
Gazikumukh Khanate

Gazikumukh Khanate was a Lak state that was established in present-day Dagestan after the disintegration of Gazikumukh Shamkhalate in 1642. Its peoples included various Lezgin tribes and Avars.

Gazikumukh Khanate
Lak Khanate
Lak: Gazigumukssa Khanlug
Lakssa Khanlug
Common languagesLak
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by

State structure edit

Supreme council edit

Khanate was ruled by the supreme council known as "Kat" in Lak or "Divan" where viziers, main qadis, warlords and the ruler participated in the meetings. Local governments consisted of jama'at, council of chiefs, judge and executor. Police functions were performed by the khan's noukers.

Territory edit

The state of Laks consisted of one Lakia that was divided into such territories as "Kullal", "Uri-Mukarki", "Machaymi", "Vitskhi", "Gumuchi" and "Bartki".

Khalklavchi Alibek II edit

Election edit

After the transfer of the capital of shamkhalate to Tarki, in Gazi-Kumukh was ruled by the supreme council.[1] In 1642 Alibek II, son of Tuchilav, son of Alibek I, son of Chopan-shamkhal, son of Budai-shamkhal, was elected the ruler of Gazi-Kumukh, with the title "khalklavchi".[2]

Surkhay-khan I edit

Election edit

In 1700, the Laks gave their ruler a popular title – khan. The council of chiefs elected Surkhay-bek (1680–1748), son of Garey-bek, son of khalklavchi Alibek II from a shamkhal family that remained in Gazi-Kumukh, a ruler.[3] Surkhay-khan I established a Lak state with a strong central power.

Anti-Iranian movement edit

Public dissatisfaction in Shirvan with the Persians led to a revolt. In 1707, the population of Djaria and Tsakhur led by their elders attacked Shamakha, the residence of the ruler of Shirvan. In 1708, Iranian troops under the command of Imam Kuli-khan advanced from Kakheti and crushed the uprising.[4] In 1709 in Azerbaijan, Haji-Dawood also rebelled against the Persians. Utsmy Ahmed-khan called on the people to fight the Persian shias.

Alliances edit

In 1710 an agreement was signed between Gazikumukh Khanate and Avar Khanate that proclaimed a political-military alliance. Surkhay-khan I forming the Gazikumukh army and like the shamkhal of Tarki became an ally of the Shah of Persia.

In 1720 the Shah of Persia, Sultan Husayn, called his allies to assist and suppress the uprising in Shirvan. Surkhay-khan I gathered the Gazi-Kumukh army and advanced to Shirvan, to help the shah. Not far from Kabala, Surkhay-khan I was stopped by the Sunni delegation of Shirvan led by Haji-Dawood who urged Surkhay-khan I to support the Sunnis than the Shias. Utsmy Ahmed-khan was in alliance with Haji-Dawood against the "rafidas". Surkhay-khan I decided to support the sunnis of Shirvan.

Invasion of Shirwan edit

In 1721 on July 21, Surkhay-khan I and Haji-Dawood invaded the Safavid Iranian city of Shemakha, the major trading center of Shirvan, and captured it. English writer Jonas Hanway wrote that "the city was ransacked".[5] Utsmy Ahmed-khan could take part in this campaign due to a threat from shamkhal of Tarki.

Intrusion of Peter I of Russia edit

In 1722 a 110 thousand army of Peter I of Russia came to Dagestan as he invaded the Iranian domains in the region during the Russo-Persian War (1722-1723). Surkhay-khan I spoke out against the colonial policy of Russia, but avoided an armed clash with Peter.[6] Colonel Alexander Komarov wrote that "In 1723 September 12, shah Tahmasp had ceded to Russia the whole Caspian region from Astrabad to Sulak, however Gazi-Kumukh was not included there. The merit of Gazi-Kumukh reached a high point in Dagestan".[7]

In 1724 Surkhay-khan I refused to acknowledge the extension of Ferhat-pasha treaty that passed Shirvan from Persia to Turkey. Surkhay-khan I demanded from Turkey to hand Shirvan over to his rule. Turkey refused. Surkhay-khan I, Ahmed-khan and Nutsal of Avaria ransacked Shirvan for one whole year.

Governing Shirwan edit

In 1725 (in another version in 1728) Turkey issued a Firman that proclaimed Surkhay-khan I the ruler of Shirvan. According to Butkov, Surkhay-khan I was not subordinate to Turkish authority "as he understood his strength".[8] Surkhay-khan I receiving the title of khan of Shirvan and Gazi-Kumukh, made Shemakha his residence, built schools, fortresses and roads.[9]

Historian Gusaynov wrote that "as early as July 1730 shah of Persia offered Surkhay-khan I a position of Persian viceroy in Shemakha but Surkhay-khan I refused".[10] In 1733 Nader, a commander-in-chief of the Persian army, defeated the Turkish army near Baghdad. Accordingly, Turkey was transferring to Persia several provinces including Shirvan. General Nader sent his messenger to Surkhay-khan I of Shirvan and demanded him to leave.[11] Surkhay-khan I wrote to Nader a letter saying that "Shirvan was conquered by the Lezgins (Dagestani) swords and not given to him by Turkey as a gift, and that neither Sultan of Turkey nor Ahmed of Baghdad have the right to request him to hand over this territory".[12] Surkhay-khan I reflected the will of Dagestanis and Shirvanis who were categorically against the Persian takeover of Shirvan.[13]

First invasion edit

In 1734 on August 17 general Nader moving in different directions captured Shemakha, Qabala, Khachmaz, Derbent and Kura. Surkhay-khan I clashed with Nader in Deve-Batan, not far from Qabala, where highlanders and the Turks were defeated by a strong enemy artillery.[14] Advancing further on Nader's artillery stormed the positions of Surkhay-khan I at Koysu river for three days and arrived in Gazi-Kumukh. General-in-chief V. Y. Levashov wrote: "Surkhay was not able to resist the great gun-fire". Surkhay-khan I retreated to Andalal, according to the "Chronicle of wars of Djaria". Nader then marched against Abdullah-pasha, who was standing with Turkish forces near Erevan.

Crimean Kaplan Girey-khan, by the order of Turkish sultan, removed Khazbulat-shamkhal and appointed Eldar-bek of Kazanish, an ally of Surkhay-khan I, as new shamkhal.[1] These events triggered the second Persian invasion of Dagestan.

Second invasion edit

In November 1735 Nader overcoming the resistance captured Ganja, Djaria, Sheki, Shirvan, Shemakha, and Derbent. In December Nader advanced to Madjalis where "people of Akusha stubbornly defended themselves but were defeated", noted Bakikhanov. Persians besieged the fortress of utsmi who was forced to surrender.[15][16]

Nader then headed for Gazi-Kumukh. Surkhay-khan I stood not far from Gazi-Kumukh where 30 thousand army of Nader clashed with a 10 thousand army of Surkhay-khan I. "Land was red with blood as Jaihun" wrote Iranian historian Muhammed Gazim.[17] Surkhay-khan I retreated to Andalal again. Historian Jones wrote that "the fierce sea of the conqueror’s army turned its waves on habitats and fields of Kumukh, and possessions of all people of this place were destroyed".[18]

Russian military administration in the north Caucasus reported that utsmi Ahmed-khan with Surkhay-khan I built ten fortifications equipped with guns.[19][20][21][22] Russian officer Kalushkin at the Persian court informed the Senate in Moscow that "Surkhay-khan ransacked Derbent fortress, defeated the army of Mehdi-khan".[21] In 1738 Ibrahim-khan marched against Dagestanis who dealt a crushing defeat to the shah's army of Ibrahim-khan.

Third invasion edit

In 1741 on July 2, Nader-shah invaded Dagestan at the head of 100 thousand army. Before the invasion Nader-shah declared that "I took under my power Hindustan, the lands of Turan and Iran. Now, I intend with enormous and countless army to conquer the kingdom of Kumukh". Shah's historiographer Mirza-Mehdi Astarabadi wrote: "The banners that conquered the world are leaving Iran and heading to Dagestan".[23]

Persians faced battles in Bashli, Dubek, Tabasaran, Kaitag and Djengutai.[24] Muhammed Gazim, historian of Nader-shah, wrote that "the troops of Surkhay kept on firing from guns for two hours and all the 20 thousand shooters of Khorasan and Turkestan left this world". Nevertheless, Persians overcame the defences of highlanders.[25] By August 1741 Surkhay-khan I retreated to his fortress in Gazi-Kumukh but surrendered in a week. Muhammad-bek and Murtazali-bek with five thousand army retreated to Andalal. Ahmed-khan retreated to Andalal as well where highlanders began to gather.

Murtazali-khan edit

Election edit

Murtazali-bek, the son of Surkhay-khan I, became the khan of Laks. Murtazali-khan was married to the daughter of Muhammad-qadi of Sogratl.

Andalal battle edit

In 1741 at the end of August, Nader-shah approached the territory of Andalal. Sogratl became the military centre of Dagestanis.[26] Murtazali-khan at the head of Dagestani army stood in Andalal.[27] Four days and four nights passed in heavy battles. Persians were routed under Sogratl, Megeb, Chokh and Oboch.

Turchidag battle edit

A decisive historical battle began on September 12 of 1741 on the Turchidag plateau. In Aymaki gorge Persian army was attacked and defeated too. French diplomat in St. Petersburg Marquis de La Chétardie wrote: "The defeat was all the more significant that Nader Shah lured himself into a trap and got into the canyon where hidden forces on both sides have made a terrible massacre of most of his army". By night of September 28 Nader-shah hastily retreated from Andalal losing 40 thousand of his army, according to I. Kalushkin.

Murtazali-khan pursued the retreating Persians up to Derbent. Kalushkin reported that "shah was so cruelly beaten that he was forced to turn back three times to defend himself".[28][29] As it was written: "Salutes were given In Istanbul. In Petersburg people could not conceal their joy".[30]

Muhammad-khan edit

Election edit

In 1743 Muhammad-bek, son of Surkhay-khan I, took over the throne of Gazikumukh Khanate. Sefi-Mirza II known as Sam-Mirza a "miraculously saved Sefevid prince" arrived from Turkey to Muhammad-khan. Some Persian nobles swore allegiance to Sam-Mirza. Muhammad-khan decided to take over Shirvan and help Sam-Mirza reach the Persian throne. Turkish minister promised to support saying: "When the mentioned prince will be firmly established on the stolen throne of his ancestors, then he will give back previously under our rule states of Shirvan, Ganja, Tiflis and Yerevan".[31][32]

Capture of Shirwan edit

At the end of 1743 Muhammad-khan invaded Kura, Derbent and Shabran that were under Persian rule. Abdal Gani-khan Afghani, Nader-shah's general who defended Shabran, was killed. Muhammad-khan moved further and captured Agsu, the new capital of Shirvan.

During 1743-1745 Muhammad-khan resided in Shirvan. In 1745 Nasrulla-Mirza, son of Nader-shah, led the shah's army on Muhammad-khan at Agsu. Nader-shah sent Ashur-khan Afshar, Karim-khan, Fatali-khan Afshar and prince Nasrullah-Mirza to fight with Muhammad-khan and his supporters. After the battle Muhammad-khan retreated to Gazi-Kumukh. Shah's army once again occupied Derbent and Kura.

In the spring of 1747 Muhammad-khan with allies invaded Kura, Derbent and Quba. Gadjiev V. writes that in 1747 "shah decided to punish Muhammad-khan by all means. However, Nader-shah was killed in a coup at the palace".[33] As the Georgian historian Vakhushti had written: "Nader-shah was not able to defeat the Lezgins (Dagestanis) as he wished".

In 1748 Surkhay-khan I died in Gazi-Kumukh. The mother of Surkhay-khan I was called Umamat, she was a sister Omar-khan of Avaria. Daughter of Surkhay-khan I was married to a son of Avar khan. Muhammad-khan had three wives. The first wife was the daughter of Khasbulat-shamkhal of Tarki, from her he had four sons. Second wife was the daughter of Tishsiz-Bammat of Kazanish, the khan of Mekhtula Khanate, and had one son from her. Third wife was Istadjalu, the daughter of Abdal Gani-khan Afghani.

Gevdusha battle edit

Soon Fatali-khan captured Kura, Derbent, Quba and Shemakha. Eldar-bek and Shahmardan-bek of Gazi-Kumukh following a dispute with Muhammad-khan fled to Fatali-khan. Muhammad-khan rendered his preference of the future ruler to Surkhay-bek, born from the daughter of Abdal Gani-khan.[34] In subsequent years Fatali-khan was in conflict with utsmi of Kaitag, nutsal of Avaria and the khan of Gazi-Kumukh.

A coalition was formed which included many rulers of Dagestan who undertook an invasion of Quba Khanate. A battle took place in the Gevdusha valley where Fatali-khan suffered a defeat and retreated to Salyan.[35]

Russian intrusion edit

Russia after receiving the appeal of Fatali-khan began combat actions in the Caucasus.[36] In 1775 March 4, general Frederick Medem crossed over Terek river and invaded Derbent, Kura and Quba.[37] Utsmi Amir-Hamza retreated from Derbent to Kaitag and Muhammad-khan from Quba to Gazi-Kumukh.

In 1776 Russian army was recalled from Dagestan as "Fatali-khan reconciled his disputes with the khan of Kaitag, khan of Gazi-Kumukh and the ruler of Tabasaran". In 1789 after the death of Muhammad-khan, his son Surkhay-bek was elected the ruler of Gazikumukh Khanate.

Surkhay-khan II edit

Personality edit

Ali Kayaev, a scholar from Kumukh wrote that "Surkhay-khan II was a religious scholar, who knew Qur'an by heart. He restored three mosques in Kumukh: Burhay mosque, Qadi mosque and Friday mosque". Mosque in Tpik was also reconstructed by Surkhay-khan II. Van Galen, officer and an eyewitness wrote: "This was a remarkable man. He was tall and had a formidable appearance especially in an old age. In the mountains he was famous for extensive teachings in the Muslim spirit, and due to his ancient family had great connections throughout Dagestan and was respected by all the neighboring people".

Surkhay-khan II had two wives: the first was Lak and from her there were four sons and a daughter, the second wife was Avar, sister of Umma-khan of Avaria. "Daughter of Surkhay-khan II, Gulandash-khanum, was married to Mustafa-khan of Shirvan, a relative of Surkhay-khan II". Ahmed-khan Sultan of Tsakhur, son of Alkhaz-bek, was married to the daughter of Surkhay-khan II. Sultan of Elisu Daniyal-bek was grandson of Surkhay-khan II. During 1796 Surkhay-khan II was an influential ruler in Dagestan having an army of 25 thousand men.[38]

Alliances edit

At the end of 18th century Caucasian conflict erupted once again with participation of Iran, Turkey and Russia. Turkish emissaries visited the khans of Lakia and Avaria with large sums of money asking for alliance against Russia. Surkhay-khan II becomes an ally of Turkey.[39]

Military actions edit

In 1796 Catherine II of Russia sent general Valerian Zubov for further conquest of southern Dagestan during the Persian Expedition of 1796. General Zubov invaded Quba Khanate and Derbent.[40] After the death of Catherine II, Russian troops pulled out of southern Dagestan.

Ali Kayaev wrote that in 1797 Surkhay-khan II gave decisive battles in Karachay–Cherkessia. In 1803 Octobers 22, Surkhay-khan II crossed Alazani and attacked the Kabardin battalion of Tiflis regiment, under the command of Major-General Gulyakov. Gordin Y. A. wrote that "Surkhay-khan II is one of the strongest Lezgin rulers in Dagestan".[41][42][43]

In 1811 December 15, generals Guryev and Khatuntsev besieged the fortress of Kurakh where Surkhay-khan II resided. After the battle Surkhay-khan II retreated to Gazi-Kumukh. General Khatuntsev passed the management of Kurakh, the capital of Kura region, to Aslan-bek son of Shahmardan-bek.[44][45]

In May 1813 Surkhay-khan II attacked the Kurakh garrison, but was repelled by Aslan-bek.[46] Surkhay-khan II passed the management of khanate to his son Murtazali-bek and left for Tabriz to shah Abbas-Mirza. Surkhay-khan II was not able to win over the shah.

In 1816 Ermolov was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasus region.[47] In 1818 rulers of Gazikumukh, Avaria, Mekhtula, Tabasaran and Kaitag, unite against general Ermolov.[48] In 1819 October 19 Surkhay-khan II with a 3 thousand army attacked the Chirakh garrison but didn't succeed and ordered to retreat.[49] Major General Vrede fortified tsar's troops in Beduk, Richa and Chirag, against the attacks of Surkhay-khan II.

Capture of Gazi-Kumukh edit

In 1820 general Aleksey Ermolov decided to capture Gazi-Kumukh, the stronghold of anti-colonial struggle of highlanders, by a direct attack. A decisive battle took place on June 12 near Khosrekh village. General Madatov with army divisions from Shirvan, Shaki, Quba and Karabakh moved to Khosrekh.[50] By artillery fire Russians overcame the defences of highlanders. Khosrekh was captured and further Gazi-Kumukh. In 1820 after 25 years of war of Surkhay-khan II, the Gazikumukh Khanate was conquered by Russian empire. Ermolov wrote after capturing Gazi-Kumukh: "Russian army appeared in this place for the first time". In August 1820 Surkhay-khan II left for Persia to Fat′h Ali-shah.

Surkhay-khan II gave many battles of which the largest were at Tiflis, Derbent, Khosrekh, Chirakh, Kurakh, Kartukh, Alazani, Quba, Akhaltsikhe, Akhalkalaki, Kartli, Kakheti, fortress Surkhayli in Cherkessia, Ganja, Yerevan, Kars, Ardagan and Erzurum.[7]

After the capture of the Gazi-Kumukh Khanate, Sufism as the teachings of Qizilbashes, had spread in Dagestan, that had been prevented by the war of Surkhay-khan II.[51]

Aslan-khan edit

In 1820 Aslan-bek was elected the ruler of Gazi-Kumukh Khanate who also inherited the Kura Khanate which was restored by Russians into an independent Khanate in gratitude to Aslan-bek for his services.[7] Aslan-khan was elevated to the rank of Major-General. In 1826 Surkhay-khan II returned from Persia and in 1827 died in the village of Sogratl in Andalal at the age of 83. His son Nukh-bek migrated to Turkey where he died in 1828.

Being part of Russia highlanders ran into state organised serfdom. Russian management toughened exploitation of peasants. This situation led to a powerful social unrest and revolt.

Laks were such political figures of Caucasian war as Haji Yahya-bek, Muhammad-Efendi Guyminski, Buk-Muhammad and Bashir-bek (naibs of Imam Shamil). Direct descendant of khans of Gazi-Kumukh was Muhammad-Amin (Imam of Abkhazia and Cherkessia 1848-1859).[52] In 1832 Russian administration appointed Aslan-khan a temporary ruler of Avaria. Mother of Aslan-khan, Aymesey, was sister of Umma-khan of Avaria.

Nutsal Aga-khan edit

In 1836 Nutsal Aga-bek, the eldest son of Aslan-khan, was appointed the ruler of Gazi-Kumukh. Nutsal Aga-khan arrived at the funeral of his father as a legitimate khan, appointed by Russian Tsar. Kura Khanate was ruled by Garun-bek, son of Tagir-bek, brother of Aslan-khan.

Muhammad Mirza-khan edit

In 1836 Muhammad Mirza-khan was appointed the khan of Gazi-Kumukh. Muhammad Mirza-khan was promoted to the rank of colonel and got a letter of investiture from the Russian Tsar.

Ummu Kulsum-beke edit

In 1838 the ruler of the Gazi-kumukh became Ummu Kulsum-beke, the wife of Aslan-khan. Representatives of Gazi-Kumukh clergy came to Ummu Kulsum-beke with a request from people to take charge of state affairs offering her Mahmud-bek, nephew of Aslan-khan, as an assistant.

Haji Yahya-bek of Gazi-Kumukh fled to Imam Shamil and became one of his naibs and later started negotiations with Mahmud-bek to assist Imam Shamil. It was said in the Russian document of that time: "Mahmud-bek and Garun-bek have gradually involved everyone in very close relations with Shamil".[53] Prushanovsky wrote: "if someone was robbed by Shamil, it was enough to come to Mahmud-bek and the lost property was always returned".[54]

In 1841 Haji Yahya-bek captured the fortress of Gazi-Kumukh, briefly incorporating Lak lands into Imamate. Imam Shamil later arrived in Gazi-Kumukh.[55] Mahmud-bek and his brother Garun-bek the ruler of Kura Khanate, who were in Gazi-Kumukh, declared themselves allies of Imam Shamil.

Abdurahman-khan edit

In 1841 Abdurahman-bek was elected the ruler of Gazi-Kumukh. Abdurahman-bek married Shamay-beke, daughter of Nutsal Aga-khan. Kura Khanate was ruled by Yusuf-bek. In 1844 Shamil captured villages of Nitsovkra, Duchi, Tulisma, Kulushats and Churtakh in Lakia.[56]

In the summer of 1847 Aglar-bek, younger brother of Abdurahman-khan, arrived from St. Petersburg to Gazi-Kumukh in the rank of staff-captain of the Russian Army Guards. From the early years Aglar-bek was in St. Petersburg as a hostage.

Aglar-khan edit

Banner of highlanders

In 1848 the ruler of Gazikumukh Khanate became Aglar-khan (1848–1859). Haji Yahya-bek suffered a defeat from Aglar-khan in a battle for Shovkra village.[57]

In 1851 Naib Buk-Muhammad of Gazi-Kumukh with part of his people was killed on the battlefield. He was buried in the Kirkhlar cemetery of martyrs in Derbent. On the banner of Buk-Muhammad captured by Russians the following inscription was embroidered: "Do not lose bravery. Be indifferent to the dangers of war. Nobody will die before a decreed hour of death".

In 1859 after the death of Aglar-khan, Gazikumukh Khanate was abolished "due to absence of heir", although there was such heir: Jafar-bek, son of Aglar-khan, who was still young. The territory of Khanate was renamed to Gazikumukh District.[58] Management of Gazikumukh District was given to a Russian staff-officer.

Jafar-khan edit

In 1877 Jafar-khan was elected the ruler of an independent Gazi-Kumukh who assembled the army of Laks, Aguls, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutuls, Avars and decided to capture Derbent but before reaching it learned of a defeat in Levashi and other strongholds. Jafar-khan turned off the Derbent road and headed to Kaitag.[59]

References edit

  1. ^ a b Казикумухские и кюринские ханы. ССКГ. Вып. II. СПб. 1868.
  2. ^ Каяев А. Материалы по истории лаков Рукописный фонд ИЯЛ Даг. фил. АН СССР. Д. 1649. Л. 5-6. С. 22-23.
  3. ^ С. Габиев. Лаки — Их прошлое и быт. — СМОМПК. Тифлис. 1906. С. 22. Вып. XXXVI
  4. ^ П. Г. Бутков. Материалы для новой истории Кавказа (1722–1803) СПб. 1869. С. 9.
  5. ^ An Historical Account of the British Trade Over the Caspian Sea — London. 1762. Т. II. С. 146.
  6. ^ См. Н. Д. Миклухо-Маклай. Указ. соч. С.141.
  7. ^ a b c А. В. Комаров. Казикумухские и кюринские ханы. — ССКТ, Тифлис. 1869. вып. 11.
  8. ^ П. Г. Бутков. Материалы для новой истории Кавказа (1722—1803). СПб. 1869, С. 99.
  9. ^ А. К . Бакиханов. Гюлистан и Ирам. — Баку, 1991. Период четвёртый.
  10. ^ Исмей-Гаджи Гусейнов. Лаки в истории Дагестана (VI—XX века). Кавказский Узел / Энциклопедия.
  11. ^ А. К. Бакиханов. Указ. раб. С. 113.
  12. ^ В. Джонс. История Надиршаха. — Лондон, 1770. С. 196.
  13. ^ Surkhay-khan I "challenged Nader-shah himself" (Prof. V. F. Minorsky), "put a lot of energy to ensure the unity of peoples of Dagestan" (Prof. R. Magomedov), "circumstances are such that from this moment Surkhay-khan I of Gazi-Kumukh became one of the most important figures in the struggle against Iranian conqueror" (Prof. V. N. Leviatov).
  14. ^ А. К . Бакиханов. Гюлистан и Ирам. — Баку, 1991. Период четвёртый
  15. ^ А. О. Муртазаев. Кайтагское уцмийство в системе политических структур Дагестана в XVIII – начале XIX в. Махачкала, 2007 С. 36.
  16. ^ Н. А. Сотавов. Северный Кавказ в кавказской политике России, Ирана и Турции в первой половине XVIIIв. Махачкала, 1989 20. Л. 94.
  17. ^ Мухаммед Казим. Намейи Аламарайи Надири. Т. 2, с. 283.
  18. ^ В. Джонс. Указ. соч. С. 198.
  19. ^ ГУ «ЦГА РД». Ф.379. Канцелярия коменданта г. Кизляра. Оп.1.Д.17, С. 153.
  20. ^ А. Н. Козлова. Страница истории освободительной борьбы народов Дагестана // Страны и народы Востока. М.,1976. Вып.18 С. 92.
  21. ^ a b В. Г. Гаджиев Разгром Надир-шаха в Дагестане. Махачкала, 1996 С. 28.
  22. ^ А. Н. Козлова. «Намейи-оламарайи Надири Мухаммад–Казима о первом этапе похода Надир-шаха на Табасаран // Освободительная борьба народов Дагестана в эпоху средневековья. Махачкала, 1986 С. 120.
  23. ^ В. Г. Гаджиевю Указ. соч. С. 132.
  24. ^ Б. Г. Алиев. Даргинцы в борьбе с Надир-шахом. С. 36-37.
  25. ^ Там же, Д. № 7. Л. 209.
  26. ^ Там же, Д. 7. С. 298.
  27. ^ Son of Surkhay-khan I "Murtazali, significantly increasing his cavalry, asked his uncle from mother’s side, the khan of Avaria, for military assistance". (См. В. Г. Гаджиев. С. 252).
  28. ^ АВПР. д. 7. Л. 390, 411, 412.
  29. ^ Рукописный фонд ИИЯЛ Дат. филиала АН СССР. Д. 1302, л. 7.
  30. ^ Kalushkin reported that Nader-shah "seeing this, cried out of anger". (АВПР. Л. 391.).
  31. ^ АКАК. — Тифлис, 1869. Т. II, с. 1081—1082.
  32. ^ К. З. Ашрафян. Антифеодальные движения в империи Надир-шаха Афшара (1736—1747). — М. 1953. Т. VIII. С. 166—204.
  33. ^ В. Г. Гаджиев. Разгром Надир‑шаха в Дагестане. — Махачкала, 1996.
  34. ^ См. Г. Б. Абдуллаев, с. 272.
  35. ^ См. Г. Б. Абдуллаев, с. 523—525
  36. ^ Fatali-khan sent an ambassador to Kizlyar to general J. F. Medem and "appealed for protection and patronage of Russia". (См. Броневский С., т. II, ч. 333.).
  37. ^ Fatali-khan sent keys from Derbend to Catherine II and asked to accept his allegiance to Russia. (Бутков П. Г., ч. III, с. 138).
  38. ^ См. П. Г. Бутков, ч. II, с. 372.
  39. ^ Дубровин Н., т. III, с. 161
  40. ^ См. П. Г. Бутков, ч. II, с. 380, 386.
  41. ^ Я. А. Гордин. Кавказ: земля и кровь. (Россия в Кавказской войне XIX века). — 2000.
  42. ^ А. В. Комаров. Указ. соч. С. 16-17.
  43. ^ Акты, собранные Кавказскою археографическою комиссиею: В 12 т. / Под ред. А. Д. Берже. Т. III. Тифлис, 1869. 3, с. 384.
  44. ^ См. Г. Э. Алкадари. С. 124.
  45. ^ Shahmardan-bek (d. 1789) the ruler of Kura, left five sons: Tagir-bek, Omar-bek, Aslan-bek, Hasan Aga-bek and Fatali-bek.
  46. ^ Казначеев А. Ислам и Кавказ. Пятигорск, 2002. С. 137.
  47. ^ Р. А. Фадеев. Шестьдесят лет Кавказской войны. - Тифлис, 1860. - С. 15.
  48. ^ АКАК. Тифлис, 1875. Т. 6. Ч. 2. С. 59.
  49. ^ См. Али Каяев. Андалалское общество. Указ. Соч.
  50. ^ История Апшеронского полка (1700–1892 гг.) / Сост. Л. Богусловский. СПб., 1892. Т. 1. С. 362-364.
  51. ^ Sufism, as a sect of Shia, spread in the Sunni world in the 10th century. Unlike Muslims, Shites and Sufis in the worship of Allah profess the cult of imams, sheikhs, ustazes and other leaders, whom they put as intermediaries between God and themselves, which is polytheism. Such acts of polytheism, as invoking other than Allah or Allah but through the intermediaries, are strictly forbidden in Islam. Polytheism (shirk) is the greatest sin in Islam. If a person commits polytheism in faith or in the act, then Allah does not accept from that man any good deeds as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, until he repents. Allah says: "Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin" (4:48). Allah says: "The Messiah has said — O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Indeed, he who associates others with Allah, then Allah has forbidden him Paradise and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers". (5:72). Allah says: "Worship Allah and don't associate anything with Him" (4:36).
  52. ^ ССОКГ Вып. II. С. 33. Naib - Arabic word for deputy commissioner, or governor.
  53. ^ АКАК. Т. IX. С. 369.
  54. ^ Прушановский. Выписка из путевого журнала. КС. Т. XXIII. С. 48–49.
  55. ^ Движение горцев Северо-восточного Кавказа в 20-50 гг. XIX в. Сборник документов. Махачкала, 1959. С. 332.
  56. ^ АКАК. Том. X. С. 730.
  57. ^ СМОМПК. XXXVI. отд. I. С. 79–82, 85–87.
  58. ^ Российский государственный военно-исторический архив (РГВИА). Ф. 846. Оп. 16. Д. 6468. Л. 6.
  59. ^ А. В. Комаров. Казикумухские и кюринские ханы. ССКГ. Вып. II. СПб. 1868.

See also edit

gazikumukh, khanate, state, that, established, present, dagestan, after, disintegration, gazikumukh, shamkhalate, 1642, peoples, included, various, lezgin, tribes, avars, khanatelak, gazigumukssa, khanluglakssa, khanlug1642, 1860capitalgazi, kumukhcommon, lang. Gazikumukh Khanate was a Lak state that was established in present day Dagestan after the disintegration of Gazikumukh Shamkhalate in 1642 Its peoples included various Lezgin tribes and Avars Gazikumukh KhanateLak KhanateLak Gazigumukssa KhanlugLakssa Khanlug1642 1860CapitalGazi KumukhCommon languagesLakReligionIslamKhan History Established1642 Disestablished1860Preceded by Succeeded by Shamkhalate of Tarki Kumukh Russian Empire Contents 1 State structure 1 1 Supreme council 1 2 Territory 2 Khalklavchi Alibek II 2 1 Election 3 Surkhay khan I 3 1 Election 3 2 Anti Iranian movement 3 3 Alliances 3 4 Invasion of Shirwan 3 5 Intrusion of Peter I of Russia 3 6 Governing Shirwan 3 7 First invasion 3 8 Second invasion 3 9 Third invasion 4 Murtazali khan 4 1 Election 4 2 Andalal battle 4 3 Turchidag battle 5 Muhammad khan 5 1 Election 5 2 Capture of Shirwan 5 3 Gevdusha battle 5 4 Russian intrusion 6 Surkhay khan II 6 1 Personality 6 2 Alliances 6 3 Military actions 6 4 Capture of Gazi Kumukh 7 Aslan khan 8 Nutsal Aga khan 9 Muhammad Mirza khan 10 Ummu Kulsum beke 11 Abdurahman khan 12 Aglar khan 13 Jafar khan 14 References 15 See alsoState structure editSupreme council edit Khanate was ruled by the supreme council known as Kat in Lak or Divan where viziers main qadis warlords and the ruler participated in the meetings Local governments consisted of jama at council of chiefs judge and executor Police functions were performed by the khan s noukers Territory edit The state of Laks consisted of one Lakia that was divided into such territories as Kullal Uri Mukarki Machaymi Vitskhi Gumuchi and Bartki Khalklavchi Alibek II editElection edit After the transfer of the capital of shamkhalate to Tarki in Gazi Kumukh was ruled by the supreme council 1 In 1642 Alibek II son of Tuchilav son of Alibek I son of Chopan shamkhal son of Budai shamkhal was elected the ruler of Gazi Kumukh with the title khalklavchi 2 Surkhay khan I editElection edit In 1700 the Laks gave their ruler a popular title khan The council of chiefs elected Surkhay bek 1680 1748 son of Garey bek son of khalklavchi Alibek II from a shamkhal family that remained in Gazi Kumukh a ruler 3 Surkhay khan I established a Lak state with a strong central power Anti Iranian movement edit Public dissatisfaction in Shirvan with the Persians led to a revolt In 1707 the population of Djaria and Tsakhur led by their elders attacked Shamakha the residence of the ruler of Shirvan In 1708 Iranian troops under the command of Imam Kuli khan advanced from Kakheti and crushed the uprising 4 In 1709 in Azerbaijan Haji Dawood also rebelled against the Persians Utsmy Ahmed khan called on the people to fight the Persian shias Alliances edit In 1710 an agreement was signed between Gazikumukh Khanate and Avar Khanate that proclaimed a political military alliance Surkhay khan I forming the Gazikumukh army and like the shamkhal of Tarki became an ally of the Shah of Persia In 1720 the Shah of Persia Sultan Husayn called his allies to assist and suppress the uprising in Shirvan Surkhay khan I gathered the Gazi Kumukh army and advanced to Shirvan to help the shah Not far from Kabala Surkhay khan I was stopped by the Sunni delegation of Shirvan led by Haji Dawood who urged Surkhay khan I to support the Sunnis than the Shias Utsmy Ahmed khan was in alliance with Haji Dawood against the rafidas Surkhay khan I decided to support the sunnis of Shirvan Invasion of Shirwan edit In 1721 on July 21 Surkhay khan I and Haji Dawood invaded the Safavid Iranian city of Shemakha the major trading center of Shirvan and captured it English writer Jonas Hanway wrote that the city was ransacked 5 Utsmy Ahmed khan could take part in this campaign due to a threat from shamkhal of Tarki Intrusion of Peter I of Russia edit In 1722 a 110 thousand army of Peter I of Russia came to Dagestan as he invaded the Iranian domains in the region during the Russo Persian War 1722 1723 Surkhay khan I spoke out against the colonial policy of Russia but avoided an armed clash with Peter 6 Colonel Alexander Komarov wrote that In 1723 September 12 shah Tahmasp had ceded to Russia the whole Caspian region from Astrabad to Sulak however Gazi Kumukh was not included there The merit of Gazi Kumukh reached a high point in Dagestan 7 In 1724 Surkhay khan I refused to acknowledge the extension of Ferhat pasha treaty that passed Shirvan from Persia to Turkey Surkhay khan I demanded from Turkey to hand Shirvan over to his rule Turkey refused Surkhay khan I Ahmed khan and Nutsal of Avaria ransacked Shirvan for one whole year Governing Shirwan edit In 1725 in another version in 1728 Turkey issued a Firman that proclaimed Surkhay khan I the ruler of Shirvan According to Butkov Surkhay khan I was not subordinate to Turkish authority as he understood his strength 8 Surkhay khan I receiving the title of khan of Shirvan and Gazi Kumukh made Shemakha his residence built schools fortresses and roads 9 Historian Gusaynov wrote that as early as July 1730 shah of Persia offered Surkhay khan I a position of Persian viceroy in Shemakha but Surkhay khan I refused 10 In 1733 Nader a commander in chief of the Persian army defeated the Turkish army near Baghdad Accordingly Turkey was transferring to Persia several provinces including Shirvan General Nader sent his messenger to Surkhay khan I of Shirvan and demanded him to leave 11 Surkhay khan I wrote to Nader a letter saying that Shirvan was conquered by the Lezgins Dagestani swords and not given to him by Turkey as a gift and that neither Sultan of Turkey nor Ahmed of Baghdad have the right to request him to hand over this territory 12 Surkhay khan I reflected the will of Dagestanis and Shirvanis who were categorically against the Persian takeover of Shirvan 13 First invasion edit See also Caucasus Campaign 1735 and Nader s Dagestan campaign In 1734 on August 17 general Nader moving in different directions captured Shemakha Qabala Khachmaz Derbent and Kura Surkhay khan I clashed with Nader in Deve Batan not far from Qabala where highlanders and the Turks were defeated by a strong enemy artillery 14 Advancing further on Nader s artillery stormed the positions of Surkhay khan I at Koysu river for three days and arrived in Gazi Kumukh General in chief V Y Levashov wrote Surkhay was not able to resist the great gun fire Surkhay khan I retreated to Andalal according to the Chronicle of wars of Djaria Nader then marched against Abdullah pasha who was standing with Turkish forces near Erevan Crimean Kaplan Girey khan by the order of Turkish sultan removed Khazbulat shamkhal and appointed Eldar bek of Kazanish an ally of Surkhay khan I as new shamkhal 1 These events triggered the second Persian invasion of Dagestan Second invasion edit In November 1735 Nader overcoming the resistance captured Ganja Djaria Sheki Shirvan Shemakha and Derbent In December Nader advanced to Madjalis where people of Akusha stubbornly defended themselves but were defeated noted Bakikhanov Persians besieged the fortress of utsmi who was forced to surrender 15 16 Nader then headed for Gazi Kumukh Surkhay khan I stood not far from Gazi Kumukh where 30 thousand army of Nader clashed with a 10 thousand army of Surkhay khan I Land was red with blood as Jaihun wrote Iranian historian Muhammed Gazim 17 Surkhay khan I retreated to Andalal again Historian Jones wrote that the fierce sea of the conqueror s army turned its waves on habitats and fields of Kumukh and possessions of all people of this place were destroyed 18 Russian military administration in the north Caucasus reported that utsmi Ahmed khan with Surkhay khan I built ten fortifications equipped with guns 19 20 21 22 Russian officer Kalushkin at the Persian court informed the Senate in Moscow that Surkhay khan ransacked Derbent fortress defeated the army of Mehdi khan 21 In 1738 Ibrahim khan marched against Dagestanis who dealt a crushing defeat to the shah s army of Ibrahim khan Third invasion edit In 1741 on July 2 Nader shah invaded Dagestan at the head of 100 thousand army Before the invasion Nader shah declared that I took under my power Hindustan the lands of Turan and Iran Now I intend with enormous and countless army to conquer the kingdom of Kumukh Shah s historiographer Mirza Mehdi Astarabadi wrote The banners that conquered the world are leaving Iran and heading to Dagestan 23 Persians faced battles in Bashli Dubek Tabasaran Kaitag and Djengutai 24 Muhammed Gazim historian of Nader shah wrote that the troops of Surkhay kept on firing from guns for two hours and all the 20 thousand shooters of Khorasan and Turkestan left this world Nevertheless Persians overcame the defences of highlanders 25 By August 1741 Surkhay khan I retreated to his fortress in Gazi Kumukh but surrendered in a week Muhammad bek and Murtazali bek with five thousand army retreated to Andalal Ahmed khan retreated to Andalal as well where highlanders began to gather Murtazali khan editElection edit Murtazali bek the son of Surkhay khan I became the khan of Laks Murtazali khan was married to the daughter of Muhammad qadi of Sogratl Andalal battle edit In 1741 at the end of August Nader shah approached the territory of Andalal Sogratl became the military centre of Dagestanis 26 Murtazali khan at the head of Dagestani army stood in Andalal 27 Four days and four nights passed in heavy battles Persians were routed under Sogratl Megeb Chokh and Oboch Turchidag battle edit A decisive historical battle began on September 12 of 1741 on the Turchidag plateau In Aymaki gorge Persian army was attacked and defeated too French diplomat in St Petersburg Marquis de La Chetardie wrote The defeat was all the more significant that Nader Shah lured himself into a trap and got into the canyon where hidden forces on both sides have made a terrible massacre of most of his army By night of September 28 Nader shah hastily retreated from Andalal losing 40 thousand of his army according to I Kalushkin Murtazali khan pursued the retreating Persians up to Derbent Kalushkin reported that shah was so cruelly beaten that he was forced to turn back three times to defend himself 28 29 As it was written Salutes were given In Istanbul In Petersburg people could not conceal their joy 30 Muhammad khan editElection edit In 1743 Muhammad bek son of Surkhay khan I took over the throne of Gazikumukh Khanate Sefi Mirza II known as Sam Mirza a miraculously saved Sefevid prince arrived from Turkey to Muhammad khan Some Persian nobles swore allegiance to Sam Mirza Muhammad khan decided to take over Shirvan and help Sam Mirza reach the Persian throne Turkish minister promised to support saying When the mentioned prince will be firmly established on the stolen throne of his ancestors then he will give back previously under our rule states of Shirvan Ganja Tiflis and Yerevan 31 32 Capture of Shirwan edit At the end of 1743 Muhammad khan invaded Kura Derbent and Shabran that were under Persian rule Abdal Gani khan Afghani Nader shah s general who defended Shabran was killed Muhammad khan moved further and captured Agsu the new capital of Shirvan During 1743 1745 Muhammad khan resided in Shirvan In 1745 Nasrulla Mirza son of Nader shah led the shah s army on Muhammad khan at Agsu Nader shah sent Ashur khan Afshar Karim khan Fatali khan Afshar and prince Nasrullah Mirza to fight with Muhammad khan and his supporters After the battle Muhammad khan retreated to Gazi Kumukh Shah s army once again occupied Derbent and Kura In the spring of 1747 Muhammad khan with allies invaded Kura Derbent and Quba Gadjiev V writes that in 1747 shah decided to punish Muhammad khan by all means However Nader shah was killed in a coup at the palace 33 As the Georgian historian Vakhushti had written Nader shah was not able to defeat the Lezgins Dagestanis as he wished In 1748 Surkhay khan I died in Gazi Kumukh The mother of Surkhay khan I was called Umamat she was a sister Omar khan of Avaria Daughter of Surkhay khan I was married to a son of Avar khan Muhammad khan had three wives The first wife was the daughter of Khasbulat shamkhal of Tarki from her he had four sons Second wife was the daughter of Tishsiz Bammat of Kazanish the khan of Mekhtula Khanate and had one son from her Third wife was Istadjalu the daughter of Abdal Gani khan Afghani Gevdusha battle edit Soon Fatali khan captured Kura Derbent Quba and Shemakha Eldar bek and Shahmardan bek of Gazi Kumukh following a dispute with Muhammad khan fled to Fatali khan Muhammad khan rendered his preference of the future ruler to Surkhay bek born from the daughter of Abdal Gani khan 34 In subsequent years Fatali khan was in conflict with utsmi of Kaitag nutsal of Avaria and the khan of Gazi Kumukh A coalition was formed which included many rulers of Dagestan who undertook an invasion of Quba Khanate A battle took place in the Gevdusha valley where Fatali khan suffered a defeat and retreated to Salyan 35 Russian intrusion edit Russia after receiving the appeal of Fatali khan began combat actions in the Caucasus 36 In 1775 March 4 general Frederick Medem crossed over Terek river and invaded Derbent Kura and Quba 37 Utsmi Amir Hamza retreated from Derbent to Kaitag and Muhammad khan from Quba to Gazi Kumukh In 1776 Russian army was recalled from Dagestan as Fatali khan reconciled his disputes with the khan of Kaitag khan of Gazi Kumukh and the ruler of Tabasaran In 1789 after the death of Muhammad khan his son Surkhay bek was elected the ruler of Gazikumukh Khanate Surkhay khan II editPersonality edit Ali Kayaev a scholar from Kumukh wrote that Surkhay khan II was a religious scholar who knew Qur an by heart He restored three mosques in Kumukh Burhay mosque Qadi mosque and Friday mosque Mosque in Tpik was also reconstructed by Surkhay khan II Van Galen officer and an eyewitness wrote This was a remarkable man He was tall and had a formidable appearance especially in an old age In the mountains he was famous for extensive teachings in the Muslim spirit and due to his ancient family had great connections throughout Dagestan and was respected by all the neighboring people Surkhay khan II had two wives the first was Lak and from her there were four sons and a daughter the second wife was Avar sister of Umma khan of Avaria Daughter of Surkhay khan II Gulandash khanum was married to Mustafa khan of Shirvan a relative of Surkhay khan II Ahmed khan Sultan of Tsakhur son of Alkhaz bek was married to the daughter of Surkhay khan II Sultan of Elisu Daniyal bek was grandson of Surkhay khan II During 1796 Surkhay khan II was an influential ruler in Dagestan having an army of 25 thousand men 38 Alliances edit At the end of 18th century Caucasian conflict erupted once again with participation of Iran Turkey and Russia Turkish emissaries visited the khans of Lakia and Avaria with large sums of money asking for alliance against Russia Surkhay khan II becomes an ally of Turkey 39 Military actions edit In 1796 Catherine II of Russia sent general Valerian Zubov for further conquest of southern Dagestan during the Persian Expedition of 1796 General Zubov invaded Quba Khanate and Derbent 40 After the death of Catherine II Russian troops pulled out of southern Dagestan Ali Kayaev wrote that in 1797 Surkhay khan II gave decisive battles in Karachay Cherkessia In 1803 Octobers 22 Surkhay khan II crossed Alazani and attacked the Kabardin battalion of Tiflis regiment under the command of Major General Gulyakov Gordin Y A wrote that Surkhay khan II is one of the strongest Lezgin rulers in Dagestan 41 42 43 In 1811 December 15 generals Guryev and Khatuntsev besieged the fortress of Kurakh where Surkhay khan II resided After the battle Surkhay khan II retreated to Gazi Kumukh General Khatuntsev passed the management of Kurakh the capital of Kura region to Aslan bek son of Shahmardan bek 44 45 In May 1813 Surkhay khan II attacked the Kurakh garrison but was repelled by Aslan bek 46 Surkhay khan II passed the management of khanate to his son Murtazali bek and left for Tabriz to shah Abbas Mirza Surkhay khan II was not able to win over the shah In 1816 Ermolov was appointed Commander in Chief of the Caucasus region 47 In 1818 rulers of Gazikumukh Avaria Mekhtula Tabasaran and Kaitag unite against general Ermolov 48 In 1819 October 19 Surkhay khan II with a 3 thousand army attacked the Chirakh garrison but didn t succeed and ordered to retreat 49 Major General Vrede fortified tsar s troops in Beduk Richa and Chirag against the attacks of Surkhay khan II Capture of Gazi Kumukh edit In 1820 general Aleksey Ermolov decided to capture Gazi Kumukh the stronghold of anti colonial struggle of highlanders by a direct attack A decisive battle took place on June 12 near Khosrekh village General Madatov with army divisions from Shirvan Shaki Quba and Karabakh moved to Khosrekh 50 By artillery fire Russians overcame the defences of highlanders Khosrekh was captured and further Gazi Kumukh In 1820 after 25 years of war of Surkhay khan II the Gazikumukh Khanate was conquered by Russian empire Ermolov wrote after capturing Gazi Kumukh Russian army appeared in this place for the first time In August 1820 Surkhay khan II left for Persia to Fat h Ali shah Surkhay khan II gave many battles of which the largest were at Tiflis Derbent Khosrekh Chirakh Kurakh Kartukh Alazani Quba Akhaltsikhe Akhalkalaki Kartli Kakheti fortress Surkhayli in Cherkessia Ganja Yerevan Kars Ardagan and Erzurum 7 After the capture of the Gazi Kumukh Khanate Sufism as the teachings of Qizilbashes had spread in Dagestan that had been prevented by the war of Surkhay khan II 51 Aslan khan editIn 1820 Aslan bek was elected the ruler of Gazi Kumukh Khanate who also inherited the Kura Khanate which was restored by Russians into an independent Khanate in gratitude to Aslan bek for his services 7 Aslan khan was elevated to the rank of Major General In 1826 Surkhay khan II returned from Persia and in 1827 died in the village of Sogratl in Andalal at the age of 83 His son Nukh bek migrated to Turkey where he died in 1828 Being part of Russia highlanders ran into state organised serfdom Russian management toughened exploitation of peasants This situation led to a powerful social unrest and revolt Laks were such political figures of Caucasian war as Haji Yahya bek Muhammad Efendi Guyminski Buk Muhammad and Bashir bek naibs of Imam Shamil Direct descendant of khans of Gazi Kumukh was Muhammad Amin Imam of Abkhazia and Cherkessia 1848 1859 52 In 1832 Russian administration appointed Aslan khan a temporary ruler of Avaria Mother of Aslan khan Aymesey was sister of Umma khan of Avaria Nutsal Aga khan editIn 1836 Nutsal Aga bek the eldest son of Aslan khan was appointed the ruler of Gazi Kumukh Nutsal Aga khan arrived at the funeral of his father as a legitimate khan appointed by Russian Tsar Kura Khanate was ruled by Garun bek son of Tagir bek brother of Aslan khan Muhammad Mirza khan editIn 1836 Muhammad Mirza khan was appointed the khan of Gazi Kumukh Muhammad Mirza khan was promoted to the rank of colonel and got a letter of investiture from the Russian Tsar Ummu Kulsum beke editIn 1838 the ruler of the Gazi kumukh became Ummu Kulsum beke the wife of Aslan khan Representatives of Gazi Kumukh clergy came to Ummu Kulsum beke with a request from people to take charge of state affairs offering her Mahmud bek nephew of Aslan khan as an assistant Haji Yahya bek of Gazi Kumukh fled to Imam Shamil and became one of his naibs and later started negotiations with Mahmud bek to assist Imam Shamil It was said in the Russian document of that time Mahmud bek and Garun bek have gradually involved everyone in very close relations with Shamil 53 Prushanovsky wrote if someone was robbed by Shamil it was enough to come to Mahmud bek and the lost property was always returned 54 In 1841 Haji Yahya bek captured the fortress of Gazi Kumukh briefly incorporating Lak lands into Imamate Imam Shamil later arrived in Gazi Kumukh 55 Mahmud bek and his brother Garun bek the ruler of Kura Khanate who were in Gazi Kumukh declared themselves allies of Imam Shamil Abdurahman khan editIn 1841 Abdurahman bek was elected the ruler of Gazi Kumukh Abdurahman bek married Shamay beke daughter of Nutsal Aga khan Kura Khanate was ruled by Yusuf bek In 1844 Shamil captured villages of Nitsovkra Duchi Tulisma Kulushats and Churtakh in Lakia 56 In the summer of 1847 Aglar bek younger brother of Abdurahman khan arrived from St Petersburg to Gazi Kumukh in the rank of staff captain of the Russian Army Guards From the early years Aglar bek was in St Petersburg as a hostage Aglar khan edit nbsp Banner of highlanders In 1848 the ruler of Gazikumukh Khanate became Aglar khan 1848 1859 Haji Yahya bek suffered a defeat from Aglar khan in a battle for Shovkra village 57 In 1851 Naib Buk Muhammad of Gazi Kumukh with part of his people was killed on the battlefield He was buried in the Kirkhlar cemetery of martyrs in Derbent On the banner of Buk Muhammad captured by Russians the following inscription was embroidered Do not lose bravery Be indifferent to the dangers of war Nobody will die before a decreed hour of death In 1859 after the death of Aglar khan Gazikumukh Khanate was abolished due to absence of heir although there was such heir Jafar bek son of Aglar khan who was still young The territory of Khanate was renamed to Gazikumukh District 58 Management of Gazikumukh District was given to a Russian staff officer Jafar khan editIn 1877 Jafar khan was elected the ruler of an independent Gazi Kumukh who assembled the army of Laks Aguls Lezgins Tabasarans Rutuls Avars and decided to capture Derbent but before reaching it learned of a defeat in Levashi and other strongholds Jafar khan turned off the Derbent road and headed to Kaitag 59 References edit a b Kazikumuhskie i kyurinskie hany SSKG Vyp II SPb 1868 Kayaev A Materialy po istorii lakov Rukopisnyj fond IYaL Dag fil AN SSSR D 1649 L 5 6 S 22 23 S Gabiev Laki Ih proshloe i byt SMOMPK Tiflis 1906 S 22 Vyp XXXVI P G Butkov Materialy dlya novoj istorii Kavkaza 1722 1803 SPb 1869 S 9 An Historical Account of the British Trade Over the Caspian Sea London 1762 T II S 146 Sm N D Mikluho Maklaj Ukaz soch S 141 a b c A V Komarov Kazikumuhskie i kyurinskie hany SSKT Tiflis 1869 vyp 11 P G Butkov Materialy dlya novoj istorii Kavkaza 1722 1803 SPb 1869 S 99 A K Bakihanov Gyulistan i Iram Baku 1991 Period chetvyortyj Ismej Gadzhi Gusejnov Laki v istorii Dagestana VI XX veka Kavkazskij Uzel Enciklopediya A K Bakihanov Ukaz rab S 113 V Dzhons Istoriya Nadirshaha London 1770 S 196 Surkhay khan I challenged Nader shah himself Prof V F Minorsky put a lot of energy to ensure the unity of peoples of Dagestan Prof R Magomedov circumstances are such that from this moment Surkhay khan I of Gazi Kumukh became one of the most important figures in the struggle against Iranian conqueror Prof V N Leviatov A K Bakihanov Gyulistan i Iram Baku 1991 Period chetvyortyj A O Murtazaev Kajtagskoe ucmijstvo v sisteme politicheskih struktur Dagestana v XVIII nachale XIX v Mahachkala 2007 S 36 N A Sotavov Severnyj Kavkaz v kavkazskoj politike Rossii Irana i Turcii v pervoj polovine XVIIIv Mahachkala 1989 20 L 94 Muhammed Kazim Nameji Alamaraji Nadiri T 2 s 283 V Dzhons Ukaz soch S 198 GU CGA RD F 379 Kancelyariya komendanta g Kizlyara Op 1 D 17 S 153 A N Kozlova Stranica istorii osvoboditelnoj borby narodov Dagestana Strany i narody Vostoka M 1976 Vyp 18 S 92 a b V G Gadzhiev Razgrom Nadir shaha v Dagestane Mahachkala 1996 S 28 A N Kozlova Nameji olamaraji Nadiri Muhammad Kazima o pervom etape pohoda Nadir shaha na Tabasaran Osvoboditelnaya borba narodov Dagestana v epohu srednevekovya Mahachkala 1986 S 120 V G Gadzhievyu Ukaz soch S 132 B G Aliev Dargincy v borbe s Nadir shahom S 36 37 Tam zhe D 7 L 209 Tam zhe D 7 S 298 Son of Surkhay khan I Murtazali significantly increasing his cavalry asked his uncle from mother s side the khan of Avaria for military assistance Sm V G Gadzhiev S 252 AVPR d 7 L 390 411 412 Rukopisnyj fond IIYaL Dat filiala AN SSSR D 1302 l 7 Kalushkin reported that Nader shah seeing this cried out of anger AVPR L 391 AKAK Tiflis 1869 T II s 1081 1082 K Z Ashrafyan Antifeodalnye dvizheniya v imperii Nadir shaha Afshara 1736 1747 M 1953 T VIII S 166 204 V G Gadzhiev Razgrom Nadir shaha v Dagestane Mahachkala 1996 Sm G B Abdullaev s 272 Sm G B Abdullaev s 523 525 Fatali khan sent an ambassador to Kizlyar to general J F Medem and appealed for protection and patronage of Russia Sm Bronevskij S t II ch 333 Fatali khan sent keys from Derbend to Catherine II and asked to accept his allegiance to Russia Butkov P G ch III s 138 Sm P G Butkov ch II s 372 Dubrovin N t III s 161 Sm P G Butkov ch II s 380 386 Ya A Gordin Kavkaz zemlya i krov Rossiya v Kavkazskoj vojne XIX veka 2000 A V Komarov Ukaz soch S 16 17 Akty sobrannye Kavkazskoyu arheograficheskoyu komissieyu V 12 t Pod red A D Berzhe T III Tiflis 1869 3 s 384 Sm G E Alkadari S 124 Shahmardan bek d 1789 the ruler of Kura left five sons Tagir bek Omar bek Aslan bek Hasan Aga bek and Fatali bek Kaznacheev A Islam i Kavkaz Pyatigorsk 2002 S 137 R A Fadeev Shestdesyat let Kavkazskoj vojny Tiflis 1860 S 15 AKAK Tiflis 1875 T 6 Ch 2 S 59 Sm Ali Kayaev Andalalskoe obshestvo Ukaz Soch Istoriya Apsheronskogo polka 1700 1892 gg Sost L Boguslovskij SPb 1892 T 1 S 362 364 Sufism as a sect of Shia spread in the Sunni world in the 10th century Unlike Muslims Shites and Sufis in the worship of Allah profess the cult of imams sheikhs ustazes and other leaders whom they put as intermediaries between God and themselves which is polytheism Such acts of polytheism as invoking other than Allah or Allah but through the intermediaries are strictly forbidden in Islam Polytheism shirk is the greatest sin in Islam If a person commits polytheism in faith or in the act then Allah does not accept from that man any good deeds as prayer fasting zakat and hajj until he repents Allah says Indeed Allah does not forgive association with Him but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin 4 48 Allah says The Messiah has said O Children of Israel worship Allah my Lord and your Lord Indeed he who associates others with Allah then Allah has forbidden him Paradise and his refuge is the Fire And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers 5 72 Allah says Worship Allah and don t associate anything with Him 4 36 SSOKG Vyp II S 33 Naib Arabic word for deputy commissioner or governor AKAK T IX S 369 Prushanovskij Vypiska iz putevogo zhurnala KS T XXIII S 48 49 Dvizhenie gorcev Severo vostochnogo Kavkaza v 20 50 gg XIX v Sbornik dokumentov Mahachkala 1959 S 332 AKAK Tom X S 730 SMOMPK XXXVI otd I S 79 82 85 87 Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj voenno istoricheskij arhiv RGVIA F 846 Op 16 D 6468 L 6 A V Komarov Kazikumuhskie i kyurinskie hany SSKG Vyp II SPb 1868 See also editLak people Dagestan Dagestan Northeastern Caucasian languages Lak language Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Gazikumukh Khanate amp oldid 1223499690, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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