
First Party System

The First Party System was the political party system in the United States between roughly 1792 and 1824.[1] It featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican Party, formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, usually called at the time the Republican Party (which is distinct from the modern Republican Party).

First Party System

17921824 Second →

United States vice presidential election (1792) and presidential election (1796–1816) results. Green shaded states usually voted for the Democratic-Republican Party, while brown shaded states usually voted for the Federalist Party or Federalist affiliated candidates.

The Federalists were dominant until 1800, while the Republicans were dominant after 1800. Both parties originated in national politics, but soon expanded their efforts to gain supporters and voters in every state. The Federalists appealed to the business community and the Republicans to the planters and farmers. By 1796, politics in every state was nearly monopolized by the two parties, with party newspapers and caucuses becoming effective tools to mobilize voters.

The Federalists promoted the financial system of Treasury Secretary Hamilton, which emphasized federal assumption of state debts, a tariff to pay off those debts, a national bank to facilitate financing, and encouragement of banking and manufacturing. The Republicans, based in the plantation South, opposed strong executive power, were hostile to a standing army and navy, demanded a strict reading of the Constitutional powers of the federal government, and strongly opposed the Hamilton financial program. Perhaps even more important was foreign policy, where the Federalists favored Britain because of its political stability and its close ties to American trade, while the Republicans admired France and the French Revolution. Jefferson was especially fearful that British aristocratic influences would undermine republicanism. Britain and France were at war from 1793 to 1815, with only one brief interruption. Official American policy was neutrality, with the Federalists hostile to France, and the Republicans hostile to Britain. The Jay Treaty of 1794 marked the decisive mobilization of the two parties and their supporters in every state. President George Washington, while officially nonpartisan, generally supported the Federalists and that party made Washington their iconic hero.[2]

The First Party System ended during the Era of Good Feelings (1816–1824), as the Federalists shrank to a few isolated strongholds and the Democratic-Republicans lost unity. In 1824–28, as the Second Party System emerged, the Democratic-Republican Party split into the Jacksonian faction, which became the modern Democratic Party in the 1830s, and the Henry Clay faction, which was absorbed by Clay's Whig Party.

Federalists versus Anti-Federalists in 1787–88 edit

Leading nationalists, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin (see Annapolis Convention), called the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It drew up a new constitution that was submitted to state ratification conventions for approval, with the old Congress of the Confederation also approving the process. James Madison was the most prominent figure in the Constitutional Convention; he is often referred to as "the father of the Constitution".[3]

An intense debate on ratification pitted the "Federalists" (who supported the Constitution, and were led by Madison and Hamilton) against the "Anti-Federalists", (who opposed the new Constitution). The Federalists won and the Constitution was ratified. The Anti-Federalists were deeply concerned about the theoretical danger of a strong central government (like that of Britain) that someday could usurp the rights of the states.[4] The framers of the Constitution did not want or expect political parties to emerge because they considered them divisive.[5]

The term "Federalist Party" originated around 1792–1793 and refers to a somewhat different coalition of supporters of the Constitution in 1787–1788 as well as entirely new elements, and even a few former opponents of the Constitution (such as Patrick Henry). Madison largely wrote the Constitution and was thus a Federalist in 1787–1788, but he opposed the program of the Hamiltonians and their new "Federalist Party".[4]

Washington administration (1789–1797) edit

At first, there were no parties in the nation. Factions soon formed around dominant personalities such as Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State, who opposed Hamilton's broad vision of a powerful federal government. Jefferson especially objected to Hamilton's flexible view of the Constitution, which stretched to include a national bank. Jefferson was joined by Madison in opposing the Washington administration, leading the "Anti-Administration party". Washington was re-elected without opposition in 1792.

Hamilton built a national network of supporters that emerged about 1792–93 as the Federalist Party. In response, Jefferson and James Madison built a network of supporters in Congress and in the states that emerged in 1792–93 as the Democratic-Republican Party. The elections of 1792 were the first contested on anything resembling a partisan basis. In most states, the congressional elections were recognized in some sense, as Jefferson strategist John Beckley put it, as a "struggle between the Treasury department and the republican interest". In New York, the race for governor was organized along these lines. The candidates were John Jay, who was a Hamiltonian, and incumbent George Clinton, who was allied with Jefferson and the Republicans.[6]

In 1793, the first Democratic-Republican Societies were formed. They supported the French Revolution, which had just seen the execution of King Louis XVI, and generally supported the Jeffersonian cause. The word "democrat" was proposed by Citizen Genêt for the societies, and the Federalists ridiculed Jefferson's friends as "democrats". After Washington denounced the societies as unrepublican, they mostly faded away.

In 1793, war broke out between England, France, and their European allies. The Jeffersonians favored France and pointed to the 1778 treaty that was still in effect. Washington and his unanimous cabinet (including Jefferson) decided the treaty did not bind the U.S. to enter the war; instead Washington proclaimed neutrality.

When war threatened with Britain in 1794, Washington sent John Jay to negotiate the Jay Treaty with Britain; it was signed in late 1794, and ratified in 1795. It averted a possible war and settled many (but not all) of the outstanding issues between the U.S. and Britain.[7] The Jeffersonians vehemently denounced the treaty, saying it threatened to undermine republicanism by giving the aristocratic British and their Federalist allies too much influence.[8] The fierce debates over the Jay Treaty in 1794–96, according to William Nisbet Chambers, nationalized politics and turned a faction in Congress into a nationwide party. To fight the treaty the Jeffersonians "established coordination in activity between leaders at the capital, and leaders, actives and popular followings in the states, counties and towns".[9]

In 1796 Jefferson challenged John Adams for the presidency and lost. The Electoral College made the decision, and it was largely chosen by the state legislatures, many of which were not chosen on a national party basis.

Newspapers as party weapons edit

By 1796, both parties had a national network of newspapers, which attacked each other vehemently. The Federalist and Republican newspapers of the 1790s traded vicious barbs against their enemies.[10] An example is this acrostic from a Republican paper, where the first letter of each line spells the name of Federalist leader Alexander Hamilton:[11]

A SK—who lies here beneath this monument?
L o—'tis a self created MONSTER, who
E mbraced all vice. His arrogance was like
X erxes, who flogg'd the disobedient sea,
A dultery his smallest crime; when he
N obility affected. This privilege
D ecreed by Monarchs, was to that annext.
E nticing and entic'd to ev'ry fraud,
R enounced virtue, liberty and God.

H aunted by whores—he haunted them in turn
A ristocratic was this noble Goat
M onster of monsters, in pollution skill'd
I mmers'd in mischief, brothels, funds & banks
L ewd slave to lust,—afforded consolation;
T o mourning whores, and tory-lamentation.
O utdid all fools, tainted with royal name;
N one but fools, their wickedness proclaim.

The most heated rhetoric came in debates over the French Revolution, especially during the Reign of Terror of 1793–94, which saw huge numbers of executions of the revolutionary government's political opponents. Nationalism was a high priority, and the editors fostered an intellectual nationalism typified by the Federalist effort to stimulate a national literary culture through their clubs and publications in New York and Philadelphia, and through Federalist Noah Webster's efforts to simplify and Americanize the language.[12]

Federalist poster about 1800. Washington (in heaven) tells partisans to keep the pillars of Federalism, Republicanism and Democracy.

Party strength in Congress edit

Historians have used statistical techniques to estimate the party breakdown in Congress. Many Congressmen were hard to classify in the first few years, but after 1796 there was less uncertainty. The first parties were anti-federalist and federalist.

Federalist and Democratic-Republican strength in Congress by election year[13]
House 1788 1790 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 1802 1804 1806
Federalist 37 39 51 47 57 60 38 39 25 24
Democratic-Republican 28 30 54 59 49 46 65 103 116 118
Democratic-Republican 43% 43% 51% 56% 46% 43% 63% 73% 82% 83%
Senate 1788 1790 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 1802 1804 1806
Federalist 18 16 16 21 22 22 15 9 7 6
Democratic-Republican 8 13 14 11 10 10 17 25 27 28
Democratic-Republican 31% 45% 47% 34% 31% 31% 53% 74% 79% 82%

Inventing campaign techniques edit

Given the power of the Federalists, the Democratic Republicans had to work harder to win. In Connecticut in 1806 the state leadership sent town leaders instructions for the forthcoming elections; every town manager was told by state leaders "to appoint a district manager in each district or section of his town, obtaining from each an assurance that he will faithfully do his duty". Then the town manager was instructed to compile lists and total up the number of taxpayers, the number of eligible voters, how many were "decided democratic republicans", "decided federalists", or "doubtful", and finally to count the number of supporters who were not currently eligible to vote but who might qualify (by age or taxes) at the next election. The returns eventually went to the state manager, who issued directions to laggard towns to get all the eligibles to town meetings, help the young men qualify to vote, to nominate a full ticket for local elections, and to print and distribute the party ticket. (The secret ballot did not appear for a century.)[14] This highly coordinated "get-out-the-vote" drive would be familiar to modern political campaigners, but was the first of its kind in world history.

The Jeffersonians invented many campaign techniques that the Federalists later adopted and that became standard American practice. They were especially effective at building a network of newspapers in major cities to broadcast their statements and editorialize in their favor. But the Federalists, with a strong base among merchants, controlled more newspapers: in 1796 the Federalist papers outnumbered the Democratic Republicans by 4 to 1. Every year more papers began publishing; in 1800 the Federalists still had a 2 to 1 numerical advantage. Most papers, on each side, were weeklies with a circulation of 300 to 1000.[15] Jefferson systematically subsidized the editors. Fisher Ames, a leading Federalist, who used the term "Jacobin" to link Jefferson's followers to the terrorists of the French Revolution, blamed the newspapers for electing Jefferson, seeing them as "an overmatch for any Government ... The Jacobins owe their triumph to the unceasing use of this engine; not so much to skill in use of it as by repetition."[16] Historians echo Ames' assessment. As one explains,

It was the good fortune of the Republicans to have within their ranks a number of highly gifted political manipulators and propagandists. Some of them had the ability ... to not only see and analyze the problem at hand but to present it in a succinct fashion; in short, to fabricate the apt phrase, to coin the compelling slogan and appeal to the electorate on any given issue in language it could understand.[citation needed]

Outstanding phrasemakers included editor William Duane, party leaders Albert Gallatin and Thomas Cooper, and Jefferson himself.[17] Meanwhile, John J. Beckley of Pennsylvania, an ardent partisan, invented new campaign techniques (such as mass distribution of pamphlets and of handwritten ballots) that generated the grass-roots support and unprecedented levels of voter turnout for the Jeffersonians.

War threats with Britain and France edit

With the world thrown into global warfare after 1793, the small nation on the fringe of the European system could barely remain neutral. The Jeffersonians called for strong measures against Britain, and even for another war. The Federalists tried to avert war by the Jay Treaty (1795) with England. The treaty became highly controversial when the Jeffersonians denounced it as a sell-out to Britain, even as the Federalists said it avoided war, reduced the Indian threat, created good trade relations with the world's foremost economic power, and ended lingering disputes from the Revolutionary War. When Jefferson came to power in 1801 he honored the treaty, but new disputes with Britain led to the War of 1812.[18]

In 1798 disputes with France led to the Quasi-War (1798–1800), an undeclared naval war involving the navies and merchant ships of both countries. Democratic-Republicans said France really wanted peace, but the XYZ Affair undercut their position. Warning that full-scale war with France was imminent, Hamilton and his "High Federalist" allies forced the issue by getting Congressional approval to raise a large new army (which Hamilton controlled), replete with officers' commissions (which he bestowed on his partisans). The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) clamped down on dissenters, including pro-Jefferson editors, and Vermont Congressman Matthew Lyon, who won re-election while in jail in 1798. In the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1798), secretly drafted by Madison and Jefferson, the legislatures of the two states challenged the power of the federal government.[19]

National debt edit

Jefferson and Albert Gallatin focused on the danger that the public debt, unless it was paid off, would be a threat to republican values. They were appalled that Hamilton was increasing the national debt and using it to solidify his Federalist base. Gallatin was the Republican Party's chief expert on fiscal issues and as Treasury Secretary under Jefferson and Madison worked hard to lower taxes and lower the debt, while at the same time paying cash for the Louisiana Purchase and funding the War of 1812. Burrows says of Gallatin:

His own fears of personal dependency and his small-shopkeeper's sense of integrity, both reinforced by a strain of radical republican thought that originated in England a century earlier, convinced him that public debts were a nursery of multiple public evils—corruption, legislative impotence, executive tyranny, social inequality, financial speculation, and personal indolence. Not only was it necessary to extinguish the existing debt as rapidly as possible, he argued, but Congress would have to ensure against the accumulation of future debts by more diligently supervising government expenditures.[20]

Andrew Jackson saw the national debt as a "national curse" and he took special pride in paying off the entire national debt in 1835.[21]

Jefferson and the revolution of 1800 edit

In an analysis of the contemporary party system, Jefferson wrote on February 12, 1798:

Two political Sects have arisen within the U. S. the one believing that the executive is the branch of our government which the most needs support; the other that like the analogous branch in the English Government, it is already too strong for the republican parts of the Constitution; and therefore in equivocal cases they incline to the legislative powers: the former of these are called federalists, sometimes aristocrats or monocrats, and sometimes Tories, after the corresponding sect in the English Government of exactly the same definition: the latter are styled republicans, Whigs, jacobins, anarchists, dis-organizers, etc. these terms are in familiar use with most persons.[22]

Madison worked diligently to form party lines inside the Congress and build coalitions with sympathetic political factions in each state. In 1800, a critical election galvanized the electorate, sweeping the Federalists out of power, and electing Jefferson and his Democratic-Republican Party. Adams made a few last minute, "midnight appointments", notably Federalist John Marshall as Chief Justice. Marshall held the post for three decades and used it to federalize the Constitution, much to Jefferson's dismay.[23]

As president, Jefferson worked to cleanse the government of Adams's "midnight appointments", withholding the commissions of 25 of 42 appointed judges and removing army officers. The sense that the nation needed two rival parties to balance each other had not been fully accepted by either party; Hamilton had viewed Jefferson's election as the failure of the Federalist experiment. The rhetoric of the day was cataclysmic — election of the opposition meant the enemy would ruin the nation. Jefferson's foreign policy was not exactly pro-Napoleon, but it applied pressure on Britain to stop impressment of American sailors and other hostile acts. By engineering an embargo of trade against Britain, Jefferson and Madison plunged the nation into economic depression, ruined much of the business of Federalist New England, and finally precipitated the War of 1812 with a much larger and more powerful foe.[24]

The Federalists vigorously criticized the government, and gained strength in the industrial Northeast. However, they committed a major blunder in 1814. That year the semi-secret "Hartford Convention" passed resolutions that verged on secession; their publication ruined the Federalist party. It had been limping along for years, with strength in New England and scattered eastern states but practically no strength in the West. While Federalists helped invent or develop numerous campaign techniques (such as the first national nominating conventions in 1808[25]), their elitist bias alienated the middle class, thus allowing the Jeffersonians to claim they represented the true spirit of "republicanism".[26]

State parties edit

Because of the importance of foreign policy (decided by the national government), of the sale of national lands, and the patronage controlled by the President, the factions in each state realigned themselves in parallel with the Federalists and Republicans. Some newspaper editors became powerful politicians, such as Thomas Ritchie, whose "Richmond Junto" controlled Virginia state politics from 1808 into the 1840s.[27]

New England was always the stronghold of the Federalist party. One historian explains how well organized it was in Connecticut:

It was only necessary to perfect the working methods of the organized body of office-holders who made up the nucleus of the party. There were the state officers, the assistants, and a large majority of the Assembly. In every county there was a sheriff with his deputies. All of the state, county, and town judges were potential and generally active workers. Every town had several justices of the peace, school directors and, in Federalist towns, all the town officers who were ready to carry on the party's work ... Militia officers, state's attorneys, lawyers, professors and schoolteachers were in the van of this "conscript army". In all, about a thousand or eleven hundred dependent officer-holders were described as the inner ring which could always be depended upon for their own and enough more votes within their control to decide an election. This was the Federalist machine.[28]

Religious tensions polarized Connecticut, as the established Congregational Church, in alliance with the Federalists, tried to maintain its grip on power. Dissenting groups moved toward the Jeffersonians. The failure of the Hartford Convention in 1814 wounded the Federalists, who were finally upended by the Democratic-Republicans in 1817.

Era of Good Feelings edit

The First Party System was primarily built around foreign policy issues that vanished with the defeat of Napoleon and the compromise settlement of the War of 1812. Furthermore, the fears that Federalists were plotting to reintroduce aristocracy dissipated. Thus an "Era of Good Feelings" under James Monroe replaced the high-tension politics of the First Party System about 1816. Personal politics and factional disputes were occasionally still hotly debated, but Americans no longer thought of themselves in terms of political parties.[29]

Historians have debated the exact ending of the system.[30] Most concluded it petered out by 1820. The little state of Delaware, largely isolated from the larger political forces controlling the nation, saw the First Party System continue well into the 1820s, with the Federalists occasionally winning some offices.

Historiography edit

Legitimacy of a party system edit

Depiction of election-day activities in Philadelphia by John Lewis Krimmel, 1815

Alexander Hamilton felt that only by mobilizing its supporters on a daily basis in every state on many issues could support for the government be sustained through thick and thin. Newspapers were needed to communicate inside the party; patronage helped the party's leaders and made new friends.[31]

Hamilton, and especially Washington, distrusted the idea of an opposition party, as shown in George Washington's Farewell Address of 1796. They thought opposition parties would only weaken the nation. By contrast Jefferson was the main force behind the creation and continuity of an opposition party.[32] He deeply felt the Federalists represented aristocratic forces hostile to true republicanism and the true will of the people, as he explained in a letter to Henry Lee in 1824:

Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depositary of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Call them, therefore, liberals and serviles, Jacobins and Ultras, whigs and tories, republicans and federalists, aristocrats and democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still and pursue the same object. The last appellation of aristocrats and democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all.

Hofstadter (1970) shows it took many years for the idea to take hold that having two parties is better than having one, or none. That transition was made possible by the successful passing of power in 1801 from one party to the other. Although Jefferson systematically identified Federalist army officers and officeholders, he was blocked from removing all of them by protests from Republicans. The Quids complained he did not go far enough.

Jefferson and Hamilton edit

Well into the 20th century Jefferson was the hero for scholars, and Hamilton the villain. [33] Jefferson's reputation has declined sharply, primarily because of his role as a major slaveowner.[34] Hamilton has risen; Princeton historian Sean Wilentz in 2010 identified a scholarly trend very much in Hamilton's favor—although Wilentz himself dissented and still admires Jefferson more:

In recent years, Hamilton and his reputation have decidedly gained the initiative among scholars who portray him as the visionary architect of the modern liberal capitalist economy and of a dynamic federal government headed by an energetic executive. Jefferson and his allies, by contrast, have come across as naïve, dreamy idealists. At best according to many historians, the Jeffersonians were reactionary utopians who resisted the onrush of capitalist modernity in hopes of turning America into a yeoman farmers' arcadia. At worst, they were proslavery racists who wish to rid the West of Indians, expand the empire of slavery, and keep political power in local hands – all the better to expand the institution of slavery and protect slaveholders' rights to own human property."[35]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Chambers, 1972
  2. ^ David Hackett Fischer, The Revolution of American Conservatism: The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy (1965) p 116
  3. ^ Morris The Forging of the Union: 1781–1789 pp 267–97.
  4. ^ a b Wood (2009)
  5. ^ Richard Hofstadter, "A Constitution against Parties" in his The Idea of a Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780–1840 (1970) ch 2
  6. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, p. 288
  7. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, 405–12
  8. ^ Elkins and McKitrick, 417–8; Goodman (1964) 71–2.
  9. ^ Chambers, Political Parties p. 80
  10. ^ Marcus Daniel, Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy (2009)
  11. ^ Independent Chronicle (Boston), 16 October 1797 quoted in Donald Henderson Stewart (1969). The Opposition Press of the Federalist Period. SUNY Press. p. 541. ISBN 9780873950428.
  12. ^ Catherine O'Donnell Kaplan, Men of Letters in the Early Republic: Cultivating Forms of Citizenship 2008)
  13. ^ Kenneth C. Martis, The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, 1789–1989 (1989); the numbers are estimates by historians.
  14. ^ Noble E. Cunningham, Jr. The Jeffersonian Republicans in Power: Party Operations 1801–1809 (1963) p 129
  15. ^ Stewart, Opposition Press, p. 622
  16. ^ Cunningham, 1957 p 167
  17. ^ Tinkcom 271
  18. ^ Miller, Federalist Era pp 165–78
  19. ^ Miller, Federalist Era pp 210–43
  20. ^ Edwin G. Burrows. "Gallatin, Albert" in American National Biography Online (2000) Accessed Dec 03 2013
  21. ^ Robert V. Remini (2008). Andrew Jackson. Macmillan. p. 180. ISBN 9780230614703.
  22. ^ letter to John Wise in Francis N. Thorpe, ed "A Letter from Jefferson on the Political Parties, 1798," American Historical Review v.3#3 (April 1898) pp 488–89
  23. ^ Miller, Federalist Era, pp. 251–77
  24. ^ Smelser, Democratic Republic
  25. ^ Samuel E. Morison, "The First National Nominating Convention, 1808," The American Historical Review, Vol. 17, No. 4 (July 1912), pp. 744–763 in JSTOR
  26. ^ Banner, To the Hartford Convention (1970); Wood (2009) pp. 216–17.
  27. ^ Norman K. Risjord, The Old Republicans: southern conservatism in the age of Jefferson (1965) P. 179; Joseph H., Harrison, Jr., "Oligarchs and Democrats: The Richmond Junto," Virginia Magazine of History & Biography; 1970 78(2): 184–198,
  28. ^ Richard J. Purcell, Connecticut in Transition: 1775–1818 1963. p. 190.
  29. ^ Richard P. McCormick, The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era (1966) ch 1
  30. ^ Skeen (1993), p. 77
  31. ^ Jeffrey L. Pasley. "The Tyranny of Printers": Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic (2003)
  32. ^ Wood (2009) ch. 4
  33. ^ Image of Jefferson
  34. ^ Francis D. Cogliano, Thomas Jefferson: Reputation and Legacy (2006) pp 4-14.
  35. ^ Sean Wilentz, "Book Reviews," Journal of American History Sept, 2010 v. 97# 2 p 476

Further reading edit

General edit

  • Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology (1978) online
  • Ben-Atar, Doron and Barbara B. Oberg, eds. Federalists Reconsidered (1999), topical essays by scholars
  • Beard, Charles A. The Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy (1915) online
  • Bowling, Kenneth R. and Donald R. Kennon, eds. Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1789–1801. (2000)
  • Brooke, John L. "The Early Republic, 1789–1815." in The Oxford Handbook of American Political History (Oxford University Press, USA, 2020). 45-61.
  • Brown, Roger H. The Republic in Peril: 1812 (1964), stresses intense hostility between partisans online
  • Brown, Stuart Gerry. The First Republicans: Political Philosophy and Public Policy in the Party of Jefferson and Madison (Syracuse UP, 1954) online
  • Buel, Richard. Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815 (1972)
  • Chambers, William Nisbet, ed. The First Party System (1972) online
  • Chambers, William Nisbet. Political Parties in a New Nation: The American Experience, 1776–1809 (1963), political science perspective online
  • Charles, Joseph. The Origins of the American Party System (1956), reprints articles in William and Mary Quarterly
  • Collier, Christopher. Building a new nation : the Federalist era, 1789-1803 (1999) for middle schools
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. Jeffersonian Republicans: The Formation of Party Organization: 1789–1801 (1957), highly detailed party history
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. The Jeffersonian Republicans in Power: Party Operations 1801–1809 (1963), highly detailed party history
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. The Process of Government Under Jefferson (1978)
  • Dawson, Matthew Q. Partisanship and the Birth of America's Second Party, 1796–1800: Stop the Wheels of Government. Greenwood, (2000)
  • Dinkin, Robert J. Campaigning in America: A History of Election Practices. (Greenwood 1989)
  • Dougherty, Keith L. "TRENDS: Creating Parties in Congress: The Emergence of a Social Network." Political Research Quarterly 73.4 (2020): 759-773. online
  • Elkins, Stanley and Eric McKitrick. The Age of Federalism (1995) the standard highly detailed political history of 1790s; online free to borrow
  • Ferling, John; A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic. Oxford University Press. (2003); survey
  • Finkelman, Paul, ed. Encyclopedia of the New American Nation, 1754–1829 (2005), 1600 pp.
  • Fischer, David Hackett. The Revolution of American Conservatism: The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy (1965), shows that the upper class Federalists learned too late how to appeal to voters
  • Freeman, Joanne B. "The Election of 1800: A Study in the Logic of Political Change." Yale Law Journal. Volume: 108. Issue: 8. 1999. pp : 1959–1994.
  • Goodman, Paul. "The First American Party System" in William Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham, eds. The American Party Systems: Stages of Political Development (1967), 56–89.
  • Hoadley, John F. "The Emergence of Political Parties in Congress, 1789–1803." American Political Science Review (1980) 74(3): 757–779. in JSTOR Looks at the agreement among members of Congress in their roll-call voting records. Multidimensional scaling shows the increased clustering of congressmen into two party blocs from 1789 to 1803, especially after the Jay Treaty debate; shows politics was moving away from sectionalism to organized parties.
  • Hofstadter, Richard. The Idea of a Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780–1840 (1970)
  • Kerber, Linda K. Federalists in Dissent: Imagery and ideology in Jeffersonian America (1970)
  • Lampi, Philip J. "The Federalist Party Resurgence, 1808–1816: Evidence from the New Nation Votes Database," Journal of the Early Republic (Summer 2013) 33#2 pp. 255–281 | DOI: 10.1353/jer.2013.0029
  • Libby, O. G. "Political Factions in Washington's Administration," NDQ: North Dakota Quarterly (1913) vol 3#3 pp 293–318 full text online, looks at votes of each Congressman
  • Luetscher, George D. Early Political Machinery in the United States (1903) online
  • Miller, John C. The Federalist Era: 1789–1801 (1960), survey of political history online
  • Pasley, Jeffrey L. et al. eds. Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic (2004), topical essays by scholars
  • Ratcliffe, Donald. "The Right to Vote and the Rise of Democracy, 1787–1828," Journal of the Early Republic (Summer 2013) 33#2 pp. 219–254 | DOI: 10.1353/jer.2013.0033
  • Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., ed. History of American Presidential Elections, 1789–2008 (2011) 3 vol and 11 vol editions; detailed analysis of each election, with primary documents; online v. 1. 1789–1824 – v. 2. 1824–1844 – v. 3. 1848–1868 – v. 4. 1872–1888 – v. 5. 1892–1908 – v. 6. 1912–1924 – v. 7. 1928–1940 – v. 8. 1944–1956 – v. 9. 1960–1968 – v. 10. 1972–1984 – v. 11. 1988–2001
  • Selinger, Jeffrey S. "The French Revolutionary Wars and the Ordeal of America’s First Party System." in Embracing Dissent (U of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) pp. 54-82.
  • Sharp, James Roger. American Politics in the Early Republic: The New Nation in Crisis (1993), political narrative of 1790s
  • Slez, Adam, and John Levi Martin. "Political Action and Party Formation in the United States Constitutional Convention," American Sociological Review, volume 72, Number 1, February 2007, pp. 42–67(26), says decisions in 1787 convention set up the outlines of the first party system
  • Smelser, Marshall. The Democratic Republic, 1801–1815 (1968) (ISBN 0-06-131406-4) survey of political and diplomatic history
  • Theriault, Sean M. "Party Politics during the Louisiana Purchase," Social Science History 2006 30(2):293–324; doi:10.1215/01455532-30-2-293
  • Wilentz, Sean. The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. (2005), broad-scale interpretation of political history
  • Wiltse, Charles Maurice. The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy (1935)
  • Wood, Gordon S. Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789–1815 (2009)

Biographies edit

  • Banning, Lance. The Sacred Fire of Liberty: James Madison and the Founding of the Federal Republic (1995), to 1795;
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr., "John Beckley: An Early American Party Manager," William and Mary Quarterly, 13 (January 1956), 40–52, in JSTOR
  • Cunningham, Noble E. In pursuit of reason: the life of Thomas Jefferson (1987) online
  • Malone, Dumas. Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty v 3(ISBN 0-316-54469-8); Jefferson the President: First Term 1801 – 1805 vol 4 (ISBN 0-316-54480-9); Jefferson the President: Second term, 1805–1809 vol 5 (1948–70), the standard multivolume biography
  • Miller, John C. Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox (1959), full scale biography.
  • Schachner, Nathan. Aaron Burr: A Biography (1961), full scale biography.

Newspapers and authors edit

  • Bums, Eric. Infamous Scribblers: The Founding Fathers and the Rowdy Beginnings of American Journalism (PublicAffairs, 2006).
  • Durey, Michael. With the Hammer of Truth James Thomson Callender and America’s Early National Heroes (U Press of Virginia, 1990). online
  • Hale, Matthew Rainbow. "On their tiptoes: Political time and Newspapers during the Advent of the Radicalized French Revolution, circa 1792-1793." Journal of the Early Republic 29.2 (2009): 191-218. online
  • Humphrey, Carol Sue The Press of the Young Republic, 1783–1833 (1996)
  • Jackson, Kelsie.  "Such a tornado": The life and times of James Thomson Callender, scandalmonger" (PhD dissertation, U of Houston; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2013. 3574468)
  • Laracey, Mel. "The presidential newspaper as an engine of early American political development: The case of Thomas Jefferson and the election of 1800." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 11.1 (2008): 7-46. excerpt
  • Knudson, Jerry W. Jefferson and the Press: Crucible of Liberty (2006) how 4 Republican and 4 Federalist papers covered election of 1800; Thomas Paine; Louisiana Purchase; Hamilton–Burr duel; impeachment of Chase; and the embargo
  • Marcus, Daniel. "Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy" (2009)
  • Mott, Frank Luther. Jefferson and the press (LSU Press, 1943) online
  • Mott, Frank Luther. A History of American Journalism (1962) pp 113-214 online 1950 edition
  • O'Donnell, Catherine. "Literature and Politics in the Early Republic: Views from the Bridge," Journal of the Early Republic, Summer 2010, Vol. 30#2 pp 279–292; looks at Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, and John Adams in terms of gender studies, interdisciplinary studies, American identity, and the work of Jürgen Habermas, Gordon Wood and Bernard Bailyn.
  • Pasley, Jeffrey L. 'The Tyranny of Printers': Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic (2003) online
  • Pasley, Jeffrey L. "The Two National" Gazettes": Newspapers and the Embodiment of American Political Parties." Early American Literature 35.1 (2000): 51-86. online
  • Rollins, Richard. The Long Journey of Noah Webster (1980); Webster was an important Federalist editor.
  • Stagg, Allison M. Prints of a New Kind: Political Caricature in The United States, 1789–1828 (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2023)
  • Stewart, Donald H. The Opposition Press of the Federalist Era (1968), highly detailed study of Republican newspapers

State and regional studies edit

  • Banner, James M. To the Hartford Convention: The Federalists and the Origins of Party Politics in Massachusetts, 1789–1815 (1970).
  • Bohmer, David A. "The Maryland Electorate and the Concept of a Party System in the Early National Period." in The History of American Electoral Behavior (Princeton University Press, 2015) pp. 146-173.
  • Broussard, James H. The Southern Federalists: 1800–1816 (1978)
  • Dow, Jay K. "Rethinking the First Party Era: Middle Atlantic US House Elections, 1796–1824." American Political Thought 11.4 (2022): 525-549.
  • Formisano, Ronald. The Transformation of Political Culture: Massachusetts Parties, 1790s–1840s (1983)
  • Fox, Dixon Ryan. The decline of aristocracy in the politics of New York (1919) shows the Federalists were too artistocratic to win elections online edition
  • Goodman, Paul. The Democratic-Republicans of Massachusetts: Politics in a Young Republic (1964)
  • Leonard, Gerald. The Invention of Party Politics: Federalism, Popular Sovereignty, and Constitutional Development in Jacksonian Illinois (2002)
  • McCormick, Richard P. The Second Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era (1966) deals with the collapse of the First Party System, state by state
  • Prince, Carl E. New Jersey's Jeffersonian Republicans: The Genesis of an Early Party Machine, 1789–1817 (1967)
  • Ridgway, Whitman H. "Community Leadership: Baltimore During the First and Second Party Systems." in Politics and Government (Routledge, 2020) pp. 70-84.
  • Risjord, Norman K. The Old Republicans: Southern Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson (1965)
  • Risjord; Norman K. Chesapeake Politics, 1781–1800 (1978), covers Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina[ISBN missing]
  • Robertson, Andrew W. "Reconceptualizing Jeffersonian Democracy," Journal of the Early Republic (Summer 2013) 33#2 pp 317–35; focus on historiography of turnout in states and localities.
  • Rohr, Benjamin. "Portraits of a Political World: The Structure of the First Party System in New York, 1777-1822{" (PhD dissertation, University of Chicago, 2022) online
  • Taylor, Alan. “’The Art of Hook and Snivey’: Political Culture in Upstate New York during the 1790s.” Journal of American History 1993. 79:1371–1396. online
  • Tinkcom, Harry M. The Republicans and Federalists in Pennsylvania, 1790–1801: A Study in National Stimulus and Local Response (1950)
  • Turner, Lynn Warren; The Ninth State: New Hampshire's Formative Years. (1983).
  • Young, Alfred F. The Democratic Republicans of New York: The Origins, 1763–1797 (1967)

Primary sources edit

  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. ed. The Making of the American Party System 1789 to 1809 (1965), short excerpts from primary sources
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr., ed. Circular Letters of Congressmen to Their Constituents 1789–1829 (1978), 3 vol; political reports sent by Congressmen to local newspapers

External links edit

  • American Political History Online 2015-08-01 at the Wayback Machine guide to WWW resources

first, party, system, confused, with, party, system, political, party, system, united, states, between, roughly, 1792, 1824, featured, national, parties, competing, control, presidency, congress, states, federalist, party, created, largely, alexander, hamilton. Not to be confused with One party system The First Party System was the political party system in the United States between roughly 1792 and 1824 1 It featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency Congress and the states the Federalist Party created largely by Alexander Hamilton and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic Republican Party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison usually called at the time the Republican Party which is distinct from the modern Republican Party First Party System1792 1824 Second United States vice presidential election 1792 and presidential election 1796 1816 results Green shaded states usually voted for the Democratic Republican Party while brown shaded states usually voted for the Federalist Party or Federalist affiliated candidates The Federalists were dominant until 1800 while the Republicans were dominant after 1800 Both parties originated in national politics but soon expanded their efforts to gain supporters and voters in every state The Federalists appealed to the business community and the Republicans to the planters and farmers By 1796 politics in every state was nearly monopolized by the two parties with party newspapers and caucuses becoming effective tools to mobilize voters The Federalists promoted the financial system of Treasury Secretary Hamilton which emphasized federal assumption of state debts a tariff to pay off those debts a national bank to facilitate financing and encouragement of banking and manufacturing The Republicans based in the plantation South opposed strong executive power were hostile to a standing army and navy demanded a strict reading of the Constitutional powers of the federal government and strongly opposed the Hamilton financial program Perhaps even more important was foreign policy where the Federalists favored Britain because of its political stability and its close ties to American trade while the Republicans admired France and the French Revolution Jefferson was especially fearful that British aristocratic influences would undermine republicanism Britain and France were at war from 1793 to 1815 with only one brief interruption Official American policy was neutrality with the Federalists hostile to France and the Republicans hostile to Britain The Jay Treaty of 1794 marked the decisive mobilization of the two parties and their supporters in every state President George Washington while officially nonpartisan generally supported the Federalists and that party made Washington their iconic hero 2 The First Party System ended during the Era of Good Feelings 1816 1824 as the Federalists shrank to a few isolated strongholds and the Democratic Republicans lost unity In 1824 28 as the Second Party System emerged the Democratic Republican Party split into the Jacksonian faction which became the modern Democratic Party in the 1830s and the Henry Clay faction which was absorbed by Clay s Whig Party Contents 1 Federalists versus Anti Federalists in 1787 88 2 Washington administration 1789 1797 3 Newspapers as party weapons 4 Party strength in Congress 5 Inventing campaign techniques 6 War threats with Britain and France 6 1 National debt 7 Jefferson and the revolution of 1800 8 State parties 9 Era of Good Feelings 10 Historiography 10 1 Legitimacy of a party system 10 2 Jefferson and Hamilton 11 See also 12 References 13 Further reading 13 1 General 13 2 Biographies 13 3 Newspapers and authors 13 4 State and regional studies 13 5 Primary sources 14 External linksFederalists versus Anti Federalists in 1787 88 editFurther information The Federalist Papers Leading nationalists George Washington Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin see Annapolis Convention called the Constitutional Convention in 1787 It drew up a new constitution that was submitted to state ratification conventions for approval with the old Congress of the Confederation also approving the process James Madison was the most prominent figure in the Constitutional Convention he is often referred to as the father of the Constitution 3 An intense debate on ratification pitted the Federalists who supported the Constitution and were led by Madison and Hamilton against the Anti Federalists who opposed the new Constitution The Federalists won and the Constitution was ratified The Anti Federalists were deeply concerned about the theoretical danger of a strong central government like that of Britain that someday could usurp the rights of the states 4 The framers of the Constitution did not want or expect political parties to emerge because they considered them divisive 5 The term Federalist Party originated around 1792 1793 and refers to a somewhat different coalition of supporters of the Constitution in 1787 1788 as well as entirely new elements and even a few former opponents of the Constitution such as Patrick Henry Madison largely wrote the Constitution and was thus a Federalist in 1787 1788 but he opposed the program of the Hamiltonians and their new Federalist Party 4 Washington administration 1789 1797 editFurther information Presidency of George Washington Rise of political parties At first there were no parties in the nation Factions soon formed around dominant personalities such as Alexander Hamilton the Secretary of the Treasury and Thomas Jefferson the Secretary of State who opposed Hamilton s broad vision of a powerful federal government Jefferson especially objected to Hamilton s flexible view of the Constitution which stretched to include a national bank Jefferson was joined by Madison in opposing the Washington administration leading the Anti Administration party Washington was re elected without opposition in 1792 Hamilton built a national network of supporters that emerged about 1792 93 as the Federalist Party In response Jefferson and James Madison built a network of supporters in Congress and in the states that emerged in 1792 93 as the Democratic Republican Party The elections of 1792 were the first contested on anything resembling a partisan basis In most states the congressional elections were recognized in some sense as Jefferson strategist John Beckley put it as a struggle between the Treasury department and the republican interest In New York the race for governor was organized along these lines The candidates were John Jay who was a Hamiltonian and incumbent George Clinton who was allied with Jefferson and the Republicans 6 In 1793 the first Democratic Republican Societies were formed They supported the French Revolution which had just seen the execution of King Louis XVI and generally supported the Jeffersonian cause The word democrat was proposed by Citizen Genet for the societies and the Federalists ridiculed Jefferson s friends as democrats After Washington denounced the societies as unrepublican they mostly faded away In 1793 war broke out between England France and their European allies The Jeffersonians favored France and pointed to the 1778 treaty that was still in effect Washington and his unanimous cabinet including Jefferson decided the treaty did not bind the U S to enter the war instead Washington proclaimed neutrality When war threatened with Britain in 1794 Washington sent John Jay to negotiate the Jay Treaty with Britain it was signed in late 1794 and ratified in 1795 It averted a possible war and settled many but not all of the outstanding issues between the U S and Britain 7 The Jeffersonians vehemently denounced the treaty saying it threatened to undermine republicanism by giving the aristocratic British and their Federalist allies too much influence 8 The fierce debates over the Jay Treaty in 1794 96 according to William Nisbet Chambers nationalized politics and turned a faction in Congress into a nationwide party To fight the treaty the Jeffersonians established coordination in activity between leaders at the capital and leaders actives and popular followings in the states counties and towns 9 In 1796 Jefferson challenged John Adams for the presidency and lost The Electoral College made the decision and it was largely chosen by the state legislatures many of which were not chosen on a national party basis Newspapers as party weapons editBy 1796 both parties had a national network of newspapers which attacked each other vehemently The Federalist and Republican newspapers of the 1790s traded vicious barbs against their enemies 10 An example is this acrostic from a Republican paper where the first letter of each line spells the name of Federalist leader Alexander Hamilton 11 A SK who lies here beneath this monument L o tis a self created MONSTER who E mbraced all vice His arrogance was like X erxes who flogg d the disobedient sea A dultery his smallest crime when he N obility affected This privilege D ecreed by Monarchs was to that annext E nticing and entic d to ev ry fraud R enounced virtue liberty and God H aunted by whores he haunted them in turn A ristocratic was this noble Goat M onster of monsters in pollution skill d I mmers d in mischief brothels funds amp banks L ewd slave to lust afforded consolation T o mourning whores and tory lamentation O utdid all fools tainted with royal name N one but fools their wickedness proclaim The most heated rhetoric came in debates over the French Revolution especially during the Reign of Terror of 1793 94 which saw huge numbers of executions of the revolutionary government s political opponents Nationalism was a high priority and the editors fostered an intellectual nationalism typified by the Federalist effort to stimulate a national literary culture through their clubs and publications in New York and Philadelphia and through Federalist Noah Webster s efforts to simplify and Americanize the language 12 nbsp Federalist poster about 1800 Washington in heaven tells partisans to keep the pillars of Federalism Republicanism and Democracy Party strength in Congress editHistorians have used statistical techniques to estimate the party breakdown in Congress Many Congressmen were hard to classify in the first few years but after 1796 there was less uncertainty The first parties were anti federalist and federalist Federalist and Democratic Republican strength in Congress by election year 13 House 1788 1790 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 1802 1804 1806Federalist 37 39 51 47 57 60 38 39 25 24Democratic Republican 28 30 54 59 49 46 65 103 116 118Democratic Republican 43 43 51 56 46 43 63 73 82 83 Senate 1788 1790 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 1802 1804 1806Federalist 18 16 16 21 22 22 15 9 7 6Democratic Republican 8 13 14 11 10 10 17 25 27 28Democratic Republican 31 45 47 34 31 31 53 74 79 82 Inventing campaign techniques editGiven the power of the Federalists the Democratic Republicans had to work harder to win In Connecticut in 1806 the state leadership sent town leaders instructions for the forthcoming elections every town manager was told by state leaders to appoint a district manager in each district or section of his town obtaining from each an assurance that he will faithfully do his duty Then the town manager was instructed to compile lists and total up the number of taxpayers the number of eligible voters how many were decided democratic republicans decided federalists or doubtful and finally to count the number of supporters who were not currently eligible to vote but who might qualify by age or taxes at the next election The returns eventually went to the state manager who issued directions to laggard towns to get all the eligibles to town meetings help the young men qualify to vote to nominate a full ticket for local elections and to print and distribute the party ticket The secret ballot did not appear for a century 14 This highly coordinated get out the vote drive would be familiar to modern political campaigners but was the first of its kind in world history The Jeffersonians invented many campaign techniques that the Federalists later adopted and that became standard American practice They were especially effective at building a network of newspapers in major cities to broadcast their statements and editorialize in their favor But the Federalists with a strong base among merchants controlled more newspapers in 1796 the Federalist papers outnumbered the Democratic Republicans by 4 to 1 Every year more papers began publishing in 1800 the Federalists still had a 2 to 1 numerical advantage Most papers on each side were weeklies with a circulation of 300 to 1000 15 Jefferson systematically subsidized the editors Fisher Ames a leading Federalist who used the term Jacobin to link Jefferson s followers to the terrorists of the French Revolution blamed the newspapers for electing Jefferson seeing them as an overmatch for any Government The Jacobins owe their triumph to the unceasing use of this engine not so much to skill in use of it as by repetition 16 Historians echo Ames assessment As one explains It was the good fortune of the Republicans to have within their ranks a number of highly gifted political manipulators and propagandists Some of them had the ability to not only see and analyze the problem at hand but to present it in a succinct fashion in short to fabricate the apt phrase to coin the compelling slogan and appeal to the electorate on any given issue in language it could understand citation needed Outstanding phrasemakers included editor William Duane party leaders Albert Gallatin and Thomas Cooper and Jefferson himself 17 Meanwhile John J Beckley of Pennsylvania an ardent partisan invented new campaign techniques such as mass distribution of pamphlets and of handwritten ballots that generated the grass roots support and unprecedented levels of voter turnout for the Jeffersonians War threats with Britain and France editWith the world thrown into global warfare after 1793 the small nation on the fringe of the European system could barely remain neutral The Jeffersonians called for strong measures against Britain and even for another war The Federalists tried to avert war by the Jay Treaty 1795 with England The treaty became highly controversial when the Jeffersonians denounced it as a sell out to Britain even as the Federalists said it avoided war reduced the Indian threat created good trade relations with the world s foremost economic power and ended lingering disputes from the Revolutionary War When Jefferson came to power in 1801 he honored the treaty but new disputes with Britain led to the War of 1812 18 In 1798 disputes with France led to the Quasi War 1798 1800 an undeclared naval war involving the navies and merchant ships of both countries Democratic Republicans said France really wanted peace but the XYZ Affair undercut their position Warning that full scale war with France was imminent Hamilton and his High Federalist allies forced the issue by getting Congressional approval to raise a large new army which Hamilton controlled replete with officers commissions which he bestowed on his partisans The Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 clamped down on dissenters including pro Jefferson editors and Vermont Congressman Matthew Lyon who won re election while in jail in 1798 In the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798 secretly drafted by Madison and Jefferson the legislatures of the two states challenged the power of the federal government 19 National debt edit Jefferson and Albert Gallatin focused on the danger that the public debt unless it was paid off would be a threat to republican values They were appalled that Hamilton was increasing the national debt and using it to solidify his Federalist base Gallatin was the Republican Party s chief expert on fiscal issues and as Treasury Secretary under Jefferson and Madison worked hard to lower taxes and lower the debt while at the same time paying cash for the Louisiana Purchase and funding the War of 1812 Burrows says of Gallatin His own fears of personal dependency and his small shopkeeper s sense of integrity both reinforced by a strain of radical republican thought that originated in England a century earlier convinced him that public debts were a nursery of multiple public evils corruption legislative impotence executive tyranny social inequality financial speculation and personal indolence Not only was it necessary to extinguish the existing debt as rapidly as possible he argued but Congress would have to ensure against the accumulation of future debts by more diligently supervising government expenditures 20 Andrew Jackson saw the national debt as a national curse and he took special pride in paying off the entire national debt in 1835 21 Jefferson and the revolution of 1800 editIn an analysis of the contemporary party system Jefferson wrote on February 12 1798 Two political Sects have arisen within the U S the one believing that the executive is the branch of our government which the most needs support the other that like the analogous branch in the English Government it is already too strong for the republican parts of the Constitution and therefore in equivocal cases they incline to the legislative powers the former of these are called federalists sometimes aristocrats or monocrats and sometimes Tories after the corresponding sect in the English Government of exactly the same definition the latter are styled republicans Whigs jacobins anarchists dis organizers etc these terms are in familiar use with most persons 22 Madison worked diligently to form party lines inside the Congress and build coalitions with sympathetic political factions in each state In 1800 a critical election galvanized the electorate sweeping the Federalists out of power and electing Jefferson and his Democratic Republican Party Adams made a few last minute midnight appointments notably Federalist John Marshall as Chief Justice Marshall held the post for three decades and used it to federalize the Constitution much to Jefferson s dismay 23 As president Jefferson worked to cleanse the government of Adams s midnight appointments withholding the commissions of 25 of 42 appointed judges and removing army officers The sense that the nation needed two rival parties to balance each other had not been fully accepted by either party Hamilton had viewed Jefferson s election as the failure of the Federalist experiment The rhetoric of the day was cataclysmic election of the opposition meant the enemy would ruin the nation Jefferson s foreign policy was not exactly pro Napoleon but it applied pressure on Britain to stop impressment of American sailors and other hostile acts By engineering an embargo of trade against Britain Jefferson and Madison plunged the nation into economic depression ruined much of the business of Federalist New England and finally precipitated the War of 1812 with a much larger and more powerful foe 24 The Federalists vigorously criticized the government and gained strength in the industrial Northeast However they committed a major blunder in 1814 That year the semi secret Hartford Convention passed resolutions that verged on secession their publication ruined the Federalist party It had been limping along for years with strength in New England and scattered eastern states but practically no strength in the West While Federalists helped invent or develop numerous campaign techniques such as the first national nominating conventions in 1808 25 their elitist bias alienated the middle class thus allowing the Jeffersonians to claim they represented the true spirit of republicanism 26 State parties editBecause of the importance of foreign policy decided by the national government of the sale of national lands and the patronage controlled by the President the factions in each state realigned themselves in parallel with the Federalists and Republicans Some newspaper editors became powerful politicians such as Thomas Ritchie whose Richmond Junto controlled Virginia state politics from 1808 into the 1840s 27 New England was always the stronghold of the Federalist party One historian explains how well organized it was in Connecticut It was only necessary to perfect the working methods of the organized body of office holders who made up the nucleus of the party There were the state officers the assistants and a large majority of the Assembly In every county there was a sheriff with his deputies All of the state county and town judges were potential and generally active workers Every town had several justices of the peace school directors and in Federalist towns all the town officers who were ready to carry on the party s work Militia officers state s attorneys lawyers professors and schoolteachers were in the van of this conscript army In all about a thousand or eleven hundred dependent officer holders were described as the inner ring which could always be depended upon for their own and enough more votes within their control to decide an election This was the Federalist machine 28 Religious tensions polarized Connecticut as the established Congregational Church in alliance with the Federalists tried to maintain its grip on power Dissenting groups moved toward the Jeffersonians The failure of the Hartford Convention in 1814 wounded the Federalists who were finally upended by the Democratic Republicans in 1817 Era of Good Feelings editThe First Party System was primarily built around foreign policy issues that vanished with the defeat of Napoleon and the compromise settlement of the War of 1812 Furthermore the fears that Federalists were plotting to reintroduce aristocracy dissipated Thus an Era of Good Feelings under James Monroe replaced the high tension politics of the First Party System about 1816 Personal politics and factional disputes were occasionally still hotly debated but Americans no longer thought of themselves in terms of political parties 29 Historians have debated the exact ending of the system 30 Most concluded it petered out by 1820 The little state of Delaware largely isolated from the larger political forces controlling the nation saw the First Party System continue well into the 1820s with the Federalists occasionally winning some offices Historiography editLegitimacy of a party system edit nbsp Depiction of election day activities in Philadelphia by John Lewis Krimmel 1815Alexander Hamilton felt that only by mobilizing its supporters on a daily basis in every state on many issues could support for the government be sustained through thick and thin Newspapers were needed to communicate inside the party patronage helped the party s leaders and made new friends 31 Hamilton and especially Washington distrusted the idea of an opposition party as shown in George Washington s Farewell Address of 1796 They thought opposition parties would only weaken the nation By contrast Jefferson was the main force behind the creation and continuity of an opposition party 32 He deeply felt the Federalists represented aristocratic forces hostile to true republicanism and the true will of the people as he explained in a letter to Henry Lee in 1824 Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties 1 Those who fear and distrust the people and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes 2 Those who identify themselves with the people have confidence in them cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe although not the most wise depositary of the public interests In every country these two parties exist and in every one where they are free to think speak and write they will declare themselves Call them therefore liberals and serviles Jacobins and Ultras whigs and tories republicans and federalists aristocrats and democrats or by whatever name you please they are the same parties still and pursue the same object The last appellation of aristocrats and democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all Hofstadter 1970 shows it took many years for the idea to take hold that having two parties is better than having one or none That transition was made possible by the successful passing of power in 1801 from one party to the other Although Jefferson systematically identified Federalist army officers and officeholders he was blocked from removing all of them by protests from Republicans The Quids complained he did not go far enough Jefferson and Hamilton edit Well into the 20th century Jefferson was the hero for scholars and Hamilton the villain 33 Jefferson s reputation has declined sharply primarily because of his role as a major slaveowner 34 Hamilton has risen Princeton historian Sean Wilentz in 2010 identified a scholarly trend very much in Hamilton s favor although Wilentz himself dissented and still admires Jefferson more In recent years Hamilton and his reputation have decidedly gained the initiative among scholars who portray him as the visionary architect of the modern liberal capitalist economy and of a dynamic federal government headed by an energetic executive Jefferson and his allies by contrast have come across as naive dreamy idealists At best according to many historians the Jeffersonians were reactionary utopians who resisted the onrush of capitalist modernity in hopes of turning America into a yeoman farmers arcadia At worst they were proslavery racists who wish to rid the West of Indians expand the empire of slavery and keep political power in local hands all the better to expand the institution of slavery and protect slaveholders rights to own human property 35 See also editFederalist Era Party systems in the United States List of United States House of Representatives elections 1789 1822 American election campaigns in the 19th century History of the United States 1789 1849 Political history in the United States for historiographyReferences edit Chambers 1972 David Hackett Fischer The Revolution of American Conservatism The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy 1965 p 116 Morris The Forging of the Union 1781 1789 pp 267 97 a b Wood 2009 Richard Hofstadter A Constitution against Parties in his The Idea of a Party System The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States 1780 1840 1970 ch 2 Elkins and McKitrick p 288 Elkins and McKitrick 405 12 Elkins and McKitrick 417 8 Goodman 1964 71 2 Chambers Political Parties p 80 Marcus Daniel Scandal and Civility Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy 2009 Independent Chronicle Boston 16 October 1797 quoted in Donald Henderson Stewart 1969 The Opposition Press of the Federalist Period SUNY Press p 541 ISBN 9780873950428 Catherine O Donnell Kaplan Men of Letters in the Early Republic Cultivating Forms of Citizenship 2008 Kenneth C Martis The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress 1789 1989 1989 the numbers are estimates by historians Noble E Cunningham Jr The Jeffersonian Republicans in Power Party Operations 1801 1809 1963 p 129 Stewart Opposition Press p 622 Cunningham 1957 p 167 Tinkcom 271 Miller Federalist Era pp 165 78 Miller Federalist Era pp 210 43 Edwin G Burrows Gallatin Albert in American National Biography Online 2000 Accessed Dec 03 2013 Robert V Remini 2008 Andrew Jackson Macmillan p 180 ISBN 9780230614703 letter to John Wise in Francis N Thorpe ed A Letter from Jefferson on the Political Parties 1798 American Historical Review v 3 3 April 1898 pp 488 89 Miller Federalist Era pp 251 77 Smelser Democratic Republic Samuel E Morison The First National Nominating Convention 1808 The American Historical Review Vol 17 No 4 July 1912 pp 744 763 in JSTOR Banner To the Hartford Convention 1970 Wood 2009 pp 216 17 Norman K Risjord The Old Republicans southern conservatism in the age of Jefferson 1965 P 179 Joseph H Harrison Jr Oligarchs and Democrats The Richmond Junto Virginia Magazine of History amp Biography 1970 78 2 184 198 Richard J Purcell Connecticut in Transition 1775 1818 1963 p 190 Richard P McCormick The Second American Party System Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era 1966 ch 1 Skeen 1993 p 77 Jeffrey L Pasley The Tyranny of Printers Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic 2003 Wood 2009 ch 4 Image of Jefferson Francis D Cogliano Thomas Jefferson Reputation and Legacy 2006 pp 4 14 Sean Wilentz Book Reviews Journal of American History Sept 2010 v 97 2 p 476Further reading editGeneral edit Banning Lance The Jeffersonian Persuasion Evolution of a Party Ideology 1978 online Ben Atar Doron and Barbara B Oberg eds Federalists Reconsidered 1999 topical essays by scholars Beard Charles A The Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy 1915 online Bowling Kenneth R and Donald R Kennon eds Perspectives on the History of Congress 1789 1801 2000 Brooke John L The Early Republic 1789 1815 in The Oxford Handbook of American Political History Oxford University Press USA 2020 45 61 Brown Roger H The Republic in Peril 1812 1964 stresses intense hostility between partisans online Brown Stuart Gerry The First Republicans Political Philosophy and Public Policy in the Party of Jefferson and Madison Syracuse UP 1954 online Buel Richard Securing the Revolution Ideology in American Politics 1789 1815 1972 Chambers William Nisbet ed The First Party System 1972 online Chambers William Nisbet Political Parties in a New Nation The American Experience 1776 1809 1963 political science perspective online Charles Joseph The Origins of the American Party System 1956 reprints articles in William and Mary Quarterly Collier Christopher Building a new nation the Federalist era 1789 1803 1999 for middle schoolsCunningham Noble E Jr Jeffersonian Republicans The Formation of Party Organization 1789 1801 1957 highly detailed party history Cunningham Noble E Jr The Jeffersonian Republicans in Power Party Operations 1801 1809 1963 highly detailed party history Cunningham Noble E Jr The Process of Government Under Jefferson 1978 Dawson Matthew Q Partisanship and the Birth of America s Second Party 1796 1800 Stop the Wheels of Government Greenwood 2000 Dinkin Robert J Campaigning in America A History of Election Practices Greenwood 1989 Dougherty Keith L TRENDS Creating Parties in Congress The Emergence of a Social Network Political Research Quarterly 73 4 2020 759 773 online Elkins Stanley and Eric McKitrick The Age of Federalism 1995 the standard highly detailed political history of 1790s online free to borrow Ferling John A Leap in the Dark The Struggle to Create the American Republic Oxford University Press 2003 survey Finkelman Paul ed Encyclopedia of the New American Nation 1754 1829 2005 1600 pp Fischer David Hackett The Revolution of American Conservatism The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy 1965 shows that the upper class Federalists learned too late how to appeal to voters Freeman Joanne B The Election of 1800 A Study in the Logic of Political Change Yale Law Journal Volume 108 Issue 8 1999 pp 1959 1994 Goodman Paul The First American Party System in William Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham eds The American Party Systems Stages of Political Development 1967 56 89 Hoadley John F The Emergence of Political Parties in Congress 1789 1803 American Political Science Review 1980 74 3 757 779 in JSTOR Looks at the agreement among members of Congress in their roll call voting records Multidimensional scaling shows the increased clustering of congressmen into two party blocs from 1789 to 1803 especially after the Jay Treaty debate shows politics was moving away from sectionalism to organized parties Hofstadter Richard The Idea of a Party System The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States 1780 1840 1970 Kerber Linda K Federalists in Dissent Imagery and ideology in Jeffersonian America 1970 Lampi Philip J The Federalist Party Resurgence 1808 1816 Evidence from the New Nation Votes Database Journal of the Early Republic Summer 2013 33 2 pp 255 281 DOI 10 1353 jer 2013 0029 Libby O G Political Factions in Washington s Administration NDQ North Dakota Quarterly 1913 vol 3 3 pp 293 318 full text online looks at votes of each Congressman Luetscher George D Early Political Machinery in the United States 1903 online Miller John C The Federalist Era 1789 1801 1960 survey of political history online Pasley Jeffrey L et al eds Beyond the Founders New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic 2004 topical essays by scholars Ratcliffe Donald The Right to Vote and the Rise of Democracy 1787 1828 Journal of the Early Republic Summer 2013 33 2 pp 219 254 DOI 10 1353 jer 2013 0033 Schlesinger Arthur Jr ed History of American Presidential Elections 1789 2008 2011 3 vol and 11 vol editions detailed analysis of each election with primary documents online v 1 1789 1824 v 2 1824 1844 v 3 1848 1868 v 4 1872 1888 v 5 1892 1908 v 6 1912 1924 v 7 1928 1940 v 8 1944 1956 v 9 1960 1968 v 10 1972 1984 v 11 1988 2001 Selinger Jeffrey S The French Revolutionary Wars and the Ordeal of America s First Party System in Embracing Dissent U of Pennsylvania Press 2016 pp 54 82 Sharp James Roger American Politics in the Early Republic The New Nation in Crisis 1993 political narrative of 1790s Slez Adam and John Levi Martin Political Action and Party Formation in the United States Constitutional Convention American Sociological Review volume 72 Number 1 February 2007 pp 42 67 26 says decisions in 1787 convention set up the outlines of the first party system Smelser Marshall The Democratic Republic 1801 1815 1968 ISBN 0 06 131406 4 survey of political and diplomatic history Theriault Sean M Party Politics during the Louisiana Purchase Social Science History 2006 30 2 293 324 doi 10 1215 01455532 30 2 293 Wilentz Sean The Rise of American Democracy Jefferson to Lincoln 2005 broad scale interpretation of political history Wiltse Charles Maurice The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy 1935 Wood Gordon S Empire of Liberty A History of the Early Republic 1789 1815 2009 Biographies edit Banning Lance The Sacred Fire of Liberty James Madison and the Founding of the Federal Republic 1995 to 1795 Cunningham Noble E Jr John Beckley An Early American Party Manager William and Mary Quarterly 13 January 1956 40 52 in JSTOR Cunningham Noble E In pursuit of reason the life of Thomas Jefferson 1987 online Malone Dumas Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty v 3 ISBN 0 316 54469 8 Jefferson the President First Term 1801 1805 vol 4 ISBN 0 316 54480 9 Jefferson the President Second term 1805 1809 vol 5 1948 70 the standard multivolume biography Miller John C Alexander Hamilton Portrait in Paradox 1959 full scale biography Schachner Nathan Aaron Burr A Biography 1961 full scale biography Newspapers and authors edit Bums Eric Infamous Scribblers The Founding Fathers and the Rowdy Beginnings of American Journalism PublicAffairs 2006 Durey Michael With the Hammer of Truth James Thomson Callender and America s Early National Heroes U Press of Virginia 1990 online Hale Matthew Rainbow On their tiptoes Political time and Newspapers during the Advent of the Radicalized French Revolution circa 1792 1793 Journal of the Early Republic 29 2 2009 191 218 onlineHumphrey Carol Sue The Press of the Young Republic 1783 1833 1996 Jackson Kelsie Such a tornado The life and times of James Thomson Callender scandalmonger PhD dissertation U of Houston ProQuest Dissertations Publishing 2013 3574468 Laracey Mel The presidential newspaper as an engine of early American political development The case of Thomas Jefferson and the election of 1800 Rhetoric amp Public Affairs 11 1 2008 7 46 excerpt Knudson Jerry W Jefferson and the Press Crucible of Liberty 2006 how 4 Republican and 4 Federalist papers covered election of 1800 Thomas Paine Louisiana Purchase Hamilton Burr duel impeachment of Chase and the embargo Marcus Daniel Scandal and Civility Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy 2009 Mott Frank Luther Jefferson and the press LSU Press 1943 online Mott Frank Luther A History of American Journalism 1962 pp 113 214 online 1950 editionO Donnell Catherine Literature and Politics in the Early Republic Views from the Bridge Journal of the Early Republic Summer 2010 Vol 30 2 pp 279 292 looks at Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper and John Adams in terms of gender studies interdisciplinary studies American identity and the work of Jurgen Habermas Gordon Wood and Bernard Bailyn Pasley Jeffrey L The Tyranny of Printers Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic 2003 online Pasley Jeffrey L The Two National Gazettes Newspapers and the Embodiment of American Political Parties Early American Literature 35 1 2000 51 86 online Rollins Richard The Long Journey of Noah Webster 1980 Webster was an important Federalist editor Stagg Allison M Prints of a New Kind Political Caricature in The United States 1789 1828 Pennsylvania State University Press 2023 Stewart Donald H The Opposition Press of the Federalist Era 1968 highly detailed study of Republican newspapers State and regional studies edit Banner James M To the Hartford Convention The Federalists and the Origins of Party Politics in Massachusetts 1789 1815 1970 Bohmer David A The Maryland Electorate and the Concept of a Party System in the Early National Period in The History of American Electoral Behavior Princeton University Press 2015 pp 146 173 Broussard James H The Southern Federalists 1800 1816 1978 Dow Jay K Rethinking the First Party Era Middle Atlantic US House Elections 1796 1824 American Political Thought 11 4 2022 525 549 Formisano Ronald The Transformation of Political Culture Massachusetts Parties 1790s 1840s 1983 Fox Dixon Ryan The decline of aristocracy in the politics of New York 1919 shows the Federalists were too artistocratic to win elections online edition Goodman Paul The Democratic Republicans of Massachusetts Politics in a Young Republic 1964 Leonard Gerald The Invention of Party Politics Federalism Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Development in Jacksonian Illinois 2002 McCormick Richard P The Second Party System Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era 1966 deals with the collapse of the First Party System state by state Prince Carl E New Jersey s Jeffersonian Republicans The Genesis of an Early Party Machine 1789 1817 1967 Ridgway Whitman H Community Leadership Baltimore During the First and Second Party Systems in Politics and Government Routledge 2020 pp 70 84 Risjord Norman K The Old Republicans Southern Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson 1965 Risjord Norman K Chesapeake Politics 1781 1800 1978 covers Maryland Virginia and North Carolina ISBN missing Robertson Andrew W Reconceptualizing Jeffersonian Democracy Journal of the Early Republic Summer 2013 33 2 pp 317 35 focus on historiography of turnout in states and localities Rohr Benjamin Portraits of a Political World The Structure of the First Party System in New York 1777 1822 PhD dissertation University of Chicago 2022 online Taylor Alan The Art of Hook and Snivey Political Culture in Upstate New York during the 1790s Journal of American History 1993 79 1371 1396 online Tinkcom Harry M The Republicans and Federalists in Pennsylvania 1790 1801 A Study in National Stimulus and Local Response 1950 Turner Lynn Warren The Ninth State New Hampshire s Formative Years 1983 Young Alfred F The Democratic Republicans of New York The Origins 1763 1797 1967 Primary sources edit Cunningham Noble E Jr ed The Making of the American Party System 1789 to 1809 1965 short excerpts from primary sources Cunningham Noble E Jr ed Circular Letters of Congressmen to Their Constituents 1789 1829 1978 3 vol political reports sent by Congressmen to local newspapersExternal links editAmerican Political History Online Archived 2015 08 01 at the Wayback Machine guide to WWW resources The First American Party System lesson plan for grades 9 12 A New Nation Votes American Election Returns 1787 1825 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title First Party System amp oldid 1193926788, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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