
Tribal assembly

The Tribal Assembly (Latin: Comitia (Populi) Tributa) was an assembly consisting of all Roman citizens convened by tribes (tribus).

In the Roman Republic, citizens did not elect legislative representatives. Instead, they voted themselves on legislative matters in the popular assemblies (the Comitia Centuriata, the Comitia Tributa, and the plebeian council). Bills were proposed by magistrates and the citizens only exercised their right to vote.

In the Tribal Assembly, citizens were organized on the basis of thirty-five tribes: four urban tribes of the citizens in the city of Rome, and thirty-one rural tribes of citizens outside the city. Each tribe voted separately and one after the other. In each tribe, decisions were made by majority vote, and its decision counted as one vote regardless of how many electors each tribe held. Once a majority of tribes had voted in the same way on a given measure, the voting ended, and the matter was decided.[1]

The Tribal Assembly was chaired by a magistrate, usually a consul or praetor. The presiding magistrate made all decisions on matters of procedure and legality. His power over the assembly could be nearly absolute. One check on his power came in the form of vetoes by other magistrates. Also, any decision made by a presiding magistrate could be vetoed by the plebeian tribunes.

The Tribal Assembly elected the quaestors, and the curule aediles.[2] It conducted trials for non-capital crimes. However, the dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla gave this responsibility to special jury courts (quaestiones perpetuae) in 82 BC.[citation needed] There are disagreements among modern historians regarding the number and nature of the tribal assembly (see below).

Definitions of types of assemblies edit

The Romans distinguished between two types of assemblies, the comitia (or comitatus) and the contio (contracted from conventio). The word comitia (coming together), which was the plural of comitium (a purpose-built meeting place), referred to assemblies convened to make decisions on legislative or judicial matters, or to hold elections. The word contio (coming together) referred to meetings where 'nothing was legally enacted'. They were convened to hear public announcements and pronouncements, speeches and debates, to witness the interrogation of someone accused of in a trial, and to watch executions. Opinions expressed in a contio did not have any legal validity.[3] The Tribal Assembly was a comitia. Private citizens who did not hold political office could make speeches in a contio, but not before a comitia or a concilium.[4] Citizens always assembled first in a contio to hear debates or to enable canvassing by electoral candidates before voting. The actual voting took place in a comitia or concilium (for this term, see below).[5]

Gellius wrote about a further distinction between comita and concilium, which he based on a quote from a passage written by Laelius Felix, a jurist of the early second-century:

He who orders not the entire people (populus) but some part thereof to be present ought to proclaim not a comitia, but a concilium. Moreover, the [plebeian] tribunes neither summon patricians nor have the power to propose anything to them. Thus, measures which were accepted on the proposal of the plebeian tribunes are not properly called laws (leges) but plebiscites. Patricians were not bound by these bills until the dictator Quintus Hortensius [287 BC] carried that law whereby all the Quirites (the Roman people) were bound by whatever the plebs had determined.[6]

This has been taken as referring to the assembly which was reserved for the plebeians (or plebs, the commoners), thus excluding the patricians (the aristocracy), and which was convened by the tribunes of the plebs – see plebeian council. Since the meetings of the plebs excluded the patricians, they were not considered as representing the whole of the Roman people and because of this, according to Laelius Felix, the term concilium applied to them. By contrast, the term comitia applied to assemblies which represented the whole of the Roman people. Measures passed by assemblies of the whole citizen body were called leges (laws), whereas those passed only by the plebeians were called plebiscites (resolutions of the plebs). Until the lex Hortensia passed by Quintus Hortensius in 287 BC, the patricians refused to accept the plebiscites as being binding on them on the ground that, because of their exclusion, did not apply to the whole of the people.[7]

Disagreements on the number and nature of tribal assemblies edit

Chart showing the checks and balances of the constitution of the Roman Republic

Andrew Lintott notes that many modern historians follow Theodor Mommsen's view that during the Roman Republic there were two assemblies of the tribes and that the ancient sources used the term Comitia Tributa with reference both of them. One was the assembly by the tribes which was used for plebeian meetings to which the patricians were excluded and which was convened by the plebeian tribunes. The other assembly based on the tribes was convened by the consulss or the praetors, and was an assembly of the whole of the Roman people, both patricians and plebeians. However, the ancient sources did not have a differentiation in terminology for the two of them and used the term Comitia Tributa for both.[8]

Many modern historians use the term Comitia Tributa or Comitia Populi Tributa (Comitia Tributa of the people) to indicate meetings by the tribes which involved the whole of the Roman people (populus) and the term Concilium Plebis or Concilium Plebis Tributum (plebeian council by the tribes) for assemblies based on the tribes which were exclusively for the plebeians. However, they are not found in the ancient Roman literature related to the Roman Republic. Therefore, they denote a distinction which can be disputed. It is based on the text by Gellius quoted above.

Lintott notes that some modern historians reject the Comitia Tributa/Concilium Plebis distinction and the use of the quote by Gellius as its basis. They argue that this terminology is a convention established by modern historians which ancient writers did not make and that there was no assembly based on tribes other than the one where the plebeians met to vote and which was presided over by the plebeian tribunes, who submitted bills to its vote. References to laws which were submitted to the Comitia Tributa by the consuls in the ancient literature must have pertained to bills they presented to the Comitia Centuriata (the assembly of the soldiers, another voting assembly), a deviation from correct procedure found in the late Republic, or instances in which these officials had the plebeian tribunes propose bills for them.[9][10][11] Lintott disagrees with the notion that there was only one assembly based on the tribes, which was the one of the plebeians. He notes that there are examples in which laws were proposed to the Comitia Tributa by the consuls, who did not preside over the assembly of the plebeians. For example, the law that increased the number of quaestors to twenty, attributed to Lucius Cornelius Sulla; the lex Gabinia Calpurnia de insula Delo of 58 BC; and the lex Quinctia of 9 BC. Moreover, the consuls conducted the elections of the curule aediles, who were not plebeian officials, before the tribes. Therefore, it is likely that the term Comitia Tributa was used both for the assemblies presided over by the consuls and the praetors and the assemblies presided over by the plebeian tribunes.[12] Further, Livy mentions a Comitia Tributa that was convened by the consuls in 446 BC, during the early Republic.[13]

Forsythe presents a more recent account of the argument that the Comitia Tributa/Concilium Plebis distinction is a misplaced convention established by modern historians. He argues that it is found only in the quote by Gellius which comes from a text which was written in the imperial period; that is, after the fall of the Roman Republic and long after the assemblies of the Republic had ceased to function. This implies that Laelius Felix was not sufficiently familiar with these republican institutions. Forsythe argues that the distinctions between two assemblies based on the tribes "has no support in the extensive writings of Cicero and Livy, who must have been far more knowledgeable in these matters than Laelius Felix." Cicero lived during the late Republic. Livy was born during the late Republic and wrote a detailed history of the republican period. Forsythe also argues that the word comitia was used for formal assemblies convened 'to vote on legislative, electoral and judicial matters', and that concilium was a generic term 'for any kind of public meetings of citizens, including both comitia and contio.' His conclusion is that the mentioned distinction is an artificial modern construction with no authority in ancient texts, that 'the ancients speak only of a Comitia Tributa' and that it is likely that in Republican times there was a single tribal assembly known as Comitia Tributa.[14]

According to Roman tradition, in 494 BC, fifteen years after the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Republic, the plebeians seceded from the city of Rome, which started the two hundred-year Conflict of the Orders between the patricians and the plebeians. During this first secession, the plebeians created their own institutions which were separate from those of the Roman state, which at that time was controlled by the patricians, and were intended to protect the interests of the plebeians. These included the plebeian tribunes, the plebeian aediles and the plebeian assembly.

Forsythe takes the revisionist view further. He rejects the idea there was a plebeian assembly and maintains that the Comitia Tributa was an assembly of the whole of the Roman people, and opines that the plebeian secession was a myth created in later times. Roman historians emerged in the late third and early second century BC, some three hundred years after the date attributed to this secession and the events of Rome's early history were poorly documented. Based on T. P. Wiseman's view that many of Rome's early historical traditions 'were created, propagated, accepted and reshaped' from the middle of the fourth century BC onward, through dramas played on the stage at religious festivals,[15] Forsythe argues that the story of the plebeian secession was invented to explain the origin of the temple of Ceres, and its plebeian associations. It was inspired by Herodotus' account of how Telines, a ruler of Gela, a Greek town in Sicily, used the rites of Demeter and Persephone to bring back to Gela a group of political exiles. This story of civil discord, reconciliation and integration and the cult of Demeter was used to fabricate the tale of the first plebeian secession where the plebeians seceded from Rome but were then reconciled and returned to the city.[16] The Ludi Ceriales (Games of Ceres) were held annually to celebrate the anniversary of the dedication of the temple of Ceres, which was dated by the tradition two years before the first secession.[17]

Assembly procedures edit

The convening of the assembly was announced three market-days (nundinae) in advance. The viatores (messengers) were sent "to inform those in country districts" about the convening of the assembly.[18] Later, for elections it was established that there should be a trinundinum, an interval of at least three market-days between the announcement of the election and the vote of the assembly, during which no legislation was permitted. The lex Caecilia Didia of 98 BC required a trinundinum interval between the announcement of a law and the vote. In the case of prosecutions before an assembly, the presiding magistrate was required to give notice (diem dicere) to the accused of the first day of the investigation (inquisitio), then at the end of each hearing he announced the adjournment to the next (diem prodicere). After this, there was a trinundinum interval before the assembly voted the verdict.[19] There are disagreements among scholars about how many days this interval lasted. Mommsen proposes 24 days, Michels 25 days. Lintott gives a flexible suggestion, 17 days or more.[20][21][22]

There could be only one assembly operating at a time. The augur Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus (who was consul in 53 BC) wrote a rule book (On Auspices). Among other things, it established that lesser magistrates could not call off (avocare, call away) an assembly which had already been convened. Thus, "whoever of them first summons the people to an election has the law on his side, because it is unlawful to take the same action twice with the people nor can one minor magistrate call away an assembly from another." However, a consul could call off a comitia or contio convened by another magistrate and a praetor could call off one summoned by magistrates other than a consul. If an assembly was called "to address a contio without laying any measure before them, it was lawful for any number of magistrates to hold a contio at the same time.[23] Lintott suggests that this rule was intended to prevent rivalry among magistrates.[22]

In addition to the presiding magistrate of an assembly, several other magistrates acted as assistants, to help resolve procedural disputes, and to provide a mechanism for electors to appeal the decisions of the presiding magistrate.[24] Since the Romans believed that the gods communicated their approval or disapproval with proposed actions, the presiding magistrate performed augury (the divination of the omens of the gods) the night before a meeting. There were also augurs (priests who performed augury), either in attendance or on-call, who would be available to help interpret the omens of the gods.[25] The meeting could only proceed if the omens were favourable. On several occasions, presiding magistrates claiming unfavourable omens suspended sessions that were not going the way they wanted. If after the assembly, the augurs decided that some formality had been neglected, its vote became void. In the case of elections, those persons who had been elected to an office had to resign.[26]

There were several means by which an assembly could be adjourned. Besides unfavourable auspices, this could happen on religious grounds when the gods manifested their displeasure by rain, thunder, or lightning, or if the sun set before the proceedings were completed: the last because the auspices were considered valid only for one day, from dawn to sunset. Other reasons were the veto of a plebeian tribune, or if one of the assembled citizens suffered an epileptic fit (morbus comitialis). In the politically volatile years of the late Republic, assemblies were sometimes broken up by riots. If an assembly convened as a court, its being broken up was equivalent to an acquittal of the accused.[26]

On the day of the vote, the tribes convened at dawn. The meeting started with a prayer, unaccompanied by sacrifice.[27] For legislative meetings, the presiding magistrate was the one who proposed the bill (rogatio legis) to be voted on, and after the prayer he laid his bill before the people. For electoral meetings, he announced the names of the candidates. If the meeting was for a trial, he acquainted the people with the nature of the offence on which the people had to pass a verdict. He concluded the announcement with the words velitis, jubeatis Quirites (command your wish, citizens). A rogatio was read out by the praeco (the crier or herald). Then the contio begun. The voters were not sorted into their tribes. For legislative matters there was a debate on the rogatio in which private citizens had to ask the presiding magistrate for permission to speak. This debate took place before the bill was vetoed or put to the vote.[26][28] If the vote was for an election, the candidates used the contio for canvassing, and there were no speeches by private citizens.[29]

After the above, the voters were told to break up the contio and to arrange themselves by the tribes with the formula discedite, quirites (depart to your separate groups, citizens). The tribes voted one by one. The voters assembled in enclosures called saepta[30] and voted by placing a pebble or written ballot into an appropriate jar. The baskets (cistae) that held the votes were watched by officers (the custodes) who then counted the ballots and reported the results to the presiding magistrate.[31] The majority of votes in each tribe decided how that tribe voted. The presiding magistrate (either a consul or a praetor) ensured that each tribe had at least five members voting; if a tribe did not, then individuals from other tribes were reassigned to the vacant places in that tribe.[32] The order in which the tribes voted was determined by lot. An urn into which lots were cast was brought in. From this point, the plebeian tribunes were not allowed to exercise their right to veto.[33] The first tribe to vote was called praerogativa or principium and the result of its vote was announced immediately.[34] The tribes which voted next were called jure vocatae.[26] When a majority of tribes had voted the same way, voting ended. The results of votes of each tribe was announced in an order also determined by lot before the announcement of the final result. This announcement was called renuntiatio.[27] The praerogativa or principium was usually the most important tribe, because it often decided the matter through a bandwagon effect. It was believed that the order of the lot was chosen by the gods, and thus, that the position held by the tribes which voted earlier was the position of the gods.[35] If the voting process was not complete by nightfall, the electors were dismissed, and the voting had to begin again the next day.[36] Laws passed by the comitia took effect as soon as the results were announced.[27]

It has been speculated that the word suffragium (vote) indicates that in the early days the men in the assembly made a crash with their arms to signal approval, rather than vote. Another speculation is that the term rogatores (sing. rogator, a teller, an official who asked the people for their votes or collected votes) indicates that in later times, but before the introduction of the written ballot, the assembled men were asked to express their votes verbally, and that this was recorded with marks inscribed in tablets. However, there is no evidence for either of these. The written ballot was introduced by a series of laws, the lex Gabinia tabellaria (139 BC) for elections, the lex Cassia tebellaria (137 BC) for non-capital punishment trials, the lex Papiria (131 BC) for legislation, and the lex Coelia (106 BC) for capital punishment trials (which were conducted before the Comitia Centuriata). This was an introduction of secret ballots, which reduced undue influence or intimidation by the powerful elites, which had until then been a problem.[37]

Although the order of voting was determined by lot, there was also an official order of the tribes, known as the ordo tribuum. The first four tribes were the urban tribes, in the order: Suburana, Palatina, Esquilina, Collina. The rural tribes followed, concluding with Aniensis. Crawford postulates that the rustic tribes were enumerated along the major roads leading from Rome (the Viae Ostiensis, Appia, Latina, Praenestina, Valeria, Salaria, Flaminia and Clodia), in a counter-clockwise order: Romilia, Voltinia, Voturia, Aemilia, Horatia, Maecia, Scaptia, Pomptina, Falerina, Lemonia, Papiria, Ufentina, Terentina, Pupinia, Menenia, Publilia, Cornelia, Claudia, Camilia, Aniensis, Fabia, Pollia, Sergia, Clustumina, Quirina, Velina, Stellatina, Tromentina, Galeria, Sabatina, Arniensis. This list omits the tribus Popillia, one of the earlier tribes.[38]

The location of the meetings of the Tribal Assembly varied. Up to 145 BC, they were centred on the comitium, a templum (open-air space) built for public meetings at the north end of the Roman Forum. The rostra, a speaking platform on the southern side of the comitium, was used for speeches. It was also used as a tribunal; that is, as a platform to deliver the votes. Once this place became too crowded, the steps of the Temple of Castor and Pollux at the forum's south-east end were used as the tribunal. Elevated gangways (pontes) which provided access to the tribunal were built by the second century BC. Meetings were also sometimes held in the area Capitolina, an open space in front and around the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, on the southern summit of the Capitoline Hill. In the late Republic, the meetings were held outside the city walls, at the Campus Martius (the Field of Mars) a large flat area that could accommodate the simultaneous voting of all the tribes, thus speeding up the process.[39]

Decline edit

In the politically volatile final years of the Roman Republic, the popular assemblies were susceptible to corruption, and vulnerable to politically-motivated violence by contending political factions. The establishment of the Second Triumvirate in 43 BC effectively abolished the functions of the comitia, as the triumvirs were granted authority by the lex Titia to appoint practically all offices without consulting the senate or the people.[40] Some actions were still passed using the assemblies, with certain laws providing for the erection of temples, the remission of rents in 41 BC, and the lex Falcidia governing inheritance in 40 BC;[40] similarly, various laws granting the triumvirs the right to wear the civic crown[40] were passed by plebiscite, as it would have been unseemly for them to grant themselves those honours.[40]

With the establishment of absolute rule by the emperors after the fall of the Republic, the Republican assemblies were emasculated. Augustus, the first emperor, became the real legislator and the comitia's role in passing laws became only a ceremonial one. He also removed the comitia's judicial functions, though these functions had fallen into disuse long before.[41] This assembly's electoral functions also became nominal, with the assemblies being dominated by the emperor.[42] Augustus filled half of the magistracies with his own candidates, though the magistracies as a whole had, by this point, so little political importance that imperial control over elections was minimal.[42] His successor, Tiberius transferred the comitia's remaining electoral authority to the senate.[42] Although the emperors received many of their powers from the Comitia Tributa, this was only a formality. The Comitia Tributa continued to exist until the third century AD, but its remaining functions were only symbolic. It took auspices and gave prayer. It conferred the emperor's legislative powers and other authority only in a ceremonial manner. It proclaimed the laws presented to it for approval by acclamatio, rather than a real vote.[27]

Tribes edit

The thirty-five tribes were not ethnic or kinship groups, but geographic divisions into which Roman citizens were distributed. They were administrative districts which served for the purposes of taxation, the military levy, and for the registration of citizens. This registration occurred regularly during the census, and the names of citizens and their families were entered in the registers of the tribes. Lintott notes that "the tribe was the critical indicator of Roman citizenship" for the adult sons of Roman fathers and also for "those incorporated into the citizen body from the outside". A man who came of age was enrolled as an adult in the tribe of his father, and could change it only through adoption into another family. Inhabitants of Italic towns who were incorporated into the Roman state by being given Roman citizenship were also registered in tribes. Consequently, "the tribe might therefore, come to bear little relationship to the whereabouts of the citizen's domicile or property."[43] With regard to the tribal assembly, the tribes were its voting districts. Each tribe had further subdivisions, which in the urban tribes were called vici (sing. vicus, in an urban context it meant neighbourhood) and in the rural tribes were called pagi (sing. ''pagus'' – which were rural sub-districts with a number of vici (which in a rural context meant villages and hamlets) and had a fortress. Professional guilds (collegia), were organised along tribal lines.

The tribes were originally presided over by tribuni aerarii (tribunes of the public treasury) who had the tribal register, collected the property tax, and paid the soldiers registered in the tribe.[44] Later this title became obsolete, and the heads of the tribes were called curatores tribuum.[45] Besides these curatores there were also the divisores tribuum, who were treasurers. These two types of officials probably had their own registers; the curatores were involved in the census.[8] By the late republic, their main task was to distribute bribes. Because tribal membership was re-registered once every five years in each census, it became possible to crudely gerrymander the tribes. While land could never be taken away from a tribe, the censors had the power to allocate new lands to existing tribes as a part of the census. Thus, the censors had the power to apportion tribes in a manner that might be advantageous to them, or to their partisans.[32]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 40
  2. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 7
  3. ^ Lintott, A.,The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 42
  4. ^ Abbott, F. F., A History and Description of Roman Political Institutions, p. 252
  5. ^ Taylor,L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 2
  6. ^ Gellius, Attic Nights, 15.27.4
  7. ^ Botsford, George Willis (1909). The Roman Assembly. New York: Cooper Square Publishers Inc. p. 330.
  8. ^ a b Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 53
  9. ^ Botsford, George Willis (1909). The Roman Assemblies. New York: Cooper Square Publishers Inc. p. 119.
  10. ^ Develin, E., "Comitia Tributa Plebis", Athenaeum (1975) 53, pp. 302–37; "Comitia Tributa Again", Athenaeum (1977) 55, pp. 425–6
  11. ^ Sandberg, K., The Concilium Plebis as a Legislative Body', in Paanen, U., et al, Senatus Populesque Romanus: Studies in Roman Republican Legislation, (Acta Inst. Rom. Fin 13) (1993), pp. 74–96
  12. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, pp. 54–55
  13. ^ Livy, The History of Rome, 3.71
  14. ^ Forsythe, G., A critical History of Early Rome, pp. 180–81
  15. ^ Wiseman, T. P., Remus, a Roman Myth (1995), p. 129
  16. ^ Forsythe, G., A Critical History of Early Rome, pp. 172–75
  17. ^ Dionysius of Halicanassus, Roman Antiquities, 6.17.3
  18. ^ Appian, The Civil Wars, 1.29
  19. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, pp. 44–45
  20. ^ Mommsen. T., Romische Staadtrecht (1887), I, pp. 375–6
  21. ^ Michels, A. K., The Calendar of the Roman Republic (1967), pp. 88, 191ff.
  22. ^ a b Lintott, A.,The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 44
  23. ^ Gellius, Attic Nights, 13.16
  24. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 63
  25. ^ Taylor, L.R., Roman Voting Assemblies, pp. 6, 63
  26. ^ a b c d Smith, W., Wayte, W., Marindin, G. E., (Eds), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890): Comitia
  27. ^ a b c d Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Second Edition, Harry Thurston Peck, Editor (1897): Comitia
  28. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 45
  29. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies. pp. 2, 16
  30. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 2
  31. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, pp. 46–47
  32. ^ a b Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 66
  33. ^ Lintott, A.,The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 46
  34. ^ Taylor, L. R., Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 77
  35. ^ Taylor, L. R.,Roman Voting Assemblies, p. 76
  36. ^ Lintott, A.,The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 48
  37. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, pp. 46–7
  38. ^ Crawford, M. H., "Tribus, Tesserae, et Regions," in Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (2002) vol. 146, pp. 1125–1135
  39. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, pp. 46, 55
  40. ^ a b c d Botsford, George Willis (1909). The Roman Assemblies. New York: Cooper Square Publishers Inc. p. 459.
  41. ^ Taylor, Thomas Marris (1899). A Constitutional and Political History of Rome. London: Methuen & Co. pp. 428.
  42. ^ a b c Taylor, Thomas Marris (1899). A Constitutional and Political History of Rome. London: Methuen & Co. pp. 427.
  43. ^ Lintott, A., The Constitution of the Roman Republic, p. 51
  44. ^ Oxford Classical Dictionary, 2nd Ed. (1970): "Tribuni Aerarii."
  45. ^ Smith, W., Wayte, W., Marindin, G. E., (Eds), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890): Tribus

References edit

  • Abbott, Frank Frost (1901). A History and Description of Roman Political Institutions. Elibron Classics (ISBN 0-543-92749-0).
  • Byrd, Robert (1995). The Senate of the Roman Republic. U.S. Government Printing Office, Senate Document 103-23.
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1841). The Political Works of Marcus Tullius Cicero: Comprising his Treatise on the Commonwealth; and his Treatise on the Laws. Translated from the original, with Dissertations and Notes in Two Volumes. By Francis Barham, Esq. London: Edmund Spettigue. Vol. 1.
  • Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Second Edition, Harry Thurston Peck, Editor (1897): Comitia [1]
  • Lintott, Andrew, "The Constitution of the Roman Republic" Oxford University Press, USA; new edition 2003; ISBN 978-0199261086
  • Taylor, Lily Ross (1966). Roman Voting Assemblies: From the Hannibalic War to the Dictatorship of Caesar (Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures), William Morrow, 1965; new edition by University of Michigan Press, 1991; ISBN 9780472081257
  • Taylor, L. R., Voting Districts of the Roman Republic: The Thirty-Five, Urban and Rural Tribes (Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome), University of Michigan Press, Revised edition, 2013; ISBN 978-0472118694
  • Smith, W., Wayte, W., Marindin, G. E., (Eds), A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890): Tribus [2]

Further reading edit

  • Cameron, Avril, The Later Roman Empire, (Fontana Press, 1993).
  • Crawford, Michael The Roman Republic (Fontana History of the Ancient World), Fontana Press; New edition, 2011; ISBN 978-0006862505
  • Crawford, Michael, "Tribus, Tesserae, et Regions," in Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (2002) vol. 146, pp. 1125–1135
  • Gruen, Erich, "The Last Generation of the Roman Republic", University of California Press, new edition, 1995; ISBN 978-0520201538
  • Ihne, Wilhelm. Researches Into the History of the Roman Constitution: With an Appendix upon the Roman Knights (1853), reproduction by Leopold Classic Library, 2016; ASIN: B01AUO6MHU
  • Millar, Fergus, The Emperor in the Roman World, Bristol Classical Press; new edition, 1992; ISBN 978-0715617229
  • Mommsen, Theodor. Roman Constitutional Law. 1871–1888
  • Tighe, Ambrose. The Development of the Roman Constitution (1859), reproduction by Wentworth Press, 2016; ISBN 978-1371117351
  • Whetstone Johnston, Harold Orations and Letters of Cicero: With Historical Introduction, An Outline of the Roman Constitution, Notes, Vocabulary and Index (1891), reproduction by Ulan Press, 2012; ASIN: B009FU4FVQ

External links edit

tribal, assembly, tribal, assembly, latin, comitia, populi, tributa, assembly, consisting, roman, citizens, convened, tribes, tribus, roman, republic, citizens, elect, legislative, representatives, instead, they, voted, themselves, legislative, matters, popula. The Tribal Assembly Latin Comitia Populi Tributa was an assembly consisting of all Roman citizens convened by tribes tribus In the Roman Republic citizens did not elect legislative representatives Instead they voted themselves on legislative matters in the popular assemblies the Comitia Centuriata the Comitia Tributa and the plebeian council Bills were proposed by magistrates and the citizens only exercised their right to vote In the Tribal Assembly citizens were organized on the basis of thirty five tribes four urban tribes of the citizens in the city of Rome and thirty one rural tribes of citizens outside the city Each tribe voted separately and one after the other In each tribe decisions were made by majority vote and its decision counted as one vote regardless of how many electors each tribe held Once a majority of tribes had voted in the same way on a given measure the voting ended and the matter was decided 1 The Tribal Assembly was chaired by a magistrate usually a consul or praetor The presiding magistrate made all decisions on matters of procedure and legality His power over the assembly could be nearly absolute One check on his power came in the form of vetoes by other magistrates Also any decision made by a presiding magistrate could be vetoed by the plebeian tribunes The Tribal Assembly elected the quaestors and the curule aediles 2 It conducted trials for non capital crimes However the dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla gave this responsibility to special jury courts quaestiones perpetuae in 82 BC citation needed There are disagreements among modern historians regarding the number and nature of the tribal assembly see below Contents 1 Definitions of types of assemblies 2 Disagreements on the number and nature of tribal assemblies 3 Assembly procedures 4 Decline 5 Tribes 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External linksDefinitions of types of assemblies editThe Romans distinguished between two types of assemblies the comitia or comitatus and the contio contracted from conventio The word comitia coming together which was the plural of comitium a purpose built meeting place referred to assemblies convened to make decisions on legislative or judicial matters or to hold elections The word contio coming together referred to meetings where nothing was legally enacted They were convened to hear public announcements and pronouncements speeches and debates to witness the interrogation of someone accused of in a trial and to watch executions Opinions expressed in a contio did not have any legal validity 3 The Tribal Assembly was a comitia Private citizens who did not hold political office could make speeches in a contio but not before a comitia or a concilium 4 Citizens always assembled first in a contio to hear debates or to enable canvassing by electoral candidates before voting The actual voting took place in a comitia or concilium for this term see below 5 Gellius wrote about a further distinction between comita and concilium which he based on a quote from a passage written by Laelius Felix a jurist of the early second century He who orders not the entire people populus but some part thereof to be present ought to proclaim not a comitia but a concilium Moreover the plebeian tribunes neither summon patricians nor have the power to propose anything to them Thus measures which were accepted on the proposal of the plebeian tribunes are not properly called laws leges but plebiscites Patricians were not bound by these bills until the dictator Quintus Hortensius 287 BC carried that law whereby all the Quirites the Roman people were bound by whatever the plebs had determined 6 This has been taken as referring to the assembly which was reserved for the plebeians or plebs the commoners thus excluding the patricians the aristocracy and which was convened by the tribunes of the plebs see plebeian council Since the meetings of the plebs excluded the patricians they were not considered as representing the whole of the Roman people and because of this according to Laelius Felix the term concilium applied to them By contrast the term comitia applied to assemblies which represented the whole of the Roman people Measures passed by assemblies of the whole citizen body were called leges laws whereas those passed only by the plebeians were called plebiscites resolutions of the plebs Until the lex Hortensia passed by Quintus Hortensius in 287 BC the patricians refused to accept the plebiscites as being binding on them on the ground that because of their exclusion did not apply to the whole of the people 7 Disagreements on the number and nature of tribal assemblies edit nbsp Chart showing the checks and balances of the constitution of the Roman RepublicAndrew Lintott notes that many modern historians follow Theodor Mommsen s view that during the Roman Republic there were two assemblies of the tribes and that the ancient sources used the term Comitia Tributa with reference both of them One was the assembly by the tribes which was used for plebeian meetings to which the patricians were excluded and which was convened by the plebeian tribunes The other assembly based on the tribes was convened by the consulss or the praetors and was an assembly of the whole of the Roman people both patricians and plebeians However the ancient sources did not have a differentiation in terminology for the two of them and used the term Comitia Tributa for both 8 Many modern historians use the term Comitia Tributa or Comitia Populi Tributa Comitia Tributa of the people to indicate meetings by the tribes which involved the whole of the Roman people populus and the term Concilium Plebis or Concilium Plebis Tributum plebeian council by the tribes for assemblies based on the tribes which were exclusively for the plebeians However they are not found in the ancient Roman literature related to the Roman Republic Therefore they denote a distinction which can be disputed It is based on the text by Gellius quoted above Lintott notes that some modern historians reject the Comitia Tributa Concilium Plebis distinction and the use of the quote by Gellius as its basis They argue that this terminology is a convention established by modern historians which ancient writers did not make and that there was no assembly based on tribes other than the one where the plebeians met to vote and which was presided over by the plebeian tribunes who submitted bills to its vote References to laws which were submitted to the Comitia Tributa by the consuls in the ancient literature must have pertained to bills they presented to the Comitia Centuriata the assembly of the soldiers another voting assembly a deviation from correct procedure found in the late Republic or instances in which these officials had the plebeian tribunes propose bills for them 9 10 11 Lintott disagrees with the notion that there was only one assembly based on the tribes which was the one of the plebeians He notes that there are examples in which laws were proposed to the Comitia Tributa by the consuls who did not preside over the assembly of the plebeians For example the law that increased the number of quaestors to twenty attributed to Lucius Cornelius Sulla the lex Gabinia Calpurnia de insula Delo of 58 BC and the lex Quinctia of 9 BC Moreover the consuls conducted the elections of the curule aediles who were not plebeian officials before the tribes Therefore it is likely that the term Comitia Tributa was used both for the assemblies presided over by the consuls and the praetors and the assemblies presided over by the plebeian tribunes 12 Further Livy mentions a Comitia Tributa that was convened by the consuls in 446 BC during the early Republic 13 Forsythe presents a more recent account of the argument that the Comitia Tributa Concilium Plebis distinction is a misplaced convention established by modern historians He argues that it is found only in the quote by Gellius which comes from a text which was written in the imperial period that is after the fall of the Roman Republic and long after the assemblies of the Republic had ceased to function This implies that Laelius Felix was not sufficiently familiar with these republican institutions Forsythe argues that the distinctions between two assemblies based on the tribes has no support in the extensive writings of Cicero and Livy who must have been far more knowledgeable in these matters than Laelius Felix Cicero lived during the late Republic Livy was born during the late Republic and wrote a detailed history of the republican period Forsythe also argues that the word comitia was used for formal assemblies convened to vote on legislative electoral and judicial matters and that concilium was a generic term for any kind of public meetings of citizens including both comitia and contio His conclusion is that the mentioned distinction is an artificial modern construction with no authority in ancient texts that the ancients speak only of a Comitia Tributa and that it is likely that in Republican times there was a single tribal assembly known as Comitia Tributa 14 According to Roman tradition in 494 BC fifteen years after the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Republic the plebeians seceded from the city of Rome which started the two hundred year Conflict of the Orders between the patricians and the plebeians During this first secession the plebeians created their own institutions which were separate from those of the Roman state which at that time was controlled by the patricians and were intended to protect the interests of the plebeians These included the plebeian tribunes the plebeian aediles and the plebeian assembly Forsythe takes the revisionist view further He rejects the idea there was a plebeian assembly and maintains that the Comitia Tributa was an assembly of the whole of the Roman people and opines that the plebeian secession was a myth created in later times Roman historians emerged in the late third and early second century BC some three hundred years after the date attributed to this secession and the events of Rome s early history were poorly documented Based on T P Wiseman s view that many of Rome s early historical traditions were created propagated accepted and reshaped from the middle of the fourth century BC onward through dramas played on the stage at religious festivals 15 Forsythe argues that the story of the plebeian secession was invented to explain the origin of the temple of Ceres and its plebeian associations It was inspired by Herodotus account of how Telines a ruler of Gela a Greek town in Sicily used the rites of Demeter and Persephone to bring back to Gela a group of political exiles This story of civil discord reconciliation and integration and the cult of Demeter was used to fabricate the tale of the first plebeian secession where the plebeians seceded from Rome but were then reconciled and returned to the city 16 The Ludi Ceriales Games of Ceres were held annually to celebrate the anniversary of the dedication of the temple of Ceres which was dated by the tradition two years before the first secession 17 Assembly procedures editThe convening of the assembly was announced three market days nundinae in advance The viatores messengers were sent to inform those in country districts about the convening of the assembly 18 Later for elections it was established that there should be a trinundinum an interval of at least three market days between the announcement of the election and the vote of the assembly during which no legislation was permitted The lex Caecilia Didia of 98 BC required a trinundinum interval between the announcement of a law and the vote In the case of prosecutions before an assembly the presiding magistrate was required to give notice diem dicere to the accused of the first day of the investigation inquisitio then at the end of each hearing he announced the adjournment to the next diem prodicere After this there was a trinundinum interval before the assembly voted the verdict 19 There are disagreements among scholars about how many days this interval lasted Mommsen proposes 24 days Michels 25 days Lintott gives a flexible suggestion 17 days or more 20 21 22 There could be only one assembly operating at a time The augur Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus who was consul in 53 BC wrote a rule book On Auspices Among other things it established that lesser magistrates could not call off avocare call away an assembly which had already been convened Thus whoever of them first summons the people to an election has the law on his side because it is unlawful to take the same action twice with the people nor can one minor magistrate call away an assembly from another However a consul could call off a comitia or contio convened by another magistrate and a praetor could call off one summoned by magistrates other than a consul If an assembly was called to address a contio without laying any measure before them it was lawful for any number of magistrates to hold a contio at the same time 23 Lintott suggests that this rule was intended to prevent rivalry among magistrates 22 In addition to the presiding magistrate of an assembly several other magistrates acted as assistants to help resolve procedural disputes and to provide a mechanism for electors to appeal the decisions of the presiding magistrate 24 Since the Romans believed that the gods communicated their approval or disapproval with proposed actions the presiding magistrate performed augury the divination of the omens of the gods the night before a meeting There were also augurs priests who performed augury either in attendance or on call who would be available to help interpret the omens of the gods 25 The meeting could only proceed if the omens were favourable On several occasions presiding magistrates claiming unfavourable omens suspended sessions that were not going the way they wanted If after the assembly the augurs decided that some formality had been neglected its vote became void In the case of elections those persons who had been elected to an office had to resign 26 There were several means by which an assembly could be adjourned Besides unfavourable auspices this could happen on religious grounds when the gods manifested their displeasure by rain thunder or lightning or if the sun set before the proceedings were completed the last because the auspices were considered valid only for one day from dawn to sunset Other reasons were the veto of a plebeian tribune or if one of the assembled citizens suffered an epileptic fit morbus comitialis In the politically volatile years of the late Republic assemblies were sometimes broken up by riots If an assembly convened as a court its being broken up was equivalent to an acquittal of the accused 26 On the day of the vote the tribes convened at dawn The meeting started with a prayer unaccompanied by sacrifice 27 For legislative meetings the presiding magistrate was the one who proposed the bill rogatio legis to be voted on and after the prayer he laid his bill before the people For electoral meetings he announced the names of the candidates If the meeting was for a trial he acquainted the people with the nature of the offence on which the people had to pass a verdict He concluded the announcement with the words velitis jubeatis Quirites command your wish citizens A rogatio was read out by the praeco the crier or herald Then the contio begun The voters were not sorted into their tribes For legislative matters there was a debate on the rogatio in which private citizens had to ask the presiding magistrate for permission to speak This debate took place before the bill was vetoed or put to the vote 26 28 If the vote was for an election the candidates used the contio for canvassing and there were no speeches by private citizens 29 After the above the voters were told to break up the contio and to arrange themselves by the tribes with the formula discedite quirites depart to your separate groups citizens The tribes voted one by one The voters assembled in enclosures called saepta 30 and voted by placing a pebble or written ballot into an appropriate jar The baskets cistae that held the votes were watched by officers the custodes who then counted the ballots and reported the results to the presiding magistrate 31 The majority of votes in each tribe decided how that tribe voted The presiding magistrate either a consul or a praetor ensured that each tribe had at least five members voting if a tribe did not then individuals from other tribes were reassigned to the vacant places in that tribe 32 The order in which the tribes voted was determined by lot An urn into which lots were cast was brought in From this point the plebeian tribunes were not allowed to exercise their right to veto 33 The first tribe to vote was called praerogativa or principium and the result of its vote was announced immediately 34 The tribes which voted next were called jure vocatae 26 When a majority of tribes had voted the same way voting ended The results of votes of each tribe was announced in an order also determined by lot before the announcement of the final result This announcement was called renuntiatio 27 The praerogativa or principium was usually the most important tribe because it often decided the matter through a bandwagon effect It was believed that the order of the lot was chosen by the gods and thus that the position held by the tribes which voted earlier was the position of the gods 35 If the voting process was not complete by nightfall the electors were dismissed and the voting had to begin again the next day 36 Laws passed by the comitia took effect as soon as the results were announced 27 It has been speculated that the word suffragium vote indicates that in the early days the men in the assembly made a crash with their arms to signal approval rather than vote Another speculation is that the term rogatores sing rogator a teller an official who asked the people for their votes or collected votes indicates that in later times but before the introduction of the written ballot the assembled men were asked to express their votes verbally and that this was recorded with marks inscribed in tablets However there is no evidence for either of these The written ballot was introduced by a series of laws the lex Gabinia tabellaria 139 BC for elections the lex Cassia tebellaria 137 BC for non capital punishment trials the lex Papiria 131 BC for legislation and the lex Coelia 106 BC for capital punishment trials which were conducted before the Comitia Centuriata This was an introduction of secret ballots which reduced undue influence or intimidation by the powerful elites which had until then been a problem 37 Although the order of voting was determined by lot there was also an official order of the tribes known as the ordo tribuum The first four tribes were the urban tribes in the order Suburana Palatina Esquilina Collina The rural tribes followed concluding with Aniensis Crawford postulates that the rustic tribes were enumerated along the major roads leading from Rome the Viae Ostiensis Appia Latina Praenestina Valeria Salaria Flaminia and Clodia in a counter clockwise order Romilia Voltinia Voturia Aemilia Horatia Maecia Scaptia Pomptina Falerina Lemonia Papiria Ufentina Terentina Pupinia Menenia Publilia Cornelia Claudia Camilia Aniensis Fabia Pollia Sergia Clustumina Quirina Velina Stellatina Tromentina Galeria Sabatina Arniensis This list omits the tribus Popillia one of the earlier tribes 38 The location of the meetings of the Tribal Assembly varied Up to 145 BC they were centred on the comitium a templum open air space built for public meetings at the north end of the Roman Forum The rostra a speaking platform on the southern side of the comitium was used for speeches It was also used as a tribunal that is as a platform to deliver the votes Once this place became too crowded the steps of the Temple of Castor and Pollux at the forum s south east end were used as the tribunal Elevated gangways pontes which provided access to the tribunal were built by the second century BC Meetings were also sometimes held in the area Capitolina an open space in front and around the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the southern summit of the Capitoline Hill In the late Republic the meetings were held outside the city walls at the Campus Martius the Field of Mars a large flat area that could accommodate the simultaneous voting of all the tribes thus speeding up the process 39 Decline editIn the politically volatile final years of the Roman Republic the popular assemblies were susceptible to corruption and vulnerable to politically motivated violence by contending political factions The establishment of the Second Triumvirate in 43 BC effectively abolished the functions of the comitia as the triumvirs were granted authority by the lex Titia to appoint practically all offices without consulting the senate or the people 40 Some actions were still passed using the assemblies with certain laws providing for the erection of temples the remission of rents in 41 BC and the lex Falcidia governing inheritance in 40 BC 40 similarly various laws granting the triumvirs the right to wear the civic crown 40 were passed by plebiscite as it would have been unseemly for them to grant themselves those honours 40 With the establishment of absolute rule by the emperors after the fall of the Republic the Republican assemblies were emasculated Augustus the first emperor became the real legislator and the comitia s role in passing laws became only a ceremonial one He also removed the comitia s judicial functions though these functions had fallen into disuse long before 41 This assembly s electoral functions also became nominal with the assemblies being dominated by the emperor 42 Augustus filled half of the magistracies with his own candidates though the magistracies as a whole had by this point so little political importance that imperial control over elections was minimal 42 His successor Tiberius transferred the comitia s remaining electoral authority to the senate 42 Although the emperors received many of their powers from the Comitia Tributa this was only a formality The Comitia Tributa continued to exist until the third century AD but its remaining functions were only symbolic It took auspices and gave prayer It conferred the emperor s legislative powers and other authority only in a ceremonial manner It proclaimed the laws presented to it for approval by acclamatio rather than a real vote 27 Tribes editMain article Roman tribe The thirty five tribes were not ethnic or kinship groups but geographic divisions into which Roman citizens were distributed They were administrative districts which served for the purposes of taxation the military levy and for the registration of citizens This registration occurred regularly during the census and the names of citizens and their families were entered in the registers of the tribes Lintott notes that the tribe was the critical indicator of Roman citizenship for the adult sons of Roman fathers and also for those incorporated into the citizen body from the outside A man who came of age was enrolled as an adult in the tribe of his father and could change it only through adoption into another family Inhabitants of Italic towns who were incorporated into the Roman state by being given Roman citizenship were also registered in tribes Consequently the tribe might therefore come to bear little relationship to the whereabouts of the citizen s domicile or property 43 With regard to the tribal assembly the tribes were its voting districts Each tribe had further subdivisions which in the urban tribes were called vici sing vicus in an urban context it meant neighbourhood and in the rural tribes were called pagi sing pagus which were rural sub districts with a number of vici which in a rural context meant villages and hamlets and had a fortress Professional guilds collegia were organised along tribal lines The tribes were originally presided over by tribuni aerarii tribunes of the public treasury who had the tribal register collected the property tax and paid the soldiers registered in the tribe 44 Later this title became obsolete and the heads of the tribes were called curatores tribuum 45 Besides these curatores there were also the divisores tribuum who were treasurers These two types of officials probably had their own registers the curatores were involved in the census 8 By the late republic their main task was to distribute bribes Because tribal membership was re registered once every five years in each census it became possible to crudely gerrymander the tribes While land could never be taken away from a tribe the censors had the power to allocate new lands to existing tribes as a part of the census Thus the censors had the power to apportion tribes in a manner that might be advantageous to them or to their partisans 32 See also editRoman tribe Pagus Vicus Collegia Roman censor Centuriate Assembly Plebeian Council Curiate AssemblyNotes edit Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 40 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 7 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 42 Abbott F F A History and Description of Roman Political Institutions p 252 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 2 Gellius Attic Nights 15 27 4 Botsford George Willis 1909 The Roman Assembly New York Cooper Square Publishers Inc p 330 a b Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 53 Botsford George Willis 1909 The Roman Assemblies New York Cooper Square Publishers Inc p 119 Develin E Comitia Tributa Plebis Athenaeum 1975 53 pp 302 37 Comitia Tributa Again Athenaeum 1977 55 pp 425 6 Sandberg K The Concilium Plebis as a Legislative Body in Paanen U et al Senatus Populesque Romanus Studies in Roman Republican Legislation Acta Inst Rom Fin 13 1993 pp 74 96 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic pp 54 55 Livy The History of Rome 3 71 Forsythe G A critical History of Early Rome pp 180 81 Wiseman T P Remus a Roman Myth 1995 p 129 Forsythe G A Critical History of Early Rome pp 172 75 Dionysius of Halicanassus Roman Antiquities 6 17 3 Appian The Civil Wars 1 29 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic pp 44 45 Mommsen T Romische Staadtrecht 1887 I pp 375 6 Michels A K The Calendar of the Roman Republic 1967 pp 88 191ff a b Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 44 Gellius Attic Nights 13 16 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 63 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies pp 6 63 a b c d Smith W Wayte W Marindin G E Eds A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities 1890 Comitia a b c d Harper s Dictionary of Classical Antiquities Second Edition Harry Thurston Peck Editor 1897 Comitia Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 45 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies pp 2 16 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 2 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic pp 46 47 a b Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 66 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 46 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 77 Taylor L R Roman Voting Assemblies p 76 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 48 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic pp 46 7 Crawford M H Tribus Tesserae et Regions in Comptes rendus de l Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 2002 vol 146 pp 1125 1135 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic pp 46 55 a b c d Botsford George Willis 1909 The Roman Assemblies New York Cooper Square Publishers Inc p 459 Taylor Thomas Marris 1899 A Constitutional and Political History of Rome London Methuen amp Co pp 428 a b c Taylor Thomas Marris 1899 A Constitutional and Political History of Rome London Methuen amp Co pp 427 Lintott A The Constitution of the Roman Republic p 51 Oxford Classical Dictionary 2nd Ed 1970 Tribuni Aerarii Smith W Wayte W Marindin G E Eds A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities 1890 TribusReferences editAbbott Frank Frost 1901 A History and Description of Roman Political Institutions Elibron Classics ISBN 0 543 92749 0 Byrd Robert 1995 The Senate of the Roman Republic U S Government Printing Office Senate Document 103 23 Cicero Marcus Tullius 1841 The Political Works of Marcus Tullius Cicero Comprising his Treatise on the Commonwealth and his Treatise on the Laws Translated from the original with Dissertations and Notes in Two Volumes By Francis Barham Esq London Edmund Spettigue Vol 1 Harper s Dictionary of Classical Antiquities Second Edition Harry Thurston Peck Editor 1897 Comitia 1 Lintott Andrew The Constitution of the Roman Republic Oxford University Press USA new edition 2003 ISBN 978 0199261086 Taylor Lily Ross 1966 Roman Voting Assemblies From the Hannibalic War to the Dictatorship of Caesar Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures William Morrow 1965 new edition by University of Michigan Press 1991 ISBN 9780472081257 Taylor L R Voting Districts of the Roman Republic The Thirty Five Urban and Rural Tribes Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome University of Michigan Press Revised edition 2013 ISBN 978 0472118694 Smith W Wayte W Marindin G E Eds A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities 1890 Tribus 2 Further reading editCameron Avril The Later Roman Empire Fontana Press 1993 Crawford Michael The Roman Republic Fontana History of the Ancient World Fontana Press New edition 2011 ISBN 978 0006862505 Crawford Michael Tribus Tesserae et Regions in Comptes rendus de l Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 2002 vol 146 pp 1125 1135 Gruen Erich The Last Generation of the Roman Republic University of California Press new edition 1995 ISBN 978 0520201538 Ihne Wilhelm Researches Into the History of the Roman Constitution With an Appendix upon the Roman Knights 1853 reproduction by Leopold Classic Library 2016 ASIN B01AUO6MHU Millar Fergus The Emperor in the Roman World Bristol Classical Press new edition 1992 ISBN 978 0715617229 Mommsen Theodor Roman Constitutional Law 1871 1888 The Roman Constitution to the Time of Cicero Tighe Ambrose The Development of the Roman Constitution 1859 reproduction by Wentworth Press 2016 ISBN 978 1371117351 Whetstone Johnston Harold Orations and Letters of Cicero With Historical Introduction An Outline of the Roman Constitution Notes Vocabulary and Index 1891 reproduction by Ulan Press 2012 ASIN B009FU4FVQExternal links editLibrary resources about Tribal Assembly Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Tribal assembly amp oldid 1193009345, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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