

Accountability, in terms of ethics and governance, is equated with answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving.[1] As in an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) and individual contexts. In leadership roles,[2] accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.

In governance, accountability has expanded beyond the basic definition of "being called to account for one's actions".[3][4] It is frequently described as an account giving relationship between individuals, e.g. "A is accountable to B when A is obliged to inform B about A's (past or future) actions and decisions, to justify them, and to suffer punishment in the case of eventual misconduct" and more.[5] Accountability cannot exist without proper accounting practices; in other words, an absence of accounting means an absence of accountability. Another key area that contributes to accountability is good records management.[6]

History and etymology

"Accountability" stems from late Latin accomptare (to account), a prefixed form of computare (to calculate), which in turn derived from putare (to reckon).[7] While the word itself does not appear in English until its use in 13th century Norman England,[8][9] the concept of account-giving has ancient roots in record keeping activities related to governance and money-lending systems that first developed in Ancient Egypt,[10] Israel,[11] Babylon,[12] Greece,[13] and later, Rome.[14]


Political accountability is when a politician makes choices on behalf of the people and the people have the ability to reward or sanction the politician.[15] In representative democracies citizens delegate power to elected officials through periodic elections in order to represent or act in their interest.[15] The challenge then becomes why would rulers with such power, who presumably have divergent interests from the people, act in the best interest of the people?[16] Citizens can rely on rewards or sanctions to threaten or reward politicians who might otherwise act in a manner that is antithetical to the people's interest.[16] Accountability occurs when citizens only vote to re-elect representatives who act in their interests, and if representatives then select policies that will help them be re-elected.[16] "Governments are 'accountable' if voters can discern whether governments are acting in their interest and sanction them appropriately, so that those incumbents who act in the best interest of the citizens win reelection and those who do not lose them."[16]

Representatives can be held accountable through two mechanisms: electoral replacement and rational anticipation.[17] In electoral replacement citizens vote to replace representatives who are out of step with their interests. Rational anticipation requires that representatives anticipate the consequences of being out of step with their constituency and then govern in accordance with citizens' wishes to avoid negative consequences.[17] Accountability can still be achieved even if citizens are not perfectly knowledgeable about representative's actions as long as representatives believe that they will be held accountable by citizens they will still act in accordance with the citizens' interests.[18]


Electoral accountability refers to citizens using the vote to sanction or reward politicians, but other forms of political accountability do exist.[16]

Some researchers have considered the accountability using formal theory, which makes assumptions about the state of the world to draw larger conclusions. Voters can hold representatives accountable through the process of sanctioning, voters voting the incumbent out of office in response to poor performance.[19] While politicians face a decrease in vote share as a result of poor performance, they are less likely to see an increase in vote share for good performance.[20] Selection, voters choosing candidates based on who will best represent their interests, is another method by which voters hold their representative accountable.[19] These methods of accountability can occur simultaneously with voters holding representatives accountable using sanctioning and selection.[19] These conclusions rely on the assumption that voters do not observe the policy implemented by the incumbent, but do know their own welfare.[19]

Some factors make it harder for voters to sanction incumbents. When politicians do not have control over the outcomes, then accountability breaks down because it is harder to hold them accountable.[20] Further, when organizations are unable to monitor elections and provide information to voters, then voters struggle to sanction the incumbent.[21] Thus, when voters have more information about the incumbent's performance, the incumbent is more likely to voter sanctioning.[21] Further, when incumbents face sanctioning, challengers are more like to enter the race.[21]

While elections are believed to generally increase government accountability to citizens, it may lead to less egalitarian policy outcomes, since those that hold government accountable tend to be from wealthier segments of society.[22] For example, a study of elected versus appointed property assessors in the state of New York shows that when property assessors are elected, it leads to policies that severely undertax wealthier homes relative to poorer homes.[22]


Refer to the liability of government servants to give a satisfactory account of the use of their power and resources. It is often that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore, checking the accountability is the basis of the success of Public Administration.

Public goods

Politicians may be incentivized to provide public goods as a means of accountability.[23] The ability of voters to attribute credit and blame of outcomes also determines the extent of public goods provision.[23][24] Research suggests that public goods provision is conditional on being able to attribute outcomes to politicians as opposed to civil servants.[24] This can be enhanced by more short-run and visible inputs and outcomes such as famine relief or drinking water, whereas low-visibility issues such as sanitation and education may be more difficult to attribute credit and thus less likely to provided.[23]

Another condition determining how voters use the provision of public goods to hold leaders accountable is whether the prioritization of public goods is determined either directly via vote or delegated to a governing body.[25][26] An experiment in New Mexico regarding proposed spending during the state's 2008 special summer legislative session provides evidence that legislators update their positions when learning about voters' policy preferences, indicating representative democracy can increase accountability when politicians learn about voters' preferences.[25] A 2016 experiment in Afghanistan regarding rural development projects, however, finds that when voters directly prioritize their preferences at the ballot box, they perceive the quality of local government to be higher than when a governing committee prioritizes development projects.[26] These contrasting outcomes highlight the trustee-vs-delegate debate, though the lack of objective superior outcomes in projects decided by vote as opposed to committee in the Afghanistan experiment indicate neither is superior to the other in determining which public good should be given priority.[27][28]

Other research indicates voters use elections to hold politicians accountable for the provision of public goods.[29][30] In India, rural areas are charged a flat rate for electricity, but in the province of Uttar Pradesh, line loss - electricity that is consumed but not billed bill - is significantly higher in election years relative to non-election years and increases in line loss reliably predict electoral gains.[29] To put this in context, voters rewarded incumbent politicians with a 12% increase in party seats in response to a 10% increase of unbilled electricity in 2007 elections.[29] In Ghana, the improvement of road conditions is linked to increasing vote share for incumbent parties.[30] Both of these research outcomes hinge on the context of voters being able to attribute the service of public goods to politicians, however.[29][30][24]

Politicians may also have incentives to respond to pressure for public goods provision in electoral autocracies.[31][32] There is evidence that as autocratic governments lose seats in their party legislatures, they respond by increasing spending on public goods such as education, healthcare, and pensions.[31] There is further evidence suggesting higher quality of life, civil liberties, and human development in electoral autocracies, lending credence to the theory that autocratic rulers use elections as a bellwether against popular discontent and citizen opposition and in turn increase public goods provision to dampen grievances of disgruntled citizens, even in non-democracies.[32]

While the introduction of elections is generally thought to improve public goods provision, in some cases researchers have shown that it may reduce its quality.[33] For example, the introduction of direct elections for local district office in Indonesia resulted in political interference in the hiring process for bureaucrats in the public education sector, reducing the quality of education provision: politicians were incentivized to dole out patronage positions in the education sector, especially in election years, and where such positions were added, student test scores were lower.[33]


Governments are held accountable if citizens can punish and/or reward the government to influence it to pursue the best interests of citizens.[34] While scholars who study democratic theory emphasize the role of elections in ensuring accountability,[35][36][37][38][39] another strand of scholars investigates non-electoral forms of accountability in democracies and non-democracies[40][41][42][43] and the conditions that make unelected leaders represent the interests of the general public.[44][45][46][47]

Political protest

Political changes after protests can be the result of the protests per se or symptoms of shifts in political preferences underneath the observable phenomena of the protests. One study of the Tea Party movement in the United States has shown that protests per se have an impact on political change.[40] Other scholars have studied the effect of protests on political changes in developing countries. Mass protests instigated by economic hardship and political repression occurred in 16 sub-Saharan African countries, and 21 governments in the region implemented significant political reforms such as adoption of multiparty elections.[41] Authoritarian regimes in Africa distorted the market and reduced the cost of farm produce in favor of urban workers at the cost of rural farmers in the 1980s to prevent urban unrest, which is more visible and easier to mobilize than rural protests.[48]


Belsky et al. point out, whereas, under more democratic governance accountability is built into the institution of the state by a habit of regular elections, accountability in autocratic regimes[49] relies on a selectorate; a group that legitimizes or delegitimizes the autocrats powers according to selectorate theory. The primary mechanism at a selectorate's disposal is deposition, which is a form of exit. Beyond that institutions can act as credible restraints on autocracy as well.

Civil society

In democracies, voluntary associations, interest groups, and associational activity can improve the performance of the government.[50][51][52][53] One study has also shown that civil society organizations such as NGOs can increase the performance of local government according to the central government's standards by monitoring and disclosing information about local government performance in authoritarian regimes like China.[42] Solidary groups – groups based on shared moral obligations and interests – in rural China, where members of the group share moral obligations and interests, can hold local officials accountable as well.[44]

At the local level, various accountability measures exist that impact the job performance of elected officials.[54][55][56] In Uganda, civil society organizations (CSOs) that divulge to the public how well an incumbent is performing their job duties, in a district with an upcoming competitive election, increases the performance of the politician for the rest of their term.[57] In contrast to these works, meta-analysis released in 2019 uncover no effects from CSO voter information campaigns on political accountability after examining the results from seven trials across six countries.[58] In Ghana, election-day monitoring of polling centers for district-level positions, as well as gaining awareness of monitoring in an upcoming election, increases job performance among incumbents as these officials spent more of their annual Constituency Development Fund allocations from the central government on public goods for the electorate.[54] In locales with weaker institutions, when citizens elect leaders with higher levels of competency, these officials have a greater ability to overcome the barriers of bad informal institutions and deliver more goods anShared d long-term investment projects for the constituency without needing to raise their taxes.[55] Additionally, many local elections are for positions that involve performing jobs with a single function, such as school board member or sheriff. These elected officials are held accountable to their positions mainly through the information provided to the public through the media.[56] When the media focuses attention on data trends associated with these positions, constituents are then able to use this information to retrospectively vote for or against the incumbent based on the performance shown while in office.[56]

Public opinion poll

Approval ratings generated through public opinion polling create a measure of job performance during an incumbent's term that has implications for whether the official will retain their seat, or if reelection will even be sought.[59][60] These approval ratings are predictors of election outcomes when combined with other factors included in Bayesian Model Averaging forecasts.[61] In the United States, senator job approval ratings affect whether a senator will retire, the quality of candidates that seek to challenge the incumbent, the amount of money the senator can raise to seek reelection if they decide to run, and the outcome of the election itself.[59] Thus, strategic incumbent senators will seek reelection less when their approval ratings are low during their time in office.[59][60]

Accountability for unelected leaders

Threat or fear of losing power

Selectorates are those on whom a leader depends in order to hold onto power and those who have the ability to depose a leader.[62] When selectorates' hold on power is not overly dependent on the leader in office, selectorates can remove poorly performing leaders, and this accountability by selectorates render it possible for autocracies to perform better for the benefit of all.[49]

Moral standing and social norms

The solidary groups in rural China can hold local officials accountable when 1) the solidary group encompasses everyone under the local government's jurisdiction, and 2) local officials are embedded in the group as members; the recognition from these groups encourages local officials to carry out their official tasks as they value high moral standing in the group.[44]

Shared interests

Traditional leaders in Zambia provide local public goods despite the fact that they lack an electoral incentive to provide public goods.[46] Many customary chiefs never leave the communities they lead permanently and depend on local sources for a significant portion of their income, thus, traditional leaders may facilitate bringing local public goods in the present and benefit from the community's development over time just like stationary bandits in Olson's argument.[46][43]

Accountability and corruption

Political corruption refers to "the misuse or the abuse of public office for private gains", where corrupt practices include fraud, appropriation of public funds, or accepting bribes are some examples of corrupt practices.[63][64][65] Corruption can be negative for politicians' evaluations, since citizens' may perceive corruption as a signal of poor performance, motivating them to sanction the incumbent.[66] In fact, the model of retrospective voting that suggests that voters incentivize good politicians' behavior by rewarding good and punishing bad performance, citizens are expected to sanction corrupt politicians.[63] However, recent studies suggest that, though voters have a general distaste for corruption, they often fail to punish corrupt incumbents; and that some of them also receive benefits from their representatives' corrupt practices, and prefer to retain this type of politicians.[67][63] Moreover, in high-corrupt contexts, voters may become more tolerant or even prefer corrupt politicians because others are also perceived as corrupt, leading to a corrupt equilibrium "where voters are generally willing to retain corrupt politicians", which is referred to as a "political corruption trap".[67] The high corruption equilibrium is difficult to break due to the interaction between corrupt politicians, voters who tolerate and retain corrupt politicians, and potential entrants or challengers who are also apt to engage in corrupt practices, leading to the maintenance of corruption.[67]

Democracy as a whole seems to have a null effect on reducing corruption,[68] while economic development is associated with a decrease in corruption.[68] Freedom of the press contributes to the reduction of corruption, by exposing these actions.[68] In fact, documentation on how a corrupt government (Fujimori's government from 1998 to 2000, in Peru) strategically undermined check and balance institutions, suggests that the media —e.g. newspapers and, mainly, television— is crucial, due to its broad scope to disseminate information to the public.[69] Additionally, there is also evidence about the importance of local media —such as local radio stations— in holding accountable corrupt incumbents and promoting non-corrupt politicians.[70] Nevertheless, information about corruption may not only lead to vote losses for the incumbent parties, but also for the challenger parties, as well to the erosion of partisan attachments, which implies that information about corruption also provokes citizens' disengagement from the political process.[66]

Scholarly literature about corruption finds mixed results about the role of political institutions on the level of a country's corruption.[68] For example, some scholarly research suggests that more horizontal accountability, or oversight across branches of government, would generally decrease corruption.[71] However, other research shows that increased oversight could increase corruption when actors in one branch can pressure actors in another to collude: in Ghana bureaucrats are more likely to engage in corruption on behalf of politicians when politicians have higher levels of discretion to oversee the bureaucracy (e.g., by threatening to transfer noncompliant bureaucrats).[72]

Low accountability for corruption is difficult to combat, and some anticorruption activities may also lead to perverse consequences.[73] For example, in places where private sector work pays better than public sector work (e.g., China), highly qualified individuals engaging in public sector work may only find such work attractive because they allow for further compensation through corrupt activities; government anticorruption activities can therefore decrease the quality and overall representativeness of the bureaucracy as a result.[74] On the other hand, there is evidence that points out to the fact that, despite strategic evasion and unintentional consequences, anti-corruption initiatives are beneficial, as they allow to lower malfeasance and increases social welfare, even where strategic evasion is relatively large.[75]



Within an organization, the principles and practices of ethical accountability aim to improve both the internal standard of individual and group conduct as well as external factors, such as sustainable economic and ecologic strategies. Also, ethical accountability plays a progressively important role in academic fields, such as laboratory experiments and field research. Debates around the practice of ethical accountability on the part of researchers in the social field – whether professional or others – have been thoroughly explored by Norma R.A. Romm in her work on Accountability in Social Research,[76] including her book on New Racism: Revisiting Researcher Accountabilities, reviewed by Carole Truman in the journal Sociological Research Online.[77] Here it is suggested that researcher accountability implies that researchers are cognizant of, and take some responsibility for, the potential impact of their ways of doing research – and of writing it up – on the social fields of which the research is part. That is, accountability is linked to considering carefully, and being open to challenge in relation to, one's choices concerning how research agendas are framed and the styles in which write-ups of research "results" are created.


The traceability of actions performed on a system to a specific system entity (user, process, device). For example, the use of unique user identification and authentication supports accountability; the use of shared user IDs and passwords destroys accountability.

Individuals within organizations

Because many different individuals in large organizations contribute in many ways to the decisions and policies, it is difficult even in principle to identify who should be accountable for the results. This is what is known, following Thompson, as the problem of many hands.[78] It creates a dilemma for accountability. If individuals are held accountable or responsible, individuals who could not have prevented the results are either unfairly punished, or they "take responsibility" in a symbolic ritual without suffering any consequences. If only organizations are held accountable, then all individuals in the organization are equally blameworthy or all are excused. Various solutions have been proposed. One is to broaden the criteria for individual responsibility so that individuals are held accountable for not anticipating failures in the organization. Another solution, recently proposed by Thompson, is to hold individuals accountable for the design of the organization, both retrospectively and prospectively.[79]

Accountability is an element of a RACI to indicate who is ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task, and the one who delegates the work to those responsible.

Public/private overlap

With the increase over the last several decades in public service provided by private entities, especially in Britain and the United States, some have called for increased political accountability mechanisms for otherwise non-political entities. Legal scholar Anne Davies, for instance, argues that the line between public institutions and private entities like corporations is becoming blurred in certain areas of public service in the United Kingdom, and that this can compromise political accountability in those areas. She and others argue that some administrative law reform is necessary to address this accountability gap.[80]

With respect to the public/private overlap in the United States, public concern over the contracting of government services (including military) and the resulting accountability gap has been highlighted recently following the shooting incident involving the Blackwater security firm in Iraq.[81]

In education

Student accountability is traditionally based on hang school and classroom rules, combined with sanctions for infringement. As defined by National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), accountability is "A program, often legislated, that attributes the responsibility for student learning to teachers, school administrators, and/or students. Test results typically are used to judge accountability, and often consequences are imposed for shortcomings."[82]

In contrast, some educational establishments such as Sudbury schools believe that students are personally responsible for their acts, and that traditional schools do not permit students to choose their course of action fully; they do not permit students to embark on the course, once chosen; and they do not permit students to suffer the consequences of the course, once taken. Freedom of choice, freedom of action, freedom to bear the results of action are considered the three great freedoms that constitute personal responsibility. Sudbury schools claim that "'Ethics' is a course taught by life experience". They adduce that the essential ingredient for acquiring values—and for moral action is personal responsibility, that schools will become involved in the teaching of morals when they become communities of people who fully respect each other's right to make choices, and that the only way the schools can become meaningful purveyors of ethical values is if they provide students and adults with real-life experiences that are bearers of moral import. Students are given complete responsibility for their own education and the school is run by a direct democracy in which students and staff are equals.[83][84][85][86][87][88]

Media and accountability

Econometric research has found that countries with greater press freedom tend to have less corruption.[89] Greater political accountability and lower corruption were more likely where newspaper consumption was higher in data from roughly 100 countries and from different states in the US.[90] Congressmen who receive less press coverage are less likely to produce a positive impact for their constituencies, they are less likely to stand witness before congressional hearings, and federal spending for the district is lower.[91] One explanation for the positive impact of media on accountability stems from Besley and Burgess' work.[92] They argue that media resolves the information asymmetries between citizens and government and provides a way of overcoming obstacles preventing political action.[92] When elected officials and the public gain information, the public is better equipped to hold politicians accountable and politicians are more responsive.[93][91] Ferraz & Finan demonstrate this in the Brazilian context.[94] In their work, they find releasing audit reports prior to elections creates a more informed electorate which holds incumbent officials accountable.[94]

While large evidence supports the positive impact of press freedom on political accountability, other work has highlighted the significance of factors such as media concentration and ownership as government tools for influencing or controlling news content.[95] Non-democratic regimes use media for a variety of purposes such as – (i) to enhance regime resilience, (ii) censor or (iii) strategically distract the public.[96][97][98] Control of the media may also be especially beneficial to incumbents in new or developing democracies, who consider media control a spoil of office.[99]

An analysis of the evolution of mass media in the US and Europe since World War II noted mixed results from the growth of the Internet: "The digital revolution has been good for freedom of expression [and] information [but] has had mixed effects on freedom of the press": It has disrupted traditional sources of funding, and new forms of Internet journalism have replaced only a tiny fraction of what's been lost.[100] Various systems have been proposed for increasing the funds available for investigative journalism that allow individual citizens to direct small amounts of government funds to news outlets or investigative journalism projects of their choice.

Electoral manipulation and accountability

Studies on political accountability have emphasized the key role of elections in promoting accountability in democratic settings. It is through elections that citizens hold governments accountable for past performance.[101][102] However, the role of elections in fostering accountability is often undermined by electoral manipulation and fraud.[103] By preventing citizens from removing leaders through elections based on their performance in office, electoral manipulation breaks down accountability and may even undercut the consolidation of democratic institutions.[104]

Electoral manipulation is not rare: some estimates point out that in the last two decades up to one fourth of elections suffered some form of substantial manipulation.[103] This includes a large array of pre-election and election-day tactics, such as outlawing rival parties and candidates, employing violence and intimidation, and manipulating voter registration and vote count.[105] Some efforts at improving accountability by preventing electoral manipulation and fraud have obtained a certain measure of success, such as using cell-phone applications for monitoring and disseminating polling station results[106] and employing domestic or international election observers.[107][108] However, governments sometimes simply shift the type or the place of manipulation in order to deceive observers and monitoring agencies.[107][108]

Governments, politicians and political parties are more likely to resort to electoral manipulation and fraud when they believe they might be removed from office and face few institutional constraints to their power.[109] Alternatively, low political competition has also been linked to some forms manipulation, such as abolishing presidential term limits.[110] Further, well-connected candidates are more likely to resort to vote count fraud.[106] However, governments may engage in electoral manipulation not only to obtain victory at a given election or to remain longer in office, but also for post-election reasons such as reducing the strength of the opposition and increasing their own bargaining power in the subsequent period.[103]


Accountability standards have been set up, and organizations can voluntarily commit to them. Standards apply in particular to the non-profit world and to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Accountability standards include:

  • INGO Accountability Charter, signed by a large number of NGOs to "demonstrate their commitment to accountability and transparency"[111]
  • AccountAbility's AA1000 series. "principles-based standards to help organisations become more accountable, responsible and sustainable. They address issues affecting governance, business models and organizational strategy, as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagement"[112]
  • Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) 2010 standards. A standard for humanitarian organizations to help them "design, implement, assess, improve and recognize accountable programmes"[113]

In addition, some non-profit organizations set up their own commitments to accountability:

  • Accountability, Learning and Planning System (ALPS) by ActionAid, a framework that sets out the key accountability requirements, guidelines, and processes.[114]

See also


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  • Bovens, Mark. The Quest for Responsibility: Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organisations (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
  • Mastop, Rosja. "Characterising Responsibility in Organisational Structures: The Problem of Many Hands" in Deontic Logic in Computer Science, eds. G. Governatori and G. Sartor (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010). pp. 274–287. ISBN 978-3-540-70524-6
  • Thompson, Dennis F. "Responsibility for Failures of Government: The Problem of Many Hands," American Review of Public Administration 44:3 (2014), 259–273.
  • Thompson, Dennis F. "The Responsibility of Advisers" in Restoring Responsibility: Ethics in Government, Business and Healthcare (Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 33–49. ISBN 978-0521547222

Further reading

  • Mark Bovens, "Two concepts of accountability: accountability as a virtue and as a mechanism," West European Politics 33 (2010), 946–967.
  • Sterling Harwood, "Accountability," in John K. Roth, ed., Ethics: Ready Reference (Salem Press, 1994), reprinted in Sterling Harwood, ed., Business as Ethical and Business as Usual (Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996).
  • David Luban, Alan Strudler, and David Wasserman, "Moral Responsibility in the Age of Bureaucracy," Michigan Law Review 90 (1992), 2348–2392.
  • Romm, Norma RA (2001) Accountability in Social Research. New York: Springer. [1]
  • Dennis Thompson, "The Responsibility of Advisers" in Restoring Responsibility: Ethics in Government, Business and Healthcare (Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 33–49. ISBN 978-0521547222
  • Williams, Christopher (2006) Leadership accountability in a globalizing world. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Painter-Morland Mollie, Ghislain Deslandes, (2015), "Authentic leading as relational accountability: Facing up to the conflicting expectations of media leaders", Leadership, online available 2 April, DOI:1742715015578307.

External links

  •   Media related to Accountability at Wikimedia Commons
  • Citizens' Circle for Accountability
  • Accountability Initiative
  • Organizational Realities – Accountability: What Does It Really Mean?

accountability, terms, ethics, governance, equated, with, answerability, blameworthiness, liability, expectation, account, giving, aspect, governance, been, central, discussions, related, problems, public, sector, nonprofit, private, corporate, individual, con. Accountability in terms of ethics and governance is equated with answerability blameworthiness liability and the expectation of account giving 1 As in an aspect of governance it has been central to discussions related to problems in the public sector nonprofit and private corporate and individual contexts In leadership roles 2 accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions products decisions and policies including the administration governance and implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report explain and be answerable for resulting consequences In governance accountability has expanded beyond the basic definition of being called to account for one s actions 3 4 It is frequently described as an account giving relationship between individuals e g A is accountable to B when A is obliged to inform B about A s past or future actions and decisions to justify them and to suffer punishment in the case of eventual misconduct and more 5 Accountability cannot exist without proper accounting practices in other words an absence of accounting means an absence of accountability Another key area that contributes to accountability is good records management 6 Contents 1 History and etymology 2 Political 2 1 Electoral 2 2 Administrative 2 2 1 Public goods 3 Non electoral 3 1 Political protest 3 2 Selectorate 3 3 Civil society 3 4 Public opinion poll 4 Accountability for unelected leaders 4 1 Threat or fear of losing power 4 2 Moral standing and social norms 4 3 Shared interests 5 Accountability and corruption 6 Organizational 6 1 Ethical 6 2 Security 6 3 Individuals within organizations 6 4 Public private overlap 7 In education 8 Media and accountability 9 Electoral manipulation and accountability 10 Standards 11 See also 12 Footnotes 13 References 14 Further reading 15 External linksHistory and etymology Edit Accountability stems from late Latin accomptare to account a prefixed form of computare to calculate which in turn derived from putare to reckon 7 While the word itself does not appear in English until its use in 13th century Norman England 8 9 the concept of account giving has ancient roots in record keeping activities related to governance and money lending systems that first developed in Ancient Egypt 10 Israel 11 Babylon 12 Greece 13 and later Rome 14 Political EditPolitical accountability is when a politician makes choices on behalf of the people and the people have the ability to reward or sanction the politician 15 In representative democracies citizens delegate power to elected officials through periodic elections in order to represent or act in their interest 15 The challenge then becomes why would rulers with such power who presumably have divergent interests from the people act in the best interest of the people 16 Citizens can rely on rewards or sanctions to threaten or reward politicians who might otherwise act in a manner that is antithetical to the people s interest 16 Accountability occurs when citizens only vote to re elect representatives who act in their interests and if representatives then select policies that will help them be re elected 16 Governments are accountable if voters can discern whether governments are acting in their interest and sanction them appropriately so that those incumbents who act in the best interest of the citizens win reelection and those who do not lose them 16 Representatives can be held accountable through two mechanisms electoral replacement and rational anticipation 17 In electoral replacement citizens vote to replace representatives who are out of step with their interests Rational anticipation requires that representatives anticipate the consequences of being out of step with their constituency and then govern in accordance with citizens wishes to avoid negative consequences 17 Accountability can still be achieved even if citizens are not perfectly knowledgeable about representative s actions as long as representatives believe that they will be held accountable by citizens they will still act in accordance with the citizens interests 18 Electoral Edit Electoral accountability refers to citizens using the vote to sanction or reward politicians but other forms of political accountability do exist 16 Some researchers have considered the accountability using formal theory which makes assumptions about the state of the world to draw larger conclusions Voters can hold representatives accountable through the process of sanctioning voters voting the incumbent out of office in response to poor performance 19 While politicians face a decrease in vote share as a result of poor performance they are less likely to see an increase in vote share for good performance 20 Selection voters choosing candidates based on who will best represent their interests is another method by which voters hold their representative accountable 19 These methods of accountability can occur simultaneously with voters holding representatives accountable using sanctioning and selection 19 These conclusions rely on the assumption that voters do not observe the policy implemented by the incumbent but do know their own welfare 19 Some factors make it harder for voters to sanction incumbents When politicians do not have control over the outcomes then accountability breaks down because it is harder to hold them accountable 20 Further when organizations are unable to monitor elections and provide information to voters then voters struggle to sanction the incumbent 21 Thus when voters have more information about the incumbent s performance the incumbent is more likely to voter sanctioning 21 Further when incumbents face sanctioning challengers are more like to enter the race 21 While elections are believed to generally increase government accountability to citizens it may lead to less egalitarian policy outcomes since those that hold government accountable tend to be from wealthier segments of society 22 For example a study of elected versus appointed property assessors in the state of New York shows that when property assessors are elected it leads to policies that severely undertax wealthier homes relative to poorer homes 22 Administrative Edit Refer to the liability of government servants to give a satisfactory account of the use of their power and resources It is often that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely Therefore checking the accountability is the basis of the success of Public Administration Public goods Edit Politicians may be incentivized to provide public goods as a means of accountability 23 The ability of voters to attribute credit and blame of outcomes also determines the extent of public goods provision 23 24 Research suggests that public goods provision is conditional on being able to attribute outcomes to politicians as opposed to civil servants 24 This can be enhanced by more short run and visible inputs and outcomes such as famine relief or drinking water whereas low visibility issues such as sanitation and education may be more difficult to attribute credit and thus less likely to provided 23 Another condition determining how voters use the provision of public goods to hold leaders accountable is whether the prioritization of public goods is determined either directly via vote or delegated to a governing body 25 26 An experiment in New Mexico regarding proposed spending during the state s 2008 special summer legislative session provides evidence that legislators update their positions when learning about voters policy preferences indicating representative democracy can increase accountability when politicians learn about voters preferences 25 A 2016 experiment in Afghanistan regarding rural development projects however finds that when voters directly prioritize their preferences at the ballot box they perceive the quality of local government to be higher than when a governing committee prioritizes development projects 26 These contrasting outcomes highlight the trustee vs delegate debate though the lack of objective superior outcomes in projects decided by vote as opposed to committee in the Afghanistan experiment indicate neither is superior to the other in determining which public good should be given priority 27 28 Other research indicates voters use elections to hold politicians accountable for the provision of public goods 29 30 In India rural areas are charged a flat rate for electricity but in the province of Uttar Pradesh line loss electricity that is consumed but not billed bill is significantly higher in election years relative to non election years and increases in line loss reliably predict electoral gains 29 To put this in context voters rewarded incumbent politicians with a 12 increase in party seats in response to a 10 increase of unbilled electricity in 2007 elections 29 In Ghana the improvement of road conditions is linked to increasing vote share for incumbent parties 30 Both of these research outcomes hinge on the context of voters being able to attribute the service of public goods to politicians however 29 30 24 Politicians may also have incentives to respond to pressure for public goods provision in electoral autocracies 31 32 There is evidence that as autocratic governments lose seats in their party legislatures they respond by increasing spending on public goods such as education healthcare and pensions 31 There is further evidence suggesting higher quality of life civil liberties and human development in electoral autocracies lending credence to the theory that autocratic rulers use elections as a bellwether against popular discontent and citizen opposition and in turn increase public goods provision to dampen grievances of disgruntled citizens even in non democracies 32 While the introduction of elections is generally thought to improve public goods provision in some cases researchers have shown that it may reduce its quality 33 For example the introduction of direct elections for local district office in Indonesia resulted in political interference in the hiring process for bureaucrats in the public education sector reducing the quality of education provision politicians were incentivized to dole out patronage positions in the education sector especially in election years and where such positions were added student test scores were lower 33 Non electoral EditGovernments are held accountable if citizens can punish and or reward the government to influence it to pursue the best interests of citizens 34 While scholars who study democratic theory emphasize the role of elections in ensuring accountability 35 36 37 38 39 another strand of scholars investigates non electoral forms of accountability in democracies and non democracies 40 41 42 43 and the conditions that make unelected leaders represent the interests of the general public 44 45 46 47 Political protest Edit Political changes after protests can be the result of the protests per se or symptoms of shifts in political preferences underneath the observable phenomena of the protests One study of the Tea Party movement in the United States has shown that protests per se have an impact on political change 40 Other scholars have studied the effect of protests on political changes in developing countries Mass protests instigated by economic hardship and political repression occurred in 16 sub Saharan African countries and 21 governments in the region implemented significant political reforms such as adoption of multiparty elections 41 Authoritarian regimes in Africa distorted the market and reduced the cost of farm produce in favor of urban workers at the cost of rural farmers in the 1980s to prevent urban unrest which is more visible and easier to mobilize than rural protests 48 Selectorate Edit Belsky et al point out whereas under more democratic governance accountability is built into the institution of the state by a habit of regular elections accountability in autocratic regimes 49 relies on a selectorate a group that legitimizes or delegitimizes the autocrats powers according to selectorate theory The primary mechanism at a selectorate s disposal is deposition which is a form of exit Beyond that institutions can act as credible restraints on autocracy as well Civil society Edit In democracies voluntary associations interest groups and associational activity can improve the performance of the government 50 51 52 53 One study has also shown that civil society organizations such as NGOs can increase the performance of local government according to the central government s standards by monitoring and disclosing information about local government performance in authoritarian regimes like China 42 Solidary groups groups based on shared moral obligations and interests in rural China where members of the group share moral obligations and interests can hold local officials accountable as well 44 At the local level various accountability measures exist that impact the job performance of elected officials 54 55 56 In Uganda civil society organizations CSOs that divulge to the public how well an incumbent is performing their job duties in a district with an upcoming competitive election increases the performance of the politician for the rest of their term 57 In contrast to these works meta analysis released in 2019 uncover no effects from CSO voter information campaigns on political accountability after examining the results from seven trials across six countries 58 In Ghana election day monitoring of polling centers for district level positions as well as gaining awareness of monitoring in an upcoming election increases job performance among incumbents as these officials spent more of their annual Constituency Development Fund allocations from the central government on public goods for the electorate 54 In locales with weaker institutions when citizens elect leaders with higher levels of competency these officials have a greater ability to overcome the barriers of bad informal institutions and deliver more goods anShared d long term investment projects for the constituency without needing to raise their taxes 55 Additionally many local elections are for positions that involve performing jobs with a single function such as school board member or sheriff These elected officials are held accountable to their positions mainly through the information provided to the public through the media 56 When the media focuses attention on data trends associated with these positions constituents are then able to use this information to retrospectively vote for or against the incumbent based on the performance shown while in office 56 Public opinion poll Edit Approval ratings generated through public opinion polling create a measure of job performance during an incumbent s term that has implications for whether the official will retain their seat or if reelection will even be sought 59 60 These approval ratings are predictors of election outcomes when combined with other factors included in Bayesian Model Averaging forecasts 61 In the United States senator job approval ratings affect whether a senator will retire the quality of candidates that seek to challenge the incumbent the amount of money the senator can raise to seek reelection if they decide to run and the outcome of the election itself 59 Thus strategic incumbent senators will seek reelection less when their approval ratings are low during their time in office 59 60 Accountability for unelected leaders EditThreat or fear of losing power Edit Selectorates are those on whom a leader depends in order to hold onto power and those who have the ability to depose a leader 62 When selectorates hold on power is not overly dependent on the leader in office selectorates can remove poorly performing leaders and this accountability by selectorates render it possible for autocracies to perform better for the benefit of all 49 Moral standing and social norms Edit The solidary groups in rural China can hold local officials accountable when 1 the solidary group encompasses everyone under the local government s jurisdiction and 2 local officials are embedded in the group as members the recognition from these groups encourages local officials to carry out their official tasks as they value high moral standing in the group 44 Shared interests Edit Traditional leaders in Zambia provide local public goods despite the fact that they lack an electoral incentive to provide public goods 46 Many customary chiefs never leave the communities they lead permanently and depend on local sources for a significant portion of their income thus traditional leaders may facilitate bringing local public goods in the present and benefit from the community s development over time just like stationary bandits in Olson s argument 46 43 Accountability and corruption EditPolitical corruption refers to the misuse or the abuse of public office for private gains where corrupt practices include fraud appropriation of public funds or accepting bribes are some examples of corrupt practices 63 64 65 Corruption can be negative for politicians evaluations since citizens may perceive corruption as a signal of poor performance motivating them to sanction the incumbent 66 In fact the model of retrospective voting that suggests that voters incentivize good politicians behavior by rewarding good and punishing bad performance citizens are expected to sanction corrupt politicians 63 However recent studies suggest that though voters have a general distaste for corruption they often fail to punish corrupt incumbents and that some of them also receive benefits from their representatives corrupt practices and prefer to retain this type of politicians 67 63 Moreover in high corrupt contexts voters may become more tolerant or even prefer corrupt politicians because others are also perceived as corrupt leading to a corrupt equilibrium where voters are generally willing to retain corrupt politicians which is referred to as a political corruption trap 67 The high corruption equilibrium is difficult to break due to the interaction between corrupt politicians voters who tolerate and retain corrupt politicians and potential entrants or challengers who are also apt to engage in corrupt practices leading to the maintenance of corruption 67 Democracy as a whole seems to have a null effect on reducing corruption 68 while economic development is associated with a decrease in corruption 68 Freedom of the press contributes to the reduction of corruption by exposing these actions 68 In fact documentation on how a corrupt government Fujimori s government from 1998 to 2000 in Peru strategically undermined check and balance institutions suggests that the media e g newspapers and mainly television is crucial due to its broad scope to disseminate information to the public 69 Additionally there is also evidence about the importance of local media such as local radio stations in holding accountable corrupt incumbents and promoting non corrupt politicians 70 Nevertheless information about corruption may not only lead to vote losses for the incumbent parties but also for the challenger parties as well to the erosion of partisan attachments which implies that information about corruption also provokes citizens disengagement from the political process 66 Scholarly literature about corruption finds mixed results about the role of political institutions on the level of a country s corruption 68 For example some scholarly research suggests that more horizontal accountability or oversight across branches of government would generally decrease corruption 71 However other research shows that increased oversight could increase corruption when actors in one branch can pressure actors in another to collude in Ghana bureaucrats are more likely to engage in corruption on behalf of politicians when politicians have higher levels of discretion to oversee the bureaucracy e g by threatening to transfer noncompliant bureaucrats 72 Low accountability for corruption is difficult to combat and some anticorruption activities may also lead to perverse consequences 73 For example in places where private sector work pays better than public sector work e g China highly qualified individuals engaging in public sector work may only find such work attractive because they allow for further compensation through corrupt activities government anticorruption activities can therefore decrease the quality and overall representativeness of the bureaucracy as a result 74 On the other hand there is evidence that points out to the fact that despite strategic evasion and unintentional consequences anti corruption initiatives are beneficial as they allow to lower malfeasance and increases social welfare even where strategic evasion is relatively large 75 Organizational EditEthical Edit See also Social accounting and Environmental accounting Within an organization the principles and practices of ethical accountability aim to improve both the internal standard of individual and group conduct as well as external factors such as sustainable economic and ecologic strategies Also ethical accountability plays a progressively important role in academic fields such as laboratory experiments and field research Debates around the practice of ethical accountability on the part of researchers in the social field whether professional or others have been thoroughly explored by Norma R A Romm in her work on Accountability in Social Research 76 including her book on New Racism Revisiting Researcher Accountabilities reviewed by Carole Truman in the journal Sociological Research Online 77 Here it is suggested that researcher accountability implies that researchers are cognizant of and take some responsibility for the potential impact of their ways of doing research and of writing it up on the social fields of which the research is part That is accountability is linked to considering carefully and being open to challenge in relation to one s choices concerning how research agendas are framed and the styles in which write ups of research results are created Security Edit The traceability of actions performed on a system to a specific system entity user process device For example the use of unique user identification and authentication supports accountability the use of shared user IDs and passwords destroys accountability Individuals within organizations Edit Because many different individuals in large organizations contribute in many ways to the decisions and policies it is difficult even in principle to identify who should be accountable for the results This is what is known following Thompson as the problem of many hands 78 It creates a dilemma for accountability If individuals are held accountable or responsible individuals who could not have prevented the results are either unfairly punished or they take responsibility in a symbolic ritual without suffering any consequences If only organizations are held accountable then all individuals in the organization are equally blameworthy or all are excused Various solutions have been proposed One is to broaden the criteria for individual responsibility so that individuals are held accountable for not anticipating failures in the organization Another solution recently proposed by Thompson is to hold individuals accountable for the design of the organization both retrospectively and prospectively 79 Accountability is an element of a RACI to indicate who is ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task and the one who delegates the work to those responsible Public private overlap Edit With the increase over the last several decades in public service provided by private entities especially in Britain and the United States some have called for increased political accountability mechanisms for otherwise non political entities Legal scholar Anne Davies for instance argues that the line between public institutions and private entities like corporations is becoming blurred in certain areas of public service in the United Kingdom and that this can compromise political accountability in those areas She and others argue that some administrative law reform is necessary to address this accountability gap 80 With respect to the public private overlap in the United States public concern over the contracting of government services including military and the resulting accountability gap has been highlighted recently following the shooting incident involving the Blackwater security firm in Iraq 81 In education EditStudent accountability is traditionally based on hang school and classroom rules combined with sanctions for infringement As defined by National Council on Measurement in Education NCME accountability is A program often legislated that attributes the responsibility for student learning to teachers school administrators and or students Test results typically are used to judge accountability and often consequences are imposed for shortcomings 82 In contrast some educational establishments such as Sudbury schools believe that students are personally responsible for their acts and that traditional schools do not permit students to choose their course of action fully they do not permit students to embark on the course once chosen and they do not permit students to suffer the consequences of the course once taken Freedom of choice freedom of action freedom to bear the results of action are considered the three great freedoms that constitute personal responsibility Sudbury schools claim that Ethics is a course taught by life experience They adduce that the essential ingredient for acquiring values and for moral action is personal responsibility that schools will become involved in the teaching of morals when they become communities of people who fully respect each other s right to make choices and that the only way the schools can become meaningful purveyors of ethical values is if they provide students and adults with real life experiences that are bearers of moral import Students are given complete responsibility for their own education and the school is run by a direct democracy in which students and staff are equals 83 84 85 86 87 88 Media and accountability EditEconometric research has found that countries with greater press freedom tend to have less corruption 89 Greater political accountability and lower corruption were more likely where newspaper consumption was higher in data from roughly 100 countries and from different states in the US 90 Congressmen who receive less press coverage are less likely to produce a positive impact for their constituencies they are less likely to stand witness before congressional hearings and federal spending for the district is lower 91 One explanation for the positive impact of media on accountability stems from Besley and Burgess work 92 They argue that media resolves the information asymmetries between citizens and government and provides a way of overcoming obstacles preventing political action 92 When elected officials and the public gain information the public is better equipped to hold politicians accountable and politicians are more responsive 93 91 Ferraz amp Finan demonstrate this in the Brazilian context 94 In their work they find releasing audit reports prior to elections creates a more informed electorate which holds incumbent officials accountable 94 While large evidence supports the positive impact of press freedom on political accountability other work has highlighted the significance of factors such as media concentration and ownership as government tools for influencing or controlling news content 95 Non democratic regimes use media for a variety of purposes such as i to enhance regime resilience ii censor or iii strategically distract the public 96 97 98 Control of the media may also be especially beneficial to incumbents in new or developing democracies who consider media control a spoil of office 99 An analysis of the evolution of mass media in the US and Europe since World War II noted mixed results from the growth of the Internet The digital revolution has been good for freedom of expression and information but has had mixed effects on freedom of the press It has disrupted traditional sources of funding and new forms of Internet journalism have replaced only a tiny fraction of what s been lost 100 Various systems have been proposed for increasing the funds available for investigative journalism that allow individual citizens to direct small amounts of government funds to news outlets or investigative journalism projects of their choice Electoral manipulation and accountability EditStudies on political accountability have emphasized the key role of elections in promoting accountability in democratic settings It is through elections that citizens hold governments accountable for past performance 101 102 However the role of elections in fostering accountability is often undermined by electoral manipulation and fraud 103 By preventing citizens from removing leaders through elections based on their performance in office electoral manipulation breaks down accountability and may even undercut the consolidation of democratic institutions 104 Electoral manipulation is not rare some estimates point out that in the last two decades up to one fourth of elections suffered some form of substantial manipulation 103 This includes a large array of pre election and election day tactics such as outlawing rival parties and candidates employing violence and intimidation and manipulating voter registration and vote count 105 Some efforts at improving accountability by preventing electoral manipulation and fraud have obtained a certain measure of success such as using cell phone applications for monitoring and disseminating polling station results 106 and employing domestic or international election observers 107 108 However governments sometimes simply shift the type or the place of manipulation in order to deceive observers and monitoring agencies 107 108 Governments politicians and political parties are more likely to resort to electoral manipulation and fraud when they believe they might be removed from office and face few institutional constraints to their power 109 Alternatively low political competition has also been linked to some forms manipulation such as abolishing presidential term limits 110 Further well connected candidates are more likely to resort to vote count fraud 106 However governments may engage in electoral manipulation not only to obtain victory at a given election or to remain longer in office but also for post election reasons such as reducing the strength of the opposition and increasing their own bargaining power in the subsequent period 103 Standards EditAccountability standards have been set up and organizations can voluntarily commit to them Standards apply in particular to the non profit world and to Corporate Social Responsibility CSR initiatives Accountability standards include INGO Accountability Charter signed by a large number of NGOs to demonstrate their commitment to accountability and transparency 111 AccountAbility s AA1000 series principles based standards to help organisations become more accountable responsible and sustainable They address issues affecting governance business models and organizational strategy as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagement 112 Humanitarian Accountability Partnership HAP 2010 standards A standard for humanitarian organizations to help them design implement assess improve and recognize accountable programmes 113 In addition some non profit organizations set up their own commitments to accountability Accountability Learning and Planning System ALPS by ActionAid a framework that sets out the key accountability requirements guidelines and processes 114 See also EditAccountability partner Accountability software Campaign finance reform in the United States Committee on Standards in Public Life Euthenics Exit Voice and Loyalty Exit Voice and Loyalty Model Freedom of information laws by country Good governance Government Accountability Office Moral responsibility One World Trust Open government Right to be forgotten Special district United States Supreme audit institution Transparency International Worldwide Governance Indicators World Bank s Inspection PanelFootnotes Edit Dykstra Clarence A February 1938 The Quest for Responsibility American Political Science Review 33 1 1 25 doi 10 2307 1949761 JSTOR 1949761 S2CID 143587418 Williams Reyes 2006 Leadership accountability in a globalizing world London Palgraave Macmillan Mulgan Richard 2000 Accountability An Ever Expanding Concept Public Administration 78 3 555 573 doi 10 1111 1467 9299 00218 Sinclair Amanda 1995 The Chameleon of Accountability Forms and Discourses Accounting Organizations and Society 20 2 3 219 237 doi 10 1016 0361 3682 93 E0003 Y Schedler Andreas 1999 Conceptualizing Accountability In Andreas Schedler Larry Diamond Marc F Plattner eds The Self Restraining State Power and Accountability in New Democracies London Lynne Rienner Publishers pp 13 28 ISBN 978 1 55587 773 6 David R 2017 Contribution of records management to audit opinions and accountability in government South African Journal of Information Management 19 1 1 14 https doi org 10 4102 sajim v19i1 771 Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Ed Dubnick Melvin 1998 Clarifying Accountability An Ethical Theory Framework In Charles Sampford Noel Preston C A Bois eds Public Sector Ethics Finding And Implementing Values Leichhardt NSW Australia The Federation Press Routledge pp 68 81 Seidman Gary I Winter 2005 The Origins of Accountability Everything I Know About the Sovereign s Immunity I Learned from King Henry III St Louis University Law Journal 49 2 393 480 Ezzamel Mahmoud December 1997 Accounting Control and Accountability Preliminary Evidence from Ancient Egypt Critical Perspectives on Accounting 8 6 563 601 doi 10 1006 cpac 1997 0123 Walzer Michael 1994 The Legal Codes of Ancient Israel In Ian Shapiro ed the Rule of Law NY New York University Press pp 101 119 Urch Edwin J July 1929 The Law Code of Hammurabi American Bar Association Journal 15 7 437 441 Roberts Jennifer T 1982 Accountability in Athenian Government Madison WI University of Wisconsin Press ISBN 9780299086800 Plescia Joseph January 2001 Judicial Accountability and Immunity in Roman Law American Journal of Legal History 45 1 51 70 doi 10 2307 3185349 JSTOR 3185349 a b Fearon James 1999 Electoral Accountability and the Control of Politicians Selecting Good Types versus Sanctioning Poor Performance Cambridge MA Cambridge University Press a b c d e Przeworski Adam Stokes Susan Carol Manin Bernard 2003 Democracy accountability and 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set of field notes made in an ethnographic study at Sudbury Valley School an ungraded democratically structured school in Framingham MA where students ranging in age from 4 to 19 are free to choose their own activities and companions Vignettes were analyzed using grounded theory approach to qualitative analysis and themes were developed from an analysis of observations of meetings Each theme describes a participation level that students assume in the process and that provide opportunities for them to develop and deepen understanding of the balance of personal rights and responsibilities within a community The study adds to the understanding of education and child development by describing a school that differs significantly in its practice from the wider educational community and by validating Kohlberg s thesis about developing moral reasoning Retrieved 24 October 2009 The Sudbury Valley School 1970 The Crisis in American Education An Analysis and a Proposal p 49 55 Retrieved 24 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10 1 1 210 8371 doi 10 1086 652903 S2CID 154635874 a b Besley Timothy Burgess Robin 2001 Political agency government responsiveness and the role of the media European Economic Review 45 4 6 629 640 doi 10 1016 S0014 2921 01 00133 7 Barbera Pablo Casas Andreu Nagler Jonathan Egan Patrick Bonneau Richard Jost John Tucker Joshua 2019 Who Leads Who Follows Measuring Issue Attention and Agenda Setting by Legislators and the Mass Public Using Social Media Data American Political Science Review 113 4 883 901 doi 10 1017 S0003055419000352 PMC 7672368 PMID 33303996 a b Ferraz Claudio Finan Frederico 2008 Exposing Corrupt Politicians The Effect of Brazil s Publicly Released Audits on Electoral Outcomes Quarterly Journal of Economics 123 2 703 745 doi 10 1162 qjec 2008 123 2 703 S2CID 8148400 Besley Timothy Prat Andrea 2006 Handcuffs for the Grabbing Hand Media Capture and Government Accountability PDF American Economic Review 96 3 720 736 doi 10 1257 aer 96 3 720 S2CID 13849989 Munger Kevin Bonneau Richard Nagler Jonathan Tucker Joshua 2019 Elites Tweet to Get Feet Off the Streets Measuring Regime Social Media Strategies During Protest Political Science Research and Methods 7 4 815 834 doi 10 1017 psrm 2018 3 King Gary Pan Jennifer Roberts Margaret 2013 How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression American Political Science Review 107 2 326 343 doi 10 1017 S0003055413000014 King Gary Pan Jennifer Roberts Margaret 2013 How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction Not Engaged Argument American Political Science Review 111 3 484 501 doi 10 1017 S0003055417000144 Boas Taylor Hidalgo F Daniel 2011 Controlling the Airwaves Incumbency Advantage and Community Radio in Brazil American Journal of Political Science 55 4 869 885 doi 10 1111 j 1540 5907 2011 00532 x Starr Paul 2012 An Unexpected Crisis The News Media in Post industrial Democracies PDF International Journal of Press Politics 17 2 234 242 doi 10 1177 1940161211434422 S2CID 146729965 retrieved 31 August 2014 Since 2000 the newspaper industry alone has lost an estimated 1 6 billion in annual reporting and editing capacity or roughly 30 per cent but the new non profit money coming into journalism has made up less than one tenth that amount Democracy accountability and representation Przeworski Adam Stokes Susan Carol Manin Bernard Cambridge U K Cambridge University Press 1999 ISBN 0 521 64153 5 OCLC 40256085 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Besley Timothy J Kudamatsu Masayuki 1 May 2007 Making Autocracy Work Rochester NY SSRN 1127017 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help a b c Simpser Alberto 2013 Why governments and parties manipulate elections theory practice and implications Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 30688 2 OCLC 826857655 Long James Dunway 2014 Voting Fraud and Violence Political Accountability in African Elections Thesis University of California San Diego Schedler Andreas 2002 The Menu of Manipulation Journal of Democracy 13 2 36 50 doi 10 1353 jod 2002 0031 ISSN 1086 3214 S2CID 154830665 a b Callen Michael Long James D 2015 Institutional Corruption and Election Fraud Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan PDF American Economic Review 105 1 354 381 doi 10 1257 aer 20120427 ISSN 0002 8282 a b Ichino Nahomi Schundeln Matthias 2012 Deterring or Displacing Electoral Irregularities Spillover Effects of Observers in a Randomized Field Experiment in Ghana The Journal of Politics 74 1 292 307 doi 10 1017 S0022381611001368 ISSN 0022 3816 S2CID 10426326 a b Beaulieu Emily Hyde Susan D 2009 In the Shadow of Democracy Promotion Strategic Manipulation International Observers and Election Boycotts Comparative Political Studies 42 3 392 415 doi 10 1177 0010414008325571 ISSN 0010 4140 S2CID 155078768 Hafner Burton Emilie Marie Hyde Susan D Jablonski Ryan S 6 September 2012 When Do Governments Resort to Election Violence British Journal of Political Science Rochester NY SSRN 1667063 McKie Kristin 2019 Presidential Term Limit Contravention Abolish Extend Fail or Respect Comparative Political Studies 52 10 1500 1534 doi 10 1177 0010414019830737 ISSN 0010 4140 S2CID 159155380 About the Charter Archived from the original on 17 May 2013 Retrieved 6 December 2019 Website AccountAbility Setting the Standard for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Standards Archived from the original on 8 September 2013 Retrieved 6 December 2019 Webpage HAP International RSS feed Archived from the original on 3 July 2013 Retrieved 28 July 2013 ActionAid 2005 ALPS Accountability Learning and Planning System References EditBovens Mark The Quest for Responsibility Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organisations Cambridge University Press 1998 Mastop Rosja Characterising Responsibility in Organisational Structures The Problem of Many Hands in Deontic Logic in Computer Science eds G Governatori and G Sartor Berlin Springer Verlag 2010 pp 274 287 ISBN 978 3 540 70524 6 Thompson Dennis F Responsibility for Failures of Government The Problem of Many Hands American Review of Public Administration 44 3 2014 259 273 Thompson Dennis F The Responsibility of Advisers in Restoring Responsibility Ethics in Government Business and Healthcare Cambridge University Press 2005 pp 33 49 ISBN 978 0521547222Further reading EditMark Bovens Two concepts of accountability accountability as a virtue and as a mechanism West European Politics 33 2010 946 967 Sterling Harwood Accountability in John K Roth ed Ethics Ready Reference Salem Press 1994 reprinted in Sterling Harwood ed Business as Ethical and Business as Usual Wadsworth Publishing Co 1996 David Luban Alan Strudler and David Wasserman Moral Responsibility in the Age of Bureaucracy Michigan Law Review 90 1992 2348 2392 Romm Norma RA 2001 Accountability in Social Research New York Springer 1 Dennis Thompson The Responsibility of Advisers in Restoring Responsibility Ethics in Government Business and Healthcare Cambridge University Press 2005 pp 33 49 ISBN 978 0521547222 Williams Christopher 2006 Leadership accountability in a globalizing world London Palgrave Macmillan Painter Morland Mollie Ghislain Deslandes 2015 Authentic leading as relational accountability Facing up to the conflicting expectations of media leaders Leadership online available 2 April DOI 1742715015578307 External links Edit Look up accountability in Wiktionary the free dictionary Wikiquote has quotations related to Accountability Media related to Accountability at Wikimedia Commons Citizens Circle for Accountability Accountability Initiative Organizational Realities Accountability What Does It Really Mean International Budget Partnership What We Do Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Accountability amp oldid 1121345399, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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