34. ^ Watson, Christopher John (1971). Social housing policy in Belgium. University of Birmingham. ISBN 9780901490162.[page needed]
  35. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). (PDF) from the original on 2016-10-29. Retrieved 2016-10-29.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  36. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o The Book of Numbers, compiled by the Editors of Heron House, 1978, P.136-137
  37. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p The Book of Numbers, compiled by the Editors of Heron House, 1978, P.148-149
  38. ^ Ardagh, John (1979). The New France: A Society in Transition, 1945–1977. Penguin.[page needed]
  39. ^ Kertzer, David I.; Barbagli, Marzio (2003). Family Life in the Twentieth Century. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-09494-7.
  40. ^ Holman, Robert (1970). Socially deprived families in Britain. Bedford Square P. of the National Council of Social Service. ISBN 0-7199-0795-0. OCLC 103175.[page needed]
  41. ^ The Book of Numbers, compiled by the Editors of Heron House , 1978, P.136-137
  42. ^ Brown, Clair (1994). American Standards of Living: 1918–1988. Wiley. p. 298. ISBN 978-1-55786-371-3.


  • The Economist Book Of Vital World Statistics: A Complete Guide To The World In Figures (introduction by Claus Moser). The Economist Books, fourth reprint, paperback edition, October 1992. Contains a section, "Consumer Durables", with estimates of household ownership of a wide range of consumer durables in OECD and East European countries.

External links

  • "Percentage of households living in a dwelling with central heating" (PDF). European System of Social Indicators (EUSI): Contains information on housing conditions in Europe from 1980 onwards{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • The European Union Encyclopedia and Directory 1999. Psychology Press. 1999. ISBN 978-1-85743-056-1: Contains historical statistics on housing in Europe{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Housing Finance Markets in Transition Economies Trends and Challenges. OECD Publishing. 2005. ISBN 978-92-64-01017-8: Contains statistics on housing in various developing and developed countries{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • World tables, 1976, from the data files of the World Bank (PDF). Baltimore: Published for the World Bank by Johns Hopkins University Press. 1976. ISBN 0-8018-1886-9. OCLC 2425366.
  • Alber, Jens; Fahey, Tony; Saraceno, Chiara (2008). Handbook of Quality of Life in the Enlarged European Union. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-42467-7: Contains information on housing conditions in various countries{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Altman, Jon C.; Nieuwenhuysen, John (1979). The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-29490-4: Contains historical statistics on housing conditions in Australia{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Berekoven, Ludwig (2013). Internationale Verbrauchsangleichung: Eine Analyse europäischer Länder (in German). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-322-83888-9: Contains information on the percentage of homes in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, and Sweden owning certain household appliances from 1970 to 1975{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Dol, Kees; Haffner, Marietta, eds. (2010). Housing Statistics in the European Union 2010 (PDF). The Hague: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  • Flora, Peter (1986). Growth to Limits: The Western European Welfare States Since World War II. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-011131-6: Contains historical statistics on housing in Ireland{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Martinelli, Alberto; Chiesi, Antonio; Stefanizzi, Sonia (1999-03-30). Recent Social Trends in Italy, 1960–1995. McGill-Queen's Press – MQUP. ISBN 978-0-7735-6778-8.
  • Norris, Michelle; Shiels, Patrick (2004). Regular National Report on Housing Developments in European Countries (Synthesis Report) (PDF). Dublin: Stationery Office. ISBN 0-7557-1999-9. OCLC 59712896: Contains statistics on housing conditions and housing policies in various countries{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Smitka, Michael (1998). Japan's Economic Ascent: International Trade, Growth, and Postwar Reconstruction. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-8153-2709-7: Contains information on the percentage of nonfarming households in Japan earning certain consumer durable goods from 1957 to 1975{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Stafford, D. C. (1978). The Economics of Housing Policy Painting hyderabad 9640395262 7396356333. Croom Helm. ISBN 978-0-85664-159-6: Contains historical statistics on housing conditions in the United Kingdom{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Tomka, Béla (2013). A Social History of Twentieth Century Europe. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-62843-3: Contains historical statistics on housing in Europe{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Tóth, István György (2008). (PDF). European social report, 2008. Translated by Babarczy, Anna. Budapest: TÁRKI. ISBN 978-963-06-5193-6. OCLC 1088165603. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-04-17: Contains statistics on housing and material conditions in Europe{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Trotman-Dickenson, D. I. (2014). Economic Workbook and Data: A Tutorial Volume for Students. Elsevier Science. ISBN 978-1-4831-5811-2: Contains information on the percentage of households in Great Britain and the EEC owning certain durable goods in 1963{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)

household, this, article, about, economic, social, socioeconomic, grouping, author, geoffrey, american, band, band, this, article, multiple, issues, please, help, improve, discuss, these, issues, talk, page, learn, when, remove, these, template, messages, this. This article is about an economic social or socioeconomic grouping For the author see Geoffrey Household For the American band see Household band This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article needs to be updated Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information April 2022 The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with North America Europe and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject You may improve this article discuss the issue on the talk page or create a new article as appropriate April 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message Learn how and when to remove this template message A household consists of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling It may be of a single family or another type of person group 1 The household is the basic unit of analysis in many social microeconomic and government models and is important to economics and inheritance 2 Familienidylle by Aime Pez 1839 Household models include families blended families shared housing group homes boarding houses houses of multiple occupancy UK and single room occupancy US In feudal societies the royal household and medieval households of the wealthy included servants and other retainers Contents 1 Government definitions 2 Economic definition 3 Social definitions 4 Models 5 History 6 Housing statistics 7 Housing conditions 7 1 Belgium 7 2 Austria 7 3 Ireland 7 4 Japan 7 5 Netherlands 7 6 Italy 7 7 Norway 7 8 Sweden 7 9 Denmark 7 10 Switzerland 7 11 Spain 7 12 West Germany 7 13 France 7 14 United Kingdom 7 15 U S and Canada 8 See also 9 References 10 Sources 11 External linksGovernment definitions EditFor statistical purposes in the United Kingdom a household is defined as one person or a group of people who have the accommodation as their only or main residence and for a group either share at least one meal a day or share the living accommodation that is a living room or sitting room 3 The introduction of legislation to control houses of multiple occupations in the UK Housing Act 2004 4 required a tighter definition of a single household People can be considered a household if they are related full or half blood foster step parent child in laws and equivalent for unmarried couples a married couple or unmarried but living as same or different sex couples 5 The United States Census definition also hinges on separate living quarters those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building 6 According to the U S census a householder is the person or one of the people in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented maintained if no person qualifies any adult resident of a housing unit is considered a householder The U S government formerly used head of the household and head of the family but those terms were replaced with householder in 1980 7 In the census definition of a household it includes all the persons who occupy a housing unit A housing unit is a house an apartment a mobile home a group of rooms or a single room that is occupied or if vacant is intended for occupancy as separate living quarters Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building and which have direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall The occupants may be a single family one person living alone two or more families living together or any other group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements People not living in households are classified as living in group quarters 8 On July 15 1998 Statistics Canada said A household is generally defined as being composed of a person or group of persons who co reside in or occupy a dwelling 9 Economic definition EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message Although a one income stream economic theory simplifies modeling it does not necessarily reflect reality Many if not most households have several income earning members Most economic models do not equate households and traditional families and there is not always a one to one relationship between households and families Social definitions EditIn social work a household is defined similarly a residential group in which housework is divided and performed by householders Care may be delivered by one householder to another depending upon their respective needs abilities and perhaps disabilities Household composition may affect life and health expectations and outcomes for its members 10 11 Eligibility for community services and welfare benefits may depend upon household composition 12 In sociology household work strategy a term coined by Ray Pahl in his 1984 book Divisions of Labour 13 14 is the division of labour among members of a household Household work strategies vary over the life cycle as household members age or with the economic environment they may be imposed by one person or be decided collectively 15 Feminism examines how gender roles affect the division of labour in households In The Second Shift and The Time Bind sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild presents evidence that in two career couples men and women spend about equal amounts of time working however women spend more time on housework 16 17 Cathy Young another feminist writer says that in some cases women may prevent the equal participation of men in housework and parenting 18 Models EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message Household models in the English speaking world include traditional and blended families shared housing and group homes for people with support needs Other models which may meet definitions of a household include boarding houses houses in multiple occupation UK and single room occupancy US History EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message In feudal or aristocratic societies a household may include servants or retainers who derive their income from the household s principal income Housing statistics EditDwellings with bathrooms 19 Country 1960 1970 1980Belgium 23 6 49 1 73 9 Denmark 39 4 73 1 85 4 France 28 0 48 9 85 2 Germany 51 9 71 5 92 3 Greece 10 4 69 3 Ireland 33 0 55 3 82 0 Italy 10 7 64 5 86 4 Luxembourg 45 7 69 4 86 2 Netherlands 30 3 75 5 95 9 Portugal 18 6 58 Spain 24 0 77 8 85 3 United Kingdom 78 3 90 9 98 0 Indoor WC bath shower and hot running water 1988 20 Country Indoor WC Bath shower Hot running waterBelgium 94 92 87 Denmark 97 94 N AFrance 94 93 95 Germany 99 97 98 Greece 85 85 84 Ireland 94 92 91 Italy 99 95 93 Luxembourg 99 97 97 Netherlands N A 99 100 Portugal 80 N A N ASpain 97 96 N AUK 99 100 N A1981 82 censuses 19 Country Bath shower Indoor WC Central heatingBelgium 73 9 79 0 Denmark 85 1 95 8 54 6 France 85 2 85 4 67 6 Germany 92 3 96 0 70 0 Greece 69 3 70 9 Ireland 82 0 84 5 39 2 Italy 86 4 87 7 56 5 Luxembourg 86 2 97 3 73 9 Netherlands 95 9 66 1 Portugal 58 0 58 7 Spain 85 3 22 5 United Kingdom 98 0 97 3 Average usable floor space 1976 21 Country AreaAustria 86 m2 930 sq ft Belgium 97 m2 1 040 sq ft Bulgaria 63 m2 680 sq ft Canada 89 m2 960 sq ft Czechoslovakia 69 m2 740 sq ft Denmark 122 m2 1 310 sq ft Finland 71 m2 760 sq ft France 82 m2 880 sq ft East Germany 60 m2 650 sq ft West Germany 95 m2 1 020 sq ft Greece 80 m2 860 sq ft Hungary 65 m2 700 sq ft Ireland 88 m2 950 sq ft Luxembourg 107 m2 1 150 sq ft Netherlands 71 m2 760 sq ft Norway 89 m2 960 sq ft Poland 58 m2 620 sq ft Portugal 104 m2 1 120 sq ft Romania 54 m2 580 sq ft Soviet Union 49 m2 530 sq ft Spain 82 m2 880 sq ft Sweden 109 m2 1 170 sq ft Switzerland 98 m2 1 050 sq ft United Kingdom 70 m2 750 sq ft United States 120 m2 1 300 sq ft Yugoslavia 65 m2 700 sq ft Average usable floor space 1994 22 Country AreaAustria 85 3 m2 918 sq ft Belgium 86 3 m2 929 sq ft Denmark 107 m2 1 150 sq ft Finland 74 8 m2 805 sq ft France 85 4 m2 919 sq ft East Germany 64 4 m2 693 sq ft West Germany 86 7 m2 933 sq ft Greece 79 6 m2 857 sq ft Ireland 88 m2 950 sq ft Italy 92 3 m2 994 sq ft Luxembourg 107 m2 1 150 sq ft Netherlands 98 6 m2 1 061 sq ft Spain 86 6 m2 932 sq ft Sweden 92 m2 990 sq ft United Kingdom 79 7 m2 858 sq ft Floor space 1992 1993 23 Country Year AreaAustralia 1993 191 m2 2 060 sq ft United States 1992 153 2 m2 1 649 sq ft South Korea 1993 119 3 m2 1 284 sq ft United Kingdom 1992 95 m2 1 020 sq ft Germany 1993 90 8 m2 977 sq ft Japan 1993 88 6 m2 954 sq ft Households without an indoor WC 1980 24 Country Belgium 19 France 17 West Germany 7 Greece 29 Ireland 22 Italy 11 Japan 54 Norway 17 Portugal 43 Spain 12 United Kingdom 6 Households without a bath or shower Country Belgium 24 France 17 West Germany 11 Italy 11 Japan 17 Norway 18 Spain 39 United Kingdom 4 Households with an indoor WC 25 Country 1960 61 1970 71 1978 79Britain 87 88 95 Germany 64 85 92 5 Households with a bath or shower 25 Country 1960 61 1970 71 1978 79Britain 72 91 94 3 Germany 51 82 89 1 Principal residences in France lacking amenities 21 Year Running water WC Bath or shower Central heating1962 21 6 59 5 71 1 80 7 1968 9 2 45 2 52 5 65 1 1975 2 8 26 2 29 8 46 9 1978 1 3 20 9 22 9 39 7 Households with central heating citation needed Country 1970 1978Great Britain 34 53 Germany 44 64 US dwellings with bathroom amenities 1970 26 Amenity Bath shower 95 Flush toilet 96 East German amenities 21 Amenity 1961 1971 1979Running water 66 82 2 89 WC 33 41 8 50 Bath shower 22 4 38 7 50 Central heating 2 5 10 6 22 Amenities in European dwellings 1970 71 27 Country Running water WC Bath showerAustria 84 2 69 8 52 9 Belgium 88 0 50 4 47 8 Czechoslovakia 75 3 49 0 58 6 Denmark 98 7 90 3 76 5 Finland 72 0 61 4 Greece 64 9 41 2 35 6 Hungary 36 1 27 2 31 7 Ireland 78 2 69 2 55 4 Italy 86 1 79 0 64 5 Netherlands 80 8 81 4 Norway 97 5 69 0 66 1 Portugal 47 8 33 7 32 6 Spain 70 9 70 9 46 4 Sweden 97 4 90 1 78 3 Switzerland 93 3 80 9 United Kingdom 86 3 90 7 Yugoslavia 33 6 26 2 24 6 British households lacking amenities 28 Year Bath Indoor outdoor WC Hot running water Indoor WC1951 37 6 7 7 contradictory 1961 22 4 6 5 21 8 contradictory 1966 15 4 1 7 12 5 18 3 1971 9 1 1 1 6 5 11 5 British households sharing amenities 28 Year Bath Indoor outdoor WC Hot running water Indoor WC1951 7 5 14 9 contradictory 1961 4 4 6 7 1 8 1966 4 1 6 4 2 0 4 4 1971 3 2 4 1 1 9 3 1 Households with durable goods 1964 1971 29 Country Year Washing machine Refrigerator Television TelephoneNorthern Ireland 1971 45 4 40 1 87 5 27 0 Scotland 1971 65 0 53 2 92 1 36 1 United Kingdom 1964 53 0 34 0 80 0 2 2 United Kingdom 1971 64 3 68 8 91 4 37 8 United States 1965 87 4 99 5 97 1 85 0 United States 1970 92 1 99 85 98 7 92 0 EEC manual workers with durable goods 1963 1964 29 Country Washing machine Refrigerator Television TelephoneBelgium 74 7 24 9 47 6 8 2 France 39 6 47 0 34 4 1 4 West Germany 66 2 62 1 51 3 1 8 Italy 13 6 50 2 47 9 20 0 Luxembourg 82 3 64 7 27 9 23 0 Netherlands 80 4 25 5 58 0 9 4 EEC white collar workers with durable goods 1963 1964 29 Country Washing machine Refrigerator Television TelephoneBelgium 68 5 57 3 48 3 40 0 France 48 2 71 3 43 3 15 2 West Germany 62 2 79 1 51 8 19 6 Italy 38 3 81 9 79 3 57 9 Luxembourg 82 3 79 2 25 2 67 3 Netherlands 73 9 51 6 56 2 57 4 Dwellings with amenities 1960 71 29 Country Year Running water Indoor running water Toilet Flush toilet Bath showerAustria 1961 100 0 63 6 29 6 1970 85 3 69 7 54 5 Belgium 1961 76 9 99 9 47 6 24 3 Bulgaria 1965 28 5 28 2 100 0 11 8 8 7 Canada 1961 89 1 85 2 80 3 1967 95 2 93 5 92 5 89 8 1971 95 4 93 4 Czechoslovakia 1961 60 5 49 1 39 5 33 3 Denmark 1960 92 9 100 0 83 6 48 3 1965 96 7 96 7 100 0 90 9 63 4 England and Wales 1961 98 7 93 4 78 7 1966 98 2 85 1 Finland 1960 47 1 47 1 35 4 14 6 France 1962 77 5 43 1 39 3 28 0 1968 92 8 91 5 56 2 53 2 48 9 East Germany 1961 65 7 33 7 22 1 West Germany 1965 98 2 83 3 64 3 1968 99 0 86 5 66 8 Hungary 1960 100 0 22 5 1963 32 5 25 9 18 5 1970 58 6 36 4 100 0 32 7 32 2 Ireland 1961 57 2 51 0 64 9 53 5 33 2 Italy 1961 71 6 62 3 89 5 28 9 Luxembourg 1960 98 8 100 0 81 6 45 7 Netherlands 1956 89 6 99 9 67 5 26 8 New Zealand 1960 90 0 1961 99 6 87 8 88 5 1966 99 7 90 3 94 0 98 1 Norway 1960 94 0 92 8 100 0 57 9 45 2 Poland 1960 39 1 29 9 26 9 18 9 13 9 1966 46 8 33 3 Romania 1966 48 4 12 3 100 0 12 2 9 6 Scotland 1961 94 0 92 8 69 9 1966 95 7 77 4 Sweden 1960 90 0 76 2 61 0 1965 95 2 94 3 99 7 85 3 72 9 Switzerland 1960 96 1 99 7 68 8 United States 1960 94 0 92 9 89 7 88 1 Yugoslavia urban 1961 42 4 34 5 22 5 European households with at least one car 1978 30 Country Belgium 69 9 Denmark 57 0 France 66 9 West Germany 62 6 Ireland 65 1 Italy 69 1 Netherlands 67 2 United Kingdom 54 4 Housing tenure 1980 1990 31 Country Year Public rental Private rental Owner occupiedAustralia 1988 5 25 70 Belgium 1986 6 30 62 Denmark 1990 21 21 58 France 1990 17 30 53 Germany 1990 25 38 37 Ireland 1990 14 9 78 Italy 1990 5 24 64 Netherlands 1988 43 13 44 Spain 1989 1 11 88 United Kingdom 1990 27 7 66 United States 1980 2 32 66 EEC households with a garden 1963 64 32 Country Belgium 58 France 47 Italy 17 Netherlands 21 Germany 45 Luxembourg 81 Households with durable goods 1962 33 Country Television Vacuum cleaner Washing machine Refrigerator CarFrance 25 32 31 37 33 Great Britain 78 71 43 22 30 United States 87 75 95 98 75 Housing conditions EditBelgium Edit A 1961 62 National Housing Institute survey estimated that 13 8 percent of Belgian dwellings were unfit and incapable of improvement A further 19 5 percent were unfit but had the potential to be improved and 54 percent were considered suitable without alteration or improvement for modern living standards Seventy four percent of dwellings lacked a shower or bath 19 percent had inadequate sewage disposal and 3 6 percent lacked a drinking water supply 36 8 percent had an indoor water closet 34 According to a 1964 study 13 percent of Belgium s housing consisted of slums 35 In 1974 an estimated 17 of the Belgian population lived in a detached house while 23 lived in an attached house 56 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 1 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 37 without a fixed bath or shower and 7 without piped water 37 Austria Edit In 1974 an estimated 28 of the Austrian population lived in a detached house while 5 lived in an attached house 64 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 10 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 34 without a fixed bath or shower and 8 without piped water 37 Ireland Edit In 1974 an estimated 27 of the Irish population lived in a detached house while 55 lived in an attached house 11 in an apartment or flat and 8 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 21 of all houses were without a flush toilet 2 without electric lighting 20 without a fixed bath or shower and 14 without piped water 37 Japan Edit In 1973 an estimated 65 of the Japanese population lived in a detached house while 12 lived in an attached house and 23 in an apartment or flat 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 65 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 3 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Netherlands Edit In 1974 an estimated 18 of the Dutch population lived in a detached house while 40 lived in an attached house 36 in an apartment or flat and 6 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 1 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 2 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Italy Edit In 1974 an estimated 18 of the Italian population lived in a detached house while 9 lived in an attached house 65 in an apartment or flat and 8 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 4 of all houses were without a flush toilet 2 without electric lighting 27 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Norway Edit In 1974 an estimated 45 of the Norwegian population lived in a detached house while 7 lived in an attached house 46 in an apartment or flat and 2 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 13 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 25 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Sweden Edit In 1974 an estimated 36 of the Swedish population lived in a detached house while 8 lived in an attached house and 56 in an apartment or flat 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 2 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 2 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Denmark Edit In 1974 an estimated 50 of the Danish population lived in a detached house while 11 lived in an attached house 31 in an apartment or flat and 8 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 1 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 10 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Switzerland Edit In 1974 an estimated 33 of the Swiss population lived in a detached house while 5 lived in an attached house and 62 in an apartment or flat 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 3 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 15 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 Spain Edit In 1974 an estimated 12 of the Spanish population lived in a detached house while 23 lived in an attached house 61 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1970 75 an estimated 29 of all houses were without a flush toilet 4 without electric lighting 54 without a fixed bath or shower and 32 without piped water 37 West Germany Edit In 1974 an estimated 22 of the West German population lived in a detached house while 5 lived in an attached house 69 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 4 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 6 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 France Edit Between 1954 and 1973 the percentage of French homes with a shower or bath increased from 10 to 65 percent During that period the percentage of homes without flush toilets fell from 73 to 30 percent homes without running water fell from 42 to 3 4 percent A 1948 law permitted gradual long term rent increases for existing flats on the condition that part of the money was spent on repairs According to John Ardagh the law vigorously applied was partly successful in its twofold aim to encourage both repairs and new building 38 In 1974 an estimated 17 of the French population lived in a detached house while 2 lived in an attached house 78 in an apartment or flat and 3 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 20 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 34 without a fixed bath or shower and 3 without piped water 37 United Kingdom Edit After World War II a large percentage of British housing was single family housing Seventy eight percent of housing in 1961 consisted of single family homes compared to 56 percent in the Netherlands 49 percent in West Germany and 32 percent in France 39 In England and Wales in 1964 6 6 percent of housing units had two or fewer rooms 5 8 percent had seven or more rooms 15 2 percent had six rooms 35 1 percent had five rooms 26 3 percent had four rooms and 11 1 percent had three rooms These figures included kitchens when they were used for eating meals Fifty percent of 1964 housing had three bedrooms 1 9 percent had five or more bedrooms 6 2 percent had four bedrooms 10 5 percent had one bedroom or none and 31 3 percent had two bedrooms A 1960 social survey estimated that 0 6 percent of households in England and Wales exceeded the statutory overcrowding standard the 1964 percentage was 0 5 percent In 1964 6 9 of all households exceeded one person per room The 1960 figure was 11 percent with 1 75 percent having two or more bedrooms below the standard and 9 25 percent having one bedroom below the standard This declined slightly by 1964 to 9 4 percent of households below the standard with 8 1 percent having one bedroom below the standard and 1 3 percent having two bedrooms or more below the standard According to local authorities in 1965 five percent of the housing stock in England and Wales was unfit for habitation 40 In 1974 an estimated 23 of the population of the UK lived in a detached house while 50 lived in an attached house 23 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 41 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 1 of all houses were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 3 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 U S and Canada Edit Housing conditions improved in Canada and the U S after World War II In the U S 35 4 percent of all 1950 dwellings did not have complete plumbing facilities the figure fell to 16 8 percent in 1960 and 8 4 percent in 1968 In Canada from 1951 to 1971 the percentage of dwellings with a bath or shower increased from 60 8 to 93 4 percent the percentage of dwellings with hot and cold running water increased from 56 9 to 93 5 percent 29 In the United States from 1950 to 1974 the percentage of housing without full plumbing fell from 34 to three percent during that period the percentage of housing stock considered dilapidated fell from nine percent to less than four 42 In 1976 an estimated 64 of the population of the U S A lived in a detached house while 4 lived in an attached house 28 in an apartment or flat and 4 in other types of homes trailers mobile homes etc 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 an estimated 2 of all houses in the U S A were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 3 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 In 1977 an estimated 59 of the population of Canada lived in a detached house while 8 lived in an attached house and 33 in an apartment or flat 36 In terms of amenities in 1975 77 an estimated 3 of all houses in Canada were without a flush toilet 1 without electric lighting 2 without a fixed bath or shower and 1 without piped water 37 See also EditDwelling Oikos List of countries by number of households Household economics Household final consumption expenditure Household income in the United States Household production Family Intra household bargaining Roommate Group home Hoju South Korea Home Homemaker Medieval household Royal Household Portals Business and economics Housing SocietyReferences Edit Haviland William A 2003 Anthropology Wadsworth Thomson Learning ISBN 978 0 534 61020 3 O Sullivan Arthur Steven M Sheffrin 2003 Economics Principles in action Upper Saddle River New Jersey 07458 Prentice Hall p 29 ISBN 978 0 13 063085 8 Archived from the original on 2016 12 20 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location link National Statistics PDF Statistics gov uk access date 2015 05 17 Archived from the original PDF on 2008 06 26 UK Housing Act 2004 PDF See section 258 on p 201 Single Household brief summary of HA 2004 definition Flat Justice Helping Tenants to Get Rent Back Households Quickfacts census gov 2015 03 24 Archived from the original on 2015 04 27 Retrieved 2015 05 17 U S Census Current Population Survey Definitions and Explanations Census gov Archived from the original on 2012 03 22 Retrieved 2012 03 24 Households Persons Per Household and Households with Individuals Under 18 Years 2000 Census gov 2011 05 29 Archived from the original on 2011 05 29 Retrieved 2019 08 28 Statistical unit Household Statcan gc ca 2012 02 23 Archived from the original on 2011 07 14 Retrieved 2012 03 24 Muriuki Andrew Mburu 2007 The role of household environment on health outcomes for female adolescents in Kenya University of Missouri Columbia OCLC 183405613 Pdf Archived 2017 01 02 at the Wayback Machine Dhungel Basundhara 14 May 2001 A study of Nepalese families paid and unpaid work after migration to Australia University of Sydney OCLC 271516251 Pdf Archived 2013 05 12 at the Wayback Machine Pierson John Thomas Martin 2002 Collins dictionary of social work Glasgow UK HarperCollins ISBN 978 0 00 714396 2 Tributes paid to Professor Ray Pahl University of Essex 8 June 2011 Archived from the original on 7 January 2016 Pahl Ray 1984 Divisions of labour Oxford New York Blackwell ISBN 978 0 631 13274 5 household work strategy Dictionary definition of household work strategy Encyclopedia com FREE online dictionary encyclopedia com Archived from the original on 2011 09 11 Retrieved 2012 03 24 Russell Hochschild Arlie Machung Anne 2003 The second shift working families and the revolution at home Painting hyderabad 9640395262 7396356333 New York Penguin Books ISBN 9780142002926 Russell Hochschild Arlie 2001 The time bind when work becomes home and home becomes work New York Henry Holt amp Co ISBN 9780805066432 Young Cathy 12 June 2000 The Mama Lion at the Gate Salon Archived from the original on 11 February 2012 Retrieved 2008 07 08 a b A social portrait of Europe Population and social conditions EU Bookshop bookshop europa eu 1992 02 18 Retrieved 2014 09 25 Report on Housing Coe int Archived from the original on 2012 05 08 Retrieved 2012 03 24 a b c Wynn Martin ed 1984 Housing in Europe Croom Helm ISBN 978 0 312 39351 9 page needed European Commission Oxley Michael Smith Jacqueline 1996 Housing Policy and Rented Housing in Europe E amp F Spon p 77 ISBN 978 0 419 20720 7 Ōmae Ken ichi 1995 The End of the Nation State The Rise of Regional Economies Simon and Schuster ISBN 978 0 02 923341 2 page needed Simon Julian 1996 The State of Humanity Wiley p 244 ISBN 978 1 55786 585 4 a b Couch Chris 1985 Housing Conditions in Britain and Germany Anglo German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society ISBN 978 0 905492 42 1 page needed Lansley Stewart 1979 Housing and Public Policy Croom Helm ISBN 978 0 7099 0052 8 Howenstine Emanuel Jay 1985 Housing Vouchers A Comparative International Analysis Transaction Publishers p 46 ISBN 978 1 4128 5049 0 a b Stafford D C 1978 The Economics of Housing Policy Croom Helm ISBN 978 0 85664 159 6 page needed a b c d e Karn Valerie Ann 1973 Housing standards and costs a comparison of British standards and costs with those in the U S A Canada and Europe University of Birmingham ISBN 978 0 7044 0053 5 page needed Dawson John 2014 Commercial Distribution in Europe Routledge p 62 ISBN 978 1 317 59886 2 Hill Michael James 1996 Social Policy A Comparative Analysis Prentice Hall Harvester Wheatsheaf ISBN 978 0 13 353905 9 page needed Sampson Anthony 1971 The new Europeans a guide to the workings institutions and character of contemporary Western Europe Panther ISBN 9780586034347 page needed Logemann J 2012 07 16 The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective Business Regulation and Culture Palgrave Macmillan US p 194 ISBN 978 1 137 06207 9 Watson Christopher John 1971 Social housing policy in Belgium University of Birmingham ISBN 9780901490162 page needed Archived copy PDF Archived PDF from the original on 2016 10 29 Retrieved 2016 10 29 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o The Book of Numbers compiled by the Editors of Heron House 1978 P 136 137 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p The Book of Numbers compiled by the Editors of Heron House 1978 P 148 149 Ardagh John 1979 The New France A Society in Transition 1945 1977 Penguin page needed Kertzer David I Barbagli Marzio 2003 Family Life in the Twentieth Century Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 09494 7 Holman Robert 1970 Socially deprived families in Britain Bedford Square P of the National Council of Social Service ISBN 0 7199 0795 0 OCLC 103175 page needed The Book of Numbers compiled by the Editors of Heron House 1978 P 136 137 Brown Clair 1994 American Standards of Living 1918 1988 Wiley p 298 ISBN 978 1 55786 371 3 Sources EditThe Economist Book Of Vital World Statistics A Complete Guide To The World In Figures introduction by Claus Moser The Economist Books fourth reprint paperback edition October 1992 Contains a section Consumer Durables with estimates of household ownership of a wide range of consumer durables in OECD and East European countries External links Edit Look up household in Wiktionary the free dictionary Wikimedia Commons has media related to Household Percentage of households living in a dwelling with central heating PDF European System of Social Indicators EUSI Contains information on housing conditions in Europe from 1980 onwards a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint postscript link The European Union Encyclopedia and Directory 1999 Psychology Press 1999 ISBN 978 1 85743 056 1 Contains historical statistics on housing in Europe a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Housing Finance Markets in Transition Economies Trends and Challenges OECD Publishing 2005 ISBN 978 92 64 01017 8 Contains statistics on housing in various developing and developed countries a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link World tables 1976 from the data files of the World Bank PDF Baltimore Published for the World Bank by Johns Hopkins University Press 1976 ISBN 0 8018 1886 9 OCLC 2425366 Alber Jens Fahey Tony Saraceno Chiara 2008 Handbook of Quality of Life in the Enlarged European Union Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 42467 7 Contains information on housing conditions in various countries a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Altman Jon C Nieuwenhuysen John 1979 The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 29490 4 Contains historical statistics on housing conditions in Australia a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Berekoven Ludwig 2013 Internationale Verbrauchsangleichung Eine Analyse europaischer Lander in German Springer Verlag ISBN 978 3 322 83888 9 Contains information on the percentage of homes in Austria Belgium France Germany Holland Italy Switzerland and Sweden owning certain household appliances from 1970 to 1975 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Dol Kees Haffner Marietta eds 2010 Housing Statistics in the European Union 2010 PDF The Hague Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Flora Peter 1986 Growth to Limits The Western European Welfare States Since World War II Walter de Gruyter ISBN 978 3 11 011131 6 Contains historical statistics on housing in Ireland a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Martinelli Alberto Chiesi Antonio Stefanizzi Sonia 1999 03 30 Recent Social Trends in Italy 1960 1995 McGill Queen s Press MQUP ISBN 978 0 7735 6778 8 Norris Michelle Shiels Patrick 2004 Regular National Report on Housing Developments in European Countries Synthesis Report PDF Dublin Stationery Office ISBN 0 7557 1999 9 OCLC 59712896 Contains statistics on housing conditions and housing policies in various countries a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Smitka Michael 1998 Japan s Economic Ascent International Trade Growth and Postwar Reconstruction Taylor amp Francis ISBN 978 0 8153 2709 7 Contains information on the percentage of nonfarming households in Japan earning certain consumer durable goods from 1957 to 1975 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Stafford D C 1978 The Economics of Housing Policy Painting hyderabad 9640395262 7396356333 Croom Helm ISBN 978 0 85664 159 6 Contains historical statistics on housing conditions in the United Kingdom a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Tomka Bela 2013 A Social History of Twentieth Century Europe Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 62843 3 Contains historical statistics on housing in Europe a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Toth Istvan Gyorgy 2008 4 Housing and Material Conditions PDF European social report 2008 Translated by Babarczy Anna Budapest TARKI ISBN 978 963 06 5193 6 OCLC 1088165603 Archived from the original PDF on 2018 04 17 Contains statistics on housing and material conditions in Europe a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Trotman Dickenson D I 2014 Economic Workbook and Data A Tutorial Volume for Students Elsevier Science ISBN 978 1 4831 5811 2 Contains information on the percentage of households in Great Britain and the EEC owning certain durable goods in 1963 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint postscript link Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Household amp oldid 1128496167, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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