

Croup, also known as laryngotracheobronchitis, is a type of respiratory infection that is usually caused by a virus.[2] The infection leads to swelling inside the trachea, which interferes with normal breathing and produces the classic symptoms of "barking/brassy" cough, inspiratory stridor and a hoarse voice.[2] Fever and runny nose may also be present.[2] These symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe.[3] Often it starts or is worse at night and normally lasts one to two days.[6][2][3]

Other namesLaryngotracheitis, subglottic laryngitis, obstructive laryngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis
The steeple sign as seen on an AP neck X-ray of a child with croup
Symptoms"Barky" cough, stridor, fever, stuffy nose[2]
DurationUsually 1–2 days but can last up to 7 days[3]
CausesMostly viral[2]
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms[4]
Differential diagnosisEpiglottitis, airway foreign body, bacterial tracheitis[4][5]
PreventionInfluenza and diphtheria vaccination[5]
MedicationSteroids, epinephrine[4][5]
Frequency15% of children at some point[4][5]

Croup can be caused by a number of viruses including parainfluenza and influenza virus.[2] Rarely is it due to a bacterial infection.[5] Croup is typically diagnosed based on signs and symptoms after potentially more severe causes, such as epiglottitis or an airway foreign body, have been ruled out.[4] Further investigations, such as blood tests, X-rays and cultures, are usually not needed.[4]

Many cases of croup are preventable by immunization for influenza and diphtheria.[5] Most cases of croup are mild and the child can be treated at home with supportive care. Croup is usually treated with a single dose of steroids by mouth.[2][7] In more severe cases inhaled epinephrine may also be used.[2][8] Hospitalization is required in one to five percent of cases.[9]

Croup is a relatively common condition that affects about 15% of children at some point.[4] It most commonly occurs between six months and five years of age but may rarely be seen in children as old as fifteen.[3][4][9] It is slightly more common in males than females.[9] It occurs most often in autumn.[9] Before vaccination, croup was frequently caused by diphtheria and was often fatal.[5][10] This cause is now very rare in the Western world due to the success of the diphtheria vaccine.[11]

Signs and symptoms

Croup is characterized by a "barking" cough, stridor, hoarseness, and difficult breathing which usually worsens at night.[2] The "barking" cough is often described as resembling the call of a sea lion.[5] The stridor is worsened by agitation or crying, and if it can be heard at rest, it may indicate critical narrowing of the airways. As croup worsens, stridor may decrease considerably.[2]

Other symptoms include fever, coryza (symptoms typical of the common cold), and indrawing of the chest wall–known as Hoover's sign.[2][12] Drooling or a very sick appearance can indicate other medical conditions, such as epiglottitis or tracheitis.[12]


Croup is usually deemed to be due to a viral infection.[2][4] Others use the term more broadly, to include acute laryngotracheitis (laryngitis and tracheitis together), spasmodic croup, laryngeal diphtheria, bacterial tracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis. The first two conditions involve a viral infection and are generally milder with respect to symptomatology; the last four are due to bacterial infection and are usually of greater severity.[5]


Viral croup or acute laryngotracheitis is most commonly caused by parainfluenza virus (a member of the paramyxovirus family), primarily types 1 and 2, in 75% of cases.[3] Other viral causes include influenza A and B, measles, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).[5] Spasmodic croup is caused by the same group of viruses as acute laryngotracheitis, but lacks the usual signs of infection (such as fever, sore throat, and increased white blood cell count).[5] Treatment, and response to treatment, are also similar.[3]

Bacteria and cocci

Croup caused by a bacterial infection is rare.[13] Bacterial croup may be divided into laryngeal diphtheria, bacterial tracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis.[5] Laryngeal diphtheria is due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae while bacterial tracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis are usually due to a primary viral infection with secondary bacterial growth. The most common cocci implicated are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, while the most common bacteria are Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis.[5]


The viral infection that causes croup leads to swelling of the larynx, trachea, and large bronchi[4] due to infiltration of white blood cells (especially histiocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils).[5] Swelling produces airway obstruction which, when significant, leads to dramatically increased work of breathing and the characteristic turbulent, noisy airflow known as stridor.[4]


Westley score: Classification of croup severity[3][14]
Feature Number of points assigned for this feature
0 1 2 3 4 5
Chest wall
None Mild Moderate Severe
Stridor None With
At rest
Cyanosis None With
At rest
Level of
Normal Disoriented
Air entry Normal Decreased Markedly decreased

Croup is typically diagnosed based on signs and symptoms.[4] The first step is to exclude other obstructive conditions of the upper airway, especially epiglottitis, an airway foreign body, subglottic stenosis, angioedema, retropharyngeal abscess, and bacterial tracheitis.[4][5]

A frontal X-ray of the neck is not routinely performed,[4] but if it is done, it may show a characteristic narrowing of the trachea, called the steeple sign, because of the subglottic stenosis, which resembles a steeple in shape. The steeple sign is suggestive of the diagnosis, but is absent in half of cases.[12]

Other investigations (such as blood tests and viral culture) are discouraged, as they may cause unnecessary agitation and thus worsen the stress on the compromised airway.[4] While viral cultures, obtained via nasopharyngeal aspiration, can be used to confirm the exact cause, these are usually restricted to research settings.[2] Bacterial infection should be considered if a person does not improve with standard treatment, at which point further investigations may be indicated.[5]


The most commonly used system for classifying the severity of croup is the Westley score. It is primarily used for research purposes rather than in clinical practice.[5] It is the sum of points assigned for five factors: level of consciousness, cyanosis, stridor, air entry, and retractions.[5] The points given for each factor is listed in the adjacent table, and the final score ranges from 0 to 17.[14]

  • A total score of ≤ 2 indicates mild croup. The characteristic barking cough and hoarseness may be present, but there is no stridor at rest.[3]
  • A total score of 3–5 is classified as moderate croup. It presents with easily heard stridor, but with few other signs.[3]
  • A total score of 6–11 is severe croup. It also presents with obvious stridor, but also features marked chest wall indrawing.[3]
  • A total score of ≥ 12 indicates impending respiratory failure. The barking cough and stridor may no longer be prominent at this stage.[3]

85% of children presenting to the emergency department have mild disease; severe croup is rare (<1%).[3]


Croup is contagious during the first few days of the infection.[13] Basic hygiene including hand washing can prevent transmission.[13] There are no vaccines that have been developed to prevent croup,[13] however, many cases of croup have been prevented by immunization for influenza and diphtheria.[5] At one time, croup referred to a diphtherial disease, but with vaccination, diphtheria is now rare in the developed world.[5]


Most children with croup have mild symptoms and supportive care at home is effective.[13] For children with moderate to severe croup, treatment with corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine may be suggested. Steroids are given routinely, with epinephrine used in severe cases.[4] Children with oxygen saturation less than 92% should receive oxygen,[5] and those with severe croup may be hospitalized for observation.[12] In very rare severe cases of croup that result in respiratory failure, emergency intubation and ventilation may be required.[15] With treatment, less than 0.2% of children require endotracheal intubation.[14] Since croup is usually a viral disease, antibiotics are not used unless secondary bacterial infection is suspected.[2] The use of cough medicines, which usually contain dextromethorphan or guaifenesin, are also discouraged.[2]

Supportive care

Supportive care for children with croup includes resting and keeping the child hydrated.[13] Infections that are mild are suggested to be treated at home. Croup is contagious so washing hands is important.[13] Children with croup should generally be kept as calm as possible.[4] Over the counter medications for pain and fever may be helpful to keep the child comfortable.[13] There is some evidence that cool or warm mist may be helpful, however, the effectiveness of this approach is not clear.[4][5][13] If the child is showing signs is distress while breathing (inspiratory stridor, working hard to breath, blue (or blue-ish) coloured lips, or decrease in the level of alertness), immediate medical evaluation by a doctor is required.[13]


Corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone and budesonide, have been shown to improve outcomes in children with all severities of croup, however, the benefits may be delayed.[7] Significant relief may be obtained as early as two hours after administration.[7] While effective when given by injection, or by inhalation, giving the medication by mouth is preferred.[4] A single dose is usually all that is required, and is generally considered to be quite safe.[4] Dexamethasone at doses of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg appear to be all equally effective.[16]


Moderate to severe croup (for example, in the case of severe stridor) may be improved temporarily with nebulized epinephrine.[4] While epinephrine typically produces a reduction in croup severity within 10–30 minutes, the benefits are short-lived and last for only about 2 hours.[2][4] If the condition remains improved for 2–4 hours after treatment and no other complications arise, the child is typically discharged from the hospital.[2][4] Epinephrine treatment is associated with potential adverse effects (usually related to the dose of epinephrine) including tachycardia, arrhythmias, and hypertension.[15]


More severe cases of croup may require treatment with oxygen. If oxygen is needed, "blow-by" administration (holding an oxygen source near the child's face) is recommended, as it causes less agitation than use of a mask.[5]


While other treatments for croup have been studied, none has sufficient evidence to support its use. There is tentative evidence that breathing heliox (a mixture of helium and oxygen) to decrease the work of breathing is useful in those with severe disease, however, there is uncertainty in the effectiveness and the potential adverse effects and/or side effects are not well known.[15] In cases of possible secondary bacterial infection, the antibiotics vancomycin and cefotaxime are recommended.[5] In severe cases associated with influenza A or B infections, the antiviral neuraminidase inhibitors may be administered.[5]


Viral croup is usually a self-limiting disease,[2] with half of cases resolving in a day and 80% of cases in two days.[6] It can very rarely result in death from respiratory failure and/or cardiac arrest.[2] Symptoms usually improve within two days, but may last for up to seven days.[3] Other uncommon complications include bacterial tracheitis, pneumonia, and pulmonary edema.[3]


Croup affects about 15% of children, and usually presents between the ages of 6 months and 5–6 years.[4][5] It accounts for about 5% of hospital admissions in this population.[3] In rare cases, it may occur in children as young as 3 months and as old as 15 years.[3] Males are affected 50% more frequently than are females, and there is an increased prevalence in autumn.[5]


The word croup comes from the Early Modern English verb croup, meaning "to cry hoarsely." The noun describing the disease originated in southeastern Scotland and became widespread after Edinburgh physician Francis Home published the 1765 treatise An Inquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the Croup.[17][18]

Diphtheritic croup has been known since the time of Homer's ancient Greece, and it was not until 1826 that viral croup was differentiated from croup due to diphtheria by Bretonneau.[11][19] Viral croup was then called "faux-croup" by the French and often called "false croup" in English,[20][21] as "croup" or "true croup" then most often referred to the disease caused by the diphtheria bacterium.[22][23] False croup has also been known as pseudo croup or spasmodic croup.[24] Croup due to diphtheria has become nearly unknown in affluent countries in modern times due to the advent of effective immunization.[11][25]

One famous fatality of croup was Napoleon's designated heir, Napoléon Charles Bonaparte. His death in 1807 left Napoleon without an heir and contributed to his decision to divorce from his wife, the Empress Josephine de Beauharnais.[26]


  1. ^ "Croup". Macmillan. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Rajapaksa S, Starr M (May 2010). "Croup – assessment and management". Aust Fam Physician. 39 (5): 280–2. PMID 20485713.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Johnson D (2009). "Croup". BMJ Clin Evid. 2009. PMC 2907784. PMID 19445760.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Everard ML (February 2009). "Acute bronchiolitis and croup". Pediatr. Clin. North Am. 56 (1): 119–33, x–xi. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2008.10.007. PMID 19135584.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Cherry JD (2008). "Clinical practice. Croup". N. Engl. J. Med. 358 (4): 384–91. doi:10.1056/NEJMcp072022. PMID 18216359.
  6. ^ a b Thompson, M; Vodicka, TA; Blair, PS; Buckley, DI; Heneghan, C; Hay, AD; TARGET Programme, Team (Dec 11, 2013). "Duration of symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children: systematic review". BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.). 347: f7027. doi:10.1136/bmj.f7027. PMC 3898587. PMID 24335668.
  7. ^ a b c Gates, A; Gates, M; Vandermeer, B; Johnson, C; Hartling, L; Johnson, DW; Klassen, TP (22 August 2018). "Glucocorticoids for croup in children". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2018 (8): CD001955. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001955.pub4. PMC 6513469. PMID 30133690.
  8. ^ Bjornson, C; Russell, K; Vandermeer, B; Klassen, TP; Johnson, DW (10 October 2013). "Nebulized epinephrine for croup in children". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 10 (10): CD006619. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006619.pub3. PMID 24114291.
  9. ^ a b c d Bjornson, CL; Johnson, DW (15 October 2013). "Croup in children". CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 185 (15): 1317–23. doi:10.1503/cmaj.121645. PMC 3796596. PMID 23939212.
  10. ^ Steele, Volney (2005). Bleed, blister, and purge : a history of medicine on the American frontier. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press. p. 324. ISBN 978-0-87842-505-1.
  11. ^ a b c Feigin, Ralph D. (2004). Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases. Philadelphia: Saunders. p. 252. ISBN 978-0-7216-9329-3.
  12. ^ a b c d "Diagnosis and Management of Croup" (PDF). BC Children's Hospital Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Baiu, Ioana; Melendez, Elliot (2019-04-23). "Croup". JAMA. 321 (16): 1642. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.2013. ISSN 0098-7484. PMID 31012936. S2CID 242149254.
  14. ^ a b c Klassen TP (December 1999). "Croup. A current perspective". Pediatr. Clin. North Am. 46 (6): 1167–78. doi:10.1016/S0031-3955(05)70180-2. PMID 10629679.
  15. ^ a b c Moraa, Irene; Sturman, Nancy; McGuire, Treasure M.; van Driel, Mieke L. (2021-08-16). "Heliox for croup in children". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021 (8): CD006822. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006822.pub6. ISSN 1469-493X. PMC 8406495. PMID 34397099.
  16. ^ Port C (April 2009). "Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary. BET 4. Dose of dexamethasone in croup". Emerg Med J. 26 (4): 291–2. doi:10.1136/emj.2009.072090. PMID 19307398. S2CID 6655787.
  17. ^ Kiple, Kenneth (29 January 1993). The Cambridge World History of Human Disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 654–657. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521332866.092.
  18. ^ . www.etymonline.com. Archived from the original on 2011-05-10. Retrieved 27 February 2020.
  19. ^ Marchessault V (November 2001). "Historical review of croup". Can J Infect Dis. 12 (6): 337–9. doi:10.1155/2001/919830. PMC 2094841. PMID 18159359.
  20. ^ Cormack, John Rose (8 May 1875). "Meaning of the Terms Diphtheria, Croup, and Faux Croup". British Medical Journal. 1 (749): 606. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.749.606. PMC 2297755. PMID 20747853.
  21. ^ Loving, Starling (5 October 1895). "Something concerning the diagnosis and treatment of false croup". JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. XXV (14): 567–573. doi:10.1001/jama.1895.02430400011001d. from the original on 4 July 2014. Retrieved 16 April 2014.
  22. ^ Bennett, James Risdon (8 May 1875). "True and False Croup". British Medical Journal. 1 (749): 606–607. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.749.606-a. PMC 2297754. PMID 20747854.
  23. ^ Beard, George Miller (1875). Our Home Physician: A New and Popular Guide to the Art of Preserving Health and Treating Disease. New York: E. B. Treat. pp. 560–564. Retrieved 15 April 2014.
  24. ^ Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (8 ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences. 2014. p. 762. ISBN 978-0-323-26373-3. from the original on 2017-09-08.
  25. ^ Vanderpool, Patricia (December 2012). . American Nurse Today. 7 (12). Archived from the original on 16 April 2014. Retrieved 15 April 2014.
  26. ^ Bruce, Evangeline (1995). Napoleon and Josephine. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

External links

  • "Croup". MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

croup, this, article, about, respiratory, condition, part, quadruped, rump, animal, crop, bird, crop, anatomy, type, casino, employee, croupier, also, known, laryngotracheobronchitis, type, respiratory, infection, that, usually, caused, virus, infection, leads. This article is about the respiratory condition For the part of a quadruped see rump animal For the crop of a bird see crop anatomy For the type of casino employee see croupier Croup also known as laryngotracheobronchitis is a type of respiratory infection that is usually caused by a virus 2 The infection leads to swelling inside the trachea which interferes with normal breathing and produces the classic symptoms of barking brassy cough inspiratory stridor and a hoarse voice 2 Fever and runny nose may also be present 2 These symptoms may be mild moderate or severe 3 Often it starts or is worse at night and normally lasts one to two days 6 2 3 CroupOther namesLaryngotracheitis subglottic laryngitis obstructive laryngitis laryngotracheobronchitisThe steeple sign as seen on an AP neck X ray of a child with croupPronunciation k r uː p 1 SpecialtyPediatricsSymptoms Barky cough stridor fever stuffy nose 2 DurationUsually 1 2 days but can last up to 7 days 3 CausesMostly viral 2 Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms 4 Differential diagnosisEpiglottitis airway foreign body bacterial tracheitis 4 5 PreventionInfluenza and diphtheria vaccination 5 MedicationSteroids epinephrine 4 5 Frequency15 of children at some point 4 5 DeathsRare 2 Croup can be caused by a number of viruses including parainfluenza and influenza virus 2 Rarely is it due to a bacterial infection 5 Croup is typically diagnosed based on signs and symptoms after potentially more severe causes such as epiglottitis or an airway foreign body have been ruled out 4 Further investigations such as blood tests X rays and cultures are usually not needed 4 Many cases of croup are preventable by immunization for influenza and diphtheria 5 Most cases of croup are mild and the child can be treated at home with supportive care Croup is usually treated with a single dose of steroids by mouth 2 7 In more severe cases inhaled epinephrine may also be used 2 8 Hospitalization is required in one to five percent of cases 9 Croup is a relatively common condition that affects about 15 of children at some point 4 It most commonly occurs between six months and five years of age but may rarely be seen in children as old as fifteen 3 4 9 It is slightly more common in males than females 9 It occurs most often in autumn 9 Before vaccination croup was frequently caused by diphtheria and was often fatal 5 10 This cause is now very rare in the Western world due to the success of the diphtheria vaccine 11 Contents 1 Signs and symptoms 2 Causes 2 1 Viral 2 2 Bacteria and cocci 3 Pathophysiology 4 Diagnosis 4 1 Severity 5 Prevention 6 Treatment 6 1 Supportive care 6 2 Steroids 6 3 Epinephrine 6 4 Oxygen 6 5 Other 7 Prognosis 8 Epidemiology 9 History 10 References 11 External linksSigns and symptoms Edit Stridor source source Inspiratory and expiratory stridor in a 13 month child with croup Problems playing this file See media help Croupy cough source source Croup cough in an 11 month child with croup Problems playing this file See media help Croup is characterized by a barking cough stridor hoarseness and difficult breathing which usually worsens at night 2 The barking cough is often described as resembling the call of a sea lion 5 The stridor is worsened by agitation or crying and if it can be heard at rest it may indicate critical narrowing of the airways As croup worsens stridor may decrease considerably 2 Other symptoms include fever coryza symptoms typical of the common cold and indrawing of the chest wall known as Hoover s sign 2 12 Drooling or a very sick appearance can indicate other medical conditions such as epiglottitis or tracheitis 12 Causes EditCroup is usually deemed to be due to a viral infection 2 4 Others use the term more broadly to include acute laryngotracheitis laryngitis and tracheitis together spasmodic croup laryngeal diphtheria bacterial tracheitis laryngotracheobronchitis and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis The first two conditions involve a viral infection and are generally milder with respect to symptomatology the last four are due to bacterial infection and are usually of greater severity 5 Viral Edit Viral croup or acute laryngotracheitis is most commonly caused by parainfluenza virus a member of the paramyxovirus family primarily types 1 and 2 in 75 of cases 3 Other viral causes include influenza A and B measles adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus RSV 5 Spasmodic croup is caused by the same group of viruses as acute laryngotracheitis but lacks the usual signs of infection such as fever sore throat and increased white blood cell count 5 Treatment and response to treatment are also similar 3 Bacteria and cocci Edit Croup caused by a bacterial infection is rare 13 Bacterial croup may be divided into laryngeal diphtheria bacterial tracheitis laryngotracheobronchitis and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis 5 Laryngeal diphtheria is due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae while bacterial tracheitis laryngotracheobronchitis and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis are usually due to a primary viral infection with secondary bacterial growth The most common cocci implicated are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae while the most common bacteria are Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis 5 Pathophysiology EditThe viral infection that causes croup leads to swelling of the larynx trachea and large bronchi 4 due to infiltration of white blood cells especially histiocytes lymphocytes plasma cells and neutrophils 5 Swelling produces airway obstruction which when significant leads to dramatically increased work of breathing and the characteristic turbulent noisy airflow known as stridor 4 Diagnosis EditWestley score Classification of croup severity 3 14 Feature Number of points assigned for this feature0 1 2 3 4 5Chest wall retraction None Mild Moderate SevereStridor None With agitation At restCyanosis None With agitation At restLevel ofconsciousness Normal DisorientedAir entry Normal Decreased Markedly decreasedCroup is typically diagnosed based on signs and symptoms 4 The first step is to exclude other obstructive conditions of the upper airway especially epiglottitis an airway foreign body subglottic stenosis angioedema retropharyngeal abscess and bacterial tracheitis 4 5 A frontal X ray of the neck is not routinely performed 4 but if it is done it may show a characteristic narrowing of the trachea called the steeple sign because of the subglottic stenosis which resembles a steeple in shape The steeple sign is suggestive of the diagnosis but is absent in half of cases 12 Other investigations such as blood tests and viral culture are discouraged as they may cause unnecessary agitation and thus worsen the stress on the compromised airway 4 While viral cultures obtained via nasopharyngeal aspiration can be used to confirm the exact cause these are usually restricted to research settings 2 Bacterial infection should be considered if a person does not improve with standard treatment at which point further investigations may be indicated 5 Severity Edit The most commonly used system for classifying the severity of croup is the Westley score It is primarily used for research purposes rather than in clinical practice 5 It is the sum of points assigned for five factors level of consciousness cyanosis stridor air entry and retractions 5 The points given for each factor is listed in the adjacent table and the final score ranges from 0 to 17 14 A total score of 2 indicates mild croup The characteristic barking cough and hoarseness may be present but there is no stridor at rest 3 A total score of 3 5 is classified as moderate croup It presents with easily heard stridor but with few other signs 3 A total score of 6 11 is severe croup It also presents with obvious stridor but also features marked chest wall indrawing 3 A total score of 12 indicates impending respiratory failure The barking cough and stridor may no longer be prominent at this stage 3 85 of children presenting to the emergency department have mild disease severe croup is rare lt 1 3 Prevention EditCroup is contagious during the first few days of the infection 13 Basic hygiene including hand washing can prevent transmission 13 There are no vaccines that have been developed to prevent croup 13 however many cases of croup have been prevented by immunization for influenza and diphtheria 5 At one time croup referred to a diphtherial disease but with vaccination diphtheria is now rare in the developed world 5 Treatment EditMost children with croup have mild symptoms and supportive care at home is effective 13 For children with moderate to severe croup treatment with corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine may be suggested Steroids are given routinely with epinephrine used in severe cases 4 Children with oxygen saturation less than 92 should receive oxygen 5 and those with severe croup may be hospitalized for observation 12 In very rare severe cases of croup that result in respiratory failure emergency intubation and ventilation may be required 15 With treatment less than 0 2 of children require endotracheal intubation 14 Since croup is usually a viral disease antibiotics are not used unless secondary bacterial infection is suspected 2 The use of cough medicines which usually contain dextromethorphan or guaifenesin are also discouraged 2 Supportive care Edit Supportive care for children with croup includes resting and keeping the child hydrated 13 Infections that are mild are suggested to be treated at home Croup is contagious so washing hands is important 13 Children with croup should generally be kept as calm as possible 4 Over the counter medications for pain and fever may be helpful to keep the child comfortable 13 There is some evidence that cool or warm mist may be helpful however the effectiveness of this approach is not clear 4 5 13 If the child is showing signs is distress while breathing inspiratory stridor working hard to breath blue or blue ish coloured lips or decrease in the level of alertness immediate medical evaluation by a doctor is required 13 Steroids Edit Corticosteroids such as dexamethasone and budesonide have been shown to improve outcomes in children with all severities of croup however the benefits may be delayed 7 Significant relief may be obtained as early as two hours after administration 7 While effective when given by injection or by inhalation giving the medication by mouth is preferred 4 A single dose is usually all that is required and is generally considered to be quite safe 4 Dexamethasone at doses of 0 15 0 3 and 0 6 mg kg appear to be all equally effective 16 Epinephrine Edit Moderate to severe croup for example in the case of severe stridor may be improved temporarily with nebulized epinephrine 4 While epinephrine typically produces a reduction in croup severity within 10 30 minutes the benefits are short lived and last for only about 2 hours 2 4 If the condition remains improved for 2 4 hours after treatment and no other complications arise the child is typically discharged from the hospital 2 4 Epinephrine treatment is associated with potential adverse effects usually related to the dose of epinephrine including tachycardia arrhythmias and hypertension 15 Oxygen Edit More severe cases of croup may require treatment with oxygen If oxygen is needed blow by administration holding an oxygen source near the child s face is recommended as it causes less agitation than use of a mask 5 Other Edit While other treatments for croup have been studied none has sufficient evidence to support its use There is tentative evidence that breathing heliox a mixture of helium and oxygen to decrease the work of breathing is useful in those with severe disease however there is uncertainty in the effectiveness and the potential adverse effects and or side effects are not well known 15 In cases of possible secondary bacterial infection the antibiotics vancomycin and cefotaxime are recommended 5 In severe cases associated with influenza A or B infections the antiviral neuraminidase inhibitors may be administered 5 Prognosis EditViral croup is usually a self limiting disease 2 with half of cases resolving in a day and 80 of cases in two days 6 It can very rarely result in death from respiratory failure and or cardiac arrest 2 Symptoms usually improve within two days but may last for up to seven days 3 Other uncommon complications include bacterial tracheitis pneumonia and pulmonary edema 3 Epidemiology EditCroup affects about 15 of children and usually presents between the ages of 6 months and 5 6 years 4 5 It accounts for about 5 of hospital admissions in this population 3 In rare cases it may occur in children as young as 3 months and as old as 15 years 3 Males are affected 50 more frequently than are females and there is an increased prevalence in autumn 5 History EditThe word croup comes from the Early Modern English verb croup meaning to cry hoarsely The noun describing the disease originated in southeastern Scotland and became widespread after Edinburgh physician Francis Home published the 1765 treatise An Inquiry into the Nature Cause and Cure of the Croup 17 18 Diphtheritic croup has been known since the time of Homer s ancient Greece and it was not until 1826 that viral croup was differentiated from croup due to diphtheria by Bretonneau 11 19 Viral croup was then called faux croup by the French and often called false croup in English 20 21 as croup or true croup then most often referred to the disease caused by the diphtheria bacterium 22 23 False croup has also been known as pseudo croup or spasmodic croup 24 Croup due to diphtheria has become nearly unknown in affluent countries in modern times due to the advent of effective immunization 11 25 One famous fatality of croup was Napoleon s designated heir Napoleon Charles Bonaparte His death in 1807 left Napoleon without an heir and contributed to his decision to divorce from his wife the Empress Josephine de Beauharnais 26 References Edit Croup Macmillan Retrieved 1 April 2020 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Rajapaksa S Starr M May 2010 Croup assessment and management Aust Fam Physician 39 5 280 2 PMID 20485713 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Johnson D 2009 Croup BMJ Clin Evid 2009 PMC 2907784 PMID 19445760 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Everard ML February 2009 Acute bronchiolitis and croup Pediatr Clin North Am 56 1 119 33 x xi doi 10 1016 j pcl 2008 10 007 PMID 19135584 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Cherry JD 2008 Clinical practice Croup N Engl J Med 358 4 384 91 doi 10 1056 NEJMcp072022 PMID 18216359 a b Thompson M Vodicka TA Blair PS Buckley DI Heneghan C Hay AD TARGET Programme Team Dec 11 2013 Duration of symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children systematic review BMJ Clinical Research Ed 347 f7027 doi 10 1136 bmj f7027 PMC 3898587 PMID 24335668 a b c Gates A Gates M Vandermeer B Johnson C Hartling L Johnson DW Klassen TP 22 August 2018 Glucocorticoids for croup in children The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 8 CD001955 doi 10 1002 14651858 CD001955 pub4 PMC 6513469 PMID 30133690 Bjornson C Russell K Vandermeer B Klassen TP Johnson DW 10 October 2013 Nebulized epinephrine for croup in children The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 10 10 CD006619 doi 10 1002 14651858 CD006619 pub3 PMID 24114291 a b c d Bjornson CL Johnson DW 15 October 2013 Croup in children CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal 185 15 1317 23 doi 10 1503 cmaj 121645 PMC 3796596 PMID 23939212 Steele Volney 2005 Bleed blister and purge a history of medicine on the American frontier Missoula Mont Mountain Press p 324 ISBN 978 0 87842 505 1 a b c Feigin Ralph D 2004 Textbook of pediatric infectious diseases Philadelphia Saunders p 252 ISBN 978 0 7216 9329 3 a b c d Diagnosis and Management of Croup PDF BC Children s Hospital Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines a b c d e f g h i j Baiu Ioana Melendez Elliot 2019 04 23 Croup JAMA 321 16 1642 doi 10 1001 jama 2019 2013 ISSN 0098 7484 PMID 31012936 S2CID 242149254 a b c Klassen TP December 1999 Croup A current perspective Pediatr Clin North Am 46 6 1167 78 doi 10 1016 S0031 3955 05 70180 2 PMID 10629679 a b c Moraa Irene Sturman Nancy McGuire Treasure M van Driel Mieke L 2021 08 16 Heliox for croup in children The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021 8 CD006822 doi 10 1002 14651858 CD006822 pub6 ISSN 1469 493X PMC 8406495 PMID 34397099 Port C April 2009 Towards evidence based emergency medicine best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary BET 4 Dose of dexamethasone in croup Emerg Med J 26 4 291 2 doi 10 1136 emj 2009 072090 PMID 19307398 S2CID 6655787 Kiple Kenneth 29 January 1993 The Cambridge World History of Human Disease Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 654 657 doi 10 1017 CHOL9780521332866 092 croup Origin and meaning of croup by Online Etymology Dictionary www etymonline com Archived from the original on 2011 05 10 Retrieved 27 February 2020 Marchessault V November 2001 Historical review of croup Can J Infect Dis 12 6 337 9 doi 10 1155 2001 919830 PMC 2094841 PMID 18159359 Cormack John Rose 8 May 1875 Meaning of the Terms Diphtheria Croup and Faux Croup British Medical Journal 1 749 606 doi 10 1136 bmj 1 749 606 PMC 2297755 PMID 20747853 Loving Starling 5 October 1895 Something concerning the diagnosis and treatment of false croup JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association XXV 14 567 573 doi 10 1001 jama 1895 02430400011001d Archived from the original on 4 July 2014 Retrieved 16 April 2014 Bennett James Risdon 8 May 1875 True and False Croup British Medical Journal 1 749 606 607 doi 10 1136 bmj 1 749 606 a PMC 2297754 PMID 20747854 Beard George Miller 1875 Our Home Physician A New and Popular Guide to the Art of Preserving Health and Treating Disease New York E B Treat pp 560 564 Retrieved 15 April 2014 Mandell Douglas and Bennett s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases 8 ed Elsevier Health Sciences 2014 p 762 ISBN 978 0 323 26373 3 Archived from the original on 2017 09 08 Vanderpool Patricia December 2012 Recognizing croup and stridor in children American Nurse Today 7 12 Archived from the original on 16 April 2014 Retrieved 15 April 2014 Bruce Evangeline 1995 Napoleon and Josephine London Weidenfeld amp Nicolson External links EditCroup at Wikipedia s sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons Croup MedlinePlus U S National Library of Medicine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Croup amp oldid 1136260180, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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