
Scriptural geologist

Scriptural geologists (or Mosaic geologists) were a heterogeneous group of writers in the early nineteenth century, who claimed "the primacy of literalistic biblical exegesis" and a short Young Earth time-scale.[1] Their views were marginalised and ignored by the scientific community of their time.[1][2][3] They "had much the same relationship to 'philosophical' (or scientific) geologists as their indirect descendants, the twentieth-century creationists."[4] Paul Wood describes them as "mostly Anglican evangelicals" with "no institutional focus and little sense of commonality".[5] They generally lacked any background in geology,[6][7] and had little influence even in church circles.[6]


Reason for appearance

Up until the end of the 18th century Classical British scholarship was theologically based, using the Bible as a basic source for world history and chronology.[8] Early work in the developing science of geology sought "theories of the Earth" combining mechanical physical laws in the natural philosophy of René Descartes with belief in the global flood as described in Genesis 6-8.[9] The flood narrative in Genesis was given serious consideration as a basis for explaining geological data, and though by 1800 naturalists accepted an old-earth cosmology, this was not an inevitable conclusion among the educated. Amateur and popular geologists continued to use scripture centred geology well into the 19th century.[8][10][11]

In the 18th century, geologists became convinced that an immense time had been needed to build up the huge thickness of rock strata visible in quarries and cliffs, implying extensive pre-human periods. The concept of Neptunism taught by Abraham Gottlob Werner proposed that rock strata had been deposited from a primeval global ocean rather than by Noah's Flood. Opposing this, James Hutton proposed an indefinitely old cycle of eroded rocks being deposited in the sea, consolidated and heaved up by volcanic forces into mountains which in turn eroded, all in natural processes which continue to operate.[12] By 1807 when the Geological Society of London was founded as the first professional geological society,[13] most of its members accepted a basic geologic time scale, and researchers including William Smith had found that strata could be identified by characteristic fossils.[14]

Theologians sought to reconcile scripture, the book of God's word, with natural history, the book of God's works. Thomas Chalmers (a minister of the Scottish Kirk) popularised Gap creationism (or "interval" theory), a form of old Earth creationism that posits that the six-day creation as described in the Book of Genesis involved literal 24-hour days, but that there was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis, explaining many scientific observations, including the age of the Earth.[15][16][17] Chalmers' suggestion was supported by theological liberals, what Milton Millhauser referred to as the party of "reconciliation," such as Edward Hitchcock, W. D. Conybeare, and the future Cardinal Wiseman. Sharon Turner included it in his children's book A Sacred History of the World. Millhauser wrote that "Its prestige was such that the "interval" theory presently became almost the official British rival to the continental one that interpreted the Six Days as six creative eras", adding his subjective estimate that "until about 1850, the casual pulpit or periodical assurance that geology does not conflict with revelation was based, in possibly seven instances out of ten, on Chalmers' "interval" theory."[18]

The research of Georges Cuvier indicated "repeated irruptions and retreats of the sea" which he identified with a long series of sudden catastrophes which had caused extinctions: when this was translated into English in 1813, Robert Jameson added suggestions that the last catastrophe was the biblical Deluge. The Church of England clergyman William Buckland became the foremost proponent of Flood geology, proposing in 1819 that certain surface features were evidence of violent flooding during the Deluge as the last of a series of catastrophes.[14]

Historian of Religion Arthur McCalla considers that "All geological work that was taken seriously by experts took for granted the reality of deep time" and that scriptural geologists were not given "the slightest credence" by working geologists.[19] Ralph O'Connor, a history professor at the University of Aberdeen, considers McCalla's views to be an "overstatement", and states that "the 'orthodoxy' of an old-earth cosmology was not there for the taking; it had to be painstakingly constructed, using various performance strategies designed to persuade the literate classes that the new school of geology trumped biblical exegesis in questions about earth history."[20]

The British scriptural geologists' writings came in two waves. The first, in the 1820s, was in response to 'gap theory' and included Granville Penn's A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies (1822) and George Bugg's Scriptural Geology (1826). Realizing that the majority opinion was slipping away from scriptural geology, their zeal increased. While the period from 1815 to 1830 represents the incubation of the movement, 1830 to 1844 marks its most intense and significant activity.[21] This was largely in response to Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology and Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, which retracted his earlier ideas that flood geology had found evidence of a universal flood. Responses included George Fairholme's General View of the Geology of Scripture (1833) and The Mosaic Deluge (1837).[22]

O'Connor wrote of the times that, "Although secularization in various forms was on the ascendant among the upper and upper-middle classes, the Bible was still the most important book in early nineteenth-century British cultural life. Although liberalizing churchmen were busily instructing people that the Bible was not intended to teach facts about the natural world, the text of Genesis 1 appeared on the face of it to suggest otherwise, with its bald statements of what had been created when. For all but a growing minority, the Bible remained a vital touchstone for speculation about the natural world; conversely, any thoughtful reading of the first few chapters of Genesis necessarily involved reflections about the natural world."[23]

Geological competence

Professor of intellectual history David N. Livingstone states that scriptural geologists "were not, as it turns out, geologists at all", concluding that "while it may be proper to speak of Scriptural Geology, it is not really accurate to speak of Scriptural Geologists."[7] L. Piccardi and W. Bruce Masse state that "[a]part from George Young, none of these scriptural geologists had any geological competence".[6] David Clifford states that they were "not themselves geologists" but rather "keen but biased amateurs" and that one of them, James Mellor Brown, "felt that no scientific expertise was required when examining scientific matters."[24] Taking a more positive view, Milton Millhauser states that the leaders of the party were "by no means ignorant of the science [they] assailed."[25]

O'Connor argues that terminology in the 21st-century is a stumbling-block to modern analysis of geologic competence of the scriptural geologists because science today is understood in the language of Lyell and Charles Darwin rather than that of Penn and Fairholme. Scriptural geologists saw themselves as 'geologists' (in the early 19th-century understanding of the term) and valued geologic fieldwork. For the educated of the early 19th-century the Bible was itself valuable evidence. Evidence does not speak for itself, but requires interpretation. A heap of strata, or a line of Hebrew, is interpreted in various ways. To use the words 'geology' or 'science' in the 21st century sense automatically excludes Scriptural geologist perspectives on this debate, and skews the discussion from the start.[8]

They have been described as "genteel laymen ... versed in polite literature; clergymen, linguists, and antiquaries—those, in general, with vested interests in mediating the meaning of books, rather than rocks, in churches and classrooms", although a number of them were involved in fossil collecting or scientific endeavours. However, for the majority, geology was not their main scientific interest, but rather a transient or peripheral concern.[26]

Thomas Gisborne
Thomas Gisborne, B.A. in 1780, M.A. in 1783, from St. John's College, Cambridge, became a close friend of William Wilberforce whom he met in college. Gisborne wrote thirteen books, many of which went through numerous printings (two were interpreted into Welsh and German). Two of his books were related to science: Testimony of Natural Theology to Christianity (1818) and Considerations on Modern Theories of Geology (1837).[27]
William Cockburn
William Cockburn, B.A. in 1795, M.A. in 1798, D.D. in 1823, from St. John's College, Cambridge,[28] was not a geologist. Gillispie described "reasonably respectable" William Cockburn, Dean of York, as spouting clerical "fulminations against science in general and all its works",[29] and writing[30] "clerical attacks on geology and uninformed attempts to frame theoretical systems reconciling the geological and scriptural records."[31]
George Bugg
George Bugg, B.A. in 1795 from St. John's College, Cambridge, was ordained deacon in York and became a priest and curate of Dewsbury, near Leeds. Bugg's most significant work was his two-volume Scriptural Geology. Volume I (361 pages) appeared in 1826. Volume II (356 pages) was published in 1827.[32] Although critics would object to associating geology with the Bible as a repetition of the mistakes the church made at the time of Galileo, Bugg held that there was a significant difference. Copernicus could easily reconcile his theory with scripture. But according to Bugg, modern geologists could not harmonize the Bible with their theories without changing the meaning of the scriptures.[33] He contended that "the history of creation has one plain, obvious, and consistent meaning, throughout all the Word of God." There is no hint of any other meaning than the obvious one in the rest of Scripture unless the Biblical authors have misled their readers.[citation needed] Millhouse quotes Bugg saying, "Was ever the word of God laid so deplorably prostrate at the feet of an infant and precocious science!"[34] Wood says the Bugg was "an embittered clergyman who could not find a benefice".[5]
George Young
George Young, B.A. in 1801 from the University of Edinburgh, studied literature and excelled in mathematics and natural philosophy under the tutelage of Professor John Playfair. In 1806 he became the pastor of the Chapel in Cliff Street serving for 42 years until his death. He wrote A Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast, (with John Bird in 1822, 2nd ed. 1828)[35] and Scriptural Geology (1838).[citation needed] He was a fossil collector and dealer.[36]
Geologist Martin Simpson described Young's Geological Survey as "in every way worthy of a pupil of the celebrated Playfair"[37] and Piccardi and Masse said that George Young was geologically competent.[6]
Andrew Ure
Andrew Ure, M.A. in 1799, M.D. in 1801 in Glasgow, was a scientist and physician. He served briefly as an army surgeon then in 1803 became a member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow as Professor of Natural Philosophy (specializing in chemistry and physics) at the Andersonian Institution (now the University of Strathclyde).[36] He was probably the first consulting chemist in Britain and highly esteemed by contemporary scientists.[38] He wrote A Dictionary of Chemistry (1821), Elements of the Art of Dyeing (1824), and A New System of Geology (1829).[35][citation needed]
The leading University of Cambridge geologist Adam Sedgwick, a Church of England clergyman, condemned A New System of Geology pulling "it to pieces without mercy" and calling it a "monument of folly".[39][40] Gillispie chastised Andrew Ure as of the "men of the lunatic fringe"[41] who produced clerical "fulminations against science in general and all its works".[42] Ure was not a cleric.
George Fairholme
George Fairholme was a wealthy banker and landowner,[28] self-taught naturalist. He was not opposed to studying geology; rather, he did battle with the new theories which were, in his view, inconsistent with Scripture and scientific facts.[citation needed][43] Genesis did not teach science or geology, rather, it offers a true grasp of earth history for geologists to follow. He tried to show from geology and geography that a global flood had molded the continents. The strata, in his view, were connected chiefly with this flood.[citation needed] Charles Gillispie listed Fairholme as among "the lunatic fringe."[41] But Millhauser said he was "by no means ignorant of the science [he] assailed".[25]
John Murray
John Murray was self-taught early in his career, but he eventually obtained M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. While traveling widely to observe geological and archeological sites, he lectured and conducted experimental field research using chemical analysis to study rocks and fossils.[44]
Granville Penn
Granville Penn attended Magdalen College, Oxford and became an assistant chief clerk in the War Department. His major work on geology (1822) was A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies.[45] Penn made no claim to be a geologist, yet he read the geological literature of his day.[46]
Contemporary Hugh Miller described Granville Penn as one of "the abler and more respectable anti-geologists" and "certainly one of the most extensively informed of his class,"[47] but where Penn's view of biblical verses conflicted with Millers own views, Miller labeled Penn's views as "mere idle glosses, ignorantly or surreptitiously introduced into the text by ancient copyists."[48] Gillispie chastised Penn as among "men of the lunatic fringe, ... [who] got out their fantastic geologies and natural histories, a literature which enjoyed surprising vogue, but which is too absurd to disinter".[41] Millhauser said the Penn "had come to suspect it [the new geology] of a tendency toward Lucretian materialism."[34]


By historians of science

A number of modern historians have "rounded on scriptural geologists as simplistic fundamentalists who defended an untenable and anti-scientific worldview". Historian of science Charles Gillispie chastised a number of them as "men of the lunatic fringe, like Granville Penn, John Faber, Andrew Ure, and George Fairholme, [who] got out their fantastic geologies and natural histories, a literature which enjoyed surprising vogue, but which is too absurd to disinter".[41] Gillispie describes their views, along with their "reasonably respectable" colleagues (such as Edward Bouverie Pusey and William Cockburn, Dean of York), as clerical "fulminations against science in general and all its works",[42] and listed the works of Cockburn[30] and Fairholme[49] as among "clerical attacks on geology and uninformed attempts to frame theoretical systems reconciling the geological and scriptural records."[50] Martin J. S. Rudwick initially dismissed them as mere 'dogmatic irritants', but later discerned a couple of points of consilience: a concern with time and sequence; and an adoption of the pictorial conventions of some scriptural geologists by the mainstream.[41]

Bibliography of works

See also


  1. ^ a b Rudwick 1988, pp. 42–44.
  2. ^ Rudwick 2008, p. 84, "But since [William Henry Fitton] and other geologists regarded [scriptural geology] as scientifically worthless…".
  3. ^ Wood 2004, p. 168.
  4. ^ Rudwick 1988, pp. 42–44
  5. ^ a b Wood 2004, p. 169.
  6. ^ a b c d Piccardi & Masse 2007, p. 46.
  7. ^ a b Livingstone, Hart & Noll 1999, pp. 186–187.
  8. ^ a b c O'Connor 2007, pp. 361–362.
  9. ^ Young & Stearley 2008, pp. 62–65.
  10. ^ Rupke 1983, pp. 42–50.
  11. ^ Millhauser 1954, p. 67.
  12. ^ Young & Stearley 2008, pp. 74–89.
  13. ^ Bicentenary of Geological Society of London
  14. ^ a b Young 1995.
  15. ^ Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction, Eugenie Scott, pp61-62
  16. ^ The Scientific Case Against Scientific Creationism, Jon P. Alston, p24
  17. ^ What is Creationism?, Mark Isaak, TalkOrigins Archive
  18. ^ Millhauser 1954, pp. 66–70.
  19. ^ McCalla 2006.
  20. ^ O'Connor 2007, p. 361.
  21. ^ Millhauser 1954, p. 72.
  22. ^ Livingstone, Hart & Noll 1999, pp. 178–179.
  23. ^ O'Connor 2007, p. 391.
  24. ^ Clifford 2006, pp. 133–134.
  25. ^ a b Millhauser 1954, p. 73.
  26. ^ O'Connor 2007, pp. 371–373.
  27. ^ O'Connor 2007, p. 371.
  28. ^ a b O'Connor 2007, p. 371.
  29. ^ Gillispie 1996, p. 152.
  30. ^ a b Specifically: The Bible Defended Against the British Association (1839) and A Letter to Professor Buckland Concerning the Origin of the World (1838)
  31. ^ Gillispie 1996, p. 248.
  32. ^ O'Connor 2007, pp. 367, 371.
  33. ^ O'Connor 2007, pp. 367–68.
  34. ^ a b Millhauser 1954, p. 71.
  35. ^ a b O'Connor 2007, p. 375.
  36. ^ a b O'Connor 2007, p. 372.
  37. ^ Simpson 1884, pp. iv–v.
  38. ^ Millhauser 1954, p. 71.
  39. ^ Brooke & Cantor 2000, p. 62.
  40. ^ Clark 1970, p. 362.
  41. ^ a b c d e Brooke & Cantor 2000, p. 57.
  42. ^ a b Gillispie 1996, p. 152.
  43. ^ Millhauser 1954, p. 73.
  44. ^ O'Connor 2007, p. 372 "Murray only failed to gain the chemistry chair at King's College, London, in 1831, because of his refusal to join the Church of England (he was a staunch Presbyterian).".
  45. ^ O'Connor 2007, pp. 372, 373.
  46. ^ Millhauser 1954, p. 71 "a scholar of some competence, who had studied geology."
  47. ^ Miller 1857, pp. 367–68.
  48. ^ Clifford 2006, p. 133.
  49. ^ Specifically: New and Conclusive Physical Demonstrations: Both of the Fact and Period of the Mosaic Deluge and of Its Having Been the Only Event of the Kind that Has Ever Occurred upon the Earth (1838)
  50. ^ Gillispie 1996, p. 248


  • Brooke, John Hedley; Cantor, G. N. (2000). Reconstructing nature: the engagement of science and religion. ISBN 0-19-513706-X.
  • Clark, John (1970). The Life and Letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick. Westmead: Gregg International Publishers. p. 362. ISBN 0-576-29117-X.
  • Clifford, David (2006). Repositioning Victorian Sciences: Shifting Centres in Nineteenth-Century Thinking. City: Anthem Press. ISBN 1-84331-212-3.
  • Cole, Henry (1834). Popular Geology Subversive of Divine Revelation. pp. 52, 113.
  • Gillispie, C. C. (1996). Genesis and Geology. London: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-34481-2.
  • Khun, Thomas S. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. p. 76.
  • Livingstone, David; Hart, Darryl G.; Noll, Mark A. (1999). Evangelicals and Science in Historical Perspective. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-511557-0.
  • McCalla, A. (2006). The creationist debate: the encounter between the Bible and the historical mind. T & T Clark International. p. 65. ISBN 0-8264-6447-5.
  • Piccardi, L.; Masse, W. Bruce (2007). Myth and Geology. London: Geological Society. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-86239-216-8.
  • Rudwick, Martin J. S. (1988). The Great Devonian Controversy. pp. 42–44. ISBN 0-226-73102-2.
  • Rupke, Nicolaas (1983). The Great Chain of History. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 42–50. ISBN 0-19-822907-0.
  • Young, Davis A. (1995). The Biblical Flood: a case study of the Church's response to extrabiblical evidence. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans. p. 340. ISBN 0-8028-0719-4. – , adapted from the book.
  • Young, Davis A.; Stearley, Ralph F. (2008). The Bible, rocks, and time : geological evidence for the age of the earth. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic. ISBN 978-0-8308-2876-0.
  • Lyell, Charles (1827). "Review of Scrope's Memoir on the Geology of Central France". Quarterly Review. XXXVI (72): 480.
  • Miller, Hugh (1857). The Testimony of the Rocks. pp. 367–68.
  • Millhauser, Milton (1954). "The Scriptural Geologists: An Episode in the History of Opinion". Osiris. Saint Catherines Press. 11 (1): 65–86. doi:10.1086/368571. JSTOR 301663. S2CID 144093595.
  • O'Connor, Ralph (2007). "Young-Earth Creationists in Early Nineteenth-century Britain? Towards a reassessment of 'Scriptural Geology'" (PDF). History of Science. Science History Publications Ltd. 45 (150): 357–403. doi:10.1177/007327530704500401. ISSN 0073-2753. S2CID 146768279.
  • Rudwick, Martin J. S. (2008). Worlds before Adam. p. 84. ISBN 978-0-226-73128-5.
  • Russell, Colin A. (1989). "The Conflict Metaphor and its Social Origins". Science and Christian Belief. 1 (1): 25.
  • Simpson, Martin (1884). The Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias Described from Nature. ISBN 9781407739052.
  • Sedgwick, Adam (1830). "Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society, Presidential address". Philosophical Magazine. Series 2. VII (40): 310.
  • Sedgwick, Adam (1834). Discourse (second ed.). Cambridge, Pitt Press. pp. 148–153.
  • Wood, Paul (2004). Science and Dissent in England, 1688-1945. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-3718-2.

Further reading

  • Lynch, John (2002). Creationism and Scriptural Geology, 1817-1857. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. ISBN 1-85506-928-8.
  • Montgomery, David R. (2012). The Rocks Don't Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah's Flood. Norton. ISBN 9780393082395.
  • Morrell, Jack; Arnold Thackray (1984). Gentlemen of Science. London: Royal Historical Society. ISBN 0-86193-103-3.

scriptural, geologist, mosaic, geologists, were, heterogeneous, group, writers, early, nineteenth, century, claimed, primacy, literalistic, biblical, exegesis, short, young, earth, time, scale, their, views, were, marginalised, ignored, scientific, community, . Scriptural geologists or Mosaic geologists were a heterogeneous group of writers in the early nineteenth century who claimed the primacy of literalistic biblical exegesis and a short Young Earth time scale 1 Their views were marginalised and ignored by the scientific community of their time 1 2 3 They had much the same relationship to philosophical or scientific geologists as their indirect descendants the twentieth century creationists 4 Paul Wood describes them as mostly Anglican evangelicals with no institutional focus and little sense of commonality 5 They generally lacked any background in geology 6 7 and had little influence even in church circles 6 Contents 1 Background 1 1 Reason for appearance 1 2 Geological competence 2 Reception 2 1 By historians of science 3 Bibliography of works 4 See also 5 Footnotes 6 References 7 Further readingBackground EditReason for appearance Edit Up until the end of the 18th century Classical British scholarship was theologically based using the Bible as a basic source for world history and chronology 8 Early work in the developing science of geology sought theories of the Earth combining mechanical physical laws in the natural philosophy of Rene Descartes with belief in the global flood as described in Genesis 6 8 9 The flood narrative in Genesis was given serious consideration as a basis for explaining geological data and though by 1800 naturalists accepted an old earth cosmology this was not an inevitable conclusion among the educated Amateur and popular geologists continued to use scripture centred geology well into the 19th century 8 10 11 In the 18th century geologists became convinced that an immense time had been needed to build up the huge thickness of rock strata visible in quarries and cliffs implying extensive pre human periods The concept of Neptunism taught by Abraham Gottlob Werner proposed that rock strata had been deposited from a primeval global ocean rather than by Noah s Flood Opposing this James Hutton proposed an indefinitely old cycle of eroded rocks being deposited in the sea consolidated and heaved up by volcanic forces into mountains which in turn eroded all in natural processes which continue to operate 12 By 1807 when the Geological Society of London was founded as the first professional geological society 13 most of its members accepted a basic geologic time scale and researchers including William Smith had found that strata could be identified by characteristic fossils 14 Theologians sought to reconcile scripture the book of God s word with natural history the book of God s works Thomas Chalmers a minister of the Scottish Kirk popularised Gap creationism or interval theory a form of old Earth creationism that posits that the six day creation as described in the Book of Genesis involved literal 24 hour days but that there was a gap of time between two distinct creations in the first and the second verses of Genesis explaining many scientific observations including the age of the Earth 15 16 17 Chalmers suggestion was supported by theological liberals what Milton Millhauser referred to as the party of reconciliation such as Edward Hitchcock W D Conybeare and the future Cardinal Wiseman Sharon Turner included it in his children s book A Sacred History of the World Millhauser wrote that Its prestige was such that the interval theory presently became almost the official British rival to the continental one that interpreted the Six Days as six creative eras adding his subjective estimate that until about 1850 the casual pulpit or periodical assurance that geology does not conflict with revelation was based in possibly seven instances out of ten on Chalmers interval theory 18 The research of Georges Cuvier indicated repeated irruptions and retreats of the sea which he identified with a long series of sudden catastrophes which had caused extinctions when this was translated into English in 1813 Robert Jameson added suggestions that the last catastrophe was the biblical Deluge The Church of England clergyman William Buckland became the foremost proponent of Flood geology proposing in 1819 that certain surface features were evidence of violent flooding during the Deluge as the last of a series of catastrophes 14 Historian of Religion Arthur McCalla considers that All geological work that was taken seriously by experts took for granted the reality of deep time and that scriptural geologists were not given the slightest credence by working geologists 19 Ralph O Connor a history professor at the University of Aberdeen considers McCalla s views to be an overstatement and states that the orthodoxy of an old earth cosmology was not there for the taking it had to be painstakingly constructed using various performance strategies designed to persuade the literate classes that the new school of geology trumped biblical exegesis in questions about earth history 20 The British scriptural geologists writings came in two waves The first in the 1820s was in response to gap theory and included Granville Penn s A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies 1822 and George Bugg s Scriptural Geology 1826 Realizing that the majority opinion was slipping away from scriptural geology their zeal increased While the period from 1815 to 1830 represents the incubation of the movement 1830 to 1844 marks its most intense and significant activity 21 This was largely in response to Charles Lyell s Principles of Geology and Buckland s Bridgewater Treatise Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology which retracted his earlier ideas that flood geology had found evidence of a universal flood Responses included George Fairholme s General View of the Geology of Scripture 1833 and The Mosaic Deluge 1837 22 O Connor wrote of the times that Although secularization in various forms was on the ascendant among the upper and upper middle classes the Bible was still the most important book in early nineteenth century British cultural life Although liberalizing churchmen were busily instructing people that the Bible was not intended to teach facts about the natural world the text of Genesis 1 appeared on the face of it to suggest otherwise with its bald statements of what had been created when For all but a growing minority the Bible remained a vital touchstone for speculation about the natural world conversely any thoughtful reading of the first few chapters of Genesis necessarily involved reflections about the natural world 23 Geological competence Edit Professor of intellectual history David N Livingstone states that scriptural geologists were not as it turns out geologists at all concluding that while it may be proper to speak of Scriptural Geology it is not really accurate to speak of Scriptural Geologists 7 L Piccardi and W Bruce Masse state that a part from George Young none of these scriptural geologists had any geological competence 6 David Clifford states that they were not themselves geologists but rather keen but biased amateurs and that one of them James Mellor Brown felt that no scientific expertise was required when examining scientific matters 24 Taking a more positive view Milton Millhauser states that the leaders of the party were by no means ignorant of the science they assailed 25 O Connor argues that terminology in the 21st century is a stumbling block to modern analysis of geologic competence of the scriptural geologists because science today is understood in the language of Lyell and Charles Darwin rather than that of Penn and Fairholme Scriptural geologists saw themselves as geologists in the early 19th century understanding of the term and valued geologic fieldwork For the educated of the early 19th century the Bible was itself valuable evidence Evidence does not speak for itself but requires interpretation A heap of strata or a line of Hebrew is interpreted in various ways To use the words geology or science in the 21st century sense automatically excludes Scriptural geologist perspectives on this debate and skews the discussion from the start 8 They have been described as genteel laymen versed in polite literature clergymen linguists and antiquaries those in general with vested interests in mediating the meaning of books rather than rocks in churches and classrooms although a number of them were involved in fossil collecting or scientific endeavours However for the majority geology was not their main scientific interest but rather a transient or peripheral concern 26 Theologians Thomas Gisborne dd Main article Thomas Gisborne Thomas Gisborne B A in 1780 M A in 1783 from St John s College Cambridge became a close friend of William Wilberforce whom he met in college Gisborne wrote thirteen books many of which went through numerous printings two were interpreted into Welsh and German Two of his books were related to science Testimony of Natural Theology to Christianity 1818 and Considerations on Modern Theories of Geology 1837 27 William Cockburn dd William Cockburn B A in 1795 M A in 1798 D D in 1823 from St John s College Cambridge 28 was not a geologist Gillispie described reasonably respectable William Cockburn Dean of York as spouting clerical fulminations against science in general and all its works 29 and writing 30 clerical attacks on geology and uninformed attempts to frame theoretical systems reconciling the geological and scriptural records 31 George Bugg dd George Bugg B A in 1795 from St John s College Cambridge was ordained deacon in York and became a priest and curate of Dewsbury near Leeds Bugg s most significant work was his two volume Scriptural Geology Volume I 361 pages appeared in 1826 Volume II 356 pages was published in 1827 32 Although critics would object to associating geology with the Bible as a repetition of the mistakes the church made at the time of Galileo Bugg held that there was a significant difference Copernicus could easily reconcile his theory with scripture But according to Bugg modern geologists could not harmonize the Bible with their theories without changing the meaning of the scriptures 33 He contended that the history of creation has one plain obvious and consistent meaning throughout all the Word of God There is no hint of any other meaning than the obvious one in the rest of Scripture unless the Biblical authors have misled their readers citation needed Millhouse quotes Bugg saying Was ever the word of God laid so deplorably prostrate at the feet of an infant and precocious science 34 Wood says the Bugg was an embittered clergyman who could not find a benefice 5 George Young dd George Young B A in 1801 from the University of Edinburgh studied literature and excelled in mathematics and natural philosophy under the tutelage of Professor John Playfair In 1806 he became the pastor of the Chapel in Cliff Street serving for 42 years until his death He wrote A Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast with John Bird in 1822 2nd ed 1828 35 and Scriptural Geology 1838 citation needed He was a fossil collector and dealer 36 Geologist Martin Simpson described Young s Geological Survey as in every way worthy of a pupil of the celebrated Playfair 37 and Piccardi and Masse said that George Young was geologically competent 6 Scientists Andrew Ure dd Andrew Ure M A in 1799 M D in 1801 in Glasgow was a scientist and physician He served briefly as an army surgeon then in 1803 became a member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow as Professor of Natural Philosophy specializing in chemistry and physics at the Andersonian Institution now the University of Strathclyde 36 He was probably the first consulting chemist in Britain and highly esteemed by contemporary scientists 38 He wrote A Dictionary of Chemistry 1821 Elements of the Art of Dyeing 1824 and A New System of Geology 1829 35 citation needed The leading University of Cambridge geologist Adam Sedgwick a Church of England clergyman condemned A New System of Geology pulling it to pieces without mercy and calling it a monument of folly 39 40 Gillispie chastised Andrew Ure as of the men of the lunatic fringe 41 who produced clerical fulminations against science in general and all its works 42 Ure was not a cleric George Fairholme dd George Fairholme was a wealthy banker and landowner 28 self taught naturalist He was not opposed to studying geology rather he did battle with the new theories which were in his view inconsistent with Scripture and scientific facts citation needed 43 Genesis did not teach science or geology rather it offers a true grasp of earth history for geologists to follow He tried to show from geology and geography that a global flood had molded the continents The strata in his view were connected chiefly with this flood citation needed Charles Gillispie listed Fairholme as among the lunatic fringe 41 But Millhauser said he was by no means ignorant of the science he assailed 25 John Murray dd John Murray was self taught early in his career but he eventually obtained M A and Ph D degrees While traveling widely to observe geological and archeological sites he lectured and conducted experimental field research using chemical analysis to study rocks and fossils 44 Other Granville Penn dd Granville Penn attended Magdalen College Oxford and became an assistant chief clerk in the War Department His major work on geology 1822 was A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies 45 Penn made no claim to be a geologist yet he read the geological literature of his day 46 Contemporary Hugh Miller described Granville Penn as one of the abler and more respectable anti geologists and certainly one of the most extensively informed of his class 47 but where Penn s view of biblical verses conflicted with Millers own views Miller labeled Penn s views as mere idle glosses ignorantly or surreptitiously introduced into the text by ancient copyists 48 Gillispie chastised Penn as among men of the lunatic fringe who got out their fantastic geologies and natural histories a literature which enjoyed surprising vogue but which is too absurd to disinter 41 Millhauser said the Penn had come to suspect it the new geology of a tendency toward Lucretian materialism 34 Reception EditBy historians of science Edit A number of modern historians have rounded on scriptural geologists as simplistic fundamentalists who defended an untenable and anti scientific worldview Historian of science Charles Gillispie chastised a number of them as men of the lunatic fringe like Granville Penn John Faber Andrew Ure and George Fairholme who got out their fantastic geologies and natural histories a literature which enjoyed surprising vogue but which is too absurd to disinter 41 Gillispie describes their views along with their reasonably respectable colleagues such as Edward Bouverie Pusey and William Cockburn Dean of York as clerical fulminations against science in general and all its works 42 and listed the works of Cockburn 30 and Fairholme 49 as among clerical attacks on geology and uninformed attempts to frame theoretical systems reconciling the geological and scriptural records 50 Martin J S Rudwick initially dismissed them as mere dogmatic irritants but later discerned a couple of points of consilience a concern with time and sequence and an adoption of the pictorial conventions of some scriptural geologists by the mainstream 41 Bibliography of works Edit1820 Rodd Thomas Philobiblos A Defence of the Veracity of Moses 1822 Penn Granville A Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies 1822 Young George A Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast 1826 Bugg George Scriptural Geology 1829 Ure Andrew A New System of Geology 1831 Murray John The Truth of Revelation 276 pages 2nd Ed 1840 380 Pages 1833 Brown James Mellor Reflections on Geology 1833 Fairholme George General View of the Geology of Scripture 1833 Nolan Frederick Analogy of Revelation and Science Established 1834 Cole Henry Popular Geology Subversive of Divine Revelation 1836 Gisborne Thomas Considerations on the Modern Theory of Geology 1837 Fairholme George The Mosaic Deluge 1838 Cockburn William A Letter to Professor Buckland Concerning the Origin of the World 1838 Murray John Portrait of Geology 214 pages 1838 Rhind William Age of the Earth Considered Geologically and Historically 1838 Young George Scriptural Geology 1839 Cockburn William The Bible Defended Against the British AssociationSee also EditBiblical archaeology Biblical literalism Flood geology Genesis creation narrative Young Earth creationismFootnotes Edit a b Rudwick 1988 pp 42 44 Rudwick 2008 p 84 But since William Henry Fitton and other geologists regarded scriptural geology as scientifically worthless Wood 2004 p 168 Rudwick 1988 pp 42 44 a b Wood 2004 p 169 a b c d Piccardi amp Masse 2007 p 46 a b Livingstone Hart amp Noll 1999 pp 186 187 a b c O Connor 2007 pp 361 362 Young amp Stearley 2008 pp 62 65 Rupke 1983 pp 42 50 Millhauser 1954 p 67 Young amp Stearley 2008 pp 74 89 Bicentenary of Geological Society of London a b Young 1995 Evolution vs Creationism An Introduction Eugenie Scott pp61 62 The Scientific Case Against Scientific Creationism Jon P Alston p24 What is Creationism Mark Isaak TalkOrigins Archive Millhauser 1954 pp 66 70 McCalla 2006 O Connor 2007 p 361 Millhauser 1954 p 72 Livingstone Hart amp Noll 1999 pp 178 179 O Connor 2007 p 391 Clifford 2006 pp 133 134 a b Millhauser 1954 p 73 O Connor 2007 pp 371 373 O Connor 2007 p 371 a b O Connor 2007 p 371 Gillispie 1996 p 152 a b Specifically The Bible Defended Against the British Association 1839 and A Letter to Professor Buckland Concerning the Origin of the World 1838 Gillispie 1996 p 248 O Connor 2007 pp 367 371 O Connor 2007 pp 367 68 a b Millhauser 1954 p 71 a b O Connor 2007 p 375 a b O Connor 2007 p 372 Simpson 1884 pp iv v Millhauser 1954 p 71 Brooke amp Cantor 2000 p 62 Clark 1970 p 362 a b c d e Brooke amp Cantor 2000 p 57 a b Gillispie 1996 p 152 Millhauser 1954 p 73 O Connor 2007 p 372 Murray only failed to gain the chemistry chair at King s College London in 1831 because of his refusal to join the Church of England he was a staunch Presbyterian O Connor 2007 pp 372 373 Millhauser 1954 p 71 a scholar of some competence who had studied geology Miller 1857 pp 367 68 Clifford 2006 p 133 Specifically New and Conclusive Physical Demonstrations Both of the Fact and Period of the Mosaic Deluge and of Its Having Been the Only Event of the Kind that Has Ever Occurred upon the Earth 1838 Gillispie 1996 p 248References EditBooksBrooke John Hedley Cantor G N 2000 Reconstructing nature the engagement of science and religion ISBN 0 19 513706 X Clark John 1970 The Life and Letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick Westmead Gregg International Publishers p 362 ISBN 0 576 29117 X Clifford David 2006 Repositioning Victorian Sciences Shifting Centres in Nineteenth Century Thinking City Anthem Press ISBN 1 84331 212 3 Cole Henry 1834 Popular Geology Subversive of Divine Revelation pp 52 113 Gillispie C C 1996 Genesis and Geology London Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 34481 2 Khun Thomas S 1970 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions p 76 Livingstone David Hart Darryl G Noll Mark A 1999 Evangelicals and Science in Historical Perspective Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 511557 0 McCalla A 2006 The creationist debate the encounter between the Bible and the historical mind T amp T Clark International p 65 ISBN 0 8264 6447 5 Piccardi L Masse W Bruce 2007 Myth and Geology London Geological Society p 46 ISBN 978 1 86239 216 8 Rudwick Martin J S 1988 The Great Devonian Controversy pp 42 44 ISBN 0 226 73102 2 Rupke Nicolaas 1983 The Great Chain of History Oxford Clarendon Press pp 42 50 ISBN 0 19 822907 0 Young Davis A 1995 The Biblical Flood a case study of the Church s response to extrabiblical evidence Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans p 340 ISBN 0 8028 0719 4 History of the Collapse of Flood Geology and a Young Earth adapted from the book Young Davis A Stearley Ralph F 2008 The Bible rocks and time geological evidence for the age of the earth Downers Grove Ill IVP Academic ISBN 978 0 8308 2876 0 JournalsLyell Charles 1827 Review of Scrope s Memoir on the Geology of Central France Quarterly Review XXXVI 72 480 Miller Hugh 1857 The Testimony of the Rocks pp 367 68 Millhauser Milton 1954 The Scriptural Geologists An Episode in the History of Opinion Osiris Saint Catherines Press 11 1 65 86 doi 10 1086 368571 JSTOR 301663 S2CID 144093595 O Connor Ralph 2007 Young Earth Creationists in Early Nineteenth century Britain Towards a reassessment of Scriptural Geology PDF History of Science Science History Publications Ltd 45 150 357 403 doi 10 1177 007327530704500401 ISSN 0073 2753 S2CID 146768279 Rudwick Martin J S 2008 Worlds before Adam p 84 ISBN 978 0 226 73128 5 Russell Colin A 1989 The Conflict Metaphor and its Social Origins Science and Christian Belief 1 1 25 Simpson Martin 1884 The Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias Described from Nature ISBN 9781407739052 Sedgwick Adam 1830 Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society Presidential address Philosophical Magazine Series 2 VII 40 310 Sedgwick Adam 1834 Discourse second ed Cambridge Pitt Press pp 148 153 Wood Paul 2004 Science and Dissent in England 1688 1945 Aldershot Ashgate ISBN 0 7546 3718 2 Further reading EditLynch John 2002 Creationism and Scriptural Geology 1817 1857 Bristol Thoemmes Press ISBN 1 85506 928 8 Montgomery David R 2012 The Rocks Don t Lie A Geologist Investigates Noah s Flood Norton ISBN 9780393082395 Morrell Jack Arnold Thackray 1984 Gentlemen of Science London Royal Historical Society ISBN 0 86193 103 3 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Scriptural geologist amp oldid 1145180668, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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