

Crinoids are marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea. Crinoids that are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk in their adult form are commonly called sea lilies, while the unstalked forms are called feather stars or comatulids, which are members of the largest crinoid order, Comatulida. Crinoids are echinoderms in the phylum Echinodermata, which also includes the starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins and sea cucumbers.[3] They live in both shallow water[4] and in depths as great as 9,000 meters (30,000 ft).[5]

Temporal range: Darriwilian–recent[1]
Crinoid on the reef of Batu Moncho Island, Indonesia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Subphylum: Crinozoa
Class: Crinoidea
Miller, 1821[2]
Major groups

Adult crinoids are characterised by having the mouth located on the upper surface. This is surrounded by feeding arms, and is linked to a U-shaped gut, with the anus being located on the oral disc near the mouth. Although the basic echinoderm pattern of fivefold symmetry can be recognised, in most crinoids the five arms are subdivided into ten or more. These have feathery pinnules and are spread wide to gather planktonic particles from the water. At some stage in their lives, most crinoids have a stem used to attach themselves to the substrate, but many live attached only as juveniles and become free-swimming as adults.

There are only about 700 living species of crinoid,[6] but the class was much more abundant and diverse in the past. Some thick limestone beds dating to the mid-Paleozoic to Jurassic eras are almost entirely made up of disarticulated crinoid fragments.[7][8][9]


The name "Crinoidea" comes from the Ancient Greek word κρίνον (krínon), "a lily", with the suffix –oid meaning "like".[10][11] Those crinoids which in their adult form are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk are commonly called sea lilies,[12] while the unstalked forms are called feather stars[13] or comatulids, being members of the largest crinoid order, Comatulida.[14]


Anatomy of a stalked crinoid

The basic body form of a crinoid is a stem (not present in adult feather stars) and a crown consisting of a cup-like central body known as the theca, and a set of five rays or arms, usually branched and feathery. The mouth and anus are both located on the upper side of the theca, making the dorsal (upper) surface the oral surface, unlike in the other echinoderm groups such as the sea urchins, starfish and brittle stars where the mouth is on the underside.[15] The numerous calcareous plates make up the bulk of the crinoid, with only a small percentage of soft tissue. These ossicles fossilise well and there are beds of limestone dating from the Lower Carboniferous around Clitheroe, England, formed almost exclusively from a diverse fauna of crinoid fossils.[16]

Stalked crinoid drawn by Ernst Haeckel

The stem of sea lilies is composed of a column of highly porous ossicles which are connected by ligamentary tissue. It attaches to the substrate with a flattened holdfast or with whorls of jointed, root-like structures known as cirri. Further cirri may occur higher up the stem. In crinoids that attach to hard surfaces, the cirri may be robust and curved, resembling birds' feet, but when crinoids live on soft sediment, the cirri may be slender and rod-like. Juvenile feather stars have a stem, but this is later lost, with many species retaining a few cirri at the base of the crown. The majority of living crinoids are free-swimming and have only a vestigial stalk. In those deep-sea species that still retain a stalk, it may reach up to 1 m (3 ft) in length (although usually much smaller), and fossil species are known with 20 m (66 ft) stems,[17] the largest recorded crinoid having a stem 40 m (130 ft) in length.[18]

The theca is pentamerous (has five-part symmetry) and is homologous with the body or disc of other echinoderms. The base of the theca is formed from a cup-shaped set of ossicles (bony plates), the calyx, while the upper surface is formed by the weakly-calcified tegmen, a membranous disc. The tegmen is divided into five "ambulacral areas", including a deep groove from which the tube feet project, and five "interambulacral areas" between them. The mouth is near the centre or on the margin of the tegmen, and ambulacral grooves lead from the base of the arms to the mouth. The anus is also located on the tegmen, often on a small elevated cone, in an interambulacral area. The theca is relatively small and contains the crinoid's digestive organs.[17]

The arms are supported by a series of articulating ossicles similar to those in the stalk. Primitively, crinoids had only five arms, but in most modern forms these are divided into two at ossicle II, giving ten arms in total. In most living species, especially the free-swimming feather stars, the arms branch several more times, producing up to two hundred branches in total. Being jointed, the arms can curl up. They are lined, on either side alternately, by smaller jointed appendages known as "pinnules" which give them their feather-like appearance. Both arms and pinnules have tube feet along the margins of the ambulacral grooves. The tube feet come in groups of three of different size; they have no suction pads and are used to hold and manipulate food particles. The grooves are equipped with cilia which facilitate feeding by moving the organic particles along the arm and into the mouth.[17]



Two arms with pinnules and tube feet outstretched

Crinoids are passive suspension feeders, filtering plankton and small particles of detritus from the sea water flowing past them with their feather-like arms. The arms are raised to form a fan-shape which is held perpendicular to the current. Mobile crinoids move to perch on rocks, coral heads or other eminences to maximise their feeding opportunities. The food particles are caught by the primary (longest) tube feet, which are fully extended and held erect from the pinnules, forming a food-trapping mesh, while the secondary and tertiary tube feet are involved in manipulating anything encountered.[17]

The tube feet are covered with sticky mucus that traps any particles which come in contact. Once they have caught a particle of food, the tube feet flick it into the ambulacral groove, where the cilia propel the mucus and food particles towards the mouth. Lappets at the side of the groove help keep the mucus stream in place. The total length of the food-trapping surface may be very large; the 56 arms of a Japanese sea lily with 24 cm (9 in) arms, have a total length of 80 m (260 ft) including the pinnules. Generally speaking, crinoids living in environments with relatively little plankton have longer and more highly branched arms than those living in food-rich environments.[17]

The mouth descends into a short oesophagus. There is no true stomach, so the oesophagus connects directly to the intestine, which runs in a single loop right around the inside of the calyx. The intestine often includes numerous diverticulae, some of which may be long or branched. The end of the intestine opens into a short muscular rectum. This ascends towards the anus, which projects from a small conical protuberance at the edge of the tegmen. Faecal matter is formed into large, mucous-cemented pellets which fall onto the tegmen and thence the substrate.[17]


Specimens of the sea urchin Calocidaris micans found in the vicinity of the crinoid Endoxocrinus parrae, have been shown to contain large quantities of stem portions in their guts. These consist of articulated ossicles with soft tissue, whereas the local sediment contained only disarticulated ossicles without soft tissue. This makes it highly likely that these sea urchins are predators of the crinoids, and that the crinoids flee, offering part of their stem in the process.[19]

Various crinoid fossils hint at possible prehistoric predators. Coprolites of both fish and cephalopods have been found containing ossicles of various crinoids, such as the pelagic crinoid Saccocoma, from the Jurassic lagerstatten Solnhofen,[20] while damaged crinoid stems with bite marks matching the toothplates of coccosteid placoderms have been found in Late Devonian Poland.[21] The calyxes of several Devonian to Carboniferous-aged crinoids have the shells of a snail, Platyceras, intimately associated with them.[22] Some have the snail situated over the anus, suggesting that Platyceras was a coprophagous commensal, while others have the animal directly situated over a borehole, suggesting a more pernicious relationship.[23]

Water vascular system

Like other echinoderms, crinoids possess a water vascular system that maintains hydraulic pressure in the tube feet. This is not connected to external sea water via a madreporite, as in other echinoderms, but only connected through a large number of pores to the coelom (body cavity). The main fluid reservoir is the muscular-walled ring canal which is connected to the coelom by stone canals lined with calcareous material. The coelom is divided into a number of interconnecting spaces by mesenteries. It surrounds the viscera in the disc and has branches within the stalk and arms, with smaller branches extending into the pinnules. It is the contraction of the ring canal that extends the tube feet. Three narrow branches of the coelom enter each arm, two on the oral side and one aborally, and pinnules. The action of cilia cause there to be a slow flow of fluid (1mm per second) in these canals, outward in the oral branches and inward in the aboral ones, and this is the main means of transport of nutrients and waste products. There is no heart and separate circulatory system but at the base of the disc there is a large blood vessel known as the axial organ, containing some slender blind-ended tubes of unknown function, which extends into the stalk.[17]

These various fluid-filled spaces, in addition to transporting nutrients around the body, also function as both a respiratory and an excretory system. Oxygen is absorbed primarily through the tube feet, which are the most thin-walled parts of the body, with further gas exchange taking place over the large surface area of the arms. There are no specialised organs for excretion while waste is collected by phagocytic coelomocytes.[17]

Nervous system

The crinoid nervous system is divided into three parts, with numerous connections between them. The oral or uppermost portion is the only one homologous with the nervous systems of other echinoderms. It consists of a central nerve ring surrounding the mouth, and radial nerves branching into the arms and is sensory in function. Below this lies an intermediate nerve ring, giving off radial nerves supplying the arms and pinnules. These nerves are motor in nature, and control the musculature of the tube feet. The third portion of the nervous system lies aborally, and is responsible for the flexing and movement actions of the arms, pinnules and cirri. This is centred on a mass of neural tissue near the base of the calyx, and provides a single nerve to each arm and a number of nerves to the stalk.[17]

Reproduction and life cycle

Crinoids are not capable of clonal reproduction as are some starfish and brittle stars, but are capable of regenerating lost body parts. Arms torn off by predators or damaged by adverse environmental conditions can regrow, and even the visceral mass can regenerate over the course of a few weeks. This regeneration may be vital in surviving attacks by predatory fish.[17]

Crinoids are dioecious, with individuals being either male or female. In most species, the gonads are located in the pinnules but in a few, they are located in the arms. Not all the pinnules are reproductive, just those closest to the crown. The gametes are produced in genital canals enclosed in genital coeloms. The pinnules eventually rupture to release the sperm and eggs into the surrounding sea water. In certain genera, such as Antedon, the fertilised eggs are cemented to the arms with secretions from epidermal glands; in others, especially cold water species from Antarctica, the eggs are brooded in specialised sacs on the arms or pinnules.[17]

The fertilised eggs hatch to release free-swimming vitellaria larvae. The bilaterally symmetrical larva is barrel-shaped with rings of cilia running round the body, and a tuft of sensory hairs at the upper pole. While both feeding (planktotrophic) and non-feeding (lecithotrophic) larvae exist among the four other extant echinoderm classes, all present day crinoids appear to be descendants from a surviving clade that went through a bottleneck after the Permian extinction, at that time losing the feeding larval stage.[24] The larva's free-swimming period lasts for only a few days before it settles on the bottom and attaches itself to the underlying surface using an adhesive gland on its underside. The larva then undergoes an extended period of metamorphoses into a stalked juvenile, becoming radially symmetric in the process. Even the free-swimming feather stars go through this stage, with the adult eventually breaking away from the stalk.[17]


A stalked crinoid (white) and a comatulid (red) in deep sea, showing the differences between these two sister groups

Most modern crinoids, i.e., the feather stars, are free-moving and lack a stem as adults. Examples of fossil crinoids that have been interpreted as free-swimming include Marsupites, Saccocoma and Uintacrinus.[25] In general, crinoids move to new locations by crawling, using the cirri as legs. Such a movement may be induced in relation to a change in current direction, the need to climb to an elevated perch to feed, or because of an agonistic behaviour by an encountered individual.[26] Crinoids can also swim. They do this by co-ordinated, repeated sequential movements of the arms in three groups. At first the direction of travel is upwards but soon becomes horizontal, travelling at about 7 cm (2.8 in) per second with the oral surface in front. Swimming usually takes place as short bursts of activity lasting up to half a minute, and in the comatulid Florometra serratissima at least, only takes place after mechanical stimulation or as an escape response evoked by a predator.[26]

In 2005, a stalked crinoid was recorded pulling itself along the sea floor off the Grand Bahama Island. While it has been known that stalked crinoids could move, before this recording the fastest motion known for a stalked crinoid was 0.6 metres (2 feet) per hour. The 2005 recording showed one of these moving across the seabed at the much faster rate of 4 to 5 cm (1.6 to 2.0 in) per second, or 144 to 180 m (472 to 591 ft) per hour.[27]



Agaricocrinus americanus, a fossil crinoid from the Carboniferous of Indiana
Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Apiocrinites crinoid pluricolumnals from the Matmor Formation in southern Israel

If one ignores the enigmatic Echmatocrinus of the Burgess Shale, the earliest known unequivocal crinoid groups date back to the Ordovician, 480 million years ago. There are two competing hypotheses pertaining to the origin of the group: the traditional viewpoint holds that crinoids evolved from within the blastozoans (the eocrinoids and their derived descendants, the blastoids and the cystoids), whereas the most popular alternative suggests that the crinoids split early from among the edrioasteroids.[28] The debate is difficult to settle, in part because all three candidate ancestors share many characteristics, including radial symmetry, calcareous plates, and stalked or direct attachment to the substrate.[28]


Echinoderms with mineralized skeletons entered the fossil record in the early Cambrian (540 mya), and during the next 100 million years, the crinoids and blastoids (also stalked filter-feeders) were dominant.[29] At that time, the Echinodermata included twenty taxa of class rank, only five of which survived the mass extinction events that followed. The long and varied geological history of the crinoids demonstrates how well the echinoderms had adapted to filter-feeding.[3]

The crinoids underwent two periods of abrupt adaptive radiation, the first during the Ordovician (485 to 444 mya), and the other during the early Triassic (around 230 mya).[30] This Triassic radiation resulted in forms possessing flexible arms becoming widespread; motility, predominantly a response to predation pressure, also became far more prevalent than sessility.[31] This radiation occurred somewhat earlier than the Mesozoic marine revolution, possibly because it was mainly prompted by increases in benthic predation, specifically of echinoids.[32] There then followed a selective mass extinction at the end of the Permian period, during which all blastoids and most crinoids became extinct.[30] After the end-Permian extinction, crinoids never regained the morphological diversity and dominant position they enjoyed in the Paleozoic; they employed a different suite of ecological strategies open to them from those that had proven so successful in the Paleozoic.[30]


Some fossil crinoids, such as Pentacrinites, seem to have lived attached to floating driftwood and complete colonies are often found. Sometimes this driftwood would become waterlogged and sink to the bottom, taking the attached crinoids with it. The stem of Pentacrinites can be several metres long. Modern relatives of Pentacrinites live in gentle currents attached to rocks by the end of their stem. The largest fossil crinoid on record had a stem 40 m (130 ft) in length.[33]

In 2012, three geologists reported they had isolated complex organic molecules from 340-million-year-old (Mississippian) fossils of multiple species of crinoids. Identified as "resembl[ing ...] aromatic or polyaromatic quinones", these are the oldest molecules to be definitively associated with particular individual fossils, as they are believed to have been sealed inside ossicle pores by precipitated calcite during the fossilization process.[34]

Crinoid fossils, and in particular disarticulated crinoid columnals, can be so abundant that they at times serve as the primary supporting clasts in sedimentary rocks.[citation needed] Rocks of this nature are called encrinites.


Colorful crinoids in shallow waters in Indonesia
Multiple crinoids on a reef in Indonesia

Crinoidea has been accepted as a distinct clade of echinoderms since the definition of the group by Miller in 1821.[35] It includes many extinct orders as well as four closely-related living orders (Comatulida, Cyrtocrinida, Hyocrinida, and Isocrinida), which are part of the subgroup Articulata. Living articulates comrpise around 540 species.


The phylogeny, geologic history, and classification of the Crinoidea was discussed by Wright et al. (2017).[36] These authors presented new phylogeny-based and rank-based classifications based on results of recent phylogenetic analyses.[35][37][38][39] Their rank-based classification of crinoid higher taxa (down to Order), not fully resolved and with numerous groups incertae sedis (of uncertain placement), is illustrated in the cladogram.


† Protocrinoidea (incertae sedis)

† Camerata
† Eucamerata

† Diplobathrida







'Homocrinida' (incertae sedis)

'Myelodactyla' (incertae sedis)

'Pisocrinoidea' (incertae sedis)








'Cyathocrinida' (incertae sedis)

'Dendrocrinida' (incertae sedis)

'Poteriocrinida' (incertae sedis)

† 'Ampelocrinida' (incertae sedis)



† Encrinida  








In culture

Fossilised crinoid columnal segments extracted from limestone quarried on Lindisfarne, or found washed up along the foreshore, were threaded into necklaces or rosaries, and became known as St. Cuthbert's beads in the Middle Ages.[40] Similarly, in the Midwestern United States, fossilized segments of the columns of crinoids are sometimes known as Indian beads.[41] Crinoids are the state fossil of Missouri.[42]

Fossil crinoids


  1. ^ Zamora, Samuel; Rahman, Imran A.; Ausich, William I. (2015). "Palaeogeographic implications of a new iocrinid crinoid (Disparida) from the Ordovician (Darriwillian) of Morocco". PeerJ. 3: e1450. doi:10.7717/peerj.1450. PMC 4675106. PMID 26664800.
  2. ^ Hansson, Hans (2012). "Crinoidea". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 2013-01-30.
  3. ^ a b Ruppert, Edward E.; Fox, Richard, S.; Barnes, Robert D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology, 7th edition. Cengage Learning. pp. 917–918. ISBN 978-81-315-0104-7.
  4. ^ Zmarzly, D.L. (1985). "The Shallow-Water Crinoid Fauna of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands: Ecological Observations, Interatoll Comparisons, and Zoogeographic Affinities". Pacific Science. 39: 340–358. hdl:10125/941.
  5. ^ Oji, T.; Ogawa, Y.; Hunter, A. W. & Kitazawa, K. (2009). "Discovery of Dense Aggregations of Stalked Crinoids in Izu-Ogasawara Trench, Japan". Zoological Science. 26 (6): 406–408. doi:10.2108/zsj.26.406. PMID 19583499. S2CID 5991969.
  6. ^ Reproduction and Development in Echinodermata and Prochordata
  7. ^ Lucia, F. Jerry (1962). "Diagenesis of a Crinoidal Sediment". SEPM Journal of Sedimentary Research. 32: 848–865. doi:10.1306/74D70D8F-2B21-11D7-8648000102C1865D.
  8. ^ Blyth Cain, J. D. (September 1968). "Aspects of the depositional environment and palaeoecology of crinoidal limestones". Scottish Journal of Geology. 4 (3): 191–208. doi:10.1144/sjg04030191. S2CID 219538295.
  9. ^ Jach, Renata (April 2005). "Storm-dominated deposition of the Lower Jurassic crinoidal limestones in the Krížna unit, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland". Facies. 50 (3–4): 561–572. doi:10.1007/s10347-004-0028-3. S2CID 128947091.
  10. ^ Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1979.
  11. ^ "crinoid". Online Etymology Dictionary.
  12. ^ "Sea lily". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  13. ^ "Feather star". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  14. ^ Ausich, William I.; Messing, Charles G. "Crinoidea". Tree of Life. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  15. ^ O'Hara, Timothy; Byrne, Maria (2017). Australian Echinoderms: Biology, Ecology and Evolution. Csiro Publishing. pp. 171–180. ISBN 978-1-4863-0763-0.
  16. ^ Hess, Hans; Brett, Carlton E.; Ausich, William I.; Simms, Michael J. (2002). Fossil Crinoids. Cambridge University Press. pp. 3–5, 45–46. ISBN 978-0-521-52440-7.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Ruppert, Edward E.; Fox, Richard, S.; Barnes, Robert D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology, 7th edition. Cengage Learning. pp. 917–927. ISBN 978-81-315-0104-7.
  18. ^ Ponsonby, David; Dussart, George (2005). The Anatomy of the Sea. Vancouver: Raincoast Books. p. 129. ISBN 978-0-8118-4633-2.
  19. ^ Baumiller, Tomasz K.; Mooi, Rich; Messing, Charles G. (2008). "Urchins in the meadow: Paleobiological and evolutionary implications of cidaroid predation on crinoids". Paleobiology. 34 (1): 22–34. doi:10.1666/07031.1. JSTOR 20445573. S2CID 85647638.
  20. ^ Hess, Hans (2003). "Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Plattenkalk of Bavaria, German". In Brett, Carlton E.; Ausich, William I.; Simms, Michael J. (eds.). Fossil Crinoids. Cambridge University Press. pp. 216–24. ISBN 978-0-521-52440-7.
  21. ^ Gorzelak, Przemys Law; Rakowicz, Lukasz; Salamon, Mariusz A.; Szrek, Piotr (2011). "Inferred placoderm bite marks on Devonian crinoids from Poland". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 259: 105–12. doi:10.1127/0077-7749/2010/0111.
  22. ^ Brett, Carlton E.; Walker, Sally E. (2002). (PDF). Paleontological Society Papers. 8: 93–118. doi:10.1017/S1089332600001078. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-08-13. Retrieved 2014-04-06.
  23. ^ Gahn, Forest J.; Baumiller, Tomasz K. (2003). "Infestation of Middle Devonian (Givetian) camerate crinoids by platyceratid gastropods and its implications for the nature of their biotic interaction" (PDF). Lethaia. 36 (2): 71–82. doi:10.1080/00241160310003072. hdl:2027.42/75509.
  24. ^ Raff, R A; Byrne, M (2006). "The active evolutionary lives of echinoderm larvae". Heredity. 97 (3): 244–52. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800866. PMID 16850040.
  25. ^ "About Crinoids". FossilEra. Retrieved 15 March 2019.
  26. ^ a b Shaw, G.D.; Fontaine, A.R. (2011). "The locomotion of the comatulid Florometra serratissima (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) and its adaptive significance". Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68 (5): 942–950. doi:10.1139/z90-135.
  27. ^ Baumiller, Tomasz K.; Messing, Charles G. (6 October 2005). . Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 37. p. 62. Archived from the original on 7 April 2014. Retrieved 6 April 2014.
  28. ^ a b Guensburg, Thomas E.; Mooi, Rich; Sprinkle, James; David, Bruno; Lefebvre, Bertrand (2010). "Pelmatozoan arms from the mid-Cambrian of Australia: Bridging the gap between brachioles and brachials? Comment: There is no bridge". Lethaia. 43 (3): 432–440. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.2010.00220.x.
  29. ^ Waggoner, Ben (16 January 1995). "Echinodermata: Fossil Record". Introduction to the Echinodermata. Museum of Paleontology: University of California at Berkeley. Retrieved 30 March 2019.
  30. ^ a b c Foote, Mike (1999). "Morphological diversity in the evolutionary radiation of Paleozoic and post-Paleozoic crinoids". Paleobiology. 25 (sp1): 1–116. doi:10.1666/0094-8373(1999)25[1:MDITER]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0094-8373. JSTOR 2666042. S2CID 85586709.
  31. ^ Baumiller, Tomasz K. (2008). "Crinoid Ecological Morphology". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 36: 221–249. Bibcode:2008AREPS..36..221B. doi:10.1146/annurev.earth.36.031207.124116.
  32. ^ Baumiller, T. K.; Salamon, M. A.; Gorzelak, P.; Mooi, R.; Messing, C. G.; Gahn, F. J. (2010). "Post-Paleozoic crinoid radiation in response to benthic predation preceded the Mesozoic marine revolution". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107 (13): 5893–5896. Bibcode:2010PNAS..107.5893B. doi:10.1073/pnas.0914199107. JSTOR 25665085. PMC 2851891. PMID 20231453. INIST:22572914.
  33. ^ Ponsonby, David; Dussart, George (2005). The Anatomy of the Sea. Vancouver: Raincoast Books. p. 129. ISBN 978-0-8118-4633-2.
  34. ^ O'Malley, C. E.; Ausich, W. I.; Chin, Y.-P. (2013). "Isolation and characterization of the earliest taxon-specific organic molecules (Mississippian, Crinoidea)". Geology. 41 (3): 347. Bibcode:2013Geo....41..347O. doi:10.1130/G33792.1. Note that the first sentence of the phys.org article contradicts the paper itself, which reviews several isolations of molecules from particular fossils over the past decade.
    • Pam Frost Gorder (Feb 19, 2013). "Ancient fossilized sea creatures yield oldest biomolecules isolated directly from a fossil". Phys.org.
  35. ^ a b Ausich, William I.; Kammer, Thomas W.; Rhenberg, Elizabeth C.; Wright, David F. (2015). "Early phylogeny of crinoids within the pelmatozoan clade". Palaeontology. 58 (6): 937–952. doi:10.1111/pala.12204.
  36. ^ Wright, David F.; Ausich, William I.; Cole, Selina R.; Peter, Mark E.; Rhenberg, Elizabeth C. (2017). "Phylogenetic taxonomy and classification of the Crinoidea (Echinodermata)". Journal of Paleontology. 91 (4): 829–846. doi:10.1017/jpa.2016.142.
  37. ^ Wright, David F. (2017). "Bayesian estimation of fossil phylogenies and the evolution of early to middle Paleozoic crinoids (Echinodermata)". Journal of Paleontology. 91 (4): 799–814. doi:10.1017/jpa.2016.141.
  38. ^ Cole, Selina R. (2017). "Phylogeny and morphologic evolution of the Ordovician Camerata (Class Crinoidea, Phylum Echinodermata)". Journal of Paleontology. 91 (4): 815–828. doi:10.1017/jpa.2016.137.
  39. ^ Rouse, Greg W.; Jermiin, Lars S.; Wilson, Nerida G.; Eeckhaut, Igor; Lanterbecq, Deborah; Oji, Tatsuo; Young, Craig M.; Browning, Teena; Cisternas, Paula; Helgen, Lauren E.; Stuckey, Michelle; Messing, Charles G. (2013). "Fixed, free, and fixed: the fickle phylogeny of extant Crinoidea (Echinodermata) and their Permian-Triassic origin". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 66 (6): 161–181. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.09.018. PMID 23063883.
  40. ^ Lane, N. Gary; Ausich, William I. (2001). "The Legend of St Cuthbert's Beads: A Palaeontological and Geological Perspective". Folklore. 112 (1): 65–73. JSTOR 1260865.
  41. ^ "Identifying Unknown Fossils (by their shape)". Kentucky Geological Survey / University of Kentucky. Retrieved 21 June 2009.
  42. ^ "Missouri's State Fossil". Office of the Secretary of State, Missouri. Retrieved 31 March 2019.

External links

  • Messing, Charles. "Sea Star on a Stick: Introducing Crinoids". Vimeo.
  •   Media related to Crinoidea at Wikimedia Commons
  •   Data related to Crinoid at Wikispecies

crinoid, marine, animals, that, make, class, that, attached, bottom, stalk, their, adult, form, commonly, called, lilies, while, unstalked, forms, called, feather, stars, comatulids, which, members, largest, crinoid, order, comatulida, echinoderms, phylum, ech. Crinoids are marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea Crinoids that are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk in their adult form are commonly called sea lilies while the unstalked forms are called feather stars or comatulids which are members of the largest crinoid order Comatulida Crinoids are echinoderms in the phylum Echinodermata which also includes the starfish brittle stars sea urchins and sea cucumbers 3 They live in both shallow water 4 and in depths as great as 9 000 meters 30 000 ft 5 CrinoidsTemporal range Darriwilian recent 1 PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg NCrinoid on the reef of Batu Moncho Island IndonesiaScientific classificationKingdom AnimaliaPhylum EchinodermataSubphylum CrinozoaClass CrinoideaMiller 1821 2 Major groups Camerata Pentacrinoidea Articulata 700 living species Disparida Porocrinoidea FlexibiliaAdult crinoids are characterised by having the mouth located on the upper surface This is surrounded by feeding arms and is linked to a U shaped gut with the anus being located on the oral disc near the mouth Although the basic echinoderm pattern of fivefold symmetry can be recognised in most crinoids the five arms are subdivided into ten or more These have feathery pinnules and are spread wide to gather planktonic particles from the water At some stage in their lives most crinoids have a stem used to attach themselves to the substrate but many live attached only as juveniles and become free swimming as adults There are only about 700 living species of crinoid 6 but the class was much more abundant and diverse in the past Some thick limestone beds dating to the mid Paleozoic to Jurassic eras are almost entirely made up of disarticulated crinoid fragments 7 8 9 Contents 1 Etymology 2 Morphology 3 Biology 3 1 Feeding 3 2 Predation 3 3 Water vascular system 3 4 Nervous system 3 5 Reproduction and life cycle 4 Locomotion 5 Evolution 5 1 Origins 5 2 Diversity 5 3 Fossils 6 Taxonomy 6 1 Phylogeny 7 In culture 8 Fossil crinoids 9 References 10 External linksEtymology EditThe name Crinoidea comes from the Ancient Greek word krinon krinon a lily with the suffix oid meaning like 10 11 Those crinoids which in their adult form are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk are commonly called sea lilies 12 while the unstalked forms are called feather stars 13 or comatulids being members of the largest crinoid order Comatulida 14 Morphology Edit Anatomy of a stalked crinoid The basic body form of a crinoid is a stem not present in adult feather stars and a crown consisting of a cup like central body known as the theca and a set of five rays or arms usually branched and feathery The mouth and anus are both located on the upper side of the theca making the dorsal upper surface the oral surface unlike in the other echinoderm groups such as the sea urchins starfish and brittle stars where the mouth is on the underside 15 The numerous calcareous plates make up the bulk of the crinoid with only a small percentage of soft tissue These ossicles fossilise well and there are beds of limestone dating from the Lower Carboniferous around Clitheroe England formed almost exclusively from a diverse fauna of crinoid fossils 16 Stalked crinoid drawn by Ernst Haeckel The stem of sea lilies is composed of a column of highly porous ossicles which are connected by ligamentary tissue It attaches to the substrate with a flattened holdfast or with whorls of jointed root like structures known as cirri Further cirri may occur higher up the stem In crinoids that attach to hard surfaces the cirri may be robust and curved resembling birds feet but when crinoids live on soft sediment the cirri may be slender and rod like Juvenile feather stars have a stem but this is later lost with many species retaining a few cirri at the base of the crown The majority of living crinoids are free swimming and have only a vestigial stalk In those deep sea species that still retain a stalk it may reach up to 1 m 3 ft in length although usually much smaller and fossil species are known with 20 m 66 ft stems 17 the largest recorded crinoid having a stem 40 m 130 ft in length 18 The theca is pentamerous has five part symmetry and is homologous with the body or disc of other echinoderms The base of the theca is formed from a cup shaped set of ossicles bony plates the calyx while the upper surface is formed by the weakly calcified tegmen a membranous disc The tegmen is divided into five ambulacral areas including a deep groove from which the tube feet project and five interambulacral areas between them The mouth is near the centre or on the margin of the tegmen and ambulacral grooves lead from the base of the arms to the mouth The anus is also located on the tegmen often on a small elevated cone in an interambulacral area The theca is relatively small and contains the crinoid s digestive organs 17 The arms are supported by a series of articulating ossicles similar to those in the stalk Primitively crinoids had only five arms but in most modern forms these are divided into two at ossicle II giving ten arms in total In most living species especially the free swimming feather stars the arms branch several more times producing up to two hundred branches in total Being jointed the arms can curl up They are lined on either side alternately by smaller jointed appendages known as pinnules which give them their feather like appearance Both arms and pinnules have tube feet along the margins of the ambulacral grooves The tube feet come in groups of three of different size they have no suction pads and are used to hold and manipulate food particles The grooves are equipped with cilia which facilitate feeding by moving the organic particles along the arm and into the mouth 17 Stem theca and arms of a true stalked crinoid family Isselicrinidae Oxycomanthus bennetti comatulid Tegmen of a Lamprometra palmata The mouth is located at the center of the 5 feeding grooves and the anus at the top of the column Close up on the cirri that allow comatulids to walk and attach themselves Close up on the pinnules of a Tropiometra carinata with parasites Myzostoma fuscomaculatum Biology EditFeeding Edit Two arms with pinnules and tube feet outstretched Crinoids are passive suspension feeders filtering plankton and small particles of detritus from the sea water flowing past them with their feather like arms The arms are raised to form a fan shape which is held perpendicular to the current Mobile crinoids move to perch on rocks coral heads or other eminences to maximise their feeding opportunities The food particles are caught by the primary longest tube feet which are fully extended and held erect from the pinnules forming a food trapping mesh while the secondary and tertiary tube feet are involved in manipulating anything encountered 17 The tube feet are covered with sticky mucus that traps any particles which come in contact Once they have caught a particle of food the tube feet flick it into the ambulacral groove where the cilia propel the mucus and food particles towards the mouth Lappets at the side of the groove help keep the mucus stream in place The total length of the food trapping surface may be very large the 56 arms of a Japanese sea lily with 24 cm 9 in arms have a total length of 80 m 260 ft including the pinnules Generally speaking crinoids living in environments with relatively little plankton have longer and more highly branched arms than those living in food rich environments 17 The mouth descends into a short oesophagus There is no true stomach so the oesophagus connects directly to the intestine which runs in a single loop right around the inside of the calyx The intestine often includes numerous diverticulae some of which may be long or branched The end of the intestine opens into a short muscular rectum This ascends towards the anus which projects from a small conical protuberance at the edge of the tegmen Faecal matter is formed into large mucous cemented pellets which fall onto the tegmen and thence the substrate 17 Predation Edit Specimens of the sea urchin Calocidaris micans found in the vicinity of the crinoid Endoxocrinus parrae have been shown to contain large quantities of stem portions in their guts These consist of articulated ossicles with soft tissue whereas the local sediment contained only disarticulated ossicles without soft tissue This makes it highly likely that these sea urchins are predators of the crinoids and that the crinoids flee offering part of their stem in the process 19 Various crinoid fossils hint at possible prehistoric predators Coprolites of both fish and cephalopods have been found containing ossicles of various crinoids such as the pelagic crinoid Saccocoma from the Jurassic lagerstatten Solnhofen 20 while damaged crinoid stems with bite marks matching the toothplates of coccosteid placoderms have been found in Late Devonian Poland 21 The calyxes of several Devonian to Carboniferous aged crinoids have the shells of a snail Platyceras intimately associated with them 22 Some have the snail situated over the anus suggesting that Platyceras was a coprophagous commensal while others have the animal directly situated over a borehole suggesting a more pernicious relationship 23 Water vascular system Edit Like other echinoderms crinoids possess a water vascular system that maintains hydraulic pressure in the tube feet This is not connected to external sea water via a madreporite as in other echinoderms but only connected through a large number of pores to the coelom body cavity The main fluid reservoir is the muscular walled ring canal which is connected to the coelom by stone canals lined with calcareous material The coelom is divided into a number of interconnecting spaces by mesenteries It surrounds the viscera in the disc and has branches within the stalk and arms with smaller branches extending into the pinnules It is the contraction of the ring canal that extends the tube feet Three narrow branches of the coelom enter each arm two on the oral side and one aborally and pinnules The action of cilia cause there to be a slow flow of fluid 1mm per second in these canals outward in the oral branches and inward in the aboral ones and this is the main means of transport of nutrients and waste products There is no heart and separate circulatory system but at the base of the disc there is a large blood vessel known as the axial organ containing some slender blind ended tubes of unknown function which extends into the stalk 17 These various fluid filled spaces in addition to transporting nutrients around the body also function as both a respiratory and an excretory system Oxygen is absorbed primarily through the tube feet which are the most thin walled parts of the body with further gas exchange taking place over the large surface area of the arms There are no specialised organs for excretion while waste is collected by phagocytic coelomocytes 17 Nervous system Edit The crinoid nervous system is divided into three parts with numerous connections between them The oral or uppermost portion is the only one homologous with the nervous systems of other echinoderms It consists of a central nerve ring surrounding the mouth and radial nerves branching into the arms and is sensory in function Below this lies an intermediate nerve ring giving off radial nerves supplying the arms and pinnules These nerves are motor in nature and control the musculature of the tube feet The third portion of the nervous system lies aborally and is responsible for the flexing and movement actions of the arms pinnules and cirri This is centred on a mass of neural tissue near the base of the calyx and provides a single nerve to each arm and a number of nerves to the stalk 17 Reproduction and life cycle Edit Crinoids are not capable of clonal reproduction as are some starfish and brittle stars but are capable of regenerating lost body parts Arms torn off by predators or damaged by adverse environmental conditions can regrow and even the visceral mass can regenerate over the course of a few weeks This regeneration may be vital in surviving attacks by predatory fish 17 Crinoids are dioecious with individuals being either male or female In most species the gonads are located in the pinnules but in a few they are located in the arms Not all the pinnules are reproductive just those closest to the crown The gametes are produced in genital canals enclosed in genital coeloms The pinnules eventually rupture to release the sperm and eggs into the surrounding sea water In certain genera such as Antedon the fertilised eggs are cemented to the arms with secretions from epidermal glands in others especially cold water species from Antarctica the eggs are brooded in specialised sacs on the arms or pinnules 17 The fertilised eggs hatch to release free swimming vitellaria larvae The bilaterally symmetrical larva is barrel shaped with rings of cilia running round the body and a tuft of sensory hairs at the upper pole While both feeding planktotrophic and non feeding lecithotrophic larvae exist among the four other extant echinoderm classes all present day crinoids appear to be descendants from a surviving clade that went through a bottleneck after the Permian extinction at that time losing the feeding larval stage 24 The larva s free swimming period lasts for only a few days before it settles on the bottom and attaches itself to the underlying surface using an adhesive gland on its underside The larva then undergoes an extended period of metamorphoses into a stalked juvenile becoming radially symmetric in the process Even the free swimming feather stars go through this stage with the adult eventually breaking away from the stalk 17 Locomotion Edit A stalked crinoid white and a comatulid red in deep sea showing the differences between these two sister groups Most modern crinoids i e the feather stars are free moving and lack a stem as adults Examples of fossil crinoids that have been interpreted as free swimming include Marsupites Saccocoma and Uintacrinus 25 In general crinoids move to new locations by crawling using the cirri as legs Such a movement may be induced in relation to a change in current direction the need to climb to an elevated perch to feed or because of an agonistic behaviour by an encountered individual 26 Crinoids can also swim They do this by co ordinated repeated sequential movements of the arms in three groups At first the direction of travel is upwards but soon becomes horizontal travelling at about 7 cm 2 8 in per second with the oral surface in front Swimming usually takes place as short bursts of activity lasting up to half a minute and in the comatulid Florometra serratissima at least only takes place after mechanical stimulation or as an escape response evoked by a predator 26 In 2005 a stalked crinoid was recorded pulling itself along the sea floor off the Grand Bahama Island While it has been known that stalked crinoids could move before this recording the fastest motion known for a stalked crinoid was 0 6 metres 2 feet per hour The 2005 recording showed one of these moving across the seabed at the much faster rate of 4 to 5 cm 1 6 to 2 0 in per second or 144 to 180 m 472 to 591 ft per hour 27 Evolution EditSee also List of echinodermata orders Origins Edit Agaricocrinus americanus a fossil crinoid from the Carboniferous of Indiana Middle Jurassic Callovian Apiocrinites crinoid pluricolumnals from the Matmor Formation in southern Israel If one ignores the enigmatic Echmatocrinus of the Burgess Shale the earliest known unequivocal crinoid groups date back to the Ordovician 480 million years ago There are two competing hypotheses pertaining to the origin of the group the traditional viewpoint holds that crinoids evolved from within the blastozoans the eocrinoids and their derived descendants the blastoids and the cystoids whereas the most popular alternative suggests that the crinoids split early from among the edrioasteroids 28 The debate is difficult to settle in part because all three candidate ancestors share many characteristics including radial symmetry calcareous plates and stalked or direct attachment to the substrate 28 Diversity Edit Echinoderms with mineralized skeletons entered the fossil record in the early Cambrian 540 mya and during the next 100 million years the crinoids and blastoids also stalked filter feeders were dominant 29 At that time the Echinodermata included twenty taxa of class rank only five of which survived the mass extinction events that followed The long and varied geological history of the crinoids demonstrates how well the echinoderms had adapted to filter feeding 3 The crinoids underwent two periods of abrupt adaptive radiation the first during the Ordovician 485 to 444 mya and the other during the early Triassic around 230 mya 30 This Triassic radiation resulted in forms possessing flexible arms becoming widespread motility predominantly a response to predation pressure also became far more prevalent than sessility 31 This radiation occurred somewhat earlier than the Mesozoic marine revolution possibly because it was mainly prompted by increases in benthic predation specifically of echinoids 32 There then followed a selective mass extinction at the end of the Permian period during which all blastoids and most crinoids became extinct 30 After the end Permian extinction crinoids never regained the morphological diversity and dominant position they enjoyed in the Paleozoic they employed a different suite of ecological strategies open to them from those that had proven so successful in the Paleozoic 30 Fossils Edit Some fossil crinoids such as Pentacrinites seem to have lived attached to floating driftwood and complete colonies are often found Sometimes this driftwood would become waterlogged and sink to the bottom taking the attached crinoids with it The stem of Pentacrinites can be several metres long Modern relatives of Pentacrinites live in gentle currents attached to rocks by the end of their stem The largest fossil crinoid on record had a stem 40 m 130 ft in length 33 In 2012 three geologists reported they had isolated complex organic molecules from 340 million year old Mississippian fossils of multiple species of crinoids Identified as resembl ing aromatic or polyaromatic quinones these are the oldest molecules to be definitively associated with particular individual fossils as they are believed to have been sealed inside ossicle pores by precipitated calcite during the fossilization process 34 Crinoid fossils and in particular disarticulated crinoid columnals can be so abundant that they at times serve as the primary supporting clasts in sedimentary rocks citation needed Rocks of this nature are called encrinites Taxonomy Edit Colorful crinoids in shallow waters in Indonesia Multiple crinoids on a reef in Indonesia Crinoidea has been accepted as a distinct clade of echinoderms since the definition of the group by Miller in 1821 35 It includes many extinct orders as well as four closely related living orders Comatulida Cyrtocrinida Hyocrinida and Isocrinida which are part of the subgroup Articulata Living articulates comrpise around 540 species Class Crinoidea Protocrinoidea incertae sedis Subclass Camerata Order Diplobathrida Order Monobathrida Subclass Pentacrinoidea Parvclass Disparida Order Eustenocrinida Order Maennilicrinida Order Tetragonocrinida Order Calceocrinida Parvclass Cladida Superorder Porocrinoidea Order Hybocrinida Order Porocrinida Superorder Flexibilia Order Sagenocrinida Order Taxocrinida Magnorder Eucladida Ampelocrinida incertae sedis Superorder Cyathoformes Superorder Articulata Order Encrinida Order Holocrinida Order Millericrinida Order Roveacrinida Order Uintacrinida Order Comatulida Order Cyrtocrinida Order Hyocrinida Order IsocrinidaPhylogeny Edit The phylogeny geologic history and classification of the Crinoidea was discussed by Wright et al 2017 36 These authors presented new phylogeny based and rank based classifications based on results of recent phylogenetic analyses 35 37 38 39 Their rank based classification of crinoid higher taxa down to Order not fully resolved and with numerous groups incertae sedis of uncertain placement is illustrated in the cladogram Crinoidea Protocrinoidea incertae sedis Camerata Eucamerata Diplobathrida Monobathrida Pentacrinoidea Inadunata Disparida EustenocrinidaMaennilicrinidaTetragonocrinidaCalceocrinida Homocrinida incertae sedis Myelodactyla incertae sedis Pisocrinoidea incertae sedis Cladida Porocrinoidea PorocrinidaHybocrinidaFlexibilia Taxocrinida SagenocrinidaEucladida Cyathoformes Cyathocrinida incertae sedis Dendrocrinida incertae sedis Poteriocrinida incertae sedis Ampelocrinida incertae sedis Articulata Holocrinida Encrinida Millericrinida UintacrinidaRoveacrinidaCyrtocrinida Hyocrinida Isocrinida Comatulida In culture EditFossilised crinoid columnal segments extracted from limestone quarried on Lindisfarne or found washed up along the foreshore were threaded into necklaces or rosaries and became known as St Cuthbert s beads in the Middle Ages 40 Similarly in the Midwestern United States fossilized segments of the columns of crinoids are sometimes known as Indian beads 41 Crinoids are the state fossil of Missouri 42 Fossil crinoids Edit Fossil from Germany showing the stem calyx and arms with pinnules 330 million year old crinoid fossils from Iowa Crinoid holdfasts and bryozoans on an Upper Ordovician cobble from northern Kentucky Seirocrinus subangularis from the Early Jurassic Posidonia Shale at Holzmaden Germany Crinoid columnals Isocrinus nicoleti from the Middle Jurassic Carmel Formation at Mount Carmel Junction Utah Root like crinoid holdfast from the Upper Ordovician southern Ohio Internal mold of crinoid stem lumen and external mold of stem from Lower Carboniferous Ohio Fossils of Seirocrinus subsingularis from the Jurassic Holzmaden Black Shale Formation GermanyReferences Edit Zamora Samuel Rahman Imran A Ausich William I 2015 Palaeogeographic implications of a new iocrinid crinoid Disparida from the Ordovician Darriwillian of Morocco PeerJ 3 e1450 doi 10 7717 peerj 1450 PMC 4675106 PMID 26664800 Hansson Hans 2012 Crinoidea WoRMS World Register of Marine Species Retrieved 2013 01 30 a b Ruppert Edward E Fox Richard S Barnes Robert D 2004 Invertebrate Zoology 7th edition Cengage Learning pp 917 918 ISBN 978 81 315 0104 7 Zmarzly D L 1985 The Shallow Water Crinoid Fauna of Kwajalein Atoll Marshall Islands Ecological Observations Interatoll Comparisons and Zoogeographic Affinities Pacific Science 39 340 358 hdl 10125 941 Oji T Ogawa Y Hunter A W amp Kitazawa K 2009 Discovery of Dense Aggregations of Stalked Crinoids in Izu Ogasawara Trench Japan Zoological Science 26 6 406 408 doi 10 2108 zsj 26 406 PMID 19583499 S2CID 5991969 Reproduction and Development in Echinodermata and Prochordata Lucia F Jerry 1962 Diagenesis of a Crinoidal Sediment SEPM Journal of Sedimentary Research 32 848 865 doi 10 1306 74D70D8F 2B21 11D7 8648000102C1865D Blyth Cain J D September 1968 Aspects of the depositional environment and palaeoecology of crinoidal limestones Scottish Journal of Geology 4 3 191 208 doi 10 1144 sjg04030191 S2CID 219538295 Jach Renata April 2005 Storm dominated deposition of the Lower Jurassic crinoidal limestones in the Krizna unit Western Tatra Mountains Poland Facies 50 3 4 561 572 doi 10 1007 s10347 004 0028 3 S2CID 128947091 Webster s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary 2nd ed 1979 crinoid Online Etymology Dictionary Sea lily Encyclopaedia Britannica Retrieved 14 March 2011 Feather star Encyclopaedia Britannica Retrieved 14 March 2011 Ausich William I Messing Charles G Crinoidea Tree of Life Retrieved 14 March 2011 O Hara Timothy Byrne Maria 2017 Australian Echinoderms Biology Ecology and Evolution Csiro Publishing pp 171 180 ISBN 978 1 4863 0763 0 Hess Hans Brett Carlton E Ausich William I Simms Michael J 2002 Fossil Crinoids Cambridge University Press pp 3 5 45 46 ISBN 978 0 521 52440 7 a b c d e f g h i j k l Ruppert Edward E Fox Richard S Barnes Robert D 2004 Invertebrate Zoology 7th edition Cengage Learning pp 917 927 ISBN 978 81 315 0104 7 Ponsonby David Dussart George 2005 The Anatomy of the Sea Vancouver Raincoast Books p 129 ISBN 978 0 8118 4633 2 Baumiller Tomasz K Mooi Rich Messing Charles G 2008 Urchins in the meadow Paleobiological and evolutionary implications of cidaroid predation on crinoids Paleobiology 34 1 22 34 doi 10 1666 07031 1 JSTOR 20445573 S2CID 85647638 Hess Hans 2003 Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Plattenkalk of Bavaria German In Brett Carlton E Ausich William I Simms Michael J eds Fossil Crinoids Cambridge University Press pp 216 24 ISBN 978 0 521 52440 7 Gorzelak Przemys Law Rakowicz Lukasz Salamon Mariusz A Szrek Piotr 2011 Inferred placoderm bite marks on Devonian crinoids from Poland Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen 259 105 12 doi 10 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Observations Functional Morphology and Implications for Paleozoic Taxa Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol 37 p 62 Archived from the original on 7 April 2014 Retrieved 6 April 2014 a b Guensburg Thomas E Mooi Rich Sprinkle James David Bruno Lefebvre Bertrand 2010 Pelmatozoan arms from the mid Cambrian of Australia Bridging the gap between brachioles and brachials Comment There is no bridge Lethaia 43 3 432 440 doi 10 1111 j 1502 3931 2010 00220 x Waggoner Ben 16 January 1995 Echinodermata Fossil Record Introduction to the Echinodermata Museum of Paleontology University of California at Berkeley Retrieved 30 March 2019 a b c Foote Mike 1999 Morphological diversity in the evolutionary radiation of Paleozoic and post Paleozoic crinoids Paleobiology 25 sp1 1 116 doi 10 1666 0094 8373 1999 25 1 MDITER 2 0 CO 2 ISSN 0094 8373 JSTOR 2666042 S2CID 85586709 Baumiller Tomasz K 2008 Crinoid Ecological Morphology Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 36 221 249 Bibcode 2008AREPS 36 221B doi 10 1146 annurev earth 36 031207 124116 Baumiller T K Salamon M A Gorzelak P Mooi R Messing C G Gahn F J 2010 Post Paleozoic crinoid radiation in response to benthic predation preceded the Mesozoic marine revolution Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 13 5893 5896 Bibcode 2010PNAS 107 5893B doi 10 1073 pnas 0914199107 JSTOR 25665085 PMC 2851891 PMID 20231453 INIST 22572914 Ponsonby David Dussart George 2005 The Anatomy of the Sea Vancouver Raincoast Books p 129 ISBN 978 0 8118 4633 2 O Malley C E Ausich W I Chin Y P 2013 Isolation and characterization of the earliest taxon specific organic molecules Mississippian Crinoidea Geology 41 3 347 Bibcode 2013Geo 41 347O doi 10 1130 G33792 1 Note that the first sentence of the phys org article contradicts the paper itself which reviews several isolations of molecules from particular fossils over the past decade Pam Frost Gorder Feb 19 2013 Ancient fossilized sea creatures yield oldest biomolecules isolated directly from a fossil Phys org a b Ausich William I Kammer Thomas W Rhenberg Elizabeth C Wright David F 2015 Early phylogeny of crinoids within the pelmatozoan clade Palaeontology 58 6 937 952 doi 10 1111 pala 12204 Wright David F Ausich William I Cole Selina R Peter Mark E Rhenberg Elizabeth C 2017 Phylogenetic taxonomy and classification of the Crinoidea Echinodermata Journal of Paleontology 91 4 829 846 doi 10 1017 jpa 2016 142 Wright David F 2017 Bayesian estimation of fossil phylogenies and the evolution of early to middle Paleozoic crinoids Echinodermata Journal of Paleontology 91 4 799 814 doi 10 1017 jpa 2016 141 Cole Selina R 2017 Phylogeny and morphologic evolution of the Ordovician Camerata Class Crinoidea Phylum Echinodermata Journal of Paleontology 91 4 815 828 doi 10 1017 jpa 2016 137 Rouse Greg W Jermiin Lars S Wilson Nerida G Eeckhaut Igor Lanterbecq Deborah Oji Tatsuo Young Craig M Browning Teena Cisternas Paula Helgen Lauren E Stuckey Michelle Messing Charles G 2013 Fixed free and fixed the fickle phylogeny of extant Crinoidea Echinodermata and their Permian Triassic origin Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66 6 161 181 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2012 09 018 PMID 23063883 Lane N Gary Ausich William I 2001 The Legend of St Cuthbert s Beads A Palaeontological and Geological Perspective Folklore 112 1 65 73 JSTOR 1260865 Identifying Unknown Fossils by their shape Kentucky Geological Survey University of Kentucky Retrieved 21 June 2009 Missouri s State Fossil Office of the Secretary of State Missouri Retrieved 31 March 2019 External links EditMessing Charles Sea Star on a Stick Introducing Crinoids Vimeo Media related to Crinoidea at Wikimedia Commons Data related to Crinoid at Wikispecies Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Crinoid amp oldid 1136367901, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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