

Entelodontidae, the entelodonts, are an extinct family of pig-like artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates) which inhabited the Northern Hemisphere (Asia, Europe, and North America) from the late Eocene[1] to the Middle Miocene epochs, about 38-19 million years ago. Their large heads, low snouts, narrow gait, and proposed omnivorous diet inspires comparisons to suids (true pigs) and tayassuids (peccaries), and historically they have been considered closely related to these families purely on a morphological basis.[2][3][4] However, studies which combine morphological and molecular (genetic) data on artiodactyls instead suggest that entelodonts are cetancodontamorphs, more closely related to hippos and cetaceans than to pigs or other ungulates.[5][6]

Temporal range: 37.2–15.97 Ma Late Eocene - Middle Miocene
Complete skeleton of Daeodon
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Clade: Cetancodontamorpha
Family: Entelodontidae
Lydekker, 1883
Type genus

See text.

  • Elotheridae Alston, 1878


Entelodonts could get quite large, and in many cases are the largest mammals in their respective ecosystems. The largest entelodont known from a complete skeleton was Daeodon, a North American entelodont which could reach an estimated weight of 750 kg (1650 pounds),[2] and a height up to 2.1 m (6.9 ft) tall at the shoulder. Paraentelodon intermedium, a Eurasian species known mostly by the teeth and jaws, was similar in size to Daeodon.[7][4]


Entelodonts had huge heads, ornamented with distinctive bony expansions. The zygomatic arches (cheekbones) develop huge jugal flanges which project downwards and outwards. Moreover, the underside of the lower jaw typically has one or two pairs of knob-like mandibular tubercles. These are not always diagnostic to specific taxa: often the size and presence of tubercles is variable within a single species.[2][3][4]

The snout was narrow and elongated, especially in later species. The cranium was robust, with strong zygomatic and postorbital arches forming the rim of voluminous temporal fossae, separated by a sharp sagittal crest.[2][3][4] However, the rear of the skull was also much shorter than the snout, and the braincase was relatively small. Most of the braincase contributed to large paranasal sinuses and olfactory bulbs at the front, while the cerebrum was underdeveloped. Large olfactory bulbs are likely indicative of a good sense of smell. Moreover, the orbits (eye sockets) are oriented further forwards than in most artiodactyls, suggesting that entelodonts had binocular vision.[3] Compared to other artiodactyls, the jaw was slender at the rear, with a short, triangular coronoid process which is shifted forwards. The mandibular condyle (jaw joint) is set back and below the level of the tooth row. The mandibular symphysis (chin) was fused, and the pterygoid bones along the middle of the roof of the mouth were connected by a strong interdigitating suture.[2][3][4]


Lower jaw of Archaeotherium, showing the array of teeth

Similar to pigs, entelodonts retain a large number of teeth, a plesiomorphic trait approximating the ancestral condition for artiodactyls. They have a typical mammalian dental formula of /, meaning that each tooth row has three pairs of robust incisors, a pair of large canines, four pairs of pointed premolars, and three pairs of relatively simple and flat molars. This unreduced, or "complete" dentition is the origin of the family's name, which is Greek for "complete teeth".[3][4]

The incisors are closely packed but do not develop a distinct straight chopping surface. They range from chisel-shaped in some entelodonts (Archaeotherium) to massive and rounded in others (Daeodon).[2][3] The canines have thick enamel and are circular in cross section, unlike most artiodactyls. In older individuals, the tip of the upper canine often heavily worn or even chipped off. Premolars are triangular when seen from the side, with a large and conical main cusp. They are elongated from front-to-back and widely-spaced, taking up a large portion of the tooth row. The molar teeth are bunodont, with very low and rounded cusps rather than shearing surfaces. Bunodont teeth are common in other omnivorous mammals, including pigs, bears, and humans. The upper molars have up to six cusps and a low crest (a precingulum) on the front edge of the crown. The lower molars have only four main cusps (except in Proentelodon); the front two cusps (the metaconid and protoconid) may be connected by a horizontal crest and are slightly larger than the rear two cusps.[2]

Postcranial skeleton

Daeodon skeletal reconstruction and size diagram

The skeleton is fairly unspecialized in entelodonts. They retain typical artiodactyl skeletal traits such as a double-pulley ankle joint and paraxonic ("even toed") feet with weight split evenly between the two middle toes. They had four toes in total, with the middle two forming small, pointed cloven hooves, while the remaining two were vestigial and likely not externally visible. In larger species, a bison-like spinal hump supported the weight of the heavy head. The limbs were long, and the radius and ulna were fused.[4] Though not fused, the metatarsals (raised foot bones) were long and closely packed. The limb and hoof proportions are consistent with other hoofed animals that run well on open ground but are not built for high speed.[2]


Jaw movement and musculature

Skull of Daeodon

The wide and tall temporal fossa allowed for a very large temporalis muscle, which extends from the side of the cranium to the coronoid process of the mandible. The temporalis was not only large and strong, but also had a long moment arm (and thus higher torque) due to the coronoid process shifting forwards. The reinforced pterygoid, zygomatic, and postorbital areas would have supported the forces generated by the temporalis. The size and orientation of the temporalis is similar to carnivorans, where it corresponds to a strong and stable scissor-like (orthal) bite.[2]

Though the low jaw joint provided more room for the temporalis muscle, it also posed a problem for the masseter muscle. The masseter, which extends from the zygomatic arch to the lower rear corner of the mandible, is a major component of the chewing apparatus in herbivorous artiodactyls. While other artiodactyls added torque to the muscle by raising the jaw joint, entelodonts instead expanded the rear of the jaw downwards, as a deep, curved flange. Moreover, the characteristic jugal flanges of entelodonts were covered with muscle scars on the inside, likely attachment points to strengthen the masseter. Only a few modern mammals have overdeveloped projections on the zygomatic arch, including xenarthrans, kangaroos, and certain rodents. Like entelodonts, these mammals use their equivalent projections as a means of providing extra space for the attachment of the masseter muscle, and develop robust cranial bars to resist the resulting forces on the skull.[3] The pterygoideus muscle, which follows a similar path and function to the masseter, also benefited from the deep flange at the back of the jaw.[2]

The function of the mandibular tubercles is not certain, but they may also be related to jaw musculature. They are only clearly correlated with the size of the individual, though a few taxa (Brachyhyops and Cypretherium) can be diagnosed by the absence of a specific pair of mandibular tubercles. Generally, the posterior (rear) mandibular tubercles develop later in life than the anterior (front) pair, and none of the tubercles stop growing as the animal develops. The use of the anterior tubercles is unclear; one speculative idea suggests that they served as an attachment point for strong lip muscles in particularly herbivorous entelodonts. The posterior tubercles may provide a link to the digastricus muscle which helps to open the jaws. Hippos, which have a particularly complex and well-developed digastricus, occasionally develop a tubercle to support the digastricus in an equivalent area on the jaw.[3]

The jaw joint of entelodonts was likely more strongly connected than the loose jaws of most other artiodactyls. The mandibular condyle was convex and inserted into a strongly concave facet (glenoid) on the zygomatic arch, which would have restricted front-to-back (propalinal) jaw movement. Nevertheless, the structure of the mandibular condyle itself allowed for a wide range of movement, and the laterally bowed zygomatic arch provided some room for side-to-side (transverse) movement driven by the masseter and pterygoideus. The low, unconstrained jaw joint and short coronoid process may correspond to long muscle fibers. This points to a hinge-like jaw suspension with a very wide gape, similar to some modern carnivorans such as felids (cats). Based on the shape of the mandibular condyle, the maximum gape possible based on the underlying bones (though not necessarily the widest gape possible in life) was about 109 degrees in Archaeotherium.[2]

Wear facets on entelodont teeth support three-part food processing. First, the incisors and canines bite in a strong orthal motion, grabbing and puncturing food. Then, the food is transferred back to the premolars, which breaks apart tough parts of the food with similar movements. Finally, the food is crushed and ground up by the molars, using a combination of orthal and transverse grinding. This same basic process is seen in modern pigs and peccaries, which have similar dentition. Individuals may have preferred one side of the jaw for chewing, as premolars and molars often show an asymmetrical distribution of wear between the left and right sides of the mouth.[2]


Life restoration of Daeodon

By comparison to pigs and peccaries, entelodonts were almost certainly omnivorous to an extent. Their teeth and jaw structure would have assisted processing of large and tough food items. Unlike the diverse and fully herbivorous pecoran artiodactyls, entelodonts lack specializations for chopping and shredding grass and other particularly fibrous plants. Instead, entelodonts were probably browsers, with roots, nuts, fruits, and branches as their preferred sources of vegetation.[2] A 2022 study found that Entelodon magnus had an omnivorous diet similar to wild boar (Sus scrofa). This conclusion was justified by its pattern of tooth microwear, run through a linear discriminant analysis calibrated by modern herbivorous and omnivorous mammals. Based on pigs, entelodonts probably had a simple stomach and relied on the caecum to ferment and digest plant matter. They would have been opportunistic omnivores, capable of digesting a variety of plant and animal matter and moderating their food preferences based on seasonal ability.[8]

The same adaptations useful for processing tough plant material would be equally useful for carrion and bones, which could have been major components of the diet for some entelodonts.[2] Unlike pigs, the youngest juvenile entelodonts had a full set of 32 deciduous teeth. The teeth were sharp, slender, and semi-serrated, less suitable for crushing tough food compared to adult entelodonts.[3]

In many entelodonts, the canine teeth acquire rounded wear surfaces at their tips, indicating regular use on hard material such as bones. Similar patterns of canine wear are observed in modern cats, which rely on strong bites administered through their canine teeth when killing prey. In some species the bases of the canines are scoured by smooth grooves, a trait consistent with abrasions from sediment-covered plant material such as roots.[2] These grooves instead could have been produced by stripping long, fibrous vegetation, such as water-rich grape vines.[3] Daeodon is known to have had a distinctive type of "piecrust" tooth wear at the tips of the premolars, with a flat dentine surface surrounded by chipped enamel. This has also been observed in living hyenas.[2] Few contemporary mammals approached entelodonts in the extent of adaptations consistent with scavenging. Fossils with large scrapes and puncture marks are found throughout entelodont-bearing sites in the American Great Plains, including a skull of Merycoidodon with an embedded incisor of the entelodont Archaeotherium.[9]

Entelodonts may have engaged in active predation, though the extent of this behavior is debated. Several species of modern pigs occasionally engage in predation, and even traditional herbivores like camels show dental wear consistent with scavenging.[2] If they did engage in predation, entelodonts would not have been alone: many other contemporary mammals filled apex predator niches, including cat-like saber-toothed nimravids, amphicyonids ("bear-dogs"), and hyaenodontid creodonts.[9] One of the most apparent examples of circumstantial evidence for predation is a fossil found in the White River Formation of Wyoming, representing a cache of partial skeletons and other remains of the early camelid Poebrotherium. The carcasses were covered with large punctures on the skull, neck, and the transition from the thoracic to lumbar vertebrae, which have been attributed to predation and scavenging by Archaeotherium.[10][11] Entelodon's tooth microwear showed no overlap with the modern brown bear (Ursus arctos), and it probably did not actively hunt large mammals as part of its normal diet.[8]

Intraspecific behavior

The jaw structure and estimated musculature hold numerous lines of evidence indicating that entelodonts could open their mouths unusually wide.[2] This trait may have been useful in hunting or feeding on carrion, but similar adaptations have also been linked to competitive behaviors in herbivores. Hippos, a related group with similar adaptations, are aggressive herbivores which can open their jaws up to 150 degrees and display enlarged canines in order to intimidate rivals. Male hippos engage in head-to-head "yawning" and jaw-wrestling contests, while females attack by approaching from the side and slamming their head into the opponent's body.[12] The wide gape and low skulls of entelodonts would have assisted biting competitions, which are supported by fossil evidence. Large bite marks, including healed punctures, are common on skulls of various American entelodonts. These wounds are concentrated above the sinuses, and are only found on adult specimens. One could easily draws comparisons between these bite marks and the wide range of intraspecific competition over mates or territories in modern artiodactyls.[3][9] Snout biting in particular is a common competitive behavior among male camels, another group of "primitive" artiodactyls.[2][3] Ribcage injuries have been attributed to intraspecies aggression in Archaeotherium.[13] One possible function for the anterior tubercles is as a support for toughened skin, which would have acted as a buffer or display feature during competitive behavior.[3]


Early history

The earliest entelodont fossils to be named were described within a short time frame in the 1840s. The first entelodont species known from good fossils was Entelodon magnus, a European species which was named by French paleontologist Auguste Aymard. There is some debate over when Aymard's description was first published; though most authors assumed it was written in 1846, a citation within the article suggests that it was not published until 1848. Auguste Pomel, one of Aymard's contemporaries, described another fossil as Elotherium around the same time. Pomel's volume was likely published in 1846 or 1847, albeit with surviving reprints dating to 1848. Entelodon and Elotherium are almost certainly synonymous, though fossils belonging to the latter name are fragmentary and have been lost, while those of the former were likely described later. Nearly all historical and modern authors prefer to use Entelodon for the purpose of clarity, even though it would not take priority under strict rules of nomenclature. The confusion of priority between Entelodon and Elotherium is reflected in the name of their corresponding family. Edward Richard Alston coined the name Elotheriidae in 1878, while Richard Lydekker used the name Entelodontidae in 1883. As with Entelodon, nearly all paleontologists prefer Entelodontidae when referring to the family.[3][4]

Following the confusion between Entelodon and Elotherium, entelodont fossils continued to be discovered in Europe. Large entelodonts were also described from North America starting in 1850, though most new genera were eventually lumped into Archaeotherium and Daeodon. By the beginning of the 20th century, entelodont skeletal anatomy was well-understood from the quantity of fossils discovered by that point. In 1909, a massive complete skeleton of "Dinohyus" hollandi (= Daeodon), CM 1594, was described and put on display at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. As the 20th century continued, Asian entelodonts were discovered (Eoentelodon, Paraentelodon), as well as some of the earliest known members of the family (Eoentelodon, Brachyhyops).[3][4]

Traditional classification

The first described entelodonts were described in conjunction with Richard Owen's recognition of the artiodactyls as a natural group. The earliest sources considered entelodonts to be true pigs, but as further fossils were discovered, it became clear that they had a long evolutionary history separate from pigs. Regardless, entelodonts were universally accepted as examples of "primitive" artiodactyls, with unspecialized bunodont teeth in contrast with the strong adaptations for herbivory present in the more "advanced" ruminants.[14] Various names were erected to encompass living and extinct bunodont-toothed and non-ruminant artiodactyls, such as "Omnivoria" (Owens, 1858), "Bunodontia" (Lydekker, 1883) and "Nonruminantia" (Gregory, 1910).[15][3]

Some authors considered entelodonts to be too "primitive" for comparison to modern bunodont artiodactyls. In these studies, entelodonts were placed in "Palaeodonta", a group shared with various other extinct families. Choeropotamids, cebochoerids, and helohyids were frequently associated with entelodonts, sometimes even as potential ancestors. Later, the superfamily Entelodontoidea was named to encompass Entelodontidae and their supposed closest extinct relatives. In modern studies, Entelodontidae is generally considered the only family within Entelodontoidea.[3][4]

Many studies argued that entelodonts had close relations to living pigs, peccaries, and hippos. Various groups have been developed and named in reference to a pig-like anatomy, with names such as Suina (Gray, 1868) and Suiformes (Jaeckel, 1911) being emplaced in varying contexts. A restricted definition of Suina is still in use, as a major artiodactyl suborder encompassing Tayassuidae (peccaries) and Suidae (pigs). Early cladistic phylogenetic analyses of artiodactyls placed Entelodontidae as the sister taxon to a Tayassuidae + Suidae clade. This seemed to justify the frequent morphological comparisons between entelodonts and pigs.[3][4]


While entelodonts have long been classified as members of the Suina, Spaulding et al. have found them to be closer to whales and hippos than to pigs.[6] Cladistic analysis of the position of whales in relation to artiodactyls and mesonychians changes radically depending on whether the giant enigmatic mammal Andrewsarchus is included, and it has been suggested that Andrewsarchus is in fact an entelodont or close relative.[5][16][6]

Many former genera of entelodonts have been synonymized. For example, some authors have synonymized Dinohyus with Daeodon shoshonensis, a species described from fragmentary material by Cope.[4]

List of genera

In popular culture

Charles R. Knight's depiction of Entelodon (~1890s)

In popular media, entelodonts are sometimes nicknamed hell pigs or terminator pigs[19]

Entelodonts appear in the third episode of the popular BBC documentary Walking with Beasts, where, in the program, the narrator always refers to the creatures as "entelodonts" rather than a more specific genus, such as Entelodon. The same creatures appear in another BBC production, the 2001 remake of The Lost World.

Entelodonts were also the main focus of episode 4 of National Geographic Channel's show Prehistoric Predators in an episode titled "Killer Pig". The episode featured a number of claims unproven or disproven by science, such as Archaeotherium (identified as "entelodont") being the top predator of the American Badlands, and evolving directly into the even larger Daeodon (called "Dinohyus" in the episode).


  1. ^ a b Vislobokova, I. A. (2008-10-01). "The oldest representative of Entelodontoidea (Artiodactyla, Suiformes) from the Middle Eocene of Khaichin Ula II, Mongolia, and some evolutionary features of this superfamily". Paleontological Journal. 42 (6): 643–654. doi:10.1134/S0031030108060105. ISSN 1555-6174. S2CID 83856459.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Joeckel, R. M. (1990). "A Functional Interpretation of the Masticatory System and Paleoecology of Entelodonts". Paleobiology. 16 (4): 459–482. doi:10.1017/S0094837300010198. JSTOR 2400970.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Foss, Scott E. (2001). Systematics and Paleobiology of the Entelodontidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). DeKalb, Illinois: Ph.D Dissertation. Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Foss, Scott E. (2007). "Family Entelodontidae". In Prothero, Donald R.; Foss, Scott E. (eds.). The Evolution of Artiodactyls. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 120–129. ISBN 9780801887352.
  5. ^ a b O'Leary, Maureen A.; Gatesy, John (2008). "Impact of increased character sampling on the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia): combined analysis including fossils". Cladistics. 24 (4): 397–442. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2007.00187.x. ISSN 1096-0031. S2CID 85141801.
  6. ^ a b c Spaulding, Michelle; O'Leary, Maureen A.; Gatesy, John (2009). "Relationships of Cetacea (Artiodactyla) among mammals: increased taxon sampling alters interpretations of key fossils and character evolution". PLOS ONE. 4 (9): e7062. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.7062S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007062. PMC 2740860. PMID 19774069.
  7. ^ L. K. Gabunia (1964). Бернарская фауна олигоценовых позвоночных (The Benarskaya Fauna of Oligocene Vertebrates). Metsniereba, Tbilisi. p. 109-133. Retrieved 2020-09-26.
  8. ^ a b Rivals, Florent; Belyaev, Ruslan I.; Basova, Vera B.; Prilepskaya, Natalya E. (2023-02-01). "Hogs, hippos or bears? Paleodiet of European Oligocene anthracotheres and entelodonts". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 611: 111363. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111363. ISSN 0031-0182.
  9. ^ a b c Benton, R. C.; Terry, D. O.; Evanoff, E.; McDonald, H. G. (25 May 2015). The White River Badlands: Geology and Paleontology. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-01608-9.
  10. ^ Sundell, K. A. (1999). "Taphonomy of a Multiple Poebrotherium kill site – an Archaeotherium meat cache". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 19 (3): 79A. doi:10.1080/02724634.1999.10011202.
  11. ^ Sundell, Kent A. "Taphonomy of a Multiple Poebrotherium kill site - an Archaeotherium meat cache". Douglas Fossils.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  12. ^ . library.sandiegozoo.org. Archived from the original on 2018-07-20. Retrieved 2018-10-28.
  13. ^ Tanke, Darren H. and Phillip J. Currie (1996). "HEAD-BITING BEHAVIOR IN THEROPOD DINOSAURS: PALEOPATHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE" (PDF). GAIA N°15. LlSBOAlLISBON. DEZEMBRO/DECEMBER 1998. pp. 167-184. ISSN 0871-5424. Retrieved October 28, 2018.
  14. ^ S. G. Lucas, R. J. Emry, and S. E. Foss. 1998. Taxonomy and distribution of Daeodon, an Oligocene-Miocene entelodont (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 111(2):425-435
  15. ^ W. K. Gregory. 1910. The orders of mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 27:1-524
  16. ^ Naish, Darren (10 August 2009). . ScienceBlogs. Archived from the original on 26 March 2013.
  17. ^ Tsubamoto, Takehisa; Saneyoshi, Mototaka; Watabe, Mahito; Tsogtbaatar, Khishigjav; Mainbayar, Buurei (2011). "The Entelodontid Artiodactyl Fauna from the Eocene Ergilin Dzo Formation of Mongolia with Comments on Brachyhyops and the Khoer Dzan Locality". Paleontological Research. 15 (4): 258–268. doi:10.2517/1342-8144-15.4.258. ISSN 1342-8144. S2CID 129783561.
  18. ^ Ducrocq, Stéphane; Chaimanee, Yaowalak; Jaeger, Jean-Jacques (2019-03-01). "First record of Entelodontidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Eocene of Southeast Asia". Comptes Rendus Palevol. 18 (2): 186–190. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2018.10.001. ISSN 1631-0683. S2CID 134519242.
  19. ^ Adrienne Mayor Fossil Legends of the First Americans. Princeton University Press, 2005. p. 213

External links

  • "Museum display of Entelodont skeleton :: Geoscience Slides". University of Iowa. Entelodont Skeleton.

entelodont, idae, entelodonts, extinct, family, like, artiodactyls, even, toed, ungulates, which, inhabited, northern, hemisphere, asia, europe, north, america, from, late, eocene, middle, miocene, epochs, about, million, years, their, large, heads, snouts, na. Entelodontidae the entelodonts are an extinct family of pig like artiodactyls even toed ungulates which inhabited the Northern Hemisphere Asia Europe and North America from the late Eocene 1 to the Middle Miocene epochs about 38 19 million years ago Their large heads low snouts narrow gait and proposed omnivorous diet inspires comparisons to suids true pigs and tayassuids peccaries and historically they have been considered closely related to these families purely on a morphological basis 2 3 4 However studies which combine morphological and molecular genetic data on artiodactyls instead suggest that entelodonts are cetancodontamorphs more closely related to hippos and cetaceans than to pigs or other ungulates 5 6 EntelodontsTemporal range 37 2 15 97 Ma PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Late Eocene Middle MioceneComplete skeleton of DaeodonScientific classificationKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataClass MammaliaOrder ArtiodactylaClade CetancodontamorphaFamily EntelodontidaeLydekker 1883Type genus EntelodonGeneraSee text SynonymsElotheridae Alston 1878 Contents 1 Description 1 1 Skull 1 2 Teeth 1 3 Postcranial skeleton 2 Paleobiology 2 1 Jaw movement and musculature 2 2 Diet 2 3 Intraspecific behavior 3 Classification 3 1 Early history 3 2 Traditional classification 3 3 Cetancodontomorpha 3 4 List of genera 4 In popular culture 5 References 6 External linksDescription EditEntelodonts could get quite large and in many cases are the largest mammals in their respective ecosystems The largest entelodont known from a complete skeleton was Daeodon a North American entelodont which could reach an estimated weight of 750 kg 1650 pounds 2 and a height up to 2 1 m 6 9 ft tall at the shoulder Paraentelodon intermedium a Eurasian species known mostly by the teeth and jaws was similar in size to Daeodon 7 4 Skull Edit Skull of Archaeotherium mortoniEntelodonts had huge heads ornamented with distinctive bony expansions The zygomatic arches cheekbones develop huge jugal flanges which project downwards and outwards Moreover the underside of the lower jaw typically has one or two pairs of knob like mandibular tubercles These are not always diagnostic to specific taxa often the size and presence of tubercles is variable within a single species 2 3 4 The snout was narrow and elongated especially in later species The cranium was robust with strong zygomatic and postorbital arches forming the rim of voluminous temporal fossae separated by a sharp sagittal crest 2 3 4 However the rear of the skull was also much shorter than the snout and the braincase was relatively small Most of the braincase contributed to large paranasal sinuses and olfactory bulbs at the front while the cerebrum was underdeveloped Large olfactory bulbs are likely indicative of a good sense of smell Moreover the orbits eye sockets are oriented further forwards than in most artiodactyls suggesting that entelodonts had binocular vision 3 Compared to other artiodactyls the jaw was slender at the rear with a short triangular coronoid process which is shifted forwards The mandibular condyle jaw joint is set back and below the level of the tooth row The mandibular symphysis chin was fused and the pterygoid bones along the middle of the roof of the mouth were connected by a strong interdigitating suture 2 3 4 Teeth Edit Lower jaw of Archaeotherium showing the array of teeth Similar to pigs entelodonts retain a large number of teeth a plesiomorphic trait approximating the ancestral condition for artiodactyls They have a typical mammalian dental formula of 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 meaning that each tooth row has three pairs of robust incisors a pair of large canines four pairs of pointed premolars and three pairs of relatively simple and flat molars This unreduced or complete dentition is the origin of the family s name which is Greek for complete teeth 3 4 The incisors are closely packed but do not develop a distinct straight chopping surface They range from chisel shaped in some entelodonts Archaeotherium to massive and rounded in others Daeodon 2 3 The canines have thick enamel and are circular in cross section unlike most artiodactyls In older individuals the tip of the upper canine often heavily worn or even chipped off Premolars are triangular when seen from the side with a large and conical main cusp They are elongated from front to back and widely spaced taking up a large portion of the tooth row The molar teeth are bunodont with very low and rounded cusps rather than shearing surfaces Bunodont teeth are common in other omnivorous mammals including pigs bears and humans The upper molars have up to six cusps and a low crest a precingulum on the front edge of the crown The lower molars have only four main cusps except in Proentelodon the front two cusps the metaconid and protoconid may be connected by a horizontal crest and are slightly larger than the rear two cusps 2 Postcranial skeleton Edit Daeodon skeletal reconstruction and size diagram The skeleton is fairly unspecialized in entelodonts They retain typical artiodactyl skeletal traits such as a double pulley ankle joint and paraxonic even toed feet with weight split evenly between the two middle toes They had four toes in total with the middle two forming small pointed cloven hooves while the remaining two were vestigial and likely not externally visible In larger species a bison like spinal hump supported the weight of the heavy head The limbs were long and the radius and ulna were fused 4 Though not fused the metatarsals raised foot bones were long and closely packed The limb and hoof proportions are consistent with other hoofed animals that run well on open ground but are not built for high speed 2 Paleobiology EditJaw movement and musculature Edit Skull of Daeodon The wide and tall temporal fossa allowed for a very large temporalis muscle which extends from the side of the cranium to the coronoid process of the mandible The temporalis was not only large and strong but also had a long moment arm and thus higher torque due to the coronoid process shifting forwards The reinforced pterygoid zygomatic and postorbital areas would have supported the forces generated by the temporalis The size and orientation of the temporalis is similar to carnivorans where it corresponds to a strong and stable scissor like orthal bite 2 Though the low jaw joint provided more room for the temporalis muscle it also posed a problem for the masseter muscle The masseter which extends from the zygomatic arch to the lower rear corner of the mandible is a major component of the chewing apparatus in herbivorous artiodactyls While other artiodactyls added torque to the muscle by raising the jaw joint entelodonts instead expanded the rear of the jaw downwards as a deep curved flange Moreover the characteristic jugal flanges of entelodonts were covered with muscle scars on the inside likely attachment points to strengthen the masseter Only a few modern mammals have overdeveloped projections on the zygomatic arch including xenarthrans kangaroos and certain rodents Like entelodonts these mammals use their equivalent projections as a means of providing extra space for the attachment of the masseter muscle and develop robust cranial bars to resist the resulting forces on the skull 3 The pterygoideus muscle which follows a similar path and function to the masseter also benefited from the deep flange at the back of the jaw 2 The function of the mandibular tubercles is not certain but they may also be related to jaw musculature They are only clearly correlated with the size of the individual though a few taxa Brachyhyops and Cypretherium can be diagnosed by the absence of a specific pair of mandibular tubercles Generally the posterior rear mandibular tubercles develop later in life than the anterior front pair and none of the tubercles stop growing as the animal develops The use of the anterior tubercles is unclear one speculative idea suggests that they served as an attachment point for strong lip muscles in particularly herbivorous entelodonts The posterior tubercles may provide a link to the digastricus muscle which helps to open the jaws Hippos which have a particularly complex and well developed digastricus occasionally develop a tubercle to support the digastricus in an equivalent area on the jaw 3 The jaw joint of entelodonts was likely more strongly connected than the loose jaws of most other artiodactyls The mandibular condyle was convex and inserted into a strongly concave facet glenoid on the zygomatic arch which would have restricted front to back propalinal jaw movement Nevertheless the structure of the mandibular condyle itself allowed for a wide range of movement and the laterally bowed zygomatic arch provided some room for side to side transverse movement driven by the masseter and pterygoideus The low unconstrained jaw joint and short coronoid process may correspond to long muscle fibers This points to a hinge like jaw suspension with a very wide gape similar to some modern carnivorans such as felids cats Based on the shape of the mandibular condyle the maximum gape possible based on the underlying bones though not necessarily the widest gape possible in life was about 109 degrees in Archaeotherium 2 Wear facets on entelodont teeth support three part food processing First the incisors and canines bite in a strong orthal motion grabbing and puncturing food Then the food is transferred back to the premolars which breaks apart tough parts of the food with similar movements Finally the food is crushed and ground up by the molars using a combination of orthal and transverse grinding This same basic process is seen in modern pigs and peccaries which have similar dentition Individuals may have preferred one side of the jaw for chewing as premolars and molars often show an asymmetrical distribution of wear between the left and right sides of the mouth 2 Diet Edit Life restoration of DaeodonBy comparison to pigs and peccaries entelodonts were almost certainly omnivorous to an extent Their teeth and jaw structure would have assisted processing of large and tough food items Unlike the diverse and fully herbivorous pecoran artiodactyls entelodonts lack specializations for chopping and shredding grass and other particularly fibrous plants Instead entelodonts were probably browsers with roots nuts fruits and branches as their preferred sources of vegetation 2 A 2022 study found that Entelodon magnus had an omnivorous diet similar to wild boar Sus scrofa This conclusion was justified by its pattern of tooth microwear run through a linear discriminant analysis calibrated by modern herbivorous and omnivorous mammals Based on pigs entelodonts probably had a simple stomach and relied on the caecum to ferment and digest plant matter They would have been opportunistic omnivores capable of digesting a variety of plant and animal matter and moderating their food preferences based on seasonal ability 8 The same adaptations useful for processing tough plant material would be equally useful for carrion and bones which could have been major components of the diet for some entelodonts 2 Unlike pigs the youngest juvenile entelodonts had a full set of 32 deciduous teeth The teeth were sharp slender and semi serrated less suitable for crushing tough food compared to adult entelodonts 3 In many entelodonts the canine teeth acquire rounded wear surfaces at their tips indicating regular use on hard material such as bones Similar patterns of canine wear are observed in modern cats which rely on strong bites administered through their canine teeth when killing prey In some species the bases of the canines are scoured by smooth grooves a trait consistent with abrasions from sediment covered plant material such as roots 2 These grooves instead could have been produced by stripping long fibrous vegetation such as water rich grape vines 3 Daeodon is known to have had a distinctive type of piecrust tooth wear at the tips of the premolars with a flat dentine surface surrounded by chipped enamel This has also been observed in living hyenas 2 Few contemporary mammals approached entelodonts in the extent of adaptations consistent with scavenging Fossils with large scrapes and puncture marks are found throughout entelodont bearing sites in the American Great Plains including a skull of Merycoidodon with an embedded incisor of the entelodont Archaeotherium 9 Entelodonts may have engaged in active predation though the extent of this behavior is debated Several species of modern pigs occasionally engage in predation and even traditional herbivores like camels show dental wear consistent with scavenging 2 If they did engage in predation entelodonts would not have been alone many other contemporary mammals filled apex predator niches including cat like saber toothed nimravids amphicyonids bear dogs and hyaenodontid creodonts 9 One of the most apparent examples of circumstantial evidence for predation is a fossil found in the White River Formation of Wyoming representing a cache of partial skeletons and other remains of the early camelid Poebrotherium The carcasses were covered with large punctures on the skull neck and the transition from the thoracic to lumbar vertebrae which have been attributed to predation and scavenging by Archaeotherium 10 11 Entelodon s tooth microwear showed no overlap with the modern brown bear Ursus arctos and it probably did not actively hunt large mammals as part of its normal diet 8 Intraspecific behavior Edit The jaw structure and estimated musculature hold numerous lines of evidence indicating that entelodonts could open their mouths unusually wide 2 This trait may have been useful in hunting or feeding on carrion but similar adaptations have also been linked to competitive behaviors in herbivores Hippos a related group with similar adaptations are aggressive herbivores which can open their jaws up to 150 degrees and display enlarged canines in order to intimidate rivals Male hippos engage in head to head yawning and jaw wrestling contests while females attack by approaching from the side and slamming their head into the opponent s body 12 The wide gape and low skulls of entelodonts would have assisted biting competitions which are supported by fossil evidence Large bite marks including healed punctures are common on skulls of various American entelodonts These wounds are concentrated above the sinuses and are only found on adult specimens One could easily draws comparisons between these bite marks and the wide range of intraspecific competition over mates or territories in modern artiodactyls 3 9 Snout biting in particular is a common competitive behavior among male camels another group of primitive artiodactyls 2 3 Ribcage injuries have been attributed to intraspecies aggression in Archaeotherium 13 One possible function for the anterior tubercles is as a support for toughened skin which would have acted as a buffer or display feature during competitive behavior 3 Classification EditEarly history Edit The earliest entelodont fossils to be named were described within a short time frame in the 1840s The first entelodont species known from good fossils was Entelodon magnus a European species which was named by French paleontologist Auguste Aymard There is some debate over when Aymard s description was first published though most authors assumed it was written in 1846 a citation within the article suggests that it was not published until 1848 Auguste Pomel one of Aymard s contemporaries described another fossil as Elotherium around the same time Pomel s volume was likely published in 1846 or 1847 albeit with surviving reprints dating to 1848 Entelodon and Elotherium are almost certainly synonymous though fossils belonging to the latter name are fragmentary and have been lost while those of the former were likely described later Nearly all historical and modern authors prefer to use Entelodon for the purpose of clarity even though it would not take priority under strict rules of nomenclature The confusion of priority between Entelodon and Elotherium is reflected in the name of their corresponding family Edward Richard Alston coined the name Elotheriidae in 1878 while Richard Lydekker used the name Entelodontidae in 1883 As with Entelodon nearly all paleontologists prefer Entelodontidae when referring to the family 3 4 Following the confusion between Entelodon and Elotherium entelodont fossils continued to be discovered in Europe Large entelodonts were also described from North America starting in 1850 though most new genera were eventually lumped into Archaeotherium and Daeodon By the beginning of the 20th century entelodont skeletal anatomy was well understood from the quantity of fossils discovered by that point In 1909 a massive complete skeleton of Dinohyus hollandi Daeodon CM 1594 was described and put on display at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History As the 20th century continued Asian entelodonts were discovered Eoentelodon Paraentelodon as well as some of the earliest known members of the family Eoentelodon Brachyhyops 3 4 Traditional classification Edit The first described entelodonts were described in conjunction with Richard Owen s recognition of the artiodactyls as a natural group The earliest sources considered entelodonts to be true pigs but as further fossils were discovered it became clear that they had a long evolutionary history separate from pigs Regardless entelodonts were universally accepted as examples of primitive artiodactyls with unspecialized bunodont teeth in contrast with the strong adaptations for herbivory present in the more advanced ruminants 14 Various names were erected to encompass living and extinct bunodont toothed and non ruminant artiodactyls such as Omnivoria Owens 1858 Bunodontia Lydekker 1883 and Nonruminantia Gregory 1910 15 3 Some authors considered entelodonts to be too primitive for comparison to modern bunodont artiodactyls In these studies entelodonts were placed in Palaeodonta a group shared with various other extinct families Choeropotamids cebochoerids and helohyids were frequently associated with entelodonts sometimes even as potential ancestors Later the superfamily Entelodontoidea was named to encompass Entelodontidae and their supposed closest extinct relatives In modern studies Entelodontidae is generally considered the only family within Entelodontoidea 3 4 Many studies argued that entelodonts had close relations to living pigs peccaries and hippos Various groups have been developed and named in reference to a pig like anatomy with names such as Suina Gray 1868 and Suiformes Jaeckel 1911 being emplaced in varying contexts A restricted definition of Suina is still in use as a major artiodactyl suborder encompassing Tayassuidae peccaries and Suidae pigs Early cladistic phylogenetic analyses of artiodactyls placed Entelodontidae as the sister taxon to a Tayassuidae Suidae clade This seemed to justify the frequent morphological comparisons between entelodonts and pigs 3 4 Cetancodontomorpha Edit While entelodonts have long been classified as members of the Suina Spaulding et al have found them to be closer to whales and hippos than to pigs 6 Cladistic analysis of the position of whales in relation to artiodactyls and mesonychians changes radically depending on whether the giant enigmatic mammal Andrewsarchus is included and it has been suggested that Andrewsarchus is in fact an entelodont or close relative 5 16 6 Many former genera of entelodonts have been synonymized For example some authors have synonymized Dinohyus with Daeodon shoshonensis a species described from fragmentary material by Cope 4 List of genera Edit Archaeotherium Brachyhyops Cypretherium 4 Daeodon Entelodon Eoentelodon Paraentelodon Proentelodon 1 may not be an entelodont 17 18 In popular culture Edit Charles R Knight s depiction of Entelodon 1890s In popular media entelodonts are sometimes nicknamed hell pigs or terminator pigs 19 Entelodonts appear in the third episode of the popular BBC documentary Walking with Beasts where in the program the narrator always refers to the creatures as entelodonts rather than a more specific genus such as Entelodon The same creatures appear in another BBC production the 2001 remake of The Lost World Entelodonts were also the main focus of episode 4 of National Geographic Channel s show Prehistoric Predators in an episode titled Killer Pig The episode featured a number of claims unproven or disproven by science such as Archaeotherium identified as entelodont being the top predator of the American Badlands and evolving directly into the even larger Daeodon called Dinohyus in the episode References Edit a b Vislobokova I A 2008 10 01 The oldest representative of Entelodontoidea Artiodactyla Suiformes from the Middle Eocene of Khaichin Ula II Mongolia and some evolutionary features of this superfamily Paleontological Journal 42 6 643 654 doi 10 1134 S0031030108060105 ISSN 1555 6174 S2CID 83856459 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Joeckel R M 1990 A Functional Interpretation of the Masticatory System and Paleoecology of Entelodonts Paleobiology 16 4 459 482 doi 10 1017 S0094837300010198 JSTOR 2400970 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Foss Scott E 2001 Systematics and Paleobiology of the Entelodontidae Mammalia Artiodactyla DeKalb Illinois Ph D Dissertation Department of Biological Sciences Northern Illinois University a b c d e f g h i j k l m Foss Scott E 2007 Family Entelodontidae In Prothero Donald R Foss Scott E eds The Evolution of Artiodactyls Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press pp 120 129 ISBN 9780801887352 a b O Leary Maureen A Gatesy John 2008 Impact of increased character sampling on the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla Mammalia combined analysis including fossils Cladistics 24 4 397 442 doi 10 1111 j 1096 0031 2007 00187 x ISSN 1096 0031 S2CID 85141801 a b c Spaulding Michelle O Leary Maureen A Gatesy John 2009 Relationships of Cetacea Artiodactyla among mammals increased taxon sampling alters interpretations of key fossils and character evolution PLOS ONE 4 9 e7062 Bibcode 2009PLoSO 4 7062S doi 10 1371 journal pone 0007062 PMC 2740860 PMID 19774069 L K Gabunia 1964 Bernarskaya fauna oligocenovyh pozvonochnyh The Benarskaya Fauna of Oligocene Vertebrates Metsniereba Tbilisi p 109 133 Retrieved 2020 09 26 a b Rivals Florent Belyaev Ruslan I Basova Vera B Prilepskaya Natalya E 2023 02 01 Hogs hippos or bears Paleodiet of European Oligocene anthracotheres and entelodonts Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 611 111363 doi 10 1016 j palaeo 2022 111363 ISSN 0031 0182 a b c Benton R C Terry D O Evanoff E McDonald H G 25 May 2015 The White River Badlands Geology and Paleontology Indiana University Press ISBN 978 0 253 01608 9 Sundell K A 1999 Taphonomy of a Multiple Poebrotherium kill site an Archaeotherium meat cache Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19 3 79A doi 10 1080 02724634 1999 10011202 Sundell Kent A Taphonomy of a Multiple Poebrotherium kill site an Archaeotherium meat cache Douglas Fossils a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint url status link Hippopotamus Fact Sheet library sandiegozoo org Archived from the original on 2018 07 20 Retrieved 2018 10 28 Tanke Darren H and Phillip J Currie 1996 HEAD BITING BEHAVIOR IN THEROPOD DINOSAURS PALEOPATHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE PDF GAIA N 15 LlSBOAlLISBON DEZEMBRO DECEMBER 1998 pp 167 184 ISSN 0871 5424 Retrieved October 28 2018 S G Lucas R J Emry and S E Foss 1998 Taxonomy and distribution of Daeodon an Oligocene Miocene entelodont Mammalia Artiodactyla from North America Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 111 2 425 435 W K Gregory 1910 The orders of mammals Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 27 1 524 Naish Darren 10 August 2009 Mesonychians part II Andrewsarchus was a hell of a lot weirder than all the books say ScienceBlogs Archived from the original on 26 March 2013 Tsubamoto Takehisa Saneyoshi Mototaka Watabe Mahito Tsogtbaatar Khishigjav Mainbayar Buurei 2011 The Entelodontid Artiodactyl Fauna from the Eocene Ergilin Dzo Formation of Mongolia with Comments on Brachyhyops and the Khoer Dzan Locality Paleontological Research 15 4 258 268 doi 10 2517 1342 8144 15 4 258 ISSN 1342 8144 S2CID 129783561 Ducrocq Stephane Chaimanee Yaowalak Jaeger Jean Jacques 2019 03 01 First record of Entelodontidae Mammalia Artiodactyla from the late Eocene of Southeast Asia Comptes Rendus Palevol 18 2 186 190 doi 10 1016 j crpv 2018 10 001 ISSN 1631 0683 S2CID 134519242 Adrienne Mayor Fossil Legends of the First Americans Princeton University Press 2005 p 213External links Edit Look up entelodont in Wiktionary the free dictionary Museum display of Entelodont skeleton Geoscience Slides University of Iowa Entelodont Skeleton Paleontology portal Prehistoric mammals portal Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title 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