
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy is a technique for characterizing atomic level structure in solid materials e.g. powders, single crystals and amorphous samples and tissues using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The anisotropic part of many spin interactions are present in solid-state NMR, unlike in solution-state NMR where rapid tumbling motion averages out many of the spin interactions. As a result, solid-state NMR spectra are characterised by larger linewidths than in solution state NMR, which can be utilized to give quantitative information on the molecular structure, conformation and dynamics of the material. Solid-state NMR is often combined with magic angle spinning to remove anisotropic interactions and improve the resolution as well as the sensitivity of the technique.

Solid-state 900 MHz (21.1 T[1]) NMR spectrometer at the Canadian National Ultrahigh-field NMR Facility for Solids
Bruker MAS rotors. From left to right: 1.3 mm (up to 67 kHz), 2.5 mm (up to 35 kHz), 3.2 mm (up to 24 kHz), 4 mm (up to 15 kHz), 7 mm (up to 7 kHz)

Nuclear spin interactions

The resonance frequency of a nuclear spin depends on the strength of the magnetic field at the nucleus, which can be modified by isotropic (e.g. chemical shift, isotropic J-coupling) and anisotropic interactions (e.g. chemical shift anisotropy, dipolar interactions). In a classical liquid-state NMR experiment, molecular tumbling coming from Brownian motion averages anisotropic interactions to zero and they are therefore not reflected in the NMR spectrum. However, in media with no or little mobility (e.g. crystalline powders, glasses, large membrane vesicles, molecular aggregates), anisotropic local fields or interactions have substantial influence on the behaviour of nuclear spins, which results in the line broadening of the NMR spectra.

Chemical shielding

Chemical shielding is a local property of each nuclear site in a molecule or compound, and is proportional to the applied external magnetic field. The external magnetic field induces currents of the electrons in molecular orbitals. These induced currents create local magnetic fields that lead to characteristic changes in resonance frequency. These changes can be predicted from molecular structure using empirical rules or quantum-chemical calculations.

In general, the chemical shielding is anisotropic because of the anisotropic distribution of molecular orbitals around the nuclear sites. Under sufficiently fast magic angle spinning, or under the effect of molecular tumbling in solution-state NMR, the anisotropic dependence of the chemical shielding is time-averaged to zero, leaving only the isotropic chemical shift.

Dipolar coupling

Vectors important for dipolar coupling between nuclear spins I1 and I2. θ is the angle between the vector connecting I1 and I2, and the magnetic field B.

Nuclear spins exhibit a magnetic dipole moment, which generates a magnetic field that interacts with the dipole moments of other nuclei (dipolar coupling). The magnitude of the interaction is dependent on the gyromagnetic ratio of the spin species, the internuclear distance r, and the orientation, with respect to the external magnetic field B, of the vector connecting the two nuclear spins (see figure). The maximum dipolar coupling is given by the dipolar coupling constant d,


where γ1 and γ2 are the gyromagnetic ratios of the nuclei,   is the reduced Planck's constant, and   is the vacuum permeability. In a strong magnetic field, the dipolar coupling depends on the angle θ between the internuclear vector and the external magnetic field B (figure) according to


D becomes zero for  . Consequently, two nuclei with a dipolar coupling vector at an angle of θm = 54.7° to a strong external magnetic field have zero dipolar coupling. θm is called the magic angle. Magic angle spinning is typically used to remove dipolar couplings weaker than the spinning rate.

Quadrupolar interaction

Nuclei with a spin quantum number >1/2 have a non-spherical charge distribution and an associated electric quadrupole moment tensor. The nuclear electric quadrupole moment couples with surrounding electric field gradients. The nuclear quadrupole coupling is one of the largest interactions in NMR spectroscopy, often comparable in size to the Zeeman coupling. When the nuclear quadrupole coupling is not negligible relative to the Zeeman coupling, higher order corrections are needed to describe the NMR spectrum correctly. In such cases, the first-order correction to the NMR transition frequency leads to a strong anisotropic line broadening of the NMR spectrum. However, all symmetric transitions, between   and   levels are unaffected by the first-order frequency contribution. The second-order frequency contribution depends on the P4 Legendre polynomial, which has zero points at 30.6° and 70.1°. These anisotropic broadenings can be removed using DOR (DOuble angle Rotation) where you spin at two angles at the same time, or DAS (Double Angle Spinning)[2] where you switch quickly between the two angles. Both techniques were developed in the late 1980s, and require specialized hardware (probe). Multiple quantum magic angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR was developed in 1995 and has become a routine method for obtaining high resolution solid-state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei.[3][4] A similar method to MQMAS is satellite transition magic angle spinning (STMAS) NMR developed in 2000.


The J-coupling or indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling (sometimes also called "scalar" coupling despite the fact that J is a tensor quantity) describes the interaction of nuclear spins through chemical bonds. J-couplings are not always resolved in solids owing to the typically large linewdiths observed in solid state NMR.

Other interactions

Paramagnetic substances are subject to the Knight shift.

Solid-state NMR line shapes

Powder pattern

Simulations of the shape of different powder patterns for different asymmetry   and chemical shift anisotropy  parameters.

A powder pattern arises in powdered samples where crystallites are randomly oriented relative to the magnetic field so that all molecular orientations are present. In presence of a chemical shift anisotropy interaction, each orientation with respect to the magnetic field gives a different resonance frequency. If enough crystallites are present, all the different contributions overlap continuously and lead to a smooth spectrum.

Fitting of the pattern in a static ssNMR experiment gives information about the shielding tensor, which are often described by the isotropic chemical shift  , the chemical shift anisotropy parameter  , and the asymmetry parameter  .[5]

Dipolar pattern

Dipolar powder pattern (Pake pattern)

The dipolar powder pattern (also Pake pattern) has a very characteristic shape that arises when two nuclear spins are coupled together within a crystallite. The splitting between the maxima (the "horns") of the pattern is equal to the dipolar coupling constant  .:[6]


where γ1 and γ2 are the gyromagnetic ratios of the dipolar-coupled nuclei,   is the internuclear distance,   is the reduced Planck's constant, and   is the vacuum permeability.

Essential solid-state techniques

Magic angle spinning

Simulation of an increasing MAS rate on the 13C solid-state NMR spectrum of 13C-Glycine at 9.4 T (400 MHz 1H frequency). MAS introduces a set of spinning sidebands separated from the isotropic frequency by a multiple of the spinning rate.

Magic angle spinning (MAS) is a technique routinely used in solid-state NMR to produce narrower NMR and more intense NMR lines. This is achieved by rotating the sample at the magic angle θm (ca. 54.74°, where cos2θm=1/3) with respect to the direction of the magnetic field, which has the effect to cancel, at least partially, anisotropic nuclear interactions such as dipolar, chemical shift anisotropy, and quadrupolar interactions. To achieve the complete averaging of these interactions, the sample needs to be spun at a rate that is at least higher than the greater that the largest anisotropy.

Spinning a powder sample at a slower rate than the largest component of the chemical shift anisotropy results in an incomplete averaging of the interaction, and produces a set of spinning sidebands in addition to the isotropic line, centred at the isotropic chemical shift. Spinning sidebands are sharp lines separated from the isotropic frequency by a multiple of the spinning rate. Although spinning sidebands can be used to measure anisotropic interactions, they are often undesirable and removed by spinning the sample faster or by recording the data points synchronously with the rotor period.


The CP pulse sequence. The sequence starts with a 90º pulse on the abundant channel (typically H). Then CP contact pulses matching the Hartmann-Hahn condition are applied to transfer the magnetisation from H to X. Finally, the free induction decay (FID) of the X nuclei is detected, typically with 1H decoupling.

Cross-polarization (CP) if a fundamental RF pulse sequence and a building-block in many solid-state NMR. It is typically used to enhance the signal of a dilute nuclei with a low gyromagnetic ratio (e.g. 13
, 15
) by magnetization transfer from an abundant nuclei with a high gyromagnetic ratio (e.g. 1
), or as a spectral editing method to get through space information (e.g. directed 15
CP in protein spectroscopy).

To establish magnetization transfer, RF pulses ("contact pulses") are simultaneously applied on both frequency channels to produce   fields whose strength fulfil the Hartmann–Hahn condition:[7][8]


where   are the gyromagnetic ratios,   is the spinning rate, and   is an integer. In practice, the pulse power, as well as the length of the contact pulse are experimentally optimised. The power of one contact pulse is typically ramped to achieve a more broadband and efficient magnetisation transfer.


Spin interactions can be removed (decoupled) to increase the resolution of NMR spectra during the detection, or to extend the lifetime of the nuclear magnetization.

Heteronuclear decoupling is achieved by radio-frequency irradiation on at the frequency of the nucleus to be decoupled, which is often 1H. The irradiation can be continuous (continuous wave decoupling[9]), or a series of pulses that extend the performance and the bandwidth of the decoupling (TPPM,[10] SPINAL-64,[11] SWf-TPPM[12])

Homonuclear decoupling is achieved with multiple-pulse sequences (WAHUHA,[13] MREV-8,[14] BR-24,[15] BLEW-12,[16] FSLG[17]), or continuous wave modulation (DUMBO,[18] eDUMBO[19]). Dipolar interactions can also be removed with magic angle spinning. Ultra fast MAS (from 60 kHz up to above 111 kHz) is an efficient way to average all dipolar interactions, including 1H-1H homonuclear dipolar interactions, which extends the resolution of 1H spectra and enables the usage of pulse sequences used in solution state NMR.[20][21]

Advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR)

Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR) pulse sequence. The first excitation step (90º pulse or CP step) puts the magnetisation in the transverse plane. Then two trains of 180º pulses synchronised with the rotor half period are applied on the Y channel to reintroduce X-Y heteronuclear dipolar interactions. The trains of pulses are interrupted by a 180º pulse on the X channel that allows the refocussing of the X magnetisation for the X-detection (spin echo). The delay between the 90º pulse and the beginning of the acquisition is referred to as the "rephrasing time".

Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR) experiment,[22][23] are a type of heteronuclear dipolar recoupling experiment which enable one to re-introduce heteronuclear dipolar couplings averaged by MAS. The reintroduction of such dipolar coupling reduce the intensity of the NMR signal intensity compared to a reference spectrum where no dephasing pulse is used. REDOR can be used to measure heteronuclear distances, and are the basis of NMR crystallographic studies.

Ultra Fast MAS for 1H NMR

The strong 1H-1H homonuclear dipolar interactions associated with broad NMR lines and short T2 relaxation time effectively relegate proton for bimolecular NMR. Recent developments of faster MAS, and reduction of dipolar interactions by deuteration have made proton ssNMR as versatile as in solution. This includes spectral dispersion in multi-dimensional experiments[24] as well as structurally valuable restraints and parameters important for studying material dynamics.[25]

Ultra-fast NMR and the associated sharpening of the NMR lines enables NMR pulse sequences to capitalize on proton-detection to improve the sensitivity of the experiments compared to the direct detection of a spin-1/2 system (X). Such enhancement factor   is given by:


where   are the gyromagnetic ratios,   represent the NMR line widths, and   represent the quality factor of the probe resonances.[26]

MAS-Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (MAS-DNP)

Magic angle spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP) is a technique that increases the sensitivity of NMR experiments by several orders of magnitude.[27][28] It involves the transfer of the very high electron polarisation from unpaired electrons to nearby nuclei. This is achieved at cryogenic temperatures by the means of a continuous microwave irradiation coming from a klystron or a Gyrotron, with a frequency close to the corresponding electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) frequency.

The development in the MAS-DNP instrumentation, as well as the improvement of polarising agents (TOTAPOL, AMUPOL, TEKPOL, etc.[29]) to achieve a more efficient transfer of polarisation has dramatically reduced experiments times which enabled the observation of surfaces,[30] insensitive isotopes,[31] and multidimensional experiments on low natural abundance nuclei,[32] and diluted species.[33]



Solid-state NMR is used to study insoluble proteins and proteins very sensitive to their environment such as membrane proteins[34] and amyloid fibrils,[35]. The latter topic relates to protein aggregation diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy complements solution-state NMR spectroscopy and beam diffraction methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy). Despite often requiring isotopic enrichment, ssNMR has the advantage that little sample preparation is required and can be used on not just dry or frozen samples, but also fully hydrated samples or native non-crystalline tissues.[36] Solid-state NMR structure elucidation of proteins has traditionally been based on secondary chemical shifts and spatial contacts between nuclei.

Solid-state NMR has also been successfully used to study biomaterials such as bone,[37][38] hair,[39] silk,[40] wood,[41] as well as viruses,[42][43] plants,[44][45] cells,[46][47] biopsies,[48] and even live animals.[49]

Materials science

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy serves as an analysis tool in organic and inorganic chemistry, where it is used to characterize chemical composition, supramolecular structure, local motions, kinetics, and thermodynamics, with the special ability to assign the observed behavior to specific sites in a molecule.

Solid-state NMR has been successfully used to study metal organic frameworks (MOFS),[50] batteries,[51][52][53] surfaces of nanoporous materials,[54] polymers.[55]

Art conservation

NMR can also be applied to art conservation. Different salts and moisture levels can be detected through the use of solid state NMR. However, sampling sizes retrieved from works of art in order to run through these large conducting magnets typically exceed levels deemed acceptable. Unilateral NMR techniques use portable magnets that are applied to the object of interest, bypassing the need for sampling.[56]


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  47. ^ Renault, Marie; Pawsey, Shane; Bos, Martine P.; Koers, Eline J.; Nand, Deepak; Tommassen-van Boxtel, Ria; Rosay, Melanie; Tommassen, Jan; Maas, Werner E.; Baldus, Marc (2012-03-19). "Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy on Cellular Preparations Enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 (12): 2998–3001. doi:10.1002/anie.201105984. PMID 22298470.
  48. ^ Martínez-Bisbal, M. Carmen; Martí-Bonmatí, Luis; Piquer, José; Revert, Antonio; Ferrer, Pilar; Llácer, José L.; Piotto, Martial; Assemat, Olivier; Celda, Bernardo (2004). "1H and13C HR-MAS spectroscopy of intact biopsy samplesex vivo andin vivo1H MRS study of human high grade gliomas". NMR in Biomedicine. 17 (4): 191–205. doi:10.1002/nbm.888. ISSN 0952-3480. PMID 15229932. S2CID 19939314.
  49. ^ Sarou-Kanian, Vincent; Joudiou, Nicolas; Louat, Fanny; Yon, Maxime; Szeremeta, Frédéric; Même, Sandra; Massiot, Dominique; Decoville, Martine; Fayon, Franck; Beloeil, Jean-Claude (2015). "Metabolite localization in living drosophila using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR". Scientific Reports. 5 (1): 9872. Bibcode:2015NatSR...5E9872S. doi:10.1038/srep09872. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 4402646. PMID 25892587.
  50. ^ Hoffmann, Herbert; Debowski, Marta; Müller, Philipp; Paasch, Silvia; Senkovska, Irena; Kaskel, Stefan; Brunner, Eike (2012-11-28). "Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Metal–Organic Framework Compounds (MOFs)". Materials. 5 (12): 2537–2572. Bibcode:2012Mate....5.2537H. doi:10.3390/ma5122537. ISSN 1996-1944. PMC 5449066.
  51. ^ Blanc, Frédéric; Leskes, Michal; Grey, Clare P. (2013-09-17). "In Situ Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Electrochemical Cells: Batteries, Supercapacitors, and Fuel Cells". Accounts of Chemical Research. 46 (9): 1952–1963. doi:10.1021/ar400022u. ISSN 0001-4842. PMID 24041242.
  52. ^ Haber, Shira; Leskes, Michal (2018). "What Can We Learn from Solid State NMR on the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface?". Advanced Materials. 30 (41): 1706496. doi:10.1002/adma.201706496. PMID 29889328. S2CID 47012638.
  53. ^ Griffin, John M.; Forse, Alexander C.; Grey, Clare P. (2016). "Solid-state NMR studies of supercapacitors". Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 74–75: 16–35. doi:10.1016/j.ssnmr.2016.03.003. PMID 26974032.
  54. ^ Pinto, Moisés L.; Mafra, Luís; Guil, José M.; Pires, João; Rocha, João (2011-03-22). "Adsorption and Activation of CO 2 by Amine-Modified Nanoporous Materials Studied by Solid-State NMR and 13 CO 2 Adsorption". Chemistry of Materials. 23 (6): 1387–1395. doi:10.1021/cm1029563. ISSN 0897-4756.
  55. ^ Schmidt-Rohr, K. (1994). Multidimensional solid-state NMR and polymers. Hans Wolfgang Spiess. London: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-626630-1. OCLC 31785818.
  56. ^ Del Federico, Eleonora; Centeno, Silvia A; Kehlet, Cindie; Currier, Penelope; Stockman, Denise; Jerschow, Alexej (2009). "Unilateral NMR applied to the conservation of works of art". Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 396 (1): 213–220. doi:10.1007/s00216-009-3128-7. PMID 19787343. S2CID 206902463.

Suggested readings for beginners

General NMR

  • Keeler, James (2002). "Understanding NMR Spectroscopy". Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository. doi:10.17863/CAM.968. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • Hore, P. J. (2015). NMR : the toolkit : how pulse sequences work. J. A. Jones, Stephen Wimperis (2nd ed.). Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-870342-6. OCLC 910929523.
  • Hore, P. J. (2015). Nuclear magnetic resonance (2nd ed.). Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-870341-9. OCLC 910929524.
  • Encyclopedia of NMR. Robin K. Harris, Roderick E. Wasylishen. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. 2012. ISBN 978-0-470-05821-3. OCLC 796758664.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)

Solid-state NMR

  • Laws David D., Hans- , Bitter Marcus L., Jerschow Alexej (2002). "Solid-State NMR Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 41 (17): 3096–3129. doi:10.1002/1521-3773(20020902)41:17<3096::AID-ANIE3096>3.0.CO;2-X. PMID 12207374.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Reif, Bernd; Ashbrook, Sharon E.; Emsley, Lyndon; Hong, Mei (2021). "Solid-state NMR spectroscopy". Nature Reviews Methods Primers. 1. doi:10.1038/s43586-020-00002-1. PMC 8341432. PMID 34368784.
  • Levitt, Malcolm H., Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Wiley, Chichester, United Kingdom, 2001. ISBN 978-0470511176 (NMR basics, including solids)
  • Duer, Melinda J., Introduction to Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, Blackwell, Oxford, 2004. (Some detailed examples of ssNMR spectroscopy)
  • Schmidt-Rohr, K. and Spiess, H.-W., Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers, Academic Press, San Diego, 1994.

External links

  • SSNMRBLOG Solid-State NMR Literature Blog by Prof. Rob Schurko's Solid-State NMR group at the University of Windsor
  • "Solid-State MAS NMR | Protein NMR". Retrieved 2021-09-13.
  • "University of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog". u-of-o-nmr-facility.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2021-09-13.

solid, state, nuclear, magnetic, resonance, solid, state, ssnmr, spectroscopy, technique, characterizing, atomic, level, structure, solid, materials, powders, single, crystals, amorphous, samples, tissues, using, nuclear, magnetic, resonance, spectroscopy, ani. Solid state NMR ssNMR spectroscopy is a technique for characterizing atomic level structure in solid materials e g powders single crystals and amorphous samples and tissues using nuclear magnetic resonance NMR spectroscopy The anisotropic part of many spin interactions are present in solid state NMR unlike in solution state NMR where rapid tumbling motion averages out many of the spin interactions As a result solid state NMR spectra are characterised by larger linewidths than in solution state NMR which can be utilized to give quantitative information on the molecular structure conformation and dynamics of the material Solid state NMR is often combined with magic angle spinning to remove anisotropic interactions and improve the resolution as well as the sensitivity of the technique Solid state 900 MHz 21 1 T 1 NMR spectrometer at the Canadian National Ultrahigh field NMR Facility for Solids Bruker MAS rotors From left to right 1 3 mm up to 67 kHz 2 5 mm up to 35 kHz 3 2 mm up to 24 kHz 4 mm up to 15 kHz 7 mm up to 7 kHz Contents 1 Nuclear spin interactions 1 1 Chemical shielding 1 2 Dipolar coupling 1 3 Quadrupolar interaction 1 4 J coupling 1 5 Other interactions 2 Solid state NMR line shapes 2 1 Powder pattern 2 2 Dipolar pattern 3 Essential solid state techniques 3 1 Magic angle spinning 3 2 Cross polarisation 3 3 Decoupling 4 Advanced solid state NMR spectroscopy 4 1 Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance REDOR 4 2 Ultra Fast MAS for 1H NMR 4 3 MAS Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation MAS DNP 5 Applications 5 1 Biology 5 2 Materials science 5 3 Art conservation 6 References 6 1 Suggested readings for beginners 6 1 1 General NMR 6 1 2 Solid state NMR 7 External linksNuclear spin interactions EditThe resonance frequency of a nuclear spin depends on the strength of the magnetic field at the nucleus which can be modified by isotropic e g chemical shift isotropic J coupling and anisotropic interactions e g chemical shift anisotropy dipolar interactions In a classical liquid state NMR experiment molecular tumbling coming from Brownian motion averages anisotropic interactions to zero and they are therefore not reflected in the NMR spectrum However in media with no or little mobility e g crystalline powders glasses large membrane vesicles molecular aggregates anisotropic local fields or interactions have substantial influence on the behaviour of nuclear spins which results in the line broadening of the NMR spectra Chemical shielding Edit Main article Chemical shift Chemical shielding is a local property of each nuclear site in a molecule or compound and is proportional to the applied external magnetic field The external magnetic field induces currents of the electrons in molecular orbitals These induced currents create local magnetic fields that lead to characteristic changes in resonance frequency These changes can be predicted from molecular structure using empirical rules or quantum chemical calculations In general the chemical shielding is anisotropic because of the anisotropic distribution of molecular orbitals around the nuclear sites Under sufficiently fast magic angle spinning or under the effect of molecular tumbling in solution state NMR the anisotropic dependence of the chemical shielding is time averaged to zero leaving only the isotropic chemical shift Dipolar coupling Edit Main article Magnetic dipole dipole interaction Vectors important for dipolar coupling between nuclear spins I1 and I2 8 is the angle between the vector connecting I1 and I2 and the magnetic field B Nuclear spins exhibit a magnetic dipole moment which generates a magnetic field that interacts with the dipole moments of other nuclei dipolar coupling The magnitude of the interaction is dependent on the gyromagnetic ratio of the spin species the internuclear distance r and the orientation with respect to the external magnetic field B of the vector connecting the two nuclear spins see figure The maximum dipolar coupling is given by the dipolar coupling constant d d ℏ m 0 4 p 1 r 3 g 1 g 2 displaystyle d hbar left frac mu 0 4 pi right frac 1 r 3 gamma 1 gamma 2 where g1 and g2 are the gyromagnetic ratios of the nuclei ℏ displaystyle hbar is the reduced Planck s constant and m 0 displaystyle mu 0 is the vacuum permeability In a strong magnetic field the dipolar coupling depends on the angle 8 between the internuclear vector and the external magnetic field B figure according to D 3 cos 2 8 1 displaystyle D propto 3 cos 2 theta 1 D becomes zero for 8 m arccos 1 3 arctan 2 54 7 displaystyle theta m arccos sqrt 1 3 arctan sqrt 2 simeq 54 7 circ Consequently two nuclei with a dipolar coupling vector at an angle of 8m 54 7 to a strong external magnetic field have zero dipolar coupling 8m is called the magic angle Magic angle spinning is typically used to remove dipolar couplings weaker than the spinning rate Quadrupolar interaction Edit Nuclei with a spin quantum number gt 1 2 have a non spherical charge distribution and an associated electric quadrupole moment tensor The nuclear electric quadrupole moment couples with surrounding electric field gradients The nuclear quadrupole coupling is one of the largest interactions in NMR spectroscopy often comparable in size to the Zeeman coupling When the nuclear quadrupole coupling is not negligible relative to the Zeeman coupling higher order corrections are needed to describe the NMR spectrum correctly In such cases the first order correction to the NMR transition frequency leads to a strong anisotropic line broadening of the NMR spectrum However all symmetric transitions between m I displaystyle m I and m I displaystyle m I levels are unaffected by the first order frequency contribution The second order frequency contribution depends on the P4 Legendre polynomial which has zero points at 30 6 and 70 1 These anisotropic broadenings can be removed using DOR DOuble angle Rotation where you spin at two angles at the same time or DAS Double Angle Spinning 2 where you switch quickly between the two angles Both techniques were developed in the late 1980s and require specialized hardware probe Multiple quantum magic angle spinning MQMAS NMR was developed in 1995 and has become a routine method for obtaining high resolution solid state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei 3 4 A similar method to MQMAS is satellite transition magic angle spinning STMAS NMR developed in 2000 J coupling Edit The J coupling or indirect nuclear spin spin coupling sometimes also called scalar coupling despite the fact that J is a tensor quantity describes the interaction of nuclear spins through chemical bonds J couplings are not always resolved in solids owing to the typically large linewdiths observed in solid state NMR Other interactions Edit Paramagnetic substances are subject to the Knight shift Solid state NMR line shapes EditPowder pattern Edit Simulations of the shape of different powder patterns for different asymmetry h displaystyle eta and chemical shift anisotropy D C S displaystyle Delta CS parameters A powder pattern arises in powdered samples where crystallites are randomly oriented relative to the magnetic field so that all molecular orientations are present In presence of a chemical shift anisotropy interaction each orientation with respect to the magnetic field gives a different resonance frequency If enough crystallites are present all the different contributions overlap continuously and lead to a smooth spectrum Fitting of the pattern in a static ssNMR experiment gives information about the shielding tensor which are often described by the isotropic chemical shift d i s o displaystyle delta iso the chemical shift anisotropy parameter D C S displaystyle Delta CS and the asymmetry parameter h displaystyle eta 5 Dipolar pattern Edit Further information Pake doublet Dipolar powder pattern Pake pattern The dipolar powder pattern also Pake pattern has a very characteristic shape that arises when two nuclear spins are coupled together within a crystallite The splitting between the maxima the horns of the pattern is equal to the dipolar coupling constant d displaystyle d 6 d ℏ m 0 4 p 1 r 3 g 1 g 2 displaystyle d hbar left frac mu 0 4 pi right frac 1 r 3 gamma 1 gamma 2 where g1 and g2 are the gyromagnetic ratios of the dipolar coupled nuclei r displaystyle r is the internuclear distance ℏ displaystyle hbar is the reduced Planck s constant and m 0 displaystyle mu 0 is the vacuum permeability Essential solid state techniques EditMagic angle spinning Edit Main article Magic angle spinning Simulation of an increasing MAS rate on the 13C solid state NMR spectrum of 13C Glycine at 9 4 T 400 MHz 1H frequency MAS introduces a set of spinning sidebands separated from the isotropic frequency by a multiple of the spinning rate Magic angle spinning MAS is a technique routinely used in solid state NMR to produce narrower NMR and more intense NMR lines This is achieved by rotating the sample at the magic angle 8m ca 54 74 where cos28m 1 3 with respect to the direction of the magnetic field which has the effect to cancel at least partially anisotropic nuclear interactions such as dipolar chemical shift anisotropy and quadrupolar interactions To achieve the complete averaging of these interactions the sample needs to be spun at a rate that is at least higher than the greater that the largest anisotropy Spinning a powder sample at a slower rate than the largest component of the chemical shift anisotropy results in an incomplete averaging of the interaction and produces a set of spinning sidebands in addition to the isotropic line centred at the isotropic chemical shift Spinning sidebands are sharp lines separated from the isotropic frequency by a multiple of the spinning rate Although spinning sidebands can be used to measure anisotropic interactions they are often undesirable and removed by spinning the sample faster or by recording the data points synchronously with the rotor period Cross polarisation Edit The CP pulse sequence The sequence starts with a 90º pulse on the abundant channel typically H Then CP contact pulses matching the Hartmann Hahn condition are applied to transfer the magnetisation from H to X Finally the free induction decay FID of the X nuclei is detected typically with 1H decoupling Cross polarization CP if a fundamental RF pulse sequence and a building block in many solid state NMR It is typically used to enhance the signal of a dilute nuclei with a low gyromagnetic ratio e g 13 C 15 N by magnetization transfer from an abundant nuclei with a high gyromagnetic ratio e g 1 H or as a spectral editing method to get through space information e g directed 15 N 13 C CP in protein spectroscopy To establish magnetization transfer RF pulses contact pulses are simultaneously applied on both frequency channels to produce B 1 displaystyle B 1 fields whose strength fulfil the Hartmann Hahn condition 7 8 g H B 1 1 H g X B 1 X n w R displaystyle gamma H B 1 1 text H gamma X B 1 text X pm n omega R where g displaystyle gamma are the gyromagnetic ratios w R displaystyle omega R is the spinning rate and n displaystyle n is an integer In practice the pulse power as well as the length of the contact pulse are experimentally optimised The power of one contact pulse is typically ramped to achieve a more broadband and efficient magnetisation transfer Decoupling Edit Spin interactions can be removed decoupled to increase the resolution of NMR spectra during the detection or to extend the lifetime of the nuclear magnetization Heteronuclear decoupling is achieved by radio frequency irradiation on at the frequency of the nucleus to be decoupled which is often 1H The irradiation can be continuous continuous wave decoupling 9 or a series of pulses that extend the performance and the bandwidth of the decoupling TPPM 10 SPINAL 64 11 SWf TPPM 12 Homonuclear decoupling is achieved with multiple pulse sequences WAHUHA 13 MREV 8 14 BR 24 15 BLEW 12 16 FSLG 17 or continuous wave modulation DUMBO 18 eDUMBO 19 Dipolar interactions can also be removed with magic angle spinning Ultra fast MAS from 60 kHz up to above 111 kHz is an efficient way to average all dipolar interactions including 1H 1H homonuclear dipolar interactions which extends the resolution of 1H spectra and enables the usage of pulse sequences used in solution state NMR 20 21 Advanced solid state NMR spectroscopy EditRotational Echo DOuble Resonance REDOR Edit Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance REDOR pulse sequence The first excitation step 90º pulse or CP step puts the magnetisation in the transverse plane Then two trains of 180º pulses synchronised with the rotor half period are applied on the Y channel to reintroduce X Y heteronuclear dipolar interactions The trains of pulses are interrupted by a 180º pulse on the X channel that allows the refocussing of the X magnetisation for the X detection spin echo The delay between the 90º pulse and the beginning of the acquisition is referred to as the rephrasing time Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance REDOR experiment 22 23 are a type of heteronuclear dipolar recoupling experiment which enable one to re introduce heteronuclear dipolar couplings averaged by MAS The reintroduction of such dipolar coupling reduce the intensity of the NMR signal intensity compared to a reference spectrum where no dephasing pulse is used REDOR can be used to measure heteronuclear distances and are the basis of NMR crystallographic studies Ultra Fast MAS for 1H NMR Edit The strong 1H 1H homonuclear dipolar interactions associated with broad NMR lines and short T2 relaxation time effectively relegate proton for bimolecular NMR Recent developments of faster MAS and reduction of dipolar interactions by deuteration have made proton ssNMR as versatile as in solution This includes spectral dispersion in multi dimensional experiments 24 as well as structurally valuable restraints and parameters important for studying material dynamics 25 Ultra fast NMR and the associated sharpening of the NMR lines enables NMR pulse sequences to capitalize on proton detection to improve the sensitivity of the experiments compared to the direct detection of a spin 1 2 system X Such enhancement factor 3 displaystyle xi is given by 3 g H g X 3 2 W X W H 1 2 Q H Q X 1 2 displaystyle xi propto left frac gamma H gamma X right 3 2 left frac W X W H right 1 2 left frac Q H Q X right 1 2 where g displaystyle gamma are the gyromagnetic ratios W displaystyle W represent the NMR line widths and Q displaystyle Q represent the quality factor of the probe resonances 26 MAS Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation MAS DNP Edit Further information Dynamic nuclear polarization Magic angle spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization MAS DNP is a technique that increases the sensitivity of NMR experiments by several orders of magnitude 27 28 It involves the transfer of the very high electron polarisation from unpaired electrons to nearby nuclei This is achieved at cryogenic temperatures by the means of a continuous microwave irradiation coming from a klystron or a Gyrotron with a frequency close to the corresponding electron paramagnetic resonance EPR frequency The development in the MAS DNP instrumentation as well as the improvement of polarising agents TOTAPOL AMUPOL TEKPOL etc 29 to achieve a more efficient transfer of polarisation has dramatically reduced experiments times which enabled the observation of surfaces 30 insensitive isotopes 31 and multidimensional experiments on low natural abundance nuclei 32 and diluted species 33 Applications EditBiology Edit Solid state NMR is used to study insoluble proteins and proteins very sensitive to their environment such as membrane proteins 34 and amyloid fibrils 35 The latter topic relates to protein aggregation diseases such as Alzheimer s disease and Parkinson s disease Solid state NMR spectroscopy complements solution state NMR spectroscopy and beam diffraction methods e g X ray crystallography electron microscopy Despite often requiring isotopic enrichment ssNMR has the advantage that little sample preparation is required and can be used on not just dry or frozen samples but also fully hydrated samples or native non crystalline tissues 36 Solid state NMR structure elucidation of proteins has traditionally been based on secondary chemical shifts and spatial contacts between nuclei Solid state NMR has also been successfully used to study biomaterials such as bone 37 38 hair 39 silk 40 wood 41 as well as viruses 42 43 plants 44 45 cells 46 47 biopsies 48 and even live animals 49 Materials science Edit Solid state NMR spectroscopy serves as an analysis tool in organic and inorganic chemistry where it is used to characterize chemical composition supramolecular structure local motions kinetics and thermodynamics with the special ability to assign the observed behavior to specific sites in a molecule Solid state NMR has been successfully used to study metal organic frameworks MOFS 50 batteries 51 52 53 surfaces of nanoporous materials 54 polymers 55 Art conservation Edit NMR can also be applied to art conservation Different salts and moisture levels can be detected through the use of solid state NMR However sampling sizes retrieved from works of art in order to run through these large conducting magnets typically exceed levels deemed acceptable Unilateral NMR techniques use portable magnets that are applied to the object of interest bypassing the need for sampling 56 References Edit National Ultrahigh Field NMR Facility for Solids Retrieved 2014 09 22 Qian Chunqi Pines Alex Martin Rachel W 2007 09 01 Design and construction of a contactless mobile RF coil for double resonance variable angle spinning NMR Journal of Magnetic Resonance 188 1 183 189 Bibcode 2007JMagR 188 183Q doi 10 1016 j jmr 2007 06 006 ISSN 1090 7807 PMID 17638585 Frydman Lucio Harwood John S 1995 Isotropic Spectra of Half Integer Quadrupolar Spins from Bidimensional Magic Angle Spinning NMR J Am Chem Soc 117 19 5367 5368 doi 10 1021 ja00124a023 Massiot D Touzo B Trumeau D Coutures J P Virlet J Florian P Grandinetti P J 1996 Two dimensional Magic Angle Spinning Isotropic Reconstruction Sequences for Quadrupolar Nuclei Solid State NMR 6 1 73 83 doi 10 1016 0926 2040 95 01210 9 PMID 8925268 Duer Melinda J 2004 Introduction to solid state NMR spectroscopy Oxford UK Blackwell ISBN 1 4051 0914 9 OCLC 53178681 Duer Melinda J 2004 Introduction to solid state NMR spectroscopy Oxford UK Blackwell ISBN 1 4051 0914 9 OCLC 53178681 Hartmann S R Hahn E L 1962 Nuclear Double Resonance in the Rotating Frame PDF Phys Rev 128 5 2042 2053 doi 10 1103 PhysRev 128 2042 Stejskal E O Schaefer Jacob Waugh J S October 1977 Magic angle spinning and polarization transfer in proton enhanced NMR Journal of Magnetic Resonance 28 1 105 112 Bibcode 1977JMagR 28 105S doi 10 1016 0022 2364 77 90260 8 Haeberlen U Waugh J S 1968 11 10 Coherent Averaging Effects in Magnetic Resonance Physical Review 175 2 453 467 Bibcode 1968PhRv 175 453H doi 10 1103 PhysRev 175 453 ISSN 0031 899X Bennett Andrew E Rienstra Chad M Auger Michele Lakshmi K V Griffin Robert G 1995 10 22 Heteronuclear decoupling in rotating solids The Journal of Chemical Physics 103 16 6951 6958 Bibcode 1995JChPh 103 6951B doi 10 1063 1 470372 ISSN 0021 9606 Fung B M Khitrin A K Ermolaev Konstantin 2000 An Improved Broadband Decoupling Sequence for Liquid Crystals and Solids Journal of Magnetic Resonance 142 1 97 101 Bibcode 2000JMagR 142 97F doi 10 1006 jmre 1999 1896 PMID 10617439 Thakur Rajendra Singh Kurur Narayanan D Madhu P K 2006 Swept frequency two pulse phase modulation for heteronuclear dipolar decoupling in solid state NMR Chemical Physics Letters 426 4 6 459 463 Bibcode 2006CPL 426 459T doi 10 1016 j cplett 2006 06 007 Waugh J S Huber L M Haeberlen U 1968 01 29 Approach to High Resolution nmr in Solids Physical Review Letters 20 5 180 182 Bibcode 1968PhRvL 20 180W doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 20 180 ISSN 0031 9007 Rhim W K Elleman D D Vaughan R W 1973 02 15 Enhanced resolution for solid state NMR The Journal of Chemical Physics 58 4 1772 1773 Bibcode 1973JChPh 58 1772R doi 10 1063 1 1679423 ISSN 0021 9606 Burum D P Linder M Ernst R R July 1981 Low power multipulse line narrowing in solid state NMR Journal of Magnetic Resonance 44 1 173 188 Bibcode 1981JMagR 44 173B doi 10 1016 0022 2364 81 90200 6 Burum D P Linder M Ernst R R July 1981 Low power multipulse line narrowing in solid state NMR Journal of Magnetic Resonance 44 1 173 188 Bibcode 1981JMagR 44 173B doi 10 1016 0022 2364 81 90200 6 Lee Moses Goldburg Walter I 1965 11 15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Line Narrowing by a Rotating rf Field Physical Review 140 4A A1261 A1271 Bibcode 1965PhRv 140 1261L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 140 A1261 Sakellariou Dimitris Lesage Anne Hodgkinson Paul Emsley Lyndon March 2000 Homonuclear dipolar decoupling in solid state NMR using continuous phase modulation Chemical Physics Letters 319 3 4 253 260 Bibcode 2000CPL 319 253S doi 10 1016 S0009 2614 00 00127 5 Paruzzo Federico M Emsley Lyndon December 2019 High resolution 1H NMR of powdered solids by homonuclear dipolar decoupling Journal of Magnetic Resonance 309 106598 Bibcode 2019JMagR 30906598P doi 10 1016 j jmr 2019 106598 PMID 31586820 S2CID 203139911 Zhang Rongchun Mroue Kamal H Ramamoorthy Ayyalusamy 2017 04 18 Proton Based Ultrafast Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR Spectroscopy Accounts of Chemical Research 50 4 1105 1113 doi 10 1021 acs accounts 7b00082 ISSN 0001 4842 PMC 5828698 PMID 28353338 Struppe Jochem Quinn Caitlin M Sarkar Sucharita Gronenborn Angela M Polenova Tatyana 2020 01 13 Ultrafast 1 H MAS NMR Crystallography for Natural Abundance Pharmaceutical Compounds Molecular Pharmaceutics 17 2 674 682 doi 10 1021 acs molpharmaceut 9b01157 ISSN 1543 8384 PMC 7307729 PMID 31891271 Gullion T Schaefer J 1989 Rotational echo double resonance NMR J Magn Reson 81 2 196 200 doi 10 1016 j jmr 2011 09 003 PMID 22152360 Schaefer Jacob 2007 03 15 REDOR and TEDOR in Harris Robin K ed Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance Chichester UK John Wiley amp Sons Ltd pp emrstm0448 doi 10 1002 9780470034590 emrstm0448 ISBN 978 0 470 03459 0 retrieved 2021 09 13 Linser R Fink U Reif B 2008 Proton Detected Scalar Coupling Based Assignment Strategies in MAS Solid State NMR Spectroscopy Applied to Perdeuterated Proteins J Magn Reson 193 1 89 93 Bibcode 2008JMagR 193 89L doi 10 1016 j jmr 2008 04 021 hdl 11858 00 001M 0000 0018 EE69 A PMID 18462963 Schanda P Meier B H Ernst M 2010 Quantitative Analysis of Protein Backbone Dynamics in Microcrystalline Ubiquitin by Solid State NMR Spectroscopy J Am Chem Soc 132 45 15957 15967 doi 10 1021 ja100726a PMID 20977205 Ishii Yoshitaka Wickramasinghe Ayesha Matsuda Isamu Endo Yuki Ishii Yuji Nishiyama Yusuke Nemoto Takahiro Kamihara Takayuki 2018 Progress in proton detected solid state NMR SSNMR Super fast 2D SSNMR collection for nano mole scale proteins Journal of Magnetic Resonance 286 99 109 Bibcode 2018JMagR 286 99I doi 10 1016 j jmr 2017 11 011 PMC 6387629 PMID 29223566 Lilly Thankamony Aany Sofia Wittmann Johannes J Kaushik Monu Corzilius Bjorn November 2017 Dynamic nuclear polarization for sensitivity enhancement in modern solid state NMR Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 102 103 120 195 doi 10 1016 j pnmrs 2017 06 002 PMID 29157490 Rankin Andrew G M Trebosc Julien Pourpoint Frederique Amoureux Jean Paul Lafon Olivier 2019 09 01 Recent developments in MAS DNP NMR of materials Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 101 116 143 arXiv 2007 09954 doi 10 1016 j ssnmr 2019 05 009 ISSN 0926 2040 PMID 31189121 S2CID 189814925 Rankin Andrew G M Trebosc Julien Pourpoint Frederique Amoureux Jean Paul Lafon Olivier September 2019 Recent developments in MAS DNP NMR of materials Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 101 116 143 arXiv 2007 09954 doi 10 1016 j ssnmr 2019 05 009 PMID 31189121 S2CID 189814925 Rossini Aaron J Zagdoun Alexandre Lelli Moreno Lesage Anne Coperet Christophe Emsley Lyndon 2013 09 17 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Surface Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy Accounts of Chemical Research 46 9 1942 1951 doi 10 1021 ar300322x ISSN 0001 4842 PMID 23517009 Perras Frederic A Kobayashi Takeshi Pruski Marek 2015 07 08 Natural Abundance 17 O DNP Two Dimensional and Surface Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 26 8336 8339 doi 10 1021 jacs 5b03905 ISSN 0002 7863 OSTI 1227378 PMID 26098846 Smith Adam N Marker Katharina Hediger Sabine De Paepe Gael 2019 08 15 Natural Isotopic Abundance 13 C and 15 N Multidimensional Solid State NMR Enabled by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 16 4652 4662 doi 10 1021 acs jpclett 8b03874 ISSN 1948 7185 PMID 31361489 S2CID 199000068 Rossini Aaron J Widdifield Cory M Zagdoun Alexandre Lelli Moreno Schwarzwalder Martin Coperet Christophe Lesage Anne Emsley Lyndon 2014 02 12 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical Formulations Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 6 2324 2334 doi 10 1021 ja4092038 hdl 20 500 11850 80771 ISSN 0002 7863 PMID 24410528 McDermott Ann June 2009 Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Proteins by Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR Annual Review of Biophysics 38 1 385 403 doi 10 1146 annurev biophys 050708 133719 ISSN 1936 122X PMID 19245337 Tycko Robert 2011 05 05 Solid State NMR Studies of Amyloid Fibril Structure Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 62 1 279 299 Bibcode 2011ARPC 62 279T doi 10 1146 annurev physchem 032210 103539 ISSN 0066 426X PMC 3191906 PMID 21219138 Chow W Y Rajan R Muller K H Reid D G Skepper J N Wong W C Brooks R A Green M Bihan D Farndale R W Slatter D A 2014 05 16 NMR Spectroscopy of Native and in Vitro Tissues Implicates PolyADP Ribose in Biomineralization Science 344 6185 742 746 Bibcode 2014Sci 344 742C doi 10 1126 science 1248167 ISSN 0036 8075 PMID 24833391 S2CID 26146114 New techniques in solid state NMR Jacek Klinowski Berlin Springer 2005 ISBN 978 3 540 22168 5 OCLC 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retrieved 2021 09 13 Quinn Caitlin M Lu Manman Suiter Christopher L Hou Guangjin Zhang Huilan Polenova Tatyana 2015 Magic angle spinning NMR of viruses Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 86 87 21 40 doi 10 1016 j pnmrs 2015 02 003 PMC 4413014 PMID 25919197 Mandala Venkata S McKay Matthew J Shcherbakov Alexander A Dregni Aurelio J Kolocouris Antonios Hong Mei 2020 Structure and drug binding of the SARS CoV 2 envelope protein transmembrane domain in lipid bilayers Nature Structural amp Molecular Biology 27 12 1202 1208 doi 10 1038 s41594 020 00536 8 ISSN 1545 9993 PMC 7718435 PMID 33177698 Wang Tuo Hong Mei 2016 Solid state NMR investigations of cellulose structure and interactions with matrix polysaccharides in plant primary cell walls Journal of Experimental Botany 67 2 503 514 doi 10 1093 jxb erv416 ISSN 0022 0957 PMC 6280985 PMID 26355148 Zhao Wancheng Fernando Liyanage D Kirui Alex Deligey Fabien Wang Tuo 2020 Solid state NMR of plant and fungal cell walls A 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