
Fausto Cercignani

Fausto Cercignani (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfausto tʃertʃiɲˈɲani]; born March 21, 1941) is an Italian scholar, essayist and poet.

Fausto Cercignani
Fausto Cercignani (2011) - The essence of my optimism is constructive pessimism.[1]
Born (1941-03-21) March 21, 1941 (age 82)
Cagliari, Italy
  • Scholar
  • essayist
  • poet
Alma materUniversity of Milan
Notable worksShakespeare’s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation
Notable awardsÖsterreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse (Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, First Class)

Biography edit

Born to Tuscan parents, Fausto Cercignani studied in Milan, where he graduated in foreign languages and literatures with a dissertation dealing with English at Shakespeare’s time. His career as a university professor was at first characterized by philological investigations in the fields of English studies and Germanic studies. In 1983, after teaching at the Universities of Bergamo (1971–1974), Parma (1974–1975), and Pisa (1975–1983), he returned to Milan and carried on his activity at the University of Milan, where he intensified his researches on German literature, a field that he had been cultivating for years.

Cercignani was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class in 1996.

The student of English edit

Cercignani’s philological interests have been mainly directed towards the history of the English language, with especial regard to the Elizabethan period. His articles on English pronunciation at Shakespeare’s time (published in “Studia Neophilologica”, “English Studies” and other specialized journals) anticipate his major work Shakespeare's Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation (Oxford, 1981), which has been cited as «the best work available» on the subject.[2]

As «the foremost authority» on Elizabethan pronunciation,[3] Cercignani is often cited on puns, rhymes, and spellings in the more recent editions of Shakespeare's works,[4] in most reference works on Shakespeare,[5] and in various publications dealing with linguistic and literary questions from a historical point of view.[6]

The student of Germanic edit

Cercignani's philological interests have also been directed towards the historical phonology of the Germanic languages and other aspects of historical linguistics. Specialized journals like “Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung”, “Indogermanische Forschungen”, “Journal of English and Germanic Philology”, “Language”, “Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur”, and “The Journal of Indo-European Studies” have published his articles on Proto-Germanic, Gothic, English and German.

Some of these studies – e.g. Early 'umlaut' phenomena in the Germanic languages, in “Language”, 56/1, 1980 – are frequently cited for alternative views on early linguistic changes (e.g. Germanic a-mutation).

Cercignani's notable work on The Consonants of German: Synchrony and Diachrony (Milan, 1979) «offers both an original contribution to German phonology and a first-rate account of the state of the art».[7]

The student of German edit

Cercignani's literary interests have at first been directed towards the poetry of Karl Krolow, with essays published in “Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift”, “Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch”, and other journals (1984–1986). His study of Christa Wolf’s earlier novels (Existenz und Heldentum bei Christa Wolf. «Der geteilte Himmel» and «Kassandra», Würzburg, 1988) and subsequent essays on her later works have contributed to promote an awareness of the true essence of the narrative production of the East German writer, irrespective of her political and personal ups and downs. The emphasis placed by Cercignani on Christa Wolf’s heroism has opened the way to subsequent studies in this direction.[8]

The numerous other writers whose works Cercignani has subsequently studied include Jens Peter Jacobsen, Georg Trakl, Georg Büchner, Arthur Schnitzler, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rainer Maria Rilke, Alban Berg, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Robert Musil, Novalis, Joseph Roth, Richard Beer-Hofmann, Karl Kraus, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, August Stramm, Gerhart Hauptmann, Reinhard Jirgl, Friedrich Schiller.

Since 1992 Cercignani has been editor of the international periodical “Studia austriaca” (ISSN 1593-2508), a publication devoted to the culture and to the literature of Austria, past and present. This yearbook is published in collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Milan (Österreichisches Kulturforum Mailand).

Since 1994 he has been editor also of “Studia theodisca” (ISSN 1593-2478), a periodical that accepts international essays on the literature of German-speaking countries.

The poet edit

Cercignani’s poetry is collected in seven booklets and includes also poems published in the “Almanacco dello Specchio”, “Anterem”, and other periodicals. Discussing his production, one critic speaks of orphic poetry, but «hard and shiny like steel»[9] and another remarks that Cercignani’s poems «achieve a maximum of concentration thanks to an acceleration of the thought or feeling which reconstructs physicality by means of abstraction».[10]

Fausto Cercignani has also experimented with the self-translation of his poems.[11]

An adagio edit

Adagio (2004)[12]
If you talk to the shadows,
at least you know them well
and the words, all of them,
unfold themselves with ease
on muddled walls and streets,
when dusk comes on.
They do not speak of boundless skies,
of passing loves like silver clouds.
They speak of cheerless towns, unwound:
on hazy moors of muffled music.
And if you talk to them,
you’ll find yourself
rocked in a stream of notes,
as if the town were truly
a shrubby land of music sheets.
Which rustle,
while fingered by the breeze,
in the sluggish progression of the adagio.

Selected works edit

English studies edit

  • Shakespeare's Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation, Oxford, University Press (Clarendon Press), 1981.
  • English Rhymes and Pronunciation in the Mid-Seventeenth Century, in “English Studies”, 56/6, 1975, pp. 513–518.
  • The Development of */k/ and */sk/ in Old English, in “Journal of English and Germanic Philology”, 82/3, 1983, pp. 313–323.
  • On the alleged existence of a vowel /y:/ in early Modern English, in “English Language and Linguistics”, 26/2, 2022, pp. 263–277, online

Germanic studies edit

  • The Consonants of German: Synchrony and Diachrony. Milano, Cisalpino, 1979.
  • The Development of the Gothic Short/Lax Subsystem, in “Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung”, 93/2, 1979, pp. 272–278.
  • Early «Umlaut» Phenomena in the Germanic Languages, in “Language”, 56/1, 1980, pp. 126–136.
  • Zum hochdeutschen Konsonantismus. Phonologische Analyse und phonologischer Wandel (On High German Consonantism. Phonological Analysis and Phonological Change), in “Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur”, 105/1, 1983, pp. 1–13.
  • The Elaboration of the Gothic Alphabet and Orthography, in “Indogermanische Forschungen”, 93, 1988, pp. 168–185.
  • Saggi linguistici e filologici. Germanico, gotico, inglese e tedesco (Linguistic and Philological Essays. Germanic, Gothic, English, and German), Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 1992.
  • The development of the Old High German umlauted vowels and the reflex of New High German /ɛ:/ in Present Standard German, in “Linguistik online”, 113/1, 2022, pp. 45–57, online
  • On the Germanic and Old High German distance assimilation changes, in “Linguistik online”, 116/4, 2022, pp. 41–59, online
  • A note on Middle High German lengthening and related developments in diachronic perspective, in “Linguistik online”, 119/1, 2023, pp. 29–42, online

German studies edit

Books edit

  • F. Cercignani, Existenz und Heldentum bei Christa Wolf. «Der geteilte Himmel» und «Kassandra» (Existence and Heroism in Christa Wolf. «Divided Heaven» and «Cassandra»), Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1988.
  • F. Cercignani, Memoria e reminiscenze. Nietzsche, Büchner, Hölderlin e i poemetti in prosa di Trakl (Memory and Reminiscences. Nietzsche, Büchner, Hölderlin and Trakl's Prose Poems), Torino, Genesi Editrice, 1989.
  • F. Cercignani (editor), Studia trakliana. Georg Trakl 1887-1987, Milano, Cisalpino, 1989.
  • F. Cercignani (editor), Studia büchneriana. Georg Büchner 1988, Milano, Cisalpino, 1990.
  • F. Cercignani (editor), Studia schnitzleriana (Arthur Schnitzler 1991), Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 1991.
  • F. Cercignani - E. Mariano (editors), Vincenzo Errante. La traduzione di poesia ieri e oggi (Vincenzo Errante. On Translating Poetry, in the Past and in the Present), Milano, Cisalpino, 1993.
  • F. Cercignani (editor), Novalis, Milano, CUEM, 2002.

Essays edit

  • Dunkel, Grün und Paradies. Karl Krolows lyrische Anfänge in «Hochgelobtes gutes Leben» (Dark, Green, and Paradise. Karl Krolow's Lyrical Beginnings in «Highly Praised Good Life»), in “Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift”, 36/1, 1986, pp. 59–78.
  • Zwischen irdischem Nichts und machtlosem Himmel. Karl Krolows «Gedichte» 1948: Enttäuschung und Verwirrung (Between Earthly Nought and a Powerless Heaven. Karl Krolow's «Poems» 1948: Disappointment and Bewilderment), in “Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch”, 27, 1986, pp. 197–217.
  • Il «Faust» goethiano. Forma e sostanza (Goethe's «Faust». Form and Substance), in Il «Faust» di Goethe. Antologia critica (Goethe's «Faust». A Critical Anthology), edited by F. Cercignani and E. Ganni, Milano, Led, 1993, pp. 21–38.
  • «Nathan il saggio» e il Settecento tedesco («Nathan the Wise» and the German Eighteenth Century), in “ACME”, 47/1, 1994, pp. 107–124.
  • Sul «Wozzeck» di Alban Berg (On Alban Berg's «Wozzeck»), in Studia austriaca V, Milano, Edizioni Minute, 1997, pp. 169–190.
  • E. T. A. Hoffmann, Italien und die romantische Auffassung der Musik (E. T. A. Hoffmann, Italy and the Romantic Conception of Music), in Das Land der Sehnsucht. E. T. A. Hoffmann und Italien (The Land of Yearning. E. T. A. Hoffmann and Italy), edited by S. M. Moraldo, Heidelberg, Winter, 2002, pp. 191–201.
  • Per una rilettura di «Salomè». Il dramma di Oscar Wilde e il libretto di Richard Strauss (For a Reappraisal of «Salome». Oscar Wilde's Drama and Richard Strauss's Libretto), in Studia theodisca IX, Milano, CUEM, 2002, pp. 171–192.
  • Georg Büchner. Empatia e prospettivismo (Georg Büchner. Empathy and Perspectivism), in Il cacciatore di silenzi. Studi dedicati a Ferruccio Masini (The Hunter of Silences. Studies in Honour of Ferruccio Masini), vol. II, edited by P. Chiarini, Roma, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, 2003, pp. 237–258.
  • ‘Poesia filosofica’ o ‘filosofia poetica’? Con alcune osservazioni su Schiller (‘Philosophical Poetry’ or ‘Poetical Philosophy’? With some remarks on Schiller), in La poesia filosofica (Philosophical Poetry), edited by A. Costazza, Milano, Cisalpino, 2007, pp. 163–170.
  • Inganno e autoinganno. Il campagnolo di Kafka (Deception and Self-Deception. Kafka's Landman), in Studia austriaca XVIII, Milano, PGreco, 2010, pp. 51–64.
  • Hofmannsthal fra teatro e filosofia. Con particolare riguardo a «L’uomo difficile» (Hofmannsthal between Theatre and Philosophy. With special regard to «The Difficult Man»), in La filosofia a teatro (Philosophy in the Theatre), edited by A. Costazza, Milano, Cisalpino, 2010, pp. 369–385.

Poetry edit

  • Fiore siglato (Initialled Flower), Firenze 1988.
  • Fisicità svanite (Vanished Physicalities), Torino 1988 - First Prize "Città di Moncalieri 1989".
  • Omaggio a Shakespeare (Homage to Shakespeare), Ten Poems, introduced by R. Mussapi, in “Almanacco dello Specchio”, n. 13 (1989).
  • Various texts in “Anterem”, nn. 40 (1989), 42 (1991), 44 (1992), 46 (1993) e 47 (1993).
  • Vene di trasparenza (Veins of Transparence), Verona 1990.
  • Nella grafia di un’ombra (In the Graphs of a Shadow), Alessandria 1991.
  • Pulviscoli rigati (Scars on Dust Clouds), Napoli 1992.
  • Stelle di brina (Stars of White Frost), Milano 1993.
  • Reticoli svagati (Dreamy Reticles), Milano 1996.
  • Shakespearean Fancies (e-book), 2012, Amazon/Kindle and iBookStore/iTunes
  • Scritture. Poesie edite e inedite (Compositions. Published and Unpublished Poems), Torino 2015.

Short stories edit

  • Five Women (e-book), 2013, Amazon/Kindle

Awards edit


Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse[13]
(Austrian Decoration for Science and Art), Vienna, 1996.

References edit

  1. ^ motto, Curriculum vitae at University of Milan.
  2. ^ [Andrew Gurr, University of Reading, http://extra.shu.ac.uk/emls/07-1/gurrothe.htm]
  3. ^ [David Kathman, http://shakespeareauthorship.com/name1.html]
  4. ^ Shakespeare, William (1998-10-29). Taylor, Gary (ed.). Henry V. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-283423-2.
  5. ^ [See, e.g., The New Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare, Cambridge, University Press, 2001]
  6. ^ [See, e.g., Garrett Stewart, Reading Voices: Literature and the Phonotext, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990, Ch. I, n. 20. http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft3r29n8sp/]
  7. ^ [Anatoly Liberman, in “Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German”, 13/2 (1980), p. 262.]
  8. ^ [See, e.g., John Greenfield,: Die heilige Rita des Waggonbauwerks. Altgermanistische Überlegungen zu Christa Wolfs «Der geteilte Himmel», in “Neophilologus”, 81/3 (1997), p. 419, n. 4]
  9. ^ [Giorgio Bárberi Squarotti, preface to Fisicità svanite (Vanished Physicalities), p. 8.]
  10. ^ [Carlo Alessandro Landini, La poesia milanese e lombarda. Realtà e prospettive (Milanese and Lombard Poetry. Reality and Prospects), in “Hellas” 11/15 (1991), pp. 43-44.]
  11. ^ [See, for example, http://sites.unimi.it/austheod/adagio3l.pdf, where the author has translated his short poem Adagio into German, English and French.]
  12. ^ [Translated by the poet from: Adagio // Se parli con le ombre, / almeno sai chi sono / e le parole, tutte quante, / si dispiegano lente / sui muri pasticciati, / all’imbrunire. // Non dicono di cieli smisurati, / di amori come nuvole d’argento, / ma di meste città sgomitolate / su brughiere di musica sommessa. // E se parli con loro, ti ritrovi / cullato in quelle note, / come se la città fosse davvero / una grande brughiera di spartiti. // Che frusciano, / col tocco della brezza, / nel flusso pigreggiante dell’adagio.]
  13. ^ Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst I. Klasse, Wien, 1996

External links edit

  • “Studia austriaca” and “Studia theodisca”
  • Academic CV and publications

fausto, cercignani, this, article, about, philologist, essayist, poet, mathematician, carlo, cercignani, italian, pronunciation, ˈfausto, tʃertʃiɲˈɲani, born, march, 1941, italian, scholar, essayist, poet, 2011, essence, optimism, constructive, pessimism, born. This article is about the philologist essayist and poet For the mathematician see Carlo Cercignani Fausto Cercignani Italian pronunciation ˈfausto tʃertʃiɲˈɲani born March 21 1941 is an Italian scholar essayist and poet Fausto CercignaniFausto Cercignani 2011 The essence of my optimism is constructive pessimism 1 Born 1941 03 21 March 21 1941 age 82 Cagliari ItalyOccupationScholar essayist poetNationalityItalianAlma materUniversity of MilanNotable worksShakespeare s Works and Elizabethan PronunciationNotable awardsOsterreichisches Ehrenkreuz fur Wissenschaft und Kunst I Klasse Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art First Class Contents 1 Biography 2 The student of English 3 The student of Germanic 4 The student of German 5 The poet 5 1 An adagio 6 Selected works 6 1 English studies 6 2 Germanic studies 6 3 German studies 6 3 1 Books 6 3 2 Essays 6 4 Poetry 6 5 Short stories 7 Awards 8 References 9 External linksBiography editBorn to Tuscan parents Fausto Cercignani studied in Milan where he graduated in foreign languages and literatures with a dissertation dealing with English at Shakespeare s time His career as a university professor was at first characterized by philological investigations in the fields of English studies and Germanic studies In 1983 after teaching at the Universities of Bergamo 1971 1974 Parma 1974 1975 and Pisa 1975 1983 he returned to Milan and carried on his activity at the University of Milan where he intensified his researches on German literature a field that he had been cultivating for years Cercignani was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art 1st class in 1996 The student of English editCercignani s philological interests have been mainly directed towards the history of the English language with especial regard to the Elizabethan period His articles on English pronunciation at Shakespeare s time published in Studia Neophilologica English Studies and other specialized journals anticipate his major work Shakespeare s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation Oxford 1981 which has been cited as the best work available on the subject 2 As the foremost authority on Elizabethan pronunciation 3 Cercignani is often cited on puns rhymes and spellings in the more recent editions of Shakespeare s works 4 in most reference works on Shakespeare 5 and in various publications dealing with linguistic and literary questions from a historical point of view 6 The student of Germanic editCercignani s philological interests have also been directed towards the historical phonology of the Germanic languages and other aspects of historical linguistics Specialized journals like Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung Indogermanische Forschungen Journal of English and Germanic Philology Language Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur and The Journal of Indo European Studies have published his articles on Proto Germanic Gothic English and German Some of these studies e g Early umlaut phenomena in the Germanic languages in Language 56 1 1980 are frequently cited for alternative views on early linguistic changes e g Germanic a mutation Cercignani s notable work on The Consonants of German Synchrony and Diachrony Milan 1979 offers both an original contribution to German phonology and a first rate account of the state of the art 7 The student of German editCercignani s literary interests have at first been directed towards the poetry of Karl Krolow with essays published in Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch and other journals 1984 1986 His study of Christa Wolf s earlier novels Existenz und Heldentum bei Christa Wolf Der geteilte Himmel and Kassandra Wurzburg 1988 and subsequent essays on her later works have contributed to promote an awareness of the true essence of the narrative production of the East German writer irrespective of her political and personal ups and downs The emphasis placed by Cercignani on Christa Wolf s heroism has opened the way to subsequent studies in this direction 8 The numerous other writers whose works Cercignani has subsequently studied include Jens Peter Jacobsen Georg Trakl Georg Buchner Arthur Schnitzler Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder Hugo von Hofmannsthal Rainer Maria Rilke Alban Berg E T A Hoffmann Robert Musil Novalis Joseph Roth Richard Beer Hofmann Karl Kraus Franz Kafka Thomas Mann August Stramm Gerhart Hauptmann Reinhard Jirgl Friedrich Schiller Since 1992 Cercignani has been editor of the international periodical Studia austriaca ISSN 1593 2508 a publication devoted to the culture and to the literature of Austria past and present This yearbook is published in collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Milan Osterreichisches Kulturforum Mailand Since 1994 he has been editor also of Studia theodisca ISSN 1593 2478 a periodical that accepts international essays on the literature of German speaking countries The poet editCercignani s poetry is collected in seven booklets and includes also poems published in the Almanacco dello Specchio Anterem and other periodicals Discussing his production one critic speaks of orphic poetry but hard and shiny like steel 9 and another remarks that Cercignani s poems achieve a maximum of concentration thanks to an acceleration of the thought or feeling which reconstructs physicality by means of abstraction 10 Fausto Cercignani has also experimented with the self translation of his poems 11 An adagio edit Adagio 2004 12 dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd If you talk to the shadows at least you know them well and the words all of them unfold themselves with ease on muddled walls and streets when dusk comes on dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd They do not speak of boundless skies of passing loves like silver clouds They speak of cheerless towns unwound on hazy moors of muffled music dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd And if you talk to them you ll find yourself rocked in a stream of notes as if the town were truly a shrubby land of music sheets dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd Which rustle while fingered by the breeze in the sluggish progression of the adagio dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd Selected works editEnglish studies edit Shakespeare s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation Oxford University Press Clarendon Press 1981 English Rhymes and Pronunciation in the Mid Seventeenth Century in English Studies 56 6 1975 pp 513 518 The Development of k and sk in Old English in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 82 3 1983 pp 313 323 On the alleged existence of a vowel y in early Modern English in English Language and Linguistics 26 2 2022 pp 263 277 onlineGermanic studies edit The Consonants of German Synchrony and Diachrony Milano Cisalpino 1979 The Development of the Gothic Short Lax Subsystem in Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung 93 2 1979 pp 272 278 Early Umlaut Phenomena in the Germanic Languages in Language 56 1 1980 pp 126 136 Zum hochdeutschen Konsonantismus Phonologische Analyse und phonologischer Wandel On High German Consonantism Phonological Analysis and Phonological Change in Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 105 1 1983 pp 1 13 The Elaboration of the Gothic Alphabet and Orthography in Indogermanische Forschungen 93 1988 pp 168 185 Saggi linguistici e filologici Germanico gotico inglese e tedesco Linguistic and Philological Essays Germanic Gothic English and German Alessandria Edizioni dell Orso 1992 The development of the Old High German umlauted vowels and the reflex of New High German ɛ in Present Standard German in Linguistik online 113 1 2022 pp 45 57 online On the Germanic and Old High German distance assimilation changes in Linguistik online 116 4 2022 pp 41 59 online A note on Middle High German lengthening and related developments in diachronic perspective in Linguistik online 119 1 2023 pp 29 42 onlineGerman studies edit Books edit F Cercignani Existenz und Heldentum bei Christa Wolf Der geteilte Himmel und Kassandra Existence and Heroism in Christa Wolf Divided Heaven and Cassandra Wurzburg Konigshausen amp Neumann 1988 F Cercignani Memoria e reminiscenze Nietzsche Buchner Holderlin e i poemetti in prosa di Trakl Memory and Reminiscences Nietzsche Buchner Holderlin and Trakl s Prose Poems Torino Genesi Editrice 1989 F Cercignani editor Studia trakliana Georg Trakl 1887 1987 Milano Cisalpino 1989 F Cercignani editor Studia buchneriana Georg Buchner 1988 Milano Cisalpino 1990 F Cercignani editor Studia schnitzleriana Arthur Schnitzler 1991 Alessandria Edizioni dell Orso 1991 F Cercignani E Mariano editors Vincenzo Errante La traduzione di poesia ieri e oggi Vincenzo Errante On Translating Poetry in the Past and in the Present Milano Cisalpino 1993 F Cercignani editor Novalis Milano CUEM 2002 Essays edit Dunkel Grun und Paradies Karl Krolows lyrische Anfange in Hochgelobtes gutes Leben Dark Green and Paradise Karl Krolow s Lyrical Beginnings in Highly Praised Good Life in Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift 36 1 1986 pp 59 78 Zwischen irdischem Nichts und machtlosem Himmel Karl Krolows Gedichte 1948 Enttauschung und Verwirrung Between Earthly Nought and a Powerless Heaven Karl Krolow s Poems 1948 Disappointment and Bewilderment in Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 27 1986 pp 197 217 Il Faust goethiano Forma e sostanza Goethe s Faust Form and Substance in Il Faust di Goethe Antologia critica Goethe s Faust A Critical Anthology edited by F Cercignani and E Ganni Milano Led 1993 pp 21 38 Nathan il saggio e il Settecento tedesco Nathan the Wise and the German Eighteenth Century in ACME 47 1 1994 pp 107 124 Sul Wozzeck di Alban Berg On Alban Berg s Wozzeck in Studia austriaca V Milano Edizioni Minute 1997 pp 169 190 E T A Hoffmann Italien und die romantische Auffassung der Musik E T A Hoffmann Italy and the Romantic Conception of Music in Das Land der Sehnsucht E T A Hoffmann und Italien The Land of Yearning E T A Hoffmann and Italy edited by S M Moraldo Heidelberg Winter 2002 pp 191 201 Per una rilettura di Salome Il dramma di Oscar Wilde e il libretto di Richard Strauss For a Reappraisal of Salome Oscar Wilde s Drama and Richard Strauss s Libretto in Studia theodisca IX Milano CUEM 2002 pp 171 192 Georg Buchner Empatia e prospettivismo Georg Buchner Empathy and Perspectivism in Il cacciatore di silenzi Studi dedicati a Ferruccio Masini The Hunter of Silences Studies in Honour of Ferruccio Masini vol II edited by P Chiarini Roma Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici 2003 pp 237 258 Poesia filosofica o filosofia poetica Con alcune osservazioni su Schiller Philosophical Poetry or Poetical Philosophy With some remarks on Schiller in La poesia filosofica Philosophical Poetry edited by A Costazza Milano Cisalpino 2007 pp 163 170 Inganno e autoinganno Il campagnolo di Kafka Deception and Self Deception Kafka s Landman in Studia austriaca XVIII Milano PGreco 2010 pp 51 64 Hofmannsthal fra teatro e filosofia Con particolare riguardo a L uomo difficile Hofmannsthal between Theatre and Philosophy With special regard to The Difficult Man in La filosofia a teatro Philosophy in the Theatre edited by A Costazza Milano Cisalpino 2010 pp 369 385 Poetry edit Fiore siglato Initialled Flower Firenze 1988 Fisicita svanite Vanished Physicalities Torino 1988 First Prize Citta di Moncalieri 1989 Omaggio a Shakespeare Homage to Shakespeare Ten Poems introduced by R Mussapi in Almanacco dello Specchio n 13 1989 Various texts in Anterem nn 40 1989 42 1991 44 1992 46 1993 e 47 1993 Vene di trasparenza Veins of Transparence Verona 1990 Nella grafia di un ombra In the Graphs of a Shadow Alessandria 1991 Pulviscoli rigati Scars on Dust Clouds Napoli 1992 Stelle di brina Stars of White Frost Milano 1993 Reticoli svagati Dreamy Reticles Milano 1996 Shakespearean Fancies e book 2012 Amazon Kindle and iBookStore iTunes Scritture Poesie edite e inedite Compositions Published and Unpublished Poems Torino 2015 Short stories edit Five Women e book 2013 Amazon KindleAwards edit nbsp Osterreichisches Ehrenkreuz fur Wissenschaft und Kunst I Klasse 13 Austrian Decoration for Science and Art Vienna 1996 References edit motto Curriculum vitae at University of Milan Andrew Gurr University of Reading http extra shu ac uk emls 07 1 gurrothe htm David Kathman http shakespeareauthorship com name1 html Shakespeare William 1998 10 29 Taylor Gary ed Henry V Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 283423 2 See e g The New Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Cambridge University Press 2001 See e g Garrett Stewart Reading Voices Literature and the Phonotext Berkeley University of California Press 1990 Ch I n 20 http ark cdlib org ark 13030 ft3r29n8sp Anatoly Liberman in Die Unterrichtspraxis Teaching German 13 2 1980 p 262 See e g John Greenfield Die heilige Rita des Waggonbauwerks Altgermanistische Uberlegungen zu Christa Wolfs Der geteilte Himmel in Neophilologus 81 3 1997 p 419 n 4 Giorgio Barberi Squarotti preface to Fisicita svanite Vanished Physicalities p 8 Carlo Alessandro Landini La poesia milanese e lombarda Realta e prospettive Milanese and Lombard Poetry Reality and Prospects in Hellas 11 15 1991 pp 43 44 See for example http sites unimi it austheod adagio3l pdf where the author has translated his short poem Adagio into German English and French Translated by the poet from Adagio Se parli con le ombre almeno sai chi sono e le parole tutte quante si dispiegano lente sui muri pasticciati all imbrunire Non dicono di cieli smisurati di amori come nuvole d argento ma di meste citta sgomitolate su brughiere di musica sommessa E se parli con loro ti ritrovi cullato in quelle note come se la citta fosse davvero una grande brughiera di spartiti Che frusciano col tocco della brezza nel flusso pigreggiante dell adagio Osterreichisches Ehrenkreuz fur Wissenschaft und Kunst I Klasse Wien 1996External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fausto Cercignani nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Fausto Cercignani Studia austriaca and Studia theodisca Academic CV and publications Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Fausto Cercignani amp oldid 1185688616, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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