
Eastern Orthodoxy in Albania

Eastern Orthodoxy arrived in the areas of Illyrii proprie dicti or Principality of Arbanon during the period of Byzantine Empire. Those areas fell under the Ottoman Empire during the late medieval times and Eastern Orthodoxy underwent deep sociopolitical difficulties that lasted until the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Between 1913 and until the start of WWII under the newly recognized state of Albania, Eastern Orthodoxy saw a revival and in the 1937 the Autocephaly after a short Eastern Orthodoxy schism and contestation was recognized. Decades of persecution under the Communist state atheism, which started in 1967 and officially ended in December 1990, greatly weakened all religions and their practices especially Christians of Albania. The post-communist period and the lifting of legal and other government restrictions on religion allowed Orthodoxy to revive through institutions and enabled the development of new infrastructure, literature, educational facilities, international transnational links and other social activities.

History edit

Christianity first arrived in the areas of the Principality of Arbanon through the preachings of Saint Paul during the 1st century. Saint Paul wrote that he preached in the Roman province of Illyricum,[1] and legend holds that he visited Dyrrachium.[2] It was Saint Astius, a 2nd-century Illyrian and Christian martyr venerated by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, that served as bishop of Durrës (Dyrrachium), during the time of the emperor Trajan (98–117). Astius is the Patron Saint and Protector of Durrës. However it was Roman emperor of Illyrian origins, Constantine the Great, who issued the Edict of Milan and legalized Christianity, that the Christian religion became official to what is considered today Albania.[3] Modern scholars argue that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that the historical Illyricum, a province of the Roman Empire of the first century AD, which never officially adapted the Christian faith[citation needed] has any cultural, religious, linguistic or historical connection[citation needed] with the areas that were Principality of Arbanon attested by ancient Roman writers Pliny the Elder and Pomponius Mela as Illyrii proprie dicti.

The schism of 1054, however, formalized the split of Christianity into two branches, Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics, that was reflected in areas of the Principality of Arbanon with the emergence of Roman Catholics in the northwest and Orthodox Catholics in the northeast and the south.[4] In the 11th century, the Roman Catholic church created the archbishopric in Bar, that brought the bishoprics of Drivast, Ulcinj, Shkodër, and others under its control.[4] After the west-east schism the northwestern areas of Principality of Arbanon joined or became Roman Catholics while the northeast and the south remained Eastern Orthodox or Orthodox Catholics. As such during the latter half of 12th century Roman Catholicism spread in northwestern Albania and in northeastern and southern Albania partially made inroads among the population.[4] When the Ottoman Empire become the dominating force in those areas it exploited through intrigues the east-west schism to the maximum extent possible which lead to deep bitternes between the Roman Catholics and Orthodox and continue to occur even in the 21st century. The religious transition from Orthodoxy to Catholicism occurred during or before the schism, and due to close relations with the bishop of Rome only a few Roman Catholics converted to Islam during the Ottoman occupation in northewestern Albania, but the majority of Orthodox beliveres of northeast and south of Albania of that time due to lack of national identity, back then, converted to Islam using conversion as a means of resisting pressures arising from geopolitical factors such as Orthodox Serbs. The Orthodox Albanians who identidifed with Greek or Hellenes remained Orthodox.[5][6] During the moment of schism (1054) Albanians were attached to the Eastern Orthodox Church and were all Orthodox Christians in the northeast and south of today's twenty first century Albania or medieval Principality of Arbanon, while the majority of northwesterns became and remained Roman Catholic.[4][5]

Orthodoxy during the Ottoman Period edit

The official Ottoman recognition of the Orthodox church resulted in the Orthodox population being tolerated until the late 18th century and the traditionalism of the church's institutions slowed the process of conversion to Islam amongst Albanians.[7][8][9] The Orthodox population of central and south-eastern Albania was under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid, while south-western Albania was under the Patriarchate of Constantinople through the Metropolis of Ioannina.[10][11] In the early 16th century the Albanian cities of Gjirokastër, Kaninë, Delvinë, Vlorë, Korçë, Këlcyrë, Përmet and Berat were still Christian and by the late 16th century Vlorë, Përmet and Himarë were still Christian, while Gjirokastër increasingly became Muslim.[10][12] Conversion to Islam in cities overall within Albania was slow during the 16th century as around only 38% of the urban population had become Muslim.[12][13] The city of Berat from 1670 onward became mainly Muslim and its conversion is attributed in part to a lack of Christian priests being able to provide religious services.[14]

Differences between Christian Albanians of central Albania and archbishops of Ohrid led to conversions to Bektashi Islam that made an appeal to all while insisting little on ritual observance.[15] Central Albania, such as the Durrës area had by end of the 16th century become mainly Muslim.[12] Consisting of plains and being an in between area of northern and southern Albania, central Albania was a hub on the old Via Egnatia road that linked commercial, cultural and transport connections which were subject to direct Ottoman administrative control and religious Muslim influence.[16][17] The conversion to Islam of most of central Albania has thus been attributed in large part to the role its geography played in the socio-political and economic fortunes of the region.[16][17]

During the late eighteenth century Orthodox Albanians converted in large numbers to Islam due overwhelmingly to the Russo-Turkish wars of the period and events like the Russian instigated Orlov revolt (1770) that made the Ottomans view the Orthodox population as allies of Russia.[8][14][18][19] As some Orthodox Albanians rebelled against the Ottoman Empire, the Porte responded with and at times applied force to convert Orthodox Albanians to Islam while also providing economic measures to stimulate religious conversion.[8][14][19][20] During this time conflict between newly converted Muslim Albanians and Orthodox Albanians occurred in certain areas. Examples include the coastal villages of Borsh attacking Piqeras in 1744, making some flee abroad to places such as southern Italy.[21][22] Other areas such as 36 villages north of the Pogoni area converted in 1760 and followed it up with an attack on Orthodox Christian villages of the Kolonjë, Leskovik and Përmet areas leaving many settlements sacked and ruined.[22]

By the late eighteenth century socio-political and economic crises alongside nominal Ottoman government control resulted in local banditry and Muslim Albanian bands raided Aromanian, Greek and Orthodox Albanian settlements located today within and outside contemporary Albania.[23][24][25][26] Within Albania those raids culminated in Vithkuq, mainly an Orthodox Albanian centre, Moscopole (Albanian: Voskopojë) mainly an Aromanian centre, both with Greek literary, educational and religious culture and other smaller settlements being destroyed.[8][20][24][25][26] Those events pushed some Aromanians and Orthodox Albanians to migrate afar to places such as Macedonia, Thrace and so on.[8][20][24][25][26][27] Some Orthodox individuals, known as neo-martyrs, attempted to stem the tide of conversion to Islam amongst the Orthodox Albanian population and were executed in the process.[28] Notable among these individuals was Cosmas of Aetolia, (died 1779) a Greek monk and missionary who traveled and preached afar as Krujë, opened many Greek schools before being accused as a Russian agent and executed by Ottoman Muslim Albanian authorities.[29] Cosmas advocated for Greek education and spread of Greek language among illiterate Christian non-Greek speaking peoples so that they could understand the scriptures, liturgy and thereby remain Orthodox while his spiritual message is revered among contemporary Orthodox Albanians.[29][30][31] By 1798 a massacre perpetrated against the coastal Orthodox Albanian villages of Shënvasil and Nivicë-Bubar by Ali Pasha, semi-independent ruler of the Pashalik of Yanina led to another sizable wave of conversions of Orthodox Albanians to Islam.[8][18]

Distribution of Orthodox Christians in Albania, based on the 1877, 1908 and 1918 censuses.

Other conversions such as those in the region of Labëria occurred due to ecclesiastical matters when for example during a famine the local Orthodox bishop refused to grant a break in the fast to consume milk with threats of hell.[32] Conversion to Islam also was undertaken for economic reasons which offered a way out of heavy taxation such as the jizya or poll tax and other difficult Ottoman measures imposed on Christians while opening up opportunities such as wealth accumulation and so on.[7][32][33] Other multiple factors that led to conversions to Islam were the poverty of the Church, illiterate clergy, a lack of clergy in some areas and worship in a language other than Albanian.[7][14][17][32] Additionally the reliance of the bishoprics of Durrës and southern Albania upon the declining Archbishopric of Ohrid, due in part to simony weakened the ability of Orthodox Albanians in resisting conversion to Islam.[14][17] Crypto-Christianity also occurred in certain instances throughout Albania in regions such as Shpat amongst populations that had recently converted from Orthodoxy to Islam.[34][35][7][28][36] Gorë, a borderland region straddling contemporary north-eastern Albania and southern Kosovo, had a Slavic Orthodox population which converted to Islam during the latter half of the eighteenth century due to the abolition of the Serbian Patriarchate of Peć (1766) and subsequent unstable ecclesiastical structures.[37]

By the mid-19th century, because of the Tanzimat reforms started in 1839, which imposed mandatory military service on non-Muslims, the Orthodox Church lost adherents as the majority of Albanians had become Muslim.

Establishment of an authocephalous Albanian Orthodox Church edit

Bishop Fan Noli, founder of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania.

After Albanian independence in 1912, Noli (who in 1924 would also be a political figure and prime minister of Albania), traveled to Albania where he played an important role in establishing the Orthodox Albanian Church.[38] On September 17, 1922, the first Orthodox Congress convened at Berat formally laid the foundations of an Albanian Orthodox Church and declared its autocephaly.[39][40] The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople recognized the independence or autocephaly of the Orthodox Albanian Church in 1937.[39]

Persecution of Orthodoxy under Communism edit

Hohxa propagated that Albania is threatened by religion in general, since it serves the "Trojan Horse" style interests of the country's traditional enemies; in particular Orthodoxy those of Greece and Serbia.[41] In 1952 Archbishop Kristofor was discovered dead; most believed he had been killed.

In 1967 Hoxha closed down all churches and mosques in the country, and declared Albania the world's first atheist country. All expression of religion, public or private, was outlawed. Hundreds of priests and imams were killed or imprisoned.

Eastern Orthodoxy in Post-Communist Albania edit

In December 1990, Communist officials officially ended the 23 year long religious ban in Albania. Only 22 Orthodox priests remained alive. To deal with this situation, the Ecumenical Patriarch appointed Anastasios to be the Patriarchal Exarch for the Albanian Church. As Bishop of Androusa, Anastasios was dividing his time between his teaching duties at the University of Athens and the Archbishopric of Irinoupolis in Kenya, which was then going through a difficult patch, before his appointment. He was elected on June 24, 1992 and enthroned on August 2, 1992.[42] Over time Anastasios has gained respect for his charity work and is now recognized as a spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church in Albania.

In 1992, Anastasios would use a disused hotel for initial liturgy services in Durrës. As of February 2011, there were 145 clergy members, all of which were Albanian citizens who graduated from the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy. This academy is also preparing new members (men and women) for catechism and for other services in different Church activities.

Anastas’ domestic activities in Albania include the reconstruction of various Orthodox Churches which were confiscated by the communist authorities, the rebuilding of 150 churches, and the additional investments into schools & charities for the poor.

Another major introduction by Anastas was the Ngjalla radio station which preaches spiritual, educational, musical, and informative information about the religion.[43]

During 1999, when Albania accepted waves of refugees from Kosovo, the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, in collaboration with donors and other international religious organizations (especially ACT and WCC), led an extensive humanitarian program of more than $12 million, hosting 33,000 Kosovars in its two camps, supplying them with food, clothes, medical care and other goods.

Apart from the two ecclesiastical high schools, it has established three elementary schools (1st – 9th grade), 17 day-care centers and two institutes for professional training (named "Spirit of Love", established in Tirana in 2000) which are said to be the first of their kind in Albania and provide education in the fields of Team Management, IT Accounting, Computer Science, Medical Laboratory, Restoration and Conservation of Artwork and Byzantine Iconography.[43] In Gjirokastër, 1 professional school, the orphanage “The Orthodox Home of Hope”, a high school dormitory for girls, has also given technical and material support to many public schools.

An Office of Cultural Heritage was established to look after the Orthodox structures considered to be national cultural monuments. A number of choirs have been organized in the churches. A Byzantine choir has also been formed and has produced cassettes and CDs. A workshop for the restoration and painting of icons was established with the aim to train a new generation of artists, to revive the rich tradition of iconography. The Church has also sponsored important academic publications, documentary films, academic symposiums and various exhibits of iconography, codex, children’s projects and other culturally related themes.

The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania actively participates as equals in the events of the Orthodox Church worldwide. It is a member of the Conference of the European Churches (of which the Archbishop Anastasios has served as vice-president since December 2003), the World Council of the Churches (of which Archbishop Anastasios was chosen as one of eight presidents in 2006), and the largest inter-faith organization in the world, "Religions for Peace" (of which Anastasios was chosen as Honorary President in 2006). It is also active in various ecumenical conferences and programs. The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania contributes to the efforts for peaceful collaboration and solidarity in the region and beyond.

Controversies edit

Demolition and confiscation by state authorities edit

In August 2013, demonstrations took place[44] by the Orthodox community of Përmet as a result of the confiscation of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin and the forcible removal of the clergy and of religious artifacts from the temple, by the state authorities.[45][46] The Cathedral was allegedly not fully returned to the Orthodox Albania after the restoration of Democracy in the country.[47] The incident provoked reactions by the Orthodox Church of Albania and also triggered diplomatic intervention from Greece.[46][48]

Individuals edit

There is a widespread belief that the Orthodox faith is linked with conspiracy theories in which the identification with Greek expansionist plans would classify them as potential enemies of the state.[49]

In early 2014 in a trip to the US, Archbishop Anastasios was met by protestors from the Albanian diaspora who oppose his position as head of the church due to him being from Greece.[50] Whereas due to the Albanian Orthodox Church head and some bishops being from Greece, Fatos Klosi, former head of Albanian intelligence stated in an April 2014 media interview that the Albanian Orthodox Church is Greek controlled and no longer an Albanian institution.[51] Klosi's comments were seen in Albania as controversial, rebuked by the church while it also sparked media discussion at the time.[52][53][54]

The Albanian Orthodox Church created a new diocese in Elbasan on April 17, 2016.[55] Its creation is opposed by Father Nikolla Marku who runs the local St Mary's church and who has broken ties with the Albanian Orthodox Church in the 1990s.[55] The dispute has been ongoing as the Albanian Orthodox Church views Marku's tenure over the church as illegal.[55] Marku's differences with the Orthodox church relate mainly to Anastasios Yannoulatos' being a Greek citizen heading the church in Albania with allegations that it has promoted divisions amongst the Orthodox community and Greek "chauvinism".[55] Marku as a cause célèbre over the years has been portrayed by the Albanian media as a "rebel patriot".[55] Nevertheless, he enjoys very limited support in Albania.[56]

Orthodox Autocephalous Church opposed the legalisation of same-sex marriages for LGBT communities in Albania, as did the Muslim and Catholic Church leaders of the country.[57][58]

Demographics edit

Historical demographics edit

Although Islam is the dominant religion in Albania, in the southern regions, Orthodox Christianity was traditionally the prevailing religion before the declaration of Albanian independence (1913). However, their number decreased over the following years:[59]

Year Orthodox Christians Muslims
1908 128,000 95,000
1923 114,000 109,000
1927 112,000 114,000

However, some of this decrease was accounted for by the changing of the boundaries of districts by the newly independent Albania.[60] Additionally, the Orthodox Christians of Southern Albania had a greater tendency to migrate than their Muslim neighbors (at first, at least) in the early 20th century. Many of the Orthodox Albanians would ultimately return from the Western countries they emigrated to.[61]

Around the fall of the Ottomon empire, as based on the late Ottoman census of 1908 and the Austrian-run Albanian census of 1918, the regions that retained the highest percentages of Orthodox Albanians, in some cases absolute majorities, were in the South (especially around Saranda, Gjirokastra, Përmeti, Leskoviku, Pogradeci and Korça[60]) and the Myzeqe region of Central Albania (especially around Fier, where they formed a strong majority of the population). There were also large Albanian Orthodox populations in the regions of Elbasan and Berat. Contrary to the stereotype of only Tosks being Orthodox, Orthodox Albanians were also present in the North, where they were spread out at low frequencies in most regions.[62] Orthodox Albanians reached large proportions in some Northern cities: Durrësi (36%), Kavaja (23%) and Elbasani (17%).[63] Orthodox Albanians tended to live in either urban centers or in highland areas, but rarely in rural lowland areas (with the exception of in the region of Myzeqe).

2011 census and reactions edit

In the 2011 census the declared religious affiliation of the population was: 56.7% Muslims, 13.79% undeclared, 10.03% Catholics, 6.75% Orthodox believers, 5.49% other, 2.5% Atheists, 2.09% Bektashis and 0.14% other Christians.[64] However, the Orthodox Church of Albania officially rejected the specific results, claiming it was "totally incorrect and unacceptable".[65]

Although the question regarding religion was optional, only to be answered by those who chose to, like the question about ethnic origin, it has become the central point of discussion and interest of this census.

The Albanian Orthodox church refused to recognize the results, saying they had drastically underrepresented the number of Orthodox Christians and noted various indications of this and ways it may have occurred.[66] The Orthodox church claimed that from its own calculations, the Orthodox percentage should have been around 24%, rather than 6.75%.

In addition to boycotts of the census, Orthodox numbers may also be underrepresented because the census staff failed to contact a very large number of people in the south which is traditionally an Orthodox stronghold.[67][68][69][70] Furthermore, The Orthodox Church said that according to a questionnaire it gave its followers during two Sunday liturgies in urban centers such as Durrësi, Berati and Korça, only 34% of its followers were actually contacted.[66] There were other serious allegations about the conduct of the census workers that might have impacted on the 2011 census results. There were some reported cases where workers filled out the questionnaire about religion without even asking the participants or that the workers used pencils which were not allowed.[71] In some cases communities declared that census workers never even contacted them.[72] In addition to all these irregularities, the preliminary results released seemed to give widely different results, with 70% of respondents refusing to declare belief in any of the listed faiths,[73] compared with only 2.5% of atheists and 13.8% undeclared in the final results. An Orthodox Albanian politician Dritan Prifti who at the time was a prominent MP for the Myzeqe region referred to fluctuating census numbers regarding the Orthodox community as being due to an "anti-Orthodox agenda" in Albania.[74]

Orthodox Albanians were not the only ones to claim the census underrepresented their numbers: the Bektashi leadership also lambasted the results, which even more drastically reduced their representation down to 2%, and said it would conduct its own census to refute the results, while minority organizations of Greeks (mostly Orthodox) and Roma (mostly Muslim) also claimed they underrepresented, with the Greek organization Omonia arguing that this was linked to the under-representation of the Orthodox population.[72]

According to the Council of Europe ("Third Opinion of the Council of Europe on Albania adopted 23.11.2011,") the population census "cannot be considered to be reliable and accurate, raises issues of compatibility with the principles enshrined in Article 3 of the Framework Convention…The Advisory Committee considers that the results of the census should be viewed with the utmost caution and calls on the authorities not to rely exclusively on the data on nationality collected during the census in determining its policy on the protection of national minorities."[75]

Moreover, the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit has expressed concern at the methodology and results of the Albania Census 2011. He has raised questions in regard to the reliability of the process which, he said, has implications for the rights of religious minorities and religious freedoms guaranteed in the country's constitution. Tveit expressed this concern in letters issued at the beginning of May to the WCC president Archbishop Anastasios, to Prof. Dr Heiner Bielefeldt, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, and to the Albanian government.[76]

Demographics in the early 2020s edit

Figures in 2022 note that 18.42% of the population are Orthodox Christians.[77]

Gallery edit

See also edit

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ "Paul, St" Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005
  2. ^ Raymond Zickel; Walter R. Iwaskiw, eds. (1994). ""The Ancient Illyrians," Albania: A Country Study". Retrieved 9 April 2008. index of the work
  3. ^ . Archived from the original on 2011-06-23. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  4. ^ a b c d Ramet 1998, p. 202.
  5. ^ a b Stavrianos 2000, pp. 497–498.[dubious ] "Religious differences also existed before the coming of the Turks. Originally, all Albanians had belonged to the Eastern Orthodox Church, to which they had been attached at the time of the schism between the church of Rome and that of Constantinople. Then the Ghegs in the North adopted Catholicism, apparently in order to better resist the pressure of Orthodox Serbs[dubious ]. Thus the Albanians were divided between the Catholic and Orthodox churches before the time of the Turkish invasion."
  6. ^ Kopanski 1997, pp. 193–194.
  7. ^ a b c d Lederer 1994, pp. 333–334.
  8. ^ a b c d e f Ramet 1998, p. 203. "The Ottoman conquest between the end of the fourteenth century and the mid-fifteenth century introduced a third religion – Islam - but the Turks did not at first use force in its expansion, and it was only in the 1600s that large-scale conversion to Islam began – chiefly, at first, among Albanian Catholics."; p.204. "The Orthodox community enjoyed broad toleration at the hands of the Sublime Porte until the late eighteenth century."; p. 204. "In the late eighteenth century Russian agents began stirring up the Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman empire against the Sublime Porte. In the Russo-Turkish wars of 1768-74 and 1787-91 Orthodox Albanians rose against the Turks. In the course of the second revolt the "New Academy" in Voskopoje was destroyed (1789), and at the end of the second Russo-Turkish war more than a thousand Orthodox fled to Russia on Russian warships. As a result of these revolts, the Porte now applied force to Islamicize the Albanian Orthodox population, adding economic incentives to provide positive stimulus. In 1798 Ali Pasha of Janina led Ottoman forces against Christian believers assembled in their churches to celebrate Easter in the villages of Shen Vasil and Nivica e Bubarit. The bloodbath unleashed against these believers frightened Albanian Christians in other districts and inspired a new wave of mass conversions to Islam."
  9. ^ Ergo 2010, p. 26.
  10. ^ a b Ergo 2010, p. 37.
  11. ^ Giakoumis 2010, pp. 79–81.
  12. ^ a b c Giakoumis 2010, p. 84.
  13. ^ Ergo 2010, p. 38.
  14. ^ a b c d e Skendi 1967a, pp. 10–13.
  15. ^ Winnifrith 2002, p. 107."But the difficult archbishops of Ohrid must have produced some difference in their flocks. Less contentious faiths were available. It so happens that converting to Islam in central Albania was eased by the strength there of the Bektashi cult, a mystical faith, designed to appeal to all, demanding little in the way of strict rules of observance."
  16. ^ a b Pistrick 2013, p. 78.
  17. ^ a b c d Skendi 1956, pp. 316, 318–320.
  18. ^ a b Skendi 1956, pp. 321–323.
  19. ^ a b Vickers 2011, p. 16.
  20. ^ a b c Koti 2010, pp. 16–17.
  21. ^ Kallivretakis 2003, p. 233.
  22. ^ a b Hammond 1967, p. 30.
  23. ^ Anscombe 2006, p. 88.
  24. ^ a b c Hammond 1976, p. 62.
  25. ^ a b c Koukoudis 2003, pp. 321–322. "Particularly interesting is the case of Vithkuq, south of Moschopolis, which seems to have shared closely in the town's evolution, though it is far from clear whether it was inhabited by Vlachs in the glory days before 1769. It may well have had Vlach inhabitants before 1769, though the Arvanites were certainly far more numerous, if not the largest population group. This is further supported by the linguistic identity of the refugees who fled Vithkuq and accompanied the waves of departing Vlachs. Today it is inhabited by Arvanites and Vlachs, though the forebears of the modern Vlach residents arrived after the village had been abandoned by its previous inhabitants and are mainly of Arvanitovlach descent. They are former pastoral nomads who settled permanently in Vithkuq."; p. 339. "As the same time as, or possibly shortly before or after, these events in Moschopolis, unruly Arnauts also attacked the smaller Vlach and Arvanitic communities round about. The Vlach inhabitants of Llengë, Niçë, Grabovë, Shipckë, and the Vlach villages on Grammos, such as Nikolicë, Linotopi, and Grammousta, and the inhabitants of Vithkuq and even the last Albanian speaking Christian villages on Opar found themselves at the mercy of the predatory Arnauts, whom no-one could withstand. For them too, the only solution was to flee... During this period, Vlach and Arvanite families from the surrounding ruined market towns and villages settled alongside the few Moscopolitans who had returned. Refugee families came from Dushar and other villages in Opar, from Vithkuq, Grabovë, Nikolicë, Niçë, and Llengë and from Kolonjë."
  26. ^ a b c Jorgaqi 2005, pp. 38–39.
  27. ^ Winnifrith 2002, p. 109. "Of these Vithkuq... All these villages have a Vlach element in their population, and it is Vlach tradition that they were large and important... This culture was of course Greek culture...
  28. ^ a b Giakoumis 2010, pp. 89–91.
  29. ^ a b Elsie 2001, pp. 59–60.
  30. ^ Elsie 2000, p. 48.
  31. ^ Mackridge 2009, pp. 58–59.
  32. ^ a b c Giakoumis 2010, pp. 86–87.
  33. ^ Norris 1993, pp. 47–48.
  34. ^ Ramet 1998, p. 210. "In general, a pattern emerged. When the Ottoman empire was attacked by Catholic powers, local Catholics were pressured to convert, and when the attack on the Ottoman empire came from Orthodox Russia, the pressure was on local Orthodox to change faith."
  35. ^ Skendi 1967b, pp. 235–242.
  36. ^ Pistrick 2013, pp. 79–81.
  37. ^ Duijzings 2000, p. 16.
  38. ^ Austin 2012, p. 4.
  39. ^ a b Biernat 2014, pp. 14–15.
  40. ^ (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  41. ^ Russell King, Nicola Mai (2013). Out Of Albania: From Crisis Migration to Social Inclusion in Italy. Berghahn Books. p. 35. ISBN 9780857453907.
  42. ^ Albanien: Geographie - historische Anthropologie - Geschichte - Kultur ... By Peter Jordan, Karl Kaser, Walter Lukan, Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers, Holm Sundhaussen page 302 [1]
  43. ^ a b Forest, Jim The Resurrection of the Church in Albania, World Council of Churches Publication, August 2002, ISBN 2-8254-1359-3
  44. ^ Barkas, Panagiotis (17 August 2013). "Violent Clashes against Clergy and Faithful in Permet". skai.gr. Athens News Agency. Retrieved 18 October 2015.
  45. ^ "International Religious Freedom Report for 2014: Albania" (PDF). state.gov/. United States, Department of State. p. 4. Retrieved 20 October 2015.
  46. ^ a b Diamadis, Panayiotis (Spring 2014). (PDF). American Hellenic Institute Foundation Policy Journal: 7–8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 18 October 2015. Clergy and faithful were violently ejected from an Orthodox church in Premeti during the celebrations for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on 16 August 2013, by private security and municipal authorities. Religious items such as icons and utensils were also confiscated.
  47. ^ Watch, Human Rights; [Researched, Helsinki.; Abrahams], written by Fred (1996). Human rights in post-communist Albania. New York [u.a.]: Human Rights Watch. p. 157. ISBN 9781564321602. A further point of contention between the Albanian Orthodox Church and the Albanian government is the return of church property.... In addition many holy icons and vessels of the Orthodox Church are being held in national museums, allegedly because of the Albanian government is concerned with protecting these valuable objects.... other church property that have been allegedly not been fully returned by the state include, the Cathedral of the Assumption in Permet
  48. ^ "Conflict in Permet about the Church, police takes control of the House of Culture". Independent Balkan News Agency. August 28, 2013. Retrieved 18 October 2015.
  49. ^ Todorova Marii︠a︡ Nikolaeva. Balkan identities: nation and memory. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2004 ISBN 978-1-85065-715-6, p. 107
  50. ^ Sina, Beqir (28 January 2014). "Protestë kundër kryepeshkopit Anastasios në hyrje të Fordham University [Protest against Archbishop Anastasios at the interance of Fordham University] 2016-10-18 at the Wayback Machine". Illyria. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  51. ^ Ndrenika, Denion (03 March 2014). "Fatos Klosi: Kisha Ortodokse më keq se islamikët, “pendesa” për vrasjen e Tivarit [Fatos Klosi: Orthodox Church worse than Islamists, "remorse" for the killing of Tivari] 2016-08-10 at the Wayback Machine". Illyria. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  52. ^ Tema Online (12 December 2012). "Fatos Klosi: Kisha greke si strukture diktatoriale, s'duron opinione ndryshe [Fatos Klosi: Greek Church as dictatorial structure, it does not bear different opinions]". Gazeta Tema. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  53. ^ Respublica (09 April, 2014). "KOASH pas deklaratave të Fatos Klosit: Qëndrime arbitrare dhe çorientuese. Kisha e Shqipërisë është Autoqefale. Ringritjen e saj e inicioi Patriarkana [KOASH after statements by Fatos Klosi: Arbitrary and misleading attitudes. The Church of Albania is autocephalous. Its rebuilding was initiated by the Patriarchate]". Respublica. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  54. ^ KohaNet (9 April 2014). "Ortodokse kundër Fatos Klosit: Hedh helm s'varemi nga greku [Orthodox Church against Fatos Klosi: He throws poison, though we are not dependent on the Greeks]". KohaNet. Retrieved 14 June 2016. 2016-10-18 at the Wayback Machine
  55. ^ a b c d e Mejdini, Fatjona (04 April 2016). "New Diocese Reopens Old Wounds in Albanian Church". Balkaninsight. Retrieved 14 June 2016. "The creation of a new diocese in the Albanian Orthodox Church has caused an angry row between the Church authorities and a rebel priest - who has often accused it in the past of acting as the agent of Greece.The creation of the Elbasan diocese on April 17 was vehemently denounced on Tuesday by local cleric Fr Nikolla Marku who for a long time has opposed the ethnically Greek Church head, Archbishop Janullatos. Fr Marku, who runs the church of' St Mary in Elbasan, told the newly appointed Bishop, or Metropolitan, of Elbasan, Andoni, to resign. Headed by Archbishop Janullatos, the Church has had repeated disputes with Fr Marku, who the media often style a rebel patriot... Headed by Archbishop Janullatos, the Church has had repeated disputes with Fr Marku, who the media often style a rebel patriot.Albanian Church spokesperson Thoma Dhima told BIRN that Fr Marku has no official relationship with the Church, which considers him only a "private citizen"... Fr Marku separated himself from the local Orthodox Church since the 1990s, considering it a bastion of Greek chauvinism and a promoter of divisions in the Orthodox community."
  56. ^ Leustean, Lucian (2014). Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge. p. 234. ISBN 9781317818663.
  57. ^ "Albania 'to approve gay marriage'". BBC. 30 July 2009. Retrieved 17 August 2016.
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  60. ^ a b Psomas, Lambros A. Synthesis of the Population of Southern Albania (2008). [2]
  61. ^ De Rapper, Gilles. Religion in post-communist Albania: Muslims, Christians and the idea of 'culture' in Devoll, southern Albania (2008). [3]
  62. ^ Grüber, Siegfried. Regional variation in marriage patterns in Albania at the beginning of the 20th century. Available here: http://www-gewi.uni-graz.at/seiner/marriage_patterns.html 2019-10-03 at the Wayback Machine
  63. ^ Demographic maps by Franz Seiner, based on data from the Austrian-run 1918 Albanian census. Available here: http://www-gewi.uni-graz.at/seiner/density.html 2019-10-27 at the Wayback Machine
  64. ^ (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-11-14. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  65. ^ . orthodoxalbania.org. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 22 January 2014.
  66. ^ a b . orthodoxalbania.org. Archived from the original on 14 July 2014. Retrieved 22 January 2014.
  67. ^ Kisha Ortodokse: S’njohim censusin - Top Channel
  68. ^ . Archived from the original on 2015-05-16. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  69. ^ . Archived from the original on 2017-07-29. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
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  71. ^ . Archived from the original on 2015-09-24. Retrieved 2017-04-30.
  72. ^ a b . Tirana Times. 19 December 2012. Archived from the original on 28 May 2014.
  73. ^ "Censusi permbys fete, 70 per qind refuzojne ose nuk e deklarojne besimin". Shqiperia.com.
  74. ^ Tema Online (12 December 2012). "Prifti: Në Shqipëri ka një axhendë anti-ortodokse [Prifti: In Albania, there is an Anti-Orthodox agenda] 2017-07-29 at the Wayback Machine". Gazeta Tema. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  75. ^ "Third Opinion on Albania, adopted on 23 November 2011. Published Strasbourg 4 June 2012. Available here: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/minorities/3_fcnmdocs/PDF_3rd_OP_Albania_en.pdf
  76. ^ WCC general secretary
  77. ^ The Archive of Religion Data Archives website, Retrieved 2023-07-18

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  • Winnifrith, Tom (2002). Badlands-borderlands: a history of Northern Epirus/Southern Albania. London: Duckworth. ISBN 9780715632017.

External links edit

  • Official website
  • Article on the Orthodox Church of Albania by Ronald Roberson on CNEWA website
  • on World Council of Churches website
  • Orthodox Peace Fellowship report on Albania

eastern, orthodoxy, albania, eastern, orthodoxy, arrived, areas, illyrii, proprie, dicti, principality, arbanon, during, period, byzantine, empire, those, areas, fell, under, ottoman, empire, during, late, medieval, times, eastern, orthodoxy, underwent, deep, . Eastern Orthodoxy arrived in the areas of Illyrii proprie dicti or Principality of Arbanon during the period of Byzantine Empire Those areas fell under the Ottoman Empire during the late medieval times and Eastern Orthodoxy underwent deep sociopolitical difficulties that lasted until the fall of the Ottoman Empire Between 1913 and until the start of WWII under the newly recognized state of Albania Eastern Orthodoxy saw a revival and in the 1937 the Autocephaly after a short Eastern Orthodoxy schism and contestation was recognized Decades of persecution under the Communist state atheism which started in 1967 and officially ended in December 1990 greatly weakened all religions and their practices especially Christians of Albania The post communist period and the lifting of legal and other government restrictions on religion allowed Orthodoxy to revive through institutions and enabled the development of new infrastructure literature educational facilities international transnational links and other social activities Contents 1 History 1 1 Orthodoxy during the Ottoman Period 1 2 Establishment of an authocephalous Albanian Orthodox Church 1 3 Persecution of Orthodoxy under Communism 1 4 Eastern Orthodoxy in Post Communist Albania 2 Controversies 2 1 Demolition and confiscation by state authorities 2 2 Individuals 3 Demographics 3 1 Historical demographics 3 2 2011 census and reactions 3 3 Demographics in the early 2020s 4 Gallery 5 See also 6 References 6 1 Citations 6 2 Sources 7 External linksHistory editChristianity first arrived in the areas of the Principality of Arbanon through the preachings of Saint Paul during the 1st century Saint Paul wrote that he preached in the Roman province of Illyricum 1 and legend holds that he visited Dyrrachium 2 It was Saint Astius a 2nd century Illyrian and Christian martyr venerated by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches that served as bishop of Durres Dyrrachium during the time of the emperor Trajan 98 117 Astius is the Patron Saint and Protector of Durres However it was Roman emperor of Illyrian origins Constantine the Great who issued the Edict of Milan and legalized Christianity that the Christian religion became official to what is considered today Albania 3 Modern scholars argue that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that the historical Illyricum a province of the Roman Empire of the first century AD which never officially adapted the Christian faith citation needed has any cultural religious linguistic or historical connection citation needed with the areas that were Principality of Arbanon attested by ancient Roman writers Pliny the Elder and Pomponius Mela as Illyrii proprie dicti The schism of 1054 however formalized the split of Christianity into two branches Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics that was reflected in areas of the Principality of Arbanon with the emergence of Roman Catholics in the northwest and Orthodox Catholics in the northeast and the south 4 In the 11th century the Roman Catholic church created the archbishopric in Bar that brought the bishoprics of Drivast Ulcinj Shkoder and others under its control 4 After the west east schism the northwestern areas of Principality of Arbanon joined or became Roman Catholics while the northeast and the south remained Eastern Orthodox or Orthodox Catholics As such during the latter half of 12th century Roman Catholicism spread in northwestern Albania and in northeastern and southern Albania partially made inroads among the population 4 When the Ottoman Empire become the dominating force in those areas it exploited through intrigues the east west schism to the maximum extent possible which lead to deep bitternes between the Roman Catholics and Orthodox and continue to occur even in the 21st century The religious transition from Orthodoxy to Catholicism occurred during or before the schism and due to close relations with the bishop of Rome only a few Roman Catholics converted to Islam during the Ottoman occupation in northewestern Albania but the majority of Orthodox beliveres of northeast and south of Albania of that time due to lack of national identity back then converted to Islam using conversion as a means of resisting pressures arising from geopolitical factors such as Orthodox Serbs The Orthodox Albanians who identidifed with Greek or Hellenes remained Orthodox 5 6 During the moment of schism 1054 Albanians were attached to the Eastern Orthodox Church and were all Orthodox Christians in the northeast and south of today s twenty first century Albania or medieval Principality of Arbanon while the majority of northwesterns became and remained Roman Catholic 4 5 Orthodoxy during the Ottoman Period edit The official Ottoman recognition of the Orthodox church resulted in the Orthodox population being tolerated until the late 18th century and the traditionalism of the church s institutions slowed the process of conversion to Islam amongst Albanians 7 8 9 The Orthodox population of central and south eastern Albania was under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid while south western Albania was under the Patriarchate of Constantinople through the Metropolis of Ioannina 10 11 In the early 16th century the Albanian cities of Gjirokaster Kanine Delvine Vlore Korce Kelcyre Permet and Berat were still Christian and by the late 16th century Vlore Permet and Himare were still Christian while Gjirokaster increasingly became Muslim 10 12 Conversion to Islam in cities overall within Albania was slow during the 16th century as around only 38 of the urban population had become Muslim 12 13 The city of Berat from 1670 onward became mainly Muslim and its conversion is attributed in part to a lack of Christian priests being able to provide religious services 14 Differences between Christian Albanians of central Albania and archbishops of Ohrid led to conversions to Bektashi Islam that made an appeal to all while insisting little on ritual observance 15 Central Albania such as the Durres area had by end of the 16th century become mainly Muslim 12 Consisting of plains and being an in between area of northern and southern Albania central Albania was a hub on the old Via Egnatia road that linked commercial cultural and transport connections which were subject to direct Ottoman administrative control and religious Muslim influence 16 17 The conversion to Islam of most of central Albania has thus been attributed in large part to the role its geography played in the socio political and economic fortunes of the region 16 17 During the late eighteenth century Orthodox Albanians converted in large numbers to Islam due overwhelmingly to the Russo Turkish wars of the period and events like the Russian instigated Orlov revolt 1770 that made the Ottomans view the Orthodox population as allies of Russia 8 14 18 19 As some Orthodox Albanians rebelled against the Ottoman Empire the Porte responded with and at times applied force to convert Orthodox Albanians to Islam while also providing economic measures to stimulate religious conversion 8 14 19 20 During this time conflict between newly converted Muslim Albanians and Orthodox Albanians occurred in certain areas Examples include the coastal villages of Borsh attacking Piqeras in 1744 making some flee abroad to places such as southern Italy 21 22 Other areas such as 36 villages north of the Pogoni area converted in 1760 and followed it up with an attack on Orthodox Christian villages of the Kolonje Leskovik and Permet areas leaving many settlements sacked and ruined 22 By the late eighteenth century socio political and economic crises alongside nominal Ottoman government control resulted in local banditry and Muslim Albanian bands raided Aromanian Greek and Orthodox Albanian settlements located today within and outside contemporary Albania 23 24 25 26 Within Albania those raids culminated in Vithkuq mainly an Orthodox Albanian centre Moscopole Albanian Voskopoje mainly an Aromanian centre both with Greek literary educational and religious culture and other smaller settlements being destroyed 8 20 24 25 26 Those events pushed some Aromanians and Orthodox Albanians to migrate afar to places such as Macedonia Thrace and so on 8 20 24 25 26 27 Some Orthodox individuals known as neo martyrs attempted to stem the tide of conversion to Islam amongst the Orthodox Albanian population and were executed in the process 28 Notable among these individuals was Cosmas of Aetolia died 1779 a Greek monk and missionary who traveled and preached afar as Kruje opened many Greek schools before being accused as a Russian agent and executed by Ottoman Muslim Albanian authorities 29 Cosmas advocated for Greek education and spread of Greek language among illiterate Christian non Greek speaking peoples so that they could understand the scriptures liturgy and thereby remain Orthodox while his spiritual message is revered among contemporary Orthodox Albanians 29 30 31 By 1798 a massacre perpetrated against the coastal Orthodox Albanian villages of Shenvasil and Nivice Bubar by Ali Pasha semi independent ruler of the Pashalik of Yanina led to another sizable wave of conversions of Orthodox Albanians to Islam 8 18 nbsp Distribution of Orthodox Christians in Albania based on the 1877 1908 and 1918 censuses Other conversions such as those in the region of Laberia occurred due to ecclesiastical matters when for example during a famine the local Orthodox bishop refused to grant a break in the fast to consume milk with threats of hell 32 Conversion to Islam also was undertaken for economic reasons which offered a way out of heavy taxation such as the jizya or poll tax and other difficult Ottoman measures imposed on Christians while opening up opportunities such as wealth accumulation and so on 7 32 33 Other multiple factors that led to conversions to Islam were the poverty of the Church illiterate clergy a lack of clergy in some areas and worship in a language other than Albanian 7 14 17 32 Additionally the reliance of the bishoprics of Durres and southern Albania upon the declining Archbishopric of Ohrid due in part to simony weakened the ability of Orthodox Albanians in resisting conversion to Islam 14 17 Crypto Christianity also occurred in certain instances throughout Albania in regions such as Shpat amongst populations that had recently converted from Orthodoxy to Islam 34 35 7 28 36 Gore a borderland region straddling contemporary north eastern Albania and southern Kosovo had a Slavic Orthodox population which converted to Islam during the latter half of the eighteenth century due to the abolition of the Serbian Patriarchate of Pec 1766 and subsequent unstable ecclesiastical structures 37 By the mid 19th century because of the Tanzimat reforms started in 1839 which imposed mandatory military service on non Muslims the Orthodox Church lost adherents as the majority of Albanians had become Muslim Establishment of an authocephalous Albanian Orthodox Church edit Further information Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania nbsp Bishop Fan Noli founder of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania After Albanian independence in 1912 Noli who in 1924 would also be a political figure and prime minister of Albania traveled to Albania where he played an important role in establishing the Orthodox Albanian Church 38 On September 17 1922 the first Orthodox Congress convened at Berat formally laid the foundations of an Albanian Orthodox Church and declared its autocephaly 39 40 The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople recognized the independence or autocephaly of the Orthodox Albanian Church in 1937 39 Persecution of Orthodoxy under Communism edit Hohxa propagated that Albania is threatened by religion in general since it serves the Trojan Horse style interests of the country s traditional enemies in particular Orthodoxy those of Greece and Serbia 41 In 1952 Archbishop Kristofor was discovered dead most believed he had been killed In 1967 Hoxha closed down all churches and mosques in the country and declared Albania the world s first atheist country All expression of religion public or private was outlawed Hundreds of priests and imams were killed or imprisoned Eastern Orthodoxy in Post Communist Albania edit In December 1990 Communist officials officially ended the 23 year long religious ban in Albania Only 22 Orthodox priests remained alive To deal with this situation the Ecumenical Patriarch appointed Anastasios to be the Patriarchal Exarch for the Albanian Church As Bishop of Androusa Anastasios was dividing his time between his teaching duties at the University of Athens and the Archbishopric of Irinoupolis in Kenya which was then going through a difficult patch before his appointment He was elected on June 24 1992 and enthroned on August 2 1992 42 Over time Anastasios has gained respect for his charity work and is now recognized as a spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church in Albania In 1992 Anastasios would use a disused hotel for initial liturgy services in Durres As of February 2011 there were 145 clergy members all of which were Albanian citizens who graduated from the Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy This academy is also preparing new members men and women for catechism and for other services in different Church activities Anastas domestic activities in Albania include the reconstruction of various Orthodox Churches which were confiscated by the communist authorities the rebuilding of 150 churches and the additional investments into schools amp charities for the poor Another major introduction by Anastas was the Ngjalla radio station which preaches spiritual educational musical and informative information about the religion 43 During 1999 when Albania accepted waves of refugees from Kosovo the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania in collaboration with donors and other international religious organizations especially ACT and WCC led an extensive humanitarian program of more than 12 million hosting 33 000 Kosovars in its two camps supplying them with food clothes medical care and other goods Apart from the two ecclesiastical high schools it has established three elementary schools 1st 9th grade 17 day care centers and two institutes for professional training named Spirit of Love established in Tirana in 2000 which are said to be the first of their kind in Albania and provide education in the fields of Team Management IT Accounting Computer Science Medical Laboratory Restoration and Conservation of Artwork and Byzantine Iconography 43 In Gjirokaster 1 professional school the orphanage The Orthodox Home of Hope a high school dormitory for girls has also given technical and material support to many public schools An Office of Cultural Heritage was established to look after the Orthodox structures considered to be national cultural monuments A number of choirs have been organized in the churches A Byzantine choir has also been formed and has produced cassettes and CDs A workshop for the restoration and painting of icons was established with the aim to train a new generation of artists to revive the rich tradition of iconography The Church has also sponsored important academic publications documentary films academic symposiums and various exhibits of iconography codex children s projects and other culturally related themes The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania actively participates as equals in the events of the Orthodox Church worldwide It is a member of the Conference of the European Churches of which the Archbishop Anastasios has served as vice president since December 2003 the World Council of the Churches of which Archbishop Anastasios was chosen as one of eight presidents in 2006 and the largest inter faith organization in the world Religions for Peace of which Anastasios was chosen as Honorary President in 2006 It is also active in various ecumenical conferences and programs The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania contributes to the efforts for peaceful collaboration and solidarity in the region and beyond Controversies editDemolition and confiscation by state authorities edit In August 2013 demonstrations took place 44 by the Orthodox community of Permet as a result of the confiscation of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin and the forcible removal of the clergy and of religious artifacts from the temple by the state authorities 45 46 The Cathedral was allegedly not fully returned to the Orthodox Albania after the restoration of Democracy in the country 47 The incident provoked reactions by the Orthodox Church of Albania and also triggered diplomatic intervention from Greece 46 48 Individuals edit There is a widespread belief that the Orthodox faith is linked with conspiracy theories in which the identification with Greek expansionist plans would classify them as potential enemies of the state 49 In early 2014 in a trip to the US Archbishop Anastasios was met by protestors from the Albanian diaspora who oppose his position as head of the church due to him being from Greece 50 Whereas due to the Albanian Orthodox Church head and some bishops being from Greece Fatos Klosi former head of Albanian intelligence stated in an April 2014 media interview that the Albanian Orthodox Church is Greek controlled and no longer an Albanian institution 51 Klosi s comments were seen in Albania as controversial rebuked by the church while it also sparked media discussion at the time 52 53 54 The Albanian Orthodox Church created a new diocese in Elbasan on April 17 2016 55 Its creation is opposed by Father Nikolla Marku who runs the local St Mary s church and who has broken ties with the Albanian Orthodox Church in the 1990s 55 The dispute has been ongoing as the Albanian Orthodox Church views Marku s tenure over the church as illegal 55 Marku s differences with the Orthodox church relate mainly to Anastasios Yannoulatos being a Greek citizen heading the church in Albania with allegations that it has promoted divisions amongst the Orthodox community and Greek chauvinism 55 Marku as a cause celebre over the years has been portrayed by the Albanian media as a rebel patriot 55 Nevertheless he enjoys very limited support in Albania 56 Orthodox Autocephalous Church opposed the legalisation of same sex marriages for LGBT communities in Albania as did the Muslim and Catholic Church leaders of the country 57 58 Demographics editHistorical demographics edit Although Islam is the dominant religion in Albania in the southern regions Orthodox Christianity was traditionally the prevailing religion before the declaration of Albanian independence 1913 However their number decreased over the following years 59 Year Orthodox Christians Muslims 1908 128 000 95 000 1923 114 000 109 000 1927 112 000 114 000 However some of this decrease was accounted for by the changing of the boundaries of districts by the newly independent Albania 60 Additionally the Orthodox Christians of Southern Albania had a greater tendency to migrate than their Muslim neighbors at first at least in the early 20th century Many of the Orthodox Albanians would ultimately return from the Western countries they emigrated to 61 Around the fall of the Ottomon empire as based on the late Ottoman census of 1908 and the Austrian run Albanian census of 1918 the regions that retained the highest percentages of Orthodox Albanians in some cases absolute majorities were in the South especially around Saranda Gjirokastra Permeti Leskoviku Pogradeci and Korca 60 and the Myzeqe region of Central Albania especially around Fier where they formed a strong majority of the population There were also large Albanian Orthodox populations in the regions of Elbasan and Berat Contrary to the stereotype of only Tosks being Orthodox Orthodox Albanians were also present in the North where they were spread out at low frequencies in most regions 62 Orthodox Albanians reached large proportions in some Northern cities Durresi 36 Kavaja 23 and Elbasani 17 63 Orthodox Albanians tended to live in either urban centers or in highland areas but rarely in rural lowland areas with the exception of in the region of Myzeqe 2011 census and reactions edit In the 2011 census the declared religious affiliation of the population was 56 7 Muslims 13 79 undeclared 10 03 Catholics 6 75 Orthodox believers 5 49 other 2 5 Atheists 2 09 Bektashis and 0 14 other Christians 64 However the Orthodox Church of Albania officially rejected the specific results claiming it was totally incorrect and unacceptable 65 Although the question regarding religion was optional only to be answered by those who chose to like the question about ethnic origin it has become the central point of discussion and interest of this census The Albanian Orthodox church refused to recognize the results saying they had drastically underrepresented the number of Orthodox Christians and noted various indications of this and ways it may have occurred 66 The Orthodox church claimed that from its own calculations the Orthodox percentage should have been around 24 rather than 6 75 In addition to boycotts of the census Orthodox numbers may also be underrepresented because the census staff failed to contact a very large number of people in the south which is traditionally an Orthodox stronghold 67 68 69 70 Furthermore The Orthodox Church said that according to a questionnaire it gave its followers during two Sunday liturgies in urban centers such as Durresi Berati and Korca only 34 of its followers were actually contacted 66 There were other serious allegations about the conduct of the census workers that might have impacted on the 2011 census results There were some reported cases where workers filled out the questionnaire about religion without even asking the participants or that the workers used pencils which were not allowed 71 In some cases communities declared that census workers never even contacted them 72 In addition to all these irregularities the preliminary results released seemed to give widely different results with 70 of respondents refusing to declare belief in any of the listed faiths 73 compared with only 2 5 of atheists and 13 8 undeclared in the final results An Orthodox Albanian politician Dritan Prifti who at the time was a prominent MP for the Myzeqe region referred to fluctuating census numbers regarding the Orthodox community as being due to an anti Orthodox agenda in Albania 74 Orthodox Albanians were not the only ones to claim the census underrepresented their numbers the Bektashi leadership also lambasted the results which even more drastically reduced their representation down to 2 and said it would conduct its own census to refute the results while minority organizations of Greeks mostly Orthodox and Roma mostly Muslim also claimed they underrepresented with the Greek organization Omonia arguing that this was linked to the under representation of the Orthodox population 72 According to the Council of Europe Third Opinion of the Council of Europe on Albania adopted 23 11 2011 the population census cannot be considered to be reliable and accurate raises issues of compatibility with the principles enshrined in Article 3 of the Framework Convention The Advisory Committee considers that the results of the census should be viewed with the utmost caution and calls on the authorities not to rely exclusively on the data on nationality collected during the census in determining its policy on the protection of national minorities 75 Moreover the World Council of Churches WCC general secretary Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit has expressed concern at the methodology and results of the Albania Census 2011 He has raised questions in regard to the reliability of the process which he said has implications for the rights of religious minorities and religious freedoms guaranteed in the country s constitution Tveit expressed this concern in letters issued at the beginning of May to the WCC president Archbishop Anastasios to Prof Dr Heiner Bielefeldt United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief and to the Albanian government 76 Demographics in the early 2020s edit Figures in 2022 note that 18 42 of the population are Orthodox Christians 77 Gallery edit nbsp Dormition of the Theotokos Church Labove e Kryqit Albania nbsp Saint Nicholas in Mesopotam Albania nbsp Ardenica Monastery in Ardenica Albania nbsp Old Orthodox Church in BeratSee also editReligion in Albania Christianity in Albania Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church Roman Catholicism in Albania Protestantism in Albania Irreligion in Albania Freedom of religion in AlbaniaReferences editCitations edit Paul St Cross F L ed The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church New York Oxford University Press 2005 Raymond Zickel Walter R Iwaskiw eds 1994 The Ancient Illyrians Albania A Country Study Retrieved 9 April 2008 index of the work What Are the Origins of Today s Albanians Archived from the original on 2011 06 23 Retrieved 2017 04 30 a b c d Ramet 1998 p 202 a b Stavrianos 2000 pp 497 498 dubious discuss Religious differences also existed before the coming of the Turks Originally all Albanians had belonged to the Eastern Orthodox Church to which they had been attached at the time of the schism between the church of Rome and that of Constantinople Then the Ghegs in the North adopted Catholicism apparently in order to better resist the pressure of Orthodox Serbs dubious discuss Thus the Albanians were divided between the Catholic and Orthodox churches before the time of the Turkish invasion Kopanski 1997 pp 193 194 a b c d Lederer 1994 pp 333 334 a b c d e f Ramet 1998 p 203 The Ottoman conquest between the end of the fourteenth century and the mid fifteenth century introduced a third religion Islam but the Turks did not at first use force in its expansion and it was only in the 1600s that large scale conversion to Islam began chiefly at first among Albanian Catholics p 204 The Orthodox community enjoyed broad toleration at the hands of the Sublime Porte until the late eighteenth century p 204 In the late eighteenth century Russian agents began stirring up the Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman empire against the Sublime Porte In the Russo Turkish wars of 1768 74 and 1787 91 Orthodox Albanians rose against the Turks In the course of the second revolt the New Academy in Voskopoje was destroyed 1789 and at the end of the second Russo Turkish war more than a thousand Orthodox fled to Russia on Russian warships As a result of these revolts the Porte now applied force to Islamicize the Albanian Orthodox population adding economic incentives to provide positive stimulus In 1798 Ali Pasha of Janina led Ottoman forces against Christian believers assembled in their churches to celebrate Easter in the villages of Shen Vasil and Nivica e Bubarit The bloodbath unleashed against these believers frightened Albanian Christians in other districts and inspired a new wave of mass conversions to Islam Ergo 2010 p 26 a b Ergo 2010 p 37 Giakoumis 2010 pp 79 81 a b c Giakoumis 2010 p 84 Ergo 2010 p 38 a b c d e Skendi 1967a pp 10 13 Winnifrith 2002 p 107 But the difficult archbishops of Ohrid must have produced some difference in their flocks Less contentious faiths were available It so happens that converting to Islam in central Albania was eased by the strength there of the Bektashi cult a mystical faith designed to appeal to all demanding little in the way of strict rules of observance a b Pistrick 2013 p 78 a b c d Skendi 1956 pp 316 318 320 a b Skendi 1956 pp 321 323 a b Vickers 2011 p 16 a b c Koti 2010 pp 16 17 Kallivretakis 2003 p 233 a b Hammond 1967 p 30 Anscombe 2006 p 88 a b c Hammond 1976 p 62 a b c Koukoudis 2003 pp 321 322 Particularly interesting is the case of Vithkuq south of Moschopolis which seems to have shared closely in the town s evolution though it is far from clear whether it was inhabited by Vlachs in the glory days before 1769 It may well have had Vlach inhabitants before 1769 though the Arvanites were certainly far more numerous if not the largest population group This is further supported by the linguistic identity of the refugees who fled Vithkuq and accompanied the waves of departing Vlachs Today it is inhabited by Arvanites and Vlachs though the forebears of the modern Vlach residents arrived after the village had been abandoned by its previous inhabitants and are mainly of Arvanitovlach descent They are former pastoral nomads who settled permanently in Vithkuq p 339 As the same time as or possibly shortly before or after these events in Moschopolis unruly Arnauts also attacked the smaller Vlach and Arvanitic communities round about The Vlach inhabitants of Llenge Nice Grabove Shipcke and the Vlach villages on Grammos such as Nikolice Linotopi and Grammousta and the inhabitants of Vithkuq and even the last Albanian speaking Christian villages on Opar found themselves at the mercy of the predatory Arnauts whom no one could withstand For them too the only solution was to flee During this period Vlach and Arvanite families from the surrounding ruined market towns and villages settled alongside the few Moscopolitans who had returned Refugee families came from Dushar and other villages in Opar from Vithkuq Grabove Nikolice Nice and Llenge and from Kolonje a b c Jorgaqi 2005 pp 38 39 Winnifrith 2002 p 109 Of these Vithkuq All these villages have a Vlach element in their population and it is Vlach tradition that they were large and important This culture was of course Greek culture a b Giakoumis 2010 pp 89 91 a b Elsie 2001 pp 59 60 Elsie 2000 p 48 Mackridge 2009 pp 58 59 a b c Giakoumis 2010 pp 86 87 Norris 1993 pp 47 48 Ramet 1998 p 210 In general a pattern emerged When the Ottoman empire was attacked by Catholic powers local Catholics were pressured to convert and when the attack on the Ottoman empire came from Orthodox Russia the pressure was on local Orthodox to change faith Skendi 1967b pp 235 242 Pistrick 2013 pp 79 81 Duijzings 2000 p 16 Austin 2012 p 4 a b Biernat 2014 pp 14 15 Statuti Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Kombe tare te Shqiperise PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2011 07 16 Retrieved 2017 04 30 Russell King Nicola Mai 2013 Out Of Albania From Crisis Migration to Social Inclusion in Italy Berghahn Books p 35 ISBN 9780857453907 Albanien Geographie historische Anthropologie Geschichte Kultur By Peter Jordan Karl Kaser Walter Lukan Stephanie Schwandner Sievers Holm Sundhaussen page 302 1 a b Forest Jim The Resurrection of the Church in Albania World Council of Churches Publication August 2002 ISBN 2 8254 1359 3 Barkas Panagiotis 17 August 2013 Violent Clashes against Clergy and Faithful in Permet skai gr Athens News Agency Retrieved 18 October 2015 International Religious Freedom Report for 2014 Albania PDF state gov United States Department of State p 4 Retrieved 20 October 2015 a b Diamadis Panayiotis Spring 2014 Clash of Eagles with Two Heads Epirus in the 21st Century PDF American Hellenic Institute Foundation Policy Journal 7 8 Archived from the original PDF on 4 March 2016 Retrieved 18 October 2015 Clergy and faithful were violently ejected from an Orthodox church in Premeti during the celebrations for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on 16 August 2013 by private security and municipal authorities Religious items such as icons and utensils were also confiscated Watch Human Rights Researched Helsinki Abrahams written by Fred 1996 Human rights in post communist Albania New York u a Human Rights Watch p 157 ISBN 9781564321602 A further point of contention between the Albanian Orthodox Church and the Albanian government is the return of church property In addition many holy icons and vessels of the Orthodox Church are being held in national museums allegedly because of the Albanian government is concerned with protecting these valuable objects other church property that have been allegedly not been fully returned by the state include the Cathedral of the Assumption in Permet Conflict in Permet about the Church police takes control of the House of Culture Independent Balkan News Agency August 28 2013 Retrieved 18 October 2015 Todorova Marii a Nikolaeva Balkan identities nation and memory C Hurst amp Co Publishers 2004 ISBN 978 1 85065 715 6 p 107 Sina Beqir 28 January 2014 Proteste kunder kryepeshkopit Anastasios ne hyrje te Fordham University Protest against Archbishop Anastasios at the interance of Fordham University Archived 2016 10 18 at the Wayback Machine Illyria Retrieved 14 June 2016 Ndrenika Denion 03 March 2014 Fatos Klosi Kisha Ortodokse me keq se islamiket pendesa per vrasjen e Tivarit Fatos Klosi Orthodox Church worse than Islamists remorse for the killing of Tivari Archived 2016 08 10 at the Wayback Machine Illyria Retrieved 14 June 2016 Tema Online 12 December 2012 Fatos Klosi Kisha greke si strukture diktatoriale s duron opinione ndryshe Fatos Klosi Greek Church as dictatorial structure it does not bear different opinions Gazeta Tema Retrieved 14 June 2016 Respublica 09 April 2014 KOASH pas deklaratave te Fatos Klosit Qendrime arbitrare dhe corientuese Kisha e Shqiperise eshte Autoqefale Ringritjen e saj e inicioi Patriarkana KOASH after statements by Fatos Klosi Arbitrary and misleading attitudes The Church of Albania is autocephalous Its rebuilding was initiated by the Patriarchate Respublica Retrieved 14 June 2016 KohaNet 9 April 2014 Ortodokse kunder Fatos Klosit Hedh helm s varemi nga greku Orthodox Church against Fatos Klosi He throws poison though we are not dependent on the Greeks KohaNet Retrieved 14 June 2016 Archived 2016 10 18 at the Wayback Machine a b c d e Mejdini Fatjona 04 April 2016 New Diocese Reopens Old Wounds in Albanian Church Balkaninsight Retrieved 14 June 2016 The creation of a new diocese in the Albanian Orthodox Church has caused an angry row between the Church authorities and a rebel priest who has often accused it in the past of acting as the agent of Greece The creation of the Elbasan diocese on April 17 was vehemently denounced on Tuesday by local cleric Fr Nikolla Marku who for a long time has opposed the ethnically Greek Church head Archbishop Janullatos Fr Marku who runs the church of St Mary in Elbasan told the newly appointed Bishop or Metropolitan of Elbasan Andoni to resign Headed by Archbishop Janullatos the Church has had repeated disputes with Fr Marku who the media often style a rebel patriot Headed by Archbishop Janullatos the Church has had repeated disputes with Fr Marku who the media often style a rebel patriot Albanian Church spokesperson Thoma Dhima told BIRN that Fr Marku has no official relationship with the Church which considers him only a private citizen Fr Marku separated himself from the local Orthodox Church since the 1990s considering it a bastion of Greek chauvinism and a promoter of divisions 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marriage patterns html Archived 2019 10 03 at the Wayback Machine Demographic maps by Franz Seiner based on data from the Austrian run 1918 Albanian census Available here http www gewi uni graz at seiner density html Archived 2019 10 27 at the Wayback Machine Albanian census 2011 PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2014 11 14 Retrieved 2017 04 30 Official Declaration The results of the 2011 Census regarding the Orthodox Christians in Albania are totally incorrect and unacceptable orthodoxalbania org Archived from the original on 3 February 2014 Retrieved 22 January 2014 a b Official Declaration The results of the 2011 Census regarding the Orthodox Christians in Albania are totally incorrect and unacceptable orthodoxalbania org Archived from the original on 14 July 2014 Retrieved 22 January 2014 Kisha Ortodokse S njohim censusin Top Channel AK Nishanit Hiqi Urdhrin e Skenderbeut Janullatosit dekoro themeluesit e Kishes Autoqefale Shqiptare LETRA Gazeta Tema Archived from the original on 2015 05 16 Retrieved 2017 04 30 Prifti Ne Shqiperi ka nje axhende anti ortodokse Gazeta Tema Archived from the original on 2017 07 29 Retrieved 2017 04 30 INTERVISTA Vangjel Dule Autoret e censusit manipulatore te realitetit Rezoluta came historia nuk ribehet Gazeta Tema Archived from the original on 2015 09 24 Retrieved 2017 04 30 Censusi shume prej pyetjeve plotesoheshin nga vete anketuesit Gazeta Tema Archived from the original on 2015 09 24 Retrieved 2017 04 30 a b Final census findings lead to concerns over accuracy Tirana Times 19 December 2012 Archived from the original on 28 May 2014 Censusi permbys fete 70 per qind refuzojne ose nuk e deklarojne besimin Shqiperia com Tema Online 12 December 2012 Prifti Ne Shqiperi ka nje axhende anti ortodokse Prifti In Albania there is an Anti Orthodox agenda Archived 2017 07 29 at the Wayback Machine Gazeta Tema Retrieved 14 June 2016 Third Opinion on Albania adopted on 23 November 2011 Published Strasbourg 4 June 2012 Available here http 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Trajectories of Albanian Nationalism in the Writings of Girolamo de Rada and Shemseddin Sami Frasheri ca 1848 1903 In Maurizio Isabella Zanou Konstantina eds Mediterranean Diasporas Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century London Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN 9781472576668 Skendi Stavro 1956 Religion in Albania during the Ottoman rule Sudost Forschungen 15 311 327 Ramet Sabrina 1998 Nihil obstat religion politics and social change in East Central Europe and Russia Durham Duke University Press ISBN 978 0822320708 Skendi Stavro 1967a The Albanian national awakening Princeton Princeton University Press ISBN 9781400847761 Skendi Stavro 1967b Crypto Christianity in the Balkan Area under the Ottomans Slavic Review 26 2 227 246 doi 10 2307 2492452 JSTOR 2492452 S2CID 163987636 Skoulidas Elias 2013 The Albanian Greek Orthodox Intellectuals Aspects of their Discourse between Albanian and Greek National Narratives late 19th early 20th centuries Hronos 7 Archived from the original on 2019 09 23 Retrieved 2017 04 30 Stavrianos Leften Stavros 2000 The Balkans Since 1453 C Hurst amp Co Publishers ISBN 9781850655510 Vickers Miranda 2011 The Albanians a modern history London IB Tauris ISBN 9780857736550 Winnifrith Tom 2002 Badlands borderlands a history of Northern Epirus Southern Albania London Duckworth ISBN 9780715632017 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Eastern Orthodoxy in Albania Official website Article on the Orthodox Church of Albania by Ronald Roberson on CNEWA website History of the Establishment of the Church History and description of the Orthodox Church of Albania on World Council of Churches website Orthodox Peace Fellowship report on Albania Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Eastern Orthodoxy in Albania amp oldid 1219303275 History, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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