

Cytogenetics is essentially a branch of genetics, but is also a part of cell biology/cytology (a subdivision of human anatomy), that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to cell behaviour, particularly to their behaviour during mitosis and meiosis.[1] Techniques used include karyotyping, analysis of G-banded chromosomes, other cytogenetic banding techniques, as well as molecular cytogenetics such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).

A metaphase cell positive for the BCR/ABL rearrangement using FISH

History edit

Beginnings edit

Chromosomes were first observed in plant cells by Carl Nägeli in 1842. Their behavior in animal (salamander) cells was described by Walther Flemming, the discoverer of mitosis, in 1882. The name was coined by another German anatomist, von Waldeyer in 1888.

The next stage took place after the development of genetics in the early 20th century, when it was appreciated that the set of chromosomes (the karyotype) was the carrier of the genes. Levitsky seems to have been the first to define the karyotype as the phenotypic appearance of the somatic chromosomes, in contrast to their genic contents.[2][3] Investigation into the human karyotype took many years to settle the most basic question: how many chromosomes does a normal diploid human cell contain?[4] In 1912, Hans von Winiwarter reported 47 chromosomes in spermatogonia and 48 in oogonia, concluding an XX/XO sex determination mechanism.[5] Painter in 1922 was not certain whether the diploid number of humans was 46 or 48, at first favoring 46.[6] He revised his opinion later from 46 to 48, and he correctly insisted on humans having an XX/XY system of sex-determination.[7] Considering their techniques, these results were quite remarkable. In science books, the number of human chromosomes remained at 48 for over thirty years. New techniques were needed to correct this error. Joe Hin Tjio working in Albert Levan's lab[8][9] was responsible for finding the approach:

  1. Using cells in culture
  2. Pre-treating cells in a hypotonic solution, which swells them and spreads the chromosomes
  3. Arresting mitosis in metaphase by a solution of colchicine
  4. Squashing the preparation on the slide forcing the chromosomes into a single plane
  5. Cutting up a photomicrograph and arranging the result into an indisputable karyogram.

It took until 1956 for it to be generally accepted that the karyotype of man included only 46 chromosomes.[10][11][12] The great apes have 48 chromosomes. Human chromosome 2 was formed by a merger of ancestral chromosomes, reducing the number.[13]

Applications of cytogenetics edit

McClintock's work on maize edit

Barbara McClintock began her career as a maize cytogeneticist. In 1931, McClintock and Harriet Creighton demonstrated that cytological recombination of marked chromosomes correlated with recombination of genetic traits (genes). McClintock, while at the Carnegie Institution, continued previous studies on the mechanisms of chromosome breakage and fusion flare in maize. She identified a particular chromosome breakage event that always occurred at the same locus on maize chromosome 9, which she named the "Ds" or "dissociation" locus.[14] McClintock continued her career in cytogenetics studying the mechanics and inheritance of broken and ring (circular) chromosomes of maize. During her cytogenetic work, McClintock discovered transposons, a find which eventually led to her Nobel Prize in 1983.

Natural populations of Drosophila edit

In the 1930s, Dobzhansky and his coworkers collected Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis from wild populations in California and neighboring states. Using Painter's technique[15] they studied the polytene chromosomes and discovered that the wild populations were polymorphic for chromosomal inversions. All the flies look alike whatever inversions they carry: this is an example of a cryptic polymorphism.

Evidence rapidly accumulated to show that natural selection was responsible. Using a method invented by L'Héritier and Teissier, Dobzhansky bred populations in population cages, which enabled feeding, breeding and sampling whilst preventing escape. This had the benefit of eliminating migration as a possible explanation of the results. Stocks containing inversions at a known initial frequency can be maintained in controlled conditions. It was found that the various chromosome types do not fluctuate at random, as they would if selectively neutral, but adjust to certain frequencies at which they become stabilised. By the time Dobzhansky published the third edition of his book in 1951[16] he was persuaded that the chromosome morphs were being maintained in the population by the selective advantage of the heterozygotes, as with most polymorphisms.[17][18]

Lily and mouse edit

The lily is a favored organism for the cytological examination of meiosis since the chromosomes are large and each morphological stage of meiosis can be easily identified microscopically. Hotta, Chandley et al.[19] presented the evidence for a common pattern of DNA nicking and repair synthesis in male meiotic cells of lilies and rodents during the zygotene–pachytene stages of meiosis when crossing over was presumed to occur. The presence of a common pattern between organisms as phylogenetically distant as lily and mouse led the authors to conclude that the organization for meiotic crossing-over in at least higher eukaryotes is probably universal in distribution.

Human abnormalities and medical applications edit

Philadelphia translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11.2) seen in chronic myelogenous leukemia.

Following the advent of procedures that allowed easy enumeration of chromosomes, discoveries were quickly made related to aberrant chromosomes or chromosome number.

Constitutional cytogenetics: In some congenital disorders, such as Down syndrome, cytogenetics revealed the nature of the chromosomal defect: a "simple" trisomy. Abnormalities arising from nondisjunction events can cause cells with aneuploidy (additions or deletions of entire chromosomes) in one of the parents or in the fetus. In 1959, Lejeune[20] discovered patients with Down syndrome had an extra copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is also referred to as trisomy 21.

Other numerical abnormalities discovered include sex chromosome abnormalities. A female with only one X chromosome has Turner syndrome, whereas a male with an additional X chromosome, resulting in 47 total chromosomes, has Klinefelter syndrome. Many other sex chromosome combinations are compatible with live birth including XXX, XYY, and XXXX. The ability for mammals to tolerate aneuploidies in the sex chromosomes arises from the ability to inactivate them, which is required in normal females to compensate for having two copies of the chromosome. Not all genes on the X chromosome are inactivated, which is why there is a phenotypic effect seen in individuals with extra X chromosomes.

Trisomy 13 was associated with Patau syndrome and trisomy 18 with Edwards syndrome.

Acquired cytogenetics: In 1960, Peter Nowell and David Hungerford[21] discovered a small chromosome in the white blood cells of patients with Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This abnormal chromosome was dubbed the Philadelphia chromosome - as both scientists were doing their research in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thirteen years later, with the development of more advanced techniques, the abnormal chromosome was shown by Janet Rowley to be the result of a translocation of chromosomes 9 and 22. Identification of the Philadelphia chromosome by cytogenetics is diagnostic for CML. More than 780 leukemias and hundreds of solid tumors (lung, prostate, kidney, etc.) are now characterized by an acquired chromosomal abnormality, whose prognostic value is crucial. The identification of these chromosomal abnormalities has led to the discovery of a very large number of "cancer genes" (or oncogenes). The increasing knowledge of these cancer genes now allows the development of targeted therapies, which transforms the prospects of patient survival. Thus, cytogenetics has had and continues to have an essential role in the progress of cancer understanding. Large databases (Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology, COSMIC cancer database, Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer) allow researchers and clinicians to have the necessary corpus for their work in this field.

Advent of banding techniques edit

Micrographic karyogram of a human male.
Schematic karyogram of a human, with annotated bands and sub-bands as used in the International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature for chromosomal abnormalities. It shows dark and white regions on G banding. It shows 22 homologous chromosomes, both the male (XY) and female (XX) versions of the sex chromosome (bottom right), as well as the mitochondrial genome (at bottom left).

In the late 1960s, Torbjörn Caspersson developed a quinacrine fluorescent staining technique (Q-banding) which revealed unique banding patterns for each chromosome pair. This allowed chromosome pairs of otherwise equal size to be differentiated by distinct horizontal banding patterns. Banding patterns are now used to elucidate the breakpoints and constituent chromosomes involved in chromosome translocations. Deletions and inversions within an individual chromosome can also be identified and described more precisely using standardized banding nomenclature. G-banding (utilizing trypsin and Giemsa/ Wright stain) was concurrently developed in the early 1970s and allows visualization of banding patterns using a bright field microscope.

Diagrams identifying the chromosomes based on the banding patterns are known as idiograms. These maps became the basis for both prenatal and oncological fields to quickly move cytogenetics into the clinical lab where karyotyping allowed scientists to look for chromosomal alterations. Techniques were expanded to allow for culture of free amniocytes recovered from amniotic fluid, and elongation techniques for all culture types that allow for higher-resolution banding.

Beginnings of molecular cytogenetics edit

In the 1980s, advances were made in molecular cytogenetics. While radioisotope-labeled probes had been hybridized with DNA since 1969, movement was now made in using fluorescent-labeled probes. Hybridizing them to chromosomal preparations using existing techniques came to be known as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).[22] This change significantly increased the usage of probing techniques as fluorescent-labeled probes are safer. Further advances in micromanipulation and examination of chromosomes led to the technique of chromosome microdissection whereby aberrations in chromosomal structure could be isolated, cloned, and studied in ever greater detail.

Techniques edit

Karyotyping edit

The routine chromosome analysis (Karyotyping) refers to analysis of metaphase chromosomes which have been banded using trypsin followed by Giemsa, Leishmanns, or a mixture of the two. This creates unique banding patterns on the chromosomes. The molecular mechanism and reason for these patterns are unknown, although it likely related to replication timing and chromatin packing.

Several chromosome-banding techniques are used in cytogenetics laboratories. Quinacrine banding (Q-banding) was the first staining method used to produce specific banding patterns. This method requires a fluorescence microscope and is no longer as widely used as Giemsa banding (G-banding). Reverse banding, or R-banding, requires heat treatment and reverses the usual black-and-white pattern that is seen in G-bands and Q-bands. This method is particularly helpful for staining the distal ends of chromosomes. Other staining techniques include C-banding and nucleolar organizing region stains (NOR stains). These latter methods specifically stain certain portions of the chromosome. C-banding stains the constitutive heterochromatin, which usually lies near the centromere, and NOR staining highlights the satellites and stalks of acrocentric chromosomes.

High-resolution banding involves the staining of chromosomes during prophase or early metaphase (prometaphase), before they reach maximal condensation. Because prophase and prometaphase chromosomes are more extended than metaphase chromosomes, the number of bands observable for all chromosomes (bands per haploid set, bph; "band level") increases from about 300 to 450 to as many as 800. This allows the detection of less obvious abnormalities usually not seen with conventional banding.[23]

Slide preparation edit

Cells from bone marrow, blood, amniotic fluid, cord blood, tumor, and tissues (including skin, umbilical cord, chorionic villi, liver, and many other organs) can be cultured using standard cell culture techniques in order to increase their number. A mitotic inhibitor (colchicine, colcemid) is then added to the culture. This stops cell division at mitosis which allows an increased yield of mitotic cells for analysis. The cells are then centrifuged and media and mitotic inhibitor are removed, and replaced with a hypotonic solution. This causes the white blood cells or fibroblasts to swell so that the chromosomes will spread when added to a slide as well as lyses the red blood cells. After the cells have been allowed to sit in hypotonic solution, Carnoy's fixative (3:1 methanol to glacial acetic acid) is added. This kills the cells and hardens the nuclei of the remaining white blood cells. The cells are generally fixed repeatedly to remove any debris or remaining red blood cells. The cell suspension is then dropped onto specimen slides. After aging the slides in an oven or waiting a few days they are ready for banding and analysis.

Analysis edit

Analysis of banded chromosomes is done at a microscope by a clinical laboratory specialist in cytogenetics (CLSp(CG)). Generally 20 cells are analyzed which is enough to rule out mosaicism to an acceptable level. The results are summarized and given to a board-certified cytogeneticist for review, and to write an interpretation taking into account the patient's previous history and other clinical findings. The results are then given out reported in an International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature 2009 (ISCN2009)..

Fluorescence in situ hybridization edit

Interphase cells positive for a t(9;22) rearrangement

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) refers to using fluorescently labeled probe to hybridize to cytogenetic cell preparations.

In addition to standard preparations FISH can also be performed on:

Slide preparation edit

This section refers to the preparation of standard cytogenetic preparations

The slide is aged using a salt solution usually consisting of 2X SSC (salt, sodium citrate). The slides are then dehydrated in ethanol, and the probe mixture is added. The sample DNA and the probe DNA are then co-denatured using a heated plate and allowed to re-anneal for at least 4 hours. The slides are then washed to remove the excess unbound probe, and counterstained with 4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) or propidium iodide.

Analysis edit

Analysis of FISH specimens is done by fluorescence microscopy by a clinical laboratory specialist in cytogenetics. For oncology, generally, a large number of interphase cells are scored in order to rule out low-level residual disease, generally between 200 and 1,000 cells are counted and scored. For congenital problems usually 20 metaphase cells are scored.

Future of cytogenetics edit

Advances now focus on molecular cytogenetics including automated systems for counting the results of standard FISH preparations and techniques for virtual karyotyping, such as comparative genomic hybridization arrays, CGH and Single nucleotide polymorphism arrays.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Rieger, R.; Michaelis, A.; Green, M.M. (1968), A glossary of genetics and cytogenetics: Classical and molecular, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-07668-3
  2. ^ Levitsky, Grigorii Andreevich (1924). Material'nye osnovy nasledstvennosti [The Material Basis of Heredity] (in Russian). Kiev: Gosizdat Ukrainy.[page needed]
  3. ^ Levitsky GA (1931). "The morphology of chromosomes". Bull. Applied Bot. Genet. Plant Breed. 27: 19–174.
  4. ^ Kottler, Malcolm Jay (1974). "From 48 to 46: cytological technique, preconception, and the counting of human chromosomes". Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 48 (4): 465–502. JSTOR 44450164. PMID 4618149. ProQuest 1296285397.
  5. ^ von Winiwarter H (1912). "Études sur la spermatogenese humaine" [Human spermatogenesis studies]. Arch. Biologie (in French). 27 (93): 147–149.
  6. ^ Painter T.S. "The spermatogenesis of man" p. 129 in "Abstracts". The Anatomical Record. 23 (1): 89–132. January 1922. doi:10.1002/ar.1090230111.
  7. ^ Painter, Theophilus S. (April 1923). "Studies in mammalian spermatogenesis. II. The spermatogenesis of man". Journal of Experimental Zoology. 37 (3): 291–336. doi:10.1002/jez.1400370303.
  8. ^ Wright, Pearce (11 December 2001). "Joe Hin Tjio The man who cracked the chromosome count". The Guardian. from the original on 25 August 2017.
  9. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang (7 December 2001). "Joe Hin Tjio, 82; Research Biologist Counted Chromosomes". The New York Times. from the original on 12 May 2013.
  10. ^ Tjio, Joe Hin; Levan, Albert (9 July 2010). "The chromosome number of man". Hereditas. 42 (1–2): 723–4. doi:10.1111/j.1601-5223.1956.tb03010.x. PMID 345813.
  11. ^ Hsu, T. C. (2012). Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics: An Historical Perspective. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-1-4612-6159-9.[page needed]
  12. ^ "Human genetics (Biology) :: The human chromosomes -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia". from the original on 2011-02-17. Retrieved 2011-03-15. Encyclopædia Britannica, The Human Chromosome
  13. ^ "Chromosome fusion". from the original on 2011-08-09. Retrieved 2010-05-29. Evolution Pages, Chromosome fusion
  14. ^ Ravindran, Sandeep (11 December 2012). "Barbara McClintock and the discovery of jumping genes". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109 (50): 20198–20199. doi:10.1073/pnas.1219372109. PMC 3528533. PMID 23236127.
  15. ^ Painter, T. S. (22 December 1933). "A new method for the study of chromosome rearrangements and the plotting of chromosome maps". Science. 78 (2034): 585–586. Bibcode:1933Sci....78..585P. doi:10.1126/science.78.2034.585. PMID 17801695.
  16. ^ Dobzhansky T. 1951. Genetics and the origin of species. 3rd ed, Columbia University Press, New York.
  17. ^ Dobzhansky T. 1970. Genetics of the evolutionary process. Columbia University Press N.Y.
  18. ^ [Dobzhansky T.] 1981. Dobzhansky's genetics of natural populations. eds Lewontin RC, Moore JA, Provine WB and Wallace B. Columbia University Press N.Y.
  19. ^ Hotta, Yasuo; Chandley, Ann C.; Stern, Herbert (September 1977). "Meiotic crossing-over in lily and mouse". Nature. 269 (5625): 240–242. Bibcode:1977Natur.269..240H. doi:10.1038/269240a0. PMID 593319. S2CID 4268089.
  20. ^ Lejeune, Jérôme; Gautier, Marthe; Turpin, Raymond (16 March 1959). "Étude des chromosomes somatiques des neuf enfants mongoliens" [Study of somatic chromosomes from 9 mongoloid children]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences (in French). 248 (11): 1721–1722. OCLC 871332352. PMID 13639368. NAID 10008406728.
  21. ^ Nowell PC, Hungerford DA. "A minute chromosome in human chronic granulocytic leukemia". pp. 1497–1501 in "National Academy of Sciences". Science. 132 (3438): 1488–1501. 18 November 1960. doi:10.1126/science.132.3438.1488. PMID 17739576.
  22. ^ Gupta, P. K. (2007). Cytogenetics. Rastogi Publications. ISBN 978-81-7133-737-8.[page needed]
  23. ^ Geiersbach, Katherine B.; Gardiner, Anna E.; Wilson, Andrew; Shetty, Shashirekha; Bruyère, Hélène; Zabawski, James; Saxe, Debra F.; Gaulin, Rebecca; Williamson, Cynthia; Van Dyke, Daniel L. (February 2014). "Subjectivity in chromosome band–level estimation: a multicenter study". Genetics in Medicine. 16 (2): 170–175. doi:10.1038/gim.2013.95. PMID 23887773.

External links edit

  • Cytogenetic Directory
  • Cytogenetics Resources 2017-05-26 at the Wayback Machine
  • Association for Genetic Technologists
  • Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists
  • Gladwin Medical Blog 2006-11-08 at the Wayback Machine
  • Cytogenetics-methods-and-trouble-shooting
  • Department of Cytogenetics of Wikiversity

cytogenetics, scientific, journal, formerly, known, this, title, cytogenetic, genome, research, essentially, branch, genetics, also, part, cell, biology, cytology, subdivision, human, anatomy, that, concerned, with, chromosomes, relate, cell, behaviour, partic. For the scientific journal formerly known by this title see Cytogenetic and Genome Research Cytogenetics is essentially a branch of genetics but is also a part of cell biology cytology a subdivision of human anatomy that is concerned with how the chromosomes relate to cell behaviour particularly to their behaviour during mitosis and meiosis 1 Techniques used include karyotyping analysis of G banded chromosomes other cytogenetic banding techniques as well as molecular cytogenetics such as fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH and comparative genomic hybridization CGH A metaphase cell positive for the BCR ABL rearrangement using FISH Contents 1 History 1 1 Beginnings 2 Applications of cytogenetics 2 1 McClintock s work on maize 2 2 Natural populations of Drosophila 2 3 Lily and mouse 3 Human abnormalities and medical applications 3 1 Advent of banding techniques 3 2 Beginnings of molecular cytogenetics 4 Techniques 4 1 Karyotyping 4 1 1 Slide preparation 4 1 2 Analysis 4 2 Fluorescence in situ hybridization 4 2 1 Slide preparation 4 2 2 Analysis 5 Future of cytogenetics 6 See also 7 References 8 External linksHistory editBeginnings edit Chromosomes were first observed in plant cells by Carl Nageli in 1842 Their behavior in animal salamander cells was described by Walther Flemming the discoverer of mitosis in 1882 The name was coined by another German anatomist von Waldeyer in 1888 The next stage took place after the development of genetics in the early 20th century when it was appreciated that the set of chromosomes the karyotype was the carrier of the genes Levitsky seems to have been the first to define the karyotype as the phenotypic appearance of the somatic chromosomes in contrast to their genic contents 2 3 Investigation into the human karyotype took many years to settle the most basic question how many chromosomes does a normal diploid human cell contain 4 In 1912 Hans von Winiwarter reported 47 chromosomes in spermatogonia and 48 in oogonia concluding an XX XO sex determination mechanism 5 Painter in 1922 was not certain whether the diploid number of humans was 46 or 48 at first favoring 46 6 He revised his opinion later from 46 to 48 and he correctly insisted on humans having an XX XY system of sex determination 7 Considering their techniques these results were quite remarkable In science books the number of human chromosomes remained at 48 for over thirty years New techniques were needed to correct this error Joe Hin Tjio working in Albert Levan s lab 8 9 was responsible for finding the approach Using cells in culture Pre treating cells in a hypotonic solution which swells them and spreads the chromosomes Arresting mitosis in metaphase by a solution of colchicine Squashing the preparation on the slide forcing the chromosomes into a single plane Cutting up a photomicrograph and arranging the result into an indisputable karyogram It took until 1956 for it to be generally accepted that the karyotype of man included only 46 chromosomes 10 11 12 The great apes have 48 chromosomes Human chromosome 2 was formed by a merger of ancestral chromosomes reducing the number 13 Applications of cytogenetics editMcClintock s work on maize edit Barbara McClintock began her career as a maize cytogeneticist In 1931 McClintock and Harriet Creighton demonstrated that cytological recombination of marked chromosomes correlated with recombination of genetic traits genes McClintock while at the Carnegie Institution continued previous studies on the mechanisms of chromosome breakage and fusion flare in maize She identified a particular chromosome breakage event that always occurred at the same locus on maize chromosome 9 which she named the Ds or dissociation locus 14 McClintock continued her career in cytogenetics studying the mechanics and inheritance of broken and ring circular chromosomes of maize During her cytogenetic work McClintock discovered transposons a find which eventually led to her Nobel Prize in 1983 Natural populations of Drosophila edit In the 1930s Dobzhansky and his coworkers collected Drosophila pseudoobscura and D persimilis from wild populations in California and neighboring states Using Painter s technique 15 they studied the polytene chromosomes and discovered that the wild populations were polymorphic for chromosomal inversions All the flies look alike whatever inversions they carry this is an example of a cryptic polymorphism Evidence rapidly accumulated to show that natural selection was responsible Using a method invented by L Heritier and Teissier Dobzhansky bred populations in population cages which enabled feeding breeding and sampling whilst preventing escape This had the benefit of eliminating migration as a possible explanation of the results Stocks containing inversions at a known initial frequency can be maintained in controlled conditions It was found that the various chromosome types do not fluctuate at random as they would if selectively neutral but adjust to certain frequencies at which they become stabilised By the time Dobzhansky published the third edition of his book in 1951 16 he was persuaded that the chromosome morphs were being maintained in the population by the selective advantage of the heterozygotes as with most polymorphisms 17 18 Lily and mouse edit The lily is a favored organism for the cytological examination of meiosis since the chromosomes are large and each morphological stage of meiosis can be easily identified microscopically Hotta Chandley et al 19 presented the evidence for a common pattern of DNA nicking and repair synthesis in male meiotic cells of lilies and rodents during the zygotene pachytene stages of meiosis when crossing over was presumed to occur The presence of a common pattern between organisms as phylogenetically distant as lily and mouse led the authors to conclude that the organization for meiotic crossing over in at least higher eukaryotes is probably universal in distribution Human abnormalities and medical applications edit nbsp Philadelphia translocation t 9 22 q34 q11 2 seen in chronic myelogenous leukemia Following the advent of procedures that allowed easy enumeration of chromosomes discoveries were quickly made related to aberrant chromosomes or chromosome number Constitutional cytogenetics In some congenital disorders such as Down syndrome cytogenetics revealed the nature of the chromosomal defect a simple trisomy Abnormalities arising from nondisjunction events can cause cells with aneuploidy additions or deletions of entire chromosomes in one of the parents or in the fetus In 1959 Lejeune 20 discovered patients with Down syndrome had an extra copy of chromosome 21 Down syndrome is also referred to as trisomy 21 Other numerical abnormalities discovered include sex chromosome abnormalities A female with only one X chromosome has Turner syndrome whereas a male with an additional X chromosome resulting in 47 total chromosomes has Klinefelter syndrome Many other sex chromosome combinations are compatible with live birth including XXX XYY and XXXX The ability for mammals to tolerate aneuploidies in the sex chromosomes arises from the ability to inactivate them which is required in normal females to compensate for having two copies of the chromosome Not all genes on the X chromosome are inactivated which is why there is a phenotypic effect seen in individuals with extra X chromosomes Trisomy 13 was associated with Patau syndrome and trisomy 18 with Edwards syndrome Acquired cytogenetics In 1960 Peter Nowell and David Hungerford 21 discovered a small chromosome in the white blood cells of patients with Chronic myelogenous leukemia CML This abnormal chromosome was dubbed the Philadelphia chromosome as both scientists were doing their research in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Thirteen years later with the development of more advanced techniques the abnormal chromosome was shown by Janet Rowley to be the result of a translocation of chromosomes 9 and 22 Identification of the Philadelphia chromosome by cytogenetics is diagnostic for CML More than 780 leukemias and hundreds of solid tumors lung prostate kidney etc are now characterized by an acquired chromosomal abnormality whose prognostic value is crucial The identification of these chromosomal abnormalities has led to the discovery of a very large number of cancer genes or oncogenes The increasing knowledge of these cancer genes now allows the development of targeted therapies which transforms the prospects of patient survival Thus cytogenetics has had and continues to have an essential role in the progress of cancer understanding Large databases Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology COSMIC cancer database Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer allow researchers and clinicians to have the necessary corpus for their work in this field Advent of banding techniques edit nbsp Micrographic karyogram of a human male nbsp Schematic karyogram of a human with annotated bands and sub bands as used in the International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature for chromosomal abnormalities It shows dark and white regions on G banding It shows 22 homologous chromosomes both the male XY and female XX versions of the sex chromosome bottom right as well as the mitochondrial genome at bottom left Further information KaryotypeIn the late 1960s Torbjorn Caspersson developed a quinacrine fluorescent staining technique Q banding which revealed unique banding patterns for each chromosome pair This allowed chromosome pairs of otherwise equal size to be differentiated by distinct horizontal banding patterns Banding patterns are now used to elucidate the breakpoints and constituent chromosomes involved in chromosome translocations Deletions and inversions within an individual chromosome can also be identified and described more precisely using standardized banding nomenclature G banding utilizing trypsin and Giemsa Wright stain was concurrently developed in the early 1970s and allows visualization of banding patterns using a bright field microscope Diagrams identifying the chromosomes based on the banding patterns are known as idiograms These maps became the basis for both prenatal and oncological fields to quickly move cytogenetics into the clinical lab where karyotyping allowed scientists to look for chromosomal alterations Techniques were expanded to allow for culture of free amniocytes recovered from amniotic fluid and elongation techniques for all culture types that allow for higher resolution banding Beginnings of molecular cytogenetics edit In the 1980s advances were made in molecular cytogenetics While radioisotope labeled probes had been hybridized with DNA since 1969 movement was now made in using fluorescent labeled probes Hybridizing them to chromosomal preparations using existing techniques came to be known as fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH 22 This change significantly increased the usage of probing techniques as fluorescent labeled probes are safer Further advances in micromanipulation and examination of chromosomes led to the technique of chromosome microdissection whereby aberrations in chromosomal structure could be isolated cloned and studied in ever greater detail Techniques editKaryotyping edit The routine chromosome analysis Karyotyping refers to analysis of metaphase chromosomes which have been banded using trypsin followed by Giemsa Leishmanns or a mixture of the two This creates unique banding patterns on the chromosomes The molecular mechanism and reason for these patterns are unknown although it likely related to replication timing and chromatin packing Several chromosome banding techniques are used in cytogenetics laboratories Quinacrine banding Q banding was the first staining method used to produce specific banding patterns This method requires a fluorescence microscope and is no longer as widely used as Giemsa banding G banding Reverse banding or R banding requires heat treatment and reverses the usual black and white pattern that is seen in G bands and Q bands This method is particularly helpful for staining the distal ends of chromosomes Other staining techniques include C banding and nucleolar organizing region stains NOR stains These latter methods specifically stain certain portions of the chromosome C banding stains the constitutive heterochromatin which usually lies near the centromere and NOR staining highlights the satellites and stalks of acrocentric chromosomes High resolution banding involves the staining of chromosomes during prophase or early metaphase prometaphase before they reach maximal condensation Because prophase and prometaphase chromosomes are more extended than metaphase chromosomes the number of bands observable for all chromosomes bands per haploid set bph band level increases from about 300 to 450 to as many as 800 This allows the detection of less obvious abnormalities usually not seen with conventional banding 23 Slide preparation edit Cells from bone marrow blood amniotic fluid cord blood tumor and tissues including skin umbilical cord chorionic villi liver and many other organs can be cultured using standard cell culture techniques in order to increase their number A mitotic inhibitor colchicine colcemid is then added to the culture This stops cell division at mitosis which allows an increased yield of mitotic cells for analysis The cells are then centrifuged and media and mitotic inhibitor are removed and replaced with a hypotonic solution This causes the white blood cells or fibroblasts to swell so that the chromosomes will spread when added to a slide as well as lyses the red blood cells After the cells have been allowed to sit in hypotonic solution Carnoy s fixative 3 1 methanol to glacial acetic acid is added This kills the cells and hardens the nuclei of the remaining white blood cells The cells are generally fixed repeatedly to remove any debris or remaining red blood cells The cell suspension is then dropped onto specimen slides After aging the slides in an oven or waiting a few days they are ready for banding and analysis Analysis edit Analysis of banded chromosomes is done at a microscope by a clinical laboratory specialist in cytogenetics CLSp CG Generally 20 cells are analyzed which is enough to rule out mosaicism to an acceptable level The results are summarized and given to a board certified cytogeneticist for review and to write an interpretation taking into account the patient s previous history and other clinical findings The results are then given out reported in an International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature 2009 ISCN2009 Fluorescence in situ hybridization edit nbsp Interphase cells positive for a t 9 22 rearrangementFluorescence in situ hybridization FISH refers to using fluorescently labeled probe to hybridize to cytogenetic cell preparations In addition to standard preparations FISH can also be performed on bone marrow smears blood smears paraffin embedded tissue preparations enzymatically dissociated tissue samples uncultured bone marrow uncultured amniocytes Cytospin preparationsSlide preparation edit This section refers to the preparation of standard cytogenetic preparationsThe slide is aged using a salt solution usually consisting of 2X SSC salt sodium citrate The slides are then dehydrated in ethanol and the probe mixture is added The sample DNA and the probe DNA are then co denatured using a heated plate and allowed to re anneal for at least 4 hours The slides are then washed to remove the excess unbound probe and counterstained with 4 6 Diamidino 2 phenylindole DAPI or propidium iodide Analysis edit Analysis of FISH specimens is done by fluorescence microscopy by a clinical laboratory specialist in cytogenetics For oncology generally a large number of interphase cells are scored in order to rule out low level residual disease generally between 200 and 1 000 cells are counted and scored For congenital problems usually 20 metaphase cells are scored Future of cytogenetics editAdvances now focus on molecular cytogenetics including automated systems for counting the results of standard FISH preparations and techniques for virtual karyotyping such as comparative genomic hybridization arrays CGH and Single nucleotide polymorphism arrays See also editCytotaxonomy Karyotype Molecular cytogenetics Ploidy Virtual karyotypeReferences edit Rieger R Michaelis A Green M M 1968 A glossary of genetics and cytogenetics Classical and molecular New York Springer Verlag ISBN 978 0 387 07668 3 Levitsky Grigorii Andreevich 1924 Material nye osnovy nasledstvennosti The Material Basis of Heredity in Russian Kiev Gosizdat Ukrainy page needed Levitsky GA 1931 The morphology of chromosomes Bull Applied Bot Genet Plant Breed 27 19 174 Kottler Malcolm Jay 1974 From 48 to 46 cytological technique preconception and the counting of human chromosomes Bulletin of the History of Medicine 48 4 465 502 JSTOR 44450164 PMID 4618149 ProQuest 1296285397 von Winiwarter H 1912 Etudes sur la spermatogenese humaine Human spermatogenesis studies Arch Biologie in French 27 93 147 149 Painter T S The spermatogenesis of man p 129 in Abstracts The Anatomical Record 23 1 89 132 January 1922 doi 10 1002 ar 1090230111 Painter Theophilus S April 1923 Studies in mammalian spermatogenesis II The spermatogenesis of man Journal of Experimental Zoology 37 3 291 336 doi 10 1002 jez 1400370303 Wright Pearce 11 December 2001 Joe Hin Tjio The man who cracked the chromosome count The Guardian Archived from the original on 25 August 2017 Saxon Wolfgang 7 December 2001 Joe Hin Tjio 82 Research Biologist Counted Chromosomes The New York Times Archived from the original on 12 May 2013 Tjio Joe Hin Levan Albert 9 July 2010 The chromosome number of man Hereditas 42 1 2 723 4 doi 10 1111 j 1601 5223 1956 tb03010 x PMID 345813 Hsu T C 2012 Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics An Historical Perspective Springer Science amp Business Media ISBN 978 1 4612 6159 9 page needed Human genetics Biology The human chromosomes Britannica Online Encyclopedia Archived from the original on 2011 02 17 Retrieved 2011 03 15 Encyclopaedia Britannica The Human Chromosome Chromosome fusion Archived from the original on 2011 08 09 Retrieved 2010 05 29 Evolution Pages Chromosome fusion Ravindran Sandeep 11 December 2012 Barbara McClintock and the discovery of jumping genes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 50 20198 20199 doi 10 1073 pnas 1219372109 PMC 3528533 PMID 23236127 Painter T S 22 December 1933 A new method for the study of chromosome rearrangements and the plotting of chromosome maps Science 78 2034 585 586 Bibcode 1933Sci 78 585P doi 10 1126 science 78 2034 585 PMID 17801695 Dobzhansky T 1951 Genetics and the origin of species 3rd ed Columbia University Press New York Dobzhansky T 1970 Genetics of the evolutionary process Columbia University Press N Y Dobzhansky T 1981 Dobzhansky s genetics of natural populations eds Lewontin RC Moore JA Provine WB and Wallace B Columbia University Press N Y Hotta Yasuo Chandley Ann C Stern Herbert September 1977 Meiotic crossing over in lily and mouse Nature 269 5625 240 242 Bibcode 1977Natur 269 240H doi 10 1038 269240a0 PMID 593319 S2CID 4268089 Lejeune Jerome Gautier Marthe Turpin Raymond 16 March 1959 Etude des chromosomes somatiques des neuf enfants mongoliens Study of somatic chromosomes from 9 mongoloid children Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l Academie des Sciences in French 248 11 1721 1722 OCLC 871332352 PMID 13639368 NAID 10008406728 Nowell PC Hungerford DA A minute chromosome in human chronic granulocytic leukemia pp 1497 1501 in National Academy of Sciences Science 132 3438 1488 1501 18 November 1960 doi 10 1126 science 132 3438 1488 PMID 17739576 Gupta P K 2007 Cytogenetics Rastogi Publications ISBN 978 81 7133 737 8 page needed Geiersbach Katherine B Gardiner Anna E Wilson Andrew Shetty Shashirekha Bruyere Helene Zabawski James Saxe Debra F Gaulin Rebecca Williamson Cynthia Van Dyke Daniel L February 2014 Subjectivity in chromosome band level estimation a multicenter study Genetics in Medicine 16 2 170 175 doi 10 1038 gim 2013 95 PMID 23887773 External links editCytogenetic Directory Cytogenetics Resources Archived 2017 05 26 at the Wayback Machine Human Cytogenetics Chromosomes and Karyotypes Association for Genetic Technologists Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists Gladwin Medical Blog Archived 2006 11 08 at the Wayback Machine Cytogenetics Technologies markets and companies Cytogenetics methods and trouble shooting Department of Cytogenetics of Wikiversity Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Cytogenetics amp oldid 1193264587, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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