

Husarln ("Hussar") is a mid-20th century, three-hand card game of the Austrian branch of the Tarot family. It is a 42-card variant of Illustrated Tarock and appears to be a close Austrian relative of the 42-card Hungarian tarock card games.[1] The game is dominated by the distribution of Tarocks, giving it a "brisk and energetic feel" that is reflected in its name. It is also known as Block Tarock, although that name was given to a quite different and older game.[2]

Austrian variant of Hungarian Tarok
DeckIndustrie & Glück
Rank (high→low)Tarock: Sküs, XXI-I
K Q C V 10
Related games
Hungarian Tarok • Illustrated Tarock

History and etymology

Husarln is one of a family of classical Austrian card games known as Tarock games; so much so, that the area of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, in which they have a strong tradition, has been described as 'Tarockania'.[3] These games have been featured in literature such as Herzmanovsky-Orlando's Maskenspiel der Genien and Johann Nestroy's Zu ebener Erde und im ersten Stock. There are numerous variations of Tarock, many still played today, including the challenging four-player games of Königrufen (the "game of kings"), Zwanzigerrufen and Neunzehnerrufen, the original three-handed game of Tapp Tarock and its derivatives, Illustrated Tarock and Point Tarock, and the "attractive" two-hander of Strawman Tarock.[4][5][6]

According to Dummett, Husarln is a close Austrian relative of the 42-card, three-handed Hungarian games such as Hungarian Tarok and Hungarian Tapper.[7] In the earliest known rules, Löw states that the bidding is similar to that of Illustrated Tarock,[a] a game also first recorded by him in 1954.[8][9] The game is later recorded by Beck (1965), Grupp (1975) and, more recently, by Bamberger (2011).[10][11][12] Confusingly, Beck, Bamberger and Grupp call it Block Tarock which, as Dummett notes, is the name of an earlier and quite different game.[2] However, all three note that it is also called Husarln. Since Husar is German for "Hussar", the name Husarln means "playing [the game of] Hussar".[13] The name may therefore reflect a Hungarian origin in a similar way to the 2-player, 54-card game of Kosakeln ("playing Cossack"). Mayr and Sedlaczek note that Husarln is a "dialectic name for Tappen[b] with 42 cards." The Kings lose their significance and the game is totally dominated by the distribution of the Tarocks [Tarot cards]. This gives the game "that brisk and energetic feel that is so succinctly expressed in its widely used name 'Hussar'".[14]


Modern pack of Tarock cards by Piatnik of the type used for Husarln. This is the well known Industrie und Glück design, Type 6 by Josef Neumayer, 1890

Like a number of other Tarock games played in Austria and the lands of the former Habsburg Empire, Husarln uses a 54-card deck of the Industrie und Glück type described at Königrufen (pictured), but with all the pip cards removed, bar the black Tens and red Aces, to leave 42 cards. Thus the pack contains 22 tarocks as trumps (numbered from I to XXI plus the Sküs) and 20 suit cards in the four French suits of Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Clubs. Tarocks rank from Sküs (highest) then XXI to I (lowest). Suit cards rank K Q C V 10 in the black suits and K Q C V A in the red suits. The game uses the same values as other Austrian Tarock games like Königrufen: the Kings and Trull cards (Sküs, Pagat and Tarock 21) are worth 5, Queens 4, Cavaliers 3, Valets 2 and the rest 1 card point each.[15]


There are no official rules. The game follows the basic rules of Tarock games, with the exception that, because only 42 of the usual 54 cards are used, only 34 points are needed to win. Bidding is similar to that in Illustrated Tarock with bids of Zweiblatt ("Two Cards"), Einblatt ("One Card") and Solo, but the lowest bid, Dreiblatt ("Three Cards"), is omitted. The rules given here follow Löw (1956) except where stated.[16]

Shuffling and dealing

After shuffling, the dealer lays the first six cards face down on the table as the talon. He then deals 12 cards to each player in 2 packets of six cards.[16]


The auction (Lizitation) proceeds as in Illustrated Tarock, but there is no bid of Dreiblatt ("Three Cards"). Beginning with forehand, players may either "pass" ("weiter"), overcall the highest current bid, "hold" (mein Spiel) the highest bid if they have positional priority,[c] or say "good" (gut) to indicate they are dropping out of the bidding. A player who has passed, may not re-enter the bidding.[17] The possible bids are:[16]


In a Zweiblatt ("Two Cards"), the declarer turns up the top two cards of the talon. If he 'buys' them without looking at the other four, the game is worth 2 points. He adds the pair to his hand and selects two cards to discard, face down. If he rejects the first two cards and, instead, turns over and buys the next two, the game is worth 4 points. If he rejects those and picks up the remaining two cards, the game value rises to 6. If, after exposing all six cards, he goes back to the first two, the game is now worth 8 points. Finally if he goes back to the second pair of cards, the game value rises to 10 points. If the declarer picks the first or second pair without exposing the remaining four or two cards respectively, those unseen cards remain face down and count towards the defenders at the end of the game. All exposed cards count to the declarer. The two cards discarded in exchange for talon cards count to the declarer at the end of the game. They may not include any honours (Kings or Trull cards) and may only include a Tarock if there is no other option, in which case it must be shown to the defenders.[16]


In an Einblatt ("One Card") a similar procedures is followed. The declarer initially turns over the top card of the talon and, if he buys it, the game is worth 3 points. For turning over subsequent cards the game value is: second card - 6 points, third card - 9 points, fourth card - 12 points, fifth card - 15 points and sixth card - 18 points. If the declarer returns to the first card the game is now worth 21 points, the second - 24, the third - 27, the fourth - 30 and the fifth - 33. The same rules about discards and unexposed cards apply as in a Zweiblatt.[16]


In a Solo the declarer plays without the use of the talon for 40 game points.[16]


Once the declarer has made any discard(s),[18] he may make one or more of the following announcements, followed by the other players:[19]

Announcements and bonuses in Husarln
Announcements listed by Löw,[20] Beck[18] and Bamberger[12] Additional announcements listed only by Bamberger[12]
Announcement Meaning Bonus Announcement Meaning Bonus
Silent Announced Silent Announced
Pagat ultimo taking the last trick with the Pagat (Tarock I) 5 10 Uhu[d][e] taking the penultimate trick with the Tarock II 5 12
Trull having all 3 Trull cards in the hand before play starts[f] 3 Pelican[e] taking the antepenultimate trick with the Tarock III 5 14
10 Tarocks having 10 Tarocks in the hand before play starts[g] 1 Kings having all four Kings in tricks at the end 3
11 Tarocks having 11 Tarocks in the hand before play starts[g] 2
12 Tarocks having 12 Tarocks in the hand before play starts[g] 3
All bonuses are worth double in a Solo[h]


Forehand leads to the first trick. The trick is won by the highest tarock or, if no tarock is played, the highest card of the led suit. Players must follow suit (Farbzwang) but do not have to win the trick (no Stichzwang). If the led suit cannot be followed, a tarock card must be played (Tarockzwang). Tricks must be placed face down; players may view their own tricks, but not their opponents'.[21]


As in other Tarock games, scoring is carried out in two stages. First, the card points or 'pips' (Augen) are added up to determine the winner of the deal. Second, the game points for winning and for bonuses are calculated and added to the players' scores for the session. Card points are counted in threes using the usual Tarock system. The card values are: Kings and Honours (I, XXI, Sküs) – 5; Queens – 4; Cavaliers – 3; Valets – 2; remaining Tarocks, Aces and Tens – 1 point.[15] From the total points for each group of 3 cards, 2 card points are deducted e.g. King + Cavalier + XII = 9 points, minus 2 points gives 7 points. If fewer than 3 cards remain, 2/3 points are deducted from the total. 1/3 or 2/3 points are rounded up or down at the end to the nearest whole number.[15]

The following table shows the game points scores used by Löw, Beck and Bamberger for comparison.[20][18][12] These are added to the player's bonuses to work out his total score in game points. Bamberger acknowledges that the normal scoring system (Bam 1 in the table) appears to be rather illogical; for example, if a player has a good hand in combination with the first pair or first card that he turns over, why would he not then turn over the rest of the pack in order just to increase his potential points? To that end, he records a variant with a more logical scoring scheme (Bam 2 in the table).[12]

Husarln scoring system
Contract Card selection Löw Beck Bam 1 Bam 2
Zweiblatt 1st pair 2 3 3 12
2nd pair 4 6 6 9
3rd pair 6 9 9 6
back to 1st 8 12 12 3
back to 2nd 10 15 15 3
Einblatt 1st card 3 4 4 28
2nd card 6 8 8 24
3rd card 9 12 12 20
4th card 12 16 16 16
5th card 15 20 20 12
6th card 18 24 24 8
back to 1st 21 28 28 4
back to 2nd 24 32 32 4
back to 3rd 27 36 36 4
back to 4th 30 40 40 4
back to 5th 33 44 44 4
Solo 40 8 or 40 50[i] 36

Note: the column 'Card Selection' refers to the process for exposing and selecting cards from the talon. e.g. "1st pair" means that the player has declared a Zweiblatt and selected the first 2 cards of the talon without exposing any of the others. "Back to 4th" means that the player has declared an Einblatt and has successively exposed all the cards of the talon and decided to go back and choose the 4th card he turned over.


  1. ^ Sometimes called Point Tarock although that also refers to a different point-bidding game
  2. ^ Tappen is another name for Tapp Tarock.
  3. ^ Positional priority means they were earlier in the bidding process. So forehand has priority over middlehand who has priority over rearhand (the dealer).
  4. ^ Uhu is German for the eagle owl and a nickname for the eagle on the Tarock II
  5. ^ a b Bamberger indicates that this bonus is not standard and should be pre-agreed.
  6. ^ Löw insists that this must be announced before play starts; Beck allows it at the end, but before dealing for the next game.
  7. ^ a b c Beck makes clear that Tarocks discarded in the exchange with the talon may not be included in the count for these bonuses.
  8. ^ This is not stated by Löw, but is explicit in Beck and Bamberger.
  9. ^ Bamberger does not actually mention a score for Solo under the normal scheme, but it should logically be higher than the highest Einblatt contract.


  1. ^ Dummett 1980, p. 469r.
  2. ^ a b Dummett 1980, pp. 469/470.
  3. ^ at web.archive.org. Retrieved 19 September 2020.
  4. ^ Kastner, Hugo (2005). "König- oder Zwanz'ger-rufen? Nein, Strohmandeln!" in Kartenspiele, p. 38.
  5. ^ Ulmann 1890, pp. 244/245.
  6. ^ Mayr & Sedlaczek 2008, p. 380.
  7. ^ Dummett 1980, pp. 467–469.
  8. ^ Löw 1954, pp. 36–37.
  9. ^ Löw 1954, p. 33–35.
  10. ^ Beck 1965.
  11. ^ Grupp 1975, p. 141.
  12. ^ a b c d e Bamberger 2011, pp. 56–59.
  13. ^ Worsch 2004, p. 624.
  14. ^ Mayr & Sedlaczek 2015, p. 311.
  15. ^ a b c Bamberger 2011, pp. 15–18.
  16. ^ a b c d e f Löw 1956, pp. 66–73.
  17. ^ Löw 1956, pp. 11–13.
  18. ^ a b c Beck 1983, pp. 139–143.
  19. ^ Dummett 1980, p. 470.
  20. ^ a b Löw 1956, pp. 63–71.
  21. ^ Löw 1956, pp. 15–16.


  • Bamberger, Johannes (2011). Tarock: die schönsten Varianten, Perlen-Reihe Vol. 640, 22nd edition, Verlag Perlen-Reihe, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-99006-000-1
  • Beck, Fritz (1965). Tarock komplett. 4th edition. Perlen-Reihe, Vienna.
  • Beck, Fritz (1983). Tarock komplett, 12th edition. Perlan-Reihe Vol. 640. Perlan-Reihe, Vienna.
  • Dummett, Michael (1980). The Game of Tarot. Duckworth, London. ISBN 0 7156 1014 7
  • Grupp, Claus D (1975/1979). Karten-spiele, Falken, Niederhausen. ISBN 3-8068-2001-5
  • Löw, Hans (1954). 20 Kartenspiele, 2nd edn. Pechan; Vienna.
  • Löw, Hans (1956). Tarock komplett, 2nd edn. Pechan; Vienna.
  • Löw, Hans (1967). 20 verschiedene Kartenspiele. Vienna.
  • Mayr, Wolfgang and Robert Sedlaczek (2015). Die Strategie des Tarock Spiels, Atelier, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-902498-22-9
  • Ulmann, S. (1890). Das Buch der Familienspiele. A. Hartleben, Vienna, Munich and Pest.
  • Worsch, Wolfgang (2004). Langenscheidt Muret-Sanders Großwörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch. Langenscheidt, Berlin. ISBN 3-468-02126-7

husarln, hussar, 20th, century, three, hand, card, game, austrian, branch, tarot, family, card, variant, illustrated, tarock, appears, close, austrian, relative, card, hungarian, tarock, card, games, game, dominated, distribution, tarocks, giving, brisk, energ. Husarln Hussar is a mid 20th century three hand card game of the Austrian branch of the Tarot family It is a 42 card variant of Illustrated Tarock and appears to be a close Austrian relative of the 42 card Hungarian tarock card games 1 The game is dominated by the distribution of Tarocks giving it a brisk and energetic feel that is reflected in its name It is also known as Block Tarock although that name was given to a quite different and older game 2 HusarlnAustrian variant of Hungarian TarokA TrullOriginAustriaTypeTrick takingPlayers3Cards42DeckIndustrie amp GluckRank high low Tarock Skus XXI IK Q C V 10 K Q C V APlayAnticlockwiseRelated gamesHungarian Tarok Illustrated Tarock Contents 1 History and etymology 2 Cards 3 Rules 3 1 Shuffling and dealing 3 2 Bidding 3 2 1 Zweiblatt 3 2 2 Einblatt 3 2 3 Solo 3 3 Announcements 3 4 Playing 3 5 Scoring 4 Footnotes 5 References 6 LiteratureHistory and etymology EditHusarln is one of a family of classical Austrian card games known as Tarock games so much so that the area of the former Austro Hungarian Empire in which they have a strong tradition has been described as Tarockania 3 These games have been featured in literature such as Herzmanovsky Orlando s Maskenspiel der Genien and Johann Nestroy s Zu ebener Erde und im ersten Stock There are numerous variations of Tarock many still played today including the challenging four player games of Konigrufen the game of kings Zwanzigerrufen and Neunzehnerrufen the original three handed game of Tapp Tarock and its derivatives Illustrated Tarock and Point Tarock and the attractive two hander of Strawman Tarock 4 5 6 According to Dummett Husarln is a close Austrian relative of the 42 card three handed Hungarian games such as Hungarian Tarok and Hungarian Tapper 7 In the earliest known rules Low states that the bidding is similar to that of Illustrated Tarock a a game also first recorded by him in 1954 8 9 The game is later recorded by Beck 1965 Grupp 1975 and more recently by Bamberger 2011 10 11 12 Confusingly Beck Bamberger and Grupp call it Block Tarock which as Dummett notes is the name of an earlier and quite different game 2 However all three note that it is also called Husarln Since Husar is German for Hussar the name Husarln means playing the game of Hussar 13 The name may therefore reflect a Hungarian origin in a similar way to the 2 player 54 card game of Kosakeln playing Cossack Mayr and Sedlaczek note that Husarln is a dialectic name for Tappen b with 42 cards The Kings lose their significance and the game is totally dominated by the distribution of the Tarocks Tarot cards This gives the game that brisk and energetic feel that is so succinctly expressed in its widely used name Hussar 14 Cards Edit Modern pack of Tarock cards by Piatnik of the type used for Husarln This is the well known Industrie und Gluck design Type 6 by Josef Neumayer 1890 Like a number of other Tarock games played in Austria and the lands of the former Habsburg Empire Husarln uses a 54 card deck of the Industrie und Gluck type described at Konigrufen pictured but with all the pip cards removed bar the black Tens and red Aces to leave 42 cards Thus the pack contains 22 tarocks as trumps numbered from I to XXI plus the Skus and 20 suit cards in the four French suits of Hearts Diamonds Spades and Clubs Tarocks rank from Skus highest then XXI to I lowest Suit cards rank K Q C V 10 in the black suits and K Q C V A in the red suits The game uses the same values as other Austrian Tarock games like Konigrufen the Kings and Trull cards Skus Pagat and Tarock 21 are worth 5 Queens 4 Cavaliers 3 Valets 2 and the rest 1 card point each 15 Rules EditThere are no official rules The game follows the basic rules of Tarock games with the exception that because only 42 of the usual 54 cards are used only 34 points are needed to win Bidding is similar to that in Illustrated Tarock with bids of Zweiblatt Two Cards Einblatt One Card and Solo but the lowest bid Dreiblatt Three Cards is omitted The rules given here follow Low 1956 except where stated 16 Shuffling and dealing Edit After shuffling the dealer lays the first six cards face down on the table as the talon He then deals 12 cards to each player in 2 packets of six cards 16 Bidding Edit The auction Lizitation proceeds as in Illustrated Tarock but there is no bid of Dreiblatt Three Cards Beginning with forehand players may either pass weiter overcall the highest current bid hold mein Spiel the highest bid if they have positional priority c or say good gut to indicate they are dropping out of the bidding A player who has passed may not re enter the bidding 17 The possible bids are 16 Zweiblatt Edit In a Zweiblatt Two Cards the declarer turns up the top two cards of the talon If he buys them without looking at the other four the game is worth 2 points He adds the pair to his hand and selects two cards to discard face down If he rejects the first two cards and instead turns over and buys the next two the game is worth 4 points If he rejects those and picks up the remaining two cards the game value rises to 6 If after exposing all six cards he goes back to the first two the game is now worth 8 points Finally if he goes back to the second pair of cards the game value rises to 10 points If the declarer picks the first or second pair without exposing the remaining four or two cards respectively those unseen cards remain face down and count towards the defenders at the end of the game All exposed cards count to the declarer The two cards discarded in exchange for talon cards count to the declarer at the end of the game They may not include any honours Kings or Trull cards and may only include a Tarock if there is no other option in which case it must be shown to the defenders 16 Einblatt Edit In an Einblatt One Card a similar procedures is followed The declarer initially turns over the top card of the talon and if he buys it the game is worth 3 points For turning over subsequent cards the game value is second card 6 points third card 9 points fourth card 12 points fifth card 15 points and sixth card 18 points If the declarer returns to the first card the game is now worth 21 points the second 24 the third 27 the fourth 30 and the fifth 33 The same rules about discards and unexposed cards apply as in a Zweiblatt 16 Solo Edit In a Solo the declarer plays without the use of the talon for 40 game points 16 Announcements Edit Once the declarer has made any discard s 18 he may make one or more of the following announcements followed by the other players 19 Announcements and bonuses in HusarlnAnnouncements listed by Low 20 Beck 18 and Bamberger 12 Additional announcements listed only by Bamberger 12 Announcement Meaning Bonus Announcement Meaning BonusSilent Announced Silent AnnouncedPagat ultimo taking the last trick with the Pagat Tarock I 5 10 Uhu d e taking the penultimate trick with the Tarock II 5 12Trull having all 3 Trull cards in the hand before play starts f 3 Pelican e taking the antepenultimate trick with the Tarock III 5 1410 Tarocks having 10 Tarocks in the hand before play starts g 1 Kings having all four Kings in tricks at the end 311 Tarocks having 11 Tarocks in the hand before play starts g 212 Tarocks having 12 Tarocks in the hand before play starts g 3All bonuses are worth double in a Solo h Playing Edit Forehand leads to the first trick The trick is won by the highest tarock or if no tarock is played the highest card of the led suit Players must follow suit Farbzwang but do not have to win the trick no Stichzwang If the led suit cannot be followed a tarock card must be played Tarockzwang Tricks must be placed face down players may view their own tricks but not their opponents 21 Scoring Edit As in other Tarock games scoring is carried out in two stages First the card points or pips Augen are added up to determine the winner of the deal Second the game points for winning and for bonuses are calculated and added to the players scores for the session Card points are counted in threes using the usual Tarock system The card values are Kings and Honours I XXI Skus 5 Queens 4 Cavaliers 3 Valets 2 remaining Tarocks Aces and Tens 1 point 15 From the total points for each group of 3 cards 2 card points are deducted e g King Cavalier XII 9 points minus 2 points gives 7 points If fewer than 3 cards remain 2 3 points are deducted from the total 1 3 or 2 3 points are rounded up or down at the end to the nearest whole number 15 The following table shows the game points scores used by Low Beck and Bamberger for comparison 20 18 12 These are added to the player s bonuses to work out his total score in game points Bamberger acknowledges that the normal scoring system Bam 1 in the table appears to be rather illogical for example if a player has a good hand in combination with the first pair or first card that he turns over why would he not then turn over the rest of the pack in order just to increase his potential points To that end he records a variant with a more logical scoring scheme Bam 2 in the table 12 Husarln scoring systemContract Card selection Low Beck Bam 1 Bam 2Zweiblatt 1st pair 2 3 3 122nd pair 4 6 6 93rd pair 6 9 9 6back to 1st 8 12 12 3back to 2nd 10 15 15 3Einblatt 1st card 3 4 4 282nd card 6 8 8 243rd card 9 12 12 204th card 12 16 16 165th card 15 20 20 126th card 18 24 24 8back to 1st 21 28 28 4back to 2nd 24 32 32 4back to 3rd 27 36 36 4back to 4th 30 40 40 4back to 5th 33 44 44 4Solo 40 8 or 40 50 i 36Note the column Card Selection refers to the process for exposing and selecting cards from the talon e g 1st pair means that the player has declared a Zweiblatt and selected the first 2 cards of the talon without exposing any of the others Back to 4th means that the player has declared an Einblatt and has successively exposed all the cards of the talon and decided to go back and choose the 4th card he turned over Footnotes Edit Sometimes called Point Tarock although that also refers to a different point bidding game Tappen is another name for Tapp Tarock Positional priority means they were earlier in the bidding process So forehand has priority over middlehand who has priority over rearhand the dealer Uhu is German for the eagle owl and a nickname for the eagle on the Tarock II a b Bamberger indicates that this bonus is not standard and should be pre agreed Low insists that this must be announced before play starts Beck allows it at the end but before dealing for the next game a b c Beck makes clear that Tarocks discarded in the exchange with the talon may not be included in the count for these bonuses This is not stated by Low but is explicit in Beck and Bamberger Bamberger does not actually mention a score for Solo under the normal scheme but it should logically be higher than the highest Einblatt contract References Edit Dummett 1980 p 469r sfn error no target CITEREFDummett1980 help a b Dummett 1980 pp 469 470 sfn error no target CITEREFDummett1980 help Tarockania at web archive org Retrieved 19 September 2020 Kastner Hugo 2005 Konig oder Zwanz ger rufen Nein Strohmandeln in Kartenspiele p 38 Ulmann 1890 pp 244 245 sfn error no target CITEREFUlmann1890 help Mayr amp Sedlaczek 2008 p 380 sfn error no target CITEREFMayrSedlaczek2008 help Dummett 1980 pp 467 469 sfn error no target CITEREFDummett1980 help Low 1954 pp 36 37 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1954 help Low 1954 p 33 35 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1954 help Beck 1965 sfn error no target CITEREFBeck1965 help Grupp 1975 p 141 sfn error no target CITEREFGrupp1975 help a b c d e Bamberger 2011 pp 56 59 sfn error no target CITEREFBamberger2011 help Worsch 2004 p 624 sfn error no target CITEREFWorsch2004 help Mayr amp Sedlaczek 2015 p 311 sfn error no target CITEREFMayrSedlaczek2015 help a b c Bamberger 2011 pp 15 18 sfn error no target CITEREFBamberger2011 help a b c d e f Low 1956 pp 66 73 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1956 help Low 1956 pp 11 13 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1956 help a b c Beck 1983 pp 139 143 sfn error no target CITEREFBeck1983 help Dummett 1980 p 470 sfn error no target CITEREFDummett1980 help a b Low 1956 pp 63 71 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1956 help Low 1956 pp 15 16 sfn error no target CITEREFLow1956 help Literature EditBamberger Johannes 2011 Tarock die schonsten Varianten Perlen Reihe Vol 640 22nd edition Verlag Perlen Reihe Vienna ISBN 978 3 99006 000 1 Beck Fritz 1965 Tarock komplett 4th edition Perlen Reihe Vienna Beck Fritz 1983 Tarock komplett 12th edition Perlan Reihe Vol 640 Perlan Reihe Vienna Dummett Michael 1980 The Game of Tarot Duckworth London ISBN 0 7156 1014 7 Grupp Claus D 1975 1979 Karten spiele Falken Niederhausen ISBN 3 8068 2001 5 Low Hans 1954 20 Kartenspiele 2nd edn Pechan Vienna Low Hans 1956 Tarock komplett 2nd edn Pechan Vienna Low Hans 1967 20 verschiedene Kartenspiele Vienna Mayr Wolfgang and Robert Sedlaczek 2015 Die Strategie des Tarock Spiels Atelier Vienna ISBN 978 3 902498 22 9 Ulmann S 1890 Das Buch der Familienspiele A Hartleben Vienna Munich and Pest Worsch Wolfgang 2004 Langenscheidt Muret Sanders Grossworterbuch Deutsch Englisch Langenscheidt Berlin ISBN 3 468 02126 7 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Husarln amp oldid 1096109069, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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