
Constructor (object-oriented programming)

In class-based, object-oriented programming, a constructor (abbreviation: ctor) is a special type of function called to create an object. It prepares the new object for use, often accepting arguments that the constructor uses to set required member variables.

A constructor resembles an instance method, but it differs from a method in that it has no explicit return type, it is not implicitly inherited and it usually has different rules for scope modifiers. Constructors often have the same name as the declaring class. They have the task of initializing the object's data members and of establishing the invariant of the class, failing if the invariant is invalid. A properly written constructor leaves the resulting object in a valid state. Immutable objects must be initialized in a constructor.

Most languages allow overloading the constructor in that there can be more than one constructor for a class, with differing parameters. Some languages take consideration of some special types of constructors. Constructors, which concretely use a single class to create objects and return a new instance of the class, are abstracted by factories, which also create objects but can do so in various ways, using multiple classes or different allocation schemes such as an object pool.

Types edit

Parameterized constructors edit

Constructors that can take at least one argument are termed as parameterized constructors. When an object is declared in a parameterized constructor, the initial values have to be passed as arguments to the constructor function. The normal way of object declaration may not work. The constructors can be called explicitly or implicitly. The method of calling the constructor implicitly is also called the shorthand method.

class Example {  public:  Example();  Example(int a, int b); // Parameterized constructor.  private:  int x_;  int y_; }; Example::Example() = default; Example::Example(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) {} 
Example e = Example(0, 50); // Explicit call. Example e2(0, 50); // Implicit call. 

Default constructors edit

If the programmer does not supply a constructor for an instantiable class, Java compiler inserts a default constructor into your code on your behalf. This constructor is known as default constructor. You would not find it in your source code (the java file) as it would be inserted into the code during compilation and exists in .class file. The behavior of the default constructor is language dependent. It may initialize data members to zero or other same values, or it may do nothing at all. In Java, a "default constructor" refer to a nullary constructor that is automatically generated by the compiler if no constructors have been defined for the class or in the absence of any programmer-defined constructors (e.g. in Java, the default constructor implicitly calls the superclass's nullary constructor, then executes an empty body). All fields are left at their initial value of 0 (integer types), 0.0 (floating-point types), false (boolean type), or null (reference types)...

#include <iostream> class Student {  public:  Student(int a = 0, int b = 0); // Default constructor.  int a;  int b; }; 

Copy constructors edit

Like C++, Java also supports "Copy Constructor". But, unlike C++, Java doesn't create a default copy constructor if you don't write your own. Copy constructors define the actions performed by the compiler when copying class objects. A Copy constructor has one formal parameter that is the type of the class (the parameter may be a reference to an object). It is used to create a copy of an existing object of the same class. Even though both classes are the same, it counts as a conversion constructor. While copy constructors are usually abbreviated copy ctor or cctor, they have nothing to do with class constructors used in .NET using the same abbreviation.

Conversion constructors edit

Conversion constructors provide a means for a compiler to implicitly create an object belonging to one class based on an object of a different type. These constructors are usually invoked implicitly to convert arguments or operands to an appropriate type, but they may also be called explicitly.

Move constructors edit

In C++, move constructors take an Rvalue reference to an object of the class, and are used to implement ownership transfer of the parameter object's resources.

Syntax edit

  • Java, C++, C#, ActionScript, PHP 4 and MATLAB have a naming convention in which constructors have the same name as the class with which they are associated.
  • In PHP 5, a recommended name for a constructor is __construct. For backwards compatibility, a method with the same name as the class will be called if __construct method can not be found. Since PHP 5.3.3, this works only for non-namespaced classes.[1]
  • In PHP 7, you should always name the constructor as __construct. Methods with the same name as the class will trigger an E_DEPRECATED level error.[1]
  • In Perl, constructors are, by convention, named "new" and have to do a fair amount of object creation.
  • In Moose object system for Perl, constructors (named new) are automatically created and are extended by specifying a BUILD method.
  • In Visual Basic .NET, the constructor is called "New".
  • In Python, the constructor is split over two methods, "__new__" and "__init__". The __new__ method is responsible for allocating memory for the instance, and receives the class as an argument (conventionally called "cls"). The __init__ method (often called "the initialiser") is passed the newly created instance as an argument (conventionally called "self").[2]
  • Object Pascal constructors are signified by the keyword "constructor" and can have user-defined names (but are mostly called "Create").
  • In Objective-C, the constructor method is split across two methods, "alloc" and "init" with the alloc method setting aside (allocating) memory for an instance of the class, and the init method handling the bulk of initializing the instance. A call to the method "new" invokes both the alloc and the init methods, for the class instance.

Memory organization edit

In Java, C#, and VB .NET, the constructor creates reference type objects in a special memory structure called the "heap". Value types (such as int, double, etc.) are created in a sequential structure called the "stack". VB .NET and C# also allow the use of the new operator to create value type objects, but these value type objects are created on the stack regardless of whether the operator is used or not.

In C++, objects are created on the stack when the constructor is invoked without the new operator, and created on the heap when the constructor is invoked with the new operator. Stack objects are deleted implicitly when they go out of scope, while heap objects must be deleted implicitly by a destructor or explicitly by using the delete operator.

Language details edit

Constructors are implemented in different programming languages in various ways, including:

C++ edit

In C++, the name of the constructor is the name of the class. It returns nothing. It can have parameters like any member function. Constructor functions are usually declared in the public section, but can also be declared in the protected and private sections, if the user wants to restrict access to them.

The constructor has two parts. First is the initializer list which follows the parameter list and before the method body. It starts with a colon and entries are comma-separated. The initializer list is not required, but offers the opportunity to provide values for data members and avoid separate assignment statements. The initializer list is required if you have const or reference type data members, or members that do not have parameterless constructor logic. Assignments occur according to the order in which data members are declared (even if the order in the initializer list is different).[3] The second part is the body, which is a normal method body enclosed in curly brackets.

C++ allows more than one constructor. The other constructors must have different parameters. Additionally constructors which contain parameters which are given default values, must adhere to the restriction that not all parameters are given a default value. This is a situation which only matters if there is a default constructor. The constructor of a base class (or base classes) can also be called by a derived class. Constructor functions are not inherited and their addresses cannot be referenced. When memory allocation is required, the new and delete operators are called implicitly.

A copy constructor has a parameter of the same type passed as const reference, for example Vector(const Vector& rhs). If it is not provided explicitly, the compiler uses the copy constructor for each member variable or simply copies values in case of primitive types. The default implementation is not efficient if the class has dynamically allocated members (or handles to other resources), because it can lead to double calls to delete (or double release of resources) upon destruction.

class Foobar {  public:  Foobar(double r = 1.0,  double alpha = 0.0) // Constructor, parameters with default values.  : x_(r * cos(alpha)) // <- Initializer list  {  y_ = r * sin(alpha); // <- Normal assignment  }  private:  double x_;  double y_; }; 

Example invocations:

Foobar a,  b(3),  c(5, M_PI/4); 

On returning objects from functions or passing objects by value, the objects copy constructor will be called implicitly, unless return value optimization applies.

C++ implicitly generates a default copy constructor which will call the copy constructors for all base classes and all member variables unless the programmer provides one, explicitly deletes the copy constructor (to prevent cloning) or one of the base classes or member variables copy constructor is deleted or not accessible (private). Most cases calling for a customized copy constructor (e.g. reference counting, deep copy of pointers) also require customizing the destructor and the copy assignment operator. This is commonly referred to as the Rule of three.

C# edit

Example C# constructor:

public class MyClass {  private int a;  private string b;  // Constructor  public MyClass() : this(42, "string")  {  }  // Overloading a constructor  public MyClass(int a, string b)  {  this.a = a;  this.b = b;  } } 
// Code somewhere // Instantiating an object with the constructor above MyClass c = new MyClass(42, "string"); 

C# static constructor edit

In C#, a static constructor is a static data initializer.[4]: 111–112  Static constructors are also called class constructors. Since the actual method generated has the name .cctor they are often also called "cctors".[5][6]

Static constructors allow complex static variable initialization.[7] Static constructors are called implicitly when the class is first accessed. Any call to a class (static or constructor call), triggers the static constructor execution. Static constructors are thread safe and implement a singleton pattern. When used in a generic programming class, static constructors are called at every new generic instantiation one per type.[8]: 38 [4]: 111  Static variables are instantiated as well.

public class MyClass {  private static int _A;  // Normal constructor  static MyClass()  {  _A = 32;  }  // Standard default constructor  public MyClass()  {  } } 
// Code somewhere // Instantiating an object with the constructor above // right before the instantiation // The variable static constructor is executed and _A is 32 MyClass c = new MyClass(); 

ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) edit

ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) uses a method named 'init' as a constructor method.


component {  // properties  property name="cheeseName";  // constructor  function Cheese init( required string cheeseName ) {  variables.cheeseName = arguments.cheeseName;  return this;  } } 

Create instance of a cheese.

myCheese = new Cheese( 'Cheddar' ); 

Since ColdFusion 10,[9] CFML has also supported specifying the name of the constructor method:

component initmethod="Cheese" {  // properties  property name="cheeseName";  // constructor  function Cheese Cheese( required string cheeseName ) {  variables.cheeseName = arguments.cheeseName;  return this;  } } 

Eiffel edit

In Eiffel, the routines which initialize new objects are called creation procedures. Creation procedures have the following traits:

  • Creation procedures have no explicit return type (by definition of procedure).[a]
  • Creation procedures are named.
  • Creation procedures are designated by name as creation procedures in the text of the class.
  • Creation procedures can be explicitly invoked to re-initialize existing objects.
  • Every effective (i.e., concrete or non-abstract) class must designate at least one creation procedure.
  • Creation procedures must leave the newly initialized object in a state that satisfies the class invariant.[b]

Although object creation involves some subtleties,[10] the creation of an attribute with a typical declaration x: T as expressed in a creation instruction create x.make consists of the following sequence of steps:

  • Create a new direct instance of type T.[c]
  • Execute the creation procedure make to the newly created instance.
  • Attach the newly initialized object to the entity x.

In the first snippet below, class POINT is defined. The procedure make is coded after the keyword feature.

The keyword create introduces a list of procedures which can be used to initialize instances. In this case the list includes default_create, a procedure with an empty implementation inherited from class ANY, and the make procedure coded within the class.

class  POINT create  default_create, make feature  make (a_x_value: REAL; a_y_value: REAL)  do  x := a_x_value  y := a_y_value  end  x: REAL  -- X coordinate  y: REAL  -- Y coordinate  ... 

In the second snippet, a class which is a client to POINT has a declarations my_point_1 and my_point_2 of type POINT.

In procedural code, my_point_1 is created as the origin (0.0, 0.0). Because no creation procedure is specified, the procedure default_create inherited from class ANY is used. This line could have been coded create my_point_1.default_create . Only procedures named as creation procedures can be used in an instruction with the create keyword. Next is a creation instruction for my_point_2, providing initial values for the my_point_2's coordinates. The third instruction makes an ordinary instance call to the make procedure to reinitialize the instance attached to my_point_2 with different values.

 my_point_1: POINT  my_point_2: POINT  ...  create my_point_1  create my_point_2.make (3.0, 4.0)  my_point_2.make (5.0, 8.0)  ... 

F# edit

In F#, a constructor can include any let or do statements defined in a class. let statements define private fields and do statements execute code. Additional constructors can be defined using the new keyword.

type MyClass(_a : int, _b : string) = class  // Primary constructor  let a = _a  let b = _b  do printfn "a = %i, b = %s" a b  // Additional constructors  new(_a : int) = MyClass(_a, "") then  printfn "Integer parameter given"  new(_b : string) = MyClass(0, _b) then  printfn "String parameter given"  new() = MyClass(0, "") then  printfn "No parameter given" end 
// Code somewhere // instantiating an object with the primary constructor let c1 = new MyClass(42, "string") // instantiating an object with additional constructors let c2 = new MyClass(42) let c3 = new MyClass("string") let c4 = MyClass() // "new" keyword is optional 

Java edit

In Java, constructors differ from other methods in that:

  • Constructors never have an explicit return type.
  • Constructors cannot be directly invoked (the keyword “new” invokes them).
  • Constructors should not have non-access modifiers.

Java constructors perform the following tasks in the following order:

  1. Call the default constructor of the superclass if no constructor is defined.
  2. Initialize member variables to the specified values.
  3. Executes the body of the constructor.

Java permit users to call one constructor in another constructor using this() keyword. But this() must be first statement. [11]

class Example {   Example() // Non-parameterized constructor  {  this(1); // Calling of constructor  System.out.println("0-arg-cons");  }  Example(int a) // Parameterized constructor  {  System.out.println("1-arg-cons");  } } public static void main(String[] args) {  Example e = new Example(); } 

Java provides access to the superclass's constructor through the super keyword.

public class Example {  // Definition of the constructor.  public Example()  {  this(1);  }  // Overloading a constructor  public Example(int input)  {  data = input; // This is an assignment  }  // Declaration of instance variable(s).  private int data; } 
// Code somewhere else // Instantiating an object with the above constructor Example e = new Example(42); 

A constructor taking zero number of arguments is called a "no-arguments" or "no-arg" constructor.[12]

JavaScript edit

As of ES6, JavaScript has direct constructors like many other programming languages. They are written as such

class FooBar {  constructor(baz) {  this.baz = baz  } } 

This can be instantiated as such

const foo = new FooBar('7') 

The equivalent of this before ES6, was creating a function that instantiates an object as such

function FooBar (baz) {  this.baz = baz; } 

This is instantiated the same way as above.

Object Pascal edit

In Object Pascal, the constructor is similar to a factory method. The only syntactic difference to regular methods is the keyword constructor in front of the name (instead of procedure or function). It can have any name, though the convention is to have Create as prefix, such as in CreateWithFormatting. Creating an instance of a class works like calling a static method of a class: TPerson.Create('Peter').

program OopProgram; type  TPerson = class  private  FName: string;  public  property Name: string read FName;  constructor Create(AName: string);  end; constructor TPerson.Create(AName: string); begin  FName := AName; end; var  Person: TPerson; begin  Person := TPerson.Create('Peter'); // allocates an instance of TPerson and then calls TPerson.Create with the parameter AName = 'Peter' end. 

OCaml edit

In OCaml, there is one constructor. Parameters are defined right after the class name. They can be used to initialize instance variables and are accessible throughout the class. An anonymous hidden method called initializer allows to evaluate an expression immediately after the object has been built.[13]

class person first_name last_name = object val full_name = first_name ^ " " ^ last_name initializer print_endline("Hello there, I am " ^ full_name ^ ".") method get_last_name = last_name end;; let alonzo = new person "Alonzo" "Church" in (*Hello there, I am Alonzo Church.*) print_endline alonzo#get_last_name (*Church*) 

PHP edit

In PHP version 5 and above, the constructor is a method named __construct() (notice that it's a double underscore), which the keyword new automatically calls after creating the object. It is usually used to automatically perform initializations such as property initializations. Constructors can also accept arguments, in which case, when the new statement is written, you also need to send the constructor arguments for the parameters.[1]

class Person { private string $name; public function __construct(string $name): void { $this->name = $name; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } } 

In PHP, a class is only allowed to declare a maximum of one constructor method. Static methods, factory classes or optional constructor arguments are some ways to facilitate multiple ways to create objects of a PHP class.

Perl 5 edit

In Perl version 5, by default, constructors are factory methods, that is, methods that create and return the object, concretely meaning create and return a blessed reference. A typical object is a reference to a hash, though rarely references to other types are used too. By convention the only constructor is named new, though it is allowed to name it otherwise, or to have multiple constructors. For example, a Person class may have a constructor named new, and a constructor new_from_file which reads a file for Person attributes, and new_from_person which uses another Person object as a template.

package Person; # In Perl constructors are named 'new' by convention. sub new {  # Class name is implicitly passed in as 0th argument.  my $class = shift;  # Default attribute values, if you have any.  my %defaults = ( foo => "bar" );  # Initialize attributes as a combination of default values and arguments passed.  my $self = { %defaults, @_ };  # Check for required arguments, class invariant, etc.  if ( not defined $self->{first_name} ) {  die "Mandatory attribute missing in Person->new(): first_name";  }  if ( not defined $self->{last_name} ) {  die "Mandatory attribute missing in Person->new(): last_name";  }  if ( defined $self->{age} and $self->{age} < 18 ) {  die "Invalid attribute value in Person->new(): age < 18";  }  # Perl makes an object belong to a class by 'bless'.  bless $self, $class;  return $self; } 1; 

Perl 5 with Moose edit

In the Moose object system for Perl, most of this boilerplate can be omitted, a default new is created, attributes can be specified, and whether they can be set, reset, or are required. In addition, any extra constructor functionality can be included in a BUILD method which the Moose generated constructor will call, after it has checked the arguments. A BUILDARGS method can be specified to handle constructor arguments not in hashref / key => value form.

package Person; # enable Moose-style object construction use Moose; # first name ( a string) can only be set at construction time ('ro') has first_name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); # last name ( a string) can only be set at construction time ('ro') has last_name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); # age (Integer) can be modified after construction ('rw'), and is not required # to be passed to be constructor. Also creates a 'has_age' method which returns # true if age has been set has age => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', predicate => 'has_age'); # Check custom requirements sub BUILD {  my $self = shift;  if ($self->has_age && $self->age < 18) { # no under 18s   die "No under-18 Persons";  } } 1; 

In both cases the Person class is instiated like this:

use Person; my $p = Person->new( first_name => 'Sam', last_name => 'Ashe', age => 42 ); 

Python edit

In Python, constructors are defined by one or both of __new__ and __init__ methods. A new instance is created by calling the class as if it were a function, which calls the __new__ and __init__ methods. If a constructor method is not defined in the class, the next one found in the class's Method Resolution Order will be called.[14]

In the typical case, only the __init__ method need be defined. (The most common exception is for immutable objects.)

>>> class ExampleClass: ...  def __new__(cls, value): ...  print("Creating new instance...") ...  # Call the superclass constructor to create the instance. ...  instance = super(ExampleClass, cls).__new__(cls) ...  return instance ...  def __init__(self, value): ...  print("Initialising instance...") ...  self.payload = value >>> exampleInstance = ExampleClass(42) Creating new instance... Initialising instance... >>> print(exampleInstance.payload) 42 

Classes normally act as factories for new instances of themselves, that is, a class is a callable object (like a function), with the call being the constructor, and calling the class returns an instance of that class. However the __new__ method is permitted to return something other than an instance of the class for specialised purposes. In that case, the __init__ is not invoked.[15]

Raku edit

In Raku, even more boilerplate can be omitted, given that a default new method is inherited, attributes can be specified, and whether they can be set, reset, or are required. In addition, any extra constructor functionality can be included in a BUILD method which will get called to allow for custom initialization. A TWEAK method can be specified to post-process any attributes already (implicitly) initialized.

class Person { has Str $.first-name is required; # First name (a string) can only be set at    # construction time (the . means "public"). has Str $.last-name is required; # Last name (a string) can only be set at    # construction time (a ! would mean "private"). has Int $.age is rw;  # Age (an integer) can be modified after     # construction ('rw'), and is not required    # during the object instantiation. # Create a 'full-name' method which returns the person's full name. # This method can be accessed outside the class. method full-name { $!first-name.tc ~ " " ~ $!last-name.tc } # Create a 'has-age' method which returns true if age has been set. # This method is used only inside the class so it's declared as "private" # by prepending its name with a ! method !has-age { self.age.defined } # Check custom requirements method TWEAK { if self!has-age && $!age < 18 { # No under 18  die "No person under 18"; } } } 

The Person class is instantiated like this:

my $p0 = Person.new( first-name => 'Sam', last-name => 'Ashe', age => 42 ); my $p1 = Person.new( first-name => 'grace', last-name => 'hopper' ); say $p1.full-name(); # OUTPUT: «Grace Hopper␤» 

Alternatively, the named parameters can be specified using the colon-pair syntax in Perl 6:

my $p0 = Person.new( :first-name<Sam>, :last-name<Ashe>, :age(42) ); my $p1 = Person.new( :first-name<Grace>, :last-name<Hopper> ); 

And should you have set up variables with names identical to the named parameters, you can use a shortcut that will use the name of the variable for the named parameter:

my $first-name = "Sam"; my $last-name = "Ashe"; my $age = 42; my $p0 = Person.new( :$first-name, :$last-name, :$age ); 

Ruby edit

In Ruby, constructors are created by defining a method called initialize. This method is executed to initialize each new instance.

irb(main):001:0> class ExampleClass irb(main):002:1>  def initialize irb(main):003:2>  puts "Hello there" irb(main):004:2>  end irb(main):005:1> end => nil irb(main):006:0> ExampleClass.new Hello there => #<ExampleClass:0x007fb3f4299118> 

Visual Basic .NET edit

In Visual Basic .NET, constructors use a method declaration with the name "New".

Class Foobar  Private strData As String  ' Constructor  Public Sub New(ByVal someParam As String)  strData = someParam  End Sub End Class 
' code somewhere else ' instantiating an object with the above constructor Dim foo As New Foobar(".NET") 

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Eiffel routines are either procedures or functions. Procedures never have a return type. Functions always have a return type.
  2. ^ Because the inherited class invariant must be satisfied, there is no mandatory call to the parents' constructors.
  3. ^ The Eiffel standard requires fields to be initialized on first access, so it is not necessary to perform default field initialization during object creation.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c Constructors and Destructors, from PHP online documentation
  2. ^ Data model, from Python online documentation
  3. ^ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1242830/constructor-initialization-list-evaluation-order Constructor
  4. ^ a b Albahari, Joseph. C# 10 in a Nutshell. O'Reilly. ISBN 978-1-098-12195-2.
  5. ^ "Fabulous Adventures in Coding". Eric Lippert. 2013-02-06. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  6. ^ Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler. APress. 2006-01-01. ISBN 9781430202233. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  7. ^ Static Constructor in C# on MSDN
  8. ^ Skeet, Jon. C# in Depth. Manning. ISBN 978-1617294532.
  9. ^ CFComponent
  10. ^ Eiffel ISO/ECMA specification document
  11. ^ Details on Constructor in java
  12. ^ "Providing Constructors for Your Classes". Oracle Corporation. 2013. Retrieved 2013-12-20.
  13. ^ OCaml manual
  14. ^ Data model
  15. ^ Data model

constructor, object, oriented, programming, class, based, object, oriented, programming, constructor, abbreviation, ctor, special, type, function, called, create, object, prepares, object, often, accepting, arguments, that, constructor, uses, required, member,. In class based object oriented programming a constructor abbreviation ctor is a special type of function called to create an object It prepares the new object for use often accepting arguments that the constructor uses to set required member variables A constructor resembles an instance method but it differs from a method in that it has no explicit return type it is not implicitly inherited and it usually has different rules for scope modifiers Constructors often have the same name as the declaring class They have the task of initializing the object s data members and of establishing the invariant of the class failing if the invariant is invalid A properly written constructor leaves the resulting object in a valid state Immutable objects must be initialized in a constructor Most languages allow overloading the constructor in that there can be more than one constructor for a class with differing parameters Some languages take consideration of some special types of constructors Constructors which concretely use a single class to create objects and return a new instance of the class are abstracted by factories which also create objects but can do so in various ways using multiple classes or different allocation schemes such as an object pool Contents 1 Types 1 1 Parameterized constructors 1 2 Default constructors 1 3 Copy constructors 1 4 Conversion constructors 1 5 Move constructors 2 Syntax 3 Memory organization 4 Language details 4 1 C 4 2 C 4 2 1 C static constructor 4 3 ColdFusion Markup Language CFML 4 4 Eiffel 4 5 F 4 6 Java 4 7 JavaScript 4 8 Object Pascal 4 9 OCaml 4 10 PHP 4 11 Perl 5 4 11 1 Perl 5 with Moose 4 12 Python 4 13 Raku 4 14 Ruby 4 15 Visual Basic NET 5 See also 6 Notes 7 ReferencesTypes editParameterized constructors edit Constructors that can take at least one argument are termed as parameterized constructors When an object is declared in a parameterized constructor the initial values have to be passed as arguments to the constructor function The normal way of object declaration may not work The constructors can be called explicitly or implicitly The method of calling the constructor implicitly is also called the shorthand method class Example public Example Example int a int b Parameterized constructor private int x int y Example Example default Example Example int x int y x x y y Example e Example 0 50 Explicit call Example e2 0 50 Implicit call Default constructors edit If the programmer does not supply a constructor for an instantiable class Java compiler inserts a default constructor into your code on your behalf This constructor is known as default constructor You would not find it in your source code the java file as it would be inserted into the code during compilation and exists in class file The behavior of the default constructor is language dependent It may initialize data members to zero or other same values or it may do nothing at all In Java a default constructor refer to a nullary constructor that is automatically generated by the compiler if no constructors have been defined for the class or in the absence of any programmer defined constructors e g in Java the default constructor implicitly calls the superclass s nullary constructor then executes an empty body All fields are left at their initial value of 0 integer types 0 0 floating point types false boolean type or null reference types include lt iostream gt class Student public Student int a 0 int b 0 Default constructor int a int b Copy constructors edit See also Copy constructor C Like C Java also supports Copy Constructor But unlike C Java doesn t create a default copy constructor if you don t write your own Copy constructors define the actions performed by the compiler when copying class objects A Copy constructor has one formal parameter that is the type of the class the parameter may be a reference to an object It is used to create a copy of an existing object of the same class Even though both classes are the same it counts as a conversion constructor While copy constructors are usually abbreviated copy ctor or cctor they have nothing to do with class constructors used in NET using the same abbreviation Conversion constructors edit Conversion constructors provide a means for a compiler to implicitly create an object belonging to one class based on an object of a different type These constructors are usually invoked implicitly to convert arguments or operands to an appropriate type but they may also be called explicitly Move constructors edit In C move constructors take an Rvalue reference to an object of the class and are used to implement ownership transfer of the parameter object s resources Syntax editJava C C ActionScript PHP 4 and MATLAB have a naming convention in which constructors have the same name as the class with which they are associated In PHP 5 a recommended name for a constructor is construct For backwards compatibility a method with the same name as the class will be called if construct method can not be found Since PHP 5 3 3 this works only for non namespaced classes 1 In PHP 7 you should always name the constructor as construct Methods with the same name as the class will trigger an E DEPRECATED level error 1 In Perl constructors are by convention named new and have to do a fair amount of object creation In Moose object system for Perl constructors named new are automatically created and are extended by specifying a BUILD method In Visual Basic NET the constructor is called New In Python the constructor is split over two methods new and init The new method is responsible for allocating memory for the instance and receives the class as an argument conventionally called cls The init method often called the initialiser is passed the newly created instance as an argument conventionally called self 2 Object Pascal constructors are signified by the keyword constructor and can have user defined names but are mostly called Create In Objective C the constructor method is split across two methods alloc and init with the alloc method setting aside allocating memory for an instance of the class and the init method handling the bulk of initializing the instance A call to the method new invokes both the alloc and the init methods for the class instance Memory organization editIn Java C and VB NET the constructor creates reference type objects in a special memory structure called the heap Value types such as int double etc are created in a sequential structure called the stack VB NET and C also allow the use of the new operator to create value type objects but these value type objects are created on the stack regardless of whether the operator is used or not In C objects are created on the stack when the constructor is invoked without the new operator and created on the heap when the constructor is invoked with the new operator Stack objects are deleted implicitly when they go out of scope while heap objects must be deleted implicitly by a destructor or explicitly by using the delete operator Language details editConstructors are implemented in different programming languages in various ways including C edit In C the name of the constructor is the name of the class It returns nothing It can have parameters like any member function Constructor functions are usually declared in the public section but can also be declared in the protected and private sections if the user wants to restrict access to them The constructor has two parts First is the initializer list which follows the parameter list and before the method body It starts with a colon and entries are comma separated The initializer list is not required but offers the opportunity to provide values for data members and avoid separate assignment statements The initializer list is required if you have const or reference type data members or members that do not have parameterless constructor logic Assignments occur according to the order in which data members are declared even if the order in the initializer list is different 3 The second part is the body which is a normal method body enclosed in curly brackets C allows more than one constructor The other constructors must have different parameters Additionally constructors which contain parameters which are given default values must adhere to the restriction that not all parameters are given a default value This is a situation which only matters if there is a default constructor The constructor of a base class or base classes can also be called by a derived class Constructor functions are not inherited and their addresses cannot be referenced When memory allocation is required the new and delete operators are called implicitly A copy constructor has a parameter of the same type passed as const reference for example Vector const Vector amp rhs If it is not provided explicitly the compiler uses the copy constructor for each member variable or simply copies values in case of primitive types The default implementation is not efficient if the class has dynamically allocated members or handles to other resources because it can lead to double calls to delete or double release of resources upon destruction class Foobar public Foobar double r 1 0 double alpha 0 0 Constructor parameters with default values x r cos alpha lt Initializer list y r sin alpha lt Normal assignment private double x double y Example invocations Foobar a b 3 c 5 M PI 4 On returning objects from functions or passing objects by value the objects copy constructor will be called implicitly unless return value optimization applies C implicitly generates a default copy constructor which will call the copy constructors for all base classes and all member variables unless the programmer provides one explicitly deletes the copy constructor to prevent cloning or one of the base classes or member variables copy constructor is deleted or not accessible private Most cases calling for a customized copy constructor e g reference counting deep copy of pointers also require customizing the destructor and the copy assignment operator This is commonly referred to as the Rule of three C edit Example C constructor public class MyClass private int a private string b Constructor public MyClass this 42 string Overloading a constructor public MyClass int a string b this a a this b b Code somewhere Instantiating an object with the constructor above MyClass c new MyClass 42 string C static constructor edit In C a static constructor is a static data initializer 4 111 112 Static constructors are also called class constructors Since the actual method generated has the name cctor they are often also called cctors 5 6 Static constructors allow complex static variable initialization 7 Static constructors are called implicitly when the class is first accessed Any call to a class static or constructor call triggers the static constructor execution Static constructors are thread safe and implement a singleton pattern When used in a generic programming class static constructors are called at every new generic instantiation one per type 8 38 4 111 Static variables are instantiated as well public class MyClass private static int A Normal constructor static MyClass A 32 Standard default constructor public MyClass Code somewhere Instantiating an object with the constructor above right before the instantiation The variable static constructor is executed and A is 32 MyClass c new MyClass ColdFusion Markup Language CFML edit ColdFusion Markup Language CFML uses a method named init as a constructor method Cheese cfc component properties property name cheeseName constructor function Cheese init required string cheeseName variables cheeseName arguments cheeseName return this Create instance of a cheese myCheese new Cheese Cheddar Since ColdFusion 10 9 CFML has also supported specifying the name of the constructor method component initmethod Cheese properties property name cheeseName constructor function Cheese Cheese required string cheeseName variables cheeseName arguments cheeseName return this Eiffel edit In Eiffel the routines which initialize new objects are called creation procedures Creation procedures have the following traits Creation procedures have no explicit return type by definition of procedure a Creation procedures are named Creation procedures are designated by name as creation procedures in the text of the class Creation procedures can be explicitly invoked to re initialize existing objects Every effective i e concrete or non abstract class must designate at least one creation procedure Creation procedures must leave the newly initialized object in a state that satisfies the class invariant b Although object creation involves some subtleties 10 the creation of an attribute with a typical declaration x T as expressed in a creation instruction create x make consists of the following sequence of steps Create a new direct instance of type T c Execute the creation procedure make to the newly created instance Attach the newly initialized object to the entity x In the first snippet below class POINT is defined The procedure make is coded after the keyword feature The keyword create introduces a list of procedures which can be used to initialize instances In this case the list includes default create a procedure with an empty implementation inherited from class ANY and the make procedure coded within the class class POINT create default create make feature make a x value REAL a y value REAL do x a x value y a y value end x REAL X coordinate y REAL Y coordinate In the second snippet a class which is a client to POINT has a declarations my point 1 and my point 2 of type POINT In procedural code my point 1 is created as the origin 0 0 0 0 Because no creation procedure is specified the procedure default create inherited from class ANY is used This line could have been coded create my point 1 default create Only procedures named as creation procedures can be used in an instruction with the create keyword Next is a creation instruction for my point 2 providing initial values for the my point 2 s coordinates The third instruction makes an ordinary instance call to the make procedure to reinitialize the instance attached to my point 2 with different values my point 1 POINT my point 2 POINT create my point 1 create my point 2 make 3 0 4 0 my point 2 make 5 0 8 0 F edit In F a constructor can include any let or do statements defined in a class let statements define private fields and do statements execute code Additional constructors can be defined using the new keyword type MyClass a int b string class Primary constructor let a a let b b do printfn a i b s a b Additional constructors new a int MyClass a then printfn Integer parameter given new b string MyClass 0 b then printfn String parameter given new MyClass 0 then printfn No parameter given end Code somewhere instantiating an object with the primary constructor let c1 new MyClass 42 string instantiating an object with additional constructors let c2 new MyClass 42 let c3 new MyClass string let c4 MyClass new keyword is optional Java edit In Java constructors differ from other methods in that Constructors never have an explicit return type Constructors cannot be directly invoked the keyword new invokes them Constructors should not have non access modifiers Java constructors perform the following tasks in the following order Call the default constructor of the superclass if no constructor is defined Initialize member variables to the specified values Executes the body of the constructor Java permit users to call one constructor in another constructor using this keyword But this must be first statement 11 class Example Example Non parameterized constructor this 1 Calling of constructor System out println 0 arg cons Example int a Parameterized constructor System out println 1 arg cons public static void main String args Example e new Example Java provides access to the superclass s constructor through the super keyword public class Example Definition of the constructor public Example this 1 Overloading a constructor public Example int input data input This is an assignment Declaration of instance variable s private int data Code somewhere else Instantiating an object with the above constructor Example e new Example 42 A constructor taking zero number of arguments is called a no arguments or no arg constructor 12 JavaScript edit As of ES6 JavaScript has direct constructors like many other programming languages They are written as such class FooBar constructor baz this baz baz This can be instantiated as such const foo new FooBar 7 The equivalent of this before ES6 was creating a function that instantiates an object as such function FooBar baz this baz baz This is instantiated the same way as above Object Pascal edit In Object Pascal the constructor is similar to a factory method The only syntactic difference to regular methods is the keyword constructor in front of the name instead of procedure or function It can have any name though the convention is to have Create as prefix such as in CreateWithFormatting Creating an instance of a class works like calling a static method of a class TPerson Create Peter program OopProgram type TPerson class private FName string public property Name string read FName constructor Create AName string end constructor TPerson Create AName string begin FName AName end var Person TPerson begin Person TPerson Create Peter allocates an instance of TPerson and then calls TPerson Create with the parameter AName Peter end OCaml edit In OCaml there is one constructor Parameters are defined right after the class name They can be used to initialize instance variables and are accessible throughout the class An anonymous hidden method called initializer allows to evaluate an expression immediately after the object has been built 13 class person first name last name object val full name first name last name initializer print endline Hello there I am full name method get last name last name end let alonzo new person Alonzo Church in Hello there I am Alonzo Church print endline alonzo get last name Church PHP edit In PHP version 5 and above the constructor is a method named construct notice that it s a double underscore which the keyword new automatically calls after creating the object It is usually used to automatically perform initializations such as property initializations Constructors can also accept arguments in which case when the new statement is written you also need to send the constructor arguments for the parameters 1 class Person private string name public function construct string name void this gt name name public function getName string return this gt name In PHP a class is only allowed to declare a maximum of one constructor method Static methods factory classes or optional constructor arguments are some ways to facilitate multiple ways to create objects of a PHP class Perl 5 edit In Perl version 5 by default constructors are factory methods that is methods that create and return the object concretely meaning create and return a blessed reference A typical object is a reference to a hash though rarely references to other types are used too By convention the only constructor is named new though it is allowed to name it otherwise or to have multiple constructors For example a Person class may have a constructor named new and a constructor new from file which reads a file for Person attributes and new from person which uses another Person object as a template package Person In Perl constructors are named new by convention sub new Class name is implicitly passed in as 0th argument my class shift Default attribute values if you have any my defaults foo gt bar Initialize attributes as a combination of default values and arguments passed my self defaults Check for required arguments class invariant etc if not defined self gt first name die Mandatory attribute missing in Person gt new first name if not defined self gt last name die Mandatory attribute missing in Person gt new last name if defined self gt age and self gt age lt 18 die Invalid attribute value in Person gt new age lt 18 Perl makes an object belong to a class by bless bless self class return self 1 Perl 5 with Moose edit In the Moose object system for Perl most of this boilerplate can be omitted a default new is created attributes can be specified and whether they can be set reset or are required In addition any extra constructor functionality can be included in a BUILD method which the Moose generated constructor will call after it has checked the arguments A BUILDARGS method can be specified to handle constructor arguments not in hashref key gt value form package Person enable Moose style object construction use Moose first name a string can only be set at construction time ro has first name gt is gt ro isa gt Str required gt 1 last name a string can only be set at construction time ro has last name gt is gt ro isa gt Str required gt 1 age Integer can be modified after construction rw and is not required to be passed to be constructor Also creates a has age method which returns true if age has been set has age gt is gt rw isa gt Int predicate gt has age Check custom requirements sub BUILD my self shift if self gt has age amp amp self gt age lt 18 no under 18s die No under 18 Persons 1 In both cases the Person class is instiated like this use Person my p Person gt new first name gt Sam last name gt Ashe age gt 42 Python edit In Python constructors are defined by one or both of new and init methods A new instance is created by calling the class as if it were a function which calls the new and init methods If a constructor method is not defined in the class the next one found in the class s Method Resolution Order will be called 14 In the typical case only the init method need be defined The most common exception is for immutable objects gt gt gt class ExampleClass def new cls value print Creating new instance Call the superclass constructor to create the instance instance super ExampleClass cls new cls return instance def init self value print Initialising instance self payload value gt gt gt exampleInstance ExampleClass 42 Creating new instance Initialising instance gt gt gt print exampleInstance payload 42 Classes normally act as factories for new instances of themselves that is a class is a callable object like a function with the call being the constructor and calling the class returns an instance of that class However the new method is permitted to return something other than an instance of the class for specialised purposes In that case the init is not invoked 15 Raku edit In Raku even more boilerplate can be omitted given that a default new method is inherited attributes can be specified and whether they can be set reset or are required In addition any extra constructor functionality can be included in a BUILD method which will get called to allow for custom initialization A TWEAK method can be specified to post process any attributes already implicitly initialized class Person has Str first name is required First name a string can only be set at construction time the means public has Str last name is required Last name a string can only be set at construction time a would mean private has Int age is rw Age an integer can be modified after construction rw and is not required during the object instantiation Create a full name method which returns the person s full name This method can be accessed outside the class method full name first name tc last name tc Create a has age method which returns true if age has been set This method is used only inside the class so it s declared as private by prepending its name with a method has age self age defined Check custom requirements method TWEAK if self has age amp amp age lt 18 No under 18 die No person under 18 The Person class is instantiated like this my p0 Person new first name gt Sam last name gt Ashe age gt 42 my p1 Person new first name gt grace last name gt hopper say p1 full name OUTPUT Grace Hopper Alternatively the named parameters can be specified using the colon pair syntax in Perl 6 my p0 Person new first name lt Sam gt last name lt Ashe gt age 42 my p1 Person new first name lt Grace gt last name lt Hopper gt And should you have set up variables with names identical to the named parameters you can use a shortcut that will use the name of the variable for the named parameter my first name Sam my last name Ashe my age 42 my p0 Person new first name last name age Ruby edit In Ruby constructors are created by defining a method called initialize This method is executed to initialize each new instance irb main 001 0 gt class ExampleClass irb main 002 1 gt def initialize irb main 003 2 gt puts Hello there irb main 004 2 gt end irb main 005 1 gt end gt nil irb main 006 0 gt ExampleClass new Hello there gt lt ExampleClass 0x007fb3f4299118 gt Visual Basic NET edit In Visual Basic NET constructors use a method declaration with the name New Class Foobar Private strData As String Constructor Public Sub New ByVal someParam As String strData someParam End Sub End Class code somewhere else instantiating an object with the above constructor Dim foo As New Foobar NET See also editResource acquisition is initialization RAII Allocation site Creational pattern Destructor computer programming Global constructor in C and its C counterpart constructor function attributeNotes edit Eiffel routines are either procedures or functions Procedures never have a return type Functions always have a return type Because the inherited class invariant must be satisfied there is no mandatory call to the parents constructors The Eiffel standard requires fields to be initialized on first access so it is not necessary to perform default field initialization during object creation References edit a b c Constructors and Destructors from PHP online documentation Data model from Python online documentation https stackoverflow com questions 1242830 constructor initialization list evaluation order Constructor a b Albahari Joseph C 10 in a Nutshell O Reilly ISBN 978 1 098 12195 2 Fabulous Adventures in Coding Eric Lippert 2013 02 06 Retrieved 2014 04 05 Expert NET 2 0 IL Assembler APress 2006 01 01 ISBN 9781430202233 Retrieved 2014 04 05 Static Constructor in C on MSDN Skeet Jon C in Depth Manning ISBN 978 1617294532 CFComponent Eiffel ISO ECMA specification document Details on Constructor in java Providing Constructors for Your Classes Oracle Corporation 2013 Retrieved 2013 12 20 OCaml manual Data model Data model Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Constructor object oriented programming amp oldid 1213477631, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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