
Judeo-Tat literature

Judeo-Tat literature is the literature of the Mountain Jews in the Juhuri language.

History edit

Poet Sergey Izgiyayev in 1970
Poet Zoya Semenduyeva

Judeo-Tat literature is rich in folklore.[1] The most popular narrators of folklore at the beginning of the 20th century were Mordecai ben Avshalom (1860–1925),[2][3] Shaul Simandu (1856–1939),[4] Khizgil Dadashev (1860–1945)[5] and Aibolo of Tarki.[6][7][8]

In 1904, Rabbi Yeshayahu Rabinovich was among the first[6] to create literary works in the Juhuri language for a Judeo-Tat theatre group in the city of Derbent.[9][10]

In the 1920s, theatre was the main form of Judeo-Tat literature. Playwrights who wrote for the first Mountain-Jewish amateur theatrical troupes include Yakov Agarunov (1907–1992),[11] (Juhuri: Падшох, рабби ва ошир) - Tsar, rabbi and the rich man, Herzl Gorsky (Ravvinovich) (1904–1937?),[12][6] (Juhuri:Бахар дас баба-дадай) - "The fruits of the hands of the father and mother", P. Shcherbatov, (Juhuri: Кук савдогар-революционер) - The merchant's son is a revolutionary and Yuno Semenov (1899–1961),[13][14] who wrote plays (Juhuri: Амалданэ илчи) - The wise matchmaker, 1924, (Juhuri: Дю алатфуруххо) - Two junkies, 1924 and (Juhuri: Махсюм) - Makhsum, 1927.

Since the appearance on 3 June 1928 in Derbent of a newspaper in the Judeo-Tat language Захметкеш - The Toiler, whose editor-in-chief was Asail Binaev (1882–1958),[15][16] one of the first mountain-Jewish professional literati; poems in the Judeo-Tat language were published regularly. All the mountain-Jewish poets of the 1920s - Ehil Matatov (1888–1943),[17] Rachamim Ruvinov (1893-1955), [18] Yakov Agarunov, Boris Gavrilov (1908–1990),[19] Neten Solomonov and Z. Nabinovich - were poets of Civic poetry. The theme of women's equality recurs throughout poetry of Yakov Agarunov (Juhuri: Духдар доги) - "Mountain Girl", 1928, Iskhog Khanukhov (1903–1973) (Juhuri: Джофокашэ дадай) - "Mother-toiler" and (Juhuri: Ай зан Мизрах) - "About the Woman of the East", both were written in 1928, a series of poems were written by Ehil Matatov (1888–1943) and Boris Gavrilov.

The formation and development of Mountain-Jewish artistic prose started by the end of the 20th century. One of its founders was Yuno Semenov. His biggest story was (Juhuri: Ошнахой ан раби Хасдил) - "Familiar people of Rabbi Hasdil", 1928–29.

In the early 1930s a Mountain Jewish literary circle was formed in Moscow, headed by I. Ben-Ami (Benyaminov) (d. ca. 1937?).[6] The poet, playwright and prose writer Mishi Bakhshiev (1910–1972),[20] poets Manuvakh Dadashev (1913–1943) [21] and Daniel Atnilov (1913–1968),[22] the first professional literary translator Zovolun Bakhshiev (1896–1968) and others quickly took the leading place in the Judeo-Tat literature. In the mid-1930s, this literary circle in Moscow ceased functioning.

From the end of 1934 until the termination of publishing and cultural activities in the Judeo-Tat language in Azerbaijan in 1938, a Judeo-Tat literary circle existed in Baku under the newspaper Kommunist (editor-in-chief Yakov Agarunov) and the Mountain-Jewish department of the Azerbaijan State Publishing House, which was headed by Yakov Agarunov and Yuno Semenov.

In 1932, poet Mishi Bakhshiev wrote his first book - Komsomol, the main theme was the social disintegration of the Mountain Jews. Another theme in his work was the involvement of Mountain-Jewish women in the Soviet reality (Juhuri: Ма‘ни духдару) - "Song of a Girl", 1933, (Juhuri:Рапорт) - "Report", 1933 and (Juhuri:Хумор) - "Gamble", 1933-34. In the second half of the 1930s the playwright Mishi Bakhshiev wrote a play (Juhuri: Бесгуни игидхо) - Victory of the Heroes (1936) about the civil war in Dagestan. It was the first heroic drama in the Judeo-Tat language. Later Mishi Bakhshiev wrote (Juhuri: Хори) - "Earth", 1939 and in 1940, he created a play in verse for folklore motifs: (Juhuri: Шох угли, шох Аббас ва хомбол Хасан) - "Shah's son, Shah Abbas and loader Hasan". Bakhshiyev's first novel was (Juhuri:Э пушорехьи тозе зиндегуни) - "Towards a New Life", 1932, in which he followed the Azerbaijani narrative models. The second, his biggest story was (Juhuri: Ватагачихо) - ("Fishermen", 1933, about the life of the Mountain Jewish fishermen from Derbent.

Poet Dubiya Bakhshiev (1914–1993),[23] in his poem (Juhuri: Занхо а колхоз) - "Woman in the collective farm", 1933, combines the theme of women with the theme of the creation of the Mountain-Jewish collective farms.

Yuno Semenov continued to play a significant role in the dramaturgy of the 1930s, writing his drama (Juhuri: Дю бирор) - "Two brothers".

In the late 1930s, novelist, poet and playwright Hizgil Avshalumov published a large story (Juhuri: Басгуни джовонхо) - "The Victory of the Young", 1940, it appeared with essays and feuilletons. Avshalumov dedicated a number of his works to the modern hero of the Mountain Jewish’s village (Juhuri: Маслахат на хингар) - "Council and Khinkal", (Juhuri:Аджал занхо) - "Death to wives", (Juhuri: Шюваран дю хову) - "Bigamist”, essays about the Hero of Socialist Labour Gyulboor Davydov (1892–1983) and Solomon (Shelmun) Rabaev (1916–1963) and others. The story (Juhuri: Занбирор) - "Sister-in-law" is about the life of the Mountain Jews social elite in Derbent on the eve and during the revolution and in the first years of Soviet Union power. In his novel (Juhuri: Кук гудил) - "The son of the mummer", 1974, Avshalumov gave a detailed description of the Mountain Jew farmer and his centuries-old traditional way of life. Later, Hizgil Avshalumov created a folklore image of the witty (Juhuri:Шими Дербенди) - Shimi from Derbent[24][25] (Mountain Jewish analogue of Hershel of Ostropol)[26]

The Great Purge of 1936–38 caused a cruel blow to the Judeo-Tat literature. Herzl Gorsky (Ravvinovich), Ekhil Matatov, I. Ben-Ami (Benyaminov, I.) and Asail Binaev were arrested. With the exception of Asail Binaev, they all died in Soviet prisons and gulags.

During the World War II years of the Soviet Union with Germany (1941-45), most figures of the Judeo-Tat literature were drafted into the army. Poet Manuvakh Dadashev was killed in the war. During the four years of the war, not a single literary and artistic book in the Judeo-Tat language was published.

In the 1940s, the authorities closed in Derbent the Mountain Jewish newspaper Vatan.[27] From 1946 to the end of 1953, Judeo-Tat literature existed only implicitly. All these years the Mountain-Jewish section of the writers' organization did not function, and the creative issues of the Judeo-Tat literature disappeared from the agenda of the Dagestan Writers' Union. Only at the end of 1953 the publication of a small collection of poems by Daniil Atnilov (Juhuri: Чихрат вахд) - "The Image of Time" renewed the functioning of the Judeo-Tat literature as one of the literatures of Dagestan.

Since 1955 began to appear in the Judeo-Tat language almanac (Juhuri:Ватан советиму) - "The Soviet Homeland". In 1946, in Dagestan, the circle of readers of the Jewish-Tat literature is constantly narrowing due to the termination of school education in the Jewish-Tat language.

Since the 1950s, prose has been predominant in Judeo-Tat literature. The leading role in it belongs to Misha Bakhshiyev[28] and Hizgil Avshalumov. Mishi Bakhshiyev originally published his works in Russian ("Stories about My Countrymen", 1956, a collection of essays and short stories "Simple People", 1958 and "Noisy gardens", 1962). In these books, the author spoke not so much specifically as the Mountain-Jewish, but as a general Dagestan writer. In 1963 Mishi Bakhshiyev published a novel (Juhuri:Хушахой онгур) - "Bunches of grapes".

The Judeo-Tat children writer in the post-Stalin period was Amaldan (Amal) Kukullu (1935-2000). He released a collection of stories (Juhuri:Синемиши) - "Testing", 1968, and others.

Poetry in the Jewish-Tat literature of the 1950s-70s was mostly from achievements of the 1930s. Most prolific and famous poet of that period was Daniil Atnilov. Permanently living in Moscow, in isolation from the everyday elements of the Mountain-Tat language. His collection (Juhuri:Гюлхой инсони) - "The Color of Mankind", 1971 was published posthumously that summarized his work of the 1950s and 1960s.

A number of poets of the 20th century created their works in the Juhuri language, such as Sergey Izgiyayev,[29] created poems and plays: (Juhuri: Иму гъэлхэнд шолуминим) - We are the defenders of the World (1952), (Juhuri:Фикиргьой шогьир) - Thoughts of the Poet (1966), (Juhuri:Муьгьбет ве гьисмет) - The fate and love (1972) and a number of other works. Shimshun Safonov, in 1968, created a collection of poetry (Juhuri:Парза, ма‘ни ма) - "Fly, my verse".[6][30] [31][32] Poet Zoya Semenduev released a collection (Juhuri:Войгей дуьл) - "The Command of the Heart". In 2007, published the book (Juhuri: Духдер эн дуь бебе) "Daughter of two fathers", which includes the play of the same name and fairy tales.[33]

At the end of the 20th century, a number of Mountain Jewish writers wrote only in Russian, such as the poet Lazar Amirov (1936–2007),[34] novelist Felix Bakhshiev (1937),[6] literary critic and novelist Manashir Azizov (1936–2011),[35][36] and Asaf Mushailov. Mushailov published the book Poems Poems Stories in 2017.[37][38]

Literature edit

  • Agarunov Ya.M., Tat (Jewish) - Russian dictionary. M., 1997.
  • Anisimov I.Sh., Caucasian Jews - Highlanders. - M .: "Science", 2002.
  • Anisimov I.Sh., Caucasian Jews - Highlanders, newspaper. "Rassvet", No 18. - SPb., April 30, 1881.
  • Berg., Caucasian Jews, Caucasus, # 250, 1895.
  • Garkavi, A. Ja. (1874). Skazaniia evreiskikh pisatelei o khazarskom tsarstve (Accounts by Jewish writers of the Khazar empire). St. Petersburg.
  • Grunberg A.L. The language of the North Azerbaijani Tats. L., 1963.
  • Grunberg A.L., Davydova L. Kh. Tat language, in the book: Fundamentals of Iranian linguistics. New Iranian languages: Western group, Caspian languages. M., 1982.
  • Kurdov, K. M. (1907). Gorskie evrei Dagestana (Mountain Jews of Daghestan). Moscow.
  • Hebrew languages and dialects // Brief Jewish Encyclopedia - Jerusalem: Society for the Study of Jewish Communities, 1982. - Volume 2, columns 417.
  • Miller V.F. Materials for studying the Judeo-Tat language. SPb., 1892.
  • Miller V.F. Essays on the morphology of the Hebrew-Tat dialect. SPb., 1892.

Mountain Jewish authors edit

References edit

  1. ^ "Горско-еврейские ашуги – магIани хундегоргьо". STMEGI.
  2. ^ "История в фотографиях: Мардахай Овшолум". STMEGI.
  3. ^ "בידספיריט - פורטל מכירות פומביות ברוסיה". Bidspirit.
  4. ^ "Ашуг Шаул Симанду: жизненный путь народного поэта". STMEGI.
  5. ^ "Культура / Главы / Библиотека / Еврейская интернет библиотека". www.istok.ru.
  6. ^ a b c d e f "еврейско-татская литература". Электронная еврейская энциклопедия ОРТ.
  7. ^ "О книге Ш. Шалумова "Возвращаясь к истокам… или Шила в мешке не утаишь"". STMEGI.
  8. ^ Judeo-Tat folk. Newspaper “VATAN” 9 2018
  9. ^ "Judeo-Tat theater. Gorskie".[permanent dead link]
  10. ^ "Театральное искусство горских евреев (от истоков до наших дней)". STMEGI.
  11. ^ "Агарунов Яков Михайлович - советский партийный деятель, организатор нефтяной промышленности, писатель — OurBaku". www.ourbaku.com.
  12. ^ "Их имена невозможно забыть. Семья Раввинович". STMEGI.
  13. ^ "Юно Семенов – поэт и фронтовик". STMEGI.
  14. ^ "СЕМЕНОВ ЮНО". www.polkrf.ru.
  15. ^ "Асаил Бинаев — человек со сложной судьбой". STMEGI.
  16. ^ "Горско-еврейские журналисты. Часть 2". STMEGI.
  17. ^ "МАТАТОВ Ехиил — Российская Еврейская Энциклопедия". www.rujen.ru.
  18. ^ "Горско-еврейские журналисты. Часть 1". STMEGI.
  19. ^ "Гаврилов, Борис Гаврилович, биография, семья, творчество, избранные сочинения". www.cultin.ru.
  20. ^ "Что значит бахшиев - Значения слов". {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  21. ^ "Дадашев Манувах Мардахаевич | jewmil.com". www.jewmil.com.
  22. ^ Atnilov Daniil Atnilovich - Mountain Jewish poet
  23. ^ "Дубия Бахшиев". STMEGI.
  24. ^ "Похождения хитроумного Шими Дербенди". STMEGI.
  25. ^ "Шими Дербенди". STMEGI.
  26. ^ "Татская литература: 3 книги - скачать в fb2, txt на андроид или читать онлайн". bookash.pro.
  27. ^ "Mountain Jews | Encyclopedia.com". www.encyclopedia.com.
  28. ^ "Миши Бахшиев". STMEGI.
  29. ^ ""Думы поэта"". old.lib05.ru.
  30. ^ "Фамилии.инфо - Энциклопения происхождения фамилий". familii.info.
  31. ^ "К 100-летию поэта". ГАЗЕТА ВАТАН. 12 November 2018.
  32. ^ "Он оставил след на земле. К 100-летию поэта Шимшуна Сафанова". STMEGI.
  33. ^ "Татский язык: список произведений и авторов". Россия для всех.
  34. ^ "Воспоминания о Лазаре Амирове". STMEGI.
  35. ^ "Манашир Азизов". STMEGI.
  36. ^ "Манашир Симхаевич Азизов". STMEGI.
  37. ^ "Писатель и поэт Асаф Мушаилов: живу настоящим". STMEGI.
  38. ^ Asaf Mushailov, writer. Newspaper "Youth of Dagestan"

External links edit

  • Mountain Jews
  • The Mountain Jews
  • Mountain Jews

judeo, literature, literature, mountain, jews, juhuri, language, contents, history, literature, mountain, jewish, authors, references, external, linkshistory, edit, nbsp, poet, sergey, izgiyayev, 1970, nbsp, poet, zoya, semenduyeva, rich, folklore, most, popul. Judeo Tat literature is the literature of the Mountain Jews in the Juhuri language Contents 1 History 2 Literature 3 Mountain Jewish authors 4 References 5 External linksHistory edit nbsp Poet Sergey Izgiyayev in 1970 nbsp Poet Zoya Semenduyeva Judeo Tat literature is rich in folklore 1 The most popular narrators of folklore at the beginning of the 20th century were Mordecai ben Avshalom 1860 1925 2 3 Shaul Simandu 1856 1939 4 Khizgil Dadashev 1860 1945 5 and Aibolo of Tarki 6 7 8 In 1904 Rabbi Yeshayahu Rabinovich was among the first 6 to create literary works in the Juhuri language for a Judeo Tat theatre group in the city of Derbent 9 10 In the 1920s theatre was the main form of Judeo Tat literature Playwrights who wrote for the first Mountain Jewish amateur theatrical troupes include Yakov Agarunov 1907 1992 11 Juhuri Padshoh rabbi va oshir Tsar rabbi and the rich man Herzl Gorsky Ravvinovich 1904 1937 12 6 Juhuri Bahar das baba dadaj The fruits of the hands of the father and mother P Shcherbatov Juhuri Kuk savdogar revolyucioner The merchant s son is a revolutionary and Yuno Semenov 1899 1961 13 14 who wrote plays Juhuri Amaldane ilchi The wise matchmaker 1924 Juhuri Dyu alatfuruhho Two junkies 1924 and Juhuri Mahsyum Makhsum 1927 Since the appearance on 3 June 1928 in Derbent of a newspaper in the Judeo Tat language Zahmetkesh The Toiler whose editor in chief was Asail Binaev 1882 1958 15 16 one of the first mountain Jewish professional literati poems in the Judeo Tat language were published regularly All the mountain Jewish poets of the 1920s Ehil Matatov 1888 1943 17 Rachamim Ruvinov 1893 1955 18 Yakov Agarunov Boris Gavrilov 1908 1990 19 Neten Solomonov and Z Nabinovich were poets of Civic poetry The theme of women s equality recurs throughout poetry of Yakov Agarunov Juhuri Duhdar dogi Mountain Girl 1928 Iskhog Khanukhov 1903 1973 Juhuri Dzhofokashe dadaj Mother toiler and Juhuri Aj zan Mizrah About the Woman of the East both were written in 1928 a series of poems were written by Ehil Matatov 1888 1943 and Boris Gavrilov The formation and development of Mountain Jewish artistic prose started by the end of the 20th century One of its founders was Yuno Semenov His biggest story was Juhuri Oshnahoj an rabi Hasdil Familiar people of Rabbi Hasdil 1928 29 In the early 1930s a Mountain Jewish literary circle was formed in Moscow headed by I Ben Ami Benyaminov d ca 1937 6 The poet playwright and prose writer Mishi Bakhshiev 1910 1972 20 poets Manuvakh Dadashev 1913 1943 21 and Daniel Atnilov 1913 1968 22 the first professional literary translator Zovolun Bakhshiev 1896 1968 and others quickly took the leading place in the Judeo Tat literature In the mid 1930s this literary circle in Moscow ceased functioning From the end of 1934 until the termination of publishing and cultural activities in the Judeo Tat language in Azerbaijan in 1938 a Judeo Tat literary circle existed in Baku under the newspaper Kommunist editor in chief Yakov Agarunov and the Mountain Jewish department of the Azerbaijan State Publishing House which was headed by Yakov Agarunov and Yuno Semenov In 1932 poet Mishi Bakhshiev wrote his first book Komsomol the main theme was the social disintegration of the Mountain Jews Another theme in his work was the involvement of Mountain Jewish women in the Soviet reality Juhuri Ma ni duhdaru Song of a Girl 1933 Juhuri Raport Report 1933 and Juhuri Humor Gamble 1933 34 In the second half of the 1930s the playwright Mishi Bakhshiev wrote a play Juhuri Besguni igidho Victory of the Heroes 1936 about the civil war in Dagestan It was the first heroic drama in the Judeo Tat language Later Mishi Bakhshiev wrote Juhuri Hori Earth 1939 and in 1940 he created a play in verse for folklore motifs Juhuri Shoh ugli shoh Abbas va hombol Hasan Shah s son Shah Abbas and loader Hasan Bakhshiyev s first novel was Juhuri E pushorehi toze zindeguni Towards a New Life 1932 in which he followed the Azerbaijani narrative models The second his biggest story was Juhuri Vatagachiho Fishermen 1933 about the life of the Mountain Jewish fishermen from Derbent Poet Dubiya Bakhshiev 1914 1993 23 in his poem Juhuri Zanho a kolhoz Woman in the collective farm 1933 combines the theme of women with the theme of the creation of the Mountain Jewish collective farms Yuno Semenov continued to play a significant role in the dramaturgy of the 1930s writing his drama Juhuri Dyu biror Two brothers In the late 1930s novelist poet and playwright Hizgil Avshalumov published a large story Juhuri Basguni dzhovonho The Victory of the Young 1940 it appeared with essays and feuilletons Avshalumov dedicated a number of his works to the modern hero of the Mountain Jewish s village Juhuri Maslahat na hingar Council and Khinkal Juhuri Adzhal zanho Death to wives Juhuri Shyuvaran dyu hovu Bigamist essays about the Hero of Socialist Labour Gyulboor Davydov 1892 1983 and Solomon Shelmun Rabaev 1916 1963 and others The story Juhuri Zanbiror Sister in law is about the life of the Mountain Jews social elite in Derbent on the eve and during the revolution and in the first years of Soviet Union power In his novel Juhuri Kuk gudil The son of the mummer 1974 Avshalumov gave a detailed description of the Mountain Jew farmer and his centuries old traditional way of life Later Hizgil Avshalumov created a folklore image of the witty Juhuri Shimi Derbendi Shimi from Derbent 24 25 Mountain Jewish analogue of Hershel of Ostropol 26 The Great Purge of 1936 38 caused a cruel blow to the Judeo Tat literature Herzl Gorsky Ravvinovich Ekhil Matatov I Ben Ami Benyaminov I and Asail Binaev were arrested With the exception of Asail Binaev they all died in Soviet prisons and gulags During the World War II years of the Soviet Union with Germany 1941 45 most figures of the Judeo Tat literature were drafted into the army Poet Manuvakh Dadashev was killed in the war During the four years of the war not a single literary and artistic book in the Judeo Tat language was published In the 1940s the authorities closed in Derbent the Mountain Jewish newspaper Vatan 27 From 1946 to the end of 1953 Judeo Tat literature existed only implicitly All these years the Mountain Jewish section of the writers organization did not function and the creative issues of the Judeo Tat literature disappeared from the agenda of the Dagestan Writers Union Only at the end of 1953 the publication of a small collection of poems by Daniil Atnilov Juhuri Chihrat vahd The Image of Time renewed the functioning of the Judeo Tat literature as one of the literatures of Dagestan Since 1955 began to appear in the Judeo Tat language almanac Juhuri Vatan sovetimu The Soviet Homeland In 1946 in Dagestan the circle of readers of the Jewish Tat literature is constantly narrowing due to the termination of school education in the Jewish Tat language Since the 1950s prose has been predominant in Judeo Tat literature The leading role in it belongs to Misha Bakhshiyev 28 and Hizgil Avshalumov Mishi Bakhshiyev originally published his works in Russian Stories about My Countrymen 1956 a collection of essays and short stories Simple People 1958 and Noisy gardens 1962 In these books the author spoke not so much specifically as the Mountain Jewish but as a general Dagestan writer In 1963 Mishi Bakhshiyev published a novel Juhuri Hushahoj ongur Bunches of grapes The Judeo Tat children writer in the post Stalin period was Amaldan Amal Kukullu 1935 2000 He released a collection of stories Juhuri Sinemishi Testing 1968 and others Poetry in the Jewish Tat literature of the 1950s 70s was mostly from achievements of the 1930s Most prolific and famous poet of that period was Daniil Atnilov Permanently living in Moscow in isolation from the everyday elements of the Mountain Tat language His collection Juhuri Gyulhoj insoni The Color of Mankind 1971 was published posthumously that summarized his work of the 1950s and 1960s A number of poets of the 20th century created their works in the Juhuri language such as Sergey Izgiyayev 29 created poems and plays Juhuri Imu gelhend sholuminim We are the defenders of the World 1952 Juhuri Fikirgoj shogir Thoughts of the Poet 1966 Juhuri Mugbet ve gismet The fate and love 1972 and a number of other works Shimshun Safonov in 1968 created a collection of poetry Juhuri Parza ma ni ma Fly my verse 6 30 31 32 Poet Zoya Semenduev released a collection Juhuri Vojgej dul The Command of the Heart In 2007 published the book Juhuri Duhder en du bebe Daughter of two fathers which includes the play of the same name and fairy tales 33 At the end of the 20th century a number of Mountain Jewish writers wrote only in Russian such as the poet Lazar Amirov 1936 2007 34 novelist Felix Bakhshiev 1937 6 literary critic and novelist Manashir Azizov 1936 2011 35 36 and Asaf Mushailov Mushailov published the book Poems Poems Stories in 2017 37 38 Literature editAgarunov Ya M Tat Jewish Russian dictionary M 1997 Anisimov I Sh Caucasian Jews Highlanders M Science 2002 Anisimov I Sh Caucasian Jews Highlanders newspaper Rassvet No 18 SPb April 30 1881 Berg Caucasian Jews Caucasus 250 1895 Garkavi A Ja 1874 Skazaniia evreiskikh pisatelei o khazarskom tsarstve Accounts by Jewish writers of the Khazar empire St Petersburg Grunberg A L The language of the North Azerbaijani Tats L 1963 Grunberg A L Davydova L Kh Tat language in the book Fundamentals of Iranian linguistics New Iranian languages Western group Caspian languages M 1982 Kurdov K M 1907 Gorskie evrei Dagestana Mountain Jews of Daghestan Moscow Hebrew languages and dialects Brief Jewish Encyclopedia Jerusalem Society for the Study of Jewish Communities 1982 Volume 2 columns 417 Miller V F Materials for studying the Judeo Tat language SPb 1892 Miller V F Essays on the morphology of the Hebrew Tat dialect SPb 1892 Mountain Jewish authors editYakov Agarunov 1907 1992 Daniil Atnilov 1913 1968 Hizgil Avshalumov 1913 2001 Mishi Bakhshiev 1910 1972 Manuvakh Dadashev 1913 1943 Boris Gavrilov 1908 1990 Mikhail Gavrilov 1926 2014 Sergey Izgiyayev 1922 1972 Yuno Semyonov 1899 1961 Zoya Semenduyeva 1929 2020 References edit Gorsko evrejskie ashugi magIani hundegorgo STMEGI Istoriya v fotografiyah Mardahaj Ovsholum STMEGI בידספיריט פורטל מכירות פומביות ברוסיה Bidspirit Ashug Shaul Simandu zhiznennyj put narodnogo poeta STMEGI Kultura Glavy Biblioteka Evrejskaya internet biblioteka www istok ru a b c d e f evrejsko tatskaya literatura Elektronnaya evrejskaya enciklopediya ORT O knige Sh Shalumova Vozvrashayas k istokam ili Shila v meshke ne utaish STMEGI Judeo Tat folk Newspaper VATAN 9 2018 Judeo Tat theater Gorskie permanent dead link Teatralnoe iskusstvo gorskih evreev ot istokov do nashih dnej STMEGI Agarunov Yakov Mihajlovich sovetskij partijnyj deyatel organizator neftyanoj promyshlennosti pisatel OurBaku www ourbaku com Ih imena nevozmozhno zabyt Semya Ravvinovich STMEGI Yuno Semenov poet i frontovik STMEGI SEMENOV YuNO www polkrf ru Asail Binaev chelovek so slozhnoj sudboj STMEGI Gorsko evrejskie zhurnalisty Chast 2 STMEGI MATATOV Ehiil Rossijskaya Evrejskaya Enciklopediya www rujen ru Gorsko evrejskie zhurnalisty Chast 1 STMEGI Gavrilov Boris Gavrilovich biografiya semya tvorchestvo izbrannye sochineniya www cultin ru Chto znachit bahshiev Znacheniya slov a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a Check url value help Dadashev Manuvah Mardahaevich jewmil com www jewmil com Atnilov Daniil Atnilovich Mountain Jewish poet Dubiya Bahshiev STMEGI Pohozhdeniya hitroumnogo Shimi Derbendi STMEGI Shimi Derbendi STMEGI Tatskaya literatura 3 knigi skachat v fb2 txt na android ili chitat onlajn bookash pro Mountain Jews Encyclopedia com www encyclopedia com Mishi Bahshiev STMEGI Dumy poeta old lib05 ru Familii info Enciklopeniya proishozhdeniya familij familii info K 100 letiyu poeta GAZETA VATAN 12 November 2018 On ostavil sled na zemle K 100 letiyu poeta Shimshuna Safanova STMEGI Tatskij yazyk spisok proizvedenij i avtorov Rossiya dlya vseh Vospominaniya o Lazare Amirove STMEGI Manashir Azizov STMEGI Manashir Simhaevich Azizov STMEGI Pisatel i poet Asaf Mushailov zhivu nastoyashim STMEGI Asaf Mushailov writer Newspaper Youth of Dagestan External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Judeo Tat literature Mountain Jews The Mountain Jews Mountain Jews Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Judeo Tat literature amp oldid 1211498005, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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