
DNA extraction

The first isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was done in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher.[1] DNA extraction is the process of isolating DNA from the cells of an organism isolated from a sample, typically a biological sample such as blood, saliva, or tissue. It involves breaking open the cells, removing proteins and other contaminants, and purifying the DNA so that it is free of other cellular components. The purified DNA can then be used for downstream applications such as PCR,[2] sequencing, or cloning. Currently, it is a routine procedure in molecular biology or forensic analyses.

This process can be done in several ways, depending on the type of the sample and the downstream application,[3] the most common methods are: mechanical, chemical and enzymatic lysis, precipitation, purification, and concentration. The specific method used to extract the DNA, such as phenol-chloroform extraction, alcohol precipitation, or silica-based purification.[4]

For the chemical method, many different kits are used for extraction, and selecting the correct one will save time on kit optimization and extraction procedures. PCR sensitivity detection is considered to show the variation between the commercial kits.[5]

There are many different methods for extracting DNA, but some common steps include:

  1. Lysis: This step involves breaking open the cells to release the DNA. For example, in the case of bacterial cells, a solution of detergent and salt (such as SDS) can be used to disrupt the cell membrane and release the DNA. For plant and animal cells, mechanical or enzymatic methods are often used.
  2. Precipitation: Once the DNA is released, proteins and other contaminants must be removed. This is typically done by adding a precipitating agent, such as alcohol (such as ethanol or isopropanol), or a salt (such as ammonium acetate). The DNA will form a pellet at the bottom of the solution, while the contaminants will remain in the liquid.
  3. Purification: After the DNA is precipitated, it is usually further purified by using column-based methods. For example, silica-based spin columns can be used to bind the DNA, while contaminants are washed away. Alternatively, a centrifugation step can be used to purify the DNA by spinning it down to the bottom of a tube.
  4. Concentration: Finally, the amount of DNA present is usually increased by removing any remaining liquid. This is typically done by using a vacuum centrifugation or a lyophilization (freeze-drying) step.

It's worth noting that some variations on these steps may be used depending on the specific DNA extraction protocol. Additionally, some kits are commercially available that include reagents and protocols specifically tailored to a specific type of sample.[6]

What does it deliver? edit

DNA extraction is frequently a preliminary step in many diagnostic procedures used to identify environmental viruses and bacteria and diagnose illnesses and hereditary diseases. These methods consist of, but are not limited to:

Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique was developed in the 1980s. The basic idea is to use a nucleic acid probe to hybridize nuclear DNA from either interphase cells or metaphase chromosomes attached to a microscopic slide. It is a molecular method used, among other things, to recognize and count particular bacterial groupings.[1]

To recognize, define, and quantify the geographical and temporal patterns in marine bacterioplankton communities, researchers employ a technique called terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP).

Sequencing: Whole or partial genomes and other chromosomal components, ended for comparison with previously published sequences.


Basic procedure edit

  • Cells that are to be studied need to be collected.
  • Breaking the cell membranes open exposes the DNA along with the cytoplasm within (cell lysis).
  • The solution is treated with a concentrated salt solution (saline) to make debris such as broken proteins, lipids, and RNA clump together.
  • Centrifugation of the solution, which separates the clumped cellular debris from the DNA.
  • DNA purification from detergents, proteins, salts, and reagents is used during the cell lysis step. The most commonly used procedures are:

Cellular and histone proteins bound to the DNA can be removed either by adding a protease or having precipitated the proteins with sodium or ammonium acetate or extracted them with a phenol-chloroform mixture before the DNA precipitation.

After isolation, the DNA is dissolved in a slightly alkaline buffer, usually in a TE buffer, or in ultra-pure water.

Common chemicals edit

The most common chemicals used for DNA extraction include:

  1. Detergents, such as SDS or Tween-20, which are used to break open cells and release the DNA.
  2. Protease enzymes, such as Proteinase K, which are used to digest proteins that may be binding to the DNA.
  3. Phenol and chloroform, which are used to separate the DNA from other cellular components.
  4. Ethanol or isopropanol, which are used to precipitate the DNA.
  5. Salt, such as NaCl, which is often used to help dissolve the DNA and maintain its stability.
  6. EDTA, which is used to chelate the metals ions that can damage the DNA.
  7. Tris-HCL, which is used to maintain the pH at the optimal condition for DNA extraction.

Method selection edit

Some of the most common DNA extraction methods include organic extraction, Chelex extraction, and solid phase extraction.[8] These methods consistently yield isolated DNA, but they differ in both the quality and the quantity of DNA yielded. When selecting a DNA extraction method, there are multiple factors to consider, including cost, time, safety, and risk of contamination.

Organic extraction involves the addition of incubation in multiple different chemical solutions;[8] including a lysis step, a phenol-chloroform extraction, an ethanol precipitation, and washing steps. Organic extraction is often used in laboratories because it is cheap, and it yields large quantities of pure DNA. Though it is easy, there are many steps involved, and it takes longer than other methods. It also involves the unfavorable use of the toxic chemicals phenol and chloroform, and there is an increased risk of contamination due to transferring the DNA between multiple tubes.[9] Several protocols based on organic extraction of DNA were effectively developed decades ago,[10] though improved and more practical versions of these protocols have also been developed and published in the last years.[11]

The chelex extraction method involves adding the Chelex resin to the sample, boiling the solution, then vortexing and centrifuging it. The cellular materials bind to the Chelex beads, while the DNA is available in the supernatant.[9] The Chelex method is much faster and simpler than organic extraction, and it only requires one tube, which decreases the risk of DNA contamination. Unfortunately, Chelex extraction does not yield as much quantity and the DNA yielded is single-stranded, which means it can only be used for PCR-based analyses and not for RFLP.[9]

Solid phase extraction such as using a spin-column-based extraction method takes advantage of the fact that DNA binds to silica. The sample containing DNA is added to a column containing a silica gel or silica beads and chaotropic salts. The chaotropic salts disrupt the hydrogen bonding between strands and facilitate the binding of the DNA to silica by causing the nucleic acids to become hydrophobic. This exposes the phosphate residues so they are available for adsorption.[12] The DNA binds to the silica, while the rest of the solution is washed out using ethanol to remove chaotropic salts and other unnecessary constituents.[8] The DNA can then be rehydrated with aqueous low-salt solutions allowing for elution of the DNA from the beads.

This method yields high-quality, largely double-stranded DNA which can be used for both PCR and RFLP analysis. This procedure can be automated[9] and has a high throughput, although lower than the phenol-chloroform method. This is a one-step method i.e. the entire procedure is completed in one tube. This lowers the risk of contamination making it very useful for the forensic extraction of DNA. Multiple solid-phase extraction commercial kits are manufactured and marketed by different companies; the only problem is that they are more expensive than organic extraction or Chelex extraction.

Special types edit

Specific techniques must be chosen for the isolation of DNA from some samples. Typical samples with complicated DNA isolation are:

  • archaeological samples containing partially degraded DNA, see ancient DNA[13]
  • samples containing inhibitors of subsequent analysis procedures, most notably inhibitors of PCR, such as humic acid from the soil, indigo and other fabric dyes or haemoglobin in blood
  • samples from microorganisms with thick cellular walls, for example, yeast
  • samples containing mixed DNA from multiple sources

Extrachromosomal DNA is generally easy to isolate, especially plasmids may be easily isolated by cell lysis followed by precipitation of proteins, which traps chromosomal DNA in insoluble fraction and after centrifugation, plasmid DNA can be purified from soluble fraction.

A Hirt DNA Extraction is an isolation of all extrachromosomal DNA in a mammalian cell. The Hirt extraction process gets rid of the high molecular weight nuclear DNA, leaving only low molecular weight mitochondrial DNA and any viral episomes present in the cell.

Detection of DNA edit

A diphenylamine (DPA) indicator will confirm the presence of DNA. This procedure involves chemical hydrolysis of DNA: when heated (e.g. ≥95 °C) in acid, the reaction requires a deoxyribose sugar and therefore is specific for DNA. Under these conditions, the 2-deoxyribose is converted to w-hydroxylevulinyl aldehyde, which reacts with the compound, diphenylamine, to produce a blue-colored compound. DNA concentration can be determined by measuring the intensity of absorbance of the solution at the 600 nm with a spectrophotometer and comparing to a standard curve of known DNA concentrations.

Measuring the intensity of absorbance of the DNA solution at wavelengths 260 nm and 280 nm is used as a measure of DNA purity. DNA can be quantified by cutting the DNA with a restriction enzyme, running it on an agarose gel, staining with ethidium bromide (EtBr) or a different stain and comparing the intensity of the DNA with a DNA marker of known concentration.

Using the Southern blot technique, this quantified DNA can be isolated and examined further using PCR and RFLP analysis. These procedures allow differentiation of the repeated sequences within the genome. It is these techniques which forensic scientists use for comparison, identification, and analysis.

High-molecular-weight DNA extraction method edit

In this method, plant nuclei are isolated by physically grinding tissues and reconstituting the intact nuclei in a unique Nuclear Isolation Buffer (NIB). The plastid DNAs are released from organelles and eliminated with an osmotic buffer by washing and centrifugation. The purified nuclei are then lysed and further cleaned by organic extraction, and the genomic DNA is precipitated with a high concentration of CTAB. The highly pure, high molecular weight gDNA is extracted from the nuclei, dissolved in a high pH buffer, allowing for stable long-term storage.[14]

DNA storage edit

DNA storage is an important aspect of DNA extraction projects as it ensures the integrity and stability of the extracted DNA for downstream applications.[15]

One common method of DNA storage is ethanol precipitation, which involves adding ethanol and a salt, such as sodium chloride or potassium acetate, to the extracted DNA to precipitate it out of solution. The DNA is then pelleted by centrifugation and washed with 70% ethanol to remove any remaining contaminants. The DNA pellet is then air-dried and resuspended in a buffer, such as Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer, for storage.

Another method is freezing the DNA in a buffer such as TE buffer, or in a cryoprotectant such as glycerol or DMSO, at -20 or -80 degrees Celsius. This method preserves the integrity of the DNA and slows down the activity of any enzymes that may degrade it.

It's important to note that the choice of storage buffer and conditions will depend on the downstream application for which the DNA is intended. For example, if the DNA is to be used for PCR, it may be stored in TE buffer at 4 degrees Celsius, while if it is to be used for long-term storage or shipping, it may be stored in ethanol at -20 degrees Celsius. The extracted DNA should be regularly checked for its quality and integrity, such as by running a gel electrophoresis or spectrophotometry. The storage conditions should be also noted and controlled, such as the temperature and humidity.

It's also important to consider the long-term stability of the DNA and the potential for degradation over time. The extracted DNA should be stored for as short a time as possible, and the conditions for storage should be chosen to minimize the risk of degradation.

In general, the extracted DNA should be stored under the best possible conditions to ensure its stability and integrity for downstream applications.

Quality control edit

There are several quality control techniques used to ensure the quality of extracted DNA, including:[16]

  • Spectrophotometry: This is a widely used method for measuring the concentration and purity of a DNA sample. Spectrophotometry measures the absorbance of a sample at different wavelengths, typically at 260 nm and 280 nm. The ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm is used to determine the purity of the DNA sample.[17]
  • Gel electrophoresis: This technique is used to visualize and compare the size and integrity of DNA samples. The DNA is loaded onto an agarose gel and then subjected to an electric field, which causes the DNA to migrate through the gel. The migration of the DNA can be visualized using ethidium bromide, which intercalates into the DNA and fluoresces under UV light.[18]
  • Fluorometry: Fluorometry is a method to determine the concentration of nucleic acids by measuring the fluorescence of the sample when excited by a specific wavelength of light. Fluorometry uses dyes that specifically bind to nucleic acids and have a high fluorescence intensity.
  • PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique that amplifies a specific region of DNA, it is also used as a QC method by amplifying a small fragment of the DNA, if the amplification is successful, it means the extracted DNA is of good quality and it's not degraded.
  • Qubit Fluorometer: The Qubit Fluorometer is an instrument that uses fluorescent dyes to measure the concentration of DNA and RNA in a sample. It is a quick and sensitive method that can be used to determine the concentration of DNA samples.[16]
  • Bioanalyzer: The bioanalyzer is an instrument that uses electrophoresis to separate and analyze DNA, RNA, and protein samples. It can provide detailed information about the size, integrity, and purity of a DNA sample.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b "Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)". Genome.gov. Retrieved 2022-10-23.
  2. ^ Gupta, Nalini (2019). "DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction". Journal of Cytology. 36 (2): 116–117. doi:10.4103/JOC.JOC_110_18. ISSN 0970-9371. PMC 6425773. PMID 30992648.
  3. ^ "DNA Extraction - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 2023-01-27.
  4. ^ Dehasque, Marianne; Pečnerová, Patrícia; Kempe Lagerholm, Vendela; Ersmark, Erik; Danilov, Gleb K.; Mortensen, Peter; Vartanyan, Sergey; Dalén, Love (2022-04-13). "Development and Optimization of a Silica Column-Based Extraction Protocol for Ancient DNA". Genes. 13 (4): 687. doi:10.3390/genes13040687. ISSN 2073-4425. PMC 9032354. PMID 35456493.
  5. ^ Yoshikawa H, Dogruman-Al F, Dogruman-Ai F, Turk S, Kustimur S, Balaban N, Sultan N (October 2011). "Evaluation of DNA extraction kits for molecular diagnosis of human Blastocystis subtypes from fecal samples". Parasitology Research. 109 (4): 1045–50. doi:10.1007/s00436-011-2342-3. PMID 21499752. S2CID 37191780.
  6. ^ Fahle, Gary A.; Fischer, Steven H. (October 2000). "Comparison of Six Commercial DNA Extraction Kits for Recovery of Cytomegalovirus DNA from Spiked Human Specimens". Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 38 (10): 3860–3863. doi:10.1128/JCM.38.10.3860-3863.2000. ISSN 0095-1137. PMC 87494. PMID 11015421.
  7. ^ "DNA Extraction". Genomics. Retrieved 2022-10-09.
  8. ^ a b c Elkins KM (2013). "DNA Extraction". Forensic DNA Biology. pp. 39–52. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-394585-3.00004-3. ISBN 9780123945853.
  9. ^ a b c d Butler JM (2005). Forensic DNA typing : biology, technology, and genetics of STR markers (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN 9780080470610. OCLC 123448124.
  10. ^ Marmur, J. (1961). "A procedure for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from micro-organisms". Journal of Molecular Biology. 3 (2): 208–IN1. doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(61)80047-8.
  11. ^ Salvà-Serra F, Svensson-Stadler L, Busquets A, Jaén-Luchoro D, Karlsson R, Moore ER, Gomila M (2018). "A protocol for extraction and purification of high-quality and quantity bacterial DNA applicable for genome sequencing: A modified version of the Marmur procedure". Protocol Exchange. doi:10.1038/protex.2018.084.
  12. ^ Li, Richard (11 March 2015). Forensic biology (2nd ed.). Boca Raton. ISBN 978-1439889725. OCLC 907517669.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  13. ^ Pääbo S (March 1989). "Ancient DNA: extraction, characterization, molecular cloning, and enzymatic amplification". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86 (6): 1939–43. Bibcode:1989PNAS...86.1939P. doi:10.1073/pnas.86.6.1939. PMC 286820. PMID 2928314.
  14. ^ Li, Zhigang; Parris, Stephen; Saski, Christopher A. (2020). "A simple plant high-molecular-weight DNA extraction method suitable for single-molecule technologies". Plant Methods. 16: 38. doi:10.1186/s13007-020-00579-4. ISSN 1746-4811. PMC 7071634. PMID 32190102.   Text was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  15. ^ Coudy, Delphine; Colotte, Marthe; Luis, Aurélie; Tuffet, Sophie; Bonnet, Jacques (2021-11-11). Xu, Jian (ed.). "Long term conservation of DNA at ambient temperature. Implications for DNA data storage". PLOS ONE. 16 (11): e0259868. Bibcode:2021PLoSO..1659868C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0259868. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 8585539. PMID 34763344.
  16. ^ a b "Appendix S2: DNA extraction method and DNA quality". doi:10.7717/peerj.3582/supp-2. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  17. ^ Fuchs, Florence (2002-11-01). "Quality control of biotechnology-derived vaccines: technical and regulatory considerations". Biochimie. 84 (11): 1173–1179. doi:10.1016/S0300-9084(02)00028-7. ISSN 0300-9084. PMID 12595146.
  18. ^ Paszkiewicz, Konrad H.; Farbos, Audrey; O'Neill, Paul; Moore, Karen (2014). "Quality control on the frontier". Frontiers in Genetics. 5: 157. doi:10.3389/fgene.2014.00157. ISSN 1664-8021. PMC 4033843. PMID 24904650.

Further reading edit

  • Li, Richard (2015). Forensic Biology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781439889701.
  • Sambrook, Michael R.; Green, Joseph (2012). Molecular Cloning (4th ed.). Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr. ISBN 1936113422. OCLC 774021237.

External links edit

  • How to extract DNA from anything living
  • DNA Extraction Virtual Lab

extraction, various, methods, nucleic, acid, methods, this, article, needs, additional, citations, verification, please, help, improve, this, article, adding, citations, reliable, sources, unsourced, material, challenged, removed, find, sources, news, newspape. For the various methods see Nucleic acid methods This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources DNA extraction news newspapers books scholar JSTOR May 2014 Learn how and when to remove this message The first isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid DNA was done in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher 1 DNA extraction is the process of isolating DNA from the cells of an organism isolated from a sample typically a biological sample such as blood saliva or tissue It involves breaking open the cells removing proteins and other contaminants and purifying the DNA so that it is free of other cellular components The purified DNA can then be used for downstream applications such as PCR 2 sequencing or cloning Currently it is a routine procedure in molecular biology or forensic analyses This process can be done in several ways depending on the type of the sample and the downstream application 3 the most common methods are mechanical chemical and enzymatic lysis precipitation purification and concentration The specific method used to extract the DNA such as phenol chloroform extraction alcohol precipitation or silica based purification 4 For the chemical method many different kits are used for extraction and selecting the correct one will save time on kit optimization and extraction procedures PCR sensitivity detection is considered to show the variation between the commercial kits 5 There are many different methods for extracting DNA but some common steps include Lysis This step involves breaking open the cells to release the DNA For example in the case of bacterial cells a solution of detergent and salt such as SDS can be used to disrupt the cell membrane and release the DNA For plant and animal cells mechanical or enzymatic methods are often used Precipitation Once the DNA is released proteins and other contaminants must be removed This is typically done by adding a precipitating agent such as alcohol such as ethanol or isopropanol or a salt such as ammonium acetate The DNA will form a pellet at the bottom of the solution while the contaminants will remain in the liquid Purification After the DNA is precipitated it is usually further purified by using column based methods For example silica based spin columns can be used to bind the DNA while contaminants are washed away Alternatively a centrifugation step can be used to purify the DNA by spinning it down to the bottom of a tube Concentration Finally the amount of DNA present is usually increased by removing any remaining liquid This is typically done by using a vacuum centrifugation or a lyophilization freeze drying step It s worth noting that some variations on these steps may be used depending on the specific DNA extraction protocol Additionally some kits are commercially available that include reagents and protocols specifically tailored to a specific type of sample 6 Contents 1 What does it deliver 2 Basic procedure 3 Common chemicals 4 Method selection 5 Special types 6 Detection of DNA 7 High molecular weight DNA extraction method 8 DNA storage 9 Quality control 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External linksWhat does it deliver editDNA extraction is frequently a preliminary step in many diagnostic procedures used to identify environmental viruses and bacteria and diagnose illnesses and hereditary diseases These methods consist of but are not limited to Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization FISH technique was developed in the 1980s The basic idea is to use a nucleic acid probe to hybridize nuclear DNA from either interphase cells or metaphase chromosomes attached to a microscopic slide It is a molecular method used among other things to recognize and count particular bacterial groupings 1 To recognize define and quantify the geographical and temporal patterns in marine bacterioplankton communities researchers employ a technique called terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism T RFLP Sequencing Whole or partial genomes and other chromosomal components ended for comparison with previously published sequences 7 Basic procedure editCells that are to be studied need to be collected Breaking the cell membranes open exposes the DNA along with the cytoplasm within cell lysis Lipids from the cell membrane and the nucleus are broken down with detergents and surfactants Breaking down proteins by adding a protease optional Breaking down RNA by adding an RNase optional The solution is treated with a concentrated salt solution saline to make debris such as broken proteins lipids and RNA clump together Centrifugation of the solution which separates the clumped cellular debris from the DNA DNA purification from detergents proteins salts and reagents is used during the cell lysis step The most commonly used procedures are Ethanol precipitation usually by ice cold ethanol or isopropanol Since DNA is insoluble in these alcohols it will aggregate together giving a pellet upon centrifugation Precipitation of DNA is improved by increasing ionic strength usually by adding sodium acetate Phenol chloroform extraction in which phenol denatures proteins in the sample After centrifugation of the sample denatured proteins stay in the organic phase while the aqueous phase containing nucleic acid is mixed with chloroform to remove phenol residues from the solution Minicolumn purification relies on the fact that the nucleic acids may bind adsorption to the solid phase silica or other depending on the pH and the salt concentration of the buffer Cellular and histone proteins bound to the DNA can be removed either by adding a protease or having precipitated the proteins with sodium or ammonium acetate or extracted them with a phenol chloroform mixture before the DNA precipitation After isolation the DNA is dissolved in a slightly alkaline buffer usually in a TE buffer or in ultra pure water Common chemicals editThe most common chemicals used for DNA extraction include Detergents such as SDS or Tween 20 which are used to break open cells and release the DNA Protease enzymes such as Proteinase K which are used to digest proteins that may be binding to the DNA Phenol and chloroform which are used to separate the DNA from other cellular components Ethanol or isopropanol which are used to precipitate the DNA Salt such as NaCl which is often used to help dissolve the DNA and maintain its stability EDTA which is used to chelate the metals ions that can damage the DNA Tris HCL which is used to maintain the pH at the optimal condition for DNA extraction Method selection editSome of the most common DNA extraction methods include organic extraction Chelex extraction and solid phase extraction 8 These methods consistently yield isolated DNA but they differ in both the quality and the quantity of DNA yielded When selecting a DNA extraction method there are multiple factors to consider including cost time safety and risk of contamination Organic extraction involves the addition of incubation in multiple different chemical solutions 8 including a lysis step a phenol chloroform extraction an ethanol precipitation and washing steps Organic extraction is often used in laboratories because it is cheap and it yields large quantities of pure DNA Though it is easy there are many steps involved and it takes longer than other methods It also involves the unfavorable use of the toxic chemicals phenol and chloroform and there is an increased risk of contamination due to transferring the DNA between multiple tubes 9 Several protocols based on organic extraction of DNA were effectively developed decades ago 10 though improved and more practical versions of these protocols have also been developed and published in the last years 11 The chelex extraction method involves adding the Chelex resin to the sample boiling the solution then vortexing and centrifuging it The cellular materials bind to the Chelex beads while the DNA is available in the supernatant 9 The Chelex method is much faster and simpler than organic extraction and it only requires one tube which decreases the risk of DNA contamination Unfortunately Chelex extraction does not yield as much quantity and the DNA yielded is single stranded which means it can only be used for PCR based analyses and not for RFLP 9 Solid phase extraction such as using a spin column based extraction method takes advantage of the fact that DNA binds to silica The sample containing DNA is added to a column containing a silica gel or silica beads and chaotropic salts The chaotropic salts disrupt the hydrogen bonding between strands and facilitate the binding of the DNA to silica by causing the nucleic acids to become hydrophobic This exposes the phosphate residues so they are available for adsorption 12 The DNA binds to the silica while the rest of the solution is washed out using ethanol to remove chaotropic salts and other unnecessary constituents 8 The DNA can then be rehydrated with aqueous low salt solutions allowing for elution of the DNA from the beads This method yields high quality largely double stranded DNA which can be used for both PCR and RFLP analysis This procedure can be automated 9 and has a high throughput although lower than the phenol chloroform method This is a one step method i e the entire procedure is completed in one tube This lowers the risk of contamination making it very useful for the forensic extraction of DNA Multiple solid phase extraction commercial kits are manufactured and marketed by different companies the only problem is that they are more expensive than organic extraction or Chelex extraction Special types editSpecific techniques must be chosen for the isolation of DNA from some samples Typical samples with complicated DNA isolation are archaeological samples containing partially degraded DNA see ancient DNA 13 samples containing inhibitors of subsequent analysis procedures most notably inhibitors of PCR such as humic acid from the soil indigo and other fabric dyes or haemoglobin in blood samples from microorganisms with thick cellular walls for example yeast samples containing mixed DNA from multiple sources Extrachromosomal DNA is generally easy to isolate especially plasmids may be easily isolated by cell lysis followed by precipitation of proteins which traps chromosomal DNA in insoluble fraction and after centrifugation plasmid DNA can be purified from soluble fraction A Hirt DNA Extraction is an isolation of all extrachromosomal DNA in a mammalian cell The Hirt extraction process gets rid of the high molecular weight nuclear DNA leaving only low molecular weight mitochondrial DNA and any viral episomes present in the cell Detection of DNA editMain article Quantification of nucleic acids A diphenylamine DPA indicator will confirm the presence of DNA This procedure involves chemical hydrolysis of DNA when heated e g 95 C in acid the reaction requires a deoxyribose sugar and therefore is specific for DNA Under these conditions the 2 deoxyribose is converted to w hydroxylevulinyl aldehyde which reacts with the compound diphenylamine to produce a blue colored compound DNA concentration can be determined by measuring the intensity of absorbance of the solution at the 600 nm with a spectrophotometer and comparing to a standard curve of known DNA concentrations Measuring the intensity of absorbance of the DNA solution at wavelengths 260 nm and 280 nm is used as a measure of DNA purity DNA can be quantified by cutting the DNA with a restriction enzyme running it on an agarose gel staining with ethidium bromide EtBr or a different stain and comparing the intensity of the DNA with a DNA marker of known concentration Using the Southern blot technique this quantified DNA can be isolated and examined further using PCR and RFLP analysis These procedures allow differentiation of the repeated sequences within the genome It is these techniques which forensic scientists use for comparison identification and analysis High molecular weight DNA extraction method editIn this method plant nuclei are isolated by physically grinding tissues and reconstituting the intact nuclei in a unique Nuclear Isolation Buffer NIB The plastid DNAs are released from organelles and eliminated with an osmotic buffer by washing and centrifugation The purified nuclei are then lysed and further cleaned by organic extraction and the genomic DNA is precipitated with a high concentration of CTAB The highly pure high molecular weight gDNA is extracted from the nuclei dissolved in a high pH buffer allowing for stable long term storage 14 DNA storage editDNA storage is an important aspect of DNA extraction projects as it ensures the integrity and stability of the extracted DNA for downstream applications 15 One common method of DNA storage is ethanol precipitation which involves adding ethanol and a salt such as sodium chloride or potassium acetate to the extracted DNA to precipitate it out of solution The DNA is then pelleted by centrifugation and washed with 70 ethanol to remove any remaining contaminants The DNA pellet is then air dried and resuspended in a buffer such as Tris EDTA TE buffer for storage Another method is freezing the DNA in a buffer such as TE buffer or in a cryoprotectant such as glycerol or DMSO at 20 or 80 degrees Celsius This method preserves the integrity of the DNA and slows down the activity of any enzymes that may degrade it It s important to note that the choice of storage buffer and conditions will depend on the downstream application for which the DNA is intended For example if the DNA is to be used for PCR it may be stored in TE buffer at 4 degrees Celsius while if it is to be used for long term storage or shipping it may be stored in ethanol at 20 degrees Celsius The extracted DNA should be regularly checked for its quality and integrity such as by running a gel electrophoresis or spectrophotometry The storage conditions should be also noted and controlled such as the temperature and humidity It s also important to consider the long term stability of the DNA and the potential for degradation over time The extracted DNA should be stored for as short a time as possible and the conditions for storage should be chosen to minimize the risk of degradation In general the extracted DNA should be stored under the best possible conditions to ensure its stability and integrity for downstream applications Quality control editThere are several quality control techniques used to ensure the quality of extracted DNA including 16 Spectrophotometry This is a widely used method for measuring the concentration and purity of a DNA sample Spectrophotometry measures the absorbance of a sample at different wavelengths typically at 260 nm and 280 nm The ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm is used to determine the purity of the DNA sample 17 Gel electrophoresis This technique is used to visualize and compare the size and integrity of DNA samples The DNA is loaded onto an agarose gel and then subjected to an electric field which causes the DNA to migrate through the gel The migration of the DNA can be visualized using ethidium bromide which intercalates into the DNA and fluoresces under UV light 18 Fluorometry Fluorometry is a method to determine the concentration of nucleic acids by measuring the fluorescence of the sample when excited by a specific wavelength of light Fluorometry uses dyes that specifically bind to nucleic acids and have a high fluorescence intensity PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR is a technique that amplifies a specific region of DNA it is also used as a QC method by amplifying a small fragment of the DNA if the amplification is successful it means the extracted DNA is of good quality and it s not degraded Qubit Fluorometer The Qubit Fluorometer is an instrument that uses fluorescent dyes to measure the concentration of DNA and RNA in a sample It is a quick and sensitive method that can be used to determine the concentration of DNA samples 16 Bioanalyzer The bioanalyzer is an instrument that uses electrophoresis to separate and analyze DNA RNA and protein samples It can provide detailed information about the size integrity and purity of a DNA sample See also edit nbsp Biology portal Boom method DNA fingerprinting DNA sequencing DNA structure Ethanol precipitation Plasmid preparation Polymerase chain reaction SCODA DNA purificationReferences edit a b Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization FISH Genome gov Retrieved 2022 10 23 Gupta Nalini 2019 DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction Journal of Cytology 36 2 116 117 doi 10 4103 JOC JOC 110 18 ISSN 0970 9371 PMC 6425773 PMID 30992648 DNA Extraction an overview ScienceDirect Topics www sciencedirect com Retrieved 2023 01 27 Dehasque Marianne Pecnerova Patricia Kempe Lagerholm Vendela Ersmark Erik Danilov Gleb K Mortensen Peter Vartanyan Sergey Dalen Love 2022 04 13 Development and Optimization of a Silica Column Based Extraction Protocol for Ancient DNA Genes 13 4 687 doi 10 3390 genes13040687 ISSN 2073 4425 PMC 9032354 PMID 35456493 Yoshikawa H Dogruman Al F Dogruman Ai F Turk S Kustimur S Balaban N Sultan N October 2011 Evaluation of DNA extraction kits for molecular diagnosis of human Blastocystis subtypes from fecal samples Parasitology Research 109 4 1045 50 doi 10 1007 s00436 011 2342 3 PMID 21499752 S2CID 37191780 Fahle Gary A Fischer Steven H October 2000 Comparison of Six Commercial DNA Extraction Kits for Recovery of Cytomegalovirus DNA from Spiked Human Specimens Journal of Clinical Microbiology 38 10 3860 3863 doi 10 1128 JCM 38 10 3860 3863 2000 ISSN 0095 1137 PMC 87494 PMID 11015421 DNA Extraction Genomics Retrieved 2022 10 09 a b c Elkins KM 2013 DNA Extraction Forensic DNA Biology pp 39 52 doi 10 1016 B978 0 12 394585 3 00004 3 ISBN 9780123945853 a b c d Butler JM 2005 Forensic DNA typing biology technology and genetics of STR markers 2nd ed Amsterdam Elsevier Academic Press ISBN 9780080470610 OCLC 123448124 Marmur J 1961 A procedure for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid from micro organisms Journal of Molecular Biology 3 2 208 IN1 doi 10 1016 S0022 2836 61 80047 8 Salva Serra F Svensson Stadler L Busquets A Jaen Luchoro D Karlsson R Moore ER Gomila M 2018 A protocol for extraction and purification of high quality and quantity bacterial DNA applicable for genome sequencing A modified version of the Marmur procedure Protocol Exchange doi 10 1038 protex 2018 084 Li Richard 11 March 2015 Forensic biology 2nd ed Boca Raton ISBN 978 1439889725 OCLC 907517669 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Paabo S March 1989 Ancient DNA extraction characterization molecular cloning and enzymatic amplification Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86 6 1939 43 Bibcode 1989PNAS 86 1939P doi 10 1073 pnas 86 6 1939 PMC 286820 PMID 2928314 Li Zhigang Parris Stephen Saski Christopher A 2020 A simple plant high molecular weight DNA extraction method suitable for single molecule technologies Plant Methods 16 38 doi 10 1186 s13007 020 00579 4 ISSN 1746 4811 PMC 7071634 PMID 32190102 nbsp Text was copied from this source which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4 0 International License Coudy Delphine Colotte Marthe Luis Aurelie Tuffet Sophie Bonnet Jacques 2021 11 11 Xu Jian ed Long term conservation of DNA at ambient temperature Implications for DNA data storage PLOS ONE 16 11 e0259868 Bibcode 2021PLoSO 1659868C doi 10 1371 journal pone 0259868 ISSN 1932 6203 PMC 8585539 PMID 34763344 a b Appendix S2 DNA extraction method and DNA quality doi 10 7717 peerj 3582 supp 2 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Fuchs Florence 2002 11 01 Quality control of biotechnology derived vaccines technical and regulatory considerations Biochimie 84 11 1173 1179 doi 10 1016 S0300 9084 02 00028 7 ISSN 0300 9084 PMID 12595146 Paszkiewicz Konrad H Farbos Audrey O Neill Paul Moore Karen 2014 Quality control on the frontier Frontiers in Genetics 5 157 doi 10 3389 fgene 2014 00157 ISSN 1664 8021 PMC 4033843 PMID 24904650 Further reading editLi Richard 2015 Forensic Biology Boca Raton CRC Press Taylor amp Francis Group ISBN 9781439889701 Sambrook Michael R Green Joseph 2012 Molecular Cloning 4th ed Cold Spring Harbor N Y Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr ISBN 1936113422 OCLC 774021237 External links editHow to extract DNA from anything living DNA Extraction Virtual Lab Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title DNA extraction amp oldid 1212780512, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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