
Giovanni Battista Morgagni

Giovanni Battista Morgagni (25 February 1682 – 6 December 1771) was an Italian anatomist, generally regarded as the father of modern anatomical pathology, who taught thousands of medical students from many countries during his 56 years as Professor of Anatomy at the University of Padua.

Giovanni Battista Morgagni
Born(1682-02-25)25 February 1682
Died6 December 1771(1771-12-06) (aged 89)
Known foranatomical pathology
Scientific career
Academic advisorsAntonio Maria Valsalva
Notable studentsAntonio Scarpa

His most significant literary contribution, the monumental five-volume On the Seats and Causes of Disease, embodied a lifetime of experience in anatomical dissection and observation, and established the fundamental principle that most diseases are not vaguely dispersed throughout the body, but originate locally, in specific organs and tissues.

Education edit

His parents were in comfortable circumstances, but not of the nobility; it appears from his letters to Giovanni Maria Lancisi that Morgagni had ambitions to improve his rank. It may be inferred that he succeeded from the fact that he is described on a memorial tablet at Padua as nobilis forolensis, "noble of Forlì", apparently by right of his wife. At the age of sixteen he went to Bologna to study philosophy and medicine, and graduated with much praise as a doctor in both faculties three years later, in 1701. He acted as prosector to Antonio Maria Valsalva (one of the distinguished pupils of Malpighi), who held the office of demonstrator anatomicus in the Bologna school, and whom he assisted more particularly in preparing his celebrated work on the Anatomy and Diseases of the Ear, published in 1704.[1][2]

Career edit

Early career edit

Many years after, in 1740, Morgagni edited a collected edition of Valsalva's writings, with important additions to the treatise on the ear, and with a memoir of the author. When Valsalva was transferred to Parma Morgagni succeeded to his anatomical demonstratorship. At this period he enjoyed a high repute in Bologna; he was made president of the Academia Enquietorum when in his twenty-second year, and he is said to have signalized his tenure of the presidential chair by discouraging abstract speculations, and by setting the fashion towards exact anatomical observation and reasoning.[3]

He published the substance of his communications to the academy in 1706 under the title of Adversaria anatomica, the first of a series by which he became favorably known throughout Europe as an accurate anatomist; the book included Observations of the Larynx, the Lachrymal Apparatus, and the Pelvic Organs in the Female. After a time he gave up his post at Bologna, and occupied himself for the next two or three years at Padua, where he had a friend in Domenico Guglielmini (1655–1710), professor of medicine, but better-known as a writer on physics and mathematics, whose works he afterwards edited (1719) with a biography. Guglielmini desired to see him settled as a teacher at Padua, and the unexpected death of Guglielmini himself made the project feasible, Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730) being transferred to the vacant chair, and Morgagni succeeding to the chair of theoretical medicine. He came to Padua in the spring of 1712, being then in his thirty-first year, and he taught medicine there with the most brilliant success until his death on 6 December 1771.[3]

Middle career edit

When he had been three years in Padua, which at the time was part of the Republic of Venice, an opportunity occurred for his promotion (by the Venetian senate) to the chair of anatomy. In this prestigious position he became the successor of an illustrious line of scholars, including Vesalius, Gabriele Falloppio, Geronimo Fabrizio, Gasserius, and Adrianus Spigelius, and enjoyed a stipend that was increased from time to time by vote of the senate until it reached twelve hundred gold ducats. Shortly after coming to Padua he married a noble lady of Forlì, who bore him three sons and twelve daughters.[3]

Morgagni enjoyed an unequaled popularity among all classes. He was of tall and dignified figure, with blonde hair and lilac eyes, and with a frank and happy expression; his manners were polished, and he was noted for the elegance of his Latin style. He lived in harmony with his colleagues, who are said not even to have envied him his unprecedentedly large stipend; his house and lecture-theatre were frequented tanquam officina sapientiae by students of all ages, attracted from all parts of Europe; he enjoyed the friendship and favor of distinguished Venetian senators and of cardinals; and successive popes conferred honours upon him.[3]

Before he had been long in Padua the students of the German nation, of all the faculties there, elected him their patron, and he advised and assisted them in the purchase of a house to be a German library and club, for all time. He was elected into the imperial Caesareo-Leopoldina Academy in 1708 (originally located at Schweinfurth), and to a higher grade in 1732, into the Royal Society in 1724, into the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1731, the St. Petersburg Academy in 1735, and the Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1754. Among his more celebrated pupils were Antonio Scarpa (who died in 1832, connecting the school of Morgagni with the modern era), Domenico Cotugno (1736–1822), and Leopoldo Marco Antonio Caldani (1725–1813), the author of the magnificent atlas of anatomical plates published in 2 volumes at Venice in 1801–1814.[3]

In his earlier years at Padua, Morgagni brought out five more series of the Adversaria anatomica (1717–1719); these his strictly medical publications were few and casual (on gallstones, varices of the Venae cavae, cases of stone, and several memoranda on medico-legal points, drawn up at the request of the curia). Classical scholarship in those years occupied his pen more than anatomical observation.[3]

Late career edit

De sedibus, 1765

It was not until 1761, when he was in his eightieth year, that he brought out the great work which, once for all, made pathological anatomy a science, and diverted the course of medicine into new channels of exactness or precision—the De Sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis "Of the seats and causes of diseases investigated through anatomy", in five books printed as two folio volumes,[4] which during the succeeding ten years, notwithstanding its bulk, was reprinted several times (thrice in four years) in its original Latin,[3] and was translated into French (1765, republished 1820),[5] English[6] (1769), and German languages (1771). In 1769, he gave possibly the first description of what was later named Crohn's disease.[7]

The only special treatise on pathological anatomy previous to that of Morgagni was the work of Théophile Bonet of Neuchâtel, Sepulchretum: sive anatomia practica ex cadaveribus morbo denatis, "The Cemetery, or, anatomy practiced from corpses dead of disease", first published (Geneva, 2 vols. folio) in 1679, three years before Morgagni was born; it was republished at Geneva (3 vols., folio) in 1700, and again at Leiden in 1709. Although the normal anatomy of the body had been comprehensively, and in some parts exhaustively, written by Vesalius and Fallopius, it had not occurred to any one to examine and describe systematically the anatomy of diseased organs and parts. Harvey, a century after Vesalius, poignantly remarks that there is more to be learned from the dissection of one person who had died of tuberculosis or other chronic malady than from the bodies of ten persons who had been hanged.[3]

Francis Glisson indeed (1597–1677) shows in a passage quoted by Bonet in the preface to the Sepulchretum, that he was familiar with the idea, at least, of systematically comparing the state of the organs in a series of bodies, and of noting those conditions which invariably accompanied a given set of symptoms. The work of Bonet was, however, the first attempt at a system of morbid anatomy, and, although it dwelt mostly upon curiosities and monstrosities, it enjoyed much repute in its day; Haller speaks of it as an immortal work, which may in itself serve for a pathological library.[3]

Morgagni, in the preface to his own work, discusses the defects and merits of the Sepulchretum: it was largely a compilation of other men's cases, well and ill authenticated; it was prolix, often inaccurate and misleading from ignorance of the normal anatomy, and it was wanting in what would now be called objective impartiality, a quality which was introduced as decisively into morbid anatomy by Morgagni as it had been introduced two centuries earlier into normal human anatomy by Vesalius.[3]

Morgagni has narrated the circumstances under which the De Sedibus took origin. Having finished his edition of Valsalva in 1740, he was taking a holiday in the country, spending much of his time in the company, of a young friend who was curious in many branches of knowledge. The conversation turned upon the Sepulchretum of Bonet, and it was suggested to Morgagni by his dilettante friend that he should put on record his own observations. It was agreed that letters on the anatomy of diseased, organs and parts should be written for the perusal of this favoured youth (whose name is not mentioned); and they were continued from time to time until they numbered seventy. Those seventy letters constitute the De sedibus et causis morborum, which was given to the world as a systematic treatise in 2 vols., folio (Venice, 1761), twenty years after the task of epistolary instruction was begun.[3]

The letters are arranged in five books, treating of the morbid conditions of the body a capite ad calcem, and together containing the records of some 646 dissections. Some of these are given at great length, and with a precision of statement and exhaustiveness of detail hardly surpassed in the so-called protocols of the German pathological institutes of the present time; others, again, are fragments brought in to elucidate some question that had arisen. The symptoms during the course of the malady and other antecedent circumstances are always prefixed with more or less fullness, and discussed from the point of view of the conditions found after death. Subjects in all ranks of life, including several cardinals, figure in this remarkable gallery of the dead. Many of the cases are taken from Morgagni's early experiences at Bologna, and from the records of his teachers Valsalva and I.F. Albertini (1662–1738) not elsewhere published. They are selected and arranged with method and purpose, and they are often (and somewhat casually) made the occasion of a long excursus on general pathology and medicine.[3]

Legacy edit

During his career as a physician he was careful to take extensive notes on many of his consultations. These writings allow the modern reader to observe his practice and description of the body through his own words. We are further able to examine the progress of Morgagni's study of anatomy as it related to his treatment of patients. We are further able to view a particular perspective of a single physician in the context of the 18th century when he lived in order better understand medical practice during this time period.[8]

The range of Morgagni's scholarship, as evidenced by his references to early and contemporary literature, was very broad. It has been contended that he was himself not free from prolixity, the besetting sin of the learned; and certainly the form and arrangement of his treatise are such as to make it difficult to use by subsequent practitioners, notwithstanding that it is well indexed in the original edition, in that of Tissot (3 vols., 4to, Yverdon, 1779), and in more recent editions. It differs from modern treatises insofar as the symptoms determine the order and manner of presenting the anatomical facts.[3]

His 1769 work described the post mortem findings of air in cerebral circulation and surmised this was the cause of death. Although Morgagni's cases resulted from gas embolism due to damage to the bowel, the same pathology is seen in decompression illness.[9]

Although Morgagni was the first to understand and to demonstrate the absolute necessity of basing diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment on an exact and comprehensive knowledge of anatomical conditions, he made no attempt (like that of the Vienna school sixty years later) to exalt pathological anatomy into a science disconnected from clinical medicine and remote from practical experience with the scalpel. His precision, his exhaustiveness, and his freedom from bias are his essentially modern or scientific qualities; his scholarship and high consideration for classical and foreign work, his sense of practical ends (or his common sense), and the breadth of his intellectual horizon prove him to have lived before medical science had become largely technical or mechanical.[10]

His treatise was the commencement of the era of steady, or cumulative progress in pathology and in practical medicine. From that time on, symptoms ceased to be made up into more or less conventional groups, each of which was a disease; on the other hand, they began to be viewed as the cry of the suffering organs, and it became possible to develop Thomas Sydenham's grand conception of a natural history of disease in a catholic or scientific spirit.[11]

A biography of Morgagni by Mosca was published at Naples in 1768. His life may also be read in Angelo Fabroni's Vitae illustr. Italor., and a convenient abridgment of Fabroni's memoir will be found prefixed to Tissot's edition of the De sedibus, etc. A collected edition of his works was published at Venice in 5 volumes, in 1765.[11]

Eponymous structures edit

References edit

  1. ^ Morgagni GB (October 1903). "Founders of Modern Medicine: Giovanni Battista Morgagni. (1682–1771)". Med Library Hist J. 1 (4): 270–7. PMC 1698114. PMID 18340813.
  2. ^ Creighton 1911, pp. 831–832.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Creighton 1911, p. 832.
  4. ^ Giambattista Morgagni (1761), De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque, Venice: Typographia Remondini, OCLC 14313521, OL 24732940M
  5. ^ Giambattista Morgagni (1820), Recherches anatomiques sur le siege et les causes des maladies, Paris: Chez Caille et Ravier, libraires, rue Pavée Saint-André-des-Arcs, no. 17, OCLC 11288084, OL 24976694M
  6. ^ GB Morgagni (1769), The seats and causes of diseases investigated by anatomy, London: A. Millar; and T. Cadell, his successor [etc.], OCLC 14315112, OL 24732931M
  7. ^ Mulder, Daniel J.; Noble, Angela J.; Justinich, Christopher J.; Duffin, Jacalyn M. (May 2014). "A tale of two diseases: The history of inflammatory bowel disease". Journal of Crohn's and Colitis. 8 (5): 341–348. doi:10.1016/j.crohns.2013.09.009. PMID 24094598. S2CID 13714394.
  8. ^ Jarcho, Saul (1984). The Clinical Consultations of Giambattista Morgagni (1 ed.). Boston: The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine.
  9. ^ Acott, Chris (1999). . South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal. 29 (2). ISSN 0813-1988. OCLC 16986801. Archived from the original on 27 June 2008. Retrieved 17 April 2009.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  10. ^ Creighton 1911, pp. 832–833.
  11. ^ a b Creighton 1911, p. 833.

Sources edit

  • Morgagni GB (October 1903). "Founders of Modern Medicine: Giovanni Battista Morgagni. (1682–1771)". Medical Library and History Journal. 1 (4): 270–7. PMC 1698114. PMID 18340813.
  •   This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainCreighton, Charles (1911). "Morgagni, Giovanni Battista". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 18 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 831–833.
  • Zani, Augusto; Cozzi Denis A (April 2008). "Giovanni Battista Morgagni and his contribution to pediatric surgery". J. Pediatr. Surg. 43 (4): 729–33. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2007.12.065. PMID 18405723.
  • Androutsos, G (2006). "Giovanni-Battista Morgagni (1682–1773): creator of pathological anatomy". Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology. 11 (1): 95–101. PMID 17318961.
  • Molenaar, J C (December 2001). "[From the library of the Dutch Journal of Medicine. Giovanni Battista Morgagni: De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis, 1761]". Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 145 (51): 2487–92. PMID 11789156.
  • Ventura, H O (October 2000). "Giovanni Battista Morgagni and the foundation of modern medicine". Clinical Cardiology. 23 (10): 792–4. doi:10.1002/clc.4960231021. PMC 6654806. PMID 11061062.
  • Fogazzi, G B (January 1998). "Kidney diseases in the major work of Giovanni Battista Morgagni". Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 13 (1): 211–2. doi:10.1093/ndt/13.1.211. PMID 9481746.
  • Thiene, G; Pennelli N (October 1983). "[Third centenary of the birth of Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682–1982): is there still need for the autopsy?]". Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia. 13 (10): 262–4. PMID 6365669.
  • Valvo, J R; Cos L R; Cockett A T (October 1983). "Giovanni Battista Morgagni: his contributions to urology". Urology. 22 (4): 452–7. doi:10.1016/0090-4295(83)90440-5. PMID 6356560.
  • Messini, M; Messini R (November 1972). "[Therapeutic prescriptions of Giovanni Battista Morgagni. (Bicentennial anniversary of his death)]". La Clinica Terapeutica. 63 (4): 359–87. PMID 4566208.
  • Hewitt, W H (September 1972). "[Archives of the forensic sciences: medicolegal contributions of historical interest. Miscellaneous minor works of Giovanni Battista Morgagni]". Forensic Science. 1 (3): 339–87. doi:10.1016/0300-9432(72)90032-5. PMID 4566611.
  • Belitskaia, E Ia (1971). "[Giovanni Battista Morgagni—founder of pathological anatomy and the 1st scientific classification and nomenclature of diseases and causes of death (1682–1771)]". Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie. 30 (10): 73–5. PMID 4946783.
  • Temkin, O (March 1967). "Giovanni Baptista Morgagni (1682–1771)". Investigative Urology. 4 (5): 504–6. PMID 5335750.
  • "Faces of the Great. Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 1682–1771". Clinical Notes on Respiratory Diseases. 4: 12–3. 1965. PMID 14281110.
  • Schulte, J E (May 1963). "[Giovanni Battista MORGAGNI.]". Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 107: 961–3. PMID 13987182.
  • Tedeschi, C G (September 1961). "Giovanni Battista Morgagni, the founder of pathologic anatomy. A biographic sketh, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the publication of his "De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis"". Boston Medical Quarterly. 12: 112–25. PMID 14037836.
  • Spina, G (November 1956). "[Aging, body constitution and personality in two unpublished lessons of Giovanni Battista Morgagni.]". Le Scalpel. 109 (45): 1159–64. PMID 13390805.
  • Schadewaldt, H (February 1955). "[The gynecological works of Giovanni Battista Morgagni, the founder of modern pathological anatomy.]". Deutsches Medizinisches Journal. 6 (3–4): 126–31. PMID 14365489.

External links edit

giovanni, battista, morgagni, february, 1682, december, 1771, italian, anatomist, generally, regarded, father, modern, anatomical, pathology, taught, thousands, medical, students, from, many, countries, during, years, professor, anatomy, university, padua, bor. Giovanni Battista Morgagni 25 February 1682 6 December 1771 was an Italian anatomist generally regarded as the father of modern anatomical pathology who taught thousands of medical students from many countries during his 56 years as Professor of Anatomy at the University of Padua Giovanni Battista MorgagniBorn 1682 02 25 25 February 1682ForliDied6 December 1771 1771 12 06 aged 89 PaduaNationalityItalianKnown foranatomical pathologyScientific careerFieldsanatomistAcademic advisorsAntonio Maria ValsalvaNotable studentsAntonio ScarpaHis most significant literary contribution the monumental five volume On the Seats and Causes of Disease embodied a lifetime of experience in anatomical dissection and observation and established the fundamental principle that most diseases are not vaguely dispersed throughout the body but originate locally in specific organs and tissues Contents 1 Education 2 Career 2 1 Early career 2 2 Middle career 2 3 Late career 3 Legacy 4 Eponymous structures 5 References 6 Sources 7 External linksEducation editHis parents were in comfortable circumstances but not of the nobility it appears from his letters to Giovanni Maria Lancisi that Morgagni had ambitions to improve his rank It may be inferred that he succeeded from the fact that he is described on a memorial tablet at Padua as nobilis forolensis noble of Forli apparently by right of his wife At the age of sixteen he went to Bologna to study philosophy and medicine and graduated with much praise as a doctor in both faculties three years later in 1701 He acted as prosector to Antonio Maria Valsalva one of the distinguished pupils of Malpighi who held the office of demonstrator anatomicus in the Bologna school and whom he assisted more particularly in preparing his celebrated work on the Anatomy and Diseases of the Ear published in 1704 1 2 Career editEarly career edit Many years after in 1740 Morgagni edited a collected edition of Valsalva s writings with important additions to the treatise on the ear and with a memoir of the author When Valsalva was transferred to Parma Morgagni succeeded to his anatomical demonstratorship At this period he enjoyed a high repute in Bologna he was made president of the Academia Enquietorum when in his twenty second year and he is said to have signalized his tenure of the presidential chair by discouraging abstract speculations and by setting the fashion towards exact anatomical observation and reasoning 3 He published the substance of his communications to the academy in 1706 under the title of Adversaria anatomica the first of a series by which he became favorably known throughout Europe as an accurate anatomist the book included Observations of the Larynx the Lachrymal Apparatus and the Pelvic Organs in the Female After a time he gave up his post at Bologna and occupied himself for the next two or three years at Padua where he had a friend in Domenico Guglielmini 1655 1710 professor of medicine but better known as a writer on physics and mathematics whose works he afterwards edited 1719 with a biography Guglielmini desired to see him settled as a teacher at Padua and the unexpected death of Guglielmini himself made the project feasible Antonio Vallisneri 1661 1730 being transferred to the vacant chair and Morgagni succeeding to the chair of theoretical medicine He came to Padua in the spring of 1712 being then in his thirty first year and he taught medicine there with the most brilliant success until his death on 6 December 1771 3 Middle career edit When he had been three years in Padua which at the time was part of the Republic of Venice an opportunity occurred for his promotion by the Venetian senate to the chair of anatomy In this prestigious position he became the successor of an illustrious line of scholars including Vesalius Gabriele Falloppio Geronimo Fabrizio Gasserius and Adrianus Spigelius and enjoyed a stipend that was increased from time to time by vote of the senate until it reached twelve hundred gold ducats Shortly after coming to Padua he married a noble lady of Forli who bore him three sons and twelve daughters 3 Morgagni enjoyed an unequaled popularity among all classes He was of tall and dignified figure with blonde hair and lilac eyes and with a frank and happy expression his manners were polished and he was noted for the elegance of his Latin style He lived in harmony with his colleagues who are said not even to have envied him his unprecedentedly large stipend his house and lecture theatre were frequented tanquam officina sapientiae by students of all ages attracted from all parts of Europe he enjoyed the friendship and favor of distinguished Venetian senators and of cardinals and successive popes conferred honours upon him 3 Before he had been long in Padua the students of the German nation of all the faculties there elected him their patron and he advised and assisted them in the purchase of a house to be a German library and club for all time He was elected into the imperial Caesareo Leopoldina Academy in 1708 originally located at Schweinfurth and to a higher grade in 1732 into the Royal Society in 1724 into the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1731 the St Petersburg Academy in 1735 and the Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1754 Among his more celebrated pupils were Antonio Scarpa who died in 1832 connecting the school of Morgagni with the modern era Domenico Cotugno 1736 1822 and Leopoldo Marco Antonio Caldani 1725 1813 the author of the magnificent atlas of anatomical plates published in 2 volumes at Venice in 1801 1814 3 In his earlier years at Padua Morgagni brought out five more series of the Adversaria anatomica 1717 1719 these his strictly medical publications were few and casual on gallstones varices of the Venae cavae cases of stone and several memoranda on medico legal points drawn up at the request of the curia Classical scholarship in those years occupied his pen more than anatomical observation 3 Late career edit nbsp De sedibus 1765It was not until 1761 when he was in his eightieth year that he brought out the great work which once for all made pathological anatomy a science and diverted the course of medicine into new channels of exactness or precision the De Sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis Of the seats and causes of diseases investigated through anatomy in five books printed as two folio volumes 4 which during the succeeding ten years notwithstanding its bulk was reprinted several times thrice in four years in its original Latin 3 and was translated into French 1765 republished 1820 5 English 6 1769 and German languages 1771 In 1769 he gave possibly the first description of what was later named Crohn s disease 7 The only special treatise on pathological anatomy previous to that of Morgagni was the work of Theophile Bonet of Neuchatel Sepulchretum sive anatomia practica ex cadaveribus morbo denatis The Cemetery or anatomy practiced from corpses dead of disease first published Geneva 2 vols folio in 1679 three years before Morgagni was born it was republished at Geneva 3 vols folio in 1700 and again at Leiden in 1709 Although the normal anatomy of the body had been comprehensively and in some parts exhaustively written by Vesalius and Fallopius it had not occurred to any one to examine and describe systematically the anatomy of diseased organs and parts Harvey a century after Vesalius poignantly remarks that there is more to be learned from the dissection of one person who had died of tuberculosis or other chronic malady than from the bodies of ten persons who had been hanged 3 Francis Glisson indeed 1597 1677 shows in a passage quoted by Bonet in the preface to the Sepulchretum that he was familiar with the idea at least of systematically comparing the state of the organs in a series of bodies and of noting those conditions which invariably accompanied a given set of symptoms The work of Bonet was however the first attempt at a system of morbid anatomy and although it dwelt mostly upon curiosities and monstrosities it enjoyed much repute in its day Haller speaks of it as an immortal work which may in itself serve for a pathological library 3 Morgagni in the preface to his own work discusses the defects and merits of the Sepulchretum it was largely a compilation of other men s cases well and ill authenticated it was prolix often inaccurate and misleading from ignorance of the normal anatomy and it was wanting in what would now be called objective impartiality a quality which was introduced as decisively into morbid anatomy by Morgagni as it had been introduced two centuries earlier into normal human anatomy by Vesalius 3 Morgagni has narrated the circumstances under which the De Sedibus took origin Having finished his edition of Valsalva in 1740 he was taking a holiday in the country spending much of his time in the company of a young friend who was curious in many branches of knowledge The conversation turned upon the Sepulchretum of Bonet and it was suggested to Morgagni by his dilettante friend that he should put on record his own observations It was agreed that letters on the anatomy of diseased organs and parts should be written for the perusal of this favoured youth whose name is not mentioned and they were continued from time to time until they numbered seventy Those seventy letters constitute the De sedibus et causis morborum which was given to the world as a systematic treatise in 2 vols folio Venice 1761 twenty years after the task of epistolary instruction was begun 3 The letters are arranged in five books treating of the morbid conditions of the body a capite ad calcem and together containing the records of some 646 dissections Some of these are given at great length and with a precision of statement and exhaustiveness of detail hardly surpassed in the so called protocols of the German pathological institutes of the present time others again are fragments brought in to elucidate some question that had arisen The symptoms during the course of the malady and other antecedent circumstances are always prefixed with more or less fullness and discussed from the point of view of the conditions found after death Subjects in all ranks of life including several cardinals figure in this remarkable gallery of the dead Many of the cases are taken from Morgagni s early experiences at Bologna and from the records of his teachers Valsalva and I F Albertini 1662 1738 not elsewhere published They are selected and arranged with method and purpose and they are often and somewhat casually made the occasion of a long excursus on general pathology and medicine 3 Legacy editDuring his career as a physician he was careful to take extensive notes on many of his consultations These writings allow the modern reader to observe his practice and description of the body through his own words We are further able to examine the progress of Morgagni s study of anatomy as it related to his treatment of patients We are further able to view a particular perspective of a single physician in the context of the 18th century when he lived in order better understand medical practice during this time period 8 The range of Morgagni s scholarship as evidenced by his references to early and contemporary literature was very broad It has been contended that he was himself not free from prolixity the besetting sin of the learned and certainly the form and arrangement of his treatise are such as to make it difficult to use by subsequent practitioners notwithstanding that it is well indexed in the original edition in that of Tissot 3 vols 4to Yverdon 1779 and in more recent editions It differs from modern treatises insofar as the symptoms determine the order and manner of presenting the anatomical facts 3 His 1769 work described the post mortem findings of air in cerebral circulation and surmised this was the cause of death Although Morgagni s cases resulted from gas embolism due to damage to the bowel the same pathology is seen in decompression illness 9 Although Morgagni was the first to understand and to demonstrate the absolute necessity of basing diagnosis prognosis and treatment on an exact and comprehensive knowledge of anatomical conditions he made no attempt like that of the Vienna school sixty years later to exalt pathological anatomy into a science disconnected from clinical medicine and remote from practical experience with the scalpel His precision his exhaustiveness and his freedom from bias are his essentially modern or scientific qualities his scholarship and high consideration for classical and foreign work his sense of practical ends or his common sense and the breadth of his intellectual horizon prove him to have lived before medical science had become largely technical or mechanical 10 His treatise was the commencement of the era of steady or cumulative progress in pathology and in practical medicine From that time on symptoms ceased to be made up into more or less conventional groups each of which was a disease on the other hand they began to be viewed as the cry of the suffering organs and it became possible to develop Thomas Sydenham s grand conception of a natural history of disease in a catholic or scientific spirit 11 A biography of Morgagni by Mosca was published at Naples in 1768 His life may also be read in Angelo Fabroni s Vitae illustr Italor and a convenient abridgment of Fabroni s memoir will be found prefixed to Tissot s edition of the De sedibus etc A collected edition of his works was published at Venice in 5 volumes in 1765 11 Eponymous structures editAortic sinuses Aortic Sinuses of Morgagni better known as Sinuses of Valsalva Columns of Morgagni Foramina of Morgagni Hypermature cataract Morgagnian cataract Hydatid of Morgagni Morgagni s hernia Morgagni Stewart Morel syndrome Sinus of Morgagni pharynx References edit Morgagni GB October 1903 Founders of Modern Medicine Giovanni Battista Morgagni 1682 1771 Med Library Hist J 1 4 270 7 PMC 1698114 PMID 18340813 Creighton 1911 pp 831 832 a b c d e f g h i j k l m Creighton 1911 p 832 Giambattista Morgagni 1761 De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque Venice Typographia Remondini OCLC 14313521 OL 24732940M Giambattista Morgagni 1820 Recherches anatomiques sur le siege et les causes des maladies Paris Chez Caille et Ravier libraires rue Pavee Saint Andre des Arcs no 17 OCLC 11288084 OL 24976694M GB Morgagni 1769 The seats and causes of diseases investigated by anatomy London A Millar and T Cadell his successor etc OCLC 14315112 OL 24732931M Mulder Daniel J Noble Angela J Justinich Christopher J Duffin Jacalyn M May 2014 A tale of two diseases The history of inflammatory bowel disease Journal of Crohn s and Colitis 8 5 341 348 doi 10 1016 j crohns 2013 09 009 PMID 24094598 S2CID 13714394 Jarcho Saul 1984 The Clinical Consultations of Giambattista Morgagni 1 ed Boston The Francis A Countway Library of Medicine Acott Chris 1999 A brief history of diving and decompression illness South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal 29 2 ISSN 0813 1988 OCLC 16986801 Archived from the original on 27 June 2008 Retrieved 17 April 2009 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint unfit URL link Creighton 1911 pp 832 833 a b Creighton 1911 p 833 Sources editMorgagni GB October 1903 Founders of Modern Medicine Giovanni Battista Morgagni 1682 1771 Medical Library and History Journal 1 4 270 7 PMC 1698114 PMID 18340813 nbsp This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain Creighton Charles 1911 Morgagni Giovanni Battista In Chisholm Hugh ed Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 18 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 831 833 Zani Augusto Cozzi Denis A April 2008 Giovanni Battista Morgagni and his contribution to pediatric surgery J Pediatr Surg 43 4 729 33 doi 10 1016 j jpedsurg 2007 12 065 PMID 18405723 Androutsos G 2006 Giovanni Battista Morgagni 1682 1773 creator of pathological anatomy Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 11 1 95 101 PMID 17318961 Molenaar J C December 2001 From the library of the Dutch Journal of Medicine Giovanni Battista Morgagni De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis 1761 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 145 51 2487 92 PMID 11789156 Ventura H O October 2000 Giovanni Battista Morgagni and the foundation of modern medicine Clinical Cardiology 23 10 792 4 doi 10 1002 clc 4960231021 PMC 6654806 PMID 11061062 Fogazzi G B January 1998 Kidney diseases in the major work of Giovanni Battista Morgagni Nephrol Dial Transplant 13 1 211 2 doi 10 1093 ndt 13 1 211 PMID 9481746 Thiene G Pennelli N October 1983 Third centenary of the birth of Giovanni Battista Morgagni 1682 1982 is there still need for the autopsy Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 13 10 262 4 PMID 6365669 Valvo J R Cos L R Cockett A T October 1983 Giovanni Battista Morgagni his contributions to urology Urology 22 4 452 7 doi 10 1016 0090 4295 83 90440 5 PMID 6356560 Messini M Messini R November 1972 Therapeutic prescriptions of Giovanni Battista Morgagni Bicentennial anniversary of his death La Clinica Terapeutica 63 4 359 87 PMID 4566208 Hewitt W H September 1972 Archives of the forensic sciences medicolegal contributions of historical interest Miscellaneous minor works of Giovanni Battista Morgagni Forensic Science 1 3 339 87 doi 10 1016 0300 9432 72 90032 5 PMID 4566611 Belitskaia E Ia 1971 Giovanni Battista Morgagni founder of pathological anatomy and the 1st scientific classification and nomenclature of diseases and causes of death 1682 1771 Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie 30 10 73 5 PMID 4946783 Temkin O March 1967 Giovanni Baptista Morgagni 1682 1771 Investigative Urology 4 5 504 6 PMID 5335750 Faces of the Great Giovanni Battista Morgagni 1682 1771 Clinical Notes on Respiratory Diseases 4 12 3 1965 PMID 14281110 Schulte J E May 1963 Giovanni Battista MORGAGNI Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 107 961 3 PMID 13987182 Tedeschi C G September 1961 Giovanni Battista Morgagni the founder of pathologic anatomy A biographic sketh on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the publication of his De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis Boston Medical Quarterly 12 112 25 PMID 14037836 Spina G November 1956 Aging body constitution and personality in two unpublished lessons of Giovanni Battista Morgagni Le Scalpel 109 45 1159 64 PMID 13390805 Schadewaldt H February 1955 The gynecological works of Giovanni Battista Morgagni the founder of modern pathological anatomy Deutsches Medizinisches Journal 6 3 4 126 31 PMID 14365489 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Giovanni Battista Morgagni Herbermann Charles ed 1913 Giovanni Battista Morgagni Catholic Encyclopedia New York Robert Appleton Company Ongaro Giuseppe 2012 MORGAGNI Giovanni Battista Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 76 Montauti Morlaiter in Italian Rome Istituto dell Enciclopedia Italiana ISBN 978 8 81200032 6 Trabucco Oreste 2013 Morgagni Giovanni Battista Il Contributo italiano alla storia del Pensiero Scienze Istituto dell Enciclopedia Italiana Retrieved 19 August 2023 Some places and memories of Giovanni Battista Morgagni himetop wikidot com How to pronounce Giovanni Battista Morgagni Italian Italy PronounceNames com YouTube 3 February 2014 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Giovanni Battista Morgagni amp oldid 1214988168, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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