
Cave bear

The cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) is a prehistoric species of bear that lived in Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene and became extinct about 24,000 years ago during the Last Glacial Maximum.

Cave bear
Temporal range: Middle to Late Pleistocene, 0.25–0.024 Ma
Mounted cave bear skeleton
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ursus
U. spelaeus
Binomial name
Ursus spelaeus

Both the word cave and the scientific name spelaeus are used because fossils of this species were mostly found in caves. This reflects the views of experts that cave bears may have spent more time in caves than the brown bear, which uses caves only for hibernation.


Rearing Ursus spelaeus skeleton AMNH

Cave bear skeletons were first described in 1774 by Johann Friedrich Esper, in his book Newly Discovered Zoolites of Unknown Four Footed Animals. While scientists at the time considered that the skeletons could belong to apes, canids, felids, or even dragons or unicorns, Esper postulated that they actually belonged to polar bears. Twenty years later, Johann Christian Rosenmüller, an anatomist at Leipzig University, gave the species its binomial name. The bones were so numerous that most researchers had little regard for them. During World War I, with the scarcity of phosphate dung, earth from the caves where cave bear bones occurred was used as a source of phosphates. When the "dragon caves" in Austria’s Styria region were exploited for this purpose, only the skulls and leg bones were kept.[1]

Many caves in Central Europe have skeletons of cave bears inside, such as the Heinrichshöhle in Hemer and the Dechenhöhle in Iserlohn, Germany. A complete skeleton, five complete skulls, and 18 other bones were found inside Kletno Bear Cave, in 1966 in Poland.[2] In Romania, in a cave called Bears' Cave, 140 cave bear skeletons were discovered in 1983.[3]

Cave bear bones are found in several caves in the country of Georgia. In 2021, Akaki Tsereteli State University's students and a lecturer discovered two complete cave bear skulls, with molars, canines, humerus, three vertebrae and other bones, in a previously-unexplored cave.

In August 2020, a 'completely preserved' ice age cave bear carcass was found by reindeer herders in Russia. The preserved carcass was estimated to be between 22,000 and 39,500 years old, with radiocarbon dating proposed to ascertain a more accurate age. It is the only find of its kind with such full soft tissue preservation that even the nose was still intact. The preserved bear was found on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, part of the Lyakhovsky Islands archipelago.[4][5] In a separate discovery, a well preserved cave bear cub was also found.[6]


Both the cave bear and the brown bear are thought to be descended from the Plio-Pleistocene Etruscan bear (Ursus etruscus)[7][8][9] that lived about 5.3 Mya to 100,000 years ago. The last common ancestor of cave bears and brown bears lived between 1.2–1.4 Mya.[10] The immediate precursor of the cave bear was probably Ursus deningeri (Deninger's bear), a species restricted to Pleistocene Europe about 1.8 Mya to 100,000 years ago.[11][12] The transition between Deninger's bear and the cave bear is given as the last interglacial, although the boundary between these forms is arbitrary, and intermediate or transitional taxa have been proposed, e.g. Ursus spelaeus deningeroides,[13] while other authorities consider both taxa to be chronological variants of the same species.[14]

Cave bears found anywhere will vary in age, thus facilitating investigations into evolutionary trends. The three anterior premolars were gradually reduced, then disappeared, possibly in response to a largely vegetarian diet. In a fourth of the skulls found in the Conturines, the third premolar is still present, while more derived specimens elsewhere lack it. The last remaining premolar became conjugated with the true molars, enlarging the crown and granting it more cusps and cutting borders. This phenomenon, called molarization, improved the mastication capacities of the molars, facilitating the processing of tough vegetation. This allowed the cave bear to gain more energy for hibernation, while eating less than its ancestors.[15]

In 2005, scientists recovered and sequenced the nuclear DNA of a cave bear that lived between 42,000 and 44,000 years ago. The procedure used genomic DNA extracted from one of the animal's teeth. Sequencing the DNA directly (rather than first replicating it with the polymerase chain reaction), the scientists recovered 21 cave bear genes from remains that did not yield significant amounts of DNA with traditional techniques.[16] This study confirmed and built on results from a previous study using mitochondrial DNA extracted from cave bear remains ranging from 20,000 to 130,000 years old.[10] Both show that the cave bear was more closely related to the brown bear and polar bear than it was to the American black bear, but had split from the brown bear lineage before the distinct eastern and western brown bear lineages diversified, and before the split of brown bears and polar bears. The divergence date estimate of cave bears and brown bears is about 1.2–1.4 Mya.[10] However, a recent study showed that both species had some hybridization between them.[17]


Life restoration.

The cave bear had a very broad, domed skull with a steep forehead; its stout body had long thighs, massive shins and in-turning feet, making it similar in skeletal structure to the brown bear.[18] Cave bears were comparable in size to, or larger than, the largest modern-day bears, measuring up to 2 m (6.6 ft) in length.[19] The average weight for males was 350 to 600 kg (770 to 1,320 lb),[20] though some specimens weighed as much as 1,000 kg (2,200 lb),[21] while females weighed 225 to 250 kg (495 to 550 lb).[22] Of cave bear skeletons in museums, 90% are classified as male due to a misconception that the female skeletons were merely "dwarfs". Cave bears grew larger during glaciations and smaller during interglacials, probably to adjust heat loss rate.[23]

Cave bears of the last Ice Age lacked the usual two or three premolars present in other bears; to compensate, the last molar is very elongated, with supplementary cusps.[24] The humerus of the cave bear was similar in size to that of the polar bear, as were the femora of females. The femora of male cave bears, however, bore more similarities in size to those of Kodiak bears.[22]


Dietary habits

Skull of Ursus spelaeus: Cave bears lacked the usual two or three premolars present in other bear species.

Cave bear teeth were very large and show greater wear than most modern bear species, suggesting a diet of tough materials. However, tubers and other gritty food, which cause distinctive tooth wear in modern brown bears, do not appear to have constituted a major part of cave bears' diets on the basis of dental microwear analysis.[25]

The morphological features of the cave bear chewing apparatus, including loss of premolars, have long been suggested to indicate their diets displayed a higher degree of herbivory than the Eurasian brown bear.[7] Indeed, a solely vegetarian diet has been inferred on the basis of tooth morphology.[8] Results obtained on the stable isotopes of cave bear bones also point to a largely vegetarian diet in having low levels of nitrogen-15 and carbon-13,[26][27] which are accumulated at a faster rate by carnivores as opposed to herbivores.

However, some evidence points toward the occasional inclusion of animal protein in cave bear diets. For example, toothmarks on cave bear remains in areas where cave bears are the only recorded potential carnivores suggests occasional cannibalistic scavenging,[28][29] possibly on individuals that died during hibernation, and dental microwear analysis indicates the cave bear may have fed on a greater quantity of bone than its contemporary, the smaller Eurasian brown bear.[30] Additionally, cave bear remains from Peștera cu Oase in the southwestern tip of the Romanian part of the Carpathian Mountains had elevated levels of nitrogen-15 in their bones, indicative of omnivorous diets,[27][31] although the values are within the range of those found for the strictly herbivorous mammoth.[32]

Although the current prevailing opinion concludes that cave bears were largely herbivorous, and more so than any modern species of the genus Ursus,[33] increasing evidence points to omnivorous diets, based both on regional variability of isotopic composition of bone remains indicative of dietary plasticity,[27][31] and on a recent re-evaluation of craniodental morphology that places the cave bear squarely among omnivorous modern bear species with respect to its skull and tooth shapes.[34]


Standing skeleton of juvenile cave bear

Death during hibernation was a common end for cave bears, mainly befalling specimens that failed ecologically during the summer season through inexperience, sickness or old age.[35] Some cave bear bones show signs of numerous ailments, including spinal fusion, bone tumours, cavities, tooth resorption, necrosis (particularly in younger specimens), osteomyelitis, periostitis, rickets and kidney stones.[18] Male cave bear skeletons have been found with broken bacula, probably due to fighting during the breeding season.[35] Cave bear longevity is unknown, though it has been estimated that they seldom exceeded twenty years of age.[36] Paleontologists doubt adult cave bears had any natural predators, save for pack-hunting wolves and cave hyenas, which would probably have attacked sick or infirm individuals.[36] Cave hyenas are thought to be responsible for the disarticulation and destruction of some cave bear skeletons. Such large carcasses were an optimal food resource for the hyenas, especially at the end of the winter, when food was scarce.[37] The presence of fully articulated adult cave lion skeletons, deep in cave bear dens, indicates the lions may have occasionally entered dens to prey on hibernating cave bears, with some dying in the attempt.[38]

Range and habitat

The cave bear's range stretched across Europe; from Spain and Ireland in the west, Italy, parts of Germany, Poland, the Balkans, Romania, Georgia (country) and parts of Russia, including the Caucasus; and northern Iran. No traces of cave bears have been found in Scotland, Scandinavia or the Baltic countries, which were all covered in extensive glaciers at the time. The largest numbers of cave bear remains have been found in Austria, Switzerland, northern Italy, northern Spain, southern France, and Romania, roughly corresponding with the Pyrenees, Alps, and Carpathians. The huge number of bones found in southern, central and eastern Europe has led some scientists to think Europe may have once had herds of cave bears. Others, however, point out that, though some caves have thousands of bones, they were accumulated over a period of 100,000 years or more, thus requiring only two deaths in a cave per year to account for the large numbers.[36]

The cave bear inhabited low mountainous areas, especially in regions rich in limestone caves. They seem to have avoided open plains, preferring forested or forest-edged terrains.[36]

Relationship with humans

Cave bear (upper right) along with other animals depicted in rock art from the Les Combarelles cave

Between the years 1917 and 1923, the Drachenloch cave in Switzerland was excavated by Emil Bächler. The excavation uncovered more than 30,000 cave bear skeletons. It also uncovered a stone chest or cist, consisting of a low wall built from limestone slabs near a cave wall with a number of bear skulls inside it. A cave bear skull was also found with a femur bone from another bear stuck inside it. Scholars speculated that it was proof of prehistoric human religious rites involving the cave bear, or that the Drachenloch cave bears were hunted as part of a hunting ritual, or that the skulls were kept as trophies.[39] In Archaeology, Religion, Ritual (2004), archaeologist Timothy Insoll strongly questions whether the Drachenloch finds in the stone cist were the result of human interaction. Insoll states that the evidence for religious practices involving cave bears in this time period is "far from convincing". Insoll also states that comparisons with the religious practices involving bears that are known from historic times are invalid.[40]

A similar phenomenon was encountered in Regourdou, southern France. A rectangular pit contained the remains of at least twenty bears, covered by a massive stone slab. The remains of a Neanderthal lay nearby in another stone pit, with various objects, including a bear humerus, a scraper, a core, and some flakes, which were interpreted as grave offerings.

An unusual discovery in a deep chamber of Basura Cave in Savona, Italy, is thought to be related to cave bear worship, because there is a vaguely zoomorphic stalagmite surrounded by clay pellets. It is thought to have been used by Neanderthals for a ceremony; bear bones scattered on the floor further suggests it was likely to have had some sort of ritual purpose.[41]


Skeleton of a cave bear in the '"Bear Cave", Chișcău, Romania

Reassessment of fossils in 2019 indicate that the cave bear probably died out 24,000 years ago.[42] A complex set of factors, rather than a single factor, are suggested to have led to the extinction.[43]

Compared with other megafaunal species that also became extinct during the Last Glacial Maximum, the cave bear was believed to have had a more specialized diet of high-quality plants and a relatively restricted geographical range. This was suggested as an explanation as to why it died out so much earlier than the rest.[33] Some experts have disputed this claim, as the cave bear had survived multiple climate changes prior to extinction. Additionally, mitochondrial DNA research indicated that the genetic decline of the cave bear began long before it became extinct, demonstrating habitat loss due to climate change was not responsible.[43] Finally, high δ15N levels were found in cave bear bones from Romania, indicating wider dietary possibilities than previously believed.[27]

Overhunting by humans has been largely dismissed because human populations at the time were too small to pose a serious threat to the cave bear's survival, though the two species may have competed for living space in caves.[36][43] Unlike brown bears, cave bears are seldom represented in cave paintings, leading some experts to believe the cave bear may have been avoided by human hunters[44] or their habitat preferences may not have overlapped. Paleontologist Björn Kurtén hypothesized cave bear populations were fragmented and under stress even before the advent of the glaciers.[36] Populations living south of the Alps possibly survived significantly longer.[33]

Some evidence indicates that the cave bear used only caves for hibernation and was not inclined to use other locations, such as thickets, for this purpose, in contrast to the more versatile brown bear. This specialized hibernation behavior would have caused a high winter mortality rate for cave bears that failed to find available caves. Therefore, as human populations slowly increased, the cave bear faced a shrinking pool of suitable caves, and slowly faded away to extinction, as both Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans sought out caves as living quarters, depriving the cave bear of vital habitat. This hypothesis is being researched as of 2010. According to the research study, published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, radiocarbon dating of the fossil remains shows that the cave bear ceased to be abundant in Central Europe around 35,000 years ago.[45]

In 2019 the results of a large scale study of 81 bone specimens (resulting in 59 new sequences), and 64 previously published complete mitochondrial genomes of cave bear mitochondrial DNA remains found in Switzerland, Poland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Serbia, indicated that the cave bear population drastically declined starting around 40,000 years ago at the onset of the Aurignacian, coinciding with the arrival of anatomically modern humans.[46][47] It was concluded that human hunting and/or competition played a major role in their decline and ultimate disappearance, and that climate change was not likely to have been the dominant factor.[47] In a study of Spanish cave bear mtDNA, each cave used by cave bears was found to contain almost exclusively a unique lineage of closely related haplotypes, indicating a homing behaviour for birthing and hibernation. The conclusion of this study is cave bears could not easily colonize new sites when in competition with humans for these resources.[48]

In 2020 a well preserved ice age cave bear was found on the Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island.[49] Nearby, on the Siberian mainland of Yakutia, a small, well preserved cave bear cub recently emerged from another patch of melting permafrost.[50]

See also


  1. ^ Bernd Brunner (2007). Bears: A Brief History. Yale University Press. p. 41. ISBN 978-0-300-12299-2.
  2. ^ Praca Zbiorowa (1989). Jaskinia Niedźwiedzia w Kletnie. Badanie i udostępnianie (in Polish). Wrocław: Polska Akademia Nauk, Ossolineum. ISBN 8304030373. with summary (in English)
  3. ^ . Jan Kowalski. psu.edu
  4. ^ "NEFU scientists to study cave bear found on the Lyakhovsky Islands". September 14, 2020. Retrieved September 15, 2020.
  5. ^ Jordan Culver (September 14, 2020). "'Completely preserved' Ice Age cave bear carcass found by reindeer herders in Russia". Retrieved September 15, 2020.
  6. ^ Anna Liesowska (September 12, 2020). "First ever preserved grown up cave bear - even its nose is intact - unearthed on the Arctic island". Retrieved September 15, 2020.
  7. ^ a b Kurtén, B. (1976). The Cave Bear Story: Life and death of a vanished animal. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  8. ^ a b Rabeder G, Nagel D, Pacher M (2000). "Der Höhlenbär. Species 4". Stuttgart, DE: Thorbecke Verlag. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. ^ Argant A, Crégut-Bonnoure E (1996). "Famille des Ursidae". In Guérin, C., Patou-Mathis, M. (eds.). Les grands mammiferes Plio-Pleistocenes d'Europe. Paris, FR: Masson. pp. 167–177.
  10. ^ a b c Loreille, O.; et al. (2001). "Ancient DNA analysis reveals divergence of the cave bear, Ursus spelaeus, and brown bear, Ursus arctos, lineages". Current Biology. 11 (3): 200–203. doi:10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00046-X. PMID 11231157.
  11. ^ Stuart, A. J. (1996). "Vertebrate faunas from the early Middle Pleistocene of East Anglia". In Turner, C. (ed.). The Early Middle Pleistocene in Europe. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema. pp. 9–24.
  12. ^ Königswald, v. W.; Heinrich, W.D. (1999). "Mittelpleistozäne Säugetierfaunen aus Mitteleuropa – der Versuch einer biostratigraphischen Zuordnung". Kaupia. 9: 53–112.
  13. ^ Argant, A. (1991). "Carnivores quaternaires de Bourgogne". Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. 115: 1–301.
  14. ^ Mazza, P.; Rustioni, M. (1994). "On the phylogeny of Eurasian bears". Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 230 (1–3): 1–32. doi:10.1127/pala/230/1994/1. S2CID 247508689.
  15. ^ "Gli orsi spelèi delle Conturines / Ursus Spelaeus". Altabadia.it. Retrieved 26 September 2011.
  16. ^ Noonan, James P.; et al. (2005). "Genomic Sequencing of Pleistocene Cave Bears". Science. 309 (5734): 597–599. Bibcode:2005Sci...309..597N. doi:10.1126/science.1113485. PMID 15933159. S2CID 34704597.
  17. ^ Barlow, Axel; Cahill, James A.; Hartmann, Stefanie; Theunert, Christoph; Xenikoudakis, Georgios; Fortes, Gloria G.; Paijmans, Johanna L. A.; Rabeder, Gernot; Frischauf, Christine (2018-08-27). "Partial genomic survival of cave bears in living brown bears" (PDF). Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2 (10): 1563–1570. doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0654-8. ISSN 2397-334X. PMC 6590514. PMID 30150744.
  18. ^ a b Brown, Gary (1996). Great Bear Almanac. p. 340. ISBN 1-55821-474-7.
  19. ^ Palmer, D., ed. (1999). The Marshall Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals. London: Marshall Editions. p. 217. ISBN 1-84028-152-9.
  20. ^ Per Christiansen (1999): What size were Arctodus simus and Ursus spelaeus (Carnivora: Ursidae)?, Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board, Helsinki 1999
  21. ^ Live Science Staff (25 November 2008). "Huge Cave Bears: When and Why They Disappeared". Live Science.
  22. ^ a b Per Christiansen (1999). "What size were Arctodus simus and Ursus spelaeus (Carnivora: Ursidae)?" (PDF). Annales Zoologici Fennici. 36: 93–102.
  23. ^ Macdonald, David (1992). The Velvet Claw. New York: Parkwest. p. 256. ISBN 0-563-20844-9.
  24. ^ Gli orsi spelèi delle Conturines/ Ursus Spelaeus. Altabadia.it. Retrieved on 2011-09-26.
  25. ^ Pinto Llona, A. C., Andrews, P. & Etxeberrı´a, P. 2005: Taphonomy and Palaeoecology of Cave Bears from the Quaternary of Cantabrian Spain. Fondacio´n de Asturias/Du Pont Ibe´rica/The Natural History Museum, Grafinsa, Oviedo.
  26. ^ Bocherens, H.; et al. (2006). "Bears and humans in Chauvet Cave (Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardeche, France): Insights from stable isotopes and radiocarbon dating of bone collagen". Journal of Human Evolution. 50 (3): 370–376. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.12.002. PMID 16442587.
  27. ^ a b c d Trinkaus, Erik; Richards, Michael P. (2008). "Reply to Grandal and Fernández: Hibernation can also cause high δ15N values in cave bears". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105 (11): E15. Bibcode:2008PNAS..105E..15T. doi:10.1073/pnas.0801137105. PMC 2393794.
  28. ^ . FOXNews. 2008-01-09. Archived from the original on 2010-01-01. Retrieved 2008-01-11.
  29. ^ Pacher, M. (2000). "Taphonomische Untersuchungen der Höhlenbären-Fundstellen in der Schwabenreith-Höhle bei Lunz am See (Niederösterreich)". Beiträge zur Paläontologie. 25: 11–85.
  30. ^ Pinto Llono, A.C. (2006). "Comparative dental microwear analysis of cave bears Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794 and brown bears Ursus arctos Linnaeus ,1758" (PDF). Scientific Annals, School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). Special. 98: 103–108.
  31. ^ a b Richards, M.P.; et al. (2008). "Isotopic evidence for omnivory among European cave bears: Late Pleistocene Ursus spelaeus from the Pestera cu Oase, Romania". PNAS. 105 (2): 600–604. Bibcode:2008PNAS..105..600R. doi:10.1073/pnas.0711063105. PMC 2206582. PMID 18187577.
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  33. ^ a b c Pacher M.; Stuart A.J. (2009). "Extinction chronology and palaeobiology of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus)". Boreas. 38 (2): 189–206. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00071.x. S2CID 128603825.
  34. ^ Figueirido, B.; et al. (2009). "Ecomorphological correlates of craniodental variation in bears and paleobiological implications for extinct taxa: an approach based on geometric morphometrics". Journal of Zoology. 277 (1): 70–80. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2008.00511.x.
  35. ^ a b Kurten, Bjorn (1968). Pleistocene Mammals of Europe. New Brunswick, N.J.: AldineTransaction. p. 325. ISBN 0-202-30953-3.
  36. ^ a b c d e f Bieder, Robert (2005). Bear. London: Reaktion Books. p. 192. ISBN 1-86189-204-7.
  37. ^ "Prey deposits and den sites of the Upper Pleistocene hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823)in horizontal and vertical caves of the Bohemian Karst" (PDF). CAJUSG. DIEDRICH & KARELŽÁK. Retrieved 2008-01-20.[permanent dead link]
  38. ^ 15th International Cave Bear Symposium – Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia March 31, 2010, at the Wayback Machine. 17–20 September 2009. (PDF). Retrieved on 2011-09-26.
  39. ^ . Archived from the original on 2013-05-08. Retrieved 2013-04-10.
  40. ^ Insoll, Timothy, Archaeology, Religion, Ritual (2004), Routledge (London), ISBN 0415253136
  41. ^ B.G. Campbell; J.D. Loy (1996). Humankind emerging (7th ed.). New York: HarperCollins. pp. 440–441. ISBN 0-673-52364-0.
  42. ^ Terlato, Gabriele; Bocherens, Hervé; Romandini, Matteo; Nannini, Nicola; Hobson, Keith A.; Peresani, Marco (2019-04-21). "Chronological and Isotopic data support a revision for the timing of cave bear extinction in Mediterranean Europe". Historical Biology. 31 (4): 474–484. doi:10.1080/08912963.2018.1448395. ISSN 0891-2963. S2CID 90029163.
  43. ^ a b c Stiller, Mathias; et al. (2010). "Withering Away—25,000 Years of Genetic Decline Preceded Cave Bear Extinction". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27 (5): 975–978. doi:10.1093/molbev/msq083. PMID 20335279.
  44. ^ The Walking Larder: Patterns of Domestication, Pastoralism, and Predation by Juliet Clutton-Brock, published by Routledge, 1990, ISBN 0-04-445900-9
  45. ^ "True Causes for Extinction of Cave Bear Revealed: More Human Expansion Than Climate Change". ScienceDaily. Plataforma SINC. 25 August 2010.
  46. ^ Briggs, Helen (16 August 2019). "Extinction: Humans played big role in demise of the cave bear". BBC News. Retrieved 17 August 2019.
  47. ^ a b Gretzinger, J.; Molak, M.; Reiter, E.; Pfrengle, S.; Urban, C.; Neukamm, J.; Blant, M.; Conard, N. J.; Cupillard, C.; Dimitrijević, V.; Drucker, D. G.; Hofman-Kamińska, E.; Kowalczyk, R.; Krajcarz, M. T.; Krajcarz, M.; Münzel, S. C.; Peresani, M.; Romandini, M.; Rufí, I.; Soler, J.; Terlato, G.; Krause, J.; Bocherens, H.; Schuenemann, V. J. (15 August 2019). "Large-scale mitogenomic analysis of the phylogeography of the Late Pleistocene cave bear". Scientific Reports. 9 (1): 10700. Bibcode:2019NatSR...910700G. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-47073-z. PMC 6695494. PMID 31417104.
  48. ^ Fortes, Gloria G.; Grandal‐d'Anglade, Aurora; Kolbe, Ben; Fernandes, Daniel; Meleg, Ioana N.; García‐Vázquez, Ana; Pinto‐Llona, Ana C.; Constantin, Silviu; Torres, Trino J. de (10 August 2016). "Ancient DNA reveals differences in behaviour and sociality between brown bears and extinct cave bears" (PDF). Molecular Ecology. 25 (19): 4907–4918. doi:10.1111/mec.13800. ISSN 1365-294X. PMID 27506329. S2CID 18353913.
  49. ^ Ice Age Cave Bear Found Exquisitely Preserved in Siberian Permafrost
  50. ^ Beautifully preserved cave bears emerge from Siberian permafrost

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  • Show Caves of Romania

cave, bear, cave, bear, ursus, spelaeus, prehistoric, species, bear, that, lived, europe, asia, during, pleistocene, became, extinct, about, years, during, last, glacial, maximum, temporal, range, middle, late, pleistocene, preꞒ, mounted, cave, bear, skeletons. The cave bear Ursus spelaeus is a prehistoric species of bear that lived in Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene and became extinct about 24 000 years ago during the Last Glacial Maximum Cave bearTemporal range Middle to Late Pleistocene 0 25 0 024 Ma PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Mounted cave bear skeletonScientific classificationKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataClass MammaliaOrder CarnivoraFamily UrsidaeGenus UrsusSpecies U spelaeusBinomial name Ursus spelaeusRosenmuller 1794Both the word cave and the scientific name spelaeus are used because fossils of this species were mostly found in caves This reflects the views of experts that cave bears may have spent more time in caves than the brown bear which uses caves only for hibernation Contents 1 Taxonomy 1 1 Evolution 2 Description 3 Behaviour 3 1 Dietary habits 3 2 Mortality 4 Range and habitat 5 Relationship with humans 6 Extinction 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksTaxonomy Edit Rearing Ursus spelaeus skeleton AMNH Cave bear skeletons were first described in 1774 by Johann Friedrich Esper in his book Newly Discovered Zoolites of Unknown Four Footed Animals While scientists at the time considered that the skeletons could belong to apes canids felids or even dragons or unicorns Esper postulated that they actually belonged to polar bears Twenty years later Johann Christian Rosenmuller an anatomist at Leipzig University gave the species its binomial name The bones were so numerous that most researchers had little regard for them During World War I with the scarcity of phosphate dung earth from the caves where cave bear bones occurred was used as a source of phosphates When the dragon caves in Austria s Styria region were exploited for this purpose only the skulls and leg bones were kept 1 Many caves in Central Europe have skeletons of cave bears inside such as the Heinrichshohle in Hemer and the Dechenhohle in Iserlohn Germany A complete skeleton five complete skulls and 18 other bones were found inside Kletno Bear Cave in 1966 in Poland 2 In Romania in a cave called Bears Cave 140 cave bear skeletons were discovered in 1983 3 Cave bear bones are found in several caves in the country of Georgia In 2021 Akaki Tsereteli State University s students and a lecturer discovered two complete cave bear skulls with molars canines humerus three vertebrae and other bones in a previously unexplored cave In August 2020 a completely preserved ice age cave bear carcass was found by reindeer herders in Russia The preserved carcass was estimated to be between 22 000 and 39 500 years old with radiocarbon dating proposed to ascertain a more accurate age It is the only find of its kind with such full soft tissue preservation that even the nose was still intact The preserved bear was found on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island part of the Lyakhovsky Islands archipelago 4 5 In a separate discovery a well preserved cave bear cub was also found 6 Evolution Edit Both the cave bear and the brown bear are thought to be descended from the Plio Pleistocene Etruscan bear Ursus etruscus 7 8 9 that lived about 5 3 Mya to 100 000 years ago The last common ancestor of cave bears and brown bears lived between 1 2 1 4 Mya 10 The immediate precursor of the cave bear was probably Ursus deningeri Deninger s bear a species restricted to Pleistocene Europe about 1 8 Mya to 100 000 years ago 11 12 The transition between Deninger s bear and the cave bear is given as the last interglacial although the boundary between these forms is arbitrary and intermediate or transitional taxa have been proposed e g Ursus spelaeus deningeroides 13 while other authorities consider both taxa to be chronological variants of the same species 14 Cave bears found anywhere will vary in age thus facilitating investigations into evolutionary trends The three anterior premolars were gradually reduced then disappeared possibly in response to a largely vegetarian diet In a fourth of the skulls found in the Conturines the third premolar is still present while more derived specimens elsewhere lack it The last remaining premolar became conjugated with the true molars enlarging the crown and granting it more cusps and cutting borders This phenomenon called molarization improved the mastication capacities of the molars facilitating the processing of tough vegetation This allowed the cave bear to gain more energy for hibernation while eating less than its ancestors 15 In 2005 scientists recovered and sequenced the nuclear DNA of a cave bear that lived between 42 000 and 44 000 years ago The procedure used genomic DNA extracted from one of the animal s teeth Sequencing the DNA directly rather than first replicating it with the polymerase chain reaction the scientists recovered 21 cave bear genes from remains that did not yield significant amounts of DNA with traditional techniques 16 This study confirmed and built on results from a previous study using mitochondrial DNA extracted from cave bear remains ranging from 20 000 to 130 000 years old 10 Both show that the cave bear was more closely related to the brown bear and polar bear than it was to the American black bear but had split from the brown bear lineage before the distinct eastern and western brown bear lineages diversified and before the split of brown bears and polar bears The divergence date estimate of cave bears and brown bears is about 1 2 1 4 Mya 10 However a recent study showed that both species had some hybridization between them 17 Description Edit Life restoration The cave bear had a very broad domed skull with a steep forehead its stout body had long thighs massive shins and in turning feet making it similar in skeletal structure to the brown bear 18 Cave bears were comparable in size to or larger than the largest modern day bears measuring up to 2 m 6 6 ft in length 19 The average weight for males was 350 to 600 kg 770 to 1 320 lb 20 though some specimens weighed as much as 1 000 kg 2 200 lb 21 while females weighed 225 to 250 kg 495 to 550 lb 22 Of cave bear skeletons in museums 90 are classified as male due to a misconception that the female skeletons were merely dwarfs Cave bears grew larger during glaciations and smaller during interglacials probably to adjust heat loss rate 23 Cave bears of the last Ice Age lacked the usual two or three premolars present in other bears to compensate the last molar is very elongated with supplementary cusps 24 The humerus of the cave bear was similar in size to that of the polar bear as were the femora of females The femora of male cave bears however bore more similarities in size to those of Kodiak bears 22 Behaviour EditDietary habits Edit Skull of Ursus spelaeus Cave bears lacked the usual two or three premolars present in other bear species Cave bear teeth were very large and show greater wear than most modern bear species suggesting a diet of tough materials However tubers and other gritty food which cause distinctive tooth wear in modern brown bears do not appear to have constituted a major part of cave bears diets on the basis of dental microwear analysis 25 The morphological features of the cave bear chewing apparatus including loss of premolars have long been suggested to indicate their diets displayed a higher degree of herbivory than the Eurasian brown bear 7 Indeed a solely vegetarian diet has been inferred on the basis of tooth morphology 8 Results obtained on the stable isotopes of cave bear bones also point to a largely vegetarian diet in having low levels of nitrogen 15 and carbon 13 26 27 which are accumulated at a faster rate by carnivores as opposed to herbivores However some evidence points toward the occasional inclusion of animal protein in cave bear diets For example toothmarks on cave bear remains in areas where cave bears are the only recorded potential carnivores suggests occasional cannibalistic scavenging 28 29 possibly on individuals that died during hibernation and dental microwear analysis indicates the cave bear may have fed on a greater quantity of bone than its contemporary the smaller Eurasian brown bear 30 Additionally cave bear remains from Peștera cu Oase in the southwestern tip of the Romanian part of the Carpathian Mountains had elevated levels of nitrogen 15 in their bones indicative of omnivorous diets 27 31 although the values are within the range of those found for the strictly herbivorous mammoth 32 Although the current prevailing opinion concludes that cave bears were largely herbivorous and more so than any modern species of the genus Ursus 33 increasing evidence points to omnivorous diets based both on regional variability of isotopic composition of bone remains indicative of dietary plasticity 27 31 and on a recent re evaluation of craniodental morphology that places the cave bear squarely among omnivorous modern bear species with respect to its skull and tooth shapes 34 Mortality Edit Standing skeleton of juvenile cave bear Death during hibernation was a common end for cave bears mainly befalling specimens that failed ecologically during the summer season through inexperience sickness or old age 35 Some cave bear bones show signs of numerous ailments including spinal fusion bone tumours cavities tooth resorption necrosis particularly in younger specimens osteomyelitis periostitis rickets and kidney stones 18 Male cave bear skeletons have been found with broken bacula probably due to fighting during the breeding season 35 Cave bear longevity is unknown though it has been estimated that they seldom exceeded twenty years of age 36 Paleontologists doubt adult cave bears had any natural predators save for pack hunting wolves and cave hyenas which would probably have attacked sick or infirm individuals 36 Cave hyenas are thought to be responsible for the disarticulation and destruction of some cave bear skeletons Such large carcasses were an optimal food resource for the hyenas especially at the end of the winter when food was scarce 37 The presence of fully articulated adult cave lion skeletons deep in cave bear dens indicates the lions may have occasionally entered dens to prey on hibernating cave bears with some dying in the attempt 38 Range and habitat EditThe cave bear s range stretched across Europe from Spain and Ireland in the west Italy parts of Germany Poland the Balkans Romania Georgia country and parts of Russia including the Caucasus and northern Iran No traces of cave bears have been found in Scotland Scandinavia or the Baltic countries which were all covered in extensive glaciers at the time The largest numbers of cave bear remains have been found in Austria Switzerland northern Italy northern Spain southern France and Romania roughly corresponding with the Pyrenees Alps and Carpathians The huge number of bones found in southern central and eastern Europe has led some scientists to think Europe may have once had herds of cave bears Others however point out that though some caves have thousands of bones they were accumulated over a period of 100 000 years or more thus requiring only two deaths in a cave per year to account for the large numbers 36 The cave bear inhabited low mountainous areas especially in regions rich in limestone caves They seem to have avoided open plains preferring forested or forest edged terrains 36 Relationship with humans Edit Cave bear upper right along with other animals depicted in rock art from the Les Combarelles cave Between the years 1917 and 1923 the Drachenloch cave in Switzerland was excavated by Emil Bachler The excavation uncovered more than 30 000 cave bear skeletons It also uncovered a stone chest or cist consisting of a low wall built from limestone slabs near a cave wall with a number of bear skulls inside it A cave bear skull was also found with a femur bone from another bear stuck inside it Scholars speculated that it was proof of prehistoric human religious rites involving the cave bear or that the Drachenloch cave bears were hunted as part of a hunting ritual or that the skulls were kept as trophies 39 In Archaeology Religion Ritual 2004 archaeologist Timothy Insoll strongly questions whether the Drachenloch finds in the stone cist were the result of human interaction Insoll states that the evidence for religious practices involving cave bears in this time period is far from convincing Insoll also states that comparisons with the religious practices involving bears that are known from historic times are invalid 40 A similar phenomenon was encountered in Regourdou southern France A rectangular pit contained the remains of at least twenty bears covered by a massive stone slab The remains of a Neanderthal lay nearby in another stone pit with various objects including a bear humerus a scraper a core and some flakes which were interpreted as grave offerings An unusual discovery in a deep chamber of Basura Cave in Savona Italy is thought to be related to cave bear worship because there is a vaguely zoomorphic stalagmite surrounded by clay pellets It is thought to have been used by Neanderthals for a ceremony bear bones scattered on the floor further suggests it was likely to have had some sort of ritual purpose 41 Extinction Edit Skeleton of a cave bear in the Bear Cave Chișcău Romania Reassessment of fossils in 2019 indicate that the cave bear probably died out 24 000 years ago 42 A complex set of factors rather than a single factor are suggested to have led to the extinction 43 Compared with other megafaunal species that also became extinct during the Last Glacial Maximum the cave bear was believed to have had a more specialized diet of high quality plants and a relatively restricted geographical range This was suggested as an explanation as to why it died out so much earlier than the rest 33 Some experts have disputed this claim as the cave bear had survived multiple climate changes prior to extinction Additionally mitochondrial DNA research indicated that the genetic decline of the cave bear began long before it became extinct demonstrating habitat loss due to climate change was not responsible 43 Finally high d15N levels were found in cave bear bones from Romania indicating wider dietary possibilities than previously believed 27 Overhunting by humans has been largely dismissed because human populations at the time were too small to pose a serious threat to the cave bear s survival though the two species may have competed for living space in caves 36 43 Unlike brown bears cave bears are seldom represented in cave paintings leading some experts to believe the cave bear may have been avoided by human hunters 44 or their habitat preferences may not have overlapped Paleontologist Bjorn Kurten hypothesized cave bear populations were fragmented and under stress even before the advent of the glaciers 36 Populations living south of the Alps possibly survived significantly longer 33 Some evidence indicates that the cave bear used only caves for hibernation and was not inclined to use other locations such as thickets for this purpose in contrast to the more versatile brown bear This specialized hibernation behavior would have caused a high winter mortality rate for cave bears that failed to find available caves Therefore as human populations slowly increased the cave bear faced a shrinking pool of suitable caves and slowly faded away to extinction as both Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans sought out caves as living quarters depriving the cave bear of vital habitat This hypothesis is being researched as of 2010 update According to the research study published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution radiocarbon dating of the fossil remains shows that the cave bear ceased to be abundant in Central Europe around 35 000 years ago 45 In 2019 the results of a large scale study of 81 bone specimens resulting in 59 new sequences and 64 previously published complete mitochondrial genomes of cave bear mitochondrial DNA remains found in Switzerland Poland France Spain Germany Italy and Serbia indicated that the cave bear population drastically declined starting around 40 000 years ago at the onset of the Aurignacian coinciding with the arrival of anatomically modern humans 46 47 It was concluded that human hunting and or competition played a major role in their decline and ultimate disappearance and that climate change was not likely to have been the dominant factor 47 In a study of Spanish cave bear mtDNA each cave used by cave bears was found to contain almost exclusively a unique lineage of closely related haplotypes indicating a homing behaviour for birthing and hibernation The conclusion of this study is cave bears could not easily colonize new sites when in competition with humans for these resources 48 In 2020 a well preserved ice age cave bear was found on the Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island 49 Nearby on the Siberian mainland of Yakutia a small well preserved cave bear cub recently emerged from another patch of melting permafrost 50 See also EditAzykh Cave Bears Cave Jaskinia Niedzwiedzia Darband Cave Dechen Cave Peștera cu Oase Divje Babe FluteReferences Edit Bernd Brunner 2007 Bears A Brief History Yale University Press p 41 ISBN 978 0 300 12299 2 Praca Zbiorowa 1989 Jaskinia Niedzwiedzia w Kletnie Badanie i udostepnianie in Polish Wroclaw Polska Akademia Nauk Ossolineum ISBN 8304030373 with summary in English Cave Bears Jan Kowalski psu edu NEFU scientists to study cave bear found on the Lyakhovsky Islands September 14 2020 Retrieved September 15 2020 Jordan Culver September 14 2020 Completely preserved Ice Age cave bear carcass found by reindeer herders in Russia Retrieved September 15 2020 Anna Liesowska September 12 2020 First ever preserved grown up cave bear even its nose is intact unearthed on the Arctic island Retrieved September 15 2020 a b Kurten B 1976 The Cave Bear Story Life and death of a vanished animal New York NY Columbia University Press a b Rabeder G Nagel D Pacher M 2000 Der Hohlenbar Species 4 Stuttgart DE Thorbecke Verlag a 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Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Helsinki 1999 Live Science Staff 25 November 2008 Huge Cave Bears When and Why They Disappeared Live Science a b Per Christiansen 1999 What size were Arctodus simus and Ursus spelaeus Carnivora Ursidae PDF Annales Zoologici Fennici 36 93 102 Macdonald David 1992 The Velvet Claw New York Parkwest p 256 ISBN 0 563 20844 9 Gli orsi spelei delle Conturines Ursus Spelaeus Altabadia it Retrieved on 2011 09 26 Pinto Llona A C Andrews P amp Etxeberri a P 2005 Taphonomy and Palaeoecology of Cave Bears from the Quaternary of Cantabrian Spain Fondacio n de Asturias Du Pont Ibe rica The Natural History Museum Grafinsa Oviedo Bocherens H et al 2006 Bears and humans in Chauvet Cave Vallon Pont d Arc Ardeche France Insights from stable isotopes and radiocarbon dating of bone collagen Journal of Human Evolution 50 3 370 376 doi 10 1016 j jhevol 2005 12 002 PMID 16442587 a b c d Trinkaus Erik Richards Michael P 2008 Reply to Grandal and Fernandez Hibernation can also cause high d15N values in cave bears Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 11 E15 Bibcode 2008PNAS 105E 15T doi 10 1073 pnas 0801137105 PMC 2393794 Prehistoric Cave Bears Weren t So Cuddly After All FOXNews 2008 01 09 Archived from the original on 2010 01 01 Retrieved 2008 01 11 Pacher M 2000 Taphonomische Untersuchungen der Hohlenbaren Fundstellen in der Schwabenreith Hohle bei Lunz am See Niederosterreich Beitrage zur Palaontologie 25 11 85 Pinto Llono A C 2006 Comparative dental microwear analysis of cave bears Ursus spelaeus Rosenmuller 1794 and brown bears Ursus arctos Linnaeus 1758 PDF Scientific Annals School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki AUTH Special 98 103 108 a b Richards M P et al 2008 Isotopic evidence for omnivory among European cave bears Late Pleistocene Ursus spelaeus from the Pestera cu Oase Romania PNAS 105 2 600 604 Bibcode 2008PNAS 105 600R doi 10 1073 pnas 0711063105 PMC 2206582 PMID 18187577 Bocherens H 2003 Isotopic biogeochemistry and the paleoecology of the mammoth steppe fauna In Reumer F Braber F Mol D amp de Vos J eds Advances in Mammoth Research 57 76 Deinsea 9 a b c Pacher M Stuart A J 2009 Extinction chronology and palaeobiology of the cave bear Ursus spelaeus Boreas 38 2 189 206 doi 10 1111 j 1502 3885 2008 00071 x S2CID 128603825 Figueirido B et al 2009 Ecomorphological correlates of craniodental variation in bears and paleobiological implications for extinct taxa an approach based on geometric morphometrics Journal of Zoology 277 1 70 80 doi 10 1111 j 1469 7998 2008 00511 x a b Kurten Bjorn 1968 Pleistocene Mammals of Europe New Brunswick N J AldineTransaction p 325 ISBN 0 202 30953 3 a b c d e f Bieder Robert 2005 Bear London Reaktion Books p 192 ISBN 1 86189 204 7 Prey deposits and den sites of the Upper Pleistocene hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea Goldfuss 1823 in horizontal and vertical caves of the Bohemian Karst PDF CAJUSG DIEDRICH amp KARELZAK Retrieved 2008 01 20 permanent dead link 15th International Cave Bear Symposium Spisska Nova Ves Slovakia Archived March 31 2010 at the Wayback Machine 17 20 September 2009 PDF Retrieved on 2011 09 26 Caves of Switzerland Drachenloch Archived from the original on 2013 05 08 Retrieved 2013 04 10 Insoll Timothy Archaeology Religion Ritual 2004 Routledge London ISBN 0415253136 B G Campbell J D Loy 1996 Humankind emerging 7th ed New York HarperCollins pp 440 441 ISBN 0 673 52364 0 Terlato Gabriele Bocherens Herve Romandini Matteo Nannini Nicola Hobson Keith A Peresani Marco 2019 04 21 Chronological and Isotopic data support a revision for the timing of cave bear extinction in Mediterranean Europe Historical Biology 31 4 474 484 doi 10 1080 08912963 2018 1448395 ISSN 0891 2963 S2CID 90029163 a b c Stiller Mathias et al 2010 Withering Away 25 000 Years of Genetic Decline Preceded Cave Bear Extinction Molecular Biology and Evolution 27 5 975 978 doi 10 1093 molbev msq083 PMID 20335279 The Walking Larder Patterns of Domestication Pastoralism and Predation by Juliet Clutton Brock published by Routledge 1990 ISBN 0 04 445900 9 True Causes for Extinction of Cave Bear Revealed More Human Expansion Than Climate Change ScienceDaily Plataforma SINC 25 August 2010 Briggs Helen 16 August 2019 Extinction Humans played big role in demise of the cave bear BBC News Retrieved 17 August 2019 a b Gretzinger J Molak M Reiter E Pfrengle S Urban C Neukamm J Blant M Conard N J Cupillard C Dimitrijevic V Drucker D G Hofman Kaminska E Kowalczyk R Krajcarz M T Krajcarz M Munzel S C Peresani M Romandini M Rufi I Soler J Terlato G Krause J Bocherens H Schuenemann V J 15 August 2019 Large scale mitogenomic analysis of the phylogeography of the Late Pleistocene cave bear Scientific Reports 9 1 10700 Bibcode 2019NatSR 910700G doi 10 1038 s41598 019 47073 z PMC 6695494 PMID 31417104 Fortes Gloria G Grandal d Anglade Aurora Kolbe Ben Fernandes Daniel Meleg Ioana N Garcia Vazquez Ana Pinto Llona Ana C Constantin Silviu Torres Trino J de 10 August 2016 Ancient DNA reveals differences in behaviour and sociality between brown bears and extinct cave bears PDF Molecular Ecology 25 19 4907 4918 doi 10 1111 mec 13800 ISSN 1365 294X PMID 27506329 S2CID 18353913 Ice Age Cave Bear Found Exquisitely Preserved in Siberian Permafrost Beautifully preserved cave bears emerge from Siberian permafrostExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ursus spelaeus Show Caves of Romania Cave Bear Fossils Wikispecies has information related to Ursus spelaeus Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Cave bear amp oldid 1134286691, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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