
Micro-g environment

The term micro-g environment (also μg, often referred to by the term microgravity) is more or less synonymous with the terms weightlessness and zero-g, but emphasising that g-forces are never exactly zero—just very small (on the International Space Station (ISS), for example, the small g-forces come from tidal effects, gravity from objects other than the Earth, such as astronauts, the spacecraft, and the Sun, air resistance, and astronaut movements that impart momentum to the space station).[1][2][3] The symbol for microgravity, μg, was used on the insignias of Space Shuttle flights STS-87 and STS-107, because these flights were devoted to microgravity research in low Earth orbit.

The International Space Station in orbit around Earth, February 2010. The ISS is in a micro-g environment.

The most commonly known microgravity environment can be found aboard the ISS which is located in low-earth orbit at an altitude of around 400 km, orbiting Earth approximately 15 times per day in what is considered free fall.

The effects of free fall also enable the creation of short-duration microgravity environments on Earth. This is accomplished by using droptube, parabolic flights and Random-positioning machines (RPMs).

Absence of gravity

A "stationary" micro-g environment[4] would require travelling far enough into deep space so as to reduce the effect of gravity by attenuation to almost zero. This is simple in conception but requires travelling a very large distance, rendering it highly impractical. For example, to reduce the gravity of the Earth by a factor of one million, one needs to be at a distance of 6 million kilometres from the Earth, but to reduce the gravity of the Sun to this amount, one has to be at a distance of 3.7 billion kilometres. This is not impossible, but it has only been achieved thus far by four interstellar probes: (Voyager 1 and 2 of the Voyager program, and Pioneer 10 and 11 of the Pioneer program.) At the speed of light it would take roughly three and a half hours to reach this micro-gravity environment (a region of space where the acceleration due to gravity is one-millionth of that experienced on the Earth's surface). To reduce the gravity to one-thousandth of that on Earth's surface, however, one needs only to be at a distance of 200,000 km.

Location Gravity due to Total
Earth Sun rest of Milky Way
Earth's surface 9.81 m/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 = 6 mm/s/yr 9.81 m/s2
Low Earth orbit 9 m/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 9 m/s2
200,000 km from Earth 10 mm/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 up to 12 mm/s2
6×106 km from Earth 10 μm/s2 6 mm/s2 200 pm/s2 6 mm/s2
3.7×109 km from Earth 29 pm/s2 10 μm/s2 200 pm/s2 10 μm/s2
Voyager 1 (17×109 km from Earth) 1 pm/s2 500 nm/s2 200 pm/s2 500 nm/s2
0.1 light-year from Earth 400 am/s2 200 pm/s2 200 pm/s2 up to 400 pm/s2

At a distance relatively close to Earth (less than 3000 km), gravity is only slightly reduced. As an object orbits a body such as the Earth, gravity is still attracting objects towards the Earth and the object is accelerated downward at almost 1g. Because the objects are typically moving laterally with respect to the surface at such immense speeds, the object will not lose altitude because of the curvature of the Earth. When viewed from an orbiting observer, other close objects in space appear to be floating because everything is being pulled towards Earth at the same speed, but also moving forward as the Earth's surface "falls" away below. All these objects are in free fall, not zero gravity.

Compare the gravitational potential at some of these locations.

Free fall

Free fall occurs when an object is in a gravitational field with no other forces acting on it. Although the force of gravity extends throughout all space, it is possible to experience "zero gravity" in free fall. That is, an object in free fall will accelerate. In the frame of reference or coordinate system moving with the object the gravitational force would be zero. This doesn't mean that the force has somehow been "turned off" or that gravity disappears, only that when viewed in the accelerated reference frame the force is zero. From the perspective of an observer not moving with the object (i.e. in an inertial reference frame) the force of gravity is exactly the same as usual.[5]

A classic example is an elevator car where the cable has been cut and it plummets toward Earth, accelerating at a rate equal to the 9.8 meters per second per second. In this scenario, the gravitational force is mostly, but not entirely, diminished; anyone in the elevator would experience an absence of the usual gravitational pull, however the force is not exactly zero. Since gravity is a force directed towards the center of the Earth, two balls a horizontal distance apart would be pulled in slightly different directions and would come closer together as the elevator dropped. Also, if they were some vertical distance apart the lower one would experience a higher gravitational force than the upper one since gravity diminishes according to the inverse square law. These two second-order effects are examples of micro gravity.[5]


Orbital motion is a form of free fall.[5] Objects in orbit are not perfectly weightless due to several effects:

  • Effects depending on relative position in the spacecraft:
    • Because the force of gravity decreases with distance, objects with non-zero size will be subjected to a tidal force, or a differential pull, between the ends of the object nearest and furthest from the Earth. (An extreme version of this effect is spaghettification.) In a spacecraft in low Earth orbit (LEO), the centrifugal force is also greater on the side of the spacecraft furthest from the Earth. At a 400 km LEO altitude, the overall differential in g-force is approximately 0.384 μg/m.[6][5]
    • Gravity between the spacecraft and an object within it may make the object slowly "fall" toward a more massive part of it. The acceleration is 0.007 μg for 1000 kg at 1 m distance.
  • Uniform effects (which could be compensated):
    • Though extremely thin, there is some air at orbital altitudes of 185 to 1,000 km. This atmosphere causes minuscule deceleration due to friction. This could be compensated by a small continuous thrust, but in practice the deceleration is only compensated from time to time, so the tiny g-force of this effect is not eliminated.
    • The effects of the solar wind and radiation pressure are similar, but directed away from the Sun. Unlike the effect of the atmosphere, it does not reduce with altitude.
  • Other Effects:
    • Routine crew activity: Due to the conservation of momentum, any crew member aboard a spacecraft pushing off a wall causes the spacecraft to move in the opposite direction.
    • Structural Vibration: Stress enacted on the hull of the spacecraft results in the spacecraft bending, causing apparent acceleration.

Commercial applications

Metal spheres

High-quality crystals

While not yet a commercial application, there has been interest in growing crystals in micro-g, as in a space station or automated artificial satellite, in an attempt to reduce crystal lattice defects.[7] Such defect-free crystals may prove useful for certain microelectronic applications and also to produce crystals for subsequent X-ray crystallography.

Health effects of the micro-g environment

Space motion sickness

Six astronauts who had been in training at the Johnson Space Center for almost a year are getting a sample of a micro-g environment

Space motion sickness (SMS) is thought to be a subtype of motion sickness that plagues nearly half of all astronauts who venture into space.[9] SMS, along with facial stuffiness from headward shifts of fluids, headaches, and back pain, is part of a broader complex of symptoms that comprise space adaptation syndrome (SAS).[10] SMS was first described in 1961 during the second orbit of the fourth manned spaceflight when the cosmonaut Gherman Titov aboard the Vostok 2, described feeling disoriented with physical complaints mostly consistent with motion sickness. It is one of the most studied physiological problems of spaceflight but continues to pose a significant difficulty for many astronauts. In some instances, it can be so debilitating that astronauts must sit out from their scheduled occupational duties in space – including missing out on a spacewalk they have spent months training to perform.[11] In most cases, however, astronauts will work through the symptoms even with degradation in their performance.[12]

Despite their experiences in some of the most rigorous and demanding physical maneuvers on earth, even the most seasoned astronauts may be affected by SMS, resulting in symptoms of severe nausea, projectile vomiting, fatigue, malaise (feeling sick), and headache.[12] These symptoms may occur so abruptly and without any warning that space travelers may vomit suddenly without time to contain the emesis, resulting in strong odors and liquid within the cabin which may affect other astronauts.[12] Some changes to eye movement behaviors might also occur as a result of SMS.[13] Symptoms typically last anywhere from one to three days upon entering weightlessness, but may recur upon reentry to Earth's gravity or even shortly after landing. SMS differs from terrestrial motion sickness in that sweating and pallor are typically minimal or absent and gastrointestinal findings usually demonstrate absent bowel sounds indicating reduced gastrointestinal motility.[14]

Even when the nausea and vomiting resolve, some central nervous system symptoms may persist which may degrade the astronaut's performance.[14] Graybiel and Knepton proposed the term "sopite syndrome" to describe symptoms of lethargy and drowsiness associated with motion sickness in 1976.[15] Since then, their definition has been revised to include "...a symptom complex that develops as a result of exposure to real or apparent motion and is characterized by excessive drowsiness, lassitude, lethargy, mild depression, and reduced ability to focus on an assigned task."[16] Together, these symptoms may pose a substantial threat (albeit temporary) to the astronaut who must remain attentive to life and death issues at all times.

SMS is most commonly thought to be a disorder of the vestibular system that occurs when sensory information from the visual system (sight) and the proprioceptive system (posture, position of the body) conflicts with misperceived information from the semicircular canals and the otoliths within the inner ear. This is known as the 'neural mismatch theory' and was first suggested in 1975 by Reason and Brand.[17] Alternatively, the fluid shift hypothesis suggests that weightlessness reduces the hydrostatic pressure on the lower body causing fluids to shift toward the head from the rest of the body. These fluid shifts are thought to increase cerebrospinal fluid pressure (causing back aches), intracranial pressure (causing headaches), and inner ear fluid pressure (causing vestibular dysfunction).[18]

Despite a multitude of studies searching for a solution to the problem of SMS, it remains an ongoing problem for space travel. Most non-pharmacological countermeasures such as training and other physical maneuvers have offered minimal benefit. Thornton and Bonato noted, "Pre- and inflight adaptive efforts, some of them mandatory and most of them onerous, have been, for the most part, operational failures."[19] To date, the most common intervention is promethazine, an injectable antihistamine with antiemetic properties, but sedation can be a problematic side effect.[20] Other common pharmacological options include metoclopramide, as well as oral and transdermal application of scopolamine, but drowsiness and sedation are common side effects for these medications as well.[18]

Musculoskeletal effects

In the space (or microgravity) environment the effects of unloading varies significantly among individuals, with sex differences compounding the variability.[21] Differences in mission duration, and the small sample size of astronauts participating in the same mission also adds to the variability to the musculoskeletal disorders that are seen in space.[22] In addition to muscle loss, microgravity leads to increased bone resorption, decreased bone mineral density, and increased fracture risks. Bone resorption leads to increased urinary levels of calcium, which can subsequently lead to an increased risk of nephrolithiasis.[23]

In the first two weeks that the muscles are unloaded from carrying the weight of the human frame during space flight, whole muscle atrophy begins. Postural muscles contain more slow fibers, and are more prone to atrophy than non-postural muscle groups.[22] The loss of muscle mass occurs because of imbalances in protein synthesis and breakdown. The loss of muscle mass is also accompanied by a loss of muscle strength, which was observed after only 2–5 days of spaceflight during the Soyuz-3 and Soyuz-8 missions.[22] Decreases in the generation of contractile forces and whole muscle power have also been found in response to microgravity.

To counter the effects of microgravity on the musculoskeletal system, aerobic exercise is recommended. This often takes the form of in-flight cycling.[22] A more effective regimen includes resistive exercises or the use of a penguin suit[22] (contains sewn-in elastic bands to maintain a stretch load on antigravity muscles), centrifugation, and vibration.[23] Centrifugation recreates Earth's gravitational force on the space station, in order to prevent muscle atrophy. Centrifugation can be performed with centrifuges or by cycling along the inner wall of the space station.[22] Whole body vibration has been found to reduce bone resorption through mechanisms that are unclear. Vibration can be delivered using exercise devices that use vertical displacements juxtaposed to a fulcrum, or by using a plate that oscillates on a vertical axis.[24] The use of beta-2 adrenergic agonists to increase muscle mass, and the use of essential amino acids in conjunction with resistive exercises have been proposed as pharmacologic means of combating muscle atrophy in space.[22]

Cardiovascular effects

Astronaut Tracy Dyson talks about studies into cardiovascular health aboard the International Space Station.

Next to the skeletal and muscular system, the cardiovascular system is less strained in weightlessness than on Earth and is de-conditioned during longer periods spent in space.[25] In a regular environment, gravity exerts a downward force, setting up a vertical hydrostatic gradient. When standing, some 'excess' fluid resides in vessels and tissues of the legs. In a micro-g environment, with the loss of a hydrostatic gradient, some fluid quickly redistributes toward the chest and upper body; sensed as 'overload' of circulating blood volume.[26] In the micro-g environment, the newly sensed excess blood volume is adjusted by expelling excess fluid into tissues and cells (12-15% volume reduction) and red blood cells are adjusted downward to maintain a normal concentration (relative anemia).[26] In the absence of gravity, venous blood will rush to the right atrium because the force of gravity is no longer pulling the blood down into the vessels of the legs and abdomen, resulting in increased stroke volume.[27] These fluid shifts become more dangerous upon returning to a regular gravity environment as the body will attempt to adapt to the reintroduction of gravity. The reintroduction of gravity again will pull the fluid downward, but now there would be a deficit in both circulating fluid and red blood cells. The decrease in cardiac filling pressure and stroke volume during the orthostatic stress due to a decreased blood volume is what causes orthostatic intolerance.[28] Orthostatic intolerance can result in temporary loss of consciousness and posture, due to the lack of pressure and stroke volume.[29] Some animal species have evolved physiological and anatomical features (such as high hydrostatic blood pressure and closer heart place to head) which enable them to counteract orthostatic blood pressure.[30][31] More chronic orthostatic intolerance can result in additional symptoms such as nausea, sleep problems, and other vasomotor symptoms as well.[32]

Many studies on the physiological effects of weightlessness on the cardiovascular system are done in parabolic flights. It is one of the only feasible options to combine with human experiments, making parabolic flights the only way to investigate the true effects of the micro-g environment on a body without traveling into space.[33] Parabolic flight studies have provided a broad range of results regarding changes in the cardiovascular system in a micro-g environment. Parabolic flight studies have increased the understanding of orthostatic intolerance and decreased peripheral blood flow suffered by Astronauts returning to Earth. Due to the loss of blood to pump, the heart can atrophy in a micro-g environment. A weakened heart can result in low blood volume, low blood pressure and affect the body's ability to send oxygen to the brain without the individual becoming dizzy.[34] Heart rhythm disturbances have also been seen among astronauts, but it is not clear whether this was due to pre-existing conditions of effects of a micro-g environment.[35] One current countermeasure includes drinking a salt solution, which increases the viscosity of blood and would subsequently increase blood pressure which would mitigate post micro-g environment orthostatic intolerance. Another countermeasure includes administration of midodrine, which is a selective alpha-1 adrenergic agonist. Midodrine produces arterial and venous constriction resulting in an increase in blood pressure by baroreceptor reflexes.[36]

See also


  1. ^ Chandler, David (May 1991). "Weightlessness and Microgravity" (PDF). The Physics Teacher. 29 (5): 312–13. Bibcode:1991PhTea..29..312C. doi:10.1119/1.2343327.
  2. ^ Karthikeyan KC (September 27, 2015). "What Are Zero Gravity and Microgravity, and What Are the Sources of Microgravity?". Geekswipe. Retrieved 17 April 2019.
  3. ^ Oberg, James (May 1993). "Space myths and misconceptions – space flight". OMNI. 15 (7): 38ff.
  4. ^ Depending on distance, "stationary" is meant relative to Earth or the Sun.
  5. ^ a b c d Chandler, David (May 1991). "Weightlessness and Microgravity" (PDF). The Physics Teacher. 29 (5): 312–13. Bibcode:1991PhTea..29..312C. doi:10.1119/1.2343327.
  6. ^ Bertrand, Reinhold (1998). Conceptual Design and Flight Simulation of Space Stations. p. 57. ISBN 9783896755001.
  7. ^ "Growing Crystals in Zero-Gravity".
  8. ^ Koszelak, S; Leja, C; McPherson, A (1996). "Crystallization of biological macromolecules from flash frozen samples on the Russian Space Station Mir". Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 52 (4): 449–58. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0290(19961120)52:4<449::AID-BIT1>3.0.CO;2-P. PMID 11541085. S2CID 36939988.
  9. ^ Weerts, Aurélie P.; Vanspauwen, Robby; Fransen, Erik; Jorens, Philippe G.; Van de Heyning, Paul H.; Wuyts, Floris L. (2014-06-01). "Space Motion Sickness Countermeasures: A Pharmacological Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study". Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 85 (6): 638–644. doi:10.3357/asem.3865.2014. PMID 24919385.
  10. ^ "Space Motion Sickness (Space Adaptation)" (PDF). NASA. June 15, 2016. Retrieved November 25, 2017.
  11. ^ "Illness keeps astronaut from spacewalk". ABCNews. February 12, 2008. Retrieved November 25, 2017.
  12. ^ a b c Thornton, William; Bonato, Frederick (2017). The Human Body and Weightlessness | SpringerLink. p. 32. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32829-4. ISBN 978-3-319-32828-7.
  13. ^ Alexander, Robert G.; Macknik, Stephen L.; Martinez-Conde, Susana (2019). "Microsaccades in Applied Environments: Real-World Applications of Fixational Eye Movement Measurements". Journal of Eye Movement Research. 12 (6). doi:10.16910/jemr.12.6.15. PMC 7962687. PMID 33828760.
  14. ^ a b Wotring, V. E. (2012). Space Pharmacology. Boston: Springer. p. 52. ISBN 978-1-4614-3396-5.
  15. ^ Graybiel, A; Knepton, J (August 1976). "Sopite syndrome: a sometimes sole manifestation of motion sickness". Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 47 (8): 873–882. PMID 949309.
  16. ^ Matsangas, Panagiotis; McCauley, Michael E. (June 2014). "Sopite Syndrome: A Revised Definition". Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 85 (6): 672–673. doi:10.3357/ASEM.3891.2014. PMID 24919391. S2CID 36203751.
  17. ^ T., Reason, J. (1975). Motion sickness. Brand, J. J. London: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0125840507. OCLC 2073893.
  18. ^ a b Heer, Martina; Paloski, William H. (2006). "Space motion sickness: Incidence, etiology, and countermeasures". Autonomic Neuroscience. 129 (1–2): 77–79. doi:10.1016/j.autneu.2006.07.014. PMID 16935570. S2CID 6520556.
  19. ^ Thornton, William; Bonato, Frederick (2017). The Human Body and Weightlessness | SpringerLink. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32829-4. ISBN 978-3-319-32828-7.
  20. ^ Space Pharmacology | Virginia E. Wotring. SpringerBriefs in Space Development. Springer. 2012. p. 59. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-3396-5. ISBN 978-1-4614-3395-8.
  21. ^ Ploutz-Snyder, Lori; Bloomfield, Susan; Smith, Scott M.; Hunter, Sandra K.; Templeton, Kim; Bemben, Debra (November 2014). "Effects of Sex and Gender on Adaptation to Space: Musculoskeletal Health". Journal of Women's Health. 23 (11): 963–966. doi:10.1089/jwh.2014.4910. PMC 4235589. PMID 25401942.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g Narici, M. V.; de Boer, M. D. (March 2011). "Disuse of the musculo-skeletal system in space and on earth". European Journal of Applied Physiology. 111 (3): 403–420. doi:10.1007/s00421-010-1556-x. PMID 20617334. S2CID 25185533.
  23. ^ a b Smith, Scott M.; Heer, Martina; Shackelford, Linda C.; Sibonga, Jean D.; Spatz, Jordan; Pietrzyk, Robert A.; Hudson, Edgar K.; Zwart, Sara R. (2015). "Bone metabolism and renal stone risk during International Space Station missions". Bone. 81: 712–720. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2015.10.002. PMID 26456109.
  24. ^ Elmantaser, M; McMillan, M; Smith, K; Khanna, S; Chantler, D; Panarelli, M; Ahmed, SF (September 2012). "A comparison of the effect of two types of vibration exercise on the endocrine and musculoskeletal system". Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions. 12 (3): 144–154. PMID 22947546.
  25. ^ Ramsdell, Craig D.; Cohen, Richard J. (2003). "Cardiovascular System in Space". Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology. doi:10.1002/0471263869.sst074. ISBN 978-0-471-26386-9.
  26. ^ a b White, Ronald J.; Lujan, Barbara F. (1989). "Current status and future direction of NASA's Space Life Sciences Program". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  27. ^ Aubert, André E.; Beckers, Frank; Verheyden, Bart; Plester, Vladimir (August 2004). "What happens to the human heart in space? - Parabolic flights provide some answers" (PDF). ESA Bulletin. 119: 30–38. Bibcode:2004ESABu.119...30A.
  28. ^ Wieling, Wouter; Halliwill, John R.; Karemaker, John M. (January 2002). "Orthostatic intolerance after space flight". The Journal of Physiology. 538 (1): 1. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2001.013372. PMC 2290012. PMID 11773310.
  29. ^ Stewart, J. M. (May 2013). "Common Syndromes of Orthostatic Intolerance". Pediatrics. 131 (5): 968–980. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2610. PMC 3639459. PMID 23569093.
  30. ^ Lillywhite, Harvey B. (1993). "Orthostatic Intolerance of Viperid Snakes". Physiological Zoology. 66 (6): 1000–1014. doi:10.1086/physzool.66.6.30163751. JSTOR 30163751. S2CID 88375293.
  31. ^ Nasoori, Alireza; Taghipour, Ali; Shahbazzadeh, Delavar; Aminirissehei, Abdolhossein; Moghaddam, Sharif (September 2014). "Heart place and tail length evaluation in Naja oxiana, Macrovipera lebetina, and Montivipera latifii". Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 7: S137–S142. doi:10.1016/S1995-7645(14)60220-0. PMID 25312108.
  32. ^ Stewart, Julian M. (December 2004). "Chronic orthostatic intolerance and the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS)". The Journal of Pediatrics. 145 (6): 725–730. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2004.06.084. PMC 4511479. PMID 15580191.
  33. ^ Gunga, Hanns-Christian; Ahlefeld, Victoria Weller von; Coriolano, Hans-Joachim Appell; Werner, Andreas; Hoffmann, Uwe (2016-07-14). Cardiovascular system, red blood cells, and oxygen transport in microgravity. Gunga, Hanns-Christian,, Ahlefeld, Victoria Weller von,, Coriolano, Hans-Joachim Appell,, Werner, Andreas,, Hoffmann, Uwe. Switzerland. ISBN 9783319332260. OCLC 953694996.[page needed]
  34. ^ Bungo, Michael (March 23, 2016). "Cardiac Atrophy and Diastolic Dysfunction During and After Long Duration Spaceflight: Functional Consequences for Orthostatic Intolerance, Exercise Capability and Risk for Cardiac Arrhythmias (Integrated Cardiovascular)". NASA. Retrieved November 25, 2017.
  35. ^ Fritsch-Yelle, Janice M.; Leuenberger, Urs A.; D’Aunno, Dominick S.; Rossum, Alfred C.; Brown, Troy E.; Wood, Margie L.; Josephson, Mark E.; Goldberger, Ary L. (June 1998). "An Episode of Ventricular Tachycardia During Long-Duration Spaceflight". The American Journal of Cardiology. 81 (11): 1391–1392. doi:10.1016/s0002-9149(98)00179-9. PMID 9631987.
  36. ^ Clément, Gilles (2011). Fundamentals of Space Medicine. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-1-4419-9905-4. OCLC 768427940.[page needed]

External links

  • Criticism of the terms "Zero Gravity" and "Microgravity", a persuasion to use terminology that reflects accurate physics (sci.space post).
  • Microgravity Collection, The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives and Special Collections
  • Space Biology Research at AU-KBC Research Centre
  • Jhala, Dhwani; Kale, Raosaheb; Singh, Rana (2014). "Microgravity Alters Cancer Growth and Progression". Current Cancer Drug Targets. 14 (4): 394–406. doi:10.2174/1568009614666140407113633. PMID 24720362.
  • Tirumalai, Madhan R.; Karouia, Fathi; Tran, Quyen; Stepanov, Victor G.; Bruce, Rebekah J.; Ott, C. Mark; Pierson, Duane L.; Fox, George E. (December 2017). "The adaptation of Escherichia coli cells grown in simulated microgravity for an extended period is both phenotypic and genomic". NPJ Microgravity. 3 (1): 15. doi:10.1038/s41526-017-0020-1. PMC 5460176. PMID 28649637.

micro, environment, with, greek, alphabet, redirect, here, other, uses, latin, script, microgram, confused, with, been, suggested, that, weightlessness, merged, into, this, article, discuss, proposed, since, october, 2022, term, micro, environment, also, often. MG and mG with M m Mu in Greek alphabet redirect here For other uses of MG see MG in Latin script For mg see microgram Not to be confused with uG It has been suggested that Weightlessness be merged into this article Discuss Proposed since October 2022 The term micro g environment also mg often referred to by the term microgravity is more or less synonymous with the terms weightlessness and zero g but emphasising that g forces are never exactly zero just very small on the International Space Station ISS for example the small g forces come from tidal effects gravity from objects other than the Earth such as astronauts the spacecraft and the Sun air resistance and astronaut movements that impart momentum to the space station 1 2 3 The symbol for microgravity mg was used on the insignias of Space Shuttle flights STS 87 and STS 107 because these flights were devoted to microgravity research in low Earth orbit The International Space Station in orbit around Earth February 2010 The ISS is in a micro g environment The most commonly known microgravity environment can be found aboard the ISS which is located in low earth orbit at an altitude of around 400 km orbiting Earth approximately 15 times per day in what is considered free fall The effects of free fall also enable the creation of short duration microgravity environments on Earth This is accomplished by using droptube parabolic flights and Random positioning machines RPMs Contents 1 Absence of gravity 2 Free fall 3 Orbits 4 Commercial applications 4 1 Metal spheres 4 2 High quality crystals 5 Health effects of the micro g environment 5 1 Space motion sickness 5 2 Musculoskeletal effects 5 3 Cardiovascular effects 6 See also 7 References 8 External linksAbsence of gravity EditA stationary micro g environment 4 would require travelling far enough into deep space so as to reduce the effect of gravity by attenuation to almost zero This is simple in conception but requires travelling a very large distance rendering it highly impractical For example to reduce the gravity of the Earth by a factor of one million one needs to be at a distance of 6 million kilometres from the Earth but to reduce the gravity of the Sun to this amount one has to be at a distance of 3 7 billion kilometres This is not impossible but it has only been achieved thus far by four interstellar probes Voyager 1 and 2 of the Voyager program and Pioneer 10 and 11 of the Pioneer program At the speed of light it would take roughly three and a half hours to reach this micro gravity environment a region of space where the acceleration due to gravity is one millionth of that experienced on the Earth s surface To reduce the gravity to one thousandth of that on Earth s surface however one needs only to be at a distance of 200 000 km Location Gravity due to TotalEarth Sun rest of Milky WayEarth s surface 9 81 m s2 6 mm s2 200 pm s2 6 mm s yr 9 81 m s2Low Earth orbit 9 m s2 6 mm s2 200 pm s2 9 m s2200 000 km from Earth 10 mm s2 6 mm s2 200 pm s2 up to 12 mm s26 106 km from Earth 10 mm s2 6 mm s2 200 pm s2 6 mm s23 7 109 km from Earth 29 pm s2 10 mm s2 200 pm s2 10 mm s2Voyager 1 17 109 km from Earth 1 pm s2 500 nm s2 200 pm s2 500 nm s20 1 light year from Earth 400 am s2 200 pm s2 200 pm s2 up to 400 pm s2At a distance relatively close to Earth less than 3000 km gravity is only slightly reduced As an object orbits a body such as the Earth gravity is still attracting objects towards the Earth and the object is accelerated downward at almost 1g Because the objects are typically moving laterally with respect to the surface at such immense speeds the object will not lose altitude because of the curvature of the Earth When viewed from an orbiting observer other close objects in space appear to be floating because everything is being pulled towards Earth at the same speed but also moving forward as the Earth s surface falls away below All these objects are in free fall not zero gravity Compare the gravitational potential at some of these locations Free fall EditFree fall occurs when an object is in a gravitational field with no other forces acting on it Although the force of gravity extends throughout all space it is possible to experience zero gravity in free fall That is an object in free fall will accelerate In the frame of reference or coordinate system moving with the object the gravitational force would be zero This doesn t mean that the force has somehow been turned off or that gravity disappears only that when viewed in the accelerated reference frame the force is zero From the perspective of an observer not moving with the object i e in an inertial reference frame the force of gravity is exactly the same as usual 5 A classic example is an elevator car where the cable has been cut and it plummets toward Earth accelerating at a rate equal to the 9 8 meters per second per second In this scenario the gravitational force is mostly but not entirely diminished anyone in the elevator would experience an absence of the usual gravitational pull however the force is not exactly zero Since gravity is a force directed towards the center of the Earth two balls a horizontal distance apart would be pulled in slightly different directions and would come closer together as the elevator dropped Also if they were some vertical distance apart the lower one would experience a higher gravitational force than the upper one since gravity diminishes according to the inverse square law These two second order effects are examples of micro gravity 5 Orbits EditOrbital motion is a form of free fall 5 Objects in orbit are not perfectly weightless due to several effects Effects depending on relative position in the spacecraft Because the force of gravity decreases with distance objects with non zero size will be subjected to a tidal force or a differential pull between the ends of the object nearest and furthest from the Earth An extreme version of this effect is spaghettification In a spacecraft in low Earth orbit LEO the centrifugal force is also greater on the side of the spacecraft furthest from the Earth At a 400 km LEO altitude the overall differential in g force is approximately 0 384 mg m 6 5 Gravity between the spacecraft and an object within it may make the object slowly fall toward a more massive part of it The acceleration is 0 007 mg for 1000 kg at 1 m distance Uniform effects which could be compensated Though extremely thin there is some air at orbital altitudes of 185 to 1 000 km This atmosphere causes minuscule deceleration due to friction This could be compensated by a small continuous thrust but in practice the deceleration is only compensated from time to time so the tiny g force of this effect is not eliminated The effects of the solar wind and radiation pressure are similar but directed away from the Sun Unlike the effect of the atmosphere it does not reduce with altitude Other Effects Routine crew activity Due to the conservation of momentum any crew member aboard a spacecraft pushing off a wall causes the spacecraft to move in the opposite direction Structural Vibration Stress enacted on the hull of the spacecraft results in the spacecraft bending causing apparent acceleration Commercial applications EditSee also Commercial use of space Scientific research on the International Space Station and ESA Scientific Research on the International Space Station Metal spheres Edit The template below Empty section is being considered for deletion See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus This section is empty You can help by adding to it November 2022 High quality crystals Edit While not yet a commercial application there has been interest in growing crystals in micro g as in a space station or automated artificial satellite in an attempt to reduce crystal lattice defects 7 Such defect free crystals may prove useful for certain microelectronic applications and also to produce crystals for subsequent X ray crystallography Comparison of boiling of water under earth s gravity 1 g left and microgravity right The source of heat is in the lower part of the photograph A comparison between the combustion of a candle on Earth left and in a microgravity environment such as that found on the ISS right Protein crystals grown by American scientists on the Russian Space Station Mir in 1995 8 Comparison of insulin crystals growth in outer space left and on Earth right source source source source source source source source source source source source track Liquids may also behave differently than on earth as demonstrated in this videoHealth effects of the micro g environment EditSee also Space medicine Space motion sickness Edit See also Space adaptation syndrome Six astronauts who had been in training at the Johnson Space Center for almost a year are getting a sample of a micro g environment Space motion sickness SMS is thought to be a subtype of motion sickness that plagues nearly half of all astronauts who venture into space 9 SMS along with facial stuffiness from headward shifts of fluids headaches and back pain is part of a broader complex of symptoms that comprise space adaptation syndrome SAS 10 SMS was first described in 1961 during the second orbit of the fourth manned spaceflight when the cosmonaut Gherman Titov aboard the Vostok 2 described feeling disoriented with physical complaints mostly consistent with motion sickness It is one of the most studied physiological problems of spaceflight but continues to pose a significant difficulty for many astronauts In some instances it can be so debilitating that astronauts must sit out from their scheduled occupational duties in space including missing out on a spacewalk they have spent months training to perform 11 In most cases however astronauts will work through the symptoms even with degradation in their performance 12 Despite their experiences in some of the most rigorous and demanding physical maneuvers on earth even the most seasoned astronauts may be affected by SMS resulting in symptoms of severe nausea projectile vomiting fatigue malaise feeling sick and headache 12 These symptoms may occur so abruptly and without any warning that space travelers may vomit suddenly without time to contain the emesis resulting in strong odors and liquid within the cabin which may affect other astronauts 12 Some changes to eye movement behaviors might also occur as a result of SMS 13 Symptoms typically last anywhere from one to three days upon entering weightlessness but may recur upon reentry to Earth s gravity or even shortly after landing SMS differs from terrestrial motion sickness in that sweating and pallor are typically minimal or absent and gastrointestinal findings usually demonstrate absent bowel sounds indicating reduced gastrointestinal motility 14 Even when the nausea and vomiting resolve some central nervous system symptoms may persist which may degrade the astronaut s performance 14 Graybiel and Knepton proposed the term sopite syndrome to describe symptoms of lethargy and drowsiness associated with motion sickness in 1976 15 Since then their definition has been revised to include a symptom complex that develops as a result of exposure to real or apparent motion and is characterized by excessive drowsiness lassitude lethargy mild depression and reduced ability to focus on an assigned task 16 Together these symptoms may pose a substantial threat albeit temporary to the astronaut who must remain attentive to life and death issues at all times SMS is most commonly thought to be a disorder of the vestibular system that occurs when sensory information from the visual system sight and the proprioceptive system posture position of the body conflicts with misperceived information from the semicircular canals and the otoliths within the inner ear This is known as the neural mismatch theory and was first suggested in 1975 by Reason and Brand 17 Alternatively the fluid shift hypothesis suggests that weightlessness reduces the hydrostatic pressure on the lower body causing fluids to shift toward the head from the rest of the body These fluid shifts are thought to increase cerebrospinal fluid pressure causing back aches intracranial pressure causing headaches and inner ear fluid pressure causing vestibular dysfunction 18 Despite a multitude of studies searching for a solution to the problem of SMS it remains an ongoing problem for space travel Most non pharmacological countermeasures such as training and other physical maneuvers have offered minimal benefit Thornton and Bonato noted Pre and inflight adaptive efforts some of them mandatory and most of them onerous have been for the most part operational failures 19 To date the most common intervention is promethazine an injectable antihistamine with antiemetic properties but sedation can be a problematic side effect 20 Other common pharmacological options include metoclopramide as well as oral and transdermal application of scopolamine but drowsiness and sedation are common side effects for these medications as well 18 Musculoskeletal effects Edit In the space or microgravity environment the effects of unloading varies significantly among individuals with sex differences compounding the variability 21 Differences in mission duration and the small sample size of astronauts participating in the same mission also adds to the variability to the musculoskeletal disorders that are seen in space 22 In addition to muscle loss microgravity leads to increased bone resorption decreased bone mineral density and increased fracture risks Bone resorption leads to increased urinary levels of calcium which can subsequently lead to an increased risk of nephrolithiasis 23 In the first two weeks that the muscles are unloaded from carrying the weight of the human frame during space flight whole muscle atrophy begins Postural muscles contain more slow fibers and are more prone to atrophy than non postural muscle groups 22 The loss of muscle mass occurs because of imbalances in protein synthesis and breakdown The loss of muscle mass is also accompanied by a loss of muscle strength which was observed after only 2 5 days of spaceflight during the Soyuz 3 and Soyuz 8 missions 22 Decreases in the generation of contractile forces and whole muscle power have also been found in response to microgravity To counter the effects of microgravity on the musculoskeletal system aerobic exercise is recommended This often takes the form of in flight cycling 22 A more effective regimen includes resistive exercises or the use of a penguin suit 22 contains sewn in elastic bands to maintain a stretch load on antigravity muscles centrifugation and vibration 23 Centrifugation recreates Earth s gravitational force on the space station in order to prevent muscle atrophy Centrifugation can be performed with centrifuges or by cycling along the inner wall of the space station 22 Whole body vibration has been found to reduce bone resorption through mechanisms that are unclear Vibration can be delivered using exercise devices that use vertical displacements juxtaposed to a fulcrum or by using a plate that oscillates on a vertical axis 24 The use of beta 2 adrenergic agonists to increase muscle mass and the use of essential amino acids in conjunction with resistive exercises have been proposed as pharmacologic means of combating muscle atrophy in space 22 Cardiovascular effects Edit source source source source source source source source source source source source source source Astronaut Tracy Dyson talks about studies into cardiovascular health aboard the International Space Station Next to the skeletal and muscular system the cardiovascular system is less strained in weightlessness than on Earth and is de conditioned during longer periods spent in space 25 In a regular environment gravity exerts a downward force setting up a vertical hydrostatic gradient When standing some excess fluid resides in vessels and tissues of the legs In a micro g environment with the loss of a hydrostatic gradient some fluid quickly redistributes toward the chest and upper body sensed as overload of circulating blood volume 26 In the micro g environment the newly sensed excess blood volume is adjusted by expelling excess fluid into tissues and cells 12 15 volume reduction and red blood cells are adjusted downward to maintain a normal concentration relative anemia 26 In the absence of gravity venous blood will rush to the right atrium because the force of gravity is no longer pulling the blood down into the vessels of the legs and abdomen resulting in increased stroke volume 27 These fluid shifts become more dangerous upon returning to a regular gravity environment as the body will attempt to adapt to the reintroduction of gravity The reintroduction of gravity again will pull the fluid downward but now there would be a deficit in both circulating fluid and red blood cells The decrease in cardiac filling pressure and stroke volume during the orthostatic stress due to a decreased blood volume is what causes orthostatic intolerance 28 Orthostatic intolerance can result in temporary loss of consciousness and posture due to the lack of pressure and stroke volume 29 Some animal species have evolved physiological and anatomical features such as high hydrostatic blood pressure and closer heart place to head which enable them to counteract orthostatic blood pressure 30 31 More chronic orthostatic intolerance can result in additional symptoms such as nausea sleep problems and other vasomotor symptoms as well 32 Many studies on the physiological effects of weightlessness on the cardiovascular system are done in parabolic flights It is one of the only feasible options to combine with human experiments making parabolic flights the only way to investigate the true effects of the micro g environment on a body without traveling into space 33 Parabolic flight studies have provided a broad range of results regarding changes in the cardiovascular system in a micro g environment Parabolic flight studies have increased the understanding of orthostatic intolerance and decreased peripheral blood flow suffered by Astronauts returning to Earth Due to the loss of blood to pump the heart can atrophy in a micro g environment A weakened heart can result in low blood volume low blood pressure and affect the body s ability to send oxygen to the brain without the individual becoming dizzy 34 Heart rhythm disturbances have also been seen among astronauts but it is not clear whether this was due to pre existing conditions of effects of a micro g environment 35 One current countermeasure includes drinking a salt solution which increases the viscosity of blood and would subsequently increase blood pressure which would mitigate post micro g environment orthostatic intolerance Another countermeasure includes administration of midodrine which is a selective alpha 1 adrenergic agonist Midodrine produces arterial and venous constriction resulting in an increase in blood pressure by baroreceptor reflexes 36 See also EditAstronaut training Astronauts Commercial astronauts Commercial use of space ESA Scientific Research on the International Space Station European Low Gravity Research Association G jitter Reduced gravity aircraft Scientific research on the International Space Station Space manufacturing Space medicine WeightlessnessReferences Edit Chandler David May 1991 Weightlessness and Microgravity PDF The Physics Teacher 29 5 312 13 Bibcode 1991PhTea 29 312C doi 10 1119 1 2343327 Karthikeyan KC September 27 2015 What Are Zero Gravity and Microgravity and What Are the Sources of Microgravity Geekswipe Retrieved 17 April 2019 Oberg James May 1993 Space myths and misconceptions space flight OMNI 15 7 38ff Depending on distance stationary is meant relative to Earth or the Sun a b c d Chandler David May 1991 Weightlessness and Microgravity PDF The Physics Teacher 29 5 312 13 Bibcode 1991PhTea 29 312C doi 10 1119 1 2343327 Bertrand Reinhold 1998 Conceptual Design and Flight Simulation of Space Stations p 57 ISBN 9783896755001 Growing Crystals in Zero Gravity Koszelak S Leja C McPherson A 1996 Crystallization of biological macromolecules from flash frozen samples on the Russian Space Station Mir Biotechnology and Bioengineering 52 4 449 58 doi 10 1002 SICI 1097 0290 19961120 52 4 lt 449 AID BIT1 gt 3 0 CO 2 P PMID 11541085 S2CID 36939988 Weerts Aurelie P Vanspauwen Robby Fransen Erik Jorens Philippe G Van de Heyning Paul H Wuyts Floris L 2014 06 01 Space Motion Sickness Countermeasures A Pharmacological Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 85 6 638 644 doi 10 3357 asem 3865 2014 PMID 24919385 Space Motion Sickness Space Adaptation PDF NASA June 15 2016 Retrieved November 25 2017 Illness keeps astronaut from spacewalk ABCNews February 12 2008 Retrieved November 25 2017 a b c Thornton William Bonato Frederick 2017 The Human Body and Weightlessness SpringerLink p 32 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 32829 4 ISBN 978 3 319 32828 7 Alexander Robert G Macknik Stephen L Martinez Conde Susana 2019 Microsaccades in Applied Environments Real World Applications of Fixational Eye Movement Measurements Journal of Eye Movement Research 12 6 doi 10 16910 jemr 12 6 15 PMC 7962687 PMID 33828760 a b Wotring V E 2012 Space Pharmacology Boston Springer p 52 ISBN 978 1 4614 3396 5 Graybiel A Knepton J August 1976 Sopite syndrome a sometimes sole manifestation of motion sickness Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 47 8 873 882 PMID 949309 Matsangas Panagiotis McCauley Michael E June 2014 Sopite Syndrome A Revised Definition Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 85 6 672 673 doi 10 3357 ASEM 3891 2014 PMID 24919391 S2CID 36203751 T Reason J 1975 Motion sickness Brand J J London Academic Press ISBN 978 0125840507 OCLC 2073893 a b Heer Martina Paloski William H 2006 Space motion sickness Incidence etiology and countermeasures Autonomic Neuroscience 129 1 2 77 79 doi 10 1016 j autneu 2006 07 014 PMID 16935570 S2CID 6520556 Thornton William Bonato Frederick 2017 The Human Body and Weightlessness SpringerLink doi 10 1007 978 3 319 32829 4 ISBN 978 3 319 32828 7 Space Pharmacology Virginia E Wotring SpringerBriefs in Space Development Springer 2012 p 59 doi 10 1007 978 1 4614 3396 5 ISBN 978 1 4614 3395 8 Ploutz Snyder Lori Bloomfield Susan Smith Scott M Hunter Sandra K Templeton Kim Bemben Debra November 2014 Effects of Sex and Gender on Adaptation to Space Musculoskeletal Health Journal of Women s Health 23 11 963 966 doi 10 1089 jwh 2014 4910 PMC 4235589 PMID 25401942 a b c d e f g Narici M V de Boer M D March 2011 Disuse of the musculo skeletal system in space and on earth European Journal of Applied Physiology 111 3 403 420 doi 10 1007 s00421 010 1556 x PMID 20617334 S2CID 25185533 a b Smith Scott M Heer Martina Shackelford Linda C Sibonga Jean D Spatz Jordan Pietrzyk Robert A Hudson Edgar K Zwart Sara R 2015 Bone metabolism and renal stone risk during International Space Station missions Bone 81 712 720 doi 10 1016 j bone 2015 10 002 PMID 26456109 Elmantaser M McMillan M Smith K Khanna S Chantler D Panarelli M Ahmed SF September 2012 A comparison of the effect of two types of vibration exercise on the endocrine and musculoskeletal system Journal of Musculoskeletal amp Neuronal Interactions 12 3 144 154 PMID 22947546 Ramsdell Craig D Cohen Richard J 2003 Cardiovascular System in Space Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology doi 10 1002 0471263869 sst074 ISBN 978 0 471 26386 9 a b White Ronald J Lujan Barbara F 1989 Current status and future direction of NASA s Space Life Sciences Program a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Aubert Andre E Beckers Frank Verheyden Bart Plester Vladimir August 2004 What happens to the human heart in space Parabolic flights provide some answers PDF ESA Bulletin 119 30 38 Bibcode 2004ESABu 119 30A Wieling Wouter Halliwill John R Karemaker John M January 2002 Orthostatic intolerance after space flight The Journal of Physiology 538 1 1 doi 10 1113 jphysiol 2001 013372 PMC 2290012 PMID 11773310 Stewart J M May 2013 Common Syndromes of Orthostatic Intolerance Pediatrics 131 5 968 980 doi 10 1542 peds 2012 2610 PMC 3639459 PMID 23569093 Lillywhite Harvey B 1993 Orthostatic Intolerance of Viperid Snakes Physiological Zoology 66 6 1000 1014 doi 10 1086 physzool 66 6 30163751 JSTOR 30163751 S2CID 88375293 Nasoori Alireza Taghipour Ali Shahbazzadeh Delavar Aminirissehei Abdolhossein Moghaddam Sharif September 2014 Heart place and tail length evaluation in Naja oxiana Macrovipera lebetina and Montivipera latifii Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 7 S137 S142 doi 10 1016 S1995 7645 14 60220 0 PMID 25312108 Stewart Julian M December 2004 Chronic orthostatic intolerance and the postural tachycardia syndrome POTS The Journal of Pediatrics 145 6 725 730 doi 10 1016 j jpeds 2004 06 084 PMC 4511479 PMID 15580191 Gunga Hanns Christian Ahlefeld Victoria Weller von Coriolano Hans Joachim Appell Werner Andreas Hoffmann Uwe 2016 07 14 Cardiovascular system red blood cells and oxygen transport in microgravity Gunga Hanns Christian Ahlefeld Victoria Weller von Coriolano Hans Joachim Appell Werner Andreas Hoffmann Uwe Switzerland ISBN 9783319332260 OCLC 953694996 page needed Bungo Michael March 23 2016 Cardiac Atrophy and Diastolic Dysfunction During and After Long Duration Spaceflight Functional Consequences for Orthostatic Intolerance Exercise Capability and Risk for Cardiac Arrhythmias Integrated Cardiovascular NASA Retrieved November 25 2017 Fritsch Yelle Janice M Leuenberger Urs A D Aunno Dominick S Rossum Alfred C Brown Troy E Wood Margie L Josephson Mark E Goldberger Ary L June 1998 An Episode of Ventricular Tachycardia During Long Duration Spaceflight The American Journal of Cardiology 81 11 1391 1392 doi 10 1016 s0002 9149 98 00179 9 PMID 9631987 Clement Gilles 2011 Fundamentals of Space Medicine Springer Science amp Business Media ISBN 978 1 4419 9905 4 OCLC 768427940 page needed External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Microgravity Overview of microgravity applications and methods Criticism of the terms Zero Gravity and Microgravity a persuasion to use terminology that reflects accurate physics sci space post Microgravity Collection The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives and Special Collections Space Biology Research at AU KBC Research Centre Jhala Dhwani Kale Raosaheb Singh Rana 2014 Microgravity Alters Cancer Growth and Progression Current Cancer Drug Targets 14 4 394 406 doi 10 2174 1568009614666140407113633 PMID 24720362 Tirumalai Madhan R Karouia Fathi Tran Quyen Stepanov Victor G Bruce Rebekah J Ott C Mark Pierson Duane L Fox George E December 2017 The adaptation of Escherichia coli cells grown in simulated microgravity for an extended period is both phenotypic and genomic NPJ Microgravity 3 1 15 doi 10 1038 s41526 017 0020 1 PMC 5460176 PMID 28649637 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Micro g environment amp oldid 1142405334, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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