
Vizier (Ancient Egypt)

The vizier (/vɪˈzɪər, ˈvɪz.jər/)[1] was the highest official in ancient Egypt to serve the pharaoh (king) during the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms.[2] Vizier is the generally accepted rendering of ancient Egyptian tjati, tjaty etc., among Egyptologists.[3] The Instruction of Rekhmire (Installation of the Vizier), a New Kingdom text, defines many of the duties of the tjaty, and lays down codes of behavior. The viziers were often appointed by the pharaoh. During the 4th Dynasty and early 5th Dynasty, viziers were exclusively drawn from the royal family; from the period around the reign of Neferirkare Kakai onwards, they were chosen according to loyalty and talent or inherited the position from their fathers.[4]

Statue of Hemiunu, vizier and designer of Khufu's pyramid, at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Germany. His feet rest on columns of hieroglyphs, painted in yellow, red, brown, and black.

Vizier (Tjaty)
Era: New Kingdom
(1550–1069 BC)
Egyptian hieroglyphs


The viziers were appointed by the pharaohs and often belonged to a pharaoh's family. The vizier's paramount duty was to supervise the running of the country, much like a prime minister. At times this included small details such as sampling the city's water supply.[5] All other lesser supervisors and officials, such as tax collectors and scribes, reported to the vizier. The judiciary was part of the civil administration, and the vizier also sat in the High Court. At any time, the pharaoh could exert his own control over any aspect of government, overriding the vizier's decisions. The vizier also supervised the security of the pharaoh and the palace by overseeing the comings and goings of palace visitors.[6] The viziers often acted as the pharaoh's seal bearer as well, and the vizier would record trade.[7] From the Fifth Dynasty onwards, viziers, who by then were the highest civilian bureaucratic official, held supreme responsibility for the administration of the palace and government, including jurisdiction, scribes, state archives, central granaries, treasury, storage of surplus products and their redistribution, and supervision of building projects such as the royal pyramid.[8] In the New Kingdom, there was a vizier for Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt each.[9]

Installation of the Vizier

According to the Installation of the Vizier, a New Kingdom document describing the office of the vizier, there were certain traits and behaviors that were required to be a vizier:

  • Act by the law
  • Judge fairly
  • Do not act willfully or headstrong

List of viziers

Early Dynastic period

Viziers of the Early Dynastic period
Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty Comments
Menka Ninetjer? 2nd Dynasty Earliest known holder of the title

Old Kingdom

Viziers of the Old Kingdom
Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty Comments
Kagemni I Sneferu 4th Dynasty Purported author of the Instructions of Kagemni. Not attested in contemporary sources,
Nefermaat I Khufu 4th Dynasty Son of Sneferu and father of Hemiunu
Hemiunu Khufu 4th Dynasty Nefermaat's son, believed to have designed Khufu's pyramid
Kawab Khufu 4th Dynasty Eldest son and vizier of Khufu
Ankhhaf Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of Sneferu
Nefermaat II Khafre 4th Dynasty Nephew of Nefermaat the Elder, a son of Nefertkau I; a grandson of Sneferu
Minkhaf Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of Khufu, vizier under Khafre
Khufukhaef Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of Khufu, vizier under Khafre
Nikaure Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Khafre
Ankhmare Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Khafre
Duaenre Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Khafre, vizier during the late 4th dynasty
Nebemakhet Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Queen Meresankh III
Iunmin I Menkaure 4th Dynasty Possibly son of Khafre, vizier during the late 4th dynasty
Babaef II Shepseskaf 4th Dynasty Grandson of Khafre
Seshathotep Heti Userkaf, early 5th Dynasty 5th Dynasty It is not certain if Seshathetep held the titles of a vizier.
Sekhemkare Userkaf and Sahure 5th Dynasty Son of Khafre and queen Hekenuhedjet.
Werbauba Sahure 5th Dynasty
Washptah Sahure and Neferirkare Kakai 5th Dynasty
Minnefer Nyuserre Ini 5th Dynasty
Ptahshepses Nyuserre Ini 5th Dynasty Became the son-in-law of Nyuserre Ini some time after his ascension to the throne.
Kay Nyuserre Ini 5th Dynasty
Pehenuikai Nyuserre Ini 5th Dynasty
Ptahhotep Desher Menkauhor or Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty
Ptahhotep Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty
Seshemnefer (III) Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty
Ptahhotep I Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty Purported author of The Maxims of Ptahhotep
Akhethotep Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty Son of Ptahhotep I.
Senedjemib Inti Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty
Ptahhotep II Unas 5th Dynasty
Akhethetep Hemi Unas 5th Dynasty
Ihy Unas 5th Dynasty
Niankhba Unas 5th Dynasty
Sekhem-ankh-Ptah 5th Dynasty or 6th Dynasty Dating uncertain, may have been the son-in-law of a king.
Senedjemib Mehi 6th Dynasty possible son-in-law of Unas (or Djedkare Isesi), vizier during the early 6th dynasty
Nefersheshemre Teti 6th Dynasty
Kagemni Teti 6th Dynasty son-in-law of Teti
Mereruka Teti 6th Dynasty son-in-law of Teti
Khentika Teti 6th Dynasty
Mehu Teti 6th Dynasty
Ankhmahor Teti - Pepi I 6th Dynasty
Merefnebef Teti - Pepi I 6th Dynasty Merefnebef is also known as Unis-ankh and Fefi in his tomb
Heri Teti - Pepi I 6th Dynasty May have participated in the assassination of Teti
Meryteti Pepi I 6th Dynasty grandson of Teti, son of Mereruka
Iunmin II Pepi I 6th Dynasty
Nebet Pepi I 6th Dynasty First woman appointed vizier, mother-in-law of Pepi I
Inenek-Inti Pepi I 6th Dynasty Consort of Pepi I
Tjetju Pepi I 6th Dynasty
Weni Pepi I 6th Dynasty Likely the same person as vizier Neferwenmeryre
Qar Pepi I 6th Dynasty
Djau Pepi I 6th Dynasty brother-in-law of Pepi I, son of Nebet
Rawer (vizier) Pepi I 6th Dynasty
Teti (vizier) Pepi II 6th Dynasty
Shemay Neferkaure - Neferkauhor 8th Dynasty son-in-law of Neferkauhor, nomarch of Coptos, later vizier
Idy Neferirkare(?) 8th Dynasty son of Shemay

Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period

Viziers of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty Comments
Bebi Mentuhotep II 11th Dynasty
Dagi Mentuhotep II 11th Dynasty
Amenemhat Mentuhotep IV 11th Dynasty He later became king as Amenemhat I, first Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty
Ipi Amenemhat I 12th Dynasty
Intefiqer Amenemhat I
Senusret I
12th Dynasty He is indicated in the Wadi el-Hudi as being involved in military missions in Lower Nubia.[10]
Senusret Senusret I
Amenemhat II
12th Dynasty
Ameny Amenemhat II 12th Dynasty
Amenemhat-ankh Amenemhat II (?)[11] 12th Dynasty
Siese Amenemhat II 12th Dynasty
Nebit Senusret III 12th Dynasty
Khnumhotep III Senusret III 12th Dynasty
Kheti Amenemhat III 12th Dynasty
Ameny Amenemhat III 12th Dynasty [12]
Zamonth Amenemhat III 12th Dynasty [12]
Senewosret-Ankh (vizier) End 12th Dynasty
Beginning 13th Dynasty
Khenmes [12] 13th Dynasty
Ankhu Khendjer 13th Dynasty
Resseneb 13th dynasty Son of Ankhu[13]
Iymeru 13th Dynasty Son of Ankhu[13]
Neferkare Iymeru Sobekhotep IV 13th Dynasty
Sobka called Bebi[14] 13th Dynasty
Ibiaw[14] Ibiaw or Ay 13th Dynasty
Sonbhenaf[14] Ibiaw or Ay, or Djehuti uncertain
Aya[14] Ini I 13th Dynasty Aya was Governor of El Kab before being appointed vizier in year 1 of Ini I, as reported in the Juridical Stela
Ayameru[14] 13th Dynasty Ayameru was the younger son of Aya and succeeded him in office, as reported in the Juridical Stela

New Kingdom

Viziers of the New Kingdom
Vizier of the South (Thebes) Pharaoh Dynasty Comments
Tetinefer Ahmose I? 18th Dynasty Vizier of the North (Memphis)
Imhotep Thutmose I 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Aakheperreseneb Thutmose I 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Amethu called Ahmose Thutmose II, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Useramen Hatshepsut, Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Neferweben Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Likely Vizier of the North
Rekhmire Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Amenemipet called Pairy Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Seny Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Hepu Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Thutmose Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Ptahmose Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Amenhotep-Huy Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Aperel Amenhotep III, Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Ramose Amenhotep III, Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Nakhtpaaten Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Pentu Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Usermontu Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Ay ? Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South, succeeded Tutankhamen as Pharaoh
Paramessu Horemheb 18th Dynasty Later took the throne as Ramesses I
Nebamun Horemheb, Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses II 18th Dynasty, 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Prince Seti[citation needed] Ramesses I 19th Dynasty
Hatiay Seti I, Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North?
Paser (Vizier) Seti I, Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Nehi Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Khay Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South, ca. Year 27-45
Thutmose Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South, ca. Year 45-50.
Prehotep I Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North in ca year 40.
Prehotep II Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North in ca year 50.
Neferronpet Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South in ca year 50
Panehesy Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Pensekhmet Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South, Year 8
Merysekhmet Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North, Year 3?
Amenmose Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Khaemtir Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Paraemheb Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Hori II Seti II, Siptah, Twosret, Sethnakht and Ramesses III 19th Dynasty
Iuty 20th Dynasty Vizier of the North?
Nehi? Ramesses III 20th Dynasty
Hewernef Ramesses III 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
To Ramesses III 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Neferronpe Ramesses IV to Ramesses VI 20th Dynasty Vizier
Nehy Ramesses VI 20th Dynasty Vizier, son of Neferronpe
Mentehetef (Montu-hir-hetef) Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Wennefer Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Nebmarenakht also called Saht(a)-nefer Ramesses IX, Ramesses X and Ramesses XI 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Khaemwaset Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Nebmarenakht (again) Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Herihor Ramesses XI 20th Dynasty Vizier of the South

Third Intermediate Period

Viziers of the South[15]
Vizier Pharaoh year Dynasty Comments
Herihor Smendes I c. 1075 B.C. 21st Dynasty
Pinedjem I Smendes I c. 1070 B.C. 21st Dynasty
Amenhirpamesha Psusennes I c. 1040 B.C. 21st Dynasty
Neseramun (A) Siamun c. 960 B.C. 21st Dynasty Son of Nebneteru (ii) a Letter Writer to the Pharaoh
Padimut (A) Shoshenq I c. 930 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Vizier of the South
Ia-o Osorkon I c. 900 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Rudpamut Takelot I c. 880 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Hor(y) Takelot I c. 876 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Hori Takelot II c. 845? B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Iutjek?
Nespakheshuty A Takelot II c. 835 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Harsiese D Shoshenq III c. 825 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Hor (viii) Shoshenq III c. 820 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Pentyefankh Pedubast I c. 815 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Harsiese E Shoshenq III / Shoshenq IV c. 790 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Djedkhonsefankh E Shoshenq III / Osorkon III c. 780 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Nakhtefmut C Shoshenq III / Osorkon III c. 775 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Hor x Osorkon III c. 770 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Nakhtefmut C
Pamiu Osorkon III c. 765 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Vizier of the South
Pakharu Takelot III c. 760 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Pamiu
Ankh-Osorkon Rudamun c. 755 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Pediamonet Iuput II c. 750 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Pamiu
Harsiese F Iuput II c. 745 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Nesmin A Iuput II c. 740 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Harsiese F
Ankh-hor Iuput II c. 730 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Nespakheshuty B Iuput II c. 725 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty
Pediese Iuput II c. 720 B.C. 22nd-23rd Dynasty Son of Harsiese F?
Khamhor A ? 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South, Son of Harsiese F
Harsiese G Pahrer ? 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South, Son of Khamhor A
Nesmin B ? 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South, Son of Khamhor A
Mentuhotep ? 25th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Nespaqashuty C Shebitku 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Harsiese R ? 25th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Nespamedu Taharqa 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South, Son of Nespaqashuty C
Nespaqashuty D ? 25th-26th Dynasty Vizier of the South, buried in TT312, Son of Nespademu
Djedkare ? 25th-26th Dynasty Vizier of the North

Late Period

Viziers of the Late Period[16]
Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty Comments
Sasobek Psamtik I 25th-26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Nasekheperensekhmet Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Bakenrenef Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Ankhwennefer Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Iry 26th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Djedwebasettiuefankh 26th Dynasty Vizier of the South
Iufaa Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North, father of Gemenefhorbak
Gemenefhorbak Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Harsomtusemhat 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Psamtek-Meryneit Amasis II 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Pasherientaihet Amasis II 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Horsiese 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North
Psamtikseneb Nectanebo II 30th Dynasty

See also


  1. ^ "vizier". Dictionary.com Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  2. ^ Shaw, Ian (2002). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-19-280293-4.
  3. ^ Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957). Egyptian Grammar; Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs (3rd ed.). Oxford: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum. p. 43. ISBN 0 900416 351.
  4. ^ M. Heimlich, Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol.2, pp.21ff.[date missing]
  5. ^ Goddard, J (2012). Public Health Entomology. Starkville: CRC Press.
  6. ^ Ancient Egyptian administration. Moreno Garcia, Juan Carlos. Leiden, The Netherlands. 2013. ISBN 9789004249523. OCLC 849248179.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  7. ^ [1] September 13, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ Ancient Egyptian administration. Moreno Garcia, Juan Carlos. Leiden, The Netherlands. 2013. ISBN 9789004249523. OCLC 849248179.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  9. ^ Jane Bingham, Fiona Chandler, Jane Chisholm, Gill Harvey, Lisa Miles,Struan Reid, and Sam Taplin "The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World" page 80[clarification needed][date missing]
  10. ^ Ancient Egyptian administration. Moreno Garcia, Juan Carlos. Leiden, The Netherlands. 2013. ISBN 9789004249523. OCLC 849248179.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  11. ^ W. Grajetzki: Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, London 2009, ISBN 978-0-7156-3745-6, p. 169
  12. ^ a b c Grajetzki: Court Officials, 169
  13. ^ a b Grajetzki: Court Officials, 170
  14. ^ a b c d e Kim Ryholt, The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c.1800-1550 B.C." Museum Tuscolanum Press, 1997. p.192 (ISBN 87-7289-421-0)
  15. ^ Kitchen, Kenneth A. The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt, 1100-650 B.C. (Book & Supplement) Aris & Phillips. 1986 , Table 15, pg 483
  16. ^ Viziers by Anneke Bart

External links

  • The vizierate
  • aldokkan.com

vizier, ancient, egypt, vizier, ɪər, highest, official, ancient, egypt, serve, pharaoh, king, during, middle, kingdoms, vizier, generally, accepted, rendering, ancient, egyptian, tjati, tjaty, among, egyptologists, instruction, rekhmire, installation, vizier, . The vizier v ɪ ˈ z ɪer ˈ v ɪ z j er 1 was the highest official in ancient Egypt to serve the pharaoh king during the Old Middle and New Kingdoms 2 Vizier is the generally accepted rendering of ancient Egyptian tjati tjaty etc among Egyptologists 3 The Instruction of Rekhmire Installation of the Vizier a New Kingdom text defines many of the duties of the tjaty and lays down codes of behavior The viziers were often appointed by the pharaoh During the 4th Dynasty and early 5th Dynasty viziers were exclusively drawn from the royal family from the period around the reign of Neferirkare Kakai onwards they were chosen according to loyalty and talent or inherited the position from their fathers 4 Statue of Hemiunu vizier and designer of Khufu s pyramid at the Roemer und Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim Germany His feet rest on columns of hieroglyphs painted in yellow red brown and black Vizier Tjaty Era New Kingdom 1550 1069 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs Contents 1 Responsibilities 2 Installation of the Vizier 3 List of viziers 3 1 Early Dynastic period 3 2 Old Kingdom 3 3 Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period 3 4 New Kingdom 3 5 Third Intermediate Period 3 6 Late Period 4 See also 5 References 6 External linksResponsibilities EditThe viziers were appointed by the pharaohs and often belonged to a pharaoh s family The vizier s paramount duty was to supervise the running of the country much like a prime minister At times this included small details such as sampling the city s water supply 5 All other lesser supervisors and officials such as tax collectors and scribes reported to the vizier The judiciary was part of the civil administration and the vizier also sat in the High Court At any time the pharaoh could exert his own control over any aspect of government overriding the vizier s decisions The vizier also supervised the security of the pharaoh and the palace by overseeing the comings and goings of palace visitors 6 The viziers often acted as the pharaoh s seal bearer as well and the vizier would record trade 7 From the Fifth Dynasty onwards viziers who by then were the highest civilian bureaucratic official held supreme responsibility for the administration of the palace and government including jurisdiction scribes state archives central granaries treasury storage of surplus products and their redistribution and supervision of building projects such as the royal pyramid 8 In the New Kingdom there was a vizier for Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt each 9 Installation of the Vizier EditMain article Installation of the Vizier According to the Installation of the Vizier a New Kingdom document describing the office of the vizier there were certain traits and behaviors that were required to be a vizier Act by the law Judge fairly Do not act willfully or headstrongList of viziers EditEarly Dynastic period Edit Viziers of the Early Dynastic period Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty CommentsMenka Ninetjer 2nd Dynasty Earliest known holder of the titleOld Kingdom Edit Viziers of the Old Kingdom Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty CommentsKagemni I Sneferu 4th Dynasty Purported author of the Instructions of Kagemni Not attested in contemporary sources Nefermaat I Khufu 4th Dynasty Son of Sneferu and father of HemiunuHemiunu Khufu 4th Dynasty Nefermaat s son believed to have designed Khufu s pyramidKawab Khufu 4th Dynasty Eldest son and vizier of KhufuAnkhhaf Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of SneferuNefermaat II Khafre 4th Dynasty Nephew of Nefermaat the Elder a son of Nefertkau I a grandson of SneferuMinkhaf Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of Khufu vizier under KhafreKhufukhaef Khafre 4th Dynasty Son of Khufu vizier under KhafreNikaure Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of KhafreAnkhmare Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of KhafreDuaenre Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Khafre vizier during the late 4th dynastyNebemakhet Menkaure 4th Dynasty Son of Queen Meresankh IIIIunmin I Menkaure 4th Dynasty Possibly son of Khafre vizier during the late 4th dynastyBabaef II Shepseskaf 4th Dynasty Grandson of KhafreSeshathotep Heti Userkaf early 5th Dynasty 5th Dynasty It is not certain if Seshathetep held the titles of a vizier Sekhemkare Userkaf and Sahure 5th Dynasty Son of Khafre and queen Hekenuhedjet Werbauba Sahure 5th DynastyWashptah Sahure and Neferirkare Kakai 5th DynastyMinnefer Nyuserre Ini 5th DynastyPtahshepses Nyuserre Ini 5th Dynasty Became the son in law of Nyuserre Ini some time after his ascension to the throne Kay Nyuserre Ini 5th DynastyPehenuikai Nyuserre Ini 5th DynastyPtahhotep Desher Menkauhor or Djedkare Isesi 5th DynastyPtahhotep Djedkare Isesi 5th DynastySeshemnefer III Djedkare Isesi 5th DynastyPtahhotep I Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty Purported author of The Maxims of PtahhotepAkhethotep Djedkare Isesi 5th Dynasty Son of Ptahhotep I Senedjemib Inti Djedkare Isesi 5th DynastyPtahhotep II Unas 5th DynastyAkhethetep Hemi Unas 5th DynastyIhy Unas 5th DynastyNiankhba Unas 5th DynastySekhem ankh Ptah 5th Dynasty or 6th Dynasty Dating uncertain may have been the son in law of a king Senedjemib Mehi 6th Dynasty possible son in law of Unas or Djedkare Isesi vizier during the early 6th dynastyNefersheshemre Teti 6th DynastyKagemni Teti 6th Dynasty son in law of TetiMereruka Teti 6th Dynasty son in law of TetiKhentika Teti 6th DynastyMehu Teti 6th DynastyAnkhmahor Teti Pepi I 6th DynastyMerefnebef Teti Pepi I 6th Dynasty Merefnebef is also known as Unis ankh and Fefi in his tombHeri Teti Pepi I 6th Dynasty May have participated in the assassination of TetiMeryteti Pepi I 6th Dynasty grandson of Teti son of MererukaIunmin II Pepi I 6th DynastyNebet Pepi I 6th Dynasty First woman appointed vizier mother in law of Pepi IInenek Inti Pepi I 6th Dynasty Consort of Pepi ITjetju Pepi I 6th DynastyWeni Pepi I 6th Dynasty Likely the same person as vizier NeferwenmeryreQar Pepi I 6th DynastyDjau Pepi I 6th Dynasty brother in law of Pepi I son of NebetRawer vizier Pepi I 6th DynastyTeti vizier Pepi II 6th DynastyShemay Neferkaure Neferkauhor 8th Dynasty son in law of Neferkauhor nomarch of Coptos later vizierIdy Neferirkare 8th Dynasty son of ShemayMiddle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Edit Viziers of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty CommentsBebi Mentuhotep II 11th DynastyDagi Mentuhotep II 11th DynastyAmenemhat Mentuhotep IV 11th Dynasty He later became king as Amenemhat I first Pharaoh of the 12th DynastyIpi Amenemhat I 12th DynastyIntefiqer Amenemhat I Senusret I 12th Dynasty He is indicated in the Wadi el Hudi as being involved in military missions in Lower Nubia 10 Senusret Senusret I Amenemhat II 12th DynastyAmeny Amenemhat II 12th DynastyAmenemhat ankh Amenemhat II 11 12th DynastySiese Amenemhat II 12th DynastyNebit Senusret III 12th DynastyKhnumhotep III Senusret III 12th DynastyKheti Amenemhat III 12th DynastyAmeny Amenemhat III 12th Dynasty 12 Zamonth Amenemhat III 12th Dynasty 12 Senewosret Ankh vizier End 12th Dynasty Beginning 13th DynastyKhenmes 12 13th DynastyAnkhu Khendjer 13th DynastyResseneb 13th dynasty Son of Ankhu 13 Iymeru 13th Dynasty Son of Ankhu 13 Neferkare Iymeru Sobekhotep IV 13th DynastySobka called Bebi 14 13th DynastyIbiaw 14 Ibiaw or Ay 13th DynastySonbhenaf 14 Ibiaw or Ay or Djehuti uncertainAya 14 Ini I 13th Dynasty Aya was Governor of El Kab before being appointed vizier in year 1 of Ini I as reported in the Juridical StelaAyameru 14 13th Dynasty Ayameru was the younger son of Aya and succeeded him in office as reported in the Juridical StelaNew Kingdom Edit Viziers of the New Kingdom Vizier of the South Thebes Pharaoh Dynasty CommentsTetinefer Ahmose I 18th Dynasty Vizier of the North Memphis Imhotep Thutmose I 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthAakheperreseneb Thutmose I 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthAmethu called Ahmose Thutmose II Hatshepsut Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthUseramen Hatshepsut Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNeferweben Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Likely Vizier of the NorthRekhmire Thutmose III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthAmenemipet called Pairy Amenhotep II Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthSeny Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthHepu Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthThutmose Thutmose IV 18th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthPtahmose Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthAmenhotep Huy Amenhotep III 18th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthAperel Amenhotep III Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthRamose Amenhotep III Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNakhtpaaten Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthPentu Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthUsermontu Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthAy Tutankhamen 18th Dynasty Vizier of the South succeeded Tutankhamen as PharaohParamessu Horemheb 18th Dynasty Later took the throne as Ramesses INebamun Horemheb Ramesses I Seti I Ramesses II 18th Dynasty 19th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthPrince Seti citation needed Ramesses I 19th DynastyHatiay Seti I Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North Paser Vizier Seti I Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNehi Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthKhay Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South ca Year 27 45Thutmose Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South ca Year 45 50 Prehotep I Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North in ca year 40 Prehotep II Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North in ca year 50 Neferronpet Ramesses II 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South in ca year 50Panehesy Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthPensekhmet Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the South Year 8Merysekhmet Merenptah 19th Dynasty Vizier of the North Year 3 Amenmose Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthKhaemtir Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthParaemheb Seti II and Amenmesse 19th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthHori II Seti II Siptah Twosret Sethnakht and Ramesses III 19th DynastyIuty 20th Dynasty Vizier of the North Nehi Ramesses III 20th DynastyHewernef Ramesses III 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthTo Ramesses III 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNeferronpe Ramesses IV to Ramesses VI 20th Dynasty VizierNehy Ramesses VI 20th Dynasty Vizier son of NeferronpeMentehetef Montu hir hetef Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthWennefer Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNebmarenakht also called Saht a nefer Ramesses IX Ramesses X and Ramesses XI 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthKhaemwaset Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthNebmarenakht again Ramesses IX 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthHerihor Ramesses XI 20th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthThird Intermediate Period Edit Viziers of the South 15 Vizier Pharaoh year Dynasty CommentsHerihor Smendes I c 1075 B C 21st DynastyPinedjem I Smendes I c 1070 B C 21st DynastyAmenhirpamesha Psusennes I c 1040 B C 21st DynastyNeseramun A Siamun c 960 B C 21st Dynasty Son of Nebneteru ii a Letter Writer to the PharaohPadimut A Shoshenq I c 930 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Vizier of the SouthIa o Osorkon I c 900 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyRudpamut Takelot I c 880 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHor y Takelot I c 876 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHori Takelot II c 845 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of Iutjek Nespakheshuty A Takelot II c 835 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHarsiese D Shoshenq III c 825 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHor viii Shoshenq III c 820 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyPentyefankh Pedubast I c 815 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHarsiese E Shoshenq III Shoshenq IV c 790 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyDjedkhonsefankh E Shoshenq III Osorkon III c 780 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyNakhtefmut C Shoshenq III Osorkon III c 775 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyHor x Osorkon III c 770 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of Nakhtefmut CPamiu Osorkon III c 765 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Vizier of the SouthPakharu Takelot III c 760 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of PamiuAnkh Osorkon Rudamun c 755 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyPediamonet Iuput II c 750 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of PamiuHarsiese F Iuput II c 745 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyNesmin A Iuput II c 740 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of Harsiese FAnkh hor Iuput II c 730 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyNespakheshuty B Iuput II c 725 B C 22nd 23rd DynastyPediese Iuput II c 720 B C 22nd 23rd Dynasty Son of Harsiese F Khamhor A 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South Son of Harsiese FHarsiese G Pahrer 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South Son of Khamhor ANesmin B 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South Son of Khamhor AMentuhotep 25th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthNespaqashuty C Shebitku 25th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthHarsiese R 25th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthNespamedu Taharqa 25th Dynasty Vizier of the South Son of Nespaqashuty CNespaqashuty D 25th 26th Dynasty Vizier of the South buried in TT312 Son of NespademuDjedkare 25th 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthLate Period Edit Viziers of the Late Period 16 Vizier Pharaoh Dynasty CommentsSasobek Psamtik I 25th 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthNasekheperensekhmet Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthBakenrenef Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthAnkhwennefer Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthIry 26th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthDjedwebasettiuefankh 26th Dynasty Vizier of the SouthIufaa Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the North father of GemenefhorbakGemenefhorbak Psamtik I 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthHarsomtusemhat 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthPsamtek Meryneit Amasis II 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthPasherientaihet Amasis II 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthHorsiese 26th Dynasty Vizier of the NorthPsamtikseneb Nectanebo II 30th DynastySee also EditVizier ShogunReferences Edit vizier Dictionary com Unabridged Online n d Shaw Ian 2002 The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt Oxford University Press p 104 ISBN 978 0 19 280293 4 Gardiner Alan Henderson 1957 Egyptian Grammar Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs 3rd ed Oxford Griffith Institute Ashmolean Museum p 43 ISBN 0 900416 351 M Heimlich Ancient Egyptian Literature vol 2 pp 21ff date missing Goddard J 2012 Public Health Entomology Starkville CRC Press Ancient Egyptian administration Moreno Garcia Juan Carlos Leiden The Netherlands 2013 ISBN 9789004249523 OCLC 849248179 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link 1 Archived September 13 2008 at the Wayback Machine Ancient Egyptian administration Moreno Garcia Juan Carlos Leiden The Netherlands 2013 ISBN 9789004249523 OCLC 849248179 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Jane Bingham Fiona Chandler Jane Chisholm Gill Harvey Lisa Miles Struan Reid and Sam Taplin The Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World page 80 clarification needed date missing Ancient Egyptian administration Moreno Garcia Juan Carlos Leiden The Netherlands 2013 ISBN 9789004249523 OCLC 849248179 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link W Grajetzki Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom London 2009 ISBN 978 0 7156 3745 6 p 169 a b c Grajetzki Court Officials 169 a b Grajetzki Court Officials 170 a b c d e Kim Ryholt The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c 1800 1550 B C Museum Tuscolanum Press 1997 p 192 ISBN 87 7289 421 0 Kitchen Kenneth A The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt 1100 650 B C Book amp Supplement Aris amp Phillips 1986 Table 15 pg 483 Viziers by Anneke BartExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Viziers of ancient Egypt The vizierate aldokkan com Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Vizier Ancient Egypt amp oldid 1127494774, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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