
List of Malaysian states by GDP

This is a list of Malaysian states and federal territories sorted by their gross domestic product.[1][2]

As of 3 November 2022 Malaysian Ringgit (symbol: RM, currency code: MYR) is equivalent to 0.211 United States dollar[3] or 0.213 Euros.[4]

Gross Domestic Product by state

Malaysian states by GDP per capita (PPP US$) in 2020.
National purchasing power parity per capita GDP is 30,681 US$.
  < 5,000 US$
  5,000 - < 10,000 US$
  10,000 - < 15,000 US$
  15,000 - < 30,000 US$
  30,000 - < 45,000 US$
  45,000 - < 60,000 US$
  > 60,000 US$

The following table is the list of the GDP of Malaysian states released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia.[5][6]

State or Federal Territory 2021 GDP
(RM Million)[7]
2020 GDP
(RM Million)
2019 GDP
(RM Million)
2018 GDP
(RM Million)
2017 GDP
(RM Million)
2016 GDP
(RM Million)
2015 GDP
(RM Million)
2014 GDP
(RM Million)
2013 GDP
(RM Million)
2012 GDP
(RM Million)
2011 GDP
(RM Million)
2010 GDP
(RM Million)
  Selangor 364,271 339,757 357,807 321,069 300,627 280,698 239,968 226,964 212,645 200,906 187,434 177,718
  Kuala Lumpur 231,407 227,178 244,210 217,818 204,141 190,075 160,388 152,380 140,534 131,514 122,890 113,095
  Sarawak 162,657 136,875 149,724 129,662 127,120 121,414 106,063 102,318 98,089 94,013 92,700 87,131
  Johor 146,626 135,830 140,450 130,852 123,913 116,679 98,880 93,665 87,974 84,050 78,946 74,102
  Penang 103,852 97,049 97,716 89,957 85,592 81,284 69,844 66,200 61,324 58,353 55,827 52,946
  Sabah 102,243 83,970 85,444 88,042 86,741 80,167 70,421 66,376 63,226 61,223 59,339 58,127
  Perak 86,389 77,964 79,448 75,129 71,348 67,629 58,033 54,785 52,368 49,756 46,346 43,313
  Pahang 66,160 60,485 60,964 58,239 56,543 52,452 45,882 43,946 42,201 40,047 38,148 35,871
  Negeri_Sembilan 53,578 49,508 51,099 46,333 44,466 42,389 37,539 35,963 34,892 33,924 32,007 30,229
  Kedah 50,725 48,380 48,717 44,374 42,626 40,596 35,999 34,105 32,740 31,241 29,585 27,356
  Melaka 44,811 42,805 45,651 41,826 40,256 37,274 31,715 30,071 27,933 27,276 25,487 24,187
  Terengganu 36,175 33,885 38,496 35,028 34,174 32,270 27,760 26,866 25,326 24,292 23,509 22,769
  Kelantan 28,243 26,851 26,940 24,799 24,171 23,020 19,722 19,048 18,136 17,558 16,691 15,591
  Perlis 7,810 7,645 7,725 6,768 6,349 5,984 5,119 4,790 4,549 4,167 3,852 3,389
  Labuan 6,185 6,010 6,518 5,962 5,772 5,642 4,917 4,806 4,574 4,426 4,214 4,105
  Malaysia 1,545,372 1,416,605 1,510,693 1,365,523 1,302,697 1,230,120 1,062,805 1,012,506 955,080 912,261 864,920 821,434

Gross Domestic Product per capita by state

Malaysian states by GDP per capita (nominal US$) in 2020.
National average is 11,281 US$.
  < 5,000 US$
  5,000 - < 7,000 US$
  7,000 - < 9,000 US$
  9,000 - < 11,281 US$
  11,281 - < 13,000 US$
  13,000 - < 15,000 US$
  15,000 - < 20,000 US$
  > 20,000 US$

The following table is a list of the GDP per capita of Malaysian states released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia.

State or Federal Territory 2021 GDP
per capita
2020 GDP
per capita
2019 GDP
per capita
2018 GDP
per capita
2017 GDP
per capita
2016 GDP
per capita
2015 GDP
per capita
2014 GDP
per capita
2013 GDP
per capita
2012 GDP
per capita
2011 GDP
per capita
2010 GDP
per capita
  Kuala Lumpur 111,292 121,100 129,472 121,293 111,321 101,420 94,722 90,464 82,208 77,073 70,675 64,693
  Labuan 81,345 76,898 77,798 74,337 65,949 61,833 58,577 55,566 53,576 49,157 44,044 38,445
  Sarawak 65,971 55,931 53,358 52,301 49,327 44,333 44,012 44,596 41,766 41,493 40,636 35,034
  Penang 59,685 55,774 55,243 52,397 49,873 47,322 44,847 42,130 38,490 37,053 35,527 33,597
  Selangor 51,930 48,607 54,995 51,528 48,091 44,616 42,611 40,536 38,071 36,799 34,478 32,300
  Malacca 44,610 42,861 49,172 47,960 46,015 41,363 39,853 38,656 35,699 34,965 32,421 29,366
  Negeri Sembilan 44,495 41,254 45,373 43,047 41,615 38,559 36,699 35,865 34,118 33,761 32,136 29,363
  Pahang 41,313 38,010 36,560 35,577 38,952 36,244 30,343 29,341 27,856 27,413 27,069 23,883
  Johor 36,474 33,896 37,342 36,394 34,362 31,952 29,539 28,089 26,308 25,442 24,350 22,035
  Perak 34,338 31,626 31,719 30,303 29,226 27,246 25,418 21,132 22,445 21,711 20,370 18,207
  Terengganu 30,901 29,426 30,933 30,216 29,347 27,268 26,529 26,397 24,449 23,935 23,282 21,573
  Sabah 29,960 24,652 25,326 25,861 23,979 21,081 19,734 19,723 18,680 19,487 19,648 17,831
  Kedah 23,575 22,693 22,412 21,410 20,327 19,152 18,249 17,329 16,616 16,088 15,563 14,034
  Perlis 21,508 21,099 25,656 24,442 23,372 22,479 21,394 20,999 20,196 19,537 18,299 17,410
  Kelantan 15,584 14,951 14,341 13,668 13,593 12,812 12,075 11,748 11,284 11,217 10,894 9,806
  Malaysia 47,439 43,475 46,450 44,682 42,228 38,887 37,104 36,031 33,714 32,913 31,372 28,733

See also


  1. ^ "Table 30: GDP by State, 2010-2016 at Current Prices - RM Million" (PDF) (in Malay and English). Department of Statistics, Malaysia. p. 17/32. Retrieved 22 February 2018.
  2. ^ (PDF) (in Malay and English). Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia. p. 1/2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 April 2017. Retrieved 22 February 2018.
  3. ^ "XE: MYR / USD Currency Chart. Malaysian Ringgit to US Dollar Rates". www.xe.com. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  4. ^ "XE: MYR / EUR Currency Chart. Malaysian Ringgit to Euro Rates". www.xe.com. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  5. ^ "Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal". www.dosm.gov.my. Retrieved 30 September 2020.
  6. ^ "Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal". www.dosm.gov.my. Retrieved 30 October 2021.
  7. ^ "Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal". www.dosm.gov.my. Retrieved 8 November 2022.

list, malaysian, states, this, list, malaysian, states, federal, territories, sorted, their, gross, domestic, product, november, 2022, malaysian, ringgit, symbol, currency, code, equivalent, united, states, dollar, euros, contents, gross, domestic, product, st. This is a list of Malaysian states and federal territories sorted by their gross domestic product 1 2 As of 3 November 2022 Malaysian Ringgit symbol RM currency code MYR is equivalent to 0 211 United States dollar 3 or 0 213 Euros 4 Contents 1 Gross Domestic Product by state 2 Gross Domestic Product per capita by state 3 See also 4 ReferencesGross Domestic Product by state Edit Malaysian states by GDP per capita PPP US in 2020 National purchasing power parity per capita GDP is 30 681 US lt 5 000 US 5 000 lt 10 000 US 10 000 lt 15 000 US 15 000 lt 30 000 US 30 000 lt 45 000 US 45 000 lt 60 000 US gt 60 000 US The following table is the list of the GDP of Malaysian states released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia 5 6 State or Federal Territory 2021 GDP RM Million 7 2020 GDP RM Million 2019 GDP RM Million 2018 GDP RM Million 2017 GDP RM Million 2016 GDP RM Million 2015 GDP RM Million 2014 GDP RM Million 2013 GDP RM Million 2012 GDP RM Million 2011 GDP RM Million 2010 GDP RM Million Selangor 364 271 339 757 357 807 321 069 300 627 280 698 239 968 226 964 212 645 200 906 187 434 177 718 Kuala Lumpur 231 407 227 178 244 210 217 818 204 141 190 075 160 388 152 380 140 534 131 514 122 890 113 095 Sarawak 162 657 136 875 149 724 129 662 127 120 121 414 106 063 102 318 98 089 94 013 92 700 87 131 Johor 146 626 135 830 140 450 130 852 123 913 116 679 98 880 93 665 87 974 84 050 78 946 74 102 Penang 103 852 97 049 97 716 89 957 85 592 81 284 69 844 66 200 61 324 58 353 55 827 52 946 Sabah 102 243 83 970 85 444 88 042 86 741 80 167 70 421 66 376 63 226 61 223 59 339 58 127 Perak 86 389 77 964 79 448 75 129 71 348 67 629 58 033 54 785 52 368 49 756 46 346 43 313 Pahang 66 160 60 485 60 964 58 239 56 543 52 452 45 882 43 946 42 201 40 047 38 148 35 871 Negeri Sembilan 53 578 49 508 51 099 46 333 44 466 42 389 37 539 35 963 34 892 33 924 32 007 30 229 Kedah 50 725 48 380 48 717 44 374 42 626 40 596 35 999 34 105 32 740 31 241 29 585 27 356 Melaka 44 811 42 805 45 651 41 826 40 256 37 274 31 715 30 071 27 933 27 276 25 487 24 187 Terengganu 36 175 33 885 38 496 35 028 34 174 32 270 27 760 26 866 25 326 24 292 23 509 22 769 Kelantan 28 243 26 851 26 940 24 799 24 171 23 020 19 722 19 048 18 136 17 558 16 691 15 591 Perlis 7 810 7 645 7 725 6 768 6 349 5 984 5 119 4 790 4 549 4 167 3 852 3 389 Labuan 6 185 6 010 6 518 5 962 5 772 5 642 4 917 4 806 4 574 4 426 4 214 4 105 Malaysia 1 545 372 1 416 605 1 510 693 1 365 523 1 302 697 1 230 120 1 062 805 1 012 506 955 080 912 261 864 920 821 434Gross Domestic Product per capita by state Edit Malaysian states by GDP per capita nominal US in 2020 National average is 11 281 US lt 5 000 US 5 000 lt 7 000 US 7 000 lt 9 000 US 9 000 lt 11 281 US 11 281 lt 13 000 US 13 000 lt 15 000 US 15 000 lt 20 000 US gt 20 000 US The following table is a list of the GDP per capita of Malaysian states released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia State or Federal Territory 2021 GDPper capita RM 2020 GDPper capita RM 2019 GDPper capita RM 2018 GDPper capita RM 2017 GDPper capita RM 2016 GDPper capita RM 2015 GDPper capita RM 2014 GDPper capita RM 2013 GDPper capita RM 2012 GDPper capita RM 2011 GDPper capita RM 2010 GDPper capita RM Kuala Lumpur 111 292 121 100 129 472 121 293 111 321 101 420 94 722 90 464 82 208 77 073 70 675 64 693 Labuan 81 345 76 898 77 798 74 337 65 949 61 833 58 577 55 566 53 576 49 157 44 044 38 445 Sarawak 65 971 55 931 53 358 52 301 49 327 44 333 44 012 44 596 41 766 41 493 40 636 35 034 Penang 59 685 55 774 55 243 52 397 49 873 47 322 44 847 42 130 38 490 37 053 35 527 33 597 Selangor 51 930 48 607 54 995 51 528 48 091 44 616 42 611 40 536 38 071 36 799 34 478 32 300 Malacca 44 610 42 861 49 172 47 960 46 015 41 363 39 853 38 656 35 699 34 965 32 421 29 366 Negeri Sembilan 44 495 41 254 45 373 43 047 41 615 38 559 36 699 35 865 34 118 33 761 32 136 29 363 Pahang 41 313 38 010 36 560 35 577 38 952 36 244 30 343 29 341 27 856 27 413 27 069 23 883 Johor 36 474 33 896 37 342 36 394 34 362 31 952 29 539 28 089 26 308 25 442 24 350 22 035 Perak 34 338 31 626 31 719 30 303 29 226 27 246 25 418 21 132 22 445 21 711 20 370 18 207 Terengganu 30 901 29 426 30 933 30 216 29 347 27 268 26 529 26 397 24 449 23 935 23 282 21 573 Sabah 29 960 24 652 25 326 25 861 23 979 21 081 19 734 19 723 18 680 19 487 19 648 17 831 Kedah 23 575 22 693 22 412 21 410 20 327 19 152 18 249 17 329 16 616 16 088 15 563 14 034 Perlis 21 508 21 099 25 656 24 442 23 372 22 479 21 394 20 999 20 196 19 537 18 299 17 410 Kelantan 15 584 14 951 14 341 13 668 13 593 12 812 12 075 11 748 11 284 11 217 10 894 9 806 Malaysia 47 439 43 475 46 450 44 682 42 228 38 887 37 104 36 031 33 714 32 913 31 372 28 733See also EditEconomy of MalaysiaReferences Edit Table 30 GDP by State 2010 2016 at Current Prices RM Million PDF in Malay and English Department of Statistics Malaysia p 17 32 Retrieved 22 February 2018 Table 2 6 2 Gross Domestic Product by State at Constant Prices 2010 100 2010 2016 Malaysia PDF in Malay and English Economic Planning Unit Prime Minister s Department of Malaysia p 1 2 Archived from the original PDF on 21 April 2017 Retrieved 22 February 2018 XE MYR USD Currency Chart Malaysian Ringgit to US Dollar Rates www xe com Retrieved 4 January 2021 XE MYR EUR Currency Chart Malaysian Ringgit to Euro Rates www xe com Retrieved 4 January 2021 Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal www dosm gov my Retrieved 30 September 2020 Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal www dosm gov my Retrieved 30 October 2021 Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal www dosm gov my Retrieved 8 November 2022 https www dosm gov my v1 index php r column cthemeByCat amp cat 102 amp bul id TExzYmVmRC83S1hBMEUrUDVzczdLUT09 amp menu id TE5CRUZCblh4ZTZMODZIbmk2aWRRQT09 https www johor gov my kerajaan bajet johor tahun 2019 tab id 3 Johor 2018 estimate grow 5 5 2 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of Malaysian states by GDP amp oldid 1130271058, 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