
Cursus publicus

The cursus publicus (Latin: "the public way"; Ancient Greek: δημόσιος δρόμος, dēmósios drómos) was the state mandated and supervised courier and transportation service of the Roman Empire,[1][2] later inherited by the Eastern Roman Empire. It was a system based on obligations placed on private persons by the Roman State. As contractors, called mancipes, they provided the equipment, animals, and wagons. In the Early Empire compensation had to be paid but this had fallen into abeyance in Late Antiquity when maintenance was charged to the inhabitants along the routes. The service contained only those personnel necessary for administration and operation. These included veterinarians, wagon-wrights, and grooms. The couriers and wagon drivers did not belong to the service: whether public servants or private individuals, they used facilities requisitioned from local individuals and communities.[3] The costs in Late Antiquity were charged to the provincials as part of the provincial tax obligations in the form of a liturgy/munus on private individual taxpayers.

Cursus publicus shown in the Tabula Peutingeriana
Main roads in the Roman Empire under Hadrian (ruled 117–138)

The Emperor Augustus created it to transport messages, officials, and tax revenues between the provinces and Italy.[4][5][6] The service was still fully functioning in the first half of the sixth century in the Eastern Empire, when the historian Procopius accuses Emperor Justinian of dismantling most of its sections, except for the route leading to the Persian border.[7] The extent of the cursus publicus is shown in the Tabula Peutingeriana, a map of the Roman road network dating from around AD 400.[8]


The cursus publicus was only accessible to the government or the military.[9][10][11][12] Citizens could only use the cursus publicus if the government permitted it.[13][14] People who were not allowed to use the services of the cursus publicus would use slaves or acquaintances to carry their mail.[15] The government would give a special permit to these individuals which would signify that they were allowed to use the Cursus Publicus's services.[16][17][18][19] This diploma, issued by the emperor himself, was necessary to use the services supplied by the cursus publicus.[20][21][22] They would contain the name of the person who had been awarded this privilege, the time frame it was valid in, the means of travel, the route, and the lodgings.[23] Abuses of the system existed, for governors and minor appointees used the diplomata to give themselves and their families free transport. Forgeries and stolen diplomata were also used.[24] Pliny the Elder and Trajan write about the necessity of those who wish to send things via the imperial post to keep up-to-date licenses.[25] If there was a dispute on the validity of one of these diplomas a judge would be asked to settle the conflict. These documents were handed out rarely due to the high cost in using and maintaining the cursus publicus.[26] This organization would deliver mail,[27] military equipment and taxes.[28][29] Alongside this,[30] they also worked as an imperial intelligence agency.[31][32][33]

Although the government supervised the functioning and maintenance of the network of change stations with repair facilities (mutationes)[34][35] and full service change stations with lodging (mansiones),[36][37][38][39] the system was not a postal service in the same way as the modern British Royal Mail, nor a series of state-owned and operated hotels and repair facilities. As Altay Coskun notes in a review of Anne Kolb's work done in German, the system "simply provided an infrastructure for magistrates and messengers who traveled through the Empire. It consisted of thousands of stations placed along the main roads;[40] these had to supply fresh horses, mules,[41] donkeys, and oxen, as well as carts, food, fodder, and accommodation." [42][43][44] The one who was sending a missive would have to supply the courier, and the stations had to be supplied out of the resources of the local areas through which the roads passed. As seen in several rescripts and in the correspondence of Trajan and Pliny, the emperor would sometimes pay for the cost of sending an ambassador to Rome along the cursus publicus, particularly in the case of just causes. Alongside this, there were relay points or change stations (stationes) provided horses to dispatch riders and (usually) soldiers as well as vehicles for magistrates or officers of the court.[45][46] The vehicles were called clabulae, but little is known of them. Despite this, they carried out their duties on foot.[47][48]

Augustus, at first, followed the Persian method of having mail handed from one courier to the next, but he soon switched to a system by which one man made the entire journey with the parcel. Although it is possible that a courier service existed for a time under the Roman Republic, the clearest reference by Suetonius states that Augustus created the system.[49][50][51] Suetonius states:[52][53][54]

To enable what was going on in each of the provinces to be reported and known more speedily and promptly, he at first stationed young men at short intervals along the military roads, and afterwards post-chaises. The latter has seemed the more convenient arrangement, since the same men who bring the dispatches from any place can, if occasion demands, be questioned as well.

— Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars, The Life of Augustus

Another term, perhaps more accurate if less common, for the cursus publicus is the cursus vehicularis,[55] particularly in the period before the reforms of Diocletian.[56] At least one praefectus vehiculorum, Lucius Volusius Maecianus,[57] is known; he held the office during the reign of Antoninus Pius.[58] Presumably, he had some sort of supervisory responsibility to ensure the effective operation of the network of stations throughout the Empire and to discourage abuse of the facility by those not entitled to use it. There is evidence that inspectors oversaw the functioning of the system in the provinces, and it may be conjectured that they reported to the praefectus in Rome. However, the office does not seem to have been considered a full-time position because Maecianus was also the law tutor of the young Marcus Aurelius, apparently his main function.[57] The praefectus vehiculorum managed the cursus publicus was tasked with managing the cursus publicus in Italy. Outside of Italy, local governors and officials managed the organization.[59]

Following the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine I, the service was divided in two sections: the fast (Latin: cursus velox, Greek: ὀξὺς δρόμος) and the regular (Latin: cursus clabularis, Greek: πλατὺς δρόμος).[60][61][62] The fast section provided horses,[63][64] divided into veredi ("saddle-horses") and parhippi ("pack-horses"), and mules, and the slow section provided only oxen.[52][65][66] The existence of the cursus clabularis service shows that it was used to move heavy goods as well as to facilitate the travel of high officials and the carriage of government messages.[67] Maintenance was charged to the provincials under the supervision of the governors under the general supervision of the diocesan vicars and praetorian prefects.[68]

Most members of the Cursus publicus were recruited from the military.[69] Usually members of the Cursus publicus were formerly speculatores.[70]


Map of the Persian Royal Road

The Romans adapted their state post from the ancient Persian network of the royal mounted couriers,[71] the angarium.[72] As Herodotus reports, the Persians had a remarkably efficient means of transmitting messages important to the functioning of the kingdom, called the Royal Road.[73][74] The riders would be stationed at a day's ride along the road, and the letters would be handed from one courier to another as they made a journey of a day’s length, which allowed messages to travel fast.[75][76] It was established by Augustus to replace the system of private couriers which was used during the Roman Republic.[77][78][79]

Tacitus says that couriers from Judea and Syria brought news to Vitellius that the legions of the East had sworn allegiance to him,[80] and this also shows that the relay system was displaced by a system in which the original messenger made the entire journey. Augustus modified the Persian system, as Suetonius notes, because a courier who travels the whole distance could be interrogated by the emperor, upon arrival, to receive additional information orally. That may have had the additional advantage of adding security to the post, as one man had the responsibility to answer for the successful delivery of the message. That does not come without a cost, as the Romans could not relay a message as quickly as they could if it passed from one rider to the next.

The cursus publicus was run by municipal magistrates until the reign of Nerva,[81] who reformed the systems so it would be run by the Res mancipi.[82] Many Roman roads were constructed or expanded the facilitate the movement of the cursus publicus.[83][84][85] After the fall of the Roman Empire the Cursus Publicus survived in the Byzantine Empire and the former territories of the Western Roman Empire.[86][87][88] Under the Byzantine Empire the agentes in rebus supervised the cursus publicus and ensured they had the necessary supplies and lodgings.[89][90][29] They were also tasked with ensuring the legal validity of the diplomas their users possessed.[91]

Speed of post

Procopius provides one of the few direct descriptions of the Roman post that allows an estimation the average rate of travel overland. In the 6th century, he described earlier times:[92]

The earlier Emperors, in order to obtain information as quickly as possible regarding the movements of the enemy in any quarter, sedition, unforeseen accidents in individual cities, and the actions of the governors or other persons in all parts of the Empire, and also in order that the annual tributes might be sent up without danger or delay, had established a rapid service of public couriers throughout their dominion according to the following system. As a day’s journey for an active man they fixed eight ‘stages,’ or sometimes fewer, but as a general rule not less than five. In every stage there were forty horses and a number of grooms in proportion. The couriers appointed for the work, by making use of relays of excellent horses, when engaged in the duties I have mentioned, often covered in a single day, by this means, as great a distance as they would otherwise have covered in ten.

If the distance between change stations is known, and five to eight is the average number, the speed of the cursus publicus can be calculated. A. M. Ramsey writes,[93] "It appears from the Jerusalem Itinerary that the mansiones, or night quarters on the roads, were about twenty-five [Roman] miles [23 mi or 37 km] apart, and, as Friedlander points out, the distance between Bethlehem and Alexandria (about 400 Roman miles [368 mi or 592 km]) was reckoned to be sixteen mansiones, that between Edessa and Jerusalem (by Antioch nearly 625 [Roman] miles [574 mi or 924 km]) twenty-five mansiones. Although no Itinerary gives a complete list of mutationes and mansiones for any road, the general rule seems to have been two mutationes between each two mansiones or 37 km (23 miles). This would make the 'stage' about eight and a third Roman miles [7.7 mi or 12.4 km]." The typical trip was 38 to 62 miles (61–100 km) per day or 5 to 8 stages. But this is in normal, not emergency, conditions, when a single rider could cover 160 km (100 miles) or more in a day

There are several cases in which urgent news or eager officials traveled at a faster rate. There is the journey of Tiberius mentioned by Valerius Maximus, the news of the mutiny of Galba as recorded by Tacitus, and the news of the death of Nero as described by Plutarch.[94] In the last two cases, it is worth keeping in mind that bad news traveled faster than good news, and quite explicitly: a laurel was attached to the correspondence with news of victory, but a feather, as indicating haste, was fixed to the spear of a messenger carrying bad news. In all three cases, as A. M. Ramsey points out, the journey is especially urgent, and the time of travel may be recorded because of its exceptional rapidness. Such cases could not be used to find an average speed of the Roman post for carrying the vast majority of items.

Ramsey, following Wilcken, illustrates the speed of the Roman post over land with examples of the amount of time it would take a message to travel from Rome to Egypt about the accession of a new emperor (in a season other than summer, when the message would travel by sea from Rome to Alexandria). In the case of Pertinax, news of the accession, which took place on January 1, AD 193, took over sixty-three days to reach Egypt, being announced on March 6 in Alexandria. Since the route that would be taken over land consisted of about 3,177 kilometres (1,974 mi)—1,400 kilometres (870 mi) from Rome to Byzantium, including the sea crossing and almost 1,800 kilometres (1,100 mi) from Byzantium to Alexandria)—and since it took about sixty-three days or a little more for the message to arrive in Alexandria, this confirms an average rate of about 32 miles (51 km) per day for this journey.

Another example, based on a Latin inscription, is cited by Ramsey. Gaius Caesar, grandson of Augustus, died on February 21, AD 4, in Limyra, which is on the coast of Lycia.[95] The news of death is found on an inscription dated April 2 at Pisa. The amount of time that the message took to arrive at Pisa is not less than thirty-six days. Since a voyage by sea would be too dangerous at this time of year, the message was sent over land, a distance of about 1,345 miles (2,165 km). This confirms the calculation of an average rate of about fifty km per day.

In his article “New Evidence for the Speed of the Roman Imperial Post,”[96] Eliot agrees with A. M. Ramsey that the typical speed was about 50 miles (80 km) per day and illustrates this with another instance,[97] the time that it took news of the proclamation of the emperor Septimius Severus to reach Rome from Carnuntum.

These estimates are for journeys that took place over land, making use of the cursus publicus (or, cursus vehicularis). Lionel Casson, in his book on ancient sea travel, gives statistics for the amount of time that sixteen voyages took between various ports in the Roman Empire. These voyages, which were made by and recorded by the Romans, are recorded specifically as taking place under favorable wind conditions. Under such conditions, when the average is computed, a vessel could travel by sail at a speed of about 5 knots (9.3 km/h; 5.8 mph) or 120 miles (190 km) per day. Casson provides another table of ten voyages made under unfavorable conditions. With these voyages, the average speed is about 2 knots (3.7 km/h; 2.3 mph) or 50 miles (80 km) per day.

Area of operation

The cursus operated in Italy and the more advanced provinces. There was only one in Egypt and one in Asia Minor, as Pliny's letters to Trajan attest. It was common for a village to exist every 12 miles (19 km) or so, and there a courier might rest at large, privately owned mansiones. Operated by a manceps, or a business man, the mansiones provided food and lodging,[98] and care and a blacksmith for the horses. The cursus also used communities located along the imperial highways. These towns very often provided food and horses to messengers of the Legions, theoretically receiving reimbursement, and were responsible for the care of their section of the Roman roads. Disputes arose naturally, and for a time the central administration participated more directly.[99]

Financial costs and the fate of the service

Costs for the cursus publicus were always high, and its maintenance could not always be guaranteed.[citation needed] Around the time of Nerva, in the late first century, the general cost was transferred to the fiscus (Treasury). Further centralization came during the reign of Hadrian, who created an actual administration under a prefect, who bore the title praefectus vehiculorum. The cursus publicus provided the infrastructure of change stations and overnight accommodation that allowed for the fairly rapid delivery of messages and especially in regard to military matters. The private citizen, however, sent letters and messages to friends across the sea with slaves and travelling associates. Most news reached its destination eventually.

In an effort to restrict abuse of the post, Julian (emperor 361–363), restricted the granting of passes to the praetorian prefects and himself.[100] This was unworkable. He granted twelve to vicars and two to governors, one for use within the province and the other for communication to the emperor. Four each were issued to the three proconsuls of Asia, Africa and Achaea. The counts of the Treasury and Crown Estates could obtain warrants whenever they needs since these two departments supplied revenue in gold and the private income of the emperors respectively, matters of the greatest importance. The highest-ranking generals and frontier generals were issued passes, especially those at danger points like Mesopotamia.[101]

Notwithstanding its enormous costs, in the Eastern Roman Empire the service was still fully functioning in the first half of the sixth century, when the historian Procopius charges Emperor Justinian with the dismantlement of most of its sections, with the exception of the route leading to the Persian border (Secret History 30.1–11). The dromos continued to exist throughout the Byzantine period, supervised for much of it by the logothetēs tou dromou, although this post is not attested before the mid-eighth century and a revival of the service may then have occurred after a substantial gap. It was by then a much reduced service, restricted essentially to the remains of the old oxys dromos. In the west, it survived under the Ostrogoths in Italy,[102] as Cassiodorus reports Theodoric the Great's correspondence.[103][104]

See also


  1. ^ Bianchetti, Cataudella & Gehrke 2015, p. 234.
  2. ^ Jongman 2003, p. 324.
  3. ^ Kolb 2001, p. 98.
  4. ^ Kolb 2015, p. 661-663.
  5. ^ Bond 2017, p. 55-56.
  6. ^ Hinson 2021, p. 280.
  7. ^ Jones 1964, pp. 830–834.
  8. ^ Bagrow 1964.
  9. ^ Erdkamp 2021, p. 163-164.
  10. ^ Collar & Kristensen 2020, p. 70.
  11. ^ Brent 2015, p. 247.
  12. ^ Belke 2017, p. 35-36.
  13. ^ Grig & Kelly 2012, p. 316-319.
  14. ^ Wells 1923, p. 15-16.
  15. ^ Peachin 2012, p. 1.
  16. ^ Sheldon 2004, p. 146.
  17. ^ Louth 2022.
  18. ^ Allen & Neil 2020, p. 96.
  19. ^ Crooks & Parsons 2016, p. 189.
  20. ^ Gill & Gempf 2000, p. 21.
  21. ^ Niewohner 2017.
  22. ^ Tschen-Emmons 2014, p. 30.
  23. ^ Tilburg 2007.
  24. ^ Matthews 2006, p. 67.
  25. ^ Traianus.
  26. ^ Allen, Neil & Mayer 2009, p. 72.
  27. ^ Willmore 2002, p. 91.
  28. ^ Wickham 2006, p. 128.
  29. ^ a b Jeffreys, Haldon & Cormack 2008, p. 302.
  30. ^ Belke 2012, p. 302-303.
  31. ^ Sheldon 2004, p. 144-146.
  32. ^ Ermatinger 2018, p. 94.
  33. ^ Arblaster 2008, p. 1.
  34. ^ Salway 2012, p. 316.
  35. ^ Fulford 2017, p. 315.
  36. ^ Tomas 2016, p. 96.
  37. ^ Adams & Laurence 2012.
  38. ^ Crowdy 2011, p. 38.
  39. ^ Krebs & Krebs 2003, p. 102.
  40. ^ Kolb 2012, p. 1.
  41. ^ Mitchell 2014, p. 246-261.
  42. ^ Westfahl 2015, p. 269.
  43. ^ Berger 2002, p. 422.
  44. ^ Kolb 2001, p. 380.
  45. ^ Adkins & Adkins 2014, p. 201.
  46. ^ Bagnall 2006, p. 84.
  47. ^ Sheldon 2004, p. 143.
  48. ^ Matyszak 2017.
  49. ^ Silverstein 2007, p. 30-31.
  50. ^ Nicholson 2018, p. 141.
  51. ^ Tranquillus 1913, p. 203-205.
  52. ^ a b Beale 2019.
  53. ^ Mellor 2012, p. 404.
  54. ^ Tranquillus 1913, p. 49.
  55. ^ Erdkamp 2010, p. 329.
  56. ^ Hezser 2011, p. 79.
  57. ^ a b Birley 2012.
  58. ^ Adams 2013, p. 66.
  59. ^ Kolb 2019, p. 2.
  60. ^ Stanković 2012, p. 135.
  61. ^ Bekker-Nielsen 2018, p. 2.
  62. ^ Bergh 2010, p. 447-448.
  63. ^ Berloquin 2008, p. 13.
  64. ^ Sabin, Wees & Whitby 2006, p. 404.
  65. ^ Hendy 2008, p. 603.
  66. ^ Jones 2014, p. 313.
  67. ^ Sessa 2018, p. 154-155.
  68. ^ Adams & Laurence 2012, p. 95-105.
  69. ^ Argüín 2015, p. 1.
  70. ^ Tschen-Emmons 2014, p. 29.
  71. ^ Bekker-Nielsen 2004, p. 77-79.
  72. ^ MacKay 2012, p. 1-2.
  73. ^ Hezser 2011, p. 54-58.
  74. ^ Gosch & Stearns 2007, p. 35-38.
  75. ^ Thucydides et al. 2021.
  76. ^ Shepherd 2019, p. 304.
  77. ^ Winspear & Geweke 1935, p. 165.
  78. ^ Sarri 2017.
  79. ^ Yamauchi & Wilson 2022.
  80. ^ Tacitus, p. 73.
  81. ^ Petit 2022, p. 65.
  82. ^ Sartorio & Ventre 2004, p. 20.
  83. ^ Tappy 2012, p. 43.
  84. ^ Nankov 2022, p. 103.
  85. ^ Bergh 2011, p. 22-23.
  86. ^ Sarris 2012, p. 1.
  87. ^ Luttwak 2011, p. 109-110.
  88. ^ Bachrach 2013, p. 21.
  89. ^ Sheldon 2015, p. 11-12.
  90. ^ Rankov 2012, p. 1.
  91. ^ LePree & Djukic 2019, p. 4.
  92. ^ Williamson 2007.
  93. ^ Ramsey 1925, p. 60-74.
  94. ^ Plutarch.
  95. ^ Ferrero 1909, p. 287-288.
  96. ^ Eliot 1955, pp. 76–80.
  97. ^ Sotinel 2009, p. 127.
  98. ^ Claytor 2012, p. 1.
  99. ^ Bunson 2002.
  100. ^ Kelly 2006.
  101. ^ Jones 1964, pp. 130, 402.
  102. ^ Classen 2015.
  103. ^ Rousseau 2012.
  104. ^ Cassiodorus 2018, p. 131.


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  • Sheldon, Rose Mary (2004-12-16). Intelligence Activities in Ancient Rome: Trust in the Gods but Verify. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-77106-5.
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  • Traianus, Caesar, Trajan to Pliny X 46, Diplomata, quorum praeteritus est dies, non debent esse in usu. Ideo inter prima iniungo mihi, ut per omnes provincias ante mittam nova diplomata, quam desiderari possint.

cursus, publicus, also, cursus, disambiguation, cursus, publicus, latin, public, ancient, greek, δημόσιος, δρόμος, dēmósios, drómos, state, mandated, supervised, courier, transportation, service, roman, empire, later, inherited, eastern, roman, empire, system,. See also Cursus disambiguation The cursus publicus Latin the public way Ancient Greek dhmosios dromos demosios dromos was the state mandated and supervised courier and transportation service of the Roman Empire 1 2 later inherited by the Eastern Roman Empire It was a system based on obligations placed on private persons by the Roman State As contractors called mancipes they provided the equipment animals and wagons In the Early Empire compensation had to be paid but this had fallen into abeyance in Late Antiquity when maintenance was charged to the inhabitants along the routes The service contained only those personnel necessary for administration and operation These included veterinarians wagon wrights and grooms The couriers and wagon drivers did not belong to the service whether public servants or private individuals they used facilities requisitioned from local individuals and communities 3 The costs in Late Antiquity were charged to the provincials as part of the provincial tax obligations in the form of a liturgy munus on private individual taxpayers Cursus publicus shown in the Tabula Peutingeriana Main roads in the Roman Empire under Hadrian ruled 117 138 The Emperor Augustus created it to transport messages officials and tax revenues between the provinces and Italy 4 5 6 The service was still fully functioning in the first half of the sixth century in the Eastern Empire when the historian Procopius accuses Emperor Justinian of dismantling most of its sections except for the route leading to the Persian border 7 The extent of the cursus publicus is shown in the Tabula Peutingeriana a map of the Roman road network dating from around AD 400 8 Contents 1 Structure 2 History 3 Speed of post 4 Area of operation 4 1 Financial costs and the fate of the service 5 See also 6 References 6 1 BibliographyStructure EditThe cursus publicus was only accessible to the government or the military 9 10 11 12 Citizens could only use the cursus publicus if the government permitted it 13 14 People who were not allowed to use the services of the cursus publicus would use slaves or acquaintances to carry their mail 15 The government would give a special permit to these individuals which would signify that they were allowed to use the Cursus Publicus s services 16 17 18 19 This diploma issued by the emperor himself was necessary to use the services supplied by the cursus publicus 20 21 22 They would contain the name of the person who had been awarded this privilege the time frame it was valid in the means of travel the route and the lodgings 23 Abuses of the system existed for governors and minor appointees used the diplomata to give themselves and their families free transport Forgeries and stolen diplomata were also used 24 Pliny the Elder and Trajan write about the necessity of those who wish to send things via the imperial post to keep up to date licenses 25 If there was a dispute on the validity of one of these diplomas a judge would be asked to settle the conflict These documents were handed out rarely due to the high cost in using and maintaining the cursus publicus 26 This organization would deliver mail 27 military equipment and taxes 28 29 Alongside this 30 they also worked as an imperial intelligence agency 31 32 33 Although the government supervised the functioning and maintenance of the network of change stations with repair facilities mutationes 34 35 and full service change stations with lodging mansiones 36 37 38 39 the system was not a postal service in the same way as the modern British Royal Mail nor a series of state owned and operated hotels and repair facilities As Altay Coskun notes in a review of Anne Kolb s work done in German the system simply provided an infrastructure for magistrates and messengers who traveled through the Empire It consisted of thousands of stations placed along the main roads 40 these had to supply fresh horses mules 41 donkeys and oxen as well as carts food fodder and accommodation 42 43 44 The one who was sending a missive would have to supply the courier and the stations had to be supplied out of the resources of the local areas through which the roads passed As seen in several rescripts and in the correspondence of Trajan and Pliny the emperor would sometimes pay for the cost of sending an ambassador to Rome along the cursus publicus particularly in the case of just causes Alongside this there were relay points or change stations stationes provided horses to dispatch riders and usually soldiers as well as vehicles for magistrates or officers of the court 45 46 The vehicles were called clabulae but little is known of them Despite this they carried out their duties on foot 47 48 Augustus at first followed the Persian method of having mail handed from one courier to the next but he soon switched to a system by which one man made the entire journey with the parcel Although it is possible that a courier service existed for a time under the Roman Republic the clearest reference by Suetonius states that Augustus created the system 49 50 51 Suetonius states 52 53 54 To enable what was going on in each of the provinces to be reported and known more speedily and promptly he at first stationed young men at short intervals along the military roads and afterwards post chaises The latter has seemed the more convenient arrangement since the same men who bring the dispatches from any place can if occasion demands be questioned as well Suetonius The Lives of the Caesars The Life of Augustus Another term perhaps more accurate if less common for the cursus publicus is the cursus vehicularis 55 particularly in the period before the reforms of Diocletian 56 At least one praefectus vehiculorum Lucius Volusius Maecianus 57 is known he held the office during the reign of Antoninus Pius 58 Presumably he had some sort of supervisory responsibility to ensure the effective operation of the network of stations throughout the Empire and to discourage abuse of the facility by those not entitled to use it There is evidence that inspectors oversaw the functioning of the system in the provinces and it may be conjectured that they reported to the praefectus in Rome However the office does not seem to have been considered a full time position because Maecianus was also the law tutor of the young Marcus Aurelius apparently his main function 57 The praefectus vehiculorum managed the cursus publicus was tasked with managing the cursus publicus in Italy Outside of Italy local governors and officials managed the organization 59 Following the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine I the service was divided in two sections the fast Latin cursus velox Greek ὀ3ὺs dromos and the regular Latin cursus clabularis Greek platὺs dromos 60 61 62 The fast section provided horses 63 64 divided into veredi saddle horses and parhippi pack horses and mules and the slow section provided only oxen 52 65 66 The existence of the cursus clabularis service shows that it was used to move heavy goods as well as to facilitate the travel of high officials and the carriage of government messages 67 Maintenance was charged to the provincials under the supervision of the governors under the general supervision of the diocesan vicars and praetorian prefects 68 Most members of the Cursus publicus were recruited from the military 69 Usually members of the Cursus publicus were formerly speculatores 70 History Edit Map of the Persian Royal Road The Romans adapted their state post from the ancient Persian network of the royal mounted couriers 71 the angarium 72 As Herodotus reports the Persians had a remarkably efficient means of transmitting messages important to the functioning of the kingdom called the Royal Road 73 74 The riders would be stationed at a day s ride along the road and the letters would be handed from one courier to another as they made a journey of a day s length which allowed messages to travel fast 75 76 It was established by Augustus to replace the system of private couriers which was used during the Roman Republic 77 78 79 Tacitus says that couriers from Judea and Syria brought news to Vitellius that the legions of the East had sworn allegiance to him 80 and this also shows that the relay system was displaced by a system in which the original messenger made the entire journey Augustus modified the Persian system as Suetonius notes because a courier who travels the whole distance could be interrogated by the emperor upon arrival to receive additional information orally That may have had the additional advantage of adding security to the post as one man had the responsibility to answer for the successful delivery of the message That does not come without a cost as the Romans could not relay a message as quickly as they could if it passed from one rider to the next The cursus publicus was run by municipal magistrates until the reign of Nerva 81 who reformed the systems so it would be run by the Res mancipi 82 Many Roman roads were constructed or expanded the facilitate the movement of the cursus publicus 83 84 85 After the fall of the Roman Empire the Cursus Publicus survived in the Byzantine Empire and the former territories of the Western Roman Empire 86 87 88 Under the Byzantine Empire the agentes in rebus supervised the cursus publicus and ensured they had the necessary supplies and lodgings 89 90 29 They were also tasked with ensuring the legal validity of the diplomas their users possessed 91 Speed of post EditProcopius provides one of the few direct descriptions of the Roman post that allows an estimation the average rate of travel overland In the 6th century he described earlier times 92 The earlier Emperors in order to obtain information as quickly as possible regarding the movements of the enemy in any quarter sedition unforeseen accidents in individual cities and the actions of the governors or other persons in all parts of the Empire and also in order that the annual tributes might be sent up without danger or delay had established a rapid service of public couriers throughout their dominion according to the following system As a day s journey for an active man they fixed eight stages or sometimes fewer but as a general rule not less than five In every stage there were forty horses and a number of grooms in proportion The couriers appointed for the work by making use of relays of excellent horses when engaged in the duties I have mentioned often covered in a single day by this means as great a distance as they would otherwise have covered in ten If the distance between change stations is known and five to eight is the average number the speed of the cursus publicus can be calculated A M Ramsey writes 93 It appears from the Jerusalem Itinerary that the mansiones or night quarters on the roads were about twenty five Roman miles 23 mi or 37 km apart and as Friedlander points out the distance between Bethlehem and Alexandria about 400 Roman miles 368 mi or 592 km was reckoned to be sixteen mansiones that between Edessa and Jerusalem by Antioch nearly 625 Roman miles 574 mi or 924 km twenty five mansiones Although no Itinerary gives a complete list of mutationes and mansiones for any road the general rule seems to have been two mutationes between each two mansiones or 37 km 23 miles This would make the stage about eight and a third Roman miles 7 7 mi or 12 4 km The typical trip was 38 to 62 miles 61 100 km per day or 5 to 8 stages But this is in normal not emergency conditions when a single rider could cover 160 km 100 miles or more in a dayThere are several cases in which urgent news or eager officials traveled at a faster rate There is the journey of Tiberius mentioned by Valerius Maximus the news of the mutiny of Galba as recorded by Tacitus and the news of the death of Nero as described by Plutarch 94 In the last two cases it is worth keeping in mind that bad news traveled faster than good news and quite explicitly a laurel was attached to the correspondence with news of victory but a feather as indicating haste was fixed to the spear of a messenger carrying bad news In all three cases as A M Ramsey points out the journey is especially urgent and the time of travel may be recorded because of its exceptional rapidness Such cases could not be used to find an average speed of the Roman post for carrying the vast majority of items Ramsey following Wilcken illustrates the speed of the Roman post over land with examples of the amount of time it would take a message to travel from Rome to Egypt about the accession of a new emperor in a season other than summer when the message would travel by sea from Rome to Alexandria In the case of Pertinax news of the accession which took place on January 1 AD 193 took over sixty three days to reach Egypt being announced on March 6 in Alexandria Since the route that would be taken over land consisted of about 3 177 kilometres 1 974 mi 1 400 kilometres 870 mi from Rome to Byzantium including the sea crossing and almost 1 800 kilometres 1 100 mi from Byzantium to Alexandria and since it took about sixty three days or a little more for the message to arrive in Alexandria this confirms an average rate of about 32 miles 51 km per day for this journey Another example based on a Latin inscription is cited by Ramsey Gaius Caesar grandson of Augustus died on February 21 AD 4 in Limyra which is on the coast of Lycia 95 The news of death is found on an inscription dated April 2 at Pisa The amount of time that the message took to arrive at Pisa is not less than thirty six days Since a voyage by sea would be too dangerous at this time of year the message was sent over land a distance of about 1 345 miles 2 165 km This confirms the calculation of an average rate of about fifty km per day In his article New Evidence for the Speed of the Roman Imperial Post 96 Eliot agrees with A M Ramsey that the typical speed was about 50 miles 80 km per day and illustrates this with another instance 97 the time that it took news of the proclamation of the emperor Septimius Severus to reach Rome from Carnuntum These estimates are for journeys that took place over land making use of the cursus publicus or cursus vehicularis Lionel Casson in his book on ancient sea travel gives statistics for the amount of time that sixteen voyages took between various ports in the Roman Empire These voyages which were made by and recorded by the Romans are recorded specifically as taking place under favorable wind conditions Under such conditions when the average is computed a vessel could travel by sail at a speed of about 5 knots 9 3 km h 5 8 mph or 120 miles 190 km per day Casson provides another table of ten voyages made under unfavorable conditions With these voyages the average speed is about 2 knots 3 7 km h 2 3 mph or 50 miles 80 km per day Area of operation EditThe cursus operated in Italy and the more advanced provinces There was only one in Egypt and one in Asia Minor as Pliny s letters to Trajan attest It was common for a village to exist every 12 miles 19 km or so and there a courier might rest at large privately owned mansiones Operated by a manceps or a business man the mansiones provided food and lodging 98 and care and a blacksmith for the horses The cursus also used communities located along the imperial highways These towns very often provided food and horses to messengers of the Legions theoretically receiving reimbursement and were responsible for the care of their section of the Roman roads Disputes arose naturally and for a time the central administration participated more directly 99 Financial costs and the fate of the service Edit Costs for the cursus publicus were always high and its maintenance could not always be guaranteed citation needed Around the time of Nerva in the late first century the general cost was transferred to the fiscus Treasury Further centralization came during the reign of Hadrian who created an actual administration under a prefect who bore the title praefectus vehiculorum The cursus publicus provided the infrastructure of change stations and overnight accommodation that allowed for the fairly rapid delivery of messages and especially in regard to military matters The private citizen however sent letters and messages to friends across the sea with slaves and travelling associates Most news reached its destination eventually In an effort to restrict abuse of the post Julian emperor 361 363 restricted the granting of passes to the praetorian prefects and himself 100 This was unworkable He granted twelve to vicars and two to governors one for use within the province and the other for communication to the emperor Four each were issued to the three proconsuls of Asia Africa and Achaea The counts of the Treasury and Crown Estates could obtain warrants whenever they needs since these two departments supplied revenue in gold and the private income of the emperors respectively matters of the greatest importance The highest ranking generals and frontier generals were issued passes especially those at danger points like Mesopotamia 101 Notwithstanding its enormous costs in the Eastern Roman Empire the service was still fully functioning in the first half of the sixth century when the historian Procopius charges Emperor Justinian with the dismantlement of most of its sections with the exception of the route leading to the Persian border Secret History 30 1 11 The dromos continued to exist throughout the Byzantine period supervised for much of it by the logothetes tou dromou although this post is not attested before the mid eighth century and a revival of the service may then have occurred after a substantial gap It was by then a much reduced service restricted essentially to the remains of the old oxys dromos In the west it survived under the Ostrogoths in Italy 102 as Cassiodorus reports Theodoric the Great s correspondence 103 104 See also EditAgentes in rebus Barid caliphate Kaiserliche Reichspost Pony ExpressReferences Edit Bianchetti Cataudella amp Gehrke 2015 p 234 Jongman 2003 p 324 Kolb 2001 p 98 Kolb 2015 p 661 663 Bond 2017 p 55 56 Hinson 2021 p 280 Jones 1964 pp 830 834 Bagrow 1964 Erdkamp 2021 p 163 164 Collar amp Kristensen 2020 p 70 Brent 2015 p 247 Belke 2017 p 35 36 Grig amp Kelly 2012 p 316 319 Wells 1923 p 15 16 Peachin 2012 p 1 Sheldon 2004 p 146 Louth 2022 Allen amp Neil 2020 p 96 Crooks amp Parsons 2016 p 189 Gill amp Gempf 2000 p 21 Niewohner 2017 Tschen Emmons 2014 p 30 Tilburg 2007 Matthews 2006 p 67 Traianus Allen Neil amp Mayer 2009 p 72 Willmore 2002 p 91 Wickham 2006 p 128 a b Jeffreys Haldon amp Cormack 2008 p 302 Belke 2012 p 302 303 Sheldon 2004 p 144 146 Ermatinger 2018 p 94 Arblaster 2008 p 1 Salway 2012 p 316 Fulford 2017 p 315 Tomas 2016 p 96 Adams amp Laurence 2012 Crowdy 2011 p 38 Krebs amp Krebs 2003 p 102 Kolb 2012 p 1 Mitchell 2014 p 246 261 Westfahl 2015 p 269 Berger 2002 p 422 Kolb 2001 p 380 Adkins amp Adkins 2014 p 201 Bagnall 2006 p 84 Sheldon 2004 p 143 Matyszak 2017 Silverstein 2007 p 30 31 Nicholson 2018 p 141 Tranquillus 1913 p 203 205 a b Beale 2019 Mellor 2012 p 404 Tranquillus 1913 p 49 Erdkamp 2010 p 329 Hezser 2011 p 79 a b Birley 2012 Adams 2013 p 66 Kolb 2019 p 2 Stankovic 2012 p 135 Bekker Nielsen 2018 p 2 Bergh 2010 p 447 448 Berloquin 2008 p 13 Sabin Wees amp Whitby 2006 p 404 Hendy 2008 p 603 Jones 2014 p 313 Sessa 2018 p 154 155 Adams amp Laurence 2012 p 95 105 Arguin 2015 p 1 Tschen Emmons 2014 p 29 Bekker Nielsen 2004 p 77 79 MacKay 2012 p 1 2 Hezser 2011 p 54 58 Gosch amp Stearns 2007 p 35 38 Thucydides et al 2021 Shepherd 2019 p 304 Winspear amp Geweke 1935 p 165 Sarri 2017 Yamauchi amp Wilson 2022 Tacitus p 73 Petit 2022 p 65 Sartorio amp Ventre 2004 p 20 Tappy 2012 p 43 Nankov 2022 p 103 Bergh 2011 p 22 23 Sarris 2012 p 1 Luttwak 2011 p 109 110 Bachrach 2013 p 21 Sheldon 2015 p 11 12 Rankov 2012 p 1 LePree amp Djukic 2019 p 4 Williamson 2007 Ramsey 1925 p 60 74 Plutarch Ferrero 1909 p 287 288 Eliot 1955 pp 76 80 Sotinel 2009 p 127 Claytor 2012 p 1 Bunson 2002 Kelly 2006 Jones 1964 pp 130 402 Classen 2015 Rousseau 2012 Cassiodorus 2018 p 131 Bibliography Edit Belke Klaus November 21 2012 Communications Roads and Bridges The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies Retrieved 2022 09 02 Belke Klaus 2017 04 14 Transport and Communication The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia pp 28 38 doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780190610463 003 0003 ISBN 978 0 19 061046 3 Bond Sarah E 2017 12 07 The Corrupting Sea Law Violence and Compulsory Professions in Late Antiquity doi 10 1093 oso 9780198809975 003 0004 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Claytor W Graham 2012 10 26 Inn in Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc pp wbeah22174 doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah22174 ISBN 978 1 4443 3838 6 retrieved 2022 09 01 Ferrero Guglielmo 1909 The republic of Augustus G P Putnam s Sons This article incorporates text from this source which is in the public domain Fulford Michael 2017 11 09 Procurators Business Gallo Roman Sigillata in Britain in the Second and Third Centuries ad doi 10 1093 oso 9780198790662 003 0010 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Kolb Anne 2015 Communications and Mobility in the Roman Empire In Bruun Christer Edmondson Jonathan eds The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780195336467 013 030 ISBN 9780195336467 Matthews John 2006 10 19 Interlude Travel and Topography doi 10 12987 yale 9780300108989 003 0004 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Mitchell Stephen 2014 06 23 Horse Breeding for the Cursus Publicus in the Later Roman Empire Infrastruktur und Herrschaftsorganisation im Imperium Romanum in German De Gruyter A doi 10 1524 9783050094694 246 ISBN 978 3 05 009469 4 Salway Benet 2012 04 03 There but Not There Constantinople in the Itinerarium Burdigalense Two Romes Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity pp 293 324 doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780199739400 003 0013 ISBN 978 0 19 973940 0 Sessa Kristina 2018 08 09 Daily Life in Late Antiquity Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 108 58063 2 Sheldon R M 2015 09 03 Espionage in the Ancient World An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles in Western Languages McFarland ISBN 978 1 4766 1099 3 Silverstein Adam J 2007 06 21 Postal Systems in the Pre Modern Islamic World Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 139 46408 6 Sotinel Claire 2009 01 30 Rousseau Philip ed Information and Political Power A Companion to Late Antiquity 1 ed Wiley pp 125 138 doi 10 1002 9781444306101 ch9 ISBN 978 1 4051 1980 1 retrieved 2022 09 02 Wells Benjamin W 1923 Trade and Travel in the Roman Empire The Classical Journal 19 1 7 16 ISSN 0009 8353 JSTOR 3288849 Arguin Adolfo Raul Menendez 2015 03 04 Administration Principate in Le Bohec Yann ed The Encyclopedia of the Roman Army Chichester UK John Wiley amp Sons Ltd pp 1 71 doi 10 1002 9781118318140 wbra0023 ISBN 978 1 118 31814 0 retrieved 2022 09 01 Peachin Michael 2012 10 26 Rescriptum in Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc pp wbeah13222 doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah13222 ISBN 978 1 4443 3838 6 retrieved 2022 09 01 Rankov Boris 2012 10 26 Agentes in rebus in Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc pp wbeah19006 doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah19006 ISBN 978 1 4443 3838 6 retrieved 2022 09 01 Bekker Nielsen Tonnes 2018 12 31 Roads Roman Empire in Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc pp 1 5 doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah18111 pub2 ISBN 978 1 4443 3838 6 retrieved 2022 09 01 Arblaster Paul 2008 06 05 Postal Service History of in Donsbach Wolfgang ed The International Encyclopedia of Communication Chichester UK John Wiley amp Sons Ltd pp wbiecp086 doi 10 1002 9781405186407 wbiecp086 ISBN 978 1 4051 8640 7 retrieved 2022 09 01 Kolb Anne 2012 10 26 Mansiones mutationes The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah18075 ISBN 9781444338386 retrieved 2022 09 01 Kolb Anne 2019 Transport Roman The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Wiley Online Library pp 1 5 MacKay Camilla 2012 10 26 Postal services in Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Hoboken NJ USA John Wiley amp Sons Inc pp wbeah06255 doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah06255 ISBN 978 1 4443 3838 6 retrieved 2022 09 01 Bagrow Leo 1964 History of cartography R A Skelton ISBN 9781412825184 Adams Geoffrey William 2013 Marcus Aurelius in the Historia Augusta and Beyond Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 978 0 7391 7638 2 Birley Anthony R 2012 12 06 Marcus Aurelius A Biography Routledge ISBN 978 1 134 69569 0 Erdkamp Paul 2010 12 13 A Companion to the Roman Army John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 1 4443 3921 5 Erdkamp Paul 2021 11 15 The Roman Army and the Economy BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 49437 4 Mellor Ronald 2012 11 12 The Historians of Ancient Rome Routledge ISBN 978 1 136 75278 0 Bunson Matthew 2002 Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire ISBN 1438110278 Kelly Christopher 2006 Ruling the later Roman Empire Harvard University Press ISBN 9780674022447 Variae epistolae The Letters of Cassiodorus 1886 S J B Barnish Cassiodorus Variae Translated by Thomas Hodgkin Liverpool University Press 1992 537 ISBN 0 85323 436 1 Theoderic s state papers Editio princeps by M Accurius 1533 Eliot C W J 1955 New Evidence for the Speed of the Roman Imperial Post Phoenix Classical Association of Canada 9 2 76 80 doi 10 2307 1086706 JSTOR 1086706 Plutarch Galba Vol 7 via uchicago edu Ramsey A M 1925 The speed of the Roman Imperial Post Journal of Roman Studies 15 1 60 74 doi 10 2307 295601 JSTOR 295601 S2CID 159587084 Williamson G A ed 2007 1966 XXX Procopius The Secret History Loeb Classical Library Translated by Sarris Peter Harmondsworth Penguin Books ISBN 978 0140455281 A readable and accessible English translation of the Anecdota Kolb Anne 2001 Colin Adams Ray Laurence eds Travel amp Geography in the Roman Empire Transport and communication in the Roman state ISBN 0 415 23034 9 Tacitus The Histories Tranquillus Suetonius 1913 C Suetonius Tranquillus Divus Augustus chapter 49 www perseus tufts edu Retrieved 2022 08 31 Nicholson Oliver 2018 03 22 Cursus Publicus The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 acref 9780198662778 001 0001 ISBN 978 0 19 866277 8 retrieved 2022 08 31 Shepherd William 2019 11 28 The Persian War in Herodotus and Other Ancient Voices Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN 978 1 4728 0864 6 Thucydides Herodotus Xenophon Polybius Plutarch Strabo 2021 11 10 The Great Historians of the Ancient World illustrated In 3 vol Vol I The History of the Peloponnesian War The Histories by Herodotus Anabasis The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians The Histories of Polybius Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans by Plutarch Lives The Geography of Strabo Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing Hezser Catherine 2011 Jewish Travel in Antiquity Mohr Siebeck ISBN 978 3 16 150889 9 Gosch Stephen Stearns Peter 2007 12 12 Premodern Travel in World History Routledge ISBN 978 1 134 58370 6 Bekker Nielsen Tonnes 2004 The Roads of Ancient Cyprus Museum Tusculanum Press ISBN 978 87 7289 956 5 Petit Paul 2022 08 19 Pax Romana Univ of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 33358 1 Luttwak Edward N 2011 11 30 The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 05420 2 LePree James Francis Djukic Ljudmila 2019 09 09 The Byzantine Empire A Historical Encyclopedia 2 volumes ABC CLIO ISBN 978 1 4408 5147 6 Louth Andrew 2022 02 17 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 263815 1 Bachrach Bernard 2013 03 27 Charlemagne s Early Campaigns 768 777 A Diplomatic and Military Analysis BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 24477 1 Crooks Peter Parsons Timothy H 2016 08 03 Empires and Bureaucracy in World History From Late Antiquity to the Twentieth Century Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 316 72106 3 Classen Albrecht 2015 08 31 Handbook of Medieval Culture Volume 1 in German Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG ISBN 978 3 11 038544 1 Cassiodorus 2018 09 20 The Letters of Cassiodorus BoD Books on Demand ISBN 978 3 7340 2458 0 Sabin Philip Wees Hans van Whitby Michael 2006 The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 78274 6 Jones A H M 2014 06 17 The Decline of the Ancient World Routledge ISBN 978 1 317 87305 1 Jones A H M 1964 The Later Roman Empire BRILL ISBN 9789004163836 A Companion to Byzantine Italy BRILL 2021 02 01 ISBN 978 90 04 30770 4 Hendy Michael F 2008 10 30 Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy C 300 1450 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 08852 7 Tappy Ron E 2012 03 01 The Tabula Peutingeriana Its Roadmap to Borderland Settlements in Iudaea Palestina With Special Reference to Tel Zayit in the Late Roman Period Near Eastern Archaeology 75 1 36 55 doi 10 5615 neareastarch 75 1 0036 ISSN 1094 2076 S2CID 164145236 Hinson Benjamin 2021 10 01 Send Them to Me by This Little One Child Letter carriers in Coptic Texts from Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt Journal of Near Eastern Studies 80 2 275 289 doi 10 1086 715988 ISSN 0022 2968 S2CID 239028712 Bergh Rena 2010 01 01 A shared law Fundamina A Journal of Legal History 16 1 443 458 doi 10 10520 EJC34376 inactive 31 December 2022 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint DOI inactive as of December 2022 link Willmore Larry 2002 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government and society University of Wisconsin studies in the social sciences and history no 24 Madison Wis University of Wisconsin Yamauchi Edwin M Wilson Marvin R 2022 05 17 Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical amp Post Biblical Antiquity Communication amp Messengers Hendrickson Publishers ISBN 978 1 61970 421 3 Krebs Robert E Krebs Carolyn A 2003 Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments Inventions and Discoveries of the Ancient World Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 313 31342 4 Bagnall Roger S 2006 Hellenistic and Roman Egypt Sources and Approaches Ashgate Publishing Ltd ISBN 978 0 7546 5906 8 Westfahl Gary 2015 04 21 A Day in a Working Life 300 Trades and Professions through History 3 volumes 300 Trades and Professions through History ABC CLIO ISBN 978 1 61069 403 2 Matyszak Philip 2017 10 05 24 Hours in Ancient Rome A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There Michael O Mara Books ISBN 978 1 78243 857 1 Adkins Lesley Adkins Roy A 2014 05 14 Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome Infobase Publishing ISBN 978 0 8160 7482 2 Gill David W Gempf Conrad 2000 11 24 The Book of Acts in its First Century Setting Volume 2 Graeco Roman Setting Wipf and Stock Publishers ISBN 978 1 57910 526 6 Wickham Chris 2006 11 30 Framing the Early Middle Ages Europe and the Mediterranean 400 800 OUP Oxford ISBN 978 0 19 162263 2 Jeffreys Elizabeth Haldon John F Cormack Robin 2008 The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 925246 6 Allen Pauline Neil Bronwen Mayer Wendy 2009 Preaching Poverty in Late Antiquity Perceptions and Realities Evangelische Verlagsanstalt ISBN 978 3 374 02728 6 Tomas Agnieszka 2016 07 10 Inter Moesos et Thraces The Rural Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia 1st 6th Centuries AD Archaeopress Publishing Ltd ISBN 978 1 78491 370 0 Sarri Antonia 2017 11 20 Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco Roman World c 500 BC c AD 300 Walter de Gruyter GmbH amp Co KG ISBN 978 3 11 042348 8 Crowdy Terry 2011 12 20 The Enemy Within A History of Spies Spymasters and Espionage Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN 978 1 78096 243 6 Ermatinger James W 2018 05 01 The Roman Empire A Historical Encyclopedia 2 volumes ABC CLIO ISBN 978 1 4408 3809 5 Berloquin Pierre 2008 Hidden Codes amp Grand Designs Secret Languages from Ancient Times to Modern Day Sterling Publishing Company Inc ISBN 978 1 4027 2833 4 Rousseau Philip 2012 01 25 A Companion to Late Antiquity John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 1 118 29347 8 Grig Lucy Kelly Gavin 2012 03 07 Two Romes Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 992118 8 Tschen Emmons James B 2014 09 30 Artifacts from Ancient Rome ABC CLIO ISBN 978 1 61069 620 3 Niewohner Philipp 2017 03 17 The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 066262 2 Allen Pauline Neil Bronwen 2020 09 10 Greek and Latin Letters in Late Antiquity The Christianisation of a Literary Form Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 108 91645 5 Beale Philip 2019 06 04 A History of the Post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts Routledge ISBN 978 0 429 64838 0 Brent Revd Allen 2015 12 22 The Imperial Cult and the Development of Church Order Concepts and Images of Authority in Paganism and Early Christianity before the Age of Cyprian BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 31312 5 Sartorio Giuseppina Pisani Ventre Francesca 2004 The Appian Way From Its Foundation to the Middle Ages Getty Publications ISBN 978 0 89236 752 8 Bianchetti Serena Cataudella Michele Gehrke Hans Joachim 2015 11 24 Brill s Companion to Ancient Geography The Inhabited World in Greek and Roman Tradition BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 28471 5 Berger Adolf 2002 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law The Lawbook Exchange Ltd ISBN 978 1 58477 142 5 Collar Anna Kristensen Troels Myrup 2020 07 13 Pilgrimage and Economy in the Ancient Mediterranean BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 42869 0 Adams Colin Laurence Ray 2012 12 06 Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire Routledge ISBN 978 1 134 58180 1 Sheldon Rose Mary 2004 12 16 Intelligence Activities in Ancient Rome Trust in the Gods but Verify Routledge ISBN 978 1 135 77106 5 Tilburg Cornelis van 2007 01 24 Traffic and Congestion in the Roman Empire Routledge ISBN 978 1 134 12974 4 Sarris Peter 2012 Byzantium political structure In Bagnall Roger S Brodersen Kai Champion Craige B Erskine Andrew Huebner Sabine R eds The Encyclopedia of Ancient History 1 ed Wiley doi 10 1002 9781444338386 wbeah03033 ISBN 978 1 4051 7935 5 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a Missing or empty title help Traianus Caesar Trajan to Pliny X 46 Diplomata quorum praeteritus est dies non debent esse in usu Ideo inter prima iniungo mihi ut per omnes provincias ante mittam nova diplomata quam desiderari possint Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Cursus publicus amp oldid 1130888208, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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