
Select (SQL)

The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of rows, from one or more tables.[1][2]

A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command. As SQL is a declarative programming language, SELECT queries specify a result set, but do not specify how to calculate it. The database translates the query into a "query plan" which may vary between executions, database versions and database software. This functionality is called the "query optimizer" as it is responsible for finding the best possible execution plan for the query, within applicable constraints.

The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:

  • SELECT list is the list of columns or SQL expressions to be returned by the query. This is approximately the relational algebra projection operation.
  • AS optionally provides an alias for each column or expression in the SELECT list. This is the relational algebra rename operation.
  • FROM specifies from which table to get the data.[3]
  • WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve. This is approximately the relational algebra selection operation.
  • GROUP BY groups rows sharing a property so that an aggregate function can be applied to each group.
  • HAVING selects among the groups defined by the GROUP BY clause.
  • ORDER BY specifies how to order the returned rows.

Overview edit

SELECT is the most common operation in SQL, called "the query". SELECT retrieves data from one or more tables, or expressions. Standard SELECT statements have no persistent effects on the database. Some non-standard implementations of SELECT can have persistent effects, such as the SELECT INTO syntax provided in some databases.[4]

Queries allow the user to describe desired data, leaving the database management system (DBMS) to carry out planning, optimizing, and performing the physical operations necessary to produce that result as it chooses.

A query includes a list of columns to include in the final result, normally immediately following the SELECT keyword. An asterisk ("*") can be used to specify that the query should return all columns of all the queried tables. SELECT is the most complex statement in SQL, with optional keywords and clauses that include:

  • The FROM clause, which indicates the table(s) to retrieve data from. The FROM clause can include optional JOIN subclauses to specify the rules for joining tables.
  • The WHERE clause includes a comparison predicate, which restricts the rows returned by the query. The WHERE clause eliminates all rows from the result set where the comparison predicate does not evaluate to True.
  • The GROUP BY clause projects rows having common values into a smaller set of rows. GROUP BY is often used in conjunction with SQL aggregation functions or to eliminate duplicate rows from a result set. The WHERE clause is applied before the GROUP BY clause.
  • The HAVING clause includes a predicate used to filter rows resulting from the GROUP BY clause. Because it acts on the results of the GROUP BY clause, aggregation functions can be used in the HAVING clause predicate.
  • The ORDER BY clause identifies which column[s] to use to sort the resulting data, and in which direction to sort them (ascending or descending). Without an ORDER BY clause, the order of rows returned by an SQL query is undefined.
  • The DISTINCT keyword[5] eliminates duplicate data.[6]

The following example of a SELECT query returns a list of expensive books. The query retrieves all rows from the Book table in which the price column contains a value greater than 100.00. The result is sorted in ascending order by title. The asterisk (*) in the select list indicates that all columns of the Book table should be included in the result set.

SELECT *  FROM Book  WHERE price > 100.00  ORDER BY title; 

The example below demonstrates a query of multiple tables, grouping, and aggregation, by returning a list of books and the number of authors associated with each book.

 SELECT Book.title AS Title,  count(*) AS Authors  FROM Book  JOIN Book_author  ON Book.isbn = Book_author.isbn  GROUP BY Book.title; 

Example output might resemble the following:

Title Authors ---------------------- ------- SQL Examples and Guide 4 The Joy of SQL 1 An Introduction to SQL 2 Pitfalls of SQL 1 

Under the precondition that isbn is the only common column name of the two tables and that a column named title only exists in the Book table, one could re-write the query above in the following form:

SELECT title,  count(*) AS Authors  FROM Book  NATURAL JOIN Book_author  GROUP BY title; 

However, many[quantify] vendors either do not support this approach, or require certain column-naming conventions for natural joins to work effectively.

SQL includes operators and functions for calculating values on stored values. SQL allows the use of expressions in the select list to project data, as in the following example, which returns a list of books that cost more than 100.00 with an additional sales_tax column containing a sales tax figure calculated at 6% of the price.

SELECT isbn,  title,  price,  price * 0.06 AS sales_tax  FROM Book  WHERE price > 100.00  ORDER BY title; 

Subqueries edit

Queries can be nested so that the results of one query can be used in another query via a relational operator or aggregation function. A nested query is also known as a subquery. While joins and other table operations provide computationally superior (i.e. faster) alternatives in many cases (all depending on implementation), the use of subqueries introduces a hierarchy in execution that can be useful or necessary. In the following example, the aggregation function AVG receives as input the result of a subquery:

SELECT isbn,  title,  price  FROM Book  WHERE price < (SELECT AVG(price) FROM Book)  ORDER BY title; 

A subquery can use values from the outer query, in which case it is known as a correlated subquery.

Since 1999 the SQL standard allows WITH clauses, i.e. named subqueries often called common table expressions (named and designed after the IBM DB2 version 2 implementation; Oracle calls these subquery factoring). CTEs can also be recursive by referring to themselves; the resulting mechanism allows tree or graph traversals (when represented as relations), and more generally fixpoint computations.

Derived table edit

A derived table is a subquery in a FROM clause. Essentially, the derived table is a subquery that can be selected from or joined to. Derived table functionality allows the user to reference the subquery as a table. The derived table also is referred to as an inline view or a select in from list.

In the following example, the SQL statement involves a join from the initial Books table to the derived table "Sales". This derived table captures associated book sales information using the ISBN to join to the Books table. As a result, the derived table provides the result set with additional columns (the number of items sold and the company that sold the books):

SELECT b.isbn, b.title, b.price, sales.items_sold, sales.company_nm FROM Book b  JOIN (SELECT SUM(Items_Sold) Items_Sold, Company_Nm, ISBN  FROM Book_Sales  GROUP BY Company_Nm, ISBN) sales  ON sales.isbn = b.isbn 

Examples edit

Table "T" Query Result
C1 C2
1 a
2 b
C1 C2
1 a
2 b
C1 C2
1 a
2 b
C1 C2
1 a
2 b
C1 C2
1 a
C1 C2
1 a
2 b
C1 C2
2 b
1 a
does not exist SELECT 1+1, 3*2;
`1+1` `3*2`
2 6

Given a table T, the query SELECT * FROM T will result in all the elements of all the rows of the table being shown.

With the same table, the query SELECT C1 FROM T will result in the elements from the column C1 of all the rows of the table being shown. This is similar to a projection in relational algebra, except that in the general case, the result may contain duplicate rows. This is also known as a Vertical Partition in some database terms, restricting query output to view only specified fields or columns.

With the same table, the query SELECT * FROM T WHERE C1 = 1 will result in all the elements of all the rows where the value of column C1 is '1' being shown – in relational algebra terms, a selection will be performed, because of the WHERE clause. This is also known as a Horizontal Partition, restricting rows output by a query according to specified conditions.

With more than one table, the result set will be every combination of rows. So if two tables are T1 and T2, SELECT * FROM T1, T2 will result in every combination of T1 rows with every T2 rows. E.g., if T1 has 3 rows and T2 has 5 rows, then 15 rows will result.

Although not in standard, most DBMS allows using a select clause without a table by pretending that an imaginary table with one row is used. This is mainly used to perform calculations where a table is not needed.

The SELECT clause specifies a list of properties (columns) by name, or the wildcard character (“*”) to mean “all properties”.

Limiting result rows edit

Often it is convenient to indicate a maximum number of rows that are returned. This can be used for testing or to prevent consuming excessive resources if the query returns more information than expected. The approach to do this often varies per vendor.

In ISO SQL:2003, result sets may be limited by using

ISO SQL:2008 introduced the FETCH FIRST clause.

According to PostgreSQL v.9 documentation, an SQL window function "performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row", in a way similar to aggregate functions.[7] The name recalls signal processing window functions. A window function call always contains an OVER clause.

ROW_NUMBER() window function edit

ROW_NUMBER() OVER may be used for a simple table on the returned rows, e.g. to return no more than ten rows:

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sort_key ASC) AS row_number,  columns  FROM tablename ) AS foo WHERE row_number <= 10 

ROW_NUMBER can be non-deterministic: if sort_key is not unique, each time you run the query it is possible to get different row numbers assigned to any rows where sort_key is the same. When sort_key is unique, each row will always get a unique row number.

RANK() window function edit

The RANK() OVER window function acts like ROW_NUMBER, but may return more or less than n rows in case of tie conditions, e.g. to return the top-10 youngest persons:

SELECT * FROM (  SELECT  RANK() OVER (ORDER BY age ASC) AS ranking,  person_id,  person_name,  age  FROM person ) AS foo WHERE ranking <= 10 

The above code could return more than ten rows, e.g. if there are two people of the same age, it could return eleven rows.

FETCH FIRST clause edit

Since ISO SQL:2008 results limits can be specified as in the following example using the FETCH FIRST clause.


This clause currently is supported by CA DATACOM/DB 11, IBM DB2, SAP SQL Anywhere, PostgreSQL, EffiProz, H2, HSQLDB version 2.0, Oracle 12c and Mimer SQL.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and higher supports FETCH FIRST, but it is considered part of the ORDER BY clause. The ORDER BY, OFFSET, and FETCH FIRST clauses are all required for this usage.


Non-standard syntax edit

Some DBMSs offer non-standard syntax either instead of or in addition to SQL standard syntax. Below, variants of the simple limit query for different DBMSes are listed:

MS SQL Server (This also works on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 while the Select top 10 * from T does not)
Netezza, MySQL, MariaDB (also supports the standard version, since version 10.6), SAP SQL Anywhere, PostgreSQL (also supports the standard, since version 8.4), SQLite, HSQLDB, H2, Vertica, Polyhedra, Couchbase Server, Snowflake Computing, OpenLink Virtuoso
SELECT * from T  WHERE ROWNUM <= 10 
SELECT FIRST 10 * from T Ingres
SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM T order by a Informix
SELECT SKIP 20 FIRST 10 * FROM T order by c, d Informix (row numbers are filtered after order by is evaluated. SKIP clause was introduced in a v10.00.xC4 fixpack)
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM T MS SQL Server, SAP ASE, MS Access, SAP IQ, Teradata
SELECT TOP 20, 10 * FROM T OpenLink Virtuoso (skips 20, delivers next 10)[8]
SELECT TOP 10 START AT 20 * FROM T SAP SQL Anywhere (also supports the standard, since version 9.0.1)
Firebird (since version 2.1)
IBM Db2 (new rows are filtered after comparing with key column of table T)

Rows Pagination edit

Rows Pagination[9] is an approach used to limit and display only a part of the total data of a query in the database. Instead of showing hundreds or thousands of rows at the same time, the server is requested only one page (a limited set of rows, per example only 10 rows), and the user starts navigating by requesting the next page, and then the next one, and so on. It is very useful, specially in web systems, where there is no dedicated connection between the client and the server, so the client does not have to wait to read and display all the rows of the server.

Data in Pagination approach edit

  • {rows} = Number of rows in a page
  • {page_number} = Number of the current page
  • {begin_base_0} = Number of the row - 1 where the page starts = (page_number-1) * rows

Simplest method (but very inefficient) edit

  1. Select all rows from the database
  2. Read all rows but send to display only when the row_number of the rows read is between {begin_base_0 + 1} and {begin_base_0 + rows}
Select *  from {table}  order by {unique_key} 

Other simple method (a little more efficient than read all rows) edit

  1. Select all the rows from the beginning of the table to the last row to display ({begin_base_0 + rows})
  2. Read the {begin_base_0 + rows} rows but send to display only when the row_number of the rows read is greater than {begin_base_0}
SQL Dialect
select * from {table} order by {unique_key} FETCH FIRST {begin_base_0 + rows} ROWS ONLY 
SQL Server 2012
Oracle 12c
DB2 12
Mimer SQL
Select * from {table} order by {unique_key} LIMIT {begin_base_0 + rows} 
Select TOP {begin_base_0 + rows} *  from {table}  order by {unique_key} 
SQL Server 2005
Select * from {table} order by {unique_key} ROWS LIMIT {begin_base_0 + rows} 
Sybase, ASE 16 SP2
SET ROWCOUNT {begin_base_0 + rows} Select *  from {table}  order by {unique_key} SET ROWCOUNT 0 
Sybase, SQL Server 2000
Select *  FROM (  SELECT *   FROM {table}   ORDER BY {unique_key}  ) a  where rownum <= {begin_base_0 + rows} 
Oracle 11

Method with positioning edit

  1. Select only {rows} rows starting from the next row to display ({begin_base_0 + 1})
  2. Read and send to display all the rows read from the database
SQL Dialect
Select * from {table} order by {unique_key} OFFSET {begin_base_0} ROWS FETCH NEXT {rows} ROWS ONLY 
SQL Server 2012
Oracle 12c
DB2 12
Mimer SQL
Select * from {table} order by {unique_key} LIMIT {rows} OFFSET {begin_base_0} 
Select *  from {table}  order by {unique_key} LIMIT {begin_base_0}, {rows} 
Select * from {table} order by {unique_key} ROWS LIMIT {rows} OFFSET {begin_base_0} 
Sybase, ASE 16 SP2
Select TOP {begin_base_0 + rows}  *, _offset=identity(10)  into #temp from {table} ORDER BY {unique_key}  select * from #temp where _offset > {begin_base_0} DROP TABLE #temp 
Sybase 12.5.3:
SET ROWCOUNT {begin_base_0 + rows} select *, _offset=identity(10)  into #temp from {table} ORDER BY {unique_key}  select * from #temp where _offset > {begin_base_0} DROP TABLE #temp SET ROWCOUNT 0 
Sybase 12.5.2:
select TOP {rows} *  from (  select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by {unique_key}) as _offset  from {table} ) xx  where _offset > {begin_base_0} 

SQL Server 2005
SET ROWCOUNT {begin_base_0 + rows} select *, _offset=identity(int,1,1)  into #temp from {table} ORDER BY {unique-key} select * from #temp where _offset > {begin_base_0} DROP TABLE #temp SET ROWCOUNT 0 
SQL Server 2000
SELECT * FROM (  SELECT rownum-1 as _offset, a.*   FROM(  SELECT *   FROM {table}   ORDER BY {unique_key}  ) a   WHERE rownum <= {begin_base_0 + cant_regs} ) WHERE _offset >= {begin_base_0} 
Oracle 11

Method with filter (it is more sophisticated but necessary for very big dataset) edit

  1. Select only then {rows} rows with filter:
    1. First Page: select only the first {rows} rows, depending on the type of database
    2. Next Page: select only the first {rows} rows, depending on the type of database, where the {unique_key} is greater than {last_val} (the value of the {unique_key} of the last row in the current page)
    3. Previous Page: sort the data in the reverse order, select only the first {rows} rows, where the {unique_key} is less than {first_val} (the value of the {unique_key} of the first row in the current page), and sort the result in the correct order
  2. Read and send to display all the rows read from the database
First Page Next Page Previous Page Dialect
select * from {table}  order by {unique_key} FETCH FIRST {rows} ROWS ONLY 
select *  from {table}  where {unique_key} > {last_val} order by {unique_key} FETCH FIRST {rows} ROWS ONLY 
select *   from (  select *   from {table}   where {unique_key} < {first_val}  order by {unique_key} DESC  FETCH FIRST {rows} ROWS ONLY  ) a  order by {unique_key} 
SQL Server 2012
Oracle 12c
DB2 12
Mimer SQL
select * from {table} order by {unique_key} LIMIT {rows} 
select *  from {table}  where {unique_key} > {last_val} order by {unique_key} LIMIT {rows} 
select *   from (  select *   from {table}   where {unique_key} < {first_val}  order by {unique_key} DESC  LIMIT {rows}  ) a  order by {unique_key} 
select TOP {rows} *  from {table}  order by {unique_key} 
select TOP {rows} *  from {table}  where {unique_key} > {last_val} order by {unique_key} 
select *   from (  select TOP {rows} *   from {table}   where {unique_key} < {first_val}  order by {unique_key} DESC  ) a  order by {unique_key} 
SQL Server 2005
SET ROWCOUNT {rows} select * from {table}  order by {unique_key} SET ROWCOUNT 0 
SET ROWCOUNT {rows} select * from {table}  where {unique_key} > {last_val} order by {unique_key} SET ROWCOUNT 0 
SET ROWCOUNT {rows}  select *  from (  select *   from {table}   where {unique_key} < {first_val}  order by {unique_key} DESC  ) a  order by {unique_key}  SET ROWCOUNT 0 
Sybase, SQL Server 2000
select * from (  select *   from {table}   order by {unique_key}  ) a  where rownum <= {rows} 
select * from (  select *   from {table}   where {unique_key} > {last_val}  order by {unique_key} ) a  where rownum <= {rows} 
select *   from (  select *  from (  select *   from {table}   where {unique_key} < {first_val}  order by {unique_key} DESC  ) a1  where rownum <= {rows}  ) a2  order by {unique_key} 
Oracle 11

Hierarchical query edit

Some databases provide specialised syntax for hierarchical data.

A window function in SQL:2003 is an aggregate function applied to a partition of the result set.

For example,

 sum(population) OVER( PARTITION BY city ) 

calculates the sum of the populations of all rows having the same city value as the current row.

Partitions are specified using the OVER clause which modifies the aggregate. Syntax:

<OVER_CLAUSE> :: = OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <expr>, ... ] [ ORDER BY <expression> ] ) 

The OVER clause can partition and order the result set. Ordering is used for order-relative functions such as row_number.

Query evaluation ANSI edit

The processing of a SELECT statement according to ANSI SQL would be the following:[10]

  1. select g.* from users u inner join groups g on g.Userid = u.Userid where u.LastName = 'Smith' and u.FirstName = 'John' 
  2. the FROM clause is evaluated, a cross join or Cartesian product is produced for the first two tables in the FROM clause resulting in a virtual table as Vtable1
  3. the ON clause is evaluated for vtable1; only records which meet the join condition g.Userid = u.Userid are inserted into Vtable2
  4. If an outer join is specified, records which were dropped from vTable2 are added into VTable 3, for instance if the above query were:
    select u.* from users u left join groups g on g.Userid = u.Userid where u.LastName = 'Smith' and u.FirstName = 'John' 
    all users who did not belong to any groups would be added back into Vtable3
  5. the WHERE clause is evaluated, in this case only group information for user John Smith would be added to vTable4
  6. the GROUP BY is evaluated; if the above query were:
    select g.GroupName, count(g.*) as NumberOfMembers from users u inner join groups g on g.Userid = u.Userid group by GroupName 
    vTable5 would consist of members returned from vTable4 arranged by the grouping, in this case the GroupName
  7. the HAVING clause is evaluated for groups for which the HAVING clause is true and inserted into vTable6. For example:
    select g.GroupName, count(g.*) as NumberOfMembers from users u inner join groups g on g.Userid = u.Userid group by GroupName having count(g.*) > 5 
  8. the SELECT list is evaluated and returned as Vtable 7
  9. the DISTINCT clause is evaluated; duplicate rows are removed and returned as Vtable 8
  10. the ORDER BY clause is evaluated, ordering the rows and returning VCursor9. This is a cursor and not a table because ANSI defines a cursor as an ordered set of rows (not relational).

Window function support by RDBMS vendors edit

The implementation of window function features by vendors of relational databases and SQL engines differs wildly. Most databases support at least some flavour of window functions. However, when we take a closer look it becomes clear that most vendors only implement a subset of the standard. Let's take the powerful RANGE clause as an example. Only Oracle, DB2, Spark/Hive, and Google Big Query fully implement this feature. More recently, vendors have added new extensions to the standard, e.g. array aggregation functions. These are particularly useful in the context of running SQL against a distributed file system (Hadoop, Spark, Google BigQuery) where we have weaker data co-locality guarantees than on a distributed relational database (MPP). Rather than evenly distributing the data across all nodes, SQL engines running queries against a distributed filesystem can achieve data co-locality guarantees by nesting data and thus avoiding potentially expensive joins involving heavy shuffling across the network. User-defined aggregate functions that can be used in window functions are another extremely powerful feature.

Generating data in T-SQL edit

Method to generate data based on the union all

select 1 a, 1 b union all select 1, 2 union all select 1, 3 union all select 2, 1 union all select 5, 1 

SQL Server 2008 supports the "row constructor" feature, specified in the SQL:1999 standard

select * from (values (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (5, 1)) as x(a, b) 

References edit

  1. ^ Microsoft (23 May 2023). "Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions".
  2. ^ MySQL. "SQL SELECT Syntax".
  3. ^ Omitting FROM clause is not standard, but allowed by most major DBMSes.
  4. ^ "Transact-SQL Reference". SQL Server Language Reference. SQL Server 2005 Books Online. Microsoft. 2007-09-15. Retrieved 2007-06-17.
  5. ^ SAS 9.4 SQL Procedure User's Guide. SAS Institute (published 2013). 10 July 2013. p. 248. ISBN 9781612905686. Retrieved 2015-10-21. Although the UNIQUE argument is identical to DISTINCT, it is not an ANSI standard.
  6. ^ Leon, Alexis; Leon, Mathews (1999). "Eliminating duplicates - SELECT using DISTINCT". SQL: A Complete Reference. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education (published 2008). p. 143. ISBN 9780074637081. Retrieved 2015-10-21. [...] the keyword DISTINCT [...] eliminates the duplicates from the result set.
  7. ^ PostgreSQL 9.1.24 Documentation - Chapter 3. Advanced Features
  8. ^ OpenLink Software. "9.19.10. The TOP SELECT Option". docs.openlinksw.com. Retrieved 1 October 2019.
  9. ^ Ing. Óscar Bonilla, MBA
  10. ^ Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying by Itzik Ben-Gan, Lubor Kollar, and Dejan Sarka

Sources edit

  • Horizontal & Vertical Partitioning, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Books Online.

External links edit

  • Windowed Tables and Window function in SQL, Stefan Deßloch
  • Oracle SELECT syntax
  • Firebird SELECT syntax
  • MySQL SELECT syntax
  • PostgreSQL SELECT syntax
  • SQLite SELECT syntax

select, select, statement, returns, result, rows, from, more, tables, select, statement, retrieves, zero, more, rows, from, more, database, tables, database, views, most, applications, select, most, commonly, used, data, manipulation, language, command, declar. The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of rows from one or more tables 1 2 A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views In most applications SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language DML command As SQL is a declarative programming language SELECT queries specify a result set but do not specify how to calculate it The database translates the query into a query plan which may vary between executions database versions and database software This functionality is called the query optimizer as it is responsible for finding the best possible execution plan for the query within applicable constraints The SELECT statement has many optional clauses SELECT list is the list of columns or SQL expressions to be returned by the query This is approximately the relational algebra projection operation a href Alias SQL html title Alias SQL AS a optionally provides an alias for each column or expression in the SELECT list This is the relational algebra rename operation a href From SQL html title From SQL FROM a specifies from which table to get the data 3 a href Where SQL html title Where SQL WHERE a specifies which rows to retrieve This is approximately the relational algebra selection operation a href Group by SQL html title Group by SQL GROUP BY a groups rows sharing a property so that an aggregate function can be applied to each group a href Having SQL html title Having SQL HAVING a selects among the groups defined by the GROUP BY clause a href Order by SQL html class mw redirect title Order by SQL ORDER BY a specifies how to order the returned rows Contents 1 Overview 1 1 Subqueries 1 2 Derived table 2 Examples 3 Limiting result rows 3 1 ROW NUMBER window function 3 2 RANK window function 3 3 FETCH FIRST clause 3 4 Non standard syntax 3 5 Rows Pagination 3 5 1 Data in Pagination approach 3 5 2 Simplest method but very inefficient 3 5 3 Other simple method a little more efficient than read all rows 3 5 4 Method with positioning 3 5 5 Method with filter it is more sophisticated but necessary for very big dataset 4 Hierarchical query 5 Query evaluation ANSI 6 Window function support by RDBMS vendors 7 Generating data in T SQL 8 References 9 Sources 10 External linksOverview editSELECT is the most common operation in SQL called the query SELECT retrieves data from one or more tables or expressions Standard SELECT statements have no persistent effects on the database Some non standard implementations of SELECT can have persistent effects such as the SELECT INTO syntax provided in some databases 4 Queries allow the user to describe desired data leaving the database management system DBMS to carry out planning optimizing and performing the physical operations necessary to produce that result as it chooses A query includes a list of columns to include in the final result normally immediately following the SELECT keyword An asterisk can be used to specify that the query should return all columns of all the queried tables SELECT is the most complex statement in SQL with optional keywords and clauses that include The a href From SQL html title From SQL FROM a clause which indicates the table s to retrieve data from The FROM clause can include optional a href Join SQL html title Join SQL JOIN a subclauses to specify the rules for joining tables The a href Where SQL html title Where SQL WHERE a clause includes a comparison predicate which restricts the rows returned by the query The WHERE clause eliminates all rows from the result set where the comparison predicate does not evaluate to True The GROUP BY clause projects rows having common values into a smaller set of rows GROUP BY is often used in conjunction with SQL aggregation functions or to eliminate duplicate rows from a result set The WHERE clause is applied before the GROUP BY clause The a href Having SQL html title Having SQL HAVING a clause includes a predicate used to filter rows resulting from the GROUP BY clause Because it acts on the results of the GROUP BY clause aggregation functions can be used in the HAVING clause predicate The a href Order by SQL html class mw redirect title Order by SQL ORDER BY a clause identifies which column s to use to sort the resulting data and in which direction to sort them ascending or descending Without an ORDER BY clause the order of rows returned by an SQL query is undefined The DISTINCT keyword 5 eliminates duplicate data 6 The following example of a SELECT query returns a list of expensive books The query retrieves all rows from the Book table in which the price column contains a value greater than 100 00 The result is sorted in ascending order by title The asterisk in the select list indicates that all columns of the Book table should be included in the result set SELECT FROM Book WHERE price gt 100 00 ORDER BY title The example below demonstrates a query of multiple tables grouping and aggregation by returning a list of books and the number of authors associated with each book SELECT Book title AS Title count AS Authors FROM Book JOIN Book author ON Book isbn Book author isbn GROUP BY Book title Example output might resemble the following Title Authors SQL Examples and Guide 4 The Joy of SQL 1 An Introduction to SQL 2 Pitfalls of SQL 1 Under the precondition that isbn is the only common column name of the two tables and that a column named title only exists in the Book table one could re write the query above in the following form SELECT title count AS Authors FROM Book NATURAL JOIN Book author GROUP BY title However many quantify vendors either do not support this approach or require certain column naming conventions for natural joins to work effectively SQL includes operators and functions for calculating values on stored values SQL allows the use of expressions in the select list to project data as in the following example which returns a list of books that cost more than 100 00 with an additional sales tax column containing a sales tax figure calculated at 6 of the price SELECT isbn title price price 0 06 AS sales tax FROM Book WHERE price gt 100 00 ORDER BY title Subqueries edit Queries can be nested so that the results of one query can be used in another query via a relational operator or aggregation function A nested query is also known as a subquery While joins and other table operations provide computationally superior i e faster alternatives in many cases all depending on implementation the use of subqueries introduces a hierarchy in execution that can be useful or necessary In the following example the aggregation function AVG receives as input the result of a subquery SELECT isbn title price FROM Book WHERE price lt SELECT AVG price FROM Book ORDER BY title A subquery can use values from the outer query in which case it is known as a correlated subquery Since 1999 the SQL standard allows WITH clauses i e named subqueries often called common table expressions named and designed after the IBM DB2 version 2 implementation Oracle calls these subquery factoring CTEs can also be recursive by referring to themselves the resulting mechanism allows tree or graph traversals when represented as relations and more generally fixpoint computations Derived table edit A derived table is a subquery in a FROM clause Essentially the derived table is a subquery that can be selected from or joined to Derived table functionality allows the user to reference the subquery as a table The derived table also is referred to as an inline view or a select in from list In the following example the SQL statement involves a join from the initial Books table to the derived table Sales This derived table captures associated book sales information using the ISBN to join to the Books table As a result the derived table provides the result set with additional columns the number of items sold and the company that sold the books SELECT b isbn b title b price sales items sold sales company nm FROM Book b JOIN SELECT SUM Items Sold Items Sold Company Nm ISBN FROM Book Sales GROUP BY Company Nm ISBN sales ON sales isbn b isbnExamples editTable T Query ResultC1 C21 a2 b span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span span class p span C1 C21 a2 bC1 C21 a2 b span class k SELECT span span class w span span class n C1 span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span span class p span C112C1 C21 a2 b span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span span class w span span class k WHERE span span class w span span class n C1 span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class mi 1 span span class p span C1 C21 aC1 C21 a2 b span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span span class w span span class k ORDER span span class w span span class k BY span span class w span span class n C1 span span class w span span class k DESC span span class p span C1 C22 b1 adoes not exist span class k SELECT span span class w span span class mi 1 span span class o span span class mi 1 span span class p span span class w span span class mi 3 span span class o span span class mi 2 span span class p span 1 1 3 2 2 6Given a table T the query span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span will result in all the elements of all the rows of the table being shown With the same table the query span class k SELECT span span class w span span class n C1 span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span will result in the elements from the column C1 of all the rows of the table being shown This is similar to a projection in relational algebra except that in the general case the result may contain duplicate rows This is also known as a Vertical Partition in some database terms restricting query output to view only specified fields or columns With the same table the query span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T span span class w span span class k WHERE span span class w span span class n C1 span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class mi 1 span will result in all the elements of all the rows where the value of column C1 is 1 being shown in relational algebra terms a selection will be performed because of the WHERE clause This is also known as a Horizontal Partition restricting rows output by a query according to specified conditions With more than one table the result set will be every combination of rows So if two tables are T1 and T2 span class k SELECT span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n T1 span span class p span span class w span span class n T2 span will result in every combination of T1 rows with every T2 rows E g if T1 has 3 rows and T2 has 5 rows then 15 rows will result Although not in standard most DBMS allows using a select clause without a table by pretending that an imaginary table with one row is used This is mainly used to perform calculations where a table is not needed The SELECT clause specifies a list of properties columns by name or the wildcard character to mean all properties Limiting result rows editOften it is convenient to indicate a maximum number of rows that are returned This can be used for testing or to prevent consuming excessive resources if the query returns more information than expected The approach to do this often varies per vendor In ISO SQL 2003 result sets may be limited by using cursors or by adding a SQL window function to the SELECT statementISO SQL 2008 introduced the FETCH FIRST clause According to PostgreSQL v 9 documentation an SQL window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row in a way similar to aggregate functions 7 The name recalls signal processing window functions A window function call always contains an OVER clause ROW NUMBER window function edit ROW NUMBER OVER may be used for a simple table on the returned rows e g to return no more than ten rows SELECT FROM SELECT ROW NUMBER OVER ORDER BY sort key ASC AS row number columns FROM tablename AS foo WHERE row number lt 10 ROW NUMBER can be non deterministic if sort key is not unique each time you run the query it is possible to get different row numbers assigned to any rows where sort key is the same When sort key is unique each row will always get a unique row number RANK window function edit The RANK OVER window function acts like ROW NUMBER but may return more or less than n rows in case of tie conditions e g to return the top 10 youngest persons SELECT FROM SELECT RANK OVER ORDER BY age ASC AS ranking person id person name age FROM person AS foo WHERE ranking lt 10 The above code could return more than ten rows e g if there are two people of the same age it could return eleven rows FETCH FIRST clause edit Since ISO SQL 2008 results limits can be specified as in the following example using the FETCH FIRST clause SELECT FROM T FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY This clause currently is supported by CA DATACOM DB 11 IBM DB2 SAP SQL Anywhere PostgreSQL EffiProz H2 HSQLDB version 2 0 Oracle 12c and Mimer SQL Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and higher supports FETCH FIRST but it is considered part of the ORDER BY clause The ORDER BY OFFSET and FETCH FIRST clauses are all required for this usage SELECT FROM T ORDER BY acolumn DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY Non standard syntax edit Some DBMSs offer non standard syntax either instead of or in addition to SQL standard syntax Below variants of the simple limit query for different DBMSes are listed SET ROWCOUNT 10 SELECT FROM T MS SQL Server This also works on Microsoft SQL Server 6 5 while the Select top 10 from T does not SELECT FROM T LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20 Netezza MySQL MariaDB also supports the standard version since version 10 6 SAP SQL Anywhere PostgreSQL also supports the standard since version 8 4 SQLite HSQLDB H2 Vertica Polyhedra Couchbase Server Snowflake Computing OpenLink VirtuosoSELECT from T WHERE ROWNUM lt 10 OracleSELECT b FIRST 10 b from T IngresSELECT b FIRST 10 b FROM T order by a InformixSELECT b SKIP 20 FIRST 10 b FROM T order by c d Informix row numbers are filtered after order by is evaluated SKIP clause was introduced in a v10 00 xC4 fixpack SELECT b TOP 10 b FROM T MS SQL Server SAP ASE MS Access SAP IQ TeradataSELECT FROM T SAMPLE 10 TeradataSELECT b TOP 20 10 b FROM T OpenLink Virtuoso skips 20 delivers next 10 8 SELECT b TOP 10 START AT 20 b FROM T SAP SQL Anywhere also supports the standard since version 9 0 1 SELECT b FIRST 10 SKIP 20 b FROM T FirebirdSELECT FROM T ROWS 20 TO 30 Firebird since version 2 1 SELECT FROM T WHERE ID T gt 10 FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY IBM Db2SELECT FROM T WHERE ID T gt 20 FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY IBM Db2 new rows are filtered after comparing with key column of table T Rows Pagination edit Rows Pagination 9 is an approach used to limit and display only a part of the total data of a query in the database Instead of showing hundreds or thousands of rows at the same time the server is requested only one page a limited set of rows per example only 10 rows and the user starts navigating by requesting the next page and then the next one and so on It is very useful specially in web systems where there is no dedicated connection between the client and the server so the client does not have to wait to read and display all the rows of the server Data in Pagination approach edit rows Number of rows in a page page number Number of the current page begin base 0 Number of the row 1 where the page starts page number 1 rowsSimplest method but very inefficient edit Select all rows from the database Read all rows but send to display only when the row number of the rows read is between begin base 0 1 and begin base 0 rows Select from table order by unique key Other simple method a little more efficient than read all rows edit Select all the rows from the beginning of the table to the last row to display begin base 0 rows Read the begin base 0 rows rows but send to display only when the row number of the rows read is greater than begin base 0 SQL Dialectselect from table order by unique key FETCH FIRST begin base 0 rows ROWS ONLY SQL ANSI 2008PostgreSQLSQL Server 2012DerbyOracle 12cDB2 12Mimer SQLSelect from table order by unique key LIMIT begin base 0 rows MySQLSQLiteSelect TOP begin base 0 rows from table order by unique key SQL Server 2005Select from table order by unique key ROWS LIMIT begin base 0 rows Sybase ASE 16 SP2SET ROWCOUNT begin base 0 rows Select from table order by unique key SET ROWCOUNT 0 Sybase SQL Server 2000Select FROM SELECT FROM table ORDER BY unique key a where rownum lt begin base 0 rows Oracle 11 Method with positioning edit Select only rows rows starting from the next row to display begin base 0 1 Read and send to display all the rows read from the databaseSQL DialectSelect from table order by unique key OFFSET begin base 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT rows ROWS ONLY SQL ANSI 2008PostgreSQLSQL Server 2012DerbyOracle 12cDB2 12Mimer SQLSelect from table order by unique key LIMIT rows OFFSET begin base 0 MySQLMariaDBPostgreSQLSQLiteSelect from table order by unique key LIMIT begin base 0 rows MySQLMariaDBSQLiteSelect from table order by unique key ROWS LIMIT rows OFFSET begin base 0 Sybase ASE 16 SP2Select TOP begin base 0 rows offset identity 10 into temp from table ORDER BY unique key select from temp where offset gt begin base 0 DROP TABLE temp Sybase 12 5 3 SET ROWCOUNT begin base 0 rows select offset identity 10 into temp from table ORDER BY unique key select from temp where offset gt begin base 0 DROP TABLE temp SET ROWCOUNT 0 Sybase 12 5 2 select TOP rows from select ROW NUMBER over order by unique key as offset from table xx where offset gt begin base 0 SQL Server 2005SET ROWCOUNT begin base 0 rows select offset identity int 1 1 into temp from table ORDER BY unique key select from temp where offset gt begin base 0 DROP TABLE temp SET ROWCOUNT 0 SQL Server 2000SELECT FROM SELECT rownum 1 as offset a FROM SELECT FROM table ORDER BY unique key a WHERE rownum lt begin base 0 cant regs WHERE offset gt begin base 0 Oracle 11 Method with filter it is more sophisticated but necessary for very big dataset edit Select only then rows rows with filter First Page select only the first rows rows depending on the type of database Next Page select only the first rows rows depending on the type of database where the unique key is greater than last val the value of the unique key of the last row in the current page Previous Page sort the data in the reverse order select only the first rows rows where the unique key is less than first val the value of the unique key of the first row in the current page and sort the result in the correct order Read and send to display all the rows read from the databaseFirst Page Next Page Previous Page Dialectselect from table order by unique key FETCH FIRST rows ROWS ONLY select from table where unique key gt last val order by unique key FETCH FIRST rows ROWS ONLY select from select from table where unique key lt first val order by unique key DESC FETCH FIRST rows ROWS ONLY a order by unique key SQL ANSI 2008PostgreSQLSQL Server 2012DerbyOracle 12cDB2 12Mimer SQLselect from table order by unique key LIMIT rows select from table where unique key gt last val order by unique key LIMIT rows select from select from table where unique key lt first val order by unique key DESC LIMIT rows a order by unique key MySQLSQLiteselect TOP rows from table order by unique key select TOP rows from table where unique key gt last val order by unique key select from select TOP rows from table where unique key lt first val order by unique key DESC a order by unique key SQL Server 2005SET ROWCOUNT rows select from table order by unique key SET ROWCOUNT 0 SET ROWCOUNT rows select from table where unique key gt last val order by unique key SET ROWCOUNT 0 SET ROWCOUNT rows select from select from table where unique key lt first val order by unique key DESC a order by unique key SET ROWCOUNT 0 Sybase SQL Server 2000select from select from table order by unique key a where rownum lt rows select from select from table where unique key gt last val order by unique key a where rownum lt rows select from select from select from table where unique key lt first val order by unique key DESC a1 where rownum lt rows a2 order by unique key Oracle 11Hierarchical query editSome databases provide specialised syntax for hierarchical data A window function in SQL 2003 is an aggregate function applied to a partition of the result set For example sum population OVER PARTITION BY city calculates the sum of the populations of all rows having the same city value as the current row Partitions are specified using the OVER clause which modifies the aggregate Syntax lt OVER CLAUSE gt OVER PARTITION BY lt expr gt ORDER BY lt expression gt The OVER clause can partition and order the result set Ordering is used for order relative functions such as row number Query evaluation ANSI editThe processing of a SELECT statement according to ANSI SQL would be the following 10 select g from users u inner join groups g on g Userid u Userid where u LastName Smith and u FirstName John the FROM clause is evaluated a cross join or Cartesian product is produced for the first two tables in the FROM clause resulting in a virtual table as Vtable1the ON clause is evaluated for vtable1 only records which meet the join condition g Userid u Userid are inserted into Vtable2If an outer join is specified records which were dropped from vTable2 are added into VTable 3 for instance if the above query were select u from users u left join groups g on g Userid u Userid where u LastName Smith and u FirstName John all users who did not belong to any groups would be added back into Vtable3the WHERE clause is evaluated in this case only group information for user John Smith would be added to vTable4the GROUP BY is evaluated if the above query were select g GroupName count g as NumberOfMembers from users u inner join groups g on g Userid u Userid group by GroupName vTable5 would consist of members returned from vTable4 arranged by the grouping in this case the GroupNamethe HAVING clause is evaluated for groups for which the HAVING clause is true and inserted into vTable6 For example select g GroupName count g as NumberOfMembers from users u inner join groups g on g Userid u Userid group by GroupName having count g gt 5the SELECT list is evaluated and returned as Vtable 7the DISTINCT clause is evaluated duplicate rows are removed and returned as Vtable 8the ORDER BY clause is evaluated ordering the rows and returning VCursor9 This is a cursor and not a table because ANSI defines a cursor as an ordered set of rows not relational Window function support by RDBMS vendors editThe implementation of window function features by vendors of relational databases and SQL engines differs wildly Most databases support at least some flavour of window functions However when we take a closer look it becomes clear that most vendors only implement a subset of the standard Let s take the powerful RANGE clause as an example Only Oracle DB2 Spark Hive and Google Big Query fully implement this feature More recently vendors have added new extensions to the standard e g array aggregation functions These are particularly useful in the context of running SQL against a distributed file system Hadoop Spark Google BigQuery where we have weaker data co locality guarantees than on a distributed relational database MPP Rather than evenly distributing the data across all nodes SQL engines running queries against a distributed filesystem can achieve data co locality guarantees by nesting data and thus avoiding potentially expensive joins involving heavy shuffling across the network User defined aggregate functions that can be used in window functions are another extremely powerful feature Generating data in T SQL editMethod to generate data based on the union all select 1 a 1 b union all select 1 2 union all select 1 3 union all select 2 1 union all select 5 1 SQL Server 2008 supports the row constructor feature specified in the SQL 1999 standard select from values 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 5 1 as x a b References edit Microsoft 23 May 2023 Transact SQL Syntax Conventions MySQL SQL SELECT Syntax Omitting FROM clause is not standard but allowed by most major DBMSes Transact SQL Reference SQL Server Language Reference SQL Server 2005 Books Online Microsoft 2007 09 15 Retrieved 2007 06 17 SAS 9 4 SQL Procedure User s Guide SAS Institute published 2013 10 July 2013 p 248 ISBN 9781612905686 Retrieved 2015 10 21 Although the UNIQUE argument is identical to DISTINCT it is not an ANSI standard Leon Alexis Leon Mathews 1999 Eliminating duplicates SELECT using DISTINCT SQL A Complete Reference New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Education published 2008 p 143 ISBN 9780074637081 Retrieved 2015 10 21 the keyword DISTINCT eliminates the duplicates from the result set PostgreSQL 9 1 24 Documentation Chapter 3 Advanced Features OpenLink Software 9 19 10 The TOP SELECT Option docs openlinksw com Retrieved 1 October 2019 Ing oscar Bonilla MBA Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005 T SQL Querying by Itzik Ben Gan Lubor Kollar and Dejan SarkaSources editHorizontal amp Vertical Partitioning Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Books Online External links editWindowed Tables and Window function in SQL Stefan Dessloch Oracle SELECT syntax Firebird SELECT syntax MySQL SELECT syntax PostgreSQL SELECT syntax SQLite SELECT syntax Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Select SQL amp oldid 1214725365, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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