
Universities and higher education in Brazil

Brazil adopts a mixed system of public and privately funded universities. Public universities can be federally funded or financed by State governments (such as USP, Unicamp and Unesp in the State of São Paulo). Private schools can be for-profit or, in the case of Catholic universities, not-for-profit.


The Portuguese reserved the status of "university" to the University of Coimbra and so, never created schools with that designation in Brazil. Nevertheless, they created several higher and secondary learning schools which provided a level of education comparable or even above that of the institutions denominated "universities" established in some of the neighboring Spanish American colonies as early as the 17th century. Examples were the most important Jesuit colleges in Portuguese colonial Brazil, particularly those located in the cities of Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, which - despite not being designated "universities" - offered liberal arts courses in Latin, Greek, philosophy and theology (likewise the Spanish American universities). Upon graduating, students had the option of either becoming priests or continuing their studies in Europe, usually at the University of Coimbra in Portugal.

After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759, other religious orders such as the Benedictines and Carmelites were charged with education in Brazil. At the same time, the Portuguese Crown founded the "aulas-régias" (Royal public schools). In 1792, the Royal Academy of Artillery, Fortification and Drawing was founded in Rio de Janeiro, thereby becoming the first higher learning school of engineering in the Americas.

Following the arrival of King John VI of Portugal and the Transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil, other schools of higher learning were founded in Brazil, although continuing to not formally be called "universities". These including those specialized in civil and military engineering such as the Royal Academy of the Midshipmen (1808) and the Royal Military Academy (1810). Two medical schools were also established, these being the medical-chirurgical academies of Salvador (1808) and of Rio de Janeiro (1809). In addition, other technical courses in the fields of botany, chemistry, geology, mineralogy, and economy were created.

Shortly after independence from Portugal in 1822, under the reign of Emperor Peter I of Brazil, faculties of law were founded in São Paulo (1827) and Olinda (1827). Many of those institutions served as nuclei that subsequently developed into modern Brazilian universities, i.e., the Federal University of Bahia, the Federal University of Pernambuco, the Federal University of Ouro Preto, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of São Paulo.

Higher Education institutions expanded throughout the twentieth century in Brazil. However, many of the students who had access to Higher Education came from wealthier backgrounds. In 1912, the first Brazilian institution designated "university" is created, this being the University of Paraná.

An important development that affected Brazil's Higher Education landscape transpired after the collapse of the twenty one year Brazilian military government (1964 – 1985) and the re-democratization of the country.[1] As part of Brazil's negotiated transition from authoritarianism to democracy, a new Constitution of Brazil emerged in 1988. It came to be known as the “Citizen Constitution” (Constituição Cidadã), promoting the right to work, the right to a decent wage, the right to social security, and the right to education.[2] Furthermore, the new Constitution of Brazil, allowed public funds to be allocated to private, community, religious, or philanthropic schools for their support on meeting the rights to education.[3] This constitutional doctrine was an important turning point in the growth of Brazil's private Higher Education sector, one that is financed through private investors and public institutions. In support of this educational movement, the federal government established a new policy in 1996 to liberalize the Higher Education sector, known as the Foundations and Guidelines for National Education law (lei 9.394).[4] Under this reformed system, Higher Education institutions could begin functioning as for-profit entities. Private Higher Education institutions had existed since the 1600s, but most were affiliated with the Catholic Church or were non-profit in nature.[5] This new policy paved the way for private enterprises to begin offering Higher Education degrees on a mass scale.

Nowadays, the Brazilian university system reflects world standards, and some of Brazil's universities appear among the 200 best in the world. The University of Sao Paulo (USP), for example, is considered the best university in Ibero-America. [6] In the 2012 SIR World Report from the SCImago Institutions Rankings, USP was ranked 11th in the world.[7] Other ranking systems show similar results: the 2012 University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) ranked USP 28th in the world,[8] and in the Times Higher Education report, "Top Universities by Reputation 2012", ranked USP among the top 70 universities in the world.[9] In the 2012 QS World University Rankings, under Rankings of universities in Brazil, the University of Campinas and the University of Rio de Janeiro were ranked 228 and 333 in the world, respectively.


Higher education in Brazil is divided into three categories:

  • Universities are institutions that conduct research and community outreach, with at least one third of the teaching staff with PhD qualifications.
  • University centers are multi-course institutions that are not required to carry out research, but with autonomy to open new courses without seeking permission from the Ministry of Education.
  • Integrated Faculties and Schools of Higher Education are smaller institutions with little autonomy and must obtain approval from the Ministry of Education when opening new courses, certificates, or degrees.

In 2009, the federal government was overseeing 94 higher education institutions with centralized control (spanning all three categories); state governments were managing 84 higher education institutions; and municipal governments ran 67 higher education institutions, mainly providing technical courses in integrated faculties (see INEP, 2009). Most federal and state institutions are universities and tuition is free, while municipal governments tend to run smaller institutes, sometimes charging tuition. Private higher education institutions primarily fall within the latter two categories and charge wide-ranging fees, based on the degree programs offered.


Undergraduate degrees

In Brazil, these degrees are known as first degree:

  • Bachelor's (bacharelado): varies between 3 to 6 years to complete. Enables individuals to act as professionals in a certain area (e.g., lawyer, economist, physician).
  • Licentiate (licenciatura): varies between 3 to 4 years to complete. Enables individuals to act as elementary or secondary school teachers in a certain area (e.g., licensed teacher of Math, English, Biology, etc.).

(tecnólogo): varies between 2 to 3 years of full time studies to complete. This degree takes a shorter time period to obtain, with specific professional courses aimed at providing highly specialized knowledge (e.g., agribusiness technical degree, tourism management degree, etc.).

Degree programs in public universities are totally financed by the government. In private higher education institutions, however, the course fees and degree programs vary in price significantly. Although lower cost courses are available, fees for some degree avenues are very expensive.

Graduate degrees

In Brazil, these degrees are known as second degree (pós-graduação):[10]

  • "Lato sensu postgraduate" degree: this degree represents a specialization in a certain area, and takes approximately 1 to 2 years to complete. A lato sensu degree is not a door opener for the later pursuit of a doctoral degree. If one is interested in a PhD, a stricto sensu master's degree should be taken instead. MBA programs in Brazil are classified as lato sensu programs.
  • "Stricto sensu postgraduate" degree: this degree enables one to pursue an academic career. In chronological order:
  • Master's degree (mestrado): this takes 1 to 2 years of full time studies to complete. Often, a Master’s degree serves as an additional qualification for those in the job market, or for those who want to pursue a PhD. A stricto sensu master's degree in management is the equivalent of a full time MBA in North America.
  • Doctoral degree / PhD (doutorado): this takes 3 to 4 years to complete, and is usually used as a step-stone for an academic life.
  • Postdoctoral research (pós-doutorado): this is not an academic title; it usually denotes excellency in a field of knowledge acquired through supervised research after a doctorate.
  • Livre-docência: this is the highest academic qualification in Brazil. The livre-docência is similar to a Habilitation and the level of scholarship has to be considered higher than a PhD. The livre-docência requires the candidate to write a professional thesis, based on independent scholarship. In the state universities of São Paulo, for instance (Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, and Universidade Estadual Paulista), the livre-docência plays an important role for a career in the academia. Although, it has become rarer and almost unused outside São Paulo, as most federal universities don't require it anymore in order to apply for professor, with the exception of UNIFESP.


There is no unified academic credit system in Brazil. The regulating bodies of the Ministry of Education and associated legislation counts the hours of instruction. A full-time year of higher education usually takes between 800 and 1,200 contact hours in Brazil, which would be equivalent to 50-80 US credits.


There is no formal treaty between the Brazilian Ministry of Education and the European Union's Bologna process. The following are rough comparisons:

  • the European First Cycle would correspond to the Brazilian undergraduate degrees of bacharelado, licenciatura, and tecnologia. The Brazilian "Bachelor’s degree" takes 3 to 6 years to complete,[11] which usually includes a written monograph or a final project; a European "Bachelor’s degree" can be completed in 3 years, after which many enroll in a 1 or 2-year-long "Master's degree" in the Bologna process. When comparing the former European national systems to the Brazilian system, the Brazilian "Bachelor’s degree" would be equivalent to the old German Diploma, the Italian Laurea, or the French "Magistère", "Mastère" or "Diplôme des Grandes Ecoles".
  • the Second Cycle in the Bologna process would correspond to the Brazilian master's degree, which usually takes 1 to 2 years to complete [12] and a "lato sensu postgraduate" degree, which requires the minimum of 360 hours of instruction.
  • the Third Cycle in the Bologna process would be equivalent to the Brazilian Doctoral degree.

United States

A Brazilian bachelor's degrees could be compared to a four-year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in the United States. Brazilian and U.S. Master's and Doctoral degrees are roughly equivalent. Technology degrees of 3 year of length could be also compared to undergraduate technology courses or with 3 year bachelor's degree, depending on the field of study. Technologist degrees allows the undergraduate to pursue Master's and Doctoral courses.


In order to enter a university in Brazil, candidates must undergo a public open examination called Vestibular, which usually lasts between 1 and 5 days and takes place once a year. Some universities may run Vestibular twice a year. Offering more frequent exams is popular among private universities, while public universities usually run the Vestibular only once a year (in November, December, or January). The Vestibular can be compared to the SAT or ACT in the U.S.

Universities offer a limited number of places, and the best qualified candidates are selected for entrance. The vestibular includes many subjects offered in high school such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Literature, Portuguese language, and a foreign language (usually the candidate can choose between English, Spanish or French). Since public universities are free of charge and there are a limited number of open slots, there is high competition with the Vestibular. There are nearly 10 candidates for every place in public universities; in private universities the ratio is less than two-to-one (see INEP, 2000 - 2009).

Most universities in Brazil also admit students according to their high school performance as asseed in ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio). ENEM and the Vestibular co-exist in some universities, whereas in others ENEM has replaced the Vestibular.

Grading System

There is a myriad of grading systems in Brazil. The most popular are:

  • Percentage point grading system: ranges from 0% to 100%
  • Scale grading system: ranges from 0 to 10 (0 represents the lowest and 10 represents that highest)
  • Stage grading system: usually uses letters ranging from A (best) to E (worst)

Below is a summary of the grading systems:

  • "A": 90%–100% (Excellent)
  • "B": 80%–89% (Very good)
  • "C": 70%–79% (Good)
  • "D": 60%–69% (Satisfactory)
  • "E": < 50% or < 60% (Failing grade)

Usually, the lowest passing grade in Brazil represents a 5 (5 out of 10 / 50% / "E"), but some universities adopt a 7 or 70% as the minimum passing grade. Universities are free to choose their own grading system.


Exams are conducted by the professors and are decentralized: every professor is responsible for scheduling, applying, and scoring exams. In contrast to other countries, there is no equivalent in Brazil of centralized university departments that are in charge of scheduling and grading exams.

Public and private universities

Public universities usually offer the best quality education, and therefore competition during the Vestibular is fierce. Public universities usually run courses all-day, while private for-profit universities offer a mix of all-day long and night-only courses. The latter is increasingly popular for working adults to complete Higher Education degrees in Brazil. Recently, some public universities have introduced some night-only courses in combination with day-courses. Although public universities offer the best quality education and conduct research, there are continuous complaints from these institutions about being underfunded. Private universities tend to be smaller when compared to public universities, but often have more modern infrastructures and amenities (e.g., buildings and campuses).

The 1996 law "Foundations and Guidelines for National Education" (lei 9.394) opened the doors for many private universities to begin offering degrees on a mass scale. As a result, growth within the private Higher Education sector has provided more opportunities for students country-wide. Between 2000 and 2009, the number of available openings in public universities rose 60 percent. During this same period, the number of available openings in private sector institutions rose 185 percent (see INEP, 2000 and 2009). In 2009, there were 2,069 private Higher Education institutions compared to 1,004 private institutions in 2000 (see INEP, 2000 and 2009). The 15 largest companies in 2009 that ran private universities represented 27 percent of the total market, with yearly profits above 21 percent; and the country's private education sector became the tenth largest sector in the Brazilian economy, accounting for R$25 billion per year.[13]

There are currently more than 2,600 public and private universities distributed throughout Brazil, a number that is growing quickly.[14]

Elizabeth Redden in June 2015 reports that Professor Dante J. Salto has argued in the journal International Higher Education that:[15]

Brazil’s for-profit colleges enroll about a third of all students in higher education. The for-profit sector, which predominantly enrolls students in social science, business, law, education and health care-related fields, absorbs demand that the public higher education system lacks the capacity to meet, and is seen as an important player in helping Brazil move toward its policy goal of dramatically increasing higher education participation rates. The proportion of Brazilian 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in higher education (the country's net enrollment rate) is only in the teens, while the gross enrollment rate, which takes into account students of all ages, stands at around 30 percent.

Niches of excellence

Brazil presents some niches of excellence in higher education, both public and private. Some of those niches, in spite of being recognized nationwide, are not recognized as universities and often do not appear on official universities rankings.

Some examples include: Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), a college sponsored by the Brazilian military, with graduates who are often employed within the Brazilian Aerospace Industry; the Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) (the Army's equivalent); both of those institutes belonging to the Engineering/STEM fields, or yet a Management/Economics institute: Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), a foundation/think tank that offers Management and Economics courses. In 2010, Você SA magazine ranked the OneMBA program offered by FGV as the 1st Executive MBA in Brazil (for the third year in a row). [16]

Skills development

Training levies create a means for under-educated members of society to continue to train and build up their human capital. This is relevant for the informal sector, which tends to employ workers with low levels of education. They provide a useful tool in a context of market failure and the underprovision of continuing education.[17]

There are several types of scheme that use payroll taxes to raise resources for funding skills development. They include: revenue-generating schemes, levy-subsidy schemes, and levy-exemption schemes. The type of system used in Brazil is the revenue-generating scheme, which base their funding on a fixed-rate levy per working hour or per employee. The revenue is generally earmarked for regional or sectoral training programmes.[18]

Revenue-generating schemes are reliable in generating funding for training in countries where there is a persistent shortage of funding available to promote skills development. They can also greatly reduce the cost to governments of training provision. For example, in Brazil a major body providing commercial training (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial, SENAC) receives 80% of its revenue through levy-based funds.[18] SENAI (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial), the Brazilian industrial training scheme, has failed to increase participation rates, as has happened for other revenue-generating schemes, probably because it does not offer any incentives to employers to provide additional training.[19]

There are currently five training funds in Brazil, funded via the revenue-generating method, although there are some differences among them. Such training funds include:

  • SENAI – the national training scheme;
  • SENAC – a training fund which is commerce-specific;
  • SENAT – a fund specifically for transport training;
  • SEBRAE – a training scheme focused on servicing small businesses;
  • SENAR – a training scheme for rural areas.
  • SENAI, SENAC and SENAT all impose a 1% payroll levy on all industrial enterprises, while SENAI charges an additional 0.5% for companies with more than 500 employees. SENAR applies a 2.5% tax on the sale of agricultural goods, while SEBRAE imposes a 0.3% levy across all sectors.[20]


See also


  This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Text taken from Funding skills development: the private sector contribution, UNESCO, UNESCO. UNESCO. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. For information on reusing text from Wikipedia, please see the terms of use.

Further reading

  • Altbach, Philip. International Higher Education: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 (Routledge, 2014), entry on "Brazil"
  • Mainardes, Emerson Wagner, et al. "Marketing in higher education: A comparative analysis of the Brazil and Portuguese cases." International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 9.1 (2012): 43–63.
  • Pedrosa, Renato HL, Eliana Amaral, and Marcello Knobel. "Assessing higher education learning outcomes in Brazil." Higher education management and policy 24.2 (2013): 55–71.
  • Schwartzman, Simon. "Higher education, the academic profession, and economic development in Brazil." in Philip G. Altbach, et al. eds. The global future of higher education and the academic profession: the BRICs and the United States (2013).
  • Schwartzman, Simon, Rómulo Pinheiro, and Pundy Pillay, eds. Higher education in the BRICS countries: Investigating the pact between higher education and society (Springer, 2015) ch 5 on "Demand and Supply for Higher Education in Brazil"; ch 14 on "Higher Education Policies in Brazil: A Case of Failure in Market Regulation."
  • Neves, Clarissa Eckert Baeta (2017). "Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Brazil". Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. pp. 1–11. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1_401-1. ISBN 978-94-017-9553-1.

External links

  • Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação, or "MEC"): http://www.mec.gov.br (In Portuguese)
  • National Institute for Research in Education (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais, or "INEP"): http://www.inep.gov.br/ (In Portuguese)
  • Graduate Coordination Body (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, or "CAPES"): http://www.capes.gov.br/ (In Portuguese)
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, or "CNPq"): http://www.cnpq.br/english/cnpq/index.htm


  1. ^ "Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Democracies: Brazil". 15 August 2006.
  2. ^ Rizzini, I. 2011. The Promise of Citizenship for Brazilian Children: What Has Changed? ANNALS, AAPSS, 633, 66-79.
  3. ^ Ranieri, N. B. 2010. States and the Right to Education in the 1988 Constitution: Comments on Federal Supreme Court Jurisprudence. Projeto Direito Educação Inglês, 37-56.
  4. ^ http://www.ibe.unesco.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/WDE/2010/pdf-versions/Brazil.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  5. ^ McCowan, T. 2004. The growth of private higher education in Brazil: implications for equity and quality. Journal of Education Policy, 19(4), 452-472.
  6. ^ "QS Latin American University Rankings 2018".
  7. ^ http://scimagoir.com/ SIR - SCImago Institutions Rankings
  8. ^ . Archived from the original on 2013-01-18. Retrieved 2012-11-28.
  9. ^ . Archived from the original on 2012-09-30. Retrieved 2012-11-28.
  10. ^ "Pos-graduacao no Brasil" (in Portuguese).
  11. ^ Ministério da Educação - Conselho Nacional de Educação, Câmara de Educação Superior. Resolução CES/CNE nº 2/2007 Resolução 4/2009. Retrieved from http://portal.mec.gov.br/
  12. ^ "CAPES".
  13. ^ Banco Santander. 2009. Entrando no Jogo da Escala; Apresentando Preços-Alvos para 2010. São Pualo, Brazil.
  14. ^ Universidades e Faculdades autorizadas no MEC
  15. ^ Elizabeth Redden, "U.S. For-Profits in Brazil," Inside Higher Education June 16, 2015; citing Dante J. Salto, "Brazil: A For-Profit Giant." International Higher Education 74 (2014): 21-22. online
  16. ^ . Archived from the original on 2013-02-09. Retrieved 2013-02-10.
  17. ^ UNESCO (2018). Funding skills development: the private sector contribution. UNESCO. ISBN 978-92-3-100269-4.
  18. ^ a b Gasskov, V. (2002). "Industry Support for Training: An International Perspective" (PDF). Retrieved 22 September 2015.
  19. ^ Johanson, R (2009). "A Review of National Training Funds" (PDF). Washington DC, World Bank. Retrieved 5 January 2015.
  20. ^ Muller, N. and Behringer, F. (2012). "Subsidies and levies as policy instruments to encourage employer-proved training". OECD Education Working Paper No. 80. Retrieved 22 September 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

universities, higher, education, brazil, brazil, adopts, mixed, system, public, privately, funded, universities, public, universities, federally, funded, financed, state, governments, such, unicamp, unesp, state, são, paulo, private, schools, profit, case, cat. Brazil adopts a mixed system of public and privately funded universities Public universities can be federally funded or financed by State governments such as USP Unicamp and Unesp in the State of Sao Paulo Private schools can be for profit or in the case of Catholic universities not for profit Contents 1 History 2 Categories 3 Degrees 3 1 Undergraduate degrees 3 2 Graduate degrees 4 Equivalence 4 1 Europe 4 2 United States 5 Admissions 6 Grading System 7 Exams 8 Public and private universities 9 Niches of excellence 10 Skills development 11 Gallery 12 See also 13 Sources 14 Further reading 15 External links 16 ReferencesHistory EditThe Portuguese reserved the status of university to the University of Coimbra and so never created schools with that designation in Brazil Nevertheless they created several higher and secondary learning schools which provided a level of education comparable or even above that of the institutions denominated universities established in some of the neighboring Spanish American colonies as early as the 17th century Examples were the most important Jesuit colleges in Portuguese colonial Brazil particularly those located in the cities of Salvador and Rio de Janeiro which despite not being designated universities offered liberal arts courses in Latin Greek philosophy and theology likewise the Spanish American universities Upon graduating students had the option of either becoming priests or continuing their studies in Europe usually at the University of Coimbra in Portugal After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759 other religious orders such as the Benedictines and Carmelites were charged with education in Brazil At the same time the Portuguese Crown founded the aulas regias Royal public schools In 1792 the Royal Academy of Artillery Fortification and Drawing was founded in Rio de Janeiro thereby becoming the first higher learning school of engineering in the Americas Following the arrival of King John VI of Portugal and the Transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil other schools of higher learning were founded in Brazil although continuing to not formally be called universities These including those specialized in civil and military engineering such as the Royal Academy of the Midshipmen 1808 and the Royal Military Academy 1810 Two medical schools were also established these being the medical chirurgical academies of Salvador 1808 and of Rio de Janeiro 1809 In addition other technical courses in the fields of botany chemistry geology mineralogy and economy were created Shortly after independence from Portugal in 1822 under the reign of Emperor Peter I of Brazil faculties of law were founded in Sao Paulo 1827 and Olinda 1827 Many of those institutions served as nuclei that subsequently developed into modern Brazilian universities i e the Federal University of Bahia the Federal University of Pernambuco the Federal University of Ouro Preto the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Sao Paulo Higher Education institutions expanded throughout the twentieth century in Brazil However many of the students who had access to Higher Education came from wealthier backgrounds In 1912 the first Brazilian institution designated university is created this being the University of Parana An important development that affected Brazil s Higher Education landscape transpired after the collapse of the twenty one year Brazilian military government 1964 1985 and the re democratization of the country 1 As part of Brazil s negotiated transition from authoritarianism to democracy a new Constitution of Brazil emerged in 1988 It came to be known as the Citizen Constitution Constituicao Cidada promoting the right to work the right to a decent wage the right to social security and the right to education 2 Furthermore the new Constitution of Brazil allowed public funds to be allocated to private community religious or philanthropic schools for their support on meeting the rights to education 3 This constitutional doctrine was an important turning point in the growth of Brazil s private Higher Education sector one that is financed through private investors and public institutions In support of this educational movement the federal government established a new policy in 1996 to liberalize the Higher Education sector known as the Foundations and Guidelines for National Education law lei 9 394 4 Under this reformed system Higher Education institutions could begin functioning as for profit entities Private Higher Education institutions had existed since the 1600s but most were affiliated with the Catholic Church or were non profit in nature 5 This new policy paved the way for private enterprises to begin offering Higher Education degrees on a mass scale Nowadays the Brazilian university system reflects world standards and some of Brazil s universities appear among the 200 best in the world The University of Sao Paulo USP for example is considered the best university in Ibero America 6 In the 2012 SIR World Report from the SCImago Institutions Rankings USP was ranked 11th in the world 7 Other ranking systems show similar results the 2012 University Ranking by Academic Performance URAP ranked USP 28th in the world 8 and in the Times Higher Education report Top Universities by Reputation 2012 ranked USP among the top 70 universities in the world 9 In the 2012 QS World University Rankings under Rankings of universities in Brazil the University of Campinas and the University of Rio de Janeiro were ranked 228 and 333 in the world respectively Categories EditHigher education in Brazil is divided into three categories Universities are institutions that conduct research and community outreach with at least one third of the teaching staff with PhD qualifications University centers are multi course institutions that are not required to carry out research but with autonomy to open new courses without seeking permission from the Ministry of Education Integrated Faculties and Schools of Higher Education are smaller institutions with little autonomy and must obtain approval from the Ministry of Education when opening new courses certificates or degrees In 2009 the federal government was overseeing 94 higher education institutions with centralized control spanning all three categories state governments were managing 84 higher education institutions and municipal governments ran 67 higher education institutions mainly providing technical courses in integrated faculties see INEP 2009 Most federal and state institutions are universities and tuition is free while municipal governments tend to run smaller institutes sometimes charging tuition Private higher education institutions primarily fall within the latter two categories and charge wide ranging fees based on the degree programs offered Degrees EditUndergraduate degrees Edit See also Undergraduate education Brazilian system In Brazil these degrees are known as first degree Bachelor s bacharelado varies between 3 to 6 years to complete Enables individuals to act as professionals in a certain area e g lawyer economist physician Licentiate licenciatura varies between 3 to 4 years to complete Enables individuals to act as elementary or secondary school teachers in a certain area e g licensed teacher of Math English Biology etc tecnologo varies between 2 to 3 years of full time studies to complete This degree takes a shorter time period to obtain with specific professional courses aimed at providing highly specialized knowledge e g agribusiness technical degree tourism management degree etc Degree programs in public universities are totally financed by the government In private higher education institutions however the course fees and degree programs vary in price significantly Although lower cost courses are available fees for some degree avenues are very expensive Graduate degrees Edit See also Graduate education Brazil In Brazil these degrees are known as second degree pos graduacao 10 Lato sensu postgraduate degree this degree represents a specialization in a certain area and takes approximately 1 to 2 years to complete A lato sensu degree is not a door opener for the later pursuit of a doctoral degree If one is interested in a PhD a stricto sensu master s degree should be taken instead MBA programs in Brazil are classified as lato sensu programs Stricto sensu postgraduate degree this degree enables one to pursue an academic career In chronological order Master s degree mestrado this takes 1 to 2 years of full time studies to complete Often a Master s degree serves as an additional qualification for those in the job market or for those who want to pursue a PhD A stricto sensu master s degree in management is the equivalent of a full time MBA in North America Doctoral degree PhD doutorado this takes 3 to 4 years to complete and is usually used as a step stone for an academic life Postdoctoral research pos doutorado this is not an academic title it usually denotes excellency in a field of knowledge acquired through supervised research after a doctorate Livre docencia this is the highest academic qualification in Brazil The livre docencia is similar to a Habilitation and the level of scholarship has to be considered higher than a PhD The livre docencia requires the candidate to write a professional thesis based on independent scholarship In the state universities of Sao Paulo for instance Universidade de Sao Paulo Universidade Estadual de Campinas and Universidade Estadual Paulista the livre docencia plays an important role for a career in the academia Although it has become rarer and almost unused outside Sao Paulo as most federal universities don t require it anymore in order to apply for professor with the exception of UNIFESP dd Equivalence EditThere is no unified academic credit system in Brazil The regulating bodies of the Ministry of Education and associated legislation counts the hours of instruction A full time year of higher education usually takes between 800 and 1 200 contact hours in Brazil which would be equivalent to 50 80 US credits Europe Edit There is no formal treaty between the Brazilian Ministry of Education and the European Union s Bologna process The following are rough comparisons the European First Cycle would correspond to the Brazilian undergraduate degrees of bacharelado licenciatura and tecnologia The Brazilian Bachelor s degree takes 3 to 6 years to complete 11 which usually includes a written monograph or a final project a European Bachelor s degree can be completed in 3 years after which many enroll in a 1 or 2 year long Master s degree in the Bologna process When comparing the former European national systems to the Brazilian system the Brazilian Bachelor s degree would be equivalent to the old German Diploma the Italian Laurea or the French Magistere Mastere or Diplome des Grandes Ecoles the Second Cycle in the Bologna process would correspond to the Brazilian master s degree which usually takes 1 to 2 years to complete 12 and a lato sensu postgraduate degree which requires the minimum of 360 hours of instruction the Third Cycle in the Bologna process would be equivalent to the Brazilian Doctoral degree United States Edit A Brazilian bachelor s degrees could be compared to a four year Bachelor of Arts B A or Bachelor of Science B S in the United States Brazilian and U S Master s and Doctoral degrees are roughly equivalent Technology degrees of 3 year of length could be also compared to undergraduate technology courses or with 3 year bachelor s degree depending on the field of study Technologist degrees allows the undergraduate to pursue Master s and Doctoral courses Admissions EditMain article University admissions Brazil Further information Vestibular exam and ENEM In order to enter a university in Brazil candidates must undergo a public open examination called Vestibular which usually lasts between 1 and 5 days and takes place once a year Some universities may run Vestibular twice a year Offering more frequent exams is popular among private universities while public universities usually run the Vestibular only once a year in November December or January The Vestibular can be compared to the SAT or ACT in the U S Universities offer a limited number of places and the best qualified candidates are selected for entrance The vestibular includes many subjects offered in high school such as Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology History Geography Literature Portuguese language and a foreign language usually the candidate can choose between English Spanish or French Since public universities are free of charge and there are a limited number of open slots there is high competition with the Vestibular There are nearly 10 candidates for every place in public universities in private universities the ratio is less than two to one see INEP 2000 2009 Most universities in Brazil also admit students according to their high school performance as asseed in ENEM Exame Nacional do Ensino Medio ENEM and the Vestibular co exist in some universities whereas in others ENEM has replaced the Vestibular Grading System EditThere is a myriad of grading systems in Brazil The most popular are Percentage point grading system ranges from 0 to 100 Scale grading system ranges from 0 to 10 0 represents the lowest and 10 represents that highest Stage grading system usually uses letters ranging from A best to E worst Below is a summary of the grading systems A 90 100 Excellent B 80 89 Very good C 70 79 Good D 60 69 Satisfactory E lt 50 or lt 60 Failing grade Usually the lowest passing grade in Brazil represents a 5 5 out of 10 50 E but some universities adopt a 7 or 70 as the minimum passing grade Universities are free to choose their own grading system Exams EditExams are conducted by the professors and are decentralized every professor is responsible for scheduling applying and scoring exams In contrast to other countries there is no equivalent in Brazil of centralized university departments that are in charge of scheduling and grading exams Public and private universities EditPublic universities usually offer the best quality education and therefore competition during the Vestibular is fierce Public universities usually run courses all day while private for profit universities offer a mix of all day long and night only courses The latter is increasingly popular for working adults to complete Higher Education degrees in Brazil Recently some public universities have introduced some night only courses in combination with day courses Although public universities offer the best quality education and conduct research there are continuous complaints from these institutions about being underfunded Private universities tend to be smaller when compared to public universities but often have more modern infrastructures and amenities e g buildings and campuses The 1996 law Foundations and Guidelines for National Education lei 9 394 opened the doors for many private universities to begin offering degrees on a mass scale As a result growth within the private Higher Education sector has provided more opportunities for students country wide Between 2000 and 2009 the number of available openings in public universities rose 60 percent During this same period the number of available openings in private sector institutions rose 185 percent see INEP 2000 and 2009 In 2009 there were 2 069 private Higher Education institutions compared to 1 004 private institutions in 2000 see INEP 2000 and 2009 The 15 largest companies in 2009 that ran private universities represented 27 percent of the total market with yearly profits above 21 percent and the country s private education sector became the tenth largest sector in the Brazilian economy accounting for R 25 billion per year 13 There are currently more than 2 600 public and private universities distributed throughout Brazil a number that is growing quickly 14 Elizabeth Redden in June 2015 reports that Professor Dante J Salto has argued in the journal International Higher Education that 15 Brazil s for profit colleges enroll about a third of all students in higher education The for profit sector which predominantly enrolls students in social science business law education and health care related fields absorbs demand that the public higher education system lacks the capacity to meet and is seen as an important player in helping Brazil move toward its policy goal of dramatically increasing higher education participation rates The proportion of Brazilian 18 to 24 year olds enrolled in higher education the country s net enrollment rate is only in the teens while the gross enrollment rate which takes into account students of all ages stands at around 30 percent Niches of excellence EditBrazil presents some niches of excellence in higher education both public and private Some of those niches in spite of being recognized nationwide are not recognized as universities and often do not appear on official universities rankings Some examples include Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica ITA a college sponsored by the Brazilian military with graduates who are often employed within the Brazilian Aerospace Industry the Instituto Militar de Engenharia IME the Army s equivalent both of those institutes belonging to the Engineering STEM fields or yet a Management Economics institute Fundacao Getulio Vargas FGV a foundation think tank that offers Management and Economics courses In 2010 Voce SA magazine ranked the OneMBA program offered by FGV as the 1st Executive MBA in Brazil for the third year in a row 16 Skills development EditTraining levies create a means for under educated members of society to continue to train and build up their human capital This is relevant for the informal sector which tends to employ workers with low levels of education They provide a useful tool in a context of market failure and the underprovision of continuing education 17 There are several types of scheme that use payroll taxes to raise resources for funding skills development They include revenue generating schemes levy subsidy schemes and levy exemption schemes The type of system used in Brazil is the revenue generating scheme which base their funding on a fixed rate levy per working hour or per employee The revenue is generally earmarked for regional or sectoral training programmes 18 Revenue generating schemes are reliable in generating funding for training in countries where there is a persistent shortage of funding available to promote skills development They can also greatly reduce the cost to governments of training provision For example in Brazil a major body providing commercial training Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial SENAC receives 80 of its revenue through levy based funds 18 SENAI Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial the Brazilian industrial training scheme has failed to increase participation rates as has happened for other revenue generating schemes probably because it does not offer any incentives to employers to provide additional training 19 There are currently five training funds in Brazil funded via the revenue generating method although there are some differences among them Such training funds include SENAI the national training scheme SENAC a training fund which is commerce specific SENAT a fund specifically for transport training SEBRAE a training scheme focused on servicing small businesses SENAR a training scheme for rural areas SENAI SENAC and SENAT all impose a 1 payroll levy on all industrial enterprises while SENAI charges an additional 0 5 for companies with more than 500 employees SENAR applies a 2 5 tax on the sale of agricultural goods while SEBRAE imposes a 0 3 levy across all sectors 20 Gallery Edit UFSJ PUCRS UERJ UFTM UFRGS UFPR UFRJ USP UNESP Unisinos Unilab Unicamp UnB FGV UFCSPA UFABC UFOP UFRRJ UTFPR UECE UFPE UFC UFBA UFPA UFMG UFSC UFRN UFMT UFF UFSCarSee also EditAcademic ranks in Brazil Bachelor s degree in Brazil Brazil university rankings Brazilian science and technology Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior CAPES Education in Brazil Federal Centers for Technological Education Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira INEP National Institute for Research in Education Lattes Platform database for indexing Brazilian research and researcher CVs List of universities in Brazil by state List of federal universities of Brazil Ministry of Education Brazil National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq Graduate degrees in Brazil Undergraduate education in BrazilSources Edit This article incorporates text from a free content work Licensed under CC BY SA 3 0 IGO Text taken from Funding skills development the private sector contribution UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles please see this how to page For information on reusing text from Wikipedia please see the terms of use Further reading EditAltbach Philip International Higher Education An Encyclopedia Vol 1 Routledge 2014 entry on Brazil Mainardes Emerson Wagner et al Marketing in higher education A comparative analysis of the Brazil and Portuguese cases International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 9 1 2012 43 63 Pedrosa Renato HL Eliana Amaral and Marcello Knobel Assessing higher education learning outcomes in Brazil Higher education management and policy 24 2 2013 55 71 Schwartzman Simon Higher education the academic profession and economic development in Brazil in Philip G Altbach et al eds The global future of higher education and the academic profession the BRICs and the United States 2013 Schwartzman Simon Romulo Pinheiro and Pundy Pillay eds Higher education in the BRICS countries Investigating the pact between higher education and society Springer 2015 ch 5 on Demand and Supply for Higher Education in Brazil ch 14 on Higher Education Policies in Brazil A Case of Failure in Market Regulation Neves Clarissa Eckert Baeta 2017 Higher Education Systems and Institutions Brazil Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions Dordrecht Springer Netherlands pp 1 11 doi 10 1007 978 94 017 9553 1 401 1 ISBN 978 94 017 9553 1 External links EditMinistry of Education Ministerio da Educacao or MEC http www mec gov br In Portuguese National Institute for Research in Education Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais or INEP http www inep gov br In Portuguese Graduate Coordination Body Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior or CAPES http www capes gov br In Portuguese National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico or CNPq http www cnpq br english cnpq index htmReferences Edit Constitutional Origins Structure and Change in Federal Democracies Brazil 15 August 2006 Rizzini I 2011 The Promise of Citizenship for Brazilian Children What Has Changed ANNALS AAPSS 633 66 79 Ranieri N B 2010 States and the Right to Education in the 1988 Constitution Comments on Federal Supreme Court Jurisprudence Projeto Direito Educacao Ingles 37 56 http www ibe unesco org fileadmin user upload Publications WDE 2010 pdf versions Brazil pdf bare URL PDF McCowan T 2004 The growth of private higher education in Brazil implications for equity and quality Journal of Education Policy 19 4 452 472 QS Latin American University Rankings 2018 http scimagoir com SIR SCImago Institutions Rankings URAP University Ranking by Academic Performance Archived from the original on 2013 01 18 Retrieved 2012 11 28 Top Universities by Reputation 2012 Archived from the original on 2012 09 30 Retrieved 2012 11 28 Pos graduacao no Brasil in Portuguese Ministerio da Educacao Conselho Nacional de Educacao Camara de Educacao Superior Resolucao CES CNE nº 2 2007 Resolucao 4 2009 Retrieved from http portal mec gov br CAPES Banco Santander 2009 Entrando no Jogo da Escala Apresentando Precos Alvos para 2010 Sao Pualo Brazil Universidades e Faculdades autorizadas no MEC Elizabeth Redden U S For Profits in Brazil Inside Higher Education June 16 2015 citing Dante J Salto Brazil A For Profit Giant International Higher Education 74 2014 21 22 online About OneMBA Executive MBA Program Global Executive MBA Archived from the original on 2013 02 09 Retrieved 2013 02 10 UNESCO 2018 Funding skills development the private sector contribution UNESCO ISBN 978 92 3 100269 4 a b Gasskov V 2002 Industry Support for Training An International Perspective PDF Retrieved 22 September 2015 Johanson R 2009 A Review of National Training Funds PDF Washington DC World Bank Retrieved 5 January 2015 Muller N and Behringer F 2012 Subsidies and levies as policy instruments to encourage employer proved training OECD Education Working Paper No 80 Retrieved 22 September 2015 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Universities and higher education in Brazil amp oldid 1105521648, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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