
Regular 4-polytope

In mathematics, a regular 4-polytope is a regular four-dimensional polytope. They are the four-dimensional analogues of the regular polyhedra in three dimensions and the regular polygons in two dimensions.

The tesseract is one of 6 convex regular 4-polytopes

There are six convex and ten star regular 4-polytopes, giving a total of sixteen.


The convex regular 4-polytopes were first described by the Swiss mathematician Ludwig Schläfli in the mid-19th century.[1] He discovered that there are precisely six such figures.

Schläfli also found four of the regular star 4-polytopes: the grand 120-cell, great stellated 120-cell, grand 600-cell, and great grand stellated 120-cell. He skipped the remaining six because he would not allow forms that failed the Euler characteristic on cells or vertex figures (for zero-hole tori: F − E + V = 2). That excludes cells and vertex figures such as the great dodecahedron {5,5/2} and small stellated dodecahedron { 5/2,5}.

Edmund Hess (1843–1903) published the complete list in his 1883 German book Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflächigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder.


The existence of a regular 4-polytope   is constrained by the existence of the regular polyhedra   which form its cells and a dihedral angle constraint


to ensure that the cells meet to form a closed 3-surface.

The six convex and ten star polytopes described are the only solutions to these constraints.

There are four nonconvex Schläfli symbols {p,q,r} that have valid cells {p,q} and vertex figures {q,r}, and pass the dihedral test, but fail to produce finite figures: {3,5/2,3}, {4,3,5/2}, {5/2,3,4}, {5/2,3,5/2}.

Regular convex 4-polytopes

The regular convex 4-polytopes are the four-dimensional analogues of the Platonic solids in three dimensions and the convex regular polygons in two dimensions.

Five of the six are clearly analogues of the five corresponding Platonic solids. The sixth, the 24-cell, has no regular analogue in three dimensions. However, there exists a pair of irregular solids, the cuboctahedron and its dual the rhombic dodecahedron, which are partial analogues to the 24-cell (in complementary ways). Together they can be seen as the three-dimensional analogue of the 24-cell.

Each convex regular 4-polytope is bounded by a set of 3-dimensional cells which are all Platonic solids of the same type and size. These are fitted together along their respective faces (face-to-face) in a regular fashion.


Like their 3-dimensional analogues, the convex regular 4-polytopes can be naturally ordered by size as a measure of 4-dimensional content (hypervolume) for the same radius. Each greater polytope in the sequence is rounder than its predecessor, enclosing more content[2] within the same radius. The 4-simplex (5-cell) is the limit smallest case, and the 120-cell is the largest. Complexity (as measured by comparing configuration matrices or simply the number of vertices) follows the same ordering.

Regular convex 4-polytopes
Symmetry group A4 B4 F4 H4
Name 5-cell












Schläfli symbol {3, 3, 3} {3, 3, 4} {4, 3, 3} {3, 4, 3} {3, 3, 5} {5, 3, 3}
Coxeter mirrors                                                
Mirror dihedrals 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/4 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/4 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/3 𝝅/4 𝝅/3 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/5 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/5 𝝅/3 𝝅/3 𝝅/2 𝝅/2 𝝅/2
Vertices 5 tetrahedral 8 octahedral 16 tetrahedral 24 cubical 120 icosahedral 600 tetrahedral
Edges 10 triangular 24 square 32 triangular 96 triangular 720 pentagonal 1200 triangular
Faces 10 triangles 32 triangles 24 squares 96 triangles 1200 triangles 720 pentagons
Cells 5 tetrahedra 16 tetrahedra 8 cubes 24 octahedra 600 tetrahedra 120 dodecahedra
Tori 1 5-tetrahedron 2 8-tetrahedron 2 4-cube 4 6-octahedron 20 30-tetrahedron 12 10-dodecahedron
Inscribed 120 in 120-cell 675 in 120-cell 2 16-cells 3 8-cells 25 24-cells 10 600-cells
Great polygons 2 𝝅/2 squares x 3 4 𝝅/2 rectangles x 3 4 𝝅/3 hexagons x 4 12 𝝅/5 decagons x 6 50 𝝅/15 dodecagons x 4
Petrie polygons 1 pentagon 1 octagon 2 octagons 2 dodecagons 4 30-gons 20 30-gons
Long radius            
Edge length            
Short radius            

The following table lists some properties of the six convex regular 4-polytopes. The symmetry groups of these 4-polytopes are all Coxeter groups and given in the notation described in that article. The number following the name of the group is the order of the group.

Names Image Family Schläfli
V E F C Vert.
Dual Symmetry group
(An family)
5 10 10
{3,3} self-dual A4
(Bn family)
8 24 32
{3,4} 8-cell B4
(Bn family)
16 32 24
{3,3} 16-cell
  Fn family {3,4,3}
24 96 96
{4,3} self-dual F4

(Hn family)
120 720 1200
{3,5} 120-cell H4

(Hn family)
600 1200 720
{3,3} 600-cell

John Conway advocated the names simplex, orthoplex, tesseract, octaplex or polyoctahedron (pO), tetraplex or polytetrahedron (pT), and dodecaplex or polydodecahedron (pD).[3]

Norman Johnson advocated the names n-cell, or pentachoron, hexadecachoron, tesseract or octachoron, icositetrachoron, hexacosichoron, and hecatonicosachoron (or dodecacontachoron), coining the term polychoron being a 4D analogy to the 3D polyhedron, and 2D polygon, expressed from the Greek roots poly ("many") and choros ("room" or "space").[4][5]

The Euler characteristic for all 4-polytopes is zero, we have the 4-dimensional analogue of Euler's polyhedral formula:


where Nk denotes the number of k-faces in the polytope (a vertex is a 0-face, an edge is a 1-face, etc.).

The topology of any given 4-polytope is defined by its Betti numbers and torsion coefficients.[6]

As configurations

A regular 4-polytope can be completely described as a configuration matrix containing counts of its component elements. The rows and columns correspond to vertices, edges, faces, and cells. The diagonal numbers (upper left to lower right) say how many of each element occur in the whole 4-polytope. The non-diagonal numbers say how many of the column's element occur in or at the row's element. For example, there are 2 vertices in each edge (each edge has 2 vertices), and 2 cells meet at each face (each face belongs to 2 cells), in any regular 4-polytope. Notice that the configuration for the dual polytope can be obtained by rotating the matrix by 180 degrees.[7][8]



The following table shows some 2-dimensional projections of these 4-polytopes. Various other visualizations can be found in the external links below. The Coxeter-Dynkin diagram graphs are also given below the Schläfli symbol.

A4 = [3,3,3] B4 = [4,3,3] F4 = [3,4,3] H4 = [5,3,3]
5-cell 16-cell 8-cell 24-cell 600-cell 120-cell
{3,3,3} {3,3,4} {4,3,3} {3,4,3} {3,3,5} {5,3,3}
Solid 3D orthographic projections

Cubic envelope
Cubic envelope

Pentakis icosidodecahedral

Truncated rhombic

Wireframe Schlegel diagrams (Perspective projection)
Wireframe stereographic projections (3-sphere)

Regular star (Schläfli–Hess) 4-polytopes

This shows the relationships among the four-dimensional starry polytopes. The 2 convex forms and 10 starry forms can be seen in 3D as the vertices of a cuboctahedron.[9]
A subset of relations among 8 forms from the 120-cell, polydodecahedron (pD). The three operations {a,g,s} are commutable, defining a cubic framework. There are 7 densities seen in vertical positioning, with 2 dual forms having the same density.

The Schläfli–Hess 4-polytopes are the complete set of 10 regular self-intersecting star polychora (four-dimensional polytopes).[10] They are named in honor of their discoverers: Ludwig Schläfli and Edmund Hess. Each is represented by a Schläfli symbol {p,q,r} in which one of the numbers is 5/2. They are thus analogous to the regular nonconvex Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra, which are in turn analogous to the pentagram.


Their names given here were given by John Conway, extending Cayley's names for the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra: along with stellated and great, he adds a grand modifier. Conway offered these operational definitions:

  1. stellation – replaces edges by longer edges in same lines. (Example: a pentagon stellates into a pentagram)
  2. greatening – replaces the faces by large ones in same planes. (Example: an icosahedron greatens into a great icosahedron)
  3. aggrandizement – replaces the cells by large ones in same 3-spaces. (Example: a 600-cell aggrandizes into a grand 600-cell)

John Conway names the 10 forms from 3 regular celled 4-polytopes: pT=polytetrahedron {3,3,5} (a tetrahedral 600-cell), pI=polyicoshedron {3,5,5/2} (an icosahedral 120-cell), and pD=polydodecahedron {5,3,3} (a dodecahedral 120-cell), with prefix modifiers: g, a, and s for great, (ag)grand, and stellated. The final stellation, the great grand stellated polydodecahedron contains them all as gaspD.


All ten polychora have [3,3,5] (H4) hexacosichoric symmetry. They are generated from 6 related Goursat tetrahedra rational-order symmetry groups: [3,5,5/2], [5,5/2,5], [5,3,5/2], [5/2,5,5/2], [5,5/2,3], and [3,3,5/2].

Each group has 2 regular star-polychora, except for two groups which are self-dual, having only one. So there are 4 dual-pairs and 2 self-dual forms among the ten regular star polychora.



The cells (polyhedra), their faces (polygons), the polygonal edge figures and polyhedral vertex figures are identified by their Schläfli symbols.

Conway (abbrev.)
{p, q}
{q, r}
Dens. χ
Icosahedral 120-cell
polyicosahedron (pI)
4 480
Small stellated 120-cell
stellated polydodecahedron (spD)
4 −480
Great 120-cell
great polydodecahedron (gpD)
6 0
Grand 120-cell
grand polydodecahedron (apD)
20 0
Great stellated 120-cell
great stellated polydodecahedron (gspD)
20 0
Grand stellated 120-cell
grand stellated polydodecahedron (aspD)
66 0
Great grand 120-cell
great grand polydodecahedron (gapD)
76 −480
Great icosahedral 120-cell
great polyicosahedron (gpI)
76 480
Grand 600-cell
grand polytetrahedron (apT)
191 0
Great grand stellated 120-cell
great grand stellated polydodecahedron (gaspD)
191 0

See also



  1. ^ Coxeter 1973, p. 141, §7-x. Historical remarks.
  2. ^ Coxeter 1973, pp. 292–293, Table I(ii): The sixteen regular polytopes {p,q,r} in four dimensions: [An invaluable table providing all 20 metrics of each 4-polytope in edge length units. They must be algebraically converted to compare polytopes of unit radius.]
  3. ^ Conway, Burgiel & Goodman-Strass 2008, Ch. 26. Higher Still
  4. ^ "Convex and abstract polytopes", Programme and abstracts, MIT, 2005
  5. ^ Johnson, Norman W. (2018). "§ 11.5 Spherical Coxeter groups". Geometries and Transformations. Cambridge University Press. pp. 246–. ISBN 978-1-107-10340-5.
  6. ^ Richeson, David S. (2012). "23. Henri Poincaré and the Ascendancy of Topology". Euler's Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology. Princeton University Press. pp. 256–. ISBN 978-0-691-15457-2.
  7. ^ Coxeter 1973, § 1.8 Configurations
  8. ^ Coxeter, Complex Regular Polytopes, p.117
  9. ^ Conway, Burgiel & Goodman-Strass 2008, p. 406, Fig 26.2
  10. ^ Coxeter, Star polytopes and the Schläfli function f{α,β,γ) p. 122 2. The Schläfli-Hess polytopes


  • Coxeter, H.S.M. (1973) [1948]. Regular Polytopes (3rd ed.). New York: Dover.
  • Coxeter, H.S.M. (1969). Introduction to Geometry (2nd ed.). Wiley. ISBN 0-471-50458-0.
  • D.M.Y. Sommerville (2020) [1930]. "X. The Regular Polytopes". Introduction to the Geometry of n Dimensions. Courier Dover. pp. 159–192. ISBN 978-0-486-84248-6.
  • Conway, John H.; Burgiel, Heidi; Goodman-Strass, Chaim (2008). "26. Regular Star-polytopes". The Symmetries of Things. pp. 404–8. ISBN 978-1-56881-220-5.
  • Hess, Edmund (1883). "Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflächigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder".
  • Hess, Edmund (1885). "Uber die regulären Polytope höherer Art". Sitzungsber Gesells Beförderung Gesammten Naturwiss Marburg: 31–57.
  • Sherk, F. Arthur; McMullen, Peter; Thompson, Anthony C.; Weiss, Asia Ivic, eds. (1995). Kaleidoscopes: Selected Writings of H.S.M. Coxeter. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-01003-6.
    • (Paper 10) Coxeter, H.S.M. (1989). "Star Polytopes and the Schlafli Function f(α,β,γ)". Elemente der Mathematik. 44 (2): 25–36.
  • Coxeter, H.S.M. (1991). Regular Complex Polytopes (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-39490-1.
  • McMullen, Peter; Schulte, Egon (2002). "Abstract Regular Polytopes" (PDF).

External links

  • Weisstein, Eric W. "Regular polychoron". MathWorld.
  • Jonathan Bowers, 16 regular 4-polytopes
  • Regular 4D Polytope Foldouts
  • Catalog of Polytope Images A collection of stereographic projections of 4-polytopes.
  • A Catalog of Uniform Polytopes
  • Dimensions 2 hour film about the fourth dimension (contains stereographic projections of all regular 4-polytopes)
  • Hypersolids

regular, polytope, mathematics, regular, polytope, regular, four, dimensional, polytope, they, four, dimensional, analogues, regular, polyhedra, three, dimensions, regular, polygons, dimensions, tesseract, convex, regular, polytopes, there, convex, star, regul. In mathematics a regular 4 polytope is a regular four dimensional polytope They are the four dimensional analogues of the regular polyhedra in three dimensions and the regular polygons in two dimensions The tesseract is one of 6 convex regular 4 polytopes There are six convex and ten star regular 4 polytopes giving a total of sixteen Contents 1 History 2 Construction 3 Regular convex 4 polytopes 3 1 Properties 3 2 As configurations 3 3 Visualization 4 Regular star Schlafli Hess 4 polytopes 4 1 Names 4 2 Symmetry 4 3 Properties 5 See also 6 References 6 1 Citations 6 2 Bibliography 7 External linksHistory EditThe convex regular 4 polytopes were first described by the Swiss mathematician Ludwig Schlafli in the mid 19th century 1 He discovered that there are precisely six such figures Schlafli also found four of the regular star 4 polytopes the grand 120 cell great stellated 120 cell grand 600 cell and great grand stellated 120 cell He skipped the remaining six because he would not allow forms that failed the Euler characteristic on cells or vertex figures for zero hole tori F E V 2 That excludes cells and vertex figures such as the great dodecahedron 5 5 2 and small stellated dodecahedron 5 2 5 Edmund Hess 1843 1903 published the complete list in his 1883 German book Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflachigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder Construction EditThe existence of a regular 4 polytope p q r displaystyle p q r is constrained by the existence of the regular polyhedra p q q r displaystyle p q q r which form its cells and a dihedral angle constraint sin p p sin p r lt cos p q displaystyle sin frac pi p sin frac pi r lt cos frac pi q to ensure that the cells meet to form a closed 3 surface The six convex and ten star polytopes described are the only solutions to these constraints There are four nonconvex Schlafli symbols p q r that have valid cells p q and vertex figures q r and pass the dihedral test but fail to produce finite figures 3 5 2 3 4 3 5 2 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 5 2 Regular convex 4 polytopes EditThe regular convex 4 polytopes are the four dimensional analogues of the Platonic solids in three dimensions and the convex regular polygons in two dimensions Five of the six are clearly analogues of the five corresponding Platonic solids The sixth the 24 cell has no regular analogue in three dimensions However there exists a pair of irregular solids the cuboctahedron and its dual the rhombic dodecahedron which are partial analogues to the 24 cell in complementary ways Together they can be seen as the three dimensional analogue of the 24 cell Each convex regular 4 polytope is bounded by a set of 3 dimensional cells which are all Platonic solids of the same type and size These are fitted together along their respective faces face to face in a regular fashion Properties Edit Like their 3 dimensional analogues the convex regular 4 polytopes can be naturally ordered by size as a measure of 4 dimensional content hypervolume for the same radius Each greater polytope in the sequence is rounder than its predecessor enclosing more content 2 within the same radius The 4 simplex 5 cell is the limit smallest case and the 120 cell is the largest Complexity as measured by comparing configuration matrices or simply the number of vertices follows the same ordering Regular convex 4 polytopesSymmetry group A4 B4 F4 H4Name 5 cellHyper tetrahedron 5 point 16 cellHyper octahedron 8 point 8 cellHyper cube 16 point 24 cell24 point 600 cellHyper icosahedron 120 point 120 cellHyper dodecahedron 600 pointSchlafli symbol 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 Coxeter mirrors Mirror dihedrals 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 4 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 4 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 3 𝝅 4 𝝅 3 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 5 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 5 𝝅 3 𝝅 3 𝝅 2 𝝅 2 𝝅 2Graph Vertices 5 tetrahedral 8 octahedral 16 tetrahedral 24 cubical 120 icosahedral 600 tetrahedralEdges 10 triangular 24 square 32 triangular 96 triangular 720 pentagonal 1200 triangularFaces 10 triangles 32 triangles 24 squares 96 triangles 1200 triangles 720 pentagonsCells 5 tetrahedra 16 tetrahedra 8 cubes 24 octahedra 600 tetrahedra 120 dodecahedraTori 1 5 tetrahedron 2 8 tetrahedron 2 4 cube 4 6 octahedron 20 30 tetrahedron 12 10 dodecahedronInscribed 120 in 120 cell 675 in 120 cell 2 16 cells 3 8 cells 25 24 cells 10 600 cellsGreat polygons 2 𝝅 2 squares x 3 4 𝝅 2 rectangles x 3 4 𝝅 3 hexagons x 4 12 𝝅 5 decagons x 6 50 𝝅 15 dodecagons x 4Petrie polygons 1 pentagon 1 octagon 2 octagons 2 dodecagons 4 30 gons 20 30 gonsLong radius 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 Edge length 5 2 1 581 displaystyle sqrt tfrac 5 2 approx 1 581 2 1 414 displaystyle sqrt 2 approx 1 414 1 displaystyle 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 ϕ 0 618 displaystyle tfrac 1 phi approx 0 618 1 ϕ 2 2 0 270 displaystyle tfrac 1 phi 2 sqrt 2 approx 0 270 Short radius 1 4 displaystyle tfrac 1 4 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 1 2 0 707 displaystyle sqrt tfrac 1 2 approx 0 707 ϕ 4 8 0 926 displaystyle sqrt tfrac phi 4 8 approx 0 926 ϕ 4 8 0 926 displaystyle sqrt tfrac phi 4 8 approx 0 926 Area 10 5 3 8 10 825 displaystyle 10 left tfrac 5 sqrt 3 8 right approx 10 825 32 3 4 27 713 displaystyle 32 left sqrt tfrac 3 4 right approx 27 713 24 displaystyle 24 96 3 16 41 569 displaystyle 96 left sqrt tfrac 3 16 right approx 41 569 1200 3 4 ϕ 2 198 48 displaystyle 1200 left tfrac sqrt 3 4 phi 2 right approx 198 48 720 25 10 5 8 ϕ 4 90 366 displaystyle 720 left tfrac sqrt 25 10 sqrt 5 8 phi 4 right approx 90 366 Volume 5 5 5 24 2 329 displaystyle 5 left tfrac 5 sqrt 5 24 right approx 2 329 16 1 3 5 333 displaystyle 16 left tfrac 1 3 right approx 5 333 8 displaystyle 8 24 2 3 11 314 displaystyle 24 left tfrac sqrt 2 3 right approx 11 314 600 2 12 ϕ 3 16 693 displaystyle 600 left tfrac sqrt 2 12 phi 3 right approx 16 693 120 15 7 5 4 ϕ 6 8 18 118 displaystyle 120 left tfrac 15 7 sqrt 5 4 phi 6 sqrt 8 right approx 18 118 4 Content 5 24 5 2 4 0 146 displaystyle tfrac sqrt 5 24 left tfrac sqrt 5 2 right 4 approx 0 146 2 3 0 667 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 approx 0 667 1 displaystyle 1 2 displaystyle 2 Short Vol 4 3 863 displaystyle tfrac text Short times text Vol 4 approx 3 863 Short Vol 4 4 193 displaystyle tfrac text Short times text Vol 4 approx 4 193 The following table lists some properties of the six convex regular 4 polytopes The symmetry groups of these 4 polytopes are all Coxeter groups and given in the notation described in that article The number following the name of the group is the order of the group Names Image Family SchlafliCoxeter V E F C Vert fig Dual Symmetry group5 cellpentachoronpentatope4 simplex n simplex An family 3 3 3 5 10 10 3 5 3 3 3 3 self dual A4 3 3 3 12016 cellhexadecachoron4 orthoplex n orthoplex Bn family 3 3 4 8 24 32 3 16 3 3 3 4 8 cell B4 4 3 3 3848 celloctachorontesseract4 cube hypercuben cube Bn family 4 3 3 16 32 24 4 8 4 3 3 3 16 cell24 cellicositetrachoronoctaplexpolyoctahedron pO Fn family 3 4 3 24 96 96 3 24 3 4 4 3 self dual F4 3 4 3 1152600 cellhexacosichorontetraplexpolytetrahedron pT n pentagonalpolytope Hn family 3 3 5 120 720 1200 3 600 3 3 3 5 120 cell H4 5 3 3 14400120 cellhecatonicosachorondodecacontachorondodecaplexpolydodecahedron pD n pentagonalpolytope Hn family 5 3 3 600 1200 720 5 120 5 3 3 3 600 cellJohn Conway advocated the names simplex orthoplex tesseract octaplex or polyoctahedron pO tetraplex or polytetrahedron pT and dodecaplex or polydodecahedron pD 3 Norman Johnson advocated the names n cell or pentachoron hexadecachoron tesseract or octachoron icositetrachoron hexacosichoron and hecatonicosachoron or dodecacontachoron coining the term polychoron being a 4D analogy to the 3D polyhedron and 2D polygon expressed from the Greek roots poly many and choros room or space 4 5 The Euler characteristic for all 4 polytopes is zero we have the 4 dimensional analogue of Euler s polyhedral formula N 0 N 1 N 2 N 3 0 displaystyle N 0 N 1 N 2 N 3 0 where Nk denotes the number of k faces in the polytope a vertex is a 0 face an edge is a 1 face etc The topology of any given 4 polytope is defined by its Betti numbers and torsion coefficients 6 As configurations Edit A regular 4 polytope can be completely described as a configuration matrix containing counts of its component elements The rows and columns correspond to vertices edges faces and cells The diagonal numbers upper left to lower right say how many of each element occur in the whole 4 polytope The non diagonal numbers say how many of the column s element occur in or at the row s element For example there are 2 vertices in each edge each edge has 2 vertices and 2 cells meet at each face each face belongs to 2 cells in any regular 4 polytope Notice that the configuration for the dual polytope can be obtained by rotating the matrix by 180 degrees 7 8 5 cell 3 3 3 16 cell 3 3 4 tesseract 4 3 3 24 cell 3 4 3 600 cell 3 3 5 120 cell 5 3 3 5 4 6 4 2 10 3 3 3 3 10 2 4 6 4 5 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 5 amp 4 amp 6 amp 4 2 amp 10 amp 3 amp 3 3 amp 3 amp 10 amp 2 4 amp 6 amp 4 amp 5 end matrix end bmatrix 8 6 12 8 2 24 4 4 3 3 32 2 4 6 4 16 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 8 amp 6 amp 12 amp 8 2 amp 24 amp 4 amp 4 3 amp 3 amp 32 amp 2 4 amp 6 amp 4 amp 16 end matrix end bmatrix 16 4 6 4 2 32 3 3 4 4 24 2 8 12 6 8 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 16 amp 4 amp 6 amp 4 2 amp 32 amp 3 amp 3 4 amp 4 amp 24 amp 2 8 amp 12 amp 6 amp 8 end matrix end bmatrix 24 8 12 6 2 96 3 3 3 3 96 2 6 12 8 24 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 24 amp 8 amp 12 amp 6 2 amp 96 amp 3 amp 3 3 amp 3 amp 96 amp 2 6 amp 12 amp 8 amp 24 end matrix end bmatrix 120 12 30 20 2 720 5 5 3 3 1200 2 4 6 4 600 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 120 amp 12 amp 30 amp 20 2 amp 720 amp 5 amp 5 3 amp 3 amp 1200 amp 2 4 amp 6 amp 4 amp 600 end matrix end bmatrix 600 4 6 4 2 1200 3 3 5 5 720 2 20 30 12 120 displaystyle begin bmatrix begin matrix 600 amp 4 amp 6 amp 4 2 amp 1200 amp 3 amp 3 5 amp 5 amp 720 amp 2 20 amp 30 amp 12 amp 120 end matrix end bmatrix Visualization Edit The following table shows some 2 dimensional projections of these 4 polytopes Various other visualizations can be found in the external links below The Coxeter Dynkin diagram graphs are also given below the Schlafli symbol A4 3 3 3 B4 4 3 3 F4 3 4 3 H4 5 3 3 5 cell 16 cell 8 cell 24 cell 600 cell 120 cell 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 Solid 3D orthographic projections Tetrahedralenvelope cell vertex centered Cubic envelope cell centered Cubic envelope cell centered Cuboctahedralenvelope cell centered Pentakis icosidodecahedralenvelope vertex centered Truncated rhombictriacontahedronenvelope cell centered Wireframe Schlegel diagrams Perspective projection Cell centered Cell centered Cell centered Cell centered Vertex centered Cell centeredWireframe stereographic projections 3 sphere Regular star Schlafli Hess 4 polytopes Edit This shows the relationships among the four dimensional starry polytopes The 2 convex forms and 10 starry forms can be seen in 3D as the vertices of a cuboctahedron 9 A subset of relations among 8 forms from the 120 cell polydodecahedron pD The three operations a g s are commutable defining a cubic framework There are 7 densities seen in vertical positioning with 2 dual forms having the same density The Schlafli Hess 4 polytopes are the complete set of 10 regular self intersecting star polychora four dimensional polytopes 10 They are named in honor of their discoverers Ludwig Schlafli and Edmund Hess Each is represented by a Schlafli symbol p q r in which one of the numbers is 5 2 They are thus analogous to the regular nonconvex Kepler Poinsot polyhedra which are in turn analogous to the pentagram Names Edit Their names given here were given by John Conway extending Cayley s names for the Kepler Poinsot polyhedra along with stellated and great he adds a grand modifier Conway offered these operational definitions stellation replaces edges by longer edges in same lines Example a pentagon stellates into a pentagram greatening replaces the faces by large ones in same planes Example an icosahedron greatens into a great icosahedron aggrandizement replaces the cells by large ones in same 3 spaces Example a 600 cell aggrandizes into a grand 600 cell John Conway names the 10 forms from 3 regular celled 4 polytopes pT polytetrahedron 3 3 5 a tetrahedral 600 cell pI polyicoshedron 3 5 5 2 an icosahedral 120 cell and pD polydodecahedron 5 3 3 a dodecahedral 120 cell with prefix modifiers g a and s for great ag grand and stellated The final stellation the great grand stellated polydodecahedron contains them all as gaspD Symmetry Edit All ten polychora have 3 3 5 H4 hexacosichoric symmetry They are generated from 6 related Goursat tetrahedra rational order symmetry groups 3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 2 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 and 3 3 5 2 Each group has 2 regular star polychora except for two groups which are self dual having only one So there are 4 dual pairs and 2 self dual forms among the ten regular star polychora Properties Edit Note There are 2 unique vertex arrangements matching those of the 120 cell and 600 cell There are 4 unique edge arrangements which are shown as wireframes orthographic projections There are 7 unique face arrangements shown as solids face colored orthographic projections The cells polyhedra their faces polygons the polygonal edge figures and polyhedral vertex figures are identified by their Schlafli symbols NameConway abbrev Orthogonalprojection SchlafliCoxeter C p q F p E r V q r Dens xIcosahedral 120 cellpolyicosahedron pI 3 5 5 2 120 3 5 1200 3 720 5 2 120 5 5 2 4 480Small stellated 120 cellstellated polydodecahedron spD 5 2 5 3 120 5 2 5 720 5 2 1200 3 120 5 3 4 480Great 120 cellgreat polydodecahedron gpD 5 5 2 5 120 5 5 2 720 5 720 5 120 5 2 5 6 0Grand 120 cellgrand polydodecahedron apD 5 3 5 2 120 5 3 720 5 720 5 2 120 3 5 2 20 0Great stellated 120 cellgreat stellated polydodecahedron gspD 5 2 3 5 120 5 2 3 720 5 2 720 5 120 3 5 20 0Grand stellated 120 cellgrand stellated polydodecahedron aspD 5 2 5 5 2 120 5 2 5 720 5 2 720 5 2 120 5 5 2 66 0Great grand 120 cellgreat grand polydodecahedron gapD 5 5 2 3 120 5 5 2 720 5 1200 3 120 5 2 3 76 480Great icosahedral 120 cellgreat polyicosahedron gpI 3 5 2 5 120 3 5 2 1200 3 720 5 120 5 2 5 76 480Grand 600 cellgrand polytetrahedron apT 3 3 5 2 600 3 3 1200 3 720 5 2 120 3 5 2 191 0Great grand stellated 120 cellgreat grand stellated polydodecahedron gaspD 5 2 3 3 120 5 2 3 720 5 2 1200 3 600 3 3 191 0See also EditRegular polytope List of regular polytopes Infinite regular 4 polytopes One regular Euclidean honeycomb 4 3 4 Four compact regular hyperbolic honeycombs 3 5 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 5 3 5 Eleven paracompact regular hyperbolic honeycombs 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 3 4 3 6 6 3 4 4 4 4 5 3 6 6 3 5 and 6 3 6 Abstract regular 4 polytopes 11 cell 3 5 3 57 cell 5 3 5 Uniform 4 polytope uniform 4 polytope families constructed from these 6 regular forms Platonic solid Kepler Poinsot polyhedra regular star polyhedron Star polygon regular star polygons 4 polytope 5 polytope 6 polytopeReferences EditCitations Edit Coxeter 1973 p 141 7 x Historical remarks Coxeter 1973 pp 292 293 Table I ii The sixteen regular polytopes p q r in four dimensions An invaluable table providing all 20 metrics of each 4 polytope in edge length units They must be algebraically converted to compare polytopes of unit radius Conway Burgiel amp Goodman Strass 2008 Ch 26 Higher Still Convex and abstract polytopes Programme and abstracts MIT 2005 Johnson Norman W 2018 11 5 Spherical Coxeter groups Geometries and Transformations Cambridge University Press pp 246 ISBN 978 1 107 10340 5 Richeson David S 2012 23 Henri Poincare and the Ascendancy of Topology Euler s Gem The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology Princeton University Press pp 256 ISBN 978 0 691 15457 2 Coxeter 1973 1 8 Configurations Coxeter Complex Regular Polytopes p 117 Conway Burgiel amp Goodman Strass 2008 p 406 Fig 26 2 Coxeter Star polytopes and the Schlafli function f a b g p 122 2 The Schlafli Hess polytopes Bibliography Edit Coxeter H S M 1973 1948 Regular Polytopes 3rd ed New York Dover Coxeter H S M 1969 Introduction to Geometry 2nd ed Wiley ISBN 0 471 50458 0 D M Y Sommerville 2020 1930 X The Regular Polytopes Introduction to the Geometry of n Dimensions Courier Dover pp 159 192 ISBN 978 0 486 84248 6 Conway John H Burgiel Heidi Goodman Strass Chaim 2008 26 Regular Star polytopes The Symmetries of Things pp 404 8 ISBN 978 1 56881 220 5 Hess Edmund 1883 Einleitung in die Lehre von der Kugelteilung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Gleichflachigen und der gleicheckigen Polyeder Hess Edmund 1885 Uber die regularen Polytope hoherer Art Sitzungsber Gesells Beforderung Gesammten Naturwiss Marburg 31 57 Sherk F Arthur McMullen Peter Thompson Anthony C Weiss Asia Ivic eds 1995 Kaleidoscopes Selected Writings of H S M Coxeter Wiley ISBN 978 0 471 01003 6 Paper 10 Coxeter H S M 1989 Star Polytopes and the Schlafli Function f a b g Elemente der Mathematik 44 2 25 36 Coxeter H S M 1991 Regular Complex Polytopes 2nd ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 39490 1 McMullen Peter Schulte Egon 2002 Abstract Regular Polytopes PDF External links EditWeisstein Eric W Regular polychoron MathWorld Jonathan Bowers 16 regular 4 polytopes Regular 4D Polytope Foldouts Catalog of Polytope Images A collection of stereographic projections of 4 polytopes A Catalog of Uniform Polytopes Dimensions 2 hour film about the fourth dimension contains stereographic projections of all regular 4 polytopes Regulare Polytope The Regular Star Polychora Hypersolids Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Regular 4 polytope amp oldid 1107744391 Regular star 28Schl C3 A4fli E2 80 93Hess 29 4 polytopes, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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