

A brothel, bordello, ranch,[2] or whorehouse is a place where people engage in sexual activity with prostitutes.[3] However, for legal or cultural reasons, establishments often describe themselves as massage parlors, bars, strip clubs, body rub parlours, studios, or by some other description. Sex work in a brothel is considered safer than street prostitution.[4]

Joachim Beuckelaer, Brothel, 1562
The Pascha brothel in Cologne, Germany, is the largest brothel in Europe.[1] During the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the poster had the Saudi Arabian flag and Iranian flag blacked out after protests and threats.

Legal status edit

On 2 December 1949, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others.[5] The Convention came into effect on 25 July 1951 and by December 2013 had been ratified by 82 states.[6] The Convention seeks to combat prostitution, which it regards as "incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person." Parties to the Convention agreed to abolish regulation of individual prostitutes, and to ban brothels and procuring. Some countries not parties to the convention also ban prostitution or the operation of brothels. Various United Nations commissions, however, have differing positions on the issue. For example, in 2012, a Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) convened by Ban Ki-moon and backed by United Nations Development Programme and UNAIDS, recommended decriminalization of brothels and procuring.[7][8][9]

De Wallen, Amsterdam's red-light district, offers activities such as legal prostitution and a number of coffee shops that sell marijuana. It is one of the main tourist attractions.

In the European Union, there is no uniform policy and no consensus on the issue; and laws vary widely from country to country. Germany and the Netherlands have the most liberal policies; in Sweden (and in Norway and Iceland outside the EU) the buying, but not selling, of sex, is illegal; in most former Communist countries the laws target the prostitutes; while in countries such as the UK (except Northern Ireland), Italy, and Spain the act of prostitution is not itself illegal, but soliciting, pimping and brothels are, making it difficult to engage in prostitution without breaking any law. The European Women's Lobby condemns prostitution as "an intolerable form of male violence" and supports the "Swedish model".[10]

In February 2014, the members of the European Parliament voted in a non-binding resolution, (adopted by 343 votes to 139; with 105 abstentions), in favor of the "Swedish Model" of criminalizing the buying, but not the selling, of sex.[11]

Brothels are legal only in countries and areas shown in green or cyan
  Decriminalization - No criminal penalties for prostitution
  Legalization - prostitution legal and regulated
Brothel Hafenmelodie Trier (Germany)

Prostitution and the operation of brothels is illegal in many countries, though known illegal brothels may be tolerated or laws not strictly enforced. Such situations exist in many parts of the world, but the region most often associated with these policies is Asia. When brothels are illegal they may nevertheless operate in the guise of a legitimate business, such as massage parlors, saunas or spas.

In a few countries, prostitution and operating a brothel is legal and regulated. The degree of regulation varies widely by country. Most of these countries allow brothels, at least in theory, as they are considered to be less problematic than street prostitution. In parts of Australia, brothels are legal and regulated. Regulation includes planning controls and licensing and registration requirements, and there may be other restrictions. However, the existence of licensed brothels does not stop illegal brothels from operating. According to a report in the Australian Daily Telegraph, illegal brothels in Sydney in 2009 outnumbered licensed operations by four to one;[12][13] while in Queensland only 10% of prostitution happens in licensed brothels, with the rest being either independent sex workers (which is legal) or illegal operations.[14]

The introduction of legal brothels in Queensland was to help improve the safety of sex workers, punters (customers of prostitution), and the community at large and reduce crime. This may have been successful in many ways in Queensland, with The Viper Room being one of the most well known, clean, safe and most highly regarded brothels in Brisbane and Queensland.[15] The Netherlands has one of the most liberal prostitution policies in the world, and attracts sex tourists from many other countries.[16] Amsterdam is well known for its red-light district and is a destination for sex tourism. Germany also has very liberal prostitution laws.[17] The largest brothel in Europe is the Pascha in Cologne. Although the Dumas Hotel in Butte, Montana operated legally from 1890 until 1982, brothels are currently illegal throughout the United States, except in 10 rural counties in Nevada. Prostitution outside of the 19 licensed brothels operating in 6 of those 10 counties is illegal throughout the state.[18] All forms of prostitution are illegal in Clark County, which contains the Las Vegas–Paradise metropolitan area.[19]

History edit

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Salon at the Rue des Moulins, 1894

The earliest recorded mention of prostitution as an occupation appears in Sumerian records from c. 2400 BCE and describes a temple-bordello operated by Sumerian priests in the city of Uruk. The 'kakum' or temple was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar and housed three classes of women. The first group performed only in the temple sex-rites; the second group had the run of the grounds and catered to its visitors as well, and the third and lowest class lived on the temple grounds but were free to seek out customers in the streets. In later years, sacred prostitution and similar classifications of women existed in Greece, Rome, India, China, and Japan.[20]

Europe edit

State brothels/bordellos with regulated prices existed in ancient Athens, created by the legendary lawmaker Solon. These brothels catered to a predominantly male clientele, with women of all ages and young men providing sexual services (see Prostitution in ancient Greece). In ancient Rome female slaves were forced to provide sexual services for soldiers, with brothels being located close to barracks and city walls. Brothels existed everywhere. The custom was to display lit candles to signal that they were open.

Before the appearance of effective contraception, infanticide was common in brothels. Unlike usual infanticide—where girls were more likely to be killed at birth— a brothel site at Ashkelon in Israel revealed that nearly all of the babies were boys.[21]

Brothel scene; Brunswick Monogrammist, 1537; Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

Cities first began setting up municipal brothels between 1350 and 1450 CE.[22] Municipalities often owned, operated, and regulated the legal brothels. Governments would designate certain streets where a keeper could open a brothel.[23] These sections of town were the precursors to so-called "red light districts". Not only did the towns restrict where a keeper could open a brothel, but they also put constraints on when the brothel could be open. For example, most brothels were forbidden to be open on Sundays and religious holidays. Some scholars believe these restrictions were enforced to make the prostitutes go to church but others argue that it was to keep parishioners in church and out of the brothels. Either way, it was a day providing no revenue for the keeper.

Although brothels were set up as a sexual outlet for men, not all men were allowed to enter them. Clerics, married men, and Jews were prohibited.[24] Often, foreigners such as sailors and traders were the main source of revenue. Local men who frequented the brothels were mainly single; laws restricting the patrons were not always enforced. Government officials or police would periodically search the brothels to reduce the number of prohibited customers. However, since the government was so closely related to the church, common punishments were minor. These restrictions were put in place to protect the wives of married men from infections.

The Brothel Scene from A Rake's Progress by William Hogarth, 1735

Multiple restrictions were placed on the residents of brothels. One limitation prohibited prostitutes from borrowing money from their brothel keeper. Prostitutes paid high prices to the brothel keeper for the basic necessities of room and board, clothes, and toiletries. Room and board pricing was often set by the local government but the price for everything else could add up to a common woman's entire earnings. Prostitutes were sometimes prohibited from having a special lover. Some regulations put on prostitutes were made to protect their clients. A woman was kicked out if she was found to have a sexually transmitted disease. The prostitutes were not allowed to pull men into the brothel by their clothing, harass them in the street, or detain them over unpaid debts.[25] Clothing worn by prostitutes was regulated and had to be distinguishable from that of respectable women. In some places, a prostitute had to have a yellow stripe on her clothing while in others red was the differentiating color. Other towns required harlots to don special headdresses or restricted the wardrobe of proper women. The restrictions placed on prostitutes were put in place not only to protect them but also nearby citizens.

Because of a syphilis epidemic throughout Europe, many brothels were shut down during the end of the Middle Ages.[26] This epidemic had been brought on by Spanish and French military pillages after the return of Christopher Columbus from the newly discovered Americas. The church and citizens alike feared that men who frequented brothels would bring the disease home and infect morally upright people.

From the 12th century, brothels in London were located in a district known as the Liberty of the Clink. This area was traditionally under the authority of the Bishop of Winchester, not the civil authorities. From 1161, the bishop was granted the power to license prostitutes and brothels in the district. This gave rise to the slang term Winchester Goose for a prostitute. Women who worked in these brothels were denied Christian burial and buried in the unconsecrated graveyard known as Cross Bones.

Interior of a luxurious brothel: "Waiting room in the house of M.me B.", project by Italian architect Arnaldo dell'Ira, Rome, 1939.
Interior of a brothel in Naples, Italy, 1945

By the 16th century, the area was also home to many theatres, (including the Globe Theatre, associated with William Shakespeare), but brothels continued to thrive. A famous London brothel of the time was Holland's Leaguer. Patrons supposedly included James I of England and his favourite, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham. It was located in a street that still bears its name[27] and also inspired the 1631 play, Holland's Leaguer. Charles I of England licensed a number of brothels including the Silver Cross Tavern in London, which retains its license to the modern day because it was never revoked.

The authorities of Medieval Paris followed the same path as those in London and attempted to confine prostitution to a particular district. Louis IX (1226–1270) designated nine streets in the Beaubourg Quartier where it would be permitted. In the early part of the 19th century, state-controlled legal brothels (then known as "maisons de tolérance" or "maisons closes") started to appear in several French cities. By law, they had to be run by a woman (typically a former prostitute) and their external appearance had to be discreet. The maisons were required to light a red lantern when they were open (from which is derived the term red-light district) and the prostitutes were only permitted to leave the maisons on certain days and only if accompanied by its head. By 1810, Paris alone had 180 officially approved brothels.

During the first half of the 20th century, some Paris brothels, such as le Chabanais and le Sphinx, were internationally known for the luxury they provided. The French government sometimes included a visit to the Chabanais as part of the program for foreign guests of state, disguising it as a visit with the President of the Senate in the official program.[28] The Hotel Marigny, established in 1917 in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, was one of several that were well known for catering to gay male clients.[29] Premises suspected of being gay brothels, including the Hotel Marigny were, however, subject to frequent police raids,[30] perhaps indicating less tolerance for them from the authorities.

Mojdom 1, also known as the "Red House", is a brick house built in the 1920s in Kotka, Finland, which served as an illegal brothel in addition to hotel operations. Today, the house is only in residential use.[31]

In most European countries, brothels were made illegal after World War II. France outlawed brothels in 1946, after a campaign by Marthe Richard. The backlash against them was in part due to their wartime collaboration with the Germans during the occupation of France. Twenty-two Paris brothels had been commandeered by the Germans for their exclusive use; some had made a great deal of money by catering for German officers and soldiers.[32] One brothel in the Monmartre District of the French capital was part of an escape network for POWs and downed airmen.[33]

Italy made brothels illegal in 1959. The 2010s decade has seen the introduction of sex dolls and sexbots on the premises of some brothels.[34]

East Asia edit

Brothels have existed in China for prostitution and entertainment since ancient China in its feudal period. For much of China's ancient and imperial history, brothels were owned by wealthy merchants, typically stereotyped as "madams", and engaged in business in urban areas such as the capital city. Prostitutes, or "courtesans" as they were known, were well-dressed and groomed to the proper table and drinking manners(禮). A Chinese prostitute may have been artistic and skilled at practices such as dancing, playing musical instruments, singing, and conversing in verse. Prostitution was not outlawed in ancient and imperial China (although prostitutes were not considered fit for marriage to men of respectable social ranking). Instead, prostitutes hosted in street brothels were popularly placed in the same social class as females artisans and regarded as elegant, albeit tainted, beings, most notably courtesans who used similar means to entertain members of nobility.[35] Both young women and men worked as prostitutes in these elaborate brothel settings, though historical records and works of literature have widely romanticized the free-flowing, artistic nature of female prostitutes.

The practice of hosting prostitutes in elaborate brothels spread to surrounding regions of Chinese cultural influence, notably in Japan after the sixth century AD, where prostitutes and courtesans evolved into the Oiran and Geisha entertainment professions. The geisha of Japan emphasized good table manners, artistic skills, elegant styling, and sophisticated, tactical conversational skills. The practice also spread to Korea, where prostitutes evolved into the Korean kisaeng.

India edit

The governments of many Indian princely states had regulated prostitution in India prior to the 1860s. The British Raj enacted the Cantonment Act of 1864 to regulate prostitution in colonial India as a matter of accepting a necessary evil so that the British soldiers could seek sexual gratification when away from their homes.[36] The Cantonment Acts regulated and structured prostitution in the British military bases which provided for about twelve to fifteen Indian women kept in brothels called chaklas for each regiment of thousand British soldiers.[37] They were licensed by military officials and were allowed to consort with soldiers only.[38]

Brothels in India came into life in the early 1920s,[39] when dance styles in states like Maharashtra, such as Lavani, and dance-drama performance artists, called Tamasha artists, starting working as prostitutes.[40][41] Such professions were strongly connected to caste and income levels.[40][41]

United States edit

Last example of a brothel from the wide-open time of Galveston

From 1911 to 1913, the United States Department of Justice counted the numbers of prostitutes in brothels to use the data against the much-feared "White Slave Traffic".[42] This effort collected information from 318 cities of 26 Eastern states. It estimated about 100,000 women to be working in brothels, yet some estimated the total number of prostitutes to be as high as 500,000.[43]

During the late nineteenth century, brothels in the United States were no secret. George Kneeland articulated his growing concern about the organized sex business in America well, saying that prostitution had grown into a "highly commercialized and profitable business that penetrated the deepest recesses of the political, cultural and economic life of the city."[44] Brothels were commonly referred to as "disorderly houses", and their residents were called by many names, some euphemistic—e.g., abandoned woman, bawd good-time daisy, fallen angel, fille de joie, jeweled bird, lady of the evening, shady lady, soiled dove, wanton woman, and woman of the town—and some less kind—e.g., hooker, slut, and whore.[45] As the 19th century went on, prostitution as a profession became more common, rather than just occasionally necessitated soliciting. As a result of these changes, the way prostitution was practiced changed.[46] Many prostitutes still practiced their trade independently, but the new class of professional prostitutes created a demand for a location to do their regular business, and the brothel served this purpose.[47]

Visitors could easily find disorderly houses by opening up the local or statewide directories, such as the 1895 Travelers' Guide of Colorado.[48] This 66-page manual helped the interested client decide which brothel was right for him. These manuals did not attract by using euphemistic language, and though bold by standards of the time, were not crude. Some examples read: "Twenty young ladies engaged nightly to entertain guest", and "Strangers cordially welcome". In some areas, brothels simply could not be ignored. A nineteenth-century authority describes the city of New Orleans as such: "The extent of licentiousness and prostitution here is truly appalling and doubtless without a parallel in the whole civilized world. The indulgence and practice are so general and common that men seldom seek to cover up their acts or go in disguise."[49]

The average house held five to twenty working girls; some higher-end brothels also employed staff servants, musicians, and a bouncer. The typical brothel contained several bedrooms, all furnished. Some upscale brothels were much larger; such is the case with that owned by Mary Ann Hall of Arlington, Virginia.[50] It is described as "a rather grand house with twenty-five rooms and was enclosed by a brick wall. The interior was elegantly furnished. The principal rooms on the first floor contained large oil paintings, Brussels carpets, red plush 'parlor furniture', étagères (a shelf for small ornaments), and numerous items of silver plate."[51] An archeological dig of the area outside of Mary Ann Hall's estate revealed refuse of a quality superior to that in surrounding working-class areas. This included many champagne bottles and corks, wire cages from such bottles, perfume bottles, high-quality porcelain with gilt edging, along with remnants of exotic foods—coconut shells and berry seeds, bones from beef, fish, and pork indicating that elegant meals were being eaten at this high-class brothel.[52] These "five and ten-dollar parlor houses" attracted wealthy men, who used the facilities much as a gentlemen's social club,[53] where they made business and political connections, met with associates and had exquisite dinners with wine, champagne, and women. Brothels were not only for the wealthy. "One-dollar houses" were visited by those of the working class. A 1910 Kansas vice report compares the two: "A few brothels were equipped with expensive furniture and furnishings including the finest of upholstered chairs, well-done paintings, and costly rugs, while others were hovels of repulsive squalor."[54]

Women joined brothels from all walks of life. The average prostitute was approximately 21,[55] but many were as young as 13 or as old as 50. Typically thought of as an escape for young, poor, troubled women, brothels sometimes attracted those less expected. Trained musicians and singers sometimes were lured into it by their interest in easy money and fun times.[56] Some others turned to brothels to get out of boring, abusive, or otherwise unfulfilling marriages. Although they might be from varied classes, ethnicities, and ages, most women who began or joined brothels had a shared goal: quick money.[55] Many found themselves always indebted to their mistresses. Lack of credit made a prostitute unable to buy items necessary for her trade (powder, cosmetics, perfumes, and evening wear), and she was forced to buy them through her madam.[57]

Some madams, often former prostitutes themselves, rose to become independently wealthy. One was Mary Ann Hall of Arlington, Virginia. Clearly attractive and a good businesswoman, Mary Ann purchased a lot and built a brick house. That would be the location of an upscale brothel for another 40 years, sitting right at the foot of Capitol Hill. Her brothel was very lucrative, and Mary Ann was able to buy multiple slaves and a summer home. She was responsible for the behavior of her prostitutes, which could prove challenging since drug abuse was common. A large focus for madams was keeping their business transactions discreet and staying on the good side of the law, which they did by contributing money to charitable organizations, schools, and churches.

Despite those efforts, much of the profit still went to legal fines and fees, since prostitution was largely illegal. Timely payment of these fines could guarantee a madam that her business could continue without fear of being shut down, usually. Brothels were expected to pay significantly higher rent than other tenants.[58] Another upscale bordello was the Big Brick in Charleston, South Carolina, built and operated by Grace Peixotto, the daughter of the Rev. Solomon Cohen Peixotto, and the madam of the most infamous brothel in the history of the city.[59]

A madam stayed involved in her business. Running a house with so many in it required skill. A brothel required the purchase of regular food and food preparation. A madam had to monitor the cleanliness of the brothel, including the sheets, which had to be changed several times in an evening, and a stock of wines and liquors for clientele. She was the boss of the brothel and so a madam fired and hired servants, maids, and prostitutes. New faces in the brothel were desired by patrons and so madams had to find new women to recruit. Sometimes, that meant taking in a less-than-desired woman but one with youth and good looks. The "new" prostitute received training, cosmetics, and clothes from the madam. A prostitute from Kansas City is recorded as saying that she is no match for the "proper" behavior and dress required for the famous Ice Palace in Chicago.[60]

Disorderly houses or any other dwelling used for purposes of selling sex or other lewd acts in the early 20th century were illegal with a few exceptions: the states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Mexico, and South Carolina. Penalties could range from $1,000 and time in jail to much smaller fines.[47]

Military brothels edit

Until recently, in several armies around the world, mobile brothels were attached to the army as auxiliary units, especially attached to combat units on long-term deployments abroad. Because it is a controversial subject, military brothels and the women who provided sex services in them were often designated with creative euphemisms. Examples of such jargon are la boîte à bonbons ("the sweet box"), replacing the term "bordel militaire de campagne". France used mobile brothels during the First World War, the Second World War and the First Indochina War to supply sex services to French soldiers who were facing combat in areas where brothels were unusual, such as at the front line or in isolated garrisons.[61][62] Brothels were outlawed in France in 1946; but the French Foreign Legion continued to use mobile brothels until the late 1990s.

During the Second World War, women drawn from throughout the Far East were forced into sexual slavery by the occupation armies of Imperial Japan in brothels known as Ianjo.[63] These women were referred to as "comfort women" (kanji=慰安婦; hiragana=いあんふ). During the Second World War in Europe, Nazi Germany created military brothels where an estimated 34,140 enslaved women from Nazi-occupied Europe, particularly Poland, were forced to work as prostitutes in brothels.[64]

After the Japanese surrender following the Second World War, the Japanese government formed the Recreation and Amusement Association and recruited 55,000 of its "patriotic women" to "sacrifice themselves" to the G.I. occupation, to protect the chastity of pure Japanese womenfolk.[65]

In South Korea, women who worked as prostitutes for UN forces were called Western princesses. Between the 1950s and 1960s, 60% of South Korean prostitutes worked near the US military bases.[66] Since the mid-1990s, Filipina women have worked as prostitutes for U.S. servicemen in South Korea.[67][68][69] In 2010, the Philippine government stopped approving contracts that promoters use to bring Filipinas to South Korea to work near U.S. military bases.[70]

Sex doll brothel edit

A number of brothels offering only sex dolls exist in Japan. There is also one in Barcelona, and one named Bordoll opened in Germany.[71] Another was set to open on 8 September 2018 in Toronto, Canada though it was deemed to be contrary to a by-law in the city, forcing its shutdown.[72] Australia has recently seen its first sex doll available for use in a brothel as well.[73] In February 2018, another opened in Aarhus, Denmark.[74] In 2018, xDolls in Paris raised controversy in that the French government deemed it did not violate the prohibition of brothels. [75]

See also edit

References edit

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  75. ^ "Paris sex doll 'brothel' to stay open despite protests". CNET.

Bibliography edit

  • Bennett, Judith M. (1989). Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226042473.
  • Carroll, Janell L (2 January 2015). Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1-305-44603-8.
  • Cho, Grace M. (2008). Haunting the Korean Diaspora: Shame, Secrecy, and the Forgotten War. U of Minnesota Press. ISBN 9780816652747.
  • Clough, Patricia Ticineto; Halley, Jean (2007). The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social. Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0822389606.
  • Fernando, Henrique (1963). Prostitution in Europe and the New World. London, MacGibbon & Kee.
  • Herbermann, Nanda (2000). The Blessed Abyss: Inmate #6582 in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp for Women. Wayne State University Press. ISBN 978-0814329207.
  • Jackson, Julian (2009). Living in Arcadia: Homosexuality, Politics, and Morality in France from the Liberation to AIDS. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226389288.
  • Johnson, Fred (1911). The Social Evil in Kansas. Annual Report of the Board of Public Welfare of Kansas City. Kansas City, Missouri: Cline printing.
  • Jones, Mark R. (2006). Wicked Charleston: Prostitutes, Politics and Prohibition. Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 9781614230335.
  • Karras, Ruth Mazo (1996). Common Women : Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198022794.
  • Kneeland, George Jackson; Davis, Katharine Bement (1913). Commercialized Prostitution in New York City. Century Company.
  • Levy, David (2007). "Love and Sex with Robots". Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-4560-49-8.
  • McKell, Jan (2009). Red Light Women of the Rocky Mountains. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
  • Milner Associates. Inventory of Mary Ann Hall's estate, 'Archeological Data Recovery'.
  • Murphy, Emmett (1983). Great Bordellos of the World: An Illustrated History. Quartet Books. ISBN 9780704323957.
  • Regan, Geoffrey (1992). The Guinness Book of Military Anecdotes. Canopy Books. ISBN 9781558594418. 0851125190.
  • Rosen, Ruth (1983). The Lost Sisterhood: Prostitution in America, 1900–1918. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0801826658.
  • Walford, Edward (1878). "Southwark: Winchester House and Barclay's Brewery". Old and New London: Volume 6. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin.
  • Walkoitz, Judith K. (October 29, 1982). Prostitution and Victorian Society. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521270649.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Webb, Willard J. (October 2004). "Mary Ann Hall: Arlington's illustrious madam". The Arlington Historical Magazine. Vol. 12, no. 4. Arlington, VA.
  • Windrow, Martin (2004). The Last Valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French Defeat in Vietnam. Perseus Books Group. ISBN 9780306813863.
  • Woolston, Howard B. (1969). Prostitution in the United States: Prior to the Entrance of the United States into the World War. Montclair, New Jersey: Patterson Smith.

Further reading edit

  • Burford, E. J. The Bishop's Brothels. London: Robert Hale, 1993. ISBN 978-0-7090-5113-8.
  • Ka-tzetnik 135633 (Karol Cetinsky). House of Dolls. Moshe M. Kohn (trans.). New York: Simon and Schuster, 1955. A novel about the Holocaust, including a description of a brothel staffed by concentration camp inmates.

External links edit

brothel, whorehouse, redirects, here, beavis, butt, head, episode, whorehouse, beavis, butt, head, episode, 2008, film, film, other, uses, disambiguation, brothel, bordello, ranch, whorehouse, place, where, people, engage, sexual, activity, with, prostitutes, . Whorehouse redirects here For the Beavis and Butt Head episode see Whorehouse Beavis and Butt Head episode For the 2008 film see Brothel film For other uses see Brothel disambiguation A brothel bordello ranch 2 or whorehouse is a place where people engage in sexual activity with prostitutes 3 However for legal or cultural reasons establishments often describe themselves as massage parlors bars strip clubs body rub parlours studios or by some other description Sex work in a brothel is considered safer than street prostitution 4 Joachim Beuckelaer Brothel 1562The Pascha brothel in Cologne Germany is the largest brothel in Europe 1 During the 2006 FIFA World Cup the poster had the Saudi Arabian flag and Iranian flag blacked out after protests and threats Contents 1 Legal status 2 History 2 1 Europe 2 2 East Asia 2 3 India 2 4 United States 2 5 Military brothels 3 Sex doll brothel 4 See also 5 References 6 Bibliography 7 Further reading 8 External linksLegal status editSee also Prostitution law On 2 December 1949 the United Nations General Assembly approved the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others 5 The Convention came into effect on 25 July 1951 and by December 2013 had been ratified by 82 states 6 The Convention seeks to combat prostitution which it regards as incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person Parties to the Convention agreed to abolish regulation of individual prostitutes and to ban brothels and procuring Some countries not parties to the convention also ban prostitution or the operation of brothels Various United Nations commissions however have differing positions on the issue For example in 2012 a Joint United Nations Programme on HIV AIDS UNAIDS convened by Ban Ki moon and backed by United Nations Development Programme and UNAIDS recommended decriminalization of brothels and procuring 7 8 9 nbsp De Wallen Amsterdam s red light district offers activities such as legal prostitution and a number of coffee shops that sell marijuana It is one of the main tourist attractions In the European Union there is no uniform policy and no consensus on the issue and laws vary widely from country to country Germany and the Netherlands have the most liberal policies in Sweden and in Norway and Iceland outside the EU the buying but not selling of sex is illegal in most former Communist countries the laws target the prostitutes while in countries such as the UK except Northern Ireland Italy and Spain the act of prostitution is not itself illegal but soliciting pimping and brothels are making it difficult to engage in prostitution without breaking any law The European Women s Lobby condemns prostitution as an intolerable form of male violence and supports the Swedish model 10 In February 2014 the members of the European Parliament voted in a non binding resolution adopted by 343 votes to 139 with 105 abstentions in favor of the Swedish Model of criminalizing the buying but not the selling of sex 11 nbsp Brothels are legal only in countries and areas shown in green or cyan Decriminalization No criminal penalties for prostitution Legalization prostitution legal and regulated nbsp Brothel Hafenmelodie Trier Germany Prostitution and the operation of brothels is illegal in many countries though known illegal brothels may be tolerated or laws not strictly enforced Such situations exist in many parts of the world but the region most often associated with these policies is Asia When brothels are illegal they may nevertheless operate in the guise of a legitimate business such as massage parlors saunas or spas In a few countries prostitution and operating a brothel is legal and regulated The degree of regulation varies widely by country Most of these countries allow brothels at least in theory as they are considered to be less problematic than street prostitution In parts of Australia brothels are legal and regulated Regulation includes planning controls and licensing and registration requirements and there may be other restrictions However the existence of licensed brothels does not stop illegal brothels from operating According to a report in the Australian Daily Telegraph illegal brothels in Sydney in 2009 outnumbered licensed operations by four to one 12 13 while in Queensland only 10 of prostitution happens in licensed brothels with the rest being either independent sex workers which is legal or illegal operations 14 The introduction of legal brothels in Queensland was to help improve the safety of sex workers punters customers of prostitution and the community at large and reduce crime This may have been successful in many ways in Queensland with The Viper Room being one of the most well known clean safe and most highly regarded brothels in Brisbane and Queensland 15 The Netherlands has one of the most liberal prostitution policies in the world and attracts sex tourists from many other countries 16 Amsterdam is well known for its red light district and is a destination for sex tourism Germany also has very liberal prostitution laws 17 The largest brothel in Europe is the Pascha in Cologne Although the Dumas Hotel in Butte Montana operated legally from 1890 until 1982 brothels are currently illegal throughout the United States except in 10 rural counties in Nevada Prostitution outside of the 19 licensed brothels operating in 6 of those 10 counties is illegal throughout the state 18 All forms of prostitution are illegal in Clark County which contains the Las Vegas Paradise metropolitan area 19 History editSee also History of prostitution nbsp Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Salon at the Rue des Moulins 1894The earliest recorded mention of prostitution as an occupation appears in Sumerian records from c 2400 BCE and describes a temple bordello operated by Sumerian priests in the city of Uruk The kakum or temple was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar and housed three classes of women The first group performed only in the temple sex rites the second group had the run of the grounds and catered to its visitors as well and the third and lowest class lived on the temple grounds but were free to seek out customers in the streets In later years sacred prostitution and similar classifications of women existed in Greece Rome India China and Japan 20 Europe edit State brothels bordellos with regulated prices existed in ancient Athens created by the legendary lawmaker Solon These brothels catered to a predominantly male clientele with women of all ages and young men providing sexual services see Prostitution in ancient Greece In ancient Rome female slaves were forced to provide sexual services for soldiers with brothels being located close to barracks and city walls Brothels existed everywhere The custom was to display lit candles to signal that they were open Before the appearance of effective contraception infanticide was common in brothels Unlike usual infanticide where girls were more likely to be killed at birth a brothel site at Ashkelon in Israel revealed that nearly all of the babies were boys 21 nbsp Brothel scene Brunswick Monogrammist 1537 Gemaldegalerie BerlinCities first began setting up municipal brothels between 1350 and 1450 CE 22 Municipalities often owned operated and regulated the legal brothels Governments would designate certain streets where a keeper could open a brothel 23 These sections of town were the precursors to so called red light districts Not only did the towns restrict where a keeper could open a brothel but they also put constraints on when the brothel could be open For example most brothels were forbidden to be open on Sundays and religious holidays Some scholars believe these restrictions were enforced to make the prostitutes go to church but others argue that it was to keep parishioners in church and out of the brothels Either way it was a day providing no revenue for the keeper Although brothels were set up as a sexual outlet for men not all men were allowed to enter them Clerics married men and Jews were prohibited 24 Often foreigners such as sailors and traders were the main source of revenue Local men who frequented the brothels were mainly single laws restricting the patrons were not always enforced Government officials or police would periodically search the brothels to reduce the number of prohibited customers However since the government was so closely related to the church common punishments were minor These restrictions were put in place to protect the wives of married men from infections nbsp The Brothel Scene from A Rake s Progress by William Hogarth 1735Multiple restrictions were placed on the residents of brothels One limitation prohibited prostitutes from borrowing money from their brothel keeper Prostitutes paid high prices to the brothel keeper for the basic necessities of room and board clothes and toiletries Room and board pricing was often set by the local government but the price for everything else could add up to a common woman s entire earnings Prostitutes were sometimes prohibited from having a special lover Some regulations put on prostitutes were made to protect their clients A woman was kicked out if she was found to have a sexually transmitted disease The prostitutes were not allowed to pull men into the brothel by their clothing harass them in the street or detain them over unpaid debts 25 Clothing worn by prostitutes was regulated and had to be distinguishable from that of respectable women In some places a prostitute had to have a yellow stripe on her clothing while in others red was the differentiating color Other towns required harlots to don special headdresses or restricted the wardrobe of proper women The restrictions placed on prostitutes were put in place not only to protect them but also nearby citizens Because of a syphilis epidemic throughout Europe many brothels were shut down during the end of the Middle Ages 26 This epidemic had been brought on by Spanish and French military pillages after the return of Christopher Columbus from the newly discovered Americas The church and citizens alike feared that men who frequented brothels would bring the disease home and infect morally upright people From the 12th century brothels in London were located in a district known as the Liberty of the Clink This area was traditionally under the authority of the Bishop of Winchester not the civil authorities From 1161 the bishop was granted the power to license prostitutes and brothels in the district This gave rise to the slang term Winchester Goose for a prostitute Women who worked in these brothels were denied Christian burial and buried in the unconsecrated graveyard known as Cross Bones nbsp Interior of a luxurious brothel Waiting room in the house of M me B project by Italian architect Arnaldo dell Ira Rome 1939 nbsp Interior of a brothel in Naples Italy 1945By the 16th century the area was also home to many theatres including the Globe Theatre associated with William Shakespeare but brothels continued to thrive A famous London brothel of the time was Holland s Leaguer Patrons supposedly included James I of England and his favourite George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham It was located in a street that still bears its name 27 and also inspired the 1631 play Holland s Leaguer Charles I of England licensed a number of brothels including the Silver Cross Tavern in London which retains its license to the modern day because it was never revoked The authorities of Medieval Paris followed the same path as those in London and attempted to confine prostitution to a particular district Louis IX 1226 1270 designated nine streets in the Beaubourg Quartier where it would be permitted In the early part of the 19th century state controlled legal brothels then known as maisons de tolerance or maisons closes started to appear in several French cities By law they had to be run by a woman typically a former prostitute and their external appearance had to be discreet The maisons were required to light a red lantern when they were open from which is derived the term red light district and the prostitutes were only permitted to leave the maisons on certain days and only if accompanied by its head By 1810 Paris alone had 180 officially approved brothels During the first half of the 20th century some Paris brothels such as le Chabanais and le Sphinx were internationally known for the luxury they provided The French government sometimes included a visit to the Chabanais as part of the program for foreign guests of state disguising it as a visit with the President of the Senate in the official program 28 The Hotel Marigny established in 1917 in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris was one of several that were well known for catering to gay male clients 29 Premises suspected of being gay brothels including the Hotel Marigny were however subject to frequent police raids 30 perhaps indicating less tolerance for them from the authorities nbsp Mojdom 1 also known as the Red House is a brick house built in the 1920s in Kotka Finland which served as an illegal brothel in addition to hotel operations Today the house is only in residential use 31 In most European countries brothels were made illegal after World War II France outlawed brothels in 1946 after a campaign by Marthe Richard The backlash against them was in part due to their wartime collaboration with the Germans during the occupation of France Twenty two Paris brothels had been commandeered by the Germans for their exclusive use some had made a great deal of money by catering for German officers and soldiers 32 One brothel in the Monmartre District of the French capital was part of an escape network for POWs and downed airmen 33 Italy made brothels illegal in 1959 The 2010s decade has seen the introduction of sex dolls and sexbots on the premises of some brothels 34 East Asia edit Brothels have existed in China for prostitution and entertainment since ancient China in its feudal period For much of China s ancient and imperial history brothels were owned by wealthy merchants typically stereotyped as madams and engaged in business in urban areas such as the capital city Prostitutes or courtesans as they were known were well dressed and groomed to the proper table and drinking manners 禮 A Chinese prostitute may have been artistic and skilled at practices such as dancing playing musical instruments singing and conversing in verse Prostitution was not outlawed in ancient and imperial China although prostitutes were not considered fit for marriage to men of respectable social ranking Instead prostitutes hosted in street brothels were popularly placed in the same social class as females artisans and regarded as elegant albeit tainted beings most notably courtesans who used similar means to entertain members of nobility 35 Both young women and men worked as prostitutes in these elaborate brothel settings though historical records and works of literature have widely romanticized the free flowing artistic nature of female prostitutes The practice of hosting prostitutes in elaborate brothels spread to surrounding regions of Chinese cultural influence notably in Japan after the sixth century AD where prostitutes and courtesans evolved into the Oiran and Geisha entertainment professions The geisha of Japan emphasized good table manners artistic skills elegant styling and sophisticated tactical conversational skills The practice also spread to Korea where prostitutes evolved into the Korean kisaeng India edit The governments of many Indian princely states had regulated prostitution in India prior to the 1860s The British Raj enacted the Cantonment Act of 1864 to regulate prostitution in colonial India as a matter of accepting a necessary evil so that the British soldiers could seek sexual gratification when away from their homes 36 The Cantonment Acts regulated and structured prostitution in the British military bases which provided for about twelve to fifteen Indian women kept in brothels called chaklas for each regiment of thousand British soldiers 37 They were licensed by military officials and were allowed to consort with soldiers only 38 Brothels in India came into life in the early 1920s 39 when dance styles in states like Maharashtra such as Lavani and dance drama performance artists called Tamasha artists starting working as prostitutes 40 41 Such professions were strongly connected to caste and income levels 40 41 United States edit nbsp Last example of a brothel from the wide open time of GalvestonFrom 1911 to 1913 the United States Department of Justice counted the numbers of prostitutes in brothels to use the data against the much feared White Slave Traffic 42 This effort collected information from 318 cities of 26 Eastern states It estimated about 100 000 women to be working in brothels yet some estimated the total number of prostitutes to be as high as 500 000 43 During the late nineteenth century brothels in the United States were no secret George Kneeland articulated his growing concern about the organized sex business in America well saying that prostitution had grown into a highly commercialized and profitable business that penetrated the deepest recesses of the political cultural and economic life of the city 44 Brothels were commonly referred to as disorderly houses and their residents were called by many names some euphemistic e g abandoned woman bawd good time daisy fallen angel fille de joie jeweled bird lady of the evening shady lady soiled dove wanton woman and woman of the town and some less kind e g hooker slut and whore 45 As the 19th century went on prostitution as a profession became more common rather than just occasionally necessitated soliciting As a result of these changes the way prostitution was practiced changed 46 Many prostitutes still practiced their trade independently but the new class of professional prostitutes created a demand for a location to do their regular business and the brothel served this purpose 47 Visitors could easily find disorderly houses by opening up the local or statewide directories such as the 1895 Travelers Guide of Colorado 48 This 66 page manual helped the interested client decide which brothel was right for him These manuals did not attract by using euphemistic language and though bold by standards of the time were not crude Some examples read Twenty young ladies engaged nightly to entertain guest and Strangers cordially welcome In some areas brothels simply could not be ignored A nineteenth century authority describes the city of New Orleans as such The extent of licentiousness and prostitution here is truly appalling and doubtless without a parallel in the whole civilized world The indulgence and practice are so general and common that men seldom seek to cover up their acts or go in disguise 49 The average house held five to twenty working girls some higher end brothels also employed staff servants musicians and a bouncer The typical brothel contained several bedrooms all furnished Some upscale brothels were much larger such is the case with that owned by Mary Ann Hall of Arlington Virginia 50 It is described as a rather grand house with twenty five rooms and was enclosed by a brick wall The interior was elegantly furnished The principal rooms on the first floor contained large oil paintings Brussels carpets red plush parlor furniture etageres a shelf for small ornaments and numerous items of silver plate 51 An archeological dig of the area outside of Mary Ann Hall s estate revealed refuse of a quality superior to that in surrounding working class areas This included many champagne bottles and corks wire cages from such bottles perfume bottles high quality porcelain with gilt edging along with remnants of exotic foods coconut shells and berry seeds bones from beef fish and pork indicating that elegant meals were being eaten at this high class brothel 52 These five and ten dollar parlor houses attracted wealthy men who used the facilities much as a gentlemen s social club 53 where they made business and political connections met with associates and had exquisite dinners with wine champagne and women Brothels were not only for the wealthy One dollar houses were visited by those of the working class A 1910 Kansas vice report compares the two A few brothels were equipped with expensive furniture and furnishings including the finest of upholstered chairs well done paintings and costly rugs while others were hovels of repulsive squalor 54 Women joined brothels from all walks of life The average prostitute was approximately 21 55 but many were as young as 13 or as old as 50 Typically thought of as an escape for young poor troubled women brothels sometimes attracted those less expected Trained musicians and singers sometimes were lured into it by their interest in easy money and fun times 56 Some others turned to brothels to get out of boring abusive or otherwise unfulfilling marriages Although they might be from varied classes ethnicities and ages most women who began or joined brothels had a shared goal quick money 55 Many found themselves always indebted to their mistresses Lack of credit made a prostitute unable to buy items necessary for her trade powder cosmetics perfumes and evening wear and she was forced to buy them through her madam 57 Some madams often former prostitutes themselves rose to become independently wealthy One was Mary Ann Hall of Arlington Virginia Clearly attractive and a good businesswoman Mary Ann purchased a lot and built a brick house That would be the location of an upscale brothel for another 40 years sitting right at the foot of Capitol Hill Her brothel was very lucrative and Mary Ann was able to buy multiple slaves and a summer home She was responsible for the behavior of her prostitutes which could prove challenging since drug abuse was common A large focus for madams was keeping their business transactions discreet and staying on the good side of the law which they did by contributing money to charitable organizations schools and churches Despite those efforts much of the profit still went to legal fines and fees since prostitution was largely illegal Timely payment of these fines could guarantee a madam that her business could continue without fear of being shut down usually Brothels were expected to pay significantly higher rent than other tenants 58 Another upscale bordello was the Big Brick in Charleston South Carolina built and operated by Grace Peixotto the daughter of the Rev Solomon Cohen Peixotto and the madam of the most infamous brothel in the history of the city 59 A madam stayed involved in her business Running a house with so many in it required skill A brothel required the purchase of regular food and food preparation A madam had to monitor the cleanliness of the brothel including the sheets which had to be changed several times in an evening and a stock of wines and liquors for clientele She was the boss of the brothel and so a madam fired and hired servants maids and prostitutes New faces in the brothel were desired by patrons and so madams had to find new women to recruit Sometimes that meant taking in a less than desired woman but one with youth and good looks The new prostitute received training cosmetics and clothes from the madam A prostitute from Kansas City is recorded as saying that she is no match for the proper behavior and dress required for the famous Ice Palace in Chicago 60 Disorderly houses or any other dwelling used for purposes of selling sex or other lewd acts in the early 20th century were illegal with a few exceptions the states of Arkansas Kentucky Louisiana New Mexico and South Carolina Penalties could range from 1 000 and time in jail to much smaller fines 47 Military brothels edit Until recently in several armies around the world mobile brothels were attached to the army as auxiliary units especially attached to combat units on long term deployments abroad Because it is a controversial subject military brothels and the women who provided sex services in them were often designated with creative euphemisms Examples of such jargon are la boite a bonbons the sweet box replacing the term bordel militaire de campagne France used mobile brothels during the First World War the Second World War and the First Indochina War to supply sex services to French soldiers who were facing combat in areas where brothels were unusual such as at the front line or in isolated garrisons 61 62 Brothels were outlawed in France in 1946 but the French Foreign Legion continued to use mobile brothels until the late 1990s During the Second World War women drawn from throughout the Far East were forced into sexual slavery by the occupation armies of Imperial Japan in brothels known as Ianjo 63 These women were referred to as comfort women kanji 慰安婦 hiragana いあんふ During the Second World War in Europe Nazi Germany created military brothels where an estimated 34 140 enslaved women from Nazi occupied Europe particularly Poland were forced to work as prostitutes in brothels 64 After the Japanese surrender following the Second World War the Japanese government formed the Recreation and Amusement Association and recruited 55 000 of its patriotic women to sacrifice themselves to the G I occupation to protect the chastity of pure Japanese womenfolk 65 In South Korea women who worked as prostitutes for UN forces were called Western princesses Between the 1950s and 1960s 60 of South Korean prostitutes worked near the US military bases 66 Since the mid 1990s Filipina women have worked as prostitutes for U S servicemen in South Korea 67 68 69 In 2010 the Philippine government stopped approving contracts that promoters use to bring Filipinas to South Korea to work near U S military bases 70 nbsp A Bordel militaire de campagne in Morocco in the 1920s nbsp German soldiers entering a Soldatenbordell in Brest France 1940 The building is a former synagogue nbsp A young Chinese woman from one of the Imperial Japanese Army s comfort battalions is interviewed by a British Royal Air Force officer in Rangoon after being liberated in August 1945 nbsp U S servicemen entering Recreation and Amusement Association during Occupation of Japan nbsp The registration of Western princesses in South Korea on September 13 1961 Sex doll brothel editA number of brothels offering only sex dolls exist in Japan There is also one in Barcelona and one named Bordoll opened in Germany 71 Another was set to open on 8 September 2018 in Toronto Canada though it was deemed to be contrary to a by law in the city forcing its shutdown 72 Australia has recently seen its first sex doll available for use in a brothel as well 73 In February 2018 another opened in Aarhus Denmark 74 In 2018 xDolls in Paris raised controversy in that the French government deemed it did not violate the prohibition of brothels 75 See also edit nbsp Prostitution portalArtemis Barbary Coast San Francisco Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others Gay bathhouse Lupanar Pompeii Maxim Wien Pimp Prostitution Sex on Premises Venue Sex worker Soapland SpintriaReferences edit Frasch Timo June 8 2006 Die Welt zu Gast bei Freundinnen Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in German Archived from the original on November 1 2007 Retrieved August 18 2021 Reading Times from Reading Pennsylvania on October 8 1883 Page 1 Newspapers com 8 October 1883 Archived from the original on 2021 10 16 Retrieved 2020 01 31 Definition of BROTHEL www merriam webster com Archived from the original on 2022 08 26 Retrieved 2017 03 02 Carroll 2015 p 492 General Assembly resolution 317 IV United Nations Treaty Collection Archived from the original on 7 September 2015 Retrieved 29 September 2016 Decriminalisation integral to the fight against HIV Archived 2014 04 09 at the Wayback Machine Michael Kirby amp Michael Wong Australian Broadcasting Corporation 13 July 2012 Risks Rights amp Health Archived 2015 09 24 at the Wayback Machine GLOBAL COMMISSION ON HIV AND THE LAW UNDP HIV AIDS Group July 2012 page 43 Recommendation Repeal laws that prohibit consenting adults to buy or sell sex as well as laws that otherwise prohibit commercial sex such as laws against immoral earnings living off the earnings of prostitution and brothel keeping AIDS used as reason to legalize prostitutes The Washington Times Archived from the original on 2017 02 02 Retrieved 2017 03 02 European Women s Lobby Europeen des femmes Prostitution in Europe 60 Years of Reluctance Womenslobby eu Archived from the original on 2013 01 06 Retrieved 2013 09 03 Punish the client not the prostitute News European Parliament News European Parliament 2014 02 26 Archived from the original on 2015 10 13 Retrieved 2017 03 02 NSW papers urged to cut brothel ads ABC news ABC News in Bulgarian Abc net au 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for the truth The Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus March 8 2007 archived from the original on January 9 2009 retrieved 2008 12 15 Herbermann 2000 p 33 34 Kristof Nicholas 1995 10 27 Fearing G I Occupiers Japan Urged Women into Brothels The New York Times Archived from the original on 2013 07 03 Retrieved 2013 05 18 Clough amp Halley 2007 p 163 Cho 2008 p 104 EDITORIALS Deliver them from hell Joongang Daily 2002 10 19 Archived from the original on 2013 06 13 Retrieved 2013 04 08 a href Template Cite news html title Template Cite news cite news a CS1 maint unfit URL link Filipinas forced into prostitution on the rise in S Korea Hankyoreh 2009 12 01 Archived from the original on 2013 05 08 Retrieved 2013 05 18 Rabiroff Jon September 26 2009 Philippine Embassy has watch list of suspect bars in South Korea Stars and Stripes Archived from the original on 2013 04 30 Retrieved 2013 05 18 Rabiroff Jon June 18 2010 Report on human trafficking cites South Korean juicy bars Stars and Stripes Archived from the original on 2013 04 29 Retrieved 2013 05 18 Inside Germany s first sex doll brothel 13 January 2018 Archived from the original on 19 April 2018 Retrieved 18 April 2018 Toronto councillor says new sex doll brothel breaks city bylaws CBC News 28 August 2018 Archived from the original on 31 August 2018 Retrieved 31 August 2018 Sex Toy Carmen Pryana Rose Brisbane Brothel Archived from the original on 2018 12 05 Retrieved 2018 12 05 Dukkebordel er abnet i Aarhus Kunderne er helt almindelige maend stiften dk in Danish 28 February 2018 Archived from the original on 7 April 2019 Retrieved 7 April 2019 Paris sex doll brothel to stay open despite protests CNET Bibliography editBennett Judith M 1989 Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages University of Chicago Press ISBN 9780226042473 Carroll Janell L 2 January 2015 Sexuality Now Embracing Diversity Cengage Learning ISBN 978 1 305 44603 8 Cho Grace M 2008 Haunting the Korean Diaspora Shame Secrecy and the Forgotten War U of Minnesota Press ISBN 9780816652747 Clough Patricia Ticineto Halley Jean 2007 The Affective Turn Theorizing the Social Duke University Press ISBN 978 0822389606 Fernando Henrique 1963 Prostitution in Europe and the New World London MacGibbon amp Kee Herbermann Nanda 2000 The Blessed Abyss Inmate 6582 in Ravensbruck Concentration Camp for Women Wayne State University Press ISBN 978 0814329207 Jackson Julian 2009 Living in Arcadia Homosexuality Politics and Morality in France from the Liberation to AIDS University of Chicago Press ISBN 9780226389288 Johnson Fred 1911 The Social Evil in Kansas Annual Report of the Board of Public Welfare of Kansas City Kansas City Missouri Cline printing Jones Mark R 2006 Wicked Charleston Prostitutes Politics and Prohibition Arcadia Publishing ISBN 9781614230335 Karras Ruth Mazo 1996 Common Women Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England Oxford University Press ISBN 9780198022794 Kneeland George Jackson Davis Katharine Bement 1913 Commercialized Prostitution in New York City Century Company Levy David 2007 Love and Sex with Robots Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies Springer Singapore ISBN 978 981 4560 49 8 McKell Jan 2009 Red Light Women of the Rocky Mountains Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press Milner Associates Inventory of Mary Ann Hall s estate Archeological Data Recovery Murphy Emmett 1983 Great Bordellos of the World An Illustrated History Quartet Books ISBN 9780704323957 Regan Geoffrey 1992 The Guinness Book of Military Anecdotes Canopy Books ISBN 9781558594418 0851125190 Rosen Ruth 1983 The Lost Sisterhood Prostitution in America 1900 1918 Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 978 0801826658 Walford Edward 1878 Southwark Winchester House and Barclay s Brewery Old and New London Volume 6 London Cassell Petter amp Galpin Walkoitz Judith K October 29 1982 Prostitution and Victorian Society Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0521270649 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Webb Willard J October 2004 Mary Ann Hall Arlington s illustrious madam The Arlington Historical Magazine Vol 12 no 4 Arlington VA Windrow Martin 2004 The Last Valley Dien Bien Phu and the French Defeat in Vietnam Perseus Books Group ISBN 9780306813863 Woolston Howard B 1969 Prostitution in the United States Prior to the Entrance of the United States into the World War Montclair New Jersey Patterson Smith Further reading editBurford E J The Bishop s Brothels London Robert Hale 1993 ISBN 978 0 7090 5113 8 Ka tzetnik 135633 Karol Cetinsky House of Dolls Moshe M Kohn trans New York Simon and Schuster 1955 A novel about the Holocaust including a description of a brothel staffed by concentration camp inmates External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Brothel nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Brothel Inside a brothel interview by Richard Fidler with three brothel owners June 2006 on ABC Local Radio audio download available France s military brothels Hidden history of the First World War Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Brothel amp oldid 1217687999, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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