
Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory

In the foundations of mathematics, von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory (NBG) is an axiomatic set theory that is a conservative extension of Zermelo–Fraenkel–choice set theory (ZFC). NBG introduces the notion of class, which is a collection of sets defined by a formula whose quantifiers range only over sets. NBG can define classes that are larger than sets, such as the class of all sets and the class of all ordinals. Morse–Kelley set theory (MK) allows classes to be defined by formulas whose quantifiers range over classes. NBG is finitely axiomatizable, while ZFC and MK are not.

A key theorem of NBG is the class existence theorem, which states that for every formula whose quantifiers range only over sets, there is a class consisting of the sets satisfying the formula. This class is built by mirroring the step-by-step construction of the formula with classes. Since all set-theoretic formulas are constructed from two kinds of atomic formulas (membership and equality) and finitely many logical symbols, only finitely many axioms are needed to build the classes satisfying them. This is why NBG is finitely axiomatizable. Classes are also used for other constructions, for handling the set-theoretic paradoxes, and for stating the axiom of global choice, which is stronger than ZFC's axiom of choice.

John von Neumann introduced classes into set theory in 1925. The primitive notions of his theory were function and argument. Using these notions, he defined class and set.[1] Paul Bernays reformulated von Neumann's theory by taking class and set as primitive notions.[2] Kurt Gödel simplified Bernays' theory for his relative consistency proof of the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis.[3]

Classes in set theory

The uses of classes

Classes have several uses in NBG:

  • They produce a finite axiomatization of set theory.[4]
  • They are used to state a "very strong form of the axiom of choice"[5]—namely, the axiom of global choice: There exists a global choice function   defined on the class of all nonempty sets such that   for every nonempty set   This is stronger than ZFC's axiom of choice: For every set   of nonempty sets, there exists a choice function   defined on   such that   for all  [a]
  • The set-theoretic paradoxes are handled by recognizing that some classes cannot be sets. For example, assume that the class   of all ordinals is a set. Then   is a transitive set well-ordered by  . So, by definition,   is an ordinal. Hence,  , which contradicts   being a well-ordering of   Therefore,   is not a set. A class that is not a set is called a proper class,   is a proper class.[6]
  • Proper classes are useful in constructions. In his proof of the relative consistency of the axiom of global choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis, Gödel used proper classes to build the constructible universe. He constructed a function on the class of all ordinals that, for each ordinal, builds a constructible set by applying a set-building operation to previously constructed sets. The constructible universe is the image of this function.[7]

Axiom schema versus class existence theorem

Once classes are added to the language of ZFC, it is easy to transform ZFC into a set theory with classes. First, the axiom schema of class comprehension is added. This axiom schema states: For every formula   that quantifies only over sets, there exists a class   consisting of the  -tuples satisfying the formula—that is,   Then the axiom schema of replacement is replaced by a single axiom that uses a class. Finally, ZFC's axiom of extensionality is modified to handle classes: If two classes have the same elements, then they are identical. The other axioms of ZFC are not modified.[8]

This theory is not finitely axiomatized. ZFC's replacement schema has been replaced by a single axiom, but the axiom schema of class comprehension has been introduced.

To produce a theory with finitely many axioms, the axiom schema of class comprehension is first replaced with finitely many class existence axioms. Then these axioms are used to prove the class existence theorem, which implies every instance of the axiom schema.[8] The proof of this theorem requires only seven class existence axioms, which are used to convert the construction of a formula into the construction of a class satisfying the formula.

Axiomatization of NBG

Classes and sets

NBG has two types of objects: classes and sets. Intuitively, every set is also a class. There are two ways to axiomatize this. Bernays used many-sorted logic with two sorts: classes and sets.[2] Gödel avoided sorts by introducing primitive predicates:   for "  is a class" and   for "  is a set" (in German, "set" is Menge). He also introduced axioms stating that every set is a class and that if class   is a member of a class, then   is a set.[9] Using predicates is the standard way to eliminate sorts. Elliott Mendelson modified Gödel's approach by having everything be a class and defining the set predicate   as  [10] This modification eliminates Gödel's class predicate and his two axioms.

Bernays' two-sorted approach may appear more natural at first, but it creates a more complex theory.[b] In Bernays' theory, every set has two representations: one as a set and the other as a class. Also, there are two membership relations: the first, denoted by "∈", is between two sets; the second, denoted by "η", is between a set and a class.[2] This redundancy is required by many-sorted logic because variables of different sorts range over disjoint subdomains of the domain of discourse.

The differences between these two approaches do not affect what can be proved, but they do affect how statements are written. In Gödel's approach,   where   and   are classes is a valid statement. In Bernays' approach this statement has no meaning. However, if   is a set, there is an equivalent statement: Define "set   represents class  " if they have the same sets as members—that is,   The statement   where set   represents class   is equivalent to Gödel's  [2]

The approach adopted in this article is that of Gödel with Mendelson's modification. This means that NBG is an axiomatic system in first-order predicate logic with equality, and its only primitive notions are class and the membership relation.

Definitions and axioms of extensionality and pairing

A set is a class that belongs to at least one class:   is a set if and only if  . A class that is not a set is called a proper class:   is a proper class if and only if  .[12] Therefore, every class is either a set or a proper class, and no class is both.

Gödel introduced the convention that uppercase variables range over classes, while lowercase variables range over sets.[9] Gödel also used names that begin with an uppercase letter to denote particular classes, including functions and relations defined on the class of all sets. Gödel's convention is used in this article. It allows us to write:

  •   instead of  
  •   instead of  

The following axioms and definitions are needed for the proof of the class existence theorem.

Axiom of extensionality. If two classes have the same elements, then they are identical.


This axiom generalizes ZFC's axiom of extensionality to classes.

Axiom of pairing. If   and   are sets, then there exists a set   whose only members are   and  .


As in ZFC, the axiom of extensionality implies the uniqueness of the set  , which allows us to introduce the notation  

Ordered pairs are defined by:


Tuples are defined inductively using ordered pairs:


Class existence axioms and axiom of regularity

Class existence axioms will be used to prove the class existence theorem: For every formula in   free set variables that quantifies only over sets, there exists a class of  -tuples that satisfy it. The following example starts with two classes that are functions and builds a composite function. This example illustrates the techniques that are needed to prove the class existence theorem, which lead to the class existence axioms that are needed.

Example 1: If the classes   and   are functions, then the composite function   is defined by the formula:   Since this formula has two free set variables,   and   the class existence theorem constructs the class of ordered pairs:  

Because this formula is built from simpler formulas using conjunction   and existential quantification  , class operations are needed that take classes representing the simpler formulas and produce classes representing the formulas with   and  . To produce a class representing a formula with  , intersection used since   To produce a class representing a formula with  , the domain is used since  

Before taking the intersection, the tuples in   and   need an extra component so they have the same variables. The component   is added to the tuples of   and   is added to the tuples of  :

and   In the definition of   the variable   is not restricted by the statement   so   ranges over the class   of all sets. Similarly, in the definition of   the variable   ranges over   So an axiom is needed that adds an extra component (whose values range over  ) to the tuples of a given class.

Next, the variables are put in the same order to prepare for the intersection:

and   To go from   to   and from   to   requires two different permutations, so axioms that support permutations of tuple components are needed.

The intersection of   and   handles  :


Since   is defined as  , taking the domain of   handles   and produces the composite function:

So axioms of intersection and domain are needed.

The class existence axioms are divided into two groups: axioms handling language primitives and axioms handling tuples. There are four axioms in the first group and three axioms in the second group.[d]

Axioms for handling language primitives:

Membership. There exists a class   containing all the ordered pairs whose first component is a member of the second component.


Intersection (conjunction). For any two classes   and  , there is a class   consisting precisely of the sets that belong to both   and  .


Complement (negation). For any class  , there is a class   consisting precisely of the sets not belonging to  .


Domain (existential quantifier). For any class  , there is a class   consisting precisely of the first components of the ordered pairs of  .


By the axiom of extensionality, class   in the intersection axiom and class   in the complement and domain axioms are unique. They will be denoted by:     and   respectively.[e] On the other hand, extensionality is not applicable to   in the membership axiom since it specifies only those sets in   that are ordered pairs.

The first three axioms imply the existence of the empty class and the class of all sets: The membership axiom implies the existence of a class   The intersection and complement axioms imply the existence of  , which is empty. By the axiom of extensionality, this class is unique; it is denoted by   The complement of   is the class   of all sets, which is also unique by extensionality. The set predicate  , which was defined as  , is now redefined as   to avoid quantifying over classes.

Axioms for handling tuples:

Product by  . For any class  , there is a class   consisting of the ordered pairs whose first component belongs to  .


Circular permutation. For any class  , there is a class   whose 3‑tuples are obtained by applying the circular permutation   to the 3‑tuples of  .


Transposition. For any class  , there is a class   whose 3‑tuples are obtained by transposing the last two components of the 3‑tuples of  .


By extensionality, the product by   axiom implies the existence of a unique class, which is denoted by   This axiom is used to define the class   of all  -tuples:   and   If   is a class, extensionality implies that   is the unique class consisting of the  -tuples of   For example, the membership axiom produces a class   that may contain elements that are not ordered pairs, while the intersection   contains only the ordered pairs of  .

The circular permutation and transposition axioms do not imply the existence of unique classes because they specify only the 3‑tuples of class   By specifying the 3‑tuples, these axioms also specify the  -tuples for   since:

The axioms for handling tuples and the domain axiom imply the following lemma, which is used in the proof of the class existence theorem.

Tuple lemma — 

  • Class  : Apply product by   to   to produce  
  • Class  : Apply transposition to   to produce  
  • Class  : Apply circular permutation to   to produce  
  • Class  : Apply circular permutation to  , then apply domain to produce  

One more axiom is needed to prove the class existence theorem: the axiom of regularity. Since the existence of the empty class has been proved, the usual statement of this axiom is given.[f]

Axiom of regularity. Every nonempty set has at least one element with which it has no element in common.


This axiom implies that a set cannot belong to itself: Assume that   and let   Then   since   This contradicts the axiom of regularity because   is the only element in   Therefore,   The axiom of regularity also prohibits infinite descending membership sequences of sets:


Gödel stated regularity for classes rather than for sets in his 1940 monograph, which was based on lectures given in 1938.[26] In 1939, he proved that regularity for sets implies regularity for classes.[27]

Class existence theorem

Class existence theorem — Let   be a formula that quantifies only over sets and contains no free variables other than   (not necessarily all of these). Then for all  , there exists a unique class   of  -tuples such that:

The class   is denoted by  [g]

The theorem's proof will be done in two steps:

  1. Transformation rules are used to transform the given formula   into an equivalent formula that simplifies the inductive part of the proof. For example, the only logical symbols in the transformed formula are  ,  , and  , so the induction handles logical symbols with just three cases.
  2. The class existence theorem is proved inductively for transformed formulas. Guided by the structure of the transformed formula, the class existence axioms are used to produce the unique class of  -tuples satisfying the formula.

Transformation rules. In rules 1 and 2 below,   and   denote set or class variables. These two rules eliminate all occurrences of class variables before an   and all occurrences of equality. Each time rule 1 or 2 is applied to a subformula,   is chosen so that   differs from the other variables in the current formula. The three rules are repeated until there are no subformulas to which they can be applied. This produces a formula that is built only with  ,  ,  ,  , set variables, and class variables   where   does not appear before an  .

  1.   is transformed into  
  2. Extensionality is used to transform   into  
  3. Logical identities are used to transform subformulas containing   and   to subformulas that only use   and  

Transformation rules: bound variables. Consider the composite function formula of example 1 with its free set variables replaced by   and  :   The inductive proof will remove  , which produces the formula   However, since the class existence theorem is stated for subscripted variables, this formula does not have the form expected by the induction hypothesis. This problem is solved by replacing the variable   with   Bound variables within nested quantifiers are handled by increasing the subscript by one for each successive quantifier. This leads to rule 4, which must be applied after the other rules since rules 1 and 2 produce quantified variables.

  1. If a formula contains no free set variables other than   then bound variables that are nested within   quantifiers are replaced with  . These variables have (quantifier) nesting depth  .

Example 2: Rule 4 is applied to the formula   that defines the class consisting of all sets of the form   That is, sets that contain at least   and a set containing   — for example,   where   and   are sets.

Since   is the only free variable,   The quantified variable   appears twice in   at nesting depth 2. Its subscript is 3 because   If two quantifier scopes are at the same nesting depth, they are either identical or disjoint. The two occurrences of   are in disjoint quantifier scopes, so they do not interact with each other.

Proof of the class existence theorem. The proof starts by applying the transformation rules to the given formula to produce a transformed formula. Since this formula is equivalent to the given formula, the proof is completed by proving the class existence theorem for transformed formulas.

Proof of the class existence theorem for transformed formulas

The following lemma is used in the proof.

Expansion lemma — Let   and let   be a class containing all the ordered pairs   satisfying   That is,   Then   can be expanded into the unique class   of  -tuples satisfying  . That is,  


  1. If   let  
    Otherwise,   so components are added in front of   apply the tuple lemma's statement 1 to   with   This produces a class   containing all the  -tuples
  2. If   let  
    Otherwise,   so components are added between   and   add the components   one by one using the tuple lemma's statement 2. This produces a class   containing all the  -tuples
  3. If   let  
    Otherwise,   so components are added after   add the components   one by one using the tuple lemma's statement 3. This produces a class   containing all the  -tuples
  4. Let   Extensionality implies that   is the unique class of  -tuples satisfying  

Class existence theorem for transformed formulas — Let   be a formula that:

  1. contains no free variables other than  ;
  2. contains only  ,  ,  ,  , set variables, and the class variables   where   does not appear before an  ;
  3. only quantifies set variables   where   is the quantifier nesting depth of the variable.

Then for all  , there exists a unique class   of  -tuples such that:


Proof: Basis step:   has 0 logical symbols. The theorem's hypothesis implies that   is an atomic formula of the form   or  

Case 1: If   is  , we build the class   the unique class of  -tuples satisfying  

Case a:   is   where   The axiom of membership produces a class   containing all the ordered pairs   satisfying   Apply the expansion lemma to   to obtain  

Case b:   is   where   The axiom of membership produces a class   containing all the ordered pairs   satisfying   Apply the tuple lemma's statement 4 to   to obtain   containing all the ordered pairs   satisfying   Apply the expansion lemma to   to obtain  

Case c:   is   where   Since this formula is false by the axiom of regularity, no  -tuples satisfy it, so  

Case 2: If   is  , we build the class   the unique class of  -tuples satisfying  

Case a:   is   where   Apply the axiom of product by   to   to produce the class   Apply the expansion lemma to   to obtain  

Case b:   is   where   Apply the axiom of product by   to   to produce the class   Apply the tuple lemma's statement 4 to   to obtain   Apply the expansion lemma to   to obtain  

Case c:   is   where   Then  

Inductive step:   has   logical symbols where  . Assume the induction hypothesis that the theorem is true for all   with less than   logical symbols. We now prove the theorem for   with   logical symbols. In this proof, the list of class variables   is abbreviated by  , so a formula—such as  —can be written as  

Case 1:   Since   has   logical symbols, the induction hypothesis implies that there is a unique class   of  -tuples such that:

By the complement axiom, there is a class   such that   However,   contains elements other than  -tuples if   To eliminate these elements, use     which is the complement relative to the class   of all  -tuples.[e] Then, by extensionality,   is the unique class of  -tuples such that:
neumann, bernays, gödel, theory, foundations, mathematics, neumann, bernays, gödel, theory, axiomatic, theory, that, conservative, extension, zermelo, fraenkel, choice, theory, introduces, notion, class, which, collection, sets, defined, formula, whose, quanti. In the foundations of mathematics von Neumann Bernays Godel set theory NBG is an axiomatic set theory that is a conservative extension of Zermelo Fraenkel choice set theory ZFC NBG introduces the notion of class which is a collection of sets defined by a formula whose quantifiers range only over sets NBG can define classes that are larger than sets such as the class of all sets and the class of all ordinals Morse Kelley set theory MK allows classes to be defined by formulas whose quantifiers range over classes NBG is finitely axiomatizable while ZFC and MK are not A key theorem of NBG is the class existence theorem which states that for every formula whose quantifiers range only over sets there is a class consisting of the sets satisfying the formula This class is built by mirroring the step by step construction of the formula with classes Since all set theoretic formulas are constructed from two kinds of atomic formulas membership and equality and finitely many logical symbols only finitely many axioms are needed to build the classes satisfying them This is why NBG is finitely axiomatizable Classes are also used for other constructions for handling the set theoretic paradoxes and for stating the axiom of global choice which is stronger than ZFC s axiom of choice John von Neumann introduced classes into set theory in 1925 The primitive notions of his theory were function and argument Using these notions he defined class and set 1 Paul Bernays reformulated von Neumann s theory by taking class and set as primitive notions 2 Kurt Godel simplified Bernays theory for his relative consistency proof of the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis 3 Contents 1 Classes in set theory 1 1 The uses of classes 1 2 Axiom schema versus class existence theorem 2 Axiomatization of NBG 2 1 Classes and sets 2 2 Definitions and axioms of extensionality and pairing 2 3 Class existence axioms and axiom of regularity 2 4 Class existence theorem 2 5 Extending the class existence theorem 2 6 Set axioms 2 7 Axiom of global choice 3 History 3 1 Von Neumann s 1925 axiom system 3 2 Von Neumann s 1929 axiom system 3 3 Bernays axiom system 3 4 Godel s axiom system NBG 4 NBG ZFC and MK 4 1 Models 5 Category theory 6 Notes 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External linksClasses in set theory EditThe uses of classes Edit Classes have several uses in NBG They produce a finite axiomatization of set theory 4 They are used to state a very strong form of the axiom of choice 5 namely the axiom of global choice There exists a global choice function G displaystyle G defined on the class of all nonempty sets such that G x x displaystyle G x in x for every nonempty set x displaystyle x This is stronger than ZFC s axiom of choice For every set s displaystyle s of nonempty sets there exists a choice function f displaystyle f defined on s displaystyle s such that f x x displaystyle f x in x for all x s displaystyle x in s a The set theoretic paradoxes are handled by recognizing that some classes cannot be sets For example assume that the class O r d displaystyle Ord of all ordinals is a set Then O r d displaystyle Ord is a transitive set well ordered by displaystyle in So by definition O r d displaystyle Ord is an ordinal Hence O r d O r d displaystyle Ord in Ord which contradicts displaystyle in being a well ordering of O r d displaystyle Ord Therefore O r d displaystyle Ord is not a set A class that is not a set is called a proper class O r d displaystyle Ord is a proper class 6 Proper classes are useful in constructions In his proof of the relative consistency of the axiom of global choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis Godel used proper classes to build the constructible universe He constructed a function on the class of all ordinals that for each ordinal builds a constructible set by applying a set building operation to previously constructed sets The constructible universe is the image of this function 7 Axiom schema versus class existence theorem Edit Once classes are added to the language of ZFC it is easy to transform ZFC into a set theory with classes First the axiom schema of class comprehension is added This axiom schema states For every formula ϕ x 1 x n displaystyle phi x 1 ldots x n that quantifies only over sets there exists a class A displaystyle A consisting of the n displaystyle n tuples satisfying the formula that is x 1 x n x 1 x n A ϕ x 1 x n displaystyle forall x 1 cdots forall x n x 1 ldots x n in A iff phi x 1 ldots x n Then the axiom schema of replacement is replaced by a single axiom that uses a class Finally ZFC s axiom of extensionality is modified to handle classes If two classes have the same elements then they are identical The other axioms of ZFC are not modified 8 This theory is not finitely axiomatized ZFC s replacement schema has been replaced by a single axiom but the axiom schema of class comprehension has been introduced To produce a theory with finitely many axioms the axiom schema of class comprehension is first replaced with finitely many class existence axioms Then these axioms are used to prove the class existence theorem which implies every instance of the axiom schema 8 The proof of this theorem requires only seven class existence axioms which are used to convert the construction of a formula into the construction of a class satisfying the formula Axiomatization of NBG EditClasses and sets Edit NBG has two types of objects classes and sets Intuitively every set is also a class There are two ways to axiomatize this Bernays used many sorted logic with two sorts classes and sets 2 Godel avoided sorts by introducing primitive predicates C l s A displaystyle mathfrak Cls A for A displaystyle A is a class and M A displaystyle mathfrak M A for A displaystyle A is a set in German set is Menge He also introduced axioms stating that every set is a class and that if class A displaystyle A is a member of a class then A displaystyle A is a set 9 Using predicates is the standard way to eliminate sorts Elliott Mendelson modified Godel s approach by having everything be a class and defining the set predicate M A displaystyle M A as C A C displaystyle exists C A in C 10 This modification eliminates Godel s class predicate and his two axioms Bernays two sorted approach may appear more natural at first but it creates a more complex theory b In Bernays theory every set has two representations one as a set and the other as a class Also there are two membership relations the first denoted by is between two sets the second denoted by h is between a set and a class 2 This redundancy is required by many sorted logic because variables of different sorts range over disjoint subdomains of the domain of discourse The differences between these two approaches do not affect what can be proved but they do affect how statements are written In Godel s approach A C displaystyle A in C where A displaystyle A and C displaystyle C are classes is a valid statement In Bernays approach this statement has no meaning However if A displaystyle A is a set there is an equivalent statement Define set a displaystyle a represents class A displaystyle A if they have the same sets as members that is x x a x h A displaystyle forall x x in a iff x eta A The statement a h C displaystyle a eta C where set a displaystyle a represents class A displaystyle A is equivalent to Godel s A C displaystyle A in C 2 The approach adopted in this article is that of Godel with Mendelson s modification This means that NBG is an axiomatic system in first order predicate logic with equality and its only primitive notions are class and the membership relation Definitions and axioms of extensionality and pairing Edit A set is a class that belongs to at least one class A displaystyle A is a set if and only if C A C displaystyle exists C A in C A class that is not a set is called a proper class A displaystyle A is a proper class if and only if C A C displaystyle forall C A notin C 12 Therefore every class is either a set or a proper class and no class is both Godel introduced the convention that uppercase variables range over classes while lowercase variables range over sets 9 Godel also used names that begin with an uppercase letter to denote particular classes including functions and relations defined on the class of all sets Godel s convention is used in this article It allows us to write x ϕ x displaystyle exists x phi x instead of x C x C ϕ x displaystyle exists x bigl exists C x in C land phi x bigr x ϕ x displaystyle forall x phi x instead of x C x C ϕ x displaystyle forall x bigl exists C x in C implies phi x bigr The following axioms and definitions are needed for the proof of the class existence theorem Axiom of extensionality If two classes have the same elements then they are identical A B x x A x B A B displaystyle forall A forall B forall x x in A iff x in B implies A B 13 This axiom generalizes ZFC s axiom of extensionality to classes Axiom of pairing If x displaystyle x and y displaystyle y are sets then there exists a set p displaystyle p whose only members are x displaystyle x and y displaystyle y x y p z z p z x z y displaystyle forall x forall y exists p forall z z in p iff z x lor z y 14 As in ZFC the axiom of extensionality implies the uniqueness of the set p displaystyle p which allows us to introduce the notation x y displaystyle x y Ordered pairs are defined by x y x x y displaystyle x y x x y Tuples are defined inductively using ordered pairs x 1 x 1 displaystyle x 1 x 1 For n gt 1 x 1 x n 1 x n x 1 x n 1 x n displaystyle text For n gt 1 x 1 ldots x n 1 x n x 1 ldots x n 1 x n c Class existence axioms and axiom of regularity Edit Class existence axioms will be used to prove the class existence theorem For every formula in n displaystyle n free set variables that quantifies only over sets there exists a class of n displaystyle n tuples that satisfy it The following example starts with two classes that are functions and builds a composite function This example illustrates the techniques that are needed to prove the class existence theorem which lead to the class existence axioms that are needed Example 1 If the classes F displaystyle F and G displaystyle G are functions then the composite function G F displaystyle G circ F is defined by the formula t x t F t y G displaystyle exists t x t in F land t y in G Since this formula has two free set variables x displaystyle x and y displaystyle y the class existence theorem constructs the class of ordered pairs G F x y t x t F t y G displaystyle G circ F x y exists t x t in F land t y in G Because this formula is built from simpler formulas using conjunction displaystyle land and existential quantification displaystyle exists class operations are needed that take classes representing the simpler formulas and produce classes representing the formulas with displaystyle land and displaystyle exists To produce a class representing a formula with displaystyle land intersection used since x A B x A x B displaystyle x in A cap B iff x in A land x in B To produce a class representing a formula with displaystyle exists the domain is used since x D o m A t x t A displaystyle x in Dom A iff exists t x t in A Before taking the intersection the tuples in F displaystyle F and G displaystyle G need an extra component so they have the same variables The component y displaystyle y is added to the tuples of F displaystyle F and x displaystyle x is added to the tuples of G displaystyle G F x t y x t F displaystyle F x t y x t in F and G t y x t y G displaystyle G t y x t y in G In the definition of F displaystyle F the variable y displaystyle y is not restricted by the statement x t F displaystyle x t in F so y displaystyle y ranges over the class V displaystyle V of all sets Similarly in the definition of G displaystyle G the variable x displaystyle x ranges over V displaystyle V So an axiom is needed that adds an extra component whose values range over V displaystyle V to the tuples of a given class Next the variables are put in the same order to prepare for the intersection F x y t x t F displaystyle F x y t x t in F and G x y t t y G displaystyle G x y t t y in G To go from F displaystyle F to F displaystyle F and from G displaystyle G to G displaystyle G requires two different permutations so axioms that support permutations of tuple components are needed The intersection of F displaystyle F and G displaystyle G handles displaystyle land F G x y t x t F t y G displaystyle F cap G x y t x t in F land t y in G Since x y t displaystyle x y t is defined as x y t displaystyle x y t taking the domain of F G displaystyle F cap G handles t displaystyle exists t and produces the composite function G F D o m F G x y t x t F t y G displaystyle G circ F Dom F cap G x y exists t x t in F land t y in G So axioms of intersection and domain are needed The class existence axioms are divided into two groups axioms handling language primitives and axioms handling tuples There are four axioms in the first group and three axioms in the second group d Axioms for handling language primitives Membership There exists a class E displaystyle E containing all the ordered pairs whose first component is a member of the second component E x y x y E x y displaystyle exists E forall x forall y x y in E iff x in y 18 Intersection conjunction For any two classes A displaystyle A and B displaystyle B there is a class C displaystyle C consisting precisely of the sets that belong to both A displaystyle A and B displaystyle B A B C x x C x A x B displaystyle forall A forall B exists C forall x x in C iff x in A land x in B 19 Complement negation For any class A displaystyle A there is a class B displaystyle B consisting precisely of the sets not belonging to A displaystyle A A B x x B x A displaystyle forall A exists B forall x x in B iff neg x in A 20 Domain existential quantifier For any class A displaystyle A there is a class B displaystyle B consisting precisely of the first components of the ordered pairs of A displaystyle A A B x x B y x y A displaystyle forall A exists B forall x x in B iff exists y x y in A 21 By the axiom of extensionality class C displaystyle C in the intersection axiom and class B displaystyle B in the complement and domain axioms are unique They will be denoted by A B displaystyle A cap B A displaystyle complement A and D o m A displaystyle Dom A respectively e On the other hand extensionality is not applicable to E displaystyle E in the membership axiom since it specifies only those sets in E displaystyle E that are ordered pairs The first three axioms imply the existence of the empty class and the class of all sets The membership axiom implies the existence of a class E displaystyle E The intersection and complement axioms imply the existence of E E displaystyle E cap complement E which is empty By the axiom of extensionality this class is unique it is denoted by displaystyle emptyset The complement of displaystyle emptyset is the class V displaystyle V of all sets which is also unique by extensionality The set predicate M A displaystyle M A which was defined as C A C displaystyle exists C A in C is now redefined as A V displaystyle A in V to avoid quantifying over classes Axioms for handling tuples Product by V displaystyle V For any class A displaystyle A there is a class B displaystyle B consisting of the ordered pairs whose first component belongs to A displaystyle A A B u u B x y u x y x A displaystyle forall A exists B forall u u in B iff exists x exists y u x y land x in A 23 Circular permutation For any class A displaystyle A there is a class B displaystyle B whose 3 tuples are obtained by applying the circular permutation y z x x y z displaystyle y z x mapsto x y z to the 3 tuples of A displaystyle A A B x y z x y z B y z x A displaystyle forall A exists B forall x forall y forall z x y z in B iff y z x in A 24 Transposition For any class A displaystyle A there is a class B displaystyle B whose 3 tuples are obtained by transposing the last two components of the 3 tuples of A displaystyle A A B x y z x y z B x z y A displaystyle forall A exists B forall x forall y forall z x y z in B iff x z y in A 25 By extensionality the product by V displaystyle V axiom implies the existence of a unique class which is denoted by A V displaystyle A times V This axiom is used to define the class V n displaystyle V n of all n displaystyle n tuples V 1 V displaystyle V 1 V and V n 1 V n V displaystyle V n 1 V n times V If A displaystyle A is a class extensionality implies that A V n displaystyle A cap V n is the unique class consisting of the n displaystyle n tuples of A displaystyle A For example the membership axiom produces a class E displaystyle E that may contain elements that are not ordered pairs while the intersection E V 2 displaystyle E cap V 2 contains only the ordered pairs of E displaystyle E The circular permutation and transposition axioms do not imply the existence of unique classes because they specify only the 3 tuples of class B displaystyle B By specifying the 3 tuples these axioms also specify the n displaystyle n tuples for n 4 displaystyle n geq 4 since x 1 x n 2 x n 1 x n x 1 x n 2 x n 1 x n displaystyle x 1 ldots x n 2 x n 1 x n x 1 ldots x n 2 x n 1 x n The axioms for handling tuples and the domain axiom imply the following lemma which is used in the proof of the class existence theorem Tuple lemma A B 1 x y z z x y B 1 x y A displaystyle forall A exists B 1 forall x forall y forall z z x y in B 1 iff x y in A A B 2 x y z x z y B 2 x y A displaystyle forall A exists B 2 forall x forall y forall z x z y in B 2 iff x y in A A B 3 x y z x y z B 3 x y A displaystyle forall A exists B 3 forall x forall y forall z x y z in B 3 iff x y in A A B 4 x y z y x B 4 x y A displaystyle forall A exists B 4 forall x forall y forall z y x in B 4 iff x y in A Proof Class B 3 displaystyle B 3 Apply product by V displaystyle V to A displaystyle A to produce B 3 displaystyle B 3 Class B 2 displaystyle B 2 Apply transposition to B 3 displaystyle B 3 to produce B 2 displaystyle B 2 Class B 1 displaystyle B 1 Apply circular permutation to B 3 displaystyle B 3 to produce B 1 displaystyle B 1 Class B 4 displaystyle B 4 Apply circular permutation to B 2 displaystyle B 2 then apply domain to produce B 4 displaystyle B 4 One more axiom is needed to prove the class existence theorem the axiom of regularity Since the existence of the empty class has been proved the usual statement of this axiom is given f Axiom of regularity Every nonempty set has at least one element with which it has no element in common a a u u a u a displaystyle forall a a neq emptyset implies exists u u in a land u cap a emptyset This axiom implies that a set cannot belong to itself Assume that x x displaystyle x in x and let a x displaystyle a x Then x a displaystyle x cap a neq emptyset since x x a displaystyle x in x cap a This contradicts the axiom of regularity because x displaystyle x is the only element in a displaystyle a Therefore x x displaystyle x notin x The axiom of regularity also prohibits infinite descending membership sequences of sets x n 1 x n x 1 x 0 displaystyle cdots in x n 1 in x n in cdots in x 1 in x 0 Godel stated regularity for classes rather than for sets in his 1940 monograph which was based on lectures given in 1938 26 In 1939 he proved that regularity for sets implies regularity for classes 27 Class existence theorem Edit Class existence theorem Let ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle phi x 1 dots x n Y 1 dots Y m be a formula that quantifies only over sets and contains no free variables other than x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle x 1 dots x n Y 1 dots Y m not necessarily all of these Then for all Y 1 Y m displaystyle Y 1 dots Y m there exists a unique class A displaystyle A of n displaystyle n tuples such that x 1 x n x 1 x n A ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle forall x 1 cdots forall x n x 1 dots x n in A iff phi x 1 dots x n Y 1 dots Y m The class A displaystyle A is denoted by x 1 x n ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle x 1 dots x n phi x 1 dots x n Y 1 dots Y m g The theorem s proof will be done in two steps Transformation rules are used to transform the given formula ϕ displaystyle phi into an equivalent formula that simplifies the inductive part of the proof For example the only logical symbols in the transformed formula are displaystyle neg displaystyle land and displaystyle exists so the induction handles logical symbols with just three cases The class existence theorem is proved inductively for transformed formulas Guided by the structure of the transformed formula the class existence axioms are used to produce the unique class of n displaystyle n tuples satisfying the formula Transformation rules In rules 1 and 2 below D displaystyle Delta and G displaystyle Gamma denote set or class variables These two rules eliminate all occurrences of class variables before an displaystyle in and all occurrences of equality Each time rule 1 or 2 is applied to a subformula i displaystyle i is chosen so that z i displaystyle z i differs from the other variables in the current formula The three rules are repeated until there are no subformulas to which they can be applied This produces a formula that is built only with displaystyle neg displaystyle land displaystyle exists displaystyle in set variables and class variables Y k displaystyle Y k where Y k displaystyle Y k does not appear before an displaystyle in Y k G displaystyle Y k in Gamma is transformed into z i z i Y k z i G displaystyle exists z i z i Y k land z i in Gamma Extensionality is used to transform D G displaystyle Delta Gamma into z i z i D z i G displaystyle forall z i z i in Delta iff z i in Gamma Logical identities are used to transform subformulas containing displaystyle lor implies iff and displaystyle forall to subformulas that only use displaystyle neg land and displaystyle exists Transformation rules bound variables Consider the composite function formula of example 1 with its free set variables replaced by x 1 displaystyle x 1 and x 2 displaystyle x 2 t x 1 t F t x 2 G displaystyle exists t x 1 t in F land t x 2 in G The inductive proof will remove t displaystyle exists t which produces the formula x 1 t F t x 2 G displaystyle x 1 t in F land t x 2 in G However since the class existence theorem is stated for subscripted variables this formula does not have the form expected by the induction hypothesis This problem is solved by replacing the variable t displaystyle t with x 3 displaystyle x 3 Bound variables within nested quantifiers are handled by increasing the subscript by one for each successive quantifier This leads to rule 4 which must be applied after the other rules since rules 1 and 2 produce quantified variables If a formula contains no free set variables other than x 1 x n displaystyle x 1 dots x n then bound variables that are nested within q displaystyle q quantifiers are replaced with x n q displaystyle x n q These variables have quantifier nesting depth q displaystyle q Example 2 Rule 4 is applied to the formula ϕ x 1 displaystyle phi x 1 that defines the class consisting of all sets of the form displaystyle emptyset emptyset dots dots That is sets that contain at least displaystyle emptyset and a set containing displaystyle emptyset for example a b c d e displaystyle emptyset emptyset a b c d e where a b c d displaystyle a b c d and e displaystyle e are sets ϕ x 1 u u x 1 v v u w w x 1 y y w z z y ϕ r x 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 4 x 4 x 3 displaystyle begin aligned phi x 1 amp exists u u in x 1 land neg exists v v in u land exists w bigl w in x 1 land exists y y in w land neg exists z z in y bigr phi r x 1 amp exists x 2 x 2 in x 1 land neg exists x 3 x 3 in x 2 land exists x 2 bigl x 2 in x 1 land exists x 3 x 3 in x 2 land neg exists x 4 x 4 in x 3 bigr end aligned Since x 1 displaystyle x 1 is the only free variable n 1 displaystyle n 1 The quantified variable x 3 displaystyle x 3 appears twice in x 3 x 2 displaystyle x 3 in x 2 at nesting depth 2 Its subscript is 3 because n q 1 2 3 displaystyle n q 1 2 3 If two quantifier scopes are at the same nesting depth they are either identical or disjoint The two occurrences of x 3 displaystyle x 3 are in disjoint quantifier scopes so they do not interact with each other Proof of the class existence theorem The proof starts by applying the transformation rules to the given formula to produce a transformed formula Since this formula is equivalent to the given formula the proof is completed by proving the class existence theorem for transformed formulas Proof of the class existence theorem for transformed formulas The following lemma is used in the proof Expansion lemma Let 1 i lt j n displaystyle 1 leq i lt j leq n and let P displaystyle P be a class containing all the ordered pairs x i x j displaystyle x i x j satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j That is P x i x j R x i x j displaystyle P supseteq x i x j R x i x j Then P displaystyle P can be expanded into the unique class Q displaystyle Q of n displaystyle n tuples satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j That is Q x 1 x n R x i x j displaystyle Q x 1 ldots x n R x i x j Proof If i 1 displaystyle i 1 let P 1 P displaystyle P 1 P Otherwise i gt 1 displaystyle i gt 1 so components are added in front of x i displaystyle x i text apply the tuple lemma s statement 1 to P displaystyle P with z x 1 x i 1 displaystyle z x 1 dots x i 1 This produces a class P 1 displaystyle P 1 containing all the i 1 displaystyle i 1 tuples x 1 x i 1 x i x j x 1 x i 1 x i x j displaystyle x 1 dots x i 1 x i x j x 1 dots x i 1 x i x j satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j If j i 1 displaystyle j i 1 let P 2 P 1 displaystyle P 2 P 1 Otherwise j gt i 1 displaystyle j gt i 1 so components are added between x i displaystyle x i and x j displaystyle x j text add the components x i 1 x j 1 displaystyle x i 1 dots x j 1 one by one using the tuple lemma s statement 2 This produces a class P 2 displaystyle P 2 containing all the j displaystyle j tuples x 1 x i x i 1 x j 1 x j x 1 x j displaystyle cdots x 1 dots x i x i 1 cdots x j 1 x j x 1 dots x j satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j If j n displaystyle j n let P 3 P 2 displaystyle P 3 P 2 Otherwise j lt n displaystyle j lt n so components are added after x j displaystyle x j text add the components x j 1 x n displaystyle x j 1 dots x n one by one using the tuple lemma s statement 3 This produces a class P 3 displaystyle P 3 containing all the n displaystyle n tuples x 1 x j x j 1 x n x 1 x n displaystyle cdots x 1 dots x j x j 1 cdots x n x 1 dots x n satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j Let Q P 3 V n displaystyle Q P 3 cap V n Extensionality implies that Q displaystyle Q is the unique class of n displaystyle n tuples satisfying R x i x j displaystyle R x i x j Class existence theorem for transformed formulas Let ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle phi x 1 ldots x n Y 1 ldots Y m be a formula that contains no free variables other than x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle x 1 ldots x n Y 1 ldots Y m contains only displaystyle in displaystyle neg displaystyle land displaystyle exists set variables and the class variables Y k displaystyle Y k where Y k displaystyle Y k does not appear before an displaystyle in only quantifies set variables x n q displaystyle x n q where q displaystyle q is the quantifier nesting depth of the variable Then for all Y 1 Y m displaystyle Y 1 dots Y m there exists a unique class A displaystyle A of n displaystyle n tuples such that x 1 x n x 1 x n A ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle forall x 1 cdots forall x n x 1 ldots x n in A iff phi x 1 ldots x n Y 1 ldots Y m Proof Basis step ϕ displaystyle phi has 0 logical symbols The theorem s hypothesis implies that ϕ displaystyle phi is an atomic formula of the form x i x j displaystyle x i in x j or x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k Case 1 If ϕ displaystyle phi is x i x j displaystyle x i in x j we build the class E i j n x 1 x n x i x j displaystyle E i j n x 1 ldots x n x i in x j the unique class of n displaystyle n tuples satisfying x i x j displaystyle x i in x j Case a ϕ displaystyle phi is x i x j displaystyle x i in x j where i lt j displaystyle i lt j The axiom of membership produces a class P displaystyle P containing all the ordered pairs x i x j displaystyle x i x j satisfying x i x j displaystyle x i in x j Apply the expansion lemma to P displaystyle P to obtain E i j n x 1 x n x i x j displaystyle E i j n x 1 ldots x n x i in x j Case b ϕ displaystyle phi is x i x j displaystyle x i in x j where i gt j displaystyle i gt j The axiom of membership produces a class P displaystyle P containing all the ordered pairs x i x j displaystyle x i x j satisfying x i x j displaystyle x i in x j Apply the tuple lemma s statement 4 to P displaystyle P to obtain P displaystyle P containing all the ordered pairs x j x i displaystyle x j x i satisfying x i x j displaystyle x i in x j Apply the expansion lemma to P displaystyle P to obtain E i j n x 1 x n x i x j displaystyle E i j n x 1 ldots x n x i in x j Case c ϕ displaystyle phi is x i x j displaystyle x i in x j where i j displaystyle i j Since this formula is false by the axiom of regularity no n displaystyle n tuples satisfy it so E i j n displaystyle E i j n emptyset Case 2 If ϕ displaystyle phi is x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k we build the class E i Y k n x 1 x n x i Y k displaystyle E i Y k n x 1 ldots x n x i in Y k the unique class of n displaystyle n tuples satisfying x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k Case a ϕ displaystyle phi is x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k where i lt n displaystyle i lt n Apply the axiom of product by V displaystyle V to Y k displaystyle Y k to produce the class P Y k V x i x i 1 x i Y k displaystyle P Y k times V x i x i 1 x i in Y k Apply the expansion lemma to P displaystyle P to obtain E i Y k n x 1 x n x i Y k displaystyle E i Y k n x 1 ldots x n x i in Y k Case b ϕ displaystyle phi is x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k where i n gt 1 displaystyle i n gt 1 Apply the axiom of product by V displaystyle V to Y k displaystyle Y k to produce the class P Y k V x i x i 1 x i Y k displaystyle P Y k times V x i x i 1 x i in Y k Apply the tuple lemma s statement 4 to P displaystyle P to obtain P V Y k x i 1 x i x i Y k displaystyle P V times Y k x i 1 x i x i in Y k Apply the expansion lemma to P displaystyle P to obtain E i Y k n x 1 x n x i Y k displaystyle E i Y k n x 1 ldots x n x i in Y k Case c ϕ displaystyle phi is x i Y k displaystyle x i in Y k where i n 1 displaystyle i n 1 Then E i Y k n Y k displaystyle E i Y k n Y k Inductive step ϕ displaystyle phi has k displaystyle k logical symbols where k gt 0 displaystyle k gt 0 Assume the induction hypothesis that the theorem is true for all ps displaystyle psi with less than k displaystyle k logical symbols We now prove the theorem for ϕ displaystyle phi with k displaystyle k logical symbols In this proof the list of class variables Y 1 Y m displaystyle Y 1 dots Y m is abbreviated by Y displaystyle vec Y so a formula such as ϕ x 1 x n Y 1 Y m displaystyle phi x 1 dots x n Y 1 dots Y m can be written as ϕ x 1 x n Y displaystyle phi x 1 dots x n vec Y Case 1 ϕ x 1 x n Y ps x 1 x n Y displaystyle phi x 1 ldots x n vec Y neg psi x 1 ldots x n vec Y Since ps displaystyle psi has k 1 displaystyle k 1 logical symbols the induction hypothesis implies that there is a unique class A displaystyle A of n displaystyle n tuples such that x 1 x n A ps x 1 x n Y displaystyle quad x 1 ldots x n in A iff psi x 1 ldots x n vec Y By the complement axiom there is a class A displaystyle complement A such that u u A u A displaystyle forall u u in complement A iff neg u in A However A displaystyle complement A contains elements other than n displaystyle n tuples if n gt 1 displaystyle n gt 1 To eliminate these elements use V n A displaystyle complement V n A A V n displaystyle complement A cap V n V n A displaystyle V n setminus A which is the complement relative to the class V n displaystyle V n of all n displaystyle n tuples e Then by extensionality V n A displaystyle complement V n A is the unique class of n displaystyle n tuples such that x 1 x n V n A x 1, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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