
Complications of traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI, physical trauma to the brain) can cause a variety of complications, health effects that are not TBI themselves but that result from it. The risk of complications increases with the severity of the trauma;[1] however even mild traumatic brain injury can result in disabilities that interfere with social interactions, employment, and everyday living.[2] TBI can cause a variety of problems including physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral complications.

Symptoms that may occur after a concussion – a minor form of traumatic brain injury – are referred to as post-concussion syndrome.

Effects on unconsciousness

Generally, there are six abnormal states of consciousness that can result from a TBI:

  • Stupor is a state of partial or near complete unconsciousness in which the patient is lethargic, immobile, and has a reduced response to stimuli.[3]
  • Coma is a state in which the patient is totally unconscious and cannot be aroused even with strong stimuli.[4]
  • Persistent vegetative state is a condition in which awake patients are unconscious and unaware of their surroundings and the cerebral cortex is not functioning.[5] A vegetative state can result from diffuse injury to the cerebral hemispheres of the brain without damage to the lower brain and brainstem. The vegetative state is considered permanent if it persists for 12 months after TBI or 3 months after causes other than trauma.[6]
  • A minimally conscious state is a condition in which patients have a reduced level of arousal and may appear, on the surface, to be in a persistent vegetative state but are capable of demonstrating the ability to actively process information.
  • Locked-in syndrome is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake, but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis of the body.[7] Voluntary control of eye movements or blinking may be spared, permitting the detection of conscious awareness and enabling the establishment of functional communication.[7]
  • Brain death is the irreversible loss of measurable brain function, with loss of any integrated activity among distinct areas of the brain.[8] Breathing and heart function must be maintained with assistive devices.[8]

Disorders of consciousness affect a significant number of people with severe TBI; of those with severe TBI discharged from a hospital, 10%-15% are in a vegetative state, and of this number only half regain consciousness within one to three years.[6]

Cognitive deficits

Most patients with severe TBI who recover consciousness experience cognitive disabilities, including the loss of many higher-level mental skills. Cognitive deficits that can follow TBI include impaired attention; disrupted insight, judgement, and thought; reduced processing speed; distractibility; and deficits in executive functions such as abstract reasoning, planning, problem-solving, and multitasking.[9] Memory loss, the most common cognitive impairment among head-injured people, occurs in 20–79% of people with closed head trauma, depending on severity.[10] Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), a confusional state with impaired memory,[11] is characterized by loss of specific memories or the partial inability to form or store new ones.[12]

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by dementia, memory loss, and deteriorating cognitive abilities. Research suggests an association between head injury in early adulthood and the development of AD later in life; the more severe the head injury, the greater the risk of developing AD.[1] Some evidence indicates that a head injury may interact with other factors to trigger the disease and may hasten the onset of the disease in individuals already at risk. For example, head-injured people who have a particular form of the protein apolipoprotein E (apoE4, a naturally occurring protein that helps transport cholesterol through the bloodstream) fall into this increased risk category.[1]

Patients with moderate to severe TBI have more problems with cognitive deficits than do those with mild TBI, but several mild TBIs may have an additive effect. About one in five career boxers is affected by chronic traumatic brain injury (CTBI), which causes cognitive, behavioral, and physical impairments.[13] Dementia pugilistica, also called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, is the severe form of CTBI.[13] Caused by repetitive blows to the head over a long period, the condition primarily affects career boxers and has recently been linked to other contact sports including American football and ice hockey as well as military service(see Ann McKee). It commonly manifests as dementia, or declining mental ability, memory problems, and parkinsonism (tremors and lack of coordination).[14] Symptoms begin anywhere between 6 and 40 years after the start of a boxing career, with an average onset of about 16 years.

Communication problems

Language and communication problems are common disabilities in TBI patients. Some may experience aphasia, difficulty with understanding and producing spoken and written language; or they may have difficulty with the more subtle aspects of communication, such as body language and emotional, non-verbal signals. Some may have problems with intonation or inflection, called prosodic dysfunction. Problems with spoken language may occur if the part of the brain that controls speech muscles is damaged. In this disorder, called dysarthria, the patient can think of the appropriate language, but cannot easily speak the words because they are unable to use the muscles needed to form the words and produce the sounds. Speech is often slow, slurred, and garbled.[1]

Sensory deficits

TBI patients may have sensory problems, especially problems with vision; they may not be able to register what they are seeing or may be slow to recognize objects. Also, TBI patients often have difficulty with hand–eye coordination, causing them to seem clumsy or unsteady. Other sensory deficits include problems with hearing, smell, taste, or touch. Tinnitus, a ringing or roaring in the ears, may occur. A person with damage to the part of the brain that processes taste or smell may perceive a persistent bitter taste or noxious smell. Damage to the part of the brain that controls the sense of touch may cause a TBI patient to develop persistent skin tingling, itching, or pain. These conditions are rare and difficult to treat.[1]

Emotional and behavioral problems

TBI may cause emotional or behavioral problems and changes in personality.[15] Emotional symptoms that can follow TBI include emotional instability, depression, anxiety, hypomania, mania, apathy, irritability, and anger.[9] TBI appears to predispose a person to psychiatric disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol or substance abuse or substance dependence, dysthymia, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, phobias, panic disorder, and schizophrenia.[16] About one quarter of people with TBI develop clinical depression, and about 9% experience mania.[17] The prevalence of all psychiatric illnesses is 49% in moderate to severe TBI and 34% in mild TBI within a year of injury, compared with 18% of controls.[18] People with TBI continue to be at greater risk for psychiatric problems than others even years after an injury.[18] Problems that may persist for up to two years after the injury include irritability, suicidal ideation, insomnia, and loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences.[17]

Behavioral symptoms that can follow TBI include disinhibition, inability to control anger, impulsiveness, lack of initiative, inappropriate sexual activity, and changes in personality.[9] Different behavioral problems are characteristic of the location of injury; for instance, frontal lobe injuries often result in disinhibition and inappropriate or childish behavior, and temporal lobe injuries often cause irritability and aggression.[19]

Physical complications

The relative risk of post-traumatic seizures increases with the severity of traumatic brain injury.[20]

Pain, especially headache, is a common complication following a TBI.[1] Being unconscious and lying still for long periods can cause blood clots to form (deep venous thrombosis), which can cause pulmonary embolism.[21] Other serious complications for patients who are unconscious, in a coma, or in a vegetative state include pressure sores, pneumonia or other infections, and progressive multiple organ failure.[1]

The risk of post-traumatic seizures increases with severity of trauma (image at right) and is particularly elevated with certain types of brain trauma such as cerebral contusions or hematomas.[22] As many as 50% of people with penetrating head injuries will develop seizures.[20] People with early seizures, those occurring within a week of injury, have an increased risk of post-traumatic epilepsy (recurrent seizures occurring more than a week after the initial trauma)[23] though seizures can appear a decade or more after the initial injury and the common seizure type may also change over time. Generally, medical professionals use anticonvulsant medications to treat seizures in TBI patients within the first week of injury only[24] and after that only if the seizures persist.

Neurostorms may occur after a severe TBI. The lower the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), the higher the chance of Neurostorming. Neurostorms occur when the patient's Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), Central Nervous System (CNS), Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS), and Parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) become severely compromised.[25] This in turn can create the following potential life-threatening symptoms: increased intra-cranial pressure (ICP), tachycardia, tremors, seizures, fevers, increased blood pressure, increased Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), and diaphoresis.[25] A variety of medication may be used to help decrease or control neurostorm episodes.[26]

Parkinson's disease and other motor problems as a result of TBI are rare but can occur. Parkinson's disease, a chronic and progressive disorder, may develop years after TBI as a result of damage to the basal ganglia. Other movement disorders that may develop after TBI include tremor, ataxia (uncoordinated muscle movements), and myoclonus (shock-like contractions of muscles).[1]

Skull fractures can tear the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain, leading to leaks of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A tear between the dura and the arachnoid membranes, called a CSF fistula, can cause CSF to leak out of the subarachnoid space into the subdural space; this is called a subdural hygroma.[1] CSF can also leak from the nose and the ear. These tears can also allow bacteria into the cavity, potentially causing infections such as meningitis. Pneumocephalus occurs when air enters the intracranial cavity and becomes trapped in the subarachnoid space. Infections within the intracranial cavity are a dangerous complication of TBI. They may occur outside of the dura mater, below the dura, below the arachnoid (meningitis), or within the brain itself (abscess). Most of these injuries develop within a few weeks of the initial trauma and result from skull fractures or penetrating injuries. Standard treatment involves antibiotics and sometimes surgery to remove the infected tissue.[1]

Injuries to the base of the skull can damage nerves that emerge directly from the brain (cranial nerves). Cranial nerve damage may result in:

  • Paralysis of facial muscles
  • Damage to the nerves responsible for eye movements, which can cause double vision
  • Damage to the nerves that provide sense of smell
  • Loss of vision
  • Loss of facial sensation
  • Swallowing problems[27]

Hydrocephalus, post-traumatic ventricular enlargement, occurs when CSF accumulates in the brain, resulting in dilation of the cerebral ventricles and an increase in ICP. This condition can develop during the acute stage of TBI or may not appear until later. Generally it occurs within the first year of the injury and is characterized by worsening neurological outcome, impaired consciousness, behavioral changes, ataxia (lack of coordination or balance), incontinence, or signs of elevated ICP.[1]

Any damage to the head or brain usually results in some damage to the vascular system, which provides blood to the cells of the brain. The body can repair small blood vessels, but damage to larger ones can result in serious complications. Damage to one of the major arteries leading to the brain can cause a stroke, either through bleeding from the artery or through the formation of a blood clot at the site of injury, blocking blood flow to the brain. Blood clots also can develop in other parts of the head. Other types of vascular complications include vasospasm, in which blood vessels constrict and restrict blood flow, and the formation of aneurysms, in which the side of a blood vessel weakens and balloons out.[1]

Fluid and hormonal imbalances can also complicate treatment. Hormonal problems can result from dysfunction of the pituitary, the thyroid, and other glands throughout the body. Two common hormonal complications of TBI are syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and hypothyroidism.[1]

Another common problem is spasticity. In this situation, certain muscles of the body are tight or hypertonic because they cannot fully relax.[28]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Office of Communications and Public Liaison (February 2002). "Traumatic brain injury: Hope through research". NIH Publication No. 02-2478. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. Retrieved 2008-08-17.
  2. ^ Kushner D (1998). "Mild traumatic brain injury: Toward understanding manifestations and treatment". Archives of Internal Medicine. 158 (15): 1617–1624. doi:10.1001/archinte.158.15.1617. PMID 9701095.
  3. ^ "" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary.
  4. ^ "" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
  5. ^ "" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary.
  6. ^ a b Giacino JT (2005). "Rehabilitation for patients with disorders of consciousness". In High WM, Sander AM, Struchen MA, Hart KA (eds.). Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Oxford University Press. p. 305. ISBN 0-19-517355-4. Retrieved 2008-11-06.
  7. ^ a b "" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary.
  8. ^ a b "" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary.
  9. ^ a b c Arlinghaus KA, Shoaib AM, Price TR (2005). "Neuropsychiatric assessment". In Silver JM, McAllister TW, Yudofsky SC (eds.). Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. pp. 59–62. ISBN 1-58562-105-6.
  10. ^ Hall RC, Hall RC, Chapman MJ (2005). "Definition, diagnosis, and forensic implications of postconcussional syndrome". Psychosomatics. 46 (3): 195–202. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.3.195. PMID 15883140. Archived from the original on 2005-05-15.
  11. ^ Lee LK (2007). "Controversies in the sequelae of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury". Pediatric Emergency Care. 23 (8): 580–83, quiz 584–86. doi:10.1097/PEC.0b013e31813444ea. PMID 17726422. S2CID 33766395.
  12. ^ van der Naalt J (2001). "Prediction of outcome in mild to moderate head injury: A review". Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 23 (6): 837–851. doi:10.1076/jcen.23.6.837.1018. PMID 11910548. S2CID 146179592.
  13. ^ a b Jordan BD (2000). "Chronic traumatic brain injury associated with boxing". Seminars in Neurology. 20 (2): 179–85. doi:10.1055/s-2000-9826. PMID 10946737. S2CID 41087553.
  14. ^ Mendez MF (1995). "The neuropsychiatric aspects of boxing". International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 25 (3): 249–262. doi:10.2190/CUMK-THT1-X98M-WB4C. PMID 8567192. S2CID 20238578.
  15. ^ Zink BJ (March 2001). "Traumatic brain injury outcome: Concepts for emergency care". Ann Emerg Med. 37 (3): 318–32. doi:10.1067/mem.2001.113505. PMID 11223769.
  16. ^ Arlinghaus KA, Shoaib AM, Price TR (2005). "Neuropsychiatric assessment". In Silver JM, McAllister TW, Yudofsky SC (eds.). Textbook Of Traumatic Brain Injury. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. pp. 63–65. ISBN 1-58562-105-6.
  17. ^ a b Rao V, Lyketsos C (2000). "Neuropsychiatric sequelae of traumatic brain Injury". Psychosomatics. 41 (2): 95–103. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.41.2.95. PMID 10749946. S2CID 6717589.
  18. ^ a b Jorge RE (2005). "Neuropsychiatric consequences of traumatic brain injury: A review of recent findings". Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 18 (3): 289–99. doi:10.1097/01.yco.0000165600.90928.92. PMID 16639154. S2CID 19572299.
  19. ^ Folzer SM (2001). "Psychotherapy with "mild" brain-injured patients". American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 71 (2): 245–251. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.71.2.245. PMID 11347365.
  20. ^ a b Agrawal A, Timothy J, Pandit L, Manju M (2006). "Post-traumatic epilepsy: An overview". Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 108 (5): 433–439. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2005.09.001. PMID 16225987. S2CID 2650670.
  21. ^ Valadka AB (2004). "Injury to the cranium". In Moore EJ, Feliciano DV, Mattox KL (eds.). Trauma. New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division. pp. 385–406. ISBN 0-07-137069-2. Retrieved 2008-08-15.
  22. ^ Frey LC (2003). "Epidemiology of posttraumatic epilepsy: A critical review". Epilepsia. 44 (Supplement 10): 11–17. doi:10.1046/j.1528-1157.44.s10.4.x. PMID 14511389. S2CID 34749005.
  23. ^ Oliveros-Juste A, Bertol V, Oliveros-Cid A (2002). "Preventive prophylactic treatment in posttraumatic epilepsy". Revista de Neurología (in Spanish). 34 (5): 448–459. doi:10.33588/rn.3405.2001439. PMID 12040514.
  24. ^ Beghi E (2003). "Overview of studies to prevent posttraumatic epilepsy". Epilepsia. 44 (Supplement 10): 21–26. doi:10.1046/j.1528-1157.44.s10.1.x. PMID 14511391.
  25. ^ a b "Neurostorm of the Century, Part 1 of 3: Medical Terminology". 30 January 2017.
  26. ^ "NeuroStorm of the Century, Part 3 of 3: A New Way of Life". 30 January 2017.
  27. ^ "Traumatic brain injury Complications - Mayo Clinic". Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 2017-01-31.
  28. ^ "Brain Injury: Complications and Medical Problems". 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2017-01-31.

complications, traumatic, brain, injury, traumatic, brain, injury, physical, trauma, brain, cause, variety, complications, health, effects, that, themselves, that, result, from, risk, complications, increases, with, severity, trauma, however, even, mild, traum. Traumatic brain injury TBI physical trauma to the brain can cause a variety of complications health effects that are not TBI themselves but that result from it The risk of complications increases with the severity of the trauma 1 however even mild traumatic brain injury can result in disabilities that interfere with social interactions employment and everyday living 2 TBI can cause a variety of problems including physical cognitive emotional and behavioral complications Symptoms that may occur after a concussion a minor form of traumatic brain injury are referred to as post concussion syndrome Contents 1 Effects on unconsciousness 2 Cognitive deficits 3 Communication problems 4 Sensory deficits 5 Emotional and behavioral problems 6 Physical complications 7 See also 8 ReferencesEffects on unconsciousness EditGenerally there are six abnormal states of consciousness that can result from a TBI Stupor is a state of partial or near complete unconsciousness in which the patient is lethargic immobile and has a reduced response to stimuli 3 Coma is a state in which the patient is totally unconscious and cannot be aroused even with strong stimuli 4 Persistent vegetative state is a condition in which awake patients are unconscious and unaware of their surroundings and the cerebral cortex is not functioning 5 A vegetative state can result from diffuse injury to the cerebral hemispheres of the brain without damage to the lower brain and brainstem The vegetative state is considered permanent if it persists for 12 months after TBI or 3 months after causes other than trauma 6 A minimally conscious state is a condition in which patients have a reduced level of arousal and may appear on the surface to be in a persistent vegetative state but are capable of demonstrating the ability to actively process information Locked in syndrome is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis of the body 7 Voluntary control of eye movements or blinking may be spared permitting the detection of conscious awareness and enabling the establishment of functional communication 7 Brain death is the irreversible loss of measurable brain function with loss of any integrated activity among distinct areas of the brain 8 Breathing and heart function must be maintained with assistive devices 8 Disorders of consciousness affect a significant number of people with severe TBI of those with severe TBI discharged from a hospital 10 15 are in a vegetative state and of this number only half regain consciousness within one to three years 6 Cognitive deficits EditMost patients with severe TBI who recover consciousness experience cognitive disabilities including the loss of many higher level mental skills Cognitive deficits that can follow TBI include impaired attention disrupted insight judgement and thought reduced processing speed distractibility and deficits in executive functions such as abstract reasoning planning problem solving and multitasking 9 Memory loss the most common cognitive impairment among head injured people occurs in 20 79 of people with closed head trauma depending on severity 10 Post traumatic amnesia PTA a confusional state with impaired memory 11 is characterized by loss of specific memories or the partial inability to form or store new ones 12 Alzheimer s disease AD is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by dementia memory loss and deteriorating cognitive abilities Research suggests an association between head injury in early adulthood and the development of AD later in life the more severe the head injury the greater the risk of developing AD 1 Some evidence indicates that a head injury may interact with other factors to trigger the disease and may hasten the onset of the disease in individuals already at risk For example head injured people who have a particular form of the protein apolipoprotein E apoE4 a naturally occurring protein that helps transport cholesterol through the bloodstream fall into this increased risk category 1 Patients with moderate to severe TBI have more problems with cognitive deficits than do those with mild TBI but several mild TBIs may have an additive effect About one in five career boxers is affected by chronic traumatic brain injury CTBI which causes cognitive behavioral and physical impairments 13 Dementia pugilistica also called chronic traumatic encephalopathy is the severe form of CTBI 13 Caused by repetitive blows to the head over a long period the condition primarily affects career boxers and has recently been linked to other contact sports including American football and ice hockey as well as military service see Ann McKee It commonly manifests as dementia or declining mental ability memory problems and parkinsonism tremors and lack of coordination 14 Symptoms begin anywhere between 6 and 40 years after the start of a boxing career with an average onset of about 16 years Communication problems EditLanguage and communication problems are common disabilities in TBI patients Some may experience aphasia difficulty with understanding and producing spoken and written language or they may have difficulty with the more subtle aspects of communication such as body language and emotional non verbal signals Some may have problems with intonation or inflection called prosodic dysfunction Problems with spoken language may occur if the part of the brain that controls speech muscles is damaged In this disorder called dysarthria the patient can think of the appropriate language but cannot easily speak the words because they are unable to use the muscles needed to form the words and produce the sounds Speech is often slow slurred and garbled 1 Sensory deficits EditTBI patients may have sensory problems especially problems with vision they may not be able to register what they are seeing or may be slow to recognize objects Also TBI patients often have difficulty with hand eye coordination causing them to seem clumsy or unsteady Other sensory deficits include problems with hearing smell taste or touch Tinnitus a ringing or roaring in the ears may occur A person with damage to the part of the brain that processes taste or smell may perceive a persistent bitter taste or noxious smell Damage to the part of the brain that controls the sense of touch may cause a TBI patient to develop persistent skin tingling itching or pain These conditions are rare and difficult to treat 1 Emotional and behavioral problems EditTBI may cause emotional or behavioral problems and changes in personality 15 Emotional symptoms that can follow TBI include emotional instability depression anxiety hypomania mania apathy irritability and anger 9 TBI appears to predispose a person to psychiatric disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder alcohol or substance abuse or substance dependence dysthymia clinical depression bipolar disorder phobias panic disorder and schizophrenia 16 About one quarter of people with TBI develop clinical depression and about 9 experience mania 17 The prevalence of all psychiatric illnesses is 49 in moderate to severe TBI and 34 in mild TBI within a year of injury compared with 18 of controls 18 People with TBI continue to be at greater risk for psychiatric problems than others even years after an injury 18 Problems that may persist for up to two years after the injury include irritability suicidal ideation insomnia and loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences 17 Behavioral symptoms that can follow TBI include disinhibition inability to control anger impulsiveness lack of initiative inappropriate sexual activity and changes in personality 9 Different behavioral problems are characteristic of the location of injury for instance frontal lobe injuries often result in disinhibition and inappropriate or childish behavior and temporal lobe injuries often cause irritability and aggression 19 Physical complications Edit The relative risk of post traumatic seizures increases with the severity of traumatic brain injury 20 Pain especially headache is a common complication following a TBI 1 Being unconscious and lying still for long periods can cause blood clots to form deep venous thrombosis which can cause pulmonary embolism 21 Other serious complications for patients who are unconscious in a coma or in a vegetative state include pressure sores pneumonia or other infections and progressive multiple organ failure 1 The risk of post traumatic seizures increases with severity of trauma image at right and is particularly elevated with certain types of brain trauma such as cerebral contusions or hematomas 22 As many as 50 of people with penetrating head injuries will develop seizures 20 People with early seizures those occurring within a week of injury have an increased risk of post traumatic epilepsy recurrent seizures occurring more than a week after the initial trauma 23 though seizures can appear a decade or more after the initial injury and the common seizure type may also change over time Generally medical professionals use anticonvulsant medications to treat seizures in TBI patients within the first week of injury only 24 and after that only if the seizures persist Neurostorms may occur after a severe TBI The lower the Glasgow Coma Score GCS the higher the chance of Neurostorming Neurostorms occur when the patient s Autonomic Nervous System ANS Central Nervous System CNS Sympathetic Nervous System SNS and Parasympathetic nervous system PSNS become severely compromised 25 This in turn can create the following potential life threatening symptoms increased intra cranial pressure ICP tachycardia tremors seizures fevers increased blood pressure increased Cerebral Spinal Fluid CSF and diaphoresis 25 A variety of medication may be used to help decrease or control neurostorm episodes 26 Parkinson s disease and other motor problems as a result of TBI are rare but can occur Parkinson s disease a chronic and progressive disorder may develop years after TBI as a result of damage to the basal ganglia Other movement disorders that may develop after TBI include tremor ataxia uncoordinated muscle movements and myoclonus shock like contractions of muscles 1 Skull fractures can tear the meninges the membranes that cover the brain leading to leaks of cerebrospinal fluid CSF A tear between the dura and the arachnoid membranes called a CSF fistula can cause CSF to leak out of the subarachnoid space into the subdural space this is called a subdural hygroma 1 CSF can also leak from the nose and the ear These tears can also allow bacteria into the cavity potentially causing infections such as meningitis Pneumocephalus occurs when air enters the intracranial cavity and becomes trapped in the subarachnoid space Infections within the intracranial cavity are a dangerous complication of TBI They may occur outside of the dura mater below the dura below the arachnoid meningitis or within the brain itself abscess Most of these injuries develop within a few weeks of the initial trauma and result from skull fractures or penetrating injuries Standard treatment involves antibiotics and sometimes surgery to remove the infected tissue 1 Injuries to the base of the skull can damage nerves that emerge directly from the brain cranial nerves Cranial nerve damage may result in Paralysis of facial muscles Damage to the nerves responsible for eye movements which can cause double vision Damage to the nerves that provide sense of smell Loss of vision Loss of facial sensation Swallowing problems 27 Hydrocephalus post traumatic ventricular enlargement occurs when CSF accumulates in the brain resulting in dilation of the cerebral ventricles and an increase in ICP This condition can develop during the acute stage of TBI or may not appear until later Generally it occurs within the first year of the injury and is characterized by worsening neurological outcome impaired consciousness behavioral changes ataxia lack of coordination or balance incontinence or signs of elevated ICP 1 Any damage to the head or brain usually results in some damage to the vascular system which provides blood to the cells of the brain The body can repair small blood vessels but damage to larger ones can result in serious complications Damage to one of the major arteries leading to the brain can cause a stroke either through bleeding from the artery or through the formation of a blood clot at the site of injury blocking blood flow to the brain Blood clots also can develop in other parts of the head Other types of vascular complications include vasospasm in which blood vessels constrict and restrict blood flow and the formation of aneurysms in which the side of a blood vessel weakens and balloons out 1 Fluid and hormonal imbalances can also complicate treatment Hormonal problems can result from dysfunction of the pituitary the thyroid and other glands throughout the body Two common hormonal complications of TBI are syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and hypothyroidism 1 Another common problem is spasticity In this situation certain muscles of the body are tight or hypertonic because they cannot fully relax 28 See also EditSleeping disorders following traumatic brain injuryReferences Edit a b c d e f g h i j k l m Office of Communications and Public Liaison February 2002 Traumatic brain injury Hope through research NIH Publication No 02 2478 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of Health Retrieved 2008 08 17 Kushner D 1998 Mild traumatic brain injury Toward understanding manifestations and treatment Archives of Internal Medicine 158 15 1617 1624 doi 10 1001 archinte 158 15 1617 PMID 9701095 Stupor at Dorland s Medical Dictionary Coma at Dorland s Medical Dictionary Persistent vegetative state at Dorland s Medical Dictionary a b Giacino JT 2005 Rehabilitation for patients with disorders of consciousness In High WM Sander AM Struchen MA Hart KA eds Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury Oxford Oxfordshire Oxford University Press p 305 ISBN 0 19 517355 4 Retrieved 2008 11 06 a b Locked in syndrome at Dorland s Medical Dictionary a b Brain death at Dorland s Medical Dictionary a b c Arlinghaus KA Shoaib AM Price TR 2005 Neuropsychiatric assessment In Silver JM McAllister TW Yudofsky SC eds Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury Washington DC American Psychiatric Association pp 59 62 ISBN 1 58562 105 6 Hall RC Hall RC Chapman MJ 2005 Definition diagnosis and forensic implications of postconcussional syndrome Psychosomatics 46 3 195 202 doi 10 1176 appi psy 46 3 195 PMID 15883140 Archived from the original on 2005 05 15 Lee LK 2007 Controversies in the sequelae of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury Pediatric Emergency Care 23 8 580 83 quiz 584 86 doi 10 1097 PEC 0b013e31813444ea PMID 17726422 S2CID 33766395 van der Naalt J 2001 Prediction of outcome in mild to moderate head injury A review Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 23 6 837 851 doi 10 1076 jcen 23 6 837 1018 PMID 11910548 S2CID 146179592 a b Jordan BD 2000 Chronic traumatic brain injury associated with boxing Seminars in Neurology 20 2 179 85 doi 10 1055 s 2000 9826 PMID 10946737 S2CID 41087553 Mendez MF 1995 The neuropsychiatric aspects of boxing International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 25 3 249 262 doi 10 2190 CUMK THT1 X98M WB4C PMID 8567192 S2CID 20238578 Zink BJ March 2001 Traumatic brain injury outcome Concepts for emergency care Ann Emerg Med 37 3 318 32 doi 10 1067 mem 2001 113505 PMID 11223769 Arlinghaus KA Shoaib AM Price TR 2005 Neuropsychiatric assessment In Silver JM McAllister TW Yudofsky SC eds Textbook Of Traumatic Brain Injury Washington DC American Psychiatric Association pp 63 65 ISBN 1 58562 105 6 a b Rao V Lyketsos C 2000 Neuropsychiatric sequelae of traumatic brain Injury Psychosomatics 41 2 95 103 doi 10 1176 appi psy 41 2 95 PMID 10749946 S2CID 6717589 a b Jorge RE 2005 Neuropsychiatric consequences of traumatic brain injury A review of recent findings Current Opinion in Psychiatry 18 3 289 99 doi 10 1097 01 yco 0000165600 90928 92 PMID 16639154 S2CID 19572299 Folzer SM 2001 Psychotherapy with mild brain injured patients American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 71 2 245 251 doi 10 1037 0002 9432 71 2 245 PMID 11347365 a b Agrawal A Timothy J Pandit L Manju M 2006 Post traumatic epilepsy An overview Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 108 5 433 439 doi 10 1016 j clineuro 2005 09 001 PMID 16225987 S2CID 2650670 Valadka AB 2004 Injury to the cranium In Moore EJ Feliciano DV Mattox KL eds Trauma New York McGraw Hill Medical Pub Division pp 385 406 ISBN 0 07 137069 2 Retrieved 2008 08 15 Frey LC 2003 Epidemiology of posttraumatic epilepsy A critical review Epilepsia 44 Supplement 10 11 17 doi 10 1046 j 1528 1157 44 s10 4 x PMID 14511389 S2CID 34749005 Oliveros Juste A Bertol V Oliveros Cid A 2002 Preventive prophylactic treatment in posttraumatic epilepsy Revista de Neurologia in Spanish 34 5 448 459 doi 10 33588 rn 3405 2001439 PMID 12040514 Beghi E 2003 Overview of studies to prevent posttraumatic epilepsy Epilepsia 44 Supplement 10 21 26 doi 10 1046 j 1528 1157 44 s10 1 x PMID 14511391 a b Neurostorm of the Century Part 1 of 3 Medical Terminology 30 January 2017 NeuroStorm of the Century Part 3 of 3 A New Way of Life 30 January 2017 Traumatic brain injury Complications Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Retrieved 2017 01 31 Brain Injury Complications and Medical Problems 2016 12 12 Retrieved 2017 01 31 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Complications of traumatic brain injury amp oldid 1109717581, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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