

Amoebozoa is a major taxonomic group containing about 2,400 described species of amoeboid protists,[7] often possessing blunt, fingerlike, lobose pseudopods and tubular mitochondrial cristae.[6][8] In traditional classification schemes, Amoebozoa is usually ranked as a phylum within either the kingdom Protista[9] or the kingdom Protozoa.[10][11] In the classification favored by the International Society of Protistologists, it is retained as an unranked "supergroup" within Eukaryota.[6] Molecular genetic analysis supports Amoebozoa as a monophyletic clade. Modern studies of eukaryotic phylogenetic trees identify it as the sister group to Opisthokonta, another major clade which contains both fungi and animals as well as several other clades comprising some 300 species of unicellular eukaryotes.[7][8] Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta are sometimes grouped together in a high-level taxon, variously named Unikonta,[10] Amorphea[6] or Opimoda.[12]

Amoebozoa includes many of the best-known amoeboid organisms, such as Chaos, Entamoeba, Pelomyxa and the genus Amoeba itself. Species of Amoebozoa may be either shelled (testate) or naked, and cells may possess flagella. Free-living species are common in both salt and freshwater as well as soil, moss and leaf litter. Some live as parasites or symbionts of other organisms, and some are known to cause disease in humans and other organisms.

While the majority of amoebozoan species are unicellular, the group also includes several clades of slime molds, which have a macroscopic, multicellular stage of life during which individual amoeboid cells remain together after multiple cell division to form a macroscopic plasmodium or, in cellular slime molds, aggregate to form one.

Amoebozoa vary greatly in size. Some are only 10–20 μm in diameter, while others are among the largest protozoa. The well-known species Amoeba proteus, which may reach 800 μm in length, is often studied in schools and laboratories as a representative cell or model organism, partly because of its convenient size. Multinucleate amoebae like Chaos and Pelomyxa may be several millimetres in length, and some multicellular amoebozoa, such as the "dog vomit" slime mold Fuligo septica, can cover an area of several square meters.[13]

Morphology edit

An amoeba of the genus Mayorella (Amoebozoa, Discosea)

Amoebozoa is a large and diverse group, but certain features are common to many of its members. The amoebozoan cell is typically divided into a granular central mass, called endoplasm, and a clear outer layer, called ectoplasm. During locomotion, the endoplasm flows forwards and the ectoplasm runs backwards along the outside of the cell. In motion, many amoebozoans have a clearly defined anterior and posterior and may assume a "monopodial" form, with the entire cell functioning as a single pseudopod. Large pseudopods may produce numerous clear projections called subpseudopodia (or determinate pseudopodia), which are extended to a certain length and then retracted, either for the purpose of locomotion or food intake. A cell may also form multiple indeterminate pseudopodia, through which the entire contents of the cell flow in the direction of locomotion. These are more or less tubular and are mostly filled with granular endoplasm. The cell mass flows into a leading pseudopod, and the others ultimately retract, unless the organism changes direction.[14]

While most amoebozoans are "naked," like the familiar Amoeba and Chaos, or covered with a loose coat of minute scales, like Cochliopodium and Korotnevella, members of the order Arcellinida form rigid shells, or tests, equipped with a single aperture through which the pseudopods emerge. Arcellinid tests may be secreted from organic materials, as in Arcella, or built up from collected particles cemented together, as in Difflugia.

In all amoebozoa, the primary mode of nutrition is phagocytosis, in which the cell surrounds potential food particles with its pseudopods, sealing them into vacuoles within which they may be digested and absorbed. Some amoebozoans have a posterior bulb called a uroid, which may serve to accumulate waste, periodically detaching from the rest of the cell.[citation needed] When food is scarce, most species can form cysts, which may be carried aerially and introduce them to new environments.[citation needed] In slime moulds, these structures are called spores, and form on stalked structures called fruiting bodies or sporangia. Mixotrophic species living in a symbiotic relationship with microalgae of the genus Chlorella, which lives inside the cytoplasm of their host, have been found in Arcellinida and Mayorella.[15][16]

The majority of Amoebozoa lack flagella and more generally do not form microtubule-supported structures except during mitosis. However, flagella do occur among the Archamoebae, and many slime moulds produce biflagellate gametes[citation needed]. The flagellum is generally anchored by a cone of microtubules, suggesting a close relationship to the opisthokonts.[citation needed] The mitochondria in amoebozoan cells characteristically have branching tubular cristae. However, among the Archamoebae, which are adapted to anoxic or microaerophilic habitats, mitochondria have been lost.

Classification edit

Place of Amoebozoa in the eukaryote tree edit

It appears (based on molecular genetics) that the members of Amoebozoa form a sister group to animals and fungi, diverging from this lineage after it had split from the other groups,[17] as illustrated below in a simplified diagram:

Strong similarities between Amoebozoa and Opisthokonts lead to the hypothesis that they form a distinct clade.[18] Thomas Cavalier-Smith proposed the name "unikonts" (formally, Unikonta) for this branch, whose members were believed to have been descended from a common ancestor possessing a single emergent flagellum rooted in one basal body.[1][2] However, while the close relationship between Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta is robustly supported, recent work has shown that the hypothesis of a uniciliate ancestor is probably false. In their Revised Classification of Eukaryotes (2012), Adl et al. proposed Amorphea as a more suitable name for a clade of approximately the same composition, a sister group to the Diaphoretickes.[6] More recent work places the members of Amorphea together with the malawimonids and collodictyonids in a proposed clade called Opimoda, which comprises one of two major lineages diverging at the root of the eukaryote tree of life, the other being Diphoda.[12]

Subphyla within Amoebozoa: Lobosa and Conosa edit

Traditionally all amoebozoa with lobose pseudopods were grouped together in the class Lobosea, placed with other amoeboids in the phylum Sarcodina or Rhizopoda, but these were considered to be unnatural groups. Structural and genetic studies identified the percolozoans and several archamoebae as independent groups. In phylogenies based on rRNA their representatives were separate from other amoebae, and appeared to diverge near the base of eukaryotic evolution, as did most slime molds.

However, revised trees by Cavalier-Smith and Chao in 1996[19] suggested that the remaining lobosans do form a monophyletic group, to which the Archamoebae and Mycetozoa were closely related, although the percolozoans were not. Subsequently, they emended the phylum Amoebozoa to include both the subphylum Lobosa and a new subphylum Conosa, comprising the Archamoebae and the Mycetozoa.[3]

Recent molecular genetic data appear to support this primary division of the Amoebozoa into Lobosa and Conosa.[8] The former, as defined by Cavalier-Smith and his collaborators, consists largely of the classic Lobosea: non-flagellated amoebae with blunt, lobose pseudopods (Amoeba, Acanthamoeba, Arcella, Difflugia etc.). The latter is made up of both amoeboid and flagellated cells, characteristically with more pointed or slightly branching subpseudopodia (Archamoebae and the Mycetozoan slime molds).

Phylogeny and taxonomy within Amoebozoa edit

From older studies by Cavalier-Smith, Chao & Lewis 2016[20] and Silar 2016.[21] Also recent phylogeny indicates the Lobosa are paraphyletic: Conosa is sister of the Cutosea.[5][22][23]

Amoebozoa phylogeny




















Phylum Amoebozoa Lühe 1913 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1998 [Amoebobiota; Eumycetozoa Zopf 1884 emend Olive 1975]

  • Clade Discosea Cavalier-Smith 2004 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
  • Clade Tevosa Kang et al. 2017
    • Clade Tubulinea Smirnov et al. 2005 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
      • Class Corycidia Kang et al. 2017 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
      • Class Echinamoebia Cavalier-Smith 2016 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
      • Class Elardia Kang et al. 2017 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
        • Subclass Leptomyxia Cavalier-Smith 2016
        • Subclass Eulobosia Cavalier-Smith 2016
    • Clade Evosea Kang et al. 2017 stat. nov. Adl et al. 2018
      • Clade Cutosa Cavalier-Smith 2016 stat. nov.
      • Subphylum Conosa Cavalier-Smith 1998 stat. nov.
        • Infraphylum Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. n. 1998
        • Infraphylum Semiconosia Cavalier-Smith 2013
          • Class Variosea Cavalier-Smith et al. 2004
            • Order ?Flamellidae Cavalier-Smith 2016
            • Order ?Holomastigida Lauterborn 1895 [Artodiscida Cavalier-Smith 2013]
            • Order Phalansteriida Hibberd 1983
            • Order Ramamoebida Cavalier-Smith 2016
            • Order Profiliida Kang et al. 2017 [Protosteliida Olive & Stoianovitch 1966 em. Shadwick & Spiegel 2012]
            • Order Fractovitellida Lahr et al. 2011 em. Kang et al. 2017
          • Superclass Mycetozoa de Bary, 1859 ex Rostafinski, 1873
            • Class Dictyostelea Hawksworth et al. 1983
              • Order Acytosteliales Baldauf, Sheikh & Thulin 2017
              • Order Dictyosteliales Lister 1909 em. Olive 1970
            • Class Ceratiomyxomycetes Hawksworth, Sutton & Ainsworth 1983
            • Class Myxomycetes Link 1833 em. Haeckel 1866 [24]
              • Subclass Lucisporomycetidae Leontyev et al. 2019
                • Superorder Cribrarianae Leontyev 2015
                  • Order Cribrariales Macbr. 1922
                • Superorder Trichianae Leontyev 2015
                  • Order Reticulariales Leontyev 2015
                  • Order Liceales Jahn 1928
                  • Order Trichiales Macbride 1922
              • Subclass Columellomycetidae Leontyev et al. 2019
                • Order ?Echinosteliopsidales Shchepin et al.
                • Superorder Echinostelianae Leontyev 2015
                • Superorder Stemonitanae Leontyev 2015 [Fuscisporida Cavalier-Smith 2012]
                  • Order Clastodermatales Leontyev 2015
                  • Order Meridermatales Leontyev 2015
                  • Order Stemonitales Macbride 1922
                  • Order Physarales Macbride 1922

Fossil record edit

Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) discovered around the world show that amoebozoans have existed since the Neoproterozoic Era. The fossil species Melanocyrillium hexodiadema, Palaeoarcella athanata, and Hemisphaeriella ornata come from rocks 750 million years old. All three VSMs share a hemispherical shape, invaginated aperture, and regular indentations, that strongly resemble modern arcellinids, which are shell-bearing amoebozoans belonging to the class Tubulinea. P. athanata in particular looks the same as the extant genus Arcella.[1][25]

List of amoebozoan protozoa pathogenic to humans edit

Meiosis edit

The recently available Acanthamoeba genome sequence revealed several orthologs of genes employed in meiosis of sexual eukaryotes. These genes included Spo11, Mre11, Rad50, Rad51, Rad52, Mnd1, Dmc1, Msh and Mlh.[26] This finding suggests that Acanthamoeba is capable of some form of meiosis and may be able to undergo sexual reproduction.

In sexually reproducing eukaryotes, homologous recombination (HR) ordinarily occurs during meiosis. The meiosis-specific recombinase, Dmc1, is required for efficient meiotic HR, and Dmc1 is expressed in Entamoeba histolytica.[27] The purified Dmc1 from E. histolytica forms presynaptic filaments and catalyzes ATP-dependent homologous DNA pairing and DNA strand exchange over at least several thousand base pairs.[27] The DNA pairing and strand exchange reactions are enhanced by the eukaryotic meiosis-specific recombination accessory factor (heterodimer) Hop2-Mnd1.[27] These processes are central to meiotic recombination, suggesting that E. histolytica undergoes meiosis.[27]

Studies of Entamoeba invadens found that, during the conversion from the tetraploid uninucleate trophozoite to the tetranucleate cyst, homologous recombination is enhanced.[28] Expression of genes with functions related to the major steps of meiotic recombination also increased during encystations.[28] These findings in E. invadens, combined with evidence from studies of E. histolytica indicate the presence of meiosis in the Entamoeba. A comparative genetic analysis indicated that meiotic processes are present in all major amoebozoan lineages.[29]

Since Amoebozoa diverged early from the eukaryotic family tree, these results also suggest that meiosis was present early in eukaryotic evolution.

Human health edit

Amoebiasis, also known as amebiasis or entamoebiasis,[30][31] is an infection caused by any of the amoebozoans of the Entamoeba group. Symptoms are most common upon infection by Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebiasis can present with no, mild, or severe symptoms. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, mild diarrhoea, bloody diarrhea or severe colitis with tissue death and perforation. This last complication may cause peritonitis. People affected may develop anemia due to loss of blood.[32]

Invasion of the intestinal lining causes amoebic bloody diarrhea or amoebic colitis. If the parasite reaches the bloodstream it can spread through the body, most frequently ending up in the liver where it causes amoebic liver abscesses. Liver abscesses can occur without previous diarrhea. Cysts of Entamoeba can survive for up to a month in soil or for up to 45 minutes under fingernails. It is important to differentiate between amoebiasis and bacterial colitis. The preferred diagnostic method is through faecal examination under microscope, but requires a skilled microscopist and may not be reliable when excluding infection. This method however may not be able to separate between specific types. Increased white blood cell count is present in severe cases, but not in mild ones. The most accurate test is for antibodies in the blood, but it may remain positive following treatment.[32]

Prevention of amoebiasis is by separating food and water from faeces and by proper sanitation measures. There is no vaccine. There are two treatment options depending on the location of the infection. Amoebiasis in tissues is treated with either metronidazole, tinidazole, nitazoxanide, dehydroemetine or chloroquine, while luminal infection is treated with diloxanide furoate or iodoquinoline. For treatment to be effective against all stages of the amoeba may require a combination of medications. Infections without symptoms do not require treatment but infected individuals can spread the parasite to others and treatment can be considered. Treatment of other Entamoeba infections apart from E. histolytica is not needed.[32]

Amoebiasis is present all over the world.[33] About 480 million people are infected with what appears to be E. histolytica and these result in the death of between 40,000–110,000 people every year. Most infections are now ascribed to E. dispar. E. dispar is more common in certain areas and symptomatic cases may be fewer than previously reported. The first case of amoebiasis was documented in 1875 and in 1891 the disease was described in detail, resulting in the terms amoebic dysentery and amoebic liver abscess. Further evidence from the Philippines in 1913 found that upon ingesting cysts of E. histolytica volunteers developed the disease. It has been known since 1897 that at least one non-disease-causing species of Entamoeba existed (Entamoeba coli), but it was first formally recognized by the WHO in 1997 that E. histolytica was two species, despite this having first been proposed in 1925. In addition to the now-recognized E. dispar evidence shows there are at least two other species of Entamoeba that look the same in humans - E. moshkovskii and Entamoeba bangladeshi. The reason these species haven't been differentiated until recently is because of the reliance on appearance.[32]

Gallery edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ The oldest fossils are dated at 800 Mya,[1] but molecular clocks estimate the divergence time of Amoebozoa between 1624 and 1384 Mya.[2]
  2. ^ The term Eumycetozoa, before its redefinition in 2017,[5] was considered to be equal to Amoebozoa.[6]

References edit

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  20. ^ Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE, Lewis R (June 2016). "187-gene phylogeny of protozoan phylum Amoebozoa reveals a new class (Cutosea) of deep-branching, ultrastructurally unique, enveloped marine Lobosa and clarifies amoeba evolution". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 99: 275–296. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.03.023. PMID 27001604.
  21. ^ Silar P (2016). "Protistes Eucaryotes: Origine, Evolution et Biologie des Microbes Eucaryotes" (PDF). HAL archives-ouvertes. Creative Commons. pp. 1–462. ISBN 978-2-9555841-0-1.
  22. ^ Pánek T, Zadrobílková E, Walker G, Brown MW, Gentekaki E, Hroudová M, et al. (May 2016). "First multigene analysis of Archamoebae (Amoebozoa: Conosa) robustly reveals its phylogeny and shows that Entamoebidae represents a deep lineage of the group". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 98: 41–51. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.01.011. PMID 26826602.
  23. ^ Leontyev, Dmitry V.; Schnittler, Martin; Stephenson, Steven L.; Novozhilov, Yuri K.; Shchepin, Oleg N. (March 2019). "Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Myxomycetes". Phytotaxa. 399 (3): 209–238. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.399.3.5. S2CID 108783142.
  24. ^ Wijayawardene, Nalin; Hyde, Kevin; Al-Ani, LKT; Dolatabadi, S; Stadler, Marc; Haelewaters, Danny; et al. (2020). "Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa". Mycosphere. 11: 1060–1456. doi:10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8. hdl:11336/151990.
  25. ^ Porter SM (2006). "The Proterozoic Fossil Record of Heterotrophic Eukaryotes". In Xiao S, Kaufman AJ (eds.). Neoproterozoic Geolobiology and Paleobiology. Topics in Geobiology. Vol. 27. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. pp. 1–21. doi:10.1007/1-4020-5202-2. ISBN 978-1-4020-5201-9.
  26. ^ Khan NA, Siddiqui R (June 2015). "Is there evidence of sexual reproduction (meiosis) in Acanthamoeba?". Pathogens and Global Health. 109 (4): 193–5. doi:10.1179/2047773215Y.0000000009. PMC 4530557. PMID 25800982.
  27. ^ a b c d Kelso AA, Say AF, Sharma D, Ledford LL, Turchick A, Saski CA, King AV, Attaway CC, Temesvari LA, Sehorn MG (2015). "Entamoeba histolytica Dmc1 Catalyzes Homologous DNA Pairing and Strand Exchange That Is Stimulated by Calcium and Hop2-Mnd1". PLOS ONE. 10 (9): e0139399. Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1039399K. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139399. PMC 4589404. PMID 26422142.
  28. ^ a b Singh N, Bhattacharya A, Bhattacharya S (2013). "Homologous recombination occurs in Entamoeba and is enhanced during growth stress and stage conversion". PLOS ONE. 8 (9): e74465. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...874465S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074465. PMC 3787063. PMID 24098652.
  29. ^ Hofstatter PG, Brown MW, Lahr DJG (November 2018). "Comparative genomics supports sex and meiosis in diverse Amoebozoa". Genome Biol Evol. 10 (11): 3118–3128. doi:10.1093/gbe/evy241. PMC 6263441. PMID 30380054.
  30. ^ "Entamoebiasis - MeSH - NCBI". www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Retrieved 2015-07-21.
  31. ^ . mesh.kib.ki.se. Archived from the original on 2015-07-22. Retrieved 2015-07-21.
  32. ^ a b c d Farrar J, Hotez P, Junghanss T, Kang G, Lalloo D, White NJ (2013-10-26). Manson's Tropical Diseases. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 664–671. ISBN 978-0-7020-5306-1.
  33. ^ Beeching N, Gill G (2014-04-17). "19". Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 177–182. ISBN 978-1-118-73456-8.

Further reading edit

  • Schilde C, Schaap P (2013). "The Amoebozoa". Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 983. pp. 1–15. doi:10.1007/978-1-62703-302-2_1. ISBN 978-1-62703-301-5. PMC 4037983. PMID 23494299.

External links edit

  • Pawlowski J. . Molecular Systematics Group (MSG). Department of Zoology and Animal Biology, University of Geneva. Archived from the original on 2 January 2005.
  • Keeling P, Leander BS, Simpson A. "Tree of Life Eukaryotes". Tree of Life Project.
  • Leidy J (1879). "Amoeba Plates". Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office.
  • Amoebozoa at UniEuk Taxonomy App.

amoebozoa, major, taxonomic, group, containing, about, described, species, amoeboid, protists, often, possessing, blunt, fingerlike, lobose, pseudopods, tubular, mitochondrial, cristae, traditional, classification, schemes, usually, ranked, phylum, within, eit. Amoebozoa is a major taxonomic group containing about 2 400 described species of amoeboid protists 7 often possessing blunt fingerlike lobose pseudopods and tubular mitochondrial cristae 6 8 In traditional classification schemes Amoebozoa is usually ranked as a phylum within either the kingdom Protista 9 or the kingdom Protozoa 10 11 In the classification favored by the International Society of Protistologists it is retained as an unranked supergroup within Eukaryota 6 Molecular genetic analysis supports Amoebozoa as a monophyletic clade Modern studies of eukaryotic phylogenetic trees identify it as the sister group to Opisthokonta another major clade which contains both fungi and animals as well as several other clades comprising some 300 species of unicellular eukaryotes 7 8 Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta are sometimes grouped together in a high level taxon variously named Unikonta 10 Amorphea 6 or Opimoda 12 AmoebozoaTemporal range 800 0 Ma a Pha Proterozoic Archean Had Chaos carolinensisScientific classificationDomain EukaryotaClade AmorpheaPhylum AmoebozoaLuhe 1913 emend Cavalier Smith 1998 3 Clades 4 5 Tubulinea Discosea Evosea Cutosea Conosa Variosea Eumycetozoa ArchamoebeaSynonymsEumycetozoa Zopf 1884 emend Olive 1975 b Amoebozoa includes many of the best known amoeboid organisms such as Chaos Entamoeba Pelomyxa and the genus Amoeba itself Species of Amoebozoa may be either shelled testate or naked and cells may possess flagella Free living species are common in both salt and freshwater as well as soil moss and leaf litter Some live as parasites or symbionts of other organisms and some are known to cause disease in humans and other organisms While the majority of amoebozoan species are unicellular the group also includes several clades of slime molds which have a macroscopic multicellular stage of life during which individual amoeboid cells remain together after multiple cell division to form a macroscopic plasmodium or in cellular slime molds aggregate to form one Amoebozoa vary greatly in size Some are only 10 20 mm in diameter while others are among the largest protozoa The well known species Amoeba proteus which may reach 800 mm in length is often studied in schools and laboratories as a representative cell or model organism partly because of its convenient size Multinucleate amoebae like Chaos and Pelomyxa may be several millimetres in length and some multicellular amoebozoa such as the dog vomit slime mold Fuligo septica can cover an area of several square meters 13 Contents 1 Morphology 2 Classification 2 1 Place of Amoebozoa in the eukaryote tree 2 2 Subphyla within Amoebozoa Lobosa and Conosa 2 3 Phylogeny and taxonomy within Amoebozoa 3 Fossil record 4 List of amoebozoan protozoa pathogenic to humans 5 Meiosis 6 Human health 7 Gallery 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External linksMorphology edit nbsp An amoeba of the genus Mayorella Amoebozoa Discosea Amoebozoa is a large and diverse group but certain features are common to many of its members The amoebozoan cell is typically divided into a granular central mass called endoplasm and a clear outer layer called ectoplasm During locomotion the endoplasm flows forwards and the ectoplasm runs backwards along the outside of the cell In motion many amoebozoans have a clearly defined anterior and posterior and may assume a monopodial form with the entire cell functioning as a single pseudopod Large pseudopods may produce numerous clear projections called subpseudopodia or determinate pseudopodia which are extended to a certain length and then retracted either for the purpose of locomotion or food intake A cell may also form multiple indeterminate pseudopodia through which the entire contents of the cell flow in the direction of locomotion These are more or less tubular and are mostly filled with granular endoplasm The cell mass flows into a leading pseudopod and the others ultimately retract unless the organism changes direction 14 While most amoebozoans are naked like the familiar Amoeba and Chaos or covered with a loose coat of minute scales like Cochliopodium and Korotnevella members of the order Arcellinida form rigid shells or tests equipped with a single aperture through which the pseudopods emerge Arcellinid tests may be secreted from organic materials as in Arcella or built up from collected particles cemented together as in Difflugia In all amoebozoa the primary mode of nutrition is phagocytosis in which the cell surrounds potential food particles with its pseudopods sealing them into vacuoles within which they may be digested and absorbed Some amoebozoans have a posterior bulb called a uroid which may serve to accumulate waste periodically detaching from the rest of the cell citation needed When food is scarce most species can form cysts which may be carried aerially and introduce them to new environments citation needed In slime moulds these structures are called spores and form on stalked structures called fruiting bodies or sporangia Mixotrophic species living in a symbiotic relationship with microalgae of the genus Chlorella which lives inside the cytoplasm of their host have been found in Arcellinida and Mayorella 15 16 The majority of Amoebozoa lack flagella and more generally do not form microtubule supported structures except during mitosis However flagella do occur among the Archamoebae and many slime moulds produce biflagellate gametes citation needed The flagellum is generally anchored by a cone of microtubules suggesting a close relationship to the opisthokonts citation needed The mitochondria in amoebozoan cells characteristically have branching tubular cristae However among the Archamoebae which are adapted to anoxic or microaerophilic habitats mitochondria have been lost Classification editFurther information wikispecies Amoebozoa Place of Amoebozoa in the eukaryote tree edit It appears based on molecular genetics that the members of Amoebozoa form a sister group to animals and fungi diverging from this lineage after it had split from the other groups 17 as illustrated below in a simplified diagram Opimoda Loukozoa nbsp Podiata CRuMs nbsp Amorphea AmoebozoaObazoa Breviata nbsp Apusomonadida nbsp Opisthokonta Fungi nbsp Animalia nbsp Strong similarities between Amoebozoa and Opisthokonts lead to the hypothesis that they form a distinct clade 18 Thomas Cavalier Smith proposed the name unikonts formally Unikonta for this branch whose members were believed to have been descended from a common ancestor possessing a single emergent flagellum rooted in one basal body 1 2 However while the close relationship between Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta is robustly supported recent work has shown that the hypothesis of a uniciliate ancestor is probably false In their Revised Classification of Eukaryotes 2012 Adl et al proposed Amorphea as a more suitable name for a clade of approximately the same composition a sister group to the Diaphoretickes 6 More recent work places the members of Amorphea together with the malawimonids and collodictyonids in a proposed clade called Opimoda which comprises one of two major lineages diverging at the root of the eukaryote tree of life the other being Diphoda 12 See also Eukaryote Phylogeny Subphyla within Amoebozoa Lobosa and Conosa edit Traditionally all amoebozoa with lobose pseudopods were grouped together in the class Lobosea placed with other amoeboids in the phylum Sarcodina or Rhizopoda but these were considered to be unnatural groups Structural and genetic studies identified the percolozoans and several archamoebae as independent groups In phylogenies based on rRNA their representatives were separate from other amoebae and appeared to diverge near the base of eukaryotic evolution as did most slime molds However revised trees by Cavalier Smith and Chao in 1996 19 suggested that the remaining lobosans do form a monophyletic group to which the Archamoebae and Mycetozoa were closely related although the percolozoans were not Subsequently they emended the phylum Amoebozoa to include both the subphylum Lobosa and a new subphylum Conosa comprising the Archamoebae and the Mycetozoa 3 Recent molecular genetic data appear to support this primary division of the Amoebozoa into Lobosa and Conosa 8 The former as defined by Cavalier Smith and his collaborators consists largely of the classic Lobosea non flagellated amoebae with blunt lobose pseudopods Amoeba Acanthamoeba Arcella Difflugia etc The latter is made up of both amoeboid and flagellated cells characteristically with more pointed or slightly branching subpseudopodia Archamoebae and the Mycetozoan slime molds Phylogeny and taxonomy within Amoebozoa edit From older studies by Cavalier Smith Chao amp Lewis 2016 20 and Silar 2016 21 Also recent phylogeny indicates the Lobosa are paraphyletic Conosa is sister of the Cutosea 5 22 23 Amoebozoa phylogenyDiscosea Centramoebia CentramoebidaHimatismenidaHimatismenidaFlabellinia ThecamoebidaDermamoebidaVannellidaDactylopodidaTevosa Tubulinea Corycidia TrichosidaMicrocoryciidaeEchinamoebia EchinamoebidaElardia Leptomyxia LeptomyxidaEulobosia EuamoebidaArcellinidaEvosida Cutosea SquamocutidaConosa Archamoebae Archamoebea EntamoebidaPelobiontidaSemiconosia Variosea PhalansteriidaFlamellidaeRamamoebidaProfiliidaFractovitellidaEumycetozoa Dictyostelea AcytostelialesDictyosteliidaMyxogastria Ceratiomyxomycetes CeratiomyxidaProtosporangiidaMyxomycetes Lucisporomycetidae Cribrarianae CribrarialesTrichianae ReticularialesLiceidaTrichiidaColumellomycetidae Echinostelianae EchinosteliidaStemonitanae ClastodermatalesMeridermatalesStemonitalesPhysaralesPhylum Amoebozoa Luhe 1913 emend Cavalier Smith 1998 Amoebobiota Eumycetozoa Zopf 1884 emend Olive 1975 Clade Discosea Cavalier Smith 2004 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Order Stereomyxida Grell 1971 Order Stygamoebida Smirnov amp Cavalier Smith 2011 Class Centramoebia Cavalier Smith et al 2016 Order Centramoebida Rogerson amp Patterson 2002 em Cavalier Smith 2004 Order Himatismenida Page 1987 Cochliopodiida Order Pellitida Page 1987 Cochliopodiida Class Flabellinia Smirnov amp Cavalier Smith 2011 em Kudryavtsev et al 2014 Order Thecamoebida Schaeffer 1926 em Smirnov amp Cavalier Smith 2011 Order Dermamoebida Cavalier Smith 2004 em Smirnov amp Cavalier Smith 2011 Order Vannellida Smirnov et al 2005 Order Dactylopodida Smirnov et al 2005 Clade Tevosa Kang et al 2017 Clade Tubulinea Smirnov et al 2005 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Class Corycidia Kang et al 2017 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Order Trichosida Moebius 1889 Family Microcoryciidae de Saedeleer 1934 Class Echinamoebia Cavalier Smith 2016 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Order Echinamoebida Cavalier Smith 2004 em 2011 Class Elardia Kang et al 2017 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Subclass Leptomyxia Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Leptomyxida Pussard amp Pons 1976 em Page 1987 Subclass Eulobosia Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Euamoebida Lepsi 1960 em Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Arcellinida Kent 1880 Clade Evosea Kang et al 2017 stat nov Adl et al 2018 Clade Cutosa Cavalier Smith 2016 stat nov Class Cutosea Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Squamocutida Cavalier Smith 2016 Subphylum Conosa Cavalier Smith 1998 stat nov Infraphylum Archamoebae Cavalier Smith 1993 stat n 1998 Class Archamoebea Cavalier Smith 1983 stat n 2004 Family Tricholimacidae Cavalier Smith 2013 Family Endamoebidae Calkins 1926 Order Entamoebida Cavalier Smith 1993 Order Pelobiontida Page 1976 emend Cavalier Smith 1987 Infraphylum Semiconosia Cavalier Smith 2013 Class Variosea Cavalier Smith et al 2004 Order Flamellidae Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Holomastigida Lauterborn 1895 Artodiscida Cavalier Smith 2013 Order Phalansteriida Hibberd 1983 Order Ramamoebida Cavalier Smith 2016 Order Profiliida Kang et al 2017 Protosteliida Olive amp Stoianovitch 1966 em Shadwick amp Spiegel 2012 Order Fractovitellida Lahr et al 2011 em Kang et al 2017 Superclass Mycetozoa de Bary 1859 ex Rostafinski 1873 Class Dictyostelea Hawksworth et al 1983 Order Acytosteliales Baldauf Sheikh amp Thulin 2017 Order Dictyosteliales Lister 1909 em Olive 1970 Class Ceratiomyxomycetes Hawksworth Sutton amp Ainsworth 1983 Order Protosporangiida Shadwick amp Spiegel 2012 Order Ceratiomyxida Martin 1961 ex Farr amp Alexopoulos Class Myxomycetes Link 1833 em Haeckel 1866 24 Subclass Lucisporomycetidae Leontyev et al 2019 Superorder Cribrarianae Leontyev 2015 Order Cribrariales Macbr 1922 Superorder Trichianae Leontyev 2015 Order Reticulariales Leontyev 2015 Order Liceales Jahn 1928 Order Trichiales Macbride 1922 Subclass Columellomycetidae Leontyev et al 2019 Order Echinosteliopsidales Shchepin et al Superorder Echinostelianae Leontyev 2015 Order Echinosteliales Martin 1961 Superorder Stemonitanae Leontyev 2015 Fuscisporida Cavalier Smith 2012 Order Clastodermatales Leontyev 2015 Order Meridermatales Leontyev 2015 Order Stemonitales Macbride 1922 Order Physarales Macbride 1922Fossil record editVase shaped microfossils VSMs discovered around the world show that amoebozoans have existed since the Neoproterozoic Era The fossil species Melanocyrillium hexodiadema Palaeoarcella athanata and Hemisphaeriella ornata come from rocks 750 million years old All three VSMs share a hemispherical shape invaginated aperture and regular indentations that strongly resemble modern arcellinids which are shell bearing amoebozoans belonging to the class Tubulinea P athanata in particular looks the same as the extant genus Arcella 1 25 List of amoebozoan protozoa pathogenic to humans editEntamoeba histolytica Acanthamoeba Balamuthia mandrillaris EndolimaxMeiosis editThe recently available Acanthamoeba genome sequence revealed several orthologs of genes employed in meiosis of sexual eukaryotes These genes included Spo11 Mre11 Rad50 Rad51 Rad52 Mnd1 Dmc1 Msh and Mlh 26 This finding suggests that Acanthamoeba is capable of some form of meiosis and may be able to undergo sexual reproduction In sexually reproducing eukaryotes homologous recombination HR ordinarily occurs during meiosis The meiosis specific recombinase Dmc1 is required for efficient meiotic HR and Dmc1 is expressed in Entamoeba histolytica 27 The purified Dmc1 from E histolytica forms presynaptic filaments and catalyzes ATP dependent homologous DNA pairing and DNA strand exchange over at least several thousand base pairs 27 The DNA pairing and strand exchange reactions are enhanced by the eukaryotic meiosis specific recombination accessory factor heterodimer Hop2 Mnd1 27 These processes are central to meiotic recombination suggesting that E histolytica undergoes meiosis 27 Studies of Entamoeba invadens found that during the conversion from the tetraploid uninucleate trophozoite to the tetranucleate cyst homologous recombination is enhanced 28 Expression of genes with functions related to the major steps of meiotic recombination also increased during encystations 28 These findings in E invadens combined with evidence from studies of E histolytica indicate the presence of meiosis in the Entamoeba A comparative genetic analysis indicated that meiotic processes are present in all major amoebozoan lineages 29 Since Amoebozoa diverged early from the eukaryotic family tree these results also suggest that meiosis was present early in eukaryotic evolution Human health editAmoebiasis also known as amebiasis or entamoebiasis 30 31 is an infection caused by any of the amoebozoans of the Entamoeba group Symptoms are most common upon infection by Entamoeba histolytica Amoebiasis can present with no mild or severe symptoms Symptoms may include abdominal pain mild diarrhoea bloody diarrhea or severe colitis with tissue death and perforation This last complication may cause peritonitis People affected may develop anemia due to loss of blood 32 Invasion of the intestinal lining causes amoebic bloody diarrhea or amoebic colitis If the parasite reaches the bloodstream it can spread through the body most frequently ending up in the liver where it causes amoebic liver abscesses Liver abscesses can occur without previous diarrhea Cysts of Entamoeba can survive for up to a month in soil or for up to 45 minutes under fingernails It is important to differentiate between amoebiasis and bacterial colitis The preferred diagnostic method is through faecal examination under microscope but requires a skilled microscopist and may not be reliable when excluding infection This method however may not be able to separate between specific types Increased white blood cell count is present in severe cases but not in mild ones The most accurate test is for antibodies in the blood but it may remain positive following treatment 32 Prevention of amoebiasis is by separating food and water from faeces and by proper sanitation measures There is no vaccine There are two treatment options depending on the location of the infection Amoebiasis in tissues is treated with either metronidazole tinidazole nitazoxanide dehydroemetine or chloroquine while luminal infection is treated with diloxanide furoate or iodoquinoline For treatment to be effective against all stages of the amoeba may require a combination of medications Infections without symptoms do not require treatment but infected individuals can spread the parasite to others and treatment can be considered Treatment of other Entamoeba infections apart from E histolytica is not needed 32 Amoebiasis is present all over the world 33 About 480 million people are infected with what appears to be E histolytica and these result in the death of between 40 000 110 000 people every year Most infections are now ascribed to E dispar E dispar is more common in certain areas and symptomatic cases may be fewer than previously reported The first case of amoebiasis was documented in 1875 and in 1891 the disease was described in detail resulting in the terms amoebic dysentery and amoebic liver abscess Further evidence from the Philippines in 1913 found that upon ingesting cysts of E histolytica volunteers developed the disease It has been known since 1897 that at least one non disease causing species of Entamoeba existed Entamoeba coli but it was first formally recognized by the WHO in 1997 that E histolytica was two species despite this having first been proposed in 1925 In addition to the now recognized E dispar evidence shows there are at least two other species of Entamoeba that look the same in humans E moshkovskii and Entamoeba bangladeshi The reason these species haven t been differentiated until recently is because of the reliance on appearance 32 Gallery edit nbsp Amoeba proteus Lobosa Tubulinea nbsp Arcella sp test Lobosa Tubulinea nbsp Acanthamoeba sp Lobosa Discosea nbsp Thecamoeba sp Lobosa Discosea nbsp Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite Conosa Archamoebae nbsp Pelomyxa palustris Conosa Archamoebae nbsp Stemonitis sp Conosa Myxogastria nbsp Dictyostelium discoideum Conosa Dictyostelia Notes edit The oldest fossils are dated at 800 Mya 1 but molecular clocks estimate the divergence time of Amoebozoa between 1624 and 1384 Mya 2 The term Eumycetozoa before its redefinition in 2017 5 was considered to be equal to Amoebozoa 6 References edit a b Porter SM Meisterfeld R Knoll AH May 2003 Vase shaped microfossils from the Neoproterozoic Chuar Group Grand Canyon a classification guided by modern testate amoebae PDF Journal of Paleontology 77 3 409 429 doi 10 1666 0022 3360 2003 077 lt 0409 VMFTNC gt 2 0 CO 2 Parfrey LW Lahr DJ Knoll AH Katz LA August 2011 Estimating the timing of early eukaryotic diversification with multigene molecular clocks Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 33 13624 9 Bibcode 2011PNAS 10813624P doi 10 1073 pnas 1110633108 PMC 3158185 PMID 21810989 a b Cavalier Smith T August 1998 A revised six kingdom system of life Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 73 3 203 66 doi 10 1111 j 1469 185X 1998 tb00030 x PMID 9809012 S2CID 6557779 Adl SM Bass D Lane CE Lukes J Schoch CL Smirnov A Agatha S Berney C Brown MW Burki F Cardenas P Cepicka I Chistyakova L del Campo J Dunthorn M Edvardsen B Eglit Y Guillou L Hampl V Heiss AA Hoppenrath M James TY Karnkowska A Karpov S Kim E Kolisko M Kudryavtsev A Lahr DJG Lara E Le Gall L Lynn DH Mann DG Massana R Mitchell EAD Morrow C Park JS Pawlowski JW Powell MJ Richter DJ Rueckert S Shadwick L Shimano S Spiegel FW Torruella G Youssef N Zlatogursky V Zhang Q 2019 Revisions to the Classification Nomenclature and Diversity of Eukaryotes Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66 1 4 119 doi 10 1111 jeu 12691 PMC 6492006 PMID 30257078 a b c Kang S Tice AK Spiegel FW Silberman JD Panek T Cepicka I et al September 2017 Between a Pod and a Hard Test The Deep Evolution of Amoebae Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 9 2258 2270 doi 10 1093 molbev msx162 PMC 5850466 PMID 28505375 a b c d e Adl SM Simpson AG Lane CE Lukes J Bass D Bowser SS et al September 2012 The revised classification of eukaryotes The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 5 429 93 doi 10 1111 j 1550 7408 2012 00644 x PMC 3483872 PMID 23020233 a b Pawlowski J Audic S Adl S Bass D Belbahri L Berney C et al November 6 2012 CBOL protist working group barcoding eukaryotic richness beyond the animal plant and fungal kingdoms PLOS Biology 10 11 e1001419 doi 10 1371 journal pbio 1001419 PMC 3491025 PMID 23139639 a b c Cavalier Smith T Fiore Donno AM Chao E Kudryavtsev A Berney C Snell EA Lewis R February 2015 Multigene phylogeny resolves deep branching of Amoebozoa Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 83 293 304 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2014 08 011 PMID 25150787 Corliss JO 1984 The Kingdom Protista and its 45 Phyla BioSystems 17 2 87 126 doi 10 1016 0303 2647 84 90003 0 PMID 6395918 a b Cavalier Smith T 2003 Protist phylogeny and the high level classification of Protozoa European Journal of Protistology 39 4 338 348 doi 10 1078 0932 4739 00002 Ruggiero Michael A Gordon Dennis P Orrell Thomas M Bailly Nicolas Bourgoin Thierry Brusca Richard C Cavalier Smith Thomas Guiry Michael D Kirk Paul M 2015 06 11 Correction A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms PLOS ONE 10 6 e0130114 doi 10 1371 journal pone 0130114 ISSN 1932 6203 PMC 5159126 PMID 26068874 a b Derelle R Torruella G Klimes V Brinkmann H Kim E Vlcek C Lang BF Elias M February 2015 Bacterial proteins pinpoint a single eukaryotic root Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 7 E693 9 Bibcode 2015PNAS 112E 693D doi 10 1073 pnas 1420657112 PMC 4343179 PMID 25646484 Zhulidov DA Robarts RD Zhulidov AV Zhulidova OV Markelov DA Rusanov VA Headley JV 2002 Zinc accumulation by the slime mold Fuligo septica L Wiggers in the former Soviet Union and North Korea Journal of Environmental Quality 31 3 1038 42 doi 10 2134 jeq2002 1038 PMID 12026071 Jeon KW 1973 Biology of Amoeba New York Academic Press pp 100 ISBN 978 0 323 14404 9 Hoshina Ryo Tsukii Yuuji Harumoto Terue Suzaki Toshinobu February 2021 Characterization of a green Stentor with symbiotic algae growing in an extremely oligotrophic environment and storing large amounts of starch granules in its cytoplasm Scientific Reports 11 2865 doi 10 1038 s41598 021 82416 9 PMC 7859197 PMID 33536497 Weiner Agnes K M Cullison Billie Date Shailesh V Tyml Tomas Volland Jean Marie Woyke Tanja Katz Laura A Sleith Robin S February 2022 Examining the Relationship Between the Testate Amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio Arcellinida Amoebozoa and its Associated Intracellular Microalgae Using Molecular and Microscopic Methods Protist 173 1 125853 doi 10 1016 j protis 2021 125853 PMC 9148389 PMID 35030517 Eichinger L Pachebat JA Glockner G Rajandream MA Sucgang R Berriman M et al May 2005 The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum Nature 435 7038 43 57 Bibcode 2005Natur 435 43E doi 10 1038 nature03481 PMC 1352341 PMID 15875012 Dawkins Richard Wong Yan 2016 The Ancestor s Tale Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 978 0544859937 Cavalier Smith T Chao EE December 1996 Molecular phylogeny of the free living archezoan Trepomonas agilis and the nature of the first eukaryote Journal of Molecular Evolution 43 6 551 62 Bibcode 1996JMolE 43 551C doi 10 1007 BF02202103 PMID 8995052 S2CID 28992966 Cavalier Smith T Chao EE Lewis R June 2016 187 gene phylogeny of protozoan phylum Amoebozoa reveals a new class Cutosea of deep branching ultrastructurally unique enveloped marine Lobosa and clarifies amoeba evolution Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 275 296 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2016 03 023 PMID 27001604 Silar P 2016 Protistes Eucaryotes Origine Evolution et Biologie des Microbes Eucaryotes PDF HAL archives ouvertes Creative Commons pp 1 462 ISBN 978 2 9555841 0 1 Panek T Zadrobilkova E Walker G Brown MW Gentekaki E Hroudova M et al May 2016 First multigene analysis of Archamoebae Amoebozoa Conosa robustly reveals its phylogeny and shows that Entamoebidae represents a deep lineage of the group Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 98 41 51 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2016 01 011 PMID 26826602 Leontyev Dmitry V Schnittler Martin Stephenson Steven L Novozhilov Yuri K Shchepin Oleg N March 2019 Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Myxomycetes Phytotaxa 399 3 209 238 doi 10 11646 phytotaxa 399 3 5 S2CID 108783142 Wijayawardene Nalin Hyde Kevin Al Ani LKT Dolatabadi S Stadler Marc Haelewaters Danny et al 2020 Outline of Fungi and fungus like taxa Mycosphere 11 1060 1456 doi 10 5943 mycosphere 11 1 8 hdl 11336 151990 Porter SM 2006 The Proterozoic Fossil Record of Heterotrophic Eukaryotes In Xiao S Kaufman AJ eds Neoproterozoic Geolobiology and Paleobiology Topics in Geobiology Vol 27 Dordrecht The Netherlands Springer pp 1 21 doi 10 1007 1 4020 5202 2 ISBN 978 1 4020 5201 9 Khan NA Siddiqui R June 2015 Is there evidence of sexual reproduction meiosis in Acanthamoeba Pathogens and Global Health 109 4 193 5 doi 10 1179 2047773215Y 0000000009 PMC 4530557 PMID 25800982 a b c d Kelso AA Say AF Sharma D Ledford LL Turchick A Saski CA King AV Attaway CC Temesvari LA Sehorn MG 2015 Entamoeba histolytica Dmc1 Catalyzes Homologous DNA Pairing and Strand Exchange That Is Stimulated by Calcium and Hop2 Mnd1 PLOS ONE 10 9 e0139399 Bibcode 2015PLoSO 1039399K doi 10 1371 journal pone 0139399 PMC 4589404 PMID 26422142 a b Singh N Bhattacharya A Bhattacharya S 2013 Homologous recombination occurs in Entamoeba and is enhanced during growth stress and stage conversion PLOS ONE 8 9 e74465 Bibcode 2013PLoSO 874465S doi 10 1371 journal pone 0074465 PMC 3787063 PMID 24098652 Hofstatter PG Brown MW Lahr DJG November 2018 Comparative genomics supports sex and meiosis in diverse Amoebozoa Genome Biol Evol 10 11 3118 3128 doi 10 1093 gbe evy241 PMC 6263441 PMID 30380054 Entamoebiasis MeSH NCBI www ncbi nlm nih gov Retrieved 2015 07 21 Entamoebiasis mesh kib ki se Archived from the original on 2015 07 22 Retrieved 2015 07 21 a b c d Farrar J Hotez P Junghanss T Kang G Lalloo D White NJ 2013 10 26 Manson s Tropical Diseases Elsevier Health Sciences pp 664 671 ISBN 978 0 7020 5306 1 Beeching N Gill G 2014 04 17 19 Lecture Notes Tropical Medicine John Wiley amp Sons pp 177 182 ISBN 978 1 118 73456 8 Further reading editSchilde C Schaap P 2013 The Amoebozoa Dictyostelium discoideum Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 983 pp 1 15 doi 10 1007 978 1 62703 302 2 1 ISBN 978 1 62703 301 5 PMC 4037983 PMID 23494299 External links editPawlowski J Molecular Phylogeny of Amoeboid Protists Tree of Amoebozoa Molecular Systematics Group MSG Department of Zoology and Animal Biology University of Geneva Archived from the original on 2 January 2005 Keeling P Leander BS Simpson A Tree of Life Eukaryotes Tree of Life Project Leidy J 1879 Amoeba Plates Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America Washington D C Government Printing Office Amoebozoa at UniEuk Taxonomy App Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Amoebozoa amp oldid 1206862833, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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