
Environmental engineering

Environmental engineering is a professional engineering discipline that encompasses broad scientific topics like chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, and mathematics to create solutions that will protect and also improve the health of living organisms and improve the quality of the environment.[1][2] Environmental engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering and chemical engineering. While on the part of civil engineering, the Environmental Engineering is focused mainly on Sanitary Engineering.[3]

Environmental engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles to improve and maintain the environment to:

  • protect human health,
  • protect nature's beneficial ecosystems,
  • and improve environmental-related enhancement of the quality of human life.[1]

Environmental engineers devise solutions for wastewater management, water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, and public health.[2][4] They design municipal water supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems,[5][6] and design plans to prevent waterborne diseases and improve sanitation in urban, rural and recreational areas. They evaluate hazardous-waste management systems to evaluate the severity of such hazards, advise on treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps. They implement environmental engineering law, as in assessing the environmental impact of proposed construction projects.

Environmental engineers study the effect of technological advances on the environment, addressing local and worldwide environmental issues such as acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial sources.[2][7][8][9]

Most jurisdictions impose licensing and registration requirements for qualified environmental engineers.[10][11][12]


The word environmental has its root in the late 14th-century French word environ (verb), meaning to encircle or to encompass. The word environment was used by Carlyle in 1827 to refer to the aggregate of conditions in which a person or thing lives. The meaning shifted again in 1956 when it was used in the ecological sense, where Ecology is the branch of science dealing with the relationship of living things to their environment.[13]

The second part of the phrase environmental engineer originates from Latin roots and was used in the 14th century French as engignour, meaning a constructor of military engines such as trebuchets, harquebuses, longbows, cannons, catapults, ballistas, stirrups, armour as well as other deadly or bellicose contraptions. The word engineer was not used to reference public works until the 16th century; and it likely entered the popular vernacular as meaning a contriver of public works during John Smeaton's time.


Ancient civilizations

Environmental engineering is a name for work that has been done since early civilizations, as people learned to modify and control the environmental conditions to meet needs.[4][14] As people recognized that their health was related to the quality of their environment, they built systems to improve[4] it. The ancient Indus Valley Civilization (3300 B.C.E. to 1300 B.C.E.) had advanced control over their water resources.[14] The public work structures found at various sites in the area include wells, public baths, water storage tanks, a drinking water system, and a city-wide sewage collection system.[14][15] They also had an early canal irrigation system enabling large-scale agriculture.[16]

From 4000 to 2000 B.C.E., many civilizations had drainage systems and some had sanitation facilities, including the Mesopotamian Empire, Mohenjo-Daro, Egypt, Crete, and the Orkney Islands in Scotland.[4] The Greeks also had aqueducts and sewer systems that used rain and wastewater to irrigate and fertilize fields.[4]

The first aqueduct in Rome was constructed in 312 B.C.E., and from there, they continued to construct aqueducts for irrigation and safe urban water supply during droughts.[4] They also built an underground sewer system as early as the 7th century B.C.E. that fed into the Tiber River, draining marshes to create farmland as well as removing sewage from the city.[4][14]

Modern era

Very little change was seen from the fall of Rome until the 19th century, where improvements saw increasing efforts focused on public health.[14][17] Modern environmental engineering began in London in the mid-19th century when Joseph Bazalgette designed the first major sewerage system following the Great Stink.[14] The city's sewer system conveyed raw sewage to the River Thames, which also supplied the majority of the city's drinking water, leading to an outbreak of cholera.[14] The introduction of drinking water treatment and sewage treatment in industrialized countries reduced waterborne diseases from leading causes of death to rarities.[18]

The field emerged as a separate academic discipline during the middle of the 20th century in response to widespread public concern about water and air pollution and other environmental degradation. As society and technology grew more complex, they increasingly produced unintended effects on the natural environment. One example is the widespread application of the pesticide DDT to control agricultural pests in the years following World War II. The story of DDT as vividly told in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962) is considered to be the birth of the modern environmental movement,[19] which led to the modern field of "environmental engineering."


Many universities offer environmental engineering programs through either the department of civil engineering or chemical engineering and also including electronic projects to develop and balance the environmental conditions. Environmental engineers in a civil engineering program often focus on hydrology, water resources management, bioremediation, and water and wastewater treatment plant design. Environmental engineers in a chemical engineering program tend to focus on environmental chemistry, advanced air and water treatment technologies, and separation processes.[20][citation needed] Some subdivisions of environmental engineering include natural resources engineering and agricultural engineering.

Courses for students fall into a few broad classes:

  • Mechanical engineering courses oriented towards designing machines and mechanical systems for environmental use such as water and wastewater treatment facilities, pumping stations, garbage segregation plants, and other mechanical facilities.
  • Environmental engineering or environmental systems courses oriented towards a civil engineering approach in which structures and the landscape are constructed to blend with or protect the environment.
  • Environmental chemistry, sustainable chemistry or environmental chemical engineering courses oriented towards understanding the effects of chemicals in the environment, including any mining processes, pollutants, and also biochemical processes.
  • Environmental technology courses oriented towards producing electronic or electrical graduates capable of developing devices and artifacts able to monitor, measure, model and control environmental impact, including monitoring and managing energy generation from renewable sources.


The following topics make up a typical curriculum in environmental engineering:[21]

  1. Mass and Energy transfer
  2. Environmental chemistry
    1. Inorganic chemistry
    2. Organic Chemistry
    3. Nuclear Chemistry
  3. Growth models
    1. Resource consumption
    2. Population growth
    3. Economic growth
  4. Risk assessment
    1. Hazard identification
    2. Dose-response Assessment
    3. Exposure assessment
    4. Risk characterization
    5. Comparative risk analysis
  5. Water pollution
    1. Water resources and pollutants
    2. Oxygen demand
    3. Pollutant transport
    4. Water and waste water treatment
  6. Air pollution
    1. Industry, transportation, commercial and residential emissions
    2. Criteria and toxic air pollutants
    3. Pollution modelling (e.g. Atmospheric dispersion modeling)
    4. Pollution control
    5. Air pollution and meteorology
  7. Global change
    1. Greenhouse effect and global temperature
    2. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycle
    3. IPCC emissions scenarios
    4. Oceanic changes (ocean acidification, other effects of global warming on oceans) and changes in the stratosphere (see Physical impacts of climate change)
  8. Solid waste management and resource recovery
    1. Life cycle assessment
    2. Source reduction
    3. Collection and transfer operations
    4. Recycling
    5. Waste-to-energy conversion
    6. Landfill

Mass Balance

Consider a man made chemical that we wish to find the fate of in relation to time, position, some phase of matter, or flow of a liquid. We represent the measured change in concentration as a function of all the rates of change that effect that clump of chemical matter.


Meaning that for some control volume, the change in concentration versus change in linear independent time is equal to the sum of whatever changes are occurring in (+) and out(-) of that control volume. This is allowed for a few different reasons:

(1) Conservation of mass.

(2) Representation as an ordinary differential equation.


(3) A solution exists.

Although differential equations can be intimidating, this formula for a change in the concentration for a control volume per time is very versatile even without calculus. Take for instance the common scenario of a tank containing a volume with a contaminant of a certain concentration. Given that there is a first order reaction -kC taking place and that the tank is in steady state the effluent concentration becomes an expression of the initial concentration, the reaction constant k, and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) which is equal to the quotient of the volume of the tank by the flow.



Water supply and treatment

Environmental engineers evaluate the water balance within a watershed and determine the available water supply, the water needed for various needs in that watershed, the seasonal cycles of water movement through the watershed and they develop systems to store, treat, and convey water for various uses.

Water is treated to achieve water quality objectives for the end uses. In the case of a potable water supply, water is treated to minimize the risk of infectious disease transmission, the risk of non-infectious illness, and to create a palatable water flavor. Water distribution systems[22][23] are designed and built to provide adequate water pressure and flow rates to meet various end-user needs such as domestic use, fire suppression, and irrigation.

Wastewater treatment

There are numerous wastewater treatment technologies. A wastewater treatment train can consist of a primary clarifier system to remove solid and floating materials, a secondary treatment system consisting of an aeration basin followed by flocculation and sedimentation or an activated sludge system and a secondary clarifier, a tertiary biological nitrogen removal system, and a final disinfection process. The aeration basin/activated sludge system removes organic material by growing bacteria (activated sludge). The secondary clarifier removes the activated sludge from the water. The tertiary system, although not always included due to costs, is becoming more prevalent to remove nitrogen and phosphorus and to disinfect the water before discharge to a surface water stream or ocean outfall.[24]

Air pollution management

Scientists have developed air pollution dispersion models to evaluate the concentration of a pollutant at a receptor or the impact on overall air quality from vehicle exhausts and industrial flue gas stack emissions. To some extent, this field overlaps the desire to decrease carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from combustion processes.

Environmental impact assessment and mitigation

Water pollution

Environmental engineers apply scientific and engineering principles to evaluate if there are likely to be any adverse impacts to water quality, air quality, habitat quality, flora and fauna, agricultural capacity, traffic, ecology, and noise. If impacts are expected, they then develop mitigation measures to limit or prevent such impacts. An example of a mitigation measure would be the creation of wetlands in a nearby location to mitigate the filling in of wetlands necessary for a road development if it is not possible to reroute the road.

In the United States, the practice of environmental assessment was formally initiated on January 1, 1970, the effective date of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Since that time, more than 100 developing and developed nations either have planned specific analogous laws or have adopted procedure used elsewhere. NEPA is applicable to all federal agencies in the United States.[25]

Regulatory agencies

Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is one of the many agencies that work with environmental engineers to solve key issues. An important component of EPA's mission is to protect and improve air, water, and overall environmental quality in order to avoid or mitigate the consequences of harmful effects.

See also



  1. ^ a b "Careers in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science". American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  2. ^ a b c "Architecture and Engineering Occupations". Occupational Outlook Handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 20 February 2019. Retrieved 23 March 2019.
  3. ^ Mahamud-López, Manuel María; Menéndez-Aguado, Juan Mariá (September 2005). "Environmental engineering in mining engineering education". European Journal of Engineering Education. 30 (3): 329–339. doi:10.1080/03043790500114490. ISSN 0304-3797. S2CID 109093239.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g "10 Advancements in Environmental Engineering". HowStuffWorks. 2014-05-18. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  5. ^ Beychok, Milton R. (1967). Aqueous Wastes from Petroleum and Petrochemical Plants (1st ed.). John Wiley & Sons. LCCN 67019834.
  6. ^ Tchobanoglous, G.; Burton, F.L. & Stensel, H.D. (2003). Wastewater Engineering (Treatment Disposal Reuse) / Bailey Alatoree Inc (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Book Company. ISBN 978-0-07-041878-3.
  7. ^ Turner, D.B. (1994). Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates: an introduction to dispersion modeling (2nd ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-56670-023-8.
  8. ^ Beychok, M.R. (2005). Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion (4th ed.). author-published. ISBN 978-0-9644588-0-2.
  9. ^ Career Information Center. Agribusiness, Environment, and Natural Resources (9th ed.). Macmillan Reference. 2007.
  10. ^ "Become Board Certified in Environmental Engineering". American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  11. ^ "NCEES PE Environmental exam information". NCEES. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  12. ^ "Professional Engineering Institutions". Engineering Council. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  13. ^ "environ | Search Online Etymology Dictionary". www.etymonline.com. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g Mason, Matthew. "Environmental Engineering: Why It's Vital for Our Future". Environmental Science. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  15. ^ Jansen, M. (October 1989). "Water Supply and Sewage Disposal at Mohenjo-Daro". World Archaeology. 21 (2): 177–192. doi:10.1080/00438243.1989.9980100. JSTOR 124907. PMID 16470995.
  16. ^ Angelakis, Andreas N.; Rose, Joan B. (2014). "Chapter 2: "Sanitation and wastewater technologies in Harappa/Indus valley civilization (ca. 2600-1900 BC)". Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Technologies through the Centuries. IWA Publishing. pp. 25–40. ISBN 9781780404851.
  17. ^ "Funding - Environmental Engineering". US National Science Foundation. Retrieved 2013-07-01.
  18. ^ "Waterborne Infections". Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  19. ^ Radniecki, Tyler. "What is Environmental Engineering?". College of Engineering. Oregon State University. Retrieved 2019-03-23.
  20. ^ "What is Environmental Engineering?". Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2012-07-04. Retrieved 2023-01-27.
  21. ^ Masters, Gilbert (2008). Introduction to environmental engineering and science. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-148193-0.
  22. ^ Drinking water distribution systems : assessing and reducing risks. National Academies Press. 2006. doi:10.17226/11728. ISBN 978-0-309-10306-0. Retrieved 6 October 2019.
  23. ^ "Water Distribution Networks CE370" (PDF). King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. Retrieved 6 October 2019.
  24. ^ Sims, J. (2003). Activated sludge, Environmental Encyclopedia. Detroit.
  25. ^ McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1993. ISBN 9780070513969.

Further reading

  • Davis, M. L. and D. A. Cornwell, (2006) Introduction to environmental engineering (4th ed.) McGraw-Hill ISBN 978-0072424119
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2019). Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century: Addressing Grand Challenges (Report). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi:10.17226/25121. ISBN 978-0-309-47652-2.{{cite report}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

environmental, engineering, professional, engineering, discipline, that, encompasses, broad, scientific, topics, like, chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, mathematics, create, solutions, that, will, protect, also, improve. Environmental engineering is a professional engineering discipline that encompasses broad scientific topics like chemistry biology ecology geology hydraulics hydrology microbiology and mathematics to create solutions that will protect and also improve the health of living organisms and improve the quality of the environment 1 2 Environmental engineering is a sub discipline of civil engineering and chemical engineering While on the part of civil engineering the Environmental Engineering is focused mainly on Sanitary Engineering 3 Environmental engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles to improve and maintain the environment to protect human health protect nature s beneficial ecosystems and improve environmental related enhancement of the quality of human life 1 Environmental engineers devise solutions for wastewater management water and air pollution control recycling waste disposal and public health 2 4 They design municipal water supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems 5 6 and design plans to prevent waterborne diseases and improve sanitation in urban rural and recreational areas They evaluate hazardous waste management systems to evaluate the severity of such hazards advise on treatment and containment and develop regulations to prevent mishaps They implement environmental engineering law as in assessing the environmental impact of proposed construction projects Environmental engineers study the effect of technological advances on the environment addressing local and worldwide environmental issues such as acid rain global warming ozone depletion water pollution and air pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial sources 2 7 8 9 Most jurisdictions impose licensing and registration requirements for qualified environmental engineers 10 11 12 Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2 1 Ancient civilizations 2 2 Modern era 3 Education 3 1 Curriculum 4 Mass Balance 5 Applications 5 1 Water supply and treatment 5 2 Wastewater treatment 5 3 Air pollution management 5 4 Environmental impact assessment and mitigation 6 Regulatory agencies 6 1 Environmental Protection Agency 7 See also 7 1 Associations 8 References 9 Further readingEtymology EditThe word environmental has its root in the late 14th century French word environ verb meaning to encircle or to encompass The word environment was used by Carlyle in 1827 to refer to the aggregate of conditions in which a person or thing lives The meaning shifted again in 1956 when it was used in the ecological sense where Ecology is the branch of science dealing with the relationship of living things to their environment 13 The second part of the phrase environmental engineer originates from Latin roots and was used in the 14th century French as engignour meaning a constructor of military engines such as trebuchets harquebuses longbows cannons catapults ballistas stirrups armour as well as other deadly or bellicose contraptions The word engineer was not used to reference public works until the 16th century and it likely entered the popular vernacular as meaning a contriver of public works during John Smeaton s time History EditFurther information History of water supply and sanitation Ancient civilizations Edit Environmental engineering is a name for work that has been done since early civilizations as people learned to modify and control the environmental conditions to meet needs 4 14 As people recognized that their health was related to the quality of their environment they built systems to improve 4 it The ancient Indus Valley Civilization 3300 B C E to 1300 B C E had advanced control over their water resources 14 The public work structures found at various sites in the area include wells public baths water storage tanks a drinking water system and a city wide sewage collection system 14 15 They also had an early canal irrigation system enabling large scale agriculture 16 From 4000 to 2000 B C E many civilizations had drainage systems and some had sanitation facilities including the Mesopotamian Empire Mohenjo Daro Egypt Crete and the Orkney Islands in Scotland 4 The Greeks also had aqueducts and sewer systems that used rain and wastewater to irrigate and fertilize fields 4 The first aqueduct in Rome was constructed in 312 B C E and from there they continued to construct aqueducts for irrigation and safe urban water supply during droughts 4 They also built an underground sewer system as early as the 7th century B C E that fed into the Tiber River draining marshes to create farmland as well as removing sewage from the city 4 14 Modern era Edit Very little change was seen from the fall of Rome until the 19th century where improvements saw increasing efforts focused on public health 14 17 Modern environmental engineering began in London in the mid 19th century when Joseph Bazalgette designed the first major sewerage system following the Great Stink 14 The city s sewer system conveyed raw sewage to the River Thames which also supplied the majority of the city s drinking water leading to an outbreak of cholera 14 The introduction of drinking water treatment and sewage treatment in industrialized countries reduced waterborne diseases from leading causes of death to rarities 18 The field emerged as a separate academic discipline during the middle of the 20th century in response to widespread public concern about water and air pollution and other environmental degradation As society and technology grew more complex they increasingly produced unintended effects on the natural environment One example is the widespread application of the pesticide DDT to control agricultural pests in the years following World War II The story of DDT as vividly told in Rachel Carson s Silent Spring 1962 is considered to be the birth of the modern environmental movement 19 which led to the modern field of environmental engineering Education EditThis section relies largely or entirely upon a single source Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources October 2021 Learn how and when to remove this template message Many universities offer environmental engineering programs through either the department of civil engineering or chemical engineering and also including electronic projects to develop and balance the environmental conditions Environmental engineers in a civil engineering program often focus on hydrology water resources management bioremediation and water and wastewater treatment plant design Environmental engineers in a chemical engineering program tend to focus on environmental chemistry advanced air and water treatment technologies and separation processes 20 citation needed Some subdivisions of environmental engineering include natural resources engineering and agricultural engineering Courses for students fall into a few broad classes Mechanical engineering courses oriented towards designing machines and mechanical systems for environmental use such as water and wastewater treatment facilities pumping stations garbage segregation plants and other mechanical facilities Environmental engineering or environmental systems courses oriented towards a civil engineering approach in which structures and the landscape are constructed to blend with or protect the environment Environmental chemistry sustainable chemistry or environmental chemical engineering courses oriented towards understanding the effects of chemicals in the environment including any mining processes pollutants and also biochemical processes Environmental technology courses oriented towards producing electronic or electrical graduates capable of developing devices and artifacts able to monitor measure model and control environmental impact including monitoring and managing energy generation from renewable sources Curriculum Edit The following topics make up a typical curriculum in environmental engineering 21 Mass and Energy transfer Environmental chemistry Inorganic chemistry Organic Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Growth models Resource consumption Population growth Economic growth Risk assessment Hazard identification Dose response Assessment Exposure assessment Risk characterization Comparative risk analysis Water pollution Water resources and pollutants Oxygen demand Pollutant transport Water and waste water treatment Air pollution Industry transportation commercial and residential emissions Criteria and toxic air pollutants Pollution modelling e g Atmospheric dispersion modeling Pollution control Air pollution and meteorology Global change Greenhouse effect and global temperature Carbon nitrogen and oxygen cycle IPCC emissions scenarios Oceanic changes ocean acidification other effects of global warming on oceans and changes in the stratosphere see Physical impacts of climate change Solid waste management and resource recovery Life cycle assessment Source reduction Collection and transfer operations Recycling Waste to energy conversion LandfillMass Balance EditConsider a man made chemical that we wish to find the fate of in relation to time position some phase of matter or flow of a liquid We represent the measured change in concentration as a function of all the rates of change that effect that clump of chemical matter V d C d t d b m d t b displaystyle V dC over dt sum d b m over dt b Meaning that for some control volume the change in concentration versus change in linear independent time is equal to the sum of whatever changes are occurring in and out of that control volume This is allowed for a few different reasons 1 Conservation of mass t o t a l m a s s m a s s a m a s s b m a s s c m a s s n displaystyle totalmass mass a mass b mass c mass n 2 Representation as an ordinary differential equation a 0 x y a 1 x y a 2 x y a n x y n b x 0 displaystyle a 0 x y a 1 x y a 2 x y cdots a n x y n b x 0 3 A solution exists Although differential equations can be intimidating this formula for a change in the concentration for a control volume per time is very versatile even without calculus Take for instance the common scenario of a tank containing a volume with a contaminant of a certain concentration Given that there is a first order reaction kC taking place and that the tank is in steady state the effluent concentration becomes an expression of the initial concentration the reaction constant k and the hydraulic retention time HRT which is equal to the quotient of the volume of the tank by the flow C C 0 1 t k displaystyle C C 0 1 tau k Applications EditWater supply and treatment Edit Environmental engineers evaluate the water balance within a watershed and determine the available water supply the water needed for various needs in that watershed the seasonal cycles of water movement through the watershed and they develop systems to store treat and convey water for various uses Water is treated to achieve water quality objectives for the end uses In the case of a potable water supply water is treated to minimize the risk of infectious disease transmission the risk of non infectious illness and to create a palatable water flavor Water distribution systems 22 23 are designed and built to provide adequate water pressure and flow rates to meet various end user needs such as domestic use fire suppression and irrigation Wastewater treatment Edit Sewage treatment plant AustraliaThere are numerous wastewater treatment technologies A wastewater treatment train can consist of a primary clarifier system to remove solid and floating materials a secondary treatment system consisting of an aeration basin followed by flocculation and sedimentation or an activated sludge system and a secondary clarifier a tertiary biological nitrogen removal system and a final disinfection process The aeration basin activated sludge system removes organic material by growing bacteria activated sludge The secondary clarifier removes the activated sludge from the water The tertiary system although not always included due to costs is becoming more prevalent to remove nitrogen and phosphorus and to disinfect the water before discharge to a surface water stream or ocean outfall 24 Air pollution management Edit Scientists have developed air pollution dispersion models to evaluate the concentration of a pollutant at a receptor or the impact on overall air quality from vehicle exhausts and industrial flue gas stack emissions To some extent this field overlaps the desire to decrease carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from combustion processes Environmental impact assessment and mitigation Edit Main article Environmental impact assessment Water pollution Environmental engineers apply scientific and engineering principles to evaluate if there are likely to be any adverse impacts to water quality air quality habitat quality flora and fauna agricultural capacity traffic ecology and noise If impacts are expected they then develop mitigation measures to limit or prevent such impacts An example of a mitigation measure would be the creation of wetlands in a nearby location to mitigate the filling in of wetlands necessary for a road development if it is not possible to reroute the road In the United States the practice of environmental assessment was formally initiated on January 1 1970 the effective date of the National Environmental Policy Act NEPA Since that time more than 100 developing and developed nations either have planned specific analogous laws or have adopted procedure used elsewhere NEPA is applicable to all federal agencies in the United States 25 Regulatory agencies EditEnvironmental Protection Agency Edit The U S Environmental Protection Agency EPA is one of the many agencies that work with environmental engineers to solve key issues An important component of EPA s mission is to protect and improve air water and overall environmental quality in order to avoid or mitigate the consequences of harmful effects See also Edit Environment portal Ecology portal Engineering portal At Wikiversity you can learn more and teach others about Environmental engineering at the Department of Environmental engineering Atmospheric dispersion modeling Biofiltration Civil engineering Ecological sanitation Ecological engineering Engineering geology Environmental design Environmental engineering law Environmental engineering science Environmental health Environmental impact assessment Environmental management Environmental restoration Environmental science Environmental studies Geological Engineering Geoprofessions Hydraulic engineering Hydrology List of environmental degrees List of environmental engineers Sanitary engineering Water purification Water quality modeling Associations Edit American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Association of Environmental Professionals Atmospheric dispersion modeling Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Society of Environmental EngineersReferences Edit a b Careers in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science American Academy of Environmental Engineers amp Scientists Retrieved 2019 03 23 a b c Architecture and Engineering Occupations Occupational Outlook Handbook Bureau of Labor Statistics 20 February 2019 Retrieved 23 March 2019 Mahamud Lopez Manuel Maria Menendez Aguado Juan Maria September 2005 Environmental engineering in mining engineering education European Journal of Engineering Education 30 3 329 339 doi 10 1080 03043790500114490 ISSN 0304 3797 S2CID 109093239 a b c d e f g 10 Advancements in Environmental Engineering HowStuffWorks 2014 05 18 Retrieved 2019 03 23 Beychok Milton R 1967 Aqueous Wastes from Petroleum and Petrochemical Plants 1st ed John Wiley amp Sons LCCN 67019834 Tchobanoglous G Burton F L amp Stensel H D 2003 Wastewater Engineering Treatment Disposal Reuse Bailey Alatoree Inc 4th ed McGraw Hill Book Company ISBN 978 0 07 041878 3 Turner D B 1994 Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates an introduction to dispersion modeling 2nd ed CRC Press ISBN 978 1 56670 023 8 Beychok M R 2005 Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion 4th ed author published ISBN 978 0 9644588 0 2 Career Information Center Agribusiness Environment and Natural Resources 9th ed Macmillan Reference 2007 Become Board Certified in Environmental Engineering American Academy of Environmental Engineers amp Scientists Retrieved 2019 03 23 NCEES PE Environmental exam information NCEES Retrieved 2019 03 23 Professional Engineering Institutions Engineering Council Retrieved 2019 03 23 environ Search Online Etymology Dictionary www etymonline com Retrieved 2020 12 14 a b c d e f g Mason Matthew Environmental Engineering Why It s Vital for Our Future Environmental Science Retrieved 2019 03 23 Jansen M October 1989 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal at Mohenjo Daro World Archaeology 21 2 177 192 doi 10 1080 00438243 1989 9980100 JSTOR 124907 PMID 16470995 Angelakis Andreas N Rose Joan B 2014 Chapter 2 Sanitation and wastewater technologies in Harappa Indus valley civilization ca 2600 1900 BC Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Technologies through the Centuries IWA Publishing pp 25 40 ISBN 9781780404851 Funding Environmental Engineering US National Science Foundation Retrieved 2013 07 01 Waterborne Infections Encyclopedia com Retrieved 2019 03 23 Radniecki Tyler What is Environmental Engineering College of Engineering Oregon State University Retrieved 2019 03 23 What is Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 07 04 Retrieved 2023 01 27 Masters Gilbert 2008 Introduction to environmental engineering and science Upper Saddle River N J Prentice Hall ISBN 978 0 13 148193 0 Drinking water distribution systems assessing and reducing risks National Academies Press 2006 doi 10 17226 11728 ISBN 978 0 309 10306 0 Retrieved 6 October 2019 Water Distribution Networks CE370 PDF King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Retrieved 6 October 2019 Sims J 2003 Activated sludge Environmental Encyclopedia Detroit McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering 3rd ed McGraw Hill Inc 1993 ISBN 9780070513969 Further reading EditDavis M L and D A Cornwell 2006 Introduction to environmental engineering 4th ed McGraw Hill ISBN 978 0072424119 National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine 2019 Environmental Engineering for the 21st Century Addressing Grand Challenges Report Washington DC The National Academies Press doi 10 17226 25121 ISBN 978 0 309 47652 2 a href Template Cite report html title Template Cite report cite report a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Environmental engineering amp oldid 1138300212, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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