
Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs.[1] Symptoms include shortness of breath (dyspnea), rapid breathing (tachypnea), and bluish skin coloration (cyanosis).[1] For those who survive, a decreased quality of life is common.[4]

Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Other namesRespiratory distress syndrome (RDS), adult respiratory distress syndrome, shock lung, wet lung
Chest x-ray.
SpecialtyCritical care medicine
SymptomsShortness of breath, rapid breathing, bluish skin coloration, chest pain, loss of speech[1]
ComplicationsBlood clots, Collapsed lung (pneumothorax), Infections, Scarring (pulmonary fibrosis)[2]
Usual onsetWithin a week[1]
Diagnostic methodAdults: PaO2/FiO2 ratio of less than 300 mm Hg[1]
Children: oxygenation index > 4[3]
Differential diagnosisHeart failure[1]
TreatmentMechanical ventilation, ECMO[1]
Prognosis35 to 90 % risk of death[1]
Frequency3 million per year[1]

Causes may include sepsis, pancreatitis, trauma, pneumonia, and aspiration.[1] The underlying mechanism involves diffuse injury to cells which form the barrier of the microscopic air sacs of the lungs, surfactant dysfunction, activation of the immune system, and dysfunction of the body's regulation of blood clotting.[5] In effect, ARDS impairs the lungs' ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.[1] Adult diagnosis is based on a PaO2/FiO2 ratio (ratio of partial pressure arterial oxygen and fraction of inspired oxygen) of less than 300 mm Hg despite a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of more than 5 cm H2O.[1] Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, as the cause, must be excluded.[4]

The primary treatment involves mechanical ventilation together with treatments directed at the underlying cause.[1] Ventilation strategies include using low volumes and low pressures.[1] If oxygenation remains insufficient, lung recruitment maneuvers and neuromuscular blockers may be used.[1] If these are insufficient, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may be an option.[1] The syndrome is associated with a death rate between 35 and 50%.[1]

Globally, ARDS affects more than 3 million people a year.[1] The condition was first described in 1967.[1] Although the terminology of "adult respiratory distress syndrome" has at times been used to differentiate ARDS from "infant respiratory distress syndrome" in newborns, the international consensus is that "acute respiratory distress syndrome" is the best term because ARDS can affect people of all ages.[6] There are separate diagnostic criteria for children and those in areas of the world with fewer resources.[4]

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of ARDS often begin within two hours of an inciting event, but have been known to take as long as 1–3 days; diagnostic criteria require a known insult to have happened within 7 days of the syndrome. Signs and symptoms may include shortness of breath, fast breathing, and a low oxygen level in the blood due to abnormal ventilation.[7][8] Other common symptoms include muscle fatigue and general weakness, low blood pressure, a dry, hacking cough, and fever.[9]


Complications may include the following:[10]

Other complications that are typically associated with ARDS include:[9]

  • Atelectasis: small air pockets within the lung collapse
  • Complications that arise from treatment in a hospital: blood clots formed by lying down for long periods of time, weakness in muscles that are used for breathing, stress ulcers, and issues with mental health and depression.
  • Failure of multiple organs
  • Pulmonary hypertension or increase in blood pressure in the main artery from the heart to the lungs. This complication typically occurs due to the restriction of the blood vessel due to inflammation of the mechanical ventilation


There are direct and indirect causes of ARDS depending whether the lungs are initially affected. Direct causes include pneumonia (including bacterial and viral), aspiration, inhalational lung injury, lung contusion, chest trauma, and near-drowning. Indirect causes include sepsis, shock, pancreatitis, trauma (e.g. fat embolism), cardiopulmonary bypass, TRALI, burns, increased intracranial pressure.[11] Fewer cases of ARDS are linked to large volumes of fluid used during post-trauma resuscitation.[12]


Micrograph of diffuse alveolar damage, the histologic correlate of ARDS. H&E stain.

ARDS is a form of fluid accumulation in the lungs not explained by heart failure (noncardiogenic pulmonary edema). It is typically provoked by an acute injury to the lungs that results in flooding of the lungs' microscopic air sacs responsible for the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide with capillaries in the lungs.[13] Additional common findings in ARDS include partial collapse of the alveoli(atelectasis) and low levels of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia). The clinical syndrome is associated with pathological findings including pneumonia, eosinophilic pneumonia, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia, and diffuse alveolar damage (DAD). Of these, the pathology most commonly associated with ARDS is DAD, which is characterized by a diffuse inflammation of lung tissue. The triggering insult to the tissue usually results in an initial release of chemical signals and other inflammatory mediators secreted by local epithelial and endothelial cells.[citation needed]

Neutrophils and some T-lymphocytes quickly migrate into the inflamed lung tissue and contribute in the amplification of the phenomenon. The typical histological presentation involves diffuse alveolar damage and hyaline membrane formation in alveolar walls. Although the triggering mechanisms are not completely understood, recent research has examined the role of inflammation and mechanical stress.[citation needed]

One research group has reported that broncho-alveolar lavage fluid in later-stage ARDS often contains trichomonads,[14] in an amoeboid form (i.e. lacking their characteristic flagellum) which makes them difficult to identify under the microscope.[15]


A chest x-ray of transfusion-related acute lung injury (left) which led to ARDS. Right is a normal X-ray before the injury.

Diagnostic criteria

Diagnostic criteria for ARDS have changed over time as understanding of the pathophysiology has evolved. The international consensus criteria for ARDS were most recently updated in 2012 and are known as the "Berlin definition".[16][17] In addition to generally broadening the diagnostic thresholds, other notable changes from the prior 1994 consensus criteria[6] include discouraging the term "acute lung injury," and defining grades of ARDS severity according to degree of decrease in the oxygen content of the blood.[citation needed]

According to the 2012 Berlin definition, adult ARDS is characterized by the following:[citation needed]

  • lung injury of acute onset, within 1 week of an apparent clinical insult and with the progression of respiratory symptoms
  • bilateral opacities on chest imaging (chest radiograph or CT) not explained by other lung pathology (e.g. effusion, lobar/lung collapse, or nodules)
  • respiratory failure not explained by heart failure or volume overload
  • decreased PaO
    ratio (a decreased PaO
    ratio indicates reduced arterial oxygenation from the available inhaled gas):
    • mild ARDS: 201 – 300 mmHg (≤ 39.9 kPa)
    • moderate ARDS: 101 – 200 mmHg (≤ 26.6 kPa)
    • severe ARDS: ≤ 100 mmHg (≤ 13.3 kPa)
    • The Berlin definition requires a minimum positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5 cmH
      for consideration of the PaO
      ratio. This degree of PEEP may be delivered noninvasively with CPAP to diagnose mild ARDS.

The 2012 "Berlin criteria" are a modification of the prior 1994 consensus conference definitions (see history).[10]

Medical imaging

Radiologic imaging has long been a criterion for diagnosis of ARDS. Original definitions of ARDS specified that correlative chest X-ray findings were required for diagnosis, the diagnostic criteria have been expanded over time to accept CT and ultrasound findings as equally contributory. Generally, radiographic findings of fluid accumulation (pulmonary edema) affecting both lungs and unrelated to increased cardiopulmonary vascular pressure (such as in heart failure) may be suggestive of ARDS.[18] Ultrasound findings suggestive of ARDS include the following:

  • Anterior subpleural consolidations
  • Absence or reduction of lung sliding
  • "Spared areas" of normal parenchyma
  • Pleural line abnormalities (irregular thickened fragmented pleural line)
  • Nonhomogeneous distribution of B-lines (a characteristic ultrasound finding suggestive of fluid accumulation in the lungs)[19]


Acute respiratory distress syndrome is usually treated with mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit (ICU). Mechanical ventilation is usually delivered through a rigid tube which enters the oral cavity and is secured in the airway (endotracheal intubation), or by tracheostomy when prolonged ventilation (≥2 weeks) is necessary. The role of non-invasive ventilation is limited to the very early period of the disease or to prevent worsening respiratory distress in individuals with atypical pneumonias, lung bruising, or major surgery patients, who are at risk of developing ARDS. Treatment of the underlying cause is crucial. Appropriate antibiotic therapy is started as soon as culture results are available, or if infection is suspected (whichever is earlier). Empirical therapy may be appropriate if local microbiological surveillance is efficient. Where possible the origin of the infection is removed. When sepsis is diagnosed, appropriate local protocols are followed.[citation needed]

Mechanical ventilation

The overall goal of mechanical ventilation is to maintain acceptable gas exchange to meet the body's metabolic demands and to minimize adverse effects in its application. The parameters PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure, to keep alveoli open), mean airway pressure (to promote recruitment (opening) of easily collapsible alveoli and predictor of hemodynamic effects), and plateau pressure (best predictor of alveolar overdistention) are used.[20]

Previously, mechanical ventilation aimed to achieve tidal volumes (Vt) of 12–15 ml/kg (where the weight is ideal body weight rather than actual weight). Recent studies have shown that high tidal volumes can overstretch alveoli resulting in volutrauma (secondary lung injury). The ARDS Clinical Network, or ARDSNet, completed a clinical trial that showed improved mortality when people with ARDS were ventilated with a tidal volume of 6 ml/kg compared to the traditional 12 ml/kg. Low tidal volumes (Vt) may cause a permitted rise in blood carbon dioxide levels and collapse of alveoli[10] because of their inherent tendency to increase shunting within the lung. Physiologic dead space cannot change as it is ventilation without perfusion. A shunt is a perfusion without ventilation within a lung region.[citation needed]

Low tidal volume ventilation was the primary independent variable associated with reduced mortality in the NIH-sponsored ARDSNet trial of tidal volume in ARDS. Plateau pressure less than 30 cm H
was a secondary goal, and subsequent analyses of the data from the ARDSNet trial and other experimental data demonstrate that there appears to be no safe upper limit to plateau pressure; regardless of plateau pressure, individuals with ARDS fare better with low tidal volumes.[21]

Airway pressure release ventilation

No particular ventilator mode is known to improve mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).[22]

Some practitioners favor airway pressure release ventilation when treating ARDS. Well documented advantages to APRV ventilation[23] include decreased airway pressures, decreased minute ventilation, decreased dead-space ventilation, promotion of spontaneous breathing, almost 24-hour-a-day alveolar recruitment, decreased use of sedation, near elimination of neuromuscular blockade, optimized arterial blood gas results, mechanical restoration of FRC (functional residual capacity), a positive effect on cardiac output[24] (due to the negative inflection from the elevated baseline with each spontaneous breath), increased organ and tissue perfusion and potential for increased urine output secondary to increased kidney perfusion.[citation needed]

A patient with ARDS, on average, spends between 8 and 11 days on a mechanical ventilator; APRV may reduce this time significantly and thus may conserve valuable resources.[25]

Positive end-expiratory pressure

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used in mechanically ventilated people with ARDS to improve oxygenation. In ARDS, three populations of alveoli can be distinguished. There are normal alveoli that are always inflated and engaging in gas exchange, flooded alveoli which can never, under any ventilatory regime, be used for gas exchange, and atelectatic or partially flooded alveoli that can be "recruited" to participate in gas exchange under certain ventilatory regimens. The recruitable alveoli represent a continuous population, some of which can be recruited with minimal PEEP, and others can only be recruited with high levels of PEEP. An additional complication is that some alveoli can only be opened with higher airway pressures than are needed to keep them open, hence the justification for maneuvers where PEEP is increased to very high levels for seconds to minutes before dropping the PEEP to a lower level. PEEP can be harmful; high PEEP necessarily increases mean airway pressure and alveolar pressure, which can damage normal alveoli by overdistension resulting in DAD. A compromise between the beneficial and adverse effects of PEEP is inevitable.[citation needed]

The 'best PEEP' used to be defined as 'some' cmH
above the lower inflection point (LIP) in the sigmoidal pressure-volume relationship curve of the lung. Recent research has shown that the LIP-point pressure is no better than any pressure above it, as recruitment of collapsed alveoli—and, more importantly, the overdistension of aerated units—occur throughout the whole inflation. Despite the awkwardness of most procedures used to trace the pressure-volume curve, it is still used by some[who?] to define the minimum PEEP to be applied to their patients. Some new ventilators can automatically plot a pressure-volume curve.[citation needed]

PEEP may also be set empirically. Some authors[who?] suggest performing a 'recruiting maneuver'—a short time at a very high continuous positive airway pressure, such as 50 cmH
(4.9 kPa)—to recruit or open collapsed units with a high distending pressure before restoring previous ventilation. The final PEEP level should be the one just before the drop in PaO
or peripheral blood oxygen saturation during a step-down trial. A large randomized controlled trial of patients with ARDS found that lung recruitment maneuvers and PEEP titration was associated with high rates of barotrauma and pneumothorax and increased mortality.[26]

Intrinsic PEEP (iPEEP) or auto-PEEP—first described by John Marini of St. Paul Regions Hospital—is a potentially unrecognized contributor to PEEP in intubated individuals. When ventilating at high frequencies, its contribution can be substantial, particularly in people with obstructive lung disease such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). iPEEP has been measured in very few formal studies on ventilation in ARDS, and its contribution is largely unknown. Its measurement is recommended in the treatment of people who have ARDS, especially when using high-frequency (oscillatory/jet) ventilation.[citation needed]

Prone position

The position of lung infiltrates in acute respiratory distress syndrome is non-uniform. Repositioning into the prone position (face down) might improve oxygenation by relieving atelectasis and improving perfusion. If this is done early in the treatment of severe ARDS, it confers a mortality benefit of 26% compared to supine ventilation.[27][28] However, attention should be paid to avoid the SIDS in the management of the respiratory distressed infants by continuous careful monitoring of their cardiovascular system.[28]

Fluid management

Several studies have shown that pulmonary function and outcome are better in people with ARDS who lost weight or whose pulmonary wedge pressure was lowered by diuresis or fluid restriction.[10]


As of 2019, it is uncertain whether or not treatment with corticosteroids improves overall survival. Corticosteroids may increase the number of ventilator-free days during the first 28 days of hospitalization.[29] One study found that dexamethasone may help.[30] The combination of hydrocortisone, ascorbic acid, and thiamine also requires further study as of 2018.[31]

Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) selectively widens the lung's arteries which allows for more blood flow to open alveoli for gas exchange. Despite evidence of increased oxygenation status, there is no evidence that inhaled nitric oxide decreases morbidity and mortality in people with ARDS.[32] Furthermore, nitric oxide may cause kidney damage and is not recommended as therapy for ARDS regardless of severity.[33]

Alvelestat (AZD 9668) had been quoted according to one review article.[34]

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is mechanically applied prolonged cardiopulmonary support. There are two types of ECMO: Venovenous which provides respiratory support and venoarterial which provides respiratory and hemodynamic support. People with ARDS who do not require cardiac support typically undergo venovenous ECMO. Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness of ECMO in acute respiratory failure.[35][36][37] Specifically, the CESAR (Conventional ventilatory support versus Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory failure) trial[38] demonstrated that a group referred to an ECMO center demonstrated significantly increased survival compared to conventional management (63% to 47%).[39]

Ineffective treatments

As of 2019, there is no evidence showing that treatments with exogenous surfactants, statins, beta-blockers or n-acetylcysteine decreases early mortality, late all-cause mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation, or number of ventilator-free days.[29]


The overall prognosis of ARDS is poor, with mortality rates of approximately 40%.[29] Exercise limitation, physical and psychological sequelae, decreased physical quality of life, and increased costs and use of health care services are important sequelae of ARDS.[citation needed]


The annual rate of ARDS is generally 13–23 people per 100,000 in the general population.[40] It is more common in people who are mechanically ventilated with acute lung injury (ALI) occurring in 16% of ventilated people. Rates increased in 2020 due to COVID-19, with some cases also appearing similar to HAPE.[41][42]

Worldwide, severe sepsis is the most common trigger causing ARDS.[43] Other triggers include mechanical ventilation, sepsis, pneumonia, Gilchrist's disease, drowning, circulatory shock, aspiration, trauma—especially pulmonary contusion—major surgery, massive blood transfusions,[44] smoke inhalation, drug reaction or overdose, fat emboli and reperfusion pulmonary edema after lung transplantation or pulmonary embolectomy. However, the majority of patients with all these conditions mentioned do not develop ARDS. It is unclear why some people with the mentioned factors above do not develop ARDS and others do.[citation needed]

Pneumonia and sepsis are the most common triggers, and pneumonia is present in up to 60% of patients and may be either causes or complications of ARDS. Alcohol excess appears to increase the risk of ARDS.[45] Diabetes was originally thought to decrease the risk of ARDS, but this has shown to be due to an increase in the risk of pulmonary edema.[46][47] Elevated abdominal pressure of any cause is also probably a risk factor for the development of ARDS, particularly during mechanical ventilation.[citation needed]


Acute respiratory distress syndrome was first described in 1967 by Ashbaugh et al.[10][48] Initially there was no clearly established definition, which resulted in controversy regarding the incidence and death of ARDS.

In 1988, an expanded definition was proposed, which quantified physiologic respiratory impairment.

1994 American-European Consensus Conference

In 1994, a new definition was recommended by the American-European Consensus Conference Committee [6][10] which recognized the variability in severity of pulmonary injury.[49]

The definition required the following criteria to be met:

  • acute onset, persistent dyspnea
  • bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph consistent with pulmonary edema
  • hypoxemia, defined as PaO
    < 200 mmHg (26.7 kPa)
  • absence of left atrial (LA) hypertension

If PaO
< 300 mmHg (40 kPa), then the definitions recommended a classification as "acute lung injury" (ALI). Note that according to these criteria, arterial blood gas analysis and chest X-ray were required for formal diagnosis. Limitations of these definitions include lack of precise definition of acuity, nonspecific imaging criteria, lack of precise definition of hypoxemia with regards to PEEP (affects arterial oxygen partial pressure), arbitrary PaO
thresholds without systematic data.[50]

2012 Berlin definition

In 2012, the Berlin Definition of ARDS was devised by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and was endorsed by the American Thoracic Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine. These recommendations were an effort to both update classification criteria in order to improve clinical usefulness and to clarify terminology. Notably, the Berlin guidelines discourage the use of the term "acute lung injury" or ALI, as the term was commonly being misused to characterize a less severe degree of lung injury. Instead, the committee proposes a classification of ARDS severity as mild, moderate, or severe according to arterial oxygen saturation.[16] The Berlin definitions represent the current international consensus guidelines for both clinical and research classification of ARDS.[citation needed]


ARDS is the severe form of acute lung injury (ALI), and of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), though there are other causes. The Berlin definition included ALI as a mild form of ARDS.[51] However, the criteria for the diagnosis of ARDS in the Berlin definition excludes many children, and a new definition for children was termed pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS); this is known as the PALICC definition (2015).[52][53]

Research directions

There is ongoing research on the treatment of ARDS by interferon (IFN) beta-1a to aid in preventing leakage of vascular beds. Traumakine (FP-1201-lyo) is a recombinant human IFN beta-1a drug, developed by the Finnish company Faron Pharmaceuticals, which is undergoing international phase-III clinical trials after an open-label, early-phase trial showed an 81% reduction-in-odds of 28-day mortality in ICU patients with ARDS.[54] The drug is known to function by enhancing lung CD73 expression and increasing production of anti-inflammatory adenosine, such that vascular leaking and escalation of inflammation are reduced.[55]

Aspirin has been studied in those who are at high risk and was not found to be useful.[1]

An intravenous ascorbic acid treatment was tested in the 2019 RCT, in people with ARDS due to sepsis and there was no change in primary endpoints.[56]

See also


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  56. ^ "PulmCrit- CITRIS-ALI: Can a secondary endpoint stage a coup d'état?". PulmCrit. 1 October 2019.

Further reading

  • Marino, Paul (2006). The ICU Book. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 978-0781748025.
  • Martin GS, Moss M, Wheeler AP, Mealer M, Morris JA, Bernard GR (1 August 2005). "A randomized, controlled trial of furosemide with or without albumin in hypoproteinemic patients with acute lung injury". Crit. Care Med. 33 (8): 1681–7. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000171539.47006.02. PMID 16096441. S2CID 38941988.
  • Jackson WL, Shorr AF (1 June 2005). "Blood transfusion and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome: more evidence that blood transfusion in the intensive care unit may not be benign". Crit. Care Med. 33 (6): 1420–1. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000167073.99222.50. PMID 15942365.
  • Mortelliti MP, Manning HL (May 2002). . Am Fam Physician. 65 (9): 1823–30. PMID 12018805. Archived from the original on 2008-09-06. Retrieved 2005-08-28.
  • Metnitz, P. G. H.; Bartens, C.; Fischer, M.; Fridrich, P.; Steltzer, H.; Druml, W. (17 February 1999). "Antioxidant status in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome". Intensive Care Medicine. 25 (2): 180–185. doi:10.1007/s001340050813. PMID 10193545. S2CID 11377820.

External links

  • ARDSNet—the NIH / NHLBI ARDS Network
  • —information for patients with ARDS

acute, respiratory, distress, syndrome, ards, redirects, here, other, uses, ards, ards, type, respiratory, failure, characterized, rapid, onset, widespread, inflammation, lungs, symptoms, include, shortness, breath, dyspnea, rapid, breathing, tachypnea, bluish. ARDS redirects here For other uses see Ards Acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS is a type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs 1 Symptoms include shortness of breath dyspnea rapid breathing tachypnea and bluish skin coloration cyanosis 1 For those who survive a decreased quality of life is common 4 Acute respiratory distress syndromeOther namesRespiratory distress syndrome RDS adult respiratory distress syndrome shock lung wet lungChest x ray SpecialtyCritical care medicineSymptomsShortness of breath rapid breathing bluish skin coloration chest pain loss of speech 1 ComplicationsBlood clots Collapsed lung pneumothorax Infections Scarring pulmonary fibrosis 2 Usual onsetWithin a week 1 Diagnostic methodAdults PaO2 FiO2 ratio of less than 300 mm Hg 1 Children oxygenation index gt 4 3 Differential diagnosisHeart failure 1 TreatmentMechanical ventilation ECMO 1 Prognosis35 to 90 risk of death 1 Frequency3 million per year 1 Causes may include sepsis pancreatitis trauma pneumonia and aspiration 1 The underlying mechanism involves diffuse injury to cells which form the barrier of the microscopic air sacs of the lungs surfactant dysfunction activation of the immune system and dysfunction of the body s regulation of blood clotting 5 In effect ARDS impairs the lungs ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide 1 Adult diagnosis is based on a PaO2 FiO2 ratio ratio of partial pressure arterial oxygen and fraction of inspired oxygen of less than 300 mm Hg despite a positive end expiratory pressure PEEP of more than 5 cm H2O 1 Cardiogenic pulmonary edema as the cause must be excluded 4 The primary treatment involves mechanical ventilation together with treatments directed at the underlying cause 1 Ventilation strategies include using low volumes and low pressures 1 If oxygenation remains insufficient lung recruitment maneuvers and neuromuscular blockers may be used 1 If these are insufficient extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO may be an option 1 The syndrome is associated with a death rate between 35 and 50 1 Globally ARDS affects more than 3 million people a year 1 The condition was first described in 1967 1 Although the terminology of adult respiratory distress syndrome has at times been used to differentiate ARDS from infant respiratory distress syndrome in newborns the international consensus is that acute respiratory distress syndrome is the best term because ARDS can affect people of all ages 6 There are separate diagnostic criteria for children and those in areas of the world with fewer resources 4 Contents 1 Signs and symptoms 1 1 Complications 2 Causes 3 Pathophysiology 4 Diagnosis 4 1 Diagnostic criteria 4 2 Medical imaging 5 Treatment 5 1 Mechanical ventilation 5 1 1 Airway pressure release ventilation 5 1 2 Positive end expiratory pressure 5 2 Prone position 5 3 Fluid management 5 4 Medications 5 5 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 5 6 Ineffective treatments 6 Prognosis 7 Epidemiology 8 History 8 1 1994 American European Consensus Conference 8 2 2012 Berlin definition 9 Terminology 10 Research directions 11 See also 12 References 13 Further reading 14 External linksSigns and symptomsThe signs and symptoms of ARDS often begin within two hours of an inciting event but have been known to take as long as 1 3 days diagnostic criteria require a known insult to have happened within 7 days of the syndrome Signs and symptoms may include shortness of breath fast breathing and a low oxygen level in the blood due to abnormal ventilation 7 8 Other common symptoms include muscle fatigue and general weakness low blood pressure a dry hacking cough and fever 9 Complications Complications may include the following 10 Lungs barotrauma volutrauma pulmonary embolism PE pulmonary fibrosis ventilator associated pneumonia VAP Gastrointestinal bleeding ulcer dysmotility pneumoperitoneum bacterial translocation Neurological hypoxic brain damage Cardiac abnormal heart rhythms myocardial dysfunction Kidney acute kidney failure positive fluid balance Mechanical vascular injury pneumothorax by placing pulmonary artery catheter tracheal injury stenosis result of intubation and or irritation by endotracheal tube Nutritional malnutrition catabolic state electrolyte abnormalitiesOther complications that are typically associated with ARDS include 9 Atelectasis small air pockets within the lung collapse Complications that arise from treatment in a hospital blood clots formed by lying down for long periods of time weakness in muscles that are used for breathing stress ulcers and issues with mental health and depression Failure of multiple organs Pulmonary hypertension or increase in blood pressure in the main artery from the heart to the lungs This complication typically occurs due to the restriction of the blood vessel due to inflammation of the mechanical ventilationCausesThere are direct and indirect causes of ARDS depending whether the lungs are initially affected Direct causes include pneumonia including bacterial and viral aspiration inhalational lung injury lung contusion chest trauma and near drowning Indirect causes include sepsis shock pancreatitis trauma e g fat embolism cardiopulmonary bypass TRALI burns increased intracranial pressure 11 Fewer cases of ARDS are linked to large volumes of fluid used during post trauma resuscitation 12 PathophysiologyMain article Pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome nbsp Micrograph of diffuse alveolar damage the histologic correlate of ARDS H amp E stain ARDS is a form of fluid accumulation in the lungs not explained by heart failure noncardiogenic pulmonary edema It is typically provoked by an acute injury to the lungs that results in flooding of the lungs microscopic air sacs responsible for the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide with capillaries in the lungs 13 Additional common findings in ARDS include partial collapse of the alveoli atelectasis and low levels of oxygen in the blood hypoxemia The clinical syndrome is associated with pathological findings including pneumonia eosinophilic pneumonia cryptogenic organizing pneumonia acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia and diffuse alveolar damage DAD Of these the pathology most commonly associated with ARDS is DAD which is characterized by a diffuse inflammation of lung tissue The triggering insult to the tissue usually results in an initial release of chemical signals and other inflammatory mediators secreted by local epithelial and endothelial cells citation needed Neutrophils and some T lymphocytes quickly migrate into the inflamed lung tissue and contribute in the amplification of the phenomenon The typical histological presentation involves diffuse alveolar damage and hyaline membrane formation in alveolar walls Although the triggering mechanisms are not completely understood recent research has examined the role of inflammation and mechanical stress citation needed One research group has reported that broncho alveolar lavage fluid in later stage ARDS often contains trichomonads 14 in an amoeboid form i e lacking their characteristic flagellum which makes them difficult to identify under the microscope 15 Diagnosis nbsp A chest x ray of transfusion related acute lung injury left which led to ARDS Right is a normal X ray before the injury Diagnostic criteria Diagnostic criteria for ARDS have changed over time as understanding of the pathophysiology has evolved The international consensus criteria for ARDS were most recently updated in 2012 and are known as the Berlin definition 16 17 In addition to generally broadening the diagnostic thresholds other notable changes from the prior 1994 consensus criteria 6 include discouraging the term acute lung injury and defining grades of ARDS severity according to degree of decrease in the oxygen content of the blood citation needed According to the 2012 Berlin definition adult ARDS is characterized by the following citation needed lung injury of acute onset within 1 week of an apparent clinical insult and with the progression of respiratory symptoms bilateral opacities on chest imaging chest radiograph or CT not explained by other lung pathology e g effusion lobar lung collapse or nodules respiratory failure not explained by heart failure or volume overload decreased PaO2 FiO2 ratio a decreased PaO2 FiO2 ratio indicates reduced arterial oxygenation from the available inhaled gas mild ARDS 201 300 mmHg 39 9 kPa moderate ARDS 101 200 mmHg 26 6 kPa severe ARDS 100 mmHg 13 3 kPa The Berlin definition requires a minimum positive end expiratory pressure PEEP of 5 cmH2 O for consideration of the PaO2 FiO2 ratio This degree of PEEP may be delivered noninvasively with CPAP to diagnose mild ARDS The 2012 Berlin criteria are a modification of the prior 1994 consensus conference definitions see history 10 Medical imaging Radiologic imaging has long been a criterion for diagnosis of ARDS Original definitions of ARDS specified that correlative chest X ray findings were required for diagnosis the diagnostic criteria have been expanded over time to accept CT and ultrasound findings as equally contributory Generally radiographic findings of fluid accumulation pulmonary edema affecting both lungs and unrelated to increased cardiopulmonary vascular pressure such as in heart failure may be suggestive of ARDS 18 Ultrasound findings suggestive of ARDS include the following Anterior subpleural consolidations Absence or reduction of lung sliding Spared areas of normal parenchyma Pleural line abnormalities irregular thickened fragmented pleural line Nonhomogeneous distribution of B lines a characteristic ultrasound finding suggestive of fluid accumulation in the lungs 19 TreatmentAcute respiratory distress syndrome is usually treated with mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit ICU Mechanical ventilation is usually delivered through a rigid tube which enters the oral cavity and is secured in the airway endotracheal intubation or by tracheostomy when prolonged ventilation 2 weeks is necessary The role of non invasive ventilation is limited to the very early period of the disease or to prevent worsening respiratory distress in individuals with atypical pneumonias lung bruising or major surgery patients who are at risk of developing ARDS Treatment of the underlying cause is crucial Appropriate antibiotic therapy is started as soon as culture results are available or if infection is suspected whichever is earlier Empirical therapy may be appropriate if local microbiological surveillance is efficient Where possible the origin of the infection is removed When sepsis is diagnosed appropriate local protocols are followed citation needed Mechanical ventilation Further information Pressure regulated volume control The overall goal of mechanical ventilation is to maintain acceptable gas exchange to meet the body s metabolic demands and to minimize adverse effects in its application The parameters PEEP positive end expiratory pressure to keep alveoli open mean airway pressure to promote recruitment opening of easily collapsible alveoli and predictor of hemodynamic effects and plateau pressure best predictor of alveolar overdistention are used 20 Previously mechanical ventilation aimed to achieve tidal volumes Vt of 12 15 ml kg where the weight is ideal body weight rather than actual weight Recent studies have shown that high tidal volumes can overstretch alveoli resulting in volutrauma secondary lung injury The ARDS Clinical Network or ARDSNet completed a clinical trial that showed improved mortality when people with ARDS were ventilated with a tidal volume of 6 ml kg compared to the traditional 12 ml kg Low tidal volumes Vt may cause a permitted rise in blood carbon dioxide levels and collapse of alveoli 10 because of their inherent tendency to increase shunting within the lung Physiologic dead space cannot change as it is ventilation without perfusion A shunt is a perfusion without ventilation within a lung region citation needed Low tidal volume ventilation was the primary independent variable associated with reduced mortality in the NIH sponsored ARDSNet trial of tidal volume in ARDS Plateau pressure less than 30 cm H2 O was a secondary goal and subsequent analyses of the data from the ARDSNet trial and other experimental data demonstrate that there appears to be no safe upper limit to plateau pressure regardless of plateau pressure individuals with ARDS fare better with low tidal volumes 21 Airway pressure release ventilation No particular ventilator mode is known to improve mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS 22 Some practitioners favor airway pressure release ventilation when treating ARDS Well documented advantages to APRV ventilation 23 include decreased airway pressures decreased minute ventilation decreased dead space ventilation promotion of spontaneous breathing almost 24 hour a day alveolar recruitment decreased use of sedation near elimination of neuromuscular blockade optimized arterial blood gas results mechanical restoration of FRC functional residual capacity a positive effect on cardiac output 24 due to the negative inflection from the elevated baseline with each spontaneous breath increased organ and tissue perfusion and potential for increased urine output secondary to increased kidney perfusion citation needed A patient with ARDS on average spends between 8 and 11 days on a mechanical ventilator APRV may reduce this time significantly and thus may conserve valuable resources 25 Positive end expiratory pressure Positive end expiratory pressure PEEP is used in mechanically ventilated people with ARDS to improve oxygenation In ARDS three populations of alveoli can be distinguished There are normal alveoli that are always inflated and engaging in gas exchange flooded alveoli which can never under any ventilatory regime be used for gas exchange and atelectatic or partially flooded alveoli that can be recruited to participate in gas exchange under certain ventilatory regimens The recruitable alveoli represent a continuous population some of which can be recruited with minimal PEEP and others can only be recruited with high levels of PEEP An additional complication is that some alveoli can only be opened with higher airway pressures than are needed to keep them open hence the justification for maneuvers where PEEP is increased to very high levels for seconds to minutes before dropping the PEEP to a lower level PEEP can be harmful high PEEP necessarily increases mean airway pressure and alveolar pressure which can damage normal alveoli by overdistension resulting in DAD A compromise between the beneficial and adverse effects of PEEP is inevitable citation needed The best PEEP used to be defined as some cmH2 O above the lower inflection point LIP in the sigmoidal pressure volume relationship curve of the lung Recent research has shown that the LIP point pressure is no better than any pressure above it as recruitment of collapsed alveoli and more importantly the overdistension of aerated units occur throughout the whole inflation Despite the awkwardness of most procedures used to trace the pressure volume curve it is still used by some who to define the minimum PEEP to be applied to their patients Some new ventilators can automatically plot a pressure volume curve citation needed PEEP may also be set empirically Some authors who suggest performing a recruiting maneuver a short time at a very high continuous positive airway pressure such as 50 cmH2 O 4 9 kPa to recruit or open collapsed units with a high distending pressure before restoring previous ventilation The final PEEP level should be the one just before the drop in PaO2 or peripheral blood oxygen saturation during a step down trial A large randomized controlled trial of patients with ARDS found that lung recruitment maneuvers and PEEP titration was associated with high rates of barotrauma and pneumothorax and increased mortality 26 Intrinsic PEEP iPEEP or auto PEEP first described by John Marini of St Paul Regions Hospital is a potentially unrecognized contributor to PEEP in intubated individuals When ventilating at high frequencies its contribution can be substantial particularly in people with obstructive lung disease such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD iPEEP has been measured in very few formal studies on ventilation in ARDS and its contribution is largely unknown Its measurement is recommended in the treatment of people who have ARDS especially when using high frequency oscillatory jet ventilation citation needed Prone position Main article Proning The position of lung infiltrates in acute respiratory distress syndrome is non uniform Repositioning into the prone position face down might improve oxygenation by relieving atelectasis and improving perfusion If this is done early in the treatment of severe ARDS it confers a mortality benefit of 26 compared to supine ventilation 27 28 However attention should be paid to avoid the SIDS in the management of the respiratory distressed infants by continuous careful monitoring of their cardiovascular system 28 Fluid management Several studies have shown that pulmonary function and outcome are better in people with ARDS who lost weight or whose pulmonary wedge pressure was lowered by diuresis or fluid restriction 10 Medications As of 2019 it is uncertain whether or not treatment with corticosteroids improves overall survival Corticosteroids may increase the number of ventilator free days during the first 28 days of hospitalization 29 One study found that dexamethasone may help 30 The combination of hydrocortisone ascorbic acid and thiamine also requires further study as of 2018 31 Inhaled nitric oxide NO selectively widens the lung s arteries which allows for more blood flow to open alveoli for gas exchange Despite evidence of increased oxygenation status there is no evidence that inhaled nitric oxide decreases morbidity and mortality in people with ARDS 32 Furthermore nitric oxide may cause kidney damage and is not recommended as therapy for ARDS regardless of severity 33 Alvelestat AZD 9668 had been quoted according to one review article 34 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO is mechanically applied prolonged cardiopulmonary support There are two types of ECMO Venovenous which provides respiratory support and venoarterial which provides respiratory and hemodynamic support People with ARDS who do not require cardiac support typically undergo venovenous ECMO Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness of ECMO in acute respiratory failure 35 36 37 Specifically the CESAR Conventional ventilatory support versus Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory failure trial 38 demonstrated that a group referred to an ECMO center demonstrated significantly increased survival compared to conventional management 63 to 47 39 Ineffective treatments As of 2019 there is no evidence showing that treatments with exogenous surfactants statins beta blockers or n acetylcysteine decreases early mortality late all cause mortality duration of mechanical ventilation or number of ventilator free days 29 PrognosisThe overall prognosis of ARDS is poor with mortality rates of approximately 40 29 Exercise limitation physical and psychological sequelae decreased physical quality of life and increased costs and use of health care services are important sequelae of ARDS citation needed EpidemiologyThe annual rate of ARDS is generally 13 23 people per 100 000 in the general population 40 It is more common in people who are mechanically ventilated with acute lung injury ALI occurring in 16 of ventilated people Rates increased in 2020 due to COVID 19 with some cases also appearing similar to HAPE 41 42 Worldwide severe sepsis is the most common trigger causing ARDS 43 Other triggers include mechanical ventilation sepsis pneumonia Gilchrist s disease drowning circulatory shock aspiration trauma especially pulmonary contusion major surgery massive blood transfusions 44 smoke inhalation drug reaction or overdose fat emboli and reperfusion pulmonary edema after lung transplantation or pulmonary embolectomy However the majority of patients with all these conditions mentioned do not develop ARDS It is unclear why some people with the mentioned factors above do not develop ARDS and others do citation needed Pneumonia and sepsis are the most common triggers and pneumonia is present in up to 60 of patients and may be either causes or complications of ARDS Alcohol excess appears to increase the risk of ARDS 45 Diabetes was originally thought to decrease the risk of ARDS but this has shown to be due to an increase in the risk of pulmonary edema 46 47 Elevated abdominal pressure of any cause is also probably a risk factor for the development of ARDS particularly during mechanical ventilation citation needed HistoryAcute respiratory distress syndrome was first described in 1967 by Ashbaugh et al 10 48 Initially there was no clearly established definition which resulted in controversy regarding the incidence and death of ARDS In 1988 an expanded definition was proposed which quantified physiologic respiratory impairment 1994 American European Consensus Conference In 1994 a new definition was recommended by the American European Consensus Conference Committee 6 10 which recognized the variability in severity of pulmonary injury 49 The definition required the following criteria to be met acute onset persistent dyspnea bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph consistent with pulmonary edema hypoxemia defined as PaO2 FiO2 lt 200 mmHg 26 7 kPa absence of left atrial LA hypertension pulmonary artery wedge pressure lt 18 mmHg obtained by pulmonary artery catheterization if no measured LA pressure available there must be no other clinical evidence to suggest elevated left heart pressure If PaO2 FiO2 lt 300 mmHg 40 kPa then the definitions recommended a classification as acute lung injury ALI Note that according to these criteria arterial blood gas analysis and chest X ray were required for formal diagnosis Limitations of these definitions include lack of precise definition of acuity nonspecific imaging criteria lack of precise definition of hypoxemia with regards to PEEP affects arterial oxygen partial pressure arbitrary PaO2 thresholds without systematic data 50 2012 Berlin definition In 2012 the Berlin Definition of ARDS was devised by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and was endorsed by the American Thoracic Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine These recommendations were an effort to both update classification criteria in order to improve clinical usefulness and to clarify terminology Notably the Berlin guidelines discourage the use of the term acute lung injury or ALI as the term was commonly being misused to characterize a less severe degree of lung injury Instead the committee proposes a classification of ARDS severity as mild moderate or severe according to arterial oxygen saturation 16 The Berlin definitions represent the current international consensus guidelines for both clinical and research classification of ARDS citation needed TerminologyARDS is the severe form of acute lung injury ALI and of transfusion related acute lung injury TRALI though there are other causes The Berlin definition included ALI as a mild form of ARDS 51 However the criteria for the diagnosis of ARDS in the Berlin definition excludes many children and a new definition for children was termed pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome PARDS this is known as the PALICC definition 2015 52 53 Research directionsThere is ongoing research on the treatment of ARDS by interferon IFN beta 1a to aid in preventing leakage of vascular beds Traumakine FP 1201 lyo is a recombinant human IFN beta 1a drug developed by the Finnish company Faron Pharmaceuticals which is undergoing international phase III clinical trials after an open label early phase trial showed an 81 reduction in odds of 28 day mortality in ICU patients with ARDS 54 The drug is known to function by enhancing lung CD73 expression and increasing production of anti inflammatory adenosine such that vascular leaking and escalation of inflammation are reduced 55 Aspirin has been studied in those who are at high risk and was not found to be useful 1 An intravenous ascorbic acid treatment was tested in the 2019 RCT in people with ARDS due to sepsis and there was no change in primary endpoints 56 See alsoRespiratory monitoringReferences a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fan E Brodie D Slutsky AS 20 February 2018 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment JAMA 319 7 698 710 doi 10 1001 jama 2017 21907 PMID 29466596 S2CID 3451752 ARDS mayoclinic org Mayo Clinic Retrieved June 4 2022 Cheifetz Ira M 25 May 2017 Pediatric ARDS 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consensus recommendations from the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 16 5 428 39 doi 10 1097 PCC 0000000000000350 PMC 5253180 PMID 25647235 Bellingan Geoff Maksimow Mikael Howell David C Stotz Martin Beale Richard Beatty Monika Walsh Timothy Binning Alexander Davidson Alan February 2014 The effect of intravenous interferon beta 1a FP 1201 on lung CD73 expression and on acute respiratory distress syndrome mortality an open label study The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2 2 98 107 doi 10 1016 S2213 2600 13 70259 5 ISSN 2213 2600 PMID 24503265 Kiss Jan Yegutkin Gennady G Koskinen Kaisa Savunen Timo Jalkanen Sirpa Salmi Marko November 2007 IFN b protects from vascular leakage via up regulation of CD73 European Journal of Immunology 37 12 3334 3338 doi 10 1002 eji 200737793 ISSN 1521 4141 PMID 18034430 S2CID 8089872 PulmCrit CITRIS ALI Can a secondary endpoint stage a coup d etat PulmCrit 1 October 2019 Further readingMarino Paul 2006 The ICU Book Baltimore Williams amp Wilkins ISBN 978 0781748025 Martin GS Moss M Wheeler AP Mealer M Morris JA Bernard GR 1 August 2005 A randomized controlled trial of furosemide with or without albumin in hypoproteinemic patients with acute lung injury Crit Care Med 33 8 1681 7 doi 10 1097 01 CCM 0000171539 47006 02 PMID 16096441 S2CID 38941988 Jackson WL Shorr AF 1 June 2005 Blood transfusion and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome more evidence that blood transfusion in the intensive care unit may not be benign Crit Care Med 33 6 1420 1 doi 10 1097 01 CCM 0000167073 99222 50 PMID 15942365 Mortelliti MP Manning HL May 2002 Acute respiratory distress syndrome Am Fam Physician 65 9 1823 30 PMID 12018805 Archived from the original on 2008 09 06 Retrieved 2005 08 28 Metnitz P G H Bartens C Fischer M Fridrich P Steltzer H Druml W 17 February 1999 Antioxidant status in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Intensive Care Medicine 25 2 180 185 doi 10 1007 s001340050813 PMID 10193545 S2CID 11377820 External links nbsp The Wikibook Intensive Care Medicine has a page on the topic of ARDS ARDSNet the NIH NHLBI ARDS Network ARDS Support Center information for patients with ARDS Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Acute respiratory distress syndrome amp oldid 1183428838, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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