
373rd Rifle Division

The 373rd Rifle Division was raised in 1941 as an infantry division of the Red Army, and served for the duration of the Great Patriotic War in that role. It began forming in August 1941 in the Urals Military District. It was moved to the front northwest of Moscow while still trying to complete its training and went straight into action in mid-December during the winter counteroffensive. Until May 1943, it was involved in the bloody fighting around the Rzhev salient. After a period in reserve for rebuilding, the division's combat path shifted southward when it was assigned to 52nd Army, where it remained for the duration of the war. It won a battle honor in eastern Ukraine, then fought across the Dniepr River late that year, and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for its successes. Following this it advanced through western Ukraine in the spring of 1944, then into Romania in the summer, where it played a major role in the second encirclement and destruction of the German 6th Army. After again moving to the reserves the division shifted northwards with its Army to join 1st Ukrainian Front, fighting through Poland, eastern Germany and into Czechoslovakia. By then the 373rd had compiled an enviable record, and went on to serve briefly into the postwar era.

Formation edit

The division began forming in August, 1941 in the Urals Military District[1] at Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk Oblast, based on the first wartime shtat (table of organization and equipment) for rifle divisions, with an authorized strength of 10,859 personnel.[2] Its order of battle was as follows:

  • 1235th Rifle Regiment
  • 1237th Rifle Regiment
  • 1239th Rifle Regiment
  • 931st Artillery Regiment
  • 243rd Antitank Battalion (added in early 1942)[3]
  • 262nd Antiaircraft Battery (until January 10, 1943)
  • 430th Reconnaissance Company
  • 439th (later 648th) Sapper Battalion
  • 619th (later 819th) Signal Battalion (later 435th Signal Company)
  • 453rd Medical/Sanitation Battalion
  • 446th Chemical Protection (Anti-gas) Company
  • 483rd Motor Transport Company
  • 222nd Field Bakery
  • 791st Divisional Veterinary Hospital
  • 50840th (later 1442nd) Field Postal Station
  • 699th (later 741st) Field Office of the State Bank

Lt. Col. Vasilii Ivanovich Khmylyov was not assigned to command of the division until September 19, and he would remain in command until August 11, 1942. In November the division was assigned to the 39th Army, which was forming in the Arkhangelsk Military District,[4] and began moving by rail to join this command while it was still short of training and equipment.[5] The Army consolidated in the Torzhok area, and in late December it was assigned to Kalinin Front. Beginning on January 8, 1942, 39th Army took part in the Sychevka-Vyasma Offensive Operation, which was planned "to encircle, and then capture or destroy the enemy's entire Mozhaisk - Gzhatsk - Vyasma grouping",[6] that is, what later became known as the Rzhev salient.

Battles for Rzhev edit

During the January advance, 39th Army bypassed north of Rzhev itself in an effort to get behind the city and encircle the forces of German 9th Army holding there. It advanced into a gap between Bely and Olenino and by the third week of the month was fighting for Sychevka from the west, even taking the town's railway station. 29th Army and the 11th Cavalry Corps also entered the gap, but despite bitter fighting and reinforcements from 39th Army, the 29th was unable to liberate Rzhev. On January 23, a German counterattack from Olenino and Rzhev constricted the gap, worsening an already critical supply situation for the two Armies. A further attack on February 5 cut the 29th off from the 39th. Despite urgent efforts, including paratroop operations, the German cordon could not be pierced, and the survivors of 29th Army trickled through to the lines of the 39th and 30th Armies during the rest of the month.[7]

As of February 28 the 373rd was recorded as having a total of 2,274 personnel, 21 percent of its authorized strength.[8] During the following months 39th Army held its positions, always under severe supply constraints, especially during the spring rasputitsa. In May and June, Army Group Center began planning a limited offensive to eliminate the smaller Soviet salients to its rear. Operation Seydlitz began on July 2, and faced heavy resistance, but by July 5 the Army's commander, Lt. Gen. I. I. Maslennikov, had decided to withdraw from the salient. On July 9, the escape corridor was more-or-less sealed, and the remaining troops of 39th Army began emerging much as had the men of the 29th Army months earlier. During July, 39th Army recorded 23,647 total personnel losses, including 22,749 missing-in-action. The remnants of the 373rd were withdrawn for reforming.[9]

As of August 1, 39th Army consisted of only "Cavalry Detachment Stepanov" and the cadre of the 373rd, and by September 1 the division was in the reserves of Kalinin Front.[10] Due to this rebuilding, the 373rd was unavailable for the First Rzhev–Sychyovka Offensive Operation. On August 12, Lt. Colonel Khmylyov was replaced in command by Lt. Col. Matveii Sergeevich Yeroshkin, but on September 11 he was in turn replaced by Col. Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov, who would be promoted to the rank of major general on September 13, 1944, and would remain in command for the duration of the war. The division returned to active operations, back in 39th Army, in time for the Second Rzhev–Sychyovka Offensive Operation, also known as Operation Mars.

Operation Mars edit

By late November, 39th Army held positions at the northern apex of the salient, and the 373rd had the 1235th and 1237th Rifle Regiments north of the village of Kazakovo, while the 1239th faced the east side of the German bridgehead at the town of Molodoi Tud. The Army, now under command of Maj. Gen. A. I. Zygin, was on a secondary sector, with the mission to "attack and seize the high road running from Molodoi Tud to Rzhev... and then, in cooperation with 22nd Army... seize the key city of Olenino." The terrain in the sector was difficult, and the German forces had heavily fortified the south bank of the Molodoi Tud River, but in mitigation they had only one division, the 206th, in the line, although 14th Motorized Division was known to be in reserve. Zygin saw his immediate objective as the town of Urdom, which would encircle the 206th. He planned to attack across the river with the 158th, 135th and 373rd Rifle Divisions after a one-hour artillery preparation, supported by the 81st and 28th Tank Brigades. The 348th Rifle Division was in reserve.[11]

The attack began at 1000 hours on November 25, but it quickly became apparent that the artillery had failed to destroy or suppress many of the German strongpoints, and the 373rd, along with the 158th and 135th,[12] were forced to retreat to the north bank. Zygin ordered them to regroup to renew the attack the next day. Meanwhile, the forces on 39th Army's flanks gained some successes and seemed to be making the German position untenable until the arrival of elements of the Panzer-Grenadier-Division Großdeutschland at 1800 hours partly restored the situation. Early on the morning of November 26 Zygin ordered Colonel Sazonov to narrow his attack sector and be prepared to commit his second echelon regiment as soon as the lead regiment was across the Molodoi Tud. A slightly stronger artillery preparation was laid on, with much improved observation as the weather cleared, which also allowed air support. During the day the 1237th Rifle Regiment established itself on the south bank, being joined by the 1235th Regiment on the next day and driving the German forces from the village of Malye Bredniki. On the same day the 1239th Regiment assisted in the liberation of the town of Molodai Tud.[13]

On November 28, 39th Army continued to assail the second-line positions of the 206th Infantry. Following yet another artillery preparation the 373rd took Briukhanovo, but this did not breach the German line. By nightfall on the 29th, although small groups of Soviet tanks and infantry had approached the key position at Urdom, they had all been repulsed with heavy losses, in large part due to further intervention by Großdeutschland. In an overnight conference, Colonel Sazonov, Colonel Malygin of the 81st Tank Brigade, and Colonel Kovalenko of the 135th Rifle Division, planned a concerted attack on Urdom, to begin the next morning. By this time the two divisions had lost about half of their men. Given these losses, General Zygin got approval to release the 348th Rifle Division from reserve into the attack. Under the new plan, while the 135th and 348th struck the German defenses on either side of the town, one regiment of the 373rd, with Malygin's remaining tanks, would attempt to envelop it. The battle on November 30 lasted all day, but was successful. A handful of remaining KV-1 tanks reached the town's outskirts and systematically reduced the German pillboxes. By nightfall Urdom had been liberated, but the defenders still held out along the road east and west of the ruined town and their overall defense line was still intact. Moreover, 39th Army had taken such severe losses that it would have to pause for regrouping and reinforcements.[14]

39th Army was ordered to return to the offensive on December 8 as the offensive was collapsing on other sectors. However, the 373rd had been redeployed westward, to positions directly south of Molodoi Tud, and played little role in this renewed fighting.[15] In a STAVKA directive (No. 11029) of January 4, 1943, the chief of staff of Kalinin Front was notified of several shortcomings in the organization of its defenses, including the use of ski troops:

"In battle, the ski battalions are being used as regular line subunits, as a result of which they are suffering heavy losses, while in the 373rd Rifle Division, the ski battalion fully ceased to exist after several combat actions."[16]

Into Ukraine edit

In February, the division was moved to 4th Shock Army, and then in March to 43rd Army, both still in Kalinin Front.[17] In May the 373rd was removed to the Reserve of the Supreme High Command for a substantial rebuilding, after which it was shipped south to join the 52nd Army in Steppe Front. The division would remain in this Army for the duration of the war. From Steppe Front the 52nd would be moved to Voronezh Front, and would take part in the Belgorod-Kharkov Offensive Operation under that command.[18] As of September 1 the division was assigned to the 78th Rifle Corps.[19]

On September 18, the division took part in the liberation of Mirgorod, and was recognized as follows:

"MIRGOROD... 373rd Rifle Division (Col. Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov)... By order of the Supreme High Command the 93rd Rifle Division and the 373rd Rifle Division are awarded the name Mirgorod."[20][21]

By the end of the month 52nd Army had reached the Dniepr River, and its 254th Rifle Division soon forced a crossing in the Kreshchatik area. During October the Army was moved back to Steppe Front, which became 2nd Ukrainian Front on October 20. As of November 1, the 373rd was the only division in its Corps, and was defending a sector of more than 110 km on the east bank from the mouth of the Dolgun River to Chigurin Dubrova.[22]

Battle of Cherkassy edit

Following the liberation of Kiev on November 6, 1st Ukrainian Front was ordered to halt its offensive on November 12. In conjunction with this, 52nd Army, on that Front's left (south) flank, had been ordered to launch an operation to liberate the west bank city of Cherkassy, as well as the important rail junction of Smela, beginning on November 13. At this time the Army had only three rifle divisions under command, with the 254th and 294th in the Kreshchatik bridgehead. The Army was being reinforced, and by this time the divisions mustered 6,000 to 6,300 personnel each. The Army also had crossing means (boats, ferries and pontoons) enough to carry 300-400 men, with their weapons, in one trip, with more in reserve. 52nd Army faced the German 57th, 332nd, 72nd and 167th Infantry Divisions and the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking, which had very few tanks and was operating as infantry. These divisions had between 4,000-5,000 men each under command. Overall, the terrain, with a large river to cross, much broken and wooded ground, and many inhabited localities, including substantial buildings and factories in the vicinity of Cherkassy, would make this a difficult operation. In the event, what was planned as a two-day offensive stretched on for 31 days.[23]

The 254th Division, experienced in river crossings, had been pulled out of the Kreshchatik bridgehead under cover of darkness. The plan was to have it capture a new bridgehead at Svidovok, northwest of Cherkassy. The 373rd would simultaneously attack across the Dniepr on the secondary axis southeast of the city with the 1239th and 1235th Rifle Regiments, while the 1237th continued to hold the Dniepr line. The division was strong in artillery, with 54 mortars, 44 45mm antitank guns, 8 76mm regimental guns, 19 76mm divisional guns and 12 divisional 122mm howitzers, although there was no artillery preparation, to preserve surprise. The joint attack began at midnight. The 2nd Battalion of the 1239th made a landing north of Dakhnovka and by 0600 hours had pushed forward as much as a kilometre. German tanks and infantry reserves counterattacked and drove the battalion back to the shore, from where it was evacuated after nightfall, having suffered significant losses, including in crossing equipment. The crossing forces of the 1235th's 1st Battalion were contained to an island near the west bank, and was eventually joined there by the 3rd Battalion.[24]

Despite these failures, the 254th Rifle Division had managed to get two regiments across at Svidovok and to hold off the enemy counterattacks. Colonel Sazonov was ordered to cross the 1239th and the 2nd Battalion of the 1235th into this bridgehead the next night. By the end of November 15 this bridgehead was 7 km wide and 5 km deep. However, German reinforcements continued to arrive and tilt the balance of forces in their favor. The battle for the bridgehead went on for several days, as antitank units and the few tanks and self-propelled guns of 52nd Army crossed the river on pontoons, and by the end of November 18 the 373rd had taken Vasilitsa and Sosnovka, and the bridgehead had been expanded to 16 km in width and nine km in depth.[25]

By the morning of November 20, the strategic situation indicated that the enemy would be receiving new reserves, so to retain offensive momentum the Army headquarters ordered a new effort to capture the city. The division was to attack with the 1239th Regiment from the Sosnovka area towards the northwestern outskirts of Cherkassy, while the two battalions of the 1235th crossed from the island they occupied to attack the eastern outskirts. This attack was organized hastily, and the Soviet forces had no advantage in manpower. In the early going the 1239th captured the Shevchenko Collective Farm. This was followed by heavy counterattacks, and by nightfall the Regiment, along with the rest of the Army's forces, had to fall back to their jumping-off positions. By now the 1239th in particular was significantly under strength. A further attack on the city overnight on November 21-22 was also unsuccessful. On November 24 the Army finally received reinforcements, with the 7th Guards Airborne Division crossing into the bridgehead, and the 62nd Guards Rifle Division moving up to join 78th Corps after receiving replacements.[26][27]

A new assault began at 0600 hours on November 26, following a 50-minute artillery preparation. By this time the 1239th Regiment had been subordinated to 294th Division, while the 1235th was to again attack from the island in the direction of the sugar factory in the southeastern part of the city. By 1100 hours on November 28 the German forces in Cherkassy were surrounded, but rejected an ultimatum to surrender. At the end of the day the 1235th Regiment was still fighting in the vicinity of the sugar factory. The fighting in the city and its approaches continued the next day, at which time it was learned from prisoner interrogations that the 3rd Panzer Division and other reinforcements had arrived at Smela to restore contact with the Cherkassy garrison.[28]

The counteroffensive began at 0900 hours on November 30. It fell mainly on 7th Guards Airborne, whose external encirclement front was soon penetrated, and counterblows were unsuccessful. The German attack continued on December 1 and managed to break through to the garrison, in the process encircling two regiments of the 7th Guards. 52nd Army scraped up all possible reserves and on the morning of December 4 reestablished contact with one regiment. Meanwhile the 373rd's 1235th Regiment was engaged in further fighting around the sugar factory to tie down enemy forces. By December 5 the rest of the airborne troops escaped encirclement and the situation stabilized.[29]

The final attack to clear Cherkassy began at 0830 hours on December 9, following an artillery preparation better organized than previous efforts. The 1239th Regiment was fighting in the vicinity of the railway station near the river and repelled several German counterattacks. The 1235th Regiment, now aided by elements of the 1237th, finally pushed past the sugar factory. A regrouping was carried out overnight on December 12/13. During the final push on the 13th the 1235th and one battalion of the 1237th beat off counterattacks and captured three city blocks. At this time the German command realized its position in the city was untenable and ordered its troops to pull out towards Smela, which was not liberated until February 3, 1944.[30] On December 14, the division was recognized for its general service, especially in regard to the fighting around Cherkassy, with the award of the Order of the Red Banner.[31]

Jassy-Kishinev Offensives edit

Following the successful conclusion of the Battle of the Korsun–Cherkassy Pocket, 52nd Army joined the general advance through western Ukraine towards the Dniestr River. As of April 1, 1944, the 373rd was still in 78th Rifle Corps, which also commanded the 252nd and 303rd Rifle Divisions.[32] On April 8 the division was further honored with the award of the Order of Suvorov, 2nd Degree, for its part in an assault crossing of the Dniestr and the capture of the Romanian city of Beltsy.[33] By this time the offensive had run to the end of its logistical support given the spring thaw, and the division remained in its positions due north of Iași until late May.[34]

Operation Sonja edit

By that time Marshal Konev had devised a new plan for the capture of Iași, which involved the transfer of 27th Guards Rifle Corps from 7th Guards Army, to the west, into positions behind 73rd Rifle Corps, which now included the 373rd.[35] All of this was preempted on May 30, when German 8th Army launched a limited offensive north of the city. Operation Sonja began with a strong aviation and artillery preparation against the rifle divisions of 52nd Army, followed by attacks from tanks and infantry. Battlegroups of the 23rd and 24th Panzer Divisions moved northwards on both sides of the Enache Forest and after running a gauntlet of Soviet artillery fire penetrated the defenses at the junction between the 373rd and 294th Rifle Division and lunged forward towards the village of Stanca, some 8 km beyond. The battlegroup of 24th Panzer reached the approaches to Hill 198, which was held by the second echelon rifle regiment of the 373rd. Reinforced by tanks the German force overcame this resistance, wheeled to the northwest, but was halted on the outskirts of Stanca by dug-in Soviet antitank guns and rifles, backed by withdrawing elements of the division. The second battlegroup captured Hill 165, about 2.5 km into the 373rd's defenses, before its supporting elements of the 79th Infantry Division faltered in the face of strong Soviet resistance. Despite this, by 2000 hours the German forces had taken Stanca and the division was driven back to the outskirts of Carpiti. At about this time the 254th Rifle Division was ordered from 52nd Army reserves to reinforce the badly shaken 373rd. By the following day 73rd Corps had regained its balance and the enemy made no further gains. As well, elements of the 6th Tank Army were ordered forward to support 52nd Army and repel the offensive; 5th Mechanized Corps backed the 73rd Corps and restored the situation.[36]

Second Jassy-Kishinev Offensive edit

In the buildup to the new summer offensive the 373rd remained in 73rd Rifle Corps[37] but was removed from the front line to the reserve echelon of the Corps. The offensive began in the early morning of August 20 with an artillery preparation of one hour and 40 minutes duration which wreaked significant destruction on the German and Romanian defenses and forces, although some strongpoints remained relatively intact. 52nd Army broke through the Axis defense along a 12 km front and advanced 16 km during the day, forcing the Bahlui River in the process, and by the end of the day was engaged in fighting in the area of the Iași railway station. The 373rd remained in reserve despite its Army not reaching its first day objective, which was the complete occupation of the city.[38]

That task was assigned to 73rd Corps for August 21. During most of the day the 116th Rifle Division was engaged in stubborn fighting for the village of Galata, where enemy reserves were concentrated to hold open an escape route to the south. While the 294th Division with the third battalion of the 223rd Tank Brigade cleared Iași by 1230 hours, the 373rd had to be committed to the fighting for Galata, which was seized by the end of the day. This day's battles used up the slender Axis reserves across the front, as well as any hope of countering new Red Army advances. On the next day the 52nd Army crushed the enemy resistance along the south bank of the Bahlui as a preliminary for an advance on Huși. 73rd Corps was tied up in heavy fighting for an enemy strongpoint referred to as the "Little Fortress" height about 2 km south of Iași which dominated the surrounding terrain. When this was overcome at day's end the Corps continued to move through the night on the paved road to Vaslui.[39]

The ultimate objective for 52nd Army on August 23 was to link up with forces of 3rd Ukrainian Front and complete the encirclement of the Axis' Kishinev group of forces. By this time those forces were in full retreat. During the day the army finished off enemy units that had been scattered by the advance of 18th Tank Corps and by the end of the day 73rd Rifle Corps had reached a line from Șerbotești to Șerbești, but the pocket remained open. The next day the 52nd and the 18th Tank Corps were ordered to seize and hold Huși. During this day Romanian units began dropping out of the fighting. Through the day the 73rd Corps, with tank support, fought for the city against a disorganized but desperate defense. By 1900 hours Huși was taken, and 73rd Corps continued its advance to the south and east to complete the encirclement.[40]

The trapped Kishinev group occupied a pocket of about 60 km by 50 km in area, and would have to seize crossings over the Prut River to escape. While the other forces of 2nd Ukrainian Front began to exploit to the west, 52nd and 4th Guards Armies were assigned to eliminate the encircled group in cooperation with elements of 3rd Ukrainian Front. The Axis force was estimated at between 60,000 - 70,000 men. During August 25, 73rd Corps was in a difficult situation. During the day it was forced to continue fighting in the Husi area with part of its forces while another part was to reach the Prut; meanwhile the 1239th Rifle Regiment was ordered to eliminate enemy remnants in the Curteni area southwest of Husi. German troops, pressed from the north by 48th Rifle Corps, broke into the northeastern outskirts of Husi in regimental strength, backed by four armored cars, but were counterattacked and defeated by elements of the 373rd and 294th Divisions, backed by the 110th Tank Brigade and army artillery. The 1235th and 1237th Rifle Regiments reached the Prut on an 8 km front and linked up with 3rd Ukrainian Front forces. Overall the 52nd Army was unable to create a continuous front along the right bank of the Prut.[41]

Overnight on August 25/26 a composite group of about 10,000 men of the LII Army Corps moved towards Husi and got into fighting with elements of 73rd Corps, with little success. Throughout the day the Corps continued in heavy fighting with an increasingly disorganized enemy. By the end of the day 52nd Army's forces had killed up to 12,000 enemy soldiers and officers and captured more than 8,500. Despite these heavy losses, enemy pressure on 52nd Army grew on August 27 as more of their forces crossed the Prut, almost entirely without vehicles or heavy weapons. By the end of the 28th the 21st Guards and 373rd Divisions had basically cleared the area west of Vutcani. On August 29 the 373rd managed to inflict heavy losses on the German group in the woods southwest of Husi. Overall, 52nd Army claimed up to 6,000 killed and more than 10,000 captured during the day. At day's end two of the division's rifle regiments were on a line from Ruska to just outside Voloseni. From August 30 to September 5 the 52nd Army mopped up the remnants of the Kishinev group, following which it was moved to the Reserve of the Supreme High Command.[42]

Into Germany edit

In October the 52nd Army was reassigned to 1st Ukrainian Front and the 373rd was moved back to the 78th Rifle Corps. It would fight under these commands for the duration of the war.[43] During the Vistula-Oder Offensive, by January 28, 1945, 52nd Army reached the Oder River on a 60 km front north and south of Breslau with the 73rd and 78th Corps in first echelon, and gained two bridgeheads over the river southeast of the city. Over the following week the Front carried out a complicated regrouping in the Breslau area. On February 1, 78th Corps was preparing for its relief from its bridgehead; German forces noticed the movement during daylight hours and launched an attack which drove the Corps back several kilometres towards the river. At the start of the Lower Silesian Offensive on February 8 the Army made its main attack on the 20-km-wide Luben - Gross Kreidel sector with 48th and 78th Corps, and was backed by the 3rd Guards Tank Army.[44]

The offensive began at 0930 hours, following a 50-minute artillery preparation. 78th Corps, supported by 7th Guards Tank Corps, made moderate progress, advancing 6 km and capturing enemy strongpoints at Muhlredlitz and Merschwitz. On February 9, 78th Corps advanced behind the tanks and overcame weak but unremitting resistance from the 19th Panzer and 408th Infantry Divisions, finally reaching the northern outskirts of Liegnitz. As the advance continued the next day the Corps was forced to deploy its divisions, including the 373rd, facing southwest to cover its Army's left flank along a sector of 40 km from Liegnitz to Rosenthal. This was a potentially dangerous situation as German forces built up in the Breslau area, so the Front commander, Marshal I. S. Konev, redirected the main forces of 3rd Guards Tank Army from its advance on Görlitz to the east against the flank and rear of Breslau. This diversion slowed the pace of 52nd Army's main offensive and by February 15 it went over to the defensive along a 120km front.[45] On February 19 the 373rd was recognized for its role in forcing the Oder River and capturing several German towns with the award of the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd Degree.[46]

78th Corps resumed the offensive within 48 hours, and by February 19 its left flank forces, including the 373rd, reached the Neisse River north of Penzig, and by the 20th all of its main forces had reached the river as well. By February 25 the entire 52nd Army consolidated along the Neisse, where it would remain until the Berlin operation.[47] On April 5 the division's rifle regiments were decorated for their parts in the capture of Bunzlau as follows: 1235th - Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd Degree; 1237th - Order of Aleksandr Nevsky; 1239th - Order of Kutuzov, 3rd Degree.[48]

Berlin and Prague Offensives edit

At the start of the Berlin offensive on April 16 the forces of 52nd Army were split; four of its divisions formed part of 1st Ukrainian Front's auxiliary shock group, while the remaining five divisions, including the 373rd, were deployed on a 101 km defensive front along the Neisse from Penzig to Jauer. The Army had the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps in its second echelon. 73rd Rifle Corps, which formed the Army's share of the shock group, quickly forced a crossing of the river despite repeated counterattacks by the Brandenburg Panzergrenadier Division. This success pulled in the 373rd on the flank of the shock group, and by the end of the day had helped break through the German's main defense zone to a depth of up to 10 km. The division, along with its Army, continued to advance in the direction of Dresden until after the fall of Berlin.[49] Following this, it took part in the drive on Prague in the final days of the war. The division's men and women ended the war as the 373rd Rifle, Mirgorod, Order of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division (Russian: 373-я стрелковая Миргородская Краснознамённая орденов Суворова и Кутузова дивизия).

Postwar edit

Under the terms of STAVKA Order No. 11096, part 7, of May 29, 78th Corps was to withdraw to Kielce, Poland, prior to being transferred with the rest of 52nd Army to the Northern Group of Forces.[50] After relocating to Poland, the corps was soon further withdrawn with the army to the Carpathian Military District, with the 373rd stationed at Slavuta. It was disbanded with much of the army by June 12, 1946.[51]

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ Walter S. Dunn, Jr., Stalin's Keys to Victory, Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2006, p. 79
  2. ^ David M. Glantz, Colossus Reborn, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2005, p. 206
  3. ^ Charles C. Sharp, "Red Tide", Soviet Rifle Divisions Formed From June to December 1941, Soviet Order of Battle World War II, Vol. IX, Nafziger, 1996, p. 99
  4. ^ Sharp, "Red Tide", p. 94
  5. ^ Sharp, "Red Tide", p. 99
  6. ^ Svetlana Gerasimova, The Rzhev Slaughterhouse, ed. & trans. S. Britton, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2013, pp. 26-27
  7. ^ Gerasimova, Rzhev Slaughterhouse, pp. 28-30, 37, 39-40
  8. ^ Glantz, Colossus Reborn, p. 206
  9. ^ Gerasimova, Rzhev Slaughterhouse, pp. 56-57, 59-60, 62-64, 69
  10. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1942, pp. 143, 167
  11. ^ Glantz, Zhukov's Greatest Defeat, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 1999, pp. 67-69
  12. ^ Glantz, After Stalingrad, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2009, p. 477
  13. ^ Glantz, Zhukov's Greatest Defeat, pp. 153-57, 159
  14. ^ Glantz, Zhukov's Greatest Defeat, pp. 160-62, 218
  15. ^ Glantz, Zhukov's Greatest Defeat, pp. 226, 268
  16. ^ Gerasimova, Rzhev Slaughterhouse, p. 221
  17. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1943, pp. 60, 83
  18. ^ Sharp, "Red Tide", p. 99
  19. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1943, p. 222
  20. ^ "Освобождение городов".
  21. ^ Note that Sharp states this honor was received in February, 1944.
  22. ^ Soviet General Staff, The Battle of the Dnepr, ed. & trans. R. W. Harrison, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2018, pp. 291-92
  23. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 290-93, 295, 309
  24. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 297-98, 310-11
  25. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 310-12, 314-15
  26. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 316-21
  27. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1943, p. 308
  28. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 323-26
  29. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 326-28
  30. ^ Soviet General Staff, Battle of the Dnepr, pp. 330-32
  31. ^ Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967a, p. 237.
  32. ^ Glantz, Red Storm Over the Balkans, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2007, p. 56
  33. ^ Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967a, p. 360.
  34. ^ Glantz, Red Storm, p. 329
  35. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1944, p. 168
  36. ^ Glantz, Red Storm, pp. 328-331, 339-45
  37. ^ Combat Composition of the Soviet Army, 1944, p. 228
  38. ^ Soviet General Staff, The Iasi-Kishinev Operation, ed. & trans. R. W. Harrison, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2017, pp. 74, 97-98
  39. ^ Soviet General Staff, Iasi-Kishinev Operation, pp. 99, 104-05, 110-11
  40. ^ Soviet General Staff, Iasi-Kishinev Operation, pp. 112, 119-20, 124, 126
  41. ^ Soviet General Staff, Iasi-Kishinev Operation, pp. 127, 129, 131-34
  42. ^ Soviet General Staff, Iasi-Kishinev Operation, pp. 138-40, 142, 144. The 373rd is misidentified as the 73rd on page 142.
  43. ^ Sharp, "Red Tide", p. 99
  44. ^ Soviet General Staff, Prelude to Berlin, ed. & trans. R. W. Harrison, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2016, pp. 344, 380-81, 384
  45. ^ Soviet General Staff, Prelude to Berlin, pp. 402-04, 407, 411, 418-20
  46. ^ Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967b, p. 331.
  47. ^ Soviet General Staff, Prelude to Berlin, pp. 439, 443
  48. ^ Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967b, p. 101-02.
  49. ^ Soviet General Staff, The Berlin Operation, 1945, ed. & trans. R. W. Harrison, Helion & Co., Ltd., Solihull, UK, 2016, Kindle ed., ch. 11, 13
  50. ^ Stavka Order No. 11096
  51. ^ Feskov et al 2013, pp. 468–469.

Bibliography edit

  • Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union (1967a). [Collection of orders of the RVSR, RVS USSR and NKO on awarding orders to units, formations and establishments of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Part I. 1920–1944] (PDF) (in Russian). Moscow. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-03-27. Retrieved 2019-01-16.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union (1967b). [Collection of orders of the RVSR, RVS USSR and NKO on awarding orders to units, formations and establishments of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Part II. 1945–1966] (PDF) (in Russian). Moscow. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-10-03. Retrieved 2019-03-13.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Feskov, V.I.; Golikov, V.I.; Kalashnikov, K.A.; Slugin, S.A. (2013). Вооруженные силы СССР после Второй Мировой войны: от Красной Армии к Советской [The Armed Forces of the USSR after World War II: From the Red Army to the Soviet: Part 1 Land Forces] (in Russian). Tomsk: Scientific and Technical Literature Publishing. ISBN 9785895035306.
  • Grylev, A. N. (1970). Перечень № 5. Стрелковых, горнострелковых, мотострелковых и моторизованных дивизии, входивших в состав Действующей армии в годы Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг [List (Perechen) No. 5: Rifle, Mountain Rifle, Motor Rifle and Motorized divisions, part of the active army during the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945] (in Russian). Moscow: Voenizdat. p. 155
  • Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union (1964). Командование корпусного и дивизионного звена советских вооруженных сил периода Великой Отечественной войны 1941 – 1945 гг [Commanders of Corps and Divisions in the Great Patriotic War, 1941–1945] (in Russian). Moscow: Frunze Military Academy. p. 282

External links edit

  • Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov

373rd, rifle, division, raised, 1941, infantry, division, army, served, duration, great, patriotic, that, role, began, forming, august, 1941, urals, military, district, moved, front, northwest, moscow, while, still, trying, complete, training, went, straight, . The 373rd Rifle Division was raised in 1941 as an infantry division of the Red Army and served for the duration of the Great Patriotic War in that role It began forming in August 1941 in the Urals Military District It was moved to the front northwest of Moscow while still trying to complete its training and went straight into action in mid December during the winter counteroffensive Until May 1943 it was involved in the bloody fighting around the Rzhev salient After a period in reserve for rebuilding the division s combat path shifted southward when it was assigned to 52nd Army where it remained for the duration of the war It won a battle honor in eastern Ukraine then fought across the Dniepr River late that year and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for its successes Following this it advanced through western Ukraine in the spring of 1944 then into Romania in the summer where it played a major role in the second encirclement and destruction of the German 6th Army After again moving to the reserves the division shifted northwards with its Army to join 1st Ukrainian Front fighting through Poland eastern Germany and into Czechoslovakia By then the 373rd had compiled an enviable record and went on to serve briefly into the postwar era 373rd Rifle DivisionActive1941 1946Country Soviet UnionBranchRed ArmyTypeDivisionRoleInfantryEngagementsBattle of MoscowBattles of RzhevSychyovka Vyazma OffensiveOperation SeydlitzOperation MarsBelgorod Kharkov Offensive OperationBattle of the DnieprBattle of CherkassyBattle of the Korsun Cherkassy PocketUman Botoșani OffensiveFirst Jassy Kishinev OffensiveSecond Jassy Kishenev OffensiveVistula Oder OffensiveLower Silesian OffensiveBerlin Strategic Offensive OperationPrague OffensiveDecorations Order of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Order of KutuzovBattle honoursMirgorodCommandersNotablecommandersLt Col Vasilii Ivanovich KhmylyovMaj Gen Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov Contents 1 Formation 2 Battles for Rzhev 2 1 Operation Mars 3 Into Ukraine 3 1 Battle of Cherkassy 4 Jassy Kishinev Offensives 4 1 Operation Sonja 4 2 Second Jassy Kishinev Offensive 5 Into Germany 5 1 Berlin and Prague Offensives 6 Postwar 7 References 7 1 Citations 7 2 Bibliography 8 External linksFormation editThe division began forming in August 1941 in the Urals Military District 1 at Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk Oblast based on the first wartime shtat table of organization and equipment for rifle divisions with an authorized strength of 10 859 personnel 2 Its order of battle was as follows 1235th Rifle Regiment 1237th Rifle Regiment 1239th Rifle Regiment 931st Artillery Regiment 243rd Antitank Battalion added in early 1942 3 262nd Antiaircraft Battery until January 10 1943 430th Reconnaissance Company 439th later 648th Sapper Battalion 619th later 819th Signal Battalion later 435th Signal Company 453rd Medical Sanitation Battalion 446th Chemical Protection Anti gas Company 483rd Motor Transport Company 222nd Field Bakery 791st Divisional Veterinary Hospital 50840th later 1442nd Field Postal Station 699th later 741st Field Office of the State BankLt Col Vasilii Ivanovich Khmylyov was not assigned to command of the division until September 19 and he would remain in command until August 11 1942 In November the division was assigned to the 39th Army which was forming in the Arkhangelsk Military District 4 and began moving by rail to join this command while it was still short of training and equipment 5 The Army consolidated in the Torzhok area and in late December it was assigned to Kalinin Front Beginning on January 8 1942 39th Army took part in the Sychevka Vyasma Offensive Operation which was planned to encircle and then capture or destroy the enemy s entire Mozhaisk Gzhatsk Vyasma grouping 6 that is what later became known as the Rzhev salient Battles for Rzhev editDuring the January advance 39th Army bypassed north of Rzhev itself in an effort to get behind the city and encircle the forces of German 9th Army holding there It advanced into a gap between Bely and Olenino and by the third week of the month was fighting for Sychevka from the west even taking the town s railway station 29th Army and the 11th Cavalry Corps also entered the gap but despite bitter fighting and reinforcements from 39th Army the 29th was unable to liberate Rzhev On January 23 a German counterattack from Olenino and Rzhev constricted the gap worsening an already critical supply situation for the two Armies A further attack on February 5 cut the 29th off from the 39th Despite urgent efforts including paratroop operations the German cordon could not be pierced and the survivors of 29th Army trickled through to the lines of the 39th and 30th Armies during the rest of the month 7 As of February 28 the 373rd was recorded as having a total of 2 274 personnel 21 percent of its authorized strength 8 During the following months 39th Army held its positions always under severe supply constraints especially during the spring rasputitsa In May and June Army Group Center began planning a limited offensive to eliminate the smaller Soviet salients to its rear Operation Seydlitz began on July 2 and faced heavy resistance but by July 5 the Army s commander Lt Gen I I Maslennikov had decided to withdraw from the salient On July 9 the escape corridor was more or less sealed and the remaining troops of 39th Army began emerging much as had the men of the 29th Army months earlier During July 39th Army recorded 23 647 total personnel losses including 22 749 missing in action The remnants of the 373rd were withdrawn for reforming 9 As of August 1 39th Army consisted of only Cavalry Detachment Stepanov and the cadre of the 373rd and by September 1 the division was in the reserves of Kalinin Front 10 Due to this rebuilding the 373rd was unavailable for the First Rzhev Sychyovka Offensive Operation On August 12 Lt Colonel Khmylyov was replaced in command by Lt Col Matveii Sergeevich Yeroshkin but on September 11 he was in turn replaced by Col Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov who would be promoted to the rank of major general on September 13 1944 and would remain in command for the duration of the war The division returned to active operations back in 39th Army in time for the Second Rzhev Sychyovka Offensive Operation also known as Operation Mars Operation Mars edit By late November 39th Army held positions at the northern apex of the salient and the 373rd had the 1235th and 1237th Rifle Regiments north of the village of Kazakovo while the 1239th faced the east side of the German bridgehead at the town of Molodoi Tud The Army now under command of Maj Gen A I Zygin was on a secondary sector with the mission to attack and seize the high road running from Molodoi Tud to Rzhev and then in cooperation with 22nd Army seize the key city of Olenino The terrain in the sector was difficult and the German forces had heavily fortified the south bank of the Molodoi Tud River but in mitigation they had only one division the 206th in the line although 14th Motorized Division was known to be in reserve Zygin saw his immediate objective as the town of Urdom which would encircle the 206th He planned to attack across the river with the 158th 135th and 373rd Rifle Divisions after a one hour artillery preparation supported by the 81st and 28th Tank Brigades The 348th Rifle Division was in reserve 11 The attack began at 1000 hours on November 25 but it quickly became apparent that the artillery had failed to destroy or suppress many of the German strongpoints and the 373rd along with the 158th and 135th 12 were forced to retreat to the north bank Zygin ordered them to regroup to renew the attack the next day Meanwhile the forces on 39th Army s flanks gained some successes and seemed to be making the German position untenable until the arrival of elements of the Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland at 1800 hours partly restored the situation Early on the morning of November 26 Zygin ordered Colonel Sazonov to narrow his attack sector and be prepared to commit his second echelon regiment as soon as the lead regiment was across the Molodoi Tud A slightly stronger artillery preparation was laid on with much improved observation as the weather cleared which also allowed air support During the day the 1237th Rifle Regiment established itself on the south bank being joined by the 1235th Regiment on the next day and driving the German forces from the village of Malye Bredniki On the same day the 1239th Regiment assisted in the liberation of the town of Molodai Tud 13 On November 28 39th Army continued to assail the second line positions of the 206th Infantry Following yet another artillery preparation the 373rd took Briukhanovo but this did not breach the German line By nightfall on the 29th although small groups of Soviet tanks and infantry had approached the key position at Urdom they had all been repulsed with heavy losses in large part due to further intervention by Grossdeutschland In an overnight conference Colonel Sazonov Colonel Malygin of the 81st Tank Brigade and Colonel Kovalenko of the 135th Rifle Division planned a concerted attack on Urdom to begin the next morning By this time the two divisions had lost about half of their men Given these losses General Zygin got approval to release the 348th Rifle Division from reserve into the attack Under the new plan while the 135th and 348th struck the German defenses on either side of the town one regiment of the 373rd with Malygin s remaining tanks would attempt to envelop it The battle on November 30 lasted all day but was successful A handful of remaining KV 1 tanks reached the town s outskirts and systematically reduced the German pillboxes By nightfall Urdom had been liberated but the defenders still held out along the road east and west of the ruined town and their overall defense line was still intact Moreover 39th Army had taken such severe losses that it would have to pause for regrouping and reinforcements 14 39th Army was ordered to return to the offensive on December 8 as the offensive was collapsing on other sectors However the 373rd had been redeployed westward to positions directly south of Molodoi Tud and played little role in this renewed fighting 15 In a STAVKA directive No 11029 of January 4 1943 the chief of staff of Kalinin Front was notified of several shortcomings in the organization of its defenses including the use of ski troops In battle the ski battalions are being used as regular line subunits as a result of which they are suffering heavy losses while in the 373rd Rifle Division the ski battalion fully ceased to exist after several combat actions 16 Into Ukraine editIn February the division was moved to 4th Shock Army and then in March to 43rd Army both still in Kalinin Front 17 In May the 373rd was removed to the Reserve of the Supreme High Command for a substantial rebuilding after which it was shipped south to join the 52nd Army in Steppe Front The division would remain in this Army for the duration of the war From Steppe Front the 52nd would be moved to Voronezh Front and would take part in the Belgorod Kharkov Offensive Operation under that command 18 As of September 1 the division was assigned to the 78th Rifle Corps 19 On September 18 the division took part in the liberation of Mirgorod and was recognized as follows MIRGOROD 373rd Rifle Division Col Kuzma Ivanovich Sazonov By order of the Supreme High Command the 93rd Rifle Division and the 373rd Rifle Division are awarded the name Mirgorod 20 21 By the end of the month 52nd Army had reached the Dniepr River and its 254th Rifle Division soon forced a crossing in the Kreshchatik area During October the Army was moved back to Steppe Front which became 2nd Ukrainian Front on October 20 As of November 1 the 373rd was the only division in its Corps and was defending a sector of more than 110 km on the east bank from the mouth of the Dolgun River to Chigurin Dubrova 22 Battle of Cherkassy edit Following the liberation of Kiev on November 6 1st Ukrainian Front was ordered to halt its offensive on November 12 In conjunction with this 52nd Army on that Front s left south flank had been ordered to launch an operation to liberate the west bank city of Cherkassy as well as the important rail junction of Smela beginning on November 13 At this time the Army had only three rifle divisions under command with the 254th and 294th in the Kreshchatik bridgehead The Army was being reinforced and by this time the divisions mustered 6 000 to 6 300 personnel each The Army also had crossing means boats ferries and pontoons enough to carry 300 400 men with their weapons in one trip with more in reserve 52nd Army faced the German 57th 332nd 72nd and 167th Infantry Divisions and the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking which had very few tanks and was operating as infantry These divisions had between 4 000 5 000 men each under command Overall the terrain with a large river to cross much broken and wooded ground and many inhabited localities including substantial buildings and factories in the vicinity of Cherkassy would make this a difficult operation In the event what was planned as a two day offensive stretched on for 31 days 23 The 254th Division experienced in river crossings had been pulled out of the Kreshchatik bridgehead under cover of darkness The plan was to have it capture a new bridgehead at Svidovok northwest of Cherkassy The 373rd would simultaneously attack across the Dniepr on the secondary axis southeast of the city with the 1239th and 1235th Rifle Regiments while the 1237th continued to hold the Dniepr line The division was strong in artillery with 54 mortars 44 45mm antitank guns 8 76mm regimental guns 19 76mm divisional guns and 12 divisional 122mm howitzers although there was no artillery preparation to preserve surprise The joint attack began at midnight The 2nd Battalion of the 1239th made a landing north of Dakhnovka and by 0600 hours had pushed forward as much as a kilometre German tanks and infantry reserves counterattacked and drove the battalion back to the shore from where it was evacuated after nightfall having suffered significant losses including in crossing equipment The crossing forces of the 1235th s 1st Battalion were contained to an island near the west bank and was eventually joined there by the 3rd Battalion 24 Despite these failures the 254th Rifle Division had managed to get two regiments across at Svidovok and to hold off the enemy counterattacks Colonel Sazonov was ordered to cross the 1239th and the 2nd Battalion of the 1235th into this bridgehead the next night By the end of November 15 this bridgehead was 7 km wide and 5 km deep However German reinforcements continued to arrive and tilt the balance of forces in their favor The battle for the bridgehead went on for several days as antitank units and the few tanks and self propelled guns of 52nd Army crossed the river on pontoons and by the end of November 18 the 373rd had taken Vasilitsa and Sosnovka and the bridgehead had been expanded to 16 km in width and nine km in depth 25 By the morning of November 20 the strategic situation indicated that the enemy would be receiving new reserves so to retain offensive momentum the Army headquarters ordered a new effort to capture the city The division was to attack with the 1239th Regiment from the Sosnovka area towards the northwestern outskirts of Cherkassy while the two battalions of the 1235th crossed from the island they occupied to attack the eastern outskirts This attack was organized hastily and the Soviet forces had no advantage in manpower In the early going the 1239th captured the Shevchenko Collective Farm This was followed by heavy counterattacks and by nightfall the Regiment along with the rest of the Army s forces had to fall back to their jumping off positions By now the 1239th in particular was significantly under strength A further attack on the city overnight on November 21 22 was also unsuccessful On November 24 the Army finally received reinforcements with the 7th Guards Airborne Division crossing into the bridgehead and the 62nd Guards Rifle Division moving up to join 78th Corps after receiving replacements 26 27 A new assault began at 0600 hours on November 26 following a 50 minute artillery preparation By this time the 1239th Regiment had been subordinated to 294th Division while the 1235th was to again attack from the island in the direction of the sugar factory in the southeastern part of the city By 1100 hours on November 28 the German forces in Cherkassy were surrounded but rejected an ultimatum to surrender At the end of the day the 1235th Regiment was still fighting in the vicinity of the sugar factory The fighting in the city and its approaches continued the next day at which time it was learned from prisoner interrogations that the 3rd Panzer Division and other reinforcements had arrived at Smela to restore contact with the Cherkassy garrison 28 The counteroffensive began at 0900 hours on November 30 It fell mainly on 7th Guards Airborne whose external encirclement front was soon penetrated and counterblows were unsuccessful The German attack continued on December 1 and managed to break through to the garrison in the process encircling two regiments of the 7th Guards 52nd Army scraped up all possible reserves and on the morning of December 4 reestablished contact with one regiment Meanwhile the 373rd s 1235th Regiment was engaged in further fighting around the sugar factory to tie down enemy forces By December 5 the rest of the airborne troops escaped encirclement and the situation stabilized 29 The final attack to clear Cherkassy began at 0830 hours on December 9 following an artillery preparation better organized than previous efforts The 1239th Regiment was fighting in the vicinity of the railway station near the river and repelled several German counterattacks The 1235th Regiment now aided by elements of the 1237th finally pushed past the sugar factory A regrouping was carried out overnight on December 12 13 During the final push on the 13th the 1235th and one battalion of the 1237th beat off counterattacks and captured three city blocks At this time the German command realized its position in the city was untenable and ordered its troops to pull out towards Smela which was not liberated until February 3 1944 30 On December 14 the division was recognized for its general service especially in regard to the fighting around Cherkassy with the award of the Order of the Red Banner 31 Jassy Kishinev Offensives editFollowing the successful conclusion of the Battle of the Korsun Cherkassy Pocket 52nd Army joined the general advance through western Ukraine towards the Dniestr River As of April 1 1944 the 373rd was still in 78th Rifle Corps which also commanded the 252nd and 303rd Rifle Divisions 32 On April 8 the division was further honored with the award of the Order of Suvorov 2nd Degree for its part in an assault crossing of the Dniestr and the capture of the Romanian city of Beltsy 33 By this time the offensive had run to the end of its logistical support given the spring thaw and the division remained in its positions due north of Iași until late May 34 Operation Sonja edit By that time Marshal Konev had devised a new plan for the capture of Iași which involved the transfer of 27th Guards Rifle Corps from 7th Guards Army to the west into positions behind 73rd Rifle Corps which now included the 373rd 35 All of this was preempted on May 30 when German 8th Army launched a limited offensive north of the city Operation Sonja began with a strong aviation and artillery preparation against the rifle divisions of 52nd Army followed by attacks from tanks and infantry Battlegroups of the 23rd and 24th Panzer Divisions moved northwards on both sides of the Enache Forest and after running a gauntlet of Soviet artillery fire penetrated the defenses at the junction between the 373rd and 294th Rifle Division and lunged forward towards the village of Stanca some 8 km beyond The battlegroup of 24th Panzer reached the approaches to Hill 198 which was held by the second echelon rifle regiment of the 373rd Reinforced by tanks the German force overcame this resistance wheeled to the northwest but was halted on the outskirts of Stanca by dug in Soviet antitank guns and rifles backed by withdrawing elements of the division The second battlegroup captured Hill 165 about 2 5 km into the 373rd s defenses before its supporting elements of the 79th Infantry Division faltered in the face of strong Soviet resistance Despite this by 2000 hours the German forces had taken Stanca and the division was driven back to the outskirts of Carpiti At about this time the 254th Rifle Division was ordered from 52nd Army reserves to reinforce the badly shaken 373rd By the following day 73rd Corps had regained its balance and the enemy made no further gains As well elements of the 6th Tank Army were ordered forward to support 52nd Army and repel the offensive 5th Mechanized Corps backed the 73rd Corps and restored the situation 36 Second Jassy Kishinev Offensive edit In the buildup to the new summer offensive the 373rd remained in 73rd Rifle Corps 37 but was removed from the front line to the reserve echelon of the Corps The offensive began in the early morning of August 20 with an artillery preparation of one hour and 40 minutes duration which wreaked significant destruction on the German and Romanian defenses and forces although some strongpoints remained relatively intact 52nd Army broke through the Axis defense along a 12 km front and advanced 16 km during the day forcing the Bahlui River in the process and by the end of the day was engaged in fighting in the area of the Iași railway station The 373rd remained in reserve despite its Army not reaching its first day objective which was the complete occupation of the city 38 That task was assigned to 73rd Corps for August 21 During most of the day the 116th Rifle Division was engaged in stubborn fighting for the village of Galata where enemy reserves were concentrated to hold open an escape route to the south While the 294th Division with the third battalion of the 223rd Tank Brigade cleared Iași by 1230 hours the 373rd had to be committed to the fighting for Galata which was seized by the end of the day This day s battles used up the slender Axis reserves across the front as well as any hope of countering new Red Army advances On the next day the 52nd Army crushed the enemy resistance along the south bank of the Bahlui as a preliminary for an advance on Huși 73rd Corps was tied up in heavy fighting for an enemy strongpoint referred to as the Little Fortress height about 2 km south of Iași which dominated the surrounding terrain When this was overcome at day s end the Corps continued to move through the night on the paved road to Vaslui 39 The ultimate objective for 52nd Army on August 23 was to link up with forces of 3rd Ukrainian Front and complete the encirclement of the Axis Kishinev group of forces By this time those forces were in full retreat During the day the army finished off enemy units that had been scattered by the advance of 18th Tank Corps and by the end of the day 73rd Rifle Corps had reached a line from Șerbotești to Șerbești but the pocket remained open The next day the 52nd and the 18th Tank Corps were ordered to seize and hold Huși During this day Romanian units began dropping out of the fighting Through the day the 73rd Corps with tank support fought for the city against a disorganized but desperate defense By 1900 hours Huși was taken and 73rd Corps continued its advance to the south and east to complete the encirclement 40 The trapped Kishinev group occupied a pocket of about 60 km by 50 km in area and would have to seize crossings over the Prut River to escape While the other forces of 2nd Ukrainian Front began to exploit to the west 52nd and 4th Guards Armies were assigned to eliminate the encircled group in cooperation with elements of 3rd Ukrainian Front The Axis force was estimated at between 60 000 70 000 men During August 25 73rd Corps was in a difficult situation During the day it was forced to continue fighting in the Husi area with part of its forces while another part was to reach the Prut meanwhile the 1239th Rifle Regiment was ordered to eliminate enemy remnants in the Curteni area southwest of Husi German troops pressed from the north by 48th Rifle Corps broke into the northeastern outskirts of Husi in regimental strength backed by four armored cars but were counterattacked and defeated by elements of the 373rd and 294th Divisions backed by the 110th Tank Brigade and army artillery The 1235th and 1237th Rifle Regiments reached the Prut on an 8 km front and linked up with 3rd Ukrainian Front forces Overall the 52nd Army was unable to create a continuous front along the right bank of the Prut 41 Overnight on August 25 26 a composite group of about 10 000 men of the LII Army Corps moved towards Husi and got into fighting with elements of 73rd Corps with little success Throughout the day the Corps continued in heavy fighting with an increasingly disorganized enemy By the end of the day 52nd Army s forces had killed up to 12 000 enemy soldiers and officers and captured more than 8 500 Despite these heavy losses enemy pressure on 52nd Army grew on August 27 as more of their forces crossed the Prut almost entirely without vehicles or heavy weapons By the end of the 28th the 21st Guards and 373rd Divisions had basically cleared the area west of Vutcani On August 29 the 373rd managed to inflict heavy losses on the German group in the woods southwest of Husi Overall 52nd Army claimed up to 6 000 killed and more than 10 000 captured during the day At day s end two of the division s rifle regiments were on a line from Ruska to just outside Voloseni From August 30 to September 5 the 52nd Army mopped up the remnants of the Kishinev group following which it was moved to the Reserve of the Supreme High Command 42 Into Germany editIn October the 52nd Army was reassigned to 1st Ukrainian Front and the 373rd was moved back to the 78th Rifle Corps It would fight under these commands for the duration of the war 43 During the Vistula Oder Offensive by January 28 1945 52nd Army reached the Oder River on a 60 km front north and south of Breslau with the 73rd and 78th Corps in first echelon and gained two bridgeheads over the river southeast of the city Over the following week the Front carried out a complicated regrouping in the Breslau area On February 1 78th Corps was preparing for its relief from its bridgehead German forces noticed the movement during daylight hours and launched an attack which drove the Corps back several kilometres towards the river At the start of the Lower Silesian Offensive on February 8 the Army made its main attack on the 20 km wide Luben Gross Kreidel sector with 48th and 78th Corps and was backed by the 3rd Guards Tank Army 44 The offensive began at 0930 hours following a 50 minute artillery preparation 78th Corps supported by 7th Guards Tank Corps made moderate progress advancing 6 km and capturing enemy strongpoints at Muhlredlitz and Merschwitz On February 9 78th Corps advanced behind the tanks and overcame weak but unremitting resistance from the 19th Panzer and 408th Infantry Divisions finally reaching the northern outskirts of Liegnitz As the advance continued the next day the Corps was forced to deploy its divisions including the 373rd facing southwest to cover its Army s left flank along a sector of 40 km from Liegnitz to Rosenthal This was a potentially dangerous situation as German forces built up in the Breslau area so the Front commander Marshal I S Konev redirected the main forces of 3rd Guards Tank Army from its advance on Gorlitz to the east against the flank and rear of Breslau This diversion slowed the pace of 52nd Army s main offensive and by February 15 it went over to the defensive along a 120km front 45 On February 19 the 373rd was recognized for its role in forcing the Oder River and capturing several German towns with the award of the Order of Kutuzov 2nd Degree 46 78th Corps resumed the offensive within 48 hours and by February 19 its left flank forces including the 373rd reached the Neisse River north of Penzig and by the 20th all of its main forces had reached the river as well By February 25 the entire 52nd Army consolidated along the Neisse where it would remain until the Berlin operation 47 On April 5 the division s rifle regiments were decorated for their parts in the capture of Bunzlau as follows 1235th Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Degree 1237th Order of Aleksandr Nevsky 1239th Order of Kutuzov 3rd Degree 48 Berlin and Prague Offensives edit At the start of the Berlin offensive on April 16 the forces of 52nd Army were split four of its divisions formed part of 1st Ukrainian Front s auxiliary shock group while the remaining five divisions including the 373rd were deployed on a 101 km defensive front along the Neisse from Penzig to Jauer The Army had the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps in its second echelon 73rd Rifle Corps which formed the Army s share of the shock group quickly forced a crossing of the river despite repeated counterattacks by the Brandenburg Panzergrenadier Division This success pulled in the 373rd on the flank of the shock group and by the end of the day had helped break through the German s main defense zone to a depth of up to 10 km The division along with its Army continued to advance in the direction of Dresden until after the fall of Berlin 49 Following this it took part in the drive on Prague in the final days of the war The division s men and women ended the war as the 373rd Rifle Mirgorod Order of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division Russian 373 ya strelkovaya Mirgorodskaya Krasnoznamyonnaya ordenov Suvorova i Kutuzova diviziya Postwar editUnder the terms of STAVKA Order No 11096 part 7 of May 29 78th Corps was to withdraw to Kielce Poland prior to being transferred with the rest of 52nd Army to the Northern Group of Forces 50 After relocating to Poland the corps was soon further withdrawn with the army to the Carpathian Military District with the 373rd stationed at Slavuta It was disbanded with much of the army by June 12 1946 51 References editCitations edit Walter S Dunn Jr Stalin s Keys to Victory Stackpole Books Mechanicsburg PA 2006 p 79 David M Glantz Colossus Reborn University Press of Kansas Lawrence KS 2005 p 206 Charles C Sharp Red Tide Soviet Rifle Divisions Formed From June to December 1941 Soviet Order of Battle World War II Vol IX Nafziger 1996 p 99 Sharp Red Tide p 94 Sharp Red Tide p 99 Svetlana Gerasimova The Rzhev Slaughterhouse ed amp trans S Britton Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2013 pp 26 27 Gerasimova Rzhev Slaughterhouse pp 28 30 37 39 40 Glantz Colossus Reborn p 206 Gerasimova Rzhev Slaughterhouse pp 56 57 59 60 62 64 69 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1942 pp 143 167 Glantz Zhukov s Greatest Defeat University Press of Kansas Lawrence KS 1999 pp 67 69 Glantz After Stalingrad Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2009 p 477 Glantz Zhukov s Greatest Defeat pp 153 57 159 Glantz Zhukov s Greatest Defeat pp 160 62 218 Glantz Zhukov s Greatest Defeat pp 226 268 Gerasimova Rzhev Slaughterhouse p 221 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1943 pp 60 83 Sharp Red Tide p 99 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1943 p 222 Osvobozhdenie gorodov Note that Sharp states this honor was received in February 1944 Soviet General Staff The Battle of the Dnepr ed amp trans R W Harrison Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2018 pp 291 92 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 290 93 295 309 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 297 98 310 11 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 310 12 314 15 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 316 21 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1943 p 308 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 323 26 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 326 28 Soviet General Staff Battle of the Dnepr pp 330 32 Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967a p 237 Glantz Red Storm Over the Balkans University Press of Kansas Lawrence KS 2007 p 56 Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967a p 360 Glantz Red Storm p 329 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1944 p 168 Glantz Red Storm pp 328 331 339 45 Combat Composition of the Soviet Army 1944 p 228 Soviet General Staff The Iasi Kishinev Operation ed amp trans R W Harrison Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2017 pp 74 97 98 Soviet General Staff Iasi Kishinev Operation pp 99 104 05 110 11 Soviet General Staff Iasi Kishinev Operation pp 112 119 20 124 126 Soviet General Staff Iasi Kishinev Operation pp 127 129 131 34 Soviet General Staff Iasi Kishinev Operation pp 138 40 142 144 The 373rd is misidentified as the 73rd on page 142 Sharp Red Tide p 99 Soviet General Staff Prelude to Berlin ed amp trans R W Harrison Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2016 pp 344 380 81 384 Soviet General Staff Prelude to Berlin pp 402 04 407 411 418 20 Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967b p 331 Soviet General Staff Prelude to Berlin pp 439 443 Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967b p 101 02 Soviet General Staff The Berlin Operation 1945 ed amp trans R W Harrison Helion amp Co Ltd Solihull UK 2016 Kindle ed ch 11 13 Stavka Order No 11096 Feskov et al 2013 pp 468 469 Bibliography edit Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967a Sbornik prikazov RVSR RVS SSSR NKO i Ukazov Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta SSSR o nagrazhdenii ordenami SSSR chastej soedineniij i uchrezhdenij VS SSSR Chast I 1920 1944 gg Collection of orders of the RVSR RVS USSR and NKO on awarding orders to units formations and establishments of the Armed Forces of the USSR Part I 1920 1944 PDF in Russian Moscow Archived from the original PDF on 2019 03 27 Retrieved 2019 01 16 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1967b Sbornik prikazov RVSR RVS SSSR NKO i Ukazov Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta SSSR o nagrazhdenii ordenami SSSR chastej soedineniij i uchrezhdenij VS SSSR Chast II 1945 1966 gg Collection of orders of the RVSR RVS USSR and NKO on awarding orders to units formations and establishments of the Armed Forces of the USSR Part II 1945 1966 PDF in Russian Moscow Archived from the original PDF on 2020 10 03 Retrieved 2019 03 13 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Feskov V I Golikov V I Kalashnikov K A Slugin S A 2013 Vooruzhennye sily SSSR posle Vtoroj Mirovoj vojny ot Krasnoj Armii k Sovetskoj The Armed Forces of the USSR after World War II From the Red Army to the Soviet Part 1 Land Forces in Russian Tomsk Scientific and Technical Literature Publishing ISBN 9785895035306 Grylev A N 1970 Perechen 5 Strelkovyh gornostrelkovyh motostrelkovyh i motorizovannyh divizii vhodivshih v sostav Dejstvuyushej armii v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny 1941 1945 gg List Perechen No 5 Rifle Mountain Rifle Motor Rifle and Motorized divisions part of the active army during the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945 in Russian Moscow Voenizdat p 155 Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union 1964 Komandovanie korpusnogo i divizionnogo zvena sovetskih vooruzhennyh sil perioda Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny 1941 1945 gg Commanders of Corps and Divisions in the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945 in Russian Moscow Frunze Military Academy p 282External links editKuzma Ivanovich Sazonov Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title 373rd Rifle Division amp oldid 1166475828, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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