
Papal primacy

Papal primacy, also known as the primacy of the bishop of Rome, is an ecclesiological doctrine in the Catholic Church concerning the respect and authority that is due to the pope from other bishops and their episcopal sees. While the doctrine is accepted at a fundamental level by both the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, the two disagree on the nature of primacy.

Boniface VIII and his cardinals. Illustration of a 14th-century edition of the Decretals

English academic and Catholic priest Aidan Nichols wrote that "at root, only one issue of substance divides the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholic Churches, and that is the issue of the primacy."[1] French Eastern Orthodox researcher Jean-Claude Larchet wrote that, together with the Filioque controversy, differences in interpretation of this doctrine have been and remain the primary causes of schism between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.[2] In the Eastern Orthodox churches, some understand the primacy of the bishop of Rome to be merely one of greater honour, regarding him as primus inter pares ("first among equals"), without effective power over other churches.[3] Other Eastern Orthodox Christian theologians, however, view primacy as authoritative power: the expression, manifestation and realization in one bishop of the power of all the bishops and of the unity of the Church.[4]

The Catholic Church attributes to the primacy of the pope "full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered,"[5] a power that it attributes also to the entire body of the bishops united with the pope.[6] The power that it attributes to the pope's primatial authority has limitations that are official, legal, dogmatic, and practical.[7]

In the Ravenna Document, issued in 2007, representatives of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church jointly stated that both accept the bishop of Rome's primacy at the universal level, but that differences of understanding exist about how the primacy is to be exercised and about its scriptural and theological foundations.[8]

Dogma within Latin and Eastern Catholic Churches edit

The Catholic dogma of the primacy of the bishop of Rome is codified in both codes of canon law of the Catholic Church – the Latin Church's 1983 Code of Canon Law (1983 CIC) and the Eastern Catholic Churches' 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO). The Second Vatican Council's 1964 dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium (LG) declared that the "pope's power of primacy" is by "virtue of his office, that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church," and is "full, supreme and universal power over the Church" which he "is always free to exercise."[9][10] The primacy of the bishop of Rome, according to John Hardon in Catholic Dictionary, is "primacy of jurisdiction, which means the possession of full and supreme teaching, legislative, and sacerdotal powers in the Catholic Church"; it is authority "not only in faith and morals but Church discipline and in the government of the Church."[11]

In 1983 CIC canon 331, the "bishop of Roman Church" is both the "vicar of Christ" and "pastor of the universal Church on earth."[12] Knut Walf, in New commentary on the Code of Canon Law, notes that this description, "bishop of the Roman Church," is only found in this canon, and the term Roman pontiff is generally used in 1983 CIC.[13] Ernest Caparros' et al. Code of Canon Law Annotated comments that this canon pertains to all individuals and groups of faithful within the Latin Church, of all rites and hierarchical ranks, "not only in matters of faith and morals but also in all that concerns the discipline and government of the Church throughout the whole world."[14] Heinrich Denzinger, Peter Hünermann, et al. Enchiridion symbolorum (DH) states that Christ did not form the Church as several distinct communities,[15] but unified through full communion with the bishop of Rome and profession of the same faith with the bishop of Rome.[16]

The bishop of Rome is a subject of supreme authority over the sui iuris Eastern Catholic Churches.[17] In CCEO canon 45, the bishop of Rome has "by virtue of his office" both "power over the entire Church" and "primacy of ordinary power over all the eparchies and groupings of them" within each of the Eastern Catholic Churches. Through the office "of the supreme pastor of the Church," he is in communion with the other bishops and with the entire Church, and has the right to determines whether to exercise this authority either personally or collegially.[18] This "primacy over the entire Church" includes primacy over Eastern Catholic patriarchs and eparchial bishops,[19] over governance of institutes of consecrated life,[20] and over judicial affairs.[21]

Primacy of the bishop of Rome was also codified in the 1917 Code of Canon Law (1917 CIC) canons 218–221.[22]

Development of the doctrine edit

The Catholic Church bases its doctrine of papal primacy on the primacy among the apostles that Jesus gave to Peter in Matthew 16:16–19:[23]

Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven

and in John 21:15–17:"Feed my lambs [...] Feed my sheep."

While acknowledging that "the New Testament contains no explicit record of a transmission of Peter's leadership; nor is the transmission of apostolic authority in general very clear,"[24] it considers that its doctrine has a developmental history and that its teaching about matters such as the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, and the union of his two natures in a single person developed as the result of drawing out from the original revealed truth consequences that were not obvious at first: "Thanks to the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the understanding of both the realities and the words of the heritage of faith is able to grow in the life of the Church 'through the contemplation and study of believers who ponder these things in their hearts'; it is in particular 'theological research [which] deepens knowledge of revealed truth.'"[25]

Accordingly, it would be a mistake to expect to find the modern fully developed doctrine of papal primacy in the first centuries, thereby failing to recognize the Church's historical reality.[26] The figure of the pope as leader of the worldwide church developed over time, as the figure of the bishop as leader of the local church seems to have appeared later than in the time of the apostles.[a]

That the Christian scriptures, which contain no cut-and-dried answers to questions such as whether or not there is forgiveness for post-baptismal sins, and whether or not infants should be baptized, gradually become clearer in the light of events, is a view expressed, when considering the doctrine of papal primacy, by Cardinal John Henry Newman, who summed up his thought by saying:

[...] developments of Christianity are proved to have been in the contemplation of its Divine Author, by an argument parallel to that by which we infer intelligence in the system of the physical world. In whatever sense the need and its supply are a proof of design in the visible creation, in the same do the gaps, if the word may be used, which occur in the structure of the original creed of the Church, make it probable that those developments, which grow out of the truths which lie around them, were intended to fill them up."[28]

Modern Eastern Orthodox writers such as Nikolay Afanásiev and Alexander Schmemann have written that the phrase "presiding in agape", used of the Church of Rome in the letter that Ignatius of Antioch addressed to it in the early 2nd century, contains a definition of that Church's universal primacy;[29] but the Catholic writer Klaus Schatz warns that it would be wrong to read this letter and the even earlier First Epistle of Clement (the name of Clement was added only later), in which the Church of Rome intervenes in matters of the Church of Corinth, admonishing it in authoritative tones, even speaking in the name of God, as statements of the developed Catholic teaching on papal primacy.[30] It was only later that the expression of Ignatius of Antioch could be interpreted as meaning, as agreed by representatives of both the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches, that "Rome, as the Church that 'presides in love' according to the phrase of St Ignatius of Antioch (To the Romans, Prologue), occupied the first place in the taxis [lit. 'arrangement, order')], and that the bishop of Rome was therefore the protos [lit. 'first')] among the patriarchs".[31]

The same agreement stated:

In the history of the East and of the West, at least until the ninth century, a series of prerogatives was recognised, always in the context of conciliarity, according to the conditions of the times, for the protos or kephale [lit. 'head')] at each of the established ecclesiastical levels: locally, for the bishop as protos of his diocese with regard to his presbyters and people; regionally, for the protos of each metropolis with regard to the bishops of his province, and for the protos of each of the five patriarchates, with regard to the metropolitans of each circumscription; and universally, for the bishop of Rome as protos among the patriarchs. This distinction of levels does not diminish the sacramental equality of every bishop or the catholicity of each local Church.[32]

Basis of claims to primacy edit

Peter and Paul edit

The evolution of earlier tradition established both Peter and Paul as the forefathers of the bishops of Rome, from whom they received their position as chief shepherd (Peter) and supreme authority on doctrine (Paul).[33] To establish her primacy among the churches of the Western half of the empire, the bishops of Rome relied on a letter written in 416 by Innocent I to the Bishop of Gubbio, to show how subordination to Rome had been established. Since Peter was the only apostle (no mention of Paul) to have worked in the West, thus the only persons to have established churches in Italy, Spain, Gaul, Sicily, Africa, and the Western islands were bishops appointed by Peter or his successors. This being the case then, all congregations had to abide by the regulations set in Rome.[34]

Primacy of Peter the apostle edit
Saint Peter, c. 1529, by Grão Vasco; Peter is portrayed in full papal regalia

Because of its association with the supposed position of Peter among the apostles, the function that, within the Catholic Church, is exercised by the Bishop of Rome among the bishops as a whole is referred to as the Petrine function, and is generally believed to be of divine institution, in the sense that the historical and sociological factors that influenced its development are seen as guided by the Holy Spirit. Not all Catholic theologians see a special providential intervention as responsible for the result, but most see the papacy, regardless of its origin, as now essential to the Church's structure.[35]

The presence of Peter in Rome, not explicitly affirmed in, but consistent with, the New Testament, is explicitly affirmed by Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyon and other early Christian writers – and no other place has ever claimed to be the location of his death.[36][37] The same witnesses imply that Peter was the virtual founder of the Church of Rome,[36] though not its founder in the sense of initiating a Christian community there.[38] They also speak of Peter as the one who initiated its episcopal succession,[36] but speak of Linus as the first bishop of Rome after Peter, although some hold today that the Christians in Rome did not act as a single united community under a single leader until the 2nd century.[38]

Classic Roman Catholic tradition maintained that the universal primacy of the bishop of Rome was divinely instituted by Jesus Christ. This was derived from the Petrine texts, and from the gospel accounts of Matthew (16:17‑19), Luke (22:32) and John (21:15‑17) according to the Roman tradition, they all refer not simply to the historical Peter, but to his successors to the end of time. Today, scriptural scholars of many traditions agree that it is possible to discern in the New Testament an early tradition that attributes a special position to Peter among Christ's twelve apostles. The Church built its identity on them as witnesses, and responsibility for pastoral leadership was not restricted to Peter. In Matthew 16:19, Peter is explicitly commissioned to "bind and loose"; later, in Matthew 18:18, Christ directly promises all the disciples that they will do the same. Similarly, the foundation upon which the Church is built is related to Peter in Matthew 16:16, and to the whole apostolic body elsewhere in the New Testament (cf. Eph. 2:20).[39]

Role of Paul in the founding of the Church of Rome edit

Irenaeus of Lyon (AD 189) wrote that Peter and Paul had founded the Church in Rome and had appointed Pope Linus to the office of the episcopate, the beginning of the succession of the Roman see.[b] Although the introduction of Christianity was not due to them, "the arrival, ministries and especially the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul were the seminal events which really constituted the Church of Rome. It was from their time, and not before, that an orderly and meetly ordained succession of Bishops originated."[41]

Historical development edit

While the doctrine of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, in the form in which it is upheld today in the Catholic Church, developed over the course of centuries, often in reaction to challenges made against exercises of authority by popes, writers both of East and West declare that from a very early period the Church of Rome was looked to as the centre of reference for the whole Church. Thus Schmemann wrote:

It is impossible to deny that, even before the appearance of local primacies, the Church from the first days of her existence possessed an ecumenical center of unity and agreement. In the apostolic and Judeo-Christian period, it was the Church of Jerusalem, and later the Church of Rome – presiding in agape, according to St. Ignatius of Antioch. This formula, and the definition of the universal primacy contained in it, have been aptly analyzed by Fr Afanassieff and we need not repeat his argument here. Neither can we quote here all testimonies of the fathers and the councils unanimously acknowledging Rome as the senior church and the center of ecumenical agreement. It is only for the sake of biased polemics that one can ignore these testimonies, their consensus and significance.[29]

In their The See of Peter (1927), non-Catholic academic historians James T. Shotwell and Louise Ropes Loomis, noted the following:

Unquestionably, the Roman church very early developed something like a sense of obligation to the oppressed all over Christendom. ... Consequently, there was but one focus of authority. By the year 252, there seem to have been one hundred bishops in central and southern Italy but outside Rome there was nothing to set one bishop above another. All were on a level together, citizens of Italy, accustomed to look to Rome for direction in every detail of public life. The Roman bishop had the right not only to ordain but even, on occasion, to select bishops for Italian churches. ... To Christians of the Occident, the Roman church was the sole, direct link with the age of the New Testament and its bishop was the one prelate in their part of the world in whose voice they discerned echoes of the apostles' speech. The Roman bishop spoke always as the guardian of an authoritative tradition, second to none. Even when the eastern churches insisted that their traditions were older and quite as sacred, if not more so, the voice in the West, unaccustomed to rivalry at home, spoke on regardless of protest or denunciation at a distance.[42]

Pope as arbiter edit

Eastern Orthodox theologian Nicholas Afanassieff cites Irenaeus in Against Heresies 3:4:1 as illuminating that during the pre-Nicene period, the Church of Rome acted as arbiter in resolving disputes between local churches. Rome's support would ensure success, while refusal from Rome predetermined the attitude the other churches would adopt.[43]

In the aftermath of the Decian persecution, Pope Stephen I (254-257) was asked by Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258) to resolve a dispute among the bishops of Gaul as to whether those who had lapsed could be reconciled and readmitted to the Christian community. Cyprian stressed the Petrine primacy as well as the unity of the Church and the importance of being in communion with the bishops.[44] For Cyprian, "the Bishop of Rome is the direct heir of Peter, whereas the others are heirs only indirectly", and he insisted that "the Church of Rome is the root and matrix of the Catholic Church".[45] Cyprian wrote Pope Stephen asking him to instruct the bishops of Gaul to condemn Marcianus of Arles, (who refused to admit those who repented) and to elect another bishop in his stead.[46]

It was to Pope Damasus I (366–384) that Jerome appealed in 376, to settle a dispute as to who, among three rival claimants, was the legitimate Patriarch of Antioch.[47]

In the strictest sense of the word, "decretal" means a papal rescript (rescriptum), an answer of the pope when he has been appealed to or his advice has been sought on a matter of discipline. The oldest preserved decretal is a letter of Pope Siricius (r. 384-399) in response to an inquiry from Himerius, Bishop of Tarragona (fl. 385), in which Siricius issued decisions on fifteen different points, on matters regarding baptism, penance, church discipline and the celibacy of the clergy.[48]

Quartodeciman controversy edit

The Quartodeciman controversy arose because Christians in the Roman province of Asia (Western Anatolia) celebrated Easter at the spring full moon, like the Jewish Passover, while the churches in the West observed the practice of celebrating it on the following Sunday ("the day of the resurrection of our Saviour").[49]

In 155, Anicetus, bishop of Rome, presided over a church council at Rome that was attended by a number of bishops including Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. Although the council failed to reach agreement on the issue, ecclesiastical communion was preserved.[50] A generation later, synods of bishops in Palestine, Pontus and Osrhoene in the east, and in Rome and Gaul in the west, unanimously declared that the celebration should be exclusively on Sunday.[49] In 193, Victor, bishop of Rome, presided over a council at Rome and subsequently sent a letter about the matter to Polycrates of Ephesus and the churches of the Roman province of Asia.[50]

In the same year, Polycrates presided over a council at Ephesus attended by several bishops throughout that province, which rejected Victor's authority and kept the province's paschal tradition.[50] Thereupon, Victor attempted to cut off Polycrates and the others who took this stance from the common unity, but later reversed his decision after bishops, that included Irenaeus of Lyon in Gaul, interceded and recommended that Victor adopt the more tolerant stance of his predecessor, Anicetus.[51]

This incident is cited by some [who?] Orthodox Christians as the first example of overreaching by the Bishop of Rome and resistance of such by Eastern churches. Laurent Cleenewerck suggests that this could be argued to be the first fissure between the Eastern and Western churches.[self-published source][52] According to James McCue, Victor's threatened excommunication was an "intradiocesan affair" between two local churches and did not pertain to the universal church.[53]

First Council of Nicaea edit

The First Council of Nicaea was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325. Canon IV states: "A bishop is to be chosen by all the bishops of the province, or at least by three, the rest giving by letter their assent; but this choice must be confirmed by the Metropolitan."[54] Karl Josef von Hefele says that this was probably in response to Melitius of Lycopolis, who "had nominated bishops without the concurrence of the other bishops of the province, and without the approval of the metropolitan of Alexandria, and had thus occasioned a schism. This canon was intended to prevent the recurrence of such abuses."[54]

First Council of Constantinople and its context edit

Early manuscript illustration of the First Council of Constantinople

The event that is often considered to have been the first conflict between Rome and Constantinople was triggered by the elevation of the see of Constantinople to a position of honour, second only to Rome on the grounds that, as capital of the eastern Roman empire, it was now the "New Rome".[55] This was promulgated in the First Council of Constantinople (381) canon 3 which decreed: "The Bishop of Constantinople, however, shall have the prerogative of honour after the Bishop of Rome because Constantinople is New Rome."[56] Thomas Shahan says that, according to Photius, Pope Damasus approved the council of Constantinople, but he adds that, if any part of the council were approved by this pope, it could have been only its revision of the Nicene Creed, as was the case also when Gregory the Great recognized it as one of the four general councils, but only in its dogmatic utterances.[57]

The increasing involvement of Eastern emperors in church matters and the advancement of the see of Constantinople over the sees of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem led successive bishops of Rome to attempt a sharper definition of their ecclesial position vis-a-vis the other bishops.[58] The first documented use of the description of Saint Peter as first bishop of Rome, rather than as the apostle who commissioned its first bishop, dates from 354, and the phrase "the Apostolic See", which refers to the same apostle, began to be used exclusively of the see of Rome, a usage found also in the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon. From the time of Pope Damasus, the text of Matthew 16:18 ("You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church") is used to support Roman primacy. Pope Innocent I (401–417) claimed that all major cases should be reserved to the see of Rome and wrote: "All must preserve that which Peter the prince of the apostles delivered to the church at Rome and which it has watched over until now, and nothing may be added or introduced that lacks this authority or that derives its pattern from somewhere else."[59] Pope Boniface I (418–422) stated that the church of Rome stood to the churches throughout the world "as the head to the members",[60] a statement that was repeated by the delegates of Pope Leo I to the Council of Chalcedon in 451.

Relationship with bishops of other cities edit

Besides Rome, Jerusalem was also held in high prestige in the early Church, both because the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus occurred there, and on account of the 1st-century Council of Jerusalem. Followers of Jesus were first referred to as "Christians" (as well as "Catholic")[61] in Antioch and was, together with Alexandria, important in the thought of the early Church. It is important to note, however, that the three main apostolic sees of the early Church (i.e. the See of Antioch, the See of Alexandria, and the See of Rome) were directly related to Peter. Prior to becoming Bishop of Rome, Peter was Bishop of Antioch. Additionally, his disciple Mark founded the church in Alexandria.[62][better source needed]

Leo I edit

The doctrine of the sedes apostolica (apostolic see) asserts that every bishop of Rome, as Peter's successor, possesses the full authority granted to this position and that this power is inviolable on the grounds that it was established by God himself and so not bound to any individual. In line with the norm of Roman law that a person's legal rights and duties passed to his heir, Pope Leo I (440–461) taught that he, as Peter's representative, succeeded to the power and authority of Peter, and he implied that it was through Peter that the other apostles received from Christ strength and stability.[63] Leo argued that the apostle Peter continued to speak to the Christian community through his successors as bishop of Rome.[64] Pope Gelasius I (492–496) stated: "The see of blessed Peter the Apostle has the right to unbind what has been bound by sentences of any pontiffs whatever, in that it has the right to judge the whole church. Neither is it lawful for anyone to judge its judgment, seeing that canons have willed that it might be appealed to from any part of the world, but that no one may be allowed to appeal from it."[65]

The historical and juridical development of the "primacy of the Roman Pontiff" from Pope Gregory I (590–604) to Pope Clement V (1305–1314) was a doctrinal evolution in fidelity of the depositum fidei (deposit of faith).[66][page needed]

Council of Reims edit

In 1049, the Council of Reims, called by Pope Leo IX, adopted a dogmatic declaration about the primacy of the Roman Pontiff as the successor of Peter: "declaratum est quod solus Romanae sedis pontifex universalis Ecclesiae Primas esset et Apostolicus" (literal translation is "it was declared that only the bishop/pontiff of the see of Rome is the primate of the universal Church and apostolic").[discuss][67]

Emperor Phocas' decree edit

When Phocas took the Byzantine throne in 602, the Diocese of Rome, Bishop Gregory I, praised Phocas as a "restorer of liberty" and referred to him as a pious and clement lord.[68] Meanwhile Gregory I died in 604, and also his successor, Sabinian, in 606. After almost a year of vacancy, Emperor Phocas appointed Bonafice III as the new bishop of Rome in February 19, 607 AD. Then Phocas writes through imperial decree of the Roman government, proclaims Boniface III as the "Head of all the Churches" and "Universal Bishop". Phocas transfers the title of "Universal Bishop" from Diocese of Constantinople to Diocese of Rome.[69] Boniface sought and obtained a decree from Phocas which he restated that "the See of Blessed Peter the Apostle should be the head of all the Churches" and ensured that the title of "Universal Bishop" belonged exclusively to the Bishop of Rome. This act effectively ended the attempt by Patriarch Cyriacus of Constantinople to establish himself as "Universal Bishop".[70]

East-West Schism edit

The dispute about the authority of Roman bishops reached a climax in the year 1054,[71][page needed] when the legate of Pope Leo IX excommunicated Patriarch of Constantinople Michael I Cerularius. Leo IX had, however, died before the legate issued this excommunication, depriving the legate of its authority and thereby rendering the excommunication technically invalid. Similarly, a ceremony of excommunication of Leo IX then performed by Michael I was equally invalid, since one cannot be posthumously excommunicated. This event led to the schism of the Greek and Latin churches.[72][page needed] In itself, it did not have the effect of excommunicating the adherents of the respective churches, as the tit-for-tat excommunications, even had they been valid, would have applied to the named persons only. At the time of the excommunications, many contemporary historians, including Byzantine chroniclers, did not consider the event significant.[73]

Post-schism period edit

Second Council of Lyon (1272–1274) edit

On 31 March 1272, Pope Gregory X convoked the Second Council of Lyon to act on a pledge by Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos to reunite the Eastern church with the West.[74][page needed] Wishing to end the East-West Schism that divided Rome and Constantinople, Gregory X had sent an embassy to Michael VIII, who had reconquered Constantinople, putting an end to the remnants of the Latin Empire in the East.[citation needed]

On 29 June 1274 (the Feast of Peter and Paul, the patronal feast of popes), Gregory X celebrated Mass in St John's Church where both sides took part. The council declared that the Roman church possessed "the supreme and full primacy and authority over the universal Catholic Church."[citation needed]

The council was seemingly a success, but did not provide a lasting solution to the schism. Michael's death in December 1282 put an end to the union of Lyon. His son and successor Andronikos II Palaiologos repudiated the union.

Reformation edit

The primacy of the Pope was again challenged in 1517 when Martin Luther began preaching against several practices in the Catholic Church, including some itinerant friars' abuses involving indulgences. When Pope Leo X refused to support Luther's position, Luther claimed belief in an "invisible church" and called the pope the Antichrist.

Luther's rejection of the primacy of the Pope led to the start of the Protestant Reformation, during which numerous Protestant sects broke away from the Catholic Church. The Church of England also broke away from the Catholic Church at this time, although for reasons different from Martin Luther and the Protestants.

First Vatican Council edit

The doctrine of papal primacy was further developed in 1870 at the First Vatican Council, where ultramontanism achieved victory over conciliarism with the pronouncement of papal infallibility (the ability of the pope to define dogmas free from error ex cathedra) and of papal supremacy, i.e., supreme, full, immediate, and universal ordinary jurisdiction of the pope.

The First Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution Pastor aeternus declared that "in the disposition of God the Roman church holds the preeminence of ordinary power over all the other churches." This council also affirmed the dogma of papal infallibility, deciding that the "infallibility" of the Christian community extended to the pope himself, at least when speaking on matters of faith.

Vatican I defined a twofold Primacy of Peter — one in papal teaching on faith and morals (the charism of infallibility), and the other a primacy of jurisdiction involving government and discipline of the Church — submission to both being necessary to Catholic faith and salvation.[75]

Vatican I rejected the ideas that papal decrees have "no force or value unless confirmed by an order of the secular power" and that the pope's decisions can be appealed to an ecumenical council "as to an authority higher than the Roman Pontiff."

Paul Collins argues that "(the doctrine of papal primacy as formulated by the First Vatican Council) has led to the exercise of untrammelled papal power and has become a major stumbling block in ecumenical relationships with the Orthodox (who consider the definition to be heresy) and Protestants."[76]

Forced to break off prematurely by secular political developments in 1870, Vatican I left behind it a somewhat unbalanced ecclesiology. "In theology the question of papal primacy was so much in the foreground that the Church appeared essentially as a centrally directed institution which one was dogged in defending but which only encountered one externally", according to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the later Pope Benedict XVI).[77]

Eastern Orthodox view edit

The Eastern Orthodox church considers the Bishop of Rome to be the primus inter pares.[78][discuss] Many[example needed] theologians also believe that Peter is the rock referred to by Jesus in Matthew 16:18.[79]

However, the Eastern Orthodox argue the keys to the kingdom were given not only to Peter but to all the Apostles equally. Such an interpretation, it is claimed,[80] has been accepted by many Church Fathers; Tertullian,[c] Hilary of Poitiers,[d] John Chrysostom,[e] Augustine.[84][f][86][87][g][disputed ]

It has been argued that church councils did not consider papal decisions binding. The Third Ecumenical Council was called, even though Pope Celestine I condemned Nestorius as a heretic which Michael Whelton, Catholic convert to Orthodoxy, argues shows that the council did not consider the papal condemnation as definitive.[89][90]

Catholic Cardinal and theologian Yves Congar stated

The East never accepted the regular jurisdiction of Rome, nor did it submit to the judgment of Western bishops. Its appeals to Rome for help were not connected with a recognition of the principle of Roman jurisdiction but were based on the view that Rome had the same truth, the same good. The East jealously protected its autonomous way of life. Rome intervened to safeguard the observation of legal rules, to maintain the orthodoxy of faith and to ensure communion between the two parts of the church, the Roman see representing and personifying the West...In according Rome a 'primacy of honour', the East avoided basing this primacy on the succession and the still living presence of the apostle Peter. A modus vivendi was achieved which lasted, albeit with crises, down to the middle of the eleventh century.[91]

21st century relations with other Christian denominations edit

In the document Responses to some questions regarding certain aspects of the doctrine on the Church of 29 June 2007 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reiterated that, in the view of the Catholic Church, the Christian communities born out of the Protestant Reformation and which lack apostolic succession in the sacrament of orders are not "Churches" in the proper sense. The Eastern Christian Churches that are not in communion with Rome, such as the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy and the Assyrian Church of the East, are Churches in the proper sense and sister Churches of the Catholic particular Churches, but since communion with the Pope is one of the internal constitutive principles of a particular church, they lack something in their condition, while on the other hand the existing division means that the fullness of universality that is proper to the church governed by the successor of St Peter and the bishops in communion with him is not now realised in history.[92]

Efforts at reconciliation edit

Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission edit

The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) statement of Venice (1976) states that the ministry of the bishop of Rome among his brother bishops was "interpreted" as Christ's will for his church; its importance was compared "by analogy" to the position of Peter among the apostles.[93]

Communion with the bishop of Rome does not imply submission to an authority which would stifle the distinctive features of the local churches. The purpose of the episcopal function of the bishop of Rome is to promote Christian fellowship in faithfulness to the teaching of the apostles.[94]

Joint worship service with the Archbishop of Canterbury edit

At a joint service during the first official visit of the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, to the Vatican, Runcie appealed to Anglicans to consider accepting papal primacy in a reunified church. At the same time, Pope John Paul II stressed that his office must be more than a figurehead.[95]

Ut unum sint edit

John Paul II invited, in Ut Unum Sint, his 1995 encyclical on commitment to ecumenism, the "pastors and theologians" of Churches and Ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church to suggest how to exercise papal primacy in ways that would unite rather than divide.[96]

Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue edit

In October 2007, the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, agreed that the pope has primacy among all bishops of the Church, something which has been universally acknowledged by both churches since the First Council of Constantinople in 381 (when they were still one Church) though disagreements about the extent of his authority still continue.

The document "draws an analogy among the three levels of communion: local, regional, and universal, each of which appropriately has a 'first' with the role of fostering communion, in order to ground the rationale of why the universal level must also have a primacy. It articulates the principle that primacy and conciliarity are interdependent and mutually necessary."[97] Speaking of "fraternal relations between bishops" during the first millennium, it states that "these relations, among the bishops themselves, between the bishops and their respective protoi (firsts), and also among the protoi themselves in the canonical order (taxis) witnessed by the ancient Church, nourished and consolidated ecclesial communion." It notes that both sides agree "that Rome, as the church that 'presides in love' according to the phrase of St Ignatius of Antioch, occupied the first place in the taxis (order) and that the bishop of Rome was, therefore, the protos (first) among the patriarchs. They disagree, however, on the interpretation of the historical evidence from this era regarding the prerogatives of the bishop of Rome as protos, a matter that was already understood in different ways in the first millennium";[98][99][100][101] and "while the fact of primacy at the universal level is accepted by both East and West, there are differences of understanding with regard to the manner in which it is to be exercised, and also with regard to its scriptural and theological foundations".[102][103]

Discussions continued at Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, (a drafting committee) in September–October 2008; at Paphos, Cyprus, in October 2009;[104] and Vienna, Austria in September 2010.[105] Hegumen Filipp Ryabykh, the deputy head of the Russian Orthodox Church Department for External Church Relations said:

The fact that the Pope of Rome claims universal jurisdiction is simply contrary to Orthodox ecclesiology, which teaches that the Orthodox Church, whilst preserving unity of faith and church order, nevertheless consists of several [autocephalous] Local Churches[106]

A 2008 draft text on "The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Church in the First Millennium" topic prepared by the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church was leaked in 2010,[107] which the Vienna meeting asked to be revised and amplified. This document states that "Catholics and Orthodox agree that, from apostolic times, the Church of Rome has been recognised as the first among the local Churches, both in the East and in the West."[discuss][108] Both sides agree that "the primacy of the see precedes the primacy of its bishops and is the source of the latter".[discuss][109] While in the West, "the position of the bishop of Rome among the bishops was understood in terms of the position of Peter among the apostles ... the East tended rather to understand each bishop as the successor of all the apostles, including Peter"; but these rather different understandings "co-existed for several centuries until the end of the first millennium, without causing a break of communion".[discuss][110]

Opposition to the doctrine edit

American religious author Stephen K. Ray, a Baptist convert to Catholicism, asserts that "There is little in the history of the Church that has been more heatedly contested than the primacy of Peter and the See of Rome. History is replete with examples of authority spurned, and the history of the Church is no different."[111]

Protestant view edit

The topic of the Papacy and its authority is among the main differences between the Catholic Church and many other Christian denominations. For those who hold to the doctrine of sola scriptura, the Bible is considered to be the sole authority on Christian doctrine and theology.

Michael H. Crosby, a renowned religious studies expert, says in his book Repair My House: Becoming a "Kingdom" Catholic, that Matthew 16:18–19 does not support the authority given to Peter and that the keys were given not to Peter alone but to the whole church. Some translations of the Bible, like the writings of St. John Chrysostom, considered that Jesus was considering the proclamation made by Peter to be the rock and foundation of the faith.[112] Compared to other Catholic translations that say, even if Peter is the "rock", it does not support exclusive authority.[113]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ "It is not a greater difficulty that St. Ignatius does not write to the Asian Greeks about Popes, than that St. Paul does not write to the Corinthians about Bishops. [...] No doctrine is defined till it is violated."[27]
  2. ^ the "[...] the very great, the very ancient, and universally known Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and Paul; as also [by pointing out] the faith preached to men, which comes down to our time by means of the successions of the bishops. [...] The blessed apostles, then, having founded and built up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate."[40]
  3. ^ "What, now, (has this to do) with the Church, and your (church), indeed, Psychic? For, in accordance with the person of Peter, it is to spiritual men that this power will correspondently appertain, either to an apostle or else to a prophet."[81]
  4. ^ "This faith it is which is the foundation of the Church; through this faith the gates of hell cannot prevail against her. This is the faith which has the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatsoever this faith shall have loosed or bound on earth shall be loosed or bound in heaven. This faith is the Father's gift by revelation; even the knowledge that we must not imagine a false Christ, a creature made out of nothing, but must confess Him the Son of God, truly possessed of the Divine nature."[82]
  5. ^ "For (John) the Son of thunder, the beloved of Christ, the pillar of the Churches throughout the world, who holds the keys of heaven, who drank the cup of Christ, and was baptized with His baptism, who lay upon his Master's bosom, with much confidence, this man now comes forward to us now"[83]
  6. ^ "...Peter, the first of the apostles, receive the keys of the kingdom of heaven for the binding and loosing of sins; and for the same congregation of saints, in reference to the perfect repose in the bosom of that mysterious life to come did the evangelist John recline on the breast of Christ. For it is not the former alone but the whole Church, that bindeth and looseth sins; nor did the latter alone drink at the fountain of the Lord's breast, to emit again in preaching, of the Word in the beginning, God with God, and those other sublime truths regarding the divinity of Christ, and the Trinity and Unity of the whole Godhead."[85]
  7. ^ "How the Church? Why, to her it was said, "To thee I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven."[88]

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ Nichols 2010, p. 313.
  2. ^ Larchet 2006, p. 188.
  3. ^ Speciale 2011.
  4. ^ Schmemann 1995, p. 165.
  5. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2019. Paragraph 882.
  6. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2019. Paragraph 883.
  7. ^ Phan 2000, pp. 486–488.
  8. ^ Ravenna Document 2007, nn. 43–44.
  9. ^ LG, n. 22.
  10. ^ DH, n. 4146.
  11. ^ Hardon 2013, Primacy.
  12. ^ CIC 1983, c. 331.
  13. ^ Walf 2000, p. 431.
  14. ^ Caparros et al. 1993, p. 273.
  15. ^ DH, n. 3303.
  16. ^ DH, n. 3060.
  17. ^ CCEO 1990, c. 43.
  18. ^ CCEO 1990, c. 45.
  19. ^ CCEO 1990, c. 92, c. 208.
  20. ^ CIC 1983, c. 591; CCEO 1990, c. 412.
  21. ^ CIC 1983, c. 1417; CCEO 1990, c. 45, c. 1059.
  22. ^ Bachofen 1918; Woywod 1948, pp. 98–99.
  23. ^ PA, ch. 1.
  24. ^ ARCIC I 1981, n. 6.
  25. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2019. Paragraph 94.
  26. ^ Schatz 1996, pp. 1–3.
  27. ^ Newman 1888, p. 151.
  28. ^ Newman 1888, p. 63, quoted in Misner (1976, p. 72) from a different edition of Newman.
  29. ^ a b Schmemann 1995, pp. 163–164.
  30. ^ Schatz 1996, pp. 4–6.
  31. ^ Ravenna Document 2007, n. 41.
  32. ^ Ravenna Document 2007, n. 44.
  33. ^ Schimmelpfennig 1992, p. 27.
  34. ^ Schimmelpfennig 1992, p. 39.
  35. ^ Miller 1980, p. 203.
  36. ^ a b c Farmer 2004.
  37. ^ Boadt2008, p. 88.
  38. ^ a b O'Malley 2010, p. 11.
  39. ^ Clapsis 2000.
  40. ^ Irenaeus & Against heresies 3.3.
  41. ^ Tajra 1994, p. 180.
  42. ^ Shotwell & Loomis 1927, pp. 217, 218, 220.
  43. ^ Afanassieff 1995, pp. 126–127.
  44. ^ McBrien 2008, p. 63.
  45. ^ Afanassieff 1995, p. 98.
  46. ^ Mann, Horace. "Pope St. Stephen I." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 11 February 2020   This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  47. ^ "Letter of Jerome to Pope Damasus", 376, The Nicene Fathers (Schaff & Wace, ed.) T.&T. Clark, Edinburgh
  48. ^ Kirsch, Johann Peter. "Pope St. Siricius." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912   This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  49. ^ a b Eusebius & Church history, 5.23.
  50. ^ a b c orthodoxanswers.org.
  51. ^ Eusebius & Church history, 5.25.
  52. ^ Cleenewerck 2009, p. 155.
  53. ^ McCue 1964.
  54. ^ a b The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church, (Henry R. Percival, ed.), Vol XIV of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, (ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace), (repr. Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1988)  This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  55. ^ Dvornik 1966, p. 47.
  56. ^ Council of Chalcedon, c. 3.
  57. ^ Shahan 1908.
  58. ^ Nichols 2010, p. 203.
  59. ^ Nichols 1997, p. 113.
  60. ^ Nichols 2010, pp. 202–203.
  61. ^ Ignatius & Letter to the Smyrnaeans, c. 8.
  62. ^ "History of the Papacy". Religion Facts. 10 November 2015. Retrieved 30 May 2016.
  63. ^ Nichols 1997, p. 114.
  64. ^ McBrien 2008, p. 99.
  65. ^ Nichols 1997, p. 116.
  66. ^ Sanchez 1968.
  67. ^ Mansi & Concilium Remense, p. 738; Hourlier 1981, p. 240, see D'Agostino (2008, pp. 124–127)
  68. ^ Ekonomou, Andrew. Byzantine Rome and the Greek Popes. Lexington books, 2007
  69. ^ "Apostate church organization: 588 - 606 AD: The final dog fight for control of the world!". www.bible.ca. Retrieved 23 October 2021.
  70. ^   One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainOestreich, Thomas (1907). "Pope Boniface III". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 2. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  71. ^ D'Agostino 2008.
  72. ^ Thompson 1965.
  73. ^ Binns, John (2002). An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches. Cambridge University Press. p. 203. ISBN 978-0-521-66738-8.
  74. ^ Wetterau 1994.
  75. ^ Larson 2003.
  76. ^ Collins 1997.
  77. ^ Shaw 2000.
  78. ^ Ware 1993, pp. 28, 47, 241.
  79. ^ Kesich 1995, pp. 47–48.
  80. ^ Webster.
  81. ^ Tertullian & On modesty, 21, par. 5.
  82. ^ Hilary & On the Trinity, n. 37.
  83. ^ John Chrysostom & On the Gospel of John, n. 2.
  84. ^ Augustine & On Christian doctrine, n. 17.
  85. ^ Augustine & On Gospel of John, n. 7.
  86. ^ Guettee 1866, p. 175.
  87. ^ Augustine & Donatists, n. 45.
  88. ^ Augustine & On 1 John, cited in Whelton (1998, p. 28)
  89. ^ Davis 1990, p. 153.
  90. ^ Whelton 1998, p. 59.
  91. ^ Congar 1984, pp. 26–27.
  92. ^ CDF 2007.
  93. ^ ARCIC I 1976.
  94. ^ ARCIC I 1976, n. 12.
  95. ^ Haberman, Clyde (1 October 1989). "Anglican Head Prays With the Pope in Rome". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  96. ^ UUS, nn. 95–97.
  97. ^ NAOCTC 2009.
  98. ^ Ravenna Document 2007, nn. 40–41.
  99. ^   The dictionary definition of πρώτοι (prótoi) at Wiktionary.
  100. ^   The dictionary definition of πρώτος (prótos) at Wiktionary.
  101. ^   The dictionary definition of τάξις (táksis) at Wiktionary.
  102. ^ Ravenna Document 2007, n. 43.
  103. ^ catholicculture.org 2007.
  104. ^ Colina 2009.
  105. ^ Hovorun 2010.
  106. ^ 02varvara.wordpress.com.
  107. ^ Crete Draft 2008.
  108. ^ Crete Draft 2008, n. 4.
  109. ^ Crete Draft 2008, n. 9.
  110. ^ Crete Draft 2008, nn. 20–22.
  111. ^ Ray 1999, p. 11.
  112. ^ McCarthy 1995, p. 240.
  113. ^ Carson 1984, p. 368.

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  • Whelton, Michael (2006). Popes and patriarchs: an Orthodox perspective on Roman Catholic claims. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press. ISBN 978-1-888212-78-5.

External links edit

  • Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "The Pope" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  • "Synodality and Primacy During the First Millennium: Towards a Common Understanding in Service to the Unity of the Church (Chieti, 21 September 2016)". www.vatican.va. Retrieved 20 May 2020.

papal, primacy, confused, with, papal, supremacy, primacy, peter, popery, hierocracy, medieval, this, article, relies, excessively, references, primary, sources, please, improve, this, article, adding, secondary, tertiary, sources, find, sources, news, newspap. Not to be confused with Papal supremacy Primacy of Peter Popery or Hierocracy medieval This article relies excessively on references to primary sources Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources Find sources Papal primacy news newspapers books scholar JSTOR September 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message Papal primacy also known as the primacy of the bishop of Rome is an ecclesiological doctrine in the Catholic Church concerning the respect and authority that is due to the pope from other bishops and their episcopal sees While the doctrine is accepted at a fundamental level by both the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church the two disagree on the nature of primacy Boniface VIII and his cardinals Illustration of a 14th century edition of the Decretals English academic and Catholic priest Aidan Nichols wrote that at root only one issue of substance divides the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholic Churches and that is the issue of the primacy 1 French Eastern Orthodox researcher Jean Claude Larchet wrote that together with the Filioque controversy differences in interpretation of this doctrine have been and remain the primary causes of schism between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church 2 In the Eastern Orthodox churches some understand the primacy of the bishop of Rome to be merely one of greater honour regarding him as primus inter pares first among equals without effective power over other churches 3 Other Eastern Orthodox Christian theologians however view primacy as authoritative power the expression manifestation and realization in one bishop of the power of all the bishops and of the unity of the Church 4 The Catholic Church attributes to the primacy of the pope full supreme and universal power over the whole Church a power which he can always exercise unhindered 5 a power that it attributes also to the entire body of the bishops united with the pope 6 The power that it attributes to the pope s primatial authority has limitations that are official legal dogmatic and practical 7 In the Ravenna Document issued in 2007 representatives of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church jointly stated that both accept the bishop of Rome s primacy at the universal level but that differences of understanding exist about how the primacy is to be exercised and about its scriptural and theological foundations 8 Contents 1 Dogma within Latin and Eastern Catholic Churches 2 Development of the doctrine 2 1 Basis of claims to primacy 2 1 1 Peter and Paul 2 1 1 1 Primacy of Peter the apostle 2 1 1 2 Role of Paul in the founding of the Church of Rome 3 Historical development 3 1 Pope as arbiter 3 2 Quartodeciman controversy 3 3 First Council of Nicaea 3 4 First Council of Constantinople and its context 3 4 1 Relationship with bishops of other cities 3 4 2 Leo I 3 4 3 Council of Reims 3 5 Emperor Phocas decree 3 6 East West Schism 3 7 Post schism period 3 7 1 Second Council of Lyon 1272 1274 3 7 2 Reformation 3 7 3 First Vatican Council 3 8 Eastern Orthodox view 3 9 21st century relations with other Christian denominations 3 9 1 Efforts at reconciliation 3 9 1 1 Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission 3 9 1 2 Joint worship service with the Archbishop of Canterbury 3 9 1 3 Ut unum sint 3 9 1 4 Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue 4 Opposition to the doctrine 4 1 Protestant view 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 7 1 Citations 7 2 Sources 8 Bibliography 9 External linksDogma within Latin and Eastern Catholic Churches editThe Catholic dogma of the primacy of the bishop of Rome is codified in both codes of canon law of the Catholic Church the Latin Church s 1983 Code of Canon Law 1983 CIC and the Eastern Catholic Churches 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches CCEO The Second Vatican Council s 1964 dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium LG declared that the pope s power of primacy is by virtue of his office that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church and is full supreme and universal power over the Church which he is always free to exercise 9 10 The primacy of the bishop of Rome according to John Hardon in Catholic Dictionary is primacy of jurisdiction which means the possession of full and supreme teaching legislative and sacerdotal powers in the Catholic Church it is authority not only in faith and morals but Church discipline and in the government of the Church 11 In 1983 CIC canon 331 the bishop of Roman Church is both the vicar of Christ and pastor of the universal Church on earth 12 Knut Walf in New commentary on the Code of Canon Law notes that this description bishop of the Roman Church is only found in this canon and the term Roman pontiff is generally used in 1983 CIC 13 Ernest Caparros et al Code of Canon Law Annotated comments that this canon pertains to all individuals and groups of faithful within the Latin Church of all rites and hierarchical ranks not only in matters of faith and morals but also in all that concerns the discipline and government of the Church throughout the whole world 14 Heinrich Denzinger Peter Hunermann et al Enchiridion symbolorum DH states that Christ did not form the Church as several distinct communities 15 but unified through full communion with the bishop of Rome and profession of the same faith with the bishop of Rome 16 The bishop of Rome is a subject of supreme authority over the sui iuris Eastern Catholic Churches 17 In CCEO canon 45 the bishop of Rome has by virtue of his office both power over the entire Church and primacy of ordinary power over all the eparchies and groupings of them within each of the Eastern Catholic Churches Through the office of the supreme pastor of the Church he is in communion with the other bishops and with the entire Church and has the right to determines whether to exercise this authority either personally or collegially 18 This primacy over the entire Church includes primacy over Eastern Catholic patriarchs and eparchial bishops 19 over governance of institutes of consecrated life 20 and over judicial affairs 21 Primacy of the bishop of Rome was also codified in the 1917 Code of Canon Law 1917 CIC canons 218 221 22 Development of the doctrine editMain article History of papal primacyThe Catholic Church bases its doctrine of papal primacy on the primacy among the apostles that Jesus gave to Peter in Matthew 16 16 19 23 Blessed are you Simon Bar Jonah For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father who is in heaven And I tell you you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and in John 21 15 17 Feed my lambs Feed my sheep While acknowledging that the New Testament contains no explicit record of a transmission of Peter s leadership nor is the transmission of apostolic authority in general very clear 24 it considers that its doctrine has a developmental history and that its teaching about matters such as the Trinity the divinity of Christ and the union of his two natures in a single person developed as the result of drawing out from the original revealed truth consequences that were not obvious at first Thanks to the assistance of the Holy Spirit the understanding of both the realities and the words of the heritage of faith is able to grow in the life of the Church through the contemplation and study of believers who ponder these things in their hearts it is in particular theological research which deepens knowledge of revealed truth 25 Accordingly it would be a mistake to expect to find the modern fully developed doctrine of papal primacy in the first centuries thereby failing to recognize the Church s historical reality 26 The figure of the pope as leader of the worldwide church developed over time as the figure of the bishop as leader of the local church seems to have appeared later than in the time of the apostles a That the Christian scriptures which contain no cut and dried answers to questions such as whether or not there is forgiveness for post baptismal sins and whether or not infants should be baptized gradually become clearer in the light of events is a view expressed when considering the doctrine of papal primacy by Cardinal John Henry Newman who summed up his thought by saying developments of Christianity are proved to have been in the contemplation of its Divine Author by an argument parallel to that by which we infer intelligence in the system of the physical world In whatever sense the need and its supply are a proof of design in the visible creation in the same do the gaps if the word may be used which occur in the structure of the original creed of the Church make it probable that those developments which grow out of the truths which lie around them were intended to fill them up 28 Modern Eastern Orthodox writers such as Nikolay Afanasiev and Alexander Schmemann have written that the phrase presiding in agape used of the Church of Rome in the letter that Ignatius of Antioch addressed to it in the early 2nd century contains a definition of that Church s universal primacy 29 but the Catholic writer Klaus Schatz warns that it would be wrong to read this letter and the even earlier First Epistle of Clement the name of Clement was added only later in which the Church of Rome intervenes in matters of the Church of Corinth admonishing it in authoritative tones even speaking in the name of God as statements of the developed Catholic teaching on papal primacy 30 It was only later that the expression of Ignatius of Antioch could be interpreted as meaning as agreed by representatives of both the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches that Rome as the Church that presides in love according to the phrase of St Ignatius of Antioch To the Romans Prologue occupied the first place in the taxis lit arrangement order and that the bishop of Rome was therefore the protos lit first among the patriarchs 31 The same agreement stated In the history of the East and of the West at least until the ninth century a series of prerogatives was recognised always in the context of conciliarity according to the conditions of the times for the protos or kephale lit head at each of the established ecclesiastical levels locally for the bishop as protos of his diocese with regard to his presbyters and people regionally for the protos of each metropolis with regard to the bishops of his province and for the protos of each of the five patriarchates with regard to the metropolitans of each circumscription and universally for the bishop of Rome as protos among the patriarchs This distinction of levels does not diminish the sacramental equality of every bishop or the catholicity of each local Church 32 Basis of claims to primacy edit Peter and Paul edit The evolution of earlier tradition established both Peter and Paul as the forefathers of the bishops of Rome from whom they received their position as chief shepherd Peter and supreme authority on doctrine Paul 33 To establish her primacy among the churches of the Western half of the empire the bishops of Rome relied on a letter written in 416 by Innocent I to the Bishop of Gubbio to show how subordination to Rome had been established Since Peter was the only apostle no mention of Paul to have worked in the West thus the only persons to have established churches in Italy Spain Gaul Sicily Africa and the Western islands were bishops appointed by Peter or his successors This being the case then all congregations had to abide by the regulations set in Rome 34 Primacy of Peter the apostle edit Main article Primacy of Simon Peter nbsp Saint Peter c 1529 by Grao Vasco Peter is portrayed in full papal regalia Because of its association with the supposed position of Peter among the apostles the function that within the Catholic Church is exercised by the Bishop of Rome among the bishops as a whole is referred to as the Petrine function and is generally believed to be of divine institution in the sense that the historical and sociological factors that influenced its development are seen as guided by the Holy Spirit Not all Catholic theologians see a special providential intervention as responsible for the result but most see the papacy regardless of its origin as now essential to the Church s structure 35 The presence of Peter in Rome not explicitly affirmed in but consistent with the New Testament is explicitly affirmed by Clement of Rome Ignatius of Antioch Irenaeus of Lyon and other early Christian writers and no other place has ever claimed to be the location of his death 36 37 The same witnesses imply that Peter was the virtual founder of the Church of Rome 36 though not its founder in the sense of initiating a Christian community there 38 They also speak of Peter as the one who initiated its episcopal succession 36 but speak of Linus as the first bishop of Rome after Peter although some hold today that the Christians in Rome did not act as a single united community under a single leader until the 2nd century 38 Classic Roman Catholic tradition maintained that the universal primacy of the bishop of Rome was divinely instituted by Jesus Christ This was derived from the Petrine texts and from the gospel accounts of Matthew 16 17 19 Luke 22 32 and John 21 15 17 according to the Roman tradition they all refer not simply to the historical Peter but to his successors to the end of time Today scriptural scholars of many traditions agree that it is possible to discern in the New Testament an early tradition that attributes a special position to Peter among Christ s twelve apostles The Church built its identity on them as witnesses and responsibility for pastoral leadership was not restricted to Peter In Matthew 16 19 Peter is explicitly commissioned to bind and loose later in Matthew 18 18 Christ directly promises all the disciples that they will do the same Similarly the foundation upon which the Church is built is related to Peter in Matthew 16 16 and to the whole apostolic body elsewhere in the New Testament cf Eph 2 20 39 Role of Paul in the founding of the Church of Rome edit Irenaeus of Lyon AD 189 wrote that Peter and Paul had founded the Church in Rome and had appointed Pope Linus to the office of the episcopate the beginning of the succession of the Roman see b Although the introduction of Christianity was not due to them the arrival ministries and especially the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul were the seminal events which really constituted the Church of Rome It was from their time and not before that an orderly and meetly ordained succession of Bishops originated 41 Historical development editThis article appears to contradict the article History of papal primacy Please discuss at the talk page and do not remove this message until the contradictions are resolved June 2015 Main article History of papal primacy While the doctrine of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome in the form in which it is upheld today in the Catholic Church developed over the course of centuries often in reaction to challenges made against exercises of authority by popes writers both of East and West declare that from a very early period the Church of Rome was looked to as the centre of reference for the whole Church Thus Schmemann wrote It is impossible to deny that even before the appearance of local primacies the Church from the first days of her existence possessed an ecumenical center of unity and agreement In the apostolic and Judeo Christian period it was the Church of Jerusalem and later the Church of Rome presiding in agape according to St Ignatius of Antioch This formula and the definition of the universal primacy contained in it have been aptly analyzed by Fr Afanassieff and we need not repeat his argument here Neither can we quote here all testimonies of the fathers and the councils unanimously acknowledging Rome as the senior church and the center of ecumenical agreement It is only for the sake of biased polemics that one can ignore these testimonies their consensus and significance 29 In their The See of Peter 1927 non Catholic academic historians James T Shotwell and Louise Ropes Loomis noted the following Unquestionably the Roman church very early developed something like a sense of obligation to the oppressed all over Christendom Consequently there was but one focus of authority By the year 252 there seem to have been one hundred bishops in central and southern Italy but outside Rome there was nothing to set one bishop above another All were on a level together citizens of Italy accustomed to look to Rome for direction in every detail of public life The Roman bishop had the right not only to ordain but even on occasion to select bishops for Italian churches To Christians of the Occident the Roman church was the sole direct link with the age of the New Testament and its bishop was the one prelate in their part of the world in whose voice they discerned echoes of the apostles speech The Roman bishop spoke always as the guardian of an authoritative tradition second to none Even when the eastern churches insisted that their traditions were older and quite as sacred if not more so the voice in the West unaccustomed to rivalry at home spoke on regardless of protest or denunciation at a distance 42 Pope as arbiter edit Eastern Orthodox theologian Nicholas Afanassieff cites Irenaeus in Against Heresies 3 4 1 as illuminating that during the pre Nicene period the Church of Rome acted as arbiter in resolving disputes between local churches Rome s support would ensure success while refusal from Rome predetermined the attitude the other churches would adopt 43 In the aftermath of the Decian persecution Pope Stephen I 254 257 was asked by Cyprian of Carthage d 258 to resolve a dispute among the bishops of Gaul as to whether those who had lapsed could be reconciled and readmitted to the Christian community Cyprian stressed the Petrine primacy as well as the unity of the Church and the importance of being in communion with the bishops 44 For Cyprian the Bishop of Rome is the direct heir of Peter whereas the others are heirs only indirectly and he insisted that the Church of Rome is the root and matrix of the Catholic Church 45 Cyprian wrote Pope Stephen asking him to instruct the bishops of Gaul to condemn Marcianus of Arles who refused to admit those who repented and to elect another bishop in his stead 46 It was to Pope Damasus I 366 384 that Jerome appealed in 376 to settle a dispute as to who among three rival claimants was the legitimate Patriarch of Antioch 47 In the strictest sense of the word decretal means a papal rescript rescriptum an answer of the pope when he has been appealed to or his advice has been sought on a matter of discipline The oldest preserved decretal is a letter of Pope Siricius r 384 399 in response to an inquiry from Himerius Bishop of Tarragona fl 385 in which Siricius issued decisions on fifteen different points on matters regarding baptism penance church discipline and the celibacy of the clergy 48 Quartodeciman controversy edit Main article Quartodecimanism The Quartodeciman controversy arose because Christians in the Roman province of Asia Western Anatolia celebrated Easter at the spring full moon like the Jewish Passover while the churches in the West observed the practice of celebrating it on the following Sunday the day of the resurrection of our Saviour 49 In 155 Anicetus bishop of Rome presided over a church council at Rome that was attended by a number of bishops including Polycarp bishop of Smyrna Although the council failed to reach agreement on the issue ecclesiastical communion was preserved 50 A generation later synods of bishops in Palestine Pontus and Osrhoene in the east and in Rome and Gaul in the west unanimously declared that the celebration should be exclusively on Sunday 49 In 193 Victor bishop of Rome presided over a council at Rome and subsequently sent a letter about the matter to Polycrates of Ephesus and the churches of the Roman province of Asia 50 In the same year Polycrates presided over a council at Ephesus attended by several bishops throughout that province which rejected Victor s authority and kept the province s paschal tradition 50 Thereupon Victor attempted to cut off Polycrates and the others who took this stance from the common unity but later reversed his decision after bishops that included Irenaeus of Lyon in Gaul interceded and recommended that Victor adopt the more tolerant stance of his predecessor Anicetus 51 This incident is cited by some who Orthodox Christians as the first example of overreaching by the Bishop of Rome and resistance of such by Eastern churches Laurent Cleenewerck suggests that this could be argued to be the first fissure between the Eastern and Western churches self published source 52 According to James McCue Victor s threatened excommunication was an intradiocesan affair between two local churches and did not pertain to the universal church 53 First Council of Nicaea edit The First Council of Nicaea was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325 Canon IV states A bishop is to be chosen by all the bishops of the province or at least by three the rest giving by letter their assent but this choice must be confirmed by the Metropolitan 54 Karl Josef von Hefele says that this was probably in response to Melitius of Lycopolis who had nominated bishops without the concurrence of the other bishops of the province and without the approval of the metropolitan of Alexandria and had thus occasioned a schism This canon was intended to prevent the recurrence of such abuses 54 First Council of Constantinople and its context edit nbsp Early manuscript illustration of the First Council of Constantinople Main article First Council of Constantinople The event that is often considered to have been the first conflict between Rome and Constantinople was triggered by the elevation of the see of Constantinople to a position of honour second only to Rome on the grounds that as capital of the eastern Roman empire it was now the New Rome 55 This was promulgated in the First Council of Constantinople 381 canon 3 which decreed The Bishop of Constantinople however shall have the prerogative of honour after the Bishop of Rome because Constantinople is New Rome 56 Thomas Shahan says that according to Photius Pope Damasus approved the council of Constantinople but he adds that if any part of the council were approved by this pope it could have been only its revision of the Nicene Creed as was the case also when Gregory the Great recognized it as one of the four general councils but only in its dogmatic utterances 57 The increasing involvement of Eastern emperors in church matters and the advancement of the see of Constantinople over the sees of Antioch Alexandria and Jerusalem led successive bishops of Rome to attempt a sharper definition of their ecclesial position vis a vis the other bishops 58 The first documented use of the description of Saint Peter as first bishop of Rome rather than as the apostle who commissioned its first bishop dates from 354 and the phrase the Apostolic See which refers to the same apostle began to be used exclusively of the see of Rome a usage found also in the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon From the time of Pope Damasus the text of Matthew 16 18 You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church is used to support Roman primacy Pope Innocent I 401 417 claimed that all major cases should be reserved to the see of Rome and wrote All must preserve that which Peter the prince of the apostles delivered to the church at Rome and which it has watched over until now and nothing may be added or introduced that lacks this authority or that derives its pattern from somewhere else 59 Pope Boniface I 418 422 stated that the church of Rome stood to the churches throughout the world as the head to the members 60 a statement that was repeated by the delegates of Pope Leo I to the Council of Chalcedon in 451 Relationship with bishops of other cities edit Besides Rome Jerusalem was also held in high prestige in the early Church both because the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus occurred there and on account of the 1st century Council of Jerusalem Followers of Jesus were first referred to as Christians as well as Catholic 61 in Antioch and was together with Alexandria important in the thought of the early Church It is important to note however that the three main apostolic sees of the early Church i e the See of Antioch the See of Alexandria and the See of Rome were directly related to Peter Prior to becoming Bishop of Rome Peter was Bishop of Antioch Additionally his disciple Mark founded the church in Alexandria 62 better source needed Leo I edit The doctrine of the sedes apostolica apostolic see asserts that every bishop of Rome as Peter s successor possesses the full authority granted to this position and that this power is inviolable on the grounds that it was established by God himself and so not bound to any individual In line with the norm of Roman law that a person s legal rights and duties passed to his heir Pope Leo I 440 461 taught that he as Peter s representative succeeded to the power and authority of Peter and he implied that it was through Peter that the other apostles received from Christ strength and stability 63 Leo argued that the apostle Peter continued to speak to the Christian community through his successors as bishop of Rome 64 Pope Gelasius I 492 496 stated The see of blessed Peter the Apostle has the right to unbind what has been bound by sentences of any pontiffs whatever in that it has the right to judge the whole church Neither is it lawful for anyone to judge its judgment seeing that canons have willed that it might be appealed to from any part of the world but that no one may be allowed to appeal from it 65 The historical and juridical development of the primacy of the Roman Pontiff from Pope Gregory I 590 604 to Pope Clement V 1305 1314 was a doctrinal evolution in fidelity of the depositum fidei deposit of faith 66 page needed Council of Reims edit In 1049 the Council of Reims called by Pope Leo IX adopted a dogmatic declaration about the primacy of the Roman Pontiff as the successor of Peter declaratum est quod solus Romanae sedis pontifex universalis Ecclesiae Primas esset et Apostolicus literal translation is it was declared that only the bishop pontiff of the see of Rome is the primate of the universal Church and apostolic discuss 67 Emperor Phocas decree edit When Phocas took the Byzantine throne in 602 the Diocese of Rome Bishop Gregory I praised Phocas as a restorer of liberty and referred to him as a pious and clement lord 68 Meanwhile Gregory I died in 604 and also his successor Sabinian in 606 After almost a year of vacancy Emperor Phocas appointed Bonafice III as the new bishop of Rome in February 19 607 AD Then Phocas writes through imperial decree of the Roman government proclaims Boniface III as the Head of all the Churches and Universal Bishop Phocas transfers the title of Universal Bishop from Diocese of Constantinople to Diocese of Rome 69 Boniface sought and obtained a decree from Phocas which he restated that the See of Blessed Peter the Apostle should be the head of all the Churches and ensured that the title of Universal Bishop belonged exclusively to the Bishop of Rome This act effectively ended the attempt by Patriarch Cyriacus of Constantinople to establish himself as Universal Bishop 70 East West Schism edit Main article East West Schism The dispute about the authority of Roman bishops reached a climax in the year 1054 71 page needed when the legate of Pope Leo IX excommunicated Patriarch of Constantinople Michael I Cerularius Leo IX had however died before the legate issued this excommunication depriving the legate of its authority and thereby rendering the excommunication technically invalid Similarly a ceremony of excommunication of Leo IX then performed by Michael I was equally invalid since one cannot be posthumously excommunicated This event led to the schism of the Greek and Latin churches 72 page needed In itself it did not have the effect of excommunicating the adherents of the respective churches as the tit for tat excommunications even had they been valid would have applied to the named persons only At the time of the excommunications many contemporary historians including Byzantine chroniclers did not consider the event significant 73 Post schism period edit Second Council of Lyon 1272 1274 edit On 31 March 1272 Pope Gregory X convoked the Second Council of Lyon to act on a pledge by Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos to reunite the Eastern church with the West 74 page needed Wishing to end the East West Schism that divided Rome and Constantinople Gregory X had sent an embassy to Michael VIII who had reconquered Constantinople putting an end to the remnants of the Latin Empire in the East citation needed On 29 June 1274 the Feast of Peter and Paul the patronal feast of popes Gregory X celebrated Mass in St John s Church where both sides took part The council declared that the Roman church possessed the supreme and full primacy and authority over the universal Catholic Church citation needed The council was seemingly a success but did not provide a lasting solution to the schism Michael s death in December 1282 put an end to the union of Lyon His son and successor Andronikos II Palaiologos repudiated the union Reformation edit The primacy of the Pope was again challenged in 1517 when Martin Luther began preaching against several practices in the Catholic Church including some itinerant friars abuses involving indulgences When Pope Leo X refused to support Luther s position Luther claimed belief in an invisible church and called the pope the Antichrist Luther s rejection of the primacy of the Pope led to the start of the Protestant Reformation during which numerous Protestant sects broke away from the Catholic Church The Church of England also broke away from the Catholic Church at this time although for reasons different from Martin Luther and the Protestants First Vatican Council edit The doctrine of papal primacy was further developed in 1870 at the First Vatican Council where ultramontanism achieved victory over conciliarism with the pronouncement of papal infallibility the ability of the pope to define dogmas free from error ex cathedra and of papal supremacy i e supreme full immediate and universal ordinary jurisdiction of the pope The First Vatican Council s dogmatic constitution Pastor aeternus declared that in the disposition of God the Roman church holds the preeminence of ordinary power over all the other churches This council also affirmed the dogma of papal infallibility deciding that the infallibility of the Christian community extended to the pope himself at least when speaking on matters of faith Vatican I defined a twofold Primacy of Peter one in papal teaching on faith and morals the charism of infallibility and the other a primacy of jurisdiction involving government and discipline of the Church submission to both being necessary to Catholic faith and salvation 75 Vatican I rejected the ideas that papal decrees have no force or value unless confirmed by an order of the secular power and that the pope s decisions can be appealed to an ecumenical council as to an authority higher than the Roman Pontiff Paul Collins argues that the doctrine of papal primacy as formulated by the First Vatican Council has led to the exercise of untrammelled papal power and has become a major stumbling block in ecumenical relationships with the Orthodox who consider the definition to be heresy and Protestants 76 Forced to break off prematurely by secular political developments in 1870 Vatican I left behind it a somewhat unbalanced ecclesiology In theology the question of papal primacy was so much in the foreground that the Church appeared essentially as a centrally directed institution which one was dogged in defending but which only encountered one externally according to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger the later Pope Benedict XVI 77 Eastern Orthodox view edit See also Eastern Orthodox opposition to papal supremacy and Ravenna Document The Eastern Orthodox church considers the Bishop of Rome to be the primus inter pares 78 discuss Many example needed theologians also believe that Peter is the rock referred to by Jesus in Matthew 16 18 79 However the Eastern Orthodox argue the keys to the kingdom were given not only to Peter but to all the Apostles equally Such an interpretation it is claimed 80 has been accepted by many Church Fathers Tertullian c Hilary of Poitiers d John Chrysostom e Augustine 84 f 86 87 g disputed discuss It has been argued that church councils did not consider papal decisions binding The Third Ecumenical Council was called even though Pope Celestine I condemned Nestorius as a heretic which Michael Whelton Catholic convert to Orthodoxy argues shows that the council did not consider the papal condemnation as definitive 89 90 Catholic Cardinal and theologian Yves Congar statedThe East never accepted the regular jurisdiction of Rome nor did it submit to the judgment of Western bishops Its appeals to Rome for help were not connected with a recognition of the principle of Roman jurisdiction but were based on the view that Rome had the same truth the same good The East jealously protected its autonomous way of life Rome intervened to safeguard the observation of legal rules to maintain the orthodoxy of faith and to ensure communion between the two parts of the church the Roman see representing and personifying the West In according Rome a primacy of honour the East avoided basing this primacy on the succession and the still living presence of the apostle Peter A modus vivendi was achieved which lasted albeit with crises down to the middle of the eleventh century 91 21st century relations with other Christian denominations edit In the document Responses to some questions regarding certain aspects of the doctrine on the Church of 29 June 2007 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reiterated that in the view of the Catholic Church the Christian communities born out of the Protestant Reformation and which lack apostolic succession in the sacrament of orders are not Churches in the proper sense The Eastern Christian Churches that are not in communion with Rome such as the Eastern Orthodox Church Oriental Orthodoxy and the Assyrian Church of the East are Churches in the proper sense and sister Churches of the Catholic particular Churches but since communion with the Pope is one of the internal constitutive principles of a particular church they lack something in their condition while on the other hand the existing division means that the fullness of universality that is proper to the church governed by the successor of St Peter and the bishops in communion with him is not now realised in history 92 Efforts at reconciliation edit Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission edit The Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission ARCIC statement of Venice 1976 states that the ministry of the bishop of Rome among his brother bishops was interpreted as Christ s will for his church its importance was compared by analogy to the position of Peter among the apostles 93 Communion with the bishop of Rome does not imply submission to an authority which would stifle the distinctive features of the local churches The purpose of the episcopal function of the bishop of Rome is to promote Christian fellowship in faithfulness to the teaching of the apostles 94 Joint worship service with the Archbishop of Canterbury edit At a joint service during the first official visit of the then Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie to the Vatican Runcie appealed to Anglicans to consider accepting papal primacy in a reunified church At the same time Pope John Paul II stressed that his office must be more than a figurehead 95 Ut unum sint edit John Paul II invited in Ut Unum Sint his 1995 encyclical on commitment to ecumenism the pastors and theologians of Churches and Ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church to suggest how to exercise papal primacy in ways that would unite rather than divide 96 Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue edit In October 2007 the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church agreed that the pope has primacy among all bishops of the Church something which has been universally acknowledged by both churches since the First Council of Constantinople in 381 when they were still one Church though disagreements about the extent of his authority still continue The document draws an analogy among the three levels of communion local regional and universal each of which appropriately has a first with the role of fostering communion in order to ground the rationale of why the universal level must also have a primacy It articulates the principle that primacy and conciliarity are interdependent and mutually necessary 97 Speaking of fraternal relations between bishops during the first millennium it states that these relations among the bishops themselves between the bishops and their respective protoi firsts and also among the protoi themselves in the canonical order taxis witnessed by the ancient Church nourished and consolidated ecclesial communion It notes that both sides agree that Rome as the church that presides in love according to the phrase of St Ignatius of Antioch occupied the first place in the taxis order and that the bishop of Rome was therefore the protos first among the patriarchs They disagree however on the interpretation of the historical evidence from this era regarding the prerogatives of the bishop of Rome as protos a matter that was already understood in different ways in the first millennium 98 99 100 101 and while the fact of primacy at the universal level is accepted by both East and West there are differences of understanding with regard to the manner in which it is to be exercised and also with regard to its scriptural and theological foundations 102 103 Discussions continued at Aghios Nikolaos Crete a drafting committee in September October 2008 at Paphos Cyprus in October 2009 104 and Vienna Austria in September 2010 105 Hegumen Filipp Ryabykh the deputy head of the Russian Orthodox Church Department for External Church Relations said The fact that the Pope of Rome claims universal jurisdiction is simply contrary to Orthodox ecclesiology which teaches that the Orthodox Church whilst preserving unity of faith and church order nevertheless consists of several autocephalous Local Churches 106 A 2008 draft text on The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Church in the First Millennium topic prepared by the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church was leaked in 2010 107 which the Vienna meeting asked to be revised and amplified This document states that Catholics and Orthodox agree that from apostolic times the Church of Rome has been recognised as the first among the local Churches both in the East and in the West discuss 108 Both sides agree that the primacy of the see precedes the primacy of its bishops and is the source of the latter discuss 109 While in the West the position of the bishop of Rome among the bishops was understood in terms of the position of Peter among the apostles the East tended rather to understand each bishop as the successor of all the apostles including Peter but these rather different understandings co existed for several centuries until the end of the first millennium without causing a break of communion discuss 110 Opposition to the doctrine editThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2012 Learn how and when to remove this message American religious author Stephen K Ray a Baptist convert to Catholicism asserts that There is little in the history of the Church that has been more heatedly contested than the primacy of Peter and the See of Rome History is replete with examples of authority spurned and the history of the Church is no different 111 Protestant view edit The topic of the Papacy and its authority is among the main differences between the Catholic Church and many other Christian denominations For those who hold to the doctrine of sola scriptura the Bible is considered to be the sole authority on Christian doctrine and theology Michael H Crosby a renowned religious studies expert says in his book Repair My House Becoming a Kingdom Catholic that Matthew 16 18 19 does not support the authority given to Peter and that the keys were given not to Peter alone but to the whole church Some translations of the Bible like the writings of St John Chrysostom considered that Jesus was considering the proclamation made by Peter to be the rock and foundation of the faith 112 Compared to other Catholic translations that say even if Peter is the rock it does not support exclusive authority 113 See also editCollegiality Catholic Church Conciliarism Dogma in the Catholic Church Donation of Constantine Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople primus inter pares among Eastern Orthodox prelates First Vatican Council Gregorian Reform History of the papacy Neo ultramontanism Papal infallibility Pontifex Maximus Roman Curia Servant of the servants of God Temporal power papal Theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church Ultramontanism Unam Sanctam Translatio imperiiNotes edit It is not a greater difficulty that St Ignatius does not write to the Asian Greeks about Popes than that St Paul does not write to the Corinthians about Bishops No doctrine is defined till it is violated 27 the the very great the very ancient and universally known Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles Peter and Paul as also by pointing out the faith preached to men which comes down to our time by means of the successions of the bishops The blessed apostles then having founded and built up the Church committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate 40 What now has this to do with the Church and your church indeed Psychic For in accordance with the person of Peter it is to spiritual men that this power will correspondently appertain either to an apostle or else to a prophet 81 This faith it is which is the foundation of the Church through this faith the gates of hell cannot prevail against her This is the faith which has the keys of the kingdom of heaven Whatsoever this faith shall have loosed or bound on earth shall be loosed or bound in heaven This faith is the Father s gift by revelation even the knowledge that we must not imagine a false Christ a creature made out of nothing but must confess Him the Son of God truly possessed of the Divine nature 82 For John the Son of thunder the beloved of Christ the pillar of the Churches throughout the world who holds the keys of heaven who drank the cup of Christ and was baptized with His baptism who lay upon his Master s bosom with much confidence this man now comes forward to us now 83 Peter the first of the apostles receive the keys of the kingdom of heaven for the binding and loosing of sins and for the same congregation of saints in reference to the perfect repose in the bosom of that mysterious life to come did the evangelist John recline on the breast of Christ For it is not the former alone but the whole Church that bindeth and looseth sins nor did the latter alone drink at the fountain of the Lord s breast to emit again in preaching of the Word in the beginning God with God and those other sublime truths regarding the divinity of Christ and the Trinity and Unity of the whole Godhead 85 How the Church Why to her it was said To thee I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven 88 References editCitations edit Nichols 2010 p 313 Larchet 2006 p 188 Speciale 2011 Schmemann 1995 p 165 Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd ed Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2019 Paragraph 882 Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd ed Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2019 Paragraph 883 Phan 2000 pp 486 488 Ravenna Document 2007 nn 43 44 LG n 22 DH n 4146 Hardon 2013 Primacy CIC 1983 c 331 Walf 2000 p 431 Caparros et al 1993 p 273 DH n 3303 DH n 3060 CCEO 1990 c 43 CCEO 1990 c 45 CCEO 1990 c 92 c 208 CIC 1983 c 591 CCEO 1990 c 412 CIC 1983 c 1417 CCEO 1990 c 45 c 1059 Bachofen 1918 Woywod 1948 pp 98 99 PA ch 1 ARCIC I 1981 n 6 Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd ed Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2019 Paragraph 94 Schatz 1996 pp 1 3 Newman 1888 p 151 Newman 1888 p 63 quoted in Misner 1976 p 72 from a different edition of Newman a b Schmemann 1995 pp 163 164 Schatz 1996 pp 4 6 Ravenna Document 2007 n 41 Ravenna Document 2007 n 44 Schimmelpfennig 1992 p 27 Schimmelpfennig 1992 p 39 Miller 1980 p 203 a b c Farmer 2004 Boadt2008 p 88 a b O Malley 2010 p 11 Clapsis 2000 Irenaeus amp Against heresies 3 3 Tajra 1994 p 180 Shotwell amp Loomis 1927 pp 217 218 220 Afanassieff 1995 pp 126 127 McBrien 2008 p 63 Afanassieff 1995 p 98 Mann Horace Pope St Stephen I The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 14 New York Robert Appleton Company 1912 11 February 2020 nbsp This article incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain Letter of Jerome to Pope Damasus 376 The Nicene Fathers Schaff amp Wace ed T amp T Clark Edinburgh Kirsch Johann Peter Pope St Siricius The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 14 New York Robert Appleton Company 1912 nbsp This article incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain a b Eusebius amp Church history 5 23 a b c orthodoxanswers org Eusebius amp Church history 5 25 Cleenewerck 2009 p 155 McCue 1964 a b The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church Henry R Percival ed Vol XIV of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 2nd series ed Philip Schaff and Henry Wace repr Edinburgh T amp T Clark Grand Rapids MI Wm B Eerdmans 1988 nbsp This article incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain Dvornik 1966 p 47 Council of Chalcedon c 3 Shahan 1908 Nichols 2010 p 203 Nichols 1997 p 113 Nichols 2010 pp 202 203 Ignatius amp Letter to the Smyrnaeans c 8 History of the Papacy Religion Facts 10 November 2015 Retrieved 30 May 2016 Nichols 1997 p 114 McBrien 2008 p 99 Nichols 1997 p 116 Sanchez 1968 Mansi amp Concilium Remense p 738 Hourlier 1981 p 240 see D Agostino 2008 pp 124 127 Ekonomou Andrew Byzantine Rome and the Greek Popes Lexington books 2007 Apostate church organization 588 606 AD The final dog fight for control of the world www bible ca Retrieved 23 October 2021 nbsp One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Oestreich Thomas 1907 Pope Boniface III In Herbermann Charles ed Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 2 New York Robert Appleton Company D Agostino 2008 Thompson 1965 Binns John 2002 An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches Cambridge University Press p 203 ISBN 978 0 521 66738 8 Wetterau 1994 Larson 2003 Collins 1997 Shaw 2000 Ware 1993 pp 28 47 241 Kesich 1995 pp 47 48 Webster Tertullian amp On modesty 21 par 5 Hilary amp On the Trinity n 37 John Chrysostom amp On the Gospel of John n 2 Augustine amp On Christian doctrine n 17 Augustine amp On Gospel of John n 7 Guettee 1866 p 175 Augustine amp Donatists n 45 Augustine amp On 1 John cited in Whelton 1998 p 28 Davis 1990 p 153 Whelton 1998 p 59 Congar 1984 pp 26 27 CDF 2007 ARCIC I 1976 ARCIC I 1976 n 12 Haberman Clyde 1 October 1989 Anglican Head Prays With the Pope in Rome The New York Times ISSN 0362 4331 Retrieved 15 April 2020 UUS nn 95 97 NAOCTC 2009 Ravenna Document 2007 nn 40 41 nbsp The dictionary definition of prwtoi protoi at Wiktionary nbsp The dictionary definition of prwtos protos at Wiktionary nbsp The dictionary definition of ta3is taksis at Wiktionary Ravenna Document 2007 n 43 catholicculture org 2007 Colina 2009 Hovorun 2010 02varvara wordpress com Crete Draft 2008 Crete Draft 2008 n 4 Crete Draft 2008 n 9 Crete Draft 2008 nn 20 22 Ray 1999 p 11 McCarthy 1995 p 240 Carson 1984 p 368 Sources edit Augustine of Hippo 1888 Gospel According to St John Part 10 In Schaff Philip Wace Henry eds A select library of the Nicene and post Nicene fathers of the Christian Church Series 1 Vol 7 American ed Buffalo Christian Literature Tractate 10 via Wikisource Augustine of Hippo 1887 The Correction of the Donatists Chapter 10 In Schaff Philip Wace Henry eds A select library of the Nicene and post Nicene fathers of the Christian Church Series 1 Vol 4 American ed Buffalo Christian Literature via Wikisource Augustine of Hippo 1887 On Christian Doctrine Book I Chapter 18 In Schaff Philip Wace Henry eds A select library of the Nicene and post Nicene fathers of the Christian Church Series 1 Vol 2 American ed Buffalo Christian Literature via Wikisource Augustine of Hippo 1888 Gospel According to St John Part 124 In Schaff Philip Wace Henry eds A select library of the Nicene and post Nicene fathers of the Christian Church Series 1 Vol 7 American ed Buffalo Christian Literature Tractate 124 via Wikisource nbsp One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain Bachofen Charles A 1918 A commentary on the new Code of canon law A commentary on the new code of the canon law New Code of canon law A commentary on the Vol 2 3rd ed St Louis MO London B Herder book pp 207 216 hdl 2027 hvd ah4gvz LCCN 19004568 Beal John P Coriden James A Green Thomas J eds 2000 New commentary on the Code of Canon Law study ed New York Paulist Press ISBN 978 0 8091 0502 1 a href Template Cite encyclopedia html title Template Cite encyclopedia cite encyclopedia a Missing or empty title help Walf Knut The supreme authority of the Church In Beal et al 2000 pp 423 453 translated by Ronny Jenkins Boadt Lawrence 2008 The life of St Paul Mahwah NJ Paulist Press p 88 ISBN 978 0 8091 0519 9 Caparros Ernest Theriault Michel Thorn Jean eds 1993 Canon 331 Code of Canon Law annotated Latin English edition of the Code of Canon Law and English language translation of the 5th Spanish language edition of the commentary prepared under the responsibility of the Instituto Martin de Azpilcueta Montreal Wilson amp Lafleur pp 272 273 ISBN 978 2 89127 232 2 Carlton Clark 1999 The truth what every Roman Catholic should know about the Orthodox Church 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